TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 7, 1911. u i I t1 WANT ADS Unfit ais inritrd at any time) bat to Insure proper rlasslllratlon mut b presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:30 for morning antl Sunday editions. Want ads rercled after such hour VII have their first insertion under liie heading, "Too Ijite to Classify." CASH IIATE8 KOU WANT ADS. iu;cj ix,a n cla ssific ation one Insertion 1 cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent lo sertion. Kath insertion made on odd days, 1 1 cents per word. 9150 per line per tnonthv Kates apply to either The Dally or Sunday lice. Always count U words to a lire. Want ads for The nee may bo left at any of the following drug stores -one Is your "corner druggist" they are all branch ofllces for The Dee and your ad will be inserted Just as promptly aim on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee building, Keveuternth and Farnam streets. Albach, V. C. 40th and Farnam. Haum Drug Co., SSM N. 16th St. Peranek. 8. A.. 1402 8. li'.th BU Bennon Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemis rsrk Pharmacy, .id and Cuming frlake-Bradlsh. 2902 Sherman Ave. Clirton Hill Pharmacy, 1211 Military Avt Caughlln. C. R , ,Mi Leavenworth St, Crissejr Pharfnac. 24th and Lake 8t. tooney Pharmacy. Couth llith St. Cermak. Emll, lftK-8 South 13th St. ihler 4c Co., 2H2 Leavenworth St Foster & Arnoldi, 1)3 North th SL Freytag, ,T. J., UJ4 N. 24th 8t. Fruiter Drug Co.. HH North Kth St. J lor.nce Drue Co., Florence. Neb Greer, s Pharmacy, l ark Ave. and Pacific Greenotigh & Co.. 1026 South 10th St. Greenough A Co.. 10th and Hickory Sts. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven woiih Ft. Johnson Phsrmaoy, KrjO Faranm St. Jlan' :om Park Pharmacy. 1501 8. 2th Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., Slat Ave, and rar Bam St. Jiolrt, John. 6?4 North lfith St. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. Jnhannon Drug; Co.. 34th and Spalding. King. M. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2302 N. 14th Bt- J.athrop Pharmacy, J4th and Hamilton. Marea. Fred I... 1019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. ibO? N. 24th St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefefa Cut Pries Drug Stora, 18ta and Chicago Sts Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 4Mh and Cuming. DUATMS A!D PUNRRAL NOTICES. I.ATEY, Alfred J., 42 years of age, at :U p. ni , May 6, 1311, at the Wlae Memorial hospital. The body was taken to the home, 452 North Thirty-ninth street. Funeral ser vice will ba held under the auspices of the, Mssonlc order at the Masonic temple, I . in., May 7, 1911. SETDLER Henry. Thursday evening, aged M years. Funeral from Ma slater's residence, Mrs. William Denker. Jtil4 Lincoln avenue, Sun flay, at 2 o'clock. Interment Evergreen cemetery. Friends Invited. l LODttfcl NOTICE. MASONIC The brother are requested to meet, at Masonic hall, Sunday, May 7, at 3.30 p. m., to attend funeral services of our late brother, Alfred T. Latey. Interment at Forest Lawn. DEAN T. GREGG. Master. Nebraska Lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M. CARD OF THANKS. No words can express the heartfelt thanks we wish to express to our many relatives and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our most boloved son and brother, Fred J. Ollle. We personally wish to thank the members of Mecca court No. 13, T. B. H. : Omaha tent No. 76, K. O. T. M. ; Omaha lodge No. 1. clansmen of America; Omaha lodge No. 1 and the degree staff. Royal Achates, and Pansy camp, Boyal Neigh bors! also the employes of the Missouri Pacific Hy., Hayden Bros, and the West ern Tinware Co. for their beautiful floral offerMias. Mr. and Mis. Fred Gills. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klrkland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ollle, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bartl Miss Margaret Utile, Miss Bertha GUIs. We, the understated, wish to thank Our many friends for their presence, the many, many, beautiful floral offerings and tha true spirit of friendship and love shown us at the time of the sickness and deata of our son and companion, Willie I). .Sage. Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Huge, Conrad J. Ilets Isr. We desire to extend thanks to our many friends and especially the Modern Wood men of America, fur their kindness and sympathy shown, as well as the beautiful floral tributes offered during the sickness and at the death of our beloved husband and father. .Mrs. J. F. Lane, Mrs. B. Kelly, Mrs. J. Avert. Ultima AND DEATHS. Births Adebert and Jennie Mead, 8701 North Twenty-fourth street, girl; Archer and Carrie Sautter, 8.119 Mouth Third street, girl; George and Hosle Whitney, 21'.0 South Seventeenth stret, boy; William and Jo sephine Harper, 8I2H Maple street, girl; Alfred and Esther Anheuser, 334 Meredith avenue, boy; Michael and Hasel Cusatn, 425 South Twenty-third street, boy; Jessie and Klenora Hill, 2130 South Fifteenth street, boy. Deaths Henry Seldler, 62, W14 Lincoln avenue; F. J. Oglesby, 20. Valley, Neb.; V. l.orlno, 67. Thirteenth and Mason streets; Burton Miles. 37, Douglas county hospital; Frank W, Wall, 5), St. Joseph's lioxpitul; Elizabeth liauza, 6, 614 William street; Delia O. Bradley, 1. 14M South Eighteenth street, Mrs. Cusanteno, 35, Douglas county hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been granted the Name and ltesidence. Andrew Brulhtrs, Ashland....... Age. ... 22 ... 20 ... 31 name Stevens, la Piatbe 1 lut-ley D. Ileeter. Little Sioux, la.. iella K. Althen. Omaha ... 30 Fred M. Madden. Omaha ... 23 ... 2 f Miner tines, umana Sidney R. Burr, Omaha Helen C, Huntington, Omaha Jens P. Chrlstenson, St. Paul, Neb. Marie Chrlstenson, Omaha Charles B. Kllucie, Chicago, III Fein J. McKinney, Omaha Alols'H'aharek. South Omsha May PoUtr, South Omaha Frank Kniser. South Omaha Juiia Hujda, South Omana ... 30 ... 19 ... 21 ... 2S ... 31 ... ID ... rt ... 24 ... ... 4 Solid Gold Wedding f L.AV --7ix4re x4errth 4 rUnwv. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN CO., nibalmers. 1614 Chicago St. D. lfca; B ltii. DCPVY tt BOLAND. underUkera. T. 1S71 rT A T C O 8 A r E T T RAZOR Kl A I J rw BLADES of all makes J'-'--'A-'wsharpnd; better than new; 24c each, 26c per dosen. THkC 8W14 HONE, Congress St., Chicago. t- Iron and Wire. Champioa PPtlPf Eeoce Co.. ttth and Jackaoo A. 11V,- Bu. t)ouglaa li90. MONEY TO LOAN LOW HATE. In sums to suit. S1J Bee tiidg. UNION LOAN CU T 1 We keep ( Jewclryf'Vee? We keep the late things IB silver In quality the vursju lail ttarney ei. OliPIIEUM JEWELRY CO. Vacuum Cleaners For Kent. Phot, Webster 34v; B 34Jt. SCHL1TZ famous ATLAS beer on Taught at Ed Botnery'a, Ul A. UlU Hi. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) ANNOUNCE MENT B L. Baldwin & Company announce the consolidation with their general Insur ance Agency of the Agency conduced by Mr. William L. Wilcox. Mr. Wilcox takes the office of vice Presi dent of B. L. Baldwin & Company. DONE by J. K Lee, panning and pmiec hanging; reasonable prices; work guaran teed. Hes. 1424 rt. 13a, ft. Douglas Mfi. LOANS Salary or furniture; $10 up. J. H. 'Waaserburger 1 FARXAM 6T. Room M. Douglas 123a. Ind. A-1C7L MAGGARD Van aV. Storage. Pack, mova store and ship H. H. goods. D. 1406, B 24a. LYNCH BROS plumbing and LJlsXJ. DHUO., HEATING. nurAin wuhk.. J7ia Jackson SL L. 1477. STENOGRAPHER. 640 Bee Bldg. U. ISO. Casady Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. BUY AND SELL-utsuo:: PATTONS SUN PROOF paint card free. Baratoga Drug Co.. 24ta and Ames. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L 6ts.. South Omaha. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. lew1 Farnam. Ind. A-SS21, Doug. 47M. Wholesale and retail agents for Sherwin Williams paints, varnishes, carter lead and Keystone. Open Saturday evenings. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75o by the latest patented machine. WESTERN LOCK ft GUN REPAIRING CO 2420H Cuming St.. Phones: Douglas 1761 or Ind. B-2802. OMAHA furniture repair wks. Doug. 1481. 3. Knox O NelllArtl.t and photography; Ploturea enlarged. Studio, tlf 8. 16th 81 8. H. Cole 6lgn Co., V. tlto. U16 Farnam. BAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, tit 8. UTH, UPSTAIRa OUR letter duplicating work la unex- cellea. A trlsj will convince you. Both phones. Western Duplicating Co., 406 Bee Bldg. nmMi DU.l.. RF.AT Ollll ITT Viiiciil, JJluUAO.a. Cement BronVc rRENKLE presses and cleans men's or ladles' sulta; also repairing. C2 B. 94th. VIRGINIA DARE WINE 75a a large bottle. Klein Liquor House. 121 N. ltth UL OMAHA Reed and Rattan Co., reed fur niture; repairing a specialty, ill N. 16th BEE HIVE CLEANING ft DTE WORKS, 1041 Vinton Bt Wagona tall and deliver. Phone Douglas 4387. MR3. CHARLES C. HUNOATR. china tiring. 170 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Web. tali. Cement Blocks p1r,.r,)hgthtl1,l r,Bht' OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO, ttth Ave and Bahler Web. 886; B SOU - O'BRIBN'S candy, the kind that makes ths girls .mile with satisfaction. A 6-cent box of this fine csndy win be given to fca.hrni Snitli. (48 HgTltan St., If she wui bring this ad to The Bej off ce within three days. , .ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. J7 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. CARL JARL Lckmlth. Lawn mowers ZT7 , repaired and sharpened. L09 Lea Veh worth. Tel. Doug. 4377 or A-43S6. ED ROT1IERY wt Z! - " of liquors and cigars. Cafe In connection. Ul 8. 14th St. THE 8PHTNX HAS 8POKENI Said: Have Butters Call and Take That Post Card Picture Now." OBEY THE 8PHYNX, Low Prices High Quality. Address. 1042 Half Case Bl Phone Harney 6284. DbuOLASPrlnUng cck Tel. Douglas 611. Mlse De Witt, piano Instruction. Red 6423. ICE CREAM lng Hyglea brand .. tf 7 VXLtaiyi All leading druggfsta Harding Ice Cream Co. .,PRtLaa cut r""lcM: freight paid on all 110 orders Catalogues free. Sherman A MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Damon Eloc. Co . ,th 8t -Co- Blu" AJiuv.. IO., tootu phono,, m jjj ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath Finest In the west. 16th and Howard Bts. HORNBY. Blue Print Co. 618 Bee Bldg. TO DO taety work for tasty peopie. Decorative paperhanglng and correct color schemes a specialty. H. Uoomba, B-130S. Filter, filter repairs. 116 B. JCth. D. 4714. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. PICTURE framing. H cheaper than de partment stores; most select stock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art & Frame Co., 707 H. 16th. Douglas UW4. Ind. A-2661. YD1"I.I. a 1 w a V h kannu I. j j. ring comes from Brodegssrd s, 115 8. ltiih r. in. aiso ui ins crown. PAPHRHANOERS. use Snowflake paste. Omaha l aate Co., 718 8. 11th. Both Phones. BIDS wanted on 700-yard Job of gradlns Offerman Co.. 21 J N. 2itn St., South Omaha or call South X). ' WALL, PAPER cleaned, like new, rea sonable. Phone Harry, Doug. 1105. SPECIAL ladv'a prise of one-half doien photographs of herself from the Heyn studio, loih and Howard street, for the best veree written by a lady this week about Pee. Want 'lad selling poultry. Try and see how good a verse you can write. STENOGRAPHER, 640 Bee Bldg. t. SKR. AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, SKID Into a post. And bring It to the best place In Omaha iur en ainus 01 repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney Sis. 1110 40-h. p., five-passenger Ovsrland..tl.ea Seven-passenger, 70-h. p. Stearns 2.M) WALLACE AUTO CO , 23u6 FARNAM SI'. POR SALE 1110 Model Brush runabout with gas light and wind shields, In perfect condition. Call Florence 116. KOR SALE-43.(X00 T-paenger touring tar; run about t.Ou) miles. Will sell cheap for caeh or trade for city real estate. Ad dress Y-lxa. Bee. lurrnvdna au, nd carriage painting; .uuiinUMtnlMd im Bn.rmaa Av, KOR BALE Raker Victoria electric Pl.oue Harney b4. NEW and Id-band autoa. Dsn gat, omana. Thousmnds got acquainted with Dee Want Tad last week. Two got big prizes. Look for the winners names among the want ads today. You must find your name to claim the prize This Week Bee Want Tad is Selling Poultry Write a verse following the style of the accompanying Dee Want Tad today, ONLY WRITE ADOUT HIM SELLING POULTRY AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) BARGAINS IN VSED CARS. 1 Wescott "40." 2 Oole "SO" Roadsters. 1 Cole "30" Touring Cars. 1 High-Wheeled Auto Buggy. 1 E-M-F "30." 1 two cylinder Maxwell. 10-horse power Wayne, fully equipped. Call and see us at once. JACOBS & ANDERSON. 1812 Harney. Douglas 2tt. FOR BALE Flve-oassenaer. four-evlln- der automobile; fully equipped, windshield to speeaomeier, ana everytning in nrsi eiMa condition; cost $a.oo: sell for $soo. WALLACE BENJAIkflN. ' Rooms 1-2-3, First National Bank Bldg., Council Bluff. Ia. Both Phones KB. SECOND-HAND electric car, cheap. W. A. Dllworth. 4U02 Florence Blvd. CHAtAf'ERS-DETROIT t 1910 model, good condition will be sold by Home Insurance Co., N. Y. Car wa stolen and loss paid under policy. Write or telephone J. K. Morrison, fltate Agent. 6M tiranaers aiag., wmana.- ' netorereles. THE FLYING MEEKEL Is the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE In the world. 1-ouls Fleechsr, State Agent. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business, call on QANG&STA-D. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. ti. 8Sfi7. PUBLIC sale of stock Of merchandise at Cltarwater, Neb. Notice Is hereby given that on the 15th day of May, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m. at ths stors of I. M. Snider In Clearwater, Antelope county, Nebraska, I will offer the entire atock of general merchandise and fixtures of the said storu of I. M. Snider for sale to the highest bid der for cash. This sale Is made by tn sb trustee and a proper deed or conveyance will be made. Vhls stock of goods Is clean. It consists of groceries, shoes, dry goods, notions, etc.. and the fixtures are every thing neoes?iry for the conduct of a going business, whisn this la, and Is located In a live town lta a ifood farming commun ity surrounding It and la doing a good business. There Is no old stock. A sum mary of the lnvol'3 and all I articular In connection with this stock and sale can he had by applying to the undersigned. james c r e.-guson, i rimee. 1 tun daivcj liooa general mercnanatse stock and building In a good business town in eastern Neoraska. For further Informa tion write to Box B, Uehling, Neb. GOOD BUSINESS for sale, must leave city at once; have good reasons for selling. Call 402 Omaha National Bank. EXCLUSIVE shoe store, eastern Ne braska; established 34 years. Stock A. No. 1 condition; :l,000 cash; good farm country; population, 6.000; railroad car works, 500 men; good location. Nice store and win dows, well equipped: county seat, not run down. Rent 140; rare chance to get Into business. Address Y-187. Bee WANTED To sell a first ciass confec tionery store In a town of l.Ou). Party must buy whole stock and fixtures. Am leaving town for other business. Qood lo cation and Uvs town. F 211, Bee. BARGAIN, $250 CASH Will buy the best furnished six-room rat In tha city If taken at once. T06 S. ltth. THE best paying family and transient hotel In the cliy; good reasons for selling. B 215. Bee. MONUMENT works, good trade, only shop In county. A bargain. Address Y lsi cars of Be. SCALES, SCALE-Independent Scale Repair Co., 110 So. 11th St. Ind. A-K12. SALESMAN with 21.500 or 12,000 to Invest to tske an active part with established Omaha jobbing concern. This Is a rare op portunity for the right man. Address, H tJ. Bee ESTABLISHED real estate and Insur ance business wants a partner with $1.0iO to put Into the business. Address, S 230, Bee. WANTED 12,500 on residence property. P 24S Bee. WANTED-Agency for some reliable In surance company, both fire and life; also good plate glass Insurance. Addresa Box 4.1, Oakland, Neb. OOOD paying restaurant for ssle. Big bargain, 2375. Another good place, tJ0. OANUESTAD. Room 4 Bee Bldg FOR SALE The only meat market In eastern Colorado town of l,2u Inhabitants, doing splendid business! equipped wllh strictly up-to-date machinery-; must sell quick; other Interests demand my atten tion. Address Y 1UJ, care Bee. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and wagon works. Am going away: must be sold by the lath of tlsy. A bargain. Addresa Box 161, Dunbar. Neb. PATENT your Ideas. It pays. Send sketch Invention for free opinion and Illustrated guide book. No patent, no eharge. Bunes Patent Co., Room 1, Washington. D. C PORCl' PIN B Four choice claims chesp to prompt buyer. Compelled to sell to gat money to develop adjoining claims. Owner, Suite 610, ill Washington bl, Chicago. 111. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) "INVEiSTINO FOR PROFIT" Is worth 110 a copy to any man who Intends to in vest any money, however small, who he money Invested unprofltsbly, or who can pave f or more per mon.. but who hasn t learned the art of Investing for profit, it demonstrates the REAL earning power of money, the knowledge financiers and bank era hide from the masses. It reveals the enormous profits bsnkers make and shows how to make the same profits. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes are made and WHY they are made; how 1.000 grows to la.ono. To Introduce my magaslne write me NOW and I'll send It six months FrtKW. H L. Barber, ,417-a Jackson Blvd., Chi cago. WHY NOT START A STORE OF YOUR OWN! We know of many places where retail Stores are needed we also know something about a retail line that will pay handsome profits on Comparatively small Invest ments, line in which the possibilities of growth into a large general store axe great. This Is really an exceptional chance to get started In a paying business and In a thriving town. No charge for theas ser vices. Write today for particulars and booklet telling how others have succeeded In this line and how you can make a sub stantial success with small Capital. Ad dress A-23o. Bee. CORPORATIONS seeking sale of their securities on Strict Commission basia are Invited to communicate with B. J. BON GARTZ. 6 Beekman Bt., New York City. r PATENT YOUR INVENTION Free ex pert search of official records to determine patentable novelty. Patent secured or fee returned. Free booklet. Mllo Stevens tk Co., Attorneys. SSJ F St.. Washington; 174 Monadnoek Block, Chicago. Established 1S64. Guaranteed and recommended by Bankers' Register. Highest rating by .Mar tlndale's American Law Dlreotory. REASONABLY CERTAIN dividends ex ceeding 109 per cent annually profit shar ingany amount; Interest you? Write Na tional Cemeteries Corporation, HO Nassau St.. New York, for "Earning Power of Money." PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY Books, Advice, Search and iT'PXr'iV' List of Inventions Wanted. r Send sketch of model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Law 'r. 22 F. St., N. W. Washington. D. C. 17-ROOM rooming house, must sell at once. KXtra gooa lor W.o. GANOESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. $160 buys half Interest In exclusive busi ness in city; pays large returns; experi ence unnecessary. Mr. Adams, 11M Bomb iota St. First class retail hat and furnishing goods business on second best retail strset In Seattle, Wash. This Is a good business proposition and the closest In vestigation la Invited. Poor health ef owner makes change compulsory. Ad dress 1714 First Avenue North, Seattle, Wash. FINE for breakfast, dinner or supper. Use Farrell s syrup whenever you wish. We will give a 60-cent can of this fine syrup to Frank Haveraon, 430S Parker St., If he will bring this ad to The Be office within three days. OLD established photograph gallery, ground floor, will give long lease. Bee P jag . 2a0,ftu0 will buy a half Interest In a well organized business. Present Investments In land selling at prices that will produce I3O0.000. Sales already exceed $150,000. Profits from present Investment will pay 20 per rent per annum for five years, only $!0.VW required at present. For particulars ad dress D. 1- Pratt, $12 American Bank Bldg., Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT Only hotel (25 rooms) In town of S0 In best section of Iowa; in good repair. Fred Relckhoff, Clarence, la. FOR PALE Only garage In good town In central Nebraska. Good, reason for selling. Address Box 491, 101m Creek, Neb. DRUG store for sale. One of the beet paying drug stores in eastern Nebraska must be sold by June 1, 1HI1. Will Invoice $2,300; it sold by June 1 will sell for $2.0. Last year sales cash. $4.!50.65. Thla will stand the closest Inspection. Do not answer this ad unless you mean business and have the money. Drug store In railroad town ef $uS people. Address Y 1112, car of Bee OIJJ established wholesale and Jobbing business In stoneware, bottler, cooperage corks, flower pots and all articles In ths stoneware line. Have aold forty car loads of goods In less than six months. It Is a first-class money maker. Owner bought It for his son. who is leaving the city. Call owner. $12 Paxton Block. D. 2734. 6 ACRES of timber land, prlre $800. Ladv owner wants to exchange for rooming bouse. GANOESTAD, Boom 404 Bee Bldg INDUSTRIOUS party with some capital to Invest In business and take charge of manufacturing plant In Montana. Good alary. permanent position. Address Montana Gypsum Plaster Co., Room 3V, Hotel Bouquet. WANTED TO PURCHASE Old stocks, bonds, securities, forfeited mortgage loans. James V. Smith, iol FifUt Ave., New York CU. For the best verse written by a lady this week, we will give an order for Va dozen photographs, from Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard Sts. These photos are valued at $15 per dozen. For the best verse written by a gentleman, we will give an order for a pair of made-to-your-measure trousers, valued at $10, from Landeryou Tailoring Co., City National Bank Bldg. The Beo reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Pun dee, Council Bluffs, Ben on and Florence are eligible, except employes of The Bee and mem bers of their families. You must follow the style not over six lines and It must re late to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee Want Ad Editor, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will be the Judge. All verses sent In become the property of The Bee. Winners' names will be announced, the following week, and will be found somewhere in the want ads. FOLLOW THIS STYLE The Bee Want Tad Has another Fad; . Irla'll sell your hor.ies now, Whether pra.iolng bay Or dappled gray; For carriage or for plow. Thla verse receives honorable men tion, and was suo.-nltted by Una Travis, Sili Dodge St. ' BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) PATENTS SECURED or money re funded. Send sketch for free report as to patentability. Guide book and what to invent twlth list of Inventions wanted sent free. One million dollars offered for Inventions. Patents advertised free in World's Progress; sample free. Victor J. Evans A Co., Washington, D. C- Booming; Houses For Sale. FURNITURE Of rooms, strictly mod ern. A-SUS. 1040 Farnam, seven or fourteen rooms. Completely furnished; all full ; good Income. Good paying rooming house. 222 N. 23d. Myta A i f V ainkaKaa t(AMlasa tL..- j- tjrfc rr-A uiii vs ci uiiajo i sviiuiifj iiuuot) for house and lot or lota; will pay differ ence. Red 646. MODERN rooming house full of roomers. Douglas twt. CALL Tyler 1TO0 for quick sale rooming house. ' . BARGAIN! Look this up. Everything) new and modern; -room rooming house at 117 N. 20th St. Party must sell on ao count of other business. IN first class shop for $87,. or trade. 11$ North 15th. 8-ROOMS, close In; chesp rent. $1.7S cash. 161$ Casa Street. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, U0t Farnam 8t- Douglas o407. (ntfii nut a t uiiis uuuis, luauiuui (i-d nair ( dressing, hairgoods. City Nat l Bk. D. 2333. If AafUtntK s-alA-nM U Ma I a k.la 0ENTISTS BAlLEI MACH. Cd floor Paxton. D. 10SS. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, Inc., bonded. 42s- Paxton Blk. D. 1311; A-Uli. CAPT. T. CORMACK. UT KARBACH Blk. JA8. ALLAN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. 2831. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. 716 8. 17th BU Douglas 6421. M18S DUGGAN, dressmaking. 2SM Farnam. TERRY'S Dressm'k'g Collsge.lOthAFarnsm THE best candy in the country Is made right here In Omaha. If A. E. Woodman ?223 Capitol avenue, will brtngthls ad to The Bee office we will give him a 60-cent box of O Brian s line candy free. DRESSMAKERS WANTED Those wh gre willing to make a change in occupation If offered steady positions, short hours and larger Incomes. Care U 221, Bee. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night sessions. Students admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free. Address H. H. Boyles, Fresl 1 dent, omana, r-eo. y. w. o. a. SHORT TERM CLASSES IN BKWING. COOKING. SIX WEEKS. BEGINNING MAY 15. NORA KEENEY, Educational Director. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CUSTOM MADE corsets, $6.00; front and back laced; residence fitting If desired. La Brock Corset shop, 623 Bee Bldg. L. Lief f, Ladies' Tailor. Phon Harney W10. SWITCHES from combings. $150: set puffs free. Mrs. Eck, 1700 Leavenworth bt. MADE hats In the $i and $10 clasa for $2.M to $5.00. We send hats out of town on approval. Keep the hat twenty-four hours If satisfied, send check, describe what you want, and aend bank or business. Refer ences. Crosetown Millinery. 2ttf Cuming BC FLORISTS A jtXINAOHUE. 10T Farnam. D. 1001 ;A- 1001 HESS 8WOBODA. 141$ Farnam St. BRANDElil cut flower Dept. New store. Bennett's Flower Dept. East en tranoe. I Henderson. 161 Farnam. Douglas 121& t. U. BATH. US Harney. Douglas $000. Narserlee. 600000 vegetable plants of best Varieties. Plant our Spark's Earllana tomato plants, fully two weeks ahead of other varieties, Phone Benson Ul. ' Ferguson, Bros., Station D. Omaha. You must find your name and identify yourself to claim the prize. It will be fun for everyone. Spe cial prizes for both men and women. Write your verse today and mail it to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember contest closes Friday of each week. FURNACES AND REPAIRS FURNACES AND FIX)WER VASES OMAHA Stove Repair Works. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and SaleslaeUca. WOMEN-e!l guaranteed hose, TO per Cent profit. Make $10 dally. Full or part time. Beginners Investigate. Strong Knit, Box 4029. Weat Philadelphia, Pa. WOMEN can make good money taking orders for my toilet preparations. Ohe of tnem entirety new, on wnlcn there Is no competition, Sample outfit furnished with out charge. Send for booklet and full par ticulars free. Olive C. Frescott, Security Bid., Chicago. f ." LADY agents, sell otir tailor-made fitted petticoats; black, white and colors; great demand everywhere; outfit free. Con sumers' Garment 4b Fabrlo Co.. Owego. N. Y. WANTED Saleswoman, towna. 1.000 to 20.OU0; call On merchants and housewives; old style flour, we pay salary, commis sion. References required. Old Fashioned Miners,, St. Paul, Migjn. , .it Clerical ana Office. STENOGRAPHER who Is willing to do extra work a while for the experience. Pleasant office In new building. Address at one. Douglas 233. STENOGRAPHER, insurance, $50. STENOGRAPHER publishing house, $46 to ffiO. - ' ST ENOG RA PH E It, retail firm, ii0. OFFICR CLERK, 3S. ' CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE: CO. 101-1 City National Bank Bldg. Faeterr sued Tradee. GIRLS to learn hatrdresslng. Oppen helm Parlors, City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 28M. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY ORKIN BROS., $18 8. UTH ST. DRESSMAKERS, helpers snd appren tices wanted. U Continental Bldg. Housekeepers and Domestic. WANTED Woman or girl for house Work In small family. No children. 814 North S3d Bt. WANTED A girl to help with general housework. 110 South 4th street. WANTED Girl for general housework. 4160 Cass St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 2i( S. $sth Ave. Harney 525. Mrs. Dery Austin. WANTED A competent girl for tirst work; go to Sioux City; must be a good 4..ki, best ,0' Mrs. O. J. Moor. 241D Nebraska St. WANTED A good upstairs girl. Refer ence required. 42$ N. 8sth Bt. , WANTED An experienced cook, $40 per month. References required. 426 N. aath su WANTED A good downstairs girl. Y.vi a month. Reference required. li N. 2$th St. WANTED A capable, energetlo girl for housework. Call 1313 City National Bank Bldg. GIRL to care for two children Tuesdays, Ih exchange for music lessons and car fare. 4636 N. 89th St. Phone Webster 4208. WANTED Girl for geieral housework in small family. Call &U6 Bo, 82d St. H 4101. niiicu uui r. capanie girl lor general housework. Mrs. J. C. Celt, Har vir.i, !.-. A 1-1- . . - ney 121. WANTED A girl for general housework In a small family: must be a good cook; ne washing. 414 S. $Mh St. , WANTED A housekeeper for a country home near Benson, by a wtdowar with no children. Middle-aged woman preferred Telephone Harney DOiO. WANTED A cook. Mrs. A. I Reed Phone Benson 17$. WANTED Nice girl to assist with house work; good wages. $408 Casa St. vt'UKie. iri nk .r . , a, night. Child of I years. ' Mrs. A. H. T iu. vpvruiivui , lis IN . list Ave Phone Harney 14I. WlKTrn.1 vlrl nr I , ' ... - - . - 9 ..... m . iiuu.BwurH t In family. 607 8. $8th Ave. Tel. Harney 4064. GOOD girl lor general housework, two In family. 118 6. 86th St. Phone H. M4. WANTED Girl for general housework; wages $5. Phone Harney 1344. WANTED A cook, private family; refer ence required. Victor Caldwell, 4J0 8. 2oth St- Douglas 2827. WANTEDOood girl te do upstairs work and assist In taking care of child. 428 N. Mth Bt. WANTED An experienced nurse girl; refervooM required. M N. 28th St. WANTED Ad experienced downstairs girl. $40 per month, refsrencaa raouirsd. HELP WANTED FEMALE tWlALC . tics oat'4U r ' Hoasekeepers aait Pomes WANTKL A competent rook, ney f.9. Tel. HarjT F:xrKRlKNt'KI nltant housekeeper, best of refei em-ps reo,nirel. Apply hout-ekeeper. Motel Home. I' UIRL to ork for hoard and room; 1 In j family. 2M Lojglns. Phone H. S'wO- j VANTKI-lrl to asclst with housework. I'hone to. loan. A t'OMPETKXT cnok at SMS Poutta. W ANTEI A slrl to aslt with house work: five in family. .vi g. :9th fit. .11 Isrellnneons. TOUNO women coming to Omaha nen coming to Omaha aa . invited to visit the Young f atlan ssxocMation building at I . and 17th St., where they I stt angers are n Women's Christ St. Mny s Ave. will be. directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise aesisted. Look for our trav elers aid at the Union station. WANTF.D ladles to tske orders for I made-lo-order uorscts In Nebraska and Iowa towns. Laige profits. Samples at wholesale price, t are Hee W i'33. !,AniE8 WANTED-Five or six ladlea of good appearance for demonstrators. Good siilarv and commissions. Call tUI Bee Bldg. WOMEN wishing to earn monev at horn, , ) should write immedttitelv to the Pin-money I Publishing Co.. Bloomfield. N. J. 1NPIST on having O'Brien's randy and no other. We will give a f-rent box free1 I to W. E. Alahonev, 2213 louglas St., If he1 ! will bring this ad to The Bee office within, three days. 1AD1K8 make supporters: 113 per KK); no, cahvasHing; material furnished; stamped.; envelopes for particulars, vt abash Supply Co.. Dept. V 174, Chicago.' LATHES sew shields at home; J10 per 100; can make two an hour: work sent home prepaid to reliable women: reply envelope. I full Information to Vnlvernal Co., Desk U Walnut 8t.. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED A limited number of girls for telephone work. Apply operating depart- ment. Nebraska Telephone Co., 18th and , Douglas. WANTED Ms women of good education and address and interested In paying for a home, or adding to the fnmlly Income, who can work full or part time, to do residence , corset flitlng for the fplrella eomapnv, 1 Address r'plrella Corset Shop, 808 Webster, Sunderland Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and talesmen. class X day. rv AGF.NT8-Wanted at once, first proposition; big commission. Write tod nartieu supply co.. Brown Blk., omana. Neb. SALESMAN to call on doctors; estab lished trade; Clean, well psld work for hard worker. Also one for central Neb- P. O. Box, 121, Philadelphia. OUR NEW CENSUS BUSINESS GUIDB READY World's fastest selling book; big gest commissions; outfit free. Nichols Co.. Napervllle, 111. REPRESENTATIVE In every county for . best hand opersied vacuum cleaner on market ; no canvassing; big return. Royal . Salee Co., Brandels rddg., Omahs. COMMISSION bases, selling practical tool AGENTB I have the hest proposition In existence. Big profits. Duplicate business. Whether selling other goods or not, In vestigate this. Byrne, West Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS a new folding drinking cup, carried In pocket; sells for 10c; everybody buys on. Send to stamps for sample. Richard Hunt, 171 Broadway, New York. AGHNTB Brandt Automatic Ramr Stropper sharpens any old style or- safety rasor. Retails $2. Write for wholesale price and terms. C. A. Biandt Cutlery Co.. 84 W. Broadway. New York City. quickest jionkt UKTTEli consign merchants, $3 raenr free with cake soap; $26.20 profit each deal; fifty deals monthly. Patker Chemical Co, Chicago. WANTED Agents: legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $L Particulars. Gisha Co.. Anderson. Ind WANTED Reliable men to write health and accident insurance. The best mutual company In America. Apply to World Ac cident Association, W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . . poKTiiAiT agents and others may doutue their incomes by sending for samples of our great selling side-lines. Pioneer Por trait l.'o.. 6620 Halsted St.. Chlcasro ) , . agents Both sexes: we manufacture and control the fastest selling household specialty ever Invented, Connolly Co., 123 UDerty, wew york. BEAUTIFUL Japanese photo distils? fl holder for home or office Is a winner; big I Sroflts; men, women, write today. The ope Bros. Co., Clinton, la. ,. . , I SAiiiatHAN-specialty; to sen higrt grade, practical account register (fire proof); exclusive territory: liberal com mission. Apply, stating age, experience, references. The Champion Register Co.. Cleveland, O. SALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell general trade in Nebraska; unex celled specialty proposition with brand hew feature; commission with $30 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland. O I AGENTS Wanted-Make big money sell ing photo pillow tops, lie; bromides, ihc; portraits, S5c; ollettes, 30c. We produce work of art, guaranteed, lowest price, largest studio, prompt service, credit given, samples, portrait and frame catalogue free. fitter's Art Studio, 1218 Madison, Chicago, II. WANTED High-grade man eccustomsd to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of sl'alrs and capable Of presenting highlclaes mat ter. Not Insurance nor books. Addresa U 16$. care Bee. HUSTLERS WANTED Useful article, quick seller; new plan; success assured; particulars free. Gross, 47 W 112th St., Chicago. AGENTS I Jve wire proposition; Just out; pocket clxsr.lighter; shaped like a fountain pen; a?tm at s'ght; sample lftc. Schiller Mfg. Co., Dept. 3S, Schiller Bldg., Chicago. OUIT PEDDLING Just take orders. Original linker line; six styles: everv sgt-nt, experienced or not, needs our order blank and moo catalogue: frte; exclusive territory; Investigate. Edward Milker Mop Co., 1237 Giand Ave, Chicago 7ilOII CLASS HalesmeiT$10 to $lSdally. New office specialty; quick sales; as In despensahle to the office man as his upe wrlter. Bales Dept. Box 14. Newton, Ia WANTED AGENTS Especially ladles, for a new and much needed article useful In every home. Sample free. Myco Bpeo. Co., Atchison, Kin. WANTED By a New York Importer of Laces and Embroideries, f irt-cls sales men for the following territories: lows', Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri snd Arkansas. Commission basis. Htste experience, ref erences, age, etc. Address. Importer. Box 128. Madison Square, New York City. TRAVELING ealesmsn wanted to work small country tow.ns selling our new pro hibition drink; 26 per cent commlsxlon end. $16 weekly drawing account. Manager. 204 S. Main St., St. Louis. Mo MAN now traveling Nebraska, one Iowa, to sell men's high grade necknear aS side line on commission; give reference; ststs other line. Donald Neckwear Co., $60 Broadway, New Tork. SALESMEN make 800 per Cent profit film, uur imq winuow inirers, noveny Signs and rhanaeable alana: kuo v.rl.iln: X. I U enormous demand; catalogue free. Sulll- van uo.. i2d van nuren St., Chicago, III F SPECIALTY SALESMEN-Ta new one; N jr $7.30 on each aale: M. Iin e..n im' kj small samples; strictly staple, with big premium deal. Urawer low Uly, la. vvr V