14 BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1911. REAL ESTATE I IRM AMI M A at II LAKI) FOR SALE Mlnortod ( nn tinned. ni'Y fiom owner end save pnmmlpMoii a I "-m te grain and stork farm close to wine to us. school and creamery, U'O-acre I.' l aiiont t acres Bindow, remainder t.inler pasture, fenced and crone fenced, i .nrirK water and a full aet of tram I. u. Mine st per acre. Write for terms, i lialg. Wadana, Minn.. R. R. No. 8. KNI for Hut of our fin Improved tnuihrrn Minnesota land. Ws have hundreds cif pleasi-d customers. C. K. frown Land Co., oiticts Madella and New hllilaiid. Minn. A SNAP; MI BT UK QUICK: 30O-ACRE Imprutrd farm In Murray county, Mlnne. (ota: has first ilas buildings; feme; splendid grove; orchard; two miles from lon. .Write John liolden, Jr., Uarvln, Mit.n. l.AMi.S-No. ."CO. ACRES. d MILES 'iwln Cities, gooa tillable soil; state map ineiU'l with ii page book for cents, llohart Land Co., 1'benlx Bldg, Minne spoils, Minn. Hliissrl. Ozark Land fluy a 4o-acre farm in southern Missouri on easy pay m nuts. Any amount down and monthly payments, i reels from $VJU and up. HAWK ETE LAND A ORCHARJ CO.. a Brandels Theater .Bldg. FOR SALIC Finest farm In Leavenworth county, Hruaddua farm of lo acres, lVj miles from Fort Leavenworth, 86,uu brick residence. MO 45-year-old walnuts, 100 sugar maple trees, natural gaa, two telephones, free delivery, IV miles from Kanta e sta tion; examine premises and write Mrs. J. L. Klrby, Hue Felix ML. sit. Joseph. Mo 80-ACKE farm, all cultivated; fine bouse, tarn, fences, first-class condition; fine spring water, 2 miles from town, 1 miles from railruad. (southeast Missouri Immi gration Co.. I'leainout, Wo. STOP! lion I go a step further than lni;i?itaa fnun'v tlnun In l hu.niif..! CtarkK, iui!-e anytning; corn 30 to So bush-J .11 rial U.OA all ..tl.av . ...... In ... . . .. . . 'I cheapiM t,nuJ Innd on earth, to 20 per sere. l it., information Ulobs Real Ealate Co.. Ava Mo. THIKTKliN sections In Dawson county, near ritlnty, one of the best towns In the K eilowbtrniu v.iliey; also have other lands that wi are retailing in any size tarm you want. Write your wants. Prices are right. 7 he Hay ward Land Co, Ulendine, Mont. FOR KAMC-Mltter Root Valley SM acres fine lruit iand. old water right; best sec tion of the valley; flnu proposition for sub division; fan- buildings, easy terms. Ad dress owner. E. O. Lewis. Stevensvllle, Mont. MlfbUUKI FARMS None better on earth. Highly improved ISO acres; ra!e anything:. V0 other decided bargains. Write u. Uniinm lUalty Co.. Uilllam, Mo. MISSOURI farm, 8&0 acres; 6 room house; barn; lw anea wheat, 200 acres corn; level, black tllit; i miles railioad; uo acre. Chas. B. lluckauii Realty Co.. Elsberry, Mo. FOR BALL: te farms, large and small, lift ween Ant-Kisilfipi and Mixxoui i livrrs. average t.U. per acre. Write for big prices list. William I'reiu, Wright city, Mo. 820-ACRE homestead relinquishments for ale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general tore, one saloon, one feed store. Address Charles 1'. brown, Oalata, Wont. Montana. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the commc farm state, $12.60 to $30 per acre. Write for description. Shaw A Clark Lund Company. Hackney Bldg., 8t Paul. Minn. Nebraska. I.W-ACRE ranch foi main. $.10 rer acre, two-thirds cash, remainder five years, ( per cent intertm. all l-nced; good Improve ments. For particular, write Frank Scbuls. Norfolk. Nob - . A Groat Sacrifice on Lands in the Kain Bolt of Eastern Xo!r;ik;i--The Greatest ltancli and Dairying Farm Proposition Ever Offered M aim ni.li or without 3-0 acres ad Joining, in' ihe at tint's hind In the state. Mom or thlM land will produce . 40 to 60 buah. l of mm to the acre and correspond, lng jicl.is of other grains. The soli is a rich, Him., luam and very productive. Every acre of this land will produce red or white sloier. bl.ie nr. timothy or alfalfa. Every aire wm pmcine ax much grass as any $lii acre Innd !n the Rtate. It Is all covered with a heavy .growth of blue stem grass at the prenriit time. This tract contains a lake of lo acres, which Is fed by springs and furnishes, an shundance of pure water the year round. Don t live on a email farm of high priced land when you have the opportunity of securing a tract of this kind where you cannot only make so much more money in the dairying and stock (eedlng biihlness, but the Increase In the valuo of this land will make vou a fortune. You do not have to dig every dollar you innke out of the soil. If you run a dairy larm they will come to the door for the i ream find pay you th ennh. If you do a Flock fording- buHlnesB you can purchase the feeders farther west and feed them en this land in transit, afterwards shlp lng the finished cattle to either the -'uth Omaha or Sioux City markets. If eu need more grain than you raise on this land for your feeding you can pur chase all you want from the adjoining f irms. This is not a tract of oheap west ern land, but loot ted In the rain b'lt of astern Nebraska, in a district that haa ben snttli d for 25 years For quick sale M Pr acre. Half cash, balance 6 per cent. W. J. DKLMOI1V INVESTMENT CO., ris City Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. A WORLD OF RAIN, BUMPER CROPS AS8CKED. (JET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR WITH HUNGERFORD IN A PIECE OF NORTHWEST NEBRASKA LA D. A beautifully appointed 1.440-acre ranch, T nJl" out 'font railroad town, plenty of timber, running water and springs; 6 aires under cultivation; blue grass valley ni d buffalo grass slopes and hills; (-room h.-una, uniall barn, sheds and corrals all tr iced und cross-fenced; W0 acres Is d ded. frto school lease. For quick sale $'' half cash. ' lavo ICO and Sao-acre farms from $1J to H per acre. One half section fsrm, 1m pioved. 4-room house, granary, cellar, well ai d windmill, fenced and cross-fenced, SS a. res under cultivation, river runs through on corner, only half mile from a good rn Irotd town; $4,700. Terms to suit If bo ucht quick. 'Vrlte for book of descriptions and prices of good old northwest Nebraska land PI- nty of rain, bumper crops assured. The prloe will be skv high before fall. Buy no , while you get In on the ground floor Act today. A P. AH U HUM 1F.R FORD. CYnvf.-.r,l Vn, FOR SALE Two tracts of M arrea and 1 acres ad joining of choice unimproved farm land In the south edge of Pierce county, eight miles in; th of Battle Creek. Owner must sell and will accept $30 per acre if taken at once. Tc.ma half cash, balance at per cent int. rest . J. Dermondy Investment Co., 151'. City Natl. Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. p ACRES near Crofton, Neb.. Knot ro ..ty, good soli, good roads, wall Improved wiui L ii i lo in t . puce per acre. J,u. easy It 1 1 ia Also .f-'O acre farm. miles from low. i. well Improved. $7 acre. Olio Bog nor ip.iun, .d. F R bargains In cheap western lanCs ofltii cheap 040-aire relinquishments. Adi eren J. C. Belcina. WHiman. Neb EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN 340 acTea n'. heward. t-eward 'o. Neb.; o k1 tU in.', i house, barn, sheds, well and mill 1 n orchard. 12 acies aJfulfa, luo acres i uii vated, ' acres good nay land, balanos pu: .ure; price, pxi per acre; terms, hall ii.il'. Feller man Bros, Lincoln, Neb. Sf-.CRE farm. M miles from Omaha. 1'-, .utUs to loan; upland, good soil, in konu condition; must sell: good lerma UT.', Box 2oS. (Jrena, Neb. H SAl.F sti acres hay land. I mlli Newport. $17.M; M ( miles, all new build li, t. spring water. $-2 4U. Olhara. L. M. REAL ESTATE FARM A" D RACH I.A.N I) FOR SALE (Continued.) North Dakota. SEVERAL Improved farms In McHenry county. N. Dak., for sale on easy terms, liood soil; 82 to 11 per acrs. C. A. 8tuo bins. Uranvlll. N. D FOR SALE Renter and Investor. If you want to own on of our fine Improved grain farms with every modern conveni ence and be Independent, write me at ones. Little money needed. Wendell Huston. Carrlngton, N. . WANTED Have (rood list of lands In James River Valley, Stutsman county, N. I. Correspond em e with real eetate aaente I solicited. Farmers' rjtaie bank, YpslUtitl. Is. V. brrges. FOR SALE 160 acres choicest apple, pear, cherry, grape land In the went, six miles Horn town, one mile from railroad, soil uetp volcanic ash. Ihe Hsilea, ur , prize winning fiult. 160 acres, iMi miles from town, new, mod ern house, barn, tenement; DM) pear prune, bearing; 1..4M young trees, l,0uu grape vines; good water; wood. Or will sell au acres with all improvements. Investigation solicited. C. H. Webater. The Dalles, ore GOING TO OREGON. Our private car leaves Omaha June 8. direct to our fruit lands In the Willamette valley. Free round trip to our prospective buyers. A few reservations left. For In formation see Santlam Fruit Colony, bJt lie siag. Seath CarllBa. LANDS $K09 per acre made growing figs for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on easy monthly payments, bea Island Orcnaril Company, Charleston, S. C eatk Dsketa. ALFALFA THE KING OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. This Is the land we have. Free home steads; relinquishments and deeded lands. For particulars write E. O. Wonder & Co., Buffalo Gap. 8. D. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALE. We have a list of Edmunds county land for sale at from $11) and up per acre. If interested write us for particulars and we wll Isend our prices and pocket map. If you own Innd In outh Dakota list It with us. Our motto la "A Square Ileal to Buyer and Seller." Give us a chance to prove our statement. Hssvold Land Co., Mina, Ed munds county. South Dakota. 1M ACRES IN DEUEL CO., 8. D. Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black soli; clay subsoil; Ilea very level and all under cultivation. Must be sold within 10 days to close an estate. Half of this year's crop goes with the price. $36 per' acre; easy terms; $.3,000 will handle It and it la a snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weeds. Address W. F. McGee. Lake Preston, 8. D. WILL exchange choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land: what have you to offer? West Land Co., Pierre, 8. D 400-AC RE corn farm, out from Sioux Falls: excellent improvements, large grove and fruit; all In cultivation; price for quick sale Nj, easy terms; also 240 well Improved, easy terms, ana iuu acres unimproved. These are bargains for quick sale. R. A. SUvlua, owner. Sioux Falls, S. D. FOR SALE Section good, raw land; all fenced; good flowing well; 6 miles from Planklngton, 8. D. For particulars, write J. E. O Malley, Philip, S. D. ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair Improvements. Price $6,600. Equity, $2,400. Akaaka Real Estate Co., Akaaka, 8. D.-i Tezaa. SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We can buy land for you or invest money, per cent, net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. Correspondence solicited. Refer to First Nat 1 bank, San Saba Nat'l bank. Ward. Murray & Co., and the mem bers In congress from Texas. Kelley Burleson Co.. San Saba, Tex. TEXAS INVKSTMENTS. Buy orchard and garden landa near Houston, the greatest and most prosper ous city in the eoutiiwest, where values are going up all the time and fortunes made in real estate In short while. Easy terms If desired. Address U. C. Robert son. 501 Kiam Bldg., Houston Tex THE NILE OF AMERICA. $20 cash and per cent interest, payable fceml-annually, will secure you a home In Vela, Tex., and a 10-acre farm in the Rio Grande valley, where the farmer's cash in come is as perpetual aa the days thai come and go. 8. H. Jackson, 70S First National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of Texas, home of the paper ahell pecan. We can buy land for you or Invest money, 1 per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. Correspondence solicited. Refer to First Nat l bunk, San Saba Nat'l bank, Ward. Murray A Co.. and the mem bers In congress from Texaa. Kelley Burleson Co., San Baba, Tex. WE are subdividing 2,300 acres of fertile farm land In Jackson county. Splendid crops every year. Rainfall about right, 40 Inches. For description, plat and prices write JOHN RICHET A CO., 213 E. Houston St., San Antonio, Tex. Utah. 640 ACRES choice unimproved wheat land (black sandy loam) in northern Utah, near railroad. Price $20 per acre. Terma reason able. Address Dr. W. H. Petty, Ogdeu. Utah. Wrsafsg, FOR BALE Is, 000 acrea In Laramie county, Wyoming, In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and aheep; will sell with ranch; will exchange for eastern Nebraaka or Iowa farms. J. T. Bell, Owner, Cheyenne, Wyo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE C. J. CANAN. Room 701. Oma. Nat l Bank. WE exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver, 012-61:; N. Y. Life. Douglas 786$. 100 acres of clear land, seven miles from Gordon. Neb., joining R. R. siding; want to trade tor small stock of merchandise or live stock. Price. $26 per acre. F. B. Llnd ley, Gordon, Neb. SMALL RANCH WANTED, Wo have a client who haa good cHy In come property and good land lo exchange for relinquishment. Improved and stocked, or cheap ranch. Give full particulars lo cation and price In first letter. B. E. WAIT A CO., t17 Bee Bldg. WANT to exchange equity of $3,800 In one-fourth section of land In Grand Forks ounty. North Dakota, for stock of goods. Address Y-1JI care Bee. O'BHIEN'8 candy, the kind that mukea the girls smile with satisfaction. A 00-cent box of this fine candy will be given to E. O. Ixue. 2423 So. 2th St., It he will bring this ad to Tbe Bee office within three das. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA properly and Nebraska landa O KEEFE REAL EoTATK CO., 1011 New Omaha National Bank Building. GARVIN BROS., 3d floor N. T. Life, $600 to $ivj,uj0 on impioved pioperty. No delay. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. LOANS to home owners and home build era, with privilege of making partltal pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 60$ First National Lank building. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina Co.. with a.sneis of over $117,000,000, I am prepared to anept all the good loans of fered on improved Omaha real estate Business and residence loans made with out delay. THOMAS BRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. 5 & 5y2- stks:; WANTED City loans and warrants W Farnam Smith at Co.. 13J0 Farnam 8t LOW RATES. BEMIg-CARLBERG CO, $10-111 Brandels Theater Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN-Payns Investment Ca fc Ca.,C REAL ESTATE LOANS tt ontinuvd.) $10 to $10,000 made prmptlv. F i Weed. Weed Bldg., Uth and Farnam. WE HAVE money to loan on Improved re I eatate In Omaha and suburb. NF.FRAHKA SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 1 Farnam St. Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Wa have cash buyers for modern houses In the Dundee district or northwest part of the city. FOR QLICK RETURNS list your property with us. O'NElL'S REAL ESTATE AND INS. AGENCY, 1606 Farnam Street. Tel. Tyler lott. ind., A-UU. WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Wave vnil unvthlns to offer the farm ' of Iowa Any cheap land for higher priced. a aeneral merchandise store for Und or any kind of an exchange? Or have you some land you want to aell for caabT Tbe one paper that reaches the lowa farmer Is the Dee Molnee Capital; 41.000 circulation dally: rate single Insertion. 1 oent a word: sis Insertions, cents a word. Dea Moines Dally Capital, Dea Molnea. ia. WANT to purchase direct from owner, at actual cash value, a farm in eastern .Nebraska; state price and terms In first -letter. Box 33, Fremont, Neb. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Rout. Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL lO LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, Havre. France Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local agent or ALLAN & CO., General Agents, 1,4 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. ANCHOR LINE 8TEAMSHIP NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YOFK AND iNAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between New Vork and Scotch, English, Irish and all principal Continental points at attractive tates. Send for book of Information. Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cui sine. Apply promptly for Reservation to local agents of Anchor Line or HENDER SON BROS.. General Agents. Chicago. 111. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. $971. WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD Jap wants work; good oook. Ad dress Y 16k. care Bee. PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney tML YOU are sure of quality when you get Updike's Pride of Omaha flour. We will give Mrs. R. Mullen, 2636 Chicago St., a 24-pound sack of this flour If she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days. WANTED More window cleaning. Doug. 6340. ' WORK wanted mornings by young man. P. O. Box 440. JAPANESE wants position aa cook or laundry work. 17 No. 10th St. Frank Hasnk. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tentk and Masoa Union Pnvlfl, , Depart. Ean Fran. Overland L a 8:1a am China and Japan F. M.a 4:03 pm Atlantic Express.. Oregon Express a 4:00 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..al2:46 pm Denver Special a 7:04 am Colorado Express a 8:50 pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2:60 pm North Platte Local all:66 pm Grand Island Local a 8:16 am Stromsburg Local b 12:41 pm Missouri Pacific. K. C. A St. L. Ex a 20 am K. C. A St. L. Ex., ex cept Saturday all: 16 pm Arrive. all:30 pm a 6:45 pm a 8:45 am a 6:10 pm a 8:30 pm a 7:27 am a 4:60 pm a 8:20 pm a 4:46 pm al0:80 am b 1:20 pm a 7:40 am a 8:60 pm k.. i. tt'Bt. Li. e.x., Sat urday 'only 12:00 pm Chlcase, Milwaukee A St. Paal Oveland Limited all:43 pm a 7:69 am Omehe-Chir.ajro E h 7 IS am Om.-Savanna Local. ...a 7:16 am all :46 pm Colo.-Cal. Express a 6:00 pro a 3:26 pm fVilnrain S t . m. I a 1 c. 7 . 9 um AfJ n. Perry-Omaha Local b 6:16 pm bl0:00 am Illinois Central- Chicago Express a 7:00 am a $:46 pm Chicago Limited a i.oo pm a 8:00 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex b 7:00 am Mlnn.-SL Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 8:00 am Ch lease A N ortU wcetern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Expreas....a 7:46 am al0: pro Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm a 8:28 pm Minn. A Dakota Ex. ...a 7:00 pm a 8:16 am Twin City Limited a 8:46 pm a 7: JO am Minnesota, Express all:ou am JuAsTBOUND. Carroll Local a 7:00 am Daylight ExDresa a 7:40 am a 8 alii a 8 a $ a a 3 aL2 a 7; alO a 8 :60 pm :86 am :2 pm .2 pm :48 am :2a pm :80 pm Chicago Local L2:06 pm joioraao-jnicago ......a e:10 pm Chicago Special a 02 pm Paclflo Coast-Chicago.. a :.n pra Los Angeles Limited... a fe:60 pm O.'arl ml 1Jmll.il .ll-i. . Los Angeles Li ml tea... a i:60 Overland Limited. ..v..all:4o Carroll Local TS.a 4:30 Fast Mall a 8:80 :to am :10 am u pm :00 am :16 pm :30 pm M pm to pm :M am :66 pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadron a 8:uw am Norfolk-Dallas a 8:00 am au alO a 6 b 6 a 6 i-rtjrig rme-LiinvoiD a s:ie pm Hastings-Superior b 2; la pm Deadwood-Hot Springs. a 8:66 pm Casper-Lander a 8:66 pm Fremont-Albion b 8:80 pm laucagro, hmk la-iaaa raclflc EAST Rocky Mountain Lid... a 68 am al0:46 pm a 4.W pm blo:i pm all:w pm a l:la pm a 8.U2 am a 6:47 pm a 4:8u pm a l .to pm au.oo am Chicago Day. Express.. a 8 46 am Chicago Local Pass. ...blO: 86 am :0u pm DeS Molnea Local Pass. a 4 Chicago Express a 4 Chicago Limited a $ WEST. Chi. Neb. Ltd. Lincoln. a 8 Colo-Cel. Express a 1 Okl. & Texaa Express.. a 8 Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0 :4o pm :ue pm :20 am :io pm .16 pm :6a pa l ktvaso-Ureat Western. Chicago Limited. .a i :4S pm Twin city Limited.. Twin city Limited.. Twin City Express. .b 8 Ml pm a 7:8 am cl0:3u am a s.w pui a 8.4 pm s 8 26 am all:la pm biU:l am ..a 7:8u am Chicago iLxpreaa Wabask Omaha-St. Louis Ex.... a 8.80 pm Mall and Express a 7:02 am blanb'y Ul uioiu C.B.jb a w pm Isrllsgtss tlatlun lOtk aa4 Mates, BarllnaTten Depart. Denver A California a I in pm Pugel Sound Expreaa..a 4:10 pm Nebraaka polnia .......a M am Black Hills a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mall b I At pin Northwest Express ....all 6j pin Nebraaka points a 8.1s) am Nebraska Express a 9. lit am Lincoln Local Schuyler-Platlsmouth...b 8:06 pm Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm plattsmoutb-lowa a 1 11 am Beilevue-PlattsmouU...aU 80 pm Central Nebraska all. 66 pm Chicago Special a 7 16 am Denver Special Chicago Express a 4 80 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 4:80 pm Atlantic Coaat Limited . .11 :40 pm Iowa Local a 8 is am Creeton da) Local a 8 90 pm St. Louis Express a 4.30 pm K. C. A St- Joseph a 10 46 pm K. C. A &t. Joseph a 8.16 am K. C. A St. Joseph a 4 '80 pm Arrive, a 8:4e pm a 8:46 pm a 6.10 pin a 9 i pm aU;lo piu a 1 uo am a 6.10 pm a V10 pm b 9:08 am bio: am a 7:60 pm a 8:60 am 8:40 pm all ao pm all 36 pm a 7 00 am a 8.66 pm a 8 u am alo.80 am al0:9o am all:6 am a 6 44 am a 6:lw pm Webster StaUea loth aae? Weetttr. Hluesri Pacific 1 Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 8:60 pm bu 65 am AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Police Are Looking- Into History of Frank A. GVoelet ARRESTED FOB BREAKING GLASS A4dlilewal Salena l.lrnee-e GrnnteA, Maklaar Thirteen Still Cp la the Air Mrs. Altew Onrnter Dead. The police are Investigating the ante cedents of Frnnk A. Ooelt. who was ar rested Teste dav morn ne; at Twenty-seventh snd H streets after having created such a disturbance In the locality that he brought the residents out of bed and himself ran the risk of bf lng shot by some of the Indignant people. Goelet broke the windows of some of the houses, and from the number of shots fired the wonder of the police Is that someone was not Injured. Goelet confessed yesterday 'hst he had been ten months in the Ohio penitentiary for burglary. He Fald he had "done time" because he kept "his mouth closed to save a pal." Prior to this he had been In the United Statea army, but why he left he doea not dlecloae. The police are Inclined to think his Starr that he was "abalnthe erary" Is a stall, and they say that he was seen with two others around this locality, from which two burglaries were reported yesterday morn ing. One of the burglaries was at the home of J. M. Henry, 1628 North Twenty-olxth street, where a quantity of wearing ap parel was carried off, and another was at D street. Earl Cox losing, his gold watch. In this case the midnight prowlers did not want the clothing. They threw It back on the porch, but took the watch. The houses hsd been rummaged by someone with rubber shoes, as the people did not know of their presence until they got up In the morning. The police suggest thst Goelet waa one of the gang that did the robberies and that his love for absinthe, "chilled with Ice," has been his undoing while his confreres were able to escape. More Lleensea Granted. The following additional saloon licenses were granted yesterday. Frank Trsynowlca, Thirty-first snd Q ..d, i nun L,aicn, i weniy-seventh and Q streets; Joseph Kedlecek. Twentieth and Q streets; Charles Dirks, 2423 N street. The fate of thirteen saloon keepers Is still In abeyance as seventy-six have ad vertised their applications for licenses and only sixty-three have been granted so far. Death of Mrs. Carpenter. Following a long and painful illness Mrs Alice M. Carpenter died yesterday morning at her home on the Fort Crook Boulevard, aged 63. She Is aurvlyed by her husband, L. J. Carpenter, and her daughter, Mrs. Erie B. Brown. Mrs. Carpenter, who had been a resident In this dlstrlot for twenty-five years, was known as a woman of fine business apti tude, combined with a womanly courtesy and kindliness of disposition. Widespread repret Is expressed at her death. By the request of Mrs. Carpenter the funeral will be private, the body being taken Thursday to Emerson, la., for in terment "The lnin School." The Low Holler Choral union, conducted by Prof. P. Peiclval Plpp, In A. M., D. M., will give "The Slngln' Skewl," a two-act farce with songs and coetumes of thirty years ago. In the High school auditorium. Thursday evening, at 8.16, under the aus pices of the Baptist Young People's union. The High school orchestra will play. The following Is the cast: Members of the Low Holler Choral union Justin Style Russel Phllp HI Water Loren Wlers Timothy Hay Ralph Campbell Wei land Strong Waldo Laur Al Talfar Martin Johnson Chrlss Cross George Scovllle Homer Gaines Fern Roberts Cy Furr Leonard Everett Cal Amity Paul Shields Effa Vescent Esther Todd Sophy Cushion Mary Cook Eva Green Bernlce Conaway Vera Swift Adele Davis Ura Kldd Helen White Irma Kidd Helen White Ann Sowforth Eun'ce Conawav Phyllis Tate Ola Alsworth Elvlry Ketchum Louise Uergquist Dottle Plumdaffy (organist) Haxel Cook Singing Master Prof P. Perdval Pippin; A. M.. D. M.. Harol Thorn. District Visitors Squire Grumps, Maurice Clark; Mrs. Amanda Squegee, Clara Ervln. Maarlo City Gossip. Shoe values never before given In our city at Cressey's removal shoe sale, 2407 N St. E. Hannon left yesterday morning for a two weeks' visit with relatives In Hol brook, Ia. Mrs. Tennis Wright and daughter have gone to Kansas City for a month's visit with relatives. South Omaha Camp No. 111. Woodmen of the World, meet this evening In the Odd Fellows' hall. An entertainment will be given in the high school auditorium May 19 by the pu pils of St. Agnes' school. The Happy Pleasure club will gTlve a danre Saturday night In Rushing s hall. Twenty-fourth and J streets. The Ladles' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church serve a luncheon at noon today In the basement of the church. 'Phone Bell South 868 Independent F-1868 for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt de livery to any part of city. William Jetter. The Willing Workers of the First Chris tian church meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Martin, f2i North Twentieth street. The Brown Park Ladles' Aid society will meet St the home of Mrs. T. E. Mason, 871 South Fifteenth street, this afternoon at I o'clock. E. W. Crevtston left yesterday for Fre mont to attend the state camp of tbe Mod em Woodmen of America, to w blch he Is a delegate. Closed Cressey's shoe store will be closed Thursday and Fiiday, preparing for the big removal shoe, sale on Saturday morning. May 6. Mrs. J. O. Eastman, 1432 North Twenty third street, will entertain the Ladles' Aid society of the First Methodist churea Thursday afternoon. Tbe funeral services) of Frank C. Beda will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Francis' church. The Interment will be In St. Mary's cemetery. The birth of a son Is reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bcholtlng, 2318, and of a daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spedel. 2113 W street. The Women's Guild of St. Martin's church will hold Its annual meeting thla afternoon at the rectory, when the offi cers for the ensuing year will be elected. The next meeting- of the King's Daugh ters of the First Presbyterian church will be held Fiiday at the church. Mesdamee Will Green, Walter Madden and Mc Mast ers entertaining the circle. The women of the First Baptist church will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Wlers, 1011 North Twenty-first street, Fri day afternoon at 8:30. All women of the congregation are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rothkorpf. Twenty fourth and J streets, entertained the pro gressive High Five club at their home. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdamee Harry Lapldus. I.ee Altman, Nathan Stein berg. R. Mushkln. H. Goldberg. Maurice Chalcken and Harry Gross. Harry Lapldus won the first men's prise and Mrs. Lee Altman the first ladles' price; the second going to Mrs. N. Steinberg. RAILWAY TIME CARD-00"'1 Chicago, Oannha-i St. rani, MlanennolU A Depart. Arrive, b t 86 pm bit 06 pm c 4 2S pm b 9 86 pm b 6:45 am c 8 25 am Sioux City Bxpreas. Omaha Local Sioux City Pass Twin City Pass Sioux City Local .... Emerson Local n 6 66 pm b 9 10 am ib) dally exoapt Sunday, only. to; buaday APOLLO CLUB'S CONCERT PROVES ARTISTIC SUCCESS Fresh and Well Trained Voire Pe-Ha-hl Friends Invited to Re Prese'nt. The first private concert of the Apollo club was attended by an audience which packed the Audl'.orlum of the First Con gregational church and the adjoining room and many were left standing. The Apollo club, of which Dr. Frederic C. Freemsntel Is the director and organiser, la composed of young men who have banded together In this unique irganlxatlon which will continue to give concerts privately, for which tlckels will not be sold, but Issued as Invitations. It Is the Intention of the rtub, hs announced by Dr. Free mantel, to glvg con -erts next year which only active and aesocta'.e mtir.bei will be asked to nt ten J. The club Is composed of men with fresh and well trained voices and by careful study they nai a achieved unusual success In ensemble work. The program was made u;j of pieces of several grades of si-rlous-nes and dlfftculjy and the club Fhowed Itself trained for flexible hsndllnx of ail sorts of music and gave a splendid rendi tion of every song on the list. MLsa May Florence Later, soprano, and J. Addison MouM and William L. Preatljia of the club assisted with solos. Tba aorompantmenta were plnyvd by Miss Reseda H. Latr snd Miss Nancy Cunning Nam. FIREMAN FRANCIS LOSES A LARGE SUM TO FOOTPADS Slnrrrw and neAb ef flST Within n KWtx DiKTames. rf Ban Bansse Latnt An. PaLnffhmrpei and rrtihed ctf tlW at fh mouth of an atler bertreen TnntT-fonrtb and Twenty-fifth on Hamilton atreeis at ! "clock lajtt nirht. Jonas H. Frond,. 8 tnwnan at Vn. 6 en pine boase. knew nothing ef tbe affsJr untD an hour aftar ward ilien he tm told by bJs wife ai his hnnA. mi North TTrrnty-fMH) strartt. Frannrts was artmfled bjr Pnlire Snr- 'i. - Your Oppotomt7 Begolar pricdj The Twentietli Th Cxririiopohtaii ... w EegnLir price The Twentieth Uoaare'i Begnler price The Twentieth Century Fanner. $1.00 Woman's Home Companion. . . . 10 Eegular prioe for both 1 year. . .$2.60 The Twentieth Castory Farmer. $1.00 Woman' Home Companion.... L50 UeOlmv'u 1J50 Eegular price The Twentieth Woman's Home Companion.... L50 MoClnre'B Review of Eeriews 3j00 Eeynlar prioe for all 1 year $7X0 gew T. T. Harris, who ss.14 he would suffer ne m physical eferta. The police and desert t-vee vrrr net t wwrk en the esse lmiirediiT. but ne due to th Id-ntrfv at iSe tie flrraan a assailant could 9 ebfa.tnA Frsnexe was ped rewterda.r sftei wn and heeJdea hb salary when mrin1 lw hal m hie trousers perkrt $140 which had Just hen paid him so a det hr 4. T. Rohan, rapnala at No. li engine house SI i years airn Franc hi was held up and robbed of his coat, hat and shoe) while returning home on a cold winter night. F. A. Allison, a STocer at Twenty-fourth and Hamilton streets, said he believed Ihe highwayman waa lying In wait for him. The robbery occurred back of the tAthrop drug store, which la next door to the grocery. Francis' brother-in-law called attention to the number of the house and said the residence was Illuminated by elec tric lights. Native Ohioans at Banquet Praise the Buckeye State Tvn hnndred loyal Oh.loa.na did fealty to their name stale Uus. nlht at a baaauet held at the Rome btel with Governor and Mrs. Cneelrr .. Aldrich as roams ef boner. John Ijsw WebaiKr. as toast master, was Introduced trr W. W. &aUauAb. president of the uhlo sorJM.7. Mr. Wehslrr paxnled a glowing picture of whal the Buckeye stale haa done at id Is loing. but ended with the admonition that l is to Ne bra .ska after all that Ohloant ai Nebraska ahould yield affection. Mayor J&roee C. Dahiman gars the j.eech of welcome to the govwrnor. and ne of the fraiure of the evening was tbe fitfiaKant exchange of court esLe an tbe part of tlie two recent opponents. Gmrral C. F. Mandcraan spoke on "The Preeitfenfi from Ohio," naming that state Rfl "tttii mnriw and father of nreMrtemlK " i IA. r ' - mrv s . IBL ' til wi)U.i 'X f vtiSrtsMk1 'k'A Ts..V rrYm: W-AnT, v i Ai'1 trrv Br fcst'B tJtLs.s Sviji,ii WOMAN S H OMFtl i 'r- p w new , a aa sr s sj f iT" rV M gT" . -fk. f -eM.. -ifc. fM(bfc'ii.iil,'lL'' Bewa m .rTs FaYoritc Hagames re ITr'au tvttCjllk's If (UK ll i ?sV.)i iV&kiC'fiJfi. ' ( , 1 111 " 'I'll-- WKij'i ' ' if?tXt :,'' '" - ' Efd oar great eombazkvtioii after nith i paabliahed Mke up joar list now. Migavand uJ for both 1 jear. . .$2.Q0j Oentary Farmer. ILOCTj for both 1 year. .L$3J50J Oeaiarj Ymnatx.fUX) !-& y Osur prbM for both 1 year. . .$2Ji0j Ost Mm for all 1 year . .. .$4.00 J Century Farmer. $L0Ch Send yonr Snbecripiion at once to THE If TOENTIETH CENTURY NEW PLACE FOR DR. KEARNS Lincoln Man Will Snerln- rr hyterinn Manse Mlsnlnne In Kurltiml. It was learned by a number of ttia Mends of Dr. W. II Reams of TJnceln. who attended Ihe banquet In honor of the graduates and alumni of the Treshyterlsn Theologies! Semlnsrr Ttiesdsy night, that he has been appointed to the superlntend ency of the Northwest District of Preabv terlsn Home Missions. In that posltlor Dr. Kesrns succeeds Rev. R. A. Adams ol Minneapolis and his friends In Omaha ars trying to persuade him to make his head quarters In this city. The work of which he will take charge Is the control of th home missions of the Presbyterian rhurvr under the natlonsl home mis-Ion board foi the states of Minnesota, the two Dakotai and Nebraska. Judxs Francis C. Hamer gave 'The Ohio Pioneer" an exhaustive treatment The tribute paid to Ohio for Its) part In the civil war by W. F. Gurley was an aloquanc ana. Governor Aldrtch olorod tbe specchntak lng by a brief speech on "Ohio and Ne braska. Ha cornpUmented his native state, bat showed many Instanoaa. In which, ha said. Nebraska had improved upon the Borkeys statechief among; tltam the high school system, agricultural mnth ods and progressive legislation. Tbe following waa the reception com mittee: Mr. and Mra Charles (kna. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Held en, Mr. a::rl Mrw. F. A. Kwing. Mr. snd Mrs. A. c. Troup, Mr. snd Mrs. le Estelle, Mr. and Mix lb.-rt Ni, Mr. and Mrs. Abel V. t'lio'welL Mr. aci Mra Bvrd Miller. Mr. and Mr. F. A. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. N. 14. Muvrrd. Mr. and Mra. N. IX Msnn. Mr. U. K. Risrtoo. ' ' . I, i mii'ii at Cost best 1.25 123 L60 OsstT 1.60 CsHjy f! I 9 S 7: OsarrrtMOsaly g.40 01