Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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TUESDAY. MAY 2, 1911.
When Baby Goes Driving
Styles in baby cabs prob
ably do npt materially affect
baby, but mother always de
mands the latest and most.
. conyenient models. We are
showing now a completeline
of the famous Lloyd s ; Prin
cess collapsible go-carts and
perambulators th'3t will de
light mother. The top, auto
dash and cart fold complete
in one action without re
moval from the floor. They
embody all the newest feat
ures. "Fit for the child of a
king," they are the most con
venient and beautiful go
carts on the market today.
Prices range from $2.50 to
Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co.
The Tag-Policy House.
Established 1884. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth St.
pursu the rebel In the country. The au
thorities appear to be In control at Canton.
Seven gunboats are anchored off thla city.
. Hlwlttn. In Dlitirk Districts.
-, NEW YOHK, May 1. The Proteatant
missionary atatlona In ad about Canton are
numerous vAt thetesent time4 there are
organlzAttons of the American board of
foreign mission, the Baptist Mission soci
ety, the Methodist and Scandinavian-American
and Berlin .societies.
.The American board has, besides Its sta-
located at points In' .the adjacent country
within the Jv wans Tung- province.
BOSTON, May J.-No cable advices bear
In on the Chinese revolt have been re
ceived at the headquarters of ths American
board of commissioners of foreign mis
sions. The work of the American board at Can
ton Is In charge of Rev. Obed 8. Johnson,
assisted by . Miss Edna Ixjwrey, principal
i f the Ruth- Norton - Girls' school, and
Mlns Ruth Mllliken. . .
(Cootlnv(ed from .First Page).
the sudden .drop la temperature, which In
some places was as great as fifty degrees.
A high wind' from ths northwest, which
started early yesterday In Kanaaa and Ne
braska had passed (eastward today, but la
leaving a froien trail.
The weather bureau here predicts that by
Tuesday morning It will . b freeslng
throughout moat of Kansas and Nebraska.
In Missouri, frost Is predicted with frees
lng In the vicinity of Kansas City. A re
port from North Platte, Neb., said ths
msroury this morning bad dropped to U
degrees abov sero.
Deep Snow In Northwest Nebraska.
NORrOLK.Neb , May l.-A sever blls
aard ushered In May "tiay In north Ne
braska, southern South Dakota and north
aatara Wyoming. From sti to sight Inches
of snow fsll between Valentin and Chad
ron. Neb., and wast of Chadron the storm
Is reported heavier; over n telegraph
pole went down west of Valentin and the
northwestern railroad la operating with
1 : .
J r1"" lf rr"Ttr TIrTWW IM ,, ,nn m-Ni-ns ) U,.-Mr.Mi. II i i , . ,
reduced! to
Beginning May 1st the Alamito Sanitary Dairy Com
pany will sell perfect pastuerized milk for 7 cents
Per quart.
There has been a general tmpreealon that Alamito milk was to expensive
. for general .e t tbl. new price you can get the beet mtVat the DHce tor
wnjch other brands bare been retailing;. p ror
Alamito perfect Pastuerized milk has long
been recognized for purity and safety
It is acknowledged to be the most reliable
milk on the market. It is delivered to '
your neighbors and should surely go to you
Special cash in advance price:
An additional discount of 4 may
be obtained by buying for cash In
advance, gee driyer or call at orric.
out wires there today. ' Bnow plows are at
work removing snow drifts. A sharp
freese occurred this morning, the tem
perature falling to 87 above, sero In Nor
folk. Fruit men fear the freest has killed
tTUi. i ( i,. . .,-... , :
At Gregory, 8. 0., a Northwestern pa
enger train waa stalled during the night
by heavy snow drifts and again this morn,
tag, when It tried to proceed was stuck In
th snow on the prairie. At Gordon, Neb.,
rh snow wss from twelve to sixteen Inches
deep. That town's telephone system Is flat
on tha ground.
ALLIANCE, Neb., May ,1. (gpsclal Tele
graph.) A snowstorm , unprecedented for
several years swept over the northwestern
part of the state Saturday night and. Bun
day. About ten to twelve Inchsa of snow
fell, which drifted In several places from
ten to twenty feet. , Practically all tha
wires are down for miles eaat of here.
Freealnar at Webster City.
WEBailER CITY, I.. May l.-CSpeelal
Telegraph.) A driving snow followed last
night's downpour of rain.-: The jnercury
is at f reeling and fruit hereabouts ' Is
probably ruined. , Bnow this morning de
layed northbound train four hour.-,'
A Life Senteaen
of suffering with lung and throat trouble
la quickly commuted by Dr. King New
Discovery. Wo and (LOO. For sal by
Beaton Drug Co.
Arrangement Goes Over Benatt
Illaesa ef Proseentor
ronkllasr. '
KANSAS CITT. May I.-Dr. B. C. Hyde,
under Indictment on the charge of mur
dering Colonel Thomas H. Swops, appeared
In the criminal court heretodsy to be ar
raigned for his second trial, but on ac
count of the Illness of Virgil Conkling, the
county prosecutor, the case was postponed
until May II. '
To do tha Bonffold
la painless compared with th weak, lama
back kidney trouble causes, Alectrto Bit
ter I th remedy. eoe. For sal by
Beaton Drug Co.
Methodi Will Prevent Guilty
Taking Immunity Bathi.
Men fth. raid Bribe to Law Makers
Taken lata 4 aatoMy Twenty
Men Are Said to Re i
COLCM Bl'B, O. May 1. -There will be
no legislutive Investigation of bribery
charge made against a score nf members
of the Ohio general ant-embly, at lrast for
tha present.
The Investigation will he made by the
Franklin county Krand Jury, under the di
rection of Prosecuting Attorney Kdward
Turnrr. This was decided today at a '.n
fereni.o at the governor's office. Ths rea
son Is stated to be that this method will'
prevr-nt members of the legislature under
suspicion from eecsping tliroitKh an Im
munity bath.
At a conference today hetwppn Speaker
Vlning of tha house and the detectives,
he was told by the detectives that.Itepie
sentstlve Nye had told them that ' Vlning
could be bought for 11,0V). The saker
became furious at th story.
"I am Inclined to the belief," cald the
apeuker later, "that "I have been made a
tool of. If that Is true. I want to find
it out. Above all. I want a full and com
plete Investigation."
Three detectives, F. S. Harrison of New
York and A. C. Bally ard Pax id Ihrry of
Chicago were arraigned In police court for
alleged bribery of Representative Oeorpo
B. Nye. I'etectlve Harrison nnmes four
a ate senators with whom he l ad dealing!)
and to whom he declared he paid money.
Baltey and Garrison were bound to the
grand Jury In bonds of 5.XK) each and
Berry was bound to the grand Jury on
cra-ges of' bribery In bond of 2.5V). Thlr
bonds were signed by a surety company.
"W have atenopraphio copies of every
word that passed between Representative
Nye and the other men Involved In this
matter," said Detective Harrison today.
"The evidence was secured by means of
a dlctsphone. A dictaphone consists of a
number of sensitive discs so constructed
that the sounds spoken In a room ran be
carried forty or rifty (feet by means of
wires connected with an electric battery.
"I met Mr. Nye In this room. In the next
room was a stenograpner. A door con
nected the two rooms. In front of the door
I placed a couch In my toom. The dicta
phone was under the couch, the wires run
ning into the next room, where the stenog.
rapher sat with a telephone arrangement
on his head. Whenever Nye or anyone
else whose conversation I wanted recorded
entered the room, my tip to the stenog
rapher was the usual stereotyped greeting,
extended unsually loud. 'How are you this
morning, doctor?' was my signal to the
stenographer when Nye came in."
Detectly Harrison said today:
"Twsnty members of the legislature are
Involved In this scsndal. If I had been
here a week longer, I would have run out
of money, they wer so eager for It. It
will take us a week to tell all we have
found out."
Interscholastic Me6t
at Hastings to Draw
Many Athletes
Plan Being Laid for Extensive Field
Meet on May 14 Over Hun
, dred Entries. , "
. HASTINGS,1 NebV "May ' t-(SpeclaI.)-,
Th interscholastic athletic tournament to
b held on Hastings' .college' campus on
May 14 now promises to be far' more suc
cessful thsn was originally - expected.
Physical Director Holste of Hastings col
lege, who Is promoting the tournament,
has received over 100 entries from twenty
one high schools In central and western
Nebraska. The program will Include the
usual features of tiack a'.bletica and gold
and sliver medals will be awarded the win
ners. The purpose of the tournament Is to
arouse interest In athletics in schools
which have heretofore paid little or no at
tention to outdoor sports. The -value of
athletic training has been recognized by
the authorities , of Hastings college, for
they have equipped on the campus on
of th finest athletio plant In the west.
A $5,00 gymnasium has been built, a new
cinder track has been provided and ample
space has been provided for base ball and
other outdoo. games. To direct athletio
training th college has Installed A. F.
Hoist, the ex-Mgroon star, as a member
of the faculty, and gymnasium, or outdoor
athletio work 1 now a part of the regular
curriculum. '
For th first time in many years the
college now has a base ball team and it
has already defeated Grand Island college
and Kearney normal. -The latter will be
her for a return game next v Wednesday.
Lents, C. Hurts Is Named for Post
master at Dee Molars.
WASHINGTON. May l.-Among nomina
tions sen? to th senate today by Presi
dent Taft were:
Postmasters, Louis C.-Kurts, Des Moines
la. . ,
Assistant attorney general, interior depart
ment, Charles W. Cobb or California.
Associate Justice supreme court of New
Mexico, John R. McFi.
l-J Quart
Delivered to your home pure
and sweet before breakfast
Phono Douglas 411
; Socialists Plectae
Support in Fight
Rational Executive Council, in
ion in Boston, Takes This
POSTON. May l.-The full strength of
the socialist tisrty of America wss offered
for the defense of John J. snd J. B. Mo
Nan. era. who are charged with murder in
connection with th explosion at the Lou
Angeles Time building, by the national
rxeiutlve committee of the- party now in
iton here.
FT. U3UI8. Mo.. May l.-Addresslng a
meeting of laboring nn-n In union head
quarters today. William D. Haywood, once
tried and acquitted' for complicity In' the
death rf former Oovernor Pteunenberg of
Idaho, advocated a general strike through
out the Inltetl States on the day the Mc
Namara brothers are'bretight to trial In
Los Angeles. .-
Services for Cardinal
Gibbons in Baltimore
Firit of Nation-Wide Observances of
Golden Jubilee of Prelate
,. is Held.
oflLiiaoiiB,, Md. May -l.iThe first
,L. . ,
naiion-wirt observances of the
iroinen jubilee of rardlnal Gibbons' ordlna
tlon to the priesthood and f the twenty
...... anniversary or his elevation to the
oardlnalate took place at high mass here
onay m immaculate Conception church
Ttiak o I ... .
.minai presided and delivered a brief
Cardinal Gibbons was ordained a priest
on June 30, 18i. He will be 77 year old
on July 23. nest.
Ten Chinamen
Starve on Island
Marooned by Smugglers, They Are
Discovered by Change by
Pleasure Party.
SAN DIECX), Cal., May l.-Ten China
men are on the northwest shelter Island,
eighteen miles frdm this city, marooned by
smugglers. I'p to noon today they had
been ten days without water and prac
tically with no food. Two are dying and
another Is derlrlous. The Immigration
launch Orient. Captain ' Chedney, left to
night to rescue the Chinese.
The presence Of the Chinamen on one of
the barren, uninhabited Cornado Inlands,
which belong to Mexico,. J accounted for
on the theory that they were being smug,
gled to the United States, presumably
from Ensenada.
(Continued from First Psge.)
trol of the reserves, fie said the violation
of reasonable, rules regulating th euse and
opcupancy of the property Is made a
crime not by ,tne secretary of agriculture,
but by congress. ." ""
It was difficult, he said, to separate the
legislative power to make law and the
administrate power to promulgate rules
and rcglatlj)ri?"rt)fput th -rules into
torc :
Tha.roffehserrs' Tlot against the secre
tary, but, as the. Indictment properly con
cludes, 'contrary ta Hit law of the United
States and, the peace and dignity thereof,' "
Device, that May 11. rird from Aero
plane vrlth . Absence of
BERLIN. Frida, April HDetalla of the
new aerial torpedo, on which the Krupp
firm has taken out American patents,
shows th weapon h primarily designed
for carrying on th long discussed "war
in the air. Its principal feature Is the
absence of recoil, which has been the chief
obstacle to the Installation of regular guns
or artillery on a delicately balanced aero
plane or balloon'. '
The new weapon Is self propelling and
can be fired from; a dirigible or aeroplane
against a hostile balloon without disturb
ing the stability ( of ths machine from
which it Is projected. Experiment hav
been carried on , since November, 190S,
Range pf 6,000 yards, with a torpedo carry
ing a six-pound lod of explosive wer
attained in the early stages of th ex
periments. '
Th torpedo, whlqh,cts on th principle
of the ordinary sky rocket Is composed
of two portions, th explosive head and a
rear chamber containing a alow burning
powder charge, tha gases from which lssu
through tubes at the rer and drlva the
projectile through the air.
A launching device, operated by a light
powder charge or on dirigibles by elec
tricity gives the torpedo its original start
and direction, the burning powder charge
then maintaining th flight at a con
stantly Increasing speed.
Th gaa tube are set at an angle, giving
the torpedo a spin like that of a rifle bullet
to steady Its flight
Authorities Exercise Bverr Effert to
Frereat the Sale ol Llqaor
on Sabbath.
CLEVELAND, O.. . April 9. -Though It
rained most of the time, Cleveland today
experienced Its first dry" Sunday In tsn
years, a a result of Msyor Baehr's order
that all saloons and pool rooms must re
main closed hereafter on Sundays.
Th roadbouses outside of th city's
limits were crowded during the afternoon
and evening. A few saloon in th city
attempted to keep open, but the owner
of these wr promptly arrested.
On another page will be found th rule
governing the Booklovers Contest.
Hasting. Faster Hesl...
HASTINGS, Neb., May l.-(8peclal Tele-gram.)-Rev.
Grant B. Wilder has resigned
from the pastorate of the Hastings Con
gregational, church and accepted a call to
the pastorate of th Pilgrim Congrega
tional church of Bpokan. Wash. Rv. Mr.
Aimer came her a year ago from fair
L miunt, Minn.
Japanes Antarctic Shin 'alls.
SYDNEY, N. a W. May l.-The Japa-
ntue amarcuo steamer Klnan Maru, with
sixty person on ix.ard, arrived here yes-
tenia v. in xi4iUiin reached Cuulman
Island March 14, but was compelled to put
back, owing to to, packs and Icebergs en
countered. The cold killed ten of the
Kaklmo dogs.
I'hoiograpb. Law lai Valid.
court today upheld Uie constitutionality of
the New York ststute forbidding the use
oi a pnotonraph' or name of another for
trade or advertising punoses without the
permission of the snhr)ert, '
Permits to smoke are now "being Issued.
Papers Will Be Sent to President
When Commission Decides.
Coaclasloas Will ;o Then in PoMof
flee Imparl meat a ad rrealdeat
S I pdlke taaes Set tor
trVom a Ptaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Msy l.-iBpeoll Tele
gram.) I'resldent Tsft Will dei-lde whether
Hen F. Thomas, postmaster of Omaha, has
liolated statutory laws relative to the col
leftlon of campaign funds.
Commissioner Mctlhrnny of the civil
service raid Mlay that It would take at
leant a week before the ronrfcieluns of the
service could possibly be resched. and then
these conclusions would be submitted lo
the postofflce department In view of fact
that the rase Involves a servsnt of that
department. With thla reference all papers
In the esse would go to President Tsft.
According to Mr. Mcllhenny, It Is hoped to
make this particular cas final and If
possible to establish a precedent for all
cases hereafter.
Chief Justice White today assigned four
esses of the Union Pacific, plaintiff In
error, against the Updike Grain company
for hearing October It, lfll, to be heard
as one rase, as these various cases realty
Involve but one point In law.
These cases arc appeals by the Interstate
Commerce commission and Union Pacific
Railroad company from final decree of
th circuit court of th United States for
th Wetsern district of Missouri, and In
volve the validity of order of th Inter
state Commerce commission entered June
29, 190A, requiring carriers to cease and de
sist from payment of so-called elevation al
lowances on grain in transit. The decision
of the commission Involved In these cases
was to the effect that th practice of car
riers to grant Ovation allowance was
Illegal because of It tendency to result In
preference and discrimination.
U. C. Holme of Omaha spent Sunday In
Washington as a guest of Representative
Lobeck and left for New York today upon
President Taft today nominated Albert
Pop Fltsslmmon of Nebraska and
Thomas Andrew Burcham of Iowa to b
first lieutenant In the medical reserve
Doaghter of Revelation Will Mark
site with Granite Pillar.
E8THERVILLK, la., April .-(Speclal.)
A monument will be erected In the near
future to mark the site of old Fort De
fiance, which stood where til city of
Esthervllle la now located.
The local lodge of Daughters of th
American Revolution has mad arrange
ments to erect, north of the court house
in the park, a large stpn monument about
thirty feet high, on top of which will be
a large marble cannon ball and on the
ball wilt be a large carved American Eagle.'
On the side of the base of the monument
, Without satisfaction is a mighty
poor foundation on which to build
a huMness. Giving a Urge amount
of satisfaction at a small profit
Is why you have com to us with
your eye trouble In the past, Th
saUsfactlon we have glues? you
will make you and your friend
com to us In the future.
Satisfaction 1 our foundation
213 South 16th Street.
THREE PER CENT interest is paid on
savings deposits and COMPOUNDED
SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with
drawn at any time without notice.
The combined capital and surplug la 1, 860,000. 0.
It la tha oldest bank In Nebraska.
Established in 1166. :
United States National Dank
cl Omaha, Nsbrsska
K. V. Batloir, rresldeat, ). a. KaTaratlok, A St. Cask
a. W. Wattle. Yloo-rro. B. . htentmaa. AJist. Cash,
V. a. Caldwell, Tioo-rr. f. a KoCBng, Asst. Cash.
W. a. Bhoadea, Cash. M. Yates, Asst. Oafc.
Open on Saturdays Catll 9:00 T. M.
One Pound Boxes it Pays to Road
O'Brien's Candy
Fifty-cent Cans of Fan-ell's
24-pound eacks of Updike's Pride of Omaha flour.
Pairs of Tickets to the American theater.
Twenty-one Prizes Each Day
your nam appear lw tha Want Ada of tha Bee ellp It out aad
bring It to Tb Be offloa and tb prlsa tg roar no ueln aa
adrertUlnc aubserlbtlona aaedad .just read Tka Be Want Ada.
Your name will appear sometime and maybe more than
will be a name plate with Mrs. Fsther
Ridley- name, she being ths first white
woman In Emmet county and also, the
city of Ksihervtlle being named In her
honor. At th tlm thl monument Is
dedicated It Is planned to Invite all the
old settlers her and have a sort of a home
coming day.
Fivo Officers Shot
in Battle at Resort
Officials at Dallas, Tex., Seek to En
force Sunday Lawi One
Will Die.
DALIAB. Tex., May l.-In a battle be
tween deputy sheriffs and unidentified per
sona her this morning, flv officers were
shot, one probably fatally.
The offitsrs were wounded In a rsid on
a disorderly house sushected of violating
tne Minoav taw.
Orady Kennedy, probably was fatslly
wounded In the bresst; Joe Prawn will
likely, lose ths left arm: John Cheb-a wa
shot through the left lung; Ben Ix'rtdn had
part of his left shoulder torn away, snd
i R. current, a special policeman, wa
shot In the leg.
The first thr men were hurried to a
A doaen policemen surrounded the house
and arrested eleven White, men snd seized
saniniw.s aparatus anil quantity of In
toxicant. '
Kr.w mug
LIVflFt print,
... Baltic
... Carstri.,,
.. C'arTDontt..
.. 8t. Xmw...
. Wltlo.
r. r. wiihtia.
. Kroonlajas.
. Onople.
. Css4s. .
stetsons cost more
by the pair, but
loss by th
The Last Word
in Shoe Science
is Stetson.""' Stetson Science
stands for style, elegance and
Walking and health health
and success. Wear a Stetson
and you will have these aids
to happiness.
The Dickey is a favorite style
combiningsmartness with
Get acquainted
with Stetson
and style.
For Sale by
Omaha Agents.
Doautlful Tooth
Thar are, but fw peopl who hr
tbero. Oeod loath vryon might hav
Ifi tbsy would go to Dr. Brad bur v. Th
uicnaii, iuiwii ana teasi painful ar
uie vuij nwtnvM ontpioysa or u and
bund reds of r patients, both in and
out of tb city, will gladly' tell you about
th good dental work and our up-to-date
way of doing things. Crowns and brldr
work from S.u par tooth. Plate that
t ruiu si.vv to use. rainiea extrac
tion of teeth. Nerves ef teeth removed
wiiBvut awrung yotfc- . worn war an I
ua year.
IT Tears
ISM Varaam
ono 9. 1700,
made on, or before
May 10th in the SAVINGS
will draw interest from May
The Bee Want-Ad;
Fine Syrup.
The mainspring is the power
house in a watch. Jewelers say
Waltham mainsprings are the
best in the world They ere mora
generally used for repairs than any
other make.
'Ii'l Timr You Otrn4 m
It aliknm
Sand (or etacriptiv eaoUsl.
t Wltam.s1U. at
Dr. Lyon'o
TooSh Powder
neutralizes the destructive
acids of the mouth cleanses,
preserves and 1 beautifies the
teeth, and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
S 1
af M
A better dell very service for
less money. Let us show you.
Auto Delivery
and Messenger Co.
1T1S Dong-la SJtr. ;
Srandels Theater aiag. .
Phones Doug. 3046 1 ZaO. A.-S4M
"IX Bhlmpsha
Flunk and Put
aUlydorfr will aall
at till stors aad
mention thl ad, and
pror that these ar
, sight name. X
will present thsm
eaeh with a TAU8T
bubtbb' e -ciaam
that ' waa Jut
Central Cigar Store
321 So. 1 6th St. ' '
OlatLBI rmOKMia, Prsnt
la XI Bst Oomeay,
Pries, 95o to t8.00.
Voslilaew "agflavV a'V 1
U Concert, Assisted by
Axtoro Tihaldl and Howard Brockway
TrltM $1 to as ajeat on Bale.
latnrd&w ttatln.. . J ar, t."
in th Opera Bouff,
Vast Ban. "Ill ItEBBT- WIDOW""
, Wedneeday Evening, Bilg.
"Oruaadarai Oada, Oratorio aooiety.
J. X. Blnuns, Oonduotor.
Part 1 Tooal selection by gololets.,
Part ZZ Oratorio.
Miss Mary Munchhoff, soprano: Mra
MabeUe Crawford Welpton, contralto:
f'rederlo C. Kreemantel, tenor 8. -J
Uorton, baritone.
Accompanists: Mrs. August M. Bora
Buadduch Zabrlakle. ...
Prloes i.M to S0a
Tlckst at Bog Otic.
Advanced Tauderlll. Xatlnee Evry
Day, ailS. Kvery Might, 8:15. Miss
1- annle Ward Sc Co.. Charles H. Law lor
and Daughters, Ben Welch, Hugh
Lloyd. Valleclta's Leopard, Davie A
Walker, Uregorla A KJinina, Klnudrome,
Orpheum Concert Orcliestr.
Nevln aV Gordon, Urace Ue Winter
(.ugene Tr'o. Silvia D Krank'e, Brtrain
May & Co., ( rank McCre k Co.
ktaUa.e. 101 pw Besereed so.
feMTh xum. Boe. aee
Tonight, 8:18. Matinees Tussday Thurs.
aay, Baturday.
"Til ZiOaT TBAX&."
Mast Week, Mary J. Xolme Play,
1,000 Good Beats at 10 Cents.
UOM .mifg TWO
or EI If 1 1 f FROLICS.
Ail Week Oommeaolng Matlaee Today.
Klgh Oearsd aad no Bpeed Unlit.
earsa ano ni
'Til Will
In Society With
A Bosebnd Garden of Olrlls.
ladles' Dally Dime Matinee.
Jhn Says:
And "The Beauty TruHt."
J.thel Kirk, Bear-Cat Conuwjy fear.
Fannie Ved'ler, ( oin A Bancroft. . .
Hlg Heuiity Chorus.
Ladies' Dim Matins Brery Week Day.
April 30-May 1, 2 . V
Monday, May 1st Ladies Day
Games Called at 81 45, ., t
Special Car leaTee 15th 4 FrafJM
--ftreei SiMWa, .
- - J