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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1911)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 7, 1911. HELP WANTED MALE Affili aed klmi iIIbm4. ALKMF1V, NOW T.TVISa'TV FA.BM 1 (i titDTD irTo unar titntti tj . i tv i - ' v s i li iv- ic Mi J i l i w J l a ivn i , AND F?ST KNOWN FIRM IN A M FRK'A ' SKLLIM OK(Ci:niK! PY HAMFI.K TO' CONSUMERS HAS AN ORIGINAL PLAN! TO OFFER RELIABLE, INDUSTRIAL'S I WEN. ENABLING TH KM TO i H KI-Y ESTABLISH A PERMANENT Bl'fll N r.&d OF THEIR OWN, YIELDING A GOOD INCOME; GOODS BOLD SUBJECT TO TRIAL,; No INVESTMENT; I'OMMirt SION ADVANCED; SEMI-MONTHLY SETTLEMENTS; EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL. WRITE KOR PARTICU LARH TODAT. REFERENCE RE QUIRED JOHN SEXTON CO. IM PORTERS AND WHOLESALE GROCERY, LAKE AND FRANKLIN ST. CHICAGO. WHISKY MADE AT HUM E Bevlng M p-r cent rtt a em price, lth 'Znnr' Concentrated Extract. Agents Coining money; itO to Q weekly; enormous demand; cuiicK sales: make real article; no liquor license required; strictly legiti mate everywhere; carrv goods In pocket, deliver aa you e.l: need iy liquor dalrs or year; don't m as this opportunity, everyone buya; s.'Hs equally aa well In wet twns aa dry; territory lining fast. Send postal today for "free booklet" on "Setr'ta Making Liquors at Home'' and successful plans. Universal Import Co., 22 P'l St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. MAD RACE FOR AGENCY You may he chcaen; means $75 every wwk. .1. Hodron. New York, aold 22 In two days (profit M. Clark. Montana. 4S fiist week I profit $84.00). Home comfort scrubbing machine; powerful vibration; scrubs, cleana. dries floors, linoleums, etc.; no stooping, wetting hands; atollhes old style brushes, hands disfiguring mops; self-feeding, s. I -emp.ylng, seir-sudalng ch Id oper ate eraly. Pi-Ice 13 5). Won en nil I uy; w -laj'ia i pounds; easily carried, new, ir raiatible: free sample; credit: hurry pos tal. Sanitary Supply Co., Box 32:1, Station !'. Toledo, Ohio TAKE ALL PROFITS Make $62 Wfek; aaay. quick. Others are. J. T. Peak, N. C. aold 12 In two days, (profit .i; Mrs. .1. Brown' Pa., ald 10 Hrst three days, (profit .1. Only two aalea per day la $3 per week rroflt. W. K. Stevrn n, Tex., or dered 344 In two months H. E. Cnnley, N. C, aold 12 on evening, (profit $W. says. "Everybody needs me." Easy Way Clothes Wssher cleans white and CJlo.'ed clothes, lacea. etc. Does family ai In about an hour, without chemicals, only food aoap. B'mply move knoh occasionally. No wear or no Injury, ijulrk saies-clty, vlllag or country. Show 10 sell .. Price $6. Description and how to sell. Stnd postal now. Harrison Mfg. Co., 357 Harri son Bldg.. Clnolnnatl. Ohio. WANT7CD Agents, you can clear from $100 to 1400 a month, taklnar applications for our straight Accident policies, which fur nish tha best pro ectlon for farmers yet devised. Double laymcnts for a cedent a caused by lightning, cyclones, tornadoes, burning build ng or from traveling. We claim tha bfst record for settling claims promptly and In full for Nebraska. Ad dress Lincoln Accident Insurance company, Ganter Bldg.. Lincoln, Neb GREAT manufacturing company mak ing neckwear, hosiery, silks, ribbons and women's garments wants first-class resi dent commission salesman In each big city and traveling commission salesman In each state; entire time or side lines; must be a hustler; wonderful opportunity; give full particulars, age. references, experience. Address Postofflca Rox 163b, New York City.' FOUNTAIN PENS for . agents, demonstrators and premiums; Sold, silver and pearl fountain pena, 14 oxan, with 14-kt. gold nibs; guaranteed rolled gold; sums styles In braas gilt and lacquered,- $6 dozen; gold and ailver self fillers. Just patented, and $7.50 par dosen, half and fuU mounts; aend II for sampla; large,, ahowy holder with gold dated nibs at low prices; send for price at of our 36c line "Markman Velvet Point" Pena Diamond Point Pen Co., H-&8 Fulton St., New iYork. largest manufacturers lu tha United mates. r r-! : AGENTS Wonderful opportunity. Aot quick. Ball "Ambrew" Concentrated Beer lux tr aot, makes real, genuine. Intoxicating beer, light at home, by adding water; saves 100 per oent brewer's price; not near-beer; not substitute but real lager beer; no liquor license required. Small package, carry week's supply, deliver aa you aell. "Ambrew" Is the concentrated ingredients of real lager beer same materials used by all brewers for brewing the beat beer; big seller; enormous demand; large profits. Just send postal we'll show you bow to make money quick. American Products Co., Dept. 21, Cinolnnatl. O. CAPABLB salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commlsaiona, $100 monthly advance and permanent position to right man. Jess IL Smith Company, Detroit. Mich. ' SALESMEN We want first-class, live men to sell clean rice direct from farmer to retailer. Quick salsa, liberal commis sions. Address, with references. Southern Pales Company, Houston, Tex. ' SIDE) line Traveling Men can make easily $50 per week, carrying our moat complete and up to date Una of advertising Fans. Bixty airierent subjects, sailing season now at height. Write today, ad dress Fan Department, P. O. Bog No. TL Chicago. TOWN Lot and Acreage Saleaman wanted for easiest selling Texas proposi tion on the market. Reference required. Uberal commissions Btard Development Company, Owners, Dallas. Texas. SALESMAN by Lace and Embroidery importers; exceptional opportunity for right man with established trade smaller towns ' Nebraska and adjoining states. State full particulars. Fuld, 447 Broadway, N. Y POSTCARDS Twentieth century court ship, typewriter girls, policeman love series, something new; never before sold. 10c per set; I for Jto. Vollmer Card Co., Bucyrus, O. AGENTS $10 dally easy money; wonder ful household Invention, only thing of Its kind; new, different, practical; every wo man buys, must have It; needed In every home; necessity; not a luxury; price right for quick salsa 100 per cent profit to agents. Good territory open. Domeatio Mfg. Co., Dept. 17, Toledo, O. AGENTS Listen! Our "Substitute for Slot Machines' sells like wild firs; no capital required; exclusive territory. An derson Game Co., Anderson, lad. ' FREE sample; No Splash Water Bt min ers are winners; dally profit $S upward; let ug prove It; aend to (mailing cost). Seed Filter Co., New York. SIDE line, pocket samples; 10 minutes, 40 commission; high grade men only; no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, la.' SALESMEN Profitable, high grade spe cialty ; side or exclusive line; sells te all retailers; liberal terms. B. E. Luacombe, $00 LassJle Building. Bu Louis. Mo. HIGH-GRADE salesman outside of Omaha; permanent position; 3u0 to $00 monthly; call only on bualneaa men; $2$ ex penses advanoed weekly; no samples to carry. International Co., t2t MclntLre Bldg., Dayton, O. SALESMEN Calling on pbyalolans oan secure money-making sideline by address ing The Antl-Hemorrholdal Co., 10 Broad way, Detroit. Mich. CHEWING GUM Sell to dealers In your town; clean, profitable bualneaa built up quickly with our brands; four flavors; novel packagea. Write today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. ATTENTION Fly problem solved. We have neat Utile patented device tor ridding house or other Interiors of files Endorsed by eminent health authorities. Big demand. Ten and particulars postpaid, l&o. Panama Pa ifio Sales Assn., Inc. San Francisco, Cel. . WANTED Wide awake agents to handle artuuc show and - display cards; every merchant buys: $00 per cent profit; cata logue and particulars free. Modern Supply Co.. Bucyrus, O.' , SALESMAN Wanted for general store who can trim windows and writs cards; good aalary and ateady position. Raphael Pred Co.. Mb and Famam Sts. WANTED Agents for an article that la good for a sale at every call; sails itself; you colleot the cash. Write quick. Murphy Supply Co., Omaha. WANTED Salesmen for our quick Bell ing Una of Calendars and advertising spe cialties Write today for exclusive terri tory. Handsome compensation. The Win ter Co., Springfield, O WANTED A collector for city collect Ion; good future for right party; csJI at eooe. Omaha Nat 4 hank fcidg. HELP WANTED MALE AGENTS Stop right here: something new; $i to t") a week; sells ntt eight; l't ' per rent irofit; no charge for territory;) iien- Automatic Razor haipener; aoso- ; mtely guaranteed lor lite. One anent, : without ej.erience. took 27 orders first day I out (sworn statement); 1 orders next day. Profit for two dsye. IT? 50. I.oyo sold in ivui iiiumns. r ncnomenai money maser. Men everywhere are excited over the mysterious accuracy and perfection of thle little machine. Write today for full de tails, fre--. We want l.onu agents In ex clusive territory at once. Address, tha Neverfall Compsny, Ml Colton llldg.. ioituo, u." WANTED Experienced speilalty sales man with computing scsles, rn register or high grade advertising experience for advertising proposition to retailers; com mission, with reasonable expense advanced to men with proper credent als. Want am bitious men, capable of eventually hand ling large field force. Position worth $,tw0 to 112.000 to producers. Rooms H29 and im Masonic Rldg., Chicago, III. i AGENTS AND GENERAL A G E N TJ We offer a clean-rut proposition through which It Is possible to procure exclusive agency for a device making one gaa range burner do tha work of three. Retails tor S3. Large profit. Unlimited selling possibilities. Working Individually or with crew will develop most satisfactory Income. Belling season Is now. B. Bpengler, Ti E. 2Mb St., New York. I AGENTS WANTED Vacuum Cleaner, weighing 6 pounda; Bells for ta; does the work of more expensive machines; llvest Eroposltlnn ever offered; good men making tg money; demonstration means sale; you rsn sell 10 of our machines to one of any other make. P. W. Vacuum Cleaner Co., 6th St., New York. WANTED Superintendent of agents for Nebraska, with live western Health and Accident insurance company, organised un der the capital stock plan. Policies issued with all latest attractive liberal features. Right man can easily make from H,ni to t,flU0 per year, besides renewal Income an nually. In answering state what Insurance experience you have had, address Y-164, care Bee. Reye. WANTED Office boy. S24 Bee Bldg. Call at I o'clock Monday morning. FREE to boys a professional base ball or a catcher's mitt for only a little of your time. Write today. Otto Supply Co., 17 N. Center Ave., Chicago, III Clerical mm Office. CO-OPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. Your time la worth money! DON'T waste It We have the following positions to offer for IMMEDIATE aoceptance, if competent see us about them AT ONCE. CREDIT MAN who Is thoroughly famil iar with credits and correspondence. $1,800. BOOKKEEPER (experienced), good firm, short hours, V76. ' RATE CLERK, experienced in freight rates. 75. STENOGRAPHER, splendid chance for advancement, W5. LEDGER CLKK K, young man, good penman, BOOKKEEPER, wholeaale. hnuss I7n OFFICE CLERK, must be quick and ac curate In fUturea, $50. SOLICITOR, married man, $50 and com mission. Call and learn our practical and up-to-date method of placing HIGH GRADE help. Established FOUR YEARS in Omaha. CO-OPERATIVE REFBRBNCB CO., 1016-K City National Bank Bldg O'BRIEN'S candy, the kind that makes the girls smile with satisfaction. A 90-cent box of this fine candy will be given to William Wilder. 424 N. 17th St.. If be will bring this ad to . The Bee offloe within three daya. WANTED Collector for South Dakota; salary $24 per week. Single man between K and SS years old. Must be able, to fur nish surety bond. Address H-Ml, ears Bee. Factory auad Trwdaa. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleet Bee Bldg. WANTED Competent blacksmith, steady work for the right party; state wages In first letter. Address Oscar Carlson, Danne brog. Neb. MEN Learn to run and repair automo biles. Earn $15 to $50 per week. Posi tions secured. Auto School of St. Louis (Inc.), Ill Pins Bt., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED At once, an all-round country printer. Pay $1 per week. Good place to work and position permanent for the rlvht man. Married man preferred. No booxer need apply. Powen, Kegistar, Chappell. Neb WANTED Two first-class plumbers to work in open shop, $4 per day, hours: steady work; none but first-class men need apply. Garvey & Mulgrew, Mason City, la. WANTED A buabelman. Inquire (OS N. 16th Bt Stleeellasieosuk UO $100 MONTHLT AUTOINO. O.AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha, Neb. ' LARGEST 4k BEST WRITE. YOU ARB WANTED for government po sition; $su a month. Writs for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. lit-, Rochester, N. X. ,000 government positions open. Writ for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. let F, Rochester, N. T. YOUNG man, 11 to II years old, to work In shoe store; must be neat In appearance and had some experience. Address, N X2d, care Bee. PHOTOGRAPHERS and novelty ploture men, learn the new hit. the changeable seven-color picture; ousts very little to make; Just the thing for medallions to sell or give away aa premlume; send $6 for full Instructions how te make them; this ex plains all; no elroular- Auguatua Ander son, (10 So. lath St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Toung man for repair work; one who has had experience In selling shoes. Give references and state aalary In first letter. F. W. Hill. Corning, la. DEEP well drillers write me relative to sinking artesian well here. Village con templating additional water supply. J, E. Spaffurd, village clerk, Leigh, Neb. MEN Our Illustrated catalogue or per sonal Interview will explain how wa teach tin tier trade In few weeks. Hundreds of graduates tunning shops depending upon lis for barbers. We want more men to Is.'trn at once. Rush for help. Jobs wait ing. Top wages. We give Ufe scholarship, complete outfit of tools and diplomas, in vestigate now. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th tw. $y0 MONTHLY 'to trustworthy people to distribute samples and catalogues at home. Steady work; $46 expense allowance. 8. Soheffer. Trees., Y, Chicago. $ 00 PER 100 paid for collecting names and addressee Steady work. Stamp for particulars. Calvert Sales Co., tHi-ZIO St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md BOUND MENv-tl to 40 years old. wanted at once for elnctrto railway motormen and conductors; $0 to $lu0 a month; fine opportunity; no strike write Immediately for application blank. Address Y-149, Be. ANYBODY, Anywhere can make $3 dally arrowing mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxe. etc. Markets waiting. Free Illus trated booklet. Hiram Barton, W. 4(ith St.. New York WANTED At onoe, llve-wtred. experi enced traveling men, who want to make large salaries. Best proposition on the road. House reliable and well eatahllehed; wholeeale. Write for particulars. 104 Lum ber Exchange, Minneapolis. Minn CANVASSERS To sell automatic screen door catches and checks Exceptional propose ilea. Sample catch poatpald. t&c. Auto Catch Co., Chicago. $S0 MONTHLY and expenses to energetic men and women to advertise, distribute samples and catalogues. Steady work. C. 11. Emery. Sec., Chicago. WANTED Detective. experience un necessary ; either ; enclose stamp for particulars. 410 Saks Bldg., Indianapolis Ind THE best candy la the country is mad right here In (maha. If Mrs. E. Daniel N. 17th St.. will bring this ad ta Th. I Bee office we win give her ft sO-cent box of. W&ein candy HELP WANTED MALE Mleeells : ontlaaed. THE V. 8 NAVY 19 TODAY COMPOSED 1 OF THE FINEST RoDY OF PICK ED I sir..-. tisk WORLD. IT HAS N i PLACE FOR I HE NE ER-DO-W EEL OR THE FAILURE. More than l.t'O men apply for positions In the Navy each week. Only about Si of these psss the examination and are ac cepted. This shows that the Navy plcka Its men with rigorous tare and pains. The Navy does not uree any man to en list But It does urge both parents and sons to Investigate tha opportunities the Navy offers young men U" to Jo), either as a four years' trslning or as a life's work. The life la healthful, the work agreeable environment wjiolesome and helpful, and the man who wishes to learn by study and travel or to learn a trade will find ample opportunity, as will the man who desires to save money and win promotion and re tirement on three-fourths pay. The nearest Navy Recruiting Station Is at P. O. Hldg.. Omaha. Neb. The officer In rharga will he glad to see parents and r.ons, and explain everything you wish to know about work, pay, promotion, retire ment, recreation, etc. Or send for "The Making of a Man-o'-Wsrsman" ; It Is free; or address Bureau of Navigation, Box 2"9, Navy Department, Washington, D. C WANTED Young man to devote spare time to collection buslnesa In home city; HO per week, more for full or vacation time. Send 2Sc money order for forwarding full particulars. Instructions, list. etc.. to start work at once. Bureau of Commercial Publicity, Mlnot. N. D. tR PER 100 upward made tacking slams. Distributing advertising matter; no can vassing: send 6c stamps, secure price list paid and territory. Bhepards Agency, Leba non, N. H. A eo-cent rox of O'Brien's line candy free to Nell Morrell. 0i South I4th street, if The will bring this ad to The Beo offiot within three daya. WANT ED 8TOC K MAN FOR AUTO MOBILE HOUBHS. EXCEPTIONAL OP PORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT YOUNG MAN. BETWEEN ) AND 28 YEARS. TO LEARN THE UU61NES8. F 17, BEE. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men, between the ages of IS and 36; citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate hablta, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer, l$th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, Iaj ltO N. Tenth St., Lincoln, Neb.; HQ E. Third St., Grand Island, Neb. WANTED Egg candler. Cudahy Packing Co., South Omaha, , WANTED Two sewing machine sales men In the largest city In the state by the largest company In existence; very little competition: only first-class salesmen and hustlers need apply. Lawrence Parker, 127 W. Park 8t, Butte. Mont. HELP WANTED MALE! OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife for small hotol; cook and all around work. Weet Hotel, Herman, Nob. Wanted a man or business woman to be our representative in Omaha. W manufacture high grade typewriter ribbons and carbon paper It's a line you may be proud to represent It's a guar anteed line a 'line of satisfaction It's a line that makes permanent friends for you and the plan of salsa Is unique and dif ferent from any you have ever heard of our proposition enable you to build a per manent and profitable bualneaa for your self. You do not Invest a penny you do not risk a cent we take all th chances. Th profit you make Is entirely In your own hands you are provided with samples and sale talk a oomplete outfit to do bualness and your money comes aa regularly as tbs month rolls around. We want a live, red blooded, hustling, energetic representative in Omaha who is anxious to build a future for himself and who values his time at ths present worth 100 a month at least. If you are looking for a map don't answer this but If you ars willing to word hard for a future-Jf you want to work, think and build for yourself to throw off the yoke of oppression to be the driver and not th driven answer at once. Write ma Person ally in confidence with full information re garding your age, experience, etc Refer ences gladly exchanged. HARRY MARTIN, Manager 1730 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED Six men and their wives to travel aa organisers and demonstrators; must be capable of producing results; would promote to state managers. Ad dress N 341, Be. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heraee aad Vehicles. HORSES and MULES for sals. 1711 Burt A fin bay mar. Or a coach and pair. Or a Shetland pony fine If you'd buy or sell, And do It well, Drop Be Want Tad a line. This verse wins $6 worth of soda water tickets from Sherman-McConnell'a "Sodoa bIb." If Pearl E. Roberta, 2438 Ellison Ave., will bring this ad to Ths Be office and Identify herself sh will receive an order for the tickets. I - . EJUHT head or horses and mares, wag ona and harness; cash or terms. 17 North 26th bt. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. f 10. HOUSES AT AUCTION At our regular auction sals Wednes day, May 10th, we will havs a big run of all kinds of fresh country horses. Draft ers, drivers, common workers and all kinds. A horse for everybody. SOUTH OMAHA HORSE AND MULE CO., INC.. UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA. HORSES CLIPPED. $711 BURT. D. 1857. FOR SALE Standard bred stud colt ana nines, urea to win. For to win. For particulars, trong. West Branch, la. write. E. N. Arms RUBBER-TIRED surrey at a bargain. Call 2H0 Capitol Ave. HAY, $ per ton. $01 North 16th St. ci ix & oneuana pony, s-year-oia, broke for children. Horses and mutes. 201$ Cali fornia. PHAETON. $55. Phone Harney 494. LOST AND FOUND $10 Reward n7 on oet- ter plaoe to have carpets, rug, mattresses, upliolsterlug. etc., cleaned by vacuum system. MTERd. Webster Siii LOSTt-Mesh purse containing money, key and handkerchief; Brandsia Fompelea Dressing stoecn. Reward. Harney tuM, PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up th office of th Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In th treet cara Many article each day are turned In and the company i anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug- OMAHA s COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. PARTY seen taking blue serge Jacket from Y. W. C. A. cloak room last Thurs day evening, can return aanie by measen. gar to Miss Taft, 314 N. 'OA St., city, and avoid exposure. THURSDAY. May I lady gold watch Initial D. W. Return 31$ Board of Trade Reward. F0UND.IDEJU CLEANING WORKS Lac curtains el'ned. $6c. W. $S9 FOUND Th TSd2" Br ? A . era and dyers. A-illi. U. $tA man at MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. I"JBT Thursday evening, about o'clock, ladles' watch and fob. closed case monogram, near 14th and Farnam. He! turn to Bee office and receive reward FOUND In the American theatre one pair of nose glaaaes and one pair of spec tacles, owner may havs same by calling at Bee office and paying for this ad. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAS' PII.1E mvita-n bit iru uCTtL ?' " . "Protruding FILEU, (Oo (xtetpaldi samples tree. sar- ery for Itching, bleeding or protrudina MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. xotiiixoTjut money That is All We Loan. Could you use US or $. to a sood ari- antage? If so, come to us; don t go to a friend. N e loan money on furniture, planoa pr teams without removal, small and easy payments; c Is the weekly pay ment on a lib loan and $1.'A Is the weekly payment on a $.0 loan for JO weeks. Other amounts in the sAtne proportion. Writ or pnone us ano we win can on you at once. All business confidential. STATE MORTUAUE LOAN CO Room 12, Arlington Blk.. 1511 V, Dodge St. Phonea: Douglas 24M. lndeoendent A-24oS. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In ind let us explain our low ratea. Re liable Credit Co.. 30$ Paxton bloc. Tel. Douglas 141L A-141L CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and atrlctly private, NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 130 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1364, A -1351 DIAMOND LOANS AT lVao on large loans; smallsr loans at IVa and 6 W. C. FLATAIJ. ISrtSSH MONET loaned caiari! people, women kerplnc house and other, without ecurltr: -. i . s'7?in. i at i i t , Tolman, 60S Omaha Nat. Bank Bids., for- IIICI I AT,, A, DIUf , MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STO U lllr i-n -i your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. $04 S. lth; 3U 8. 17th. Doug. ilS. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and as press . lacs Capitol Av. D., A-W37. EXPREB8MAN S DELIVERY CO.-Mov-Ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage City office, 21$ S. 17th. Doug. 3M; Ind. B-U4L BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, piano" transfer work of all kinds. $uu. S. 10th St. B-122: D. INK: A-lOps. MUSIC, ART. LANGUAGES BLACK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; muslo furn. for alt occasions. 1512 Ohio. Web. 341X ?nA,yK 88 Dlarer. new t freight house; No t" 15th St Contlnenul1 Nov'ty Co., 11$ OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. ST. JAMES, 41$ So. 13th; steam heat, free bath. Am. $1.26 us; wkly. $6 up; meals 26a. FOR RENT Neatly furnished south room; desirable for two. 646 South $ith NICE south slngls room, furnished. 2211 Douglas 8t FOR RENT Mod srn rooms, board. 1S11 Cuming jt. FOR RENT-Two deslrabla rooma: oon eected; good board. Ul South 34th .St FOR RENT-Strlctly modern rooma neatly furnished; two gentlemen. one block from two cara 2210 California Bt. FOR RENT Two slngls rooms for two gentlemen; board. 181$ Cass. St. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for two; table board. 3222 Howard St. VERY comfortable rooms; board. 260$ Davenport St. FOR RENT Desirable room and board 22U Howard St. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. $11. A-26U. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. 3017 Mandaraoa St FOR RENT Lerg room; suitable) for two. 1104 South lth St- NICE, Quiet bom with first-class horns Jooking; oool rooms: everything moalern; hot and cold water all summer; reference Web. S73, 2531 Hamilton. . FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly fur nished; home cooking. 710 South l$th St. THE BACHELORS, 30th and Farnam. Rates: Single, $36 to $40; double, $5$ to $04. NICE room with board for one or two. with private family. 1112 Mason SL VERY desirable rooms with board. 30$ 8. 26th Ave. TWO nicety furnlahed modern rooma, one south room and one north front room; also table boarders wanted. 2407 Harney Bt. F LHASA NT east front room, nicely fur nished, with board; modern home; Kountxe Place; no children; young married couple preferred: terms reasonable. 3608 North Mth. Phone Webster WL TWO large cool rooms, ensulte; with exery thing modern; one block to car large closet; beautifully finished; line, or walking distance; also room large enough for two; board If dealred; strictly horns oooklng. 117 N. 26th Bt. NICELY furnished room with board; good location. 40$ North 22d. DESIRABLE summer horns, fine lawn, two front southeast rooms and board; ref erences. 123 So. 26th Ave. LA ROE alcove room with board for two gentlemen; walking distance; $6 a week eaoh; private family. Telephone Douglas ia2. Strictly modern room with board; suit able for two gentlemen. 2210 California St WANTED Two refined roomer for a large east front room for North Seven teenth Bt, in new modern flat; breakfast and supper; walking distance on car line. 144 N. 17th St.. phone Webster 4350. Pnrnlahed Rooma. TWO furnlahed rooms. Tel. Webstar 637a, Ml$ N. 30th St NICELY furnished modern rooms, with breakfast If desired. 1UA Jones 6t "Phone Doug. 24U6. NICE, large, modern room. In private family: Hanscom park district. 3u23 Marcy Bt. Phon H. 4083. NICELY furnished front room, modem throughout; five block west of Sixteenth street, cool place. 2202 Douglas. SOUTH front Isrgs room In cool flat: very thing modern: on car line; walking distance; large shade trees. 241$ Cass st reet. LAROE modern rooms, suitable for two; $12 per month. $lg N. 33d. FOR RENT Two nloeiy furnished rooms. 133 8. 22d St TWO strictly modern rooms, slngl or ensulte, suitable tor two or three. HOI Farnam. Douglas 1301. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. TWO strictly modern rooms, slngls or ensulte; suitable for tw or three. 3607 Farnam. Dougla 6366. ' FOR RENT Comfortable rooms, walk ing distance. 407 8. 2Sth Av." FOR RENT Two large rooma. deelrakl for two Kantlemeo. 317 S. 26th St 6RICTLY modern room, comfortably ftir nishel; nice cool place for mranur; one halt block to tar. Telephone Webaier 2704. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma private family. 210 N. l&th St FOR RENT Tw neatly furnished rooms 32$ Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nloe room suitable for two 313 S. 36th St. NEAT rooma, all modern conveniences; walking distance. 3707 Dodge H. tdba. THE DOUGLA 8, large oool rooms, mod ern; walking distance. 2201 Douglas St. FOR RENT Front parlor, handsomely furnished In mahogany throughout, facing on a large screened porch; references ex changed. 'Phon Harney 341. BEAUTIFUL large room and one email room; everything modern: rent reasonable 'Phone Red 6tOS. 61$ N. 23d St, FURNISHED front room on boulevard; nice cool flat; close In; everything modern; rent reasonable. 411 north 13th. EXCEPTIONALLY desirable aumm.. room; front; large bay window Istoss la. 6a N.-Zid. lei B, 44o4, room; front; large bay window! modern: r . . m i .... - - - OFFERED FOR RENT COOL, clean rocJtn. N. 30th, FOR RKNT Nicely furnlahed. good location. 71s .. JOth St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, cloae In. 1611 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Clean, neat furnished rooma IMS Douglas St. FOR REN I Nicely furnlsned rooms suitable for two. $2I Dodg Bt MODERN front room and alcov. 27S Dodge; $t.50 per week. Also small bedroom, 'i a week. Uood board near. Walking dis tance. Strictly modern. Fre phone nd bath. Phone Harney 3020. NEWLY' furnished front room with large alcove; everything modern; excellent mals next door. 117 8. 25th Art. Douglas 7400. TWO and three-room apartments, clean, modern; gas range; aJso slngl room com plete. 300 N. 3Mh St. LARGE front room for two and single room, everything modern, on car line; walking distance; excellent home board. Phone Douglas 6;7. 2414 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room for single gentleman; private family. 103 S. 25th Ave. TWO or four rooms, ensulte. n'Ce summer home for two people, pleasant location, near car line, no children, very reasonable. 'Phone Harney 42i5. 4J39 Harney St. WANTED Young man to hoard and room with private family; nice residence district; west end of town; 10 minutes from Mth and Howard. Moral character and sobriety must be assured, otherwise needless to apply. Phone Harney lslL NICELY furnlahed outald rooms. 2411 Capitol Av. Dougla 6832. ONE nicely furnished front sleeping room for gentleman. 3613 CaldwelL ROOM and board for gentleman. Hans com Park. O 247, Bee. Two large rooms facing north and south In strictly modern flat; walking distance; cool plaoe for summer. l.17 Chicago St. Telephone Douglas 6739. ELEGANT furnished rooms and rooms for students; reasonable, strictly modern at 200 So. 25th St. Walking distance. NICELY furnished room, Hanscom park and Field club district, on car line. Phone Harney 716. FURNISHED room ' and breakfast. 810 S. 2lst St. Phone Douglas 6140. Dear little Ad, Sweet little "Tad." You fill me with deepest remorse; I didn't believe. 1 couldn't conceive. That you'd sell that old plug horse. Miss D . K. Jennings, 8316 Cuming St. This Verae receives honorable mention. ONE nicely furnlahed room In private family; modern houae; for two; walking distance. 2720 Burt St. MODERN front room In new home, lu) S. 26th Av. D. 6134. 2411 Dodg St., large south front room, modern; other rooms, $1.60 up. LOOK A Urge parlor with large sitting room ensulte or can be rented aeparate; also smaller furnished' room; reasonable rent; beautiful neighborhood, on car line; everything modern. 1427 N. 17th St. Phone Webster 214. VERT nice large funrnlshed rooma for young men, everything modern, on car line; walking distance. Free telephone. 621 N. 30th St WALKING distance, well furnished rooms single or ensulte on Farnam St; nice cool plaoe, shady yard; every thing modern. 2226 Farnam Bt. 2423 California. 3 furnished room, fine location; walking diaianeefegsntleman pre ferred. Red 727. 318 VERY large, well-fumlahed. newly- Sapered southeast parlor, with bay wln ow; with or without piano; nice bath, plenty of hot water; both telephones; oar one Ucck. 263 St Mary's Ave. FINE large room at 3130 Douglas, near two oar lines; less than six blocks to Six teenth street; large lawn with swing: sverythlng modern, with hot and cold water. FURNISHED front room for rent on oar line; walking distance; everything mod ern; 120 North Twenty-fifth street. SOUTH front large room in cool flat; everything modern; on car line; walking distance;, large shad trees; 241$ Cass street FURNISHED rooms In private family, walking distance. 602 S. 28th St. FURNISHED front room on boulevard; nice cool flat; close In; everything modern; rent reasonable. 411 North ltth. FOR RENT Large front room to tw gentlemen, private family. 312 N. 32d St FOR RENT Strictly modern room to re fined gentleman. 316 S. 36th St SOUTH FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY, I BLOCKS WEST OF HIGH 8CHOOL ON HARNET AND CROSS TOWN CAR LINE. 3410 CHICAOO ST. TWO strictly modern rooms, slngls or ensulte, suitable for two or three. 2607 Farnam. Dougla 688. GENTLEMEN Large, modern south room, for two; board If desired. 296$ Far nam St. Phone Harney 6450. ONE large furnlahed room downstairs, suitable for ladles or gentlemen. Also one large room upstairs, close In, walking distance, cool place for summer. 2215 Dodge. Telephone Douglas 6680. WANTED Fohr young men to occupy large parlor, $1.26 each. Alao other rooms at $1 each. On two car lines, walking distance, cool place. 1226 Dodge. P LEAS ANT room, only $7. References. $40 Cass. LOOK. In private home two unfurnished rooma, two closets, electric light. Uluraanat lng gaa furnished, fine sanitary bath, can do light housekeeping. 2701 Dodge. ONE nice front room, $1. One larger room, suitable for two or. more, 33. Free us of bath and telephone; on block from car; everything modern. US N. 26th St TWO furnlahed front rooms sn suite, facing east; married couple or two ladlea Preferred; cool place. Wast Farnam dls rtct. Tel. Ind. A-1886. ELEGANTLY furnished south room for lady only; strictly modem Weet Farnam home, small family; two blocks from Far nam ear; rent reasonable; references. 3419 Dewey Ave. Phone Harney 4643. Hotels sued Apaurtmeats. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 a 13th St Ogd en Hotel ,Councn Bluffs. Room. S3 DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodg; all cool outside rooms; special week rate. Apartments aad Flats. 4-reom pt. strlotly modern. 174$ to. $7th St; I car lines; $13. Harney tiwS. ELKOANT 3 and 4-room apartments. Etieblow Terrace. Pbon W abator 432$. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN A $-room, al modern apartment only $23. Hot r.nd cold water tha year around, gas range, shades. Janitor services furnlahed. A good aummer flat on account of being exceptionally well ventilated. PAYNE at SLATER CO.. Sol Agents, tit Omaha Nat Bauk Bldg. 4-ROOM, ateani heated apartment, cloae In and having all the modern conveniences. Phone Dougla 1870. SIX-ROOM apartment In th Brlnvillisr; $42 60. OakbrlUfe- Inv. Co. D. 2u7. FOR RENT Fire -room apartment In Th Uintah. Apply 41$ Omsna National Bank bldg.. or call Douglas lari. FOR RENT Five rooma all modern flat. nwly decorated, walking distance. 'Phoae Harney tU. TWO four-room modern apartments In The Theaiian apartments for rent Newly papered and decorated; Janitor arv loss. Bee janitor. Slat Ave. St. Mary Ave. APARTMENTS Desirabls 4-room apart ment In th California, he Janiioav Oaug. 6SJ7. OFFERED FOR RENT A part meats aad Flats L'eatlasjed. CliOSK-IN FLATS. 1 N. 17th. 3 rooma. partly modern. $10. Is' N .Mtli, a rooms, partly modern. $!t. 1nh7 N. iMth. $ rooma. paitiv oioucin. li. 45 Howard. 4 rooms, strictly modern; four blocks from center of city, 2608 Sherman Ave., t rooms, strictly mod ern, $27 ao. Si'10 Sherman Ave., $ rooms, strictly mod ern. $37.60. MS B. lth. a S-room, strictly modern "St. luls" flat, (first floor); two blocks from heart of city, $3o. 6 s. th St., a 6-rootn, strictly modern "St. Louis ' flat, within walktng distance, 2U.W. PAYNE SLATER CO.. Sole Agents. 1$ Omaha Nat l Hank Bldg -room, stain heated flat, strictly modern, IS 8. 13th St $i. 4-room fiat with balh, $1.".. 110$ S. 1.1th St. FELL A I'lNKIRTON CO., iuJ Hoaro. oi fn.uv fcidg. NEW t-room finely ariantccd airtuieni- strlftly modern; steam hat. Cornish apartments. Southeast corner 10th and William Sts., $4S. W. Farnam hmlth Co., 13.M Farnam St Tela; Doug. HUM; Ind. A-1064. FOUR-ROOM apartment, new, modern; Janitor service; walking distance. The Alma, 27th and Harney. Phone Harney f!i02. MODERN 5-room flat: walking distance: two blocks from three car lines. 21X N. 2id St. Inquire 280 N. fc!d St. 4-ROOM corner flat; nothing Ilk It. 220 N. 33d. 118 SOUTH S6TH AVE. A 8-room, all modern flat. In a very choice residence district, $. PAYNE 8!ATF.R CO.. Sole Agents. $16 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $10 S-r. flat, 2!21 Douglas St. $a-$-r. apmt.. 170ft Burt Bt. 37. 60 2-r. apmt., l,fuyette, 17th Ave. and Jackson St $37.60 3-r. apmt., 1-afayette, 17th Ave. and Jackson St. o-4-r. apmt., Lafayette, 17th Ave. and Jackson St i GEORGE CO., th Floor City Nat l Hank Bldg FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat and every modern convenience: Cor nish apartments, southeast corner 10th and William Sts. W. Farnam Smith aV Co., 1330 Farnam St. Tels: Doug. lOtit; Ind. A-UX4. CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS In THE STERLING Apartment No. 7, 4 rooms, $36. Apartment No. 11, 8 rooma, $27.60. Apartment No. 34. 3 rooms, $26. Apartment No. 26, 6 rooma, $46. These apartments ar strictly modern and up-to-date; heat, hot and cold water the year around; gas range; shsdes; cur tain rods and Janitor service furnished. Open for Inspection today. PAYNE 4 SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, $14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT. Two strictly modern flats at 40th and Farnam Sts.; new; oak finish; rent very reasonable. Including heal, hot and cold water. STANLEY P. BOSTWICK. 1325 City Nat l Bank. Famished Hoeeeaxeeplnsj Roosas. DE8IRABLH steam heated room for light housekeeping. 476$ North 34ttt St 1118 CHICAGO, nicely furnished house keeping rooms, modern. 'Phone Red 6204. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooma, good housekeeping rooma $0$ N. 23d Bt FOR RENT Three rronv rooms; desira ble for light housekeeping. Sou Davenport St- FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; de sirabls for light housekeeping. 4&6i North atth Bt FOR RENT Two onfurnlabed house keeping rooms. 633 North 3Sd St. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed room, de sirable for light housekeeping. 3024 Cali fornia. FOR RENT Three room desirable for houaekaeplng, good location. 604 S. SOU fct FOR RENT Two rooms tor housekeep ing.. 1331 Wbleago Bt FOR RENT-NIc rooms for light house keeping. 1814 Chicago St-' FOR RENT Two front rooms, first floor, private family. 314 N. 34th St FOR RENT Twa nloeiy furnished rooms for housekeeping. (22 N. 22d St. THREE elegant rooms, modern, fur nished or unfurnished, $20 N. Soth; no sign on the houae. LARGE, beautiful lawn for summer; one housekeeping room with alcove- and on furnished room; all modern. 2308 Ames Ave. THREE rooms, modern except heat. 8324 So. 12th. VERY desirable, well-furnished suit; gas range and oooklng uteuslls; permanent parties. 2226 Farnam. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms, walking distance; modern. Zi-U Farnam. ONE large front room for housekeeping. Nice and cool; walking distance; on car line; everything modern. 3413 Dodg. ROOMS for light housekeeping, every thing modern. One kitchen and one room upstairs. Walking distance. Basement for rent also. 1322 Capitol Avs. ONE large modern room. 3O30 Burt 3 OR 4 modern housekeeping rooms; de sirable. 3220 Burt. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nice and cool, everything modern, cloae in, rent reaaonabls, walking dlstanoe. 2227 Dodg. Telephone Dougla 6(60. Two rooma for light housekeeping. 2218 Douglas. 476$ N. 24th 6t., S and 8-room furnlahed and Unfurnished suites for light house keeping In beautiful summer home. TWO nicely furnished rooms, oomplete, for housekeeping.. Rooms, 3U18 Daven port St DESIRABLE rooms for housekeeping; 318 North 19th street SUMMER rates for a short time; rooms for housekeeping, slngls or sn suite; suit able for married couple or young ladles; single rooms for ladles or gentlemen; light, cooking gas and laundry privileges. 2427 Harney St e TJafaraiatted Rooms. THREE destrebi rooms, privet family. 8433 South Sixteenth St FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms; good location. 2121 Leavenworth St. FOR RENT Three rooms, modern; oa car line; refersacea $210 Case. FOR RENT Three nlc room for light housekeeping. 212s South 81st St. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 615 N. 2$d TWO rooms; prlvats family. 3018 Webster. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath room, storeroom, outside porch; nice garden and frulti modern exoept heat; no children 3(17 N. lath St. TWO and three-room apartments, clean, modern; gaa range; also sipgls room com plete. SOB N. 36th St UNFURNISHED ROOMS. S-r, 1226 Dodge St. $12. $-r. mod. ex. heat, io$ N. 34th, $1$. 4- r. mod., ex. heat 2$26 Dewey Av., IS SO. 5- r.. mod, x heat, 2323 Dewey Av., $7. is', r. uoag Co., ism and Harney FOUR rooms, modern except bast. 2124 Dodge St. CHEAP 6 rooms, modern except furnace; one blouk south of Vinton school. Call Dougla 61S6. TWO beautiful rooms and alcov In modern home. 2218 Miami St. r"URNI8HT:D house for summer. Eight room, thnroughly modern house with large cast front porch and lawn. $60 per n ion tli. Answer with references. L-344, Be. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished lloases Coetlaaed. FOR RENT For three months begin ning June 1st. An eight room furnished hou.-e on west Fainam car line. For pal in iiihi'm. IcUplmne itamey .4 or call at oil" .No. Hih street. COM l"l.i:TF.LY furnished 6 room apart ment, first floor, from June 1 to Sept. t .t; li l inning rt, oppoMle Pemls Park. A six room furnished apartment In on of the best apartment houses In the city, lrotii June I'j tor two months If desired will reserve one room. M 246, Hce. Hoe see and Cotlagea. SMi WEBSTER. 6 rooms, $10. IMS Cisik, 6 rooms, partly modern, $16. Ui'l N. ..nil, a rooms, p.ntiy modern. $14. 54, ..4.1 .;iv--oii. $ rooms, all modern except heat, only $1. 1 miiUlin, 8 rooms, all modern except luat, winy !.' l.w K l.ih, ti rooms, modern except heut, $-v. iiesi u.tckaon, rooms, all modern, $26. locust, 3 rooms, all modern except heat, ates, 7 rooma, all modern except Ixut. w. .'ti. .-c ward, t rooms, strictly modern; a baigaln at $J2 60. 1,.. s. ,th, i rooms, all modern, t 50. !., S. ,lh. 7 looms, all modern, $ r.t. fprague, 6 rooms, strictly modern, -'7.i. u'.aa Jackson, 8 rooms, strictly modern; within easy walking distance, $30. I'.'.z Laird, 6 rooms, strictly modern, $30. 16U N.-.Mth, t rooms, all modern; a bar fcalu at i-W. 4n Seward, 8 rooms, strictly modern, $.r, so. N Farnam, 8 rooms, all modern, choice location. 4o. 42.'6 Farnam, t rooma, all modern, large yard, $!. PAYNE A SLATER CO., Sole Agents, bit) Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAiOE. modern. one block to car; seinl-bungalow, well built strong, attractive, but not gaudy; large front porch, neat baluster, pretty oal door, "Craftmen" design, with eight have) piste HKlitB. vestibule entry to nloe living room, wide cased opening to nice six dining room, with deep bay. Nicely ar ranged kitchen and pantry, large base ment, two splendid bed rooms well venti lated, two large closets, large bath room, passway from either bed room, complete porcelain plumbing, tub, lavatory, water closet, hot water, heavy one-piece sink, all good Krade. Polished oak and mapl floors, electric lights throuhgout, push plate switches, beautiful chain shower for living and dining rooms. Fine finish, well built, x8 solid girder, 3x8 lower joists, 2x4 celling Joists and all on 16-ft. centers, tar felt under siding, shlplap under floor, with rosin paper between, put together to stay. Splendid lot, one block to car 11ns, wslks In, street graded, high and leveled, about $S-ft. terrace. You can buy this well built home with your rent. Price, $2,445; $176 cash, $24.75 per month. See me today, for this will aell at once. Cottage advertised last Sunday sold Monday. Come to my residence, 116 So. Halcyon Ave., Benson. Phone Benson 1V2. At home Sunday and evenings only. F. 8. TRULLINGEA. HOUSE8 FOR RENT 8-r., all mod., 1817 So. 8 2d Bt, only $:$. 4-R. cottage. 14th and Ohio. 814. 6-r. flat, mod., ex. heat 1606 N. 24th, $14. 4-r, tiat, rooa., ex. heat, '2816 Dewey Ave.. $13.60. 8-r. flat, mod., ex. heat, 2828 Dewey Ave., $7. 2720 Howard St., T-r., mod., close In, $24. 1S13 Elm 8t., -r. mod., ex. heat, larg barn, $22.60. N. P. Dodg A Oh 1 6th and Harney $30.00 New 5-room apartment with heat and janitor service. Hot and cold water. fcOJ S. 31st Bt. 156.00 Beautiful 8-room apartment In th "Alsatian." on 36th and Dodge Sts. Never been occupied. Handsomely decorated. The very beet of every thing. Garage if you want It. $15.00 8-room modern house with barn and fruit; 3 lots. 8008 Vinton. SeO.OO-dang Psrk Ave, 8 rooms, modem brick; new. $15.00-642 N. 320. St, t rooms; water rent paid. ARM STRONG-WALSH COM PA NT, Tyler 1538. 210 8. 17th St. $18.00-018 Dominion St, rooms; mod. ex. . heat $20.00-2818 Decatur Bt, t rooms, mod, H. W. heat. $23.00-1009 n. Sth St. I rooms, mod., fur. heat $27.50876(1 Webster St., T rooms, mod, fur heat. $30.00-4116 Farnam St., 7 rooms, mod., fur. neat, APARTMENTS. $60.00-114 N. 18th St., I rooms, heat, San),. tor service. $40.00-114 N. lsth St.. 4 rooms, heat. Jani tor service. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, S. E. Corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Doug. 1761. A-liss. EIGHT rooms, modsrn, good repair, with barn, $27.60. 2103 Locust P. W. Blerbower. Phone DnusMaa 11M1 sill Am.h. xiiA. i Bank Bldg. $ rooms, modern, 1810 N. 17th St., $13.50. S rooms, 3034 S. 18th St., $8. 4 rooms, modern, 4213 N. 24th St, $1710. $ rooms, 3043 S. 18th St.. $15. rooms, modern, 3768 Davenport, $26. 1 rooms, modern, flat. 1111 Pacific, $11.60. 5 rooms, 3016 Chicago. $30. W. B. MEIKLE, 206 Kamg Bldg. $128 Chicago St, S room, mod.; garag or barn, large yard, $40. 2KM Burt Bt., 6 rooma, bath, $14. 2008 Hamilton St., 4 rooma, bath, SU. RINGWALT BROS., Biandeie Theater Bldg. MODERN 6-room cottage, beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami bt 8-ROOM house in Kountse Place, 3310 Emmet Inquire 1918 Emmet 2816 CALIFORNIA ST. ' An 8-room. all modern, detached house. In a very desirable location. Will rent either furnished or unfurnished. A bargain at $. PAYNE V SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 614 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 3601 Grant Bt, new 6-room cottage; mod ern except heat 823 N. 60th Av. (Dundee), New, modern 7-room house; reduced to $60. F. C. BEST, 948 Omaha Nat l Bank. Phon Doug. 8W4. OM EXPRESS CO.; careful men, wall padded van. 414 N. 17. D. 8364. Ind. B 1634. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co, Tel. Doug, svi. City office, 1U4 S. 17th St, Be Bldg. tf26 CALIFORNIA, 14 rooms; modern! food condition; nswly papered and painted! 40.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. Both 'Phones. $74 So. 28th St. eight rooma. completely modern, $40. 6i3 Bo. tilth Bt, eight rooms, completely modern, $37.60. 3603 Maple St., five rooms, moderm, (ex cept furnace, 822 60. THOU, F. HALL, 423 Ramga Bldg. Doug. 7406; A -464. ROOMS. CLOSE IN. 608 N. Slat St, a 8-room, strictly modern brick dwelling, within easy walking d la ta nee to center of city, $M. PAYNE A SLATER CO., Bole Agents, $14 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. UNEQUALLED, central, 7-room bouse. i) N. 33d. MODERN t-room brick bouse, 1100 N. $34 61., $26 psr month. Phone Harney $60. THE elegant ten-room modern bouse oa. Souineast corner 6id and Davenport Sta will be for rant May 1; neghborhood most deslrabla Price $6 per month. CONRAD TOUNO, $3 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 167L 6-ROOM steam heated flat. Dunsanr. 10th and Pierce. Douglas 167L Conrad Young. 6-ROOM cottage, partly modem, flrst claaa condition, fine location, walking dis tance. 216 S. 30th St Om. Van Storage Co. packs, moves.atores houaehoM goods. Fireproof atorage; 804 85 18th. Branch. 308 8. 17th. Tsl. D. 4U4. A-U3tl UP-TO-DATE 7Toora, opposite Hsnsoom park. 1617 S. Kith Av , $44 phon Harney U3. 10 ROOMS. CLOBB IN. f 1. 22d 8t.. an all modern, brick flat, within i easy wslking distance $40 PAYNE SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR RBNT-Oood and cheap. T rooms, all modern. $ bedrooms, newly pspered. 4 blocks to Farnam street school, $26. Tel. owner. Red 62M. t-ROOM. modern house. Urge yard, flat tooaUon, corner IwU fbona Wbu XAk