THE BEE: -OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 2, 1011. .1 - L i TlIR OMAHA DAILY BEE KOrNDED UT KDWARD ROSEWATEK. VICTOR KOSEWATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha poatofflce ft second class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Sunday Hh, on year B Ml Saturday P-ee. one )wr IW Dally Hee (without Sunday I, one year... 4 m Pally Br and Sunday, one year (.00 DELIVERED BY-CARRIER. Evening Bee (without Sunday), per mo....26e Evening Bee twtth Sunday, per month. ,.4?c I 'ally Bee (Including Hunday), per mo. ...c Dally Bee (without Sunday), per mo 46c Addreea all complaint! nf Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha N. Twenty-fourth 8t Council Bluffs IS Scott BV IJncoln 24 Uttle Building. Chicago 1548 Marquette Building. Kansas CHv Hellance Building. New Tork J4 West Thirty-third St. Waahlngton 72S Fourteenth Ft.. N. .W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCE. Remit by draft, express or postal order, pavahle to The Bee Publishing Company. Only I-cent stamps received In payment of mail accounts, personal checks except on Omaha, and eastern exchange not accepted. APRIL. CIRCULATION. 48,106 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss: D wight Williams, circulation manager of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly worn, says that the average daily circula tion, less spoiled, unuseu and returned copies, for the month of April, 1911, was 48,10. DW1IJHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of May, If 11. (Seal.) ROBERT HUNTER. - - - Notary Public abaorlftere leavlag the ettr team porarlly aaoalel have The) Be . a a 114 thesa. A a drees will be ceaaaea aa aft a as raaaestea. Afraid the May Queen toesles nipped a bit. got ber That Mexican Amazon ought quip her regiment with hatpins. to Thia "referred-to-a-committee" form of city government probably will not laat always. Mexico ought to be a great place for thoae simplified spelling reformera to get busy. Have the people of Tacoma stopped long enough recalling mayors to kill that first flyT The city council may as well vary the program by trying a wrestling mat,ch this time. No confidence will, be violated In figuring Tom Taggart for Kern for the 1912 race track. The Queen of the May made an egregious - mistake If she neglected to bring her furs with her. . . , That St. Louis ball team owned by a woman Is last in the race. It is a very ungallairt sei'Of men. , - .. . - js.. ; guffragltts In California have taken to the harem skirts. Bound to ;have the (orm, If not the fact. Now that there Is a woman In the case, this Mexican revolution begins to look more like a modern war. It would have been all too one sided if they bad let J. Ham In on that whiskers-bald head debate at Wash ington. Mr. Bryan, assures inquirers that when the times comes for naming his choice for president, "I will speak out." You bet." . Shame on a white-whiskered old scamp like Father Winter, obtruding himself on a sweet young miss like the Queen of the May! It must be a great consolation for our latest auto victim to know that the machine that did the damage was not one of those owned by the city. Now that they are to get IS a day Instead of $2 a day, the Incentive for the grand, jurors to hurry up and get through should not be so pressing. The poor . Treasury department at Washington finds itself burdened with a certain-$300,000 past due interest It cannot give away. Oh, yes it ran. Where there Is, a "will, there is a way. If Omaha wants to give away fran chises for the asking It will find plenty of applicants full of plausible prom ises and willing to take a chance on cashing them in on the stock market. The New .York American says congress la worrying Wall street. Why nott. The Texas legislature has been known to- do aa much. Houston Pose , Was that when it appeared as if it might not re-elect Joe Bailey to the senate? The negro in the United States who is tempted to complain of bit lot might better appreciate his surround ings by looking Into the situation of the 200 negroes who migrated to Canada in quest of their Utopia. Congressman Lobeck is booming Champ Clark for president. Of course, the speaker bas been completely shorn of bis power to favor members, but our wily congressman thinks he is worth while cultivating. Just the same. If Senator Brown chooses to stand with Taft as against a genuine progressiva for president, then It will be time enough to throw him down and support a man for aenator who. stands squarely for real pro gressives ail along the line Blair Pilot. The Pilot man ts a trifle bard to fol low. Senator Brown bas already pub licly announced himself for Taft as against all . comers, but perhaps the pilot man' does not place much conu sance In the honorable senator's word. i Chilly May Dayt. May day, 1911, proves not much un- j like Msy day. The chilly weather this year, coming after a period of beauti ful days and helpful spring rains, was by no means unprecedented. May in this valley often loses its sweet tran quillity long enough to show us a very ugly disposition. In 1907 the month waa more than half gone before it be gan to Justify the happy illusion of its name. On May 1, we had a tem perature ranging from 37 to 65 and on May 2, from 41 to 66, while May 3, the temperature went lower and two inchea of snow fell here, four Inches at Lincoln and more at other points in Nebraska and Kansas. The cold snap was widespread; snow fell again May 4, and the weather continued cool up to the 15th, when another snow fell and In Omaha the temperature ranged from 34 to 61, though at North Platte it was as low as 22. Yesterday when people , awoke on the first May morning and found snow flurries had fallen during the night and the atmosphere waa decidedly sharp, many of them naturally Jumped to the conclusion that it meant the doom of fruit, but that is not certain, If the experts are dependable. In fact, the fruit has' got along so well thus far, the spring has been so much moTe favorable than usual, that the buds should be able to withstand the rigors of inclement weather. While this cold snap is extensive and more severe at other points carrying possibility of much damage, results may not be seri ous, at least in this Immediate vicinity. Thus far orchardista have found little damage done to fruit, which is in much better condition to escape the frost blight than it was four years ago. : i The Kern Boomlet And now Mr. Bryan has shoved his friend, Senator Kern, out into the water again and that, too, while the temperature is still very chilly. He has decided to put blm in the presi dential free-for-all swimming match, though Mr. Bryan takes very good pains to see that be himself does not get in at this prematurely early sea son, even though Wilson, Harmon and Clark have Jumped In. , Evidently the Peerless Leader be lieves in numbers and variety as the spice of Ufa and presidential contests. He may run the number up twfee its present size before the real Jockeying starts. That will tend to bring out the "favorite-son" vote to its maxi mum and pave the way to some very profitable scoring when they get down to business at the last heat. Mr, Bryan is something of a, David Harum when it comes to making good nomi nation . dickers, though he has not sustained the reputation of David all the way through. I ' But Mr. Kern has a very fine growth of whiskers. In fact he had been selected, with Uncle Joe Cannon, to lead the whiskers tide pf. the great debate against the bald-heads at Washington, so that his enforced entry Into the other race injects Into It the spice of variety.. Governor Wilson, Speaker Clark and Mr. Bryan are all clean-shaven, and i Governor Harmon has only a mustache, though equally bald with the best of them. Mr. Kern announces bis Inability to carry out his part in the debate, but we observe no such disposition on his part twoard this other little controversy. Undoubtedly be will be there at the summing-up with his friend Harmon, to match his good old Indiana whiskers against the Ohloan's slick pate and the smooth faces of the other contestants. , Perhaps Mr. Kern's strength, like that of Samson of old, dwells in the Jungles of bis beard and, knowing this, Mr. Bryan does not propose that this power shall he dlssipatedln an inconsequential contest now, but re served to be used as he sees fit In that later competition, fraught with such meaning to him. China! Predicament. Pressed from within and without by political and economical distress, China seems to be in the midst of its busy trouble season. Scarcely had the frontier famine reached it climax than along came the threat of war from Russia and that menace was but lately removed when now occurs the civil uprising at Canton, which has already attained serious proportions Unless there is a decided change soon China's predicament may get beyond its Immediate control. Evidently something is radically wrong In China, which the empire, it self, could and should correct. Even in the Russo-Chlnese controversy, it became apparent that all the blame did not rest upon Russia. But China's Irritating evasion and procrastination In diplomacy was characteristically manifest In this case. Just what causes that hsjre provoked the present revolt against the royal army seems obscured-at this distance. The report saythe uprising sprang from an anti Manchu sentiment brought to- Can ton from Macao and Ho4tXong, bu before that there seercs to have been some very deep-aeetri grievances among the troops. Apj'renUy these were1 surcharged with thi Vimtnt of danger, for aa soon s touched off by the antl-Manchu sentiment the ex plosion came and came, too, with fatal consequences, for the taotat of Canton lost bis life immediately, the yam an waa burned and other destruction wrought. What aggrevates the problem at Canton Is, evidently, a distrust of the empire's troops. Both Britain and the United Statea have considered the situation serious enough to send war ships to the scene as a measure of protection to their respective citizens. It devolves upon the men of influence In China to take hold and if they know the secret of this disturbance, they owe It to their country and them selves to apply the remedy without delay. Increasing; Trade Abroad. The American consul st Frankfurt, Germany reports a steady increase in the volume of Amei lean-made goods' handled in that city since 1903. Eight years ago, he says, very few of our wares were to be seen on display there, but now they are common. This is gratifying, for the country bas been hearing a great deal from these con suls .as to the lack of American enter prise and trade in many of the im portant old world centers. It was to stimulate ' our business abroad that the government, acting upon the ad vice of Its consuls, organised tbem nto a sort of commercial missionary society to return home at Intervals and go among the manufacturers and merchants preaching the needs to be fulfilled and ways to do it. But this Frankfurt consul has a word to add, which modifies his good report. He finds trade conditions far from satisfactory. While much good has been accomplished by meana-of the scheme of having American travelers inquire at the shops for American made goods, greater results are lack ing because American tradesmen do not send and maintain their special agents in Frankfurt and other import- nt European cities. It stands to reason that if our commercial representatives resided there,, as do the representa tives of other countries, our trade would show the effect very soon. When, for Instance, a Frankfurt mer chant wishes to place an order he is likely to place it with the representa tive on the ground, Instead of taking all the rlBk of cabling it to a house over the ocean, which does not think enough of his patronage to cultivate it. In this way we are losing trade n all big cities, so our consuls report. Another thing our manufacturers are advised to do is to be more gener ous with their samples, either to give them free of charge or to make a charge that will be inviting, for com petition is keen and so long as the dealers of other countries pursue these methods, Americans will have to meet them. It would ' seem that Yankee thrift should not have to be chidden on these points more tnan once. Postal Savings for Omaha. The early extension of postal sav ings banks to some of the larger cities, the first depositories having been con fined to the smaller postofflces, is now promised. This is the information which has been brought back from Washington by the postmaster of Chi cago, with the assurance that Chicago will have a postal savings bank before the year is ended. , , . . . When the department reaches cities of our size Omaha ought to be In the list, because conditions are nowhere more favorable for successful estab lishment of postal savings than here. Omaha, South Omaha and suburbs constitute a community of 166,000 people, and except for the savings de partments andx time certificate busi ness of its national banks has not a single savings bank institution. In other words, a postal sayings deposi tory -here would supply a place which Is, entirely unoccupied at present and would not cut Into the business of ex isting banks in any appreciable de gree. On the contrary, many people who lost confidence in savings banks at the same time that they lost money in them could probably be induced to resume depositing their savings other way. We know of no more promising field in the country for postal savings than right here In Omaha. Can Log-rolling- Be Stopped? Can logrolling be stopped? Enact ment in Wisconsin of a law which has gone to the governor aiming to put an end to this admittedly. serious evil will probably help us" to the answer, for if thla Wisconsin law fails to accomplish the object it will be hard to devise a measure that will. What Wisconsin proposes to do is to make logrolling a felony by pro hlbltlng any member of the legislature to agree to vote for or against any bill (n consideration of some other mem ber agreeing to vote for or against any other bill. It goes further by also prohibiting a member of the legists ture to agree to vote for or against a bill In consideration that the governor vetoes or signs any bill or appoints or removes anyone from public office The penalty for persisting in logroll ing or vote trading In violation of the law Is a fine -of $1,000 or imprison ment not exceeding three years. It is easily conceivable that with such a law in force a revolution would ensue in all our legislative bodies, for mighty few measures are written on the statute books except through the agency of vote swapping. No mem ber of a legislature in his right mind would under ordinary circumstances deliberately swap himself Into the pen itentiary in order to swap a bill through. Unfortunately, It takes two to make a trade, and if both are equally guilty, neither will be likely to furnish the evidence to convict the other. If Wisconsin, therefore, makes headway in stopping logrolling It may expect Its example to be quickly fol lowed in other states. The Lincoln Journal uses sharp words to denounce certain other Lin coln newspapers for holding up to public view for campaign purposes Lincoln's various faults and foibles to which Its people would rather ireep their eyes Shut. According lo the Lincoln Journal Idea It Is the duty of Lincoln newspapers to direct their en ergies exclusively to black washing Omaha and holding Omaha up as a horrible example, by contrast with which Lincoln may hope to shine. It is really too bad that Lincoln folks should be so rudely awakened by drum-beaters right within their Own gates. If It will take $600,000 to build the additional main to Florence recom mended by the engineering expert, how much will it cost, In addition to the $6,263,293.49 and Interest, to bring the water plant through better ments and extensions to meet present requirements? Will the proposed bond issue of $8,250,000 fill the bill, or be only a starter? We pause for the Water board's reply. According to official report, some thing like $130,000 was spent op be half of the defeated candidate for mayor In Chicago's recent municipal campaign. The mystery of the high cost of living Is hereby slightly Il lumined. A Moderate Swallow. New York Sun. Aa there are fully l.Orx) Islands In thef Philippine Archipelago the moderation of the Dutch Is amazing. Soperflaons Politeness. V Boston Transcript. It waa polite of France to notify the United States, as one of the signatories of the Algeclras agreement, that It waa about to Intervene to restore order In Morocco, but It was superfluous. If France should Intervene Morocco out of" existence our government would not care so long aa our commercial Interests were not Injured. Roosevelt Is Oat of It. Bt. Louis Globe' Democrat. Mr. Roosevelt has . announced aa posi tively aa It ts possible for a man In his position to announce that ha will not bo a candidate for the presidency next year. It Is only fair1 to say that this assurance should bo accepted by the country, no matter how often the canard of hla can didacy may be revived. He says he wants to be let alone and his wish should be respected. ProToratloa for a Spanking-. 8t. Iouis Republic. Algerian pirates made the mistake of preying on American commerce and every body knows what happened to them. Chi nese pirates are now almost as much of a nuisance and their descent on the wrecked Asia on Finger Rock furnishes sufficient provocation. Decaturs and Balnbrldges will still be found In sufficient number In the American navy, if Waahlngton only says the word. WHAT MOSEV CANNOT BUY. Spirit and Spontaneity the Esse ace of a Natloaal Soaa-. Wall Street Journal. When the school teachers of Chicago pro pose to collect a cen from every child of school age, to raise 13,000 as a priie for a "national song," one wonders what kind of education these children are receiving In other' respects. If there la one thing which our hothouse civilisation should have taught us more clearly than another, It Is that the thloworth havjng,are precisely those which meriej- cannot buy. "' Could all the wealth of Wall Street buy the Marseillaise 7 Could we pay a Haydn to write a "Hymn to the Emperor" like the' Austrian national anthem? Have we not been obliged to ateal the music and even the words of our national songs from other people? And yet the school teachers of Chicago ' have failed to learn that all our wealth has not been sufficient to buy the thing which their children are taught to believe. Is within the reach of a few pence. When shall we get people to realise that some things are spontaneous, and cannot be bought with gold or stimulated by legis lation? Bongs are born In the heart, 'and not In the breeches-pocket. People are good for reasons beyond the reach-of legislation; and neither the law-maker nor the money maker knows a charm for 96 per cent of the sorrows they endure or of the happi nesses they enjoy. The greatest works of all time have been done for love and not for money. Plenty of us spend as much on a dinner for a few friends as Milton re ceived for "Paradise Lost," and do not think we are very extravagant, either. People Talked About' JOHN T. BRUSH Take a mental snapshot of John T. Brush. He la president of the New' York National league base ball club the father of the (Hants, as he is called by the fans. Tale plana to give to Governor Baldwin of Connecticut the honorary degree of doc tor of laws at the commencement In June. He has been professor of the Yale law school since Its foundation and was a member of the class of '61. William Inman Sealby, In command of the White Star Una steamship Republlo, when It foundered after being rammed by the Italian steamship Florida in January, IMS, has returned from the west, where he has been studying law In the University of Michigan. Mrs. Phoebe Wooley Pal miter, a real daughter of the American revolution, la dead at her home In Brookfleld, Oneida county, N. Y., aged 89 years. She waa the daughter of Jonathan Wooley, who served Id the continental army and waa wounded at the battle of Saratoga. She waa one of the few surviving pensioners of the revo lutionary war. John A. Shields, the venerable federal commissioner, has Just paased the fifty sixth anniversary of his appointment to the government service. In New York, where the event was celebrated, he re ceived the congratulations of United States court judges and well known lawyers. It was foity two years on April So since Mr. Shields waa made a federal commls- aiaer, V-' CJJT'Aa?5) Army Gossip Matters of Interest on and Saeh of the rirtng X.le Cleaned from iha Army and Wavy Beglster An unaccountable typographical error occurred In the paragraph No. lOBO of the new edition of Army Regulations, which hss Just appeared from the War depart ment, respecting the allowance per month of wood for each foot of direct radiating service from September I to April 30. ''when buildings, except officers' and non commissioned officers' quarters, for which fuel Is furnished by the quartermaster's department. are heated by steam by sep arate plants." The paragraph as It ap peared gave this allowance as one-fourteenth cord of wood. In the original proof, as It was approved by the military au thorities, the allowance was slated, as It should he, as l-140th cord of wood. The error was obvious on Its face to any one persuing the paragraph, but It la neces- eary to make the correction from the War department, and this will be, done by means of a general order. The president still has" under considera tion the report of the armyretirtng board In the case of Major X. S. Blckham of the quartermaster's department. It has been found that his disabilities are not Incident to service. The report Is that this officer is Incapacitated for duty, and thla la ac companied by the comment of the Judge advocate general and the chief of staff. Under the various precedents of record in the War department, an officer thus In capacitated may either be retired with three-quarters of his pay or wholly retired with one year's pay. It is urged In be half of Major Blckham that he passed his examination for promotion to the grade of rfiajor Juat before he was ordered before the retiring board. It, is claimed, there fore, that hla quallflcatlpn for advancement should make It Impossble, under the cir cumstances, to determine that he Is In capacitated for active service. The case has attracted much attention because of the time taken by the retiring board In reaching Its conclusions. The haversack ration, which has been tentatively adopted for the use of the army, and the new emergency ration, have been sent In quantities to the so-called maneuver division In Texas and have been elsewhere Issued wherever requested for troops which are going on practice marches. It Is not Intended, In either In stance, to have a test of cne ration, for the period for ita trial under service con ditions In the Meld has long ago expired. There are some things about the haversack ration which may be changed, notably In the matter of the envelope of some of the articles, and perhaps In the form of certain of the component articles. The emergenoy ration has justified Itself. lotne opinion of the experts. .The reports reco!v,1 from officers who have used it, for the most part during the former annual rides, have Indicated that It meets fully the conditions of the army when serving at a distance from the base of supplies. The conditions In Texas, especially If. there shall be an Invasion of Mexico, will give an oppor tunity for the use of the emergency ration and, to a greater degree, of the haversack ration In a way wrfieh shall show the wis dom Of having both of these features In the system of troop subsistence In time of war. Animated discussion continues to pre vail among army officers concerning the proposed consolidation of the quartermas ter, subsistence and pay departments Into a supply corps and the formation of the preeent.bureriu,, representing those staff departments. Into a bureau of supplies of the War department, under a major general with two brigadiers aa assistants. Representative Hay,, the c hatrman of the house military committee, lg ; convinced that the provisions of the bill which he has introduced to that end will be ap proved by congress. Those who know something of the legislative Intent of the Sixty-second congress say that the ob jectlona which have been made to the bill are not likely to carry much weight. There are some minor details of the bill which may be changed, and the apprehensoln on the part of some of the members of the permanent personnel of the existing staff branches may result In an amend ment of the plan for the amalgamated list of officers. Aa It is now, some of the Junior officers are likely to regard them selves as adversely affected by the meas ure, notwithstanding' the provision for promotion by one grade upon retirement of any officer who ts not advanced to that extent during his active career after the consolidation is accomplished. Some offloers are likely to feel that they would fare better under the present arrange ment and one suggestion Is that the list of permanent officers In the three corps remain aa separate bodies for the purpose of maintaining the rate of advancement which would prevail were there no con solidation. It la possible that the house military oommlttee will take up the question of a permanent personnel, as contrasted with a detailed personnel, of the special staff eorpa In connection with the proposed consolidation of staff branches to make, a new supply corps and a reorganized gen eral staff corps. There has been consider able apprehension in some quarters, and It has extended to oongreaa, concerning tho detail, aystem as applied to the staff corps, now that the higher ranking offi cers are being retired, and It becomes necessary to detail lieutenant colonels and colonels for duty away from their regi ments. With a new supply oorpa there are thoae who are Inclined to "believe it would be wise to return to the permanent peraonnel, at least among tho higher rank ing officers, leaving the Junior gradoa to be filled by detail and selecting from suoh offloers the members of the permanent personnel as vacancies occur. It Is pointed out that experience is bound te count more than ever In the discharge of the merged duties devolving upon officers of the new supply corps, and It is also sug gested that In time of war with the de tailed staff personnel there la apt to be a desire on the part of Individuals to return to line commands and again leave the stau without the trained officers who were supposed to be furnished for that very emergenoy by the detail system. The heada of the staff corps will this year re new their recommendations to this effect, and It may come up In a pertinent way before the houae military committee In connection with the pending army reor ganisation legislation. Wholesale & Retail HAVEHS-WH1TE COAL CO. !0eHAJVLJ J 1710 FARNAW ST. MM Wi. X-12S1 I " -111 MING Absolutely Puro r.k!ccs Homo Baking Easy SAVES 5 And makes the cake more sightly, freedom Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts QyL BAKING) POWDEff EDITORIAL SNAPSHOTS. Washington Post: Now that the chap lain's prayers are being printed In the Record, our missionary societies might find It convenient to frank 'em to the heathen. Denver Republican. That American who paid ffiO.OOO for a Outtenberg Bible would probably Just as soon read the kind that the Bible soolety puts In the hotels for nothing. Kansas City Star: Mr. Tllden, the Chi cago packer, haa been released on a writ of habeas corpus. The fourteenth amend ment, you will remember, specifically pro vides that millionaire packers need not testify In boodle investigations. Louisville Courier-Journal: Hitchcock has wiped out the Postofflce department deficit, and if he could only cut out 'the "free doings" In the circulation of speeches supposed to have been delivered In con gress. Uncle Sam would be making money hand over fist. Indianapolis News: Whatever the Moth ers' congress may decide as to the fe"i method of making bad boys good, there are some eminently respectable men who re call that the way used by their mothers waa highly effective, albeit somewhat pain ful in its application. Minneapolis Journal: Minister Boutell, formerly a congressman from Chicago went to Portugal to get far, far away from the Initiative, referendum and recall, and then the president transferred him to Swltserland, where theae children were born and brought up. Maybe thia la Mr. Taft'a Idea of a Joke. MAMTACTl'HINfl A DOIBT, . The Federal Sapreme Court and the Trust Cases. New York World. Business that ire tends to halt because the supreme court of the United States delays Its decision In the trust cases is not Important. If t did not have this excuse It would present another. The anti-trust law has been pased upon by the courts time and again, it haa never been weakened In any respect. There ban been no disposition, so far aa the Judiciary is concerned, to read Into It any meaning other than that which lis plain words con vey. The supreme court haa affirmed its constitutionality and accepted Its well known Intent. In one case It surprised some people by defining the difference be tween production and commerce, but it has never given a hint that it would not on all occasions apply the penaltlea to every of fense which it enumerates. We do not presume to anticipate the Judgment of the court., but we are sure that reputable business men and good law yers will agree with us when we remark that Wall street, 'he trusts and all other Interests that thrive on monopoly and law lessness are even now perfectly well sat isfied that they have nothing to hope for in' this matter except aa they shall obey the law, FLO U Fa 0UTTEH EGGS il ' j; iP THIO BANK IS 54th 7 In Its During all this time it bas commanded the confi dence of the people. rbls confidence is still evidenced by the dally opening of new account and the constantly Increasing volume of business. Your account is invited. Hi 1 1 POWDER lighter, finer flavored, , and Insures Its from alum. , Fret. Send Name mi AiArest. CO., NEW VOWK. CHEERY CHAFF. "Pop, what's a tip?" ' . "You've heard, mv son. haven t. you, 01 parting a fool from hlswoneyj" Wel'l.PaPtlp Is what they do It with." Baltimore American. iv,itf rnnhia rntiiea from Ul-rerulsted credulltv." ssld the wamine friend. "I don t quite understand. - Hcfme vmi and 'this limn were married .. . I 1.-.....4 Win h tnA von. Afterward you didn't believe anything." Washington star. . . I i-T-. - Al.l. n thm t11Bt fffUnd 0lt that the writer of those tremendoua maga sine attacks was a young woman.' "Well, well: v nai oia no av ! in "Oh, he stopped her." , . "Pld he sue her?" , "No. he married her." Cleveland rialn Dealer. 'Seems to me we hear very little from the Society for the J-Utvi ecri'n, 01 wiinei.t. xary Noises these days. I wonder what's the reason?" ' "I don't know, unless they wish to dem onstrate how consistent - thsy can bs?" Puck. Psrry I don't know much about these chautauquas. What are they and what are thev good for, snywey? derrick A chautnuo,u Is the medium through which a suppreased statesman may get his vlewa before the public." Boston Transcript.. . MAY. l Joel Benton in the Outlook, lrls-tlnted May now Kklrts the woods and hollows. And, where "(he south wind lends, swift and soft-footed follows; There's -incf-nye In hex breathy before , her steps and after. - . And In her loosnned brooks echoes ' of . woodland laughter. , t In lite bosky thicket birds are' briskly sliiKing. : ....- - While the lofty swallow some meksags mtint be bringing v From the far Aiores. to strong is hit en deavor To brush ugnlnst the azure, and go sail ing on forever. Not lesM the crystal, lake he puts In his dominions, He skims It polished facef and, with his pieened-out plnlnns. , Slnle-eyefl, surveys h II his Inject rmsrry. Haviiig two highways, the mundane and starry. I , That white sheet you see, where all the greenery varies. ' Is the petaled snow shed by. the sail guliiBiia's Clear and spotless 'blossoms seen by every comer . ' ... A chosen sea if of xpring thrown on the neck of sunmer. The wind-flower, all alone, that with no other matent, Idfts tremblingly Its head the ' dearest, - dellcatesf More thnn all flowery forms in wood or meadow places. Its rone-edRed. esrl-like tint, grim win ter's spell effaces. May. the maiden month, has In her rich possession All the cavalcade of nature's fair proces sion: Even the bobolink, that i like a fountain rises Boon will add his song to her supreme surprises! ailiil Year