inT-V BF.E:' OMAHA. FJHPAY. MAT .V.-1PU. Gall a Touring Gar TTic Omnlin Bee's Greot 1 ;flaJ4 4 ortrTaxi Gab tsooKiovers omei '- T t 11 l - TTiT w r r l lia BOOSTERS IN NEED OF BARBER Tonsorial Artiit it Overlooked in the Rush of Preparation. CLUB HAS MANY INVITATIONS All Maet Bo Tir4 Di)i, ftewevar, Brrnif ef ki "laTln" Srnednle Wblch Will Have la Be Carried . A serious overnight hss baen dbHOvered In the plane for the tr1e rrln te be run out of Omaha thin' month.. In tha hurly-burly of getting things ready for eurh a big undertaking . the engagement rf a barber wag overlooked, and a commit tee haa been forthwith pent out on an fiertltlon to round tip a flrst-claes, well leRulnted tenaorlal artlet to take charge of the "primping" department.. All plans looking toward the trade rureton are working out In fine ehape. There Is a general clnmor all along the mute by towns desirous of entertaining the Omaha boosters and. all of them are aeklng for longer stops. There la at hand a great pile of Invitation from almost every one of the town along the line of the Union Pacific to be visited by the Omaha party, In' which requests were made for more time and Invariably supplemented by a hearty Invitation to luncheon, dinner or hsno.uet with them. On acoount of the number and the impossibility of accepting all of them, the committee hae of necea- llv. turned them all down, c . ' Steward Pryor la always one of the club'a employee who accompanies the train to look after the comforts of the club mem bers and "Joe" I,ewls, the club porter, la the most indispensable man aboard. In order to properly look after the publicity rn route Will A. Campbell, manager of the publicity bureau, Is on deck every min ute to see that the country editors are properly met and taken care of. In charge of the entire train from the time It leaves l he Tnlon depot Sunday afternoon until it reaches there again the following Sat urday night la Commissioner Guild, who Is responsible for the train being on Its echedule and every other detail en tour. "There Is room foij ten more people on the train." saya Mr. Guild. That number and no more can be accommodated. The finance committee calls attention to the fart that all reservations must be made not later than Saturday, thla week. All cf the compartments are spoken for, even at the penalty price of $26 each. In addition to the $135, price of a ticket, which covers everything from railroad fare down to tips." From the word received along the line and the newspaper Items pouring Into the club there Is no. doubt of the proposed visit o'f the Omaha boosters being , well known, nor can there be any question of the cordiality of the reception and the royal treatment awaiting thai Omaha busi ness men. Land Literature is Sent Into Ghetto Union Pacifio Circulating- Informa tion of Western Prosperity in Hebrew Tongue. Inaugurating an educational campaign to bring the people of tha big cities to the weat as farmers, the Union Pacific has had several thousand of Its books on the west, telling of the farms to be had cheap and the wonderful opportunities of the western country, printed In Hebrew and many of them were distributed last week In the Ghetto district In New York City. Other pamplets, "Bights and Scenes." "Oregon, the Land of Opportunity." and Commercial club offers to farmers are also to be distributed to the people of the cities and lectures on the west will be given all this spring, both outdoors and In, with moving pictures of the west. Warnlag to Railroad alts, B. 8. Bacon, , 11 Bast St. Bath, Me., sends out this warning to s railroaders: "A conductor on the . railroad, ray work caused a chronic Inflammation of tha kid neys and I. was miserable and all played out. A friend advised Foley Kidney Pills snd from the dy i . commenced taking them I began to regain my strength. Ths Inflammation cleared and I am far better than I havo been for twenty years. The weakness and dlszy spells are a thing of the paat and I highly, recommend Foley Kidney Pills.'' For sale by all druggtata. PILANT HELD TO ANSWER WHITE SLAVERY CHARGE Maa Accused of t'pniallelly la Hold a p Taken to Jail an .New Allegation. . leaving the court house with a probabil ity that the charges of highway robbery against him would be dropped with the J acquittal of hi alleged confederate, Alfred Itlant was rearrested Thursday morning and held to the trrnd jury oh charges that , implicate htm Ic a white slave caae. ! Pliant, who lives at 4615 Dodge street. Is i charged with placing a 14-year-old girl in j a rcaorc hi i.apuoi avenue, witn tatting her money from her' and keeping her there against her will. He was arretted on complaint of Mogy Bernstein, officer of the juvenile court. The girl, the keeper' of the resort, Mogy Bernstein and numerous other witnesses were examined by the grand Jury during the morning. Pllant was out on 11.600 bonds In the highway robbery case, In which he was charged in company with George Mor rtssey and Harry Pape, with holding up David Kiostal and relieving him of M at the point of a gun last fall Morrlsey was acquitted by a Jury in distrlot court Wednesday night and It Is thought likely that the action against the other two will be dropped. When a medicine must be given to young children it should be 'pleasant to taka Chamberlain's . Cough Remedy Is made from loaf sugar., and the' roots used In its preparation give it a flavor ' similar to maple syrup, making It pleasant to taka 1 1 has no superior for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by all dealeia. OMAHA MUSICIANS ARE AFTER BIG CONVENTION relea-atloa Leaves far Atlanta Bring Isaanrtaat Cna vent Ion ta Omaha. ' - Ilk A delegation of Omaha musicians headed by R. Oleeon. director of the American theater orchestra, and Arthur Smith, president of the Omaha Musicians' associa tion, will leave Saturday for Atlanta. Ga., lo attend the national convention of the American Federation of Muslotana and to boost for Omaha for tha lll convention. Chicago. Baltimore and Salt I.ake City are among the cities wanting the convention, and If the Omaha delegation lands It, It will be a decided victory for Omaha boost ers. The convention la in session an entire week. Tie (ibt Hue removes liver Inaction and bowel stop page with Dr. Kings New ijfe Pllla. the painless reculatura. 3c Far ami by ffiatiiin prua Uo, m . irtr3mvrttftft' ii 1 1 1 it u n i : n WTtiW fcS. viii mill i m it'liillllllHIH I i II afi 11 il I II I all 111 III nilll IMMIMUina. w H 1 1 1 1 B fi tf T I"" ' 1 1 W ! I nVftl l I I It lit IHiti iniiiitiiMtftia It 11 till Hi III! I 5!lM I nnffnul! i iiaiai linn u i !&iUillilii"lllli I ni.llil V,iiii!iiiiniimiiif!'ii itlllllllllllllltlllilwiitiilliim i BiiiiiimiiiriiiiiiMr ' e-i H ii III I lit) lllll!l(Jm ' . as : w3p-- . .. jj-aHUiiiiiii,''iiij i i i ISV ri-aKiiKtiialliTiniiii.I ... ' V if f . In'' T SHm... 'liiluiin.iLn lriiHiHMiiiittpiiV''-;;;; JhTtnranartnTTi nti i rrnrm nun Tkm !!!! !!M!! m 11 II I 1 1 1 .......... , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i vi Ti ijUUijijUljMj,t ialiHHIIIilll niiiiiiniiiiii'in (""' V. V -1 ' TftL OMArtA TAXI GAD AND AUTO LIV LRY GQ DOTH PHONES Douglas -V678 A : - 3676 tamnnnn OFFICES J2024 FA R NAM ST. DAYA MIGHT RO M E H OTCL 5ERVIGE llllllllllllllllllllilllllllllHIIIIIIIII " ' ' ' ' How to Avoid Street Car Accideats Alighting From Car . asananaaaaaassnaanaaaaanaanas. ; : ','!'', ' , . TTTAIT. until the .car stops. Step squarely down onto the step V or running board, holding to upright hand-old in front ot t yon with your left hand, then step to the ground with your right foot first; facing direction cr is headed, and release your hold as , soon as your'foot reaches the ground. , Always look out for passing vehicles before you step to the street, arid it i also well to look where you are stepping, as a depression in the street, or irregularity in the paving, may cause a bad fall. " ' t " .;'-.' . Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Ry. Co. i a jut a ...' . i d BnSSSSSS5SS&SSBSS5SSB3S&S3&3aa '' ' . U-JS . . , 1 - i ) "m y ' "3lflMiTBilHIHI5riHMil T IftTTiTBWjBBBiWjBHfff1 Ut-MJUiaaBsaawsnanaaBnaansaiasiiaai I ' 1 nl nrm : Summer Tourist Round - Trip Fares to the jPacific Coaat 350 To California and North Pacifio Coast Pojrits. ,1'Keta on le June ti and . June 10 to Itirlusive," and '.tun 2T to '. ?. Inclusive. 'Final return 'limit September IS. : $ttt 70 California One-Way via North Pacific Coast 05J Point.. ..... .J : rtekata ea sale same dataa aa lit fara Final return Uaolt Saptamaar 1. $60 To CaWornia and North . Pacific Coast Points. ta on MJe to CaJtforaU stay 11. It an4 U. Final Nturn rUalt Jaly II T North Faelflo Coaat points. May Ji. I and IL Final ratara limit Jaly SI. ... Te i keth Cajifarala and North Padnc Coast aetnaa. Jaaa 1 U SantesaWr IS. lnaliaslva. . Final ratara limit OcivW iL Q75 To C110""4 One-Way via Nocih Paoifio Coat OiU Points. , - , , Ttakwta aat sale, aao dates and limits aa ! far. - UNION PACIFIC Tt Standard Ra4 f tha Want. New and Direct Route to' Yellowstone National Park. ELECTRIC BLOCK SIGNALS EXCELLENT ; DINTNO - CARS Far nddltlooal lafonnatlon, and . Illustrated Call ferula and FaatfU Korthweat aeok. eail oo or addreaa . : L. BErNDORFF, C P. & T. A. 1324 rarn'am St . Omaha, Nebraska vThooaa Dottglaa mij UAssadaat !. - Keep cool this summer in a cool, clean office Roomy, airy offices appeal to the business man who has a large amount of. work to do each day. The . cooler he is the better work he can do. Tenants of the best known office building in the city catch every breath that is blowing during the days when the mercury is mounting high. Elevator service, "light, ventilation and janitor attention are the best THE BEE BUILDING Select from these offioes at once as they will not be available long: BtQOnf tie Ts a ery desirable room, haTlng a south and west exposure, which affords good light and plant of air. The apaca le 11HI20S. and rants al a ery low figure; per month .gig 00 BOOK 4ia Ad loins the above on the north and these offloae oouM m rented , . en .suite. . Am a single of Ilea It la deatrable en acoount eg stna, Frica per month : gla-00 BOOH aOT Is one ef tha dieapeet and beat lighted rooms In the buildina. 1 . being located en the north s'-de of court near skylight. It la leilt snd rents fer. per month 915.0 KOOM 61T The only room In the building whleh rents for lit per month. It la leoated en the east aide of the court and la Salt feet in size. New elevators are now being installed. The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office. 17th and Fanuun St. V - WO. 31 r BID AT, MT B, What Does This Picture: Represent? Title r, Author . Your Name Street and Number City or Town .(. . After you hare written In tha Utla of tha book mto tha coupon and picture. . . Do not send nny coupons until tha ea4 of tha coMat la aav nonnred. ' Remember the pfotura ropraaeatg thm tttlo of a book gtwt a aoaaa or character from It. ' ' . Catalogues containing the namea ef all tha books on wkloh tb puxcle plrturea are based are for aaJe at tha bualneaa' ofOoa ef Tna Bee 25 crtits. By mall, 80 cent. Rules of the Contest . All Mieens ar sllsibis te enur tkta seatent awt tmimrm at Ske ntrnwi ef funiliM. Suk ear. lex swety-IHe aa. Snare wM Tk. Im a flotar. whloa wlU nfnMH tke mim at a baea. SnM there will b. a Mini lor tt eeaiMUBX im ta we n wi w earn ef i ea anrt aaav sf.. naa iisnaS eaeata se i ass tsaiOsr ta eaeh esas Cut out both the eletur. aat ktaioh aa nil la tke nam ana eaaaor et ake 1 a44 rear asms an UtrM aottlr ns suiair a sm asaw tanm No iMtrlctt.n. all ke UmS mi the a ta rtt BMf? 1 eurMl. Cb itu mmati caly one title ef a been. - it m are aa title and wub to In more tbaa eae awe tb anSMMara,. lea saay a NOT Holts THAN va AWSWaK wsHT UM aOraiTIO M Wt OnTS iiArru ui.w.r. will eat be eetuiMe aaalaet It eneeet saiaat Is More tk.n one .newer sheulS net be pat ea Uw aae easaa. aV tMd ler tra ktwwa AU a.we e tna anaM aaaibw abaaM Villi not tbMlateir momwt. n a aaaHabte taet tke pkaaeas abraia as b suit tn wltb Us tnewer .In oeaar tkat all saewera be aauheaa. Allltlia. nd nur be ebtata at the efrue oC The M br meU or as snen. a-nn )M k.T aU TaatT-0e sUtaraa bmb uhsb teeMater " br-vl th.'m i. Tli Ouaka a, aiarewet te tke aeokleias' Oimii Mttae. SVtM ar4d te tha tMiattau hmim m iae taiaM . m,.. kaTlu tha la Bk limb et avat ik. .n.iiai. unto at eatre aseae ta kla set et aaawees all ..... f iWuiau k.nnx tk. ant wabw iii'im aea asUta tke eousoai, tke im Imm hi et asn ta asatt aatly anaana. la the full Ju(ina .emniitte. will rtarw the Oral aHaa . Onl on. lift ot uttM mar be abmlttai by a aknwaai. Tlx u. e( tk eoasea la aa eaiaMarr aaea be iukailtte la ar leslble nuaaar the iiatmH Awards will be made tttly ao.ralng u t.. n.m mi nukr. tkaa - aae sera nat net nit .vara, wll be m. hr tke Ceawst Mlbs aa4 a .nlilM well- laena akoae o.m will M aaneiuveM laur. . - Tk. ivrniu 1. Unite te tke fsU ewtnx terrUan: lleaaaaaa. of Iowa waat of but net Inolualag IMS kteiaaa, aa tbax Mklea eC Saatfc aa tn. Black Bill, uiavtav ssxaiaaa eke laana aabM eatnasa el tke wu want, aava an l aaay "' olt 4 eaab saps rata I be aiettaa aaaa ear eae I ha. aaewa an. keta anava First Prize Value 92,000 11,000 A p per son "Jack Rab bit" Tourtn car. Modal , Four Thirty, with flTa-psLaaangar capao lty. It la a great car In a. great, contest. It baa manr apeel and road recorda. and today . ranks For both service and speed thla auto 1. la a H.I ..... I- - . I .. "... ...... VI MM ..Ub J.UD.TVBD.WM. . . A a IW J U J U1.A.0I . I (, J IJ I i J equipped and ia Just like accampanylnf llltjatratton. Tha famous Apperaon warranty goes with thla car. Tha prise may be inspected at, mo Aiirrw)H saivs rooms, iius f irosn atreet. - araona- tha lead In r motor rare will make an excellent possession. Second Prize Value $780 Not everybody csn pier a plana' hut everybody would like to. The SB-note Kimball placer-piano,' worth $760, which la the second grand prize, will furnish muslo for you 1 whether you play or not. It Is a wonderful instrument, and will make some home a happy place for every member of the family. Even Grand ma ran . play thla instrument. If alster want to play It without the mechanism, she simply has to lift a lever. Thla player la exhibited at the A. Hospe store, lilt Douglas Bt g ',-L.-1. . - i Blfflkat ? I .. In, I-L1L..M.-J.UJJB b:pq tin ;ll!p rnfr ? 31 BE pq rip: II J Third Prize Valu 9600 Thla prise la a beautiful hat ta A. P. Tnkay Ben's I ler aaaatloa, adjacent to Hanaeom park and Cen tral boulevard. It Is lot 4 of black eight, on Thirty-third atreet, and la tSsllt feet The street ear Una runs along Thirty-second Avenoa, Juat a block from the site of tha let Soma young couple, perhapa, . will hare erect a little cottaae in whtoh te live fer years and yeara. Who can tell what lucky person will ret thla Ideal lotT Tou may - be the ana. Fourth Prize Value $280 A S20a Columbia "Regent" (Veron al a and tk worth of record form the fourth grand prlsa Thla excel lent Inotramaot Is one of tha bast manufactured. It la built of finest mahogany throuchout. For any family this Instrument Is simply a musical gem. It iTsure to Increase the bliss of sny home. It will draw the family closer together and form meana ef entertainment night after night. Thla Grafonola le now aa hlbltad at the t'oluuibla Phonograph Company's agency, I II 1-1) Pamam Street. Thirty-Five Cash Prizes Value 8140 , Fire Prizes of $10. Ten Prixes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $2. Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee