S 12 TITE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY 2. 1911. 1GTII AND 17TH BT3., LARG EST STORE WEST OF BEGINS NEXT MAY 6TH OUR GREAT Aft IAL jydM Mill OF - This is a great event at which Brandeis Stores offer Thousands of the Highest Class Lingerie Tailored Waists for women at values that cannot be duplicated anywhere in the west. - We have prepared for this sale for months and have purchased several surplus stocks and factory lots at great price concessions. This Is a Sale That . . . . i gCerlainly Is of a Special Trip to Omaha. . YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY YOUR SUPPLY OF SPRING AND SUMMER WAISTS FOR MUCH LESS THAN YOU COULD POSSIBLY BUY THEM AT ANY OTHER PLACE OR AT ANY OTHER, TIME. ...... . , : ? WATCH THE DAILY PAPERS FOR LATER PARTICULARS. - worthy iw i i i 2 11 .V"""! W a S. I. Bma iFa-din sUmpa 1 M J fj E 1 j LJj t- Pnrohaas of 10o T K.W j jj j Q Li I This "White Serge" Week In Oar flyman Cohn Ladies' Soil Purchase Sale 450 beautiful hand tailored white serge suits at little Prices : The greatest bit of good fortune a merchant could hope for, 1 to buy Hyroan Cohn's Ladle' Tailored Suits below their regular price, for no other manufacturer enjoys such a widespread fame for exclusively tailored suits as does Hyman Cohn. Two weeks ago we scored this good fortune) having secured 1600 (made to order) Hyman Conn's richly fsbrlced suits. ! 460 of these were the-newest patterns of white serge, and prettier and more 'becorrtdng' suits never have been seen in Omaha. 4a!oo Suit go at. ! . .'$35.00 M OO Suits' for .$25.00 $40.00 Suit go at $29.50 fSO.OQ Salts for $10.50 EXTRA SPECIAL FEATURKB THIS WEEK FREE One $5.00 beautiful white messallne silk Petticoat free with every suit purchase of 119.60 or more. FUFk All necessary Suit alterations will also be made free this week during this sale. ' - THERE ARE TWENTY -TWO STYLES TO SELECT FROM Some plain white serge suits, with mannish tailored lines others with hair line or pencil stripes, and still more come In the two tone diagonal white serge! Each are finished beautifully, trimmed to show exclusive, distinctive lines, and the sices include all si led women the slender and the short stout women as well. Make an extra effort to attend this sale early, before the lines are broken, and before someone else has selected the very suit you had planned you wanted. The Weather Man Loses Again! Bennett's Colossal Hay Dinnerware Sale Goes Merrily On Omaha women know Bennett's china, and to see a sale with sucn prices in force would be folly for the weather man to think he could influence China buyers. ' , ' '. ' . . j ' HAVILAXD CHINA DINNER SETS REDUCED $38.00 fancy Spray Patterns, Derby shape ;....$23 $50.00 Wild Rose Patterns. Ranson shape $35 $84.00 Apple , Blossom Patterns. Silver shape $55 FRENCH CHINA DINNER SETS $111.60 Pouyat Black and Gold Patterns ......... $89.50 $131.00 Pouyat Octagon shape. White and Gold Patterns . . . .$95.00 $60.00 O. D. A. Havlland Dinner Sets for ..T.t. $45.00 20 DISCOUNT ON' ALL OPEN STOCK PATTERNS And hundreds of dinner sets of all makes, priced low t $5.98 to $350.00 ' Big Half Prics.Odd and End Bale Discarded Patterns Must Go. ARain Yorth a Million 1 Ws got it the past few "days : Nearly all Nebraska got It, and Nebraska crops promise big on account of it. 1 But speaking of crops, we have the best Shoe crop In the state. For the well dressed, economical man who Wants good footwear, we unhesitatingly recommend our $3.50 SPECIAL SHOES.' They are built on special lasts and styles, as higher priced shoes. Our "guarantee Is back of every pair will refund the money to any purchaser who Is the least dissatisfied with a pair. They are made in Velour and Box Calf, Patent Colt and Vicl Kid, all sices. We are showing the latest styles in Spring Oxfords In Drexel's Specials. iM. iHflf i.mm ' " il if 1 ifrlff mn JM-T if""""' J -w..mtiMg, aglETs, New Haven Drv Goods Co.: Ctock Goes on Gale Friday, May 5th f Watch windows and ads for most delightful bargain offer- j ings in all kinds of seasonable merchandise known this season. ' , . . THrniwd and Uirrimmrd Manwiy at Savin of H. Post Assortment and Values in BpHng Millinery in Omaha. Big Pay Sale Continues Tuesday 75e and $1.00 8ILKS at 46o 24-in. All-flilk Foulnnls Now styles, worth 75c 24-in, All-Silk Jaotuard Foulards, $1 values . . . 36-in. Novelty Htriie Taffetns in six colors , ... 24-in. All-Silk Pongees, $1 values, tan and colors 27-in. Silk Suitings, heavy quality, $1 values ... 49c Yard DREXEL 6HOE OOMPAAX 1419 Faraaui Street j BEAiNS Navy, Bush or Snap Green podded varieties; strlrig lu pwo pod; early Valentine pencil pod and very early and ten der: loner yellow, six week; was podded varieties; WardweH'a kid ney wax; black wax; golden wan lima beana, both buah and pole; also all kinds of pola beans. SEEDS THAT GROW NEED ANY? THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY 1618 Howard Street, Omaha. Phone Douglas 1261. Open Saturday Bvenlng-a Until 8. Neat Bargains for Tuesday and Wednesday 18 pounds Leaf Lard for ..... . . . . . ,y. . . .Q1.00 3 pounds Lamb Chops 25? Try our choice Corned Beef pound . . . .'" 7 Vs fr 3-pound can Pure Lard ; v 29 FHESH FISH TODAV SEEK SUCCESSOR TO BRUCKER chroeder it Now Being Groomed for Preiident of Council. . BEEKA HOPED FOR THE PLACE Saya , It Wm rromlird Him When Braeker Wm Klected Coencll men Say It Wn Promised to Hrpnbllcan. Cauncllman Louis Derka's aspiration to 'purreed Ooodley. ,Hruckar as president of the oity .ro.nncl) were rudely Jolted Mon day morning when Fred Schroeder an nonnceil ttiat h. wa- a receptive candl dU for vthe; benor.. ' Tbe atandparter rtemorrata are eald to be sTocnjing ';. Schroeder for the place. Anything1 , to . beit Berka l the slogan of the staadP&Uera and some of the combina tion members have n ung In line with the movement. In aeeklng available material for the honor, Brhroeder, Kugel and Charles Davis have been considered. However, Schroeder U deemed the most likely mem ber of the trio and for that reason op tmaltlon against Berka has. been 'centered In 8t hi-oedef.' . 'Schroeder MVS he has been approached on the subject ' aud la willing to succeed Uiucker,; ,-r'. u . Herka and f-chroeder t'oafer. .Herka and hi order held a long con K'lenre In the illy hall Monday morning. "We ire tuM talMnti over the posslblll tiea of oiu "ele t).n In the event that we are both iitfiuitia'teU for the place. Berka thinks ha; uui to elcted and 1 admit ,1 euleiUin ft tu.fil'iir fel;nw." aald Bohroeder. licika la bringing ail his persuasive elo quence to bear on the members of the council. He claims that he was promised the place when Brucker waa elected. Other members of the combination, which la eompoaed of the six republicans and the three democrat ',, insurgents. , , Klieldon, Brucker and Johnson, declare that the place waa promised to a republican, but nut any particular man. A split In the combination la imminent. Two of the Inxurncnts uie aald to be ready tu drs it i.fika.. while Davis and Kugel Hie Inclined tj li' liruedtr. Jiruikjr' euccc.-aor will be elected the latter part, of tuo ir.oniti completion at the handa of Mr. Solon Borg'--' lum. One lst etatue of Colonel Jones ' confederate, with a baa relief to the memory of soldiers whose rejnalns were' found j in a cemetery at Danbury and are to be( transported to Lynchburg, Va., where the monument will sooa be In-', augurated. ' ' ' - The other work la a monument to General'' Moore and la destined to be placed on the' batMe field of Vlcksburg. i WHITE GIRLS.ARRESTED DANCING BEFORE NEGROES: i Tollre Hnld Alleged Iteaort aael Find i straeae randaaKo la I'rocrens , -Honda Forfeited. Black satin cloth pumps, of deep, rich 6hade, silk bound edges, ribbon box bow, flexible wonder workers, welted sole. These are found in Dorothy Dodd sum mer, shoesbecause they are the most fashionable footwear of the .summer season. . . 33.50 to $5.00 The Bennett Company HAIR IHSURAIiCE 1XSURANCE AGArXST PRK3LA.' ' TURELY GRAY HAIR. Specials in Domestics for Tuesday 9- 4 bleached Lock wood, yd.. 20 8-4 bleached Lockwood, yd..lgt 10- 4 Pepperall bleached, yd.. 24 8-4 bleached Fcpperell, yd. 20 10-4 unbleached Lockwood, 22 8- 4 unbleached Lockwood, . . 17? 9- 4 unbleached Lockwood. j . 17 45-inch Moonlight Csalug. . .0 4 2-lnch Moonlight Casing . . . 45-lnch bleached Lockwood. 15) 42-tn. bleached Lockwood 12 H 45-ln. unblea. Lcokwood4 J2 H 4 2-in. unblea.' Lockwood,, Frnlt of the Loom Muslin, at, per yard'.....'. G Lonsdale Muslin, at, yd ( Hop Muslin at. yd. QV Hunter's choice bleached Muslin, t, yard , . .'.8Vs S. W. brand bleached Mualin '. . West Wind bleached Muslin.. 5 Catoma unbleached Muslin... Union Mills unbleached Muslin at, a yard G? Remnants at, a yard 5 Skirts to Measure From any fabric you may , select in the high grade dress goods stock, perfect workmanship and fit guar- $4.50' Price includes all materials. Rugs and. Draperies Grand Clearance of all lots from the big Philadelphia Mill Purchase ' : ' One Hore Day. ' Dont iniaV, the splendid bargain opportunities offer ed here Tuesday. ' , $5.00 Umbrellas Tuesday $1.90 1,000 Men's and Ladies' Fine Silk and Linen Umbrellas, made with all In these up-to-date days. It is possi ble - to purchase Insurance on any thing. Insurance 19, practically, tak ing a chance, with the chances fig ured largely in favor of thostt issuing the insurance not those, who buy it. Hair lnsurapce is different, in that the one buying the insurance obtains full value at the outset, with corre spondingly Increased values for the greater amount bought; while the -.sellers of this Insurance are likely to lose unless the purchasers obtain full value at once. This applies to Wyeth's Sags .and Sulphur Hair Remedy, for If It does not do exactly what is claimed for It, the' sales would naturally drop oft; whereas if it gives satisfaction the in creased sales give it the only chance to be successful. However, Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy does "make rood," as evidenced by its daily increasing sales. Druggists say that this preparation gives the best 'satisfaction of any hair remedy ever sold. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is clean and wholesome and perfectly harmless. It removes dandruff, strengthens the hair, gives new life to dull or parched hair, and gradually restores gray hair to natural color. . This preparation is offered to the public iat fifty cents a bottle and is i recommended and sold by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., and Qwl Dmz Co. Two white atria' clad In nrlam.i cutlng an eccentric dam-a before' a (roup or aeven negro men, were arreated at 1144 North Nineteenth street In a police raid Sunday night A white woman who la aald to, conduct an outwardly respectable dreaamalkln es tablishment waa arrested aa keeper of the reeort. She forfeited bond of 1100 In po lice court The two young women for feited bonds of 125 each. The nerroes were 'fined :S each. At, the drerarr.aklng eetobllahroent, run by the woman charged with keeping the re aort. It Is ifaid from -ten to .twenty girls aie employed.. . . Enter The Bee's Hooklovers- Contest no SOLON BOFGLUr.VS NEW HONOR sralpler' Hceratly Made Aaaurlate llrnlirr of National 4r4eaay , of D4'un. ' The honor c f lielng elt-rted uawirlate mem ber of the National A'-adimy of letgn waa conferred ua Sulun Hortum recently In New York. Twe Important cumnueiiona are Bearing footed tfctMcty! Get tha Original and Canulm 13 OBLIGES MALTED HI I LIC : Tb Feod-drb.k for All Jgis. For Wants, Invalid, and Growing childreo. PureNutribon, up building the whole body. Invigorate the nuning mother and the aged. R;ch t"'Hct ?ltj gfinf b powder form, A qnick laacli prepared in rafouU. Take bo ttbstihte, Aik for HORLICK'S. In No CotrtbSno or Tryst . The Cabinet Gas Range 1 Hotel Loyal JAMES BRAID GAYfi , No aikMs c.n to htaurll Jucin if ti. fmi kun. Maar tbouuud ara uln( Sally Allen's Ik autlM-pllr powder Mikn Int. . - .-w vvMiwm, itoirari au4 T- rls Plaxra at AusviM.i. rinhurat moi p,'ni avrS o anurk utlatanlna (ram lu uaa this Sprtnc II (im a rwultaas that aita M forst jroa ha.a Im u pr.nl. aaraaw. i ko.irre or putdsf ana (Itm root Iron tuod trnaor or saulloa ttM Alloa'. roatCaso Is eoenrwasn. aVc. bea't aosoaa aaj aak- You May Work in Perfect Comfort There is no surplus heat' from a Cabinet Jj Gas Range. . The heat is where vou want iNunder the food you are cowkihg. You will never have a super-heated kitchen if you use a Cabinet Gas Range.. You Will Have a Comfortable Kitchen Prices, delivered and connected. from $28.00 up. Send fr our representative and let lum explain. OMAHA GAS CO. Oppoalte the Poet Office OMAHA Fireproof Europe n newest style handles every one (5.00 manufacturers' samples at. Ladles' Italian 811k Vesta All band embroidered in white, pink, blue, Hello and cream, all per fect $3.00, $3.60 to $4.00 values, at '..-$1.08 guaranteed: actual values up to 08 $1.50 d $1.08 Ivlis' 1.00 Bilk HoiHk All col ors, guaranteed perfect. . , .40 laodies 1.60 . Silk Hose Full ' fashioned with wide garter top, pure silk at . v . . . X5 HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW NEMO CX)R8E1 MODELS High Grade Wash Good AXXi TBI HEW HOTZX.TXZB STOW OV aTAM. ' " s Wm. Anderson's 35o Zephyrs on sale at W Wm. Andereon'a S9e Madraa on Bale at i ,..o Wm Andereon'B Ivanhoa Glnghama 12 lnchea wide .ISO French Batista loo ' FVench Mercerised Foularda . ...15o French Bordered 40-ln. Lawna. . . .S5o ' Rough Bilk Warpa, wash sooda Sfte Coma in and examine gooda and 1 prleea,' . , , ,. , - . v . : - Special Grand May Grocery Opening Sale Tuesday Toa Caa Kara Half Tiar ment by Tradinf at Kayaan'a (or Groceries pnm m - We want you and every customer who la uslns Rood flour to try a sack of our Beat Patent flour; It coats you .lothlna to try t. If It la not eatlsfactory we will return you your money In full after using baklnga. Tueeday per 48 j peun aack ...81.18 2U Iba. beat granulated augar ...1.00 10 bara Beat Em All or Diamond C Soap ;250 10 lba. beat rolled breakfast Oat meal 26o 6 lbs. home picked Navy Beana ..260 10 lba. white or yellow CornmeaJ. for "Ho 6 lbe. good Japan Rice 260 Gallon cans table Syrup . .. 25c Yeaat Foam, pkg 2 He Corn Flakea. 10c pkg o 011 or mustard Sardines, can ..-.to 7 lba. b8l bulk Laundry Strrh..J5e BUTTE ADVASCID le VOXJVD Our Frlcea are k'tlll the Bajne. The f I neat creamery butter made, for per lb. . '. 26a Package Creamery FVutter, lb 26c No. 1 Country Butter, lh. ...... tSo The Beat Liairy .Jutter lb.-, . . ,igo Full Cream Cheese, lb. 16o and lio .FRESH'-VBOHTTABLE PaUOXI AT UN TKAJT MAX.r TOST VAT .160 . .6o a .6o . .60 . .60 . .60 . lOo It's the Talk of Omaha. Freeh Spinach, par peck Freeh Asparagus, bunch' . . . V Three bunchea fresh Pie Plant fctlx bunchea fresh green Unions Two heads f reah Lettuoe . . , . , Two bunchea f reah Parsley . , . Large Soup bunches, three for Three bunchea fretr Bee la, Carrots or Turnlpa 100 Fresli Caboage, per lb. .' lc Large C'ucuntbera, each lOo Freah Mushrooms, per lb, .'. .250 New Pot a lues, per lb., 5o Freah Peas, Jer quart .;.TU Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lB.r..7Hc Fancy Cauliflower, per lb 7 Ho Two bunchea. fresh Kudlehee ....to Fancy Wax or Green Beana, lb, ,.10u Highland Navel Oranges, per doi en lio,'20o, 26c and 20o ootvT tdv unvnirno! cibct it FORCPi- I II I IIHIUtllv riilsJf I pi PAYS RATES , Rooeaa without Beth. Sl.M and I1.SS With Bath I2.M and up. E. J. DAUBS HPAVY HAULING SAFE HOISTING A SPECIALTY ; 1818 EARN AM 8TREET I'hone Douglas SS.1 Rrsidenre Douglas. 6702 Reliable Dentistry AT ' Taft's Denial Rotais GRADUATION DAYS are almost here. The graduataa are' always pleaael with an aitlcle from the Jeweer'a stock a 1Vai.Ii, Ring, Cuff i.uttont. Fountain Pen. Krouch. Hltck Hn Hat Pin. We have hundreds of article aultable. lAii'k tvr the name. r . I S. . LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas street . - (rj ! I Eurt'ATiovAi" Rocltford College (IMS-lWl Per Wome Baraler. Ul. RerafarS Cll ta the enly !! f.r K .mra ta lb. Bliaaie Wnl.ablrK hM brr-rn rratrSeel Ik flrat rank la rhalarbla r tke aaamlaalaarr of KSaeatleu. aS farllalat ataa Jill . GllinkR, rk .. U.S. PrnMnil The Swiftest Growing Groc ery in Omaha. YOU know WHY! The Prices Hold Good Tues. . . . i. i 1 or Wed Phones Douglas 1544 ; or Ind. A-2511 SUOAJ 10 lba. granu lated for tl-00 rLOUS 48-11). a ark of very best patent flour, guaranteed, for . .Sl.ao LEVOX SOAP 10 bara liere for -. ..afto ZTOBT BOAT 6 bars here for XSa OOKxT FX. A KB Two I loc packages for.. ISO COanUali White or yellow, a iOc aack here for lsVfco TABX.B BTUVr 2-lb. cans, regular lOo cans, at i for IS TABX.B mUP Gallon rana at . .260 STARCH Best laundry, 7 lbH. for aso A BOO BTABOK (.-rent package I. ere for 9e TAB HAPTHA POWt DUAV 6o pkg 40 BAPTKA SOAP (-cent pkg. here tor So PEAB, COBB .OB TO- kUTOZl Hegular J6c oana, dox, 11.10; or at per ran 10a PEACHES, PEAKS AMD AFBICOTB iuc val ues, can ISO TEABT P0AK-r-ngular be alze at. ....... .t-a COBB BTABCK Kegu lar 10c pkg 8ie ASPABAOTS Tira -SSc grade at S6e PXWB APPLE Kawaitaa allcetl, 36c grade, now at 830 PBUBEI Large. 10 to 40 alze. 10-lb. bnx for 11.36; or at per lb., lSe B A KINO POWXtEB t'aluniet or Kumford. In 1 -Ih. Z6c else for 18o OAT KB All Two 10c packages for ...... 16e Heats! They're "Down" at Welch's LEAP LAID Freah. 1 1 CAX.IPpBWIA KAMI pounds for $1.00 Kugax cured, per lb.. So PORK SHOULDEBS 'HAMS No , 1, augur rreah, per lb 70 cured, at lb 18"o POBX SAUSAGE At, BACOW BACKS 'o. 1. per lb 100 augar cured, lb., lSVte X.ITEB SAUSAGE At, SHOBT BIBS BEEP per lb. 10o I Al. per Ih So SPABS BIBS At, per X.AM3B STEW At. per ll. .Set lb. Z.AKB BOAST Fore quartera, lb 80 POBX X.OIBS No. ' 1. with tei. der loins ' In. here, at lb 16o. POBX CHOPS No, 1, at, par lb ...ISe COBB . BBBP Plata or brisket, lb So 15 R. E. WELCH, GROCER 223S l?0,0Tnrt Cf PHONE DOUG. 1644 2237 rarnaiTiDt. orind.a-25h.