r- ' ITS REAlT ESTATE mX A!fD RAJCM FOR iAI.K (Continued. MteaowrU Ozark Land Buy s. -T farm In southern Missouri on easy payment. Any amount down and monthly payments. Tracts from 4uu and up HAWKETB LAND OHCHARO CO., 209 firandets Theater Hldg. HTOP! I)on't jo a step further than Iouglas county, down In the beautiful Osarks; rale anything; corn 30 to 8u bunh ele per acre, all otlirr crops In proportion; cheapest good land on earth, 86 to fJO per acre. Free Information. Uloba Real instate Co., Ava, Mo KOR SAL.K Finest farm In leavenworth county, Hruaddus farm of 180 acres, l1 miles from Fort l-avenworth, 8&0"Q brick residence. 6W) .i-yewr-old walnuts, 1U0 sugar maple trees, natural gun. two telephones, free dellvory, 1 miles from Hanta Fe sta tion; examine premises and write Mrs J. 1 Klrby, ll' Felix 81., St. Joseph, Mo. M-AL'KE farm, all cultivated; fine house, bam, fences, first-class condition; fine print" water, 2 miles from town, 7 miles from railroad. Southeast Missouri Imml ' (ration Co., Piedmont, Mo. rOR BAt.E fi& farms, large and small, between MIsriMalfT'l and MIhhoiiiI rlvrrs. a re rags 35 per acre. Write for big price list. William Crews, Wright City. Mo. MISSOURI FA RMS None better on earth. Highly Improved 110 acres; raise anything; $0. Other decided bargain!. Write us. Gilliam Realty Co., Gilliam. Mo. MISSOURI farm, XM seres; ( room house; bam; 108 ares wheat, 200 acres corn; level. ; black dirt; t miles railroad; $4o acre. Chas. 8. Huckstep Realty Co., Elsberry, Mo. Montana. WHOT.KSAJ.E TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm state. 812.SO to $30 per acre. Write for description. Shaw & Clark I And', Company, Hackney Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. THIHTEEN sections In Dawson county, 'near Sidney, one of the best towns In the Yellowstone) valley; also have other lands that we are retailing In any else farm you want. Writ yeur wants. Prices are right. The Hayward Land Co., Olendlne, Mont. X20-ACRIE homestead relinquishments for ale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general tore, one saloon, one feed store. Address, Charles F. Brown, Qalata, Mont. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley 330 acres fine fruit land; old water right; best sec tion of the valley; fine proposition for sub division; fair buildings; easy terms. Ad dress owner, E. O. Lewis, Stevens villa, Mont. FARREl.I8 syrup Is the sweetest and : beet you aver used. If K. M. Bruce, I Dodge St.. will bring this ad to The Bee fflce within three days we will give him a tO-cent can of this syrup free. Nebraska. Sacrifice Sale TUB OREATE8T RANCH AND DAIRT FARM PROPOSITION EVER OFFERED. 1.120 acrea In the rain belt of eastern Ne braska, containing lake of spring water, at lest than jrou can purchase arid land In the western part of tha state; surrounded by faring producing abundant crops of corn, 'wheat, oats and alfalfa; located from six to tan miles from fits railroad towns, six teen miles northwest of Norfolk. Part of this tract will maka good farm land; It Is bow covered with a heavy growth of blue 'tain gra- Every acre will produce red or white clover, timothy or alfalfa. For quick aaie, $16 par acre. J. Dermody Investment Co. lils City Nations! Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nob. 1.880-ACRH ranch for sale, 830 per acre, two-thlrda cash, remainder five years, 8 per cent Interest: all fenoed; good Improve ment For partioulara writ Frank Schula. Norfolk. Nab. lflO ACRES near Crofton, Neb., Knox county; good soil, good roads, well Improved with buildings; price per acre, $70; easy terms. Also aiO acre farm, 4 miles from town, well Improved, 76 acre. Otto Bogner, Crofton. Neb. FOR BALE SOD acres hay land, 1 mile 'Newport, H7.M; "W0 S miles, all new build ings, aprlng water, 12160. Otbsra. L. M. Qreene, Newport. Neb. INVESTORS, NOTICB-For sale, sec tion of rich western land In Keith county 10 miles north of Big Spring and ( miles v south of L welly n; fenced; 2U0 acres broken on the level ana rented; balance good paa. ture. This Is going to be sold at 1.50 per acre. Reason, I need the money. Address. P. O. Box 221, Kearney. Neb. WITHIN radius 18 mllea I have soma .to farms for sale, (-acre to half section; prices right. 1 can ault you. Write, stat ing what you want. Wm, Nelson, 818 S. it 1st. FOR bargains In cheap western lands often cheap 640-acre relinquishments. Ad dress J. C. Belalna, Whitman, Neb. GIVE Mm pancakes and Farrell's svrup for breakfast. We will give a 60-cent' can to lira A. D. Garrison, It N. 19th St., If sh will bring this ad to The Bee offlca North Dakota. SEVERAL Improved farms In McHenry county, N. Dak., for sals on easy terms; : good soil; 126 to 830 per acre. C, A. Btub I bins. Qranvllls. N. D rOR SALE Renters and Investors, If you want to own ons of our fins Improved grain farms with every modern convent- encs and be independent, write me at once. Utile money needed. Wendell Huston, 1 Carrlngton, N. D. . Ortsss. OREOON APPLE LAND. ( and 10-acre planted tracts taken cars ,of for five -years. Terms 16 a month. I No Irrigation, taxes or Interest. SANT1AM Jr'RUIT COLONT, Kt Be Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FOR BALK 160 acres choicest apple, pear, cherry, grape land in the west, six mllea from town, one mile from railroad; so.l deep volcanic ash. The Dalles. Ore,, prise winning fruit. luO acres, ! miles from town, new, mod ern house, barn, tenement; S50 pear prune, bearing; l.Bos young trees. l.Ouo grape vines; good water; wood. Or will sell HO acres with all Improvements. Investigation solicited. C. H. Webster. The Dalles. Ore. oath Carolina. LANDS $300 per acre mads growing figs for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on easy monthly payments. Sea Island Orchard Company, Charleston, 8. O. r- Tsxas. THE NILE OF AMERICA. 82 cash and 8 pr cent Interest, ravahl. semi-annually, will secure you a home in Vela. Tex., and a 10-acre farm In the Rio Urande valley, where the farmer's cash In. come la aa perpetual as the days that come ana go. . 11 Jackson. 70 First National iiuik mag., riouston, Tex. Wl are subdividing 1800 acres of fertile farm land lit Jaukson county. Splendid rroio every year. Rainfall about right, 40 incnes. rxr aesenpuon, piat and prices write JOHN RICHET aV CO.. Ill E. Houston bl.. San Antonio, Tex. SAN BAB A VALLEY, ths gardsn spot of Texas, home ef the paper shall uecan. We caa buy land for you or Invest money, 8 per cent nei 10 you seourea oy mortgage on these lands Correspondence solicited. Refer to First Nat l bank, ban Saba Nat'l bank. Ward. Murray A Co.. and ths mem bers In cong raws. from Texas.. Kelley-Burls- soa Co., can tabe . x- Ths Secret of Success la la ths Con stant V ( Bee Want Ada, REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HUM II I. A Ml FOR tAI.E (Continued.) Vimh. RAIsm frtiit alfalfa and rrsln In one of Mali's fertile, mountain valleys and be come Independent. Ixnaied In the artesian belt near Halt City,. Choicest land can now be bought cheap on very easy terms. This rare Investment opportunity will not last long. Address. O 104. Bee. tVlaroaala.. IF YOU are looking far a farm In the best part of the United States, wners ths soil and climate cannot be btat. writs owner, iocx but im, Amery. Wis LAND FOR TUB LANDLESS IN Marathon. Wood and Clark counties. Wis consin. The grass luntln of America. To the homeseeker or Investor: Huy land In the above named counties; healthful cli mate, productive soli and best of markets. We have a number of fine Improved farms and cut-over tracts for sale on ensy terms. Send for free booklet Reliable agents wanted. Address Edgar Realty Co., Edgar, Wla. Wyoming, FOR SALE is. 000 acres In Laramie county. Wyoming. In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep; will sell with ranch; will exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa farms. J. T. Bed, Owner, Cheyenne. Wyo REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KEEFE REAL E8TATB CO., 1018 New Omaha Nutlonai Bank Building. GARVIN BROS,. Sd floor N. T. Life. Km is 81M.0M sa Unproved vroperlr. Ni delaji WANTED City loana Peters Trust CaT LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, UJ0 First National Bunk building. CHEAP MONET. Representing the Penn Mutual Life Ina Co., with assets of over $117.000,0i0, I am praared to accept all the good loans of fered on Improved Omaha real estate. Business and residence loans made without delay. THOMAS BRENNAN, City National Bank Bldg. WE have funds to loan on desirable real estate In Omaha and suburbs. 'o commissions. Loans can be paid In part or In full at any time. NEBRASKA SAVINGS & LOAN A88N. llius Farnam St. Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 133. 5 Af. 5Voon cltv turm property. W. " 07-B. MEIKLE. 206 Ramge Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants. W, raroam Hmlth at Co.. U20 Far nam ML LOW RATES. BEUI 8-CARLBfiUKI COL, CU-ajy Brandels Theatsr Bldg. C1TT and Farm. JOHN N. FRUNZE! MONKT TO LOAN Pay OS Investment Cs, OO to 81O0O( made promptly. F. r Wead. Wead Bldg Vim and Farnana, Wanted, farm loans. Kloks Inv. Co..Omaha. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for sale In amounts , fom to $.1,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 New York Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer the farmer of iowa? Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise store for land or any kind of an exchange? Or have you some land you want to sell for cashT Ths one paper that reaches the Iowa farmer is the Dea Molr.cs Capital; 42,000 circulation dally; rats single Insertion, 1 cent a word; six Insertions, 6 cents a word. Des Moines Dally Capital. Dea Moines, la. WANT listing houses, vacant lots, have cash cutsomers for good investments and homes. WESTERN REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 411 Karbach Block. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE C. J. CANAN. Room 701 Oma. Natl. Bank. FOR sale or exchange for land, an up-to-date Implement business and garage doing a big business; Invoice about $12,000. Brown & Oriffin, Cairo. Neb. WE exchange propertlea of merit. H. kL Culver. UU-hll N. Y. Ufa Dougiaa 7. FOR reliable aalea and exchanges sse D. M. LEAMINO. 614 Brandels Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres, fslr Im provements; price, $S.H00; Incumbrance K.400. 4-room house, good barn, orchard, 6 miles to 2 good towns, In the gas belt In Allen county, Kansas. Want merchandise. Address The Allen County Investment Co., FOR EXCHANGE- 80 acres, nlcelv Im proved; price. $4,000. Will take a good flve passenger auto as part pav. A S-room house, on Main street, 3 blocks from street car line in La Harpe. Price, $l,iri0. clear for a good 6-passeiiKer auto. Address. F. 8. Bennett, Lbngton, Kan. SMALL RANCH WANTED. We have a client who has good city In come property and good land to exchange for relinquishment. Improved and stocked. or cheap ranch. Give full particulars, loca tion and prlee In first letter. S. E. WAIT & CO.. 617 BEE BLDO. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Picturesque St. Lawrence Kouta. Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, Havre. Franca Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, loa) rates Any local Agent, or ALLAN CO.. General Agents, 174 Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. ANCHOR L I N STEAMSHIPS THW SUilH, UUNlMJNPKHm AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK ASD NAPLES DIRECT. single or Hound Trip Tickets between Nes York and Scotch. English. Irish and all principal Continental points at attractive rates. Ssnd for Book of Information. Superior Accommodations. Excellent CuV sine. Apply Promptly for Reservation te ocai arnts oi ancnor Line or 1-h.NljER-SON BROS.. General Agenta. Chicago. Ill WANTED TO BUY BF..ST price paid for 2d hand furnltura carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. U GOOD prices for old broken watches ui eld gold. M. Nathan, lot feo. 18th st WANTITIl Ti Vi 1 : V u-iwut .1... .1.., store In guod location. O tii. Bee. W AN TEl Grocery store In good loca tion in residence district. N 132, Be. WANTED Ons dozen hens, cood atorka Web. ISC. n'R op two hldr rViuo n 1. ...... Harney 177. ITS a hieh-grade table svrun that we will give to Sain Kenyon, Franklin St. r ne will bnn this ad to The Bee office within three iays we will givs him a 60 cent can of Farrell's syrup. WANTED-T0 RENT THHKE-room furnished apartment: mod ern. Address K-lUi, care Bee. ONCE tried you will have no other. A -ceni box of O'Brien's fine candy will be given to Thomas Davis, 715 N. h St., If he will bring this ad 10 Tha Bes office wjtiiin three days. WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD Jap wants work; guetd sooa. ress Y 1U. cars Ba PRACTICAL NURfiS. Harney 4MO. WANTED Mora window cleaning;. Call TTTE BEE: WANTED SITUATIONS (Continued.) EXERIENCRP retail clothing and fur nishing goods salrsmnn desir-s a chan? of location; best of references. Address Y 174. care Omaha Bee. HOISK CLEANERS, lsnndrrssrs. gar deners, women snd men for all kinds of extra work about the house, we furnish, on short notice, per hour or day. Tele phones HoiiKla 1112 and A 2111. SITI'ATION by colored man and wife as cook and houseman. M-152. Bee. YOl'NO man would like poltlon In pri vate family, very handy all round. N-153, Bee. EVERYBODY likes O Rrlen's candy. lf J. Tusk. 2i1 N. 17th Ave., will bring this ad to The Hee office within three davs we will give him a KO-cent box free. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth aad Maasa. rjaloa Pacific TJepart. Arrive. sn Fran. Overland I, .a S 15 am an sonm China and Japan F. M.a 4:06 pm a 6 4i pm Atlantic Express a :4S ant Oregon Express a 4:00 pm a 8:10 pro Lob Angeles Llmlted...al2:4l pm a 8:30 pm Denver Special a 7:M am a 7:27 am Colorado Express a 8:50 pm a 4:60 pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. .al2:60 pm a 8:20 pm nwrm finite ukm aii:oo pm a t:4d pro Grand Island Local a 8:16 am aiu io am Ktromaourg Local pm b 1:20 pm Mlssoarl Pacific C. C. St L. Ex a 1:24) am a 7:40 am K. C. St. L. Ex.. ex cept Saturday sll:16 pro a 5:60 pm K. C. & St. L. Ex.. Sat urday only 12:00 pm '. Chlcaato, Mllwaakee . ni. -ai Overland Limited all 4.1 Dm a 7 sa m Omsha-Chlcago Ex b 7:16 am Omaha-Savannah Local. a 7:16 am aJl is nn -'"-w b .w pm a 3:25 Dm Colorado Special a 7:42 am a n mm Perry-Omaha oLcal b 6:16 pm blO:00 ara llllaola Central- Chicago Express a 7:00 am a ft 48 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:00 am Minn. -St. faui ki b 7:00 am Mlnn.-BU Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 8:00 crj Cklrsga A Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:46 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm a 8:28 Dm Minn. Dakota Ex. ...a 7:00 Dm u tn .n Twin City Limited a 8:46 pm a 7:30 am Minnesota iLXpreaa all :00 am KASTBOUND. Carroll Local a7:o0am a 8:50 pm Daylight Express a 7:40 am a 12: a ana Chicago Local al2:(J6 pm a 8:iH pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 nm 1 i Chicago Special a 602 pm a 6:48 am Pacific Coast-Chicago... a 6:36 pm a 3:ai pm Los Angeles Limited. ..a 8:60 Dm 12 -an r, Overland Limited all:45 pen a 7 ti am Carroll Local a 4:30 pm alO:io m Fast Mali V:ao Dm a 3:3a nm WESTBOITND. Llncoln-Chadron a 8:00 am all 00 am Norfolk-Dallaa a 8:00 am alO:4fi l Norfolk-Lincoln a 8:16 Dm k-ta Hastings-Superior .... o tii nm h Deaawood-llot Springs.. a 8:66 pm a 6:20 Dm Casper-Lander a 8:6a pin aU:U0 km iiauwurauwi at e:ev put dim i pm Chlcaso, Hock Island Jt facltl EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...al2:68 am .m Chicago Day Express.. a :4& am a 430 Lra Chicago Local Pass bl0:3o am blO l nm - .w (ma aui:ju Dm Chicago Express a 4:40 Dm 11c Chicago Limited a 6:U put a situ au WEST. Chl.-Neb. Ltd eb. Ltd., Lincoln.a 6:20 am a 6 47 nm Colo, Rocky Mountain Lld....alo.ta yiu aU;y J" Chcaav Ureal Wtstsra, Chicago Limited a 6:48 pm .0 :30 pui a7:Uaa clV:3U am a 7:30 am a 8:30 pm a 3:4a us twin city gunned .. Twin City Limited ... Twlu City Express .. Chicago Express Wabash pmaha-St. Louis Ex.. ..a 6:80 pm a :25 am " m i .vm km ail:ls nm tlianb'y Lcl Urum C.B.J0 6 uu pm bl0:U an Marlla.toa Kiatlva toih aast ataaoa. Barllagtaa DDart. Arrlra a 8:46 pm a 8:46 pm a 6:10 pm a 8:46 pm al2:16 pm a 7 :00 am a 8:10 pm a 5:10 pm n :0S am bl0:20 am a 70 pm a 8:60 am a 2.40 pm all :2a pm all: as pm a 7:00 am a 8:66 pm a 8:00 am aibjo'am al0:30 am all: 46 am a 6:46 am a :lo pm Webster. Denver A California.. ..a 4 it pm Puget Sound Express, .a 4:10 pm Nvuraska points a U:JJ am Black Hills a 4:10 pm Lincoln Mail b l:-0 pm Northwest Express ....sll:5a pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Nebraska Express ."a 8:16 am Lincoln Local Bchuyler-Plattsmouth .b 8:06 pm Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm Plattsmouth-lowa a 8:18 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth N ,al2:30 pm Central Nebraska ....all:66 pm Chicago Special a 7:15 asn Denver Special Chicago Express a 4:20 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:30 pm Atlantic Coast Limited. 11:40 pm Iowa Local a 8:16 am Crsston (la.) Local ....a 8:80 pm 6t Louis Express a 4:30 pm K. C. St: Joseph ,...al0:46 pm K. C. A St. Joseph ....a 8:16 am K- C. A St. Joseph ....a 4.30 pa. Webster Station 15th aa Mlssoarl Pacific Depart ..b 8:60 pm Arrlva 011:66 am Auburn Local Chlcac. t. Panl, Mlauscaaolis a Omaha. Sioux City Express. ,b 1:18 pm bll:45 am e 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm Omaha Local 8ioux City Passenger. Twin City Passenger.. 81oux City Local .b 6:80 am .0 8:86 am .b 6:66 Dm bmerion local .. b 8:10 am - Sunday. (a) Dally. b) Dallay except (c) Sunday only. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. HAMBURG-AMERICAN London Paris Hamburg Ptm. Grant, April it. it A. kt. Bulgaria. Mar 4 Clnclnn.u, May . A raarlka. May u7 alls at Plymouth an Ctaarbourg . Hamburg blract. Btaarasa Only. Rlu-Carlton a la Carta KaaUurant. TWO CBTTJSES By tha aleamihlp "CX-KVVr.AMIP' (17.000 Toss) Th tlrau to taave Naw York Novambtr 1. 1111. Tha aeoon ts laata Ban Fraa elaoo Feb. 17, 111. I 1 1 DXO Duration 1 10 OATS COST $650 Including ALL aeoaaaary expenses Aboard aaa Ashors. -the;. ON AN A at X) IU AH OCEAN LINER 11 ST at It Wait Kantolak St., Cbleaso. 111., or local asaata DIETZ CLUB GIVES A PARTY Paper Hats aad Parasols Are the Farors ( aa EvealnaT Fonetloa. Ths Diets club gave a hat and parasol party at ths. club rooms Friday evening. Paper hats and parasols of odd design were ths favors. Those present were. Messrs and Mes dames J.' J. McMahon, William Platner, George Johnson, Andrew Anderson, Carl Palm, J. Kerrigan, Harlowe Meyers; Misses Nettie Schoolle. Blglowe, Irene Bergers, Ina Beselln, Marts Norgard, Hllma Larsen, Fern McKlnney, Josephine Delaney, Nor gard, Ethel Lynn. Hilda Larsen. Borden, Babbit, Arietta Damman, Wentwortli, Pur cell, Leona Grieste, Gay Cook, Mines, Wakefield, Blackrrr, Doyle, Florence Baa ler, Bhockley; Messrs. Roy Bloom, Joe Rlngwalt, Clarence Hall, E. E. Elsenhart, George Rowles, C. B. Hunt, Ige, Slaugh ter. Ed Murphy, William Bowers, John Se line. Freeman Bradford, William Wilcox, Percy Owynns, Stephen Conley, Edward Hosier, Al Blaufuas. Robert Haywood, Edward Lafferty. Robert Shields. Turner Haines, Harley Deems, George Llveraay, Clyds Howard. Max Weber, Russell Evans, Otto Kellson, James Flsnnlgan. Foley's Kidney Pi lis contain in concen trated form Ingredients of established therapeutls valuo for ths relief and curs of all kidney and bladder ailments Folsy's Kidney Pills are antlsceptie. tonls and re storative. Rsfuss substitutes, for sals by all druggists. ROUND -OMAHA". MONT) AT. AFRTTi News and Gossip from Suburbs of Omaha What the Neighbors Are Doing and What They Propose to Do Set Down by Ohroni clers for Edification of Others Who Are Interested in the Doings of Their Tellowi. Dander. Mr. J. w. Hamilton spent Friday In Lin coln on business. Eleanor Hamilton is convalescing from her recent attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. A'. T. Klopp left Wednesday for a two months' visit In California. E. F. KshbaiiKli and family have moved Into the residence at 4i'15 Cass street. Mrs. James Chadwlck was hostess at a large whist party Thursday afternoon. Lucy Harte. Louise and Randall Curtis returned to Lincoln university Tuesday. Mrs. C. W. Ililirln milDrHlnul Iha U'pat k Farnam Kensington club Thursday afu-r- Mrs. D. S. liulnter of Sioux Falls, S. D., Is tha guest of her son, U. O. Uulnter and family. F. R. Straight has excavated for a ten room residence at Fifty-first and Cuming streets. Miss Barker entertained at cards at her home. 81 North Fiftieth avenue, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ed Rose of Ashland, Neb., was the guest for part of the week of Mrs. K. 11. Weaterfield. Mrs. George" Mitchell and d ailehtera are visiung tnarles Mitchell and family In e iuuines. Mrs. J. O. Iverson entertained the mem bers of the Bowling club Wednesday after noon at cards. Homer Shearer of Des Moines Is the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. Van Doren and rar. van uoren. Mr. and Mr. T. R Winshlp and chll- uien ipi nicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters. Mrs. Richardson, who died at her home In Omaha the first of the week, was a moier oi mrs. j. v. iattln. 1. Hancock of Omaha has opened a bar- oer snop in the Hart building at Fiftieth street and Underwood avenue. Mrs. F. E. Maver. Mrs I l ln.l.la unA Mrs. Murphy were the guests at luncheon Monday of Mrs. M. A. Buchter. The Ladles' Aid society of the Dundee cnurcn met r'rlday afternoon with Mrs P. J. Barr and Mrs. McCandllss. Mrs. C. E. Presson was hostess for the oociaDiiuy ciub at her home, 4KB Under wood avenue, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Marie Brehm, scientific temperano Glutei ui me general assembly, wil speak at the Dundee church this evening The Woman's club will meet for the last time this season with Mrs. E. R. Hume, when there will be the annual election of omcers. Miss Pauline Saare of Newman Grove, Neb.. Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. C. C. Crowell. Mr. Crowell is In Chicago on business. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rhoades. Mr. Hi H. Baldrldge's bible class of the First Baptist church gave a social and musical Thursday evening. The mission study class met Thursday gvoiung at ine nome ot Hev. A. E. Fisher. This class Is studying "The Challenge of the City," and meets every week. A number of Dundee women were guests at a kensington given Wednesday after noon by Mrs. W. A. Yonson. formerly of Dundee, now living in the Field club dis trict. Mrs. I. S. Leavltt delivered an address at Grand Island Tuesday on "Women's Foreign Missionary Societies." Mrs. Lea vltt la organizing societies throughout that district. Mrs. O. L. Raymer entertained the 1909 Whist club at her home Wednesday after noon. It was in the nature of a farewell party, as Mr. and Mrs. Rayner leave soon to reside In Chicago. In compliment to Mrs. Dow's mother, Mrs. Elmsley of Chicago, Mrs. i. L. Oo..ii son entertained at a kensington Wednes day. Those present were: Mesdames Elmsley, Dow, Cotner, Martin, Crosby, Mo Alvane. Orange. Lampe. Hathaway, Barr, McCandliss, Fisher and Johnson. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Ayres, who died at her home, 6025 Burt street, was held Monday afternoon from the residence. The body was taken to Shelby, la., for burial. Seven children, surviving the deceased, who were at the funeral, are: Mrs. J. W. Cooper. Minneapolis; Miss Adelaide Ayres, Omaha; A. E. Ayres, Seattle, Wash ; Mrs. Arthur Pickering. Council Bluffs; Mrs. H. L. Garner, Omaha; Mrs. E. 8 Chadwlck, and Ray Ayres of Twin Falls, Idaho. Miss Lulu Brown Is slowly recovering from her critical Illness. Lillian Sagar has returned from a week spent with friends In Omaha. MIbs Inex Penny Is recovering from a two-weeks' Illness at her home. Mrs. Loomla Is spending a week visiting friends and relatives In Blair. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. W.' E. Yarton returned on On Monday from a visit in Kansas City. Proctor Dolezes has returned from a week's visit with his parents at Plalnvlew. Mr: George Bchucart and Miss Susanna Battler, both of Benson, were married last week. Mrs. L. Woodrlng has left for her home after a week's visit at the Charles Beaver home. Th at V, rA I mt T I..' i i j i -. ... - . . . .. . .wuir niu auuieiy win meet at the church on next Wednesday axternoun. The Presbyterian Missionary Circle met at the home of Mr Itriimf lo.t n afternoon. Frank C. Mad sen of Benson and Miss Dora Satra of Ktlgore, Neb., were married last week. The monthly Sunday school social of the Methodist church will be held next Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. William McKeown have re turned from a short visit In Honey Creek with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pheney of Lennox, la, returned home after a short visit at the Degan home. Mrs. D. Thompson of Blair, Neb., Is building a residence on ths lot east of her daughter's horns. . The Busy Bee Sewing club met last Saturday afternoon at' ths horns of Mrs. Charles Anderson. Two cases of smallpox were reported In Benson last week, on Erwin street and Orphanage street. C. W. Brinn, who Is well known In Benson, died at his home In Omaha last Sunday of paralysis. Carl Liljenstolpe spent last Sunday visit ing with his parents, coming from the University of Nebraska. The Knights and Ladies of Security are planning for a "mystery social," to be given In tha near future. Mrs. J. D. Ryan left last Tuesday for her home In Blackfoot, Idaho, after a visit with relatives In this place. Mrs. F. E. Toung entertained a number of young people last week in honor of her son Roy's birthday anniversary. Mrs. E. C. Hodder drew the Hoosier Special kitchen cabinet offered by ths Orove-Melsonger hardware store. The Modtra Woodmen lodge gave an In vitation dance last Tuesday evening at their hall for members and friends. A. Lea of ths University of Nebraska spent a fsw days Tinting at tha homo of his sister, Mrs. William nifn-n The Epworth league will give a social at the church Monday evening. Just for a social time, to which all are .Invited. The week of special meetings held at ths R&ntist church hv ui I n . i . J -" in .J I lull uiUBtXl Friday evening with gocd attendances. air. and Mrs. John Hitch entertained a numrjer nf rMlmlvu. . n i . . w auau UITUIM IMl DUO day in honor of their sixteenth wedding an niversary. Mra. flnvHa. ... . . v, ..... . . u - . , i m. . J . UU.1H. IU 1U i ill r- teen Whist club at her home, Tuesday af ternoon. Prize tt.ra wnn hu VfM 1.. " v v a nr j waj sse at V 6 611 BP f 4s and Mra. Ajaney. AnnOlinCAfnUntn Vi VSk KasN SnAal..aA - - m w aa irvcnvu V the marriage of Miss May Johnson and Dean llardv twwh rn-nuriu ..... of Glendivs. Mont. ' Mian Ae-nea l.k. w.. ...I . i . J . ' 11 . 1. m n.l llBr on account U her father's death, and Miss Nell Howard will .nhaiifni. .... .... ... vii , co . of the school year. Ths Knallah T jith.n. TAl- . u clety wUl meet next Wednesday at ths horns ui an. i. r-. j-vteraon. when plans for a May fair will be made. Ths young peopls of Benson, who are freshmen In the Omaha university, at tended a party given by Mlxs Sweeney at her horns on Friday evening. Mr. and Mra. C. G. Anderson. Misses Viola snd Mildred Andred. Mr. and Mrs. Algot Nelson and daughter spent last Sunday as gussts In South Omaha, A number of petitions bavs bean clrcu latad In Benson for ths purpose ef bavlhg 24, 1D1T. the pool haIN clnsed on Sundays. They will be brought before the council. Rev. J. c. Wilson gave a sermon at the .tresoytery or ( muiha held at. Florence last Monday evening. At this time he resigned as moderator and Rev. Frank Reed of t remont succeeded him. The Woman's Christian Temperance union met at the homo of Mrs. E. J. Whistler last Ftiday afternoon. During the meeting Miss Kellogg tn!d some things taught In mis line in the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Peterson entertained on Monday evening a number of friends who pleasantly surprised them In honor i their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. They were the recipients of a coffee sat ii om tne guests. The Benson Woman's club met at the nt nm or Mr.i. Shelby In "Bensonhtirst" last ihursilay afternoon. "Benjamin Franklin' was tho topic. Mrs. E. A. Seurson was ap pointed ih delegats to the district conven tion to be held at Valley. Neb., next i nursuay. A number of ths Benson residents sl urried the funeral services of Patrick Mc Ardle, " years old, who died at St. Joseph hospital last week, from recent Injuries. l ne funeral was held last Saturday morn ing at Klkhorn, Neb. The deceased Is a near relative of E. J. McArdle living In mis piac A meeting of the outgoing council was ntiid last Monday evening, when the pur chasing of fire hose was settled and ordered. Complaints of certain town Condi tlons were received and a number of petl Hons for lights and culverts In different parts of the city. Inspection of ballot boxes and poll books of the last election were made and found as reported. Ralston. Will I. Burdlck of South Omaha was In Ralston Tuesday. Gust Hupner spent Wednesday afternoon and evening in Omaha. Mrs. K. D. Mlllus was calling on friends In Ralston Wednesday. F. 11. Gulick and wife of Omaha were In Ralston Tuesday afternoon. J. 1.. Howard will preach In the Metho dist church hunday at 7:30. F. E. Williams Is acting as agent at Bellnap during L. Hawthorne s absence. The Vernon bungalow In Seymour park was sold this week to Mr. Stinger of Omaha Karl Lauders has returned from Savan nah. Mo., and has gone to work In the stove factory. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker left Tuesday for Peoria, 111., for a visit with Mrs. Wa ker's relatives. Frank Mead Is having some repair work done on his bungalow before moving In for the summer. Carl MUlus of Des Moines, la , spent hJiHter Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. r . D. Minus. Erlck Swanson, an employe of the Cudahy Ice house, was taken to a hospital In South Omaha Friday morning to be treated for pneumonia. Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Dever left Tuesday morning for Exeter, Neb., to attend the funeral of Frank Fisher, Mra. Dever' s grandfather. Mr. Steele, Burlington agent, visited his son in fTemont last week, lils grandson O. Steele of Omaha, took care of the office work during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andersen are re joicing over the arrival of a new son at their home. The young man put in his appearance early Tuesday morning. J. W. Kimball of Emsry. Utah, lolned his wife and children In Ralston Monday evening for a visit with Mrs. Kimball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David nam. Fred Miller was the victim of a surprise party oionnay evening. About fourteen young people called on him at his home at s o clock. 1 he evening was enjoyed with games and a most delicious lunch was served by the young msn s mother. The High Five club gave a farewell party for Charles Mohler at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. Ham Tuesday evening. Mr. Mohler has resigned his place as manager of the automatio factory and will return to his home In Hagerstown. Ind. Some of the members of the club were absent and their places were filled by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kimball of Emery, Utah; Miss Anna Boland of Omaha and Frank Mead of Ralston. Florence. J. P. Crick of Omaha visited with Flor ence friends Monday. Miss Alice Platz has been on tha sick list for the last week. O. R. Potter moved to Omaha this week. locating on Fort street. . Miss A! He Houston was the guest of Miss Corrlno Armstrong Monday evening. M. B. Potter has purchased from Mrs. Cottrsll lot 13, block 112, paying $426 for It. Mrs. George Calkins of Aurora. Neb., la the guest of her sinter, Mrs. E. C. Janssen. Mr. and Mrs. Cole of Omaha were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Griffith Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Man- are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, born Thursday night. Henry F. Kleser of Omaha was ths guest of Mr, and Mrs. Sorenson Tuesday evening. Julius F. Schwartz of Omaha was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pllen on Tuesday. J. L. Houston, who was confined to his bed the first of the week, is able to be out again. Tommy Foster, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster, Is threatened with appendicitis. W. If. Woods of Fort Calhoun spent the first part of ths week visiting with Flor ence friends. Mllo Simpson left Wednesday for Belle Fourche, S. P., where he will provs up on his homestead. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rennlrger are proud over ths arrival of a new baby boy, boVn Thursday night. 8. 8. Sldner of Fremont, was ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Toder ths first part of tha wsek. Mrs. F. R. Wedge Is ths guest of her mother Mrs. Sarah Tracy, having corns up irom uenoa monaay. Miss Madeline Adams, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Adams, celebrated her eleventh birthday Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. Price snd Miss Florence Pries sre the guests of her mother, Mrs. E. A. Hunter at Missouri Valley, Is. Master Joe Pollard of Omaha was the guest of Masters Harry and Lansing Brlsbln Tuesday and Wednesday. Revr George S. Sloan left Saturday for Randolph, Neb., where he will preach Sunday at ths Presbyterian church. Rev. Charles W. Savldgs of Omaha has purchased the Godell property for his Old People's home. The consideration was t0. The Kelrls Grading company and J. H. L. Wll llama & Son are engaged in 'an ex tensive grading contract in Sarpy county. Rev. Dr. Taylor of Tecumseh, Neb., was ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Griffith during ths meeting of ths presbytery this week. Dan Tomaaso moved to Omaha this week, locating on Forty-seventh and Far nam streets so as to bs near bis work in Dundee. Will Thompson, who spent the Easter vacation with his parents, returned to his studies at tha State university at Lincoln Tuesday. Henry Tingling of Omaha spent Sunday In Florence looking over property and closed up a deal for an acre In Lawndale on Monday. J. H. Craven expects to leave about the first of ths month to accept a position ss civil engineer for the Slats Board of Health of Indiana Mrs. Henry Tyler and her father, Charles C. Scammon of Lake James park, were ths guests of Mrs. Viola E. Pettlt and Mrs. George Green Monday. The Seven Oaks farm will start market ing fresh vegetables of all kinds Monday. This Is the first of ths farms to havs green stuff big enough to market. Mra Akin of Omaha entertained ths Ut erary society st her homo Thursday. Among those present were Meadanies Wsber, Jr . J B. Brlsbln, H. T. Brisbin, F. B. Nichols of Florence. Ths services at ths Presbyterian church Sunday will bs conducted both morning and evening by Mr. Brewster of Omaha, ths pastor. Rev. George 8. Sloan, going to Randolph to preach that day. Easter Ovs gave a confirmation party at her horns last Sunday afternoon. Ths sftsrnoon was spent In playing gamea, and mualc by William l'aulaen, after which s dainty lunch wss served. Every one reported a good tlms snd Easter re ceived many presents. Thus present were: Andrew Alhack. Mary A I back, Tona Albat-k, Lillian lli'nleneii, Max Hroiter sen. Anker Johnson. Aniline Johnson, Klner Simnson, l.ula Larson, l.nla Swanson Howard Raymond. t'arrie Christensen, t hrtstlne ChristeiiHen. William Paulsen. Jacob Chrlstensen, Kiister Ove, llertha Ovs and Madge Jacohson. lvl Leveling of lllackhlrd Hill. Neb., and Mr. Robertson ot Marietta. Neb., full blooded Omaha Indians, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chu l.s Pllen Tuesday evening. lioth are well fixed In this world s goods and Mr. Robertson makes a specialty of raising fine horses. He visited Horence along In the earlv 40s and at that time was the guest of Anton Cahannc. A few years later he lost the fitters on one hand In a fight with the Sioux In dians on the hills west of Florence. He does not spenk English, but through an Interpreter told many Interesting anec dotes of the early days. In celebration of the ending of his term as mayor, F. S. Tucker Mondav evening after the adjournment of the council ban queted the retiring city officials and a few friends. In the center of the large dining room the beautifully decorated table pre sented an inviting appearance. Suspended from the chandelier was a lare duck from which radiated ribbons to each plate. At the end of each ribbon was a rooster with an envelope tucked under Its wing, bearing the name of the person to sit at that particular pUce. Considerable amusement was created when the envel opes were opened and found to contain Injunctions against some foible of the re cipient. During the four course dinner that was served reminiscences of tne laat two years that the officials had served together were Indulged In and the fact was brought to light that upon assuming the office a similar banquet had been given and that almost every one presVnt then was present at this one. After the post prandial cigars had been smoked. Rev. George S. Sloan and Mr. Ericason took a flash light picture of the assemble! guests. Those present were R. H. Olm sted. C. J. Klerle, J. H. Price. Charles Allen. John Lubold. Sam Hoff. John Mc Gregor, M. B. Thompson, Larry Fav, Rob ert Craig. P. A. Haskell, Mr. Erlckson, J. P. Crick, Rev. George S. Sloan, E. L Plan and F. S. Tucker. Weit Ambler. Center street is being repaved and other wise repaired, much to the convenience of the public. Mrs. Nelson Pratt was the Easter guest of her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. Al. Henderson. Charles Henderson and wife or Hlnm City, la., report the birth of a baby daugh ter toe last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ola Carlsen entArtalned tl eir daughter, Mrs. Lena Talbot, and little daughter over Easter. Miss Ruth Craig has been spending the last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clancy, near ilanacom park. Rev. T. C. Webster Is conducting hla third week of successful evangelistic serv ices nightly at Southwest church. Mrs. L. Boyer. who has spent the last year In Los Angeles and Redondo Beach. Cal., expects to return home soon. Eugene Pitman expects to Join his wife and daughter In St. Louis Soon, whither they went last week to visit her mother. Mrs. J. E. Aughe made a business trlD to Florence on Thursday and was ths guest oi air. ana Airs. Henry .rowers tor dinner. Mrs. William McDonald was taken to Excelsior Springs. Mo.. Wednesday even ing to seek relief from dropsical rheuma tism. Mrs. Maestrick of South Fifty-fourth street was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. James Doyle, snd family on South Ninth street Monday. Isaac Simpson, formerly of Eckerman. fell off a house he was building at Redondo Heacn, tjai., this week and was seriously Injured. Mr. Simpson Is the husband of Ai ibs Mabel Boyer. formerly of West Side. Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bedell, who have been oc cupying the Holland home on South Forty eighth street the last two years, are mov ing to their new home on Fifty-first and Spring streets. The Ladles' Aid society will hold an all- day meeting at the home of Mrs. Pendle ton on rlfty-nrst and ruckory streets, Thursday. ADiil 27. to tie comforts. Luncheon will be served by the hostess at noon. Irvlngton. Miss Minnie Jaoobsen visited In Irvlngton Sunday. Mrs. Westacard Is reported to be on ths sick list. Miss Clara Hendrlckson visited Sunday with Mrs. L. Jacobs. Mlaa riornthv Westacard anent Sunday with Miss Emma Ott. . Mra Ham Wvmorn anent Sunday after noon at tii e Deln home. rcakrcra. liS-Mmaii anent Aunriev at ths home of E. E. Richard. C. H. Chrlstensen and family of Fremont spent Sunday at the Bundell home! Gus Sundell is able to be out again arter long illness. He Is improving slowly. u- Mrs w T,. Richard spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Richard. The social lo be given at the Ott home Friday evening has been postponed until later aaie. tiA rwla ana anmewhat worse again Sunday, but is better now. His leg Is not healing very lasr. James Johnson and family and Neis An lerson and family spent Sunday at the home of N. J. Johnson. ii.. fviriaian Kundav auhool save an Easter program Sunday evening. There were a good ' many present. The Irvington base ball team played Benson Sunday afternoon. The score was ir. in a in favor of Irvington. Only seven Innings were played. Th nrosram given at tne irvington Christian church Friday evening was a pronounced success. A large crowd at tended and over 814 was cleared. The Indeavor society wisnes to mmi-i 'ho attended and who helped in the pro gram. Tvr y e strongly recommend XaJ Pflk 1 .11 TICI Z Ayes Cherry PectoraL We WeUtt "7 believe it prints, protects, soothes. What does your doctor recommend? Take only the medicine he approves. Trust him every time. ttTJZ; Get located right the first time; then you will never need te move Rooms in the best known office building in the city satisfy all the time not only for a few weeks. Elevator service, light, heat and janitor attention are the best. Special care is taken of every office.' The Bee Building Select from these offices at once ' as they will not be available long: BOOM 880 Corner Office In N. W. corner of Bldg., on 84 floor, good . light, snd location. Has 880 sq. ft- of space with firs proof vault lu room. Price per month 140 08 KOOM 909 Almoat directly In front of paasenger elevators, on 8d floor where people could easily locsts you upon exit from elevstor. Has one long window on Farnam street, snd very desirable In ovary way. Pries per month 8.6 00 KOOM 688 A small, north light office Is seldom vacant; this ons la al ninat In the center of the building on the north side, where the light will always bs good, and ths rent is reasonable. Pries per mo. 8100- KOOM Is one of ths few small offices hsvlng a vault. This room ' faces 17 la street and Is convenient to elevators. Price per tuu. 818,04 - -iVot EUvattrt re nt being installed. The Bee Building Co. Be Business Olflts. 17th and Farnam Sts. Grand Founccr Boys' Club Gives Stirring Minstrel Coon Show Lads of Church Club Present Livt Exhibition in Annual Flay at Lyric Theater. Stirring songs, well sung, and clexef act ing abounded In the amateur minstrel show presented at the Lyric theater by the Grand Bouncers, a club composed of boys. Two acts, the one the old-fashlonetl but ever popular minstrel scene, anil the other a negro sketch, composed the, pro gram that kept the audience ef parents and friends laughing throughout the even ing. , , Catchy songs nm funny jokes ran throughout the performance, snd ssveral of the boys showed real talent In their rendering of the songs. Hawthorne Dan iels took the part of Interlocutor, and the end men were Will Klewitt and Sain Rey nolds. Will Roe receive! considerable ap plause In his two songs, "Let it Alone." and "Sugar Moon." Lynn Sarkett was also well received In the-rendering of "Ohina town Rag" and "Honey, I Will I-ong For You." An original song., entitled. "Grand Bouncer Song." opened ths plsy. when the twenty boys filed in with suitcases spell ing the nsme, "Grand Bouncers." lre Ellsworth, who sang In the first act. "Dr. Tinkle Tinker." was encored several times. A rare treat was accorded the sudlence when Clarence Eddy gave a olever yodle song. "Old Black Joe." aa old-time darky song, opened the second act. with the scene laid In the south on a cotton plantation. Emtl Wttrodt was the .leading comedian In this act and was well supported by Haw thorne Dsniel. Will Klewitt and Pam Rey nolds. The grand finals of the plsy showed, the entire cast of the hoys on the , stage, with mors than half of them playing a cornet selection of "Old Kentucky Home." The cast of the play was as follows: PART I. Interlocutor Hawthorne Daniel Right end , William Klewlt Left end Samuel Reynolds CHORL'S. Roe McKlnnon Bauman Marshall Lumrv Ul.aHka.i.U . Israel Benolken Eddy .......W'illrorit I'ov : -""b i.unirv Hammond , Hackett Waverin lngst-r How" Ellsworth Abiahamson Beckett PART II. "Snowball, the Unalclr nable." Mr. George Jefferson. ....Hawthorne DvnlH Snowball K,n l will rod t t,ambo Kam Reynolds u" .....Will Klewlt JfCK Lynn a kctt Messenger )n How. The Grand Bouncers' club Is the bovs' organization of the Westminster Congre-, gatlonal church. An Ante Collision means many bad bruises, which Bucklen's Arnica salve heals quickly,' as It does sores and burns. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. RHEUmS!.. '- - ro sWMV Mnnyon's Rhenmatlsm Remedy relieves pains In the loco, arms, back, stiff or swollen Joints. Contains no morphine, opium, cocaine or drags to deaden the pain. It neutralized the arid and drives out all rheumatic poisons from the sys tern. Wrlto Prof. Miinyon, C3d snd Jeff erson fits., Phils., Fa., for medicsl ad vice, absolutely freo. ana nil 9 Theshavingwonderofthe universe. Each blade makes good the EVER-READY reputation. SoUkymlllocmUtaUrt. vi i