Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee,
For Nebraska -I'naettled
For Iowa 1'naettled
iVOL. XI NO. 46.
Tint Aetual Lepslatiye Problem
Confront Lower Body After Free
List li Pasted.
.Coming and Going in Omaha
Insurrectos Outside Juarez, Protected
by Sharpshooters, Throw Up
Behind Barricades the Federals Are
in Battle Formation.
1 lyBaTfflF!BI
Jfrrrr mr a
Cezlat xtrrr r
te" :r'u--
! Statelxood Also Loomt Up to Com
plicate Affairs.
7 fi4'
1 V '
Democrats Will Find What Influences
Are at Work.
F NrllM At rar War
t (MiiramlMi WmIci rb4
ale Mar Be He rrltteu la
th Ca-uma.
WABHTNOTntT. Mar 1 (Special Tel
(rani.) With th punia of the farmer'
free list bill, which may b expected on
Monday or Tuesday at the very lateat, th
honaa come (ace to fee with Ita flrat
real legislative problem. It ha been recog
nised from tha beginning of thla extraor
dinary aesslon of congress that the demo
crats majority would undergo the severest
teat of Ita new found cohesion, solidarity
and discipline, when It came to revlae
downward tha cotton and wolpn schedules.
Theaa two Items of tariff making and the
admission of Arizona and New Mexico to
statehood will complete the democratic pro
grain of house activities.
It aeema probable that the itatehood Mil
will be brought up for consideration In the
houae before the revision of the wool erhed
ule la undertaken.
It will serve to occupy the time for a
while and Rive the membeTs of tha way
and means committee a longer period to
devlaa a , woolen arhedule which can be
submitted to a democratic caucus. If the
preliminary work of watting a arhedule
haa not been completed when the debate
over the admiaelon of Arlaona and New
Mexico IS out of the way, tha houee will
follow the present ncnate fashion and alt
only on Mondaj and Thursdays. It la
now the established custom of the respon
alble democratic leader not to offer any
party measure In the house for considera
tion In debate until a party caucua has
approved It, thua Insuring a united ma
jority against a minority caurus.
It la premature to pay that the house
democrats are ;ilit over the question of
whether raw wool should hear a revenue
duty or should be admitted free. Cnde
nlnlily there Is a difference of opinion
among tha democrats of the houie. hut It
Is far from true that the differences are
Irreconcilable. Kver since tha new .eon
arena began their have been predictions of
divisions and splits in the majority.
Une after another these predictions hare
not come true. Kven now there, Is coins; on
constantly and dally private negotiations 4a
t'rmmrnm(u A i fV, a 1K am.l.
It un -of Taw wool. '
. ' The Ways and means committee will
make no effort to force 4 bill 'upon tha
majority, If strong difference (re, mani
fested on the woolen schedule, - I may he
lrtually rewritten In the caucus.
None of the democrats has said ha
? would not abide by the caucua even if
his own con. mil tees did not prevail.
The house member has one advantage
at this time In revising downward wool
and the cotton schedules.
The democrats know their decision and
. what their work will be Is, In fact, almost
academic. None of them at the moment
believea that any revision of the duties
on eglto nand wool and manufactures
thereof which are adopted " by the houae
and aent to tha senate would be reported
out of the finance committee of the other
blanch at thla session. In revising theae
two tariff schedules the democrats have
reason to believe that they will only be
setting down definitely for the benefit of
the country what tiio party would do if
It were in control In the senate as well
as In the house. The White Hous may
be left out of consideration, for President
Taft will approve any measure of tariff
' reduction thai pauses both branches of
Con Kress.
Anyone who Is at all willing to make the
inquiry can receive definite assurances
from numeiotis senttors that the only
tariff measure which the senate will enact
at ths session is .the Canadian reciprocity
bill. Th finance committee will report
even this measure reluctantly and not be
cause It wants to, but because it must. The
members of thla committee and the ma
jority -of the republican aunator have no
present intention of bringing the farmers'
free list bill to light or to give any con
sideration to the cotton and woolen
revision that may be passed by the house.
President toft will not seek to Induce the
senate to take any other attitude. The
president s sole concern al this seaalon Is
Canadian reciprocity. It is the only meas
ure which he haa asked congrea to pass.
It la the only, pending proposition in which
' he haa any Interest or which ha even
seeks to expedite. Aa soon aa it ia through
the senate without amendments, in the
(Continued on Second Page.)
Tnr Nebraska- 1'imeit.ed.
For Iowa liisetUcd.
Trasrntsrr at Omaha I eileraay,
t'ouipd rr I . v Local 'II ecerri.
v I 'll. !'. I
tllvlitst ;i 4k 77 ;
lett 'Mla :a .'ti 44 4u te;u.i luiurc 47 Ml a
Prcipltnitiui T M .0 T
Tempmaiurr and pi.-ci,natlo,, departures
from the norniHl s, Omaha alnue March
I. and compared with the last to ears:
N'mnial tempcinttire h
Kaceaa for the day ' ;
total excess wi ice March I. Bit, ' Hi
Normal I eciit al ion !j i ,, ,
1 -f u lencc for 1 1 t- U iii. n
Total rainfall ainc .'l in t, i. ln ' in.
'efiolency atnee Mar. h 1. 1ll . I i im he
1 iff itivnev for cor. m , lod 1UI. .5 t Inches
beJiUeacy fur tor. period Ijw. 3 U ui he
r ' i
.x i
I "' I It. m m
( ) s, m
V J 7 a. m.. m
8 a m i",
. a. ni ri
J '',!!'"::::::::::::::
v wi?fvS V "'
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. "- - p iii , 7i
P. m 7
7pm )
Ex-Speaier Switches fr6m Free List
to Keciprocity Pact.
He "ays it eVer weald Hire Hera
Negotiated Had It Kot lleen
Oenaaded by the rnbllsh
laI Interests.
WASHINGTON. May .vV. J. Fields of
Kentucky, a new democratic member, be
gan the debate on the free list bill In the
house today by humorously chiding Min
ority leader Mann.
"I hope," he aald. "that my speech will
not worry the gentleman from Illinois. It
Is not so much the speeches of the new
democrats that worry the minority leader,
but our presence here and the demonstra
tion of the overthrow of the republican
"Sixteen years ago there waa a wedding.
Mr. Republican Party married Mi as
Money. They started fn to live happily
ever after, but there were no legitimate
children. They accepted, however, three
children. Andrew, John D. rfnd J. P., and
trouble after trouble followed until they
have been driven from home."
Cannon Takea Floor.
After Representatives Collier of Missis
sippi and Carter of Oklahoma had spoken
In favor of the bill, former Speaker Can
non took the floor in opposition. He re
ferred to It aa the "balm of Ollead." of
fered by the democrats to the farmers b
cmuae of the pasaage of the Canadian rec
iprocity bllL Then dissecting the measure
he endeavored to show that Its benefits
would not be important.
Mr. Cannon demanded to know whr lire
cattle, rice and tbef products of tha south
had not been put on the free list bill.
whn theae products tit the northern farmer
had been deprived of protectlAn by the
reciprocity meaaure. He Intimated that
southern member on the waya and means
committee had kept the tariff protection
on southern products.
"And you wool raisers of Montana and
Wyqomlng are In a bad way," he added,
"unless Texas cornea to your rescue."
Blames Publishers for It,
Renewing an attack on reciprocity, Mr.
Cannon said:
"I believe this secret agreement never
would have been' made If It had not been
demanded by the great publishing Interests
of the country."
President Taft'a speech at the publishers
banquet in New Tork he said was a "tine
piece of humor; better than anything of
"In it the president urged the publisher
to b constant' in favoring the passage
of the reciprocity bill without amendment."
Mr. Cannon alao referred to the Asso
ciated Press saying it was made up of the
publishers and that In turn It was a great
organisation and that he "would not kill
it if he could."'. , ,
"I loat my temper over the reciprocity
pact," aald Mr. Cannon. "I felt that those
whp represented two-thirds of the people
were willing to sacrifice the others to
answer the hysterl calory raised by the
demagogue, the democrats and the news,
He predicted that the democrats would
be overthrown in the next election.
Actress Answers
to the Last Call
Mrs. Barney Williams, Known -to
Playgoers of Generation " Ago,
Dead in New York.
NEW TOrtK. May . Speclal Telegram.)
Mrs. Barney Williams, well remembered
by playgoers of two and three generations
ago. died at her borne. She was. as years
of age and since the death of her actor
husband in Vf.i had lived a retired Ufa.
She la survived by one ( daughter, Mrs.
George II. B. Mitchell and two grandchil
dren. Mrs. Williams was born In this city in
1S and adopted the stage as a profession
when a child of It years. Her maiden name
was Maria Pray. Her first husband waa
Charles Mestayer, also n actor; and after
hi death In 1M she mnrrled liarney Wil
liams, who come to this country In lS?f
and made a hit in Irish character parts
ia the old Franklin theater, where, aa a
boy, he made his appearance. - .
Ty Cobb Develops
Into a Politician
; Veteran Ball Player Takes a Hand and
I Secures Postmaster's Position
j for a Neighbor.
WASHINGTON. ' May .( Special Tele
rgram.) That veteran atateaman. Ty Cobb,
baa been taking a hand in the affairs
of the house of representatives Not
long aco the house democrats mere
deep in the question of selecting of
ficials. Among those chosen was Postmaster
IHinbar. an old confederate soldier from
Georgia. H haa Just leaked out how he got
his Job. He waa in close competition with
a New Jersey man and. it looked as though
he would be beaten.
Tv v'obii, who was a:t old friend mid
n-tfc';ij"' wict It-tiers to a number of
houae democrat and especially the ' fos."
That settled It for Dunbar. He walked.
rack to zrootir
Federal Of ficial
is Ordered Back to
Ohio to Testify
W. H, Fhipps, on Way to Philippines,
Will Tell of Legislator Asking;
Him for Bribe.
WASHINGTON, May . W. H, Phlppa,
former secretary of the republican com
mittee In, Ohio and recently appointed
auditor for the Philippines, stopped at
Ban Francisco aa he was about to sail,
haa been ordered by the War department
to return to Columbus totestlfy In the
legislative scandal' hearings In progren
there. The department's action, it waa
aald, was based on a request from Gov
ernor Harmon.
COL.UMBUS, O., May . W. H. Phlpps
told a story while here iwcently, accord
ing to reports in the prosecuting attor
ney's office, of being approached by a
member of the legislature concerning a
bill in which Mr. Phlpps wai Interested.
He was told that the bill could be
passed for 100 and promptly ordered the
legislator from hla presence.
Prosecuting Attorney Turner saya he
la In receipt of information that some of
the mot important witnesses who were
to have been subpoenaed In the legisla
tive bribe scandal are missing and have
probably fled outside state lines. Dili
gent search haa failed to locate aome of
the men wanted, notwithstanding the
presence of well known lobbyists In
hotels and at the state house haa been
a subject of comment ever since the pres
ent legislature . convened. A well known
official who haa been connected, with the
state House 'or many years is quoted, as
having Said that thla',. legislature is the
most-corrupt In hla experience and he will
probably be summoned-before -the grand
Jury. ' ' '' ' . ' ' . '
Democratic Caucus
is Unable to Break
Colorado Deadlock
Indications that Legislature Will Ad
journ at Midnight Without
. . ' Electing a Senator.
DENVER, . Colo., May .-That the fight
to elect a successor to" the. late, United
States Senator Charlea J. Hughes, Jr., will
be waged unceasingly today from noon to
midnight, the hour for the final adjourn
ment of the legislature, with a probability
that the deadlock' of the last 120 days will
be found unbroken at the finish, were the
Indications at the beginning of the last
day of the eighteen general assembly.
Efforts to bring the democratic majority
of the legislature to an agreement on the
senatorshlp last night proved unavailing.
A caucus called by the chairman of the
democratic Joint conference committee was
attended . by) thirty-sin of the alxty-alx
democrats In the- assembly. Of these
thirty-three voted for Mayor Robert W.
Ppeer of Denver, the other three scatter
ing their .votes. 1 '
Another caucus, called by the aupporters
of - former Governor Alva Adams of
Pueblo, admittedly for .the purpose of pre
venting the attendance of a legislative ma
jority . . fift v-one, at the.reaular caucua,
was anrted' by twenty-eight democrat,
two -i ncnit c legislators holding- aloof
from under caucus. Under existing, eon
dltioiia il!.rr fart'.on In strung chough to
prevent an election
The thirty-four republican member of
the legislature with whom rests the bal
ance of power.- have consistently refused
to give aid of any kind to either of the
democratic factions In the senatorial con
test. Agreement Between .
Hill andHarriman
Agreement Concluded for Develop
ment of Territory About Seattle;
Tacoma and Gray's Harbor.
TACOMA, Wash , May . Announce
ment wss made today that the conference
of railroad officials of the Northern Pa
cific and Oregon-Washington Hatr1mant
lines, which lies been In prngres three
days. hud been concluded and that the
roads ierc prepared to carry out pinna
for the development of the territory
about Tacomu. Seattle and Grays Harbor.
The confe encc. It as stated,. had to do
oiilv with the details of numerous con
nects for Uie construction of union sta
tions t neveta! points and urging the
Joint use of certain track at thewe points
Woman Suffrage
Wyoming Representative Introduces
Joint Resolution for Amendment
.to Constitution. ,
WASHINGTON. May fnlveraal
woman suffrage aas advocated In con
gress toda In a .1-l n t ieolutin intro
duced by nep-..-n'ali e Monti' ti of Wyo
ming. The lewdjt'nn .iM amenrl the
constitution to rd.
"The rtM '.f citun i-ra' tl. i i, ,;r
rled or abridged b tie 1'nlfd tlates or
by any stat oc account of sex.'
Judge Petit Benders Decision in Illi
nois Senatorial Scandal.
Coert Holds that National Parkin
Com pa ay Agent Need Xot Appear
aa Defendant In the Contempt
CHICAGO. May 6. -(Special Telegram.)
Judge Petit today In a decision that at
tacked the legality of the state Investi
gation Into the election of William Dorl to the United States senate, dis
charged Kdward Tllden, of the National
Packing company from any obligations to
appear aa a defendant in contempt pro
ceedings before the bar of the state sen
ate of Illinois. His banking confrere
were also relieved of responsibility to ap
pear before tha Helm Investigating com-,
mittee. together with Tllden, with records
that might have been pertinent to the
Never In the history of the state has
such a fatal blow been dealt the Judicial
power of the Illinois legislature by an
agent of a department which the legis
lature created
The Helm committee, after months of
labor, has but one chance of reviving. This
was admitted by Attorney J. Healey, coun
sel for the committee. That la an appeal
to the supreme court, taken on the' fixing
of costs against Sergeant-at-arms B.'H.'
Hatfield, who arrested the defendants,
when the senate first ' commended their
appearance. . ' . '
If the fliht against the Judgment of
tosts is earrled to th supreme court, then
the entire case must be revived.' with the
possibility of a reversal of the decision by
that body.r That " wouid save ' the stale
aenat (mm the humilatlon Imposed by
the rii!Ti of the county court Judge today,
' .' ' ' ' Record la Expaagrd. '
The decision 'which sustained 'the writs
of habeas corpus ha a still ' more vital
clause In it. In branding the investiga
tion aa illegal, it makes highly possible
their development. The records of the
senate' of the state may never bear one
word tending to show that the senatorial
toga of William I-orlmer was purchased
for a fixed sum of money.
The decision took nearly an hour to read
and Included a quantity of th verbatim
testimony taken before the Helm commit
tee at Springfield. It waa seen from the
f rst few minutes' reading that the Judge
was Inclined to uphold th contention of
the defendan t attorney, Nathaniel C.
Scar, that the senate had not the right to
force entry to the private account of a
person named a indirectly a Sears
averred' Tllden wa especially when that
pe son declared none of his accounts would
throw any light on the subject at issue.
Tllden was named by Clarence Funk of
the International Harvester company as a
pei son to whom I waa directed to aend
a check for 110,000 to make tip a fund of
ia,000 alleged to huve been ua d in elect
ing United States Senator William Pri
Indiana Farmer Hays He Inteai' .1 ttt
Scad It to the V'.'.ln.
FOWLER, Ind.. May 4. -Alternately '
laughing and aobblng. John W. Poole, a
wealthy farmer, charged with mardering
his farm hand. Jospeh Kemper, talked
hysterically In his cell today to Sheriff
6haoklton and hla deputies, ' who are
guarding him day and night, about the
circumstance of th killing. He aald after
he "had shot Kemper accidentally" he
took the body into th kitchen of his
houae, hi wife and daughter being- absent,
and cut off the leg with an axe so that
be -could pack the body Into a trunk' to
be shipped to Chicago.
Kemper had a brother. In Chicago. Poole
said, and he believed If h delivered the
body to hi in and explained the cause of
d ath he could resist extradition and "get
a fair hearing In Chicago."
Because of public feeling eotnst him
here, he adi-j. he did not belive he woud
j have a Just trial In Benton. Afterward
; he . considered and buried the body on hi
i farm.
Search of the farm, on the theory tliat
I bodies of other of Poole employes who are
i ald to have disappeared mysteriously,
might be found, ai discontinued today.
Knier . Poole. ho led in tne .investlga
, lion that brought about his father's arrest,
told the autnoiitte he recently received
a post card, dated Tulido, i'.. from Charles
, Mack, oti of the lai ui hands unaccounted
I Man Who Kills ll.raer of Daughter
I Declared ol t.allty on Groaiitl
f Krlf-IK-feiiae,
PHILADELPHIA, May . Offi. Iglly
I discharged from custody because uf self
I defense, but really freed on the ground of
, the "unwritten law." Frank Mi Malion was
, ilismU-ed today by Coroner I'oid. before
who.,, he appear. I mi a c'na'ge of killing
, ie,i te I,er Mc.Maiii.n, ft aen artei.ei
aftr-. tiie -Looting, t c 1 . tli police l,e liai
; Wtlltr I ltai;' l em'iif liai letiatl
I hi tMcMahun') 14- tar-old daughter.
Mexican Regulars
Show Much Courage
in Battle of Lerdo
Charge Without Faltering Under
Heavy Fire and Dislodge the
Reiels from City.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
EL, PASO. Tex., May 2. (Special Corre-.
spondence.) A mining man who arrived
here today brought the first news to this
part of the country of the federal victory
at lrdo. The federals charged Uie city
Monday morning and after a brisk engage
ment lasting an hour and ten minutes,
which resulted In no casualties on either
aide, both forces left th city. The fact
that there were no fatalities was due to
the long-distance firing by the rebels and
to barricades which protected them from
the federal fire. The fight demonstrated
that the Mexican rrgular ia to be reck
oned with. Not a trooper faltered In the
perfect formation maintained all during the
The entry of the federal forces, waa an
answer sent In response to' ah appeal made
by a ettlsens' committee. During Sunday
night dissensions brok out among the
rebels. Pablo Iavin, the Insurrecto leader,
seemed to lose all control 'over his men
and eighty of the ringleader, disappointed
at the loot order. - broke out In open
mutiny. Wtth a disloyal command Levin
saw at once that In case of an attack no
hope of successful resistance could ' be
The federals entered .the city wtth bugles
blowing, and gave chase to about twenty
of Lavln'a men stationed as picket. The,
however,' reached the- clfy in' safely. Th
federals advanced along' the highroad in
perfect formation. Both wings charged
furiously in'-dltferent directions. fAt a dis
tance of 800 yards all dismounted and began
cloalng in on the main- body (of rebel.
Great courage wa displayed by the fed
eral soldiers, even the women camp "rtol
lowera bringing .water to" Ihe men . under
fire. After about 10.000 rounds of ammuni
tion had been' fired' by the rebels they
turned and fled.
Court Mourning
in England Ends
Festivities of Coronation WiU Open
Monday, When King George Will ,
Attend Newmarket Races!
LONDON. Msy . Th court mourning
for King Kdward ended today, tli first
anniversary of the death of the monarch.
The occasion wa commemorated with a
memorial eervlc at Windsor, which waa
attended by the queeri mother.' Alexandra.
King George Queen Mary, practically' all
the royal farhlly and the late king' house
hold. The accession of King Oeorge wa
celebrated with the customary naval and
military aalutea and the dressing of. the
The coronation year season, which it ' is
expected, tha most brilliant in Brit
ish history, will open on Monday, when
King George will attend the. New Market
races for the first time since hla accession.
On Tuesday and Wednesday their majeatie
will hold court at Buckingham palace. The
festival of the empire will be opened at
the Crystal palace by the. king and queen
on Friday.
The following week will witness the cere
monies attendant, on the unveiling of a
memorial to Queen Victoria and the visit
of Kmperor William and Empress Auguste
Victoria. From then on until the middle
of July there will be scarcely a day. with
out ome function, in which th king and
queen will participate..
Firemen Overcome
at New York Fire
One Hundred and Fifty Guests Are
Driven bv Flame and Smoke
from St. Vincent Hotel.
NTMVYORK, May (Special Telegram.)
Mow than n doten f'remen were ovrr-
t m today at a fire tha. drove l."J) gu ts
: f:om the llniol Churchill at Broadway and
Fourteenth street, gt one ime known aj
the Morton llou'C. Three firemen, one a
cuptalp. viere lak.n lo Pt. Vlncnt hos
pital, overcome by mnol.e and escaping II
luni'naiinu ss.
. All of the- guests escaoed without misli.ip.
although it. was considered , remarkable
. thnt the flames did practically no damag
eho.c the first floor Fully 1SA10 ner.on
looked on f'-nm 1'nlon' square and ot'ni
points of vant.-ige. attracted by the nuke
and the repeated calls for ambulance.
In se suig, on attended the firemen that
w re o ei eornn.
Governor Carroll
Vetoes Dunlap Bill
: Measure Provided that Teams Must
Turn Out for Antos Going in
Same Direction.
r-F.H MoIXKH. May (.Governor Car
1 roll todn;- vetued the I'unlap bill, paast-1
by t tie recent legl'lstuie, which required
tliHi teaiu- must turn out ig that auto
mobiles may ps'-e ihetn to the left when
l.Mtli eie going In the same direction
; along the public highways. The governor
declares th bill 1 too drastic.
Commercial- Club Objects to Service
to Sioux City.
GsTersar Carroll I, earns One B attorn
Company Refaaei te Take Bark
Three Strikers audi Other
May Oat..
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
PES MOINES. May . -(Special Tele
gram.) The Commercial club haa Bled a
complaint with the railroad commissioner
against the Northwestern railroad, claim
ing that the present service over the road
from Dee Moines to Sioux City 1 inade
quate and asking that sleeping cars be
put on and two more trains be run. Six
teen years ago leepers were run, but ert
taken off by an agreement with the Mil
waukee road. A conference was recently
promised the Commercial club, but never
Treable at Maaratlne.
. A report came to Governor Carroll from
Muscatine that the Hlrsche Button com
pany had refused to take back three of Ita
old employes. Thoae who walked out Fri
day afternoon will not return until Mon
day. Whether the refusal to take back the
three workers will upset the peace condi
tions Is not known. Further disturbance
did not occur, but It la feared that more
trouble might result from It.
Work oa Mew Line.
Th contract for the construction of the
new line of the Rock Island railroad from
Allerton, la.. . to Carlisle, I., waa let to
McArthur Bros. . of Chicago, according to
official announcement, Construction work
wll Istart immediately tnd the new line
will start Immediately and th nw line
fifteen month.
Bryan Pays Visit
! to Chicago Mayor
National -Politics Discussed, Wilson,
Harmon and Clark Being Men
tioned for President
' CHICAGO, May a (Special Telegram.)
William Jennings Bryan'f visit to Chicago,
and ' his political conferences with Mayor
Harrlsen, caused' considerable discussion
of national politics among Chicago demo
crats today.- ....
"Mr: Bryan and I talked about probable
presidential candidates, and the chances
of- party success." said Mr. Harrison. "He
mentioned Mr. Wilson of New Jersey, Gov
ernor Harmon of Ohio and Speaker Champ
Clark as candidate, but neither of us in
dicated any preference. He did not mention
himself a a possibility."
Henry H. Van Brunt
a is Dead at His Home
Pioneer Implement Man of Iowa Ex
pires After Illness of But
Week's Duration.
. Hnry H. Van Brunt, pioneer Implement
man of Council Bluffs, died last nlgtit at
his ' home following an illness of but a
week's duration. H had been sick with
stomach trouble for a week when an acute
turn prooved fatal.'
Mr. Van Brunt waa S year of ag and
had lived in Council Bluffs sine lsTS.
i,vmo man. sseaia
JtrrfrartrEif "
1 " h (fa
The Be) Publishing Co.,
Omaha. Neb.
In the geven year that this bustnegs has been operated
under the present ownership, our advertisement has appeared
ever? day In The Bee, and the fact that the husinesg haa ln
rrea.ed more than four-fold in that length of time-, tfe in consid
erable part, due to judicious newspaper advertising..
We are well pleased with the service renderel by your
paper as well as with the efficient co-operation of your mechan
ical department.
Very truly ours,
Advance of the Revolutionists Ex
pected at Any Moment
Attack Upon the Town Expected
Within Twenty-Four Honrs.
Mark TaJk et Resignation nf Prt
desit Dlaa, but RverythlnB Is '
'Ramor mm 4 Report I an.
Be Verified.
, F.l. PASO, May . Protected by a squad
of sharpshooters, the Insurrecto' had dug
five trenchea up to I o'clock opposite the
t'nlon station here. The federal art in
battle formation behind barricade that
have been thro n across entering street
n'd are watching In their entrenchment
aa well as on hcusetops for any revolu
tionist advance.
At 1:30 o'clock 'General Madero an
nounced that while he would ont on
sent, to a renewal of th armistice
he would not attack Juarea today.
General . Blanco and Colonels Garibaldi
and Villa at noon stationed them
selves at th head of their commands ready
to receive word from General Paseual
Orosco at headquarter. A detachment of
federal ha, left Juares, scouting for in
surrecto advances.
At 1 o'clock a leng cipher message from
Minister I,lmanteur addressed to Penor
Braniff reached here. It la inferred that
It contains private assurances a' to th
attitude of th government. Penor Braniff
waa at the - Madero . headquarter, three
mile from here, a hen it cam. It prob
ably , will not reach him for at least an
hour, but th fact that It is on It way
may deter- th rebel leaders ' from taking
any action.
Qalet ta Mexico City., .
MKXiCO CITT, ' May ' Tha city waa
quiet this morning. An announcement of
the government' attitude toward the rebel
demahd ' far-' the - retirement Of - President
Dlaa i not 'forthcoming aa' yet. Although
th ' cabinet- meeting,' ; which laated ' until
late Into the night, waa followed by an
other today, none of those concerned would
say that 1 the president was ready to re
sign. '
.- '
NOG ALBS, Mexico, May I-Nogales waa
thrown' Into a ferment of 'excitement late
today by the report that a large force of
insurrectos were marching, toward .the
town from, the southwest. Six, hundred
rebels were' said to be wlfhln a few mil)
of Nogales. Sine peace negotiation hav
been declared off at Bl Paso . an attack
I expected on thla place within twenty
four hour.
EL. PASO. Tex-.. May . Judge Carbajal.
th federal envoy, at 10. St o'clock tfeta
morning declared that he had not reaefred
a full answer as yet , to . the proposition
submitted by Francrtaoo I. Madaro. through
-his peace commissioners, on Thursday.
H ascribed th delay to th interruption
In telegraphic facilities. Informing Madero
to that effect and suggesting that the
armistice, which expire at noon today, b
At the Madero camp th opinion pre
vailed that Judge Carbajal had received a
part of th government s anawar, but net
all of it. They war confident that an an
nouncement of th Intention of President
Dial would be made before the day was
over and were jof.:lly anticipating It.
Telegraph officials here declared today
that they could not be sur whether mas
sages sent to Mexico City by Judge Carbajal
had readied . there yet. They said that
about 10 o'clock last night they were aaked
by th Mexico City office to rpat all me-
co"Ci o esuacH ram.
OMAHA. NKH.. MAY b. Ill 11.