Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14
If TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 7, 1911. art OFFERED FOR RENT Meases aad tottagri $A-W N. 40th St., (-r.. all modern house. tW-KM S. 'd St., 10 r., all modern, will Jmt In condition. $MV-ir.)7 8. 2Jd Ave , 7 r., all mod , hard wood ftnlKh. $10813 N. JHd St., 8 r.. mod. See It. 10-WX 8. 2'th St., r., modern. 120634 8. 30th St., 7 r., mod., good loca tion. $.!0-2n? Vinton St., r. And Hath. mod. except heat. In very Rood shape. $"0 112") 8. Wh Kt.. r.. mod. except heat. $.'0 1116 8. fth St.,"B r., mod. except heat. 24.t! Emmet St., 7 r., large yard, bain. Ree this. $16 1114 H. th St., ( r.. toilet, glut. f 16 3TK4 Sprague St., 6 r., toilet, gas, nice Cottage. I3 321 Miami St., 6 r., partly mod. See this. $14 3T.1 N. 31st Bt., 7 r., water and gas In brlrk flat. $12-2214 N. 19th St., 4 r., 2d floor, mod. except heat, 112 2220 S. St., 4 r.. 2d floor, toilet, gm and bath. $112218 n. Mth St., r., first floor, mod. except heat 1H-2218 N. S9th St., I r., basement, mod. except heat. PETERS TRT'ST COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 412 N. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern. House fcnd location very desirable, $p0, 1902 8. Slat St., 10 rooms, modern, barn, 1 S. 30th Ave.. I rooms, modern. tVi. iwl Orace St.. 10 rooma, modern. $27.50. 2002 N. 18th St., 6 rooms, modern, 2d floor, $17.60 2X24 Hamilton, 6 rooms, partly modern, 11600. 414 Pacific, 3 rooms, $7 00. 414 Pacific, 10 rooms, $15.00. lwxi Famam St., 6 rooms; flat, modern except heat, $26(0. W. Far nam Smtlh Co., 1320 Farnma St. Tels: Hour. 1064; Ind. A-10S4. 32 CAPITOL AVE. All modern, I-roora house; walking dis tance; paved street; closa to high school: splendid neighborhood; new hardwood floors both down and upstairs; just been papered; everything new and clean; come and look at It and you will find it Is Just what you have been looking for; $40 per tnonth. F. H. Turney, Tel. Red 6SS0. 2504 ST. MARY S AVE. A 6-room, strictly modern "fit. Louis" flat, In a very desirable residence district, and within easy walking distance to cen ter cf city, 140. PAINE A SLATER CO.. Pole Agents, (16 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Houses. Ins. Ringwalt, Brandcls Th. Bldg. Modern, 7-r. bouse; near park. 16U 8. IS. W3 will give a 60-cent can of Farrell's fine syrup to T. W. lluleth, 2008 N. 2td St., If he will bring this ad to Tha Bee office within three days. OO OD, 7-room house, modern except fur race; thoroughly cleaned and in good con-' dltion. 2619 Caldwell. Also good. 6-room cottage, partly mod ern, 2000 Caldwell; easy walking dlstanoe. Tel. Wsb. 3726." " That Bee Want Tad Is as shrewd a lad At a trade as David llarumi That horse he'll sell, For good points tell. And he knows Just how to air 'em. Isabella Orahajn, 4240 Burdette St. This Verse Is very good and recelvea honorable tnentlon. 2238 Charles St., 8 rooms, $15. 1616 N. 20th St.. 6 rooms, $. JOHN N. FRENZEK, BOTH PHONES. 2626 California St., 10 rooms, modern; good Condition; newly papered. JOHN N. FRENZER, BOTH PHONES. J.60 Oak finish, 8-roora, modern house. 1307 a 28th, BIGHT-ROOM modern house, easy walk ing distance; water rent paid; $:KX00. I. W. HAMMOND &S Board of Trade. FOR RENT--room, modern exoept heat; 147 N. 27th Ave.; $20. 7-room, gas and bath, at No. 2711 N. 86th St.; will repair; $18. , -room, close In, city water, No. 1133 N. t7th St; $25. - room, near KLrug park: $12. O. C. OLBEN. McCague Building. Tel. IX 10G1. 7- room. modern house, 123 N. 40th St., $35. E-rootn modern flat. In Davldge Bldg., $40. 8- room modern brick, U26 S. 81st St., $30. $ rooms In Davldge Bldg., 18th and FaJ ham, suitable for office, studio, dressmak ing or living room. $36. JUMN VV. BOBBINS, 1803 FARNAM ST. 7-ROOM house, all modern, at northwest corner of 18th and Webster Sts. Newly papered and painted, oak floors, oe merit basement, paved street and one block to car Una. $30 per month. Owner pays w!"dB3RMODY INVESTMENT CO. Tel. D. 788. lblA City Nat l Bank Bldg ilOUSCa tYeighBous Co.. Bee Bldg. SIX-ROOM cottage. 3607 Franklin St SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except f ur ns ce, good lawn and shade and garden, 1417 So. 8ttd St.; also -room house, modern, and bam, 1600 So. 2th St. Phone H. U or P. Whitney, D. $740. Inquire room 616 Na tional Fidelity Casualty building. Utn and Famam Sts. r 1 FINE (-room modem residence, 2224 Laii tnore Ave. Tel. Webstar UOt. WE HAVE the largest list of houses for rent In Omaha. We oan show you tha house that will suit you. Call A. R. Wad lelgh, rental manager. Douglas 1808. Resi dence, Harney 43ti. HASTINOS A HBYDEN. 1614 Harney St 1733 SOUTH 28TH ST. A: dew, . strictly modem, and up-to-date tt ' Louis" flat 3d floor). In the Itaa oera Park district Price $36. PAYNE 4k SLATER CO.. Pol A rent, tUJ Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. FPV10-KOOM: oottage, bath, good repair, fine neighborhood. Telephone Harney Red 663. MR. MAN It Lenderyou Tailoring Co. tnake a pair of trousers for you or if you write tha best verse about Bee Want Tad lllng poultry this week we will give you sv 110 pair of trousers, made to your meas ure as a prise. FIVE-ROOM cottage, bath, good loca tion, fine repair. Phone Harney 8644. 80$ N. Z4TH ST. Seven rooms, modem, Ipxcallant location; fruit, shade, garden; house will be painted. Reasonable to re liable family. Inquire 261 Evens St Pbona Webster 4&30. FOR RUNT 45 rooms, modern. 2813 Cap itol Ave.; $20. House, modem. ( rooms. K4 8, $4ttx Ave. $23. Tel. Red SIH. S-rv, 34th and Maple. $16- 4Vr 30th and Burdette, $14. A oouple, and 4-r, South Omaha, 84 to PvJSAIj ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO. 16th Floor City NaU. Bank Bldg 8-ROOM flat, steam beat strictly mod 8m, 16 a 13th. $20. 4Vrooin flat with batb at 1103 S. 13th St. HAvLV of cottage, private hall. $ roomsj. clotuoa closet lawn, snaae. Deautltully papored; pollHhed floors; cosy, cheap home for couple. 818 H. uth St.; Leavenworth car Una. FOR RENT 8-room. strictly modem, home; new Paper and paint; beautiful lawn: had trees and fruit trees. Corner lot 4308 Ersktno. $26 per month. Phone Owner, Benson 366. ALL modern 8-room bouse; newly papered; full basement; In fine repair. TMt N. 26lh St. Inquire at 3630 Maple St l'hone Webster 1646. EIGHT-ROOM modern bousa. 1401 Evans St Phone Webster 144. MODERN, 7-room, fltne shade, $26. 4 roura. mudero flat $20. 16th and Vtutoo, I. 3157. 7 ROOMS, strictly modern. 4303 Erelclne Rt. oornar lot beautiful lawn, sliada traea, fruit, 12b. Call owner. Tel. Beuaon 364. STRICTLY modorn. 7 rooms, bath and raoeption ball, gaa and slattria bht $Jt pr month. 2M Dodge. Oforje r organ, owner. Phono D. l4a $37JV-Modern brick. 8-room honse. newly decorated: fina locailon; adjoins Joalyn home. 407 N. 3th ttL Ask owoar next door. . M. Penney. T-ROOUS. all modern, ftna location, outh fraut larsa lot, cistera. 126.08. IX U&3, Narestroiu. Was. JV OFFERED FOR RENT H HOI 'PES AND COTTAGES HIS South 2Sth St.; 7 rooms, modern. .$2 50 4116 Karnmn St.; 7 rooms, modern 2ii 1511 So. 2Mh st ; rooms, modern.... 2n rti IMS So. 2iilli St.; 7 rooms, moilern.... 2i.m 11.16 Ho. 2ih St.; 8 rooms, modern 21M10 M19 lyocum st.; 6 rooms, mod. exc. fur 11:12 No. 17th st; 6 rooms, city water., l.t-wt 4t-'! Cap. ave.; 6 rooms, city water, Kas 1600 507 So. 34th St.; 6 moms, city water.. 14.00 Flats. 6-3 So. 17th ave.; 8 rooma, mod 45.00 Ml Ho. ave.; 6 rooms, mod 32. 00 ?'" I-ake St.; 6 rooms, mod. exc fur.. K'.un 2:123 80. Irtth st; 6 rooms, city water.. 15.00 521 Ho. 2Uth St.; i rooms, mod. exc. fur 1200 147 80. 2th; 4 rooms, city water, gas. 12 M 3i '16 Ames ave.; 3 rooms, mod 6H0 2715 Jackson St.; H rooms, mod 31.00 OARVIN BROTHERS. 354 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 631 So. 22d St., 10 r., all'mod., $46. 1D-7 Pacific St., 4 r.. part mod., $13.50. 1512 H. 5th St., 4 r., city water, gas, $U. 2X11 Charles St., 6 r., purt mod., $16.60. 1 N. 34th St., 6 r., all mod.. $2350. 2754 IJike St., 6 r., part mod., $18 (for colored). B1RKETT A TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bid. Phones D. 4754, A-1754. DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR RENT. At the northwest corner of S3d and Burt Sts. we have four houses of eight rooms each, with hot water heat and steel range. These are now under new owner ship and are desirable In every way, hav ing nice lawns and shade and are close to good car service. The rent Is $30 per month each. Let us show you through. PETERS TRUST CO , Sole Agunts. Omaha National Bank Bldg. $10.00 K34 N. 12th St.. South Omaha, 4 rooms; city water; will repair $21.00 2at;7-4M Vinton St, first floor; 6 rooms each,;, modern except heat. $23.0-2223 Vinton St., flrft floor, 6 rooms, , modern except heat. $50.00 2fi68 Douglas St., 8 rooms, all mod ern. Owner will show. $66.001014 S. 2Xth St., 8 rooms, modern, FURNISHED. D. V. SHOLES CO.. 913 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT TO NICE COLORED FAMILY. $25.00 10-room home, mod., ex. heat, 1618 Ohio St. $7.00 -room flat, 2fi21 Lake St. Robinson & Wolf, 435 Paxton Block FOR RENT $1$ 00 6-room flat, mod., ex. heat, 1058 So. 20th St. $16.00 6-room flat, mod., ex. heat, 1064 So. 20th St $12.60 8-room flat with mantleplece and two porches, 2206 No. 21st St. $10.00 5-room basement flat, 2206 No. 21st St Robinson & Wolf, 435 Paxton Block. FOR RENT. 3018 S. lflth St., 6-room $14 3022 S. 18th St , 6-room 13 2216 Grace St., 7-room, modern 20 2222 Grace St., 6-room, modern 20 W. Q. SH RIVER. 1047-9 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. . . - HOUSES, $25-4!-r., mod. ex. heat, 2506 St. Mary's Ave. $30--r., mod. ex. heat, eni so. isth St. $50-10-r., mod., hot water heat, 802 Worthlngton Place. tiO lo-r., mod.. In good repair, 2fi68 Doug las St. GEORGE A CO., 9th Floor City Nat I Bank B14k 7-ROOM, brick, modern flat, fine repair; cool In summer, warm In winter; 29th and liard. $20. Very nice 6-room flat. 2642 Davenport, partly modern, $15. 6-room house. 2fcth' and Caldwell, modern, good repair, $16. TURKINOTON. 603 Bee Bldg. THREE rooms at 2622 Davenport, $10. Three rooms, at 2622 Davenport parlor floor, $15. Four rooms at 2015 Izard, $16; all modem except heat. 2M Davenport or Phone Ind. B-2496. WEST FARNAM SPECIAL. 108 8. 86th St., a strictly modern. 8-room brick dwelling, In the choicest residence district In the city. Price $42.60. Key at 102 8. 88th Bt. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sola Agents, 616 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. atoraa , si4 Of fleas. STORES. 3S2.60 per mo., one-half of very deeirabf storeroom at 1611 Howard St; fine show window and good basement. Small storeroom near 16th and Famam Sts. Rental on application. 624 So. 16th street, fine storeroom and basement; modem front; will leas on fa vorable terms. U13 fa 16th St., will be remodeled with new front; has good basement; rental $100 per month. till So. ltitli St., good storeroom and base ment, $06 per month. 1216 Famam St., 22x110 feet $ stores, $136 per month. BUILDINGS. 1414 Harney St., 4 floors $3x138 ft, 1st floor has. new front arranged for rental business; will subdivide. Rental very rea sonable. We have several good warehouses, 'either on trackage or near retail district OFFICE AND ROOMS FOR SAMPLE LIN MB. Very desirable spaces In tha Webster Sunderland Bldg., ldth and Howard Sts., rental $16 per. month up. Rooms as large as 22 x66 feet. GEORGE AND COMPANY, th Floor City Nat'l Bank Bldg TWO offices, 2a . floor Crelghton block; alio store at 116 N. 16th St Alfred Thomas, Agent. 30$ First Nat'l Bank Bldg. DESIRABLE offices In the Continental Block; either In suite or single. Alfred Kennedy, 20 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Good 3-story and basement tore building at 1006 Famam St; strong floors, cemented baaement. Inquire Room 814, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1242. FOR RENT Desirable desk room; terms reasonable. Tel. B 2676. ' FOR best grocery and meat market In city, with fixtures; a snap. 220 N. 284. OFFICE, 4 months or longer, furnisheu or unfurnished. In City National Bank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. liii. IN tha best location, between 14th and 16th on Douglas street; building will be re modeled to suit tenant. Store 80 feet deep, 22 feet wide. WherMcOrovey s t and 10c store formerly was located. Call or ad dress 16u6 Famam street. STORE ROOM Steam heat; suitable for store or small manufacturing plant $17.60. 817 S. 13th St. FELL 4k 1PINKERTON COMPANY, 213 Board of Trad Bldg. FOR RENT One fine Ibrick store, KxSO; nice, large rooms for bank; building with large room below and sleeping rooms above would make good restaurant Address Lock Box 67. Gibbon, Neb. ROOM In Omaha National Bank build ing. eub-lae ona year. Call Douglas 1071. Barn for Beat. FINE brick barn, suitable for automobile garage. 123 South 3fitb Ave. OFFERED FOR SALE Firaltii. FURNITURE for sale; living room and parlor; call evenings. 8424 Hawthorn Ave. AUCTION BALE Household furniture of late George U. Tsschuck at 10 o'clock' Wednesday morning, May 10, In warehouse of Omaha Van and storage Co., 16th and Leavenworth Sts. -This sals will Include the treasured stock of home furniture, beautiful oriental, rugs. Navajo blankets, pictures, ornamenta. fin olilna and ex quisite glassware owned by Mr. Tsschuck. It offers rare goods a( auction prices. FURNITURE for sale at anoa. Ill 8 44th St MODERN, partly furnlsnad IS-room tlmX; throe rooms now rantad for $22, Cheap tor cash. Call W abater 3744, mornings and eveninjos. FUlOill'UR-B suttahU for hots trig bousa. B -4S atar 4. ML ruB BALK Maw f urnltissa. 4-roam taut ment Tel Harcver $. WHIT a ana is el secretary and table, small Oriental and Azmtnaner ruga, picture, braaa lardlniara and umbraUa stand, clock and eomplata aet of ohana ware. PaLTCr laavtng- city, mast sail at aacririoa. pnana liarac fees. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltarv- Loatlnaed. THREE sort Inn hnnltram. snllit null- ; mahogany pedestal parMr tahl, rockers, I full else Iron bed, cliilds bed. dresser, 1 cheval mirror, rugs. Phone Har. 4116I. M osteal last in neata. NEW model Edison phonograph and cab inet. 160 records thrown in. Address Bee. FOR 'SALE cheap If tak'n at once, one standard electric piano In flney condition. Address 11. H. King, Knoxvlllc, la. VICTOR Talking Machine and eighty records. .Ninety dollars worth for thirty. 140! North 38th St. BEAUTIFUL Fisher Piano party leav ing city. Douglas 6125. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKE8. You ran own typewriter by paying ns 10c a day, payable IJ.50 to 13.00 a month. All the standard machines; visible writers and others sold and rented anywhere at i to 4 manufacturer's prices, allowing rental to apply on price. Call or write for bargain list B. F. SWAKSON CO., 1314 Famam St. Omaha. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. 'Phone Douglas 2819. SECOND-HAND typewriters sold, re paired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. BUT an L. C. Smith ft Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers. 1316 Far nam St Mlscellancoas. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sizes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co , 1110 Farnam St FOUR second-hand safes; must be Bold at orce: one double-door Mosler. Tel. Har. 3148. 2763 Burt St. C. H. Deards. BABY carriage. Iron bed and range for al. mt m ur.n 1 kar,,ln Pall ln...... .. 2312 So. 24th St. SECONDHAND dresses, good condition; 17th and Famam. Mandell Drelbelbis. Mechanics' Tools. Slightly used. 418 N, 18. New and second-hand safes. 1818 Farnam. 130 LINEAL feet of ornamental castlron fence with gates, costs, etc. HALL DISTRIBUTOR CO.. Phones Douglas 7406. Independent A -4408. FRIEDMAN'S Loan Bank Duv " elry and clothing. 201 8. 13th. Doug. 5326. GENTLEMAN'S full dress suit size 40. Call Douglas 3603. $375 Burroughs', adding machine, cheap. 306 8. 17th. F. N. Butts. . FOR SALE Household goods. Phone Webster 4736. MAILING LIST FOR SALE Over 6,000 names. No dead names. I Tefund on all postoffice returns. List revised.' F. O. Hamel. De Soto, Mo. FOR SALE "Several cases of bottled in bond" whisky pints and half pints. Well known brand. Sell cheap to close them out. Drawer 1094. Kansas City, Mo. FARRELL'S syrup has a flavor all Its own. We will give a 60-cent. can of this syrup to Gust Wlcklund. 819 So. 24th St., if he will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels Theater Bldg Katheryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandels Theater. PATENTS WILLARD HCDY, registered practitioner In U. 8. Pat Office, 818 Paxton Blk. R. 2091. D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111 HIRAM A. STUTtOES. reg. attorney. 848 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 3469. PERSONAL MECHANO THBRAPT Massage treatment for stomach trouble. Mma. Halloran. 228 Neville Blk. D. 778L STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. BWITCHES made from combings, $1.60. Katharine Olblin. 828 City Nat Bank. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr. King. 1384 N. 24th. Wsb. 8569, Ind. D-1936. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, in fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and seU at 134 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phono Douglas .4185 and wagons will call. BATHS Balt siw nl massage. Room t. . 1. first floor, 108 B. 17th St. Mma Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7665. MRS. SNYDER, Swedish massage, baths, radiator and vibrator treatment. The Dunaany. Flat 8. 10th and Pierce. Doug. 4380. MAGNETIC treatment, B. Brott, 19U munuxm Cuming St Ind. B-27SS. A Nice healthy baby girl for adoption at 1616 Martha St. Telephone Douglas 623a DR. BURKE, diseases of women. Omaha. WIGS n toupee for men. Griffith. 106 So. Uth St.. upstairs. kV11 HOME during confinement; cables for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. la. My kingdom for a horse," he cried. No bargain was unwise. But Richard fought and bled and died, Because he could not advertise If you would trade or sell or buy. The BEE WANT TADS are on the fly. MRS. G. O. DAVIS. This verse is good, but does not follow tha style of the sample. Kf A fia a ri W a., 308 Old Boston Store. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 60c BELL DRUG CO. YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at Beventeanth street and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union Station. MAISSAOEE? Mrs. Steele. 616 8. 16th, flat 3, room 10. DR. EGOERS. private confinement home. 1616 Martha St, Omaha, Tat Douglas 8230. A HOME for women during confinement; babies adopted and boarded; building mod ern. For terms address Matron Tlnley Home, 408 Bancroft bt 'Phone Doug. 1821. WB RENT and repair all kinds of sawing machines. Ind. A-l3; Douglas 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. BUPURFLUOUB hair permanently re moved without electric needle or injury to the skin; lady attendant ol McCagua Bldg. 88-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Oladdlsb Pharmacy. 11 tb and Dodge. MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ludiee. $1; gentle men, $1.60. , Apartment 1. Uu$ Famam. Hours, 9 to (. MORAN ft NELSON, hair dressers. 14oi Farnam. For appointments phune ..Douglas DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all Sixes and styles. The Ideal PUaUof CoT JIM Douglas b.oo. both phones. BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 box, postpaid. Sher man ft McConnall Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. STRICTLY private home for confine ment; exoelient care; babies for adoption 9518 Davenport AD BLIGHT hair food grew a halrt see Mma. rmier, Magwath diary Co.. k,ui and Farnam. MANICURING, faoial maasag. sham potng and hairdrenina; dona In your home. Mrs. F. Barer arnica. Tat Harnay aBTX InilllilMS M With hi laurht v i . ktlilu. tarmmttw KVIi. m , 'l . ItUAcst Hills, a D-T a4ai JTraart jinn a..iir PERSONAL (Continued.) SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity: con sulttitlon free and confidential: ail work giinranteed. Miss Alleiuier, 6.'4 He Rid. ANTED -Address of Arthur Imer. who lived at 221S Burl St. about a year ago. T 2711. Bee. YOUR sewing machine will do good work If repaired bv E. 1 lovejoy. All work warranted. Tel. Web. 65s. 2302 N. 21st St. THE representative of the Franco- American toilet goons. Mis. Ai, Ji. i-'ica-son, 2906 No. 24th St. ONE-HAIJ-' dozen photographs of your self from the Heyn studio. lth and Howard will be given the lady writing the best verse about lice Want Tad selling poultry tills week. EXTERNAL SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT "Special Attention to the Spine." Rheu matism; Nervousness; Retarded Circulation vanish. Relief at once. Dr A. Nelson, Mechano-Theraplst, 410 So. 27th Ave. Har ney 64S1. I'ON'T forget to put a pitcher of Far rell's syrup on the table. If C. G. Johnson. 2242 Pacific St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a 60-cent can free. JAMES TX)RR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 203 S. 19th St. Douglas 1311. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGG3 for hatching from the Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg horns. Utility stock, $1.50 a setting, or $8 per 109. Exhibitions or show stock, 3 to $5 a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandels, .Omaha. SAVE TILE C1UCKS of white diarrhoea, now is the time to ave them; give them HOB WHITE'S White Diarrhoea remedy and avoid losses. Send 60c today for a large box postpaid. Bob Whits Co., 4704 Amos Ave, Phone Web. 2. I nrjAl i nv ici iA Uf s, IVw ah , 29th HI. Harney 6745. ntlL" A TJ - Tm lii 1 1 1 erUe mm. lVJt tot SILKO CIHCK FOOD In the best In the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. For sale by all dealers. , A. W. WAGNER, AGENT. 801 N. lGth St. Tels. Doug. 1142, Ind. A-345. AFTER using Farrell's syrup you will have no other. If J. T. Ketchener, 4526 Blo'ndo ot.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him a to cent can free. BABY chicks. $1.80 per dosen. Two Buff urpington cockerels. 3344 Larlmore Ave Phono Webster 4516. FOX TERRIER puppies; full blooded females, $5.00; males, $7.00. Maok Casebolt, Elwood, Neb. VERY beautiful trap nested Rose Comb Buff Leghorns, thoroughbreds. Some of this season's stock; goes quick for 90c each. S18 S. 40th St.; Levenworth car Una PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer Tg"pM BEE BLDG.- ENTRANCE ON COURT. PHONE IND. A-2S20 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co., 18th and Capitol Ave. RIE8 HALL Ptg Co.. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-8624. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Lands. FROM 10 to 100 acres between South Omaha and Bellevue. Small house and barn. Call John N. Haskell. Harney 1665. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE JWB exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver. 812-18 O. N. B. Bldg.. D. 7805. (14) $16,000 business, $12,009 stock and $4 000 building, good trading point In Cus ter Co., Nebraska, doing $2,600 per month, and owner wants a farm, but good one, J. A. ABBOTT, Real Estate, 08 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. O. J. CAN AN. Room fOL Oma. Nat'l Bank. WANT to exchange equity of 83,800 In one-fourth section of land in Grand Forks county. North Dakota, for stock of goods. Address Y-1S1 care Bee. (29) $12,500 brick, block In good town In Custer Co., Neb., rents for $90 per month, owner wants merchandise or shoes, and this can go with no. 28. J. A. ABBOTT, Real Eatate, 808 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. . 1 Tot sale or exchange; fine hardware and furniture business In live town of about 800; good farming oountry; Grant Co., Min nesota; large frame store building; on choice corner lots, nice living rooms up stairs; also good Improved 160 acres; land 3 miles from same town, 110 acres under cultivation; can all be plowed; no waste; will consider good Improved farm in corn belt or good Income city .property up to $16,000, as part payment; balance cash. Requires about $3,000 to handle this. For other Information and price, write owner, Lock Box 868, Herman, Minn. (16) Undivided Interest In half section farm near Newman Grove, clear, $10,000; also quarter near Bonesteel, $4,400; wants to go Into business. This Is fine stuff, J. A. ABBOTT, Real Estate, 80S Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. FOB EXCILAN(x3 720 acres of clear Nebraska land to ex change for Omaha rental property. Land will bear inspection. Omaha Income property worth $10,090.00 clear, for good land or improved farm; must lay neur U. P. R. R., not farther west than Cozad. I.. W. HAMMOND 332 Board of Trade. CITY property, farms, ranches and acre age tracts for sale or exchange. Silas Robblns, 111 So. 15th St. Rooms 20 and 22. Tel. Douglas 2482. A-2482 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 40 acres In famous Twin Falls coun try; best part ot southern Idaho, where they raise 600 bu. spuds per acre; 2 miles from R .R. station. For sale or trade for Nebraska land. Good reason for selling. E. U Runiaey, 1316 N. ISth St., Boise, Idaho. (20) Here is a fellow who wants $8,000 hardware and has 8J0 acres, 8 miles from Hoseland. Neb.; improved, half cultivated; all good soil and only $50 per acre. J. A. ABBOTT. Real Etate, 806 Brandels Bldg. Omaha. FOR reliable salea at d exchanges, see D. M. LEAMING. 688 Brandels Bldg. FOR real estate exohanges write Acme Exchange Co.. Cherokee, la. (9) 40-acre farm, clear of encumbrance in Garfield Co., Neb. Price Is certainly rlirht a.t 115: owner w n 1 1 r 1 1 trail "I..,. for mercantile business. J. A. ABBOTT. Real Estate, 806 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. DENVER to exchange for Omaha, new, modern 8-room residence, R. P. B., hard wood, billiard room; choice location, be tween Colfax Ave. and City park; 18 min utes' car ride from center of Denver. Price. $6,600.00; rents $50.00 mo. E. Larson, 1610 Cook St., Denver, Colo. proved, one of the beat in Holt Co., Neb., encumbered for $3,000. Prica $39 per acre; wouiu iaae rouse. J. A. ABBOTT. Real Ebtate, 808 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. TO FIXtfH A NOTV-IM r Omnha raaiH.n. or residence in some good town, il.tnu. have B'mu, iiiiiruvBu laxm in eastern south Da kota, closa to ra.llwA.v- un uniiBii.l . ... - tunlty to acquire a good J30-acre farm: bal- uca i run ana iv years, owners or agents submit propositions. Inter-State Land Co,, Sidney, Iowa. 120 ACRES of well Improved land In Polk county; will trade for city property. Tele phone H. 80. Harry H. Putnam, 6140 BurL (3) One of Iowa's finest 418-acro farms In Howard Co., cut to $luo per acre, excel lent Improvements and tha owner wants a big stock of main. J. A- AJ1MOTT, Real Estate, MM Ilrandals Bldg., Omaha. HAVE some personal notes, slow pay, aggresratlns; S76v: what hava you to ex change for them? Address OJJ7, Bee. Several good xarens and land for radar It us bear tram u at noe Address 11 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued.) For Trade o(i( ju'ies in the Arkansas Val ley of-Colorado. !") acres irri gated, worth $150 per acre, 240 acres of the balance cominir under new ditch, worth $23 per acre, balance worth $13 per acre. Mortgage $3,400. Will trade equity for Merchandise, Hard ware or Lumber. Burt F. Powell Hebron, Nebraska. INTER-STATE LAND CO., Sidney, Iowa. A good Iowa farm; can use $5,000 mdse. A good Iowa farm; can use $h,iuo indse. or income. Two good Iowa farms; can use $JO,000 mdse. or Income. Want residence, $7,500; could use mdse.; S. D. Improved farm; balance 6 and 10 yehrs. , Wmit $40,000 Income on finely Improved 840 acres Iowa. Want $35,000 Income or mdse. on fine farm, east 8. D. . Want an Iowa farm for $30,000 general stock, runnlns, Colo. $400,000 Neb. tract for Income or eastern farms, INTER-STATE LAND CO., Sldnty, Iowa. (21) For a good farm In Nebraska or South Dakota not too high priced, we offer $6,500 incume property at Harlan, la., together with three lots alone worth the price. J. A. ABBOTT. Real Estate, 806 Brandels Bldg. Omaha. (18) As a shup we offer 9H0 acres ranch In southeastern corner of Hayes county, Neb.; fine soil, extra good water; $18 clear for tip-top merchandise. J. A. ABBOTT, Real Estate, 806 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. $14,000 A 18-room, two-story and base ment frame building on principal car line of city; paved streets and all specials paid for In full; suitable for hospital, boarding house or apartments, equipped with a modern up-to-date hot water plant, electric lights and bells, gas; all sewer and water con nections; bath and toilets on each floor; woodwork hard quarter-sawed pine, fin ished In oil; walls painted and decorated; no whll paper in the house; basement under entire building, in four rooms, concrete floors; laundry connected with a 200-barrel cistern; lara nttic, floored: all rooms open Into halls; built less than 8 years; a nice, large barn; two full city lots, containing shrubbery and fruit, for land. C. J. Canan, 701 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Stock of merchandise, consisting of staple groceries, chlnaware, enamel ware. etc.. Invoice $1,600. Will sell for cash at liberal discount., or exchange for $500 cash and clear land, vacant lots or live stock for the balance of $1,000. Address M. R. Swain, 4727 Ken more ave., Chicago, 111. (23) This farm is worth every cent of $0, Improved and cultivated 226 acres in Dawson county, Neb.; adjoining Eddyvllle and owner wants a small ranch. J. A. ABBOTT. Real Estate, 86 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. A 15-ROOM hotel, completely furnished. The only $2 a day house In town; ten nicely furnished bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen and office; basement under entire building; brick walls, cement floors; all clear; on main line of C, B. & Q. Ry., short distance from Omaha, belonging to an elderly woman who has run the hotel for a term of years and wishes to retire; en Joying a profitable business. Will con sider Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln or Kansas City property. Don't submit un reasonable offers as-.this is not a 'trading proposition; located In a live Iowa town. Investigate. C. J.' Canan, 701 Omaha Nat l uaim mag. ( : 1 (6) 480 acres in the famous Kit Carson country, no better land In county, $12,800 diiui a i.riii, ana owner wouia lane mdse. A snap. J. A. ABBOTT, Real Estate, 808 Brandels Bldg. Omaha. FOR SALE or Trade, soda fountain (val uation $150) and cigar case. Address E. H., Box 102, Tltonka, Iowa. (19) Do you want more land? We have a 240-acre farm, only 4 miles from clear water; well improved; fine soil at $60 and owner wants ko acres near Omaha. J. A. ABIiOTT, Real Estate, 806 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 New Omaha National Bank Building. OARVIN BROS., Sd floor N. T. Life. $508 to $103,000 on improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for tale in amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MEYERS, 412 New York Life Bldg. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partita! pay ments Soml-snnually. W. H. THOMAS, 601 First National Bank building. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina Co., with assets of over $117,000,000, I am ?irepared to accept all the good loans of ered oa Improved Omaha real estate. Business and residence loans made with out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. 5 & 5Vfon clty na far"l Property. W. 06 ' B. MEIKLE. 2U6 Ramge Bldg. 8 Per cent to 8 per cent. PRIVATE MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., J"54 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 862. 1 Net to the Investor on our care- fllllV .hI.I-I.iI fu w O on Improved Nebraska farms. WANTFnnt Is.... .-4 .- ... Farnam Smith at Co.. 1S20 Farnam Bt. .H?WRATE8' BEMIS-CARLBERO CO.. 110-J1J Brandels Theater Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Psyns Investment Ce Wanted, farm loans. Kloke Inr. Co .Omaha llriA ftntlnAflrt .... rr- lead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. WE HAVE money to loan on Improved real estate In Omaha and suburbs NEBRASKA SAVINGS & LOAN AHfl'N. 1606 Farnam St. Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have oaah buyers for modern houaas bl the Dundee district or mmhwi n.r. of the city. FOR QUICK R-t7PUiOi3 uat your property with ua O-NEIIVD REAL ESTATE AND 1XO. AGENCY, 1506 Famam Street. Tel Tyler 1U24. lad.. A -ALA SELL TCXI7H PROPERTY fer mv na. system. It's a winner. Buyers waQog. Absolutely no charge until yeur property Mm hiu, Meveua, su axi- joinneapolla, U3ri.e REAL ESTATE WANTED (Continued.) WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer the farmer ot lower Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise store for land or any kind of an exchange Or have you cine land you want to sell for rash The one paper that reaches the Iowa farmer Is the les .domes Capital; 42,000 circulation dally; rate single Insertion, 1 cnt a word; six Insertions, cents a word. Des Molaes Dally capital. Des Moines la. WANT to purchase direct from owner, at actual cash value, a farm In eastern Nebraska; state price and terms In first letter. Box 383. Fremont, Neb. WANTED Unimproved land or vacant lots or other real estate in exchange for my shares of stock In a reliable Industrial corporation. Give full particulars and price of your land. Address W. R. Breck enrldire, Kankakee, 111. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for id band furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. TeL D. 8871. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINK Pictuienque St. Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings lior.i MONTREAL 1 0 LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, Havre. France Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent or ALLAN CO.. General Agents, 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW VORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YOFK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between New York and Scotch, English, Irish and all principal Continental points at attractive rales. Send for book of Information. Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cui sine. Apply promptly for Reservation to local agents of Anchor 1-lna.or HENDER SON BROS.. General Agents. Chicaco. 111. WANTEDTO RENT YOUNG man wishes nicely furnished room on ground floor, within walking dis tance. Slate price and location In letter Address to E 166. Care Bee. MARRIED lady wishes room and board in strictly private family. Husband home part of time. Willing to pay according to what we get. Grafters and rheap boarding houses need not answer. Address J 212 Bee. FURNISHED house or apartment until Oeltb.T 15; Farnum district. P.ione Dou ;las liwo, week days only. W V 'I' 1.-1 " Tttn f i tr-.i I a Vi i.H mnmm within walking distance First Nat. Bank by man and wife, east or south exposure. Refer ences exchanged. S 249, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney 49D3. MARRIED man, age 3X, wants steady work in general store; six years' experi ence. J 222 Bee. NURSE wants position caring for in valid, elderly person or convalessent. Ad dress L. 224, Bee. WANTED At once, position as house keeper bv woman w,th little girl. Call Park Wiide Home, 1231 Park Wilde Ave. WANTED A position by a young man as automobile driver. Address Y-194, care Bee. WORK WANTED I am In Jail and likely to go to the penitentiary for the lack of $10. I will work for any one, at any kind of work, for six months, who wtll advance me that amount and board. I will work faithfully. Address, Joe Leece, County Jail, Omaha, Neb. EXPERIENCED drug clerk, with best of references, desires position. G 240, Bee. CARPENTER wants Jobbing, repairing. All ' kinds of screen work, new and old. 2701 Dodge St., Telephone Harney 1836. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT OF TITLE-, PETER JESSEN. Jr., Oo. ,TeI. Doug. 2281 M.T. BRENNAN (bonded), 824 Brandels Tha THE Midland G sV T, Co. 1714 Farnam. REAL. ESTATE! DEALER. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 80S Brandels Theater. iTcTWestergaard Jft City Nat'l Bank Bldg. We have customers for Omaha Income and residences. List your property with us for satisfactory re- "REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fif teenth floor. City Nat. Bank Bldg. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Building Material At One-Fourth of the Price Generally Asked OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL Is Being JVrecked by the Southern Coal and Supply Co. $300,000 Worth of Building Material . Clear, white pine Joists, 3x14, all lengths; an excepvionauy large amount Ot this ma teiial in this bullulnK. Fire escapes. Iron snd galvanised pipes "i au sixes ana piumning ot all descrip tions. The majority of this material is as good as new. Call at our yards and examine our large stock atwl you will be able to save one- nan the cost of erecting your building. BE INDEPENDENT Get Independent Prices. Delivered to your door, enough kindling wood to last a whole year for $2.50. Order now. Salesmen at high school building as well as at the yard. Mall orders get special attention. Write now. SOUTHERN COAL & SUPPLY COMPANY, Webster 2S84. B-3323 21st and Paul Sts. Uth and Isard Sts. QTANDARD vJTONE Use Standard Stone when vou build that house. Garage, foundation or retaining a mii. Ask us about those cement flower boxes. Standard Cement ' Stone Co. 3811 LEAVENWOETII Phone Ilaraey 5391. feneral repairing, ecjwsns: eatlinaues free. IB. BV& w -ajXUJt. U. MS. TO MoPIRTT QWVrRS Vt..t - repairs of all kinds, brlak Uwkng, pieatar Ing, concrete and eement work.'1 M1TUS CH3EK fLFUH-T J'UX-NTSii E O. Jmymtmrntt Hub Oajgua Ajex JesteS. ZX4. REAL ESTATE n BTJILDBRB ItS-ORM.ATIOlfe T (Continued) TT AIICHIXEOT r. coTTnrcLi er- Ba-sve ' TF.RtlACINO ftnti HOnmNO ntetT J. F. Btroud. Ill 8. Hh Pi. Ctll ArtWL OVX.ij9 screens. We can tAXM YOU MONEY. Tel. So. 1118 or F-1I48. "Victor F. Beck, architect. 00 Barker Blkk A FIRST CLAB9 carpenter builder mnbs Job, work new or old; low figures Xlrst class work. Webster 8158. sroUTINO. roofing, gutters, vnfteye shingles, metal ceilings, furnace work, re- E airing. 1et me figure . with you. IB. avaga. Tinner, 2S2 Famam. Har. 23 IT. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALK, Real Bargains A Company failed recently We have a number of theic Omaha Real Estate Properties which must all be sold noon. We want bids for the whole lot. Wilt probably go very cheap. Dwell ing houses and business. List sent on application. North Boulevard 8-room, modern house and lot, near car line. Easy terms. Price 83,000. Woolworth Ave. )M-vreil 4 mm liana, .rtm T8k rV 4TVYi In a 9-room house. Trice KMrOO, Business One of the best brick blocks In town, containing stores and apartments; close to new Union Paclflo building. Offered tor a few dnys until owner leaves town, for only 8,1,500. Four stores on 16th St Prominent corner, lg.00. Thomas Brennan 806-810 City National Bldg. H W. Gannett, Mgr. Real Estate Dept. Tel. Doug. 1264. FOR SALE. Row of four brick houses, modern. In good order, lot Mxl40, one of the best cor ners In the lianscom park district, $17,500. p4sh, sleeping porch, ten rooms, on car line. south front. No. 820 Main St., 84.000. Eight-room house, south front, paved street; lot, 45x150; assume tipeolal taxes and No. 2510 Reea St., $2,000. Seven-room house, modern except fur nace; lot. 4ixl2ii. No. 2P21 N. ioth St., $2,100. Ijtrge lot, two cottages,' close in. No. 3023 and Howard St., 86,500. 8. W. corner th and PaoKlo Sts., op posite Burlington depot, two old houses, Js.OOO. I shaped lot, Sherman Ave. and Mander son St., frame cottage. i $1,100. Acre In Belyedere. Curtis Ave., Just west of 31st St., and one block from car line, $1,100. Two vacant lots on 28th St., between Hickory and Shirley; east front; shade trees, $:,ooo. Vacant lot on Howard St.. beta-sen J.ld and 84th Sts.,; assume unpaid Installments pf special taxes, .( , Vacant lbt 'onj&orsc.. iectrtrj 'lot south of Marcy, fi0xlj2; permanent vvalk; paved street; assume unpaid instal Intents of spe cial taxes and 1.600. Vacant lot N. E. cor. 32d A vs. Ind Boule vard, 91x130, paved1 street, on car Una. As sume unpaid Installments of special taxes) and .' $900. i -.; ' ALFRED' C. KEN tfEDV. 309 First National Bsnk Building; Phone Douglas 722. Dundee Is" Good Here i Your Chance 3 Lots, $2,100 We have absolutely the cheapest proposi tion In Dundee. It is a fine corner 150 feet frontage on Burt St. and 135 feet frontsge on 51st St. The owner, a nonresident, has written us to cut the price to $2,100 for the whole business. Go out today and look at it and come In Monday morning with the money. Cheaper than anything' around there. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Bldg. Phones Douglas 4210, Independent A-4270. f NEAR NEW CATHEDRAL, Five-room cottage, 60-foot lot, two blocks to car, 8 blocks to cathedral, $1,800; ope half cash, balance easy. 7-room, near 42d and Chicago, south front, 60-foot.; fine lawn, excellent view, hot wa ter heat. Not new, but good at $3,760. S rooms and hall, all modern, excellent condition, east front, paving paid, high ground, one block to cathedral and two car lines, $4,660. 11, COO cash, balance monthly. ,0'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COV, 1016 Omaha National. Doug, or A-8163, Evenings Harney 6134. '' 9-Room House -$2,100 Without fear of contradiction, we sav that there Is no better buy for the monev In Omaha than the house st Df-09 Bristol Kt. Modern except furnace, sound end sub stantial; needs a ooat of paint snd a few minor repairs. Barn in rear. Paved street, paving paid.- Must be sold to close an estate. v The Byron Reed Co. Both 'Phones. 21J s. I7th. BE I N DEPilNDENT Instead of paying $30 a month rent down town, get out where the air is pur a Some good party can buy a fine Utile new 4 room cottage, with a full half acre of ground, only 6 minutes' walk from the ear, near Krug Park. The house Is nlcelv , decorated. Is wired for electricity and has a god canent block found tlun, also a go.,d well and barn. Only ;ju cash, bal ance $16 per month. Including Interest. You can move In any time. PAYNE INVESTMENT 00. Southeast Corner ISth and Farnam Doug. 178L x mi FINE HOME, NEARLY 'NEW, OPEN TODAY 2:30 TO (kOO P M. 1431 Pininey St., $3,900 Has rooma. tttrf mf nn iuii ar.A 1--- baMiriTit and at.r 1 1 Thim hnUA iu i . -" ewMra ea HJVUITJU one-half block aTit of Hhrniun ave., on 60x124, ft. lot. Downstairs flnUhed In bott Of oak. ThrM rrfcnta s.n K .. a v. . finlMheJ In beat Of quarter-aawd yellow hi i iB- a na im me Deal bargain jrt In Hul phur tfprlnsa ad id Hon. Anyone wantloir thlS MlZ4fi hnilM ntimil4 g.aa. thi. opce. jo to ll.uuo caah, balw-e aay avu.,i., p lunula. i ui yiace na) juat prru uet?uraitMl. HASTINGS 4k HE Y DEN, 1614 Harney- St- WEST FARNAlOLOTtl 160 feet South front - I i.u-.u ...... w 111 consider good Omaha income properly. - r aaaw,rn ovum iaa.ota lant in trade and pay some cash. Owner.1 Webster SOW. COUPLR bouses to tnnva. ma c., Omaha, in fine location, also good building lot. ohee. within a stone's throw. Prlc. iwuee fiwi. i-nce of lot 816 emf both T1.f.yJrVia- Anotfc nousa near Mason f lJr - Can maAex termsv Real Kmimtm ill. . C . w . flHT,, rataC teak e 1 7 5 i X1 eS a -.! ( U.)i 7!