Tt t r I! J i 4 : ( WANT ADS Want ada rerclt e) at any time, but lo Insure proper classification mua lie presented before 12 o'clock m. tor the evenng edition and befor 7:30 for morning and Hands edition. Want ada received after auch honra will have their first Inaertloii under tlio heading, -loo t to ClaaalfJ." SII KATrts FOR WANT ADS. ItlXiL'LAK CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1 i renta per word and 1 cent per word for enrh aubsequent In sortlon. Karri Insertion made on odd day, 1 h ccnta per word, f l.W P" line per month. Rates apply to either The Pally or Sunday Ile. AJwaya count at word to a line. Want ads for The nee way be left at any of the following drug store one Is your "corner druggist" they are all limned offices for The Ilee and your ad will be Inserted Jia aa promptly and on the aame rutes aa at tiia main office In The Bee building, tterentecnth and Farnam street. Albarh. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Hsuni Drug Co., 2681 N. 16th St. Beranek. S. A.. 1402 South lMh St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Semi Park Pharmacy. 38d and Cuming. Flaka-Bradlsh. 2M6 Shorman At CUfton Hill Pharmacy, 2218 Military Avo. Caughltn. C. P., tb and Plerc St. Crtmjr Pharmacy. 24th and Lake Sta. Coony Pharmacy, 2223 South UUi St. Ccrmak. Emll, l24-6 South lth St. F'T. P. H , HOT Leavenworth St. Footer Arnoldl. 213 North Kth St. Freytag, J. J., Ifl4 North 24th St. Fregger Drug Co.. 13nj North lth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paclfl OreenouKh. O. A., 106 South loth St. Orwiraudh, G. A., loth and Hickory Bta. Golden Pharmacy, 24th and Leavenworth. Hayden, William. 23n Farnam 8t. llanmom Park Pharmacy. 1S1 S. 28th At Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31at Avt, and Far Bm t-t. Holt, John. V4 North 1th St. l.'uff A. I... 2924 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co. :itt and Spauldlng. King. If. S., 22;:. Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2104 N. 24th St Mares. Fred I, . 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 112 N. 24th St. Peyton Pharmncy. 726 South 16th Bt Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Srhaefers Cut Price Drug Store, 16tb and Chicago Sis. Schaefer. August. 26.11 North Kth St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH A.D FL'KrcrtAI. IVOTICCI ATERS-Mrs. Elizabeth, Kaster Pundav, April 16, sgrd 73 years. 10 months and 16 days. Services st the residence. iri3 Burt St., Dundee at S o'clock Monday afternoon. April li. Interment at Shelby, la. Mrs. Ayers Is survived by seven children, Mrs. J. Y . Cooper, Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Adelaide Ayers. Omaha: A. K. Ay era. ffmtU'.; T"rh' Mr" Arthur Pickering, f ouncl Fluffs: Mrs. H. 1.. Gaines. Omaha Twin Fails, Idaho. BAfiWITZ-Mrs. Minna, at the residence, of her daughter. Mr.. I. Ootthelmer, Sunday evening. 10.35. The deceased was the mother of Charles Baswltx of New York MrUrsB?.Vv!1 of Phnenl". Arts., and JUrs Gotthelmer; was a resident of '"'aha thirty-one years and died at tha 4 of iM, Funeral Tucsdsy, 2 p. m.. 211 Park ave nue. Interment Pleasant Hill cemetery. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.. 2 aanbalmora, 1614 Chicago St. D. 'lm.B-lto. . VVFTXtt BO LA NoTunder takers. T. 1174. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, to aums to suit. HO Be Bid. rnone uoug. XWH. UNION LOAM CO. . BAT KOSHER HOME! COOK1NO ARKINS. lit S. 16TH, UPSTAIRS.' Vacuum Cleaners For Rent, fhona Webster .409; B. 2426. MAUGARD Van ft Storag Pack. move, tor and ship D. H, goods. D. 1406, H-242. AiSHPiTS f EVERYBODY In Omaha has been notl d to build an ash pit on their promises, m hera to do tha work with any artificial brick, stone or concrets. Henry Haeae, brick and cement contractor. Uouglaa tWTi, LOUGLA3 PrlnUng Co-i Te.. Douglas 644 TEN shares Avery Implement company atoik 12 per cent dlvldenL 427 Y. M. C. A. PAPERHANGERsTus Snowflske pasta" Omaha Past Co . 711 8. 13th. Both Phones! mtef. filter repairs, lao Howard. D. 3913 e.l,,R' RLKfl I C- "hUNOATE. chlnl llrin. (.0 Brandela Bldg. Tsl. Wsh. 6971 JH-CH L" tB cheaper, common paint at II . a or II 00 per cation that covers-460 !2"r?..!et n1 w' one year, or Sher-wln-Wlllisms paint at ;. per gallon that covers mora than 600 square feet and wear ?!.?., y"r"? .w r 's-'nls for Sherwln Williams rslnts and varnishes, Carter lead nd Kaystorm. vvall paper at low price, BAliKEK BllOS. PAINT CO., MOH, Farnam. ,. Doug. 4760 Ind. A-328L Damon Elec. C7f 0MKp2f.OBr- W IV 8. sth bt Co. Bluffs FINKLE ,rnm Presses men' and .... J'O'i'an's suits. Calls for and gellvera. Red 7501. 407 Leavenworth St fc,DAV1D ti?LJB CREAMERY COMPANY. BTKNOO RA PHER, 440 Be Bldg. D. SW7. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha price. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L 8ts., South Omaha. OMAHA ltm, anrf U . , , . " nlture, repairing a specially. ii N. 16th" Charles S. McConnell. nubllo accountant auumaha National Bank Bldg, Tel. D. Ill ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper then wood iLM' ' n,e: ?I..J1-Jlth' ,ho" RJdSi SOvEENS ,-,t n'V'with''yoV"e" TOU MONEY. T.rafc,Ur "AVJfl HORNBY Blue Print Co.. 61 Bee Bldg. ' CHINA painUng lasaona KtoTpnon H ARCHITECT F. COTTRELU Doug. 6707. .1? T 'lut rr,,',: r''bt paid on all IM orders. Catafogues free. Sherman 4k Mccunnfll Drug Co.. Omaha. Nb. iKl"i! r""rx for '' but toMr7 John hliaerter. I North I9th St.. we will give a 24-lh. sack of Cpdlke's Pride of Omaha flour If ), will brlna this ad to The Bee office within three ilaya. OMAHA Furniture Repair works sis re ceding chairs. (IS 8. 13th. Doug. Usi. REPAIR WORK. 1706 Jacku ai "u. 147T. Nebmskft ChPD 6u'y' American Iln ' ners Clesn food snd tins Restaurant Xic T,blM S04 North 16th St & H Cole Sign Co , D. rtt ll Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE WINE 7&r a large bottle. , Klein Liquor Hpuae. 621 N. 16th Si. TJT A TLT'C " a f'e t t rTzor DLA Li1.J5 BLADK.S of all makes - nharpened : better than new; tSc each; SSo per dosvn. THE SWIS8 HONE, JZ1 Congress St.. ClilcagO. Fe Iron and Wire. fhamntm. llCgl'race t o., and Jackson ACHI.ITZ famous ATIAS beer on draught at Kd Itoiherv's. ill S. 14lit St. PATTON'S SUN PROOF paint card tree. Caratoaa Drug Co, stlh aod Ansaa. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. DON'T throw away your old feathers, bring thsm to us; we will willow them Into willow plumes. Ws slso stesm snd curl willow plumes. 7fo up. Perl i'lume Co., Room L Paxton Block. Douglaa 22al. Vletw F. Beck, architect. 2O0 Parker Blk. , STIT Elactrle Plsnos. Music Boxes, Pes- I " - bu! and Athletic 4ee hlnea. Casn Mflfri inoa " paymonts Omaha Auto- Iu4 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 242. A-24ii ED ROTILERY Echl,t n. t Fun V "-AXiXjrVi )lne of liquor, ,na clgara Caf In connection. Ill 8. 14th 8t Cement Blocks., "ffiwfl&l ideal Cement stona Co. . 'HBNKLE presses snd cleans men' or ladles' suits, also repairing. 622 8. 14th. ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bathd"H0:;ra V"!jj r S- W. cor. 14th and Douglss. liL 1 AaM U HELL B,,nd Write fire 1 mm an re .Nw w ro,,h straw street hats at IJ.J6 McMahon Mlllenry Co., 1514 Douglaa. T-.,l, We keeplhe lata things I JCvVCiTYrold r"1 allvar In quallt to meet tha purs. iU In ty purs. 1607 Harney St. ORPIIEUM JEWELRY CO. HICKS' SMOKE HOUSE BARBER SHOP AND POOU 115 North Mth St Ladies' Old Hats f-.J-, hats festher and flower clesned and dyed. Miss Pvppsr, (14 S. 28th St. H. UK. FAMILY L,,uor Houa- full tneaatim and pure Roods, cur metto Kmll Hansen, Prop., 1223 Chicago St. DO I OET THEM. "0 more subscriptions to ' the Ladle' Horn Journal and the Saturday Evening Post earns 12,000 for soma charity to b de cided by my subscribers. I do not handle the money, but the Interest will Insure an income of 110 a month for Ufa. Do I get yu renewale. Price 11.60 each. Urgent GPRDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Phone Douglaa 7163. Omaha. WALL 7r re Prepared to fill order - , T. . ... " ana oesi paper PAPER the b p"o Rose Wall Paper Co.fFJ. '"'"'ny or in rob Art Store. JL?n0 0NIIl-Artlst and photograph; pictures enlarged. Studio, 216 S. Mth St THE SPHTNX HAS SPOKEN! BmlA . "Hav Buttera Call and Take That Post .rii r-icrure rsow." OBET THE SPHINX. I.OW Prlcee Utah rinaii,.. l j j u . . Half Cass St. Phon Harney 6288. TAIIlR.Mnir -a a. .... h . t5.00. Crosstowm Millinery, M20 Cuming St. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order. 101 S. 1Mb. St L. FOX wlBhe" announc his r- St. to 2901 Farnam. Ha will be pleased to meet hlB Old mi,lnm.ra 1 1 - - mm aa fuany new on. Phone Harney 463S. ' Max Morris kn?wn tailor, .. make ladles' and gen tlemen s suits. Lowest prices. 801 Brown Blk IF Mrs. .T r Pnh.W. , r .... t., hss a wet tooth and would like to arf to Tha r,r?Wl "","ln hl i-a. . vai. . iu t e-7 win rivi nar a 60c bos of O Brl.n i fine candy free AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID into a post. ' "TEAR your top," And bring it to tha beat place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing.. DRUMMOND Corner 18th and Harney St.' IT OR flAT.V nv.fl.nil . . . running order; used i only seven month: completely equipped, 77S. L. H. Kennard, Pioneer Olaas & Paint Co., Uth and Davan- U1 v. AUTOMOBIIjB! tlrea at low prices; fine quality casings; heavily constructed of best material which gives greatest wearing quality; mad by large Independent rubber company; hundreds of autolsts use them continually and recommend them highlv; lower your tire expense by using our goods; either clincher, Q. I. clincher or Dunlop; 2SxS, Ill.SO; $0x3. $12.15; 80x3. l; 32xA. 117.20; 34x3S. 17.7B; 30x4. 3I).(I6; 31x4, il. SO S2x4. 122.70,; 3.1x4. $23.60; 34x4. $2S.; !Wx4. $27.10; 34x4W. $30.20; 36x4V.. $31.60; 86x6. $15.10; fine tubes 20 per cent less than stan dard list; any atandard make tire at deal er's prices; shipments C. O. I)., allowing examination If 20 per cent, of amount ac companies order, 6 per cent discount for cash; accessories at very lowest prices; catalogue upon request. The Oeyer Sale Company, Dayton, Ohio. 110 40-h. p.. five-passenger Overland. Seven-passenger. TO-h. p. Steams 2,fi00 WALLACE AUTO CO.. $03 FARNAM ST. New and 2d-hand auto. Darlght, Omaha. Tha following list of used cars la of fered at prices below their real value and la worthy of your consideration: 30 H. P.-1910 five-passenger Locomobile, one-shaft drive, fully equipped. 40 II. P. Stoddard Dayton roadster, with equipment 30 H. P. Cadillac Roadster. 40 H. P.-1H10 Overland, five passenger, fully equipped. And several others. W hav accepted theae cars at price that are right In exchange for machines we ell and can offer you as good value as can be found anywhere. H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTOMOBU.E CO., 2044-46-4S Farnam Street. CAMERON Au RPalr and Qaragt VAHtrjiVVi Co. juaaonabl chargea. Personal attention given. 601 S. Uth St. Tel Douglas S211. Truok storage specialty. kf atareyelea. TTr for list of used motorcyelea We "luo carry a full line of motorcycle part. NEBRASKA CTCLB CO. FOR SALE Bycyel In good condition. $1000 will buy It today. Inquire at 3632 Hamilton St BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of 'bualneaa, call oa OANQWTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 33(7. TWO-CHAIR barber ahop; goed location 16th and Dorcaa. FOR SALE Plumbing stock; Invoice about $1,400; good location, prosperous city. Philip H. Fuller. Hastings. Nsb. $"5 to &300 m'd WMlly 'Hh moving -J to ipow plo,ur Chicago Film Ex change. U2J Douglaa. Omaha. Both pbonea FOR SALE First-class hardware busi ness In county seat 60 miles west of Lin coln; absolutely a good thing. Would con sider part In land or city residence. Ad dress Y 161. car Omaha Be. FOR SALE OR RENT IT-room hotel, suitable for $1 00 a day house; no other In the tlty. Address F. M. Sllllk, Albion, Neb. FOR SALE cheap, ene-ehalr barber hop in town of 600; doing $30 month. Address T 166. Bee. FORCED SALE EXTRA GOOD CLEAN STOCK OF OROCKRIES AND FIX Tl'RKS; STORE ENJOYING AN EXTEN SIVE AND VALUABLE TRADE: LO CATED IN NEW BC1LD1NO AND IN BEST IiOCATION IN CHARITON. IOWA; GOOD PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE BUSI NESS. FOR FURTHER (N FORMATION WRITE STATE SAVINGS BANK. TRUS TEES CHARITON. IOWA. Fl'RNITURF. of an established real ae tata office for ssle; eff. for rent cai Saturday or ttunday, 4U at Bid. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued ) Rionlii Haases Far Sal. HICEI.T furnished fat of 6 rooms snd bath. 706 S. llth St. Phons A-2S. I Ft RMTX RK snd lease or -room cot- I tare I'lume Pour. 2.W. CHIROPODISTS , MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Rk. D. 5333. DR ROT 1516 Farnarr St. Douglas 6407. DENTISTS P ATT. FT aV MACH. 3d floor. Paxton. D. 1 DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency, Inc.. bonded. 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1313; A 1313. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. JA9 ALLAN. Karbach Blk. Doug. 2832 DRESSMAKERS MRS LAWRENCE designs and makes dresses and costumes. Urbana apart ments, 1317 Park Ave. Phon liar. Ho4. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking- 2214 Mason. First class Dressmaking, 2711 Dswey A. DRESSM K G, Mra.Wrlght.4Ui flr.Hayden TERRT'S Dreasm'k g College.lotbAFarnara WE ALL enjoy aa venlng at tb theater. So will F. M. Klest, MS N. 17th St If he will bring this ad to The Be office within three days and Identify himself w will give him a couple of ticket to the Ameri can thsater. FLORISTS A. DONAGHUE. MOT Farnam. D. 1001;A-1001. HESS SWOBODA. 1413 Farnam St BRANDEIS cut flower dept new store. Bennett's Flower Dept Eaat entrance. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Douglaa 121 J. U. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglaa 3000. Narserlee. FRUIT TREES" iJS-ixES Shrubs and Ross Bushes. Omaha sales ground, SOth and Cuming. D. 6814. South Omaha aalesground, 24th and O. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY CO.. Benson, Neb. Home office Benson 634. Return this ad and get 69 per cant dis count on $6 order or more. Hazeldell Nursery J. We Day, Prop. Large stock of fruit, shade and orna mental trees, all sizes : shrubs, vines and roses. Nursery 2 miles, weet of Florence, at Brlggs. Phone Florence 1632. Omaha office and yards, 24th and Plnkney Sts. Phone Web. 4211. Take N. 24th Bt. car. IF you .want northern Nebraska grown, hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and productive-trees, shrubbery, strawberry plant, roses and evergreens, order from the Humphrey Nurseries, Humphrey, Neb. M. P. Byrd NURSERY CO. KTSZZ Sales Grounds EfiZR ! 19th and Douglas tei.Roc": floe. Douglaa S23 BEST varieties of currant buahea and black raspberry plants. L. J. Ihm, Phons Benson 404. NURSERY STOCK, 13th Dougla FRANK R. MARTIN. Phon D. 3472. f A PT ,F1 TR.TTFIR rR salb-ssc and Wc each. 8)02 C 2umln(. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha'a largest and most successful com mercial school. Day and nlaht sessions. Students admitted cny time. Business. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cats logue Is free. Addrasa H. B. Boylea, Presi dent. Omaha. Neb HELP WANTED FEMALE Aejeata a ad laltiwesiea. EITHER for the table or cooking, Far rell'a syrup is fine. If C. M. Hickman, tMil Rpsuldlng St., wants a trial let him bring this ad to. The Be office and Identify himself within three days and w will give him a 50c can of this syrup. EXPERIENCED agents for fins proposi tion, making from $6 to $10 per day. No fake. K-861, Bea. Haaaekeeaers aad Donsaatloa, WANTED A competent girl for general housswork. 14M 8. llth St. WANTED Woman to aaslst with general housework. 2214 Dougla St. WANTED A girl for general housework, mail family, 3318 Dewey Ave WANTED Maid for general housework. Apply til g. 24Kb Ave. WANTED A maid for general house work, good wages. laOt Farnam St. WANTED neat girl for general house work, plain uouking, araali family, nice room. 4US Farnam bt WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family; good wagea. Tel. Harney 2k32. WANTED Girl for general housework. mall family. 8720 Lincoln Blvd. WAM'i.D a good giri tor housswork. 7I N. ia:h St. WANTED a young girl for general house work. 1612 N. Uth Bt. WANTED an experienced girl as cook, reierencs. no laundry work, aul d. kUi Av. WANTED an experienced girl for general housework. 8aM Sherman Ave. WANTED a eompentent girl for general housework. 8u N. Jblh St. ttoutb Omaha. WANTED a neat girl for general houss work. 220 F. St., bouth Omaha. WANTED a neat gtrl to car for chil dren and help with housswork. 101 N. 22d sit. WANTED woman for general housework on farm, no objection to small child. Mrs. 1. S. Johnson, Underwood, la. R. F. I. 1. COMPETENT girl for general house work. No laundry work. 3316 Burt M. WANTED nurs to care for two children 2113 8. 824 Av. WANTED neat experienced girl for gen eral houaework. 104 8. 84ib St. WANTED a middle aged woman a housekeeper and caretaker of aged couple, good horns. References. Box 134, Pacific Junction, la. WANTED nurse girl far baby f two years. 2uU California. WANTED a good rook, city rfernoa. required. 117 S. 2Mb St. EXTRA good fudge and candy own be made with Farrell's syrup. A 60o can is of fared Mrs. M Regan, 114 Bancroft If she will bring this ad to The Be otflc snd idsntlfy herself within three day a. WANTED a neat housekeeper oa farm. Box kit. Schuyler, Neb. ' WANTED i mi exper1ncd girl for nurse girl. 214 N. 124 St - . WANTED a girl or woman to help with general housework. 4324 Cskteag St HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeears and Deeeeetlce WANTF.H s good gtrl for enersl house work email fsmilv mn,A H w . iniA 14 I 16th Ave. I - WANTKD sirl for ceneral housework. small family. 401! lurd St. WANTKD a competent girl who can cook, no laundry worL. 41( S. I8tb St. WANTED a good girl for general house work. ;68u Mamlerson St. GIRL for general housework. 2711 Pop pleton Av. COMPETENT girl or woman; must bs neat, like children and be a good cook; can do washing or not; will pay good wages to suitable party; family consists of parents and two children; bring refer ence, apply In person. Apartment No. 2. The Maryland. Park Ave., near Poppleton. WANTKD A good girl for general house- wom si once. 4M Dodge St. WANTED Good girl for general hous. work; no washing. 1911 Chicago. WANTKD Woman to do small laundry. no s. 35th St. EXPERIENCED cook to work In Fr. mont. Neh. Good wages. Apply S81J Far. nam St., Omaha. WANTKD Good girl for general house work. Apply, .TMi Karrram street. Tele- plmne Harney S99. V WANTED Two good glrla, city reference required. 117 8. S9th 6t. WANTED A good cook, best wages. Rom Miller, Florence Blvd. Apply to Mr. V. B. Clark, Millard Hotel. TIT A T'HUH ! , - t I. small family. Mrs. Dr. R. D. Mason, 41i turning. Jiar. 4480. A GIRI, for general housework; small family; new home. 114 So. 36th Ave. WANT ED A competent cook; also a girl for second work. Inquire 81J0 Davenport. Phone Harney 60. GIRI, to do chamber work and plain sewing. Paxton Hotel. GIRL for general housework, best of wagea; apply at once. 3024 Pacific St. GOOD girl for general housework, small family; good wages. 8121 Cass St. CAPABLE GIRL for general housework; must be a good cook; no washing; small family. 414 8. 38th St JHIecrllaaeawa. TOl'NO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited. to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for aur trav elers' aid at tha Union station. HONB3T PEOPLE WANTED EVERT WHERE; 820 to $20o per week possible at home. Send application Immediately. New Century Co.. Enid. Okla. WANTED Gir'.s to work rn factorv, Haarmann Vinegar and Pickle Factory. 1414 8. 20th St. HELP WANTED MALE Areata, gellcltara aw SaUeameM. WANTED A Oity .Salesman in Omaha for one of the oldest and best Life Insurance Com panies. A Country Sales man also .wanted by the same Company for Ne braska territory. Liberal tenns, but only men of char acter, engery and salesman ship ability desired. Ad dress 0 116,' care Omaha Bee. , . av.'. : WANTED Book salesmen. W are In augurating a new campaign of publlcltv on the Famous Eliot F;ve-Foot Shelf of Books, the Harvard classics. Can furnish leads and advertising inquiries; practlcallv unlimited supply; enormous success of new i ei.aiM-ance .hiiiIol iver a tn.inon s .Id already. Extraordinary opportunity for salesmen of the h'gh class school. Per sonal Interview Imperative. M. Walter Dunn. 226 Paxton Block. EXPERIENCED agent will find propo sition: agents making; from $5.00 to $10.00 per day: no fake. lO-.1! S. Jfith Ave, Monday. SPECIALTY RALESMEN Attractive commission, expenses advanced, to men who can show ability; an exceptional op portunity. Apply ilenshaw hotel. Room 210. AGENTS Wanted at. one, first class proposition; big commission. Writ today. Hartlett Supply Co.,. Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. SALES AGENTS for turbine blowers, feed water regulators,' ventilating fans, pumps, etc.: guaranteed territory; large commission. Wing, 208 Plymouth Bldg., Chi cago. TRAVELING saleslady or gent to dem onstrate and consummate contracts; good aalary and expenses to right party: refer ences snd little money required. Address P 117. B. WANTED Salesmen for South Dakota.; complete, up-to-date calendars, leather goods and novelty line. Price right and commission prompt; must be a hustler with good references. Address Y-160,' Bee. WANTED Crew manager. We cau use at once a few hustling young men to sell our product and manage crews. A Hbersl proposition, exclusive article. Apply Tues dsy at Hotel Loyal. Clerical mm Office. IF you are seeking a position sst time and trouble by calling on us. Wa can place you. A BSTERK -KKF-. BONO ASSN., INC., 7t.M-4-6 New Tork Life Bldg. WANTED at once experienced cashier and bookkeeper by large automobile firm. Excellent opportunity for right man. Ad dress M114. Bee. IT Is a real p.ioid neeeeeity to those who have used Farrell'e syrup If. Mrs. August Dang, 1906 Martha, will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days and Identify herself aha will receive a 60c can free. Fateir aad Trad. Drag store (aaaea). Job, Knlaat Be Bids. ' WANTED An experienced helper In the alteration of men' cirihing. Apply at once, superintendent, Brandela Stores. WANTED Auto driver; roust have good habits and understand machinery; also be willing to help with other work. Ernest E. Hart. Council Bluffs. WANTED First class licensed stationary engineer; none except experienced and best of references need apply. National Stone Co. WANTED A reliable engineer with city license. Must understand refrigerating machinery and be capable of taking charge of plant Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 112 Farnam St Mi see I la aeas. WANTED Teams with patent dump wagons. Apply High school grounds. WAKTED At, 26 men to work by the day, 2u men to clean brick by the thou sand. Come at one to Ieavltt Sugar Fac tory, north of Ames. Neb. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. 8 000 government positions open. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 169 F, Rochester. N Y. u. s. 1100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. ALTO BCHOOU Omaha. Neb. LARGEST A BEST. WRITE. MEN WANTED at one for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductora; age 20 to 40; $M to $100 a month: spring tb beat time to start; no experience neoea ary. Write today for full particulars. Address i 143 care of Be. VOr ARE WANTED for government po sition; 10 month White for list of posi tions open. Franklin institute, Dpt 172 F, Hochastor, N. T. . HELP WANTED MALE Mlsrellaaeoaa -t onltaaed. WANTED Bright. energetic. well dresred young num. with nlKh hi hool edu cation, to learn advertising; bright future, ressonshle sslsry to sisit me who hs had some experience preferred. Address In own handwriting. F-JUS. Bee. WIT" wiV.iT-l..-.r-fc::.-..-.e.;-.K- 'Z.. ' " V i-r ut 1 1 i uir fe i t'Uim of Mrs. Q. ThoHn. SOU Davenport Pt. If . - ....... , t,r,v i-Tauiiii i i u m P -I T-l -. si . . , , m t'lii. v . 1 lit II I II, 4W l'H rIl iri Pi, III sh will bring this sd t. The Ilee office within three dsvs we will give her one of Byrd s regular 60c cherry trees. WANTED Men to learn barber trade and accept positions now walling Countrv or city shops; great scarcity of barbers this spring: an army of graduates depending upon us for help. As special Inducements complete outfit of tools irlven. Wanes Pat urdsys; board If desired. See us or write at once. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St WANTED For Franklin car. driver, me chanlc and rare taker: must be experi enced snd have good references. Ptste In application age, experience, last two em ployers and wages expected Address L 113. Bee. HANDT old man for Janitor; no lazv or drunks: references wanted. ,V1 S. 22d. TOl'NO men of education, good addrews snd energy for permanent positions, pav ing -T weekly, w ith quick advancement C. K. Morse, 1814 St. Mary's Ave. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMAI.R MAN and wife for work at Edgewond farm, Lyman T, Phugart, Council Bluffs. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE H arses Vehicles. ALFALFA HAT. Wagner, 801 N lth St A NICE little cherry tree will help out In the yard. We will give Mrs. J. N. KODald. 112 M ir.t V. Q, u...-. . - -- ". .'.Till P UV.- Thrrr " ,f win tir""r thl" ad to ij ..i """" wunin inree oay ana Identify herself. 25 HEAD light ajid heavy horses and mares. Roaenblat's Coal Co., 1223 Nicholas. ,Jr?,R PAI'K Team, wagon and harness. 429 Center St. THE children all Ilk. Tr- n 7et them have It Mrs. E. L. Dust 5fi7 Mandenson sit win . u. h."w,wl" br,nt 'his ad to The Bee office wnniii inre oays and identify herself. HEAVY DRAFT HORSES for sale; as our season Is nesrlv over, will sell a few of our fin teams- be them at 18th and Marcr. HAVENS-WHITE COAL COMPANY. LOST AND FOUND LOST White and liver pointer bitch pup; small strap around neck; reward. "Phone Har. 464. FOUND Tb Teddy Bear expert deao. WVA era and rjrera. A-ik; D. 8462. LOST Mesh purse containing money, key and handkerchief; brandela Pompeian Dressing Room. Reward. Harney 30S4. STOLEN From 1620 Capitol Av., Read ing Standard motorcycle No. 3761; brown. Reward, POTTVn IDEAL CLEANING WORKS Lace curtains cl ned. 86c. W. 8990 LOST Black, twisted handled, silk um brella, with gold monogram pints on han dle. Kindly return to Bee office and re ceive reward. LOST Monday, ladles' Elgin watch, with butterfly pin. Call 10fi9 T. or leave or write. 2714 3d Av. Co. Bluffs for reward. FOUND Red cow; weight 1.100 lb. De horned. A. P. Groheck, 1708 Land Camp Ave. J A ST Memorandum book; finder please leave same st First National bank and oblige John F. Behm. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher Din & AlcConncll Drug Co. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL, WW$MUUJ?WUMiHllUS!iJJJtmU I FURNITURE 41() fn M)M 8ALAKY $ LOANS. HAU 10 VOW. LOANS. $ $ Thla Is a NEW FIRM organized by I I the LEADING BUSINESS MEN of I $ Omaha to loan money to anyone own- $ $ Ing HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, $ $ PIANOS, etc., or holding a SALARIED $ $ POSITION. . $ $ The aim of this company Is not to $ $ make money, but to help honest work- I $ Ing people who have fallen Into the $ $ hands of some of tha high rate loan $ I companies. $ We will loan you all the money you I $ want at 6 per cent per year. $ JUST THINK YOU PAY ONLY $ $ 10-6 mo. payments $1.72$ 1033 I $ 366 mo. payments S4 31-3 26.86 $ $10012 mo. payment $8.76-$106 00 $ All other aums In proportion. I COMPARE THESE RATES 1 1 with what you have been paying and I $ COME TO US. Reasonable appr. charge. I I NO RED TAPE. NO UE.LAI. 9 II INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. I $ Room 204 WITH NELL BLK , 2d Floor. I $ N. E. cor. 16th and Harney. Easy stairs I NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use $26 or $50 to a good ad van -taea? If so. com 10 ii. don't so to a friend. We lo'in money on furniture, piano or team without removal, small and easy payments; hjc Is the weekly payment on a $26 lean and $1.20 is the weekly payment on a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts in ihe tame proportion. Writ or phon us and we will call on you at once. All busi ness contldentlsi. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO n 1 1 A allnntAn Till IIILt fs rwm. , AOUI1I ii rt I HI a, l" 1 s-'Vvi a, v ov phonci: Douglas 2466. Iod'oendent 24U DIAMOND LOANS" ?,KLR(AEN-r Smaller Loan 2H 6. WO FTiATAU Telephone Red 6i'.1 ARBOR day will soon h here Let us ail plant a Uee. if Will 7it-fiM, GiUl '!''. lm 01.. 111 luiiia hub u iu 1 ua oiuce within three days we will give him one of Byrd 60c cherry trees. CHATTEL LOANS Loweet rstes and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1266, A-1366. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; essy payments, uiiice in es principal cities Tollman. 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. U Bldg. MONEY 8M Paxtoa Work Tel TO LOAN. Com la and let ue explaia our low rates. Re liable Credit Co . Douglas 1411. A-I4IL MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. cleans your rarpeta on your floors; electric vscuuin clean! e. 8U4 8. 16th; 308 8. 17lh. Doug. 4163. FFT?RTM'S Moving, Express and Stor- ,.., uiwiiiii, v a viuiaa ana ex press. 1616 Capitol Av.. D. 61U. A-3kll. EXPRESSMEN 8 DELI VET CO. Mov. Ing; furniture pax-kins: forenroof noma City office. 216 S. 17th. Doug, m; Ind BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, piano moving, transfer work of all kinds. 616W So. 10th St. H-222: D. 16!w: A-10H6. OFFERED FOR RENT ataard sal Rawaa. O. at B. hauls trunks D. U; A-2611 VERY desirable rooma and board. rfer nces. 123 nouth 26th Ave. THE BACHEJXJRS. Mth and Farnam. Rate: Blugia, 136 to 140. double. to l6 T. JA1IE6, 411 SVe. llth: Hum beat fraa bath. Ant. (1-2 up; wkiy. Is up; taacu aVa. MONEY TO LOAN Board sal R tatlaaed. NICELT furnished room In modern home: excellent board. Frlvat bora. Tat Harney 4a. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room wlih private lavatory, walking distance t,r ,,n- K-Hnt board. Harney - O'W. I - CLEAN, cosv. mt tlnn, excellent horn J1T-3. CLEAN, cosv. modern room; choice loca le cooking. J'hone Doug. ERT desirable east and south front furnished room and board, modern horn In Kountxe Place on North 24th St car line. Pleaaant surrounding. Telephone and use of plsnn If desired; young married couple preferred Family of four, no chil dren; terms reasonable; referencea re- WebsurWl Nr,b Mth U,"hon' VERT pleasant rooms, with board, sot B. Xth Ave. Douglas KtUh "lnU room' furnished. 22U ,on,K KEKT-Thre, nicely furnished rooms, home cooking. 33 Capitol Ave FOR RENT Large light front room for two; board, referencea. IH Caa St. WELlj furnished, large room, with good hoard; close In; everything modern; walk ing distance. 210 X. 23d St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room walking distance; board, men only. 808 N 18th St. VKRT dealrabla room with board. 206 c wiiin Ave. FINE large room; board. 1S16 8. 10th FOR RENT-Two very desirable room ene block from two ear lines; board If de sired. 806 N. S9th St.- N,f5rATL'Z f,lrn,h"1 Miril If desired; """'"i uiiuc. mr uavenport Bt CHANCE for two gentlemen; room and , 7 . ",,,Ll" lamny. gooa location walking distance. 816 N. 23d St. DESIRABLE steam healed room; board. GET the habit eat O Brten s candv. Thev taste like more. If Mrs IA Slngholm, XVfr South 17th St will bring this ad to The, Bee office within thre Hays she wtll gwt " "v- JJ VI II I in lll5 CBJiay. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. wtj fiTCVI VI. CUi , aUU Ol. DESIRABLE room and board, prlyati family. 2434" Seward St- FOR RENT Front and back parlor board. 2116 Caaa St. v ' A YOUNG lady, desires a roommate to are a large. pleasant room. 2006 St my b Ave. NICELY furnished room, with board, for l " W . HJIV lU,f(fl (-1, GOOD table board a specialty; first class nire sleeping room, close In on oar line walking distance. 1622 Nioholas St. Famished Itooaaa. mm m i TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster K87S. 2619 N. 20th St TWO strictly modern room, slngl or en ult. suitable for two or three, 267 Farnam. Douglas 6366. ONE or two front rooms, fine furnish ings; reasonable price. 320 N. 20th St. No sign on house. WILL take two or three refined roomers In fin home. Phon Douglaa 6S82: Ind A -2956. FOR RENT Two nicely furnlahed rooms 133 8. 22d St. SUITE of rooms. West Farnam district, for two or more gentlemen; modern; pri vate family; reasonable. Harney 831. NICE large modern room In Hansoom park district. 802 Marcy St, Tel. Harney 4063. DEWEY European Hotel. Uth Farnam. FURNISHED room, close In, walking dis tance. 1608 Davenport. B. 1377. AFTER a day's work a Hula recreation I welcomed. We will give to Mra. U H. Adams. 2604 Tsylor St., a pair of aeat to the American theater If she will bring this ad to The Be office within three day and Identify herself. FURNISHED room In a modern horn. 2664 Dodge Bt. Phone Harney 4782. SOUTH FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 2 BLOCKS WEST OF HIGH SCHOOL ON HARNKT AND CROSS TOWN CAR LINE. 2416 CHICAGO ST. lurnisnen, strictly modern, front rooms; private family; gentleman pre ferred. 2126 Douglaa. Tyler iT T Wn nln.T . I - V. , - ...... . iiwunii rooms; . .i.lii. vwiaiios 648 South 2th Ava. LARGE, beautlfullv fumtahad fmn with private lavatory; walking dlstanoa. near car line. Excellent board. Harney NICELY furnlahed room. Hanacam nar and Field club district, on car lln. Phon Harney 710. TWO furnished room and 4 unfurnished; partly modern; near car; walking dlatano' quiet neighborhood. 714 N. 20tn. GOOD rooms. $1 80 per waek and up; free bath. 118 N. 26th St. P'hon Harney 6014. NEAT rooms, all modern convenlenoaa, walking dlstanoe. 2727 Dodge. H. 6686. TWO rooms, on large and ona smaller; everything modern; walking distance; near car; nice, quiet neighborhood. 2648 Capitol Av. ONE large front room, nicely furnlahed for light housekeeping, on car line; walk ing distance; nice neighborhood; quiet; rea sonable rent. 2407 Capitol Ava. TWO nicely furnlahed modern rooms for light housekeeping. 702 S. Kth Bt. CLSE-IN, large, beautifully furnished rooms; all modern; near car: walking dts ;ance. Tel Red 6742. 620 N. 23d St NICE, newly furnished rooms, on car line; east front; walking dUtancs; every thing modern; reasonable rent. 'Phone Kuug. 4296. 602 N. 26th street. MAKE yourself solid with your girl by riving her a box of O'Brien's fine candy. !rre !ffl a f.r It W. Gala, 2Xil Ohio If he will bring this ad to The Bee office within three dsvs, h will receive a 60c box of this csndy. FURNISHED room 2706 Chicago St. In private family. LIGHT housekeeping and modern slngl room; walking distance. Phons Douglas 6882. ItARGE front room, suitable for on or two gentlemen; everything modern and quirt; on car line; walking distance. U21 Dodge. 'Phon Doug. 31W. EXTRA nice, modern room; lust right walking distance. 11 Cass. LARGE, beautiful rooma; all modern; I blocks from poaiofflre; walking distance Red (608. 306 N. lKth St. VERY deslrsble large front room, ault able for two. 201 8. 26tli tve. NICELY furnished room, airlotly modern. 1217 Park Av.. Apartment No. 2. HOUSEKEEPING 2118 Douglas. rooms; cheap rent TWO nicely furnished front rooms, nswly papered: rent reasonable. lib Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Modern furnished "roomsT for couple of gentlemen, 620 80. 24th Ave. FOR RENT-Neatly furnished room, pri vate family, walking distance; gentlemen only. 6v 80. 25th Ave FOR RENT I-arg front room. dlr able for two'. tJb Bo. 2oih St. FOR RENT Modern pleasant room, good location. 641 Ho. 26th Ave FOR RENT Larg furnished rooms, walking distance. 2617 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT-Deslrable front, desirabl for two. good lotatlon, 111 N. 20th 81 ITTOR RENT-Dealrabl room, privat lanuiy. rent 10 gentienisn only; good loca tion. 627 8. 26th Ave FOR RENT Nea tlv furnished front room, private family; hi block from Harney car. (07 8. iota 8K- OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Roosa itlwwed. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gen tlemen preferred. 8oS4 Harney. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, for two or three gentlemon; mod ern .eleotrlo light, bsth; good location, walklngr distance. 60s 8. ltth St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; reasonable. 715 S. Kth Bt. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; good location, modern; walking distance. 2o3 S. 26th Ave FOR r.RNT Large room and alcove and small room, desirabl for young men. 2704 Farnam St. FOR nENTDeslrabla front room with alcove. S13 8. loth St FOR RENT Nice rooma. private family good location. 610 8. 2fth Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, modern; private family, good location. 621 Park Ave. FOR RENT Daalrabl southeaat room. 410 8. 34th 8t- FOR RENT I-arge front room, desirabl for two gentlemon; good location. 411 N. 19th 8t- FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod ren house; private family. 2006 Maple 8t- NICE clean room; cheap. 1P07 Clark. Webster 6S. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern, walking distance, gentlemen preferred. 17 S. th St. TO ONE or two gentlemen, larg front room, strictly modern. 101 So. 2M.h Ava. Doug. 4717. MODERN, front Tel. D. 6684. 107 8. 3Mh Av. MODERN single room on bath room floor, $2 per week. (08 g. 27th St. LARGE, besutlful, elegantly furnished rooms; one front room fsclng blvd.: one inside room: close in; everything modern; 6 blocks from postofflca. 618 N." 19th St. Hotels and A part mew ta. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for no tlemen THE CHATHAM. 100 8. 13th Bt Ogden Hotel Jjlfe Roonu- DODGE HOTEL 18th and Dodge; all out aid rooma; ateam heat; apedal week rat. Apartment and Flat. (-ROOM dnplext apartment, second floor; shades and screens, nicely dooratd com bination fixtures, fin attic, good porch -adulta only. 1733 & ttUx St Tsl. Tyler 1448.' morning only. 5-ROOM modem flat 2706 Jackson. FIVE-ROOM, thoroughly modern, up-to-date St Louis brick flat 2817 Jackson St. 136.0a . ROBINSON A WOLF. 43S Paxton Blk. Douglaa 1411 CHEAPEST, beat 4 or (-room flats in city, 220 N. 23d. FOR RENT Modern (-room flat facing Hansoom park, $40. Tel. D. 412. 4-room apt., strictly modern. 1746 bo. 27th St.; 2 car Unas; $18. Harney 3886. ELEGANT 8 and 4-room apartment. Strrhlow Terrace. Phon Webster 4828. TURAITTIirtTT. anartnient of 8 rt, e .uw. on West Farnam St ; heat, shsdes, gas stove Jiu jHjuior eerviue lurmaneo.. JOHN W. ROBB1N6, 1802 FARNAM BT. 668 8. 26th Ava. newly decorated: 6 rooma and reception hall In St. Louis flat to adulta. Call Doug. 6461. California; a Janitor. Doug. 627. FOR RENT (-room, ateaun heated apart ment In the California; lias all the mod ern conveniences of life. Janitor esrvica, walking distance; references required. BUTTON REALTY CO.. 684 Brandela Bldg 'Phone Doug. 1670, Fwrnlak! Hesstkesflag Rooma, TWO furnlahed and thre unfUmUhed housekeeping rooms, all modern. 2V1I Mason. Harney 6610. THREE vmfurniahad light housekeeping rooma; reference exchanged. R. 37m. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished houask ping rooniSy 26H Harney St TAKE your girl to tha American theater thl week. W will furnish ths tickets to Mr. Dougherty, 8511 Burt alt. If he will bring thla ad to Tha Baa "no within thraa daya and identify himself. FOR RENT Neatly furnlahed front room dealrabl for light housakaaplng. 216 24. 23d 8C FOR RENT Steam heated modern rooma for bouaakoaplnc 768 X. Xetii Bt FOR RENT Two modem boosakaaplag room, x s. una bu FOR RENT Three Unfurakahod noma for light houaokaoplnc. TU &. 2Bth Bt run fumi iw vary uiaiu apt) jtous keeping rooma neatly fumlahad. 706 H. mth Mf FOR RHWT Kloaly furtilshad honaakaan. ing rooma, good location. 422 K. Uth St FOR RENT Two modern rooma. nioelr furnished for bouaakaeplng. 104 g. 2,'th Bt FOR RENT Nicely furnished houaa. keeping rooma, 2024 California St. FURNISHED room for light housekaan. tag; also sleeping rooms. DA N. 20th. FOR RENT Neatly furnlahad housekeen- Ing rooms, good location. Inquire 1618 Howard St, aeoond floor. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room for 'light housekeeping. (Ill Chicago St FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping room completely furnlahad,. 816 b. 26th St. LARGE, clean, lighted, modern leDlna1 rooms; would arrange for housekeeping; lawn and shade, good neighborhood. 3Mt Webster. FOR RENT Desirable room for general housekeeping. 2226 Dodge. TWO nicely furnished front room, mod ern ; ressonsbl 6n0 8. 24th At. HOUSEKEEPING room: 2 room up stairs and 2 rooin downstairs; near oar; walking aistanc. vi is. win. x-Zo.2. FOUR rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; to couple without children; very desirable neighborhood. 3j6 N. 40th. TWO light house keeping room, first floor, water and phone on sams floor; no objection to children; $4 per week. 26 i Harney. THE HOWARD, 2-room apartments; heat, ice, hot water and Janitor; bed la Lll: 132 60. The Manual 2-room apart ment. Iix; 4-room. 830; walking distance. 21st and Howard. Red 44K7. 4 ROOMS light housekeeping; modem. mi Chicago. Untarnished Rooms. FRONT room with alcove: walk! rut dis tance, private family. 23 Burt , , 1' l Tl " m-,,,l Vf.ll Ilk (A ha.- tree and pick your own fruit 7 If Net Lar son. 3.7 N. 3,th HI., will bring this ad to Ihe Bee office within three days wa will tlv nim one 01 oyra s sue cnerry trees free. . FOR RENT Five nicely arranged rooma. on second floor; modern except heat; ona block from car; adult only. 704 8. loth St.- FOR RENT-Furnished or unfurnished rooms. 2118 Douglas St. FOR RENT Thre unfurnished rooms, modern, good location. 6 N. id St. FOR RENT Thres desirable unfur nished rooms; guud location. 2424 Burt St. FOR RENT Vary attractive suit of four j-oom, bath on sams floor. 2!S4 N. THREE semi-basement modern, wslklng dlktancs. South 28th avsnus. rooms, partly isasonabls. 114 LARGE, pleasant front room with aloavac two cloths ci oasis, oaodarn, tsa iari Are, e 1 t 3 i 1 I "