THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. AFTtTL 17, 1011. SERVANT LET A BEE WANT-AD DO IT TELEPHONE TYLER - - lOOO - If you are in need of a girl for housework put an ad in The Bee It will cost you absolutely nothing and is sure to find the kind of girl you want. ' THIS APPLIES TO HOUSE SERVANTS ONLY GIRLS WANTADS Want ads received at any time, but lo lnsnrr proper damnification mint be presented In-fore 12 o'clock, ni. fr the evening edition and before T:;J0 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ad.i received after auch hours will have their first Insertion under tlic heading, "Too ! to Classify." i AHH KATkS ron WANT ADS. HKiiVL.Ml CLASSIFICATION One Insertion ltt cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent in sertion. Karh Insertion made on odd days, 1 M cents per word. $1.50 per line per month. Kates apply to either The Daily or Sunday Uee. Always count sU words lo a line. Want ads for The Bee may be left any of the following drug store one is your "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted J not promptly and on the same rules a the main office in The Bee building, (Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Raum Drug C., 2681 N. ltli St. Reranek. S. A.. 1401 South lth St Renaon Pharmacy. Benson. Net. Remls Psrk Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming Btake-llradish, 2tJ Sherman Ave. Clifton 1 11 II Pharmacy. 22l: Military Ave. Caughlln. C R., 6th and Pierre Bti f'rlsiey Pharmacy. 04th and Lake Bis. C'ooney Pharmacy, f.'23 South 16th St. Cermak. Emll, lz4-S South 16th St F-r, P. H , 202 Leavenworth St. Foster Arnold) 213 North 25th St Freytng, J. J, 1914 North 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., l.K North 1th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paclflo Greenough, G. A.. 105 South Mth St Greenough, Q. A., loth and Hlckorr Bta Onlden Pharmacy, !(4th and Leavenworth. Hayden, William, 2920 Farnam St. Henscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 S. th An Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far ram St. Hoist. John. 24 North 16th St. Huff. A. I,. 2924 Leavenworth St. Johansnn Druir Co., 'Mh and Spauldlng Klna. H. 8.. 223S Farnam St Kountze Place Pharmacy. 1204 N. t4th St Mares. Fred I. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. 24th St. Peyton Pharmacy; 726 South 16th 81 Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sts. Schaefer, August. :!31 North 16th St Schmidt. J. H , 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DEATH AND riKCIlAL MITICII AYER8 Mrs. , Klliabeth, Kaater Sundav, April 16, aged 73 years, In months and 16 rfaya. . 8ervlc at the residence. .WIS Burt St., Dundee, at 6 o'clock Monday afternoon, April 17. Interment at Shelhv. la. Mrs. Ayers la survived by even children, Mrs. J. W. Cooper, Minneapolis. Minn.; Miss Adelaide Avers, Omaha; A. K. Ay era. Seattle. Wash.; Mrs Arthur Pickering. Council Bluffs; 'Mm. H. 1,. Oalnea. Omaha: Mra. E. 8. Chadwlck and Hay C. Ayers, Twin Falla; Idaho. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., TDr mbalmera. ' ifti phlcago 8t. D. 1659. B-16J9.' DUFFY ft BO LAN Li. undertakers. T. 167. MONEY' TO LOAN-LUrt' RATE. In sunn to suit. 110 Bee Bldg Phnna I Lni nr 'iuv UNION LOAN CO. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARK1NS, 3lt S. ,16TH. UPSTAIRS. Vacuum ; Cleaners For Unit. Phone Webster 4409; B. 2424. aiAn.Ajiu van storage Pack, move, store and shli- li. 11. goods. D. 1401. B-2421. ASH PITS ; EVERYBODY omaba hat been noU fled to build an aah pit on their premises Im here to do the work with any artificial brick, stone or concrete. Henry Ueeae. brick and cement contractor. Douglas 6v76 DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tei. Douglas tt TEN" ahares Avery implement company stock 12 per cent divldent. 427 V. M. C. A. PAPER1IANOERS. use Snowflake paste Omaha Paste Co , 711 8. 13th. Both Phones. Filters, filter repairs. WO Howard. D. Mil MRS. MIARLKg C. HUNOATE. china firlns. ST0 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Web. 6876. WHICH ts the cheaper, common paint at l a or $2.0u per gallon that covers 440 ".u,f.e and wears one year, or Slier- ln- lllianw paint at 25 per gallon that envera mote than 600 square feet and wears '; arsT We are agents for Hherwin- Mllianta' paints and varnishes. Cartel lead and Keystone Wall paper at lew price. v BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., ZM)3 Farnam. ious. 47aO-ind. A-2281 Dnmnn Kluo " Roth phones, m. 127 v"" f. kth St. Co. Bluffs I hTXlvLH clcans a'nd presses men's sad ! a.m.. . , V:"n- "' Calls for anJ i '," i'u .'.. .vh l.eavcnuorth St. 1AvFd COLECRe"aM ERVtOMPAKV. BTENOGllAPHKRr 440 Bee Bidg. D. awl. TWENTY per rent less than Omaha prices. Ilillir.- I.' I t, N.. 1 '! 1 r. ... .... Twsnty-founu auU 4.. tsts., tjouth Omaha, j OMAHA Ueeo and Kalian Co. reed fur nlture; repaiilng a epeqialty. ll N. u(h. Charles K McConnell. public accountant. 914 Omaha National Bank Bldg Tel. D. Ill A NTH ( ) I FENCE CO. '"" and wlr, Jeiu-es cheaper than wood; a lifetime. .N7 N. I7tli. 'Phone Red 814! SCltEENS " S'"- lth you on scieen.'Ot We can KAtc VOU .MONEY. Tel. So. 1U4 or k"". IIUKNUY, Blue Print Co.. bli he bldg. CHINA painting . lessons 6c. i'hone H ARCHITECT J. K. CUI'TRKLU Duug. t'Rt GS at rut prices, freisht paid oa all W orders, (.aialugues free. Shermaa 4c Mcionuvll Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. 8T E N OG R A P 1 1 K 1 1 , 0H Bee Bklg. D. 207. Ill(';il LT.H. ..i. ..... . . " i . V ....... .... wir. iiui ill JHIf. I Jnhn 8haelter. 1.; Xoith Kid st.. we ill' Mve u "4- lb. -aik of t'pdike'a Pitde of! ....... w ....... .. uriiiK injl BO IO The liee office within three days. DMA II Kumltuie K.'i'alr vurks. also re caolng chairs. 915 8. 15th. Doug. 2481. LYNCH BROS. an0 IlKl'Allt tt'liHK. i; Jacksun Hi. It. UTt plir:i.k;i Kuey. American IK. lv4?stiiuruat Tb,, ,or J0i North lth 8t 8. H Cole Plgn Os . D. I" IDs F era am ANNOUNCEMENTS 4Contlnued. "VIRGINIA DARE WINK 75c a large bottle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th Bt. BLADES & SAFETY RAZOR AUKS of all make sharpened: bttter than new, 2'ic each; 2f,c per dozen. Til K SWISS HONE. 5252 Congress St., Chicago. Fe Iron snd Wire. champion firP Fence Co.. 15th and Jackson 8t. Tel. Douglas 1590. SCHLITZ famous ATLAS beer on draught at Ed Rotherye, Ill S. 14th St. Victor F. Beck, architect. 100 Barker Blk. PATTON'B 8UN PROOF paint card free. Saratoga Drug Co., 14th and Ames. DON'T throw away your old feathers, bring them to us; we will willow them into willow plumes. We also steam and curl willow plume, 75c up. Perl Plume Co., Room 1, Paxton Block. Douglas 2257. , STIT Electric Plsnos, Muslu Boxes, Pea-tJl-A'- nut and Athletlo Machines. Cash Vf nnli inon or payments. Omaha Auto-wltttul-ueHniatic Vending Machine Co.. I1T4 Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 243. A-243J. EI) KOTHERY jrn clsara. Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th 8t Ceiiiont Blocks,, QHAii,TYv lcleal Cement Stone Co. ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bathr4nh".td'nH0,w;rdWDT: KNICKERBOCKER K: VfJ'Ji'i S- W Cor- 'th " Douglas, BUY AND SEIA W;,"",- Bonds- ; rite fire Insurance v.Nm run straw street hatsat !.li WcMahon Millenry Co., 114 Douglas. T... 1 We keep the late things I JCWClry old "v"r I" Quallt to meet the purse. 16 Wa keep the late things In my ORPHEUM JEWELRY CO. UICKS' SMOKE HOUSE BARBER SHOP AND POOI , 816 North 16th St. Ladies' Old UtLtajrZZ: hats feathers and flowers cleaned and dyed. Miss Pepper. (14 S. 28th St. H. SMB. PAMTLY l,,Iuo'' House, full meaauro and pure goods, our motto Emll Hansen, Prop., 122a Chicago St. "to" I OCT THtM fiOO more aubanrlntlnna , iv. iAim Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post esms 12,000 for soma charity to be de elded by my subscrlbere. I do not handle the money, but the Intereat will Inaure an income of fio a month for life. Do I get vour, renewals. Price II SO each. Urgent GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Fbona Douglas tlM. Omaha. WALL W f ' . ! fill order. . c-" the latest and best paper PAPER th bM Dr,o " Let us estimate for vou. Rose Wall Paper CovJ.? Formerly of the Rosa Art Store.' iJ;.noz Nl-Artlst and photoeraphv; Pictures enlarged. Studio, juf g, 16thF gt. IAIixR'MADE B1 nm hats, tat to B.00. Crosstown MllUnery. 1420 Cuming St DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order. MS. Uta St , L. FOX w'8h o announce his re- . -J. - mov' trom. 22 Leavenworth St to 2901 Farnam. Ha will be pleased to meet Ms old oustomers as well as many new ones. Phone Harney 4621. - - Max Morris wel.' tailor. ., makea ladies' and gen- Uemen's suits. Loweet prices. Ml Brown BUc IF Mrs. J. G. Robertson, 3515 South 24th W.. has a sweet tooth and would like to 17 . !?ll00l,fandlet h- ng this aaMuTne Be office and we will give, her a 0c box of O Brlen's fine eandv free AUTOMOBILES "Smaah up your auto. bmu into a post. "TEAR VAI1P fnn ar top." And bring it to ths best place In Omaha iur u ainaa or repairing. DRUM.M0ND Corner Uth and Harney Sts. ELECTRIC Rifnabout Cheap Pope Wav erly Electrio Runabout,' new batterlea and tires; go anywhere; owner moved to coun try where electricity not available and will sell for 1160. which Is less thsn the bat teries coat one year ago. MARION AUTO MOBILE CO.. 2101 Farnum. Phone Douglas 2643. v The following list of used cars Is offered at prices below their reel value and Is worthy of your consideration;. 80-h. p., 1910 five-passenger Locomobile; shaft driven and fully equipped. . . 40-h. p. Stoddard-Daybon Roadster, with equipment. ao-h. p. Cadillac Roadster. ' ' ' . 40-h. p. 1910 Overland, five-passenger; fully equipped. And several others. ... " , We have accepted these cars at prices that are rlgh. in exchange for machines we sell, snd csn offer you as good value as can be found anvwbere H. E. FREDRICK SON AUTOMOBILE . COMPANY. :44-4-48 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. FOR 8AIJ5 Overland automobile perfect running order; used only seven months: coi.-pletely equipped, 1775. L. H. Kennard, Pioneer Glaa Paint Co., 16th and Daven port. : 1S10 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland.. 91.000 Heven-paanger. 70-h. p. Stearns 2 600 WALLACE AUTO CO.. 2203 FARNAM ST. THE 8PHYNX HAS SPOKENI Bald : "Have Butters Call and Taks That Poet Card . Picture Now." IBEY THE SPHYNX Low Prices High Quality. Address. fHl Half Cass St. Phone Harnev 5266. New and Id-hand autos. Derlght. Omaha. The following ist of used cars is of fered at price below their real alus and Is worthv of your consideration: "0 II. P.-1910 flve-paisenger Locomobile, one-ahaft drive, fully equipped. 49 H. P. Stoddard-Ds) ton roadster, with equipment. II. P. Cadillac Roadster. 40 H. P.-1PI0 Overland, five passenger, fully equipped. And several othera. . We have accepted theae cara at prices tl.lU are right In exchange for machine sell and can offer you as good vslue as ran be found anywhere. II. E. FREDRICKSON AUTOMOBILE CO., J044-4C-4X Farnam Street CAMERON Aula. Rapalr and Garage WVUl-tiiW Co Reasonable charg.a. Personal attention given. 801 8. Uth at. Tel. liouglaa fiil Truck stotage specialty. Malereyelee. Writs ,or motoreveiee We "l carry a full line of motorcycle parts NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. FOR SALE Sycycle ia good condition lle will buy It to4ajr.- faquir at 16J1 Hamilton Bt. BUSINESS CHANCES FRENKLE presses and cleans men's or ladles' suits, also repairing. 1-2 8. 24th. TO GET in or out of business, call on CANGKTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location. Kth and Dorcas. ; FOR SALE Plumbing stock: Invoice i about ti.4ty; good location, prosperous city. Philip It. Fuller. Ilaatinga. Neb. $" fr flO nisde weekly with moving -c IU Pctur Chlcego Film Ex change, 131? Dougla. Omaha. Both phones. FOR SALE First-clHss hardware busl nena in county seat n0 miles west of Lin coln; absolutely a good thing. Would con sider part in land or city residence. Ad dress T 163, care Omana Bee. FOR SALE OR RENT tT-room hotel, suitable for tl 00 a day house; no other In the city. Address F. M. Blink, Albion, Neb. FOR SALE cheap, one-chslr barber shop in town of 600; doing $90 month. Address Y 165. Bee. FORCED SALE EXTRA GOOD CLEAN STOCK OF GROCERIES AND FIX TI RES; STORE ENJOYING AN EXTEN SIVE AND VALUABLE TRADE; LO CATED IN NEW BUILDING AND IN BEST IjOCATION IN CHARITON, IOWA; GOOD PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE BUSI NESS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE 6TATR SAVING8 BANK, TRUS TEE, CHARITON, IOWA. FURNITURE of an established real es tate office for sale; offlc for rent; call Saturday or Sunday, 411 Bee Bldg. Haoanlagc Hoaaea For Sale. NICELT furnished flat of 6 rooms and bath. 705 & 16th St. Phons A-2835.- , Finest and best located rooming house In city. Address C 106. Bee. MODERN (-room flat, full of roomers; two blocks from postoftlce. F 958, Bee. MODERN 10-room flat; full of good paying roomers; reasonable. 2421 Dodge. FURNITURE and 1eae of 9-room cot tsge. Phone Doug. iX93. CHIR0P0DIS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk. D. 2333. DR. ROY 160(1 Farnam St.' Douglas 6407. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. td floor. Paxton. D. 105. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency. Inc.. bonded. 438-9 Paxton Blk. D. 131; A 111. CAPT. T. CORMACK. ill KARBACH Blk. JA8. ALLAN. Kar bach Blk. Doug. 2831. DRESSMAKERS MRS LA WHENCE designs and makes dresses and costumes. Urbana aart aients. 131 1-ark Ave. Phone Her. WJ4. FIRST-CLASS dreasmaklnk S214 Mason. First class Dressmaking, 1716 Dewey Ave. DRE88M K G. Mra.Wrlght.4tli flr.Haydea s lEr.HY'S Dres3in'k'g College, iOthAFernem WE ALL enjoy a nevenlng at the theater. So will F. M. Klest, 8S.W N. 17th Ht. If he will. bring this ad to The Bee office within three days and identify himself we will give him a couple of tickets to the Ameri can theater. . FLORISTS A. DONAGHUE. 160T Farnam. D. 100LA-1601. HESS ' 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. BRANDETS cut Tower dept. new store. Bennett's Flower Dept East entrance. L. Henderson, 151 Farnam. Douglaa 1X1 J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3WS. Naraerlea. FRUIT TREES" S&LSTrXl Shrubs snd Ross Bushes. Omaha tales ground, 20th and Cuming. D. 6814. South Omaha salesground. 24th and O. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY CO.. Benson, Neb. Home office Benson 634. Return this ad and get 60 per cent dis count on 15 order or more. Hazeldell Nursery J. W. Day, Prop, Large stock of fruit, fhade and mentsl trees, sll; shrubs, vines and roues. Nursery 2 milea west of Florence, at Briggs. Phone Florence 1532. Omaha office and vards. 24th and Pinkney 8ts. Phone Web."421l. Take N. 24th Bt. car. IF you want northern Nebraska grown, hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and produc tive trees, shrubbery, strawberry plants, rosea and evergreens, order from the Humphrey Nurseries, Humphrey. Neb. M. P. Byrd NURSERY CO. Full Una of nursery stock, ornamental Salp Grounds hrutbery. rosea, fruit 19th and Douglas ih0un..R:;J4de,Ji?: flee. Douglaa 1262 BEST verletles of currant bushea snd black raspberry plants. I J. Ihin, Phone Benson 404. NURSERY STOCK, ISth Douglaa FRANK R. MARTIN. Phons D. 172. MAPLE TREES KOK kale-I -26c and uming. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's Isrgest and most successful com mercial school. Lay and nlahl aeastona Htudenta admitted ray time. Ruelnesa, Bookkeeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and r-elrsmanshli. The cata logue ia free. Address H. B. Boy Us. Presi dent, Omaha, Neb HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Salesladies, general experi ence In ladies' furnishings, cloaks and suits; good reference required. Raphael Pred Co.. 13th and Farnam Sts. KIVIIKR for the table or cooking. Far rell's srup is fine. If C. M Hickman, tm,l KiMulding St . wants a trial 14 him bring this srt to The He office snd Identlfv rimoelf wlttun three nss snd we will give hi 111 a Mc can of this syrup. HELP WANTED FEMALt (Continued.) Hoaeekeepera mil Domeettca. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. l4o V. 11th bt. WANTED Woman to assist with general housewoiK. JJ14 Douglas tit. WANTKU-A Klrl for general houseworK, small family. Z3M Dewey Ave. WANTED Maid for general housework. Apply 611 ti. itilh Ave. WANTED A maid tor general house work, good wages. 8s09 Farnam St. WANTED neat girl for general house work, plain cooking, amali family, nice room. 41U Farnam Su WANTED A competent girl for general housework; amali family; good wages. Tel. Harney 2t32. WANTED Girl for general housework, amali family. 87JO Lincoln Blvd. WANTED a good girl for housework. 407 N. i&th St.- WANTED a young girl for general house work. 1612 N. 18th St. WANTED n experienced gli I as cook, reference, 110 laundry work, oul a. ath Ave. WANTED an experienced girl for general housework. 3j04 Sherman Ave WANTED a compentent girl for general housework. 3ve N. tith 81. South Omaha. WANTED a neat girl for general house work. 2206 F. St., South Omaha. WANTED a neat girl to care for chil dren and help with housework. 1016 N. 23d St. WANTED woman for general housework on farm, no objection to small child. Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Underwood, la. R. F. D. IN COMPETENT girl for general house work. No laundry work. 3315 Burt St. WANTED nurse to car for two children. 2118 8. 32d Ave.- GIRD for general housework, 2912 S. 24th St.; three in the family. Red 2960. WANTED neat, experienced girl for gen eral housework. 104 8. 34th St. WANTED a middle aged woman as housekeeper and caretaker of aged couple, good home. References. Box 134, Pacific junction, la. WANTED nurse girl for baby of two yedTS. 3012 California. WANTED a good cook, city references, required.- 117 8. 39th St. EXTRA good fudge and candv can be made with Farrell'a syrup. A 60c con Is offered Mrs. M. Regan. 1914 Bancroft If she will bring this ad to The Bee office snd Identify herself within three days. WANTED a neat housekeeper on farm. Box 63?. Schuyler, Neb. WANTED a nest, experienced girl for nurse girl. 216 N. 32d St. WANTED a girl or woman to help with general housework. 4924 Chicago St. WANTED s good girt for general house work, small family, good wages. 1020 8. liith Ave. i 1 WANTED girl for general housework, small family. 4011 Izard St. . WANTED a competent girl who can cook, no laundry work. 416 8. 88th St. WANTED a good girl for general house work. 2680 Manderaon St. 1 - GIRL for general housework. 2711 Pon- pleton Ave. COMPETENT girl or woman; must be neat, like children and be a good cook: can do washlnt or not; will . pay good wages to sultsble party; family consists of parents-and two children; bring refer ence; apply In person. Apartment No. 2, The Maryland. Park Ave. near Poppleton. WANTED A good girl for general house work at once. 443 Dodge St. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing. 1911 Chicago. WANTED Woman to do small laundry. 110 8. 35th St EXPERIENCED cook to work in Fts mont. Neb. Good wsges. Apply 3819 Far nam St., Omaha. ' WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply, SB25 Farnam street. Tele phone Harney 89. WANTED Two good girls, city reference required. 117 8. Sth St. WANTED A good, cook, best wsges. Rome Miller, Florence Blvd. Apply to Mrs, W. B. Clark, Millard Hotel. Mlaecllaacaaa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasociatlon building at St. Mary's Ave. and Kth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asalsted. Look tor our trav elers' aid at the Union station. HONEST PEOPLE WANTED EVERY. WHERE; 120 to 1-110 per week possible at home. Send application immediately. New Century Co.. Enid. Okla.. WANTED First class licensed stationary engineer; none except experienced and best of references need apply. National Stone Co. HELP WANTED MALE A area Is. loltcttora ss4 aleaaaaaw WANTED Agents In every Iowa; Mils en sight; big commission; write todsy. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk. Omaha WANTED A City Salesman in Omaha for one of the oldest and best Life Insurance Com panies. A Country Sales man also wanted by the same Company for Ne braska territory. Liberal terms, but only men of char acter, engery and salesman ship ability desired. Ad dress 0 llfi, care Omaha Bee. WANTED Book salesmen. We are In auguratinc a new campaign of publicity on the Famous Eliot Fve-Foot Shelf of Books, the Harvard classics. Can furnish leads and advertlsins inquiries: pra ttcallv unlimited aupply; enormous success of new renaissance .-ouio ,. t.vtr a itmitnii M.itrl already.. Extraordinary opportunity for salesmen of the h'gh class school Per sonal Interview imi'Siative. M. Walter iHinn. 22S Paxton Block. EXPERIENCED agent will find propo sition; agenta making from In 00 to !io.) per d.y; no tukc. IOJ9 8. th Ave. Monday. WANTED Salesmen. general experi ence In ladles' furnishings, closks and I suits; good reference required. Kapha' j Pied Co.. and Farnam Sts. I 'SPECIALTY SALESMEN - Attractive rnmmlssu,n. expenses advanced, lo mn who ran ahnw abtlltr: an exceptional "p pwlunit) . Apply Henshaw hotel. Room L0. HELP WANTED VALE A Beats and Salesmen t oiillnned. AGENTS Wanted st once, first class proposition; big commission. Write tndnv, Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Hlk., Omahn. Neb. SALES AGENTS for tin bine blowers, feed water regulators, entllatlng fans, pumps, etc.; mmrsntecd territory: Isrge commission. Wing, Ws Plymouth Hldg., Chi cago. TRAVELING ssleslady or gent to dem onstrate and consummate contracts; roorl salary and expenses tn right party; refer ences xrift little monev required. Addrexs F 117. Bee. Clerical and Office. WANTED at once experienced cashier and bookkeeper by large automobile firm. Excellent opportunity lor right man. Ad dress Ml 14. Bee. IT Is a real household necessity to those who have used Farrell'a svrup. If. Mrs. August Dang, 1! Martha, will bring this ad to The Hee office within three davs and Identify herself she will receive a iiOc can free. Factory and trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Pee KM:. WANTED An experienced helper In the alteration of men's cl uhlng. Apply at once, superintendent. Brandcls Stores. WANTED Auto driver: must have good habits and understHnd machinery; also be willing to help with other work. Ernest E. Hart. Council Bluffs. Mlacellaneoaa. WANTED Teams with patent dump wagons. Apply High school grounds. WANTED At once. 25 men to work by the day, 20 men to clean brick by the thou sand. Come at once to Iavitt Sugar Fac tory, north of Ames, Neb. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. 8.000 government positions open. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 169 F, Rochester. N- Y. u. s. 1100 MONTHLY AUTOING. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha. Neb. LARGEST & BEST. WRITE. MEN WANTED at once for Electric Railway Motormen .nd Conductors; ages 10 to 40; $60 to $100 a month: spring ths best time to start; no experience neces sary. Write today for full particulars. Address i 149 care uf Bee. jOU ARE WANTED for government po sition; $80 a month White for list of posi tions open. Franklin institute. Dept. 172-F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Bright. energetic. well dressed, young man, with high school edu cation, to learn advertising; bright future, reasonable salary to start. One who has had some experience preferred. Address In own handwriting. F-108, Bee. WE WILL help beautify the grounds of Mrs. G. Thorln. 3511 Davenport Bt. If ahe will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give her one of Byrd's regular 60c cherry trees. WANTED A reliable men not afraid of work. Inquire 200 Bee Bldg. WANTED Men to learn barber trade and accept positions now waiting. Country or city shops; great scarcity of barbers this' spring; an army of graduates depending upon us for help. As special inducements complete outfit of tools given. Wages Sat urdays; board If desired. See us or write at once. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. WANTED For Franklin car. driver, me chanic and care taker: must be experi enced and have good references. State In application age. experience. Inst two em ployers and wages expected. Address L 113. Bee. Ii ANDY old man for janitor: no Ia.zv or drunks: references wanted. 601 8. 22d. YOUNG men of education, good address and energy for permanent positions, pav ing $2o.00 weekly, with quick advanremeiit. C. E. Morse, 1814 St. Mary's Ave. HELP WANTED MA1.K OR FKMtie MAN and wife for work at Edgewood farm. Lyman T. Shugart. Council Bluffs. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehicles. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. 801 N lth St. A NICE little cherry tree will help out In the yard. We will glke Mrs. J. N. Kopald, 112 N. 40th St.. one of Byrd s 50c cherry trees If she will bring this ad to The Bee, office within three days and Identify herself. 25 HEAD light and heavy horses and mares. Rosenblat'a Coal Co., 1223 Nicholas. FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness. 429 Center St. 1- THE children all like Farrells syrup. 1t them hsve it. Mrs. E. L. Dust. 2SS7 Manderaon St., will get a 50c can free if she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three davs and Identify herself LOST AND FOUND LOST White and liver pointer bitch pup; amali strap around neck; reward. Phone Har. 4m. rTDTTMn Tb Teddy Bear expert clean ere and 'vers A-33: D. Miti. LOST Mesh purse containing money, key and handkerchief; Brandeis Pom pel an Dressing Room. Reward. Harney 3064. STOLEN From 1620 Capitol Ae., Read ing Standard motorcycle No. 3751; brown. Reward. FOIINI)U)KA'' CLEANING WORKS Lace curtains cl'ned, 35c. W. 3!i00. 8TRAYED White mare, weight about 1,000, etrayed Friday morning. 'Phone any Information to Red 4319. I.OST Black, twisted handled, silk um brella, with gold monogram plate on han dle. Kindly return to Bee office and re ceive reward. IXiST Monday, ladles' Elgin watch, with butterfly pin. Call I0f. Y. or leave or write. 2714 3d Ave. Co. Bluffs for reward. FOUND Red cow; weight 1.100 lbs. De horned. A. I. Groheck, 1708 Irfind Camp Ave. MEDICAL HA7.EL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher. fin AV .McConnHI Drur Omshs MONEY TO LOAN SAI.AHY AND CHATTEL. nothino'but money That is All We Loan. . Could you use l-'S or $50 to a good advan tage? If so. come to us. don't go to a friend. We loin money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments; 60c. la the weekly payment on a L'6 lean and 11.20 Is the weekly payment on a $j0 loan fur 50 wefeks. Other amounts In the name proportion. Write or phone us snd we will call 011 yo.t at once. All bus.-n- con fulr r e ' STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room II Arlington . 151 1H Dodge SL Phones: Douglaa 2466, Independent. A 344. MONEY TO LOAN Salary anil Chattel Contlnaert. umm?Tim$Huwuwmwwjjmfwwroi ! ll VHK m to $500. 8,aan7 I This Is a NSW FIRM organised by I I the LEAIHNU BUSINESS MkiK ll t Omaha to loan money to anvone own- I t Ing HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. I I PIANOS, etc.. or holding a SALARIED I I POSITION. $ The aim of this company Is not to I I I make money, but to help honest work- I I Ing people who have fallen into the I 5 hands of some of the high rate loan I t companies. I We will losn you all Ihe money you I t want at 3 per cent per year. t JUST Til INK-YOU PAY ONLY I t I 10- mo. payments 1172 $10 Zt $ I 1256 mo. payments 34 SI I 25 SI I t 1100-12 mo. payments $8 781106 00 I I All other sums In proportion. $ I COMPARE THESE RATES I I with w hat you have been paying and I $ COME TO US. Reasonable appr. charge. $ $ NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. I $ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. $ $ Room WITHNELL BLK.. 2d Floor. I I N. E. cor. 1Mb and Harney. Easy stairs I ARBOR d:iy will soon be here. It lis all plant a tree. If Will Heald. 312 Tavlor St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him one of Byrd's 50c cherry trees. CHATTEL LOANk Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. 'Doug. 1366. A-1J5I. MONEY loaned . salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; cssv payments. Office in 06 principal cities. Tollman. 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. J Bldg. MONEY (OS Paxton Block. Tel. TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates. Re liable Credit Co . Douglas 1411. A-14U DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU. . !!iP,,.lSt'3ft MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 8u4 S 16th; S09 S. 17th. Doug. 4163. FERRIN 'S Moving. Express and Stor-L- - ,g" Co' Ty 'er 1200' A'33 PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press. 1616 Capitol Ave.. D. 670, A-3937. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVET CO.-Mov-lng; furniture packing; foreproof storage. City office, 218 S. Kth. Doug. 394; Ind. B-1341. BENSON TRANSFER Furniture.- piano moving, transfer work of all kinds. 618V4 So. 10th St. H-222: D. 1596: A-10WI. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. Ill: A-UU VERY desirable rooms and board, refer ences. 123 South 26th Ave. THE BACHELORS. th and Farnam Rates: Single, $36 to $40: double. $o to $68 6T. JAMEb. 418 So. 18th; steam heat fre bath. Am. 8I.2& up; wkly. 88 up; maala 26a, NICELY furnished room In modern home; excellent board. Private home. Tel Harney 46. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room with private lavatory, walking distance near car line. Excellent board. Harney 3389. CLEAN, coxy, modern room; choice loca tion; excellent home cooking. Phone Doug. ?:M VERY desirable east and south frent furnished room and board, modern home in Kountze Place on North 24th St. car line. . Pleasant surroundings. Telephone and use of piano If dealred: young married couple preferred. Family of four, no chil dren; terma reasonable; references re quired. , SS06 North 24th St.. telephone Webster 991. VERY pleasant rooms, with board. 2M 8. 26th Ave. NICE aouth single room, furnished. 2211 Douglas St. f FOR RENT Three nicely furnished rooms; home cooking. 19H3 Capitol Ave FOR RENT I.arge light front room for two; board, references. 1918 Cass St. WELL furnished, large room, with good board; cloBe In; everything modern; walk ing distance. 210 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, walking distance; board, men only. 808 N 19th 8t. VERY desirable rooms with board. 208 8. 26th Ave. FINE large room; board. St. 11 8. 10th FOR RENT-Two very desirable rooms, one block from two car lines; board If de sired. 806 N. 39th St. NEATLY furnished, board If desired' walking distance. 2606 Davenport St. CHANCE for two gentlemen: room and board In private family, good location walking distance. 316 N. 23d St. DESIRABLE steam bested rooms; board 1818 Capitol Ave - ! OKI' the ha hit -en t o Hrien's candv. Thev taste like more. If Mrs. L. Singholm, XVT South Kth St.. will bring this ad to The' Bee office within three davs she will get I n (pit uui 01 iion line canny. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms' good board. 202 N. 22d St. DKSI It A RLE room and bosrd. private family. UM Seward St. FOR RENT Front and back parlor; board. 21)6 Cass St. A YOUNG lady desires a roommnte to share a large, pleasant room. 2io5 St. Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished room, with board for two. 2510 DodKe St. 1 GOOD table board a specialty; first class. 1 nice sleeping room, close in on car line; walking aimance. ih.z .Nicholas ht. ' Faralahed Rooms. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 5975, 2619 N. 20th St. TWO strlrtlv modern rooms, single or en suite, suitable fir two or three. 1507 ! Farnam. Douglas 635. ONE or two front rooms, fine furnish ings; reasonable price. 320 N. 2oth St. No algn on house. WILL take two or three refined roomers In fine borne. Phone Douglas 4a42, lad A -2966. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rcoms 133 S. 22d St CLEAN, well furnished homelike rooms 120 No. 19th St. . SUITE of rooms. West Farnam district, for two or more gentlemen; modern; pri vate family; reasonsbls. Harney 111. NICE large modern room In Hanscom park district. tHZ Marry St., lei. Harney 4' el. NICE front room; private family; liana torn park. Phone Harnty 3384. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms -Contlnaert. FURNISHED room, close In. walking dis tance. INOS Davenport. B. 1377. AFTER a day's work a little recreation is welcomed. We will give to Mrs. U II Adams. 2o04 Tnylor St., a pair of seats to the American theater If she will bring this ad to The Hee office within three dava and Identify herself. FURNISHED room In a modern home. 2So4 Dodge St. Phone Harney 47.2. SOUTH FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 2 BIX)CKS WEST OF HIGH SCHOOL ON HARNEY AND CROSS TOWN CAR LINK. 1410 CHICAGO ST. TWO eirgently furnished, strictly modem, front rooms; private family; gentlemen pre ferred. 2125 Doula. Tyler 122K. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms; housekeeping If desired; walking distance 148 South 26th Ave. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room with private lavatory; walking distance near car line. Excellent board. Harnev S3Mt. NICELY furnished room, Hanscom park and Field club district, on car line. Phone Harney 715. TtJ furnished rooms and 4 unfurnished, partly modern; near car; walking distance quiet neighborhood. 714 N. !0tn. GOOD rooms. $1 60 per week and up; fre hath. IK N. 2ith St. T hone Harney snu NEAT looms, all modern conveniences walking distance. 2727 Dodge. II. RS6 TWO rooms, one large and one smaller; everything modern; walking distance; near car; nice, quiet neighborhood. 2543 Capitol Ave. ONE large front room, nleelv furnished for llglit housekeeping, on car line; walk ing distance; nice neighborhood; quiet; rea sonable rent. 2407 Capitol Ave. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms for light housekeeping. 702 S. 17th St. CLSE-IN, large, beautifully furnished rooms; all modern; near car; walking dls .ance. Tel Red 6742. 620 N. 23d St. NICE, newly furnished rooms, on rar line; east front; walking distance; every thing modern; reasonable rent 'Phone Doug. 4295. 602 N. 26th street. rr MAKT yourself solid with your girl by giving her a box of O'Brien's fine candv Here is a chahce for It. M. Gale. 221 Ohio' If he will bring this ad to The Ree office within three days, he will receive a Boo box of this candy. ,JKL"5LI?I8I'IED room ln Pate famfly. 2705 Chicago St. LIGHT houaekeeplng and modern single om: walk,nK distance. Phone Douglas 682. UnUE front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; everything- modern and quiet; on car line; walking distance. I'i2i Dodge. 'Phone Doug. 3161 EXTRA nice, modern room; lust right, walking distance. 1919 Cass. LARGE, beautiful rooms; all modern; 3 blocks from postofflce: walking distance. Red 6508. 306 N. ISth 8t. VERY desirable large front room, suit" able for two. 201 8. 26tli Ave ..K11.'7 '"rnlshed room, strictly modern. 1317 Park Ave., Apartment No. 1 HOUSEKEEPING 2118 Dougias. rooms; cheap rent. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, newly papered; rent reasonable. 1915 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, for couple of gentlemen. 620 So. 24th Ave. OR RENT-Neatly furnished room, pri vate family, walking distance; gentlemen only. 609 80. 25th Ave. FOR RENT Large front room, desir able for two. 626 80. 20th St FOR RENT Modern pleasant rooms, good location, 641 So. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Large furnished rooms, walking distance. 2617 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Desirable front, desirable for two. good location. 111 N. 20th St. FOR RENT Dealrable room, private lamlly. rent to gentlemen only; good loca tion. 627 8. 26th Ave FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gen tlemen preferred. 2584 Harney. OR RENT-Two neatly furnished rooms, for two or three gentlemen; mod ern .electric light bath; good location, walking distance. 608 8. 19th St rOR RENT-Neatly furnished front room, private family; block from Harney car. 507 8. 30th, St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; reasonable. 716 S. Uth St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; good location, modern; walking distance. 203 S. 25th Ave FOR RENT Large room and alcove and small room, desirable for young men. 2704 Farnam 8t. FOR RENT-Declrable front room with alcove. 823 8. 2oth St FOR RENT Nice rooms, private family; good location. 510 S. 25th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, room, modern; private family, good location. 621 rim Ave. FOR RENT Dealt able southeast room 410 8. 24th St. rOR RENT Large front room, desirable for two gentlemen; good location. 411 N. 19th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod ren house; private family. 2006 Maple EU NICE clean room; cheap. 1907 Clark Webster 68. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern' walking distance; gentlemen- preferred. 672 8. th Bt. TO ONE or two gentlemen, large front room, strictly modern. 101 So. 26th Ae Doug. 4717. MODERN, front. Tel. D. 664. 107 8. 26th Ave. MODERN single room on hath room floor. 12 per week. 6 S. 27fh St. Hotels aad Aparimeate. NMCELY FURNISHED ROOMS fn. tlemen THE CHATHAM. 100 S. lath at. Ogden Hotel CortlBluMJ. Rooms, n DODGE HOTEl13th and Dodge; all ouU side rooms; steam heat; special week rat. Aparlaaeats arad rials. (-ROOM duple apartment second floor hades and screens, nicely decorated com bination fixtures, fine attic, good porch adults only. 1731 & to St Tei. Tyler 1449! mornings only. 5-ROCM modem Tat. 270 Jackson. FIVE-ROOM, thoroughly modern, un-to-dste St. Ixiuls brb k flat, 2m7 Jackson St., ROBINSON A WOLF, 435 Paxton Blk. Doug-lag tilt CHEAPEST, best 4 or 6-room flats ln eily. 230 N. J3d. " 6-R'JOM modern flat, $26. 10U g i4tn" FW. McArdle, 2411 Hamilton. Tel. Webster