0 TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 16, 1911. ! ? Try' IT jrr i .-. 'in i H I v:?. i. r I r I ID yi : 1 4. OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) rinUkrd Iloaecueeplas: Hunm. TWO furnished and three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, ail modern, ail Mason. Harney 6M0. THREE unfurnished light housekeeping rooma; references exchanged. It 3799 FOR RENT-T'o nicely furnished housekeeping rooma. 25.4 Harney St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room desirable for light housekeeping, 2IJ S. n& st I 1 FOR RENT Steam heated modem rooma for housekeeping. 4758 N. 24th St. FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooma. 829 B. 19th St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished - rooma 1 light housekeeping. 719 8. 26th St. FOR RENT Two very desirable house keeping rooma neatly furnished. 704 N. 16th St. ' I ' FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooma, good location. 422 N. 17th St. FOR RENT Two modern rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping. 604 S. 27th St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished houstT keeping rooms, 24)24 California St. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; also sleeping rooma. 115 N. 20th. FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooma, good location. Inquire 1615 Howard St., second floor. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room for light housekeeping, 2116 Chicago St. FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooms completely furnished, 315 8. 2uth St. LARGE, clean, lighted, modern aleeplng ltaoms; would arrange for Housekeeping; I'lwn and shade; good neighborhood. 2204 VtVbster. FOR RENT Desirable room for general housekeeping. 2225 Dodge. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, mod ern; reasonable. 660 8. 26th Ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; 2 rooms up stairs and 3 rooma downstairs; near car; walking distance. 716' N. 20th. B-2552. FOUR rooma. furnished complete for housekeeping; to couple without children; very desirable neighborhood. 366 N. 40th. 2582 Harney, nicely furnished front and back parlor for light housekeeping; mod- 3"! walking distance.' WO light house keeping rooms, first floor, water and phone on same floor; no objection to children: $4 per week. 2675 J Harney. THE HOWARD, Z-room apartments; heat. Ice, hit water and janitor; bed In wall; $32.50. The Manual 2-room apart ment. $25; 4-roora, $30; walking dlatanee. 21st and Howard. Red 4487. Vafaraiaheol Rooma. FRONT room with aicoye; walking dla tanoe; private family. 22t Burt. FOR RENT Flva nicely arranged rooma, on second floor; modern except heat; one block from car; adults only. 704 8. 30th Bt. , , . FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooma, 2118 Douglas Bt. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooma. :iodern, good location. 625 N. 23d St. FOR RENT Three desirable unfur nished rooma; good location. 3624 Burt Bt..- FOR RENT Very attractive suite of four rooms, bath on same floor. 2222 N. 33th St. THREE pleasant rooma for light house keeping. 3026 St. Mary'a Ave. THREES semi-basement rooms, partly modem, walking dlatanee, reasonable. 114 South 29th avenue. LARGE, pleasant front room with alcove; two clothes closets; modern. 621 Park Ave. FINE unfurnished rooms In modern cot-ta.-e; walking dlatanee. 611 N. 23d. IbRBFJ unfurnished rooms, bed room. e-eroom. outs4de porch, nice garden and fruit. 2617 N. 18th St. FOR RENT Four nice big rooma. 2419 8. 24th St. Kara lake Haasa. -room furnished bouse. Webster lts. COMPLETELY furnUhed -room house. 3821 Farnam St., from June 1 for the sum mer or longer. Address E-10T Be Office. MY 6-room cottage, two blocks from Han 'm part; fine bath, nloe lawn, clean and C'lmfortable furnished; to amall family. Mrs. A. Woloott, sous Paclflo Sc FT'RNISHED HOU8E8. $40 S-r., strictly modern, nicely furnished, 1322 N. 41st St. $60 -r.. strictly modern, nicely furnished, 1801 Blnney St. UEORUE CO., 902 City Nat l Bank Bdg UiMa a a4 Cattasiea. FOR RENT A t and entirely modem i-room eottage. eorner 17th and Castellar, U4. Including water. 100 N. t. Ufs. TeL Douglas 4SM. NICE SEVEN-ROOM; MODERN EX CEPT HEAT; ADULTti ONLY. Ml) CALD WEI.L CLOS1MN APARTMENTS in The Sterling Apartment No. 7. 4 rooma, $35.00. Apartment No. 8. 4 rooms, $30.00. Apartment No. 11. 3 rooms, $27.50. Theae apartments are strictly modern and up-to-date. Heat, hot and cold water the year around; gaa range; shades; curtain roda and Janitor service furnished. PAYNE dt 8IATER CO.. Sole Agents, bth Floor. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. NEW-4 rooma. modern except furnace, I block south of Vlntoo sjcsmm. Inquire K. a laaa. aoul 8. 2uth Ave. HOC8 EHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight ratee; BaotMag and storing. iiprtumfB'I Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. a4. City uffloe, 21 M. 17th 4U B Bldg. SEVEN rice rooma, modern except heat; adults only. 3619 Caldwell. FIVE-room cottage, partly modern. 2411 Michigan Ave.; $14 ) per month. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., TaT. D. Tbe. 1514 City Nat. Hank Bldg. A PRETTY up-to-date house, six rooma besides recvption hall, bath and laundry; wall looated, near four car tinea Inquire 712 Park Ave. ' FOR KENT, 5-llOOM ottafte. bath, gas and electric light. $13 3017 Manderson St. 11. II. LANDER YOU. 1H D. 2151; Ind; A -2151. 442 Bd. of Trade i 8. BTH, rooma completely anodera. fax liiuua w . itALU, i Ktmn Bigg. ,-Jr Douc. 74t or A-4ol 'le-ROOM modern bouse: walking dls tancc; Inquire Jv N Uth 8t t, e. TURKS room eottaaa, farBUheel eoaa- f p'.aie. -Mi hurt Kt. I FOR RENT on May t five-room oottage, I In fine condition, $21. 2516 Junes St., Tel. OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and (ottaaca I ontlnneri. 1513 X. 2Gth St., 8-r.. nil mod.. $33. , iaiiiiiion, a. i niuu., xcipt heat, l'1S Clark, R-r., partly mod., $S. 162-1 Clark, 6-r. partly mod., $18. 1201 N. 26th, 6-r., partly mod., 115.50. ft;'. Pierce, 5-r., partly mod.. $1K. -W4 H. 2ith, 1-r., partly mod.. $12.60. M0 8; 23d. 6-r., mod., except heal. 420. ! !! X. S4ih. 5-r., all mod., except heat, choice, location, $20. 24S9 Krankln, 6-r.. mod., except heat, $22. 1710 8. 15th. 6-r.. all mod., except heat, $20. t-Kwm, 6-r.. all mod.. $25. &.I4 Capitol Ave.. 8-r.. all mod., $25. 22u t-amer, 7-r.. partly mod., newly dec orated throughout, $10. 22I Locust, s-r., an mod., except heat. $20. 3('IS Hamilton, a new, strictly mod., 7-r. detached house, a bargain at $27.50. 1..8 tales, -r., all inou. except neat, $22.50. 1 ') S. 27th, 7-r., all mod., choice locat.on, '.25. S16 P. S5th Ave., 9-r., all mod. A bargain at $25. 2".2; Jackson. S-r.. strictly mod.. $30. 185 8. :th Ave., 7-r.. all mod., $3o. 5i6 S. 2Mh, 10-r., titrlctly mod., $35. 2412 'eward. 6-r., atrlctly mod., :2.50 4H04 Seward. 8-r., strlctlv mod., $27.5ol 62t S. aith, 10-r., all mod., $I2.C0. 8S63 Fnrnam, 8-r., all iikhi.. 40. 3J16 Ohio, 8-r., strictly mod., $25. 2il Farnam. 8-r.. atrlctly mod., $4.1. iXlu California, S-r., all mod., choice loca tion, $17.50. We have others; 'see our list before you move. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, titto floor, X. V. Life Bldg. NEW COTTAGE, modern. " wide front veranda, bevel plate, quartered oak door, large reception hall, pretty opm stair, neat design. Wide cased opening to coxy east side living room, nice bright dining room, large kitchen and roomy pantry. Full con crete basement. Inside and outside en trance, fine for laundry work. Splendid bed rooms, good slxe and well ventilated, three large cloaet. a storage room and a large else bath room with porcelain equip ment complete, not and cold water, first floor finished In .red oak, polished and smoothed.. Electric lights with late de sign brush brass fixtures, shower and dome. Well put up, heavy Jolsta. lS-ft. centers, well bridged, double floors and all good. Bring a carpenter with you. L,ots lay up well, near car and school, new and large modern homes on all sld-s. You can ??JLthlH cozy we" ,,u,lt ""'a home. Pru-e, $2,600; $1,6 cash and $28 per month; or L.75 cash and $2;t per month. Bre me today, for this also will sell quickly. One advertised last Sunday aold before 6 o clock. Coi.ie to my residence today. At home Sunov only or evenlna-a. K s Tmii m ti Halcyon Ave., Benson. Phone Btns'on 122 No. 1069 South 29th Ave., nine rooms, mod ern, $45.00. NP- Pouth 9th Ave., nine rooms, modern, $36.00. No- M Pacific Street, aeven rooms, mod crn, No. 2919 Pacific Street, six rooms, mod ern except furnace, $20.00 No. 1130 South 2th Street, seven rooms and bath, no furnace, $20 00. No. 1818 Corby street, six rooma and bath, outh front, $18.00. - No. 626 South 30th 8treet, six rooms, fur nace and bath, $20.00. ;?2; lm North Bth Street, six rooms. 10. w. N-- Swr4 Street, six rooms, $16.00. Xo. 2846 Blnney Street, nine rooms. $15.00. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. 81 A Sf.fh mil Im , . and full acre, nlce'y fenced, good chicken -Mil uiner iiiipruvvments. X o good party for one year. !S81L.ctur- 6 oma, all modern. I27JO-S310 N. 14th Ave.. 7 rooms, all mod. mo-1613 N. 40th, rooms, all mod. E?7.JB1LN- wh- 7 rooms, all mod. $27.60-3206 Charles. 8 rooms, all mod . new FLATS. $121556 N. 19th, 8 rooms, partly mod. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Entire Third Floor Ware Block. Doug. 1781, Ind. A-1188. 3 ROOMS. 2034 B. 18th St., $8. 6 rooms, 3042 8. 18th St., $15. 3 rooma modern, 1819 N. 17th St., $13.50. 4 rooma modern, 1504 8. 26th St., $12.60. 6 rooms modern, 1830 N. 16th St., $22 50. I rooms modem, 1806 N. 26th St., $20. rooms modern, 2426 Caldwell, $26. 7 rooms modern, 2756 Davenport, $27.60. 7 rooms modern flat. 111! Pacific, $2160. 5 rooma modern, 8016 Chicago, $30 S rooma modern, 606, 8. 27th St , $30 II rooms modern. 1029 8. 80th Ave. $32.60 W. B. MEIKLE. 205 Ramge Bldg. CLOSE-IN FLATS 1419 N. 17th, S-R., partly mod., $7. 1839 N. 84th, 8-R., partly mod., $14. 419 8. 19th, 4-R., partly mod., $12. 621 8. 26th Ave., 10-R., all mod., within easy walking distance, $26. 616 8. lth, 6-R, strictly mod., 237.50. 668 6. 28th, 5-R., atrlctly mod.. $42 50 PAYNE A SLATER CO., Bole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. WE have the largest list of houses for rent In Omaha. We give you what you are looking for. Call A. R. Wadlelgh. rental manager, Douglaa 1608. Res. Har ney. 4369. HABT1NQ8 4t HEYDEX. 1614 Harney 8t. EIOHT-room modern house at 946 N. 26th Bt. $20.00 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVE8TMFNT CO Tel. D. 7t6. 1514 City Nat. Bank Bldg. HSi S 28TH. 8-room house, porcelain bath. gar. furnace, prmane.it walk, paved atreet; price reduced to $.12.60. 8412 Burt StJ-room, mod. cottage, barn for chickens; $20. 2116 Franklin. 6-room cottage, city water, cistern, barn: $14.00. Jl1! jrraVklLn.1 4 room"- tr water; $600. $10 60 Nortn sld' 8-room cottage, city water; J. H. SHERWOOD. City Nat l Bank Bldg 1718 South th, 7 rooms, modern, fur nace heat, large yard, fruit and shade trees. P. C. BE8T. 94$ Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg MODERN. 6-room brick house, 1109 N. 23d St.. $26 per month. Phone Harney 960. 25H St. Mary's Ave. A (-room, strictly modern "St. Txuls" apartment (second floor) in choice reaidence district. Price $40. PAYNE A 8LATER CO.. Sole Agents. 6th Floor. X. Y. Life Bldg Houses, les. IttngwaiL Brandela Th. Bldg. $35, NEW, fine and cheap at price. Dun dee. Phone Harney 2565. 10O8 Pacific St., 4-r., part mod., $13 50. 1OI0 Pacific St., 4-r., part mod.. $15 M 1513 8. 6th St.. C. wrTsaa. $11. BIHKETT A TEBBENS. 43 Bee Bldg. Phones D. 4754, A-1754 $11.00 6-room lower f Lut with porch, mod.. 2202 N. 21st St 81 vv 8-room middl flat, rot X '1st St $13.00 4-rm. upper flat, modem. 2208 N. 21st -' 00 8-room all modern new brick. 7U N 20th St. $422.50 10-room modern home. cor. 20th and Webster ts. $32.50 6-room apartment, strictly modern, at Albion, near depots. ROV.INSON WOLF. 436 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas' 2418. IS03 Bristol. -R.. all mod., $21. 220 Burdette. 6-R. mod, barn. $21 3114 Taylor St.. new 6-R.. mod.. $24). 4633 N. Jth. new 5-R., mod . $17. J. W. RASP CO.. 889 Brandeia Bldg THE elegmt ten-room modern house on southeast corner 82d and Davenport Bts. will be for rent Msy 1; neighborhood most dealrable. Price. 865 per month. CONRAD YOUNG. 222 Brandela Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug 1671 A NEW 7-room modern house. 2208 Charles. Doug. 17F1 or Harney 6817 evening. rrVTH A I . all n,.n, J i .., . . vvu. uuum, n. 23d. -ROOM team kaa,ta4 flat. Duaeaaie. loth aad Pierce. Douglaa U7L Cearad Touag. OFFERED FOR RENT lioases aad Cotlaaea Coatlaaeal, $40-211 S. 42d St.. 8 rooms, all modern, fine. 40-&28 S. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern, .close In for rooming purposes. Will put In good condition. 14 X. 3lKt St., S rooms, all modern, good location. $40 2t16 Dodge St., 6 rooms and recep tion halt, modtrn brick, fine. H5 272 Central Boulevard, 7 rooms, mod ern, will paper. 830-810 X. sad St., 8 rooms, all modern. See It. 8.10- 2552 Jones St., ( rooms, all modern, In good location. $.10 6w( f. &nh St., 9-room modern house. $201116 S. th St., rooms, bath, gas, toilet. $1 2439 Emmet St., 7 rooms, toilet, gas, large yard. tW 3520 North 8th Ave., 7 rooms, modern except heat; detached. $162817 N. 27th St., 7 rooms, modern ex cept heat. 16 3U04 Sprague St.. ( rooma. toilet, gas. $14 113S N. 17th St.. 6 rooms, 2d floor. $142516 N. 31st St., 7 rooms, bath and gas, brick flat. $ 3 rooms with citv water and gas; near 22d and Leavenworth. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Xew Omaha Xat'l Bank Bldg. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. Central Blvd., 8 rooms, modern, $37.50. Jackson St., 8 rooms, modern, $32.50. Farnam St., 7 rooms, modern, $27. S. 2Sth St.. 8 rooms, modern, $25. S. 20th St., 7 rooms, mod., $20. S. 2Mth St.. 6 rooms, modern. $20. Locust St., 6 rooms, mod. ex. fur.. $20. X. 17th St.. 6 rooms, city water, $18. Can. Ave . 6-r fitv u-it ham tlri 2732 2715 4116 1511 1545 1135 1619 1132 4628 5i-7' S. 34th St., 5 rooms, city water,' $14. 2S05 2323 621 vino i i-r., moa. ex. rurnace, is. FLATS. S. 16th St., 6-r.. city water. $12.50. 8. 29th St.. 3-r.. mod. ex. fur.. 112. 1047 3016 S. 20th Xt.. '8-r.. city water, gas. $10.50. Ames Ave.. 3-r., cltv water, $6. GARVIN BROS. 354 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. DUMONTS LIST. Six rooms, all modern, large rooms; finely Papered; house almost new; one and one huif blocks from car line, $27.60. Six rooms, new; city water; south part of city. $15. Six rooms and bath, hot and cold water; north part of the city. In a good neighbor hood, $16.50. Six rooms, modern except heat, one and one-half blocks from car line; good neigh borhood, $18. APARTMENTS. We have some new 6-room apartments beautifully located, everything first class, $50 each. Other houses, flats and stives for rent or sale In all parts of 'x ' We write all ktnda of Insurance). J. H. Dl'e.oN't ot oo., Phone Doug. 690. 1605 Farnam bt.. Omaha. FOR RENT. $10.00-834 N. 12th St.. South Omaha, 4 rooms, water. $21.00-2217 Vinton St., 5-room flat, mod. ex. heat new and good. $23.00-223 Vinton St.. 6-room flat, mod. ex. heat new and good. $23.502623 Case St.. 6 rooms, first floor, mod. ex. heat; nice yard. $25.002119 Grant St., 8 rooma. mod. ex. heat; barn. $30.002314 Dewey Ave., 6-room flat. mod. $40.003240 Harney St.. 6 rooma, modem. $40.003611 Lafayette Ave., 8 rooms, mod. D- v- 6HOLES CO., 913 City Nafl Bank Bldg. . Tel. Doug. 49. 7- r. modern house, 123 N. 40th St, $35. 6-r. modern house, 125 8. 42d St., $35. 8- r. modem brick. 1126 8. 31st $30. 3-r. flat In Davldge Bldg., mod., $35. 8 rooms, 18th and Farnam. suitable for office, studio, dressmaking or living rooms, $26. JOHN W. ROBBfNS, 1803 FARXAM ST. FOR REXT to colored people. t 7.00 Three rooms, 2621 Lake St. $14 00 5-rooms, 2005 Paul St $12.00 4-room. 2706 Burt St. $2o OOr-6-room aiod., corner.. 1618 Ohio St ROB7XSON A WOLF. 435 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 2418. HOUSES. $20.00 8-R.. modern except heat, 2154 S. $32.60-0-R , modirn. 4212 Farnam Bt. $50.00 10-R.. modern, .hot water heat, 802 Worthlngton Place. $56.00 10-R.. modem. In good repair, 2653 Douglas St. GEORGE A CO., 902 City Nafl Bank Bldg FOR RENT, CHOICE 4-room flat, lower, modem In every re spect. 604 8. 30th St.. $27.50. B. II. LANDERYOU, Tel. D. 2151; Ind; A-2151. 442 Bd. of Trade. 1142 N. 17th St.. 4 rooms tiS y 3no Hamilton. 6 rooms. BARN 12 50 151R-N. 20th Kt pnnma nn'n.-. 2565 PoppletonAve., 5 rooms.!!!!!!!!!!! HftJXi 1513 8. 29th. 7 rooma, modem 35.0) 2525 California ft rnnmm a. - w.vj JOHN N. FREN27ER BOTH 'PHONES. 8-ROOMS, CLOSE IN 2723 Jackson St.. an 8-room strictly mod ern house, within easy walking distance. Price $.10. PAYNE SLATER CO., Bole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg FOR RENT. Modern house of eigh rooms; walking distance.. $30. I. N. HAMMOND, 332 Board of Trade. Modern, t-r. houae: near park. 16U 8. 28. FOR RENT-Slx-room cottage, close In bath., cistern, shade; to amall family, $25. Seven rooms, all modern, three bed rooms 31st and Jackson, $28. Owner pays water' Telephone Red 6264. water. IloUSei 7? P" of the eit Crelgh Boas Co.. Bee Bids. Om. Van A Storage Co. packs.moves. store household goods Fireproof storaae: Im a 14th. Branch. u . 17th. TaC O. "ita. AUi. rw ROOM frtf f a era hiaJ.m . . $21.00. 6M B7 2Vth Ave! 1537 X. 19th St., 7-r., mod. except fur i-j 2216 Grace. -r.. modem. $2.) P 2222 Grace, 1-r.. modem, $J0. 2ull Cap. Ave, 7-r;, mod. except fur.. $16 W. O. SHR1VER. ' 1047-8 Omaha Nat. Bank. i-uji cir.D in-an parts or city. F. D. WKAD. Wead Bldg.. 1801 Farnam St. FOR KENT fff;R O:?M MODERN HOISK 3018 CASS ST. DUNDEE, modern house. $26. Harney 6015. ONE 6-room house, all modem, and one 'I'" soron!h'. "0pt ,"t' lniu'r 130? S28thC,'y molern -room brick house. FIVE-ROOM house, second floor mod ern. 1325 8. 82d Bt; Hanscom park. SIX-ROOM house and barn, 2630 Panker St. F. D. Wead. 1801 Farnam. rer I-OR RENT May I. modern 7-room house. 315 Dodge St.. on West Farnam Wv"Vy a?",rbl neighborhood; rental $45.00 Inquire of W. (3. Preston. 101 B 4tu bt. Tel. Doug. 77 or Hamey "W LIST your homes for rent or sale with WILLOWS. 864 BRANDE1S BLDG. i r.. 1710 N. ISth St.. part mod . $10. 6 r.. 2IU2 California St., mod $35 r., 2730 8. 12th St , part mod . $18 BUTTON REALTY CO. 694 Brandela Bidg. Phone, Doug. 1670 VACANT MAT t (-room modern houae. nloely decorated and In good condition, located at 2710 catur St.. U- Phone D. 1636 or W. 271L HOUSE, 614 Dewey Ave, 7 rooma. mod ern. Moyer Stationery Co, 1614 Farnaaa bt OFFERED FOR RENT lluoars aad Cottages Contlaaed. FIVE ROOMS This Is not a new house, hut It Is In good condition throughout. Electric lights, good cellar, good heating apparatus. Has nice hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry, two fine bed rooms. Splendid corner lot, east front; concrete walks all In; near car line, school and church; Good barn, chicken house and two pens. Fence around entire place. Fruit, shade and garden. Here Is a place that will beat any renting proposition. A splendid op portunity for the man who wants to get a home. Price, $2,315, $200 cash and $21 per month. See this place today for I am not at home only Sundaya and evenings. This will be taken quickly. Come to mv reaidence. Get off the car at Country club, walk two blocks south and one-half block west to No. 215 Reed street, Ben son. Frank Boner, Phone Benson 734. 412 N. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern. House and location very desirable, 150. 1302 S. 81st St. 10 rooms, modern, barn. $30. 1306 8. 30th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, barn, $35. 602 S. 29th, 6 rooms, modem, l.arn, $25. iw Grace. 10 rooms, modern, bain, $27.50. 2oo2 N. 18th St., 5 rooms, modern and fir.. $17.50. 2!24 Hamilton, 6 rooms, psrtly modern, $16. 414 Pacific, 3 rooms. $700 416 Pacific, 10 rooms. $15.00 813 N. 22d St., 4 rooms, J12.60. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 132o Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1004; Ind. A-1064. WEST FARNAM SPECIAL 106 S. 36th St., an 8-room, strlctlv modern brick dwelling: choicest location in the city. Price $41.50. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor, X. Y. Life Bldg. FOR RENT Nice 6-room; bath, gaa. 1411 8. 16th. Douglas 2992. 3128 CHICAGO ST., 8 rooms, modern barn and large yard; $40. till N. 40th St., 7 rooms, modern. $30. 2218 Clark St., 3 rooms. $11. ' . RINGWALT BROS.. Brandela Theater Bldg FOR RENT About May 1, new 7-room brick houae, entirely modern; located at 1408 8. 10th St. Apply E. D. Branch 1414 8. 10th St.; telephone Douglaa 4870. $40.00. 8-ROOM cottage. 2501 Franklin. NO 4712 X. S4TH AVE., six-room house with water, gas, and electric light, $16. Tel Web. 3538. tores and Offices. FOR REXT-Aprll 15th. 209-211 X -16th St. 44x120. One block from Loyal hotel, post office and new Union Pacific Bldg Suit able for many kinds of business. Inquire room 814 First Xatlonal Bank Bldg. Tele phone Douglas 1242. '' WilfBuild to Suit Tenant Trackage lot 83x132 ft. or 66x132 ft. on Dodge near 13th St. Splendid location for Jobbing and manufacturing; close to busi ness center; short haul to all depots; extra good street car service. J. H. Dumont&Son Vtione'-Oouglas .69w. 1005 Farnam St., Omana. ,. STORES. Small store room,, near 16th and Farnam Sts. Rental on application. 624 8. 16tn St., tine store room and base ment, modern front, will lease on favorable terms. 613 S. 16th St. will be remodeled with ntw front; has good basement. Rental, $75 per month. 617 S. 16th St., good store toom and base ment $55 per month. 2234 Farnam St., room 22x65 feet, $65 per month. 1215 Farram St., 22x110 feet, 3 atorea; $l.ti per month. GEORGE & CO., 902 City Nafl Bank Bldg. ONE of the moat dealrable offices In the city. Will rent desk room and give use of desk. Address B. 121, Bee. FOR RENT Three-story and basement atore building at 1006 Farnam 8t. Inquire room 314 First National Bank Bldg. Tele phone Douglas 1242. LIVE WIRE men only; best grooery and ltat market on 14th St. Apply 220 N. 2M. OFFICE8 AND ROOMS FOR 8TAPE LINES. Very dealrable spaces In The Webster Bunderland Bldg.. liith and Howard Sta rental $15 P" month up. Rooms as large GEORGE A CO.. 902 City National Bank Bldg. FOR nr.NT-l1.il, vonm ...l.U ..I i aervlce. $8 per month. 224 Nafl Fidelity Casualty Bldg. 1 AT 705 8. 16th St., room 20x60, supplied with steam heat, now being put in fine condition. Price reasonable. PETERS TRUST CO.. 17th and Farnam- , 3 STORE ROOMS At logical supply olnt for Omaha's larg est unsupplled population. If you have a mercantile training, come talk It over investigate count mouths to be filled. You incur no obligation. T. J. Hook, Office 1101 N. 18th. , BUILDINGS. 1414 Hamey St., 4 floors, 33x126 feet. First floor has new front arranged for retail business, will subdivide. Rental very- rea sonable. We have several good warehouses, either on trackage or near retail district GEORGE A CO., 9u2 City Nat l Hank Kldr HRAVV nniPT unocra for sale; as our season Is nearly over will Sell a few of our fine teams, bra them at 16th and Marcy. HAVENS-WHITE COAL COMPANY for Beat. 80 ACRES choice corn or cane land- level ground; for rent; near Bellevue; house barn and outbuildings. Inquire Chapman' Bellevue. Tel. 60. or Clarke, Her Grand hotel. OFFERED FOR SALE Feraltare. FURNITURE, modern flat good condi tion. 1813 Chicago. Fl RMTURE for 6-room cottage, includ ing piano, good aa new. Must sell at once. Owner leaving city. Address G 109. Bee. BOOKCASE and nigs for sale7Tl2SoT Xlli Wake appointment. Harney ' FURNITURE and household gooda. 2626 Capitol Ave. NEW model, Edison phonograph and cabinet. 160 records thrown In. Address G 936. Bee. $400 PIANO. In flrst-rlasa condition. $126; all or half cash. Call 2124 Miami St. Phone Webster 1122. FOR SALE Tickets to the American theater for evening and afternoon per formances. If Mrs A. R. Cobb. 663 South 42d St.. will bring thla ad to The Bee within three daya and identify herself, she will be given an order for two seats to the American theater. PIANO. Cheap. 1122 Nicholas street. Typewriter. RENT an Olive typewriter from the OUver Typewriter Co. Ppone Douglaa 281a. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters Continued. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. CLEARANCE SALE NOV ON! Prices low to et the cash; V to H regular prlcen; any make you want. B. F. SW ANSON CO.. 131 FARNAM ST. LET ns show you the latest Fox Visible typewriters. The Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co.. 1 istrlbutors, Nehraska and Iowa. 54 Brandela Bldg. "Phones Ind. A 4412, Bell 4937 Douglas. NOTICE bargain In typewriters. No. 6 Underwood, 151.50. No. 10 Remington, like new, $56. Xo. 3 Oliver, like new, $27.50. No. 2 Smith Premier, $;6. '-hoice of Remington or Smith Premier, $-6. F. N. nutts Typewriter Exchange. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BUY sn 1- C. Smith 4k Broa. typewriter II. K. rswansoa Co., Distributers. 1J14 ar- em H. SECOXD-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1007 Farnam. LET us show you the latest Fox Visible typewriters. The Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co.. DlMributern. Nebraska and Iowa. 54 Brnndels Bldg. Tels. Ind. A-4412, Bell 4937 Douglas. Mlacellaneoae. M FES Overstocked wtth aecond-haaa afes. all aires and makes; bargains. Auwr ican Kupplk .'o. HID a'arnam St Xew and second hand safes. 1818 Farnan TWO good secondhand meat coolera; will be sold at a bargain If taken in next ten daya. D. D. Davis, Griswold. la. KOIt SAl.K-.New and second-hand bil liard and pool tabiea. We lead the world m cheap bar fixtures; eay paymeota bruuawlck-Balk-CollL'udar. f. 10th l FOR SALE A complete set of Ice tools, enough for storing a hundred tons of Ice f.er,,y-. Also two wagons. In good repair. VI1I sell at a bargain. Write, M. J. Long, Box 743, Boonvllle, Mo. OH, TOO DUCK HUNTER, bere Is a chance to buy a duck gun that ou can kill thera with. Parker )0-gauit hamitierless, twist barrel. In splendid con dition. Leather case anu M ubeils iNo. t hot) go with It Make me an offer. Ueo. H. Wrigbt. care Be. Omaha. DIRT for sale; apply High school grounds or John Harie, 1099 Webster St. M ANDY LEE Incubator, 120 eggs, new last year, $9. Inquire 2504 N. 24th, St. lOR SALE Two tennis racquets and one court roller In good condition. Call 3u24 Ames Ave. Webster 1483. -?'JLi-,INa leather gocart 'Phone Doug. I ll'S. FOR SALE Tickets - to the American theater for evening and afternoon perform ances. If Mrs. A. Green, 811 North 35th St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify herself she will be given an order for two seats to the American theater. FOR SALE-Machine for making barb wire, cost $1,500 new; will sell verv reason ably. For particulars address W. M. Barth. Peoria. 111. FOR SALE Counter servlco soda foun tain, almost new, at a barguln; also car bonator. Address Y 160, care Bee. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, complete bak ery and restaurant fixtures. Including fountain. Have, rented building for other purposes. Must move. For particulars write to Aiex E. Etting, David City, Neb. COMPLETE detail drawing with specifi cations; full size; Blerlot, Farnam or Cody typo areoplane; $2 prepaid. Areoplanes con structed. Curtis Co., 12 Broadway, New York. EVERBEARING strawberry plants and thirteen other varieties, $.' per thousand and up; strong currant and blackberry bushes; delivered. Bctz-nger, Strawberry Man.- 'Phone Florence 2501. SOD for aale. 43d and Center. DIRT up to 14.000 yards near Leaven worth and 22d. Also near 27th and Dodge, 2,500 yards. See us at once, or phone Douglas 2107. Evenings, Harney 2:87. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. 15th Floor City Nafl Bank Bldg. MOTOR canoe at leas than the half; 18 feet long; 3V4 horse-power motor; three cylinders; air tanku; everything complete. A. C. Hartman. Douglaa 4104. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 208-1 Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 634-6 Brandels Theater. PATENTS D. q BAHMBLL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111. HIRAM A. srUUGKS. reg. pat attr 646 brandela Theate.- Bidg. Doug.aa 846. uiri.iun vi-tr.v i . ... V";r ... ,;i'iwwi practitioner x Hat or flea. u fdx Blk. II Oji. PERSONAL MKCHA.N'O THEKAPV Maasage treatment for grippe, rheuma llain. Dr. Hallurau, m Neville Blk. D.Jmi. STAMMERING AND STUTTERINQ cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bidg." THB SALVATION A KMT solicits cast-oil clothing, la tact anything ou do awl need. We colinct ispair and aeli at 124 N Utn St. tor crn of uulleuuoa, to ute wor th ypoor. Can thuo Uuuia muJ tuui wlU UMlL . M r- .17th 8t- Alien of Chicago. Doug. .Ouo. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 2u3 bouth lath St. D. lilt BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 box. Postpaid, cihermau J McConneil Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. BUPURFLUOU3 hair permanenttTy-removed without electric needle or Injury to the skint lady attendant 4u McCaua bldg. 1 KIVATK HOMK during eonftnetn.ot babies tor adoption. Good bamarlian aaui tarium. 140 1st Ave.. Council Bluff a. la. WIUS nd ruPa for men. Gnffith tVXVJO lu6 So s, Upstairs YOUNOVVOMKN coming to Omaha ai strangers are invited to viU ta vZul Vomen'a Christian asaociain bwildina ai eetanteeiitl, iuti anu bt M.ry avanu. here they will be dlr.cied to auitabu bearding places ur otherwise asaisud i ZlZ Icr our trawler's sld t in, Laioa a'tatiuaT STRICTLY pri- -te Christian confine, tnent home; beat care; babies lor auouiion 251a Davenport , ' MAGNirilCgt bToTTIi turning bt. Ind. B-27ss A HOME for women during confinement Babiea adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terms address matron Tlnlev Home, 402 Bancroft St. 'Pnone Doug. WK RENT and repair all kinds of sewT ir.g machines, ind. A-1663; Dojlas iwi NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY ttth and Harney Sta MRS. SNYDER, Swedish message, baths, radiator and vibrator treatment The Duns any. Flat 3. 10th and pierce. Doug. 430. MANICURING, facial massage, sham pooing and balrdresalng done In your home. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith, Tel. H 4971 MASSAGE Mra Rlttenhouse, 20$ Old Boston Store. PERSONAL (Continued.) HINIXKJ TABI.KT!" will hulM. brar. treogthen. 60v BULL DRUG CO. PRIVATE mstetnty home. Mrs. Dr. K nu, 1324 X. 24th. Web. :I65'J. Ind. D 1?38 f AS5S XCiV TREATMEXT, Mra. Steele. lllilOOAUU m g jjf,, 2(j flOOI.i room 5. DR. EGGERS, private confinement home. 1516 Martha St., Omahnj. Tel. Douglas G230. HAVE good news for Harold Randolph, formerly uf Omaha; will pav $6 reward for his present address; send Immediately to Meln, 10-.i Schiller Bldg., Chicago. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed bv electricity; con sultation tree and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 621 Bee Bldg. HEIRS Wanted at once. 50,OiO cstntea seeking claimants. You may le one. Facts In booklet 48. Send stamp. International Claim Agency, Pittsburg. Pa. 1 ffCttnnor In I.e. nll-n T 1. 1 m,s L O'Brien's candy. If E. H. FredricKHoit, 2201 South Central boulevard, will Cling this ad to The Bee within three duvs gn.l Identify himself he will .receive an ord r for a (c box of this candy. YOUR sewing machine will do good worl if repaired by E. L. Ixn-etoy. AM worl warranted, 'i 1 1. Well. tvV ix2 X. -1st M. 63-DAY IU-OOr REMEDY. Gladdish Pharmacy, 12th nnd lode. 1R. BURKE, diseases of women, Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STOCK THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Moi-a. white or barred eggs, for hatcnlnst. . Kaorft 224 Karnam. Harnty 1311 EGOS for hatching from the lirandrls Farm. Thorougnnred S. C White Leij horns. Utility stock, $1.60 a settlni or M per 100. Exhibitions or show stock. $3 to $i a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandeia. Omaha. SILKU CUICK FOOD Is th best In th market In young chickens. Msde from pur giaia. For tale by all dealers. A. W. WAGNER. AGENT. 401 N. 16th St. 'la'. Doug 1142 ind. A M GLEN VIEW Form R. C. R. I. red eggs R C. Walker, bo. Omaha. Tel. S. 940. S. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching from prize winners at TranHmlsHlshippi ami Kansas City poultry shows. Majidy Lee Poultry Farm. Address Geo. 11. Lee, Omaha. Neb., or phone Florence 162. S. C. Brown leghorn and Barred Ply mouth Rock eggs. O. C. Gehrman, 250 Fowler Ave. Phone Webster 1170. GOOD LUCK FOWLS, or Sicily Butter cups; imported; Silver Brackets, Imported; both enormous layers; also big egg R. M. Reds; eggs awarded 1st prize Boston show; $3.00 per setting; send no money till you get eggs and like; write for free picture cir cular. B. Loring, Dedham, Mass.; eggs shipped safely to California. TWENTY pair Homer pigeons, $10.00. Walker, 3320 Camden. Webster 4141. FOR BALE-iJdeal Black Langnhan eggs for hatching; trap nested, winter laying strain; egg and meat producers; money makers for the farmer. Prize pen eggs. $1 for 15; $5 per 100. J. G. McKinney, Miles vine. S. D. J i 1 BYRD'S NURSERY cherry trees are ex ceptionally fine this year. If C. H. George. 2416 Spauldlng St , will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a foo cherry tree. . .i COTTON Blossom Wyandottes and Cot tage Grove Barred Rock eggs for hatch ing. Web. 629. LEE'S GERMOZOXE Is best remedy for roup, colds, how el trouble. Indispensable for young chicks. All dealers ,or 1115 Har ney. CLEAN up the old birds with Lee's Lice Killer before the hatching season. 1115 Harney. FOR SALE Twenty-one thoroughbred laying White Rock pullets. 1621 X. 27th St.. South Omaha PRINTING Lew W. Kaber, Printer, "X" BEE BLDG. EXTRAXCE ON COURT. I'HONK IND A -86 for cuod printing Lyngstad Printing Co. 16tb and Capitol Avs. MILLER A Jamleaon. 1212 Douglas St. Thones: Dour : Ind. A-42S9. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE C. J. CAXAX, Room 701 Oma. Natl. Bank. FOR aale or trade for stock. Northwest rn thresher engine, new Century separator and six-bottom engine gang plow; all new Blrt Steele. Elmcreek. Neb. WE exchange properties of merit. H. 11 Culver. 612-811 N. Y. Life. Douglas 7tM XI XE In screw rutting lath. Cheap. C. J. CAN AN, 701 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. RESIDENCE property . Havelock, Neb., worth $3,000. to trade for Colorado land or will take part cash. Write us for particu lars. Casady Co. Phone D. 1520. FOR reliable aalea and exchanges see D. M. LEAM1NQ. bat Brandela Bldg. SOME good suburban lota at cash values for real estate mortgage. S 101. Bee. CANDY machinery, tools, furnace, kettles, sizing, gum. caramel cutter, and others. C. J. CAN AN, 701 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. FOR real estate exchanges write Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la. 2-STORY brick business block; atore on ground floor, living rooma above; price $5,0u0; mortgage $1,000; will trade for land. Nowata land it co., 803 Omaha Nat. Bank'Bldg. A FOUR-POLE 20x40 tent with seven-foot side walls. In perfect conditions, make offer. C. J. CANAN, 701 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg I WILL advertise your property free. C. J. CANAN, 701 Omuha Natl. Bank Bldg.' SEVEN automobiles for sale or trade. 432 Paxton Blk. FOR SALE or land trade Implement busi nena In western Iowa town. Robert F. Smith, trustee. Council Bluffs, la. SOME forty arcade penny picture machines of various attractions, money makers the year around, an Investment with quirk and big returnee, strictly moral. C. J. CANAN, 701 Omaha, Natl. Bank Bldg. HAVE good city property to trade for good Improved acre property close to good town In Nehraska, Iowa or eastern Kan Baa. Give full particulars and price In first letter. S. E. WAIT & CO., 617 Bee Building. PERMANENT leaBe on half section of arhqol land; 60 acres good alfalfa land to exchange for automobile; must be In good condition. Wlilttaker Gray. Mr Cook, Neb TO BUY-BELL Oil TRADE HER THE MIDLAND CO., 674 BRANDEI8 BLDG. 130 ACRES of well Improved land In Polk county; will trade for citv prox-rty or auto. Telephone H t). Harry H. Putnam 5140 Burt BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK eggs from carefully mated pens, $3 for 16. $5 for 30 Write for description. F. V. Alqulst. i'.jt Meredith Ave. Omaha 'phone, Web. 269$. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued.) Elcgsi nt Ilanseom Pnrk Home Extra fine eight-room house, large rooms, one block west of park, strictly modem, Including hot water heat, big east front lot. nice shade, street paved, owner would take good land ns part payment; balance " " .Scott & Hill Phone Douglas. 6815. 307 McCague Bldg. NEW automatic card printing machine, two cabinets of type, money maker. C. J. CANAN. 701 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. STOP. READ. No. 1 HV aries. r.ear Towner, X. P.. 110 acres In cuitv-tlm and In wheat; every foot fine IpvcI land. Cash value $25 per acre; mortgage $1,200. This will stand the closest investigation. Want merchandise, city property or auto for equity. No. 2 I no acres choice level land. Chey enne county, Kansas; clear. Price $2,400. Want offer. No. 3 2.o0) equity In an all modern new hou-e; fin locution; paved street. Want char, cheap land or auto. S. K. WAIT CO.. 617 Bee Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 220 acres of the best Improved farm land in 1'urnas county. Nehraska. that I will xchanK for a well located lumber yard. This Is f:ood nnd will benr close Inspection. For fuitlier Information address W. T. Spelts. Wood River. Nib. A CLEAR Improved l oupe valley farm of loo acres In Cherry county. Nebraska, within ten minutes walk of the town of Hrownice. good fertile soli, all can be plowed. For a merchandise business or a homo in Omaha. C. J. CANAN, 701 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. A 6-Al'RK Improved suburban modern home. Florence Heights, a new 8-room square house with large porch, and an at tractive place. In Iwst condition eight blocks northwest of end of car line, on paved road, occupied by owner, surrounded by city business men's homes, fenced, chicken coops, shade liees. twenty-five walnut trees hearing, evergreen, 3,500 1-year-old grap vines, twenty-two fruit frees asst. Price. J5.5O0. All clear; $700 cash, balance $30 monthly, or will consider Omaha cot tages, will assume it as cheap aa this offer Is. C. J. CAXAX. 701 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg HIGHLY improved Oklahoma farm In Dewey county, now rented for one-third crops. For a practical merchandise busi ness or cltv propertv. C. J. CANAN, 701 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. WE NEED hardware stocks, general merchandise and grocery stocks to ex change for land or land for stocks. McKENZIE A CO., 432 Paxton Blk. 15 GOOD White I-eghorn hens; make me an offer. Telephi ne Web. 1251. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE I Picturesque St Lawrence Rout. Weekly Ballings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON. Havre. Franca Fortnightly from PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glasgow. Eplsndld scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Any local Agent, or ALLAN & CO., General Agents, 174 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. ANCHOR LINE 8TEAMBHIPH NEW TORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW TORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. . Single or Round Trip Tickets between Ke York and Scotch. English. Irish and all principal Continental points at .attractive rates. Bend for Book of information. Superior Accommodations. Excellent Cut sine. Apply Promptly for Reservation ta) local agents of Anchor Line or HENOCH SON BROS.. General Agenta. Chicago, lit. SUMMER RESORTS FOR SALE New cottages, 8 rooms and bath, with modern plumbing, running spring water and cumplete sewer system; lois, 60x120 feet, facing either White lake or Lake Michigan at Sylvan Beach. White Lake, Mich., 125 tulles due northeast of Cnicago; no finer summer resort property anywhere. Send your name and address to OWNER, 613 Maple Ave.. Oak Park, 111., who will mail you a 36-page illustrated brochure cf Sylvan Beach. WANTED TO BUY BEST price palu for 2d hand furniture, larputa. vloluiug and shoes, tel. D. 2971. GOOD prices fur old broken watches aad elu told. M. Nathan, lw ao. Utn St. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, two modem houses, two Hats or double house; must tie In good locality. Address D 106, Bee. LIST WITH US. We have customers. F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam St. YOUNG lady employed. desires com fortable room In modern house or apart ment; references exchanged. K 112, Bee. WANT lo rent barn near 118 N. 26th St. 'Phone Harney 6014. TWO refined adults, who go to business, desire two modern rooms with private fam ily, within walking distance of the court house; breakfast taken If so desired. State price and particulars. Highest reference exchanged. 1-852 Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD Jap wants work; good cook. Ad dress Y 153, care Bee. POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ences. Address B 775, Bee. PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney 4998. SITUATION wanted by a middle aged, well recommended, experienced florist and landscape gardener, married, small family. W 102, Bee. '' SITUATION aa cook, suit cleaner. Jaun tily man or housekeeper by good young Jav anese. 617 N. ltith St., Omaha. A Yul NO lady would like position In city aa housekeeper for a respectable gen tleman; Catholic preferred. Har. 2631 YOUNG man desires position as clerk or bookkeeper; can furnish references. J 11. Dee. POSITION wanted by young married man. experienced In clothing, ahoes and gioceries Address J 2 S. Main, Council Bluffs, la. HOUSEMAN, trustworthy, painstaking worker, familiar with hardwood floors, furnuce. lawn, elc. Tel. Red 5475 HOTEL clerk: reliable man of mature age, II 110, Bee. 81TI ATI ON wanted as salesman or stork keper In wholesale or retail men's fur nishings or shoe house; best Chicago refer ences. Address A 103. Bee. YOUNG Swedish man wants to room and board In Swedish private family. N 115 Bee. A MIDDLE-AGED German woman wants place with German people as housekeeper. Inquire of M. Kozlowaki, .Duncan, Neb. UPDIKE 8 Pride of Omaha lf Omaha flour. Omahans preft-r It. If It. A Rowe 5il5 Webster St., will bring this ad to The Be within three daya and identify himself he will roceive an order for a 24 pound Back of thla fine flour. r ir h t d it i, i. a it L. n r 0. l ft. n i- I- h In li fa