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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1911)
HIE BEE: OMAHA; RATURDAT. " MAT iPU. Pmm tmhtoh? Giriroim U STOCK (Of WE OF CHICAGO liu il llUullI Oil MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHES BOUGHT AT A WONDERFUL REDUCTION GO ON SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY YOU CAN BUY MEN'S $18 and 20 HAND TAILORED SUITS FOR $12.50 AX FORE Broken line of Men's Under wear, north up to 7 So. et 10c .nd 29c Men's Bal hrlifin and Poros Heih I'ntnn Suits worth 1100, at par suit Mon's Odd Pants Worth Bp to S, at $2.69 Men's Odd rants Worth up to t. 60. at $1.69 50c " IMC GREAT PURCHASE OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR InWlhtt Suited lor Spring Both Men's Lisle Union Suits lone 'or short sleeves worth up to $1.50 a suit, at 69c Special Sale Men's High Class NEGLIGEE SHIRTS .New patterns and colorings. Pure silk, French flannel, Rus sian silk cord and silk linen with soft French turn back cuffs. Some have soft collars to match. "Worth up to $6, at S3 and S2.80 Shirts at 91.15 They are fine quality solsette and madras shirts, worth up to 2.60 on sals Saturday, at $1.15 and $1.49 I0e and 75c SUk Neckwear, in Four-in-hands, reversible and Frsnch folds PEACE CONGRESS NEARS END Evolutions Will Be Adopted Late This Afternoon. ADDRESS OF JOHN V F0STEB r Secretary of Mate Sngraeata Neeaea fhaages la the IVeatral ity Laws of All the Nation. BALTIMORE. Ma.. May S.-The chief feature on the program today at tha third national peace congress was tha report or the eommlttce on resolutions whleh waa scheduled for presentation at the close of the afternoon meeting. The resolutions are expeoted to be a crystallisation of the senti ment which has Inspired tha sessions and which marks tha present development of peace movement. One of the resolutions endorsed the tnglo Amerlean arbitration treaty and calla for Ha ratification. Another asks that con rese pass such aots as "will make tha gov ernment hold each state responsible for any autre re committed on the person or Property of' foreign subjects within the state. Bill I another resolution approves tha proposed celebration of 100 years of peace between the English speaking- nations and mill pledge Its support to the movement. At tha forenoon session Dr. T. lyenaga. a native of Japan and a professor in the University of Chicago, spoke on "Peace In Asia." Dr. Iyenasa said that what vitally eoncems Japan la the continuation of peace in Asia, and drrland that his coun try to further that ejid had left no stone unturned so far as lay in Its power. Address of John W. Foster. John . W. Foster, former secretary of stats and one of the foremost authorities on International law. in hla address declared that the principal leison af the present conditions on tha Mexican border was the need of better neutrality lawa. Mr. Foster euggesud three modi fications, which, In his opinion, the laws Should undergo: "First Borne restriction should be Dlaced upoa the free commerce as a mercantile commodity ef arm and munitions of war; and power should be conferred upon the president to limit or suspend. In his dls oittlon. their espurt across tlta border In t'ma of disturbance or t.Hiirtctlon. . "Second It should be made unlawful fur Americans to enter thu military service of aay pawer or chif at war with a nation with which we are at peace!. "Third Greater power should be con ferred upon the president In time of civil disturbance on the frontier, to limit or prohibit Intercourse acrosa the border, to prevent the abusn of our territory by for eign conspirators snd In his discretion to enforce martial law on our soil within the one of disturbance." NATIONAL HORSE SHOW OPENS Leaders ef political, Official lit Sac la I Hstklufte Attead ea First Day. WASHINGTON. May 5President Taft and Mrs. Taft and Miss Helen Taft and other leaders of official, political and social Washington, attended the opening rf the National Capital Horse show today. Blue rlbbona were won by the following Far heavyweight hunters. Taconlie. E. II w aether bee. New York, owner; for heavy weight chargers, Chlawell. Captain Guy V Henry, Fort Meyer, Va.. owner; for ponies In aaraeae, Dilham O. K.; for ladles' driv Ing horses. Orangalt. Senator Watson of Wast Virginia, ewaer; for saddle honm CeaOdaete. Julian Morris. KeawUk, Va 81.98 - $2.98 and early summer In Union Suits and Shirts and Drawers. The entire surplus stock of New York Underwear Mills bought at a fraction of Us value. Men's French Silk Msle Shirts and Drawers, worth $5 a suit, at a garment Men's French Lisle Shirts and Drawers, fancy and plain, worth $2 a suit, at a garment . .69s Men's Silk Mixed Athletic Shirts and drawers, worth $3 a suit, at a garment 69 Men's French Lisle Union Suita, long or short sleeves, worth f 2 a suit, at 98 Men's Fancy Lisle Shirts and Drawers and French Balbrlg gan, plain colors, worth op to $1, at, a garment 35 and 501 Mew's Negligee Shirts Coat style and plaited bosoms, worth up to I1.J5, at 39c and 69c Men's 60c Lisle Suspenders, t ;. ...:.25 Men's 50c Lisle Hose, at per Plp ....21 for pair of harness horses. lady Dllham and Starlight, Avondala farm. Housatonlo, Mass. road team, Adolphus Busch, third, St. Louts; horse for runabout. Snapshot. Kdward B: McLean, Washington; for pair of roadsters over three years, Norcate and Ruby, R-. T. Btatesbury. Chestnut Hill. Pa. Taft Tells of Good Work of Army Medical Corps on the Border President Points Out Only Case of Typhoid Fever. Appears, Among Nineteen Thousand Troops. PHILADELPHIA, May I. President Taft was the guest of honor st s reception given hare tonight by the Medical club of Phila delphia,. The president waa hailed as ths chief executive who had done ths most for the advancement of medical science, and Ms two recommendations that a national department of health be created by con gress were dwelt upon approvingly by Dr. W. I.. Rodman, the president. President Taft referred In bis address to tha efficiency of the medical corps of ths srmy and pointed out that In tha eamp at Ban Antonio where 19.000 troops are quartered only one case of typhoid fever had appeared. He compared this to the dreadful scourge In, Cuba during tha Spanish-American war. where, he said, 0 per cent became Infected within eight weeks from the data of mobilization. The president said that much money had been expended and many lives sacrificed In the Spanish American war. but. they are nothing compared with the benefits to hu manity which have accrued from tha dis coveries made during that period. Burgeon General George Tomey of ths army spoke on "Sanitary Progress In the Fort and Field" and Surgeon General Charles F. .Stokes of the navy told of "The Hospital Ship and Its Mission of Mercy.'' Nebraska (Continued, From Third, Pags ) Stone, nlsnt marshal: Ir. I t city physician. Two saloon licenses were granted. PONCA Thursdav was "Mv d.v- - the old homestead of 'Jefferson W liber His family and friends who are old settlers gathered to the number of 125 to celebrate mr. noers eignty-rourth birthday, air Wilber came from New York to Nebraska In 1M end has been loyal tt his adopted state. Dr. tJ. A. Yount of Ponca waa detailed ti make the presentation speech, when a great Morris chair was brought on the scene, which was done to the satisfac tion of all present. Mr. Wllher has been a Mason for about twenty-five yeara and many of the older Masons were present to enjoy the surprise of the day. Mr. Wilber has tno sons snrt two daughters living and many grandchildren HYMENEAL Ta lar-Frtestas. Miss Annie F. Freeman, daughter ef W B. Freeman, and Mr. Roy Taylor wars mar ried by Rev. Charles W. Havldge at his residence. Thursday evening at I U Tbay were accompanied by te bride's mother. M'S. W. B. Freeman, her cousin, Mrs Llllie Nelson. Miss Edna Garrison and Mr. Ralph Frost. lira Mob Are Satfweated. NEUAl-NEK. Mich. Msy S-Fire t-dy in the fourth level of Hartford mine caused the 0sth ef five men- The cause or the rire, whica is sun ouraing, is un knoaa. The Banner make of clothes bears . These suits are all the cleverest suitable for spring and summer. $250 ... v i.i in ,j g jjiili J All the Boys' Spring Suits From the "Banner Clothes Shop" These Are All Wool Combination Suits Two Pair Knickerbocker Panto To Each Coat. Outfit your boy for the coming season from this splendid stock of strictly high grade, well finished boys' clothes. Light and medium patterns. Double breasted suits, Russian blouses, Buster Brown, etc, all ages 2d floor, old store. An EXTRA PAIR KNICKERBOCKER PANTS WITH EACH SUIT Worth $4.50, CZAtZ CSAIZ C 9 if $6.50 and up to $7.50 Good Woolen Knickerbocker Pants. 76c val ues, at 39k Basement Boys' $3.00 Knickerbocker Suits At .. $1.69 Basement BRANDEIS STORES, GENNARO CONFRONTS ACCUSER e '. Alleged Assassin of Cuocoolo Faces Abattemagio in Court STORY OF MURDER . IS RETOLD former Gles Dramatle Recital et Kllllag; af Forme Leader Ac cased Emphatically Dt Biles Every Derail. TITER BO. Italy. May .-Maiiaro de Oennaro, who It Is alleged, waa the first to attack Oennaro Cuoccolo, stabbing him with a dagger, was given the chance today to confront his accuser, Abbatemagglo. ) . In accordance lth . tha criminal pro eedur of Italy, the alleged principals In the murder of Cuoccolo and his wife, having been .separately Interrogated, are now la turn being given an opportunity to stand face to faos with tha Informer In open court and to verbally defend themselves. ' As the accuser and accused stood before tha Judges' bench today Abbatemagglo re cited what ha affirmed waa the part played by De Gennarq la the tragedy at Torre del Greco on the evening of June a, 1906. He said In substanos: "Da Gennaro was armed with a dagger and alao carried in a pocket a kitchen knife which had been taken surreptitiously te the Cuoccolo" home. Thla knife wss latsr placed In the right hand of the dead man to give the Impreaalon to tboae who might diarover ths body that Cuocoole had been slain In a dual. When the assassins, accom panied by ths unsuspecting Cuoccolo, reached tha spot selected for the murder; De Gennaro suddenly drew his dagger and stabbed the vtoilm. Cuoccolo attempted to defend himself wtlh a pocket knife and wounded Corrado Bortlno on tha hand, but ha waa soon overpowered. Nicole Morra also stabbed him and Antonio Cerrato struck htm over the head wtfh hla cans. When Cuoccolo ceased to breath Ds Gen. naro placed tha kitchen knife In his hand, while others took a ling from bis finger and from a pocket a latch key to bis apartt ments. . I "Ds Gennaro then went ' to ths Inn of Mlml-a-Mare to report ths success of their mission to ikirleo Alfano. while ths others proceeded to the Cuoccolo home and murt dered Maria Cuoccolo." ; Abbatemagglo s confession has been sup. ported by ths carabineers, who claimed to have found Cuoceolo's ring at tha home of a woman friend of one cf the assassins, This ring they claim wag to have been sent to Lulgt Arena, who, from his prison cell, had asksd for the death of Cuoccolo, alleging that the latter had, betrayed hint to the authorities. Korttso was found to have a wound on his hand as described by the Informer. De Uennaro denied every Incident of ths story rslated arid emphatically protested his innocence of tha crime. Dunn Will Succeed Abbott as Receiver Former City Attorney Will Take Up Work in Connection with Tele phone Company lgnatiua Jehovah Dunn, rurmer assistant city attorney, is to be receiver for the In dependent Telephone compaay, as succes sor to Lysis I. Abbott, who is prepsrlng to leave Omaha to rare for western land nterests. While no announcement of the prc.toaed change has been made. It is understood that the movement for the transfer of the unmistakable evidence of the highest class hand taTTorinjr. new spring models, correctly fashioned and made of all wool fabrics, When you select one of these splendid suits at $12.50 you are buying clothes you would have been glad to pay $18 for a week or two ago. Positively the best suit values of 1911. In this stock were" a number of very fine quality all silk lined Tuxedo Dinner Coats, which we price as an ex tra special Saturday only, at $12.50. L and 1 Boys' 40c Blue denim Over alls, ages 4 to 12 yrs.. 25 Basement Boys' madras cloth Shirt waist Blotts- 15 Basement duties of receiver have been under way for several weeks. SOUTH DAKOTA MODERN WOODMEN ELECT DELEGATES Stat Camp Chaoses Represratatlvee to Maetlnor of He Camp t Buffalo. PIERRE, B.,D., May 6.-8peclal.)-At the Woodmen state camp closed here last evening, W. N. Van Camp of Hlghraore was selected as the state delegate to the meeting of the clerks of that order to be held at Buffalo. The delegates and alter nates selected to the meeting of the head camp at Buffalo by districts were the fol lowing, tbe first named In each district being the delegate and the second the al ternate: First district, G. R. Hobson, A. Anderson; Second district, J. J. Slattery, John Wldlon; Third district. Wlliam 8cal lln, H. J. Kruse; Fourth district, Georgs J. Danforth, E. B. Hill; Fifth district, J. B. Ohlweln. George A. Ixwry ; Sixth dis trict, C. O. Piper, W. 8. Kshm; Seventh district. J. H. Woolsy, E. B. Adams; Eighth district, W. D. Nelson, Bert Lilly; Ninth district. William Knight, J. W. Freeae; Tenth district, C. W. Hagar, John Terry; Eleventh district, J. B. Tay lor. Theodore Rasmuseen; Twelfth dis trict, John Smith, B. Q Brooks; Thir teenth district, M. V. Love, B. H. Hopen deck; Fourteenth district. C. P. Penssn baugh, B. L Klrkham. WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE BILL IN HOUSE OF COMMONS Meaeere Prevldlaisr for Llmlte Fran chise Paasea Seeead Stag r Decisive Vote. LONDON. Msy S. Another wotnar.'i en franchisement bill wsa Introduced hi the House of Commons today by Sir George Kemp, liberal member for the north nest division of Manchester. The measure con fers ths right to vote on every wonifci; possessed of ths household qualification, but It is provided that married women shall not be permitted to vote in the same con. stltuency with their husbands. It Is calcu lated that such legislation would enfran chise 1.000.000 women. The bill passed the second reading stage by a vote of S to S8 and was referred te a committee of the whole house. DR. G. H. BUCK ON TRIAL Greestbsrg, Kan.. Fhrslelaa Charged with Kllllag Wife with ryaaldc af Pnlaaslam. GREKNSB17RG. Kan.. .May e.-The trial of Dr. G. H. Ruck, charged with the mur der of his wlfs by the use of cyanide of potassium poison, was In progress In the district court here today. Mrs. Ruck died suddenly last November. Phe hsd been strong and healthy and after her burial ths suspicions of relatives were aroused. Ths body was exhumed snd the viscera sent to scientists for snalysls. Tha physicians reported that the woman's death was caused by cysntde poisoning. Ths ar rest of Dr. Buck followed. The trial la being held In tha opera house here, as tt has aroused great Interest and a large crowd Is in attendance constantly. Xebraska Mall Clerks, WA6HINGTOV. May S -Special Tele gram.) Ielgh Rothenherg, Beatrice; Fred C. IJmps. Aurors; Othey F. Fugata. Ne braska City: Albert A. Adams. Falls City; H..J. IJvlngston, Omaha; John R. Shook, Hsrrlsburg; Theron R, Daniels. South Au burn; John R. Iamb, Mason City: Roy I Hobson, Beaver City, and Ion C. Stlck ser. JnavaJs. .Neb., have been appointed railway mall clerk a C' C. " IB A (tZ Base Ball and Bat Free with each Suit. Boys' $1 Base Ball Suits shirts, pants, belt and cap at ,....406 Boys' Broncho Butter Scout Butt coat, panta, knap. laggings, and hat. . Si. so Basement OMAHA KIMBALL . SEEKS HOSPITAL Home of Representative Bushee After Tubercular Home. NORTH PLATTE OBJECTS TO IT Departmest Csmstsaier Dealea Scads Letter te etersai Over State In Regard te Meamortal Day. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May (. (Special. )-Besldes Lodgepole, which recently made a bid for the location of the proposed hospital for Indigent consumptives established by the act of the legislature, Kimball, the home of Representative Bushee, the author of the bill creating that Institution, has come out as a candidate for the location. The fol lowing letter fro mthe business men's or ganisation of tbat place was received by the State Board of Public Lands and Build ings today: 'In the matter ef a state home for tuberculars, it Is the unanimous desire ef the Kimball Business Msn's club that Kimball ba placed on reooid as an appli cant lor tbe location of this home. Our geographical location, climate and altitude bring about a condition that Is very bene ficial te sufferers of this malady. We nave a good, elean town with all lines of busi ness repreeeatsr, excellent water and rail road facilities transcontinental line of the Union Paclflo railroad. We have for your iutipectloa several choice sltjs and we trust tjin'. vii will look them over at your con mm en's Hats ON CREDIT Choio of either noil or stiff models, actual $2.00 values for. 95c Pay at our. store ,or lend ptj-. menti by mail a a nra An A vij mm tv v mvv employ collector. sT SATURDAY'S SPECIAL SALE MEN'S SAMPLE HATS In this sale we include the cele brated Mallory Cravenette hnts and the famous Kingsbury hats. All new spring shapes and sizes, in soft and stiff hata. Values up to $3.50, at $1.45 Boys' Hats All the latest spring styl at 49c, 98c and $1.50 Boys Caps riain and fancy colors, at. .25c and 49c 8 saJelof leather suit cases r 1: 'Sv $2.95, $3,50 and $4.95 400 PAIRS OF MEN'S SHOES Worth $3.60 te $8 Pr. at $2.83 and $3.33 Pr. venience as well as the other advantages which we think make Kineall the best location obtainable, Will you kindly lid vise us a few days In advance tt your coming?" In regard to the offers looked to come from North Platte the county medical as sociation of Lincoln county, through Its officials, has sent the following communi cation to the board asserting that It is the sense of that, body that the hospital be not located there: "Be It resolved, by the medical society of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tbat the said society be In no way conaldered as In viting the lucntloii of a hospital for in digent consumptive, aa provided for, by an appropriation of the recent legislature of this state, at North Platte, Neb., or In the Immediate vicinity of said city. Said Society and the members therefore desire to suggest that tho proper location for a hospital of ibis character Is in the vicinity of some small town rather than a city of the first clase." i "J. H. LANGLET. President. "T. J. KERR, Secretary." I H. P. Eamea Recovering. t Prof. H. P. Eames. who has been 'seri ously Iff of pneumonia, has passed the crisis of hie dlsesse snd his physicians say that he will recover. SUNDAY BALL MEN ARRESTED Former Paster of Grace M. R. Church, Llacwla, Ceaselte with Coaaty Attorney. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May . (Speclal.)-Rev. Ci M. Shepherd, a local pastor called at the of r.iErrs true olo SERGE SUITS ACTUAL $12.50 VALUES Handsomely tailored and beautifully trimmed choice of either single or double breasted styles, at Men's Handkerctirs Pearl Tia Large size beautiful Worth 2 Be you be one tbe lucky to get one soft Unen. Saturday for 5c 1 00 sT per week will keep you and your family well dressed in U the; latest style Spring r I You flSj O 1 J I fEaew. ffwwla Pa meat Altetrations are FREE. 1405 DOUGLASS! Entire line of one of America's leading 6uit case manufacturers. You will save from one-fourth to one-half on any suit case you buy. Values up to $10.00, at Samples, model pairs, etc., gath ered from factory at a big discount, made in Brockton, Mass. Tan, calf, patent leather, etc., in all the new lasts and styles, high or low cut. All sizes in one style or another, x ou can savn from $1.15 to $1.65 on every pair . $2.85 and $3.35 pair Boys' Shoe In soft Elk leather. This is the new scouting shoe will give excellent ser vice and ease all sites, st pair .-91.75 fice of County Attorney 8trode this morn ing tor the purposs of having mat oinciai ei xnmniatnta anslnst anyone attempting to play Sunday base ball In lam-aster county. The Methodist preacher was to'd by the official thst public sentiment wouiu hardly Justify such sn action and furthtr if such a thing was done considerable dlf ficulty would be met In securing the con. ..wion nt aliened offenders because of the reticence of a competent Jury to return a verdict if guilty In eurn a cane. JAPAN LOANS CASH TO CHINA Deal Unletljr Xraallated lo Prevent Protests Front Provlaclal Celestials. TOKIO. May 8. The subscriptions to the 13,000.000 loan which Jnpn has msde to the Chinese government throuli Yoko hama specie banks ausrosate S,tv.eo. Foreigners will be a lotted more than 2 500.0 0. The loan was quleily negotiated and eame as a surprise to the foreign financial In terests. Since It wus announced there had bren an outcry from the provinolsj Chinamen, who are Jealous of the Japa nese and who are eaally lnflamtd by those having political purposes to serve. How ever. It is not thought this opposition will be serious. The loan will be used lo mrt a deficit of the railway board and China gives In se curity 6 per cent railway bonds. A complete list of good things to eat will he found la The Bee Market Shopper an paae 8. The Key to the Situation--. Bee Want Ads. . I. il. ' , ' .1 J Clasps Will of 200 for. . you 10c Clothes gt the A. Ftrat