Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Have Hoot I'rint It.
in, Clcrtric Fixture,
Tlmo, Printing.
Omaha (locks for Indian
tor l.zwi wail dorks, known to the trade
an 'regulators." fur use In the Indian
service, has been awarded to the A. F.
Pmlth rompiny of Omaha.
More lloys Than ;irls One hun
dred and alaty-ala children, eighty-seven of
them males, were born In the rlty during
the month of April; turln April. 1310, 174
were horn, of which eighty-one were malue.
Prortocutlnn for Short Wright
Charging- George Hutter. a dealer In coal
and grain at Twenty-eighth and Farnam
streets, with giving ahort welghta, John
Orant. Pegg awor out a complaint In po
lice court Momley morning.
Internal Itevenue lUre-lpta Fall Off
The Internal revenue receipts for the
month of April ehow a decrease of $12.787 .
over the receipt for the corresponding
month the preceding year. The receipts
for April. 1911. are I19S.C7.88. while the re
ceipts for April. 1910, were 1242 444 tt.
-New Law Firm la Formed frank
H. Woodland was admitted to the law
firm of Rich, Gilbert & Nolan Monday.
Mr. Woodland takee the place of Mr. Gil
bert, who Is leaving the city and the firm
name is changed to Rich. Nolan Wood
land. No Tickets Sold The board of goT
. emors of the Apollo club announces that
no tlcketa will b sold for admlnsion to
the Apollo club concert at h First Con
gregational church, -.'Tuesday evening. May
1 This concert Is private to the members
and frlenda of the rhib and tlcketa for all
availab.e aeata have already been Issued-
In. Partnership With' His Father
.Hugh C. Robertson, son of Bernard N.
Robertson, the attorney, haa entered Into
law partnership with his father. Mr.
Robertson was a member of the debating
team wh';h represented Cretghton uni
versity this spring, and was graduated
. from Jhe Crelghtort College of Law last
Bat ur day evening at the bead of hie olasa.
Change at Federal Building The
navy recruiting atatlon will move Its of
fices from the third floor of th federal
building to th fourth floor, where It will
occupy the rooms prevloualy uaed aa a
dormitory for the mall clerka. The dis
trict clerk will occupy the rooms vacated
by the nary atatlon. Judge -Munger will
annex th room adjoining hi library. N
Springfield Good Fellowship Dinner
jne Bpringneia (ieo. commercial ciud
will hold a "goodfellowshlp dinner" In Ita
clubroom Wednesday evening. There will
be several prominent local speakers, but
th principal speakers of th evening will
be Clement Oh as of Omaha, who will at
tend th dinner aa th official representa
tive of th Omaha Commercial club. Leroy
Corliss, manager of the Waterloo Cream
ery company, will also attend the affair.
' Grocers After Convention One spe
cial car, and probably two, will be run
from Omaha to Denver In June, filled with
delegates to th convention of th National
Retail Grocers' association. They will be
members of th Nebraska Federation of
Retail Merchants, and they will be ac
companied by members of th Omaha Com
. . tr.erclal xlub, all bent on securing th next
annual convention for this elty. Th Den
ver meeting will be held from June 10 to
t2, Inclusive. i
Maynard Takes In New Work-
James W. Maynard, recertly selected as
rustodtan of publlo school properties, aa
aumed th duties of his office Monday.
Though named for the pljoc two month
ago, Mr. Maynrd haa been uuabla to clear
up his business M an employe of th Union
Paclflo until tbla data 11 was granted
tntll May 1 by the Beard of Education
"to get" his' afalrs' 1n 'hape. "previously,
i the office of custodian was filled by D.
Flnlayson. superintendent of construction,
. but the departmtnu vo.e divorced be
co use of preM cf buslress.
Bank Open Savings Department
A savings department waa opened Monday
at th Omaha National bank, and here
after will constitute one of th several
prominent featurea of that Institution.
Mis Anna Hanson, who has been con
nected with the bank during th last two
years, has been placed In charge of the
department. Prior to a year or two ago
th comptroller of th currency would not
permit national banks to maintain savings
departments, but sine than th bars have
been let down aad national banks all over
th country are taking up th small sav
ings feature wherever th field war
rants It
Eight Men Resign at
Sock Pile Gin; Refutes to Spend
May Day at labor Bid the .
Guard Goodbye. '
Bight -rock pll prisoners have gone a
Maylng. Monday morning the rock pll prisoner
held a conference and passed resolutions
disapproving th eatabllehment of th In
stitution for th manufacture of macadam.
At th close of th mtlng they ten
dered thtr resignation to Ed Stout, dep
uty sheriff In charge, and bad him fare
eel I as they walked from th enclosure.
Mr. Stout ' was . comrolssionsd deputy
iherlff Monday beore going on duty.
Os TraJaloa Q f rvaa Llaeola
to BUllaaT th
" . aaasur.
May day marks. th beginning of th beet
weeding season In, th western states, and
already men, women and children, often
th whol family In a party, ar to be seen
passing through Omaha to th beet fields
of Nebraska, Montana. Wyoming, Colorado
anf other western state.
A special train, carrying MO Russians,
leaves Linoola May t, loaded with families
gofng to th beat field near BlUI&ga,
Mont., wher there is on firm with a
sugar factory and adjacent fields worth
tl .0,0no. Others will be leaving soon ana
th entire "weeding" population for th
summer will to ajnping near th fields.
Sealer t St. Starr's Aeaacaay Pre
- TasMs'i "Prtaeeaa."
Far superior .. t Use usual school jtrl
dramatics was th presentation ot Tenny
son's treat poem th Princes. In sit scenes
ty the senior student of Bt Mary's acad
emy, Qulncy. Ill, In th spacious academy
auditorium. Though th students have been
under special professional training for
only a few weeks, they Interpreted th dif
ficult lines of the poem with masterful
delivery that reflected credit upon their
gifted teacher and clearly evinced th thor
ough character of her work.
Not only th clear enunciation, th dis
trict articulation, and th carefully modu
lated expression of th reader deserv
laudatory mention; but another delightful
charm ot th play waa th artistic delsart
work of th young ladles who constituted
th classes ot th university. Every member
ot th cast did her part well and supported
th work of th whol. The highest encom
iums were pronounced upon th work by
all who saw it and ths Princess will long
b remembered ss one of th most brilliant
and artistic piajg aver aliaesaed la Qulncy. j
Judge Estelle Givei the Investigator!
Their Instructions.
laatrartlaaa Refer to the l.lqt
l aws, th Blld l abor Laws aad
Laws Forhlddlaai Minora
la rol Malls.
The grand Jury for the May term of the
district court as convened and sworn in
by Judge Kxtelle Monday morning. The
Jury Immediately adjourned for the day
and will take up its grind Tuesday morn
ing under the direction of George Magnev,
deputy county attorney. ,
P. r. Peterson, heed of the U. P. Steam
Bakery company, was appointed foreman.
H. Oiaegow. an old soldier.' Is th special
bailiff for the Jury.
"It has been publicly charged." nald the
Judge in Instructions to the Jury, "that the
government has Issued twice as many
licenses to sell liquor In the city of Omaha
aa have been Issued by the authorities
of the city of Omaha. The men who are
engaged In th lawful sale of liquors In
this city pay a license of 11000 as well as
a government licence, and. while they
should at all times observe the laws gov
erning the sale of Intoxicating liquors, thy
ar aa well entitled to the protection of
that law."
Bpecial reference was made to violations
of th child labor laws, the Judge stating,
the crime against childhood Is the great
est crime of the age."
Attention was called to the regulations
which forbid minors in pool halls and to
the investigation of hotela and other publlo
buildings; also to the county institutions,
the Jell, etc
Personnel of the Jury:
P. F. Peterson, fore- C. K. Dunn,
nan; R. D. Duncan,
B. F. Black. J. A. Lee.
Albert C. Kugel. W. J. Little.
Henry Heal, T. F. Morrlssey,
Gus Bhemke. Nels Peterson.
Charles M. Clapp, Henry Riardon,
Dennla Cunningham. Harvey Sloughter.
F. K. Dally, ,
Llceaae Inspector Declares War and
Bays that They Ar Really
Richard Schneider, license Inspector, has
declared war against peddlers who operate
under th guise of manufacturers agents.
Schneider Ssys these dispensers of wares
vad payment of peddlers license fees
by pretending to taks orders, when In fact
they deliver goods at th same time they
mak the sal.
Thee fellows must take out a peddler's
license or quit business, la Schneider's
"Th city Is being, beaten out of hundreds
of dollars annually through the tactics."
says Schneider. "I have Investigated their
operations and they ar th same as pre
vail among peddlers. Th represent them
selves as manufacturers' agents. But In
stead of making th delivery at some sub
sequent date, they deliver the wares at
th time of the sale. Otherwise, they could
not make any money out of th scheme.
Housewives and others who buy of ped
dlers changa their minds, too often to risk
a delivery on another day. So they deliver
Immediately. This puts them in th same
class as peddlers and they will have to put
up th llcens fee, th same aa legitimate
A Break for Liberty
from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is
mad .when a 85a boxrpty Ring's New
Life Pills Is bought. Ffo'r sale by Beaton
Drug Co. '
Building Permit.
Harrison V Morton, 13S North Thirty-fifth
street, frame dwelling, $1,000.
Capital, - .- - -Surplus
and Profits,
J. H. MILLARD, President
WILLIAM WALLACE,' Vice President"
W. H. BUCH0LZ, Vice President
WARD M. BURGESS, Vice President
Negro Policeman,
is Charged With
Keeping Resorts
Emory Smith, Patrolman, Suspended
When Woman Hakes Disclosure
to the Department.
investigating the complaint of a negro,
who ,eald he had been robbed by a woman
In a house at 1S South Fifteenth Mreet. the
police stumbled acroea a trail that ended In
the suspension of Policemen Emory Pmith.
a negro, on s charge of running disorderly
Hmlthe commission was peremptorily sus
pended Mondsy morning following the dls
rlosurs and Captain Dunn was ordered to
relieve him of all duty until the meeting
of the police commissioners. According to
the story told by the complainant he was
Invited to th house by a woman who said
she was the wife of a policeman. When
confronted by the police the woman refused
to deny th house was owned and run
In th interest of Smith. Smith la said to
run another house on Davenport street.
Is Released fader Boade Condition
of Nellaea Is "till delta
Dean Noyes, the city employe, who was
driving the automobile which ran down and
severely Injured Jens Nellson Saturdar
night, was arrested Monday morning and
released on I&00 ball. Nellson wss pro
nounced out of danger one by the police
surgeons, but he seemed to be no better
Monday morning and the police refused
to go upon the supposition that he will re
cover and decided to hold Noyes.
Booklovera, Attention.
Get a Be catalogue of 6.000 book titles.
It will help solve puzzle pictures. On sale
at Pes office, 26 cents: mall, SO cents.
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems in advance of baby's
coming. Unless the mother aids
nature in its pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to the de
mands made upon it, and she is often
let with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy is so truly a .
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
and no expectant mother should fail
to use It. It relieves, the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain em
the ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those fibres and muscles which
nature is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother's
Friend dispels the fear that the crisis
may not be safely met. Mother's
Friend assures a speedy and complete
recovery for the mother, and she is
left a healthy woman-to enjoy the
rearing of her '
child. Mother 'a rgimn Bltf
Friend Is sold at Hit I tlfilfft
tefioS.. HHEHD.
book for expect- -
ant mothers which contains much
valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpful nature.
ay9 May Eiirgt
maha lMi!;
Seventeenth and Farnam
Announces the Opening of
s- TTv v j
aMES jpepariLinnieiii
Thii department willl afford adequate facilities
to depositors seeking a safe place for savings which
will bear interest according to approved Savings
Bank Rules ' ,
Deposits made in the Savings Department on
or before May 10th will bear interest from the First
of May at 3 per cent. ' ,
"70U will sidestep colds,
couehs and all other
spring ills
it you
wear one ot ur
new Spring Overcoats,
Cravenettcs r Slip-
Ons. Your health will bo
peeure, and your appearance
will be greatly enhanced, yet
you won't need to empty
your purse to accomplish
this. Handsome new fabrics,
correctly designed stylos and
the best of workmanship
make their fine looks, their
comfortable fit and their
long service certain. Their 0
littleness of price is the re
sult of buying methods that have
no equal. We'll guarantee evcrj
thing from looks to price.
Remember, too, that our Crar
enette and "Slip-Ons" are RAIN
, '
Spring Overcoats
and Cravenettes
$10 to $23
Slip-On Raincoats
$5 to $20
'me Mouse or
Ham of Steln-Bloch Clothes, hegal
For ool Nights
and Comings
Our Celebrated
is ideal for open grates. It is free from smoke, the worry
over ashes and esoot, and is odorless.
Supplied in small lots
Aitchison-Cook-Corneer Company
ynidnFuel a.
1714 Farnam
Street ; ' '
People are becx5ming more and more interested in the
development of the Great Northwest. And The Bee,
which has been untiring in creating this interest, is
read by a vast throng. Advertise your land in The Bee.
- $1,000,000
- 500,000
J. De F. RICHARDS, Cashier
FRANK BOYD, Assistant Cashier
B. A. WILCOX, Assistant Cashier
EZRA MILLARD, Assistant Cashier
tticcrtty Clolkc
Shoes. Stetson Hats, Manhattan Shirts.
Dh..e Douglas 268
Phonesilnd. A-2268
XIic Omaha Dec's Great
Booklovers' Contest
soap r I rxnrr lube J ) f
- V 5THJ 'Xf -
KO. OS TVtS.T, MAT , 1111.
What Dees This Picture Represent?
Title ,
Your name -
Street nd Number
City or town .
After yo feav vrtttaa la the UUe ot Ue book save tha coupoa
aad plctura.
Do no awnd aa csoupoa la maUl U end ot (be couteM U
Remember the picture rprnU the title of a book noi a
scene or character from It
Catalogues containing the nam ot all the books oa wtlch th
putil pictures are based are for sale at the business office ot The
Bee 26 cents- Br mall, SO cants
Rules of
ua allilbl. u nut this
el tsniliM. lut OH, air
Tk m a sletiir which will npraMM Ik. sum el s took. on pieiera
th will ke a bluuc tor U. touuatt te rill ta the title ot the hoa.
Cwt oat both tt. etntere an blank sa4 (Ul la the nam. sn authw ot ta soot aa
aM row seme an edarM dmIIt tat plainly Is m. spue ruld4.
No nsutatloo. wtl e. sUoot en ta way la whlak uw.r. to lb. platurM may be
neanl tch pltur mrtMU oaly en. title el a book. II yoa ere aot tun el a
title to wtae te tend la aon tbsa ea. answer u Mck picture, yos mey ... BUT
lnewreot anrwers will aet b. eant4 ttnat MtlMuti It comet an.w- It eiM !.
Hon thta one tnewwr sbeeM net b. set oa tb. ttm. ooupen. CU coupons theula b.
mA lor asm answer. All aaawoie i Ih asm. aumbOT skoals be kwt . ethcr is
""'while ao? absetstely a ry, N It datlrtblt tk.t tb. plottit sh.ul4 In eaoh ew
be sent In wUt tk. tniwwt ,ta orim that til MMWOTt be anllorm. AdalUoaal yuUrtt
tad ! stay bt ebtalt tt the eltlce ot BM by mtll er ia puwoa.
Wbcn yoa hte tU ematy-des-slttww, tttitn Um i& tn4 brins er mtll
them te The Omthe Be eedrtMit te the BookMnen' Oonteat Kdltor. Prlut will be
.varaat b th. iniiiiinnnn eeaatn la tk. ltrsl aumbar el aorract eoletloat. In otmi
m tw er BMre ptrtoat k.nns th. hm aumbar ot eorrwcl eolutLona. tk. .raon aln
U. eauller aumbwr el extra ..etent la hi. Ml ot taswtn wll be SMUrwt wtnaer. U
eet ol two ptoat siaf tb. stmt aumbar eerraat tn4 mIrs the sswm numbbr ol
eeusona, th HnM wbm tat el tuwtn it moet nutly srapanC ia the oploloa ot
the full luasina eosualttM. will rtMloe tht first rtH.
Only eae list el aaew.r may be t.baltud by e wete.ttat.
The at of the toupoae tt aet eMlsaiory epea tbt tontwttnt, aa ta Asswar suy
be submltte ta any If1kl. atauaer (he MdtMtttt sur ttleei.
awtrdt will be mate ttrtotly smotId( te the marlt ol eih ttearate ll.
Tb. name el mor. thta one pwaia muM not b written upon aay toe toupea.
The awards wll be tote, by the CotUett Miter aa a etaunillt. el wtil-fcaowa rt
uat waM babm will be announce bur.
iv. Oeatett tt limits te the oilewias territory i Ntbrttka, Wyoming, that porlloa
at Iowa wart et bat at iaaiaaia Dot atoiaat, aa that aastlea el sotk Dakota aavwa
ts the Bleak Kills OietfleV
ranks among in leading motor ear. For both servlcs and speed this
auto wlU make aa exceUeat posaeeslon. It is a real Joy-maker. It Is
fully equipped and la Just like accompanying Illustration. Th famous
apperson warranty goes with this car. The prise may be Inspected at
toe Apperson's sales rooms. HOI Tarnam Btreet
Second Prize
Valu $780
Not everybody tin pity altn.
taut srybody would Ilk to. Th
ll-not Kimball player-piano, wort
T 10. which 1 the second (ran
prise, will fnrniaa aausi for you
Bthr you play or not. It la a
wonderful Instrument, aod will snake
torn bom a happy place for every
ai.rnber f tb family, live a Oraud
Bit cto play tbla instrument. if
titter want to pi It without th
aaecitanlsm, aha simply has to lift
a lever. Thl playar 1 hlblted at
U A. Ueep star. I til Uuualaa eU.
Fourth Prize
Valu $282)
A stoa cuiumuia "stant Orafosv
e.a aiiu wunu ot records fores
trio tourtb arena ria. Tills excel
lent intlrutuaut 1. on of tb bs
tuanulaciuiwu. It Is built of finest
aueliugauiy throughout. or any
family I rile Instrument la simply
musical sera. It la euro to inctest
the bits of any bom. It will draw
tb family closer together and toria
means of entertainment oljnl after
Bight. This Urafonola Is now et
blbit.d at th Columbia t'hoiiugrap
i oinpauy a tvaeotiy. Uil-iJ r araaa
Thirty-Five Caah Prizes
Valu. $140
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Twenty Prizes of $1
Watch for the Daily Picture in The Bee.
(no this is
the Contest
eoatMt ami employ., of the Osuh snm sad
mnur-n. ears, mere win e. s.mwbm i
First Prize
Vttlu 52,000
A II.UvO AvVwiauu "Java Hair
tn ' iuurtuK car. Model Four
I Dirty, with tlTe-passnger ca
" tjaclt. It U a great car in a
great contact, it bat man apecd
and road records, and todar
Third Prize
Valu $800
Tht prts I a bautlxul lot 'a
A. r. Tukey Son's Ilr addltloa.
adjanant to Han scorn park and Ca
tral boulevard. It ta lot of block
slant, en Thirty-third street, and It
isxl 10 feet- Tb street car line runs
ions Thlrty-econd svenu. Just a
block from th sit of th lot. Mom
young coup', perhaps, will hr
rct a ilttl nvttaa la jvhloh to
II v for yeara and years. Who caa
tall what lucky pereoa will (et thto
Ideal loiT You may be th one.