The Omaha 'Daily Bee the Bee aimi to print a paper I that ppsals to the intelligence. not to an appetite for icandal WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Generally fair. For Iowa Oenerelly fair. and sersationt. V i VOL XI NO. 27 OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1911 TWELVK PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. v. STATES LOSE IN RESERVES EIGHT Supreme Court Decides Federal Gov ernment May Say How It Prop erty May Be Uied. UNITED STATIC .AN FIX TERMS May Withhold Land or Dispose of it at Any Time. FENCE LAWS h0 APPLICABLE Wilful Trespasses Hot Authorized by .justing Measures, RULES IS CRIME at SeeretsMT, Vnt la v V WAfWTNO'i " y L-The legal battle sralnst th e'i t rnarrM of the WMt In particular and conservation by the fed eral government of. natural resources In general was lost today In , tha supreme court of tha Inited States. That tribunal not only upheld tha con stitutionality of tha establishment of the reserves for an national and publlo pur pose, but it settled once for all that the federal government and not tha atatee may ay how (he reservea may be used. The Immediate result of the ooncluslon of tha court are that Fred Ufht a Colo rado cattleman, will remain enjoined from allowing bis cattle to (-rase oa tha Holy Cross forest reserve In Colorado and that Pierre Orlmaud, IC P. Carjous and Antonio Inda. California sheepmen, must anawer to the Indictment oharglng them with grating heap upon tha Sierra forest reserve with out a Permit. Tha subject waa dealt with tn two opinions delivered by Justice Lamar. The .entire court ooncorred. Tha baalo prin ciple upon which ha proceeded waa that tha nation la an owner and has made congress tha prinolpal agent to diapose of Its property," "The United States, can prohibit abso lutely and tlx tha terms on whloh Its property may be used," said tha Juatioe la tha Colorado base. Private Orrner Has Freteetlen. "A H aaa withhold or reaerra the land It can do so Indefinitely., it Is true the t'nlted States does not and cannot hold property as a monarch may, for private and personal purposes. But that does not lead no the conclusion that' It la without the rights Indldent to ownership, for ! tba constitution deojlares that 'congress shall have power to dlapeae of and make all needful rules and regulation respecting tba territory or property belonging to the United States.' ' " 'All tha publlo lands of the nation are held In trust for tha people of tha whole country.' and It la not for tha courts to . aay bow that trust shall be administered; . that is for oongress to determine. The courts , cannot, cemjw.l It lo .at ald tha lands for" settlement.' uor to suffer them ta be used for agricultural or gras'.ng pur, poses; not Interfere when In tha exercise of lis discretion, eongrees establishes tha forest reserves for what It decides to be national and publlo purposes. In tha same way aiid In the exercise of tha same trust. , It may disestablish a reserve and devote tha property to some other national and publlo purpose. Those are rights incident to proprietorship, to say nothing of the power of tha United Btales as a sovereign over tha property belonging to It, Kveu a private owner should be entitled to pronation against wilful trespasses and statutes providing that damages dona by animals cannot be reoovered unless the land had been Inclosed with a fence of the slxa and material required, do not give per mission ta the owner of cattle to use his neighbor's land as a pasture. They are lnteuded to condone trespasses by straying ' oattls; they have no application to cases where they are driven upon unfenced land in order that they may feed thre. "Fence lew do not authorize wanton and wilful trespasses nor 'do they afford Immunity to' those who in disregard of property rlshla. turn looae their cattle under circumatancea showing that they , were Intended to .grate upon the land of another. This the defendant did under circumstances equivalent to driving his cattle upon the forest reserve." In tha California case Justice Lamar upheld tba rules which tha secretary of agriculture had promulgated for tha con- (Continued on Second Paga THE WEATHER. For Nebraska Generally fair. lor Iowa Oenerally fair; wanner. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Deg. s sv xn. ...,., SS m a. m 34 1 U S a. ta u m U 10 a. m sb ii a. m as I rn .-...! 1 p. m P- m P. m 4i 4 p. m 4; P. m 43 P- m I P. m 44 !' n... v .upsratiie ltrrord. 1 'II. 1M . IMS. 19M . 4 4ft 44 si Highest today , lowest lixlay Mean temperature J'reripltallnn. . M 28 ft . U S 3ri ' (it . .07 .W) .Oil T Teniriulure and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature IT rflrleney for the day 19 Total excess alms March 1 216 Not mil preclp.tmlon 13 neii Iefi-lrni for the day Winch Total n.lnf'il since March 1.... S.7 lm lies rflcler.i since Man h 1 Winch Iieflciency fur tor. perlnrl, ISIO. . 4 27 Inches Ieflrlency for cor. period, t t . . a.M u'h-s RrpurK from Siatiuns al T P. fttatlon ami Ktate ni Weather. heveane. patilv cloudy Temp. IIIf(i Raln- T p.m. i d c tail 42 ItavFiipart, loiidv Ix-nver, cloudy Lee Maine. loufiv Iodse t'ln . clouoy lender, partly cloudy .. North Platte clear Omaha, cloudy .-. I'uehlo, rloudv Kapid Cltv. cloudy Bait Uttf City, cloudy .. Penta Ke. cloudy Pherldnn clr fttoux Ity. iiartly cloudy Valentine, clear 1.' o 51 I! 3 . 44 52 44 M iO i 4J J4 41 M 40 M 1 44 4 6i W I) iodtcalea tra- of preclnltation U JL WtUSH, Local forecaster. Offens" . Seal M Vu.lVI Tsl .- . 1 Labor Takes Charge of the Defense of the Two McNamaras Samuel Gompers Says He Has Evi dence that Disproves the Charges Against Them. I7T)IA N A PfXT.TS, Ind.. May t Samuel Ofimpers saiid this afternoon that hs had completed his work here In rnnnaction with the arrest of J. J. McNamara and Would go to Chlcaaro this evening. "We have received evidence," said Mr. Oorrpers. "which clearly disproves the chsrges against tha men. At the confer ence this afternoon a permanent organisa tion waa effected. This organization will have oharge of tha defense against tha charges at Los Angelea and also will pros ecute the charges of kidnaping which have arinen here In connection with the taking of McNamara out of this stata" , LOS ANOELE8. May L In tba caaeee of John J. McNamara, secretary of the In ternational Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, and bis brother, James B. McNamara, charged with dyna miting outrages, the week opened quietly. No further plana of either side were defi nitely announced. district Attomsy Fredericks Is not ex pected to aak for tha arraignment before the arrival about the middle of the present week of his assistant. Joseph Ford, from Indlanapnlln. The defense hss opened extensive head quarters. Andrew J. (iaMlgher and B. B. Rosenthal, labor leaders of Pan Ftanclsco, have come here to confer with union men of Los Angeles regarding charges against ths McNamaras. Both the McNamaras have asked that their mrala be sent from some outslds restaurant, but tha requeat was denied. They are permitted to buy food outside, however, and have It prepared In the jail. The brothers continue In good spirits. Ortls to. McManlgal maintains Ms air of Joviality. It is said that his wife will be brought hers as a witness for the prosecution. Quiet May Day in European Capitals Small Riot in Streets of Paris is Only Demonstration Mass Meet ing; in Berlin. PARIS. Mar 1 Detachments e ,. patrolled the equares and open places of me our Toaay in anticipation of worklns men's May day demonstrations. Lens than half of the worklngmen of the cltv oh aerved the holiday. Towards evening a crowd estlmsted at 250.000 gathered in the Place de la Con oorda and tha adjacent streets. The greater number were sightseers, but In the throng were many thousands Inclined, apparently, to make a demonstration. The latter pressed Into the square, resisting the po lios and breaklnar throurh h tin. nrv, thej disturbers became more aggressive the cavalry charged into the crowd repeatedly. An officer was stabbed In the leg. One policeman was struck over the head and rendered senseless. ; Amongr the onlooker were many American 'tourist. " - BUR LIN. -May 1 Tha workmen of Ber lin held seventr-ffva,Mv d . . which resolutions favoring disarmament In the-Interest of w;rtd peace ware adopted. Perfect order was maintained. MADRID, Mv t-A huge May day pa rade of workmen, renuhllcana it um.1. lsta and many school children was made here today. The par ad era , sang revolu tionary airs. , , Military precautions to preserve public order have been taken, but tin tn ihi. afternoon no trouble had occurred. -TORONTO, Ont.. May l.-Structural iron workers here whose demand for wages or 4 cents Instead of 3B cants an hour was refused, struck todav. About i im men are affected. HAVANA, May 1. Mora than I om men struck this morning, tying up ths wnoiesaie Business of the city. Their grlevence Is the allesed regulations adopted by th city authorities ana narsniy enforced by the police. Hopewell Sinks; ' Fear End is Near Family Gather at Sedside of Lieu tenant Governor, After Sinkin Spell. TEKAMAH. Neb.. May l.-Speclal Tele gram.) At o'clock Lieutenant Governor Hopewell was still alive, although very low. His physicians have not yet been able to control the hlcootigha which set In Sunday afternoon. Members of tha family were all in the sick room and tha and was expected at any moment. At T o'clock this morning rr, Lakene, who Is in constant ' attendance on Mr. Hopewell, declared that there waa yet a chance. "If we can keep him alive a few hours longer he will reoover without a doubt." raid tha physician. Suit Filed Against Secretary MacVeagh Discharged Collector of Customs Wants Dama't .i in Sum of Hundred Thaunnd Dollars. CHICAGO, May l.-Krankl'n MacVeaeh. secretary of the treasury, waa made d fenrtant in a suit for 1!( driiiinges fid today by ChHr!e K. I.ech former col lector of customs et Cleveland. Mr Leach charges Unit f xlowl ig h k dlsinisl from office by l"reaident Tafi r'ecieiary .VaoVeagii. n a etatem-nt charg-d that Leach hud turned over lo lmoifra thousands of dollar' worth of woolens before (ha customs twi. paid and had been gu Ity of other breaches STETSON HUTCHINS INSANE Keaader of Man l.arae ewapapev Is Ad Indeed Mentally - -Incompetent. WASHINGTON. May 1.-A petition to have adjudged insane Stllson Hutchlns. founder of ths St. Louis Times. Waahlng ton Post. Washington Times and once prominently connected with the Iowa State Journal, Dubuque Herald and St. Louts Dispatch, was granted hers today, the writ being returnable May 1 Mr. Hutchlns is a multimillionaire and was an organiser and chief promoter of ths Msrganthalet linotype. . - SIX MILLION LOSS LN MNGOIl FIRE One-Third of New England City is Destroyed, Causing Lost of Much Property. BUSINESS SECTION IS WIPED OUT Nearly All Public Buildings and Many Fine Residences Burn. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HOMELESS Destruction of Retail Section Adds to Problem of Feeding Victims. FIRE BURNS ALL DAY SUNDAY Rata Aids la Qaearhln It, "bet Adds Greatly e the Bafferlas; of the Victims Oaly Two Lives Are Lest. BANGOR. Me.. Msy 1. Homeless, wet. hungry and exhausted by the long fight agana the fUmei which last night de stroyed practically a third of the city of Bangor, thousands of persons today faced the problem of providing themselves with food, shelter and clothing, while city and state authorities began the consideration of plans for the rebuilding of the city. When dawn broke over the stricken city today hundreds of groups of men, women and children could be seen huddled around smoldering bonfires or stretched along the edge of tha smoking ruins endeavoring to warm and dry themselves. Although the rain brought discomfort to the homeless. It was tha means of brn ing under control the great conflagratlf n which raged for more than seven hours last night. At a time when tha battle against the flames seemed hopeless, a pro vidential shift of wind and a downpour of rain drove the fire back over the burned district and drowned out the flames which had Jtot started In unbtimed property. At 7:411 a. m. today .the fire was virtually ext'ngulshed. One-third of the city hsd bren destroyed. Including some of the finest homes In the residential part ef Bangor, nearly all of the public buildings with the exception of the city hall, and the greater part of the retail section. - Loss la Sis Millions. Estimates of the probable loss varied, but It was generally thought at least 16 000. Ono j worth of property had been destroyed. The lose ol lire, so rar tnis morning, wns con fined to two persons, snd only a doxen In jun d bad been admitted to the hnnpl'al. The rain' and change of wind having fiolved the problem of controlling the fire, the attention of .-the authorlt'es wai directed today towards houelng the home less and fedlng tha hungry. Every house holder In Bangor whose home escaped de struction opened his doors last night to less fortunate, but In spite of this thoit- I sxtids were forced to spend the night In j th- street, surrounded by tha few artlc'ei j of clothing and household utensils they had been able to save from the flames. Many of these suffered greatly from cold and exposure.' , . - Mors , serious, however, than , the prob lems of sheltering, ths homeless was. thai matter of feeding them, en account of the destruction of food ' supplies . m the retail district. Every morning train brought food to tha city, but It was some little time before tha authorities could arrange for Its distribution. -. ' . ), To aid the police in the protection of the. little heaps of furniture and clothing saved from the fire by Individual house holders, one company of militia waa or dered out for patrol and guard duty. Fire Baras AH Night fleaday. The fire started near the corner of Broad and Union streets, in the vicinity of the city hall, at S o'clook yeaterday afternoon. Fanned by a high wind, the flames swept ncrth along Exchange street. Nearly all public buildings snd banks ex cept the city ball, which waa saved after a hard fight, were deetroyed. The burned area Includes about forty city blocks. Among the principal buildings de stroyed were: Bangor High school, Bangor ' publlo library, in which was located the .banking rooms of the Bangor Savings bank; Cen tral fire station. United States custom house and postofflce, Universalis!, 1 Cen tral Congregational, First Congregational, Gt. John's Episcopal, First Baptist and Adventlst churchea; Norembega hall, In cluding the Oayety theater. Exchange building, in, which was located .the law school of ths University of Maine; Windsor hotel, Morse-Oliver building, Haynes and Chalmers building. Bmlth block. Strickland b'.ock, Stearns building, Graham building and Kenduskeag building. TAFT TO VISIT KANSAS CITY Preaideat Will Address th Press Clah oa September Tweaty Flfth. WASHINGTON, May I.-Presldant Tmft today promised Representative Bortland of Missouri to address the Kansas City Press club Reptember K. Woman of Ninety-Two Does Beautiful Needlewor! To be 02 yesrs old and yet find one's , chief . amurement in fine neeillenork that ' requires keen eye eitfht is an unusual' privilege. Mrs. Harriet Cocke, 3108 Msicy street, enjoj a her health as much aa most nomen thirty or, forty years younger. ' She was born In Bridge town. N. J , May 1, 1MB. of which event today Is. the nlnety-socond an niversary. The husband she mar lied in her girlhood home died when tho .as still a young woman, and at the age of 2f she married a sec ond time and went with her hus band to Charlotte avllle. Va. During the troublous times of the war she was in the dlirlct where war was brought close to people's homes and deblroyrd their firesides. In 1R0 she came to Omaha and has lived here since. Four of her chil dren are living. Charles Cocke of Omaha with whom she makes her home; Mrs. C A. Jenklne. Shelby, N. C: Will Cocke, Bridgeport, Neb., and Miss C. A. Roy. a daughter of her first husband, who resides at Kfarnev. for the last ten years she has been gifted with her second algal' to auch an extent that the delights in needeaork that normal middle-aged person' eyesight. Five years ego she yania of altar cloth lor tha Eplacoial beautifully dona Space to Walk Through the Garden Seems Wasted But Now li furt stp where I've r j " Now I've Qot to plont thot oil over! A From Chlcasro Kvenlng Post. BRYAN LAYS CORNERSTONE Protest of Union Labor at Des Moines Comes Too Late. SAYS HE IS UNABLE TO ACCEDE Ballrflag Trades tesmcll Sends Him Warslag Strmctare la oa the Uafalr List PeJleurra fa Mealo. ., (From a Staff Correspondent.) r DK8 MOINES, la.. Mar I. (Special Tel egram. Despite the threats of , union labor tn go back on hire, W. J. Bryan laid tha cornerstone of a new Terms; Men's Cbrls ae nt tire, 1 sses hrytf-.TtO. 1 Iowa 1ng and participated In tBe exorcises..,. . When Mr. Bryan Reached, the city hs was confronted wtrh a coeaflaanlcatlon from the officers of the BulUMng Trades council warning him 'against U king part In the cornerstone laying because the building Is on the unfair list. . Mr. Bryan ealdhe did not know anything about the conditions under whloh the building was being erected and It was too lata for him to take back his acceptance of the Invi tation. Officials of the Building Trades council were Indignant that their, protest has not been heeded and say they will do what they can to Injure Mr. Bryan. . At a meeting of the Iowa Jefferson club preceding the annual banquet this even ing, at which Mr. Bryan and others spoke, John C. Demar wss elected president and H. II. Crenshaw president. Demar was former member of the legislature from Davis county and is now living here. More Cases of Smallpox. The State Board of Health has received a report Indicating that a child at Menlo, Guthrie county, Is probably suffering from pellagra, and one of the board members has been sent there to Investigate. No case of the disease has appeared In Iowa in recent years. Today it was discovered that of the seventeen cases of smallpox In the city detention hospital hero nine are students of the Ptlll College of Osteopathy and ltls feared that ths in stitution will spread the disease. ' KITTRIDGE SLIGHTLY BETTER Conditio of Former Seth Dakota Senator, However, Is Still Preoarlons. HOT.. iPrUNOfl. Ark., May 1. While former United States Senator Klttridge of South Dakota was slightly improved to day, his condition is still considered sert ous. r ! 4 . MHo. mould injure a hematltihed llki church at Kearney, and the work waa the Chicago Kvenlng Post. i I've vity planted Argument on Writs ' of Habeas Corpus Attorney of Tilden, Camming and Benedict Saya Illinois Senate Hat . No Right to Demand Books. CHICAGO, ay 1. A motion by Attorney John J. Healy of the Helm inveatlgation committee, of the Illinois senate to quash the writs of habeas corpus obtained last week by Edward Tilden, W. C. trimmings and George Benedict, was denied by Judge Petit today when It waa found the returns on the warrants for contempt of the state senate were regular. It had bees charged that tha writs had been Issued, before the-men actually were arrested, hub this was dinprotren' and .sne writs- wear allowed to stand. Attorney Nathaniel ?. fceargi then began arguments attacking the right of tha state senate to demand the bank . books In the possession of three defendants. Search for Half Million In Stolen Jewelry Customs Officials and New York Po lice Officers Are Trying to Lo-' cate a Big "Fence." NEW TORK. May 1 Customs officers, private detectives and the police depart ment here were busy today working on informstlon from Scotland Turd that Jewelry worth &no.irv and upward, stolen In great part from Americans In Rngland and on the continent, is being marketed here piecemeal by . an International band of crooks. Some of the bsnd sre said to be women and the Understanding was that New York is supposed to. be the clearing house for their operations. The arrest of the man believed t be the head "fence" Is Immi nently expected. ... DENVE RMERGER ACT VALID Colorado Hapreme Conrt . I'pholds Law CoBsnlleatlagr Cessty and City. DENVER, May l.-ConsolldaUon of the city and county of Denver governments is upheld in an opinion handed do an today by ths supreme court. The county treas urer and the five county commissioners will be .dropped and their duties be per formed by the city officials. Several thou sand dollars annually will be saved to the county. SMELTER SUIT IS DISMISSED Owsjors of Montana Plants Will Eqaio Them to Prevent Emission of Notions Gases. WASHINGTON. May I. The government suit against the Anaconda Copper M'nlng company has been compromised. The com pary agrees that its smelters at Butte. Anaconda and !rrat Fsils will be equipped to prevent the emission of gaaes which the governm-nt claims have dons greet damags lo the national forests. BUSH BEGINS LARGE TASK Ker Head of Missouri Pacific Starts lo Make System Standard fnr Other Honda. ST. IXll'IS. May 1. Benjamin F. Bush, new president of the Missouri Fsclflo, ar rived here tnis morning and went to work st the rosd's headquarters. "I Intend to make the Mixeourl Pacific a model and standard fur other roads," Mr. Bush said. KING ALFONSO REPORTED SICK Paris Paper Says Spanish Monarch ; Is Grnvely III with Tnber. miosis. PARIS, Mv 1.-1, ln'rais, grant ssrerts that King Alfonsi la gravely ill mith tuber culosis and that at a recent consultation of his ph slcians it waa doclded (hat urgent niC'Saurcs of treatment sere necessary and also list the Ppanlsh monarch al ouli pass the coifing winter at Lezlns. Switzerland. . & m COLD MAY NQTCADSE DAMAGE If Weather is Not Too Clear it Will Not Hurt Much. WHEAT BENEFITED BY MOISTURE May Day of Mnetee nllnndred Eleven Not the Worst that Hns Btrack Nebraska in the Last Few Years. . The damage that comes from the present cold snap that ""is making the first of May look like the last ' of March, will depend very much upon the oloudy condition of the weather during the night. Where it Is clear ft will, probably, be cold enough- to do considerable hurt to the fru(t; but In most places thsre seems to be little chance of serloue- damage. The -weather bureau In Omaha predicts freezing weather sometlms before Tuesday, morning. During the day Forecaster Welch notified through the Iowa agricultural col lege as many of the Iowa orchardlsts aa could be reached, to get their firs posts ready as It was snowing in Nebraska and might be expected in the east. Snowfall Is reported from many Ne braska towns, but nowhere was the pre cipitation very heavy. Hastings reported a half-Inch of snow and a temperature of 2d. Fruit and garden crops are Injured, but the wheat Is generally helped by the mois ture. Other Nebraska towns report the same conditions. Reports from the weather bureau Indi cate that farther west than Wyoming there wss no great drop In temperature, but between Omaha and Cheyenne it was general. Denver had a temperature of 00 at 7 o'clock Monday night, six degrees higher than Omaha. The general Ne braska weather seems to have extended across Iowa as Davenport had 42 degrees at 7 o'clock. The Impression that cold May days are unusual and cruel for Nebraska Is shown to be a mistake by the records of the last two years. Although tha last two years have been unusually cold they have not been alto gether disastrous, and this year was the mildest of the three. The lowest tempera ture for Omaha this year during the day was 33. In 1910 It was 2(1, and in 1909 It was X. The mean temperature for 1911 was St. In 1910 W, and in 190B . There wss a precipitation of 0.07 this year, however, which Is. tha first preemptible moisture on May day for the last three years. Cold Waves Bs tends as Far Soath aa 1 ' NorthernAlabama. ' KANSAS CITT. Mo., May 1. Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and parts of northern Oklahoma, are shivering today following (Continued on Beoond Page.) " r i c y l it l Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. Dear 8irs: During a little more than rour jiut ift we hare been using from four to eight Inches of suae In the Omaha Bee, and have been agreeably surprised at the results obtained, as we have definite records of mauy accounts opened because of these advertisements. This was particularly so about a year ago when we ran a series of advertisements, emphasizing the ehantte tn interest rates from 3 to 8 Vs on Time Certificates of Deposit. At that time we hsd money depositors who stated that they had noticed our advertisements In The Bee. It is needless to ssy that we plan to pontlpue ouf sdver tislng In The Bee Indefinitely Yours very truly, V CHINESE REBELS MDBDEB AND LOOT , esBBMHssaa Brigands Came Jtuigm of Terror in Western Zwang Tunf, Killing Inhabitants. ANARCHISTS FOLLOW STANDARDS Outbreak Leds Itself Advantageouslj to Their Purpose. SINISTER REPORTS ARE CONITREI HervoltcJi Withdraw Largely from Canton, Proceeding Westward, SEVERAL MORE TOWNS FILLAGEE Rebels Are Led by Ww Sam, i neae, Was Waa !C4eKisvte4 Japan, anal a llrlrand Chief. Chile HONGKONG. Chins, May l.-RebeI!lon, brigandage and anarchy are stalking through the western halt of Kwang Tung province, murdering, pillaging and burn ing. The loyal troops are trying desper ately to crush the uprising, the serious ness of which Is revealed In further dis patches from Canton today. Wu Bum. a Chinese, who waa educated In Japan and has adopted ths dress of western countries, Is the leader of the revolt against ths llanchu dynasty. The brigand chief. Luk of Shun Tax. la at the head of a horde of outlaws, whose object Is robbery and murder. ' Following the standards of these two men are anarchist groups, to whose pur pose the present outbreak lends itself mol advantageously. These combined forces have thrown themselves wtth fanatical disregard of their own llvei agaiml the troops, and since the first outbreak much blood has been shed. Se tit Ion l rife among certain of the troo;e and it is feared that the disaffected sodiers will desert their of ficers If the revottera appear to have the upper hand. Official advices and the refugees arriving from Canton today confirm the sinister reports of yesterday. Bodies of the slain lie in the streets of the city. Famine prices are asked for foodstuffs and the shops generally are closed. In the panic there have been few attempts to bury the dead and the stench from the decomposed bodies fills tha sir. ' Fight from Street to Street. Today the revolters have withdrawn to a great extent from Canton and are devna teting the country to the west along ths West river.' Before falling back they fought the troops from street to street, many persons being killed. They attacked the provisional arsenal and being repulsed gathered in an Immense rice store, which they barricaded with bags of rice. From the building they threw bombs into the attacking troops and were' only dislodged when tha building waa set on fire. . Many of the revolters escaped, but thirty or more died in the Tames, while others killed . themselves to avoid capture. - . ...,- , While the . fighting , was - progressing In - -tha streatgX'hlness gunboats patrolling ftar-w West river fired into -several parties cf rebels, slaughtering 809 of them. ' Several Cities Sacked,' Retreating to the countryside, the revo lutionaries attacked and captured. Km Shul, fifty miles west of Canton, and mur dered the prefect. Tha troops were put to flight and the rebels moved on to Wen Chow and Woo-Show, both of which towns they took after slight resistance. Luk's brigands, following In their wake, looted the shops of ths three towns. The triumphant sweep of ths revolutionaries continued westward along the West river and reports from that district say the movement Is spreading and that the revo lutionaries are murdering and pillaging la other places. While the movement to the wsst Is being directed by Wu-fium, tha brigand chief, Luk, has led personally a force to the north of Canton. Hs seised th market at Chung-Lok, twenty miles north of Cantos. Then he made a wide detour to the went of Canton, and fell on Fat Shan, a tows fifteen miles to the southwest of tha cap ital of the . province. Here he first do-, stroyed the palace of the assistant magis trate and then turned tha town over to his followers to be looted. Advices state that Bhilt-Hung on Lbs West River, has fallen before the revolu tionaries, who murdered tha prefect. Fierce Battle at Fat Shan. Tha battle at Fat Phan waa a hard fought one, the Imperial troops, giving battle at Tung-8hl bridge. Thirty-Seven soldiers ware killed before the troop fell back. The revolutionaries are cutting the tele graph wires. Traffic on ths Chinese sec tion of the railway leading north from Canton has been suspended. A report that Hhamlan, the foreign con cession above Canton, baa been Invaded lacks confirmation. Tha American gunboat Wilmington has tha place under Its guns. The viceroy of Canton, who took refuge on a gunboat after his pataee was burned Wednesday night, has ordered troops to Cashier.