Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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k 6 j
Imperial Hats, the young man's hat, 9,1.00.
trc YorjM
chorus of laughter, handrlapplng and
shouts of "How does It feel, yourself,
Cram! Jostles Drew.
"There's the district attorney solns to
Jail.' railed ona man aa Ford passed down
ths atairway. Drew was jostled on his
way to ths street and a throng of men,
most of them apparently of ths working
class, followsd excited and laughing, as
lirew and Ford walked ths two blocks to
ths jail.
Ths turnkey searched the pockets of
Drew and Ford, but they were not locked
In cells. They were told that for a time
they might remain In the outer office for
the reason that they expected momentarily
the arrival of men that were asked by
their const) to go on their bond.
After half an hour the crowd about the
Jail entrance dispersed.
Badorf'a ball was fixed at 110,000 and ha
was taken to Jail. He demanded a hearing
and the court set t o'clock this afternoon,
when Jhe cae will be taken up.
La Anselea Officials Call It Absurd.
LOS ANGELES, April K.-Asslstant At
torney Fredericks of Los Angeles when In
formed of the arrest of Assistant District
Attorney Ford in Indianapolis on a charge
of kidnapping aald;
"The arrest of Mr. Ford la an absurdity
nd nothing can come of it sxcapt a little
delay, fie Is not an arresting officer any
way. He want to Indianapolis to collect
evidence and to see that the papera In the
cases were all right. The extradition pap
ers undsr which the prisoners are being
brought to Los Angeles were duly exe
cuted and signed by the governors of both
states. There oan bo no flaw la the case
so far aa that la concerned; and as to the
arrest and removal from Indianapolis, why,
Ford had nothing to do with It. He will
take care of himself alt right."
Prisoners Eaaected Today.
Both the district attorney and the labor
leaders were busy today preparing for the
legal struggle that will begin with the ar
rival of John and Jamea McNamara and
Ortle McManlgal. The three prisoners are
expected here tomorrow and District At
. torney John D. Fredericks la arranging
preliminaries for a speedy arraignment
and early trial. "
Mrs. D. II. Ingersoll, the San Francisco
lodging house keener, cams to Los An
fries today to be present when the pris
oners arrive and, if possible. Identify
James McNamara as the J. B. Bryce who
was a boarder at her home prior to the ex
plosion which wrecked the Times build
ing. On the same train with Mrs. Ingersoll
were Anton Johannsen, former organiser
of the Building Trades council.
According to union labor officials, repre
sentations of a proposed general atrlka In
this city have been greatly exaggerated.
As a concerted move on the part of union
labor It has not been contemplated, they
Party Paaeea Taroagav Albauarrewr.
Handcuffed and locked In compartments, J.
J. McNamara, J. B. Bryce and Ortle B.
McManlgal passed through here at 1 o'clock
today enroute to Los Angeles
They were guarded by eight detectives
from Chicago and a Los Angelea detective
agency. John McNamara was put on the
train, according to the crew, at Dodge
City, Kan., having reached the station
there a few minutes before the train In an
automobile accompanied by the officers.
He waa not with the other men and It Is
said by ths passengers that hs probably
' did not know they were aboard,
Bryce gnd , McManlgal looked out of the
window and smiled at the crowd.
Court Mara Private Detectives frosa
Areas to Records SelsaA,
INDIANAPOLIS, April M. By an order
of Judge Joseph T. Merkey of the Marlon
county criminal court. Issued today, only
the county prosecutors, members of the
grand Juryand officials of the Interna
tlqnal , Association of Bridge and Struc
tural Iron Workers will be permitted t
examine books and papera taken from the
offices of the association. This action, taken
'oa application of attorneys for the as
sociation, and with ths approval of the
county prosecutors, bars private detectives
When you seek diamonds that
embody all the purity, quality and
Intense brilliancy of a perfect
blue white atone, you need go no
farther than here. Our choice col
lection embraces some of the moat
attractive pieces that we ever be
fore hare had the opportunity te
exhibit. You are cure to find here
just the kind of a stone you are
looking for, and are certain te get
It for a price that will be satis
factory. We refund ninety per cent of the
purchase mice wtUtin one year of
date of sale. -
x Your wants In Jewelry, watchee,
rings, etc, will be supplied hate
at the lowest prices.
15'-a DODGE.
.SWBaaBnBm-- a.
JiTl "I !-
Light Weight
Comfortable Underwear
For Young Men
Now the time to bur light
weight t'nderwear the kind that
fits yet dop not stlrk. Whatever
length or weight you prefer, we
have It In sizes from 32 to 38.
Our popular brand ia the Mentor
-T-one that gives great satisfaction.
Besides this, weVbave other excel
lent gradea. -
Many prefer 'the athletic or 4
length garments. For those who
do not, we have the full length at
fl.OO, fl.RO, $2.00 and S2.AO.
Those who prefer two-piece suits
will be well pleased with the excel
lent grades we are showing at AOo
and tl.OO per garment.
Benthor Shirts
These shirts are a most attractive,
assortment French collars and cuffs
to match; also with atlff cuffs and
stiff collars, and without collars.'
Every man likes Benthor Shirts.
91.50, 92.00,, 93.00 and up.
and unofficial Investigators from Inspect
ing the books, correspondence and docu
ments. -
The material was locked up In the grand
Jury room and wtTl be submitted tq the
grand Jury tomorrow In the course of the
In vent I nation as to the identity of ocrnona
il who deposited dynamite In the Iron Work
ers' association storage compartment In the
basement of the building In which are Its
A part of the books and papers were
seised by the police last .Saturday night in
a raid on the offices, led by William J.
Burna, a privets detective In the employ
of the National Erectors' association. The
raid followed the arrest of J. J. McNamara,
secretary-treasurer of the Iron workers. In
dicted In Los Angelee for alleged complicity
in an explosion at the Llewellyn Iron works.
Ryan Disregards Summons.
Superintendent of Police" Hyland was
summoned before the grand Jury today and
afterward a summons was Issued for Frank
M. Ryan, president of the Iron Workers'
association, ordering hlnr to produce ad
ditional reoords.. Ryan was to have ap
peared this aternoon, but he did not do
so and by order of the grand Jury deputy
sheriffs went to the office building with a
wagon, plied the desired documents in It
and toojc thsm to the court house. It was
said the grand Jury at this lime did not
care to examine Ryan.
The books and papers demanded by the
grand Jury were atacked about the four
packagea of dynamite fuses. -explosive caps
and alarm clocks discovered by the police
!n Saturday night'a raid. The explosives
were removed to a secret place by the
authorities and the' other material waa
guarded by the polloe until It was taken
out. Attorneys for the Iron Workers' as
sociation,! who strongly protested against
the removal of the reoords, frankly aald
their purpose In aaklng the -court for the
order granted by Judge" Markey 'was to
prevent examination of the books by De
tective Burns and his asslstanta and by
Walter Drew, chief counsel Tor the National
Erectors' association. Drew aald he awaited
with Interest the return of Detective Bums
from Toledo, O., where, according to dis
patches, he obtained k the check room of
the union station subcase which Burns
said belonged either to J. W. McNamara
or Ortle McManlgal and contained evidence
tending to show complicity in dynamite ex
plosions. .
Frank P. Baker, county prosecutor, an
nounces that the grand Jury's Investigation
will go Into Intimations that there was a
conspiracy against the Iron Workers' as
sociation and Its officials resulting In the
"planting" of the dynamite, to create evi
dence against them. In their office building.
These allegations were contained in atata
ments attributed to tbe union officials.
Mr. Baker also said the grand Jury would
probe the chargea that tbe dynamite was
collected here with the Intention of using
It to destroy buildings being erected by
Contractors employing non-union Iron
workers. Tbe depositing of the dynamite
in the basement of the office building was
In Itself, be said, an offense against the
statutes of Indiana. He declined to say
what witnesses are to be called. Superin
tendent of Police Hyland spent two hours
In the grand Jury room. The trend of hla
testimony waa not disclosed.
Walter Dryw. counsel for tbe Erectors'
association W. J. Ford, assistant district
attorney of Los Angelea, and Frank Fox,
chauffeur, were arrested tonight oa affida
vits charging them with having kidnaped
J. J. McNamara. -
The men were arrested on warrants
lssusd In the court of Justice of the Peace
Manning after affidavits against them had
been made by an attorney for McNamara.
Drew and Ford were released under bond
of 16.000 each and Fog under bond of $3,000.
All the bonds were given by William A.
Ketcham, president of an Iron foundry
company and an officer of the Indiana Em
ployers' association.
' It Is charged that although McNamara
waa not turned over to a detective ser
geant from Los Angeles until Governor
Marshall had honored requisition papers
from the governor of California, ha had
not been permitted to consult with coun
sel or to make a plea of resistance to ex
tradition before Police Judge Collins when
he was Identified aa the man In the war
rant for his arrest.
Fox drove the automobile In which Mc
Namara was taken to Chicago on Satur
day night, to be placed aboard a train for
Los Angeleg.
Socialist Mnmner Wants Arrest of Mr.
Xamara Looked Into.
WASHINGTON. April . -Immediate In
vestlgatlon of the arrest and extradition of
J. J. McNamara of Indianapolis Is provided
for la a resolution Introduced In the house
today by Representative Victor Becger of
Wisconsin, the socialist member. Mr. Ber
ger would have the Inquiry undertaken t.y
a Joint committee of the house and senate,
the committee being empowered to make a
thorough Investigation Into the arrest of
the Indianapolis labor union official who
Is being hurried to Los Angelea on the
charge of having been Implicated In the
dynamiting of Hie Los Angeles Times build
HAMKimj .
sr John .
.. O. Wuatogtoe.
MARKtOX Xl.rm.nla..
P"HTLANt Meattr
rn.r U'4.TU....,a.iM-
buVUt ,anMlu4...,
i U.
Delay ia Preparing License Gives
FYW a W 1
K waienoo man a nuncn.
ttril (on pie Fauud la Dea Moines,
Fnmlaheil for l.nrk of Food
Mus-ultne Get the En.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
DES MO:NE8, Ia.. April 25.- Special
Telegram. ) Daniel Houls of Waterloo and
Htizel Hsnnlne of Colfax are being sought
by the police to head off an elopement.
Motits had been at Colfax organizing a
lodge and became acquainted with the girl,
who In only 15 years of age. The father
of the girl learned that the couple had
started for Des Moines to get married and
he notified the clerk here not to Issue the
license. Houts appeared In due time and
I sought a license, but the clerk was so
I long In getting It ready that Houts be
came auspicious that a trap waa laid for
him and he left. The couple then disap
peared and cannot be found. j
Hryan to Lay Cornerstone
'Officials of the Your.g Men's Christian
association have asked W." J. Bryan to lay
ths cornerstone of their new edifice while
he is Iri Des Mo nes next Monday to at
tend the Jefferson day dinner.
Aared Couple In Want.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hammond of Lud
Ington, Mich., both past SO years, were
found weak from two days' fasting by
Humane Officer J. W. Jenney this morn
ing. The aged couple were returning to
their home from California, where they
had been In quest of health. They had
only enough money to reach Des Moines
and had not eaten for two'vdays.
Encampment to Muscatine.
The committee named to investigate
whether the state Grand Army of the
Republic encampment should be trans
ferred from Muscatine because of the
strike today recommended to Commander
Dyer that tbe encampment be not trans
ferred. : 0j.aI
moose Successor to Calvin.
Governor Carroll has called a meeting of
the State Geological board for Wednesday
of this week to be held In his office, at
which time a successor will be elected to
the late Samuel Calvin aa head of the
state geological survey. It Is not known
who will secure the place, but friends of
Prof. S. W. Beyer of Ames are understood
to be urging him for the place, as he was
been connected with the survey for many
Farmers Are Organising.
There waa filed with the secretary of
state today the article of Incorporation
of the' Farmers Grain and Product com
pany of Rlngsted, with a 125,000 capital.
The Highland Realty company of Qedar
Rapids also filed articles with $25,000
Dr. J. I. Gibson of this 'city waa today
appointed state veterinary surgeon by
Governor Carroll to succeed P. O. Koto,
who has held the office several years and
virtually reorganised and made the de
partment what It la. Dr. Gibson was state
veterinarian many years ago.
To Dedicate New Library.
The State Board of Education expects to
hold Its next session at Cedar Falls next
month when the new library building at
the State Teachers' college Is to be dedi
cated. This is said to be on of the finest
college library buildings In the west and
cost with the furnishings about $178,000.
Tuberculosis Day In low.
Information to the state tuberculosis de
partment Is to the effect that In practically
all tbe churches of Iowa, next Sunday
there will be recognition of the work of
the study of tuberculosis and sermons or
exercises Intended to help along the .work.
The day has been designated as "Tuber
culosis Sunday." The Iowa department
has been steadily at work a number of
years and hundreds of lectures have been
delivered In the state.
(Continued from First Page.)
mlttees will hold its fine! meeting to vote
on th four places yet lb be decided. It
was' said that Senator Bourne, on ths
ground of seniority and because of gee
graphlacl reasons, probably would be given
a place on appropriations, but tbe demands
pf La Follette, Cummins and Br! stow for
plaoes on Interstate commerce, finance and
foreign relations, respectively, would be
In spite of diligent efforts to prevent the
disclosure of the assignments as agreed
upon by the committee on committees the
Interest Inthe most Important plaoes waa
so great that most of them became known.
Majority Membership.
The majority membership cf the great
committees follows:
Appropriations Warren, Wyoming, chair
man i Perkins, California; Gallinger, New
Hampshire; Curtis, Kansas; Gamble, South
Dakota; Smoot, Utah; Wetmore, Rhode
Island; Dixon, Montana, and probably
Bourne of Oregon. '
Finance Penrose, Pennsylvania, chair
man; Cullosn, Illinois; Lodge,' Massachu
setts; McCumber, North Dakota; Smoot,
Utah; Gallinger, New Hampshire; Clark.
Wyoming; Heyburn, Idaho, and Lafollette,
The minority members of the eommlttee
will be as follows: Bailey,' Texas; Simmons,
North Carolina; Stone, Missouri; Kern, In
diana; Williams, Mississippi, and Johnson,
Foreign Relations Cullom, Illinois, chair
man; Frye, Maine: Lodge, Massachusetts;
8mlth, Michigan; Root, New York; Borah,
Idaho; Burton, Ohio; Sutherland,. Utah, and
one placa to be filled.
Interstate Commerce Clapp. Minnesota.
chairman; Cullom. Illinois; Crane, Massa
chusetts; Nixon, Nevada; Cummlna, Iowa;
Oliver, Pennsylvania; Townsend, Michigan,
and Llppltt, Rhode Island.
Judiciary Clark, Wyoming, chairman
Nelson, Minnesota; Dillingham. Vermont;
Sutherland, Utah; Braadegee, Connecticut;
Borah, Idaho; Root, New York; Cummlna,
Iowa, and Brown, Nebraska.
Earning for First Quarter of
More Than Twenty .
Millions. Year
NEW TORK, April 25. Directors of the
United States Steal eorporatloq today 'de
clared the regular quarterly dividend of l
per cent on the preferred stock and 1'4 Per
cent on the oommon stock.
The quarterly report of the steel corpora
tion made public today shows earnings of
$:l.H,4 (or the quarter ending March II,
The report gives the net earnings ef the
corporation for the quarter ending March
II as UO.001.MT.
The board of directors re-elected all tl.s
old officers with the exception ef W. B.
llckson who resigned his poattjoq aa y!o
president some time ago. This placa was
not filled.
Millards Separated
by Divorce Decree
Mother It Given Cuitody of Children
and Father It Allowed to Cor
respond With Them.
Mrs. Frankle Harton Millard was
granted a dlverce from William B. Millard
yesterday by Judge !ay. The case was
quietly hoard and not contested.
Mrs. Millard Is given the custody of the
three minor children, with the provision
that their father be allowed to corespond
with them and that they may visit with
him h reasonable length of time during
the school vacations. The minor children
are Joseph H., aged 11; Henry Ray, aged
12, and William B. Millard Jr., aged 10.
The divorce was secured on the grounds
of desertion. THhe Millards have not lived
together for four years.
No mention la made in the decree of any
flnanolal adjustment, nor Is Mrs. Millard
given her maiden name. The plaintiff Is
the daughter of the late Guy C. Barton,
and the defendant Is a son of former
United States Senator Joseph II Millard.
(Continued from First Page.)
of Mexico bas addressed the following dis
patch to the Associated Press:
"Mexico City, April 25, 1911: I reply to
your message In which you ask me con
cerning the actual situation In this coun
try. I am convinced that condltiona of
peace, Interrupted for th moment, will
return to Mexico and that all Mexicans
will unite with the single purpose of fur
thering the development and progress of
the country. . PORFORIO DIAZ."
Gomca Starts Sout Tonight.
WASHINGTON, April 26. Senor Jose
Vasconceloa of the Mexican revolutionary
Junta at San Antonio, Tex., arrived here
today to assume charge of the Washing
ton confidential agency during the absence
of Dr. Vasques Gomes, who will partici
pate In the peace negotiations In Mexico.
Dr. Gomes will cleave here tonight for
Juares, Mex., where, after a conference
with Genlral Madero, he will accompany
the other peace commissioners to some
neutral point where It is expected a fed
eral commission will be sent.
Application for Hetrlal In Famous
Case on Ground Forced to Plead
' Guilty Denied.
BASIN, Wyo.. April 25.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Judge Parmalee today sustained
the motion of the states' attorneys te
quash the proceedlna coram nobis brought
by attorneys for Alexander and Bab an
now serving time for complicity In the fa
mous Tensleep murder cases.
The proceedings brought to secure their
retrial 'were out of the ordinary and the
attempt to eopen the famous cases caused
widespread interest. It waa alleged In the
application for a writ of coran nobis that
the defendants were forced to plead guilty
under duress and that they had no relief
by change of venue as the whole state was
Inflamed against them.
Exceptions were filed to Judge Parma-
lee's ruling and the cases appealed Im
mediately te the supreme court
Float Designed to Show Defeat of
American Invaders Century Ago
Wilt Not Be Ikons.
LODON, April 26. It was learned today
that It was In consequence of communica
tions between London and Washington and
bints to the Canadian committee, of which
Lord Strathcona Is president, that a de
cision was reached to eliminate from the
oronatlon program Canada's principal con
tribution to the pagentry "Festival of Em
pire." The piece was intended to represent
the defeat through strategy of the invad
ing American force In 811 by a handful qf
Canadians.' '
After , consideration t was thought the
pageant might wound the susceptibilities
of American visitors.
Arguments In Habeas Corona Case
Completed and Jadgmrnt Will
Bo Given Today.
KANSAS CITY, April fa.-'TAr. p. C.
Hyde, awaiting his second trial for the
murder of Colonel Thomas H- Bwope, will
be released on bond when the circuit court
tpens tomorrow morning."'
This 'statement was made emphatically
lata this afternoon by John M. Cleary, one
of the prisoner's counsel, following the
conclusion of arguments on the hahoas
Corpus case late today.
The prosecution finished Its arg-umtfnt nt
I o'clock this afternoon and the cvart
gnnouneed that It would takf the 'ease
under advisement until :! o clock tomor
row morning, when the decision will be an
m mm m m
Velt Company Comrg to Agreement
with Its linking Em
ployee. GRAND RAPIDS, Mtcti., April IS.-Ah-pther
factory has reached an agreement
with the striking furniture workers and
work will be resumed tomorrow! This is
the Velt Manufacturing company, which
employs from thirty to forty men In the
making of bar and office fixtures. It
granted a nine-hour day and the wage
question was adjusted satisfactorily. The
concern Is not a member ef the Furniture
Menufaoturera' association, which atlll
Stands solid.
Mexico Land Withdrawn.
WIASHINOTON. April 28 - New Mexico
lands, aggregating t2t.&46 acres, were today
withdrawn from entry by President Tart
on the recommendation of Secretary of
the Interior Flatter and reserved tor exam
ination and classification with respect, to
their coal value. Preliminary examina
tions of the geological survey Indicated
that these lands contained valuable coal
0 4
li JU Orocers M Boml
0TOM NO- e Maenon, kmS f
Hittrt $1 IM hmtf Taof Sra Mus J
Bill Authorizing- Conncctioni Recently
Vetoed at Lincoln.
Railway Commission Authorises Mad
ison Company and Mudlson County
Company to Make Physical
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April .-In spite of the fart
that Governor Aldrlch softie time ago ve
toed the Minor telephone merger and phys
ical gronnectlon measure, the state railway
commission today authorised the Madison
Telephone company and the Madison
County Farmers Telephone company, both
doing business In that county, td connect
their plants. The effect ef an order. Issued
approving new rates of both companies
Is to sanction the physical connection
which formerly existed between the com
panies, but for which a fee of Id cents
was Tharged. The advance In the rates
and the abolition of the 10-oent connection
fee which la prohibited under the present
law la the accomplishment of the same
purpose under a different guise.
In taking up several telephone rases, the
commission has given permission te the
Crownover Telephone company of Sargent,
to return to Its old rate of fflo for farm
line switching after showing that the ad
vance to 40 cents made some time ago has
worked to Its disadvantage and threat
ended In fact to be the cause of the estab
lishment of another line In that vicinity,
The Lawrence Telephone company has
advised to discontinue granting 26 cents
discounts, where three months rental are
paid In advance. The practice of furnish
ing batteries free of charge If a subscriber
pays a full year In advenes g also con
demned by the commission and the
Nuckolls county concern has bean told to
not Indulge in (bet in the future. The
rate to be charged by the Lawrence com
pany hereafter wl be II. straight.
Special Train From Omaha to Cedar
Rapids, Neb., Bears Friends
f Dreeaaed.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Neb., April . (9pe-cial.)-The
fuWal of Beth B. Hsdley, who
died In this city Friday Afternoon, April
21, was held here yesterday. Services were
conducted at the home of the deceased by
Rev. Randall, rector of ths ttplseopal
church at Fullerton, Neb. In order to ao
commodaie a large number of railroad offi
cials, bankers and business men of Omaha,
South Omaha and other points, men with
whom tbe deceased had been eloaely af
filiated for many years ths Union Paoifie
ran a special train. This waa on of the
largest funerals ever held In this com
Harry Palmer of Floating, Who
Sought Also to Kill keif, Ar
raigned 1 pourt.
HASTINGS. Neb.. ADrtl 2S.--rBnraial Tel.
egram.; Harry Palmer, whg fin April t
shot and kllied his wlfs gnd then attempted
suicide, waa euffldently Mcbvered from his
gunshot wound to be arraigned today. He
pleaded not guilty t,o a charge of murder,
waived preliminary examination and was
bound over to the district eourt without
London Banker Is Arrested.
LONDON. A or! I K. Alfred W rwn-m.r
the proprietor and mhnAger eT thr Charing
Cross bank, a private Institution whtoS
Closed It doors on October 17, waa srrmted
today, eharged with obtaining ' mdney
inroujn iraun ana . raise pretenses. He
was remanded under bail of MWOl
Oriental Rugs Selec
ted By Our 0wn
The. man "pn thfl fround" get tbe plcfr of
choice selection la the, buying ' pf prlcntjit Rum 'm
la everything else, For that reason and for the
reason thaj. we want to give our patrons opportuni
ties to making their own-elections of Oriental Ruga
under the most favorable conditions, we have our
roan "oa the' ground!" Hf selects he Oriental Rug,
We Import it. 7
You can come to our store and get the benefit
of these choice Selections of Oriental Rugs. ' Veu
can look through . our large collection and choose
with a feeling that the rug you buy win be a nig
Imported direct from the Orient. '' it will be as
thought you were In the Orient.
We hare a larger collection ef Oriental Ruga
than ig anywhere to the westr--4arge and apiaU floor
coverings or wpnderous few for the table or chair
one or two that are worth banging on the wall
the artistic wearing so beauUful the colorings sp
soft and pleasing.
Our Department of Belectlop of Orient Krugs
caasslst you. ' '" ' " f F
Orchard & Wilhelm
50 Gent Cans of itpays to Read
Farrell's :Syrup The 'Bee Want-Ads
One-poured bpxej of OTrieng delicious cndy,
24-pound sacks of Updike '3 Pride pf Oroalx? flour.
Pairs of Tickets to the American theater.
Twenty-one Prizes Each Day
If yor name appears lt the Want Ads oi ths ee clip It out tod
bring it to Tbe Dee offlfe and tbe prlre Is yetcsae guegelngao
advertising or subscrtbtlons needed Just read The Bee Want Ads.
Your name will appear
Committee wn Kenn4lturea of Toet.
office Department Will t on.
duct Inquiry.
WASHINGTON, April ?o.-rotnnstere
of the country are to be sublerted to a
rigid Investigation by ronfcrren. The housj
committee on expenditures In the rostof
fice department has decided te art In
response to a resolutlnn Introduced by
Representative Saunders of Virginia, pro
viding for such an Inquiry. The committee
will report the resolution to the house to
morifw. -
Senator Pomerene Announcea Com
mittees that Will Have Charge
of Campalga.
WARH1NOTON. April .-The presidentlsl
boom for Governor Judson Harp-ion of
Ohtol was formally organised today when
Senator Pomerene announced the personnel
of the eotamltteea on ways and means and
resolutions, which will press Mr. Harmon's
candidacy toy the democratic nomination in
1912. The former committee Is headed by
Representative JameS M. Cox. while Repre
sentative Mathew R. Denver is chairman
ef the resolution eommlttee. Other mem
bers of the Ohio delegation In congress
complete the personnel of the two com
mittees. i
esss mm rr
Year lasm Haver 7j:n
Sharpsaed for . . I b
Onr new taaohlns sharpens the
law m-wer wttbewt taking out the
blades aad It dews aha mask perfect,
whloh cannot be dona otherwiso.
deSiU."' i?'V ?r ' ?
Uestern Lock & Gun
Phone f-30t
HUTU, Ur their : C-MLB-Hlf MVHJLtt
alLaVssii pant c wmooetic, e
U tnebesiL remadx ar WAgJtMtHA, II is ab
solutely hsrmlos. . Be sure gn, sk lor V'JMra.
Winstow's Boot hist vntp," anq take 0 OUtf
fcaad. t-wasty-yesn'rs a baaua.
1 v . -ww-A-awH- w tM .
sometime and mayto more thau
For All Occasions
Tsste and skill ptovlde LufsneUes that ere
the perfection
of tttMMl form
for ell oerd
slons. Ker ha opers,
receptions and
Ing dress is re
quired, the
o g u e is fr
platinum Lorg
retia. Ktr per
lixts of mourn
ing oxl ri I a e d
s'lvet or gun
metal finished
rlner or gold
art correct. r
citier uses 14
carat gold,
tought into
distinctive de
elans are de-
Lorgnettes of
guaranteed quality
may be purchased
at the Kilhoim store
at prices ranging
roin li to I too.
Don't Merely
toy Invest.
0a " SBAea
Cpr. 1th an lit . .
I8th and remain Streets.
In centsr of Omaha's bnalnsss
district where wholesale meets re
tell. Meet desirable of t toes.
Accident. .
rtdelltj. Buret Bunds, Plate 6' ass,
s Burglary liability.
We wll sell our earn-,
pie line of willow and
rreaeli Plnanee at
Wholesale Fries. Willow Plumes,
St'.. 3.00
Willow Plumes,
St 9-O0
tlOOO Willow Plumes,
at .. ...S5.0O
lie 00 Willow Plumea,
at .. SS.OS
1)609 Willow Plumes.
at 10.7S
French Plumes, W-lnch 60e
Frenah Plumes, 17-lnch 9M
French Plumes. B-tncb ......
French Plumes. 22-lnoh SS-8S
mveom 1, Psxton Bloek
Dallas 4678; Ind A-3S73
Yeu are a clean ut the end of the
trip ea at tha start when you ride
In one of our cars. Ths dust dvee
not set into our lexis and make yuu
feel miserable.
First Class Oars
Buy Our Coupon Books
Tbey 8ve i'uu Money.
Omaha Taxicab & Auto
Livery Company
. r, . ..
Omaha Saengerfest
aengerfest Chorus 300 Yoloas
Bt. Paul Symp-pnr Orchestra
Biffbt fcenowaed Soloists
Admission, Si. 60. fl0, 6, see
eat U If ow ea at Andteriun
TAJUS -.:)-us
Thurs., Frt., Wlr-tn Sat. Mai,
BlS-hu, 0o, Me, Tee Mat. S5e, SOe
May I, t.
:vv. nil xrw
MABY oianiiM
May S Matisse ant Flg-ht
SUM. 141,
Bhewe XaUr flila. ttt ua a
tOOtT lBD A, W-JI(
Leo Trlu, Aiiiii(e Dfl.aatare. Btuts
msn A May, Harris A Jilllard. Veil Boy
Quartet, Michelson.
Mallaee, lOel Few Besareed SOe
nene ... ' lot, son, nae
Adeaneed aaSertlla. Matinee Bvers
Say, aile. Bvery Hiht, SslS. Leaky
Photo fciliop, L'har'es Anearn Cycllna
roniedians, Oene Uraeue. Zarelsky's
ItuwUia Uancere, Victoria Four, John
Blrrh, lon A Adellaa, Klnotlreine, Or
pheum toncert Orchestra.
Teals-ht, Matlaee Tndedsy, Thursday
- aaturdr.
rain a. toao i stoosc oo- u
Seat Week, mi COST TBAIZ,.
umaaes Frteeei. MatUeas, ie and SOO
alfhts. too and Sep. 1,000 aaate at 10a
"ur RUG "S-
That Dream of Dllgbt
All Itrollers.
TKE fiOLOEl CUOX. ijwj-r
.BTThiAVroAi.AAu sv-W'K,Vai.
threat Vaudavll,. olio. Big fcsauty f korus
and ttpectacular Hails' da 1-a'I.urm
tadlee' Xtliue MaUaaa Bvery Waek Bey.
Bat. Tslcht; Amaiaurs; t)lra. Orajid Ama
on Mervh. Contiuuous taujhter, iOe-Jiu