THE OMAILV SUNDAY BEK: MAY 7, Mil. SOULS SEEKING FOR MATES UVUUkJ ULLfUHU 5Ien and Women Who len and Women Who Are Lovely and Yearn for Companions. JITTERS TO EDITOE TELL ALL Tfc Bee la WIIIIbk t f VENEHABLE PRINT EE. WHO IS NOW RETIRED ON PENSION. Bee la WIIIIrk to A III tepid la nettle Tkee Folk Tnirlkrr ' by rrlallnc Their Appeal. The difficulty With ti, matrimonii mar ket eeiis to be tlin : a"i? i;l a hirh Is af flicting economic ro!i.V:'on In penersl ther ere frtataken to d;: trlhiif'on. '" raalonally a newsiii;rir K:mv.n ti n-rv every other Internet undrr the mm Is s ke) to step In a a matriimm'ul ai'nt ami trA in right this poor dl. iributi.n by hrinrl ii together supply and d-.mnnd. Naturally moujrn the suppl; nr.'! O'tiiPivI i: th tnatrlmnrital market I nn ;t llv 1 : hi'icd relation when once, all pa tlis . vr r ,m1 are brought within aVn-T oit i.M.c, but when the supply O ! mar.-!. i ti will. Is two hometci h &;.-. in 'n'. cvn ir.. l the demand la two lon vit itjivju!; Vm In Montana, tho neivrt .ap'v ' ; ' i-'-'.'" But 1ve advice. ' ' Lonely in t h'.vnfco. To the editor cf Tn K. . r. ni t!i? lowing eplst, evjf'ur.i; t luir..-, Voices' sincere req'.ie:-ts "cmCAOO, Marc'' K1 - T!i- F.lito- rfTi" Bee; I winh you ,v. ojid fm.l rp;u for a few lines In your iap-;-. V.'e hip i,vn Kill! pals, 29 and 30 yeaia c f age, unci v.v ha r lived In the ctty ail o r l! r.. but we lmv. failed to find our hotter Pair, even In a city as large ' a Ch!rj-;n. If M-eniJ th men have lost all r.-sprct for ri'lf- We would like to get In corrcsyjr.denee with a couple of men ab.vt ! l 4i) year of age, with matrimonial Intent. They must be temperate, of good moral l.aliit. nnj men ho would appreciate a pood wife. They ynuat have a position to fci.rt a a Rood comfortable homo, or a, farmer will not be overlooked. V.'o will eland Investi gation In regards to our thaiacter and our past lives. All who wih to answer will get a reply If they are in earnest. Hope that this In not asking you too much. It may be treated as a Joke t tiimc, while ethers will take In In cariitr,t and we may get our' wish. We nntai.i yours very truly, MIPS CATH .7.11 1 XSO.V. "Chi General Delivery. Chicago. 111." but tho gir!s do not specify that one Is mora desirable than the oilier and the 30-year-old one may have demanded first rhance at the applicants. Two Lonesome Men.' Aa If in answer to this same. Utter there Came to The llee office a few da; a later a note from-two men working out their for tunes In the mountains of Montana. Un fortunately tiiey are too cautious to say whether or not they really Intend matri mony, but their other references and per quisites are excellent and they offer at least a good field for experiment. They are respectfully referred to tha two Chicago damsels. Unless somebody Is flirting at long and uncertain range everybody will be jtleased. ', ' The letter of 11e cowboys Ju as follows: ivtn.t. ninii .1. l U IOC E.UllOr cf The Bee: There aie two' of ,us cow punchers who are In need of aVoinan who understands th piysterles of the kitchen. And If you can possibly help us through your paper ue would greatly appreciate the favor. . "We have quite a numVecof cattre and torses, also a number of caddie horses which we could place to the use of the fu ture helpmate. A nice little cottage painted white, with a nice, lawn of buffalo grass growing around U. Enough to eat for a dosen of year. , "Thanking you beforehand for the favor remain, yours truly, ' "J. "VV. MEU3EE, "W. T. BARNES, "Circle, Dawson County, Montana." Has Known of Trouble. Sometimes the letters are suggestive of larder lives and more unpleasant for tunes. There is in one note from a man in Illinois a pathetic appeal for a help mate who has known enough of trouble to be willing and able to Btart out in a pew situation and make a now life. tits letter reads: "MONMOUTH, 111., April 24.-To the Edi tor of The Bee.: I drop you these few lines to see if you would place this piece : In your honorable paper. I am a young man 23 years of age, weigh 1M pounds. avuu "vi . uui nave De.en in . prison and, have been out two years, and the world doesn't seem the same, so I droD you these few lftiea axldnf von t. print the same, 'as I would like to hear from girls that have had lots of grief and sorrow -and to see If we couldn't lead ' life over now. So If you hear of any ,of this class please write mo or have them 0o the tame at the" address. THOMAS MEYEKS. Monmouth, III." Wllllna- to Sell Iteraelf. From one who has seen something of the ugly side of making her own way comes a letter llko the following. Just how much she means that she win "ti heraelf" to the highest bidder she dota not say, nor does sho say how great her extremity nor how dearly she values her self. But she docs make the offer and leaves It open for the world to challenge Oi take up. "MT. VERNON. N. Y., March 29To tho Editor of Tho Dee: Kindly publish the fol lowing in the next isue of your paper and oblige me, vending the tame lu good faith: "For sale to the highest bidder. Must be cash purchase. A young woman be tween 23 and JO. Healthy, bright, Intel- I ligent. companionable, good looking. Just j tired of poverty and buffeting the worm alone. No time for Idle correspondent,!:. ; ' - V ten. i it inn i.. -in. in I C. J. AMBLI. C. J. Ambit, printer, after working forty-two years continuously at the case in the Decoiah, la. I'oaten and fifty-eight jours at the trade, was reCired recently on a peimio?i of J1J per week by the proprietor of the I'osten, H. Anudsen. Mr. Ambll is FcvenLy-ihree years of age. BUILDERS WITHDRAW THEIR BIOS ON WINDSOR SCHOOL Are Dlsaioatrd Ilecaaar the Board Aaka fur lllda on Herlaed Specif lea t Ions. Disgruntled because the Board of Edu cation has asked for revised bids on the construction of the addition to the Wind sor school building at Thirty-fourth and Martha streets, three contracting firms, who bid under the plans and specifications, withdrew their certified checks Saturday morning. Announcement was also made that the firms w raid not submit estimates under the new . plans. The firms which withdrew their checks were BrldKea & lloye, Thomas Herd and William Rocheford & Sons. Because all the bids exceeded the amount voted for tne construction of the addition, the committee on public grounds and buildings, at Its meeting Friday afternoon, decided to eliminate certain specifications, and usk the firms to submit new offers on the revised plans to bring the structure within the $35,000. The lowest bid received mas from R. Butke, who offered to erect the addition and make alterations In the old building for t3o,M0. The estimate did not include the Installation of the heating plant or plumbing. Separate bids were asked for these details. Butke's bid, augmented by the lowest bid for- heating and plumbing would run the cost over $40,000, $6,000 more than available money. To get within the limit, certain eliminations were ordered. "The bosrd Is pursuing the same tactics In the Windsor bids as prevailed in the High school bids," said Fred Hoye of the firm of Bridges & Hoye, who submitted a bid of $37,460.70, which Included erecting the new structure and alterations In the old building. ' "The plans call for alterations In the old building, which Is decidedly unfair. We offered to erect the new structure for $32,94.70. which is well within the limit. But we can't make the alterations for less than $4,478. , "Though I have not seen the revised plans, I understand they eliminate fin ishing the basement and other changes. But I do not' care to fool with the proposi tion any longer." The original plans call for a ten-room addition on the west" of the present build ing. Bids were opened last Monday night, eight firms submitting offers. Sunflower Philosophy. Now and then men auk for the truth, and won't atay long enough to hear It. . Girls are very seldom satisfied with tne names their parents gave them, but boys don't fuss about such trifles. If a man gambles and loses he doesn't fool any one when he says he only plays for pastime. J- Men may not understand women, but, on the other hand, It takes a girl some time to learn that ahe can wear a college man's classpln without securing a clear title to his heart Atchison Globe. Address ELINUR MORGAN. "General Delivery, Mt. Vernon, N. Y." Southern Girl Wants oirbo?. Tnto Mayor Dahlmun's mall sometimes creep letters from these lonely ones who are seeking In vain for a mite among their Immediate neighbors. Hero Is one from a southern girl, who If she speaks herself fairly, ought to be a jewel In some good man's house: LAKK CHARLES', La.. April Sl.-To Mayor Dehlman, Omaha: Dear Slr-I am a young woman 2J years of age, small, good looking, fair complexloncd, with brown eyes and hair. 1 have no money or property, but am of a good family, have a Rood education and am a fine housekeeper, being a home girl. Good, jolly, unselfish disposition and southern from ths top of my head to my toes, and proud of It. I am no trfcfler and really would like a cowboy husband and a western life. Will you not help me to become acquainted with soma cowboy or ranch owner who would fare for this kind of 1-ouUiana girl? "He must be big and strong, good un selfish disposition, honest and temperate and able to take care of a wife comfortably and not over Sit years old. Please print my letter In a western paper and I wdl answer all letters received. I ran and will give the isi or rererences and photos eachanged. Tfaauklng you. I am. A "tMlas) POROTHT THOMAS. 135 Ryan Street." Buy a Book lovers' Title Catalog ue of titles . and solve puaale pictures In Book severs aoateau . 3 cents, by mall, to ccnta There are no crop failures in The Virgin Valley of Southern Utah i reat crops of all fruits, grains, giaeaea peoollar te s ami-tropics are grows with ease and produoe with astounding fecundity. The Virgin river, one of the largest In west, irrigates whole valley. This valley has no winter. It Is one of earth's beauty spots Write for Information to . T. rotter, risoal AgV Stl to S4 Boetoa sUk., alt Lak City, Vtaa, "You win h better ia Utah the best of the west" BARRETT BOOSTS SAN DIEGO Director General of Pan-American Union Favors Exposition. EFFECT ON TRADE RELATIONS Importance r the Punnaaa-t'allforala Enterprise to the World at La rare Is Made Plain la a Statement. WASHINGTON. May -Hon. John Bar rett, director general of the Tan-American union." baa Just given out a statement of his attitude toward the Panama-fallfornia exposition to be held at San Diego, fal.. throughout the entire year of 1915. This statement has been received with much grstlflcation by Director General D. C. Collier and other oftujals of the Panama California exposition now In Washington. The city of San lPgo. whose harbor is the first port of call on the Taclflc roast north of the Panama canal, has already raised $2,.i00 for an exposition to cele brate the opening of the canal, throughout the entire year of 1915. A complete or gnnlxation has been made, snd much pre llminsry work done in behalf of the affair, and a delegation of exposition officials is now In Washington determining what ex hibits may be procured from the govern ment that will harmonise with its unique character. Mr. Barrett's attention was attracted to this exposition because of the avowed In tention of its projectors to adopt as Its most salient features those things which especially pertain to the life and develop ment of the southwestern states of the t'nlted States, and the countries of Mexico, Central and South America. He wss struck at once, upon learning of this Intention, with the fact that the effort of the exposi tion workers to bring more closely together, socially and commercially, the people of the two Americas. Is In absolute accord with his own work. The Pan-American union, formerly known as the bureau of American republics, Is doing a great work In this particular line, and Mr. Barrett doubtless csn be of great assistance to the San Diego project, which will undoubtedly have government recognition. Mr. Barrett's statement is aa follows: "Kver since the plan for holding an ex position at San Diego was brought to my attention by the city officials of that en terprising city, I have taken much Interest In the evolution of the plan, and I shall be glad to do everything In my power, both from a personal and from an official standpoint as an International officer, to make It a success. While It Is not within my authority to state In any way what may be the attitude of the countries of Latin America toward the exposition, I am quite sure that they will all be glad to listen to the representatives of the cxposl (ion authorities and to participate if it is possible. "Too much emphasis cannot be laid upon the Importance of developing without de lay closer trade relations between the United States" and Central and South Amer ica. And corollary to this Is the proposi tion that it la of the highest importance DIRECTOR, GENERAL PAN-AMERICAN UNION. - ,. . . HON. JOHN W. BARRETT. to the Pacific coast of the Vnited States to get Into touch with the Pacific coapt of Central and South America. Although this coast line Is geographically continuous and has almost the same characteristics of contour and climrftc, yet there H that lack of association, acquaintance, and ex change of commerce which must he over come If California, " Oregon, Washington and the states back Of them would gain their share of a trade which must reach enormous proportions in the near future. "I am glad to know that Ban Francisco and San Diego are working together In the rlans for their tespective expositions. I believe that San Francisco will have one of the greatest International expositions which the world has ever known, and I also feel confident that the celebration which is to be held at San Diego will, in 1U peculiar character, prove one of the most novel attractions In the history of the undertakings of this kind. In this way the two celebrations will draw vast num bers of visitors from all over thevworld. I wish the authorities, the people and the expes'tion and city officials of San Diego complete success In the carrying out of their plan for the exposition." PROTEST SMOKE NUISANCE Prominent Citizens Object to High School Smoke. BOARD PROMISES TO ABATE Members Say that When eer WM is Completed the Present Trouble 'Will lie Done Away With. Protesting againxt the smoke from the high school stack and asking the Board of Education to abate the nuisance, a delega tion of cltixens living In the vicinity of the school, appeared before a special com mittee of the board Thursday afternoon. Among the protesters were W. II. Me Cord, T. C. Byrne, C. B. Kellar and Ward M. Burgess. Aftee hearing the complaints of the dissatisfied cltixens the board prom ised to correct the evil, if possible. "The smoke has become almost unbear able," said Mr. Burgess. "We asked the board to eliminate the nuisance as much as possible and the members have promised to aid us In any way they can. It Is time for something to be done. Besides dam aging our -property the smoke as It rolls from the stack Is decidedly disagreeable, At times It Is almost impossible to breathe. "We thought that the board could correct the nuisance or reduce It to the minimum and for that reason went before the mem bers.' Alfred Kennedy, president of the board. said Saturday morning that as soon as the new wings are completed the smoke nuisance would be abated. "The plans Include smoke consuming de vices and when the new heating apparatus Is Installed the smoke consumers will do the work," said Mr. Kennedy. "At present we will have to do the best we can. But as soon as the new structure Is up, I do not think there will be any grounds for com plaint along this line." CHIROPRACTOR WINS SUIT LINCOLN, Neb.. May 6. (Special Tele gram.) The supreme court today reversed the decision given In the Custer county district court against C. F. Wilson, a chiropractor who wss chsrged with prac ticing medicine without a license. Wilson appealed to the supreme court and a hear ing was granted a few days ago. Judge Holcomb appeared for the defendant. ABBOTT DENIES THE REPORT Bays He Mas No Intention of Resign ing eta Receiver of the Tele phone Company. Lysle I. Abbott, receiver for the Inde pendent Telephone company, who recently acquired some land approximating a county in Utah, denies the announcement that he contemplated the delivery of the office of receiver to Ignatius Jehovah Dunn, former assistant city attorney. "I shall not surrender any of my Omaha interests," said Mr. Abbott. Spring-Cleaning Tfce Roman System Heeds X. Mrs. M. Morgan. 411 4th Ave. E., Brain erd, Minn., writes: "I take from one to two bottles of Mood's Sarsaparllla In the spring to purify the blood just as regu larly as I do my houoecleanlng, and go s round light-footed and light-hearted. I believe It is the best blood purifier known." Hood's Sarsaparllla so combines the curative principle of roots, barks and ,lx ? " l1 '",8" them their highest efficiency; hence its unequaled cures. Get It today In usual liquid form or tablets called Saraatabs. The Lutheran Colony This Colony Is located in the Sacramento Valley, and the Sacramento is as fertile as the Nile. The climate is unsur passable) the opportunities are unlimited. You can have a home snd a fortune on ten acres. Land sold on easy ' terms. Excursion leaves May 14th. Write for Information. LUTHERAN COLONIZATION CO, 41M.I0 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. itS TOO 000 TO BUY I. AM St No farmer should think of buying a home bfor .tug a cop of our journal. It has lands, city property and etocka of fooda advertised in It from every state n the union, so that you can find just what you wish In its columns. It reaches .00S readers each Issue. Advertising rates. 2c per ".rd- bend 14c for 1 monthe' trial aubcrlp.lon. It will be etopped at tne end of f months unltu v.... Its Jvuraal. Trear, Iowa, " avea rrom onim Lsy ..':. Gieal Three bay Treatment A grateful patient writes a heartfelt letter of thanks to his benefactors. He was poisoned by alcohol and needed medical treatment The Neal Treatment saved him. DO NOT CENSURE THE MAN WHO DRINKS- HELP HIM XUci LyCCH .. in WCcCo Ccf t o.ce. cf i .v O ' . X If ..... st. S , - 'vic to rf JUs. TCccf '7t JLcJlt v -toy- S s . . ' eiiiu:- ck. lu'e esc 7), Ps.s , J J J , rS c s - iuUUiJfU. CUa of tC CSl cnr&t -XC 2C. Ortginal Letter on File in This Office. , That famous old song "Help Somebody Today", Is put Into never-ending action wherever Neal Insti tutes have opened their doors to redeem those In the bondage of drink. Omaha's Neal Institute at 1502 South 10th street has taken Its place among the gloriously helpful in stitutions of the world. Men who had lost mastery over thenwelves and who drank simply because craving appetite compel led them against their wills to drink, and then drink again, have left that splen did old home with all desire for liquor gone. Three days of the Xeal Treatment for alcoholism as administered there by regular physicians trans forms craving and desire into antipathy and dislike for all alcoholic liquor. This quick transformation Is brought about by a perfectly harmleea vegetable remedy, taken internally and without hypodermic injections. Dr. Benjamin K. Xeal originated and perfected the cure that bears his name. He made a special study of alcoholism and found that desire for liquor was hlmply the result of alcoholic L This accumulated poison Is what enslaves the drinkl AW II, J 1 I if . . . .c m j m nu urt-us meairai treatment as badly as a fever sufferer. Ir. Xeal's Cure is an antidote and it drives out all poison front the system, leaving the patient Just as he waa before he began to drink, so far as the effect of alcohol are con cerned. The Xeal Treatment ha a tonic effect, clears the brain, brightens the eye and effectually quiets nerve, which nervous drinkers attempt to quiet by excessive use of liouor. If you have a friend who drinks to excess and you would like to help save him from the drink bahit, write, wire, 'phone or call at the Xeal Institute, 150a South 10th street. Omaha, Xeb. Xeal Institutes open day and night. We will send to all inquirers full information and wonderfully helpful booklet. The XKAL Way." NEAL INSTITUTE CO., Dept. Bee 1S02 South Tenth Street A Colossal Special ale of $40 Qual- itied Bicycles at A Solid Car Lot The Largest Deal In Recent Years; The "Wonder" - s 0 A Th "Wonder" BK'YCI.KS are not only "In again," but there's a positive FURORE of a demand for them THIS springs' sales-have been so BRlSK'that we have been encouraprcd to purchase s CAR LOAD of ONE style of wheel, and the, percentage of money WE HAVE!) through purchasing a CAR LOAD at ONFJ Cl.l I. will also be saved YOU when you purchase one of these bicycles at $2.1.75. Think of ft! $23.75 for a FULL SIZED. MAN'S wheel of 1911 model; a niarvelously fine built speeder that CANNOT be touched ordinarily . for Host than 40.00. It's a chance to delve tnto the good old sport at a NEW price. And the wheel, remember. Is fully guaranteed. The style that goes on special ssle at J23.75 Is called the "WONDER" snd It's built with a 20 or 2J-lnch framevand comes equipped with New Departure Cosstei- Rrnke, Adjustable Handle Bars, and Is built with fluah lolnts, rein forced, piece crank hanger, tool steel bearings, and GUARANTEED single tube tires. All of the "Wonder" wheels are handsomely finished In maroon and. the smart "191 1" model Is certain to cause riders to enthuse. These 123.75 specials may be ordered by mall and will bo promptly ship ped,, as long as we have any remaining, but otie must use HASTE in ordering for they are of ABSOLUTE 140.00 quality and it will not take long for the rldln public to find it out. Best Western Repair Department Out newly enlnrged, greatly improved, daylight Motorcycle and Bicycle Repair Dept. Is without doubt the most COMPLETE in the Went. We had a reputation along these lines a decade ago; today we keep abreast and ahead of that reputation. Write or call and get prices on repairs or rebuilding of any kind. 15th and Harney, Omaha, Xeb. GEO. E. MICKEL., Manager. 831 llroadway, Council Bluffs. The Home of the Big Red Apple AUCTION SALE OF THE RAYADO RANCH, Situated In COLFAX COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. Consists of about 30,000 acres. Part of this ranch Is rich fruit land. This famous property will bo divided Into not more than 2,000 tracts, or divisions, and sold at a BON A-FIDE AUCTION. All tracts or divisions NOTW ITHSTANDING THEIR SIZE, will be in our Judg ment of equal value. I For quick sale we have fixed the price of each contract it $250.00, payable $20.00 cash, and $10.00 per month for 23 months thereafter. No Interest or Taxes Until Deed is Issued. In order to obtain a largo number of representatives of our pro perty quickly, we have decided to allow a discount of 10 for all cash, on the first 500 contracts sold. To obtain this discount the cash must be paid upon signing the contract. Don't overlook this opportunity. Fill out the coupon today and mail to us, and we will send you free of charge our booklet entitled, "AUCTION SALE OF THE RAYADO RANCH, FORM A," which ex plains our plan of selling this property. Read this booklet carefully. We want a live representative in your town. THE RAYADO COLONIZATION COMPANY, 1016 Treniont Street, Denver, Colorado. THE RAYADO COLONIZATION COMPANY, i' 1646 Tremont Street, Denver, Colorado. Cents : Please send me free of charge your booklet entitled "AUC ' 'HON SALE OF THE RAYADO RANCH. FORM A.' "My occupation is Name , , Address , , EOJttee JWTJ-LTnJT- - - - - ' ' . J Summer Tourist Round -Trip Fares to the Pacific Coast $50 To California an(i North Pacific Coast Points. 'il. Kets on sale June 5 and , June 10 to 22, Inclusive, and June 17 to J'.y ?. lncluslie. Final return limit Beptemher 16. OfiPTo California One-Way via. North Pacific Coast S0U Points. Tickets on sale same dates as 150 fare. Final let urn limit September II, 360 To California and North Pacific Coast Points. Tickets on sale to California May 12, II and 14. Final return limit July II To North Paciflo Coast points. May :, 30 and II. Final return limit July II. To both California and North Pacific Coaat points, June 1 to September 10, inclusive. Final return limit October II. To California One-Way via North Pacifio Coast Points. Tickets on sale same dates and limit as 160 00 fare. UNION PACIFIC, The Standard Road of the West. New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park. ELECTRIC BLOCK 'SIGNALS EXCELLENT DINING CARS For additional Information, and tlluatrated California and Paelfla Kortiiaest book, call on or address w a """ L. BEINDORFF, C. P. & T. A. 1324 Farnam St. ' Omaha, Nebraska Phones Doujlas 1821; Independent A-3231 S75 TA ES&LVsB 1