Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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Omaha Churches Will Ring With Easter Anthems Today
Day of Rejoicing Takes Place of Wee
of Sorrow.
jfusic in ' All the churches
tilnat Allrlalas a nd , . n teems to Rln
Out lht Jojonn litlnaa that
I hrlat Is Hlaen from
the Dead.
Kasler lilies and palms and the throbbing
strains of the exultant alleluia mark the
Blent foHtlval of the resurrection of .Christ
In tho churches toilay. The funeral trap
lilnps of the passion and' the mournful
cadences of Holy Week give place In the
churches to splendor of golden vcstmcnls
anil rlrh melody that wakes In the heart
of Christendom yearly In commemoration
of tho greatest mystery of the Christ life.
Throughout the ritual of the churches the
change prevails from sorrow to Joy, from
. gloom to gladness, from the plaint of the
nilsornre to the exultation of the allelulla.
In all the churches of the city the cele
bration of Eastertide will consist of rites
distinctive! in their impresslveness.
The feast of Easter will be observed at
; St. Cecelia'! pro-cathedral with, unusual
! solemnity. Solemn pontlfclal mass will b
i celebrated ,at o'clcok by Bight Rev.
Bishop ocannell. Rev. D. P. Harrington
will be assistant priest and Rev. Isaac
Bosset, 8. J., and Rev. A. R. Wise. 8. J.,
will assist as deacons at the throns. Rsv.
John O'Qrady will be deacon of tha mass
and Rsv. A. Kemper. S. J., subdsacon.
J Rev. E. M. Oleeson will bs master of cere
monies. The right reverend bishop will
; give the papal blessing to which la at
tached a plenary Indulgence for those who
i hava received holy communion
! masses will be celebrated at S. and 10
1 o'clock. High mass at 11 o'clock. Bpe
. clal musio will be rendered by tha choir
under tha direction of Father Qlesson.
The hours for mass at St. Mary Magda
; lene's church on Easter Sunday are , I
! and 10:30 o'clock. Father Grebmaler, who
was recently ordained by Archbishop Chris
tie, will celebrate the last mass. Father
Grebmaler la on his way to Germany,
where he will further perfect his studies.
The servicsa on Easter Sunday at St.
Philomena's church, Tenth and William
streets, will consist of a high mass at 6
o'clock, a low mass at I o'clock, and a
aolemn high mass at 10:30. The senior
choir, under the direction of Miss Mary
Mi Fhane, organist, will render the musle
at the 6 o'clock and 10:30 o'clock masses.
The hours for mass at the Holy Angel s
church on Easter Sunday are 7 and 10
o'clock. Special musio will be sung at the
7 o'clock mass by the children' choir, and
by the senior choir at the 10 o'clock mass.
A sermon will be preached on the resurrec
tion. '
' The 'masses at St. Peter'a church on
Paster Sunday will be at the usual hours,
7. 8, 9, 10 and 11. The 11 o'clock mass will
be a solemn high mass at which the forty
hours of devotion will open.
First Methodist. '
Music at the First Methodist Episoopal
ohurch Easter Sunday morning at 11:
The Chimes Tune, Victory -
Choir Hymn (from the tower) Weloome,
iiappy Morning Calkin
Organ interlude ,
Hymn No. 16J Come. Ye Faithful
The Apostles' Creed Choral Amen
Choral Invocation By Thy Deep, Ex
piring Groan (600)
The Prayer Dresden Amen
Organ interlude
The Nlcene Creed (choral) From Com
munion Service Alfred Eyre
Responsive Scripture lesson (Page 80)..
Gloria Patri Hopkins
Hecond Scripture lesson
The Anthem I Will Mention the Lov
ing Kindnesses Sir Arthur Sullivan
With Solo by Mr. it. C. Jessen.
The Sermon..,
The Pastor. Rev. F. N. Lynch, D. D.
The Offertory
Offertory, Solo Hosanna Granler
Mrs. Kelly.
Closing Music Hallelujah Chorus from
'The Messiah Handel
(People atanding.)
, Evening service at 7:30 o'clock, a musical
ervlce, entitled, "The Son of God,"
Thou seemest human and divine.
The highest, holiest manhood,-Thou.
' Tennyson.
Scriptural reading by the pastor, Rev.
K. N. Lynch, D. !.:
The Chimes Joy to tho World Handel
Hymn ISi Silent Night. Holy Night..
Verso Thou Didst Leave i'hy Throne...
. v Matthew
Anuiem wnen jesus wad Horn
' t incidental solo by Mrs Kelly.) -Interlude
Childhood Scripture Reading
Keapariioe Prepare-. Ye the Way
(Anthem) ,.Dr. Garrett
waimee, ruaxaretn scripture Reading..
tin the hick Hymn U
With the Disciples 1 Am the Bread of
Ufa (Anthem) Sir. J. Stalner
tiy tiie- Bea scripture Heading
"Fierce Was the Wild Billow (An
them) T. Tertlua Noble
tour.g unaccompanied.)
Entry Into Jerusalem Scripture Read
ing Hymn UO-Rlde on. Ride bn In Ma.
Jsty Dr. Dyke
Pontius Pilate A Tone Picture (Or
gan) Coleridge-Taylor
itiolr Hymn O, Come and Mourn. Dr. Dyke
irtrai iniermesso Meditation ,rrom
"The Passion" Haydn
Tenor Air Behold and See. from "The
Messiah" Handel
(t-ung oy Mr. Jessen.)
Recitatives And About the Ninth Hour,
"Redemption Gounod
(Sung by Mr. Islle Dick.
Anthem O. Saving Victim ..Sir J. Stalner
buiiplural Heading
Anthem As It Began to Dawn
Sir George Martin
(Incidental solo by Mr. Walter Dale.)
Scriptural Heading and Commentary...
The Offertory
Offertory Musio (choir) The Strife is
O'er Palestrlna
H) n IT Crown Him With Many
Crowns Elvey
The Hallelujah Chorus from "The Mes-
siah" Hsndel
Thomas J. Kelly, director of the music.
llaaseoaa Park Methodist.
Musto at the Hanscom Park Methodist
Episcopal church:
Frslude Easier Morning ....Walling
Male Chorus Look, Ye Saint Krata
Of fartory In the Forest Durand
Solo Golgotha , Couchols
Mra. F. N. Hess.
Anthem Death Is Swallowed Cp, from
Cantata "Victory Divine"
Poitiuue March Rsllgieusei Gullmant
prelude Barcarolle In t'mln Faulkee
Anthem An Easier Alleleuia Aahford
"oloa by Miss Westerfleld and Miss Woolf. :
Duo The Gift of love Marka !
Mine Gladys Woolf f and Mr. I. Gotthelmer.
Solo Fear Ye Not. O Israel Buck
Mrs. F. N. Heds
Offertory The Answer Wolstenholme
Duo Lift. Your Glad Voices Hehuecker
Mra Hess and Mrs. BlodgetL
Anthem Rec "Fear Not;" chorus.
"Christ is Rlaen." from "Victory
Mr. Chsrlea I.ang and Choir.
Mrs. H. H. Rind sett.
Anthem Death Is Swallowed I'n frAm
'Victory Mvin. '
tturto Mittil Pnstlwle tjulimant I
Klorenc Peterson, organist; Mr.
kiutx, choirmaster.
Walnat Hill Methodist.
At the Walnut Hill Mfthodixt In the
cenlng service a large chorus choir, ac
companied by a complete orchestra under
the direction of Prof. H. T. Kellers, with
Mrs. C. H. Kuan, onanist, will give a
sacred concert, "The Earner Angels," by
Prelude Orchestra
Angrl (luaiflH
(a ) 'horus Men s voices
tb) Chorus women s vonti
Passion AneH at (Jethsemane (Solo)..
Mm. ('.. A. Fried.
Crucifixion-"-'! he Wondering Angels
Incidental Solo .'
MIks Anna Kvans. Mr. Fnow. .
Itock of Arcs Ifuet
Miss Lois Ungnrhln. J. W. Plckurd.
Resurrection The Angels of tha Resur
rection i
Incidental olo
Mi" Avllda Moore.
The Victory Won t
1 Chorus
Ascension Thou Art kne Up On High.
R. M. Evans.
Reception In Heaven Joy In the Man-
alona of Light....
Ladles' Chorus.
Miss Irene Owens, Miss Maude Whltely,
Miss Lela Whltely.
Angels' Adoration
Final Chorus.
t. John's Afrlran Methodist.
St. John's African Methodist Episcopal
church. Eighteenth and Webster street.
Easter services at 11 a. m.
Hymn '
Choir and Congregation.
Scripture lesson
Choir and CotiSTetratlon.
Anthem And Behold There Was a Great
Earthquake simper
A. L. Anderson and Choir.
Anthem Bea Now the Altar Garlanded
j.. aure
S. A. Robinson and Choir.
Evening services at I p. m.
Choir and Congregation.
Chant The Creed
Choir and Conicregation.
Anthem As it Began to Dawn
w. K. npencer
J. C. Parker and Choir.
J. H. Merchant.
Song-Calvary Rodney
Male Quartet.
Master Melvln Harrison.
Pearl Ray and Walter uyeie.
Anthem-Christ Is Risen Evans
Women a Chorus.
Oration The Resurrection....
W. R. Metcalf.
Anthem Awake. Thou that ftleeoest
w , Jri. oywinjo
Miss Wright and Choir.
Benediction ....... -I,-...,....-..
Olivet Baptlat. .
Olivet Baptist. Grand Avenue and Thirty-
eighth, George MacDougall. Pastor Sun
day school program for Easter morning
at JO o'clock: r
Song the Joy of Easter....."
Prayer ,
raaior. - v
Scripture The Easter Story
Assistant Superintendent.
Address The Spirit of Easter
Rcitatlon-A Little Child
Bernlce .Daley. ,'
Class Exerclse-We Can if We Try
Primary Department.
Recltatlon-If I Were a Ball
Margaret MacDougall.
Song Little Children
primary ueparimeni.
Recitation Down In the Lllled Garden..
Nora MacDougall.
Recitation The Butterfly . ... w
Mary hhurtierr.
Exercise He Did Not Knowt How to
Spell Eaater
Charles Thompson's Class.'
Recitation The Lily
Edith Thompson.
Song Praise His Name
Recitation The Easter Oate Swing
Wide i
Miss Gardner' Class.
Recitation The Easter Gifts......
Miss Gardner's Class.
Recitation The Eaater Torches
Will Sheet.
Bong Bright Beautiful Morning
Miss May Shurtleff. ,
Doxology and Invocation
Hymn All Hall the Power.....;
Scripture and Prayer
Hymn When I Survey the Wondroue
Announcements and Offering
Of f ertory The Resurrection Shelley
Mrs. J. M. Sturdevant.
Sermon The Resurrection Principle....
Hymn ArlRe My-Soul Arise
There will be an Eaater song service In
the evening at s o olock. Nora MacDougall
will sing "Shepherd Divine," by Shelley:
Mr. and Mrs. Sturdevant will sing "The
lxrd is My Light," by Dudley Buck, and
Miss Bhissier win sing "Vesper Prayer,
by Brackett.
Irananael Baatlst.
Musio at Immanuel Baptist church for
Contralto Solo Oh, Eyes That Are
Weary Brackett
Miss Irene Eaton.
Anthem Christ la Risen Emerson
Chorus choir.
Baritone Solo When 1 Survey the
Wondrous Cross Pettman
Mr. R. W. Ogden.
Orchestral Prelude Halleluiah chorus...
Anthem Christ Is Risen, Halleluiah. Lorens
Chorus choir and orchestra.
Soprano Solo Hfsanna Granler
Missel art ha Grym.
Anthem Cnfold, Ya Portals Gounod
Chorus choir asid orchestra.
Calvary baptist.
Program of Easter ssrvlces at Calvary
Baptist church:
Organ Triumphal March Wectvs
Quartet Christ Is Risen Irorn the Dead.
' Responsive Reading
t Hymn 213 Tha Strife la O'er
! Scripture Lesson
Offertory Lovely Appear O'er the
Mountalna, from "The Redemp-
' tlon" Gounod
Quartet Hosannah Granler
Hymn Ilk 1 Know that My Redeemer
Sermon The Death anil Burial of Two
Persons Contrasted
Quartet As it Began to Dawn. ...Vincent
Puatlude-March Pontifical
i-V- Tombelle,iivu BURVii.js, a.
Easter music by quartet and following
selections by the whole Bible school:
"All the World Is Keeping Easter."
"The strife is O'er."
"Joy Dispels Our Sorrow."
Sermon. "Power of the Resurrection."
Baptism of candidates at ctoae of sermon.
Holy rauallv Catholic.
Musio at Holy Family Cat hoi te church.
Eighteenth and lsard. Rev. J. FHapatrlek,
nnstof. High msss at 10:30. led Kretch-
roan's mass, op. Vt. orchestra accompant-
nient. will be sunt?.
Kyrle Cnlson Choir
Chnste Misses O'Neill and Here
Gloria I n!son Choir
Qui Tollis Messrn Animus and
Druminy. Misses Hucklev and Merit
Credo I'ntnon Choir
Et Incarnatiis est Mpsms Anheusei
and Uiummy. Msses Carey and Murt'hy
Kanctus L'nlson Choir
benedictutt Mies Buckley ami Choir
AgnUs Dei , l'nlson Choir
otfertory, Reglna Cella I nlson chorus.
First Christian.
The following ppeclal music will bp ren
dered at the First Christian church, morn
inn and evening: i
Organ Voluntary .'. 1
Mrs. E. K. Zahriskie.
Anthem Behold the Angel of the Lord
SoHo Selected
R. T. Kersey.
Duet Crucifixion
"Thy Redeemer l.lvetn"
Mrs. Pickett.
Anthem t'nfold Ye Portals..
... Saure
. Gounod
North Side Christina.
The following program will be presented
by the North Side Christian church at
Plymouth Congregational church, Twen
tieth and Spencer streets. Sunday evening
at t o'clock:
Glory Be to God On High Gounod
Mrs. J. A. Mangum and chorus.
Choir Response Gloria Patrl
Scripture Reading
Tenor Solo The Strife Is O'er Shelley
James Knight.
Hymn Coronation
Choir and congregation.
Communion Hymn, 343
Communion Duet 'Tl Midnight
Offering and Announcements
Anthem Fling Wide the Gates (From
Slalner's "Crucifixion"
Anthem He la Risen Harker
Sermonette Rev. H. J. Klrschsteln
Invitation Hymn, 4(3
Anthem Break Forth Into Joy.... Barnby
Recessional Christ la Risen, Hallelujah
Pianist, Miss Jessie Cady: violinist, Joe
woolery; organist and choirmaster, Mrs.
H. J. Klrschsteln.
First Conarraratlonal.
First Congregational church, corner of
Nineteenth and Davenport, Rev. Frederick
T. Rouse, paator. Easter services:
Morning worsinu at mm subject "New
ness of Life "
Anthem Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
Dudley Buck
Anthem Christ the Risen Lord Parker
Tenor Solo Jesus Lives Marzo
Hopraoo Solo Day of Days. ..Van de Water
Processional The Lord Vlctorlous.MaacaKnl
Offertory Morning Song Orieg
Postlude Halleluiah chorus Handel
Thu cnolr w.ll e.n tiiu cantata, "Deaui
and i-lie," uy tiary Howe Snelly. xne
soioista: Mjm Fries, soprano; Mt.
nariy S. I'isorox, baritone; Mr. r'. C.
r reomajiiei, tenor.
Oigan pruiuue rmm the "Passion".. Bach
Orgaii Marcn Triumphant Dudley Buck
aulas jNancy unuiugham, ornii; mt.
Fiedenu c r reemauvel, inus.cai u.recior.
St. Mary' Avcuae laagrvgallonsl.
Music program for the St. Mary a Avenue
Congregational church:
Musio, lu:li a. m.
Organ Preiude Easter Morning. ...Mailing
Atuhtin uanvai ue Deum D. Buck
Of lertory Lai go Handel
Solo immortality Shepherd
Mra. Steele.
Anthem Why week Ye the Living
Among the Dead? Clare
Organ Postlude Hallelujah Chorus.. Handel
7:16 p. m.: Recital by Charles Lee Cooke,
iu-go Handel
Morning, from Peer Gynt Grieg
Evening Rest Loeachhorn
7:SO u. m.:
Organ Prelude Spring Song... Mendelssohn
Anthem Christ, Our Passover... .Schilling
Oftertory Herceuse
.' Denner
Solo Easter Song
Mr. Manchester.
Anthem Now la Christ Risen..
Solo Hosanna
Mrs. norioni
e Alleluia
Organ Postlude
St. Barnabas.
Musical program at St. Barnabas' church,
Nineteenth and California streets:
Processional Hymn 109 . Calkin
Lord's Prayer Chant in u
Christ Our Paasover Reade
Proper Psalms, II, LVU, t-A.1
Te Deum Tours in F
Introlt Hymn lil
Kyrle Winter
Gloria Tlbl Tour In F
Gratlas Tours In F
Nlcene Creed.... Tour In F
Hymn 1U...
Offertory A It Began to Dawn.... Vincent
Sanctua ,
Benedlctus Qui Venlt Gounod
Agnus Del , ...Tour In F
Sanctus lours in tr
Benedlctus Qui Vsnlt.i Gounod
Agnus Del , Tours In F
Communion Hymn, its
Lord's Prayer.
Chant In G
Tour In F
Gloria In Kxcelsls Deo..
Nuno Dimlttis
Chant In G
Recessional The Day of Resurrection,
Hymn lit
All Saints.
Musical service at All Saints' church:
Processional We March, We March
Faster Coral The Bella Are Ringing....
Canticle Christ Our Passover Parker
Te Deum In B Parker
Jubilate In E Parker
Credo In E flat Eyre
Hymn The Strife 1 O'er Palestrlna
introlt Rejoice, Ys Sons of Men
Sixteenth Century
Anthem Behold, Ye Desplsers ..Parker
Recessional Ten Thousand Times Ten
Thousand Parker
Processional Wa March, We March
Easter Carol Shine, Te Sun In Splendor
Deua Mlseatur In A fait Buck
Baas Solo Awake, A wake.. C. Lee Williams
Mr. C. . Haverstock.
Anthem At Dawn When They Sought
With Weeping Sixteenth Century
Offertory As it Began to Dawn Martin
Recessional Ten Thousand Times Ten
J. H. Sims, musical director.
Trinity Cathedral.
Musio at Trinity cathedral Easter Sun
Organ Far Flames the Easter Morn....
""r ":;.';" i-ret
hucmiuhu iiyiun cnt ye Faithful..
Kyrle and Gloria TlbY.V." '.'.'.'.".'.'. .Staln'er
The btrlfe Is O er Palestrlna
anmviii Awuf mou inei Bieepeet....
Sursura Corda and Sanotua Plainer
The uaual communion hymns
Gloria In Exoelsls Stalner
Nuno Dlmitis astauier
Prooessional hymn Elvev
Processional Hymn Jesus Christ Is
The liellelula chorus
Christ Our Passover
Ts Deum (Festival)
Jubilate Deo (Festival)
Anthem The Strife la O'er
Hvmn Angalla Roll the Rock Awiv Rnti
Anthem God Hath Appointed a Day. Tours
Featlval communion service Tour
Nuno Dlmitis l.anxdon
Recessional Hymn Com Ye Faithful..
Processional Hymn He la Risen... Neander
Gloria (Festival) Buck
Magnificat (Festival) , Buck
Nuno Dimltia (Featlval) Buck
Devotional hymn Barnby
Congregational hymn Sullivan
Anthem Come See the Plaoe i-tewart
Recessional hymn Worgan
Full choiua choir of sixty voices. Solo
lata: Mra Maolev. soprano; Mtaa Hlgains.
eon Ur alio, Mr Wllklna. tenor: Mr. Colluia
bartloae. Baa Maaiay. organist and cholr-
mailer Mitt Elizabeth PiU'Sonx, assistant
Kt. Math la a' Episcopal.
'At St. Matthias' Episcopal church, Tenth
uajd Worthlngion strcei. Rev. James No
hi, rector, tns following program will be
rendered: 1
I'.-x eoHional-Jesus Christ Is Riiten -
lnitoii Aiithem On the Klri-t Day of
ma WeH
raw in M. Lott.
Iteditatlve Miss Kuth Coolldge. soprano.
wi'lniet Miss Hum Coolidae. soprano,
ti.- jbeitha Hmiin, sorano; aiIss Aiartha
Aioas, uoiiiialtu, iernaid Jonnnton, tenor;
imny eiiKins, baritone.
(. oinmunion Hervice in t'.... Footu
oiuce tiymn-Aiigels Roll the Rock
iciin Ofrei lory Spring bong
Milo BwrighU
"Gloria In Ecehis" I-oote
".Nunc Dimitls' Berry
Huceeaionai Come, Ye Faithful, HaJse
the strain
Colonel Coolldge, organist and choirmas
ter. t. Mark's l.atheraa. '
At St. Mark's Lutheran church, Twen
tieth and Burdette streets. Rev. L. Groh,
pastor, the following musio will be pre
sented by the chorus choir:
"Break Forth Into Joy" J. Barnby
"Fling Wide the Gates" from Stalner'a
". i ucirixlon"
"He 1 Risen ' F. Flaxlngton Harker
At the evening service there will be a
children's program, assisted by the choir.
The public is cordially urged to attend
these Eaater services.
Trlalty l.atheraa.
Trinity, Nineteenth and Caalellar streets.
Rev. G. W. Snyuer, pastor.
Eaator cliuivh, lu:o a. in.
Processional Onward. Christian ' Sol
diers Suillvan
Opening liturgical service.
( ontession in tiolt for Easter.
Gloria i aire Kyi le Glorle in Excelsia.
Kaster collection.
Earner epistle and rfospel, "Apostles'
Hymn Christ, the Lord, la Risen Today
Hymn Yes, the Redeemer Rose Mason
Anthem I Am He that Liveth. . . .Alleman
Rtception of membeis.
Baptizing of Infants.
Sermon, "The Risen Christ."
Offtnor.v by char.
Eatcr offering.
Hymn According to Thy Gracious
Word Mason
Easter communion.
Returning of thank. Benediction.
'Sunday school, 12 m.; young peoples
meeting, 7:45 p. m.: Easter cantata, entitled
"Alive for Evermore," rendered by choir
and Sunday school. 8 p. m.
Swedish Lutheran.
The Swedish Lutheran Immanuel congre
gation, Rev, Adolf Hunt, paator, will cele
brate Easter Sunday In its redecorated
and repainted church, Nineteenth and Cass
treats, with ' services in the morning at
10 o'clock and In the evening at I o'clock.
In addition to the simple but beautiful
Lutheran llturgl and the Lutheran chorals,
the church choir, John S. Helgren, director,
has prepared a choice number of devo
tional anthems.
At the morning service will be sung:
"O Death, Where Is Thy Sting"....
Abr. Menkell
"They Have Taken Away My Lord"..
,; J. Stalner
The evening service will consist of a
carefully prepared Lutheran song service,
In which the pastor, congregation and
choir will take part, divided as follows:
"The Cruolfled Christ,'" under which head
the choir will sing:
"Daughter of Jerusalem"
Henry John King
"So Thou Lifteth Thy Divine Petition"
J. Stalner
(Duet) Axel and Justlnu Helgren.
"The Risen Chrlt," the choir will sing:
"Why Seek Ye the Living Among the
Dead" E. J. Hopkin
"Christ Our Passover" E. H. Heyser
"Now the Lord Is Risen"....... H. Boneck
Bellevue Presbyterian.
The Bellevue college choru of forty
voices, under the direction of Miss Faw
cett will give the following musical pro
gram In the Presbyterian church, Bellevue,
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock:
Organ Prelude Sketch Debols
Miss Kerr.
See Now the Altar Dudley Buck
Mr. Rice and Chorus.
Hymn Golden Harps Are Sounding....
Easter Carol Anonymous
Trio and Chorus.
Vlolln-Madrlgale SlmonetU
Mias Hazel Wilcox.
The Earth Is the Lord' Lynea
Miss Alice Fawcett; violin obllgato,
Miss Wilcox.
Hallelujah, from Messiah Handel
Westoalnater Preaby terlaa.
The order of service at the Westminster
Presbyterian church Easter; . morning
will be: J
Voluntary Pilgrims' Chorus Wagner
Prooessional Hymn Onward, Christian
Soldiers ,
Apostles' Creed .
Anthem Awake Up, My Glory Barnby
Responsive Reading
Te Deum No. 4 In C Dudley Buck
The Lesson: 1st Corln. xv:35-r8
Solo Hosanna Jul Gralner
Mrs. F. S. Welty.
Pastoral Prayer
Offering Violin Solo, Andantino...
Henry Cox.
Hymn Coronation ...
Rev. Thomas H. McConnell.
Anthem They Have Taken Away My
Rev. Mr. McConnell.
Recessional March Queen of Sheba....
First PreebTterlen.
Easter musio at the First Presbyterian
church. Seventeenth and Dodge.
Organ Unfold Ye Portal (Redemp
tion) Gounod
Quartet God Hath Appointed a Day..
Offertory Violin Adagio Pathetlque..
Solo Contralto Eaater Morn Dense
Quartet The Resurrection Morn Noyes
Organ The Halleluiah Chorus Handel
Organ Spring Song Allen
Quartet The Day of Resurrection.. Vogrlch
Quartet They Have Taken Away My
Lord Stained
Offertory Violin Meditation. "Thais"
Mias Anderson.
Solo (baas) Christ Is Risen.. Bruno Hahn
Mr. Mould.
Quartet Hosanna Granler
Organ Triumphal March Gullmant
Miss Sanborn, soprano; Mr. Mould, bass;
Mrs. Miller, contralto; Mr. Johnnton, tenor;
Mrs. Kennedy, organist.
Low Avenue Preaby terlaa.
Eaater mualo at the Lowe avenue Presby
terian church:
Anthem Te Deum Dudley Buok
Anthem Awake, Thou That Sleepest....
Eaater Song Dennis
Mr. W. H. Wilber.
Awake Up My Glory Barnby
Trio Lift Thin Eyes Mendelaaohn
Miaa Petersen, Mrs. Mulll and Mr.
Offertory Solo What Are These ...
Miss Petersen.
Cllftoa HIH Presbyterlaa.
Easter music at the Clifton Hill Presby
terian church:
Organ Prelude Easter Joy ,
Anthem Christ Is Risen, "Allellua!"..
E. L. Aahford
Miaa Mary Woodson, Mrs. R. j.
Johnston and Choir.
Hymn ls la EaoelsU
Response After lra er Kaster Adora
tion Lorena
Oftertor Angels Roll the Hock Away
.Soprano Solo HaMer Song . .Charles Drnnle
Mtsi Mary Woodson. v
Response After Baptism Suffer Little
Children ..
Hymn U
Anthem Lift Up Your Heads
Ira D. Wilson
Chorus with Soprano Obllgato by
Mr. K. C. Hlatt.
Hymn 190
Postlude Day of Hope
Organ Trelude Easter Praise
Hymn 2-ln Excelsls
Rerponse After Prayer Easter Worship
Cantata Easter Angels.. Ixirenz and earls
Baritone Solo and Ladles' Chorus
Angel Guards
Mr. George Taylor, Meadamea Hlatt,
Hendee and Johnston and Misses
Woodson and Rluff.
Contralto Bolo and Chorus Angels at
Mr. O. W. Hendee and Choir.
Chorus with Soprano and Tenor Solo
The Wandering Angels at Calvary..
Mr. K. C. Hlatt, Mr. R. D. Johnston
and Choir.
Alto and Tenor Duet -Hock of Ages....
Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Johnston.
Offertory Angels Rejoice
Tenor Solo and Chorus The Angels of
the Resurrection
Mr. H. L. Johnson and Choir.
Chorus The Victory Is Won
Baritone Solo and Chorus Thou Art
Gone I'p on High
Mr. R. G. W atson and Choir.
Contralto Solo and Ladles' Choru Joy
In the Mansions of IJaht
Mis. K. D. Johnston.
Tenor Solo and Chorus The Angela
Mrs. R. D. Johnston and Ladles' Chorus.
Organ PoKtlude An Easter Hallelujah..
The choir will be assisted by Mr. Louis
Bchnauber, violinist. 1'aMor, Rev. Thomas
tl. ureeniee. Organist. Mrs. Will Reynard.1
Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton.
Rev. E. R. Curry. Pantor Services at 10:30
and 8, with appropriate services for Easter;
Hiblo school at noon; young people s ser
vice at 7:30. Wednesday at p. m., praise
and fellowship service.
Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and Sew
ard Bible schools at 3:30., Harry Car
penter, superintendent.
First, Twenty-ninth and Harney, Rev.
John Mathews, Pastor Morning service at
10:30; organ recital at 10.16; Sunday school
at noon; young peoples meeting at 8:30;
evening services at 7:30; organ recital at
7:15; subject, "The Conversion of Nlcode
mus, the Scholar."
German Immanuel. Twenty-fourth and
Blnney streets, G. R. Mayhack, Pastor
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Eaater service at
U a. m. The Lord's supper will be served.
In the afternoon beginning at 4 o'clock the
Sunshine society will give a festival.
Strangers and friends are cordially Invited
to attend.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney.
Rev. J. 8. Ebersole, Pastor Bible school,
3:46; preaching, 11 and 8; young people's
meeting, 7. Special musical programs with
sermons, morning, "Christ' Easter Vic
tory Given to Us;" evening. "Rolling Away
the Stone;" believers' baptism will be ad
ministered; free stereoptlcon lecture
Wednesday evening by Rev. A. D, Bain.
Congrtgst lonaL
Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio. W. 8. Hamp
ton, Pastor Easter service, with commu
nion, at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at noon.
Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m.. Christian En
deavor at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8.
St. Mary' Avenue, St. Mary' Avenue
and Twenty-seventh, James Alexander
Jenkins, D. D Minister At 10:30 a. m.
there will be morning worship, with a
reception of new members and sermon, the
subject of which will be, "The Links of
Life." Organ recital at 7:15 p. m. People's
service at 7:30 p. m.. with Easter musio
and "Easter Thought'1 by the pastor.
Parkvale, Thirtieth and Gold 8unday
school 10. E. C. Wilbur, superintendent;
Christian Endeavor meeting, 6:30; evening
worship, 7:30; Easter sermon Dy Kev. J. p.
Clyde; Easter musio and consecration of
little children; Easter flowers will be dis
tributed to the Sunday school. The church
has been newly papered and redecorated
sine the fire.
Plymouth, Twentieth and Spencer, John
P. Clyde, Minister Morning worship, 10:30,
theme, "The Pqwer of An Endless Life.
Special music, anthem by quartet, -"Christ,
Our Passover" (Schilling); soprano solo,
Easter song (Denee), Mrs. Struckmani
tenor solo, "Eastertide (Llddle). G. N. Aul
abaugh; Easter bymns and consecrution of
little children; Sunday school, noon; ves
per Endeavor, 4; Union Christian En
deavor, 0:15; evening worship, in charge of
North Side Christian church, 7:30.
First, Twenty-sixth and Barney, J. M.
Kersey, Pastor Services, preacnlng at 10:30
and 7:45; Bible school at noon; young peo
ple's meeting, 6:46; special music at both
morning and evening service.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ. Scientist. Twenty-fifth
and Farnam, Chambers Building-
Sunday school at Ik. 46; services at u ana s;
subject lesson sermon, "Doctrine of Atone
ment." Second Church of Christ, Scientist. Nine
teenth and. Farnam, Lyrlo Theater Morn
ing service. 11; Sunday acnooi :4t; subject
of lesson sermon, "Doctrine of Atonement."
All Saint' Twenty-sixth and Dewey Ave
nue, T. J. Mackay, Rector Easter services,
holy communion, 7 and 9; morning prayer
and sermon, 11; children' Easter service,
4; evening prayer and address, 8.
Church of the Good Shepherd, Twentieth
and Ohio, Rev. T. J. Collier, Rector
Easter day, holy oommunlon at 7 and 8;
holy communion with Easter musio and
sermon, 10:30; Sunday school festal service,
3:46; no evening service.
6t. Andrew's, Forty-first and Charles,
Rev. F. D. Tyner, Rector Seven a. m.,
celebration of the holy communion; 8 a. m.,
celebration of the holy communion; 10 a.
m., children' ervlce; 11 a. m., celebration
of the holy communion and sermon; 7:30
p. ra., evening service and sermon. The
annual meeting of the oongregatlon will
be held In the pariah house on Monday
evening at 8 p. m.
St. Paul'. Twent-elghth and Parker,
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Rev. E. T. Otto. Pastor-Communion ser
vice at 8.30; Easter sermon with special
musio St 10; evening worship In English at
7:46; Bible class, Tuesday evening at 8;
Easter service also Monday at 8 p. m.
St. Mark's English, Twentieth and Bur
dette, L. Groh, Pastor Confession of abso
lution, reception of new members, sermon
and holy communion at lu:30. Sunday
school at noon, with children's program.
Baptism, brief sermon and musical by the
choir at 7:30. Sunrise prayers (7 o'clock)
by the Young People Society of Christian
Kounts Memorial, Twenty-elxth and
Farnam, Rev. James E. Hummon, Pastor
Easter Sunday services at 6:30 a. m. Sun
rise aorvlce with sermon. Public worship
with holy oommunlon at 11. Special offer
ing. 2:30 p. m. Baptism of children, 8:30.
Easter services by the Sunday school of
fering for church extension. 3:30. Christian
Endeavor devotional meeting. 7 a. m. Spe
clsl music. Kaster cantata by the choir,
"The Risen King" by Schnecker, 8 p. m.
Grace. 1SJ8 South Twenty-sixth. Rev. M.
L. Mellck, Pastor Sunday school at 8:45.
"The Ixird Is Risen Indeed." A union
meeting of all the classes which were con
firmed by the present pastor at 10.. Holy
communion services at 10:46. At this serv
ice Mrs. G. W. I. ken will Ring the solo,
"Hosanna," by Granus. A number will
also be received Into communicant mem
bership of the church. Luther league at 7.
"Living in the AghX of Easter." At 8 a
beautiful Easter service, "Alive Forever
More," will be rendered by the Sunday
School, with special music. Inten and
Easter offerings will be a feature of the
services of the day.
Oak Street, Twentieth and Oak Bible
school at 8, some new teachers and more
classes being added. Room and clauses for.
adult as well as children. Preaching at 4
hy Rev. F. C. Webster. No evening service.
Midweek meeting Thursday evening at 7:30:
Dletz Memorial, Tenth and Pierce, T.
Ftanklin Haas, Pastor Sabbath school at
Easter sermon at 11. Special must'.
Epworth league at 7. Evening service of
sermon and song at 8. Pastor's theme,
"Optimism." Rousing song service pre
ceding the sermon.
German. Corner Eleventh and Center,
Rev. G. J. Jalser, Pastor Sunday school at
10, Frans Meyer, superintendent. Preaching
at 11. by the pastor, subject. "Easter Vic
tory." An Easter program will be rendered
at 8. Services and quarterly conference
Friday evening at 8 o clock.
Walnut Hill, Forty-first and Charles, E.
E. Hostnan. Pastor Morning worship at
10:80. Theme, "Christ Is Risen." Sunday
school at noon; George T. Llndley, super
intendent, Epworth league at 7; Robert M.
Evans, president. Evening worship at 8.
Theme, "The Eaater Angels In Song."
Pearl Memorial, Twenty-fourth and Lari
more, Carl G. BaUer, Pastor Olaxs meet
ing at 10. Morning worship at 10:46. Eaater
sermon by pastor. Sunday school at 12:15,
with Easter program. Epworth league at
7. Evening worship at 8. Dr. Edward
Hislop, district superintendent, will preach.
The Norwegion and Danish, Twenty-fifth
and Decatur, R. P. Petersen, Pastor Sun
rise prayer meeting at 8 a. m. Easter morn
ing worship at 11 a. m. Evening worship
at 8 p. m.. Sermon, morning: "The Resur
ection;" evening, "The Risen Life." Spe
cial music. Young people's meeting at 7
p. m.
Swedish. Nineteenth and Burt, K. S. Nor
herg. Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m..
Frits Sundwall. superintendent. Preaching
service at 11 a. m. Epworth league service
at 7 p. m. Easter program at 7:30 p. m.
Protracted meetings will continue all next
week. Rev. Leonard Stromberg, from
Keene, Neb., will preach.
Hanscom Park, Twenty-ninth and Wool
worth, Rev. E. B. Crawford. Paator Jdorn-
lng service at 10:30. Easter sermon, "The
World-Wide Vision. Evening service at
7:45. Sermon. "Does It Pay to Be a Chris
tian?" There will be special Easter music
at both services. Reception of new mem
bers at the morning service.
Seward Street, Twenty-second and Sew
ard, Rev. William Boyers, Pastor Public
worship and sermon at 10:20. Subject, "The
Person, the Power and the Presence of the
Risen Christ." Sunday school at 11:46; L.
T. Hoffman, superintendent. Epworth
league at 7. The evening service at rt will
be In charge of the Woman' Foreign Mis
sionary society.
First, Twentieth and Davenport, Rev.
Frank Lynch, D. D., Pastor Easter serv
ices and sermon at 11. Theme, "The Pro
gram of Our Risen Lord." At 7:30 Mr.
Kelly and his vested choir will render a
special Easter musical aervlce entitled
"The Son of God." This will be a great
occasion and worthy of a crowded audi
torium. Sunday school at 9:45. Epworth
league at 8:80.
Trinity. Blnney and Twenty-first, Rev.
G. W. Abbott. Pastor In the morning the
paator will preach. Subject of morning
sermon, "The Evidences of the Resurrec
tion of Christ." The morning eervlce will
be accompanied by special music. In the
evening the choru will render the cantata,
"Easter Angels," by J. 8. Farrls. Soprano,
Miss Maybelle Bos worth; also, Miss Susan
De Grass; tenor, Ray Donahey; bass, Louis
Knettle; director. Mis Maybelle Boaworth.
McCabe, Fortieth and Farnam, Rev. John
Grant Shlck, Pastor-At 10:30 the Sunday
school will render an Easter program. This
service will merge into the preaching aerv
lce and the pastor will give a short ad
dress at Its close on "The Meaning of
Easter." A special opportunity will be
given for children and young people to
unite with the church. Epworth league
service at 7; Miss Agnes Lewis, leader.
Preaching by the pastor at 8. Theme,
"The Significant Vacancy." Prayer meet
ing Wednesday night at 8.
Preaby terlan.
First, Seventeenth and Dodge, Edwin
Hart Jenks, I). D., Pastor Morning service,
10:30, "The Lively Hope." Evening service
at 8. "The Justification of Right." Special
Easter musio. Sunday school at noon. En
deavor society at 6:30.
Central United, Twenty-fourth and Dodge,
Hugh B. Speer, Pastor Services at 10:30
a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, who has
Just arrived on his new field of labor.
Sunday school at 12 m. Young People'
meeting at 7 p. m. Publlo cordially Invited
to all services.
Castellar Street, Sixteenth and Castellar,
Ralph II. Houseman. Pastor 10:80, "The
Commandments of Chris'.. BaptlHm of
children. The Ixird's supper celebrated. At
13 in. special Easter service by the Bible
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school. Young people's meeting at tfciR.
"The Coronation of Christ,'' 7:46.
First Get man. Twentieth and Willis Ave
nue, Julius F. Swart. Pastor Easter and
communion service at 10:30. Evening
preaching service at 8. Sabbath school at.
8:30. Young People's meeting at 7.
First Reformed, Corner Twenty-third nd
Central Boulevard, Rev. A. Casselman,
Supply Pastor Sermon at 11. topic, "Christ
Arose to Become His Own Executor." Com
munion and reception of member. At 8 p.
m., Easter program by the Sunday school.
Sunday school at 9:80. Christian Endeavor
at 7. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
North, Corner Nineteenth and Ohio. M.
V. Highee, D. D., Pastor Communion at
10:30. with baptism and reception of mem
bers. Kaster anthems. Sabbath school at
12. Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 6:30. Bernlce Border leader.
Easter exercises by fabhath school at 7:20.
Prayer meeting at 8 Wednesday evening.
Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grant.
Thomas B. Greenlee, Pastor A special
Faster service at 10:30, with Easter musla
and theme, publlo reception of new mem
bers and presentation of children for bap
tism. At 7:3n the choir will render tha
beautiful cantata, "Easter Angels." Tha
Sunday school at noon will hear a special
program, "Easter Bella," with an offering
for foreign missions. Christian Endeavor
society at 6:30. Mid-week service Wednes
day evening at 8.
First United. Twenty-first and Emmet,
A. C. Dougless, D. D.. Pastor Morning- wor
ship at 10:30; special music; Miss Clara.
Slefkln directing. Anthem, "They Hava
Taken Awsy My Lord," C. w. Harrington;
solo by Miss Slefkln, "I Know that Mjr
Redeemer Liveth," "Handel; anthem, "Pre
pare Ye the Way of the Iord," George M,
Garrett. Sermon topic, "Tha Resurrection,
the Pivotal Doctrine of Christianity.
Evening at 8, special musical number!
Anthem, "The Lord Is My Strength," W.
II. Monk; solo, "God Shall Wipe Away All
Tenrs." Sermon. "The Practical Result
of Belief in the Resurrection." Bible achooi
at noon. Young people' service ai
Harford Memorial, Nineteenth and Tjoth-
top, M. O. Mclaughlin, Paator Morning at
10:30, "A Youth In Politic." Evening- at
7 .10. "The Bible and the Rewirreotion.'
Worker' meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m.
The International Bible Student asso
ciation meets at Barlght hall. Nineteenth
and Farnam, Sunday at 8 p. m. Addresa
oy iroi. j. a. (iiuespie; sunject, "Tha
Church: Its Resurrection and Re urn."
lenity. Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. Man
fred Lllllefor. Ph. I). Mlnlataiv TTnlnn
aervices of Sunday school and congrega
tion at lv.M a. m.; special mualcal pro
gram; address by Dr. Lllllefor, "Why Do
We Celebrate Easter 7"
People's. Charles W. Savidge, Paator
Morning. "The Doctrine of the Reaurreo
tion in Its Relation to Personal Salvation;
evening, Eaater concert by the Sundar
school; Sunday school at noon. Prof.
Mertes has charge of the musio.
Omaha New Thought Fellowship) Sunday
services, addresses by John Milton Bcott of
New York City. Morning at 10:46, suite 21,
Haldrlgn block, Twentieth and Farnam:
topic, "How to Think of Our Neighbor that
He Be Indeed Neighbor." Evening at 8.
Lyrlo theater, Nineteenth and Farnam;
topic, "Life and It Resurrection."
V. M. C. A. Notes.
On Thursday evening of next week at
8 o'clock the boys' gymnasium classes will
give a gymnaotlo exhibition.
J. Trultt Maxwell, physical director of
the Omaha association, left Saturday morn
ing for Kansas City and other points In
Missouri. He will be away for 'about two
E. F. Denlson, general secretary of tha
Young Men's Christian association, together
with F. H. Garvin of the board of directors,
spent Friday and Saturday, Inspecting tha
Kansas City association.
Beginning Saturday night and running;
each evening for two week a Young Men'
Christian association basket ball tourna
ment will be held. A series of twenty
eight games will be played between eight
picked team from the gymnasium classes,
two games being played each evening.
Judge Howard Kennedy wilt preside at
the special Easter service, which will b
held In the association building at 4 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. Rev. E. H. Jenks, paator
of the First Presbyterian church, will give
a special Easter talk. The musical program
will be as follows: Violin duet by Robert
W. Smiley and Will Hetherington, vocal
solo by Miss Ruth McBride. All men are
cordially invited to 'share in this service.
The two classes in salesmanship at the
Young Men' Christian association are
nearlng the close of their winter's work,
which has been very successful in every
respect. On a week from Monday night both
the Monday and Thursday nlgnt classes
will hold an open-house meeting for all
employes and employers of Omaha. Special
addresses, exhibition sales and other fea
tures of the class work will be presented.
The Douglas County Holiness association
will conduct service Sunday afternoon.
8:30. at the First United Evangelical
church ?4?1 Franklin street.
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