SEIRVAlT LET A BEE WANT-AD DO IT XE LEIPMO ME Tl'Vv'TT II III) If you are in need of a girl for housework put an ad in The Bee. It will cost you absolutely nothing and it sure to find the kind of girl you want. THIS APPLIES TO HOUSE! SERVANTS ONLY 3IFIRIEIE lOOO r I OFFERED FOR RENT 'Vwralsbeei tf use Wee pin a; Kmh. FURNISH ED room for light houMkMP . mimv aieeping room, life N. Jutta, TWO light house keeplna- room. first 1- - . " aw,,,, I , I V Tloor, water and phone on iudi floor: no . objection to children; M pr week. 7 Harney. HOUSEKEEPING rooms I rwmi up stairs and rooma downstairs; pear car: walking distance. 71$ K. 80th. B-2K4. TWO furnlahad and thre. uuiWmni rooma, all modern. 2111 J at as no. larney ligTht housekeeping. 45S North t4th Bt FOR RENT-Two nlely furnlahad rooma. f?god housekeeping rooma. N. $34 alt! ! 58lHARNEY, nicely furnished front and I back parlor; modern; walking dlataaoa. FOR RENT Two unfnmlahl v... keeping rooma. (22 North S3d St. fFOR RENT Th rM front riwima r I for tight housekeeping. 8018 Davenport run KKN i-iwo rurnished rooma; da arlrabla for light housekeeping. 4640 North FOR RENT Nicely furnlahad room, da- '"" r nm nouseaeeping, VJlK Call fornlav FOR RENT Thre rooma desirable for Y heueefceeplng. good location. 04 8. JOth a, FOR RBNT-Two rooma for housskeep flng. lia Ubtoago 8t. " TWO deslrabl rooma for light bouse- FOR RENT Nice rooma for light house- t FOR RENT Two front rooma, flrat floor 1 prtTaU family. $14 N. Mth Bt.- ' FOR RENT Two nicely furnlahad rooma )two or three nicely furnlahad front rooma, complete lor nourekeeplng. SilJ S ' 1 TWO furnished and tbrea unfurnlahed jpounmim raoiw, an moaern. eJu Mason. Harnay H10. Vafaralahed Koaaaa. LARdE, pleasant front room with alcove two clothe cloaeta; modern. 631 Park Ave. FRONT room with alcove; walking dia- MUUi rl IIIlliyr .M-d OUT. THREE desirable rooma, private family. e ovum pi&inuin 01. FOR RENT Thr unfurnlahed rooma; iwu HKtuon. tui .ueavenwortn Bt. 1 run. niwi j. i nrea rooma, moaern; qq t r line, rciviincn, kiv cass FOR RENT Four large rooma, down, atalra; private bath. 2513 Caldwell St. FOR RENT Three nice rooma for light nouseaeeping. iui ooutu just u 1 I THREE unfurnlahed rooma, bath room : ator room; outalde porch, nloe garden and iruii. moaern .except beat. &0 children, , zeu pi. utn ttt. t ' FIVE unfurnlahed rooma; gas, bath. Davenport. Flrat floor. MM Hoaaea aad Cttrea. NEW rooma, modem except furnace ona block south of Vinton school. Call jjougiaa dim. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Backed, forwarded cheap freight rates: movlna and atorlnv. Kxpreeemen'a Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. SA. i-Hjr oiiice, .10 a. ma bl, nee iiing. THE elegant ten-room modern bouaa on amitheast corner 31.1 and Imvonport Sts. will ba for rent May 1; neghborhood most desirable. Price $66 Per month. CONRAD YOUNG, I2S Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. U71 FIVD nice rooma; water, aewer and gas; over coal office at 1613 Leavenworth 1 $13 per month. I. Kemp, 21513 Leavenworth. Phones Doug. (St. Ind. A-1BM. . CLOSES IN IM2. CAPITOL AVE. AU modern t-room house, close to oar rne and easy walking distance to town. Just what you nave been looking for, 840 per month. V. H. Turner. Phone Red tat. Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandels Th. Bldg. CENTRAL, ail tnodsm. 7-room (reuse, 320 N. 33d. , t-ROOM steam heated flat. Dunsanv, jnth nd Plarea. Douglas 1671. Conrad Young. Modern, T-r. houae; near park. 1511 a 13. Houses In ail parts of -the elty. Crelgh Bona & Co., Baa Bldg. On. Van aV Storage Co. packs. moves.stores household goods. (Ireproof storage; 804 S. 16tb. Branch, V B. 17th. Tel. U. 413, A-13U. DUNDKJU modara bouse. $3. Harney sola. FTIrt RFTNT THE B1WT e-ROOM. MOD ERN COTTAGH5 IN THHS NORTH PAKT OF CITY, trOOD LOCATION, REASON ABLE RENT. NO CHILDREN. APPLY 4111 NO. 8TU AVE. OK PHONB WEB. 1841. VACANT MAY 1. 4-room modern houae. nicely decorated and In good condition, located at 1710 De catur St., $26. Phone D. 1638 or W. 3711. SHE will appreciate box of O'Brien's fine canny. If John Benson, 708 North 28th Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee office we will give bim a (O-eent bos frea 4 Charles, 8-r., all mod., 4a Blk. to Military Ave. car, $2140. S. W. 14th and California. 6-r. new apart- merit, water paid, stove furnished, third floor, aummer $J&. O'KKKKE REAL E8TATE CO., 101 Omaha National. Doug, or A-3U3. 8-ROOM houae. all modern, si 4V 36i h St., $20 per month. iv 1 r.rPuriTtv iuvvqtuvmt pa Tel. d" 7d. 1614 City, Natloaal bank Bidg. NEW house, rooms, Lariuiore Ave. up-to-date. tm HOUSE, 3614 Dewey Ave., aeven rooma, modern. MOYER STATIONERY CO., 1618 Farnam St FOR RENT Good and cheap, T rooms, all modern, 8 bedrooms, newly papered, 4 I.IA.L In P. mini, ml imt mi- ..1 I 'r, T l wner. Red 624. ElQHT-RtXJM modern bouse; close-in; good repair, iju. I N. HAMMOND. , . 331 Board of Trade. T-ROOM. modern bouaa, large yard, fine location, corner lot. Phone Webater Skis. 1137 S. 38TH. 8-room bouse; bath. gas. furnace, paved atreet permanent walk. reduced to tai v 3M3 Wealwartn. T-roon barn, all mod am. t3L lilt N. 32d, 8-room cottage, city water. fie M. till Franklin. 4 rooms, second floor. $4. J. H. H ER WOOD. City NaUonal Bank. 674 S. 3titb, rooms, complete! modern. 6A 41 & tstn. I rooms, complateljr modern. THOa F. HALL, 433 Ramge. Doug. 7u4 or A-44tsi. USB an Omaha product L'pdlke'a pride ef Omaha flour, if Mra J. P. KIHey, 10 So loth eM., alll bring thla ad to The Bee office within three aye wa will glv her a 34-pouod gaak of thl flour fx. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaaea said Ootma Coatlaae. t-ROOM all modern houe at northweat corner of Mth and Webater ta.s newir apered and painted, oak floora, cement asement. paved atreet and ona block to ear una W. J. DERMODT INVESTMENT CO., U14 City National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 7S. FOR RENT Almoat new, cottage, $8.00. 4746 No. Utn. BIOHT-ROOM modern bouaa. Inquire .14 Caldwell 6L (-ROOM cottage, partly modern, S4U Michigan Ave., $14 per month. 1S14 City National Bank Bldg. TeU V. nt. SEVEN'room houee. all modern, asoetit heat; ona block to ear; big lot with fruit. zau Loouat Bt. FOR RENT MAT L Furnlahad or unfurnlahed new atriotly modern 7-room bouaa la Dundee. Addraaa A 140, Bea. x NEW modern bouaa Mil Marcy St. "FIVE-ROOM bouaa. tit S. list St FOR RENT. $1100 baaeinent flat. Z20J N. tlat Bt. $1J.OO $ large room, middle flat, with two back and front porches, EOT N, I la I Bt. $13 90 4-room upper flat, with bath and front and rear porch. Z2U2 N. 2lat Ht. $35.00 Up-to-date thoroughly modern St. txuta fiat, with narawooa xinian. 2817 Jackaon. $40 OO-Uo-to-date brlok Tat. 713 N. 20th St. $24.00 10-room houae, mod., ex. heat, 1518 Ohio fct. ROBINSON WOLF. Douglaa UVi. 435 Paxton Block. ABOUT Mav 1. new aeven room, brlok houaa; cloae to wholesale dlatrlr.t; beautl- 1 nil aurroundlnga; located 14U8 o. Ultn bt. Phone Doug. 4870. I HAVE two nice houaes for rent. Owner Uvea at $333 Mapla Bt. HANSCOM PARK RBPIDENCrJ. 1308 S. Slat St; 8 rooma, modem, good repair, good garage, una ehade. guod neigiibornooa; . 11. quire nl n Bank Bldg. A. Searle, MS Omaha Nat'l 'Phone Douglaa 680. 2fW Brlatol St, rmn all modern.... $21. 00 4633 N. S9h St, new, 6-roorn, modern.. $17. 00 8i0 N. 28th Atp, 8-room. 'modern $16.00 J. W. RA.-P CO., 68 Brandela Bldg. atoree aad Oftloaa. FOR RENT Anrlt 15th, 209-2U N. 15th St., 44x120. One block from Loyal notei, post of flee and new Union Paclfia bldg. Hulti able for many klnda of bualneaa. In quire room 314 Flrat National Bank bldg. Telephone uougiaa uu. FOR RENT Three-atory and baaement store building at 1006 Parnaro. Ht. Inquire Room $14 Flrat National Bank Bldg. Tele phone Uouglaa 1243. LIVE-WIRE men only; beat grocery and meat market on Mth St. Apply 220 N. 23d. GOOD storeroom far rent in Waad Bldg., laui Farnam Bt. jr. u. weaa. OFFERED FOR SALE FnrattHre, - REFRIGERATOR!"" olahaa, couch, furniture. 1629 Mapla aanltary FOR SALE Good electrio washing ma culae, cneap. Tel. w fcjoo. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale before April 80: eeconn tinnd dealers need not ap ply. Dr. H. II. Blodgett, 1517 Park Ave., iiaroey sm. FURNITURE In apartment for sale. three-room Tyler iae. modern Maateal Instruments. NEW model Edison phonograph and cab- I net, 169 records thrown in. Address O-Ktt, I nee. GOOD PIANO. PHONB WEBSTER 2290. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter front the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 1. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON. Prlcea low to gat th cash, 14 to 44 regular prlcea; any man you want a. f . tU. BIS t AKAAU ST. $2.50 TO $3 PER MONTH WILL BUY YOU A STANDARD TYPEWRITER rnrses M to y2 Manufacturers' Any disk itu warn., visiuia wriiera ana othere. We rent you the machine from month to month and allow T month a' rant to apply on purchase price. Large stock of Olivers, Underwoods, L. C. Smiths, .Rem ingtons. Monarchs, Smith Premiers and others. Liberal 1-year guarantee, uail or write for large bargain Hat B. F. Swanson Co., Inc., 1314 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab. SECOND-HAND typewriters sold, re paired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1807 Farnam. BUY an L. C Smith Bro. typewriter. B. F. Swanaon Co.. Distributer lu$ Far nam St. ( Mlaeellaaeoaa. - BAFES-Overatocked with second -hand safes, all slses and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply to., mo farnam bt. New and second band safes. 1818 Farnam. Wkl will give two tickets to the Ameri can theater t Mra. J N. Wetland. 1316 Ontario St.. if aha will bring tiiia ad to The Be offio within three days. f.l r En Overstocked wna aeoand-haa fries, an slse 0d rr.ekae Wun Cuppl 4 o . Ill ri bargains. Ai rain at SKVMRAL standing desks and two burglar-proof aafes, formerly uaed by Omaha National bank, very cheap to cose, ties L. D. braiding. 1614 Farnam St Phone Doug las i- HIGHEST BIDDER GETS IT. Having eold my busiues tplano player Co.) recently, I have no further need for the thing. Make me an offer fur any or aj. 1 guaraule all, except the organ. In aa good working order as new. If pot founa so your money refunded: Flat top desk, cost , Director's table, 6 drawers Oliver typewriter Remington typewriter t iling cabinet, Alauerg, 8u drawers... 30-flle Uansfer case. Amberg , Card system cabinet, large Aooount book cabinet , Neoatyle, new, duplicating Cash register, i drawer 83 opera chairs, new , , 6 office ohalr $ email ouunter Set Unlvereal Encyclopedia. 1$ vole e u w 3VJJ ,W WW I 46 06 1600 10 UU 3000 $a gu 6UV00 woo 1115 30.00 40 00 Set Encyclopedia Brlttaulca. 33 vols-. 6o d Edison phonograph 85 00 Columbia pboaugraph '48 60 Piano player and music , VOOO Organ, self or hand playing 6uu ml Reglna musie box and tune sheets MM F. J. McARDLki. 241$ Hamilton Ft. CaU. write or phone Webater :$ SOD Av FOUNTAIN 14-syrup, U onyx body, cherry top, counter, charging outfit. 3 tanks all u serviceable eonditioa; cheap for caah. J, IL SCHMIDT. 34U and Cuiulng. NOTHING UNUSUAL-BUT WORTH " Plains, Kan-, April 15, 1911. ' I ran a very small ad in Hie Bee a short time ago through aa advertising agency and got more replies from the one ad in The Bea than from twenty-seven other papers included, in the earns advertising. Yours very truly, JOHN BAUGHMAN. j L By W. Griffith, City Property Mgr. LET A BEE WANT AD DO IT OFFERED FOR SALE Miacellaaeoue Continued, SECONDHAND dresaea. good condition; 27 tQ and Farnam. Mandell JJrelbelbte. FOR SALE Mahogany davenport Be Ava fore May 1. Cheap. S6M Woolworth Phone Harnay tZlk 1 LINK AD feet of ' ornamental caatlroa fence with galea, posta, eto. HALL DISTRIBUTOR CO.. Phonea Dougiaa 740. Independent A-4401 Mechanloa' Toola, Slightly uaed. 418 N. 18. OSTEOPATHY Alloa Johnson. 808-8 Brandela Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 8M-6 Brandets Theater, PATENTS WILLARD EDDY, rejflatered practiUoner In U. S. Pat Office, Us Paxton Blk. R. 201. D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111 PERSONAL MEOHANO THERAPY Maasage treatment for etomach trouble. Mine. Halloran, m NevUle Blk. D. 77X STAMMERING AND STUTTERING Ramga Bldg. cured. Julia &. Vaughn. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, In fact, anything you do not need. ' We colleot, repair and aell at 134 N. 11th St., for coat of collection, to the wor thy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4135 and wagona win can. THERE la a difference In flour. Try Updlke'a Pride of Omaha flour. To Mra. C. H. Dewvald. M2 Jones St.. we will give a 24-pound aack of this flour if she will bring this ad to The ttea oiuce wjimu three days. RATTmSalt glow and mass, Room OJXXS.LO i, job . nth St Msae. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 76. JAMES CORR ELECTRIO COMPANY : moved to )M South tttb St. D. UU. BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray'a Nerve Food Pills, $1 box, postpaid. Sher man at MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. PRIVATE HOME during confinement": babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 4U ii Ave., council siutts. -itrrno and taures for men. Griffith. ii.UO 1(j6 So utn bt t upjitalrs. MASSAGE Mrs- Rlttenhouse, . 306 Old Boston Store. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoa. strengthen. 60c. BULL DRUG COT YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strange) a are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth street and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to auitama boarding place or otherwise aataiated. Look for our traveler's aid at th Union Station. GET THE HABIT eat O'Brien's candles. They taste Ilk mora. If Mrs. J. M. Green. 24) California St., will bring thla ad to The Bee office within three days she will get a 80-cent bos of this fine candy. STRICTLY private Christian conflne- I,a01M lor "P"0" f A I IK TTnn treatment. U. Brott 1U "o Cumins Ht Ind. B-27&I A HOME for women during confinement; ables adopted and boarded; building mod rn. For terma addreea Matron Tlnley Home. 403 Bancroft St. 'Phone Doug. 1021. MR3. SNYDER. Swedish massage, bath, rsdlator and vibrator treatment. Th Dunsany, Flat 3. 10th and Pierce. Doug. 450. NOTIOEJ 1 will no longer pay any bills contractu, by niy wife, Mary Osborn. John R. Oaborn. ill OO mi TREATMENT. Mrs. Steele fllAOOAUIJ , R. isth. flat 3. room 10. WE RENT and repair all klnda of sewing machine. Ind. A-1m4; Douglas IubS. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 16th and Harney bta. VAUDEVILLE will relieve your worrte We will give Mrs. E. L Johnaun, 2M) So. 20th St., two tickets to the American theater if she will bring thla ad to Tti Bee office within three days. MANICURING, facial maaaage. sham pooing and hall-dressing don In your home. Mr. F. Bayer Smith. Tel. Harney 4W2. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs. Dr Ind. D-1HN. King. l!i4 N. 24th. Web. 3m. Adellght hair food grow hair; see M me. Frayer, Megcath Stat'y Co., 16th Farn arnato. DR. EGGEKsj. private confinement borne. 1616 Mai th feu Oiuaba. Tal Douglaa HIM. 43-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlah 1'hariuaoy, 12th and Dodge. DR. BURKE, diseases of women, Omaha. - MORAN NtliON, hair dresaer. 1404 Faruaiu. For appolntmanu Phone Duugla 138. HI I I K t LI ( )L H rtair urmtmnl v rm moved without electric needle or Inlary to I0 skin; laay attenaunt. JI uccague Bldg. DRESd pleating, buttona covered, all aixea and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 4U Douglas biock. Both phones. SWITCHES made from combings, 31.60. Katharine Oiblln. ili City Nat. ank. POULTRY AND PET STOCK' EGGS for hatching from the Brandets Farm. Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg horns. ' Utility stock, $1 60 a setting or $8 per luO. Exhibitions or show stock, $1 to 36 a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandela, Omaha. SILK(l cllCK. IX)0D la the best In the market for young chick- i cs. Made from pur grain. For sal by - II Ammmmm I A. W. WAGNER. AGENT. I 'tut N. lib 6t Tela, Doug. 114. led. JOHN BAUGHMAN Rtml Esfte Drmker POULTRY AND PET STOCK . (Continued.) Silverware Free TO POULTRY RAIPERB. Hera U a speolaj limited offer to poultry ralaers. The greateat offer that was aver mad to poultry raisers In this country. Silverware free te rou if you have poultry. Wa will give you one dosen genuine Rogers silver plated teaspoons positively and abso lutely tree on tnia great orter. ONE DOZEN ROGERS SPOONS The silverware wa give to noultrv raisers on thla arrest oner la tne genuine Rog heavy sliver Plata, One dosen of th genuine Rogers magninoent, run alaed teaspoons frea to you now to introduce Standard Poultry Food, Standard Ldoa Killer and Standard Insect Powder. HERE IS OUR OFFER: Wa will give you the losen beautiful Rogers apoona, new pattern, free with the purchase of the following goods: One 25-lb. pall Standard Poultry Food.. $160 One gallon Standard Lice Killer, 100 Four boxes Standard Insect Powder,.., 1.00 Six 3Co pkgs. Standard Poultry Food.... 1.60 Total eaah value of goods 88.00 With this $9 00 purchase the full dosen Rogers silver plated toaapoone are yours free. This Is the regular cash price ot these goods all over the country every where. TTie spoona are abaolutely free to you on this offer. We have a large supply of these magnif icent spoons, but the demand is Immense and it cannot last long. So be sure to send or call early. Do not delay. STANDARD STOCK FOOD CO, 1810 Harney St., Omaha. Neb. THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Rocks, white or barred eggs for hatchings. O. J. Kaneft, ?824 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 14. IT'S a. high grade table syrup that we will five to A. O. Carlaen. 10 Mania Bt ir he win bring mi aa to Tn nee oinoe within tbr days w will give bUn a 60 cont can of Far rail's syrup. GLEN VIEW Farm R. C. R. I. Red eggs. R. C. Walker, South Omaha. Tel. South M0. TWENTY pair of homer pigeons, $10.00. Walker. 3320 Camden. FOR SALS, cheap, 16 bull terrier pups. Call 1006 N. 29th 8t, or phon Harney 6746. WELL marked fox terrier puppies. Doug las tm. PRINTING Lew W. Baber, Printer Tg-$SM BBB BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. PHONB IND. A-21)20 for good DrinUns. Lyngatad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. MILLBR ft JAMIH7SON. 1313 Douglas &t Phone Douglas 1268, Independent A-4288. RIEw UALL Ptg Co.. 108 B. 14th. Ind. A-3624. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT Of T1TLB. PETER JESSEN, it-, Co. TeU Doug. 3291. II. H. Neale, 860 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. M T.BRKNNAN (bonded). 334 Brandets The. HISAL 3SSTATI0 DBALEB8. REED ABSTRACT CO , oldest abstract office la Nebraska, ax Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Fif teenth noor. city ismx. uouk mag. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. CONTRACTING CARPENTER, JOBBER, general repairing, screens; estimates free. A-2bu6. FRANK G. SEWARD. D. 341u. ARCHITECT F. COTTRELL, Doug. 6707. Vletor F. Beck, architect. 200 Barker Blk. SCBEENS YOU MONEY. Let ua figure with you on acreena. We can SAVE Tel. au. 1118 or 6 -1744. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB. Elmwood Acres Omaha's neweat auburban acr addition, located three block aouth of th terminus of the West Leavenworth car lln at Elm- wood park. THE PLACE where the man of moderate means can help out ins salary ny raising garden truck, fruit and chickens. THE VIEW Is superb, overlooking several mile of aur- rounding country. Including Elmwood park and the Speedway. CAB SERVICE ' Weat Leavenworth ear line malntaina a ten minute service all day. ( PRICES 3600 t 3760 two acres r prloed higher. TERMS $26 down, $10 per month, Including Inter est at $ per cent; I per cent discount for cash. The Byron Reed Co. BotlT Phone 213 So. 17th St. A DUNDEE SACRIFICE 6004 Capitol Ave., beautiful 4-room houae; oak and birch finish, combination fixtures In parlor: dining room, den and kitchen; $ bedrooms, elegant bathroom and store room; full cemented cellar; No. 1 furnace; full lot and close to car: this place la worth $4.6u0, but will consider any reason able offer. Owner leaving city and must ell qulok. - v Birkett & Tebbens 423 Be Bldg, Tel.! D. 4764, A -1764. FIVE-ROOM cottage, all modern exoept heat! ale location. Prtca, $2,401; reason able terms. CaU ml Maple 8t REMEPffiERING REAL ESTATE OITT PROPERTY FOR SALE) (Continued) Three Homes W est Farnam W hav three fin homes In th West Farnam 8treet district two of th owner hav left town and th third on built a new home. All three of the plaoes must be sold and wo -would constdsr taking In vacant lots aa part purchase prlo. Th prlcea rang between $16,000 and 320, 000, and we will b glad to give you the full Information. Look them over from the outside and If you are interested wa will make arrange ments for you to see them. lit 8. 39th St., 11 rooms, $6x166. 823 S. 37th St., 11 rooms, WxM 1 3723 Jones, II rooms, $2x177. A. P. Tukey & Son Tel. Douglas 1181. 444-446 Bd. Trade Bldg. 2615 P0PPLET0N AVENTJK $4,150 Th owner of this fine, all modern, splen didly built home Is building a larger bouaa and wants to aell this home, which was built by day labor and Is splendidly con structed of the very best materials through out; nas very one rmaement, with good turnace, not ana com water for laundry purposea, and on th flrsU floor there Is fin living room, with large colonnade open ing, reception hall, open stairway, fin din ing room, good Kitchen, wun thoroughly equipped Pantry: on th second floor there 1 one bedroom 12x24 feet extending across th front of th house, with rive windows and two olosets. also two other corner bed rooms and fin bathroom; th bathroom and kitchen wall are covered with Sanltas oilcloth and tb rest of the rooma are nloelv decorated: beautiful combination lighting fixture and the very beat of nlumblnc throughout. The lot la 40x100 feet. with nice yard all fenced and aom fruit trees in the rear. Th intertor is nnianed in beautiful quarter sawed oak. Th shingles are dipped In oil and. In fact the house Is right in every respect. The owner of this property don't need th money and will sell to good responsible party on pay ments of 8&o cash ana sw per month. Norris & Martin 400 Be Bldg. Doug. 4270, sA-4270. VACANT LOT, RfEDUCED PRICE. For sal this week; owner of lot In Collier Plac has reduced the price to $600 Full sis, cast front, sewer, water, gas, cement walks bow tn. BUTTON REALTY CO, 604 Brandela Bldg. Pbon Doug. 1670. A Beautiful Country Home in the Suburbs of Omaha (For Sal on Easy Term.) W are now offering our country resi dence, consisting of 16 acres, located on Military Road, half-way between Benson and Irvlngton, 8-room house, with all mod' ern improvements. Including bath room. furnace, laundry, hot and cold water, open fireplace, hardwood floors, summer dining room, eto.; also large barn, Icehouse, chicken house, bog bouse, etc; Urge amount of fruit, consisting of nearly all varieties raised In this climate; paved streets Into Omaha; a Uttl ever a mil to street car; good grade school In thl dis trict. Only 30 minutes' rid In automobile to business center ef city. Will sell all for $13,000, or divide and sell I acres with all improvements and fruit for 13.000. This certainly an opportunity to get a country horn for a small amount of money, when you consider the location and improve ment. ' Why spend th hot summer months In the city when you can hav tb benefit of both country and cltyT Inquire of owner, - E. S. Rood 6M Omaha National Bank Bldg FOR BALE A fine, all modern. 6-room house, Including bath, laundry hut water heat. 2m17 Cbltagu. Douglas ON MAI FIRST all unsold lots in BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK will be advanced iaw. it bought now thla in crease w4ll be saved. Fifteen of the choicest lots are left. $120,uu0 ba been ex pended In Improvements during the past two years, rsotoing line it in Omaha. Must be seen to be appreciated. Street paved and parked. No alleys. Sewer and water brought to each lut line to obviate cutting pavements. Near school, church and car. one-fourth cash, balance month ly, or win buna to suit pureiisser. Pa. I UN UJmAL kjfAlhi i.u.. Owner, West Farnam RARE OPPORTUNITY The palatial residence of the Isle Herman Conn at 114 South J:d ave., block north of Far nam, alii be sold at bargain. For particular call or eJJrrss Itham Davia, Real Ftat and Loans, room 3 Elks Bldg. REL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALS. (Continued.) A Good Lot in Bonnie Dundee at as Low as $8f)0 You Paying Merely One-Tenth Down and One Per Cent of . Purchase Price Monthly. , TJnndee" property I not re served for tb larg capitated ones." Quit t th contrary; good 60x136 lota, n black from the car Una. may be purchased for aa Httl as $860. That' within reaoh 1 It not. The Sale Commenced Saturday - Continues Indefinitely I Becaus of th present real stat activity In Dundee, we are com pelled to keep a repreaentatlve on the ground. A well Informed agent will be found at 6160 Underwood Ave., (In the new house), each . afternoon this week. A trip out there will be worth your while; you will at leant see where the future suburban referential district lies; you may tbue see what you niunt one day see anyway; "Bonnie Dundee, llappy Hollow and lovely I'alracres. Take eny car marked .West Farnam-Pundea, George & Company, 9th Floor-City National Bank Bldg. Special Sale Today Clairmont Annex Tuesday, April 25th, from 2 p, m. Till Dark, All Lots Full Size, 50x125 Call t our offioo, or. If mors convenient, take Benson car lino to 47tH and Military Boulevard. Someone will day until dark to show you the property High, Sightly These are not cheap loU but unprecedented eaay terma for thla class Prices Range from $350 to $500 a Lot Terms $10 to $20 Cash Balance $7.5Pto $15 a Month If you want a lot for a home or an Investment, or If you want to start to save something each month, you can't afford to pasa thla without looking It over. On account of Its close In location; on account of lta atreet car facilities, and on account of lta commanding position above all surrounding country, it la the best property ever offered tor the money. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Douglas 1722. 642 A Great Big Snap Owner says sell M B. Jth et. for $4,760: a good l-room roodarn bouse, oak finish; built by him for a bom; b ha con east and must let go, even at a aaorifloe; it Is your gain If you want a snap; bouse va cant; location between Dewey and St. Mary's Aves.; you know th location I good and I walking distance; you can go and look It over or call me and I will be glad to show it; It will speak for Itself: I will bind deal with first party maklna- deposit, v Stanley P. Bostwick WS City Nat. Bank Bldg. $9,000-CI JOSE IN Between Crelahton and Ilish school. nearly new home, Just offered; 8-room and hall, colonial style, full baaement. hot water heat, newly decorated; M-foot south front lot Is worth $3,800; every special ta. including paving or alley. 1 paid; Ideal nalklnic distance home, and good invest ment, as ground Is Increasing; only 100 feet to new cross-town line. O'Keefe fyal Estate Co., 1018 Omaha National. Dour, or A-21&3. bvenliigs, Harney blM.' Field Club Home At a Bargain $4,500 Ono of ths big houses lust north of the Field Club, on 7Ui tot ; i rooms, all mod ern, on lot 78 feet eaat front: barn, tine maple trees on lot. Ths location can't be beat. One block to car line. House need some repairs, lxit alone worth $3,0uu. W can show you this at any time. HA8T1.NUS l HUYDbN, 1614 Harney St. SMALL LOT-CLOSE IN At SOth and Bpruce Bts.. fine little lot, tixiit), close to stores, churches, school and car. Only $4'X; terms; f cash, balance $10 per month, owner, Webster 2til2. TEN-ROOM house, g)th Kt.. near Iaven worth; modern exeit furnace, fJ.t'Jb. This Is a 'lose In bargain. V. U. Wead, 1W1 Farnam bt. B1X-UOOM house. Htrlctly modern; furnace heat; fine location; block from Dundee and youra for $2.tiu0; terma, $l,0u0 down, balance like ri nt. OKAHAM PKTKRH RKALTY t'O.. Phone Office, Red U3. Realdenc Web. 6421. TWO substantial brick Tats, walking distance; II and l:i rooma each, Ifl.Sou. Will rent for $100 per montb. F. D. Waad, U01 Farnam St. NICK PITT OF GROUND. Mm lots, lines Clocks rioin Omaha car line, west i ouncn uiurts; nu location and raiaa anything; make a nice place for chickens or fruit: reasonable terms; $Hi ij cssli. balance monthly ; all would make buut I'm seres of ground; $1 ViOou. WAU-A ki HKNJAAllN. Rooms 1 11. First National Rank HM., Council bluff a, 1. Bwtb taiaphuns $u3. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR AI.. (Continued.) But these $60 lot are sold under 111 sam building restrictions as s.h higher priced orve. "Dunde 'grade" must be apparent, vn though th lot IS purchased at a PMAI.L price. And car Ilk thlg Increases VALUEd. We offer for sale at present, an ttracttv new home and lot 1 la Dundee, price ft. 360, $760 rash, balance monthly. Built modernly to the extreme; built on a pretty piece of ground. Ask to ee this piece of property, when you make a trip out ther tills. week. You may if you wish, call at our office before you go out, and get additional Informa tion. Please note that the terms, "one-tenth-down end one-per-cent-of-the-purchased-price par-month. " la- all the more attractive, because offered on Dunde lota be on toe ground from 4:00 p. m. each until all are gold. and Beautiful high class lota at cheap pricei. and on of property. Paxton Blk. ..Omaha, Neb. Poppleton Avenue Building Lot at and Bt) beautifully situated, terraced lot, S7Vsxl00. Can be had at a bargain. KARL HI a. H.AAAB, in uoeagu Bidg. Tyler 1500. SUMMER COTTAGE Y. M. C. A. Park, fhone Harney 4641. BT OWNER 8 modern cottagas, $t,00. Walking distance. Doug. 828J. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton tnr business bargains. Hi Omaha Nat l Bank. TWO lots, Kenwood Addition. $2L'S each. $10 down. Willows. (04 tirandsls Bldg. BY OWN KR 7-room modern, fin neigh borhood, paved atreet; ahade, bam. cistern and cement walks I'hone wsb. 6407. . SR., 84,000. KM Burt. Tel. Harney 2488. BliVEN-ROOM bouse. Striding St., near 2lth. Price reduced to $4,000. lok this over If you want a cheap property. F. D. Wead, 101 Farnam Bt. YOU CAN BUY THIS HOUSB AS CHEAP AS YOU CAN HUNT IT. X30 N. lth St., t-room cottage, modern except het. Price. $2,&0. or will rnt for t& per month after slay 1. Will mak term to aul table party, W. H. AHM ANSON, OWNER, tilt N. 19th Bt. ACRBAOB FOR SALB A Country Home Five acres one mile from Florence car line on river road; houae has six rooma, three down and three up; barn and other out-bulldlnpa, two wells, fine old tree, sightly location, magnificent view. To e thla place Is to buy It, GENEVIEVE GAKMAN, 334 Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas ilia. Acre $1,400 Pronts eaat on Millar Park. Harrison & Morton. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI RANCH LAND FOR SALB Arkaaaae. M TRACTS of land tn the eorn and al falfa district of Delta land: black soil; good schools; lands will doubts in valu in three v-ara; now rent from $6 to $7 per cxo Writ us what you want. F. C. HOLLAND. Pin Bluff, Ark 140. 8 ml. out. 10 In cult.. 130 black alfaTM or clover land; fair Imp.; good nelghbo hood; $.', 200, 8 ml. from tovtn cf !.), na7 P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up land; K cult., bal. timber, 26 clover; 4 al falfa, ( bearing orchard. 135 fenced how tiKht; extra good 4-r. residence, store, lodge bid., new barn; dark red sandy loam; good community; dellulaful location; abundance ko'.u water; $3.&u0, subject to 8-year loan , terma easy. WM. OIMIORC, Uarahall, Ark. r$ A . SMOOTH, m mi. railway station. 100 fenced. 40 cult., Small bouse, two well, two public roads, $L',F"l. Unto Bank 4k Trust Co , Real Eit. Dept., Beerey, Ark.