s ) I I 1 OFFERED FOR RENT coatiaaed. J nG" c J"- 'if'ed. modem sleeping rooms; would arrange for housekeeping , l?.T nd "ha "" neighborhood. i& v ens,ter. ; rooms. E lry front room with two ward rooms; suitable for two. Newly fur nl.hed; private, modern homo near car: maala optional. N. 89th. Harney 6460 Hotels mm A part strata. NICELY FURNISH KD ROOMS tor as. Daman. THB CHATHAM? 100 S. mm ni Oeden Hotel FOUBo11 muffa Rooma. n . to $7 per week. DO DOB HOTEL 13th and Dodge; all ouu aide rooma; attain heat; apeoial week rata. ipirlmiti aad Flat. -ROOM duple apartment, aecond floor' hadea and screens, nicely decorated com bination fixtures, fine attic, good porch adulta only. ITU 8. 2Uth St Tel. Tyler 14t mornings only. ROOM modern flat. 1706 Jackson. FIVE-ROOM, thorouphly modern, up-to-date Bt. Loula brick flat, 2817 Jackaon Bt . tJbM. ROBINSON at WOLF. 436 Faxton Blk. Douglaa 2418. CHEAPEST, beat 4 or l-roora flaU In city. 220 N. 83d. 4-room apt., strictly modern. 1744 SON KLEOANT ( and 4-room apartments. Gtiehlow Terrace, Phono Webster 432S. CHOICK 4 and 6-room apartment In the California; aee Janitor. Doug. 6247. FOR RENT 5-rnom, steam heated apart ment In the, California; lias all the mod ern conveniences of life, janitor service, walking distance; references required. MUTTON REAll'V CO., b.H Brandels Bldg 'Phone Drmg. 1670. FIVE ROOMS, NEW, CLOSE IN, Southwest corner Mth and ( alifornta; third floor; buffet In dining room; heat and water furnished; gas stoves; was water heaters; Janitor; $.17.50 summer; $6 extra. In w nter. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 10J6 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. or A 2152. Famished lloaseaeeplnar Hootns. THREE unfurnished light housekeeping rooma; references exchanged. K. 87i. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 2674 Harney St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room desirable tor light housekeeping, 216 N. 3Jd Bt FOR RENT Steam heated modern rooma for housekeeping. 41M N. 24th Bt. FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooma. 629 8. 19th St. ' FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 719 B. 26th St. FOR RENT Two very desirable ''house keeping rooms neatly furnished. 704 N. 16th St. ' FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooma, good location. 4a N. 17th St. FOR RENT Two modern rooms, nicely furnished tor housekeeping. 604 8. 27th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, WM California St. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; also sleeping rooms. 116 N. 20th. FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms, good location. Inquire ltili Howard St., aecond floor. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room for light housekeeping, 2114 Chicago St TAKE your girl to the American theater this week. We will furnish the tickets to a. W. Palmer, 4174 Cass St., if he will bring this ad to The Mee office within three days and identify himself. FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooms completely furnished, 16 S. 2tilb St. FOR RENT Desirable room tor general housekeeping. 2226 Dodge. TWO nicely furnished front rooma, mod ern; reasonable. 660 B. 26th Ave. FOUR rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; to couple without children; very desirable neighborhood. 366 N. 40th. TWO , light house keeping rooms, first floor, .water and phone on same flor; no objection to children; 14 per week. 2676 Harney. 4 ROOMS light housekeeping; modern. 121 Chicago. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; 2 rooms up stairs and I rooms downstairs; near car; walking distance. 718 N. 20th. B-2w2. TWO furnished and three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, all modern. 2917 Mason. Harney 6610. Vafmralshesj Roeaaa. FOR RENT Five nicely arranged rooms, on second floor; modern except heat; one block front car; adults only. T04 8. loth bt. FOR RENT-Furnished or unfurnished rooms. 21 IS Douglaa St.-. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, modern, good location. 626 N, 23d St. FOR RENT Three desirable unfur nished rooms; good location, 2624 Burt 6t..- FOR RENT Very attractive aulte of four rooms, bath on same floor. 2223 N. lt h St. LARGE, pleasant front foom with alcove; two clothes closets; modern. 621 Park Ave. THREE unfurnished rooms, bath room. storeroom, outside porch, nice garden and lrult. Modern except heal. io children. Wll N. 18th St. FRONT room with alcove: walking dis tance; private family. 2-2U Burt. USE Farrell a syrup on your cukes and waffles; you will like It. We will give K. R. Bailsman, fc North 42d St., a 60c i an free If he will bring thlH ad to The Bee office within three days and identity Faralabrd lrbnae. 9-room furnished house. Webster 15S9. H oases mmi Cottages. FOR RKNT A ew and entirely mndera 6 room cottage, corner 11th and Cartel lar, $24. Incluuins wtlw. VU H. y. Life. Tel. Douglaa 42M. NICE SEVEN-ROOM; MODERN EX CEPT HfcAT, ADULTS I ONLV. 26UCALD W ELL. NEW 4 rooms, modern except furnace, t block south ot Vinton acbooi. Inuuite iv a. Flagg. Mul 8 0l t Ave. HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded. Cheap freight rates, rouwoij and storiog. k.xpressmea's Delivery Co., Tel. Dout;. V4 Cliy Oltice, li m. Uto Bt.. Use Bidg. BSVJCN nice rooms, modern except heat; adults only. 5i Caldwell. BlX-room cottage, partly modern. 2411 1 W. J. DEKMODY INVESTMENT CO I Tel. D. 7M. Ial4 City Nat. Bauk Bldg CLOSE IN 2532 CAPITOL AVE. All modern 9-room houue. close to car line and iuy walking dl-tiice to town. Just wnat you have been lookihg for. It) per month, r . n. lurney. i-none rteu 614 8. M il, rooms completely moderi, let TWOS. F. HALL. iU Hamae Bldg Doug. 7406 or FOR RENT on May 1. five-room cottage, In fine condition, $20. 3bl Jones St., lei. Harney 6w6. THHKB room cottage, furalsbed n-m- Itle. J burl Ml. le-HOO W modern house', weikiug tanoa; Inquire N Utk 8L dls ElOHT-rooni modtYn house at 94Vt N. 6th bt. $.isi per month. W J. DUUloDY INVESTMENT CO.. TaL D. TM. 1614 City Nat. bank Bldg Las. XiagwaiV. Braadeia Jm, Bid , OFFERED FOR RENT Una sea aad Cot ( Coatlaaea. i.MrinEIlN' t rw,rn brlrk house, 1109 N. Ed at., is, per month. Phone Harney M. $11.006 -room lower flat with porch, mod.. 2202 N. Hat ft 11 1. noa-room mlcldie flat, 2:"04 N List Si '3'v -rm. upper flat, modern. 2208 N. 21st. H" w-s-room all modern new brick, 718 N. HtbO lo-ruom modern home, cor. 10th and Webster Sts. w $32.60 6-room apartment, atrlctly modern, at Albion, near depots. ROBINSON WOLF. 4IS Taxton Block. Phone Douglaa 2418. THE elegmnt ten-room modern house on southeast corner $:d and Davenport Bts. will be for rent May 1; neighborhood most desirable. Prlee. $,j per month. CONRAD YOU NO, - Brandels Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug 1571 A NEW 7-ronm modern Wise. 8206 Charles. Doug. 17n or Harney 6817 evenings. CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house. 230 N. Ud. 4-ROOM steam heated flat. Dunsany. iota and Pierce. Douglaa 1671. Conrad Young. FOR RENT to colored people. I i.OO Three rooms, 221 Lake St. $14 00 6-rooms, 9108 Paul St. 112 o 4-room, 27fl Burt St $23.00 room mod., corner., 1518 Ohio St. ItllRIVHflV A, WOT t- 435 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1411 FOR RENT. Modern house of eight rooms; walking distance.. $30. 1. N. HAMMOND. 832 Board of Trade. Modern, J-r. hoase: near park. 1511 8. 88, FOR REST Blx-room cottage, close in; bath,, clatern, shade; to small family, $25. Seven rooms, all modern, three bed rooma list and Jarkson. $2. owner pays water. Telephone Hed 6264. -1 RTT.NT A house mrtA V....,-t. i If you use Updike's Pride of Omaha flour j-.u win eo.ioy ine rnna it will make. If H. H. Vef Mehren ?( Man4.ra. . ..In bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify ninseii: wunin tnree daya he will receive an order on hia grocer for a 24-pound sack of this flour. UoUSei !? IJ Ps of the elty. Crelgh Bona Co.. Dee Bldg. Om. Van 41 Storage Co. pukimoiu, stores household goods. Fireproof storage: 104 B. Itth. Branch. j m. 17th. TaL D. 4j0. A-wZ 203 Bristol St., 6-R. all modern, burn. 2L 4i$i N. 'th St., new 6-R. mod., $17 J. W. RASP CO., 19 Brandels Bldg. HOU8E8 In all parts of city. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 1801 Farnam St. DUNDEE, modern house, $26. Harney 0015. $32.60 Strictly modern I-room brick house. 1307 8. 23th. FIVE-ROOM house, second floor, mod ern. 1325 8. 32d St.; Han.com park. SIX-ROOM house and barn, 2630 Parker St. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam. m.T OK RENT May 1, modern 7-room house, 3315 Dodge St.. on West Farnam t'i'jL. vey d'a'reable neighborhood; rental f?":40 "'''S. of W- ITeston. 101 S 34H1 St. Tel. Doug. 778 or Harney 1168. LIST your homes for rent or sale with v s?, xirvAi LJ&in tiljLMi. VACANT MAT 1. 6-room modern house, nicely decorated and In good condition, located at 2710 De catur St., $25. Phone D. 1636 or W. 2711 HOUSE. 24 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, mod ern. Moyer Stationery Co., ISIS Farnam St. (-ROOM cottage. 2601 Franklin. BIX-ROOM modern house in good condi tion; lots ot shade; nice lawn; 3322 South lth Bt., Phone Red 33)4. 2S33 Chicago; coxy 4-rm cottage; part modern. IT'S AN excellent ShOW at the Amertean theater this week. We want Mrs It Sttl N. 4.W St., to seo it if she will bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify her self within three daya we will give her two tickets. ROOMS, CLOSE IN. choice location. Price $f0. PAVNH Mr ht .atpr r 1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ph. Doug. 10U. force aad Offices. FOR RENT April 16th. 209-211 V 1Kth St. 44x120. One block from Loyal hotel, post office and new Union Pacific Bldg. Suit able for many kinds of business. Inquire on !.", . X' . I . , .. i . i.i 3. . win vi- i iio, iBuuuat j)uia xiiug., tele phone Douglaa 1242. ONB of the most desirable offices in the city. Will rent desk room and give use ot desk. Address B. 121, Bee. FOR R k-.N'T-Tlir,...,, .r,rf . store building at 1006 Farnam St. Inquire room 314 First National Bank Bldg. Tele phone Douglas 1342. 1.IVR WIRE men only; best grocery ana meat market on 24tb St. Apply 230 N. ttd. AT 7,iR fi 1 r.f h fi 4A. Ol , , . -- ..... w.., vu,,, m.m, Buiiiira with steam heat, now being put in fine condition. Price reasonable. PETERS TRUST CO., 17th and Farnam. Acreage for Rent. $0 ACRES choice corn or cane land; level ground; for rent; near Bellevue; house barn and outbuildings. Inquire Chapman' Bellevue. Tel. 60, or Clarke, Her Grand hotel. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltnre. FURNITURE, modern flat, good condi tion. 1S13 Chicago. FURNITURE and household goods. 2626 Capitol Ave. FOR 8A LR Furniture In three-room modern apartment; ready to move In; new arartinenl; close In; rents for $23. Maelral Instruments a NEW model Edison phonograph and cabinet, 160 records thrown in. Address U 906. Bee. PIANO. Cheap. 1622 NNlchnla street Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Pnone Douglaa 2919. TV PKWItlTFKS. A I.I. MAKES. CLEARANCE; SALE NOW ON! Prices low to el the cash; W to S regular price; any nuke you want. B. T. B WAN BON CO.. 1816 FARNAM 8T. BUT an L. C. RotUb 4k Bros, typewriter R. W. bwanaoa Co.. Dlaurlbutera Ui asm ft BECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. luuT Farnam. lllscellaaeoaa. SAFES Overstocked with eecond-haa safes, atl aires aad makes; bargains. Ante lea a nui.pl., 'o. lilt itrDin at. New and aecond hand aafea. 1819 Farnam. TWO good secondhand meat coolers; will be sold at a bargain if taken In next ten daya. D. D. Davis. Qrlawold. la. FOH ALK New and second-hand bil liard aad pool table. We lead the world la cheap bar fixturee: easy paymeota lruii ick-kialk-Coiisnder. HI m. link at, FOR SALE A complete aet of Ice tools, enough for stonng a hundred tons of ice per day. Also two wagons, lu good repair. Will sell at a bargain. Write, M. J. Long Box 7U Boonville, Mo. D1RV for sale, apply High school grounds or John Harts, 1609 Webster bt. MANDT I.EE Incubator. 120 eggs, new last year. $9. Inquire iio4 N. Hth Bt. IKoy and Clayton ar at the American theater this wer-k. We will give two tickets to Mm. L. Griffith. 2o2 Valley t . if she will bring this ad to The Bee office and Identify herself wll run three days OSTEOPATHY Alloa Jobaeoa. 808-9 Brandels Theater Bldg, Katharra Nikolas. 8J4-4 Braadeia Xheatsf. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELIa Putoa Blk. TaL Red TUX u w. o. m vfiiica, us raatoa mm. mm. PERSONAL MFCHANO THERAPY A . M Mm lrMlm.nl Vap .rlnu .1.... tlsmDr. Halloran. 22$ Neville Blk. D.I76L STAMMERING AND STUTTERING nureo. duua u. vavgnn. itamge olag. THB SALVATION ARMT soil at ta eatrt-afJ ciotnioa. in laoi, Bayiniag you do aat seed. We collect, repair and aeli at U4 N. Uth St., for cost of collection, ta ttte woe- tn ypoor. -au ttDooe iMuguts urn aad wagons will eaiL BAT1IS BaJt Blow ". Room 01 (.nicago. uoug. T666. moved to 20 South Uth St. D. 131L HOW would you Ilka to have a rherrv tree and pick your own fruit. It W. O. Free. 4236 Harney St., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him one of Byrd a 60o cherry trees free. BEST nerve bracer for men. Grave nf Food Pills, $1 box. Postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. PHIVlTB MOMS) Hoptn- . - ------- - - " . iullllal i tarlusn. 79 lat ita. Council Bluff a, la. DOWNEY EASTER MILLINERY. 161s M. 14th Bt Doug. I69& WIGS nd troupea for men. Qrl(Jtl, " 106 Bo. loth St. Upstalra YOUNG WOMEN eomlna ta Onah. .. suangers are invited to visit Ue Yeuaa Women's Christian associativa bulldlna at Beventeenth street and Bt Mary's avenue. here they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Loes lor our traveler's aid at toe Unioa sLailT STRICTLY private Christian w... meat home; best care; tables for arianti.r 2iiis Davenport MASSAQE Hwerilnh mnv.m.m ..,ki... better for rheumatism or sore Joints. Indies, $1.00. Gentlemen, $1.60. Apartment u 1MTJ Farnam. magnetic cunnrt- tssruni A HOME for women during confinement Babies adopted and boarded. Bnlldlng modern. For terme address matron. Tlnley Home, 408 Bancroft St 'Pnona Doug 1J2L MASSAGE TREATME(NT. Mrs. Steele, WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew lng machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas )$, NEBRASKA CYCLE COM TAN Tf, Uth and Harney Bts. MRS. SNYDER, Swedish message, batha. radiator and vibrator treatment. The Duns any, Flat t, 10th and Pierce. Doug. 4330. MANICURING, facial massage, sham pooing and halrdresslng done In your borne. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith. Tel. H. 497L MASSAGE Mrs. Rittenhouse, 808 Old Boston Store. Dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa block. Both phones. i HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoe. nrengtben. 60a. BELL DRUO CO. PRIVATE maternity home. Mra Dr. King. 1324 N. S4th. Web. 3669. Ind. D IBS! Vf ASH Am?. TREATMENT. Mrg. Steele. w. 107 8 1Un M noor room t, Adellght hair food grows hair; gee Mm. Frayer, Megeath Stat y Co.. 16th 4k Farnam. DR. EOGERS, private confinement home. 1516 Martha Ht, Omaha. Tel. Douglaa 6230. 63-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. DR. BURKE, diseases of women, Omaha. MORAN NELSON, hair dressers. 1408 Farnam. For appointments phone Douglaa 4238m 8UPURFLUOU8 hair permanently re moved Without alAtrl. m UI,,.. a the akin; lady attendant. 407 MoCague Bldg. MAKE yourself solid with your girl by giving her a box of O'Brien's fine candv. Here Is a chance for C. Henderson, 3202 8. 23d St. If he will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days he will receive a 80-cent box of this candy. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGG 3 for hatching worn the Brandels Farm. Thorough ored S. C. White Leg horns. Utility stock, $1.60 a setting or 8 per 100. Exhibitions or show stock, $8 to to a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandela Omaha. THOROUGHBRED Plvsseutk white or barred egga for hatchings, iX A svaoui, i&m saraaiu. juaraay um BILKO CHICK FOOD Is tbs best In the market fcr rooaa chickens. Mads from pur gralxv r ale by all dealers. A. W. WAGNER. AGENT.. 801 N. lttb Bt 'ta. Doug 1148 lad. A-a YOU have found something! A 24-lb. sack of Updike a Pride ot Omaha flour will be given to E. E. Kipllnger, 4217 Dodge St., if he will bring this ad to The Bee office within tnree daya GLENVIEW Farm R. C. R. I. red eggs R C. Walker, Bo. Omaha. Tel. 8. 940. COTTON Blossom Wyandottes and Cot tage Grove Barred Rock eggs for.hatoh- mg. Web. 628. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK egga from carefully mated pens, 83 for 16, $6 for 90. Write for description. F. C. Alqulst. i68 Meredith Ave. Omaha 'phone, Web. 8698. FOR SALE 2-day-old chicks. Benaon 864. PRINTING Lew W. Haber, Printer,Teuep,'0on ati BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. niiK INIi a-IW tor auvd prlntiag, Lyngstad Printing Co. Uth and Capitol Ave. MILLER & Jamteaon. 12 U Douglas Bt Piionee: U'iu :iV; ind. A-429. REAL ESTATE AK9IHACT6 OF T1TLB. PETER J ESSEN. Jr., Co. Tel. Doug H. H. Neaie, adO Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. K.T.BRENNAN (bonded), 824 Brandels The fcllC A I. KICATK DaiALKMs. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nebraska 106 Brandels Theatre. HEAL fcSTATK TITLE TRUST CO. Ftf taenia floor. City Nat L Bank Bldg. t-ITV PltOfEHTY I'Og k ALU 1808 and 1812 North 21st. Two good cottages on list north of Clark St.; lot 66x140, ail fenced, fine shade. Will sell together or separate, lbus la 81.600 and 112 is $1,400. easy terms; close In and near U. P. shops. Stanley P. Bostwick 1226 City Natl Bank Bldg. , $11,000 West Farnam district. 8-room, modern house, large corner lot. paved street; room to build double brick flat or apartment house, without Interfering with residence. Reasonable terms to right party. GKUHGE & CO., AGENTS, Phone Doug. 7u6. j2-913 City Nat l Bank. Poppk-ton Avenue Building Lot At i2d 11. ; beautifully situated, terraced lot I 37-,iioo. Can be had at a bargain. KA1U.E A. KAAKr;, 112 aid'ague ni.lg T ler 10. WE WILL help beautify the grounds of Mrs H. Jeho. 231" 8. Central Blvd. If she will brintr this ad to The Pee office within three daya we will give her one of Byrd s regular 60-rent cherry treea. LtL, H.00U. K Burt TeL Uarcsy HH. REAL ESTATE PITT FROPKRTY FOR (ALSO. (Continued.) FOR SALE Largo pressed brick resi dence, high east front lots In tho beet section of tho West Farnam district. Call up Owner, Douglaa 136, Har ney 128. Cottages $1.400 Four-room cottage, part modern; near xftth anrl RlnnitA. $1,600 Five-room cottage, not modern; two oiocks to Military Ave. line; oo-lt lot. $3,000 Five-room, hall and bath, all mod ern: nn irfnrfir hlvrf : XiM-h $3,600 Heven-room, all modern; south front: so-it lot; paveu street: near 42a and Farnam; garage; 31.0od caah will do. O'KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. 1018 Omaha National. Doug, or A-2153. R B ETAOIN SHRDLU UUU MODERN KEH1DEINCH. 1 8600 DOWN, BALANCE- LIKE BENT. 7-room modem house, besides bath room. pantry and closets; 6 rooms and bath down and 3 up; fine large cemented cellar equipped with large laundry room, fruit room and coal blnjsalso fine potato cave: hot air furnace, electric light, etc.; good cistern, also cement walka In front and around houso to barn; house well built for a home tho goods win show for Itself; chioken house 10x14; plenty of shade, full ioi, etc. oouinweat pan or city, a good buy. and think of the terms. Prtoa. 12.360: 8600 cash, balance $26 per month. Owner leaving the city. Property all clear at the present and 'in good repair. Bee the goods, as it la for sale. nt? txt a xrmtJTTT.T. fviiro ivt Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bang Bldg SAVE CAR FARE. by buying a new all modern homo In walking distance. Five extra large, well arranged rooms, good furnace, best of plumbing and comblnaUon lighting fix tures; fine east front lot. This is a dandy. von l tali to aee It, because It s a bargain. Call Webster 4661 orsl. W. Rasp Co., 699 Brandels Bldg. ON MAY FIRST, all unsold lota In BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK will be advanced 8200. If bought now this increase will be saved, r uteen ol the choicest lota are left, $130000 haa been expended in Im provements during the past two years. Nothing like it in Omaha. Must bo seen to be appreciated. Streets paved and parked. No alleys. Sewer and water brought to each lot to obviate cutting Davements. Near school, church and car. One-fourth caah, balance monthly, or will build to suit tne purcnaser, PAXTON REAL ESTATE CO., Owner. TOU CAN BUT THIS HOUSE AS CHEAP AS YOU CAN RENT IT. 2630 N. 19th St., 4-room cottage, modern except heat, price $2,860, or will rent for $26 per month after May L Will make terms to suitable party. w. 11. ahm anson, owner t ten n. lath st Neat 6-room cottage, nearly new. near 24th and Sprague St.; only f 1,650, easy terms. New 8-room modern bungalow, near 80th and Ames, $260 cash, about 830 per month. uoii l miss seeing these. j. w. kabp CO., 689 Brandels Bldg. FINE LOT. In Crelrhton's First addition, on boulevard; no paving tax. 1 ei. u. zoo. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE Never occunled except bv owner; four bedrooms, well built 8423 Maple it. $3,750. 1617 KPBNCER ST. (-room, all modern houso built In 1908 on lot 60x124. Has 3 rooms and reception hall on first, floor, and 3 bedrooma and large bath on td floor; large closets; good attic; nice shade; gas water heater; garage; cla tern; storm sash: full site screens; screened porch. Can make terms. Button Realty Co., 694 Brandels Bldg. Phono Doug. 1(70. C. Fred Harrison and Oeo. T. Morton for buslnssa bargalna 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE 26x40, all modern, large rooma. best plumbing, built for a home, two more rooma can be finished In attic. Tel. D. 16fl. 4120 N. 26th Bu I : Six Rooms and Hall We have Just listed a fine, strictly mod ern home near 17th and Laird Bts., having nice reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and entry downstairs, three good slxed bedrooms and bathroom upstairs; fine eaat front lot on a street of attractive homes; soreena and atorm aakh Included. f looking for a good homo ask to seo this we. Scott & Hill, Douglas (81a. 207 McCague Building. BYRD'8 cherry trees produce exeellent fruit. To prove it we will give o A. Y. BlddUck. 4221 Farnam St., one of Byrd a 60-cent cherry treea If he will bring this ad to Tho Bee offloo within three daya ACRBAG8 FOR (ALB Acre $1,400 Fronts east on Miller Park. Harrison & Morton For 8ALK You want it We have It Every city man dreama of a country home where he can raise fruit and chit-kens. Our 10-acre farms In the famous Koskonona Fruit District. Ideally located in the beauti ful Osarks, are money makers and can be had at moderate prices on easy terms. rite for booklet or call at the office of the Co-Operative Orchard Co., 811-13 City National Bank Bldg.. Phono D. 4794. Go and Seo 1804 Lothrop. Light Oak Finish. Hot Water Heat. T Rooma and Reception Hall. . New Never Been Occupied. Price $4,800. W. H. GATES. (44 New Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone D. 1294. Auction Sale Douglas County Farm 1(0 acres, known aa the Andrew fiaran tarra, adjoining the J. H. Pratt farms. 4'o miles southeast of Bennington, on main road west of Irvlngton. about 16 miles from Omaha. Land is rolling, but is good fertile soil. Fair improvements. Immediate possession. Sale takes place at . Douglaa county court house, Saturday. April 23, 1311. at 10 o'clock a. m. For further Infor mation write or call. The Byron Reed Co.. Omaha. Neb. 112 So. 17th St. The Omaha Bee's Great Booklovers' Con teat Thirty-nine pruca Vou can enter at a ay Ur REAL ESTATE FARM A SID RANCH LAND FOR SAM Arkaaaaa, 160. i ml , , t 1 A i ...1. a M..1. ' v vim., irv nitrs aiiana or clover land; fair Imp ; good nelahhor- mu. ... iuv, s mi. irom town ot 2,oou, near ?' a1 chooi nearly all smooth up- i,.u, ro cuii., oai. timber, Z6 clover; 4 al falfa, ( bearing orchard. 136 fenced hog tlaht: extra mimiA 1 r- . 1 .1 .n ...... 1 1 bldg., new barn; dark red sandy loam; good ,.i,Ni,mVl ufimniiui location; aoundanre aood water: tl Aoo .,,Ki.,i E . , - ' , viawjv IV r,W IUH $609; terms easy. WM. OILMORE. Marshall, Ark M A.. svnriTU in. 1 , 1 1 100 fenced. 40 mil im,ii t,n,,.. .... ,. two mihlln rnsHa .o r- it., . ir.;...r77" i i .-"' cana as " nei a,Bl. uept., eearry. Ark 60 TRACTS ff l i . -- . . . .... .v. ,nn ii sna ai- i, ? "1 i of D"t 'nd; Dlack l " "in uouoie in value In three years; now rent from $6 to $7 per acre Write us what you want. IT. U. HOLLAND, Pino Bluff, Ark. 91 ACRES rich, sanitv insn, e ...1. . . house, orchard, soft well water; no rocks no overflow; t4-mlle school; white commun ity! price, $1,200; half down. ittJBMtT SliSSIONS. Winthrop, Ark. BEST fnitt anil v.r,... I . . for price In U. 8.. In Searcy Co., Ark. Send enuwina o 10 11& land near town. W. M. Henson. Leslie, Ark BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. - y- iuiii maa min lands In Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, nolds. Camden. Ark.- y OZARK LAND CO.. Grave.. i.w Stock ranches, fruit farms, herrv ei.ij- small tracts. Installment Plan; town uroD rtv hiistnAas hnn... X I . ... v . IkO US. COTTON Plantation: 4R0 acre.- Id-room dwelling: plenty tenant h,..-. good barn and outbuildings; rich, black loam; will grow bale cotton or 76 bushels corn per acre; woven wire fence; 200 acres cultivation; 00 merchantable timber, hard- woou, nriuniui location ; miles from good low 11, iiw-.' iici0iiiiiirngoa; near scnool and church: pn?e, $20,000; reasonable terms Address Johi:ston Willis, care Southern Trust Co., LliMe Rock, Ark. a,uw iivu uuiium iana, six miles Newark, $10 per acre; terma. Fine orange v", - iui iur. i-vrij acres; li.uw. Uther bargalna A. A. Henderson, Newark, Ar kansas. 1 onn (via irni'9 in a .1. . . , ' . ; .... . iur iiunie- steadlng. "W here located and how secured shown In our 1910 booklet, aent postpaid. 26a II T T, . . . . ....... u... n. vxiASB. Aaui. iv. mmifln. r u . f.SOO A. TINTMPFtnvrrn .iv . - - . ' " . w 1 ciiiiuvr and: much flna timber vet nn arA . c 1 ml. from Klirelca RnHnvi- fin. J e .1.. ranch and general farming; $7.60. Special targaln in Improved farms; $10 to $30. WM. jliki.s & CO., Eureka Springs, Ark. Caaada. CHOICE 820 acres unlmnrnved farm In the Red river valley, Manatoba, for sale at bargain, or will trade for a farm In Oklahoma Kasos or Nebraska. For full par. tlculars address owner, w. H. McEnroy. 912 West 7th St., Oklahoma City, Okl. Colorado, Choice Farm Land Very Cheap Owner must sell at ones 10 arm nf very choice farm land within five miles of Burlington, tho county seat of Kit Carson county, Colorsdo. The soil is 01 ine very heat; land perfectly level with Just slope enough for good drainage; a eectlon of the country that Is improving very faat. Price. $16 per acre. VV . J. Dermody Investment Co., 1514 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. lanhiK CO-ACRE farm. miles from e-nnrt Man In Adair county; 40 acres timber pasture, balance plow land; 2 acrea of Improve ments, and a snap at $t6 per acre; most all In paature and would raise fine corn; for a quick sale will take $76. R. E. Brown. ruir, tuano. WRITE to tha United States Inil nffw Boise, Idaho, as to the Character of the land to be opened for homestead entry May 16. This land ilea between Boise and Payette; none of it over twelve miles from the railroad. I will locate Dartlea at $60 per filing. For full Information address C. H. Roberts, Boise, Idaho. Una, T TTAVTT. this Aft In U...U ...v.. r.. . .. .... . ...... vn. ... a uBiiiiiwiia v,uuiii7i Oklahoma, to exchange for a good 10 or 12-room house In Des Moines. Section 21. This la 6M miles east of Kosoma, on the Frisco R. R. This is pasture land. Snyder Land Co., Brooklyn, la. (66 Per acre for 60 acrea 1nintn mn $90 for 130 acres well Improved. Can use a little trade. Lock box . Woodburn, Clarke Co.. la. WISH TO INVEST; IOWA LEVEL LAND with perfect drainage for tile, or mlgnt buy land with mineral indication. Oive full description and lowest cash price first letter. C. H. Colby 4V Co Des Molnes.- SOUTHERN IOWA FARM. (30 acres well Improved, cloee in just like living In town. Best place In Iowa for the price, $100 per acre. Easy terms. H. B. Gardner, Corydon, la Kansas, 40 ACRES, alx miles from Mlnneola, 600 acres in wheat, one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, atable, well, mill, tank, paa ture fenced; rich black soil; haa raised good crop every year sines broken out; great bargain. $36 per acre. Terms. The Hoy C. Beard Land Co., Mlnneola, Kan. WE have some choice bargains In corn, wheat and alfalfa landa for aale In Ben ton and Rush counties; write for list ot farm bargalna American Investment Co., Ilolslngton, Kan. 820 ACRES. I miles god town; fenced; well Improved all smooth land; rich black soli; good orchard; R. F. D., 'phone; fine surroundings; $t; good terma; will ex change for hardware, Implements or gen eral merchandise. W, H. Mott, Herington, Kan. 830 ACRES-35 In alfalfa; 10-room house, large barn, granary, etc.; 8 miles to Larned, Pawnee county; 60 acrea pasture, balance In cultivation; rich deep soil, abun dance of water, wells and mills; $23,500, termo. Bunto Realty Co., Hutchinson. Kan. 83) ACRES, 1H miles out; t0 in wheat, ! to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain and snow assures bumper crop; level as a tloor; $22.60 per sere; terms. W. B. Cul bertson, Scott City. Kan WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAP 240 acrea, 2 miles out; 130 acres In wheat, VI delivered to buyer; level. -ich. deep soil; good well and windmill; $6,260, terms. Other wheat and alfalfa lands; all sizes and prices. L. F. Bchohraacher, owner, Meade, Kan. Laolslaaa. VERNON parish. La; tks land of sun shine, soil, climate, markets, water, health, good; prices cheap; write Leesvllle Real Estate and Improvement Co.. C. M. Mc Farland. Beo'y, Leeavilla. La. ails WE have a number of fine Improved farms from 10 to 40 miles from Minne apolis and close to other good towns at $20 to $40 per acre: easy terms. For in formation call or write. FELLAND REALTY COMPANY. (33 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. IMPROVED FARM ON CROP PAY MENTS. $20 acres four miles Felton, Clay county, Minn.; very well improved; buildings and Improvementa worm $4.0u0. Land fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire fenc ing. Artesian well, finest of water; good giove; rural mall; telephone In house; school house twenty rods from building; churches four miles. Land all under culti vation; (0 acres timothy and clover pas ture, 240 acres being seeded to wiles', (ne-thud of al! crops giown goes to buyer. In 1H1' owner threshed 6.000 bushels ! wh-al Irom (arm; only J. per acre; VJ.ov i cash, balance can be had on crop pay ments, or n paying only imju per year until paid for. Write -Qs for picture ot buildings snd other information. TRI- STATE INVESTMENT CO. 6"! Northwestern Hldg . Minneapolis. Minn.- 120 ACRES Big Stone county. Minnesota: all cultivated: io miles from town; build- lng worth $2,000; puce loj per a'-re; bar- I tain. Lenta Lenta, bt Paul, Jdina.-a REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH LtKI) FOR 4I.K Minnesota (oatlaaed. WE HAVE- a hundred well-improved farms In the Red River valley of Minne sota for sale. Uood, black loam soil, clav BlltlSOil. B 1 Wl.1 hlllMlnira' all .... U. vated. I'rlres nnir, f r ,1 1 . 1 t bl , . - t.i acre. Excellent water. Agents and buyers "''" jonn il oya Ivand Co., Crooks ton, Minn. i-.ir.o 01 cnoicn wneat lands to be sold to syndicates, land companies or I'm ue in uihuki or irom if iw acres up, at $3 per aore, easy terms; before July 1. 1!U: splendid opportunities for develop, ment work and colonization purpose- rail roads going through and free homesteads available In district; price aub, ct to change without notice. Tompkins 1-and and lmm. gratlon Company, 178 East Id St., St. Paul Minn. ' .. . .. . 722-ACRE EXCHANOE-722 acres Polk county, Minnesota prairie land; no In cumbrance; low caah price or exchange for Income property. Also three ISO-acre farms. Improved. P. J. Carey, Crookston Minn. 120 ACRKS. black soil. Joining village and station of Enfield. Wright countv. Minne sota; good Improvements; price f 80. Write for Information. C. R. Hagerstrom, En field, Minn. CHEAP LAND Corn belt lands. Red River valley lands, Minnesota, from $30 to $45 per acre. Write or call on L. H. Stand ring, Breckenrldge, Minn. FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP They pro duce aa much, but cost a fraction of Iowa farms. Write or see Guthrie 4t Fargra. Blooming Prairie. Minn. 1,000 ACRES PRAIRIE, Marshall county. Minnesota, close to railroad, $13 per acre; K cash, balance $1,000 yearly payments T per cent interest T. P. Hanna, Endloott. St. Paul. Minn.- - 2S2 ACRE SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARM, 6 miles from Garvin, 8 mllee from Tracy; fine lake frontage, good 6-room house, rattle and hay barn 62x 48, horse barn 16x32, granary 82x32, sheep shed 20x60, corn orlb, machine ahed. good well and wind mill, fine grove; all fenced. Price IC2.60 per acre; $4,600 cash, balance on terms to suit at S per cent. Bonnalllo 4k Bartlett, Tracy, Minn. RED RIVER VALLEY LANDS. Owner ot one or two fine Improved, half section farms, would sell or exchange either or both, want good running atock ot hardware or merchandise. Owners only, full particulars first letter. J. T. Owens. 8217 Palaco Blk., Minneapolis. Minn. M Use art, OZAEKLANDS Bend for our complete list of bargalna; go with ua on our next excursion, April 18, and Investigate tho country. Wo can make you money. HAWK EYE LAND ft ORCHARD CO, 80s Brandels 1 heater Bldg. STOP! Don't go a step further than Douglas county, down In the beautiful Osarks. Raise anything; corn, 30 to 66 bush els per acre; all other crops in proportion; cheapest good land on earth. $6 to $20 per acre. Free Information. Globe Real Estate Co., Ava, Mo. FOR SALE Finest farm In Leaven worth county; Broaddus farm of 160 acres, 1V miles from Fort Leavenworth; $6,000 brick residence; 600 46-year-old walnuts; 100 sugar maple trees; natural gaa; two telephones; free delivery, 1!4 miles from Santa Fe station; examine premises and write Mrs. J. L. Klrby, 1108 Felix St., St Joseph, Mo. 80-AC RE farm all cultivated, fine house, barn, fences first class condition, fins spring water; 2 miles town; 7 miles rail road. Southeast Missouri Immigration Co., Piedmont, Mo. FOR SALE 66 farms, large and small, between Mississippi and Missouri rivers, average $36 per acre. Write for big price list. William Crews, Wright City, Mo. MISSOURI Farms None better on earth. Highly Improved 180 acres. Raise anything; $80. Other decided bargains. Write us. Gil liam Realty Company, Gilliam, Mo. M18SOURI farms, 350 A., (-room house. ham: 1ft) A h,l 9n A ..nen, 1....I 1-1 1- dirt; 8 miles railroad, $65 A. Cn'as. B. Huck- siey nsaiir o., cisoerry, MO. ale FOR BALE section Improved land near Alliance. 65 acres broke, all fenced, house, well granerles, etc. Must be sold at once. Also U. section unimproved In same in'. callty. Both quarters A-l soli and will be sold at sacrifice. Write or wire for parti culars. Virgil Smith, Alliance, Neb. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA the coming farm state. $12 60 to (20.00 ne acre. Write for description. Shaw 4s Clark Land company. Hackney Bldg., Bt ram, Aunn. THIRTEEN sections in Dawson county near Sidney, one of the best towna In tha Yellowstone valley; also have otber lands that we are retailing in any site farm you want. Write your wanta. Prices are right The Hayward Land Co., Glandlne, Mont 320-ACRE homestead relinquishments for sale; also one hotel, one bakery, one gen eral store, one saloon, one feed store. Ad dress Charles F. Brown, Galata, Mont FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley 820 acres fine fruit land; old water right; best sec tion of the valley; fine proposition for sub division; fair buildings; easy terms. Ad dress owner, E. O. Lewis. Stevensvllle. Mont- On another page will bo found tho rule governing the Booklovers' Contest Nebraska. Sacrifice Sale The greatest ranch and dairy farm prop osition ever offered 1,120 acres In the rain belt of eastern Ne braska, containing lake of spring water, at less than you can purclte.se arid land In the weatern part of tho state; surrounded by farms producing abundant cnops of corn, wheat, oats and alfalfa; located from 6 to 10 ten milee from five railroad towns, 6 miles northwest of Norfolk. Part of this tract will make good farm land; It Is now covered with a heavy growth of blue stem grass. Every acre will produce red or white clover, timothy or alfalfa. For quick sale, $16 per acre. W. J. Dermody Investment Co. 1614 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA farmers enjoy an evening at the American. If C. C. Brown, 4101 is. 24th St., will LiIiik this ad to The Ree within thrm days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to the Amtrlcan theater. 45-Bushel Wheat Land for $27 an Acre Buy Land Where It Rains We own snd control over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska, choicest farm lands now on the market. The beut crop producing county In the atate for twelve ears. Alfalfa Is a leading crop. Write today for our free literature. Live agents wanted everywhere. KCNDINUSLAND INVESTMENT CO., SIDNEY. NEB. FOR SALE Quarter section Improved land near Alliance; acres broke, all is 'fenced; house, well, granerles, etc. Must be hold at once. Also quarter section unlrn- proved In ame locality. Hoth quarters A-l I toil and will he sold at .Sarrifii e. Write or wire for parllculais. Vagil jsmlui. Alliance, ,Nb. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM It !... I) loll MK Nebraska ton tinned. Farm Near Omaha Will Be Divided 800 acres, level land In ,.1tli.,.lfnn 90 acrea native hav li'ti niur, pimi'm' $ PER ACRE. Will divide into two or more ramie If desired. This farm Is only 23 miles from Omaha postofflce. 1J miles from the stock yards, and 1 miles from It. R. town. TlltS CHEAPEST I.ANI1. LOCATION CONSIDERED. IN THE STATE OK NERRASKA. J. H Dumont & Son, 1005 Farnam St., Omaha. Thone Doug 90. 830 ACHES of good first bottivm hav meadow; 200 acrea absolutely level snd rvry l?ot of ,he halance la good farm land. This tract lies only 1 miles from a good railroad town neHr Crawford. But a combination of circumstance forces it upon the market at this time, and I can sell It to you right now at $1 per acre. Ihla place will pay for Itself (mm the hay alone In two yearn. Now, where can voit find a better offer? Better come at once. This Is Just a bargain counter bar-sain A RAJ I L. HUNGERFORD, Crawford, Neb FARM for sale by the owner; a choice, well Improved farm northeast Nebraska; want to sell direct; no commission. Ad dress Y ltJ Bee. $300 WILL put you on 600 acrea of land? Faro from Omaha, $1 Call or address 427 Her Grand. 10 acrea near Crorton. Neb., Knot Co , good soil, good roads, well Improved with buildings; price par acre. $70; easy terms: also 3V-acre farm, 4 miles from town, we'll Improved, $75 acre. Otto Bogner, Creflon. Neb. FOR bargains In cheap western lands Often cheap H40-acre relinquishments. Ad dross J. C. Belxina, Whitman, Neb. FOR SALE jmo sores bay land. 1 mile Newport. $17.60; 860 miles, all new build ings, spring water, $22.50. Othera. L. M. Greene. Newport Neb. tno-ACRB ranch for sale, t.10 per a era two-thirds cash, remainder-five years. par cent Interest; all fenoed. good Improve. Bisnts. For particulars wrlto Frank fee hula. Norfolk. Nab. North Dakota. SEVERAL Improved farms In McHenry county, N. Dak., for sale on easy terms; good soil; $26 to $30 per acre. C. A. Btubblna Granville, N. D. FOR SALE Renters and Investors. If you want to own one of our fine improved grain farms with every modern convenience and be independent write me at once. Lluie money needed. Wendell Huston, Carrlng ton, N. D.- Sonth Carolina. LANDS $400 per acre made growing flga for preserves on the Islands. Orchards oa easy monthly paynianta Boa Island Or chard Co., Charleston B. C Ortios. OREGON APPLH LAND. I and 10 acre planted tracts taken care of for five yeara Terms $16 a month. No Irrigation, taxes or Interest . 8ANTIAM FRUIT COLONY, 424 Bee Bldg., in aha. Neb. FOR BALE 160 acres choicest apple, pear, cherry, grape land in tho west, six miles from town, one mile from R. R. ; soil deep voloanlo ash. Tha Dalles, Ore., priie win ning fruit 160 acres 8 miles from town, new, mod ern houss, barn, tenement, 360, pear, prune, bearing 1,600 young trees, 1,000 grape vines, gcod water, wood. Or will sell 80 acres with all Improvements. Investigation ao lioitod. C. H. Webster, The Dalles, Ore. oath Dakota. COLORADO FRUIT LAND Forty aoreo on weatern slope, SO aores 8- year-old trees, best commercial varieties, some small fruit, only one-half mile from town, 4 roora bouse, fruit cellar, good outbuild ings, cistern, every foot Irrigable, plenty water; will sell for $;60 per acre. Would consider trade for good grocery stock and draft horses around $8,000 and balance cash. Own adjoining 160 with 60 acres bearing orchard from which apples won. blue ribbon prices at Pittsburg, i'a , and Denver, 1V10. This snap will go quickly. E. A. Montank. Lead, S. D. To THE NILS) OF AMERICAI (20.00 cash and 6 per cent Interest, pay able semi-annually, will secure you a homo In Vela, Tex., and a 10-acre farm In the Rio Grande valley, where the farmers caah Income Is as perpetual aa the days that come and go. 8. H. Jackaon, 7oo Firat National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. VB are subdividing 2,300 acres of fertile farm land In Jackson county. Splendid crops every year. Rainfall about right, 40 Inches. For description, plats and prlcsa write JOHN RICH E Y 4V CO., 213 E. Houston Bt, Ban Antonio, Tex. BAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. Wo can buy land for you or invest money, 8 per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. Correspondence solicited. Reter to First Nat'l bank. San Saba Nat'l bank, Ward, Murray & Co., and the mem bers In congress from Texas. Kelley-Burlo aon Co., ban Saba, Tex. Wlsceasla. IF YOU are looking for a farm In th beat part of the United Statea, where tin soil and climate cannot be btat, wrtu Owner, Lock Box l&i, Amery, Wis. Wyoming-. FOR SALE 14,000 acrea In I .a ram! county, Wyoming, In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable tor farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep; will sell with ranch; will exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa farms. J. T. Bell, Ownsr, Cheyenne, Wyo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE C. J. CANAN, Room 701 Oma. Natl. Bank. FOR aale or trade for atooK. Northwest ern thresher engine, now Century separator and elx-buitoiu engine gang plow; ad new. Blrt bteele, ailmoreek. Neb. WE exchange properties of merit. H. H. Culver, U-U N. Y. Ufa. Douglas "Mi. FOR reliable sales and exchanges aet D. M. LEA MING. 6s Brandela Bldg HAVE good city property to trade for good Improved acre properly close to good town In Nebraska, Iowa or eastern Kun sas. Give full particulars and price In tli st letter. 8. E. WAIT ft CO.. (17 Bee Building. STOP. READ. No. 1160 acres, near Towner. N. .!.. . 110 acres In cultivation and in nhe.tt; every foot fine level land. Cash vnlue $.'5 per acre; mortgage (I.2i0. This will a an l the closest Investigation. Want merchandisa. city property or auto for anility. No. 2 liiO acres, choice level land, Chev. enne county, Kansas; clear. Price $2,400. Want offer. No. 812,000 equity In an all modern new house; fine location; paved street. Want clear, cheap land or auto. S. K. WAIT & CO.. C17 Bee Bldg. I own 1.700 a. hay and stock ranch, 3 'attio and ho:-e barns. 6-r. house, nice large grove, about 2 a. of orchard, all lei.ced and ci osn-tenced. This is one of the best ranches ever offered for exciotnge. Price, $20 a. Equities or inflated values will not be considered. C. I'. Tiavrr, 7ou N. O. N. B. Bldg. HERE is a chance to get something for nothlnK. Let Mrs. M. lngalla. 4.101 Dodge St., bring this ad to The Bee office within three days. We will give her a 60c box of O'Hrien's candy free. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1.14 New ijinaha National Bank buildlni OARVIN BROa.. Id floor N T Life fi to tlu "s ee improved vroit Nu dels WANT CD Cur loans Peters Trust Co LOANS to home oaners and home build ers, with privilege of Making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. Ii TiiuMAS, wj Fust Naliuual Bauk building.