THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 30, 1911. r Offer for One Day Only Your Unrestricted Choice W mm In Our Entire Stock -WHITE SERGE SUITS EXCEPTED 1? ji pf Ln Sit 1 life km mil I Kb i i - ' it'll I i This Includes Many Elegant Imported Suits That Have Been Selling Up to $75.00 and Even to $85.00 For one day only this season the women of Omaha and vicinity may select any tailored suit in our entire stock, no matter whether the former telling price was $50.00, $05.00, $75.00 and even $85.00, for one price, $35.00. All our exquisite imported suits all our finest Ameri can models, in fact every thing in stock, except white serges. Probably you have admired some expensive suit at our store, but hesitated because the price was more than you cared to pay. This is your opportunity. Monday, every suit is THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS r u km One Splendid Lot of Fine LINGERIE and VOILE DRESSES All the latest ideas for early sum mer. They are very prettily made. A variety of new 1 A OA shades, at JLIMJU Higher Class Lingerie, Voile and . Marquisette Dresses Beautiful new designs, specially priced, at $25, $29, $39, $49 One Group of Fine Silk Dresses and High Class Tailored Suits at $15 We have grouped into one big lot a number of high grade silk dresses and suits the favorite and practical designs for late spring and. early summer. All the season's most effective styles. Suits and dresses ac tually worth- up to $35.00, at. , $15 WALKING SKIRTS The new ideas and fabrics the popular light shades scores of models in this special Q AO group, at DU.J0 WOMEN'S SATIN COATS Nothing could be more practical for general wear this coming season. These coats are smart as they can be. Latest style features, at i! it m 1 a mm p . tiMtt Ira 6 $15.00 Special Sale of Silks at 29c Yd An exceptional lot of 27-inch and 19-inch plain and fancy silks, dress taffe- tas, dress jwpnns, messannes, z-incn diagonal ail-silk dress aa silks in a fine range of fashionable colorings, on bargain squares, at, yard. Coat and Suit Nat ural Pongee Sllka, 27 to 64-ln. wide, yard. 50 to $3 44-lnch Imported Lyona Foulards, worth $2 a yard, at .. .$1.25 44-inch Plain and Fancy Jacquard Silk and Wool Poplins, yd., $1.50 Genuine Sappho Silks, in new Btreet shades per yard, $1.00 $1.25 Embroideries, 59c 27-inch fine Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Flouncings, 27 inch fine embroidered waist flouncings; also 24-inch fine em broidered crossbarred batiste allovers for dress es, shirt waists, etc., all choice, new designs, big bargain values up to $1.25 a yard, at, yard.1 . . ! 11 w? mmwiit J' 75c Embroideries at 39c Yard 27-inch fine embroidered flouncings, skirtings, wide embroidered bands; also 22-inch embroidered allovers English eyelet, Japanese, Oftj blind relief effects and dainty baby patterns, worth up to 75c J U a yard, at, yard 50-CENT EMBROIDERIES AT 25 CENTS. 18 and 22-inch fine embroidered flouncings, skirtings and corset coverings prettv new designs worth up to 50c a yard big bargain S)rn oniinro ni hi srh . nt. VH.rd '' UV In Main Floor Wash Goods EMBROIDERED ROBES Early summer novelties just received by express and first time shown Monday. Ex elusive embroidered white and creme voile robes; new shades and designs and only one of a kind. Each robe contains ample ma terials and trimmings ::,.' $5 lo $25 NEW ORGANDIES AND PRINTED VOILES All Imported dress fabrics in stun ning 2 and 3 tone prints, etc., stunning MarquUette borders and St. Gall em- aflJ broidered mulls, rillP at yard..: up EXTRA SPECIAL 27 inch Jacquard silk and cotton novelties, specially selected col oring, natural Shantung effects with colored dots, at yard re 1L 3C SWEEPDSG PRICE REDUCTIONS HAIR GOODS Second Floor Pompeian Room. U LTU ER MELD o) n n lY WY .STORE AB3YWIH1ERE BEG,NS A Philadelphia manufacturer, badly overstocked, sold us his entire stock of high class Rugs at a sacrifice, that will mean a saving of thousands of dollars to the Omaha people Every rug you buy here Monday means a big actual saving to you, because we have never offered such values as these. Every rug in this tremendous purchase goes at a price you could not possibly buy it for at any other place or at any other time. We have held great rug sales before but never one in which qualities were so fine or variety so great Hundreds and hundreds of rugs of high character never before seen in a special sale. Nearly our entire third floor devoted to this sale. More than one hundred clerks to wait on you. IB Large 1'IunUt luffs Made of all German hair, 2.00 values, sale price -08 The New Cluster I'uff 2( and 30 In cluster, $5 values, sale price 91.08 Natural Wmij Switches 28 Inches long, it-oi.. made of fine Ueruiau hair, 110.00 values, sale vrico JM.US Transformations Made of natur ally wavy Gorman hair, $5.00 values, sale price 82.98 We ar demonstrating th Ultai (aahiona In hair dressing the alx stem witches. We do shsinpoolng, , bleaching and dyeing. liKlr di easing, manicuring and massttge. Appuinttnunts made by phone. $15 and $18 Room Size Brussels Rugs at $6.98 These rugs are up to 9x12 size and suitable for almost any room. Same Brussels rugs for which QQQ you would pay $18.00 ylkwO anywhere else goes U H at $30 AXMINSTER AND WILTON VELVET RUGS All these high class rugs are 9x12 in size. We have never before offered such a splendid group as this for $15.98. The rugs are highest grade, the patterns more attractive, the variety is greater and the values more amazing than ever in our history. BRUSSELS HUGS 6x9 Size, $8 and $9 Values, $4.98 Here are new and perfect Brussels Rugs, 6x9 size, made all O I QQ in one piece and worth as V (l Uu high as $9.00 Special ' tk? offer Monday at AXMINSTER RUGS 36x72 in size all kinds of de signs and colors. $OKQ Rues that are wJ worth up to $5, at. 0 AXMINSTER RUGS These rugs are in various de- 'ii t i i siraoie patterns ana sizes. They are $3.50 qual- ( ii v mm Hit? ejHJviMUj' priced at THE VERY HIGHEST QUALITY Seamless Oil! on Hugs ACTUALLY WORTH $50 AND $55, at . . . The richest and most elegant of all Wilton Rugs. They are all in the very newest and most artistic designs for spring. Many are faithful copies of Orientals. All are 9x12 size, and all seamless. These rugs give an, air of elegance to any room The greatest value of the sale. Granite Art Squares 9x12 size, excellent patterns, worth up to $5, at $298 Hundreds of Other. Specials in This Sale at Values Equally as Great Vashablc Bath Rugs These rugs are reversible, wash able and fast colors. Big variety of shades. 80x60 and 36x72 Bath Rugs OG Worth up to 3 b0, at 17x54 and 34x49 Hath Ruge (TQn Worth up to 12.60, at ,.. ' EMBROIDERED SKIRTINGS 27-inch fine French Batiste embroidered f lou ncings, with dainty Baby Irish lace and drawn work aud floral effects for graduation dresses etc, also 24-inch fine Swiss and Batiste em broidered allovers, worth up to $1.50 a yard; QOfi sale price, pard. . wOL EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS 45-inch fine French Batiste embroidered skirtings in English eyelet,', floral and blind relief effects; alw, dainty baby Irish lace com binations, worth up to $2.25 a yard, tff OA at, yard 20c EMBROIDERIES, 8y2c 5,000 yards fine embroidery edg ings and Insertions, all kinds up to 7 Inches wide, Wonderful Br galni, worth to 20c yd., D I sale price, per yard OjC "VI 3C A WONDERFUL WALL PAPER SALE AT BRANDEIS We have just secured at a wonderful bargain the entire surplus stock of wall paper from an eastern manufacturer. Monday you can buy the wall paper you need .at just half its regular value. Positively the greatest chance to save money on wall paper that we have ever offered you. 1 ("KflTtes I 70c Papers at 27c Roll All the Duplex and oatmeal papers, tekkos, and silks, worth up to 70c; Monday, at, roll 27c Varnished Gold Papers 100 patterns to select from. Worth up to 35c a roll, special from the big pur chase; Monday, roll lSU'C Finest selection of Bedroom Papers All new goods, with cut out borders to match; we cut border free; worth up to 35o a roll; at, roll 8VzC a je me iiine oi rarior, Dining Koom ana store rapers Light and dark colors, worth up to 18c a roll, Mon day, roll 5VsC Light Weight Oatmeals An excellent selection of new colors and designs; worth up to 40c a roll; Mondav, at, roll 16c 10,000 Rolls of Gold Papers With 9 and 18-inch bor ders. Beautiful colors and designs. Sold regularly at 25c a roll; Monday, roll... .......... 8c 10,000 Yards of Burlap for Walls It has the paper back and can be hung like wall iaper; in brown, tan. green and red; 40c values, Monday at quare yard 22r 10,000 Rolls of 7c. and 8c Papers With borders to match; Mondav, at per roll 3c PLENTY OF CLERKS TO WAIT ON YOU. NO WAITING. COME EARLY. DON'T FORGET THE SIZE OF YOUR, ROOMS. NEW SPRING PORTIERES rw SX1PIKT SirT-IUIXIR Monday we make a special showing of portieres. We show the greatest variety of practical cur tains In Omaha. Imported T reach Valour yoriUra A most elegant amortment, ut pr pair iaa.00 and 938.80 Ilk Portlaraa and fine Ttamuak Por tiere", at pair . .$10.00 and i 10.60 Mercerised Tapeatry Fortierei with Udaea Uoort tmvortmoiii tif pm tciiia and colore, ut per pair V4.SO and 5.88 and H7.M Arm ore Fortierea With leal tapea try border. V e are allowing doz en of new patterns, at pair. 93.50 93.98 9-98, and 95-88 Cnnfast Light Welfht Fortleree . Theae are very ne. You will find an enUleHa usnortment at pair, 95.88 and 97.50 Kope Portlerea With wide tapeatry IjuimIb. This In tlio only more allow ing atirli complete IIiich, at i I r, 93 88, 93.50, 93-88 and up to... 97.50 Bop Portlerea For alngle dnore; Plt'1ul fur Monday, at each 83.50 Seal Leather Portlerea In the new Allealon atylex, ul 95.88, 97.50 and 911-00 Linen Craen Portlerea For ounxa- lowa and country lioitiea, nice UhilJ ia of colore, at pair. Brandeis Stores Show More Strictly New Styles in Wom en's Oxfords and Pumps Than Any Other Store in Omaha.