Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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r r " 1 i a r n r - i un-i JL
Less Than Half
Remnants of Inlaid Linole
ums, worth up to $1.50 per
sq. yd.; at, 8q. yd 75c
Itemnant of Printed Linoleums,
worth to 75c, at sq. yd. 32 H
Don't miBs these two great snaps
for Saturday selling.
Made to Measure
from your choice of 25 pieces of
stylish, all wool, novelty suitings,
grays and tans, hair line and man
nish stripes or heavy storm serge,
11.25 and $1.50 a yard values
perfect fit and workmanship guar
anteed; Saturday,
Wool Dress Goods Dept.
Special Rose Bush
Sale Saturday
We did not have sufficient to sup
ply our customers and wired for
Tafce Woce
W are sole Omaha selling agents
for the llall-Itorrhert Dress Forms,
Zion City and Klvria lateen and Peer
less Fapr Patterns.
il f ii a va.
2,000 more bushes
that will be here
Saturday and will
go on sale at, each.
Unt rimmed Hats
latest Shapes In Hand Made, Hair or
Silk Braids or Frames, also' Milan
This will positively be our last
sale. (Crockery Dept.)
Braids, all colors and black
to $2.50 values, "at '.
Men's $1.50
Shirts htyf
at . . . if-L
1,000 dozen Men's Laundered
Shirts surplus stock of one
of the biggest manufacturers
In the country, all styles, all
colors, all sizes; chambrays,
madras, percales, pongees
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values,
on sale Saturday at....49
Every shirt guaranteed perfect
$2.00 and $2.50 Shirts 08c and
$1.45 Made of the very fin
est quality shirtings, in all
styles, best patterns and col
ors for spring; matchless bar
gains Saturday.
$2.50 Pajamas and Night fihlrts
on sale at 98c All sizes, all
colon In the lot
$1 Cambric Night Gowns 40c
Summer Underwear.
t Bargains -
Union Bolts In fine Sea Island
cotton and lisle, white or col
ors, short or long sleeves
$1.50 and $2.00 values; on
sale) at G9 nd f)3
BaUMrieTgaa Shirts and bra wars
All colors aod Hits, 8&o and
(Oo garment values, le and 8So
76o and 11.00 Underwear In Bal-
brlggan or Lisle, Bblrts and
drawers, at 8 So aad 4 So
$3.50 Mercerized Union-Suits 1.98
11.25 Gloves, all kinds 490
11.00 Sample Belts Boo
BOo Suspenders, all kinds SSo
Sample Hosiery and lBVto
Men's BSo Wash Ties, Four In
hands In all the new plain col
ors, neat stripes and figures,
big special bargain .TKe
Remarkable Sale Tailored Suite Saturday
Suits' in theJLot Worth to $30.00
At no time in the history of this store have we offered this early in
the season such great suit bargains as will be shown Saturday. Nearly
every conceivable new fabric and color, including the justly popular
French serges. Sizes to fit any customer, whether small ,
or large; no one can afford to miss this stupendous bar- Jk CJff I
gain event. Your choice
All Fine Suits One-Third Off
Those who knowtell us that the finer suits assembled here this sea
son have surpassed in value and desirability any shown in Omaha. We
have only about 150 of these finer suits left, ranging in price from $33
to $C5 every one a choice model, distinctive in design, which we will
close at "
One-Third Off the Regular Retail Price
Handsome New Dress Skirts, $5.00
to $7.50 values, in navy blues or
blacks, all newest designs; great
snap Saturday at .'. $1.95
Stylish New Spring Coats Values
to $20.00, serges, panamas, silks,
and fancy materials, new spring
shades ; - choice $12.50
200 Beautiful Sample Dresses, in Crepe de Chines, Silk Poplins, Foul
ards, Taffetas, etc secured by our New York buyer at a tremendous
bargain, made to sell up to $40.00, trimmings valone on most are worth
more than Saturday's sale price; greatest values ever offered; on sale
at $14.90
$3.50 Serpentine Crepe Kimo
nos, all colors; on sale $1.95
$1.50 .Percale Wrappers and
House Dresses; choice... 95c
$2.50 Waists Dutch neck and
tailored styles, at $1.00
Every thing for the Little Folks, in Baby Bazar 2d Floor.
Manufacturers' Stork of Children's
Wash Dresses 800 dainty dresses
in ginghams, chambrays, lawns
and fancies, nearly all colors are
worth to $2.50, choice .'...95
New Black Satin Coats Beautiful
new models,, lined or unllned,
Satin Coats are all the rage this
season; prices $14.00 $19.50
$25.00 to $49.00.
Grand Ribbon Sale
We're cleaning up all goods from the big Minneapolis
wholesale stock, Saturday being the last day of this big sale.
All the Ribbons Priced for Saturday at Less Than Half
Actual Retail Worth.
25c IUack Ribbons, yard, 10c
Extra heavy, all silk taffeta rib
bons, splendid for hair ribbons
and hat trimmings.
25c Colored Ribbons, yard lOo
A dandy line of extra heavy wide
taffeta ribbons, in all the staple
20c Fancy Ribbons A fine line of No. 40 flowered ribbons, very nice
for children's hat trimmings, regular 20c yd. value 7
No. 2 Satin Ribbons; on sale at, yard 1$
No. 5 to 16 Ribbons Nice line for selection; on sale Saturday at, per
, yard . 2 a and 5
Saturday Bargains in Our
High Grade Linen
Cream or White, large size Turkish
Towels, hemmed or fringed, worth
R0 cents, Saturday, each ...... 89o
Hemstitched Huck Towel", white or
colored borders, worth 2 cts., Sat
urday, each . . 5o
Hemmed Huck Towels, heavy and
absorbent, worth 15 cts., Saturday.
eaCl, loo
Quilted Tftble Pads, hemmed ready
for use, round or square, 64 Inch,
worth 12.25, Saturday, each. $1.50
Improved Chamois finished English
I,ong Cloth. 8 inches wide, worth
la -, n.iii rriM v v .iu ...... h
Splendid assortment in white goods.
CheCKS, Binpes u
60 cts., Saturday, yard 5o
Clearing Up N
Bargains Saturday
Prom Receiver's Bale knock
Bo Children's Handkerchiefs, each so
16o Ladles' Linen Handkerchief,
each ' V
20o Ladles' Embroidered Handker
chiefs 100
26c Veilings on sale, yard 100
25c Ladles' Neckwear, at lOo
60c Ladles' Neckwear, at 10
$1.00 Ladles' Neckwear, at ...490
6O0 Shopping- Bag3, at lo
lOo Pearl Buttom, at, dozen.... So
60o Pad Hosa Supporters 19o
20c Side Hose Supporters lOo
35c Box Huchlngs, box lo
We Save You 25 to 50 per cent on Drugs and Toilet Goods
25c slise Pure Hydrogen r-eroxiae. si
3 bottles for 260
$1.00 size Purs Hydrogen, extra size
for ztc
Hotloe Bale Prices lor Saturday.
10c, 15c and 25c a bar toilet Soaps
In one big lot, will sell In this sale
at 2 bars for
10c Jap Roue or Palm Olive ,Soan,
at 2 bars for
Five bars of Ivory Soap for ..
10c Williams' Shaving Soap or Col
gates Shaving Soap for bo
lOo Shlnola shoe polish for
60c Hind s Honey and Almond Cream
f0-. oOO
60c Stt'llman's or Dr. Berry's fck
iArge "size Pompeian' Massage Crn
25fo can 'finest quailty Talcum' Powder
at a cans for -i,-
60c Java Rice or Pozzonl's Pace P2-
25rtcrSa'n,ttoi' Tooth' ' Powder 'for' 12He
25o Mennen's. Colante's or Williams'
Talcum powder, lor 15c
$1.60 Ideal Hair Brushes double
bristles for $100
85c bottle of Colorlte for coloring
straw hats, for 26o
20o package of Cedar Chips or lava
llne for packing furs and clothing,
go at 10c
75c Rubber Gloves go at 4o
$2.00 three quart Red Rubber Syringe
snd bottle, for tl-2o
$2.60 three quart Red Rubber Syringe
and bottle, for $1.50
$S.00 Wellington Syringe and bot
tle, guaranteed for five years,
for $2.00
Muslin Under
wear, Hosiery,
Knit Underwear
Our Specials
$2.00 Mnslln Gowns and Corahl
nation Suits -Lacs and em
broidery trimmed, great bar
gains at 9S
Beautiful Muslin Underskirts
Values to $6.00, elaborately
trimmed, generously propor
tioned. .1.50, $1.08 $2.50
50 Muslin Corset Covers and
Drawers, all styles ..25?
$1.00 Gowns, Combination
Suits, Corset Covers and
Drawers 40
50c Knit Cnlon Suit Extra or
regular sizes; on sale. . -250
$ 1.00 Knit Vnion Suits, in fine
cotton or lisle, all styles; on
sale at 49
Women's $2.00 Union Suits
fine mercerized garments; on
sale at 98i
Women's Gauze Vests, in all
kinds, valuea up to 60c, at
25c, 12sc, Oc and 7H?
Hosiery Specials Batoroay.
Manufacturers' and Importers'
Samples at about BaU Actual
Women's $2.00 Embroidered pure
Silk Hosiery, at, pair 8o
Ladles' Fur Bilk Hose $160
quality, high spliced heel and
toe, carter tops 75o
60o Silk Lisle Hose and mercer
ized, gauze, ate, black and all
colors, 26c and 60c values, on
sale at lVfeO and BSo
Three Big Bargains In Children's
Hose, matchles.1 values
at Bo, 18Ho. lo
Men's $3.00
Hats $1A9
Nobby new styles, all the broken
lots from our early spring selling
and including all sizes. 5 to
7 Vs. in both oft and stiff; on
le at 81.49
Boys' Felt Hata Big lot of val
ues to $1.50; on sale at. . . 75
Boys' and Children's Hat and
Caps, 75c and $1.00 values; at,
choice 40
Complete showing of the new
John B. Stetson styles for spring,
fine selection shown.. Jgjj. 50
Are You Going To Travel This Summer?
It so we can intrest you in our complete showing of the best
In TRAVELERS' GOODS. Satisfactory selection and service assured.
Truaks from B400 to $50.00
Bolt Oases 81.25 to $30.00
Hags from $1.00 to $80.00
Rattan or Matting Suit Case with
Straps, values up to $6.60,
choice $3.95
Cow Kids Salt Case Heavy
lty with straps, $10.00 value, Sat
urday $8.s8
Big j Shoe Sale Saturday
Saturday we place on sale Several hundred pairs of Men's and Women's shoes
at a big reduction In price. The shoes were secured from an eastern manufacturer at
about 60 cents on the dollar. His loss Is your gain.
Oxfords for both men and women in this
lot which includes all the leathers and
new nobby styles, regular price $3.50
and $4.00; wil) be sold Saturday, per
pair, at $2.50
All the $3.00 shoes for men and women
in this lot will be sold for 81.98
Misses' and boys' shoes, worth $150 and
sell regularly at that price ..$1.00
Children's and infanta' shoes, the regular
$1.00 and 75c kind 75 and 50
Women's 3-point leather house slippers
for 50
Stetson and Crossett shoes for men on
the "Strut" and "Whirlwind" lasts are
the two BEST lasts shown in Omaha.
Grover and Queen Quality shoes for
women. A full line of styles and sizes
in each make. Hayden Bros, are the third
largest account selling the Grover shoes;
the other two larger accounts being
located at St. Louis and Chicago.
For that foot comfort not found in. any
toher shoes. "Try both Hayden and
Grover first."
" A ;.V':,;--3!
Hardware Dep't.
Xoe Prices are Up.
ftefrlfexator Prices are Sown.
We offer you In this sale, unpar
alleled prlceH on White Mountain
Kef rlgerators.
These boxes have selected Oak
clixea, are perfeitly Insulated, food
cliainbers In Pure Baked White, iure
white stone, and Galvanized Iron.
The prices during tills sale are
unheard of Kurgains, and make you
a Savins: of S31 In 4i n.r rent
iso. iui uegular price $11.00
rhe Greatest and Most Up to-Date Grocery Department In Omaha. It's Hayden's for Quality
Prices, Freshest Goods, and a Saving From 25 to 50 rer Cent,
now. The market has advanced 10c.
48 lb. sacks best Hatent flour made $1.15
10 bars best small or Diamond "O"
Soap 260
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg.,
at 7o
1 lb. cans assorted Soups 7 Vic
Lamp Brothers' Tomato Catsup, Wor
cester Sauce or Pickles, asst. kinds,
at Vkc
Nfe. M31 regular
No. if! regular
J. 333 regular
No. ion regular
' No. -u2 regular
No. regular
No. 2i4 regular
No. 205 regular
No. (jo regulur
price $12.00, sale
price $13.50, sale
price $16.00. sale
J $13.48
I Ice $15.60. sii.e
price $19.00, Hale
price $23.00, sale
price $26 00, sale
price $2800. cule
price $31.00, sale
i v v v acguswi f f llt-VV, BUIQ
Saturday $33.95
We advise our customers to buy Flour Condensed Milk, per can 7 Ho
torn flaxes, pug .....shc
drape Nuts, pkg. . '. 10c
10 lb. best White or Yellow Cornmeal,
for 12 He
10 lb. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal,
for 35o
6 lb. good Japan Rice, 7 He quality 25o
4 lb. Fancy Jupan Itlce, 10c quality 25c
1 lb. cans Wax, String, Oreen or Lima
. Beans 7Hc
7-C'rown Imported Figs, per lb. ....15c
The best Bulk Peanut Butter, per lb. loo
We buy direct and don't sell at Omaha
Butter Trust prices.
The Finest Creamery Butter made, per
lb., at 26o
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb.,
at 23o
The Best Dairy Butter, per lb 18c
Full Cream Y. A. Cheese, per lb. ..18c
Full Cream Wisconsin Cream Cheese,
per lb. - r 16c
The Best Fresh Eggs, No. 1, per
dosen 17 He
rmcax pmioas.
4 bunches fresh Unions .....5c
2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce 6c
Fancy Head Lettuce, per head ....7 He
Fresh Bplnach, per peck 16u
Fancy Wax or Ureen Beans, lb. 12 He
5 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or
Turnips lOo
Fancy Pieplant, per lb 7 Ho
Try Hayden's First
Fancy ripe Strawberries, box 10c
a iim bunches fresh Radishes ...,10c
Large Grape Fruit, each 5c
New Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 26o
3 stslks fresh Celery lOo
Klgbland Haval Oranges Xsoel all in
Quality and Price.
60c size, per dozen 30c
40c size, per dozen 26c
80c size, per dozen 20c
26o size, per dozen 16c
No. 903
No. 26
No. 2
No. 267
No. 964
No. 966
Stone lined, regular price
sale Saturday $36.98
Stone lined, regular price
sale Saturday $38.98
Klone lined, regular price
ssle Saturday $39.95
stone lined, regular price
sale Saturday $38.95
Stone lined, regular price
aula Saturday $43 50
stone lined, regular price
sale Saturday $47.60
foot of Hose you buy here
Is guaranteed for this season. Prices
ranxe from 10c to -0c per foot. Sat
urday you will receive FREE with
60 feet, a Hum Reel, or Nozzle.
14-tooth maleable garden Rake.. 100
Regular 35c Harden Hoe 190
75c Spading Fork 490
$1.00 Spading Fork 79o
Clarden Trowel 60
10c Floral sets (HiAe, Spade, Rake I
at I To
in Our Popular Family Liquor
Snnklst California Wine Port
Sherry Angelica and Muscatell, very
fine, full qts 50
6 year old Whiskeys, choice of Mary
land Rye and Tennessee, white corn
per gallon $2.50
Full quarts 75
Shirley and Overholt Rye. or Cedar
Brook and Weldon Springs Bour
ban Whiskey, 8 years old, per
gallon ....$3.50
Full quarts $1.00
Home Made Grape Wine Red or
white, en sale, at gallon ..$1,00
Hundreds of Beautiful Trim
med Hats, received too late
for Easter sale, hats in the
lot worth $10.00; all go Sat
urday in two ,lots
at $3.95 and $5.00
Ostrich Bands 30 ins. long,
shown elsewhere at $2.50
choice of black or white ; for
Saturday .08c
700 New Untrimmed Shapes;
priced Saturday at to y
Regular Retail Prices.
Saturday at Just Cost
If you don't believe it, call the
bluff. They're here for you.
Highest Class Hats, In almost un
limited assortment, greatly under
priced at .-$15 to $90
Borne Bousing Barfaini $aturday
$40.00 Decorated KaTllaod Bets, 100
pieces; on sale st $39.9$
$30.00 Austrian China Bets White
and gold decoration, 100 pieces, on
nale at $19.95
$18.00 Austrian China Dinner Bets
decorated, sale price $13.99
$10.00 Decorated Porcelain . Dinner
Bets 10U pieces, ?ap $6.75
7 Piece Toilet Bets White and sold
decoration $3.50
Colonial Water Glasses, 6 for ..ISO
Plain Bhereet Glasses, lor....l6o
Plain Fruits, set of a for lOo
Plain Glass Berry Bowls, each ..7c
Unique Features of Collection in Na
tional Kuseum.
tiaod Will Offerlaas of Korela" '
teatate tarry a Story that la
Omitted from tl.
Labels. '
Tresents which embairs ed th rr.iv.rn
ment" nilifht form .in a;.r.., i label to
a collection In the National museum. The
presents n o,"'" incime u.nmon.ia
pearl, gold, attar of i.cs nr.. I tin an
cient sareophaeui which once etnta'ned
the body of a Roman emperor, ail which,
strangely enouuh wus .!eVn-J r.- it
donor to be the final resting ptacf of Presi
dent Andrew Jacksuu '
These isre and curious s;ifts were re
ceived from en oriental potentate, to wit,
the iman of muscat, wnose Trlendllnes
to this oveinnint wa only rlvalod by
his slncular taste In the matter or pres.
nts. The latter even included live and
saae lions, wh rb save consldcrab'e
trouble to a d'p'omatlc rcP'cseiitat'.ve
abroad and occasioned a prolonged and
Involved corrtspondence between I'ie VI,lie
House and the hltA and rn thty If ijcn
trous and ainialile. Iman
Tfce Roman Imperial tarcophusus.
therein it as" the evident desire of the
M-tnll soxeretga to have "Uld Hick
ory" quietly "Inurn'd." is to be seen
wlicie It has stood for many years. In
front of the old National museum build
In", by the side of the main entrance. It
is labeled simply "Ancient Koman sar
cophagus, from Beirut. Syria." and lis con
nection with the doughty Jackson would,
therefore, not be Inferred by the unin
itiated. "Old Hickory" Halite.
The sarcophagus was brought from Bel
rut. Syria, by Commodore Jesse D. Elliott.
In the frigate Constitution, la the yeur
1SJ. It had been the repository of the
remains of the Roman Kmperor Alexander
Severua. General Jackson declined the
honor proffered him of resting during hi
f.nal sleep in this honorable, if second
hand, tomb, hi letter from the Hermitage.
! dated March 27, 1m6. standing as one of
j his most characteristic expressions lie
' taid:
' I cannot consent that my mortal body
i shall be laid In a repository prepared for
an emperor or a king. My republican feel
ings and principles forbid It. Every monu
ment erected to perpetuate the memory of
our heroes and statesmen ought to bear
evidence of the economy and simplicity pf
our republican institutions and the plaln-
!ness of our republican citizens, win are
!the sovereigns of our glorious union and
I whose virtue Is to perpetuate it. True vir
tue cannot exist where pomp and parade
;are the governing passions. It ran only
j dwell with the people-ttie great laboring
! classes, that form the bone and sinew of
lour confederacy. I have prepared an hum
Ible depository for my mortal body bsatds
I that wherein lies my beloved wife, where,
without pomp or parade, I have requested,
when my Uod calls me to sleep with my
fathers, to be laid for both of us there to
remain untir the last trumpet sounds to
call the dead to Judgment, when we, I hope.
hall rise together, clothed with that heav
enly brdy promised to all who believe In
our glorious Redeemer who died for us
that we mib'ht live and by whose atone
ment I hone for a blessed Immortality."
The story connected with the other
articles in the museum received as presents
from the Iman of Muscat, Including a su
perb necklace of ljO pearls and two sep
erate enormous and exquisite pearls, a num
ber of small diamonds, a cylindrical piece
of gold, a Turkish, carpet, a bottle of attar
of roues (which reposed for many years,
a noted on the label. In the vaults of the
treasury), four cashmere shawls, five demi
johns of rosewater and one gold-mounted
sword, is quite Interesting.
President Jackscn, in' lSltf, sent Edmund
Roberts of New Hampshire to arrange
treaties of navigation and commerce with
the principalities along the I no Ian ocean.
A treaty satisfactory to ooih parties was
arranged with the of Muscat. Io
125 mis treaty was ratified and Huberts
ai,aln sailed for Muscat in the Peacock.
About M miles from his destination the
essel ran on a bar off the desolate Arab
Ian coast. The cutastrophe occurred close
t) the shore, and a hostile group of Arabs
soon collecttd. threatening to board the
esel and not only plunder the same, but
to murder every one on board.
The Bight oa which the accident hap
pened was a dark one, and, about mid
night. Commissioner Roberts, Midshipman
Taylor and six sailors started off In an
open boat to seek aid. After an extremely
perilous passage of something more than
two days they reached Muscat. The Iman,
to whom they appealed for help, Immedi
ately ordered Ahmet Ben Haman, In the
sloop-of-war Sultanee, to proceed to the
assistance of the Peacock. In the mean
time couriers on swift mounts were dis
patched to warn the wild chiefs that their
heads would fall If the Americans came to
harm. By these prompt and vigorous
measures the vessel and crew were saved.
Klve years after this exciting event
Ahmet Ben Haman sailed the Sultanee into
New Tork bay. He csnie as the accredited
representative of the iman of Muscat, with
tho presents enumerated for President Van
Buren, and, In addition, two splendid
Arabian horses, while the United States
consul at Tangiers, Mr. Carr, had his
hands, or more literally speaking, his room
full with a couple of Hons, which, one way
and another, caused him considerable In
convenience. An African Eos.
President Van Buren set forth in detail
the troublesome matter of the lnian's gifts
in a special message to congress in May.
lMu. Herein mention is msde of the two
lions which were given Consul Carr at
Tangiers. President Van Buren declined
the gifts, as the president was "under ex
isting constitutional provlslous precluded
from accepting them for his own use."
Ahmed Ben Haman then offered the pres
ents to the foverameat. The matter was
referred by congress to a committee, and
much weird procedure was gone through
with, with the ultimate result, however,
that the iman's gifts ara to oe seen, with
the exception of course of the live stock,
in the National museum.
Embodied in President Van Buren's spe
cial message to congress concerning the
disposition of the presents is a letter from
Consul Carr concerning the Hons, which
throws a curious light upon the matter of
presents to American representatives by
foreign governments.
It seems that when Consul Carr was
advised of the present of Hons he set about
immediately to write refusing the tempting
offer. While thus engaged the sound of
drums and other evidences of a noisy
concourse In the street outside warned
him that he was too late. In effect, there
was the Iman's representative with the
linns, escorted by attendants in gaudy garb.
The consul took It upon himself to refuse
the Hons in the name of the presided!.
The presiding official was insistent how
ever, and thereupon offered the beasts to
the people of the United States, "the sul
tans of America." Carr. still demurring,
the Moor threatened "to turn the lions
loose In the street, as It would cost him
his head to take them back to the Iman."
The consulate was situated in a narrow
cul-de-sac, and the bewildered Carr. after
surveying the densely packed crowd, and
hearing the growling of the caged beasts,
ordered the latter put In a room In the
house where they were a source of great
trouble and expense to him until, through
great persistence on his part, ha received
word to send to' the United States
l.amlier Worth Hundreds of Millions
Is Standing la Philippine
After spending seven years looking Into
the forest resources of the Philippines,
Harry D. Whltford. chief of the Investi
gating division of the United' States for
estry bureau, hss returned. Two hundred
billion feet of lumber, worth 1300.000,000. he
said, Is standing in the Philippines. It Is
owned by the Philippines government,
which is giving concessions to corporations
to market trees which have a diameter ex
ceeding 1$ inches.
"The United States uses feet
of timber a year, and the Philippine for
ests are capable of producing at least one
fourth of this." said Chief Whltford. "But
the Philippines are r.m likely to furnish
us with much timber, the cost of trans
portation across the Pacific being too
great. China Is the best market for Phil
ippine tlsiber,! and the demand Is very
great. Most of the Philippine timber is
admirably suited for building. It Is an ex
cellent substitute for pine. It is light In
weight and red in color, easy to work, and
durable as plnr. One kind makes railroad
ties which. If treated properly, last fifteen
to twenty years. It grows readily and Ir
In demand for building, but capital la
needed to cut and market It. There Is
blng enough cut 'o supply the Phil
ippine market. 1
"The government doesn't sell any land
to the timber companies without the per-
mission of the forestry bureau. The com
panies must leave enough timber behind
o that the foreet will be able to repro
duce itself in at least 100 years. Three
companies are now cutting Philippine tim
ber, and one has built a railroad five miles
to tidewater. A railroad Indeed can be
built to practically every timber section
In the Philippines without great expense.
"The government has not considered the
advisability of going Into the lumber busi
ness for Itself, but the
for cutting privileges and the prices which
me companies receive for timber in San
Francisco are interesting to contmjit Lum
ber for which the concessionlst pays tho
government from 11 to $r, a thousand feet
retails at $100 to ia In an Francisco.
"A substitute niahcaaiiv Snd a mihfltl-
tute teak both handsome and durable as
tne real wood also if row in ih Phiiin.
pines in marketable quantities. The sub
stitute manogany,. called 'narra.' is a bril
liant red. with a beautiful grain and sus
ceptible of being "highly polished. It seIN
for $100 to $125 a thousand In ih Phtu,,.
Pine market. The substitute teaks called
moiave ipu and yacal are suitable for
shipbuilding, house posts, and railroad
ties. In tropic soil, subject to all sorts '
troplo weather, they will last fifteen or
twenty yesrs." New York Times.
Wise aad Otherwise.
Stick to your subject -also to your ob
ject. Many people fret more over the qmiu
tltv of their past than over the qualitj
of It.
Fortunately, by the time a man Is bald
ha has acquired sense enough not to lei
it worry him. Boston Transcript.