10 Tlin BEE: OMAHA, Til UK SD AY, A TOIL 27. 1911. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Declines on Reports Indicating Heary Crops. j XXPOET DEMAND . IS FAILING Foreign Pronprrli Are Favorable and Market Abroad Appear Weak Cora Move t7a Slightly Offering Mckt. OMAHA, April W. 1811. revelopment In wheat were of a de ' pressing nature. Beedlng In the spring wheat belt lit irogreslng under the moet favorable conditions. The acreage seeded In the northwest will be larger than a year a (to. Favoring rain prevailed over the wlnfr wheat belt where It was moot needed. Cash wheat demand Is even more discouraging than before and there la no export rail for any aort of wheat even at the decline In prices. Foreign crop prospects are favorable ejid their markets are weak. The corn market was firmer and fluc tuation ranged higher, but within moder ate limit. Liverpool cable were stronger and cash demand had renewed activity, while offering were sufficiently light to give the market a strong tone. Wheat ruled weak and lower at the tart on lower cables and bearish crop news. Cash wheat whs dull and values were unchanged. Light offerings owing to the wet weather firmed corn values; the market ruled higher with cash prices up He. I'rimary wheat receipt were 347,000 bushel and shipments Vere 234,000 bushels against receipts lat yeav of 240,000 bushels and shipments of 161.000 bushels. Primary corn receipt were 434.000 bnsh ' els and shipments were 297.000 bushels i against receipts last year of 244.000 bushels and shipments of 69.000 bushels. Clearances were 14.000 bushel of corn, ) 8.000 bushels of oats and wheal and flour i equal to 100.000 bushels. Liverpool closed Hd higher to HJ lower on wheat, and 'id to H1 higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: "Wheat, No. i hard, 2 car S'W,c; corn, No. I white, 1 car, 47Hc l car 4ic; ino. t yellow, 45 cars. 47lc; No. 2 mixed, 2 cars, j 47"o; 1 car, 47c; No. 2 mixed. 4 cars. 47V.o; oata. standard, 1 car 'Mc; No. 2 '"white. 8 car. 31c: No. 3 yellow, 1 car 30c; no grade, 1 car, 30c. Omaha Cask Price. ! WHEAT No. 2 hard, 86r91'.4c; No. 3 , hard, It.Wic; No. 4 hard, (WVfcaKVc; re l Jected hard, Tfr&Kfc'; No. 3 spring, tXVjl5o; I No. 4 spring, 8741 i2c; No. 2 durum, 856'Xt'c; f tio. 2 durum, 84fiS6c. CORN No. 4 white, 47iff47Hc: No. 3 'white. 4fiV?47'ic; No. 4 white. 4(''VJM7c; No. ' oolor, 46VdWc; No. 2 yellow, 47(&47Hc: 'No. I yellow, 46tt'ai7tic; No. 4 yellow, 46 rU.47c; No. 2. 47&47Vc; No. 3. 4fi!tf47'Ac; No. ' 4, 40H47c. , OATS No. 2 white. 3V531HC; standard, No. 8 white, 30H31c; No. 4 white, a4r304e: No. 3 yellow, SOOc; I U. 4 yellow, .tOSOHc. BARLET No. 8. 8WWc: No. 4, 88fl6c; No. 1 feed, 7rvjifllc; rejected, WVfrfWo. RYE No. 2, 8&39c; No. 8, 87&88C. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 12 168 118 Minneapolis 1M Omaha 13 82 29 Uuluth 66 CHICAGO GRAIJI AND PROVISIONS Feat are of the Trading and Closing Price on Board of Trade. 1 CHICAGO. April 26. Denial of rumors that a 8.000,000-bushel deal in May wheat I'Jiad been privately settled gave the market . tilt upward In the last hour this after jnoon. The close was firm, $,c to lc higher (than last night. Corn finished Vi?V to fo up; oat dearer by -Wo to Siphbo and (provisions varying from 17ViO decline to i'ko advance. Much attention on the part of the wheat rowd was given to the Kansas official re ; port, but the document did not prove very , effective In altering prices. The abandon iment of acreage exceeded tha amount that had been loked for and this circumstance .gave some help to the bulls. Other sources I of strength were cable dispatches telling .of a less favorable outlook In Kounianla ;and of a better demand for Manitoba wheat at Liverpool. The market during the greater ; portion of the day, however, suffered under . ths weight of Indefinite stories regarding .May contracts. An explicit denial was en . tared and there waa a reaction which car ried prices much above where an early decline had started. Latest figures all around were within 4c of the highest point '.reached. July ranged from 864ixH to 87Ho .and cloned at siVic, a net gain of Vic. Light receipts and a forecast of unsettled leather brought about quite a rush of buying In corn. July fluctuated between 24o and bic, closing firm, c up, at 2Hca&o. Cash grades were In fair de knand. No. 2 yellow finished at 634&34e. Lively covering by shorts lifted ' oats. High and low levels for July were 81To and 81 Wo, with last sales 81Vft31Tc, a gain of :ikifo over last night. i Good demand from packers offset to a -considerable extent a decline that provts . Ions underwent because of a large run ' of hogs west. In the end, pork fwaa off ;Js to 74c; lard up a shade to 2 Via, knd ribs at a shade to lVs decline. Prices In Chicago furnisned by tha Up dike drain company. Telephone Douglas 1478, 70s Brandels building. Omaha: Articles. Open. High-I Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat. May.. July.. 86' 87H 87 87 4 I86V4C-H! I i 86V 86 I I. .... 61',lS S2 62-VU !62ru52M,-H !31Viwil iH r ai 15 65 'i lfi Id I 13 1 8 23 I 30 j 81 hi 3LW I. 87 86H 86 86 Sept.. Corn- I May... I 01 T July... Bept... Pat- May... 82 62-4 i fcs- I toy I 81 814 31 8Ul 81 I 81V4 July... Sept... Fork I May...' July... tard May... July... i Sept... IRlhs i May... 15 75 1 15 66 1 16 17 I 14 7 S 17 3 10 'l 8 27 1 S 17 S8M 25 15 65 I 15 72 16 U 15 17 I 8 16 I 8 12 8 25 8 22 8 32 I 8 80 8 87' 8 55 8 20 8 20 8 07 8 10 1. . I 1 8 45 8 20 IS 06u7 Cash quotation were as follows: FLOUI-Steady; winter patents, "Slavs 4.80; straight. JJ.&O&-4.20; springs, H0&U4.15; bakers, K two.). HVK-No, 2, :. HAULHY Feed or mixing. 7ff90ci fair ' to choice nnu.T, ll.Oiiul-14. fitHJl8 Flax. a. 1 south western, 33.47; i Is'o. 1 northwestern, $2.60. Timothy, $12.00. . Clover. Slo.jK. PKoVlluNa--or, meas. per bbl., ' tl5.7;ulo.!JV Lai-d, per IiiO lb., $8.12. i fcliort libs, sides 0.uNe. 87 62(a8.26; short : clear aidsa) I boxed), f.2f(J.J7W. i Total cljaj'onctfft f wheat and flour were equal to W0(; bu. Primary receipts I were 847.00i l-j., compared with 240.0UO bu. ; the correuponuiiig day a year ago. ' Kstlmuted receipts for tomorrow. Wheat, 29 cars; corn, la) cars; oata, 142 cars: bogs. S4.rti0 head. I Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. J rod. 4j1.'; No. 8 red. 7uftitc; No. 8 hard, 89(j. Jlc; No. 8 hard, 87iufc9c; No. 1 northern aprlng, ll.Ou'al.Oi; No. 3 northern spring, 'a.scWIl.Ol; No. 3 spring, K'a'Sfco. Corn: No J cash, 52iu63c; No. 3 cash, 62IUC2V.C; No. 3 (while, 62'.uU!c; No. 3 white, 61Vu631to; No. 3 yellow, Uu63c; No. 3 yellow, liitic. Oats: No. 2 cash. 31i32c; No. 2 white, .aSuasc: No. 3 whit. -ir82c; No. 4 .whit. 3214j32c; atandard. 32y33c. ' HUTTER Steady; creameries, 16tf21o: -dairies. 13.318c. I EOOS Steady; receipts, 14,773 cases; at : mark, cases Included, 14c; flraia, Uc; prime first. 17o. CHEESE-Weak; daisies, 12ftl2o; twins, 32jl2ic; young Americas, 1213c; long horn. 12'd'lSSo. I'OTATOEtJ Easy; choice to fancy. 563 1 17c; fair to good, 62B64o. POULTRY Firmer; turkeys, 14c; fowls, ,I4! VEAL Easy ; 0 to 60-pound weights, 4jtc; 60 to 85-pound wettchts, S7V; 85 ' to 110-pound weights. 7uc. Chicago Receipts Wheat. 12 cars; corn, 16V cars: oata, 118 car. Estimated tomor row: Wheat, 28 cars; corn. Its) cars; oats, J43 cars. , Phlladelpkla Prodaeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. April M.- BITTTTTR Vee.k at Wvilo lower; extra western cream- ' cry, uc; extra nearoy prints, Soc. ECKi Firm; western first, free cases, St 56 per case: western current receipts! ' free case. $, 40 per case. ' CHEESE 4uiet but steady; New Tork full creams, fancy tiepteniber, lSSTU'-c: i Js'ew Tork full creams, fair to good, 12'd 12. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. April . WHEAT Spot dull; No. 3 red wolent winter. 1.0 stock; futures steadv; May, 6 d; July, (a rS'i; Octooer. 6 g",d. CORN Simm American mixed, new. , steady at a liel: American mixed, old firm ' at a 3d; new American kiln dried firm at 3 45 SS7H July. .. Sept... 8 10 8 021 &: futures steady; May, 4s 8d; July 4s d. FIX1UR Winter patent quiet at 27s d MRW TORK (iFRRAI, MARKET Qootatloa of Ike Pay on Varlons Com mod 1 1 leo. NEW YORK. April 2. FIX11TR gteady ; siTing patents. 4.7.Vii5 10; winter straight. 83.90i4.3S: spring clears, 13 STa 4.00; winter extras, rso. l. :i 2i-(i.i.40; winter extras No, 2. 3or,T;!l5: Kansas strslchts. t4.HWr4.2f. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4-46; choice lo Mncv. IINK14.90 CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel low, $1.1: l.i-o; coarse, Sl.ltyirl.15; kiln dried, $2?.. WHRAT-Ppot markt firm; No. 2 rd. P3c In elevator am! H'l'tjC, f. o. b.. afloat; No. l northern Duluth, $l.nfl. f. o. b.. afloat. Futures market declined early on the fine weather and the bearish Kansas crop report, but rallied on covering on ex port sales of five loads of American red wheat, closing Vfi-c net higher: Mav, p:.'(fi4c, closing at 94c; July, 93 5-1IW04 7-lHc, closing at f4 7-lic; September, ti2Vst934c, closing at 93c; receipts, 6.000 bu. CORN Snot market easy; erport' No. S. 59e. nominal, f. o. n.. -afloat. Futures market was firmer, with wheat, and on rumor of export business, closing at lvc net advance; May. f9-iiji)0e. closing at c; July, 6ofik!, closing at ftoc; receipts, 21.375 bu.; shipments 1.410 bu. OATS Spot mhrket steady. Future market was wlthour transactions, closing nominal; receipt. 122,000 bu.; shipment, 2.625 bu. HAY Strong: prime. $1.30; No. I, W.25; No. 2. Sl.104rl.15; No. S, Vvij$1.00. HOPS Firm; stale, common to choice, 1H10 2K'.i:'0- HIDF1S steady; Central America, 20c; nogota. 22c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts, 28 (527c; seconds, 21ih2.1c; thirds Wa20c; re jects. 14f?15c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mesa, $18.00 ?18r0; family, $18.6020.00; short clear. $16.7:Val8.0O. Heef. steadv; mess. $13.Ro14 00; family. $16.0Oi 15.50; beef hams. $26.00i.28.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 pounds. $11.004112.50; pickled ham. $12.00. Lard, firm: middle west prime, $S.25(38.35; refined, firm; continent. $K.75: South Amer ica, $11.75; compound. $6 87T(7.25. TALLOW-Flrm; prime city, hhds., 6c; country. 5"j,,'ii;c. BUTTER Easy: creamery specials. 22c; extras, 22c; firsts, 21'22c; seconds. 20c; creamery, held extras. 2iV(r0'4c ; firsts Vic; seconds, 17til7c; state dairy, finest. WS) 22c; good to prime, lD'uZO'ic; common to fair. IMjIKc. CHEESB Firm; late fall, good to prime colored, lOiano; late fall, white. 10 11c; current make, large best. 1010c; current make, common to fair, 810c; skims. 2S?10c. EGOS Rarely steady; fresh gathered, selected extra, l!)c; same, first. 1718c; same, second, 16c; storage packed, first, lSVi'Wc; atate, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, white, l&21c; same, gathered, white. 18520c; western, gathered, white, lSVfetfilSc. POULTRY Dressed, steady; western fowls, 14yl6c; turkeys, l&ij'18c . Corn and Wheat Region Bnlletln. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m. Wednesday, April 26. 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Ststlons. Max. Mln. fall Skv. Ashland. Neb 67 47 .00 Cloudy Auburn. Neh 69 34 .00 Cloudy Columbus, Neb... 66 44 . 36 Cloudy Culbertson, Neb.. 68 45 . 50 Cloudy Fairbury, Neb... 71 45 .00 Raining JTalrmont. Neb... 70 48 . 29 Raining Or. Island. Neb.. 66 46 .05 Pt. cloudy tflart'gton. Neb.. 63 46 .00 Cloudy Hastings, Neb.... 69 46 .11 Cloudy Holdrege, Neb... 63 45 .03 Clear No. Platte. Neb. 48 44 .90 Cloudy Oakdale, Neb 62 46 .18 Cloudy Omaha, Neb 64 45 .00 Cloudy Tekamah, Neb... 65 42 .00 Raining Valentine. Neb., 48 44 .14 Cloudv Alta la. 66 42 .00 Cloudy . Carroll, la 65 35 .00 Clear Clarlnda. Ia 59 41 .00 Cloudy Blbley, la 65 89 .00 Cloudy Sioux City, Ia... 62 46 .04 Raining Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. tNot Included in averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp.- Rain District, Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, o 17 Louisville. Ky 20 64 88 .00 70 43 .00 66 40 .00 64 " 40 .00 66 44 . 00 64 40 .00 62. 44 .... .20 64 -46 ' .10 62 42 . 40 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 Chicago, 111 26 St. Louis. Mo 25 Ies Moines, Ia.... 17 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo., 24 Omaha, Neb 21 Warmer weather prevails throughout the corn and wheat region. Freexlng temper atures with frosts occurred In the Colum bus and Indianapolis districts. Oood rains were general In Nebraska and scattered shewers occurred in Kansas and the Da kota. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. St. I.onls General Market. ST. LOUIS, April 28. WHEAT Futures, higher; May, 88c; July. 84V4Hc; cah, firm; track No. 2, red, 8aVi4ic; No. 2 hard 8Scy$1.00. CORN Higher; May, 6114c; July. 61H 51 c; cash, higher; track No. 2, 612c; No. 2 white, 52f2c. OATS Firm; May. 81c; July. 81c: cash, steady; track, No. 2, 32&32c; No. white, 84c. RYE Unchanged. 95c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4 20 4.70; extra fancy and straight, $3.604.10; hard winter clears, $2.6tyri3.15. HEEiD Timothy. $.0Vu9.50. CORNMEAI-$2.50. H RAN Firm; sacked, east track, $1.17 1.20. HAY-Unchanged; timothy, $14.002O.0O; prairie. $12.00cu 15.00. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $16.25. Lard, higher; prime steam, I1.hb& l.HS. Dry aaJt meats, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts. $9 87; clear ribs, $9 37; short clears, . $.02. - Hacon, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, $9.37; clear ribs, $9.37; short clears, $9.62. POULTRY Firm: chickens. 12c; spring, 17c; turkeys, 14U16c; ducks, 14c; geese, 6c BUTTER Lower; creamery, 1&U220. EGGS-Higher, 15c. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls , 7,600 Wheat, bu 32,000 64.0UO Corn, bu ,,.82,000 ' 37,000 Oats, bu 71.0U0 47.0U0 Kan Cltr Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY, April 36 WHEAT May, bihtc, sellers; July, 82H4S2o. sellers; September, 82S42, sellers: cash, un changed: No. 2 hard, S7d:,o; No. 3, M&VSq: No. 2 red. S'Xrj90c; No. 3 8t)j8C. CORN May, 4844SHc, sellers; July, &0-c, sellers; September 507c, sellers; cash, unchanged to c higher: No. S mixed, 4.i",4c; No. S. 44(&4ic; No. 2 white, V,S4itMic: No. 3, 49i84!lc. OATS UnchangtHi; No. I white, 3435c; No. 3 mixed, 82t:e. RYD No'. 3, 75.US0C. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy. $14.60 fflnOO: choice prairie, $12.0012.50. WHEAT Receipts were 16 cars. HUTTHR-Creamery. 21c; firsts, 18o; seconds, 16c; packing stock, 13c. EGGS Extra, 17c; firsts, 15c Receipts, blupment Wheat, bu. 16.0u0 49.0U0 Corn, bu 28,0n0 70,000 Oata, bu . 11.000 4.000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April Jf. WHEAT May, 97c; July. STTic: September, S0c; cash, No. 2 hard. $1.00; No. I northern. 9-!iU.eo; No. 2 norUiarn. 6B8c; No. 3, Sti7o. FlX-Closed at $2.58. CORN No. 2 yellow, 614r51c. . OATS No. S white, 30y.30a RYE No. 2. $9.28. BRAN In 100 lb. sacks, $21 0Orcr22 00. FLOUR First patent, $4 60); second patents, $4.51X480; first clears, $3.10qS.W; second clears, $2.10Q2.7&. Mllwankco Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 26. WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1021.0; No. S northern. 31 0lol.02; May, 0c; July, 87iijs7c bid. OATS Standard. 33titt3Ho BARLEY Malting, $lttul.l. Peoria Market. PEORIA. April . CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 white. M,c: No. 2 yellow. 61c; No. $ yel low, 61'ac; No. 4 yellow. 50c; No. S mixed. tlc; No. 3 mixed. 51c; No. 4 mixed. 60c. OATS-Steady; No. 3 white, S2Vo; stand ard, 32c; No. S white, 32c Dolnth Grain Market. DULUTH. April as WHEAT No 1 northern, K3c; No. 3 northern, al'ji5ic; May, V,e. bid; July, 8c, bid; September. 81 c, nominal. OATS S1W Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. April 26. DRY GOODS The cotton markets were firmer, but with little or no change In the character of business. The demand Is still fitful and distribution hard. Cotton yarn are steady and quiet, linings -are In slightly better demand. Under ear and hosiery lines are quiet. Onaba Htr Market. OMAHA. April 26. HAY No. 1. $13 00; No. 3. $12 00; packing, $11.00: alfalfa. $15 1. fetraw; Wheat, ry. $.&u; oau. $7.0 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Accumulation of Stocks Continues in Considerable Volume. MODERATE ADVANCE IN PRICE lolted ar Sleel Ooee More I Center of Interest Rallies d drnly from Its Early Depression. NEW YORK. April 26 Accumulation of stock continued today In sufficient volume to cause another moderate advance in prices. Among the market leaders Union Pacific and Reading were especially strong. I.ate in the day there wa considerable bullish activity in the Canadian group, various southern stocks, and the Erlea. United State Steel once more was the center of Interest, (in account of the dis appointing character of the earnings for the last quarter, the stock wa sold heav ily at the opening, but speedily rallied from Its early depression. Sales of bonds were in excess of anv recent day and several railroad and muni cipal Issues touched record prices. Sale of two Issues of railroad bonds, amounting to nearly $20,000,000, were reported. Amalgamated Copper's brief period of activity at advancing prices waa Inter rupted today, the stock declining nearly a point. It was announced that the United Metals Selling company, recently taken over by the Amalgamated Copper Interests, would no longer be guided by any set price In making sales, but would sell cop per at prices necessary to meet the exi gencies of the market. The bond market was firm. Total sales par value. $4,216,000. United iStates bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales an leading quotations on stocks were as follows: 8le. Hlxh. Low. Ctx. jin-ifnimers pr inn js mia 7U Amalgamated Copper American Agricultural . American Beet 8usar American Cn ' American C A F American Cotton Oil ... American H. A L. pfd. American Ice Securities .American LIhimI 67-i "t 64 64 42 Z US M 21 111 i'.ini Jnffl 1.D00 'ivi too X) American Locomottr American S. A R... .... .e 74H 7SH 79 American 8. A R.. pM. 600 1MV IO414 14V, American Steel FViunilrlei. , American Fuxar Refining... American Tel. A Tel 44 400 14H4 146 "iiii 'iiii American Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Atchlaon Atchison pfd 3714 4,S"8 inmi 1014 lOUTt Son 103 loja 12 Ml 10214 121 12S 200 104 104Vi 104 ms 700 77S T714 7714 4.100 J24 H514 2 600 J74 S7 27 100 1814 tHi OH 7 1.S00 7M4 7 1 90 to 4S 700 144 14314 14.1U, $.400 1204 1114 114 Atlantle Coast Lin Faltlmora A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. K'anadlan Paclfto Ontral Leather ontral Leather nfd Ontral of N. J l-hesapeak ft Ohio Chlcaati ft Alton Oil. Great Wert, new Oil. Grot Weet. - pfd ini. or IN. w Chi., Mil. ft St. P C. C, C. ft St. h.. Colorado Fuat ft Iron 100 68 6 67 294 61 1,600 1434 1424 143 1.1H 14 Colorado ft Southern Consolidated Oas Corn Products Delaware ft Hudson Pener' R. o ..,. Denver A R. O. pfd 2'a Mi 44 304 44 374 16! '4 12SZ 64 134 14 604 1174 1 10 4 164 28 A4 1024 144 22 is4 32 44 4K4 1114 61 34 104 404 too I4 4 100 344 3444 ft,) 304 24 1,100 44 474 200 874 74 1.200 1634 163 8.400 124 126 300 694 694 i.400 'i4- 1,600 61 4 494 100 1174 1174 ' 800 'iiii 100 83 38 ifli ioiii 1024 800 146 1444 1,000 28 31 4 WW 13 1334 300 824 33 i.vi 'tt '434 "106 '"soo 'io4 ioi" 1,800 I0V4 1084 .100 704 704 ,400 1214 121 Koii 1244 '1244 400 106 106 "ibi "194 i'9'4 Dimmers' Securities Erie Erie 1st pfd Brie IA nfd fJeneral Electric Oreat Northern pfd Great Northern or et!s.... Illinois Central - Interboroush-Met InterbnrotiKh-Met pfd International Harvester .... Inter-Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central K. C. Southern K. O. Southern pfd Laclede Gae Louisville A Nashville .... Minn. Bt. Louia M.. St. P. ft 8. Bt. M.. M.. K. A T M , K. ft T. pfd Missouri Pacific National Biscuit National Lead Nat. Kr. of Mei. id nfd.. New York Ontral N. Y.. IO. ft W Norfolk A Western North American 70 122 f 1244 106 3 20 114 lil Northern Pacific Paolfia Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas Pitta, C, C. ft St. L Plttaburg Ooal Pressed Steol Car Pullman Palace Car ..... ... TOO 131 101 Hallway Steel Spring ... Reading Republlo Steel Republio Steel pfd...,. Rock laland Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. ft 8. V. 3d pfd. St. Lonla 8. W 300 82 3! 314 11,000 1624 U14 ' 1624 304 1.300 O0 (24 284 24 184 92 14 634 284 30 4 1144 864 34 84 8.4 194 St. Louie B. W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield 8. ft I... Bouthern Paelflo Southern Railway Souther Railway Dfd . 1.600 1144 1.300 37 114 24 14 tiH 26 4 194 400 100 100 3I0 700 34 84 264 194 Teneeace Copper Texas ft Pacific Tol., Bt. L. ft West Tol., Bt. L ft West., Union Paelflo J. pfd. 474 :7 474 ,01w 1764 1744 1764 Union Pacific pfd WW H4 H St United Bute Realty ., United States Rubber United States Steel United States Steel pfd 41 1.300 8.400 394 T44 9 894 714 9,1 "0 1194 114 1194 Utani Copper irai 44 444 44 10,400 04 64 to 14 300 34 4 I6Z 3 60 00 74 M4 7 600 734 H T84 4 Virginia-Carolina Chem Wabash , Wahaeh pfd Western Maryland .... Westlnchouse Elecuio Western Union Wheeling ft Lake Erie LrhlgB valley 4.100 171 17 1704 Total sale for the day, I73,u eh are. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, April 26. MONEY On call, steady, iia per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, 24 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, easy; sixty days, IVt per cent; ninety days, 1 per cent; six months. S per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 8ft to 4 per cent. BTERUNO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8400 for sixty-day bills and at $4.S600 for de mand; commercial bills. $4 83. SILVER Bar, 63c; Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. S. rvf. 9 r.....l4 In. -Met. 44 "4 do empoB 1014 In.-Mer. M. 44.... 4 D. 1 k rag 1014 JPn 4 34 d eouson 114 A 44 34 O. B. 4. rag 114 K. C. 8. 1st 3a.... 734 do oeuso Ut L. S. dab. 4s (131).. M4 Alila-Cnai. 1st I.. 764 h Ni va- " ., Amer A, t 1014 M-. K- ft T., 1st 4s.. 91 4 Am, T. ft T. T. 4a. IMS . K. ! Amer. TobC0O .... 344 Mo- ''lc,4a .... 774 do i. 107 !. Rr. of M. 44 .. 924 Armour ft Oo. 44.. (-. 344 do ev. e l4 N- T. N. H. ft H. so cv. f HO T- " 1S,' At. C. L 1st 4. 364 1. W. Ut C. .. 4 a An 4. uu. do or. 4s 1M4 do 84 nil No- Pscltlo 4s 1004 a a W 3Ws.... 91 C 3s 71 C. f Oa. M 104 Cn. Laatbar ia .... 34 ...104 P"- ev- 34s (1916) 94 74 a t n. , B-'i'i rT-Ft-4iS Che, ft 0 10 bti t 4 nf 11 Sk U. 6 W 4 a raf 14 M!. mi. as A 14 70 sljk san Aea L tt "... ,T UUtlltan 1 . 74 U. 8 Bteel 3d U..ll si pr. IU 4 .... 364 VaMT. them. ifc...P4 ' -r- "4 Wabaek let 6 174 d. ev. 4 sar. A.... T4 do 1st ft . 4.... 4 ' tl West. Ill 4s Mi. 2?- .... 163 Wim. glee. or. 4.. 924 i'. - 2 r W On. 4 93 4 Bid. differed. Mo. Pacino ev. 6a. . 94 Boatoa Stocks aael BoaSa. BOSTON. April 2 Cloin auotaUnn n Stock war a follows: Allone 3 Mohawk Anal. Oorssr u Nevada Co A. S. L. ft a 214 Klptaalna VI .. r- .. 184 ...104 ... 374 .. f .. 37 .. U .. 11 93 .. 4 .. 1 .. (1 Aria. Qua. 144 Nerak butts .... 44 Nona Lake ..... 124 Old 4111UUM . I64 Omola 9 Pwr.it (f, ft O. 4 Oweeula. ......... 114 Qmacv ...... Snaaae ......... 114 Buperur H 6nMrvw ft Boa AUantle B. ft a C. ft B. M Butt Ooalnto .. Cat. ft Aria Cal. ft Heel .... Caatemlal Copr Kaase .... East Butt CoBfM- I'raaklls Otroua Oo ........ Oranbr O ...... Oreen Can .. 44 4 Baewtsc hiu.. 114 33 Tistai 3 . U4 lata KosaJ .... Kerr Lake .... H14. Lake Oopeer .. Laaallo Cospar MlaaU Cvpae 1 4 ftak .w t 'n ixvvm ... IH WiDoaa , ,. ..... 14 WlvAs .. 3 4 134 4&4 -a Hack Market. LONDON. April 2. Ajiuarlcan aecurities war irregular duiag tha aarlx tradi&g 4 Bt. L. 8. W. con. 4 79 An M mniA A- aiU. t4 J' 4. 944 OuknAM. A t ..i? -a-Jr p- ! , J. i.t r.i.-4;:::: L ws ...a.. Vol Ind. to today. At noon price ranged from ' bIkiv to H beloW yesterday New York cloning. Ixinilon closing stock quotations: 0-.ti.oU. aionejr ..DO lt-K liulevllle A Naah..144 da ai-eilnt 31 114 Mo , Kan. ft Teee.. 34 Amal. Copper tT4;ew York Centra I... in Anaconda 74 Norfolk ft Western, .lo Atrhlaon 11? do pfd 91 do pfd I"4 Ontarle ft Wester., 42 Baltimore A Ohio. ..107 PennerWenla 334 Canadian Pacific 1:174 Rand Mine I Chesapeake A Ohio., KI4 P.eeCIn: 78 fill, tlreat Western., 21 Bouthern Railway .. 274 Chi., Mil. ft 8t. P.,123'4 do pfd t Ie Beers 14 Southern Pacific 1174 Denver ft Rio 0 804 Union Pacific 11114 do pfd 714 do pfd 944 Brie 304 U. B. steel 764 do lit rf ......... 44 do pfd 1274 do 2d pfd 3a Wehanh ic Oraod Trunk 274 do pfd 374 llllnoli Ontral ....140, HI1.VEK Bar, quiet at 24 13-16d per otinoe. MONEY 2HWS per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2Vff2 9-10 per cent; for three months' bills, 2'Mil 9-16 per cent. I.oeal ecnrlle. Quotations furnished by Hums, Brlnker Co., 44 New Omaha National bank building: . Bid. Asked. Oilnmbla Flra to Colorado Telephone O. T per cent..... 644 64 Chicago Kallwa 6a. 1957 99 994 Cltjr of Omana School 44. 1931 1044 1044 Cltr of Omaha 44a, 1931 154 164 Cudahr Parking Co. 6a, 1924 99 304 Denver O. ft E. 6a, 1949 894 904 Rast St. Louis ft Bub. 6a, 1983 94 984 Fairmont Oesmerv 1st g. par eeat.. 994 19 Fairmont Creatnerr pfd. T par cent.... 99 109 K. C. M. ft O. 4s. 1961 S 7 Kanaaa City R. ft L. 6a, 1913 97 4 99 Omaha Water 6s, 1944 984 994 Omaha ft C. B. Bt. Rr. ta, 1923 97 974 Omaha ft C. B. St. Rr. pfd. p. ... 82 334 Omaha C. B. St. Kr., com ? Omaha ft C. B. Bv. ft B (6 Omaha Gaa la. 1917 974 t Portland O. ft C. 6a, 1949 98 99 Packard pfd, 7 per cent 107 103 Trl-Cltr R. ft L., 1923 97 4 94 United Rr. pfd., St. Louis 31 384 Swift ft Co. 6a, 1914 100 4 191 Seattle Electric 6a. 1929 91 93 New York Carb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 31.i South Sixteenth street: Am. Tobacco 447 Lares 444 Bay State Uaa 33 Nev. Cons ........... 14 Butte Coalition 174 Ohio copper 14 tctu 124 Rawhide Coalition .. 24 J?,'"0 21 Hay Central 14 Chief Cons 14 Swift Pkg. Co 1014 Davis-Daly 14 Sears-Roebuck Co. ..1424 F"nkllB 84 silver Pick 64 S'"1 .' Superior A Plttaburg 14 Belmont 34 United Copper 14 Greene Cananea North Lake 6 Inspiration 74 Kerr Las 4 New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, April 26. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: AHr 200 Llttla chief Oomstork Tun. Mock. 25 Mexican 426 do bonda 1 Ontario is Con. Cal. ft Va 140 standard 100 Horn Silver 26 Yellow Jacket 66 Iron Silver 1(0 Ophlr ....17i Leadvlll Con. 10 1 lf4 I Bank Clearing. ' OMAHA. April 26 Bank clearings for to day were 32.841,892.4 and for the corre sponding date last year 82,770.247.24. OMAHA WHOLESALE PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons. 33c: No 2. In 30-lh tnhs 9l M i I.Ik . 7 ' - -' ' iw, laJiuus. Ho: packing stock, solid pacg, 12Ho; dairy. ii m-iu. iuui, w.uKi luaraei cnanges svsry Tuesday. CHEMSE-Twlns, 14H1; young Ameri ca, li&lHc; daisies. 16c; triplets, 16c; lira- JJr,Ber'.lo0i No- bric1' 16: imported Bwias, 82c; domeatlo Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, ..UL,TRT DreM1 broilers, under 9 lbs., 16.00 IlAr line ham IA., .not,. 1QU.. Jt 1. - 20c; geese, 16c; turk.:s, 26c; pigeons per uua., ..v, nouier squaos, per aos.. 84.00: fancy squabs, pep dox., 83.50; No. X. per doi., $3.00. Alive: Broilers, 36c, 1 to IV lbs., and IV to 2 lbs., 20c: smooth legs, 14o; hens, 12o; stags, 10c; old roosters, 8o; old ducks, full feathered, 134c; goes, full feathered, 6c; turkeys, lie; guinea fowls, 20o each; pigeons, per dos., 80c; homers, Sier dox., $3.00; squabs, No. 1, per dosT; 1.20; No. 2, per doa, 60c; capons, over t bs.. 14c: old turkeys, 14a. FISH (all frosen)-Pickerel, oj white. Ho; pike, o; trout, 11c; large crapplea, lai6o; Spanish mackerel, lo; eel, 18c; haddock 13c; flounders, 13o: green catfish, 16o; ro shad, 81 each; shad roe, per pa4r, 66o; frog legs per dos., 840i aalmon. 10c; halibut. Uo; herring. 6Vo. ' HKK.If fUTS-LlMK.. M i LI.'-. 114ko: No. A lie., .lilnk. Ja 1 uixH. ... - . mo; No. 8, Uo. Chucks No. L 7o; No.' t 7Vo; No. 8, TWo. Round: No. J o: No. 8. SWc: No. 8 urn. n... x: i . , i, .Vic;' Ni 876oT . - -KUlTS, ETC.-Apple: Kansas Pippins and Jonathans, 4V tiers, per box. 11 io Kansas Oanoa. per box, 82.60. Bananas: Fancy elect, per bunch, 82.2&4fJ 50; Jumbo bunch, 82. 76 3. 75. Iatea. Anchor brand new, 80 1-lb. pkgs., in boxes, per box. 82.00: bulk, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., Zc. Turkish. 7 -crown n IK icn. K Z per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per 'lb., 13c. Grape nun; iionoa, M, of, Bu sises, per box, 84.60; 86, 46 sises, per box, $4.00. I.ernons: LJmoneira brand, extra fancy, 300, 860 sixes, Mr hor l4-7r, ' fanev !MYl 'J. l.A. i , T - . J , ww, vuv OlwCO, C UU1, $4 -6 : 240 sine, 60o per box less. Oranges: v.Biiioue ncuianua navels, ail sixes, per box. eo.A, uauuv naveia, so, tsk, YM slaea. $2.86; 150 and amsLll- .17... ltftl . ..i . ,.. 80, 86 sizes, per crate, $4.75. .Strawberries: iAui.iaii., ptsr sa-pini case, sz.uu. Vegetables Beans: String and wax, per hamper, $3.5064.60. Beets: Per bu., 76c. Cabbage: New York, per lb.. 2Vio. Car. rots: Per lb.. 2c. Celerv: California Jumbo, per dosen bunches, 80c. Cucumbers: Hothouse, 1H and 3 doxen In box, per dox., $2.00. Egg Plant: Fancy Florida, per dox.. J- . - ' " ....... , n iu l V, IU o rl&o. Lettuce: Sxtra fancy leaf, per dox.. 46c. Onions: Texas Bermudas, white, per crate, $2.25; yellow, per crate. 82.00. Onion Keri' VthltA nu kn 9 Ik. ei '7r . 1 1 per bu.. 22 lbs. $1.00; 'red, per bu.,' 82 lbs.. rai Bifly ; r suicy euumern, per aozen bunches, (4X&650. Parsnip. Per lb., 2o. Potatoes: i.arly Ohio seed, sand soli. In nebs .... Kn SI IA. n i. T i i . . . , . vw, - , Bvuuiu. ncu luvrr Early Ohio seed, per bu., $1.40; iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 8&g40o Colorado, per bu., $L00. Rutabagas: Per lb., 1)40. Tomatoes: Florida, per 6-basket crate, fancy, $2.60; - choice, $1.76. Turnips: Y I L. . . IT a er 1u., lut:. Miscellaneous Almonds: California mntt Shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc less. Brazil Nuts: Per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Cocoanuts: Per sack, $5.00; per doz., 75c. Filberts: Per lb., 14c; In sack lots, 1 1 . - 11 1 1 ncr XT , ... T u il .... small, per lb.. Sc. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., o. Pecans: Large, per lb 16c; in sack lots, lc less. Walnuts: Black, per lb., 2ViC; California, per lb., ln; In sack lots, lc less. Cider: New Tork, Mott's, per bbl.. $6.75. Honey: New, 24 frames, $3.75. Metal Market. NEW TORK, April 28. M ETA LB Stan dard copper, dull; spot and futurea, $lL70rd) 1L80. London market steady; spot 64 Za 64 ; futures, f54 16a. Lake copper, locally, $12. 37164, 12.60; electrolytic, $1Z1314SI12.S71; casting, $lL87Va 12.00. Tin. dull; soot and futures, $4L364?-2.7&. London, dull; spot 184 15s; futures, ilt 10s. Lead, dull, $4.4O4.60, New Tork; $4.3 $-4.30, Eaat St. Louia. Lon don, 18 17 6d. Spelter, dull; $3.40ftr6.oO, New Tork; $6.2Ei6.30. Eaat St.- Louis. Lon don. 24. Antimony, dull: Cookaon'B, $9.00i.f 9.50. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 46a 6d in London. Locally iron was quiet; No. 1 foundry northern. No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $16 601.0D; No. 8 foundry uurmern, au. aKj.'lit.fO. ST. LOUIS. April 2. METALS Lead steady at R2TVa'4.30. Spelter, firm at $5.30 J6.32. . Cottaa Market. NEW TORK, April 26. COTTON Snot closed quiet to 20 points higher; middling upland, 16.36c; middling gulf, lo.tCo. Sales, Ui bales. ST. IUIS April 86. COTTON Higher; middling, 16Vc: Bales. Ill bales; receipts, 1.410 bales; shipments, 1,699 bales; stock. 18 MS bales. New York Cotton market a furnished by Logan ft Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange, 816 South sixteenth street. Month. I Open. I High.j Low. Close. Tes'y. May.. 15 10 15 20 16 12 15 14 16 08 July.. 16 26 15 84 15 24 15 26 15 19 Aug.. I4 86 16 06 14 94 1 4 9 14 87 Oct... 13 09 11 34 13 09 11 80 18 02 Cf94 Market. NEW TORK. April 26. COFFEE Future closed teady. net 8 point lower to 8 point hlgheV. April, 16.37c; May. 10.86c; June, 10.36; July, lu.41c; August. 10.36c; (September, 10 lsc Spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, ll,c; No. 4 Santos. 130. Allld. dull; Cbrdova, llllio nominal. Stak la Blaht. Receipts of live stock at tha five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 6.1'") 18.700 10, e ut. Joseph. ........... l..ii.f) Kansas City. (uM tit Ijouim ........ !( Chicago 16.0MI 6.50 8rt 26.0U0 l.fiUO 10,o 50 lti.Ou) Toxals -Jasa tuut uu OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Higher Than Tuesday. HOGS MAKE A VERY GOOD GAIN ckffp and IjriIi sin l.arae Receipt Skee aael I.ambs ia Large Receipt Rernala In Abnsl Tart slay's Notches. SOtTTH OMAHA. April 28, 1911. nevelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Official Monday 2.!?i 323 S.tsil Official Tuesday 6,149 16.f7 10.449 Bstlmate Wednesday.'. Rftoo lfi.ono o.fvoo Three days this week. ...11 .78 39.0JO 25.010 Same days last week. ...14, T 31.3"S 2.tCJ Same day 2 Weeks go.l4.k..j .l.0f7 20.318 Same days t weeks ago. 10.4:4) 2.1.5:1a S1.4V2 Same days 4 week ago.U.7:0 2S.S..7 19.873 Same days last year....l4,9i2 10,750 1S.221 The following table show tne receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor the year to date as compared with last y,""-: 1911. 1910. Inc. Deo. SW.22J 820.92s 17.29 " 87.018 709.948 117.070 Sheep , 873,241 486.815 86.426 The following table show th rang of prices on bogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons: Ites. 19U. l10.1909.1908.Tt-37.l.i6. 11905. April April April 17.. 18.. .. B 4711 89 611 8 83 6 62 6 X3 6l 6 28 ( 801 441 6 17 t 641 141 421 i 31 6 411 o i 43 6 go 5 8 8S I t 38 6 811 SSI ( 84 t 40! 34 6 2. 6 30 6 381 311 6 27.1 6 26 I 34 , 6 29 1 6 33 April 20. April 21. April 2.'. April 23. April 24.. April 25.. April 26. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the 1 " n I n n stork v a .i . cn,,t. , v. . , . j ... .. .-, . .... i . 1 1 v'i nna, i i twentv-fnur lirtnr. .nilln. n . ? , ........ B wv v j,. I,., yes terday: RECEIPTS. .. M. A Pt. r 2 0.. Wabash 14... Missouri raclfio 4 3 1 I'nlon Paelflo tr an a C. A N. VV tcscO 9 a C. & N W. (west)... 4fl 89 4 C., St. P., M. & O.. 7 15 8 C., B. & Q (east) 13 C. R. A O lui.all ia a c i C, R. I. & P. (east)... 7 11.. c-.. It. 1. ft P. (west).. I 1 .. 2 Illinois Central.. A . . .. 1 C, O. W 8 2 1 Total receipts ....155 239 26 DISPOSITION Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Pkg. Co Swift and Company... Cudahy Pkg. Co .. 379 .. 814 .. 680 .. 497 1.304 1,045 8.145 4.666 3,37.6 254 117 W7 140 1,441 1.729 1,533 Armour sc uo Schwartx-Bolen Co.... Krey Pkg. Co Murphy Schmauf Sinclair 101 W. B. Vansant Co AO Stephens Bros 86 Hill & Son 21 F. B. Lewis 2 Huston & Co 44 ..... J. B. Root & Co 18 J. H. Bulla 22 McCreary & Carey 12 S. Werthetmer 22 Mo. & Kans. Calf Co.... 9 Cllne A Christy 84 Other buyers 414 Totals 8.134 16.0S9 6,748 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were fair for a Wednesday 142 cars being reported in, but the run for the three days shows a fallng off as compared with last week of 3,000 head and of about 8,500 head as com pared with a year ago. After breaking very badly for a week or more back, the downward movement in prices seemed to halt today owing to ths tact that receipts everywhere have been somewhat lighter this week than last. bull tha feeling among operators on ths market is that conditions have not yet improved to such an extent as to make it possible for re ceipts to be very largely Increased without weakening the market. In other words, commission men are generally advising their customers to go a little slow and giv the market a breathing spell before rushing in very many cattle. There waa . a very good demand this morning for handy light cattle and sales men who happened to have something that just suited buyers seemed to feel that they secured In some cases prices that were a much as 10o higher than yesterday. On the other hand heavy cattle were not so much sought after and holders of suoh were not quoting the market much, it any better. Cows and heifers were in light supply and as there waa soma very good shipping orders In addition to tha local demand, the trade was active and fully lOo higher. There were not enough stock ers and feed ers to make any material change in tha market, prices being quoted about steady. Quotations on cattle: 'Oood to choice beef steers, 86.7O&6.00; fair to good beef steers, lo.6(X(i6.70; common to fair beet' steers, $5.00 Cpo.50; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.75 &5.60; fair to good cows and heifers. 84.3048 4.76; common to fair cows and heifers, $3.00 S4.S0; god to choice stockers and feeders, to.wgo.bo; rair to good stockers and leeders, $5.25(5.40; common to fair stockers and feeders, $4.26&fi.26; stock heifers, $4.26. 00; veal salves, 84.00lS4I.26: bulls. Btags. etc. $4.0W?4.86. Representative sales: UELr' STEERS. Ma 4... 10... 36... 31... 1... 34... 7... 24... 43... 14... 16... 10... 13... 34... 38... 17... 24... 17... 24... 36... 30... 33... 14... 94... 11... A. nr. Ha lit 4 36 34 A. TT. .... 9:t I 44) ....123 i SO ...-11W I to ....1126 I 46 ....1326 I 48 ....1101 6 16 ....1313 8 46 ....1107 I 96 ....1226 ( (6 ....1239 I 7 ....141:4 6 70 ....1279 f 70 ....1169 I 70 ....1221 6 70 ....1668 I 70 ....1IW0 I 70 ....1429 I 73 ....1194 I 76 ....1243 I 76 ....1413 I 76 ....MM I 30 ....127 30 ....1339 I 90 ....1210 6 84 ....1867 8 36 ....1306 ( 66 ....1464 4 86 ....1443 ( 36 ioa 1 to 13 9.14 I 30 1093 6 36 1200 I 36 1188 I 40 1133 I 4 1008 6 40 1143 6 46 ..114 6 48 1U.14 I 46 1173 i 60 1000 I 60 1063 6 60 14 4 60 1293 f 60 1077 I 66 939 6 66 litl 6 66 1104 I 66 126 I 66 1274 I 66 1191 6 66 1284 6 66 12H4 ( 66 83., 30 30 80 19 32 46 97 16 11 11...... 69 14...... 11 92 17 14 17 36 43 33 It 30 30 30 87 19 1140 ( 90 17.. It.. 18.. ..1W9 3 40 ..1402 4 60 12l3 I 40 8 m w m. .......... ,jv a a, STEERS. HEIFERS AND COWS. .120 6 90 7.. ..1178 4 70 T. 36 1 a 4 11 , 16 10 , 4 , 10 It 10 17 , 87 8 T I 1 6 6 4..... 19 8 t 4 It 3 87 14 13 I It 11 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 8 8 8 I 1 4 3 3 1 I t I ... 8t!6 6 40 ... 421 6 16 ... 881 16 ... 700 6 26 ... 986 6 14 ... 921 I 40 ...1230 I 40 ... 726 I 40 ... 61XI 6 46 ... 380 ( 46 1 ... 636 8 46 ... 944 I 90 ...1048 4 30 ... 913 4 40 ...11194 4 40 ...1170 4 60 ...114 4 60 ...1B0 4 60 ...ll3 4 66 ...1316 4 40 ...1023 4 46 19... 11... 9... 14... 14... 13.... 11... 3... 14... 11... 1079 I 60 1010 I 60 1197 I 66 993 t 60 329 40 1180 6 6 1301 8 6 1160 8 46 1114 I 70 U34) I 70 1268 4 7 1218 4 7 1014 4 76 1077 4 74 1163 4 80 1231 4 36 1380 4 It 1344 96 1061 4 90 119 00 1207 t 06 1160 I II 330 4 90 996 I 00 921 I 16 10O7 I to 388 I 30 710 t 60 969 I 41 COWS. 14... 16... 6... 3... ... 3... 3... It... 3... 1... ... ...1200 4 46 1., HEIFERS. 891 4 0 I0 4 36 I 17 44 ' 1 ' 1 740 4 46 401 4 46 . 763 4 60 900 4 66 991 4 7 tut 4 66 BlLLa ...117 8 71 1 1036 6 1 1410 4 70 1 KM 4 70 1 1110 4 TO 1 ... 141,0 4 70 1 1220 4 76 1 1600 4 71 1 1740 4 76 1 180 4 76 74t 4 76 1 1436 4 76 1944 4 10 1 66 4 90 3 986 I 00 ...1010 I le ...Ul 4 00 ...1140 4 10 ...1070 4 30 ... 40 4 16 ...1610 4 60 ... 980 4 60 ...I860 4 60 ...1270 4 60 ...1311 4 40 ...186 4 40 ...1940 4 4 ...148 to CAX.vr;s. 14 8 60 8 176 I 64) 166 4 M 1 121 I 60 344 4 60 1 840 I 6 280 I 0 1 106 I 60 1W 1 04 1 180 I 60 4 I 1 14 I 60 826 6 86 1 38 I 60 113 I 36 4 187 I 60 M III 8 310 I 71 T70 I 26 1 141 I 71 320 I 16 1 140 00 10 6 6 1 tWJ 00 16 I 6 1 10 60 6TOCKEKH ANI' KKEDEhS. Ill I 14 II 60 6 H 433 I 10 II 171 I SI ., Ill I 16 1 130 lit 77 I 3i 1 1417 I 16 I.... 8.... 87.... 11.... 18.... 1.... Til I 30 34 761 I 44 6 724 6 3 II M IK 11.... 418 I 90 3 Tl I 66 66 Ill I an I. .... 621 I at I 440 I II HtJOA Further admission on th rart of fackers that the Deeds of the trade at ns-saent are largo, waa artdanl A. XoiMj'm 07 I ( 961 6 06. 14! 5 95H 8 891 92( 5 834 8 90 3 6 884 8 861 ll 0 904 9 01 90 I 06 7 Oil 72'4 7 06 6 73 9 121 6 834 9 22 6 92 hog market. Price ruled higner, even under tne burden of heavy supply. About cars arrived, but weichty re ceipt failed to have a Blackening Influence upon demand. Huyera were out early and larger drove were put up In lively fash Ion. Opening business s.vcraKed about a nickel higher than yesterday's sales and price reached high points about nild srsslon, when Mllno advances were paid All weight were Involved In th Improve ment and spreads held at recent margins. Tom ani the close the demand lost much of Its urgency and various load sold late that drew figures little better than those of yesterday. A "humpback" trnde with packers coat a full nlikel mure than ye te. day's average cost, would be about the shortest way of sketching the general sit uation. Shippers and speculator bought cau tiously, but poor support from these quar ters did not affect the trade adversely. Fully 80 per cent of total receipts were purchased for local packing. Ixvng strings ranged from 86.75 ta 85.90. Ordinary and good butchers grades moved around 85.80fi5.ftS. Animals of bacon charac ter sold st lft.90ji6.95 and on up as high as $i06. Clearance that was practically com plete was made by 10 o'clock. Representative sales: N. Av. Btt. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 43 SR4 ... I at 63 t9 ... I 90 44 319 ... I 70 70 !I7 ... I 90 67 844 ... 6 72( 61 171 ... 6 SO 63 824 ... 721, i ... 90 6 ..899 90 6 76 74 831 ... 6 92U 11. 15. 9C4 30 I 75 74 2.9 1M I 82V, 343 80 I 76 73 249 ... I 921. 0 8X8 ... I 76 64 393 30 I 76 17 881 ... 176 80 271 40 I 76 44 18 130 I 71 11 2(4 ... 171 73 2S1 40 I 76 68 28 .... I 76 17 266 ... Stwt 71 262 ... I 821, 74 281 ... I 82 17 267 ... I 62 81 232 90 I 96 71 231 120 I 96 , 38 260 ... 6 16 11 260 120 I 86 69 833 80 I 15 II 806 80 i 66 0 271 80 I 86 61 263 ... 1 96 II 246 ... I 16 19 265 ... I 96 1 201 ... I 91 0 27.6 30 I 96 16 241 ... 15 1 .261 ... 86 41 193 ... I 16 73 241 ... 86 19 381 ... 86 104 191 ... I 86 . 71 231 ... I 96 70 210 80 6 66 II 281 40 6 96 61 261 80 I 86 41 290 80 I 96 64 294 M I 86 74 287 ... 1 86 71 220 80 I 86 64 270 80 I 80 14 271 ... I 86 81 264 ... I 85 46 235 ... I 96 14 224 I 90 96 191 ... I 90 40 816 20 8 90 74 241 10 I 90 70 254 ... I 90 69.. 241 ... 8 90 99 191 ... 90 18 333 ... 6 90 88 211 ... I 90 90 ... I 90 71 223 ... 6 90 19 201 ... o 75 230 80 6 90 63 221 ... 8 90 79 234 ... I 90 73 229 ... 6 90 41 227 4 8 90 76 206 ... 8 924 13 829 10 I 92L, 6 218 ... I 96 77 218 ... 8 96 II ..818 ... 6 96 49 234 ... 6 95 10 214 ... C 96 86 20 ... (00 36 218 ... 00 44 190 ... I 06 .... 9 76 UO1 6 79 34 813 71 24 II !7 ... I 71 69 2K4 ... I 76 41 24 ... I 76 60 29 ... I 76 46 299 ... I 75 66 3X4 ... I 76 41 Ill 10 I 71 17 294 ... I 76 44 179 ... I 76 36 302 ... I 76 31 10 80 I 76 14 2K3 ... I 76 83 If.S ... I 7714j 46 2i.6 40 6 77V6 9 247 ... I t7v, 48 244 300 I 77 S, 49 287 ... I 10 43 96 ... lit 44 271 ... I 8o 67 307 ... 80 41 297 ... 1 80 75 27.9 ... I 90 73 280 M I In 61 291 ... I 90 69 2i.O ... 10 44 Ill 80 I 90 74 260 ... I 90 69 386 160 I to 46 279 10 8 90 9 t7 ... I 80 44 2T7 ... I 10 17 23 ... 8 80 74 280 110 6 80 44 394 40 8 80 46 288 ... I 80 49 383 ... 90 63 274 ... 80 62 2R0 ... 6 90 44 296 ... I 80 84 tWI 80 8 80 46 t ... 10 79 231 ... SO 7 286 ... 8 90 II tl ... I 80 44 823 ... I 90 68 294 80 I 80 40 2H3 ... 6 80 68 2S3 80 I 90 88 346 ... I 80 71. .241 . 44 I SO 88 296 ... 8 80 hMEEP No very positive changes de veloped In either the sheep or lamb mar kets this morning. Demand sppeared to be reasonably broad for offerings of known dressing ability and orders for ths better grades were not hard to locate. Trade ruiea steady, as viewed by early business, but common and In-between strings proved quiet sellers, the same as on moat days lately. Supply was of good volume and shorn animals made up over half of the run. Lamb are still showing up In greater quantities than sheep, of course, and ac cording to a recent canvass of centvil and western Nebraska, there remains aoout 25. 000 head of Mexicans to bo marketed within the next four or five weeks. Two or three shipments of this class of stock were In cluded lntoday's receipts. Best wooled lambs, Mexicans, reached $6.00, which price was also yesterday's top. Western still in the fleece are selling at rather wide margins under Mexican, this being especially true of heavy lambs. It would take choice, handy westerns to com mand $5.60 or better. Shorn lambs brought as much as 84.80, a figure that crowds high quotations on shorn Mexicans. ' Mutton sheep ahowed little change, all kinds of offerings moving at generally steady prices. Wethers with plenty of weight were none too active, but awes, par ticularly shorn grade, found an outlet of very fair volume. There wers no year lings of consequence on sale. Revised Quotations, Wooled Lambs: Springs. $6.009.00; Mexicans, $n.606.00; westerns, $5.0o6.60. Sheep: Yearlings, $4 25 4.30; wethers, $4.0034.60; awes, $3.4fl4.25. Revised Quotations, Shorn Lambs: Mex icans, $4.60(84.90; westerns, $4.40g4.80; heavy, $4.15S4.40. Sheep: Tearllng. $3.86ia4.25; wethers, $3.6Og4.00; ewes, $3.108.75. Representative sales: No- Av. Pr. 841 western shorn lambs 82 4 36 26 western shorn lambs 63 8 75 88 spring lambs 83, 6 25 S6 spring lambs SO 6 00 SO western ewes and bucks 118 8 00 24 western ewes 97 8 00 139 western ewes 82 8 00 10 wetsern ewes lia 8 00 300 western lambs, feeders fW K on 474 Mexican lambs 84 6 00 il Mexican lambs 84 6 00 23 western lambs, shorn 74 l 80 213 western" ewes 108 4 10 228 western ewes 95 4 in 101 wooled lambs 69 4 75 176 wooled lambs 84 8 60 168 shorn lambs 81 4 40 270 shorn lambs 81 4 60 136 Mexican ewes 88 4 25 880 Mexican lambs 75 6 00 Via shorn yerllngs 86 4 00 374 wooled lambs 81 4 40 483 wooled wethers 12 4 $6 St. Loale Live Hack Market. ST. LOUIS. April 26.-CATTLE Receipts, 2,000 head, including 400 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, 8ft.ot-(i4.60; drew sed beef and butcher steer. $ii.40(6.00; steer under 1.000 pounds, $6.6txii; 6.25; stockers and feeder. $3.60y,5.75; cow and heifers, $3.603.26; canners, $3.00g3.60; bulls, $3.76u6.50; calves. $5.0U4pS.60; Texas and Indian steers, $4.&nt.60; cowa and heifers, $3.50'tf6.00. HlHJS-Receipts, 8,200 head; market 6c higher; pig and light. $5.60((.25; packer. Sio06 ' butcher" bt hoAvy, $6.10j SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.400 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.75 4M.26; lamb. $6.76600; culls and bucks. $3.0083.60; stockers, $2.00iS8.00. Kiiui Cltr L,lve Slock Market. . KANSAS' CITT, April 86. CATTLE Re ceipt, 6.0U0 head, including 200 southerns ; steers steady; cows, heifers and calve 10 ti25o lower; dressed beef and export steer 5.70y.16; fair to good, $6.006.70; western Keep cool this summer in a cool, clean office Roomy, airy offices appeal to the business man who has a large amount of work to do each day. The cooler he is the better work he can do. Tenants of the best known office building in the city catch every breath that is blowing during the days when . the mercury is mounting high. Elevator service, light, ventilation and janitor attention are the best! THE BEE BUILDING Select from these offices at once aa they will not BOOK 416 I a very desirable room, snd rents at a very low figure; per month guano BOOM 617 The only room in the building which rents for VlVsn'nl'J1?0 It is located on the east aide of the court ani l. $,!' feet in aT h New elevators are The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office. 17th a.n,i e- steers. $4.Vti.80; mocker and feeders, $4 ;.,(;. 70; southern steer . H-.-: sri"; z;ruM buns. $4W"V 5.191; calve, m.nire.m "V, talves. $4,4ii.rA . .A Hi MIS Uecelpts i.w nr.... . . 1"c higher; bulk of sales, $6 K4i 12; hear jr. IK).n; ll"v: pecker and butcher. i.U'6y h. 41 3.00. tlllCAftO LIVK 8T1KK MABKRT nemaad for tattle "trad y Hoga Active thee Weak. CMICAOO. April 6CA'TLFRecelr.t 16.00 head; market steady; beeves. 86 OVff 6.50; Texas steers. $l.6niYM; western steers, t4.MViiu.0n; stockers and feeders, $4 00 SiT.tiO; cow and heifer. 8 40itt.66; calvesv $4 MK 25. , , . V I KMJS-Receipt. 16.000 head; market active and strong; llsht. $5.9111 6. 35: mixed,! $.V!8V1,n 20; heavy, $5.7('i4.15; rought, $6.7 1 5 90; good to choice heavy, $.VHa4i.l6; plg9y 8S.RM16.2n; bulk of sales, $6 0i76.15. ' SMKEt' AND WMB8- Receipts, 16000 head; market weak: natives. $l.0Oru4.6O; western. $.t.2.V(i4.fiO; yearlli as. $4.1t.Y2S; na tive lambs. $4.2('6.10; western, $4.75i6.1o. St. Joseph 1.1 ve "tuek Market. PT. JOSEPH.. Mo.. April 26. CATTLFJ Receipts, 1,5"0 head; market, steady; steers, $4 50114Y75; cows and heifer. $3.006.66; talves. $30ora6.00. HOGS Receipts. 6.500 head: market M 10c higher; top, $6.16; bulk ot sales, $o-Mf 6.06. HHEF.P ANU LA M B8 Receipts. 1600 head; market, dull; lambs. K60O6.70. agar Market. NEW TORK, April 26. SITOAR Firm: muscovado, 89 test, 8 42c; centrifugal, 9 test, 3.82c; molasses, 89 test, 8.17. Refined steady. Wool Atarket. (TT T J-1TTTO AnVll IX-ru-kT Hmthaanl territory and western mediums, l617o; fine mediums, naisc; fine, ll12o. Sioux County Man r Files Suit Against Bachelor Neighbor Newton Eule of Harrison Wanti Ten Thousand Dollar from Fred . Beschen. SALEM. Ore., April 2. (Special) Newton Rule, a wealthy farmer of Harrison. Neh.. has rented a modest bungalow In this city and with his daughter, has arranged to stay here until the outcome of his suit against Fred Betschen, a bachelor from the same Nebraska town, has been de termined by a Jury In the coGrU of this county. J Rule has a suit for lioono for th. u.nsJ tlon of his wife's affections, pending againBt Betschen. The latter waa given a trial in the circuit court hera a few days ago on a statutory charge, it being alleged by the state that he and Mrs. Rule eloped and were living together as man and wife at the home of a friend at Mt Angel, a town several miles north of this city. The arrest of tha two oc curred here about two months a-o. Rule followed ths pair from Omaha, traced them to Mt. Angel and with the M ri Chief of Police Hamilton and a woman. detective, tha arrest waa made one night Betschen waa found guilty of a statutory charge by a Jury a few days ago, and on last week Saturday, his attorneys, who are among the best that Salem affords, filed a motion for a new trial, alleging bias on part of three Jurymen. Mrs. Josephine Rule, wife o Newton Rule, is about 46 yeara old. while Betschen Is in the neighborhood of 80. According to the story which Rula tells, Betsohen was a neighbor, as well ss being a bachelor, and he and the Rula family were on good terms. When the wife dis appeared with Betschen, Rula Immediately made plans to follow. He traced them to Omaha and from there to Oregon. Pending the trial of the first charge against Betschen. he and Mrs. Rula wera forced to spend several days in the county Jail. They are now out on ball, awaiting further action, of the court. EDITOR SUES FOR DAMAGES Dakota, County Seat Fight Files Salt. SIOUX FALLS, 8. I).. April 28. (Special.) As the result of a difficulty growing out of tha hot county seat fight in Corson county last fall. Editor Parker of the Mc intosh Chief, has instituted a suit against Charles Hardy of Morrlstown, by which he seeks to recover from tha defendant damages In tha sum of 88.000 for alleged! false imprisonment last November. The editor waa kept In the city Jail at Morris town for a fcriof time and believes his feelings and reputation wera injured to the extent of the sum which he seeks to recover from Hardy In ths courts. Women' Comerclal Clab. BELLE FOURCHE, S. D.. April M.-(Sp-clal.) The Commercial club of this plact, mado a new venture In work of thU f kind. It having organised a live woman's auxiliary. Tha Plan of nrranlsstinn 1. unique. There ara seventeen women's clubs In the city and each one of them waa in vited to select one of their number, the whole to form the woman's department of the Commercial club. The selections were made, and the women organized today by selecting Miss Susie Bird, who Is the county superintendent as president They have already started work and the object of' 111 urtaniianon IS Stated tO DC "to make Belle Fourche the most beauti ful, cleanly and desirable place to live In in South Dakota." A woman's rest room la their first work, and they already havi plans tinder way to secure one. be available long; havlt.. . now being installed. aicain w fa.