9 ! Y OFFERED FOR RENT I afernlehed Hoomi -C'ontlaeed. FINE unfurnished room In modern cot tan; walking distance. 611 N. td. V THREI V storerooi 1 fruit. M W17 N. 1 B unfurnished mom. bath room. oreroom. outside porch, nic garden and noern except heat. No children. 18th tit. FAR RENT (nnr nlr hi. 8. 24th 8t ..... t-room furnished nous. Webster 1S8. ctan r FOR RENT-A w and entirely modern t-room eottag. corner 17th and Castellar. 124. Including water. U N. . Lit. TaL MCE SEVEN-ROOM; MODERN EX i KPT HtAT; ADLLTHONLY. m CALU V ELL- NEW I rooms, modern except furnace, t block couth of Vinton school Inquire a. a. Flagg, Mil 8. 2b Ave HOUSEHOLD QOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates; mowing and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. X City Office, 21 . 17th 8t. Bee Bldg. RKVEN nice room, modern except heat; adult only. 341!) Caldwell. SlX-room cottage, partly modern. J4il Michigan Ave.; $14 00 per month. V. 4. PEKMOUT 1NVEST1IBNT CO, Tel. D, Til. , ,, 1514 City Nat. Bank Bldg. A PRETTY up-to-date house, tlx rooms besides reception hall, bath and laundry; well located, near four car llnee. Inquire fl2 Park Ave. rmitx nous ana siarx nouseaee I y If yon use I'pdlke'a Pride of Omaha iaT iou will enjoy the food It will mtki I D. Iiogg, Mil Cuming St, will brlna KENT a house and start housekeeping. flour ike. If brlnar this d to The Bee office and Identify himself within three daya he will receive an order on hie grocer for a 24 pound sack of this fiour. ... T4 8. 2T'H, 1 rooma completely modern. 64 THOU r. HALL. 4W Kamge Bldg. Doug. 7406 or A-4406. FOR RENT on May 1, five-room cottage, In fin condition,. l-V. 3615 Jonea St., Tel. Harney ObxS. THREB room cottage, furnished com- B'.ele. HUU Burt fit 10-ROOM modern bouse; walklag tanc. Inquire 704 N Bth St. Ola- ElGHT-room modern house at 464 N. fcth St. I'.'O.OO per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. D. 786. 1514 City Nat. Bank Bldg. MODERN, 5-room brick" house, 1100 N. 23d St., 125 per month. Phone Harney WW. Houses. In. Rlngwall Brand! Th. Bldg. Ill 00 6-roora lower flat- with porch, mod., 2201 N. 21t Kt. M 3-room middle flat. 2J04 N. 21st 8t. Ii2 I3. M-rnv upper flat, modern, 2208 N. list. 00 s-room all modern nsw brick, 713 N. anth nt. - WV 10-rouin modern home, cor. 20th and W ebster ls. 50 S-room apartment, strictly modern, at Albion, near depnfM. ROKINBON V WOU, Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 2418, $31. THE elegant ten-room modern house on southeast corner 32d and Davenport Sts. will be for rent May 1; neighborhood most desirable, rlce, fH6 per month. CONRAD YOUNO. 122 Brands! Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1571. A NEW T-room modern- house, 8208 Charles. Doug. 171 or Harney 5817 evenings. CENTRAL, all modern, T-room bouse, 220 N. 23d. ' 4-ROOM steam heated flat, Dunsany. loth and Pierce. Douglas 157L Cuuru Young. FOR RENT to-eolored people. I 7.0ft Three rooms, 2K21 Lake St 14.00 6-room, SiiOi Paul Kt. 812.00 4-room, 27M Burt Ht. J2500 0-room mod., corner., 1S18 Ohio St. ROBINSON & WOLF, 4.15 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 2418. t: FOR RENT. Modern houi, of,lghi -rooms, walking distance.. $30. 1. N. HAMMOND, 182 Board of Trad. Modern, 7-r. house: near park. 15U B. 88, FOR RENT Blx-room cottage. clos In; bath,, cistern, shade; to small family, 825. even rooms, all. modern, three bed rooms, 31st and Jackson. 826. Owner pays water. Telephone Red 6244. . 41S N. 22d St., 10 rooms, modorn. House and location very desirable, 160. 1302 H. 81st St. 10 rooms, modern, barn, $30. :m 8. toth Ave., S room, modern, barn. r. ... . . . : ti2 R. 29th, ( rooms, modern, barn, $26. 1"8 Orace. 10 rooma, modern, barn, $7.50. Mi3 N. 18lh St., 6 rooms, modem and fir., $17.50. .' . 2024 Hamilton, 4 room, partly modern, $14. 414 Pacific, 8 room, $700 4I Pacific. 10 rooms, $15 00. 813 N. 22d St., 4 rooms, $12 50. ' W. Fa mam Smith 4k Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug.. 1064; Ind. A-1064. Iouaei J" Si . .wm mm w., &mm OIU. wkusmBww. w. hv.ii, aiore household goods. Fireproof storage; 804 S. 1MB, IP I BUIU, mm PB. 4 1 lo. i w, u. Cles, A188s, 8-ROOM cottage, " modem . except heat $21.00. 52 B. 26th. Ava. . HOUSES In all parte of city. F. D. WEU.D. Wead Bldg., im Farnam 8t DUNDEE, modern house, $26. Harney 015, i . i . i 832.50 Strictly modern $-rooui brick house. 1:i7 S. 28lh. KIVB-RO0M house, second floor, . mod rrn. 182S 8. 32d St; Hansoom park. SIX-ROOM bouse and barn,. 2630 Parker St. F, p. 1801 Farnam. FOU RENT May lt modern 7-room hintfce, 3315 IXidge 9t., on West Farnam hill: very deslrrable neighborhood; rental $I.V00. Inquire of W. O. Preston, 101 S fllit ht. Tel. Doug. 778 or Harney 1166. LIST .your homes for rent or sale with WIUAJWa, SOI BltAISilKlM BLDQ. VACANT MAY 1. and In good condition, located at 2710 Da ta turPtJflboneOW W. 2711. HOUSE, 2614 Dewey Ave., T rooms, mod ern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1618 Farnam tit. FOR RF.NT Nice 6-roora; bath, gaa. 6. 16th. Doug la 1411 4-ROOM cottar. 2501 Franklin. tares aad Ofrtrea. FOR RENT April 15th, 20S-3U N. lith St. 44x120. On block from Loyal hotel, poat offlc and new I'nloo Paclflo Bldg. Suit able for many kinda of hunlnena. Inqutr room 814 Firat National Batik Bid;. Tele phone Douglas 1242. - ONE. of th moat desirable ofrlcea In the cltv. Will rent d-sk room and give use of desk. Addreaa B. 121, Bee. FOR RENT Three-story and baaement store building at 10 Farnam St. Inquire room 214 First National Bank Bldg. Tele phone Douglas 1242, LIVE W1RK men oaty; beat greoary ant an vat market a Uth St. Apply xa N. 2M, Acreage for Heat. 80 ACRES choice corn or cane land; level und; for rent: near Bellevue; house. lam and outbuilding. Inquire Chapman, Hrllevue. Tel. 50, or Clarke, Der Grand hotel. OFFERED FOR SALE r.r.ll-r. FURNITURE, modern flat good condi tion. U1S Chicago. FURNITURK for t-raom cottage, Inolud in it piano, good aa new. Must aell at once. mer leavidg c.ty. Aaareaa u n, ee. FURNITURE and household good. 2624 Capitol Ave. af antral Imrietili. ( NEW model Edison phonograph and cabinet. 1M records thrown In, Address O K. Bee. ... PIAN'UL Cheap. 162 Nicholas street. I (Continued.) Typewriter. REM an Oil ve - typewriter from tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Pnone Douglaa 2912. TVPEWRTTFR" A T.I. MAKES. CLEARANCE SALE NOW ONI Price low to set the cush; to Vj regular price; any make you want B. F. WAN SON CO., 1314 FAPNA1I ST. I'PK Farrpll'a eynin on your cake and waffles; you will lfJ It. We will give C. B. Crane, 441 Jackson St.. a 6oo can free If he will bring this ad to The He off ire within three day and Identify him self. BUT aa I, C tnlth Rro. typewriter, n P. Kwaneon Co., Distributer. U14 Fei- am Pt SI-X'OND-hand typewriter aold. repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 16V7 Karnira. LET tin show you tha lateat Fox Vlslbl typewriters. Trie Typewriter Inepectlon and Supply Co.. I Hgtrl hitters, Nebraska and Iowa, 6S4 Rrandela Bldg. Tela. Ind. A -4412, Bell 4m Douglas. Mlaeellaaeoa. BA FES Overetocked with ' eaeond-hn4 afes. all alies and makea; bargain. Amer ican Buppl. 'o.. Ill Farnam C New and second hand safe, Ull Farnam. TWO good secondhand meat cooler; will be sold at a bargain If taken In next tan daya. D. D. Davis, Qtiswold. la. LeRny and Clayton are at the American theater this week. We will glv two tickets to Adlson , Wilier. 21 Ames Ave., If ha will bring thin ad to The Bee office and Identify himself within three day. FOR RALE New and ecoad-hand bD Hard and pool table. W lead the world In cheap bar fixture; aey payments. BrunswIck-Halk-CoUeiider. 47 B. lOta 84. FOR SALE A complete set of Ice tool, enough for. etorlng a hundred tons of lc rr day. Also two wagons, in good repair, will sell at a bargain. Write, M. J. Long, Box 743. Boonville, Mo. (Ill Tori niTrir urniTvn -" . - umvm eun idbi you can kill them with. Parker 10-gauge iiaiuiuci twin Darrei. in apienaia eon- aitlnn : 1 I K., immm. A 1 I . fc T . . . . . . . u . wu..a Bill. mKl ,11 V 1 1 .v. I shot) go with It. Make me an offer. Oee. v. . i u i. in oee. uDiina, DIRT for sale: amdv Hlah arhnnl grounds or John Harte. 1609 Webster St. MANDY LEE Incubator.. 120 eirva nw last year, $9. Inquire 2504 N. 24th Ht. FOLDlNU leather gocart. , 'Phone Doug. OSTEOPATHY Alio Johnson. 808 Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas, 634-5 Brandels Theater. PATENTS . ft BARNELU Paxton Blk. Tal. Red TU1 HIRAM A MTT'nnr.'U ... 4 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 8468.' V?111? FP.OY- -tered praoutloner II aa m-m 9 I if fix all U ai n u . tin. e n..... In PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY Uuun Iraalnunt f,.- tlsm. Dr. Halloran, 224 Neville Blk. D.7741. cured. Julia K. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. clothing. In fact anything you do- not www. . w mwn Aes r4, UUi St. lor coat ef collection, to th wor U ypoor. Call . 'vtvoe Douuu- us mnti waguna will caiL RATI IS 8ait K'ow and massage, Room CAiUi3 1. 10 L' 17th St- Mm. ill of Chicago. Doug. 7666. JAMES CORK ELECTRIC COMPamv moved to 203 South Uth St D. 1311. BEST nerve braoar for men. Grav'e m. Foci ,-PJlU, $1 , box. Postpaid. Kherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Nsb. BUPURFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle or Ininr. ,n th skin; lady attendant 407 McCagu bldg. PRIVATE HOMB during confinement: table fur adoption. Good bamaiitaa aaaj. tarlum. 740 1st A ., Council Bluffs, la. Rir.HT.llnoill In rn. .. . . .... .. aH ..vuv a wv hwu BQHll to the American theater w will glv to i. . ."mm., D(.imue el, it n will liHnir 1 Vi I . aH n Th. U .. . .m i . i . . .. . - . - . . . v.&.ww iv.tuta inree day and identify hlntaelf. hfiWNEY KASTER MILLINERY UUViJ 151 N. 24th St Doug. 7698 WIGS nd fouP's for men. OrlfXlth. V AUO 1U So. 15th St Lpetalra. YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha aa trangera. arc invited to vlalt t Youaa Woman' Christian association buUdlna iu Seventeenth street and Bt Mary' avenue! where they will be dlreoted t suitable boarding pUcs or tberwla aa slated. Loot lor aur traveler' aid a th Cak.a elatleaT STRICTLT private Chrlatlan confine ment home; beat car; bablea for tloptlon. 2518 Davenport A HOME fof women during confinement Bablea adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terma addreaa matron. Tlnley Home, 408 Bancroft bt 'Pnone Doug 19.iL WE RENT and repair all klnda of aew- lug machines. Ind. A-1643; Douhlaa 1663. . NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lolh and Harney St. MRS. 8NYDER, Swedish message, batha, radiator and vibrator treatment. The Duna any. Flat 2, 10th and Pierce. Doug. 4380. ....... ........ 'n..(n. B I k K III poolng and halrdressing done In your bom. Mivrritpiwn . . . i .. MASSAGE Mr. Klttenhous. 208 Old Boston Stor. Dress pleatlngs, button covered, all sixes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 2uo Douglaa block. Both phone. - HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoe. nreogthea. iOo. BELL DRUG CO. PHIVATE uiaternky hutne. Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Web. MS, Ind. D 1936. MASSAGE TREATMENT..Mr- 8t'- Adeltght hair food grow hair; are Mme. Prayer. Metieath Staf y Co., Lth ft Farnam. DR, EGOERS, private confinement home. 116 Martha St., Omaha. TaL.Pougla 6230. HAVE good news for Harold Randolph, formerly of Omaha: will pay $5 reward for bis piVepnt address; send Immediately to Klein, lub Schiller Bldg . Chicago. 63-DAY BLOOD RKMEDT. Gladdish Pharmacy, 12ih and Dodge. DR. BURKE, disease of women. Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STOCK THOROUGHBRED Plymouth white t barred egg, for hatching, a A ws. p rarwatu. uaroey ult EUC3 for batching Worn th Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg horna. Utility stock. $150 a aettlng or $1 per 100. Exhibitions or ahow stock, 83 to li a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandeia. Omaha. SILKO CHICK FOOD ' la th beat In the market for young cblckaaa. Mad frooe pur grain. Ve kaie by all dealers. A. W. WAGNER. AOENT., Ml N. lata AC re'. Wug Utl 14. A Ms. ' GLENVIEW Farm R. C. R. I. red egg R C. Walker. Su. Omaha. Tel. & M0. TWENTY pair Homer pigeons. $10 00. Walker, 8124 Camden. Webster 4141. "COTTON Blossom Wyandotte and Cot tage Grove Barred Rock egge for hatch ing. Web. tt!. 15 GOD White Tinhorn hens; make m au offer. Telvpuiuu Web. )Vi, OFFERED FOR SALE II ERE Is a chance to get something for nothing. Let Mrs. 8. Wills, 2M6 Central Blvd.. bring this ad to Th Bee office within three day. We will give her a tuo box of O'Brien's candy free. POULTRY AND PET STOCK (Continued. ) RARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs from carefully mated pens. $3 for 15. S for .H Write for dscrlpiion. F. t Alqulat. I'.'ai fli-minn Air. L'maim pnoii-., bu. FOR SALE 2-dy-old chicks. Benson 6.4, PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer,1,8 inn HUH. BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. 'FHONK IND. A m tor good snntlaa Lmgstad Printing Co. 18th and Capitol Ava MILLER Jamleson. 1212 Douglas St Phonea: Douj -jy; Ind., A-42S9. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT! Of T1T8.8B, PETER JE8BEN. Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. H. H. Neal. 860 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. M.T.BRENNAN (bonded), 224 Brandels The StlSAI, EITATB DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theatre. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. teenth floor. City Nat I. Bank Bldg. CITY PROP8CRT Y FOR BALB THOSE Acres and Half Acres We have been selling in Lawndale Addition in Florence Have been the fastest selling lots we ever put on sale. In ten daya we sold the whole addition of twenty acres, with the excep tion of four pieces, and every one of them Is a bargain. Two half acres and two acres are yet unsold, and the terms are 83) down, $15 a month, on acres, and $10 down ana io a month on half acres. Remember this addition Is on tha Forest Lawn car line and macadam road. Fin place to raise I CHICKENS, GARDEN TRUCK AND FRUIT Which will reduce the cost of living a great deal and you will still be able to hold your job in the city and your land will double In value. Don't put It off. Make up yur mind to buy at once. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney Bt. Th Best Place to Buy Acre. FOR SALE LARGE PRESSED BRICK RESIDENCE, 2 HIGH EAST FRONT LOTS IN TILE BEST SECTION OF THE WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. CALL UP OWNER, DOUGLAS . 125, HARNEY 128. HAN 3COM PAK. $3,750. $400 CA8H REQUIRED. Six room, all modern nous, only two block from the Park and close to car line. Lot is terraced and front east. Monthly payment Is only $26.40, which is cheaper than rent. BUTTON REALTY CO.. 894 Brand! Bldg 'Phon Doug. 1670. ON MAT FIRST, all unsold lots In BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARtf will he advanced $201). If bought now this Increase will be saved. Fifteen of th choloeat lot are left. $120000 ha been expended In Im provements during the past two years. Nothing like It in Omaha. Must be seen to be appreciated. bt rests paved and parked. No alleys. Sewer and water brought to each lot to obviate outtlng pavements. Near school, church and car. One-fourth cash, balance monthly, or will build to suit th purchaser. PAXTON REAL ESTATE CO., Owner. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargain $14 Omaha Nat'l Bank. NEW l-room house, modern except heat, good lot, fine location, price $2,600; will consider a good lot tor part of first pay ment, or make terma to ault buyer. Mra. E. M. Peuel. 5358 N. 2tth St. Phon. Web ster 106$. 8327 Seward; thla fine, new 8-room, mod ern home; corner; has oak finish first floor; 4 bedrooms; bath second floor; door to sleeping porch; full basement; laundry. Be thla or phon Harney ITU. Owner next door. $7,500 Residence No. 812 N. 28th Ave; new. modern; hard sood finish. Two bath rooma. 3 Big Bargains $2,404 Fin large house, modern except furnace, I room on first floor and on room finished on second floor and $ more room unfinished. $2,100 Ktx-room houaa, modern except furnac. $1,240 Five-room house, modern except furnare. These houses are all located In tne south part of th city, ana are big bargain. Don't overlook them. MKLTHOIR I.E1R V SON, Insurance and Real Ktar 1848 South :wth bU Phon Doug. tStl. REAL ESTATE CITY PRftrF.RTY FOR SALE. (Continued ) TOU CAN BUY TH 19 HOT FK AS CHEAP AS YOU CAN RENT IT. ?i?0 N. lth St., 4-room cot tune, modern except heat, price 82,8nO. or will tent for 8J5 tier month after Maw 1 Vl'lll -L . terma to suitable party. W. H. AHMANSON. Owner 2514 N. Mth St. FINE RESIDENCE for sale, near 27th and Farnam. Phon Harney 884. HERE la another cuatomer for O'Brien's candv. If Marguerite Conoway, J17 North 21st Pt , will bring this ad to The Bee of fice within three daya, aha will b given a 80c box of thia fine candy. FINE LOT. In Crelrhton's First addition, on boulevard; fiu paving lax. lei. u. lb. - CHOICE 820 acres unimproved farm In the Red river vslley. Manatoba, for aale at bargain, or win trade for a farm In Oklahoma Kasos or Nebraska. For full par. tlculars addreaa owner, W. H. McEnroy, 812 West 7th St.. Oklahoma City, Okl. ITS AN excellent show at the American theater thia week. W want C. E Davis 1M7 N. 20th St., to tee It. If he will bring this ad to The Be office and Identify him self within three day we will give him two tickets. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE Never occupied exeppt hy owner; four bedrooms, well built !423 Maple Ft. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE 2Sx40, all modern, large' rooms, best plumbing, built for a home, two more rooma ran he flnlahrt 1a ,Min t.i r t-., 4120 N. 2Sth Si. ' ' NEW COTTAGE. One and om-half stories; 28x 30 feet; dou ble corner, 100x121 feet; 6 rooms and bath room; three closet and pantry: built In china closet In dining room; 8-foot stone foundation; cellar excavated under entire houae; all first-das. W. J. PETERSON, Telephone Harney 4611. . 3820 Gold St. ACREAGE! FOR SALE Acre $1,400 Fronts east on Miller Park. Harrison & Morton For SA LEV You want It We have It Every city man dreams of a country home where he can raise fruit and chicken. Our l-acre farms ln the famous Koskonong Fruit District, Ideally located hi the beauti ful Ozarks, are money makers and can be had at moderate prices on easy terms. Write for booklet or call at the office of the Co-Operative Orchard Co., 811-12 City National Bank Bldg., Phon D. 47D4. Auction Sale Douglas County Farm 160 acres, known as the Andrew Swan farm, adjoining the J. H. Pratt farma. 4U. mile southeast of Bennington, on main road west of Irvlngton, about 16 mile from Omaha. Land la rolling, but la good fertile soil. Fair improvements. Immediate possession. Sale take place at Douglaa county court house, Saturday, April 22, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m. For further infor mation writ or call. I The Byron Reed Co.. Omaha, Neb. 212 So. 17th St. LISTEN r WE DESIRE to announce that th most desirable SUBURBAN ACREAGE PROP ERTY that th PUBLIC, has had an OP PORTUNITY to buy will be offered by ua for aale In a few day,-. It will pay you well to await th .particulate which will bs Inserted In this apace, 'when th engi neers will have th plat completed. Till proprety ha been the HOME of th South Omaha Country club for Ua last flv year and their leas and- theit option ha Just expired, CONSEQUENTLY th present owners have decided to place it on th market Being - located oa th boulevard and on th car line and less than a mil from South Omaha, with Ua commanding view of th rivar and aurruiindlng country, It 1 actually conceded to be th moat de lightful place for a COUNTRY HOME to be found anywher. Thl addition will b known by som appropriate name, wbloh will b announced later. Remember w are not going to ask any fancy price. Ton can buy from aores up. Term will be right. For particulars call or telephone to O'Neil Real Estate & Ins. Ag'cy, Tel. Tyler 1024 and South 192. Ind. A-2211 and South 1192. 1S06 Farnam St., Omaha, or, 24th and N Bt., South Omaha, REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALB Arkansas.' lfiO. t ml Allt IS In Mill. ' 1QA klal. or clover land; fair Imp.'; good neighbor- e a a Jk . 4V aLkJ"k at . a m . . aia. . . r iuuu, u, wu, mi. trom town oi i,vuu, near P. O. and school; nearly all amooth up- tana; cult., bal. timber, 26 clover: 4 al falfa, 4 bearing orchard, lJi fenced bog- . t r k. t .. . .a J , . .1 . iuuu t-r. icaiucnce, store, ioug bldg., new barn; dark red sandy loam; good rnrnmunllv d.llul.ffi.l 1...... ....... i ..... j .. good water; $8,600. subject to'a-year loan WM. GILMORE, Marshall, Ark. 233 A., SMOOTH, IV mi. railway station. Kill fnnfl Ait mil amall 2naa.A a ii 4 e ii !- Mvuarw, nw W Vflia, two public roads, $2,600. Union Bank fr a vaeaw v Ataax,. eVVf v. K7Tal ij , A I mm.. 60 TRACTS of land in th corn and al falfa district of Delta land; black soli; good schools; lands will double in value In three years; now rent from 86 to $7 per acre, Write us wnat you warn. F. C. HOLLAND, Pin Bluff. Ark- 2,600 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fine timber yet on land; 4 to 1 ml. from Eureka Sprlnga; fin for fruit: ranch and general farming; $7.60. Special targaln In improved farm; $10 to $Ul WM. JENKINS CO., Eureka Springs, Ark. ' BEST fruit and general farming landa tor price In U. 8.. In Searcy Co., Ark. Send for booklet ahowlng $6 to $16 land near town. W. M. Henson. Leal I. Ark OZARK LAND CO., Gravette, Ark.-. Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry field, mail tract, Installment jilan; town prop erty, business house. Writ ug. . BESS" IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. All clause of timber, farm and fruit lands In ArkaAsaa. Louisiana and Mlaalaalppl, from 46 to $26 per acre. Writ J. u. Key nolds. Camden, Ark COTTON plantation: 480 acre: elegant Ki-room dwelling; plenty tenant houaea good barn and outbuilding; rich, black loam; will grow bal cotton or 76 buabala torn per acre: woven wire fence- 200 acree cultivation; 200 merchantable timber, hard wood; healthful location; 4 mile from good town; good neighborhood; near school and church; price, $20,000; reasonable terma Address Johnston Willis, car Southern Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark. 92 ACRES rich, sandy loam, 84 cult.; good house, orchard, aoft well water; no rock a' no overflow; 4-mlle achool; whit commun' Ity; price, $1.2u0: half down. ROBERT SESSIONS. Winthrop. Ark - 1.609 ACRES rich bottom land, six miles Newark, $li per aore; terma. Fin arange grove. Florida. Forty acre; S7.tm. Other bargalna A. A. Henderson, Newark, Ar kanbaa. l.OOO.OOO ACRES In Arkansas for home steading. W her located and how secured shown In our 1H14 booklst. sent postpaid, 2ec. H. D. Glass, Dept. K. Harrison, Ark On another page will be found th rule governing th Booklovar' ContaaL REAL ESTATE farm axd Rtm i.txn for sai.b (Continued.) Callforala. Five Acres in California Free Flv acres absolutely fre to first set tler who builds a bungalow and develop land In the Lutheran Colony tract In Cal ifornia. Property located in the wonderful Sacramento valley, juat south of Red Bluff. "Every Acre a Money-Maker" Excursion leaves April 20. Far fre to purchasers. Lutheran Coloni zation Company 404-410 City Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Colorado. Choice Farm Laud Very Cheap Owner must sell at once liiO acres of very choire farm land within five miles of Burlington, the county seat of Kit Carson county, Colorado. The soil Is of the very best; land perfectly level with Just slope enough for good drainage: a section of the country that Is Improving very fast. Price, $16 per acre. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., 1514 City Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. lnkK 8G0-ACRE: farm, mile from good town In Adair county; 40 acrea timber pasture, balance plow land; 2 acre of Improve ments, and a anup at 2x6 per acre; moat all In pasture and would raise fin corn; for a quick sal will take $76. R. E. Brown. Fllr, ldaho.- WRITE to the United State Land Offlc. Boise, Idaho, as to th Character of the land to be opened for homestead entry May 15. This land lies between Boise snd Payette; none of it over twelve miles from the railroad. "1 will locate parties at $60 per filing. For full Information address C. H. Roberts, Boise, Idaho. Isna. I HAVE this 640 in Pushmataha County, Oklahoma, to exchange for a good 10 or 12-room house In Des Moines. Section 21. This is bhi miles east of Kosoma, on th Frisco R. R. This Is pasture land. Snyder Land Co., Brooklyn, la. $65 per acre for 80 acre Joining town or $90 for 130 acre well Improved. Can us a little trade. Lock box a, Woodburn, Clark Co., la. WISH TO INVEST; IOWA LEVEL LAND with perfect drainage for tile, or might buy land with mineral Indication. Glv full description and lowest cash pric firat letter. C. H. Colby & Co., De Moines. SOUTHERN IOWA FARM 830 acres well Improved, close In just Ilk living In town. Best place in Iowa for th price. $100 per acre, Easy term. H. B. Gardner, Corydon, la. Kaauu. 440 ACRE8. alx mile from Mlnneola, 600 acre In wheat, one-third to buyer; new 4-room house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas ture fenced; rich blauk soil; ha raised good crop every year sine broken out; great bargain. $35 per acre. Terms.- Th Roy C. Beard Land Co., Mlnneola, Kan. WE have eom choice bargalna in corn, wheat and alfalfa lands for aale in .Ben ton and Rush counties; writ for list of farm bargains. American Investment Co., lioislngton, Kan. 220 ACRES. J miles god town; fenced; well improved all smooth land; rich black soil; good orchard; R. F. D., 'phone; fin surroundings; 266; good terms; will ex change for hardware, Implements or gen eral merchandise. W, 11. Mott, Hsrlngton, Kan. 8: VI APR VJJ K In alfalfa 1IL... k large barn, granary, etc.; 2 mile to Larned, Pawnee county; 60 acrea pasture, balance In cultivation; rich deep soil, abun dance of water, wells and mills; $28,600, term. Bunt Realty Co., Hutchinson, Kan. 220 ACRES. lVi mile out; 290 in wheat. Vi to buyer; balance pasture. Th lata rain and snow aaaurea bumper crop; level as a floor; $22.60 per acre; term. W. B. Uul bertaon, Scott City. Kan. WHEAT AND ALFALFA LAND CHEAJ 240 acre. 2H mile out; ISO acre In wheat. uettverea to nuyer; level, rich, deep soil; good well and windmill: $6,250, term. Other wheat and alfalfa land; all elxe and price. L. F. Schubmacher, owner. aaeaoe, ri. au. VERNON parish. La.; th land of un hlne, soil, climate, market, water, health, good;- price cheap; writ Leesvllle Real Estate and Improvement Co., C. M. Mc Farland, Sec'y, Leesvllle. La. Mian'raoia. WE hav a number of fin improved farm from 10 to 40 miles from Minne apolis and close to other good town at $20 to $40 per acre: easy term. For in formation call or writ. FELLAND REALTY COMPANY, 632 Palac Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. 1.000 ACRES PRAIRIE, Marshall county, Minnesota, close to railroad, $13 per aor; Vk cash, balanoe 81.000 yearly payment f per cent Interest. T. P. Hanna, Endloott St Paul, Minn. BIRD'S cherry trees produce excellent fruit. To prove It w will glv to B. N Efttng, 2762 Webster St., one of Byrd'a 60o cherry trees If h will bring this ad to Th Be offlc within three day. 232 ACRE SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARM, 6 mile from Garvin, 8 miles from Tracy; fine lake frontage, good 6-roora house, cattle and hay barn 52x48, horse barn 18x32, granary 82 x32, sheep shed 20x60, corn crib, machine shed, good well and wind mill, fin grove, all fenced. Price $H2,fC per acre; $4,600 cash, balancs on terms to suit at i per cent. Bonnalli dt.Bartlett Tracy, Minn RED RIVER VALLEY LANDS. Owner of on er two fin Improved, half section farms, would sell or exchange either or both,' want good running stock of hardware or merchandise. Ownera only full particulars first letter. J. T. Owenal U17 Palac Blk., Minneapolis. Minn.- 722-ACRH EXCHANGE-722 acres. Polk county, Minnesota, prairie land; no In cumbrance; low cash price or exchange for Income property. Also three 10-acre i arras. Improved. P. J. Carey, Crookston. linn. 4. 600.000 ACRES of choice wheat lend to be sold to syndicates, land companies or private parties in block of from 8.0U0 acres up, at $6 per acre, easy term; befor July 1. 1911; splendid opportunities for develop ment work and colonisation purpose: rail, roads going through sad 4re homesteads av. liable in district; price subjeot to change without notice. Tompkins Land and ltnnil- ration Company, 178 East 2d St, St Paul, linn. IMPROVED FARM ON CROP PAY MENTS. 820 acres four miles Felton, Clay county, Minn.; very well improved; buildings and Improvements worth 84,0u0. Land fenced and, cross-fenced with woven wlr fenc ing. Artesian well, finest of water; good grove; rural mall; telephone In houae; school house twenty rod from building; Churches four miies. Land all under culti vation; 69 acres timothy and clover pas ture, 240 acres being seeded to wheat une-tuird or all crop grown goea to buyer. In 1V10 owner threshed 4.000 bushel wb'-at from farm; only $60 per aor; 83.0u0 casn, Balance can pe had on crop pay ments, or by paying only $ per year until paid for. Write us for picture of building ana oiner information. . TRI-PTATE INVESTMENT CO, 4u2 Northwestern Bldg. Minneapolis, Ulun.- REAL ESTATE FARM AM) RANCH LAN D FOR HtllC Mlaaeseta - atlaaed. 120 ACRES Big Stone county. Minnesota; all cultivated; two miles from town; bulliV lng worth $2,000; price $w per srre; bar gain. Lents a Lentx St. Paul, Minn. 120 ACRES, black soil. Joining village and station of Enfield. Wright rmtmy, Minne sota; rood Improvement: rrlce $!n Write for information. C. R. Hagerstrom, En field. Minn CHEAP LAND Corn belt land. Red River valley lands, Minnesota, from $X to $46 per acre. Write or call on L. II. Stand ring. Breckenrldge. Minn FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP They pro duce as much, but cost a fraction of Iowa farms. Write or see Guthrie 4k Kargre, Blooming Prairie, Minn. Mlesoart. 0ZAI;KLAND3 Send for our complete list of bargains, go with us on our next excursion. April 18, and Investigate tb country. We can inak you money. HAWK ETE LAND ORCHARD CO.. 209 Brandels 1 heater Bldg. STOP! Don't go a step further than Douglas county, down In the beautiful Oxarks. Raise anything; corn, DO to 85 bush els per acre; all other crops In proportion: cheapest good land on earth. $6 to l'v per acre. Fre Information. Glob Real Lstat Co., Ava, Mo. FOR SALE Finest farm In Leaven worth county; Broaddua farm of IN) e-rre, m mllea from Fort Leavenworth; 65,000 brick realdence; 60 46-year-old walnuts; 100 sugar maple trees; natural gaa; two telephones; free delivery. It miles from Santa station; examine premise and write Mrs. J. L. Klrb), 11U8 Felix St., Ht. Joseph, Mo. SO-AC RE farm all cultivated, fine house, barn, fence first class condition, fins spring water; 2 miles town; 7 miles rail road. Southeast Missouri Immigration Co., Piedmont, Mo. FOR SALE 48 farma. large and small, between Mississippi and Missouri livers, average $36 per acre. Writ for big price list. William Crews, Wright City, Mo. MISSOURI Farms None better on earth. Highly Improved 180 a-res. Rslse anything; tJiu, Other decided bargains. Write us. Gil liam Realty Company, Gilliam, Mo. MISSOURI farms, 850 A., 6-room house, barn; 100 A. wheat, 200 A. corn; level, black dirt; 8 mile railroad. $t A. Ctias. 8. liuck step Realty Co., Elsbarry. MO ¬ RA ISE wheat to supply th demand for Updike' Pride of Omaha flour. If W. E Roberts, 270H Kuragu St.. will biina- thia ad to Th Be office and Identify himself wunin inree aaye n will receive an order on hla grocer for a 24-pound aack of this flour. Hsstiaa. FOR SALE section Improved land near Alliance. 86 acres broke, all fenced, bouse, well granerles, etc. Must be sold at once. Also hi section unimproved In same lo cality. Both quarters A-l soil and will be old at sacrifice. Write or wire for parti cular. Virgil Smith, Alliance. Nab. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm state, $12.60 to $20.00 per acre. Write for description. Shaw A Clark I-and company. Hackney Bldg., St Paul, Minn. THIRTEEN sections in Dawson county, near Sidney, one of the best town In th Yellowaton valley; also have other land that w are retailing in any alze farm you want. Writ your wants. Prices are right Th Hayward Land Co., Glendine, Mont 220-ACRE homestead relinquishment for ale; also one hotel, on bakery, on gen eral store, on saloon, on feed store. Ad dreaa Charles F. Brown, Galata, Mont FOR BALK Bitter Root Valley 220 acre fin fruit land; old water right; beat aeo tlon of tb valley; fin propoaltion for sub division; fair buildings, easy terms. Ad dress owner, E. O. Lewi a, Btevensville, Mont. Nebraekaw , . FABM for sal by" th ownr; a choice, well Improved farm northeast Nebraska: want to sell direct; no commission. Ad dress Y 163 Bee. FOR SALE Quarter ' section Improved land near Alliance; 85 acres broke, all Is fenced; house, well, granaries, etc. Must be sold at once. Also quarter section unim proved In earn locality. Both quarters A-l soil and Will be aold at Sacrifice. Write or wire for particulars. Virgil Smith, Alllancs, Neb. 160 acre , near Crorton, Neb., Knox Co., good soli, good road, well Improved with building; price per acre, $70; easy terms: also 320-acre farm, 4 miles from town, well Improved, $75 acre. Otto Bogner, Crofton, Neb. FOR bargain In cheap western land often cheap 640-acr relinquishment. Ad dress J. C. Belxlna, Whitman, Neb. Sacrifice Sale, Th greateet -ranch, and dairy farm prop oaltion aver offered. 1.120 aore in th rain belt of eastern Ne braska, containing lak of pring water, at less than you can purchase arid land In the weatarn part of th state ; surrounded by farm producing abundant crop of oorn, wheat, eat and alfalfa) located trom $ to 10 ten mile from flv railroad towns, 14 mile northwest of Norfolk. Part of thla tract will mak good farm land; It ta bow covered with a heavy growth of blua stem grass. Every acre will produce red or whit clover, timothy or aJfalfa. For quick aale, $16 par aor. W. J. Dermody Investment Co. 1614 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Omaha. Nab. FOR SALE 800 acre hay land. 1 mil Newport. $17.60; 860 4 mile, all new build ings, aprlng water. $22.60. Other. L. M. Green. Newpojrt. Neb. L4B0-ACRK ranch for sale. 28 nor aew. Aw-tnlrds oaso. remainder flv year. 1 tar att Interest: all fenced, good Imprer. uanta. a or particular wru Frank feaiaula Norlsik. tirnb W WM WW. HA., w ,1 IUIU, Fare from Omarra, $&. Call or addreaa 427 Her Grand. tlftA WfT r. mi .nil An Ktfh I . .. HEAR, th Rennee family alng at th American theater thl week. If Mary Bell, 2i(4 Ohio St.. will bring thla ad to The Be offlo within threa day and Identify herself w wU.1 glv her two ticket for thl show. HOW can you possibly afford to stay where you are when 1 ran sell you an ABSOLUTELY LEVEL HALF SECi'ION of fine black soil only 4 mile from railroad town in Dawe county, Nebraska, for $4, Wo? Now juat think of that. It Is only a trifle better than 812 per acre. Every foot of thla la flrat-claaa farm land. Now wouldn't you like to be the owner of this TM acre and within a couple of year have every foot of it under cultivation? With a little. Im provement and cultivation thl tract will ell readily for $ibO per acre. Within Juat a little way of thl place there are neigh bor who are aelllng from $40 to $tf worth of alfalfa seed per acre each year. 1 can mak you reasonable terma on thla. Come at one at thl price thl will not last but a few day. Arab L. Hunger ford, Craw ford. Neb. Inert at Da It eta. SEVERAL Improved farma in McHeory county, N. Dak., for sal on easy terma good aotl; $26 to $30 per acr. C. A. Stubbing. Granville. N. D. FOR SALE Renter and Inventor. If you want to own on of our fin improved grain farm with every modern convenience aad be Independent writ me at one. I.n.i. J money needed. Wendell Huston, Carrlug- I ion, pi. i-. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANOI L.AND FOR AL82 (Continued ) laalk ( arellna. Ltjt is i per acre man growing fig for preserves on the Island. Orchards oa easy monthly payments. Sea Island Or chard Co., Charleston, 8. C Oregea. OREGON APPLE LAND. 8 and 10 acre planted tract taken ear of lor five yeara. Terma 816 a month. No irrigation, taxea or Interest 8ANTIAM FRUIT COLONY. t Be Bldg, Omaha. Neb. FOR BALE lflO acrea choloeat apple, pear, cherry, grape land in the west, alx mllea from town, one mile from R. R. ; aoll deep volcanic aali. Tha Dalles, Or., prise win ning fruit. 160 acres 84 miles from town, nsw, mod ern house, barn, tenement, 860, pear, prune, bearing l.WO young trees. 1.0U0 grape vines, gtcd water, wood, or will sell 80 acrea with all Improvements. Investigation so licited. C. ti. Webster. Th Dalles, Or. goat's Dakela. COLORADO FRUIT LAND Forty acre on western elope, 20 acres 2-year-old treee, beet commercial varieties, soma SU1J4JI fruit, only one-half mile from town. 4 roora houae, fruit ' cellar, good outbuild ings, cistern, every foot Irrigable, plenty water; will sell for 8.0 per acre. Would consider trad for good grocery atock and draft horses around $.000 and balance cash. Own adjoining IK0 with 60 acre bearing orchard from which apple won blue ribbon price at Pittsburg. Pa., and Denver, 1H10. Thl snap will go quickly. K. A. Montank. Lead, S. D. Twaaa. - THE NILB OF AMERICAI $20 00 cash and 8 per rent Interest, pay able semi-annually, will secure you a horn i In Vela, Tex., and a 10-acr farm In th ' Hlo Grande valley, where th farmer' rash Income la as perpetual a th day that come and go. . Ji. Jackson. 704 First National Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex. WE are subdividing 2.800 acrea of fertile frrm land in Jackson county. Splendid ciops every year. Rainfall about right, 40 inches. For description, plat and price writ JOHN RICHEY A CO, 212 E. Houston St, San Antonio, Tex. SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of Texas, home of the paper shsll pecan. We ran buy land for you or invest money, g per cent net to you secured by mortgage on these lands. Correspondence solicited. Refer to First Nat'l bank, San Saba Nat'l bank. Ward. Murray A Co.. and the mem bers In congress from Texas. Kelley-Burl- on to., ban saba, lex. 'WlscoBBla. Wt nart of the t!nlft Rial.. i soil and climate cannot be beat, writ uwnvr, Ajuca dui iuo, Amery, w la Wyoming. FOR SALE 18.000 acre In La rami county, Wyoming, In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and aheep; win aell with ranch; will exchange for eaatern Nebraaka or Iowa farms. J. T. Bell. Owner. 1 Cheyenne. Wyo. Th Secret of Success 1 in tb Con stant Us of Be Want Ada, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE C. J. CANAN. Room T01 Oma. Natl Bank. FOR sal or trad tor atock. Northwest- rn thresher englna, nw Century separator and six-bottom engine gang plow; ail saw. Btrt Steele, uinaere, wen. WB exchange props rti of merit H, B. Culver, 612-812 N' Y. Life. Douglaa lis. FOR raltabl eales and exchanges P. M. LEAMLNO. 688 Brandeia Bldg. HAVE good city property to trad far good Improved acr property close to good town In Nebraaka, Iowa or eastern Kan aaa. - Olv full partloulara and, price In iirai teller.- S. B. WAIT 4 CO., 61T B Building. ' STOP, READ. No. 1180 acre, near Townr, N. D., 11$ acre In cultivation and in wheat; every foot fin level land. Cah value $28 pev acre; mortgage $1,200. Thl will tand tha cloaeat Investigation. Want merchandise, oity property or auto for equity. No. 2180 acrea. choloe level land. Chey enne county, Kansas; olear. Prlo $2,404, Want offer. No. (82.000 equity in an all rnodra new house; fine location; paved treat Want olear, cheap land or auto. S. E. WAIT 4 CO., 417 Be Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on hand and for aale in amounts from 83UV to 83,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 New York Life Bldg. OMAHA property and Nebraaka In4a, O'KEEFE REAL EBTAT2) CO, 1016 New Omaha National Bang, Building. GARVIN BROS., (4 floor N. T. Ufa, (844 to $X.4M en Improved oroparty. Ke Aalajb WANTED City loans, Peters Trust Cat 5 & 5yaroniKUM: CHEAP MON BT. ReDresentlna tha Pann Mutual Tlf In. Co., with aseet of over $U7.UOu,0uu, I am prepared to accept all the good loans of fered on improved Omaha real estate. Buainee and realdence loan made wlthu delay. THOMAS BRENNAN, City National Bank Bids. WE have fund te loan on dastrabU real estate In Omaha and suburba. No commissions. Loans can be paid Is part or In full at any tlm. NEBRASKA SAVINGS 4k LOAN AM'N, 14u6 Farnam Bt Board of Tr4 bldg. TL Douglaa 12. LOANS to horn owner and bom build, era, with privilege of making partial pay ment aaml-annually, W. H. THOMAJL 6U8 First National Bank building. WANTED City loans and warraat. W, raj-nam tumu Co ICS Farnam (x. tOW RATES; BEMlg-CARLBK&a COL. tU-(U Brandeia Theater bki. CITY and Fax. JOHN N. FKXNZSJ MONEY TO LOAN Paya tnvaau&eat Oa $108 to $14008 aoad promptly. F. H Wead. Wead UU, tf and Vara. Wanted, farm loans. Kicks In v. Co..Omah REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Hav you anything to offer th farmer of lowaf Any cheap land for higher priced; a general merchandise atore for land or any kind of an exchange? Or hav you some land you want to sell for caahT The one paper ti.t reachea the Iowa farmer la tha Lea Vioinea Capital; 42,000 clrouletlon dally;-rate ulugle Insertion, 1 cent a word; alx Inaertlona, 4 cents a word. Des Moines Daily Capital. Dca Moinea, la. WANT llMtfnv hniti., vao.n 1 , k- cash outaomera for good investment and nomee. WESTERN REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 411 Karbach Block. For quick ealea e F. P. WEAD. 1201 Farnam St STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE Ptctureaxiu St. Lawrence Rente. Weekly Sailing from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASOOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, Havre, Fraase Fortnightly front PHILADELPHIA and Boaton to Olaagew. plaudld aianery, ahorteai tiaasag. low ralea. Any local Agent, or ALLAN & CO. General Agents. 174 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.