WANT ADS Want ans ren-eirec! at any time bat to Insure) proper classification mas b presented before 13 o'clock m. for th evening edition and before 7: SO for mornlog and Sunday editions. Want ads received after nch boor will 1 havs their first Insertion under ths heading, T Classify." CASn RATES KOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Ons Issertloa 1 H cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent la kertlon. Each Insertion made on odd 4a 7 a, 1 H cm La per word. fl.50 per line per month. Ratea apply to either The Dally or Sunday Dee. Always count sU words to a line. Want ads for Tbe Bee may be left at any of thm following drug stores oae la your "corner druugiat" they are all branch offices for The Dee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly ana on the same rates as at the mala offlca In The Dee building, Sevemteeatb and Farnam streets. Albech. W. C. 40th and Farnaro. Baum Drug Co., 2631 N. isth St. HarmnakJ 8. A.. 1 B. 16th St Pansoa Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Bemte Park Pharmacy, Kid and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh, tma Sherman Ave. Clifton HU1 Hurmtcr. 2218 Mllttary At Ceughlln, C. R, 4728 Leavenworth St. Crlesey Pharmacy. 84th and Laka Bta. Cooney pharmacy, 8228 Bouth ltb St. Carmak. EraU. 70i-t South 13th Pt Fhler A Co., tft La tb worth Bt Foster Arnoldl, 818 North 26th Bt Freytag, J. J.. M4 N. 84th Bt Fregger Drug Co.. 1402 North 18th Bt Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green a Pharmacy, Park Are. and Pactfla Greenough At Co., 1036 Bouth 10th 8t , Greenough A Co., 10th and Hickory Bta. Goldman Pharmacy, Mth and Leaven Worth Sts. Johnson Pharmacy, 1930 Farnam Bt Hinicora Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. Mth Ave. Hint prions Drug Co., Slat Ave. and Far nam 8t Hoist. John, 624 North 16th Bt Duff, A. L.. 24 Leavenworth Bt Johanaon Drug Co.. 84tb and Spalding. Kins. H. B.. &3W Farnam Bt Kountie Plane Pharmacy, 2308 N. Mth St Ithrop Pharmacy, Mth and Hamilton. Mares, Fred L.. Kris Central Blvd. Petri ok Drug Co., U01 N. Mth St Baratoca Drug Co., Mth and Ames Ave. Bchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Bta Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. DEATHS Alt D rVRRRAL NOTICES. LAN David F., aged O years. May 1 Funeral Friday morning from residence, LIU South Forty-seoond street, at S 30 to 6t Cecelia's church. Interment Holy Bepul cber cemetery. Friends Invited. LODQB NOTICE. SIR KNIGHTS. Tou are hereby courteously requeated to report at our Armory Thuraday at 1:10 p. m., to journey to Tekamah, Neb., to act a eaoort to tbe Grand Lodge of Ncbrsska Ancient Free and Accepted Maaona at the funeral of our late Sir Knight, Melvlle R. Hopewell. A apeclal car has been engaged for the fraternity. Full dreaa Knight Templar uniform la to De worn. Train leavea weoeter sires atatlon at 1.30 and returna at p. m. By order of Attest! RICHARD C JORDAN, Elm, Com. ARTHUR Q. BOT FIR, Recorder. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Joseph and Fern Waohtler. 261$ B street, boy; J. H. and Anna M alone, 17211 Bouth Fifteenth atreet, boy; J. A. ana Edith Petereon, MIS Larlmore avenue, girl; Leo and Edith R&lner. 4 Capitol avenue, girl; Henry and Dalay Hjgler, 10 Chicago atreet, boy; Sidney and Leone Dillon, 403 Houth Twenty-ninth atreet girl; R W. and Hortenaa Caballaro, 8701 Woolworth avenue, girl; Fred and Mar Bowyer, 2901 Baker street boy. Deaths Fred J. Gllle. jr., 82 years, 1713 Boutn Beventn atreet; John waller, 45 yeara, Clarknon hospital; Paul Gllmora, 2 years 630 Leavenworth atreet; David F. Lane, 6d. 118 Bouth Forty-second street;, Margaret Katell, 71 years, Florence; Thomaa Tier- Sarah Zejgler, 63 yeara, Tenth atreet and Avenue li. East omana; Kathleen Millard, 1 year, 80S Bouth Fortieth atreet; Mary U. Prante, 61 yeara, 1822 Manderson atreet; Robert S. Eg. 65 yeara, 116 Bouth Thlrty flrat avenue; Mra Anna Boyoe, 64 years. i&a Norm sevsntcentn atreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage llcanaes were is sued up to noon today; Name and Residence: Age Andrew F. Anderson, Omaha 11 Hajuia Jensen, Omaha 26 Dale O. Burgee. Omaha tl I .aura Patton, Omaha 18 Francis Janjaky, South Omaha Mary Bloob, bouth Omaha 23 Stephen Polaaky, Bouth Omaha SI Antonlna Kinases, Bouth Omaha M Mlcheael Stepanek. Omaha 66 Barbara Hoffman, Omaha 46 Joaeph Dlttrtch, Omaha 26 Frances Harvat, Omaha H Les E. Munfrer, Deadwood, 8. D 11 Boae A. Hopkins, Clinton, la 29 Wilbur M. Shertaer, Fort Crook. Neb.... 16 Julia OBrten, New York City, N. T 3 Henry Ftelda, Omaha u Hauls Norgard, La Platte, Neb SO Fred McGIU, South Omaha. Neb 21 Alta Loos, South Omaha, Neb.... 18 Luther King, Lincoln, Neb Ji Marie Brown, Dea Moines. la It v iolid Go d Wedd nd a - I tD HOLM'S 4 J i x irentn t ne mar. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN CO.,TuAPr snabalmera 14 Chicago St. D. lOM; B UU DUFFY BOLAND, undertaken. T. 1671 BLADES BADs:a of -"'-''aharifned; bette Aion makes tar than new: sta each, too jMr doaen. THB BWlSa HONE. iSU Congress St., Chicago. T- Iron a rencer-T. nd Wire. Champion Sta. Tel. Douglaa ljiM. sr x.. aa ii sail vi jtuaMiH 8CHLITJ5 famoua ATLAS beer on draught at Ed Rothery's. Ill S. Hth St J. Knog O'Neill Artist and photography; pictures enlarged. Studio, 21 S. Uth St. B. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. VO. iut Farnam. BAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. AKKINd. 8i S. UTH, VPSTAIKS. Cement Blocks bkmt quality. UtUUt utOLtta Ideal Cement Stone Co, FKENKLE presses and cleans men's or ladles' euha, alao repairing. c a Mth. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums to sun. 210 Hee Bldg. I'hMI. I Mill UNION LOAN CO. T,,.1ws keep the late t! JCWClrVF01'1 silver In things la tuaiuy irae. laul Hartley St. 0RP1IEUM JEWEUIY CO. Vacuum Cleaners For Rent. Phone Webater S4US; B ICS. VIRGINIA DARE WlNE-TCo a large bonis. Klein Liquor House, td N. 16th (. DAVID OOLB CHEAMEHY COMPANY. OMAHA Reed and Rattan Co, reed fur niture; repairing a Specially. IIS N. lilh BED) HIVK CLEANING St DYE WORKS, 1H1 Vinton St. Wagons call snd deliver, Pooae Douglas 4J. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNQATK, china tXnu. 47v braadels Bldg. Tel. Web. BV.'s. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) WHICH la In. pneaoer. common paint at 6176 or 62 00 per salloa that covers 4M equare r-et and weara one year, or oner-win-William' paint at per gallon that covara more than i euere feet and weara five yeara? Wa are aenla for Sherwln- v llllama painta and varnihpa. . arier ieaa n,1 Krvntona. Wall tlDpr at low price. BA11KEK BROS. PAINT CO., leuV Farnam. Doug. 4,60 lnd. A-XiM. OUR letter duplicating work la une- relleo. A trial will convince you. Both phones. Western DupllcaUng Co., 406 Bee Bldg. KnTTPT' 1 hvs recently purchaaed the ahare of T. P. Voaae In what waa formerly the I .one A Voaae Plumblne company and will appreciate all our former patron age. K. E. LONG, 4004 N. MYli Bi, Filter, filter repalra. 614 8. 10th. D. 4714. "OMAILA furniture repair wke. Doug. 2410. DON'T throw away your old feathers, bring them to us: ws will willow them Into willow plumes. We alao steam and curl willow plumes. 750 up. Perl Plume Co., Boom L Paxtoa Block. Douglas 2J67. PATTON '8 SUN PROOF Paint card free. Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and Ames. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prlcea HUMS ( UtlTill U1UU IU, Twenty-fourth and L Bta.. Bouth Omaha. PAPERHANQER3. Cae Bnowflaks paata Omaha Pasts Co. 716 B. 13th. Both 'pbonea LOANS Salary or furniture; $10 up. J. H. Waaaerburger, 1601 FARNAM BT, Room 216. Douglas 22. ino. A-luii. MAGGARD Van A storaaa. Pack, mova store and ahlp H. H. good. D. 1406, B 242. LYNCH BROS., piMSrD REPAIR WORK. 1706 Jackson Bt D. 1477. STENOGRAPHER, 640 Bae Bldg. O. 2807. Caaady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa, BUY AND SELLM",..,. Cement Blocks MJt?.ri.,ald ri'ht' OMAHA CONCRETE STONH CO. 28th Ave snd Bahler Web. 686; B S01S. NoKroolfo Chop Suey, American Din iXeurUBKa ri. fan end fine Restaurant'";. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fence cheeDer than wood: laat a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 614. CARTj.TART. Uckemlth. Lawn mowers repaired and aharpened. I70S Leavenworth, Tel. Doug. 4177 or A-4386. ED ROTHERY sara tare u connection. 1U. 8. Hth St THE SPHTNX HAS SPOKEN! RmlA . "Hare Butters Call and Taks That Post card picture Now." OBET THE SPHTNX. LOW Prlcea Hlrh Quality. Aridraaa. M4 Half Cass Bt Phons Harnsy 6284. TTT'MK'T XT cleans and Dreases men's and women a eulta. Caila for and aeiivsrs. A-ZOT4. 2407 Leavenworth. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 64L Miss Ds Witt piano Instruction. Red 6422. ICE CREAM Harding Hygtea brand AVAIi VJAOliiU ... lAadlnff drurilull Harding Ics Cream Co. DRUGS at cut Drloea: frelrht niM on all i oroors catalogues free. Sherman MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Damon Eleo. Co. S. 8th St, Co. Bluffs Both puone. us. 171 ILEIl GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath Finest In ths waat. 16th and Howard fits. HORNBY. Blue Print Co. Ms Bes Bid. NOTICH. The public Is hereby notified that I wilt no longer be rewponalbie tor debta con tracted by my wife, Almenla N. Johnson. P. F. JOHNSON, 2304 Saratoga Bt. TO DO taaty work for taaty people. Decorative paperhanglng and correct color schemes a specialty. H. Coomba, 8-1308. INSIST on having O'Brien's candy and no other. Ws will give a SO-cent box free to K. Bohacek, Mt So. 8th St., if be will bring thla ad to The Bes office within three daya AUTOMOBILES "Smaeh up your auto, "SKID Into a post, "Tear your top." And bring It to the beat place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 18th and Harney fits. FOR 8AL.B Flve-paaaenger, four-cylinder automobile; fully equipped, windshield to speedometer, and everything In flrat clasa condition; coat t3,U0U; aell for SfeuO. WALLACE BENJAMIN, Rooma 1-2-8, Flrat National Bank Bldg., BCoundl Bluffa, la. Both Phones 203. 1910 40-h. p., flve-paaaenger Overland.. 81,009 Seven-passenger, 70-h. p. Stearns 2.SUU WALLACE AUTO CO., 2208 FARNAM ST. National Auto Training Ass'n. Omaha, Neb. and roadwork. Actual experience In shoo competent Instructora KOR SALE Baker 'Phons Harney VM. Victoria electric. NEW and 2d-hand auio. Drrlght, umana. WE wll give a 60-cent can of Farrell's fine ayrup free to Mlsa J. Bell, 2634 So. ftth St., If she will bring this sd to Ths Bee office within three daya Motereyclea. THE FLYING MERKEL Is the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE In the world. Louis Fleacher, State Agent. ' BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, QANGtSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. call on D. 8867. MONUMENT shop In county. ii v of Bee. works, good trade, only A bargain. Address Y lss. FOR SALE Exclusive up-to-date grocery stock, county seat town, northwestern luwa. Audresa Y lau cure Omaha Bee. SCALES, bCALKs Independent Scale Repulr Co.. 11U So. mil -St. lnd. A-3U32. BANKRUPT STOt'K of drugs In best Utile town in southeastern Nebraska, to be aold at iTlvate aulv. Ihis is a snap for some one. J. . snuoeri. truatee, ttiiubert. Neb. FOR SALE A hair Intereat In a paying Photograph gallery for No experience needed as 1 will guarantee to teach the business In six weeks, a splendid chance fur young lady. Address A Hi. Hue. FOR SALE A thoroughly established re. tall coal business, ample yard with truck age with every facility at reasonable price ana terms, u jii. siee. CANADIAN RECIPROCITY meana Alberta Province farm lands will treble; prteent vulues now 46 to $12 an aoie; one-sixth rasli payment leuunel wlis or write for Infurmution. Jones Itslty o., .aigary, ituwm. OARAGE If you want to get Into the auiomouue ouainesa, in gooa cuiidtng and location, correspond with Y-lku, care liee. BARGAIN, $250 CASH Will buy the best furnished six -room list in tne city ir taaen at once. 7 B. 16th WANTED. Industrious parvy with some capital, menuiacturing plant in Montana; good ami ary, permanent Haltion. Addraci Montani Oypaum Plaster Co., Room 3s, Hotel Ho quet. . THE boat paying family and transient noiei in tne city; good reasons (or selling u out. ee. "Ill Hoaaee Tf Sale. FURNITURB era A-tesa, of I rooms, strictly mod Get Acquainted With Bee Want Tad Big Prizes Each Week for the Each Week Bee Want Tad This week he is renting rooms. Next week he will sell horses. "Watch him every day. Get busy and write a Bix line limerick following the style of the one accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only WRITE ABOUT HIM SELLING HORSES. For the best Terse) written by a lady tills week we will (five a special prize of m f IS Pattern Hat from Mrs. Richard's Millinery Shop, Snd floor City National Bank Bldg. For the next best verse written by either lady or gentleman this week we will give $3 worth of Soda Water Tlrkets good un til used at Sherman HcConncll's new 'Sodoasis," 10th and Dodge Street. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. RULES FOR WANT Everybody in Omaha,, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Benson and Florence are eligible, ezoept employees of The Bee and members of their families. You mast follow the style not over six lines and It must relate to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address, Bee Want Ad Editor, Omaha, Bee. The Bee Want Ad Editor will be the judge All verses sent In become the property of The Bee. Winners names will be announced the following week and will be found somewhere in the "Want Ads. You must find your name and identify yourself to claim the prize. It will be fun for everyone. Write your verse to-day and mail it to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember contest closes Friday of each week. BUSINESS CHANCES Roomtna Hoaaea for Sale Cootlnoed. FOR BALE Furniture of 7-room flat; alao leaae. 1U5 Howard. Tel. A 4491. PAYING aharea In aucoeaaful laundry. 2.Ji0. E Z1S. Bee. 2040 Farnam, seven or fourteen rooma, completely furnlabed; all full; good Inoome. Good paying; roomlns house. 822 N. 23d. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1806 Farnam 8t Douglas H01. MONHEIT. chiropodist, manlourlns. hair dreaalng-, halrgooda. City Nat'l Bk. D. 2333. DENTISTS BAILKT MACH. Sd floor. Paxton. D. 1085. DETECTIVES CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, no., bonded. ax ion rjin. u. uis, -u. JAS. ALLAN. Karbach Blk. Douglaa Z8?X DRESSMAKERS MISS DUUQAN, dreaamaklng. SIM Farnam. TERRT'S Dressm'k'g Collsge.aothAFaruam nmcfiSMJLKERa WANTED Those who are willing to make a change In occupation If offered ateaay positions, anon noura ana larger Incomes. Cars U 232, Bes. TRT vaudevllls for that lonesome teei- Ing. If Mrs. J. li. ureves. ew wiuiam 6t., will bring this ad to Ths Bes office within three days shs will recelvs an order for two American theater tickets free. FLORISTS A. DONAaHUEv'lStJ Farnam. D. i001;A-10ul HESS 4fc 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. TJRANDEId cut flower Dept. New store. Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. L. Henderson, 1818 Farnam. Douglaa 1818. J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Douglas 8000. Nareerlea. FRUIT TREES oramSTTr... Shrubs snd Rose Bushsa Omaha sales ground, Mth and Cumins. D. 6614. South Omaha salesground, 84th and O. BENSON-UMAllA MJHS&ni Benson. Neb. Home office, Benson 634. Return this sd and gat (0 per oent dis count on So order or mors. nitrshry STOCK. 18th and Douglas. FRANK R. MARTIN. Phons D. 8673. STRAWBERRY plants.- SOc per hundred: 83. W per thousand. Web. 8308. 00.000 vegetable plants of best varieties. Plant our Spark's Earllana tomato planta, fully two weeks ahead of other varieties. Phone Benson ui. serguson uros., oiauon D, Omaha. EVERYTHING F0RW0MEN CUSTOM MADE corseta, 85 00; front snd bsck laced; residence fitting If desired. , UrocK corset snop, d--j uee King. L. Lieff, Ladies' Tailor. Pbons Harney 8410. 8WITCHKS from combings. $160; set 17b0 Leavenworth i-t puffs free. Mrs. Kck, WHEN you get flour you want a flour that has a reputation. If Mrs. J. W. Petty. 2311 Douglaa St., will bring thla ad to The Bee oince witnin tnree aaya we will give her a 24-pound s.ick of Updike's Pride of Omaha flour free. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha'a largest and most surcessful commercial school. Day and night seasiona btudenta admitted any time. Business. BookkeeDlns. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue ia free. Addreea It. is. uoyiea. presi dent, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Asreate aad Salesladies. LADIES to travel. 871 month and ex penses city, $w .50 day. Room 8, Hotel Boiiuet. a. in. to 5 p. m. WOMEN from every part of Nebraska to work at home for a fine $10 vacuum cleaner. Write today. Royal fislea Co.. Wiaiiii3 Tildg . Omaha. LADY AUtNTti WANTKI Two or three good ladles, something new: good cay to right ones. 342 Paxton Block. GIRI.8 to learn halrdresslng. Oppen brlm Parlors. City Nat, Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. tbe. TAD CONTEST HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades Continued. WANTED Experienced bindery girl at once. I. A. Medlar Co., 416 So. 14th St. Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED A competent cock. 8013 Doug las St. WANTED Good girl for general house work: 88 per week. Mra. Cowdery, 1326 a 86th lit. YOUNO girl to assist In housework. Harney 8416 or at 1.101 So. 3alh Ave. Call GIRN wanted 2S10 Dodge. for general housework. WANTED Experienced trustworthy girl for general housework; best wages. Har ney 1710. 4828 Caas St. WANTED A competent cook. 8120 Daven port St. Tel. Harney 6a. GIRL for general housework; no washing. Call Harnsy 4074. Address 180 S. 85th St. GOOD girl to help wlta housework, erences. 2403 Cass Si. Ref- WANTED Girl for general housework, beat wages, small family. 'Phons Harney 8904. MAID WANTED Good wsgea; small family; nice room. 680 Park Ava Tsl. Harnsy 878. THE best candy In the country Is made right here In Omaha, If F. Cahow, 2608 Seward St., will bring this sd to Ths Bee office ws will give him a 60-cent box of O'Brien's fine candy free. GIRL for general houaework; no wash ing; reference required. Call 8211 Howard. WANTED At once waitress: food waa-ea Inquire 82t So. th St. , i , CAPABLE girl for general housework; must be a good cook; no washing; small family. 414 So. S8th St. WANTED A girl for general houaework. Phono Webster 62. WANTED A girl for general houaework. No washing. Telephone Mrs. Allan A. Marsh, Douglas 42)3. WANTED Girl to help houaework. 110 S. 84th St. with general WANTED Competent second girl. E. M. Moraman. 224 N. 82d Ave. Mra. WANTED Girl for general housework: good wagea; three In family. N. W. corner &Ui and Dodge Sts. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 60S Park Ave. WANTED Competent girl for generaf housework. No washing. 1034 S. Thirtieth Ava, telephone H 8403. WANTED A Klrl for general housework; small family; good wages, 13M 8. Thirtieth Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. Douglas 1103. Apartment No. 8. WANTED Experienced cook and experi enced sexond 1,'lrl; leferences required. Mrs. Frank T, Hamilton. 210 S. 82d Ava WANTED Experienced cook. good wagea. Apply Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1203 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 62. WANTED A cook. Mrs. A. L. Reed. Phone Benson 178. WANTED A woman cook, quired. 1806 Farnam St. reference re- WOMAN to assist in rooming house for husband s board. S-2 North 23d street. WANTED Olrl to assist with general housework. 614 N. 15th St., South Omaha, a. iooo. A GIRL for general housework. Apply St once. Good wages. X-1 Pacific. NOT a penny will It cost you for two tickets to the American theater. If A. Nulin. 2440 S. 20th St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days, we will give him these two tickets. WANTKD Kxperleneed girl for generul housework. Mrs. A. F. Smith. :10 Dewey Ave. CAPABLE Rlrl, who Is a good cook; liundress employed. 416 H. 38th St. Har ney 2.iO. WANTED A Kil l f. r general housework. ril So. 2th Bt. Druglaa 704a. i WANTED Girl ,or general housework; desirable place for right girl 60S S 29th Ht. M Isrrlla aeons. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary'a Ave. and 17th rU . where they will be directed to suitable boardiug places or otherwise asaiated. Look for our trav elers' sld at the Union station. WANTED- lulles to take ordera for marie-to-order corsets In Nebraska and Ioa towns. Large profits. So ui pies st wholesale price. Cure Bee W 233. In order that the advertiser msy get the best results for money Invested, he must reach the buyer by the most direct snd reliable cbauasl. lbs bss is that chaoael. Two Best Verses About Him. Will Do Something New. & WSSS, is Bee ViiTvaUi fanVl!rk Fhtr The Bee Want Tad Jr Is a lively lad. VN. H always on the go; 5f UJll HeU rent tnat r(,om. sji Vy And do It soon, fifislr The town will tell you so. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeata, Solicitors aad Salesmen. AGENTS Wanted at ones, first clsss proposition; big commission. Writ today. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to sollotting snd to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of presenting hlgh-claaa mat ter. Not insurance nor books. Address U 169, cars Bee. WANTED A collector for city collection; good future for right party; call at onca 4ii8 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED one or two wash goods sales Tnen. Tnomas Kllpatrick & Co. 'Clerical and Office. Travel ng talesman, young man, $60 and expenses. Stenographer and clerk, $75. Invoice and auditing, thipplntr dark, $S0. Bookkeeper, retail establishment, opportun ity to take Interest in the business, $76. WESTERN RET. V BOND ASS'N, .762-3-4-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. Factory and Tradea. Drug Stores (snaps). Joba Knlest, Bss Bldg. WANTED Watchmaker, engraver, as sistant salesman, permanent positions; $A) per week. Ed. J. Nlewohner, Columbus, Neb. WANTED A first class blacksmith; steady Job; must be sober. Address L. A. Btoner, Fairfax, Mo. WANTED Competent blacksmith, steady work for the right party; state wages in first letter. Address Oscar Carlson, Danne brog. Nab. Ulseellaneoaa. MEN to learn the automobile trada Few weeks complete. Good positions earn 825 to 8s0 per week. Diplomas. Auto School of St. Louts (Chart, U06 Pins St, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED For U. S. army, able-bodied unmarried men between the agea of 18 and 36; citizens of the United Slates of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to recruiting officer, 13th and Douglaa Sts., Omaha. Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. Tenth St., Lincoln, Neb.; 110 E Third Bt-, Grand Island, Neb. UC1 $100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. . LVAUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. ' LARGEST ft BEST WRITE. YOU ARE WANTED for government po sition; $80 a month. Write for Hat of posi tions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 178-r, Rochester, N. Y. 6,000 government positions open. Writs for list Franklin Institute, Dept. 16t F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Fifty men Bt once to learn the barber trade. Have the Jobs waiting. Top wages. Few weeks under us qualifies. Our graduates running shops must have our barbers. Urgent. Tools furnished. Wages .Saturdays. Country or city appli cants mall or personally. Moler Barber college, 110 S. 141 h. DON'T forget to put a pitcher of bar ren's syrup on the table, i ("Thomas Boyle, 2'. 10 Chicago tH , will bring This ad to The Bee office within three days ws will give lilm a 60-cent csn free. HELP WANTED KALIS OR FEMALE. WANTED-A competent vocalist to dem onstrate aonss In our Pompelan room. Thl.i Is a permanent position requiring well tialned singer. Apply superintendent Hi au di'! Storea. SICK the msnlcure girl st the American thla week, if William Stewart, 2515 S. 21st St., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will glvs him two tickets to ths American theater. , LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses aad Vehicles. HORSES and MULEd for aale. 1711 Burt. HORSES-CLIPPED. 1711 BWRT. D. 1657. Phaeton 106. Harney 416. KOR SALE Standard bred atud colts and fillies, lire. I to win. For particulars, write, E. N. Armntrong. West Branch, la. ' ALFALFA HAY. Wagner, 601 N. 16tb St. RL'BBER-TIRKD surrey Call axis Capitol Ave. at a bargain. LOST AND FOUND LOST Mesh purse containing money, key and handkerchief ; Hrandels Pompelan Di easing Koom. Keward Harney 8o4. STRAY KD or stolen, small black and white fox terrier puppy, about 8 weeks old; return to J. K. ileum, 3646 Harney, and recelvs reward. LOST Boston bull terrier, crooked tall, long ears, dark brlndle and white on nose, neck and breast, and white feet; name. Pat; tag No. 4. liberal remard If returned to F J Karrlngtou, 8j Wooloilu- Pliune Harney swX This Want Tad LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of ths Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the atreet cars. Many articles esch day are turned In snd the company Is snxlous to restore them to ths rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Shiiner button, marked Hugo Na than. Reward If returned to Hotel Loyal. A LITTLE recreation la appreciated by all. If L. G. Lowrey, 1600 S. 11th St., will bring this sd to Ths Bee office within three days he will receive an order for two American theater tickets free. TiTlTTNT) IDEALCCLEANINO WORKS. r vjuriL'L(lc curUln, d ned. 86c. w. sm FTlTTMri Tns Teddy Bear espertalsan t U UISL , ,nd dyere. A-8&t. D. Mia MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONKS Rest rem sry for Itohlng, bleeding or protruding PILES, fcoc poetpaia; aampies rree. Sher man ft MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL. ittmimtftitttmtrtmMiitittftTtitffWTtMttTti 4pSvssswesaSTsaB"eTeBassfBvevTeTr V V f WWW $FUKNlTLKn. 0 4500 8ALARI ! $ LOANS. lw LOANS. 8 This is a NEW FIRM organized by 8 8 the LEADING BUSINESS MEN of $ $ Omaha to loan money to anyone own- $ $ Ing HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, $ $ PIANOS, etc, or holding a SALARIED 8 8 POSITION, 8 $ Ths aim of this company is not to 8 $ make money, but to help honest work- 8 $ lng people who have fallen into the $ bands of some of ths lug a rat loan $ companies. $ We will loan you all the money you $ want at f per oent per year. JUST THINK ICO U PAY ONLY $ 106 mo. payments $1.78$ 10.38. $ 25 6 mo. paymenta $4.81 $ 86.86. $10018 nvo. payments $8.78 $106.09. All other sums In proportion. 8 COMPARE THHHB RATES $ with what you have been paying snd $ COME TO VS. Reasonable app. charge. $ NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. I $ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., $ 8 Room 204, WITHNBUi BLK.., 8d Floor. 8 N. B, cor. ltn and Harney. Ky atalrs. ttll ttM.W.W..BWfMCf ASrswseewpsarfT Vrw WWW ewe fs w " T f 1 388$ MONEY TO LOAN. Come la and let us explain our low ratea Re liable Credit Co.. 808 Paxton block. i ei. isougiaa u. A-i4ii LOANS $10.0 UP QUICKLY On household goods, pianos, horses, wagons, sic Low rates: easy weekly or monthly payments. NO ADVANCE CHARGES. You get the full smount In cash. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 160$ FARNAM ST. ROOM 215. ((Board of Trade Building.) Phones Doug. 8296; lnd., A-107L DIAMOND LOANS AT iy2 en largs losns; smaller loans at 1 snd 4 W.C.FLATAI), L'iep&.Rl NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you uss $26 or $60 to a good ad vantage? If so, come to us; don't go to a friend. Ws loan money on furniture planoa or teams without removal, small snd easy paymenta; 60o Is the weekly pay ment on a $25 loan snd $1.89 Is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. Write or 'phone us snd ws will call on you st ones All business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE JX)AN 00 Room 12. Arlington Blk., 1511, Dodge 8t Phones: Douglas 2466. Independent A-2465. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping houae and others, without security easy paymenta. Office In (7 principal oitlea! Tclman, 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. for. merly N. Y. L. Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest ratea and strictly privsla, NEBRASKA LOAN CO., m Bee Bldg. Doug. I36!t. A-1368. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN cTOKAGE CO. cleans our carpets on your floors: eleotrle vacuum cleanera Sot 8. 16Ui s) 8. 1JU. Doug. iiaj. PIANO moving. Coles storage snd ex press. 1616 Capitol Avs. D. 670, A-3M7. EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mev-lngs furniture packing; fireproof storage city office. 21$ s. i7ih. Doug. 24; lad. U-UU. BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, niaao moving, transfer work of all kinds. auv 8. 10th St. B-83; D. 16sSi A-lOSa CURTAINS Isundered, 2815 Dewey Ave Harney 111 ' MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES IIWCK'B UNION ORCHESTRA; music turn, (or aU occasions. IU Okia. Web. tux OFFERED FOR RENT Board aao) Rooma. ST. JAMKS. 41 8a ltth; fleam heM. free bath. Am. U ". kly, up; eals Jbc. TOH BFNT Neatly furnlahod south room; dealrabla for two. ttf touth 2Mh Ft- NIC'E routh single room, furnished. Kil Pouglaa Bt. FOR RKNT Modern rooms, board. 1SU Cumins rt. FOR RKNT Two dcelrabl rooma: con nected; good board, all Bouth Mth ft. FOR RKNT Strlrtlr modern rooma. heatl fumlnhed; two scni Ifinen. One block ftoin two cars. Z2M California St. KI'RNI8HE1 room with board In nil vatr family; went Farnam district, for lady and gentlemen or tentlemeu. 0. 1M, cars Bee. FOR HKNT-7"wo alngle rooma for two gentlemen; board. 1SU Casa BL FOR RENT Two deelrable rooms for two; tsbla board. X22S Howard St. "Very comfortable rooms; board. M4 Pavenport St. FOR RKNT Deal rsbls room and board. 1216 Howard St. O, M. E. hauls trunka D. (11. A-Mll. FOR RKNT Nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. 1017 Wanderaon St. FOR RENT La r ire rooms suitable for two. 1104 South lit Lb 8L NICE, quiet home with first-class home cooking; cool rooms; everything mosern; hot and cold water all sumaier; references, Web. 8768, 2631 Hamilton. FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly fur nished; home cooking. Vli) bouth isth St.- rum nift'irtnRg mmt r.m.m Rales i Single, 836 to $40; double, $68 to t'o. IF ths pastry don t turn out right, chance flour. Get Updike's Pride of Omaha. Ws will glvs a 24-pound sack of this flour free to G. O. Monroe. 226 Cald well St., It he will bring this ad to Ths Bee office within three daya N ICF.LT furnished room with board: good location, eos No. 23d. NICE room with board for ons or two. with private family. 8118 Mason St. TWO nicely furnished front rooms! ev ery thins modern; cloas In; walking dis tance; large shady lawn. Good home cook ing. 2118 Douglas street. Douglaa 4834. LARGE alcove room with board for two gentlemen; walking distance; 85 a week each; private family. Telephone Douglas looa. TWO nicely furnished modern rooma, one south room and one north front room; also table boarders wanted. 2407 Harney St VERY desirable rooms with board. B. 86th Ava. 20$ PLEASANT east front room, nicely fur nished, with board; modem home; Kounlxe Place; no children; young marriea coupie referred: terma reasonable S08 North Ith. Phons Webstar 99L Famished Rewaas. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Wsbstsr 687$, Kit N. 80tu 8U FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms. US 8. 32d St. TWO strictly modern rooms, single oi ensulte, suitable for two or three. 2601 Farnam. Douglas 6366. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th ft Farnam. NICELY furnlahed, modern room; walk Ing .dlataaoa. 213 N. 26th St. TWO furnished housekeeping roomi (own town. Third floor, 1802 Douglss. TWO strictly modern rooms, single oi ensults; suitable for two or three. IM Farnam. Douglas 6366. FOR RKNT Comfortable rooms, walk ing distance. 407 S. 86th Ave NICELY furnished room. Hanacom park and Field club district, on car line. Phons Harney 716. FOR RENT Two large rooma, desirable for two gentlemen. 817 8. 26th St. lv rooms. private family. 8610 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms. 8628 Capitol Ave. s FOR RENT Nlos room suitable for two. 813 S. 86th St. LARGE front room, bath, gas, $7 pel month for two men; $9 per month for three. Breakfast and supper if desired. 1711 Nicholas St. NEAT rooma, all modern conveniences; walking dlstanos. 8707 Dodge. H. 6686. LARGE, modern rooms, suitabls for twoi $1$ per month. 318 N. 23d. The rwki inr .i i.. ern; walking distance. 2201 Douglas 'St. K1WLT furnlsherf ffAnt eAm mrltH t. . alcovsj everything modern; excellent meals next uwr. in oouin aun avs. Douglss 7400. MODERN front room and alcove. 2671 Dodgs. $3.60 per week. Also smsll bed room, $1 a wsek. Good board near. Walk tmr dlstenre Hrrllw mn.,. t. . ,!.,.- and bath. Phons Harney 8030. ROOMS for light housekeeping, every thing modern. One kitchen and ons room upstairs. Walking distance. Baaement foi rent also. 1K8 Capitol Ava LARGE front room for two and slnglt room, everything modern, on car line) walking distance; excellent home board Phone Douglaa 6267. 2416 Capitol Ave. VERY nice large furnlahed rooms foi young men, everything modern, on car llne Walklne distance. W i.i.nhAn. &9i ki 2otn St. FOR RENT Front parlor, handsome! furnished In mahogany throughout, (acini on a largs screened porch; references ex changed. 'Phone Hsrney 341. BEAUTIFUL large room and one small room; everything modern; rent reasonable. 'Phone Red 623. 616 N. 83d St. COOL rooms; 1811 Davenport. FURNISHED front room on boulevard; nice cool flat; close In: everything modern; rent reasonable, ill north 18th. COOL, clean room. 808 N. 20th. ROOM strictly modern furnlahed apart ment for rent during summer montttS. References required. Address N 187 Bes. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modern good location. 71s N. 20th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, close in. 1611 Leavenworth St FOR RENT Clean, neat furnlahed rooma 1816 Douglas St. FOR HEX I Nicely- furnished luumt suitabls lor two. tili Dodge bi. FINE largs room at 21 J) Douglas, near two car lines; less than six blocks lo Six teenth atreet; targe lawn with awing; everything modern, with hot and coid water. FURNISHED front room for rent on car line; walking distance; everything mod ern; 120 North Twenty-fifth street. HUl'TH front largs room In cool flat, everything modern: on car line; walking dlatanos; largs shads trees; 8416 Caas street. FURNISHED rooms In private family, walking distance. UU a ajth. St, FURNISHED front room on boulevard; nlcs cool flat; close in: everything modern; rent reasonable, ill North ISUt. FOR RENT !.arge front room to two gentlemen, private family. 818 N. 2id st FOR RENT Strictly modem room to re fined gentleman. 818 A. S6ta fct TRONT "-OOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY, 8 BLOCKS WEST OF HK1U .?,N, HARNEY AND cAW TOWN CAR LINE, 8410 CHICAGO ST. TWO strictly modem rooms, single oi enaulta. suitable for two or three. V. remain. Douglas 684 MODERN alngle room on bath room flour. $8 par week. 603 8. 8?th St. Persistent Advertising Is ths Rcsd to Big Rsloras,