Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIE BEE: OMAITA, TUESDAY, ArR 23, 1311.
Supreme Court Uphold Act Affecting;
Lincoln and Omaha.
'' Jerry' Hanks ef HiFM
Cmwty Cat Tram KfTm to Tkn
TNnMOm Year Taken from
Nlsoa'a ff.t,Mf.
(rrom 4 Ftff Correspondent )
UNCOLN. lApril ?4 Hpedsl.) The su
preme ooiirt has sustained th validity of
the firemen's pension ' law, which applies
to Lincoln and Omaha. Tt lias reversed
the decision of the district court !n the
Of John Haberdrtfi, whom- application
for a Writ of mandamus aeratnst the city
of Lanooln was refused. Judge Roofs
opinion In the eae sara.
It la aompetmit for the legislature to
rariulra cities of the metropolitan clans and
ettlea of the flrat-clas to pension superan
nuated firemen and to pay those pensions
from the funds of the ftre department
Buoh leartslatioa 1a not obnoxious to the
declaration in aeetlon 7 of article of the
constitution, that the lserislatura shall not
Impose taxes upon municipal corporations
or the Inhabitants or property thereof for
corporate purposes.
Not la the .legislation repugnant to sec
tion t of artlole U of the constitution,
which provides that the credit of the
atate shall -never be riven or loaned In
aid of any individual, association or cor
poration, v V 7
Nor does such legislation contravene sec
tion M of article of the constitution,
which provides that the lee-lslatme shall
never grant eny extra compensation to
any public officer, agent or servant or
contractor, after the st-rvlces shall have
rendered or the eontra-t entered Into.
A fireman, who In inH, after more than
twenty-one yeans service n the fire de
partment of the city of Lincoln, elected to
retire. thMfiMm . ... i. .
i - v... ii, i-u,ive inn pen-
l ? Pri4l by chapter 39, laws of 1S95,
e"ueju io-nai pcns!an. t
A flraiman .ntlil x ... , .
1? V ' " " " rri vn:n pension.
5,? of,whloh is pnld for Inltirles In
flicted while In that vocation and as a
result thereof, may only receive the pen
sion provided by law at the time of his
Jerry &. Hanks 'of .'tJawes county was
sentenced to aeven years In the penitentiary
for criminal assault upon a girl. Upon a
rehearing the sentence was reduced to three
years, but In alb other particulars previous
findings were adhered to.
James Nixon from Nemaha county, for
atealing C0 worth of goods from a store,
! whose original term was three years, had
t out down to two years.
The following opinions of the supreme
court were filed:
Wlnslow ulnar . .
tr0 j : ,, .niiiiiea, neag-
ne'sner against "teinbruck. affirmed;
54mas. J Wuimumi T .u.i
Martin against Harvey, affirmed'; Faw-
Crt, J.
Haffke against Coffin, reversed and re
manded ; Root, J.
r Zntmlre against Bralley, affirmed;
wwk."r lnst Sleker. affirmed: Letton, J.
Witt against Old IJne Bankers Life In
surance i company, reversed and remanded:
ose. J.; Pawcett,- J., dissenting: Reese,
J., and Letton. .!., concur In dissent.
Ht reuse against Monitor Specialty com
pany, affirmed; Fawcett. J
iKoVtTj'""' galnBt Cblllna, affirmed;
. Bolen against Wright, reversed and re
manded with directions, each party to pay
his own coata In this court: Barnes, J.
t . ,rJ"'V",?,,1",'t " ' -'firmed; Letton,
3.1 8edgwlch, J., not sitting.
state Bsnk of Bh.i ' ..ounty against
Uradatreeri affirmed; Fswcett. J
Tate against Biggs, affirmed: Sedgwick, J.
Woodward against Woodward, reversed
and remanded with rilrectlpqs, Root J.
jnanrted; Itoot. Jf.; Sedgwick, J., not alttlng.
Deinea against Bchwlnd, proceeding dis
eased: Barnes. J.; Reel, C, J., and Sedgwick,-
J., not sitting.
Hanks against State, on motion for re
tiaartng sentence reduced to three years
Imprisonment In penitentiary, and as thus
tnodlfled, former opinion adhered to. Motion
'tor rehearing overruled: Sedgwick. J;
DRose, and Root. J,, dissenting.
State, ex. rel., Haberli- against Love, re
versed and remanded: ..ont. J.; Reese, C.
and Letton, J., not sitting.
Nlvon against State, Judgment of district
court modified by reducing term of con
finement to two years, and as thus modi
fled affirmed. Costs taxed against Ne
tnaha county: Reese, C. J.
Allen against School Districts No. U and
41. affirmed; Sedgwick, J.
Following are ruling on motions for re
)l earing-: ,
Myera against Myers, overruled.
MoCabe against Equitable Land company,
MoPaba aaalne T? .A av.m.,uj
r- Banking House of A.' W. Clarke against
vard. overruled.
Bundy against Wills, overruled.
Tlerrr n against Thorpe, overruled.
Johnson against State, overruled.
Burnett against State, overruled.
Hanks against Stats, sentence reduced to
three years: motion for rehearing overruled.
Jobat against Havden Bros., overruled
Stlres against First National Rank of
Columbua, motion of appellant overruled.
Stlrea against Flrot National Bank of Co
lumtjus, motion of appellee overruled.
Ood Roads Banqaet at Nelson.
NELSON. Neb... April 24 (Speclan
4"ha Nelaoa Commeroisl club held the seo
Dnd annual love feast and good roads meet
ing Saturday night. ' The opera house was
crowded and many were turned away.
Several local speakers made short addresses
nd than I. Ward King of Missouri made
the address ef the evening. Bvery one was
greatly Interested la Mr. Kings plan for
making good roads and much good will un
doubtedly result from this second good
roads meeting here.
s Cause a Variety of A Us.
A happy old lady. In Wisconsin says:
"During the time I was a coffee drinker
I waa aubjeit to alck headaches, some
times lasting t or I days,, totally unfitting
me for anything.
To hla affliction waa added, some years
ago, a trouble with my heart that was very
painful, accompanied by a smothering sen.
aatlon and. jCaliUoeaa
Dyspepela, also, came, to make life harder
to bear, I took ait sorts of patent medicines,
but fiona of them helped ma for any lrngtb
as time. . v
"The doctors frequently told me that
coffee wa not good for me; Ui""wTThoiit
ceffe I fH aa If I ,hd no breakfuxt. I
finally decided about - yean ago to aban
don the u of coffca entirely, und as I hud
read a great deal about Posunu, I von
tluded t try tat for a brekfii.-u beverage.
"I liked the tavte of It and waa par
ticularly pleased to notire that it did not
"come up' aa coffee tistd to. 'l he bad apelia
Brtth my heart tie lv and left frequent,
and finally erased aj together, and I have
not had an attack of slik headache for
more than a eiu.-, . :Jy digestion is good
loo, and 1 aiu-'ttuinkfjl that 1 am once
mora a health waman. 1 know my wondnr.
ful restoration to hwUtli came from qult
Ubg cffe and ualng lVtuin." Nanu UM
by the Pqaliun Co., Battle Cruk. Mich.
"There a reason.'' and It la this. Coffee
baa a direct action on the liver with soma
people, and cause partial congestion of
that organ preenilni the natilral outlet
at the secretions. Tlmn may follow bilious
ness, sallow skin, haadat nes, constipation
attd finally a change of the blood cor
puaolee and nervous 'i oat rati on.
Read the-little book. - The Road to
rVellvllle," In pkga. "There's a Reason."
vsr read the abeve letter A saw on
IP pears fans, time to tljxa They are gea.
alae. trae aaa rail- ef ha waa tatereet.
When the Sphinx Smiled
Shoots Four Members
of His Family, Then
TurnsGunon Self
C. C. Hewion of Morrill Kills Mother
in-law, Wounds Wife and Two
Boys, Then Commits Suicide.
MORRILL, Neb.. April 4. (Special Tele
gramsAbout 4 o'clock Sunday evening C.
C. Hewson killed Mrs. Mary F. Jenklnson,
shot hi wife through the head, ahot Leland
Jenklnson, a boy about 14 years old and one
of his own children, then turned the re
volver upon himself and shot himself
through the head, killing himself almost
" The Hewson family lived at Mitchell,
east of this place about eight miles, where
Mr. Hewson followed the carpenter trade.
Mrs. Hewson la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Oeorge Jenklnson, who have lived In Mor
rill since the town was started and In
western Nebraska and eastern Colorado for
some twenty-five or thirty years. Hewson
and his wife have been married about nine
years and have three children, two boys
and one girl, aged 4, and 8 years.
Domestic troubles of long standing
brought about, the awful tragedy which
ended two lives last evening and probably
will end another today. Mrs. Hewson left
her home three weeks ago taking the
children and came to Morrill to stay With
her mother, saying she could not stay at
home on account of the treatment she re
ceived at the hands of her husband. She
has been slvk at her mother's home ever
since she came here two weeks ago. Hew.
son came here and tried to Induce his wife
to return homo with him, but she refused
to do so. Yesterday he again came to
Morrill, and . during the forenoon held a
conference with his wife and asked her to
return with him. but aha again refused,
giving as among other things that she was
unable to go on account of her. physical
condition, owing (o the treatment ahe had
received at hla hands.
Hewson left the Jenklnson home and ats
dinner at a neighbor's house about a block
away., After dinner he took hla hat and
wlthot..,4' "ord,of hla lntjBnUonwent.41
rectly ,to'ihe Jenklnson home. vfrtrWrt.
Jenklnson, Mra. Hewson, wlfa; Leland
Jenklnson and one of the Hewson ohildren
sat at the table eating. With acarcely a
word of warning he drew from his inside
vest pocket a thirty-eight calibre revolver
and commenced shooting. He .shot three
times at his wife, one shot hitting her
hand, another being deflected by a hairpin,
the third passing In at the ear, and out at
the back of the head. He then, shot Mrs.
Jensinson and then shot LelandVenklneon
and one of his own children, hen shot
himself in the right temple. - Leland and
the Httle child ran to the neighbors, and
when some of the close neighbors repaired
to the house each of the victims lay In a
pool of blood. The child la not badly hurt.
Mra. Hewson Is still alive, but the phy
slclans hold out no hope for her recovery.
She la conscious most of the time and able
to give a connected statement. The cor
oner will hold an Inquest today.
(Continued from First Pagaj
applications from persons who dealt- to
draw plana for state buildings, but that
they had not taken up . the matter aa a
Kerable Ree4 Iaspetr.
E. C. Kemble of this city, a democrat
and at present an employe In the county
treasurer'a office, waa today appointed by
Governor AJdrlch aa seed Inspector for the
tooa, arug and dairy department. Mr.
Kemble. It Is said, haa an exoert knowiaut
of seeds and commercial stock food articles,
over which the department haa tnriiii.iu.
elnce the passage of tne Sanborn-Dardtn
pure seed bill at the recent session of the
Klertrteal Mrs Meet.
Representatives of a large number of the
131 electrical companies In the atata began
a two-days' acealon in tnis city today.
Business matters occupied the attention
of the delegatea to the convention this
afternoon following the Introductory ad
dresses. Following Is the program for
Uorntng-l'aper, "Coala . Uaed In Ne-br""K'wR-
J- J mont; discus
sion, led by Mr. Schwlngle, Holdrege. Neb
paper -Oil as Boiler Fuel." T. O. Kennedy
Lincoln; discussion, led by Mr. brooks. Lin
coin. Afternoon Paper. "Electrto Llgtlng by
Products." Prof. George H. Morse, state
university. Lincoln: discussion, led by Mr
Frits, tlrarid island; paper, "New Busi
ness. Mr. Hneldr. Omaha; discussion, led
by Mr. Kul,,ck. Norfolk.
Night Session -Pinner given by Lincoln
Vlrl gancMds Latlden.
A. It. Viele of Norfolk was this after
noon appointed n member of the stats
board of education to aucced Dr. Luther
P. Ludden whose ter nirxplree June 25.
The new appointee Is at present .a furni
ture dealer In 'his home city and was
formerly a locomotive engineer on ' the
Northwestern. He Is declared by those
who know him to be a good busineasman,
and la at present on the. Norfolk board of
ad u at Ion.
oatmeal oa Mailer's Art.
The recent declination of Phi Beta hon
ors at llsrvard unlverattv bv IjCila ti.n..
j of Omaha, has provoked much discussion
among instructors and students at the
state university, many of whom knew the
young man a bile he waa atudylng here.
Included on (he present teaching force
of the university and In other Unea are
eeveial Nebraskanswho have at dlffent
Umea taken the aarae course, which waa
recently followed by young Hallar. Among
the number were Oeorge Elliot Howard.
H. W. Caldwell. H. K. Wolfe. R. M. LltUe,
J. A. Barret and 8. B. Cox.
Aaalataat Pvataaasters fa Meet.
Assistant postmasters of the atata will
! 2 J '
meet In this city Tuesday for the purpose
of organising a state association It la ex
pected that twenty-five or more auch post
office men will gather here for the Initial
meeting, which will Include besides the
routine business, several papers concerning
aub.1ect of Interest to theyoung nasbys.
"The premium ratea on fraternal Insu
rance must be raised. There Is no question
about It. It has got to coma The officers
of the Modern Woodmen In common with
the officers of other fraternal Insurance
companies realise that the Increase Is
bound to come and the report of Illinois
and West Varglnla Insurance boards
recommending auch a raise In rates Is
wholly In Una with the policy of company
Buch la the statement of A. R. Talbot t
head of the Modern Woodmen, who today
returned from a trip to the lodge's head
quarters at Rock Island, Illinois. He
further asserted that nothing would be
done because of the reports made by the
boards of the two ststes, but declared
that If anything should be done in the
future It -would come as a result of the
needa and requirements of the society
Itself and not from such an action as
that taken by the Insurance board of a
Speaking In reference to the unsuccess
ful attempts of the late legislature to
enact a new set of road laws. D. Ward
King of Missouri, known aa the Inventor
of the drag bearing his name, and ac
knowledged authority on the good roads
subject, who was in the city today said:
"Tha people must be right under any
system that we have," said he, or graft
can exist at one time as well as another.
Tha worst trouble with the state high
way commission and county engineer sys
tem la polltlca. Aa the state highway
engineer of West Varglnla declared at
the national convention at Indianapolis,
'the worst enemies of good roads were
water and politics and the latter ex
ceeded the former In- degree,' But In'.
pita of that fact I believe that tha work
can be more' efficiently done under - the
highway commissioner system. In that
manner the bridge work and bridge con
struction can be standardized and uniform
road systems -can be worked out for the
entire state. Plans for re-enforced con
crete bridges and culverts can be drawn
and-blue, printed and sent out over the
state -at - a less expense and with more
success than at present.
"The state and county engineers who
head the road movements are not paid
for what they do particularly, but for
what they know. I know county engineers
In Missouri who have saved their salaries
for a year In the space of half an hour
sometimes. In my opinion these offices
should be appointive and if possible under
the control of a bi-partisan or non-parti
san board of control. Of course at the
best It Is Impossible to eliminate politics
from the operations of such offices, but
we must make the best we can out of
them Just the same. If each Individual
will do all that he can for the Improve
ment of little stretches of roads the com
munity In the aggregate will have good
roads almost before they know It. The
most of the responsibility of course rests
with the local authorities and they must
attend to the details If they would be
A Life Problem Solved
by that great health tonic. Electric Bit
tere, Is the enrichment of poor, thin blood
and Irniirlli.nlnir 1 ha waalr Uln HV. .a 11
by Beaton Drug; Co. . ival
2 Full Quarts in Each Package
Knox' Gelatine not only insures you the
highest quality, but also the biggest quantity.
"Daiary Desserts tot- Daiaty People." eoataialng recipes lor
Desserts, BalavJe, Caadiee, Puddings, leas, lea Cream sad
Caadica, illasuatea ia colors rKbU tar year grocer's aaoM.
uumfU lor U tfamf mod ynr tractr't iulsw.
CHARLES B.' KNOX CO.. SISKmi Ava.. JohaetowL. N. Y
Martial rulejn muscatine
Major Bell Prohibits All Publio Meet
ing After Tark.
Aayoae Foaad Away front Horn
After II O'clock Will lie Locked
If for grcoad Offense Few
Workers la Fartorles.
MUSCATINE. la.. Am il' Jl.-Mllltary rule
went Into effect In Muscatine toriav k.
order of Major Oeorge W. Ball, In charge
or tne state troops sent to Muscatine to
preserve order during the local lahor
troubles. No public meetings of any sort
are to be permitted after dark. Any per
aon on the atreeta after o'clock In tho
evening will be compelled to state hi
business to the military patrols. Any one
on the streets after 11 o'clock will be
escorted to hla or her home and tha nam
and address taken. A repetition of this
win result In the arrest of the offender.
No crowds will bo permitted and three
persons will be adjudged a crowd. All so
clal and religious meetings of every de
scription will of necessity be abandoned
as long aa the troops remain In Muscatine.
Despite tha presence of tha soldiers and
the protection afforded to all, few addi
tional workers returned to the factories
this morning. Yesterday's button work
ers' picnic at Weed park passed without
Incident. Large crowds were present, but
there waa no disorder. Clarence Darrow
of Chicago, announced as the speaker, was
unable to come. The speeches made by
union leaders were taken down shorthand
by a representative of the military
authorlUea Soldiers were present on the
"perches Taken for Reference.
DES MOINES. la. April S4. - (Rn.oi.1
Telegram.) Adjutant Qneral Logan of the
Iowa National guard expects In a day or
two to have full copies of the speeches
delivered by labor leaders In Muscatine
on Sunday In his possession.
do not car to auppress free speech,"
said General Logan, "but ir the speakers
eay anything which servee to Incite the
strikebreakers to riot we want to have it
down In black and whlta We have sev
eral men In tho national guard companies
on duty at Muscatine who are shorthand
reporters and who took down the speeches
made Sunday afternoon. Coplea of these
speeches will be forwarded to Des Moines."
There Is nothing to indicate my further
danger of violence In the button strike,
but companies of militia will be kept on
guard for a tinia
Nebraska Ktm Motes.
DAVID CITY-Rlchard 8. Hyatt of this
place has purchased the Jacob Thomas &
son confestlonery and cafe stock.
GENEVA Invitations are out for the
marriage of Josie Ogg to Mr. William
Drake, formerly of Geneva, next Wednes
day. GENEVA William Merrill, who died at
Paris, Mo., waa burled yeuterday after
noon. The Masons attended In a body.
The Rev. Mr. Meyers of the Methodist
fc-plscopal church had charge of the ser
vices. Mr. Merrill was TO years of age and
lived for years In Geneva He was an old
soldier. A daughter, Mrs. John Shlvely.
and Mn 1 l.M- nv.,4 r m , ,,rm
, v. ..niii , in.a. a. &a wiii
lama, reside In Geneva t
DAVID CITY The new city well at this
place haa at last been finished. The well
la KflO fM Hun anJ v. .. - . i
Inches In diameter and one Inch In thickness.
me waier supply is lnexhaustable. , Thla
week the house will be erected over the
well - and the machinery necessary for
pumping will be Installed, thus giving- to
David City one of the beat pumping sta
tions of Its size In the state. ..
I iilOrl Miss Alvlna M. Barjenbruch and
vvhiicm Ii. Llttelmann were united In mar
riage at the Loseke church' south of Leigh,
Friday, P.ev. Dennlngerflelatine;. Mlaa
Anna Bnglbart and Otlo-JUlUalniaan aeied
as attendance. The bride Is the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Fred Bar
jenbruch, old and wealthy " settlers of
It your bead ache;
it your vision blurs;
It your brain balks at
the work it is called
upon to do; your eyes
need attention now.
We give you skilled exami
nations and tell you whether
or not you need glasses.
Huteson Optical Co.
213 South 16th Street
Colfax countr. The groom Is a son of
young couple will make their home on the
Littelmann farm,
LF.IUH At a recent meeting of the local
school board all of the present corps of
publio teachers were elected for next year.
Prof. F. C Grant has resigned and will
enter the Chicago university next fall. Miss
Pearl ("arleeon. assistant principal. haa
also tendered her resignation to accept a
similar position in Idaho. The teachers
elected are ss follows: Miss Kffle Noll,
assistant principal: John IV Liming,
grammar room; Miss Klla Noll, Inter
mediate; Mies Oertrude Kelly, second
primary; Miss Maude Slmm, first primary.
Have You TrUd This?
Simple Prescription Bald to Work
Wondsra for Klieomatlein. '
Thla haa been well known to tha best
doctor'a for years and la now given to the
public. "Get one ounce of syrup of 8ar
saparllla compound and one ounce Torts
compound. Then get half a pint of good
whiskey and put the other two Ingredients
Into it. Tak a tableapoonful of thla mixture
before each meal and at bedtime. Shake
the bottle before each using. Good affects
are felt tha first day. 'Many of tha worst
case hav been cured by thla. Any drug
gist haa these ingredients on hand or will
quickly get them from his wholesale house.
Any one can mix them.
This waa published here before and hun
dreds of rheumatism sufferers that tried
It are enthusiastic over tha resulta ob
tained. It will save many a doctor bill
and should be kept on hand at all time.
Tube Roses
Begonias, Paeonies, Gladiolus,
Dahlias, Caromas, Caladlum, Cin
namon Vines, Maderia Vines.
Seeds That Grow, Need Any?
The Nebraska Seed Co.
1013 HowaW Street,
rhone Dour. 1201.
Open Saturady Evening until 8.
At Fountains & Elsewhere'
Ask for
Th Original and Gcnulna
Thi Food-drink for All Agos.
At restaurants, hotels, and fountain.
Deliciou, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard at home.
Don't travel wit Km it tT
A quick loach prepared in a minute.
Take talt&tioi. Just say lORUCKI"
No OpmbSno or Trust
In a Pinch, use. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE
tadlas caa vair shoes sna ! mailer aftv as
ms Allan's Foot-Bus, the antloptlc nmmr' for
the tL It makes tight or naw aiioaa fl our;
(lTs ttutant ralitf to corns and bunions. It's tha
raataat comfort dlaeorcry of tha age. Rallaras
woll.n faat, bllitara, callous and aora spots. It Is
a imiin rauer ror sweating, tirad. tender, aching
.ot. mwArs ua 11 10 MreaK in new enoee. sold
everywhere, ifo. Dos't accept any substitute. Kor
PKBB trial package, address Allen 8. Olmsted. Le
Roy, M. Y.
Wo Change of
Through daily sleeping
car service is maintained
via Rock Island Lines be
tween Omaha
operating by the way of
Lincoln, Belleville, McFar
land, Wichita, Caldwell
and El Reno.
Limited service is also pro
vided to Texas points.
Direct to your destination
without change of trains.
Low Round Trip
Fares to
Oklahoma and Texas
May 2 and 16
For tickets, reservations,
information, etc., address
J. H. McNally, Dlv. Pass. Agt, 1321
Farnam, Omaha, Neb.
St. Lawrence Rente to Eorepe
x.xsa 4u roui
BOTAL If All. STaatZaa
Moaireal Quebec Uverpool
"lureulii-" and "Megautic '
t.arf eat and Most Uodsra bieamera Is
1 -" ctrvHs. Luxurious acioai
asodatsoos for erirat. aeswaa aus4 'a H 1 s S
Ciass. Billing In rnnlunctton with the
Popular Twin acres yteimers
-Teuloulc" "Oaaaua" "rtuauaioa"
Carryms One class Cabta peaaugert
cslleS M,S 1 ebiDi. dMiilt.r. st ii,iMi.,9(.
ra'es. A is.) Tfeira Class sssnasrs
pply Company' Office SO-SS Oaax
tnrs at.. C Ulcag o. or Local avaat.
K.asft-us Twla-acxew r-saeaogef tlmit. irM
Oecer II n. e,
Norway. Sweien; rJir.X
and lienmarsi '""."" ss,
ar U
ail eteessare eaalpsea lts Marsoal Wlr.
rim litis, tit us, second cable, tea
A- K. Jeaaaua Co I a road way, a. T.
QUESTION Why do they sell so much?
NSWER Because they sell the best clothes made.
QUESTION Whose clothes do they sell?
ANSWER Kuppenheimer ,Stein-Bloch,, Society and
QUESTION Are these clothes high priced?
ANSWER No. Prices low, but quality sky high.
QUESTION Have they a good assortment to choose from?
ANSWER More than DOUBLE any other store in town
and all sixes up to 54.
QUESTION Can you beat it?
and a Pleasant Vocation
Many Idaho orchards make more
than that.
John Newman cleared $5,020 last lumnwr
from 10 acres of apples.
Beven years ago be waa a school teacher
in Iowa supporting his family on $2.00 a
day. He has worked hard, but It paid.
You can get similar results in an easier
way. Have the orchard developed for you
while you remain at your work.
The Grandview Orchards
5 and 10 acre tracts $175 and $350 down
Balance small payments No taxes.
An Orchard Developed for You by Men Who Know
P. O. HOLDEN, President Supt.
Agricultural Extension Dept. Iowa
Btate College, Amea, la.
a. 8. GlLBEKTSON, Vice Presi
dent Banker, Ex-Treasurer atata
of Iowa
J. W. JON OS. Vioa Praaldent
Oeneral Manager National Corn Ex
position. Omaha. 10. Formerly la
chars Horticultural Extension,
Iowa State College and apeolal in '
vaettrator for U. 8. Uovarnment.
Send this coupon
B04 Crocker Building. Des Moines, Iowa
Gentlemen i Bend me literature about the Grandview Orchards.
Address . ,
Have Your Ticket
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an rranclsoo, imb Angeles, May 12
San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, June 5-6, June 10-12 . .. . 50.00
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Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, June 6-6; June 10-22 f AA
and June 27 to July 6 50 00
Including Shasta Route, flS.OO higher.
Vark Opaaa June lfl
Side trip, from Livingston or
Ogden, ail accomodations, $ 65.50
Going and returning via
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lowstone, all accouunoda
tions for 6U day tour ,, 107.2ft
Also camping tours.
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QUESTION Who sells the most clothing
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ANSWER The Bertr ClothW Co.
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EDWIN SNOW, Secretary For
merly Assistant Attorney Oeneral.
State of Idaho.
B. H. THOMAS, Treasurer Vioa
President State National Bank,
Iowa Kalis. Iowa.
K. N. riHfcPHhiRD. Sales Manatjer
Orandview Investment Co.. Dee
Adolnea t..- v ( t,t
References Iowa Trust at flav
Inge Bank. Des Moines, Iowa; Idaho
Trust ek Savinca Bank, Boise, Idaho.
for full Information.
Read "Burlington.
Rates West
- 14; also dally June 1
60 on
Oommaaotnaf June 1 -Denver
and Colorado Springs, SI 7.50
Kates Park, Colo 27 10
Halt Ike City, Utah soiso
IHNSdWfMNl, H. D 18.7B
Hot Springs, S. D 15.75
Sheridan and Ilanchester, Wyo 25.75
Parkniau, Wyo. S6Ji5
ooy, vyo. ......
Thermopolls, Wyo.
........ 80.75
liilllngs, Mont., and return ...fta.Ri,
reat Falls and return .... 85.00
Butte, Missoula. Montana.
and return 42.00
publications. "California Ktrursim..
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DescrllN) your profited trip, and let me help you plan
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1502 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.