1011. THE m:E: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, ATTJL 19. i 5 I' 1 i i I i i I) 5 I REAL ESTATE LOANS u ontlnued ) CI 1 E A P MONEY. I;e. resenting tli I'rnn Mutual Ufe Inn C . with sssets of ever U7.'.'"0. I sin PVare'l to aciepl all the (nod loans of fer nti improved OmAha real estate I'uMiirc and n.i.dence loans made without d"la. THOMAS RRKNNAN. City Natl inal Bank Hid WE I ave funds to loan on desirable reel esiste In Omaha and suburbs. No i -oirini'sslcns. l-oans can be. paid In part or In full at any time. NEBRASKA SAVINGS & LOAN AWN, US' rartiam ft. Bourd of Trade Bldg Tel. Douglas 133 1 !l..r'on "y farm property. W. " lv ' I',. MEIKLE. M5 l'.irtia Bldg A N TED City loans and warrant W. Fs.-nam Mnltb A Co. It Kamaru SL ' AFTER a dav's work a little recreation la w iriih"(l. W e will give lo Mr. N M Hivloi. 14;; N. 2"tli St.. a pair if srat to ti e American theater If nh" will br,n till ail In Che office within three us s an'i Identify hcisilf. LOW HAI tS. H t. al 1 8-C' A R LB K llo Cm. I,t IU tu models TDMtar Biug CITY and Farm. JOHN N rRKNZEH. MONBV TO LOAN Payns Instalment c.e, OM to tlOOn aaade promptly. K. U tVwl. Wean Mid.. 1 -ai and raruia. Wanted, farm loans Kloke Iny. Co .Omahi REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer tha farmer cf Iowa? Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise atora for land or any kind of an exchange? Or have you some land you want to aell for cash? The one paper that reaches tha Iowa farmer la the lca Mnicrs Capital; 42.000 circulation dally; rale single Insertion. 1 cent a word; am Insertions. t cents a word. lee Moines I laily Capital. Dei Moines, la. WANT listing houses, vacant lots, have rash ruts. unci a for good Investments and homes. AVliM'ERN REAL ESTATE COM PA NT. 4 1 1 Ksrhach iilock. WK have a customer for a 4 or S room houjw. between llih mill piih. and William and Vintiiti streets. The house need not he modern, hut good h I u received. W'hHt have yo'i in that sfi Hon. tinners only reply. (IP.IN S. M I . It H 1 1,1 CO.. Rooms J:M4 C'l.v Nat. Hank Bldg For iiuick saies see F. I). WRAP, isni Farnam St. A NIi'B little cherry tree will help out In the yard. We will give Mrs. Nan. J029 Leavenworth St., one of Ryrd's SOc cherry trees If she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three d tys and Identify herself. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE- Plctureanue St Lawrence Rout. Weekly Sailings from MONTR E A L TO LI VEKPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL, TO LONDON, Havre, France Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boaton to Glasgow Cn.lendid itcner), shortest passage, ion rates Any local Agent, or ALLAN & CO.. General Agents. 174 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Newt Generally Bearish Holding for Premiums. CROP CONDITIONS ARE PERFECT H r porta from North-Treat kow Bright Prospects Firmness Is) lorn from the Renewed Ship. plB Remand. OMAHA. April 14, 1X11. ! It h in lnn .r tnt-isrn inarketa after their Easter linllrias. wheat started lower today. ash demand la not ao at live as It waa Inai w eek anil hiiyt-ra are It ss ag gtiSKive. Iloid-ra of the cah stuff are linn and are demanding a premium, how ever. Condition in the nortnweat are Idtal for the spring seeding and this work t i ito,i esfing m p,ii,. tntre is noimu ; in the news which can be construed as a hull le.Btlil e ' ih.. ..... ,is in i ni n i tne result of a r ne wed shipping demand, which la moving 0. . the Hto.ed Sim ks at primary points. The country nioveiwnt continue very llgiH aim ulih Koine unfavorable weather lit if;nt pin e could easily advanie. i ne lni, illation or a sniHil Hire of May wheat suited the decline, and price riiouped riun'kly under the preesuic ot bearleh news. Corn made a fairly stubborn fight when wheat broke and while values eased off. tha buying by strong holders checked the decline. Primary wheat receipts were 77S.00O bush els and shlprrents were S4S.O"0 bushels, MaJnat receipts last year of 23R.O0O bushels and shipments of 21 2. WO bushels. Primary com receipts were UMl.OOO bushels and shlpmenta were I.411,nnft bushels, sgainat receipts last year of .T77.AOO bushels and shlninenth of 41.X bushels. Clearances were St") bushels of corn, 1. flf") bushels of oats and wheat and flour eui.al to latino bushels. V Liverpool cloxeil 'n-,d highex on wheat and VaiM higrher on corn. I he tohowmH asu sans wire reported: W HEAT- No. 2 hard. 1 car. i",c; No. 3 hard. 1 car turkey, bOc; No. 4 hard, 1 car, Sic. CORN No. i white, 11 cars. 44'c; No. I yellow, 1 car, 444c; No, I yellow. 1 oar, 44c; No. 2 mixed. 1 car. 4Sc; 1 car, 44V- OATS No. 3 w hite. I car, 80-,c; . No. i hlte, 1 car, 30Vc: No. a yellow, 1 car. 30;4o; No. 4 yellow. 1 car. 30'c; 1 cir, 3(lc; no grade, I car. 2MfcC. Omaha .tali i'-'r. j W'HTAT No. 2 hard. SUSQAlc; No. J iiatd I KWiftic; No. 4 hard, SOfiSic; re.lected ilitid. itSilc; No. S spring, 80ffi4'tc; No. 4 ! spring. KSfl9t-r: No. 2 durum, f6'o86'c; No. 3 durum, S4rSrHc. CORN No. 2 white. 4l''e,c; Nh. t white, ' 44i44c; No. 4 White. 43'44'4c: No. 3 I color. 44ifil4He; No. 2 yelljw. 44S'S4r'c; No. 13 ycll .w. 44'4'&44c; No. 4 yellow, 43,4'ff4Vic: .vi). 2. 44Vya4c; No. 9, 44''(rnc; io. , 4.'l','S44ic. OATS-No. 2 white. 31531Vir; standard. fiiffiiy4c; No. 8 white. 34flJle; No. 4 white, JKVgMHc: No. X yellow, 30 430o; N . 4 yellow. 2iB.30Vc. BARLEY No. 3, S8(j9sc; No. 4 7S'fl)e; No. 1 teed, 0(&s; rejected, WaTRc. RFE No. 2. 8890c; No. . 8'6c. iarlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. 28 28 208 104 1H IS t 18 Paeon, tinThanred; boxed extra liort. 1 ' sr: clear ribs, ll'i.i:,; shoit ckais. .!.;.. iiili.THY - .ak, chicken.". ll'i-c, spring", lie. luikejs. l.'nlSc. ducks. 14c, geese, M. Hi I 'j'KK Steadt ; crcamerv. g2.c Kijtifc ftead) , i.;c- lleceiits. Shipm'ts. Flour. Mils g.iou s vi . - Sl hll i 4A Atfl 1 nii ! Corn, bu 41 0 K .n l Osts. bu o,ii00 40.KW EW VUHK UK.VKR4L MIHkEt NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS' crrased s.. nno mark, notes in circulation crcseed 1M "IS ri mark: riei.it In- I I ceased ,KS J?B,rti marks; gold In hand. In-j crcaseii :4...w maika. Bean Successful in Attack on Prices All Along; Line. ((notation arlon of the nnr on Com mod It lea. NEW TORK. April 18 FI.OCR-Qulet; spring patents. S4.7Mi.".10; winter straights. :i.7ik3.M; winter patents. $.;.!ru4; spring clears S3-4n4i4.it; winter extras. No. 1, S3.ii i3 4n; winter extrss. No. 2. S-i.tfif-'l.l.'i; Kan sas straights, S4.inM.sn. Rye four, firm; fair io good, S4 4a4 65; choice to fancy, $4 Vfi4.kS COR.NMEAI. Steady; fine white and yellow. SI.IMtt.20: coarse. $MfiM6; kiln di ltd. $:",,). WHEAT-.Spot market, easv; No. 2 red. T'ac elevator, and iC4c f. o. b. afloat; No i northern Miiluth, SI.0.V. f. o. b. afloat Kutnres market was steady during the givste, pan ot the dav on the chIiIis and bullish statistics, hut declined sliarplv on evidences of hull Iniuidatinn. closing Vu c net lower May cloed. 1'le; Julv, M'4c; September. 92V- ( OK.V Spot market, firm: export No. 2. I. o. 1. afloat. Futuifs market was m 1 srli totte 1lsrl.fl. NEW TURK, April IS -MONEY On call. Meady; .4iV per cent; ruling late'. tier efit- el,,Ml "1. ( ni mi MARKET IS AROUSED FROM QUIET !" :- I"' ' '"" '"n uulet and easier; ixiy niyt, i'ii: i r cent; nn iv oavs. Traders Take Advantage of Variety f ( Ircnmstaace to Inananrate Hold and K.ffectlve Raid. .V.c witnoiit transaciinn. closing at 'c net advance, luly closed, 6,Kt. " OATS Spot market, steady. Futures market was without tranaacllons, closing nominal. H A V Firmer; prime, $1 IB: No. 1, SI. 06 I-10; No. 2. 1100; No. S, 7jac. FKBD Firm; western spring bran. In 100-lb. sacks, S27.0J1; slandard middling. In 10-lh. sacks. S.-6.25; city. In 100-lb. sacks, S-'7no. IIIDBS Quiet; Central America, 2c; Ho gota. 2L'c. LKAi HKR-Dull; hemlock first. 23'uff 2fi'vc; seconds, 21'wif 2Jc; thirds, 19fJ0c; re ject. 16fii7c. PHO i.ililN?--Pork, aleadv: mea. S1R.00 rpin.fxi; family. J19.OW30.oO; short clears, SI7 0iiIS.fi". Heef. stead v; niess, Sl..Sfvj 14.00; family. SIS.t'r2r1& ;; beef haras, (2 00n2i.0o. Cm meats.- steady; pickled billls. 10 to 14 lbs. ll.(if(H2.6o: nlckled hams. tl..r.nff the l.ard. etuf.v : middle west nrime. is.n.i ; the NKW TORK. April 18 -Not alm s the stock market was thrown Into confusion by the decisions of the Interstate Com merce c imti'lsNlon against the railroads in the freight tate cases tn Februrarv has there hern such a wide movement In sto. as as today. Rear traders took advantage of a vaiietv of circumstances to Inaugurate a bold and effective raid and the matket was arnimed from the lethargy of recent week. The bears were as-sisted by Hnulda, tlon of long slocks and prices melted rapidly. lisxea among the active stocks, sin h as I'eadlng. Cnion Pacific. Cnlted States Fteel. SI Paul, Missouri Pacific Irf-hlah Valley, Northern Pacific. Norfolk & West-I em. American Smelting and Amalgamated , Copper, ranged from 1 to 3 points. Na- 1 tlonal Rlsctilt lost S points and Minne- ! epulis. St. Paul A Sattlt 8te. Marie 4 tiotnt In tli lt half hnnr n.l.a ralll, toinewhat on toverlng, but only a small part of the losses was made up. The selling movement began In the first hour and waa directed chiefly against Missouri Pacific, Interhorough-Metropi.il-tan and the fertiliser shares. The success which attended the movement against these stocks caused the bears to widen the scope of thetr operations and during the second hour of trading the whole list fell off sharply. The number of shares dealt In during this hour was as large as the total for the entire session of yester day and during the remainder of the dav the market was active, the day's buslnesa being one of the heaviest of the year. The chief factor In the market appeared to be the tMexican situation. 1'ntll today the street had not been disposed to view situation seriously, but the tenor of latest news enabled hear traders to ' - . iiine.i, ime-iv ei-soy; coiumeni, ootaiti ertective support from this source S r&; Soutn America. S8..to; compound, i for the first time '-1,V-,'".' :f!3' , London, which has been doing llttlp In 1 ALLOW Quiet; prime city, B!kc: ooun-lthe market recently, was reported today ii j , o-in sc. to have bouaht moderstelv of I nlon Pacific, Northern Pacific and t'nited ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIP! NEW TORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW NEW TORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between Ne York and Scotch, Kngllah. Irish and all principal Continental points at attractive ratea. Bend for Book or Information. Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cut sine. Apply Promptly for Keaervation te local agent of Anchor Line or HKNLKR BON liRQg. General Knia. Chicago. III. SUMMER RESORTS FOR KALIS New cottages, S rooms and bath, with modern plumbing, running spring water and complete, sewer system; lots. SOxL'K feet, facing either White lake or 1-ake Michlnan at Sylvan Reach. White Lake, Mich., 126 miles due northeast of Chicago; no finer summer resort property anywhere. Sund your name and address to OW NER, 613 Maple Ave.. Oak Park. 111., who will mall you a 38-page Illustrated brochure of Sylvan Reach. WANTED TO BUY BEST price pa.'o for id band furniture, carpets, c.othing and shoes. Tel. D. S97L GOOD prices for old broken watches and Id gold. M. Naihan, 1 tm. 11th St. WANTt'D Gentle, young driving horse, weighing between 1.200-1,400. Answer Im mediately, Dr. Gamble, genersJ delivery, Omaha. WANTED TO RENT LIST WITH US. We have customers. F. D. WHAD. ISO! Farnam St. YOUNG lady employed, desires com fortable room in modern house or apart ment; references exchanged. K 112, Bee. WANTF.D 2 or 3 rooms In Dundee for ngnr Housekeeping. Bee, GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFTCK OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. April IB, 1911. Sealed proposals In triplicate will he received at this office until :3 o'clock a. m. Monday, May 15th, 1911, at which time they will be opened In public, for constructing one Hospital Corps Rarrack, Plan No. 278. The follow ing cjiiotutlona from letter of Instructions tt)2S02. dated January 11, 1911, Quartermaster General of the Army, ia Inserted for the Information of Intending bidders: "In In viting proposals for this work It Is desired that bids be obtained for the building enm- ilete. to Include construction proper, heat ng, plumbing, eleotrlc wiring and electric fixtures Separate bida for the minor Hems mentioned will not be considered, but bidders should he required to state name of sub-contractors for mechanical equipment. If any, and make of plumbing fixtures which It Is proposed to install." Plana and specifications and general In atructlons to bidder are on file In this office and also In the office of the Chief Quartermaster. Department of Missouri, Omaha, Nebraska; Chief Quartermaster Department of Colorado. Denver, Colorado) and in the office of the Secretary of the Rudder' Kxchanae. St. Paul. Minnesota. Rlank forms of proposal may he obtained upon application to this c.ffl.. The govern ment reserves the right to reiect or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. F.n velopea containing proposals should he In dorsed "Proposals for constructing public buildings at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyoming Rids to be opened May Kith. 191 1." and ad dressed to F. S Armstrcng, Captajn and Quartermaster, 9lh Cavalry, Constructing 'Juartermaster, Fort D. A. Russell. Wvo "!" A17-1S-I9-30 Mi2-i LEGAL NOTICES Chicago .. Mlnneapolil Omaha .... Dululh .... CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. April 18. An aggressively bearish stand taken by a leading specula tor this afternoon tumbled down the price of wheat. The close was weak, to IMiC under last night. Com and oats fin ished steady within He either way from the figures current twenty-four hours be fore. In hog products the outcome was 12 tj'17Hc net decline. Although May wheat suffered the worst In the selling flurry the semi-panic In that month started with the sudden unloading; of several hundred thousand bushels of July. Prominent longs then began letting go of the early option and there was a somersault by the market as a whole. Previously, a big decrease In the world's available supply total had given temporary strength to prices. The bulla had also been helped through reports of Hessian fly damage in northern Indiana and by assertions of acre abandonment on a large scale in western Kansas. Oklahoma and Texaa. During the session May ranged between S77c and 0Hc with the close I'jc down at SSWc In corn offerings and demand were scanty. The May delivery fluctuated from 4vc to 4ft497c and closed at exactly last night's level, 4Sc. Cash grades were steady. No. 2 yellow finished at FiOoOc. Increased country offerings of oats were offset by an Improved demand from the seaboard. May varied between 31 So and 32VSC, closing precisely unchanged at 31V. Provisions were heavy all day. Final transactions showed a loss of the entire list; pork and lard both to 12Vc to 16c, and rlhs.ZHo more. Prices In Chicago furnished by the Up dike Grain company, Telephone oDuglas 2473, 70S Brandels building, Omaha: Articles. Open. Hlgrh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat. May.., July., Sept.. Corn May., Julv.. Sept., Oats May.. July. Pork Mav. July., Lard May.. July., Sept., Ribs May.. July., Sept., I I I ,i89VJ9v SOS! lVa-H 7VI I M I MSI I I I 4Hai49itr7s jtosivs! I I I 'itt'WHI SIS! aisitb7! 871 SSHI 86S;SfVr&ii 9 (S I 494 60S usi i SIS! Sll I 16 06 IS 121 S Vk S 221 S 271 s SO j S 2Vil 8 10 I 15 65 16 111 S 12' S 22 20 ,'. S 26 S 12 49S! 49H 0,60Stf 61i51S' SI! 21 SI Sl&- 16 E2 15 52 16 14 86 14 16 U I I S 16 S 00 S 12 S 20 8 10 Hi S 20 8 20 S 32 oi i i .... -Mrong; creamery special, 2'c; extrss. -ic; firsts. 19ti 20H.C; seconds, 1SW 17c; creamery, held extra, 11'JOc; firsts. II fJlHlc; seconds, IBfil7c; state dairy, finest. 20'i&21c; good to prime, lROc; common to fair, l.VgLc; process r.peclal, 17c; extras, IVc; firsts, ltic; seconds, 1oc; Imitation creamery, firsts, 16'di7c; factory, current make, firsts. Isc; seconds. lMiln-ic. CI I KKSK- Firm; late fall, t-'ood to prime colored. lOifflli-.c: late fall, white. 10y?t lie; current make, large best. lOhff l"-c; current make, common to lair, 9'SiOc; skims. 210c. EGGS Firm: fresh gathered, selected extius. 17V(jl8c; fresh gathered, firsts, Ki'&lh'frc; seconds, uVglfic; fresh gathered, dirties, No. 1, 14.&14c; fresh gathered, dir ties. No. 2, 13(ftl4r; fresh gatnered. cnecne. I.'ibl3c; storage packed, firsts, l'tili'ic; state gathered, brown and mixed, 16(Q 17Vo; southern duck eggs, 22(ijJc; wesicii.. 22(f2c. POULTRY Alive, dull; roaallng chickens. l'V&'13c; fowls. 15lc; turkeys. 13c. Dressed, easy; western fowls, MVstjlSc; tur keys, 15030c. Corn and Wheat Region Balletln. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at S a. m. Tuesday, April 18, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rein stations Max. Attn. rail. w States Steel. Mexican issues wore affected severely In London hy the Insurrection. Anteilcans. which advanced early In the session, fell off after the opening of the New York market. The bond market was irregular with a lower tendency. Total sales, finr value, Si.iH3.ooo. United States bonds unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Bali Hleh. !. Cln. 2 per cent; ix m nth. 3 per cent. PiilMK MERCANTILF. PAPKR-J't'ft4 ! per cent. I STERLING EXCHANGE Steady; actual I business In bankers bills at tl C3 for sixty-day bills and st S. Srii..V 4. K''0 for de mand. Commercial bills. StMV a .- ; Mexican dollai. t"'C RONDS-Government. stendv; railroad irregular. v io quotations on bonds tuday as follows: .lm int M M ,... .low Japan 4 .m An 4'tK .1014 K. '. So lt 1 . .114V It. X. deh. 131 . . Ill I. N. lint, - . iH'i, M. K. & T in 4. . ;, .101", i1ii 4't 't ,101,'Mo. Pmlflr 4 77S . M N H. R. nf M H!t V, .107'N. Y C. s. !.... ', . ;.!, do neh 4s :! . M". N. Y.. N. H A H. . iw 'ft rv Mm .110 X. A W. t r. 4s.. , !M4 (to rv. 4 . I1 No. Tariff 4a . J, 4o 3a . snv, O. 9 I, rfda. 4 . . . ar, Pnn. i t. t 115 .10S lo ron 4a . fteaillns xn 4a.... .1!'JH b 9 r .tlS " S . 9t. L. 8. W. o. 4a . 40 do 1st sold 4a... . Ht, . A. U 4a ' Bo Po. eol. 4a. . . g AWt 92 do rr, 4a a, 4. 7 JS do lat mf. 4a X4, Ro Rallwar (a 74 do gon. 4. M Inlon Parlflc 4. .. Sa'4 do cv. 4a !V do lat ret 4a.... 97'i tl 1'. S. Bubher n:r, W2 V. 9. Rteel !d Ha 1-, 7"V V.-l"sro. Cheni Ba .100- US', V aliah lat S 107', 75 do lt A- ex. 4a 7', 7 i TTeatern Md. 4a "i JIS ewest. Kin-, rv. as. via. Onlral 4 MS Mo. Par. rv. (a :. 78' OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET No Very Great Change in Prices on Cattle. BULK OF HOGS SELLING STEADY heep aa'd lambs ( oinmaad Prices that Ire lirnernllr leu tents Higher Than Those Pre ralllna nn Monday. were I f'fflclsl Mondav . 1 Estimate Tuesdav POt TM OMAHA. April IS. 1?U. J. S. rat. la reg. do coupon 11. I rf do coupon I'. S 4a. rrf do coupon Allla-l hal. lat na ni. As. B....... . Am. T A T. rv. 4a Am. Tobai co 4a do (e Armour A l. 4s. Ali'hiaon son 4a do cv. 4a do cv. 6a A I'. L. lal 4a llal. A Ohio 4a do 3a do 8. W ', Prooa.. Tr. cv. 4a in of Ca. Ss On. leather Sa :. of N J fa.. Ch. A Ohio 4S .. do ret. ta ili ago a- A. S4 -C. B A Q J. 4a.... do gen. 4s. C. M. ASP. C. R. I. P. do rfg. 4a Colo. ind. fta (.Ua. Mid. 4a f. A 8. r. ft a 4Ha 1). A H. cv. 4a D A n. O. 4s do ref. a Platlllera' as Kris p. I. 4a do gen. 4a do c-v. 4a. aer. A... do arlea R flen. Klec. cv. tin. . . . III. tn. lat ref. 4a. Int. Met 4't Bid. Oftared. Sllle. nog piheep 47 4,7i! 4 31! oti32 11.122 ".fiH M - Hi, ' I wo days th a week.... 1SW1 'OP i', jfame day la-t week ... .11.47s IS 4 5 13,'0 1: finif ilv 2 rk ago.. .f2 IJ.4M 17 2.V) M i bailie da" s 3 weeks ago.. 11.144 13 !.'! 10 PIS' '"a Shihc dai s 4 week ago .lOlSS 12.:v-' U.:' Ji rjiiK days last year.... 7.M7 12.2!'I 12.h7t 77 w i i Ii,niii,. I.,.,, cs shows ar. receipt cattle, hogs and snpp st Pout Ii Oinana ' uib jear to uaie a. looioaieo v n n n i m i . . (Ki .1.a . . 7'1 . . ; .113 fg. 4a :' ill', 7' 7 year: Citile ltoa . bheep 1911 ...3 4 7W ...;." IVt ...5:;.0i4 1I0. i2 t7b ."T 4iil..H,r I nc 22. ill li'.lv: 7i,t)4'.i i tn no? . . ' Is 5 ' SI j: to a on li ... IS 7 ' 2l M tM ih :.v, 40 4 10 M ...... .; l-'O oa 7 :.t 140 io M ... oe " en rto -M ''O 44 t -4 4 Ort 1 2 . S 10 ai . . . .. ? i: o :i :i . . io ai t:i ... oo ri ... io 4 ;J SO a no 7? S . 10 94 ... H 00 4. . . . . . f4.l ... 410 fj ri ... g ni) r-o ... n ; t " i i 4 t g oo : . :'.1 . . I i .!.! i:0 0 44 40 ; a: ?7 ... oo ia '.in so a io m".""..sji ... 7i : m "i 70 M ... 4 0', 4: J4 10 ca 40 ln 4 i 17 :'7 lo 4 :l 4 . io a-. ; i' ... i?4 7 t-"4 o nr. :H o : go ?j ss ( sr. t :. ... 4 5(1.,. 842 o Of, 40 li ... S IS . 74 . . . ?2 an g or, tl no ... a is : t1 ... SO.-. 74 .'4 . . s 1 I is I' ... 04 47 tnt no n j 7 tJ ... 4 ' 7 a ... Ik j Ml 75 M l ; . . 4 IJ. i n . . .. ; ..::, ... n 7? ... s I (tl V ... 0S 74 5?4 ... IX . :V1 . . IK 71 '-H . l.V ;. 4o a or, f,-. . -2 o c r, , 27? W Aft 70 S 4 ... S 1, 1 H7 277 ... 4 0-. 1 Ml . . 471 ' (SI ... 4 OS 47 I"! 4 10 (, JV4 M i 73 207 40 ;o ! is j; loo o 4 1 IS! o a ;o 7. .1 i no an-, ;o ivh - ' i 74 j:7 ... 4 I IK0 ... 4 :i I 4M J4i .- 4 W 1-lH trH Oil llOfcS at OUtll OlIISi'S lui ins IU twei-al Um, with comparisons: liates 1911. jlHlO. 11900. 1908. l!sI. 19mi.19'' April April April April April April '4P.r!! 1.K) A'"-'' 104 -, I HI In, 6 W3I fi M5j I S Sti 8 S6 110 031 kMl (HI ( M 741 Si, 6 ii, 1 fji) t XJ t M i 2.1 K 42 33 B a II 42 1Mb ,n 4 1V: W 7 1 t 61 4-i' W 2 6 S .. Bfti k 6bl I 46 2i 15. .1 7i.4,l 86. ( RW 6 431 391 6 S4 .; Ml 6 Jl H i-1! . , K.. tl 07 I t) 9oj t i 6 tt, Mi -3 1.. 0b-', 14 & 62i S 33 61. - ' 'Mii;oy. Keielpt. and disposition of live i-tock Hi I be I n ion Mock anls. South omaiia. fo iwentv-iour noma ending at J o'clock e lei day: HlX'I'il I'TS-t'AHS. Cattle. llogs.Slieep.il t Local ecorltlr. Wuolatlnns furnished by Kurn. Ashland. Nb Auburn. Neb Columbus. Neb... Culbertson, Neb.. Fairbtiry. Neb... Fairmont. Neb... Gr. Island, Neb.. Martlngton. Neb. Hastings. Neb.... Moklrege, Neb... No. I iaite, Neb. Oakdale, Neb (Omaha. Neb Tekamah. Neb... Valentine, Neb.. Alta. Ia. Carroll, la Clarlnda. Ia Sibley, la.' Sloug City, Ia... 46 4ft 35 4" 41 4n 47 41 42 42 4ft R2 4ft 44 48 64 42 S4 50 .02 .00 .11 .10 .OH .21 .24 .00 .21 .34 .00 .01 .01 .10 .00 .09 .00 .02 .00 .04 for AMIa-TTialmers pfd Amalgamated CVppar ... Amertun Agricultural . Am. Beet. Sugar American Can American C. A P American Cotton Oil.... American H. At L. fit.. Am. lea Kecurltlas American Ltnaeed American ticomotlTt ., American g. A R Am. fV A R. pfd Am. SXael fooundrlas.... Am. Suaar Refining American T. A T American Tohaeco pfd... American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co.... Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast 1.1ns Halilmors 4L- Ohio Rethlaham Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr.... (Ynadlan Pacific central leather pfd Onlral of New Jersey... Pt. cloudy iciro v Alton ...''. Pky. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudv Pt. cloudy ion 54.IW0 SS.too 7 ono l.too l.loo 4.000 100 400 200 100 18.100 400 aoo 700 1,400 loo inn 1.000 11100 200 1.4O0 0 1.900 4.700 400 2't 43" nait 43', i :'a 64 22 ' ' 10'4 47 734, 104S 44 1 1 H'4 Hn 07 44 S7. loxa, 102 u, ion1 14 7 171, 644 Ml, 22', 2244 10'4 14 70H 104 4:i 1147, 14ft 47 js4 S44 104', 102', 104 " S2'4 7S tt't 4 ft Co.. 449 New Omana building: Columbnt. fCsh.. L , H. A T. a. 14: Lolnrada Tel. Co. 7 per cant Chicago Railway 4a, 1T7 City of Omaha Rchool 4', a, 1421 City of Omaha 4Va, 19.11 Cudalir racking ba, 1(24 Denver Gaa Rlectrln 4a. If4 Fairmont Creamery lat guar. 4 p. C. Fairmont Creamary pfd. 7 p. e..... Kanaaa City Stock Tarda stock Kansas City (laa 6a. 1421 Kanaaa City H 4V I, la. 1411 Omaha Water 4a. 1444 Omaha A C. B. St. Rr. 5a. 1921 Omaha 4V C. B. St. Hy. pfd, 4 p. a. Omaha A- C. B. St. Ry . com Brinker National bank 40 n 4C S I Omaha A C. B. Rid. "44ti 94 104 H io;,', to n 41", 9 94 H, 47 S 94 47 41 AVd. 42', H 1(I 1054. 4Si4 Kl 100 100 94 l"4 91 49 97 4 C. M. & St. P.. Waliash M.ieouri 1'acific . I nion I 'acif ic .. . t. . v , . W . , west . . . ( . i N. V,, cast... C. H- N.-W".. west.. C. St I'. M. & O.. C. Ii. ei y., eavt... C. H. : (J., west... I C. K. I. P., east. I C. 11. I. ,V P., weal. 1 1 Ilinots ( 'entral . . ., ; c. (j. v j Total receipts... 3 47 . 3 . SI . 3 . 3 ii . t -2U 3 .",4 4 4 :rx 1 1 7.3 4 i'.l l.iJ IIIM'u.M 1 IO.-ll I. came. .. 1.21 . . 9'l t l.70 1,- 93 42 Omaha Packing Co I Swift nd Company j Cudahy Packing Co ! Armour t Co. ricltwai-tzc'd AL ' 8ulsb'R'r 30 I. H02S. ; l.t',T0 2.72S :;,0.' 14 heel 5t-.2 i,"i; l.:i:.( 2 044 Minimum temperature period ending at a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. IXstrlct. buttons. Max. Mln. Columbus, O L. inlsvilie. Kjr Indianapolis, Ind.. Chicago, III.. St. 1 .011 s. Mo lies Moines, la Minneapolis, Minn Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 21 Cloudy Cloudy Cl-ar Clear Clear 4.'loudv Raining Raining Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining twelve-hour ' 7,400 (. 4014 74 29 11 25 2.r. 17 , 30 Ro 34 73 42 Wi 40 M 42 7 50 7 44 76 42 68 4ti 72 4 I S B2 8 0 8 02 S S24! 8 13i 8 02, 8 70 8 274 8 16 NOT1CK FUP. HI OS FOR STATE PRIN'T lim lildk will be rtcelved l.v the State Printing board at the office of the secre tary of state at Uncoln. Nebraska, on or before 12 o clock, noon. Saturdav, April anli. 1911. for printing and binding' the fol lowing report" and publications: l.taa) copies Senate .loiirnal. I.uw copies House .lournal . .-..ma) copies ltep.ut of the State Hoard of Agi icuitnre. i 000 copies Report of the State Hoard of Horticulture. 1 out) ooples Report of the lepariment of Rank ing. SOU copies KeiMirt of the Lepartnient f Hanking showing the condition of builr.ing and hutu usoclatona. I.uhi copies Report of the Stale Railway Commission 1 UUti copies Auditor s Report of legislative Uipenscs. 2..J0 copies Insurance Summary. Also mlaoellaneoiia printing, lithographing blank book and stationers- supplies for the Wtate hospital. Norfolk; Nebraska Slate hospital. Nebraska Hospital for the Iin sane, .N'ebia-ska School fir Hllnd Ne braeka Industrial home. Nebraska tlttho pedlc hospital. Girls' Industrial school Nebraska State penitentiary. Came and Kleh commission, bureau of labor, Roard of equalisation and A.e(.nient, Hoard of Irriguiiun. department of banking, ad jutant general, aupifme court. Siate Rail way Nniiiilsion, valuation department allway commission, stste treasurer, au ditor, department of state, attorney gen eial, superintendent of public Instruction and commissioner of publlo Isnds and Uvilldinga. Specifications for same can le found on file in toe office of the secretary of state All bids muet lie accompanied by a bond e)iial In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The board reserve the right 10 reiect any and all bids. UNCOUN. Nebraska. April 1. 1911. ST ATI) pltlNTiNU HoARI By H G. THOMAS, feecreiary to ths Loard Cash quotations were are follows: KLiOCR Steady; winter patents, t3-7Sft 4 ;M; winter straights, 83 b0ift4.10; spring straights. $-tUr04.10; bakers. 83.0004.; apritig patents, best hard, 85.404.56. RYK-No. 2, Wc. BARI.KY Feed or mixing. f$85c; fair to choice malting. S1.0Oftl.O. SFCKDS-Klax, No. 1 aouthwestern, 82.EIH; No. 1 northwestern. 82 3'4; Umothy, 81176; clovei , 4L5.0U I'ROVlSKiNS Mess pork, per bbl., 818-26 16..VI; lard, per 100 lbs.. 88.00; short ribs, sides (loose). 87.7fxtjS.bO; short clear sides, tboxed). 8o37VS W. Total clearances ot wheat and flour were equal to 126.000 bushels. IVimary receipts were 2iS.Ou0 bushels, compared with 2,000 buehels the corresponding day a year ago. (The world'a vlalnle supplv. as shown by ; Hrailstreet a. S.wwi.ma) bustieds. Kstimated I receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 22 cars; I corn, R2 cars; oats, 134 cars; hogs. 2K.U00 ; head. 1 mcago each Prices: Wheat. No. 2 red. Wfclc; No. 3 red. J!i)c; No. 2 hard, sO'ij 83c; No. 3 hard, 8M(90c; No. 1 northern spring. 81 01.'nl 03; No. 2 spring. Iti4101; No 3 spring. socfrtl.OO. Com. No. 2 cash. I94'a'0'4o; No. 8 cash. 4i4i&4ftV,c; No. I woite, .sStfMCc: No. a ahlle. 4J'(4S''. No. 2 yellow. ii((o(c ; No. 3 yellow, 481YfJMc. Oats. No. 2 white, 334a34c; No 8 white, K2Vd'33e; No. 4 white. 324,''a83l4iCi stan dard. :;3(f33V Rl.'TTKR-steady; creameries, 1&921c; dairies, lS-ajlSc. K.'iie.S Steady ; receipts. 21.791 cases; at mark, cases included. 18(8 liic; Trsis, 14Vtc, prime firsts. 15c. CHEKNEV-Steady ; dslsies. 149MV4C; twins. 1 .'' lie:, young Amertcaa, 134ll4c; long horns, 1344140. POTATOE.H Steady; choice to fancy, 63 Mic; fair to good. (Wfcrifce. POl'LTRV-Weak: turkeys' live. 14c; hens live. 13',c; springs. I3c VKALr-Steady; W to 0-lb. wts.. 4J7c; 0 to s-lb. wts., 7i"e; Si to 110-lb. wts., 'y&10c. Carlot Receipts: Wheat. V cars; corn. 20 cars; oats. 'M cars, (estimated Tomorrow : Wheat. 23 cars; corn. 32 cara; oats. 134 cars. 4- I.eals Geaeral Market. ST. IxCIS. April IS. Wll KAT Futures, lower; May. 8ec; July. MStVl,c; cash, higher: track No. I red. 31s&9.Jc; No. i hard. 87hfc., CORN-Stesdy; May. 44sHc; Julv. 4!''c; cash, higher; track No. 1. 4'c; No.'j white. bti61r. OATS Steady; May. 81c; Julv 31Se-4-ash. track No. i. X2Si53Sc; No. 2 white. J,,c. "YK-Cnchansed. FICR Steady; red winter patents 3430, 454 70; extra fancy and straight. 83. offi4. 10; hard winter clears. 8tefri3.tS. SKKI4 Tlmnthv. 86OaiM60 CORNMKALe-82.40. RRAN-FIrm: sacked east track. 81 144? HAT-Firm; timothy, 813.0330.50; prairie 8'J 4l is 00. PROVISIONS Pork, unrhanced: 1hh ni 1f0. 1.ard. lower: prime steam. 87 7.Vh7 So I r sal' meats unchanged; era shorts 8x.87'i; cleax ribs, 88 87; auort Cleara. 88. OlX Rain fall .00 .00 .00 .00 .M .10 .00 .10 .fo Light rains occurred within the last twenty-four hours in the Omaha. Pes Moines, Kansas City and St. Louis districts. The weather is decldely warmer throughout the corn and wheat region. L. A. WELSH. Ixcal Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Available "apply of Grain NKW YORK. April 18. Special cable and telegraphic communications received, by Hradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies of grain as compared with previous account: Wheat United Slates, esust Rockies, de creased, 2.14U.OO0 bushels. Canada, de creased, 637,000 bushels. Total, United States and Canada, decreased. 2.7i,000 bushels. Afloat for and in Burope, de ci eased. 1.200.0UO bushels. Total American and Kuropean supply, decreased, 3,9ftt,cO0 bushels. Corn United States and Canada, de creased. 1.429.000 bushels. Oats United States and Canada, de creased. i.:t3. 0() bushels. The leading increases and decreases re ported this week follow: Decreases Manitoba, 40)1.000 bushels; Omaha. 271.000 bushels; Chics go private elevators. 79,000 bushels: Portland, Me.. 62, 4! bushels: Minneapolis private elevators, fic.ooil bushels. Increase Chattanooga,, 60.000 bushels. 90S 33 '4 1214 Kansas tlty Grain and Prowlelona. KANSAS CITY. April 18 WHEAT Cssh unchanged; No. 2 hard, iUCgtbc; No. 3, Vie; No. 2 red (siJiiilc; No. 3, oMrtakj. Fu tures, May, 13'ao. July, 81 'c, sellers; Sep tember. MijST,c bid. CORN May, 47Va'47c bid; July, 4S'tc sellers; September, 4D4C sellers. Cash, steady to 'c higher; No. 2 mixed, 47c; No. 2. 47ig47'4C, No. 2 white, i',o; No. 3, 46V4j 47c. OATS Steady: No. I white, 3&?34c; No. 2 mixed. 32"r33c. RYE No. 2. 76ftfWc. HAY Steady ; choice timothy, 8U.0O9T 14.60; choice prairie, 812. 0012. 60. R UTT ICR C Yetunery , 20c; fu-sts, 17c; sec onds, l.'.c. pscklng stock, 12 '-tc. WXiB- ftoitras. 1-V,c; firsts. 14-rC Receipt s.Siilpments. Wheal, bu 7,0(0 J3.0IW Corn, hu 33.000 46.0H0 Oats, bu 10,000 tiOO) Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April IS WHEAT Msv. 84V-: July. X&c; September. MV jMi7c. Cash. No. 1 hard. liSV,e: No. I northern. f7',tiKr; No. 2 northern, 3 6c; No. 3. l'a?44c. FLAX Closed at 82 82. CORN No. 8 yellow. 4SH!t74c. OAT73 No. 8 white. Jlfl31',c. RYFc-No. 2. 86SS7c. RRAN In 100 pound sacks. 821 76ft 22.00. FLOUR First patents, 84 4,vri4.76; second patents. 84 36(3 4.66; first cleats, 82.9cj.4) aecond clears, SLdGtS Z.rkk l.lTerpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. April 18 WHEAT-Spot, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; futures, firm; May lis 81,d. July, 6s Kd; October, lis "'ad. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed new, 4s 8d; American mixed old 8s Vtd; American kiln dried. 4s 4'd; futures, strong. May. 4s 6Sd; July. 4s 6V). FIAJL'R Winter patents, dull, 27s. Peorlat Market. PEORIA. III.. April 18 CORN Iower; No. 4 white. 47Sc; No. t yellow, 4a V; No. 3 yellow. 494c: No. 2 mixed. 4V; No. 3 mixed. Wc. No. 4 mixed. 47VaC; sample. 40c. OATS Steady: No. i while. 33c; No 8 white. 32hc. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. April 18 WHEAT No. 1 northern. 31.OIV411 02',; No. 2 northern. W-e581 oft'?. Mar, 1-tc: Julv, 86ic. OATS Standard. 83W034C. B ARLEY halting, $10Xt1H Dalalk 'Grain Market. IM'I.ITH. April 1 WH E AT No 1. northern. 9Uc; No 8 northern, WVaiMKc; May. 6'ic: July. Sc. asked; September, 8:c. nominal. OATS Cl'tC. ttnanhn Mar Warkrl, OMAIIA. April 18 HAY N- 1 812.00; No. ? 3U 00: packing. 310 00; alfalfa. 8'4 00, Straw; Wbeat. 80; rye. . 44via, IJ.uO. THcago o. w., new 100 II 21 1 o o. w. pfd I Chicago A N. W 100 144 144 4, M. A St. P 11.200 120l4j 117 IC. C. C. A St. L jOlorado r. A 1 aoo M 24 CVtnaolldated Gaa f.snn 141", 141 Oorn Product a 240 18t, J3'4 Ttelaware A Hudaon Penrer 4V Rio Oruds 400 loi, 2S4, V. A R. O. pfd 200 , sy, ; DIMIIIera' seeurltlas 4"0 SAi l.14 i Bria 4.400 29 S 2IC4 ) Erls lat pfd 1.200 474 44', General Blectiic 400 1F.0I4 1.-.0 Orat Nod hem pfd 8.200 llf,', 124 JOreat Northern Or ctfs .i. 1.200 4114 (KT4 I Illinois Onlral m 117 117 1 interhorough Met 3.700 ll't 17 i Int. Met. pfd 4400 SI14 404 International Ha'rvaatar .... 2O0 llfS 111", Inl. Marina pfd 100 17 17 I International Taper too 97t 4 International Pump 400 24 U Iowa Central Kanaaa City Routhern.. K. C. 80. pfd Laclede Oaa alio Leulavllle at Naahvllls 400 Minn. A St. Lou la M., St. P. A 8. 8. M 1,000 M., K. A T 400 M.. K. A T. pfd Mlannrl Taclf1c 24.400 National Biscuit 1.904 National Lead 400 X. R. R of M. 2d pfd ... 400 New York Onlral 4 200 N. V., O. A W 400 Norfolk A Western 4,700 North American 1.400 Northern Pacific 1.4O0 Pacific Mall goo Pennsylvania ll.foo People' a uaa 700 P.. c. C. A St. It Pittsburg foal 100 Preaaed Steel Car 200 Pullman Palace Car .100 Railway gtaol Spring Reading 44.400 Republic Stsel 1.4U0 Republic Hteel pfd Rock Island Co Rock laland Co pfd... St. U tt B. P td pfd. St. Loula S. w St. It. 8. W. pfd Sloea-Sheffleld R. A 1 100 414, 414, Southern Pacific 4. SCO llf,', 1ISS Southern Rallwar 900 2t, 2H' 80. Rallwar pfd oo 44 434 Tenneaaes (lopper 400 Sb Texaa A Pacific 400 24', ! T.. 84. L. A W 2.m 1 1944 T , St. A W. pfd 200 47' 47'4 1'nlon Pacific 47.300 17(i 17', I nlon Pacific pfd 600 4.14 9SH 1'nlted Stales Realty 11 74 74 I'nlted St alee Rubber 1.100 4( 40 1'nlted State, Steal 104.aiK 74 - 7444 I.'. 8. Steel pfd I 0O0 !!' 119 ftah fopper I.7K 4J', 424 Va -Carolina Oiemleal .... 17.100 a.14 4H4 Wabash 400 14', b Wabaah pfd 1 00 17 46 Wea'ern Maryland 7ia) 40 44'4 Weatlnghouae Klacttio Weatern fnlon 400 7t4 714 Wheeling A It. B Lfhlgh Valley 11.100 1724 194 Total sales for ths day. 449.400 snares. 41 :, 22 1 ::4 io, j;. 71 '4 104 43 '4 117', 144 97 44 VI 14 104", 105 v, 119', 104 .12 77 M 274 7 40- A B. Omaha Gas 4a, 1917. Pacific T. A T. 6a, 194 Portland 0 & (', 4a, 1940.... Packard pfd, 7 per cent Swift A do. 4a, 1914 Sea (tie Electric 6a, Ktt listen Block Tarda stock New York 1'nrb Market. The following quotations are furnished By Logan & Bryan, members New York Stocx exchange, ?15 South Sixteenth street: 44 S4 ; 474 9 I 974 47-4 ' 94 99 , 107 10 10014 101 I 94 99 92 14 94 Amer. Tobacco Ray State Oaa Ronton Cone Rutte Coalition Cactus I'hlno Chief Cona Fraction Paris-Daly Kly Central Franklin , (llroux 20". I Belmont , 42'4 Uoldfleld Florence. Greene 47ananet 103 '4 144 iiit,' 434 4744 1344 M 34 10414 41 '4 107 '4 71 12,14 84'. 1244 104 20', 32 140', ibi'i a w 143 i:l44 3I 44 140 "4 61 3 104 '4 40 '4 1044 704, 120', 33V, 123S lOJW, 'ioi, 31"4 169'4 ir,i 43 1.400 29 34 i.joo io, ii' 14;4 11714 69 2 61 141 13', 143 24 46 43 3SJ-4 44, 17 149. 124', 40 1341, 174t 601, U64 144 9-4 3H 164 32 44 102 14 142', 21 1344 31S 44 4U 1324 61 84 IOf.14 404 106 70 4 191 '4 23 '4 1234 10:114 96 0U 311, 169 3114 IMS 1S 96 2414 64 3HA; 24', 61 113 24', 42', 3n, 26-, 187-. 46V 174', 42 V, 74 3 7S 1141, 4 41S 164 SSi, 46', 46 72 4 170 .466 Inaplrstlnn . 2M4 lroae 6a Nevada Cons . 17 Newhouae . 11 Ohio Copper . 22 Rawhide Coalition . 114 Ray Central . 11 Swift Pkg. Co.... . 14 Saera-Roebuck O0....H4H . 14 Silver Pick , "V Superior A Pitta. 6T Tonopah Mining.. 6;4 Vnlted Copper , 1S4 North Lak, , 44 Kerr La)i "24 I Murphy Shippers i'5) Mnciair Mordl W. B. Vansant Co Henlon, Vansant & Lush Stephen Bros Hill & Son F. B. Lewis Huston & Co .1. Ii. Root & Co .1. H. Hulla L. Wolf Mct'rcary A- t.'arev II. V. II. m ltun 1. him r In ok 4S I Mo. Ac kans. Calf Co... 17', I Kline & Christy 14 ' other buyers I Totals ... 1 I 1074 I Receipts of jettle this morn ng were sgnin large, 2& cars lel.g icported in, 61, 1 making the t .tal fov the two days this 1 vvek a little over 000 head, as against ; I 11,4.1. head last w.ek and 17 0 head a ''!.eur ago. The mmket in s general way po IS .1 IIS 7 !I2 ;:i IS Uto 14 ti'i S 1!) 4 4;i .Hr.i.i' t ic.H.i iiiii'i-o rinciit tn llir ho,,n and Ih n 1 li irnilc today prod uc.-il j.i ics ,111 the belter cIhksim of Kim k that ero al most as high as IIihm- lit nnr Ht 1'liirHko An indicated by tiul sales It was h d 1110 hlslier nirtiki'l. hiiih dressers me.'iltiK wnu I'cvl Impilry at tlie silvnti. c licnmiiii from packing iirti'ts whs ample and fiirliv a live and anything at all desirable movd readily. Receipts were limited and Included sev etal olfeiings of enviable reputation, so thnt keener edge to conipelition wss Hi least partlv exiilH'ti'd by torse conditions Lambs made up Hie luiik of supply, s on most days Intely, a"d business in old sheep was n.-cessa riiy ol snmll oluni.'. Mclcan Ismlis, still in t Mo fleece, sold at Jil. line; In. both prices showing boo.I ao anccH over slnulnr Knlcs ni Inst neck close. The $ti.l.i quotation ltnt.v safcl I." gijolfd as cMietnc limit. '1 here wore li" spring lambs or limid fed westems of cotisctiuenc on snic. Shorn anininls ot good inuility sold at $.,0.1. I'esinto t ho In. t Unit iiiutlon shipments lucked enriotx. e,c.- and wetheis esi-ii marin cteditaluc tun.-. Kwes sold as hltli 4 184 40 and wrtlli-is icurlie.l $4.T.-,. 'I li-so 3, ligurcs Hppi' .-s.-t inii to cxtia nood w.-st .1 ei n stock, as ilu ie .eie no Mexican sheep incluocd in the run o aflord a test 01 , ! prices tor full i hi Sols. I; Aflor several of the larger orders had :ii been tilled (lining enrly rounds, ilic mni . ket took on an e.isier tone, closing little lj bttter tuau aictmy on coiuinon sirlnK- l 1 In re Is h vcr K'Hi k (Icuiaiid lor feerict s . I and si-.tiirers at piesetil, of cu-.iise. so tha, - near-mutton niadcs imc cneountered inui e 01 loss disci iiniii.i l!o 1 latel . Quotations cm she- p and lambs; Oood ti chuli e lambs. Sr.fH. ;i I ." . fail to good lambs. shorn iambs. 8 1 oov a. 10 ; linn.lv w .km rai iins. 4 ii. nl :"; heavy year lilies, fl.o&'ii-l 1-; good to ch-'lce wethera. 8-1. oo-i 4.75; fair to good wethers. $4.1'i4..:. good lo tnoii-e e . s. 4 1..u4 40; fair to I 4oud ewes, fo.u04.1j; i.hnv, common and I culls, 8J.,.-'43.M. j No. !:; shorn wethers Jul :111m 11 WCtlK i s IL'41 western lainlis 146' western thorn lambs :i74 western wt-lln-rs ISii WyomInK lambs ltd W ( sU l ll CM s 1 I e-'lern laiubs, culls ..5,0n8 1.115 6.7W I!N0 se.siei 11 lambs I -tlO .Mexican iambs J siu.i n IhiiiIis ! 7'i spi.tit; lambs 10 spring lambs j :'4.( .Mexican lambs I i'-s'i Aiexican iambs 1.117 1 4' .Mexican lambs I 40. western shoin lambs. C.'.i wcsleiu lan.i.s Av. 1'r. lis 4 lo 119 4 10 .:. 0 ' '.1:1 4 Ill 4 7-'. S f, M) i s s . 1-,'? a : 74 b "S liK li io 71 6 -- :,:t (. 45 0 0 1 c.'i li I'l ,5 6 f. Si K 111 S-S 4 '10 81' u 75 J .was very much like ye.terday, there being t York Mlnlnaj Stocks. BOSTON, April 18. Closing quotations on on mining stocks were: Alice 200 Llttle Chief Com. Tunnel stock do bonds Con. Cal. 4V Vs.... Horn flllver Iron Silver Ledvllie Con Offered. 24 19 ..146 .. 26 Mexican Ontario Ophlr Standard .... Yellow Jacket ... 6 ...400 . . . 10 ...200 ...100 j M. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, April 18. -Bark clearings for to day were 82.i42.Ji'.4J and f o the coi re sponding date last year, 82.474.808.37. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, April 18. COFFBK Fu tures opened steady at an advance if 11 points, in response to higher European cables and reports of higher, firm offer ings from Brazil. Uiman.l was not active, but there was some support from leading bulls, as well as covering, and prices Im proved during the dav, the close being firm at a net advai.ee of 11'kIS points. Kales, 4. 250 bags April and May. lo.04c; June, lo.Osc; July, 10.10c; August, 10.00c; Septem ber, 10.01c; October. 8!wc; November, SsZc; December. S.7cJ Januarv. H.8O0; February, .Rlc; March. t.83o. Havre was ,i'r t. hlglier. Hamburg was Vui. pfaf. higher. Ulo 100 rels lower at (18fi75. Santos 60 reis higher; 4s, 68400; 7s, 5JS.X. Receipts at the two Brazilian portH, 10.000 bags, against 14.000 bags last year. Jundlahy receipts. MX) bags, against 4.500 bags last year. Brazilian exchange on Ixindon 3-3id higher, at li 8-ld. New York warehouse de liveries yesterday, 5.H37 bairn, against 4ti bags last year. Valorisation sales of 000 bags are scheduled to take place in Kurope on next Saturday. Spot coffee, steady; Rio No. 7. llc; Santos No. 4, lKc; mild, dull; Cordova, lSVdlo'laC, nominal. As was the case yesterday the stock cat- I tie and feeders were the f-rst 10 sell, the demand being very good and the supply lighter even than yesterday. In fact mere were hardly enotigu stock cattle and feed ers on sale to reaiy make a market. What lew tin re were were picked up quickly at good strong pi Ices. Buyers went through the yards In fair season In the .morning picking out here and there such bunches or the nandy light cattle as Just suited their requirements. For such csttle ss found favor in their eyes buyers paid about steady prices, but the tiode was not very active even at that On the other hand the yards were full of heavy cattle which no one seemed to want, at least they did not want them badly enough to go after them, with the result that the trade on all heavyweights was very slow to as much as loo lower In many cases. Cows and heifers were In very fair de mand and as the supply was not overly lurge everything In sight changed hands In good season In the morning. All kinds of butcher stock, such as bulls, stags, elo-, also commanded steady prices. quotations on cattle: ood to choice beef steers, 8o lfc&.30. fair to good beef vteers, Ji.SOini.,'0; common to fair beef steers, Ji.i'Uii i..!0; good to choice cows and heifers, 8j. OD45. 70; fair to good cows and heifers, 84. 7u4io. 00; common to fair cows and heifers, 81.254.76; good to choice atock ers and feeders, 85.10lci5.o5; fair to good slockers and feeders. 85.0OaS.10; common to fair stockers and feedors. 84.25tt75.vO; stock heifers, 14.3566.26; veal calves, 84.4YI4J17.M; bulls, stags, eo., 84.0i3a.U. Representative sal: BEEF STEERS. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 18 COTTON Spot . cioseo. quiet, u points nigner; middling up lands 11.90c; middling gulf, 15.15c. Sales, !0U bales. a 1'. luriS, April 18.-COTTON Cn changed,; middling. HT,c; receipts. 638 bales; shipments, 588 bales; stock, 30.662 bales. New York Cotton market as furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York Cotton exchange. 315 South Sixteenth street. Month. I ttpen.f High.l 1-ow. Close. Yes'y. I London Slock Market. T1NPON. April 18 American securities oDcned steady and about unchanged today. Iiii-ing (he eariy iraonig prices advanced on light covering and at noon the market was steady and from 4 to 4 higher than ye-tei da s New Vork closing. Mexican Irsues were w:ak and IH lower. Couaols. money. .. 61 Is-IS Ijouterllle A N do account 4I6-14M , K T May July Aug. Oct. ... 14 78 ... 14 7S ... 14 42 ... 12 90 14 83 I 14 73 14 M I 14 73 14 00' I 14 42 14 US 14 14 7 14 NO 14 50 12 Vi 14 79 14 7k 14 4 Vi wo . U N. Y. Central. .. . 7', Norfolk A W... .1114 do pfd .IO61, Ontario A W. .. .104', Pennarlvanla ... .411', Rand Mine . 62W Reading . J'V Southern R; ..12.1 do pfd .. ISSSeuthem Pacific ..6I1, Inlon Pacific... .. 72 do pfd .. I0S V. i. S'eel ..4 do pfd .. 24', Wabash .. :S do pfd ..ltl steady at 24 VI Amal. Copper Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific... CCheaapesae A O. tTilcaao a. W Chi . Mil. 4V St. Pe Beera Denver A Rle O do pfd Brie do let pfd do 24 pfO j Grand Trunk Illinois Central... hll.VKK -Bar, ateady at 24 VI per ounce. )iuNBi-:a per cent. The rale of dlaiount in the open market for short bills Is iSH'- U-l per cent; for three months' bills, 2S Pr cent. Hoiloa Ktocks and Ronds. NEW YORK, April 18 Closing quotation.s stocks were as folios. s- .144'4 . 4, .1061, .114', . 91 4'4 . 4 . 14'4 . rrs . 46 .1I6'4 141 4'4 .. 74S .124 . 17'4 . 19 Allouea Amal- (Vpjiar ... A. z. l. t a Artiona Cons A'lantlc H a 1'. 1'. 4 I Rone C.aliiloo . . Cal. A Arliona... 1 al A Itecla Centennial ( upper Ranee 1 Kal Butte C. M Franklin ftlrnux Cos 4iranhr 4 on (lrene Cananes .... 43 Miami Copper .... . ... 6T Mohawk .... 234 Nevada ('on .... ia-'4 Nlplaains Mines . .... 6 North Unite M1IS Nonh Lake .... 141, Old Dominion .... 47 't oeteola ..441 Par roll f & C... .... ll'iQulni-ir C 40 Shannon . ... II1, Superior .... 4 Superior aV B M . 6 12 14 Superior aV P. C . ... ao tl. I. I R. A f. o' do pfd let Roralle topper . . 14 t'tab Vm. . kerr Lake 4 611 Winona Lks (topper ttv, Wolverine .. L Salle Copper 4 Asked "Bid. .. I . . 94 .. 174, . . 101, .. !', .. 4 . . 44 . .104 .. ll'4 .. 44 .. 94, . . 19 .. 9 .. 114, .. H .. ts .. 11 .. ..104 llaak of Ger assay gtatensent. BERLIN. April 18 The weekly state ment of the Imperial Bask of Oermanv shows the following changes: Cash In hand ni reaaed 34.58."-WO marks: loans, de creased 374.04 marks discounts, de creased lv4,741,Oi)0 marks, treasury bills, La- Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 18. M ETA LS Ktand ard copper, dull: spot and futures. 811 c4tt 11. Ml; Loudon market, quiet. Locally, lake 8l2.OTU6rt2.irf; electrolytic, 8HE.l'Jc-l3.37U-Tin.' easy; spot and futures. 84l.22V(Hl.71; London market, dull; spot, 1H3; futures ii 5s. Lead. iuiet; 34.4oia-4.50. New York 84.2:Va4.30. East Ht. Louis; Ixmdon. 12 1h M. Spelter, dull; 8.'.4,V(i-.t. New York; $5 -30'd 5.40. Eaat St. Iouis; lOiulon. 23 15a. Anti mony, dull; Cookson's 8U.0f1i 50. Iron, quiet. ST. UH'IS, April 1R.--.VI ETA LS Ix-ad, steady: 84.30. Spelter, sleiuly; $5.3n. Woo, arkrt, BOSTON'. April 1R.-W(MI, Wool contin ues tn move liberally In the Boston nisi ket, holders are generally willing to accept lower prides in order to do business. Fleece wools seem to be in more demand than territory stock, with Ohio washed delaine bringing 30c. while Michigan three-el4-hths blood is held st 22 'ic Interest In the new clip Is Increasing and advices from Nevada report sales at 12l4(trl3c. Pulled wool fairly active. ST. LOCIS. April 1R -WOOL-I n changed; terrltnrv and western mediums lttilTc; fine mediums. llWlSc: fine. WSfllc. Itry l.ooda Market. NKW YORK. April 1R PKY OOilIS LoriFdalc 4-4 bleanciicd sli-etings were ad vanced I4C a ard today to Rc net. Trading continues steady, but with limited ipian titles being purchased The export trade lakt week had five thousand hales of cot ton goods Yarns for snot shipments are essirr. Low grade messalines are easy. ' Duplicate ordering on oercoating and fall j suifng Is fair. , I'hlladelphla Produce Market. riiiL.4 hkli'iiia. aphi is.-bi ttkr- I Firm; extra western creamery. 23c; nearbv ! prints. 24c. ' j K'iU.' VVeak. 15c per caae lower; I'enn- svlvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. 1 811.IO Pr ca.se; current receipts, free rases. 14 C5 per case; western firsts, free rui f. 10 jr case; current receipts, free cases, j 84 K per rase. CHEKSE Cnrhanged. j Tsrpeatlse and Rosin. I SAVANNAH. Oa , April 18. TVRrEN- j TINE Firm at 7::'4c- sales. bbla ; re- j celpis. (!?5 bhls : shlpmeois. 440 bhls : stocks . 6.757 bhls. ! ROSIN Firm: seles. P7 1.X14 bhla ; shipments. IV 34.(7': bbli Quotat'ons: H K. 871, F. 8,' 6."-'i7 n.',:1 H. I. t77.'; K, M. N. 87.72'-,: 87.75. I CHIC A UO 1,1 K ("TOl'K VI Alt HE I Demand for tattle and heep Steady lion; Weak. CHICAGO, April 1R. CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head; market, steady; beeves. 8.'..2tH( .K; Texas steera, 84 60iy6.75; western steers, ft.Mtuu.:-); Mockers and feeders. fl-Pr'tuofi; cows snd heifers, f2.75ft5.H0; calves, 8,').t4) 8.75. HOGS Receipts. 11.000 head; market, weak to a simile lower; light, 36.30u6.b., mixed, 86 204141.00; heavy, f5.5i(ib.40; rough. 85.'gtMri; good to choice heavy. Vi l.Vi.4); pigs. 8 85(4)41.66; bulk of sales, 8H.3tkfl.4o. (SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10.000 head; market, steady; native, :i.flrVti4.7u; western, 8315((i'4.70; yearlings. 84.4ori6i., native lambs, 84.7U86.2ij western, 84 '75414). i. Ns At. Pr. No. A. Pr. 14 444 4 60 14 1144 8 40 11 940 4 40 40 L...12I0 8 94 16 901 4 44 14 1104 8 90 24) 947 4 70 81 114 4 90 69 1142 4 74 11 1197 4 00 20 994 4 74 11 127(1 4 00 22 1104 1 76 11 1241 4 00 J4 ll4 4 76 17 1471 4 44 11 949 6 76 14 1444 14 40 121)4 4 40 11 1114 10 40 lSal 4 40 17 1244 4 14 BTKKKe., HEIFERS AND COWS. 14 41 4 10 4 444 4 44 4 10k 4 70 21 1001 4 44 11 977 4 76 61 409 4 90 4 644 4 76 4 1621 1 90 17 947 4 74 11 774 4 40 COWS. It 1114 4 40 4 1074 4 10 11 1104 6 04 4 1019 4 16 6 464 4 10 4 940 4 94 4 12S4 4 14 II 1144 8 44 16 1144 6 16 HEIFERS. 8 441 4 60 4 1001 4 41 7 4U0 4 66 11 911 6 44 U 714 4 M 1 440 4 40 BULLS. 1 1240 4 40 1 1460 4 10 1 710 4 76 I UJ 6 16 1 1490 4 44 1 1110 4 20 1 170 4 90 1 17.10 4 20 1 Hod 4 90 1 1444 8 14 1.., 1000 4 10 CALVES. t 176 4 60 1 140 T tl 8 460 4 no 1 171 f 24 8 lf.6 6 10 1 140 T M 1 til 6 76 8 IX IS t 242 4 71 1 160 7 10 7 161 7 no 1 190 7 64 1 160 7 00 8 14 1 44 1 220 7 40 BTOl'KER AND FEEDERS. 4 6'.4 4 20 4 7 i 44 11 640 Hi 81 147 44 10 471 ill hour-Mead prices were psld In the hog yarns this morning tui the uk bulk of of fering, larger droves, consisting mostly of medium and heavy butchers, showed unchanged cost. Spreads held at usual narrow margins and tops, as well as long strings, remained in yesterdays notches. Supplies were of fairly large volume and the average animal carried plenty of weight. Packing demand was broad, how ever, and not very discriminating, lesult ing in an 11 o clock clearance that was practically complete Shippers and specu lative buyers purchased about a doren loads out of a li.tal run of )5 cars Bacon eights attracted best Inquiry and were fawned by all classes of buyers. I, ale trade was dull and weak, heavies proving very draggy toward the close Butcher animals ranged around 8 Wii 1 10 and lard grades sold at 85 95 and less. Hest light hogs readied 8'i JS. w hich price was also vesterdav's lop. Representative sales- bhls. : receipts. 1 bbls : sloc!..s 1 87 4J'j. I 1. 87 ;-o 87.1V H i; ..T' : j WO. and WW No. At. Bk. Pr. Ms. A. 8h. 12 4 ... 4 44 2(1 ... 1 06 4 274 40 Hi 74 244 ... 4 06 2 144 ... 4 .'. 41 240 60 4 04 34 114 ... 4 90 70 Mt . . lie 21 49 ... 4 90 64 t2 tit, 46 44 1..0 ... ICS 12 :4 .- 4 0-', 66 112 ... 4 96 69 144 ... 4 06 64 129 ... 6 96 14 2S4 ... t 04 44 10J 60 6 6 72 2.1S ... 1 06 ? m.7 n. f 76 :n i:o 6 4 41 814 40 8 00 -'-' i0 4 06 tt J, .. 4 44 2.6 ... 4 :. 270 ... 4 on 61 146 40 1 04 4 27, ... 4 il 70 1-.4 ... 4 TT. 164 ... ( 4a) 44 S71 ... 4 06 46 1-4 60 6 no U, 269 1 20 06 I IH 6 1 00 64 I'l 1-0 4 0,1, 61 It 14 161 71 174 ... 4 071, 27 112 ... I 4 244 .. . 4 071, 24 Ml ... 4 OO 10 241 ... 07', (1 276 10 4 00 64 Ill .. 4 "7 k, It tit ... 1 00 70 14 40 4 0 7', 64 14 ... 4 Oil 40 Sa . . 4 II', 64 24 . . 4 00 244 . . IS 41 374 ... 4 i 74 221 . . 4 10 SI 249 ... 4 OO 41 142 10 t 10 ; 24 00 76 :.! 6" 4 to at 2!1 40 4 oo 44 217 ... t 10 14 J0 ... 4 no 46 244 ... 1 It 44. 1-4 ... 8 44 tl 144 ... 8 14 Kanstvs City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, April 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 12,000 head. Including 300 southerns; market, ste-ady ; top. 86 50; heavy steers, weak to 10c lower; dressed beef and ex port steers. 86.00)143.50; fair to good, 86.4019' 6.00; western steers, 85.(xil6 15; stockers and feeders, 85.00a6.0; southern steers, 84.7iVrjti 6.00; southern oows. 83.40(i6.00; native cows, 83.2fcft.50; native heifers. 84.76fl6.36; bulls, f4.751i'5.5a: calves, f4.50iU7.00. HOGS" Receipts. 15.000 head; market, steadv to 6a higher; bulk of sales, 86.2MJ 6.40; heavy. ff.s(-1.27Vs; packers and butch ers. $B.2a3.40; lights, 4W.35fe43.4tV SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, (000 head; market, 10 to 15c higher; lam bet, 86 00 ifi.00; yearlings, 84.356.25; wethers, 64 0CB 4.76; ewes, 83.75(4.35; stockers and feeders, f3.Wi70.76. Bt. I. on la Live Stock Market. ST. I4OLU8, April 18 CATTLE -Receipts, 2.RO0 head; market, steady; native shipping and export steers, fti.00'36.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, 85.40ioH.26; steers under 1.000 pounds. 8o.50ae.76; stockers and feed ers, f60t6.75; cows and heifers, 64.10ft4.66; canners, J;'.8.V(i3.26; bulls, 83.7iVir6.6CU calves, 15.0037.76; Texas and Indian ateeru, ftOif 6.25; cows and heifers, f'i.isXw 6 00. HOGS Receipts. 11,800 head; market, steady; pigs and lights, 83. 25.41. 60; packers, 80' L'5ij6.S5; butchers and beat heavy, f6.2fi9 .60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S.600 head; market. lOo higher; native muttons, f!.7Un5 00; lambs, 85.754jfl.25;, culls and bucks, f3.25ft4.00; stockers, fz.0tu3.25. t. Joseph Lire fltesrk Market. PT. JOSEPH. April 18. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.000 head; market steady; steers, 84.1,034V 25; cows and belfers. 83.60(3-6 4M: calves f3 60-010). HOGS- Receipts. T004 headt market, steady: top, 6445; bulk of sales. J6liVa4.X; SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 8 500 head; market, lCt?L5c higher; lambs, fO.OOtj f.OO. Htoek In Sight. Receipts of live Block at the five principal western markets yesterday: iattle. linns. Sheep. isouth Omaha t.wd II. I'D .l !. Joseph 2.HO0 7.4s 2.600 Kansas City li.OXt )5.i .(sh St. 1)11 is 2(I0 11, 1410 3, I'll Chicago 2.W0 U.0OU 10.() - Totals 24,400 MOOO 30,7uO OMAHA WHOIF-ltm PHICF.!4. RI'TTER Creamery. No. 1 delivered to the retail trade In 1-lh. cartuns, 2,ic; No. 2, In 30-lh. tubs. L'lc; No. 2. in l ib. cartons, 21c; packlnK stork solid pack, 1 2 ',; dairy, In OO lb tubs. I41il'c, nuirkct chanties etery Tuesday 4 llKEiSE-Twins. H'oJIc; oung Ameri cas. 17'lsc; daisies. p;-; triplets. lic. Ilm beiger, ISc; No. 1 brick. l'r: Imported Swiss, 32c; don esllc Swiss, 2-'c; Iilock 8wU, lHc. POl'LTR Y Dressed broilers, under S lbs, 85. Ml per d".:.: lien-. I'-c; tocke, U'-.c; ducks. 20c; ,:et se. 5c; t ui k-.. s. J.'.c; plgeonH p-r doz.. 81-0. Iioiii'-i snutth". I"'1' !-. f4-W; fancy squabs, per (!.. 83. 5u; No. 1. per doz ," f3 0. Alive Broilers. :c. I', to l'i His., and I'v 10 2 lbs . 20c: ntnoolli lens, lie; hens, l.'r; mhks. io-; old musters. Sc; old ducks, lull fflitlier.-d. V-r; tirm. full feathered. .'"'. Hnkis. 11c: guinea fols, 20c each. pi.eons. er d-i... !K-; homers, ier doz . .i."0. squabs. No. 1. per doa., I 20; No 2. per diss. !''; capons, over t lbs.. 14e; old turkeys. 14c FISH (all frount -1'icl.eiel. c; white, lie; pike. Hi-, trout, lie; laike ciappies. l."ul..c, Soaiiisli mackerel. IVc; eel. !; hiiildoik. l.u-; flounders. i:k-: green catfish, r,c; roe sbad. II each; shad toe. per pair. 5..e, fu.g lens. p r d" . 35c; salmon. 10c; biillliiit, lie; hrrltiK. 5'jc. MISi'KI.I.AKKlirS Almonds: California soft shell. I'l l Hi . Is. ; in sa. k lots, lo I less. Bi all N his. I er II. Lie; In rack i lots, lc less ( '..eoanuts : Per sai k. fS.on; i per doi., ;5c Filberts: Per lb.. 14r; In ' sa k lots, lc less. lln kor nuts: Lart;e, per lb. 5e; small, per in., sc. I'eanuts: Roasted, per lb... Re: raw. per lb, 6',,-. Pecans: Large, per lb.. 1ft.-; In sa.-k lota, lc less Walnuts: 141a. k, per lb 2,'-; Cal ifornia, per lb. 15. ; In sack lots, lc less Cider: New York Molt s per bbl., fti li. Honey: New, 24 frames, fl 76. Sioaar Vlarket. NEW YORK April 1.-KT'SAR-Raw, firm: museovado. ft test. 3 42c; cemrifusal, ;". test. 3 '.'2c; molasses. est. 3 17c; re fined, teadv. Heflned 4ssir Vdsaneed. ! NEW Y"I!K. April 14 - All grades of re I fined stiKsr were sda.ni.'ed 10 cents 44 huo Jdisd pound today. ( i : Y 1 r i