"'3 v ) ' r -. r ) Nebraska MUCH MONEY APPROPRIATED Lett Legislature Breaks Becords of Former Sessions. 1 FAR IN LEAD OF FOUR YEARS AGO loll Ke4 I. ait Hepahllraa r- slaa hf ai, 301,000 Prlmarr law Earltlaa; Great Ural of ( mmcn(, Fnm a Staff I'orrrnponilpnt.) IJXCOLN, April 14. (Special.) Usurps Jimt compiled on the expenditures of tlie revent session of the lrglMlature compared with those of the previous session diw lose tha fact that the total of the 1911 legisla ture will exceed that of the previous Ses Hon by IT 4.067. oft and the 1907 session by II.3.H.CS8 7. One reason for the Increase is the large amount carried by special appropriation bills which were passed during; the last leg islature. As compared to two years ago when that class of bills totaled only t"M, fci.W. the specials of this year amounted to IW2.8.T4. This amount exceeds the special appropriation of both the 1W7 and 1!09 ses sions by S41.6J5. Following are the appropriation state-' merits of the last three sessions of the leg islature showing the amounts carried by each of the four big general appropriation Mils and the total of the special appropria tions of each session: 1907. Special appropriations t W.W.W tieneral salaries S;ij,sK.(iO Ueneral expenses l.&t J. General claims General deficiencies Jl,4"O.0' ii.4Ut.yU Total 1!. Ppeclal appropriation bills. tieneral salaries Mil fieneral expense bill Ueneral (Inline bill General deficiencies .ja,3;,ios.oo .1 ?S.FH).00 .;'.iki).0u 24.tU7.0U 00.31.89 Total 13.90,129.02 1911. Special appropriation bills 802.8.14.00 General aalaries bill l,Dm.O.U0 inneral expense bill 2,.7'..i General claims bill Si,78.B7 General deficiencies bill 13D.383.6Q Hall-Minute Store Talk Another point of superiority In our store service is our method, of handling the clothing stock. In v- most stores the garments are kept In lots. The eus tiimer Is drsggeil from oh ease or stack to another, from one end of the store to the other to find the style that suits snd the sire thst fas him. It la a tlme-wsstlng. patience-exhausting method. Here we go on tha principle that our customers' time is valu able, also, that he would rather not be confused. For thHt reason our stock Is kept In sizes. Our sales men first ascertain the slxe and model that will fit the customer t!ien If he wishes to pay 110 00 or le-s, he is conducted to the table wblcn contains all the styles that will fit him in any particular price. Should he wish to pay mora ha Is conducted to tha case on the upper floor that contains his particular size In his particular price. In a few moments tha salesman lays before him a couple hundred styles from which to choose. He can spend all ulm time in making a selection Instead of spending It in hunt ing for a fit. Salesmen know Instantly what to do, and can Instantly produce any particular garment called for. it is the aew way, adopted aa a result of our desire to hive this store nodifti in fsct as well as in newspaper talk. Omaha's Only Modern Clotlilno Store Uow caa you SUf(; jq youf iqT unless you buv it ;it a store "with n renn- W HI The Home of Quality Clothes Total $4,790,19.57 Timrw Primary I.arr. Considerable discussion has been heard tt every hand since the adjournment of tha legislature on the new primary law, which was enacted during the session. While advocates of the so-called wide-open primary would have preferred to have een their own ideas enacted by the law makers, moat of them admit that the new law Is far more acceptable to the people than tha present system. ' The bill which passed both houses and which received the approval of Governor .Aldrlch, was Introduced by Gustafson of Saunders county with a big slice taken bodily from a similar bill Introduced by Kvans of Adams. Credit for the measure la si to both of the republicans, to getlMS Jth some of the leading democrats who made the road for the measure a comparatively easy one. Contenders for tha wide-open primary among tha legislators themselves were few and far between. While tha most of the members were prone to admit tha super iority of tha system over the present one none of them would go so far as to say that it benefits were greater than the closed primary. Briefly ma points of the new law are as follows: It provides for a closed primary, limiting tha voters' choices to candidates of one party only. It providea for preference ovtes for pres ident and vice president and provides for selection of delegates to national conven tions and for presidential electors. - It providea for a thorough system of registration In cities where registration is required. No AaDolataaents Now. In spite of the fact that office seekers have been on his trail, almost Incessantly since the recent legislature created a few more positions, Governor Aldrlch today an nounced that he would not make any ap polntmenta until after hla return from Cherry county, where he expects to make a stay of two weeks hunting; and fishing. It is understood that tha governor wishes to confer with members of the supreme court before ha attempts to name the members of the commission which will recodify the statutes. Places on this board re considered to be plums of rather large picking for this season of the year, and it is said several legal light of the state are casting covetous ayes on the positions. Orceats Prove Poisonous. Poisoned by a dish of greens eaten at dinner on Tuesday and not realising the seriousness of their malady until laat night. lira. M. W. C roxler is dead and her hue baad may be dying at the family home In Vniveralty Place. Physicians worked all night In their efforts to save the woman's life, but were unsuccessful. Medical aid was not summoned Immediately, and only when their illness seemed to be acute did tha couple call doctors. The dead woman is survived by tha suffering husband and even children, six of whom live at home. Only tha parents I. ad partaken of the dlah which caused tha death of the mother and which may also take their father. Trmctloa Esaailoro Killed. William Fuller, an employ of the local traction - company, was crushed to death tinder the weight of a falling car this morning at the company' repair yards. Fuller was Jacking the car up preparatory to oiling the boxing when the screw slipped and preclplteted the entire load upon htm. H was removed to the hospital aa soon as taken from under the car. but did not rally from the shock, dying within two hours afterward. The dead man leaves a wife and four children, C'arer Fatally Hart. While assisting in tearing down the old grandstand at tha state fair grounds- to, day, Dick .Armstrong, a one-legged car penter, was struck on the head by a ten foot piece of dimension lumber thrown from the roof by one of his fellow work men. Charles Pay. Armstrong's skull was fractured by the blow and he lived but a few hours. The dead man was aa years old and leave a widow and several children. Your Easter It is sur prising how shabby a fel- o w 's furnishings seem to look along side of hi new clothes. There is one consolation, however, he can come in here and for a very modest sum procure tasty fixings from a stock selected by Haberdashery experts and sold by men who know and care. HiDBAI SatlHTH Coat style, pleated and plain bosoms, up from J il.00 PONGEE AHD IILI gvaTIXTg In fancy and plain colors, coat style, French cuff, 91.00, ta.00 a.BO OFT COIUM In all color ISo and 85o bilk rixiamrs uoet wxxoxt hob. . .vis StLX X08S and BOO UftB BH.lt XOI1 In plain and fancy weaves at S5e and BOo CHE WET SLIF-XABT PT7 SXX.Z TIES BOO FTTB mi aUTCT TIBS BOO riBTS arLK TUB In narrow widths. .BOO and better BELTS Oray, tan and black BBo, BOo and up 1 OI.OTE8 811k and kid. In all grades. Full line of underwear, night shirt aad pajamas in aU oalltte. Klein who know good "ciothe Look to King-Swanson for the best, especially at Easter time. This store is quoted on every hand these days and other stores sued up according to the standard set by it This is so, chiefly because it is the recognized fashion center for Men's and Young Men's Apparel and because it offers real value? at all tunes. Another factor that enters into it is that it operates under a store service that is just as modern and superior as the store itself and the clothes it sells. It is, in truth, the modern store and it is patronized by those fellows who know that the modern way is best and that a store is modern only when it is modern through-and through system, principle, method and appearance. The best, most stylish and most desirable suits you ever saw unless you buy it at a store with n repu tation for Hat-rijjhtnessf And in that t'otinei'tion did you ever hear of a store with a better Hat reputation than this store enjoys f Any price $1.00 to $12 00 KinQsons, $2.50; Stetsons, $3 50 up. Incomparable Derwicks. $3 5i(0-535 Yoani men find hut The most gigantic, as well a the most delightful, showing of Spring Suit styles that was ever assembled in a Western store. Prices somewhat less than good clothes are supposed to sell for. $10.00 and up Get core for yoor fifteen dollars More Style, more Quality, more Service, more Attention, . more Satisfaction than you ever got .before. Get one of our Getmore Suits and get more than the fel lows will get who don't get one of them. $15.00 Fellows that other stores can't fit should stop wasting time and come direct to the only store that can deliver a perfect fit. No mat ter how fat or how lean, how tall or how short, how big or how lit tle you are we can easily fit you. The Serf e par-excellence, True Blue Sufficiently heavy for shape re taining and perfect tailoring and of a deep, rich blue color that doesn't fade. Altogether differ ent from imitation True Blues. ,AVe were the first to offer them and still the only ones to sell the genuine, $10 to $35 J 3 You get shoes & oxfords of real quality here Our footwear has the happy faculty of behaving just as we say it will. If we seem to be a little too enthus iastic over it at times, remember we have all the evi dence. We sell the best Shoes and Oxfords on Earth at our prices. If you want the best you want ours. $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 Swell Patents, $4.00 I1 :.-- k - & NsraaWa Ntwi etea. OXrORD-H D. Hawly, an experienced hotel man of Gothrnberg. haa traiwd the hotel Nome of the owner, I. A. Kuian lor a term of five yeara, and will take charge of the sajne April 17. OXIX5RD-A. C. Rankin, J. O Preton. J. C. Anderson and K. U. Johnson, leading cltlJtene of Oxford and vicinity, are In Uti coin today Interviewing the Hoard of Pub lie Lands and HuiMlnus with the and in view of having the new agricultural school located In Oxford. FAI RRl'RT The ministerial association of Kairbury has secured the service of Newton N. Riddell of Chicago to deliver tea lectures in ths opera house on temper ance and poycliulo v. Mr. Riddeil lec tured at the opera house Thursday evening ' vi ine t-sycnoiosy or rucces Hi meetings will Ire coucluded Saturday. CUA.RK8 The Board of Education met n extra sesMon yuiterday evening, and re-elecled all of tha grade teachers. Sup erintendent W. V. Green and the high e hool teachers had been re-elected at a previous meeting The teachers c.f the sec ond primary and the greiauiar do not accept, so these position are open. salary paid Is Iron futf to . FAtKtiUiU -Judge C. C. Boyle haa is sued marrhLge licenses to the following.: jMiwaro. Bergman, aged o. ana jeanie ruin, ageu la, louie 11. eauis, egou i. iiAiita 'lomlwson, affed XL BKATKlCiJ K. P. Mum ford and Waltei Meyer, who were seriously Injured in an auiomobllo acctoenl soutn wi this oily Wtdneeday afternoon, which resulted in the attain of i'ranii Kimball, wera reported slightly improved yeaterday, and it is now iiiuuMht they will recover fiom thetr In juries. , UEbHLKRr Holy week la being observed by the various. Protectant well as 1 torn an Catholio churches. The German Lutheran churches are also holding special services each day. The broom factory and xtorea close to attend the services. About l.tM) persons are daily attendant at the services in leahler. There are thirteen German Lutheran chtirones in me soum western quarter of Thayer county add all business 1 practically suspended. KA1KHU1U-The wQ llock lland em ployes of this city are rejoicing at the new ariangeraent- of pay") It them .off. "Pay day'" for the llock Inland baa always been on the 19th of each month. Kffeotlve this month it will be changed to the loth, and a pay car will be in the city Saturday and dlHtribute about U6,(M in checks to the employes in train and engine service, as wvll as ahop service. April 16 is also "pay day" for the employee of the bt, Joseph at Grand Island rmllroad. BT. PAUL The ninth annual meeting of the Howard County Historical society was held here Thursday afternoon, on the an niversary of the memorable bllxaard of April 13, 187J. Bix new member wera added to the ro.i of tne old Kernel's, mailing tne present membership eighty-five. Well pre pared obituaries oi ine meuiuere wuo nv died during the last year were read and filed with the archives. The old officers wer re-eleuted. as follows: President, J. N. Paul; secretary, Robert Harvey; treas urer, N. J. Paul. WTMORB The city oounoll met Wednes day night and voted to purchase five acres of ground from hid ward James of Blue Hprlngs- on which to locate the city' water plant. An accountant from Chicago has been employed to audit tha city books at a salary of 116 per day. Mayor Mauok announced the followtn; appointments: A. 1. nostras, city purohaslug s sent : Dennis Hatch, Bight offioar; W. W. Chlnnook. day officer; Vlo Holmes, street commis sioner; H. C ruller, water work engineer. FAIRBURT Tha new member of the Falrbury school beard, J. A. AxteU and 8. H. lrtllor, war sworn In this week and assumed their duties as member ot the board, succeeding A. M. Berry and H. V. Hole. A committee was appointed to have tree set out on the high school ground and at the east ward. This com nUtte oooaiBta of LiUer, AJttell and Howell. The boaid la now hiring teachers. There will be seven or eight vacancies next season. Prof. A. L. Cavlnees, superintend ent of the Falrbury schools. Is la Peru looking into the qualification ot . appli cants. i.-a I H HITRY Thomas Coleman, a well known oltlxen ot this city, d'.ud at his home alter suffering a number of years with a center. Mr. Coleman moved to i'alrbury about two years ago from a farm south ot here. Mrs Colninan died several years ago. He leaves two sons aud three daugh ters, the Uireo youngest being in school here. Miss Kara Is teaching the Traum school, several mile northwest of Falr bury. At the time ot his death the house was quarantined for scarlet fever. The funeral was held In the front yard, con ducted by Hev. Mr. Otlbert of the Metho dist church. The body wa taken to Steele City fT burial. CKN'TKAL CITY The litigation growing out of the probating of the will of the late Ann Kllzabeth Pavne has been settled out of court, and ail of the actions growing out of the contest of the will are to be dis missed. The first evidence of the settle ment of the controversy was the filing of deeds this week In which George Payne. Jointly Interested with the deceased Ann KllEalieth Payne. Arthur J. Bowie, bene flitarv of the will, and tw nieces ot the dei eased, conditional beneflHarles. all loin In deeding their Interest In the Paine farm on Prairie Island and other property to the mother of the de eased, Kllxabetb Payne. The understanding is that Mrs. Payne makes a substantial ranh payment to George Payne, the conditional bene riiiaiies and the beneficiary, and that pro vision Is made for the payment of the claim of the Central City National bank against the estate, and that in return ahe Is to aecure the title to the ovate lit controversy. REBELS ARE HEARING JUAREZ Force of Three Thousand Within roar Eoart of Town. EAGLE PASS GATEWAY CLOSED Six Bridges fewth f Me-aelevm llswi IT p Mae la tha- Oaly Road to tha TJattea Matee Never . Opens. WASHINGTON, April' 14. With the cus tom house at Agua Prleta In the hand at the revolutionist and Juares seriously threatened, a new situation 1 presented to the State department Involving the dell cat qustion relating to recognition of the revolutionist. No word In regard to th battle of Agua Prieta had yet reached the State department Officials, however, were deeply lnterestad In the press report show ing th rebel In control of th customs house, but In the absence of official con firmation declined to comment upon the course tha Uslted State will take In deal ing with th new phase of the situation. Three thousand revolution's ta, outnum bering the federal defender of tha town by four to one, are within four hour' march of Juares, according to a telegram received by th State department today from American Consul Edward at Juarea. The rebels are In control of th railroads. rolling stock and telegraph lines. Th au thorlties of Juarea are preparing for au attack and many Mexican are sending their families to tha American side. Rle Fas Gautwwar Clewed. EAGLE PAS, Tex., April 11-The La redo gateway Is now th only railroad oven from th United State to th interior of Mexico, rebel having cut off communi cation, south of Cludad Porflrio Dies, by burning six railroad bridge. This I th first serous dsturbanc in th state of Coahulla. This new reached, her with th report that the train on th Mexican Interna tional railroad out of Cludad Porflrio Dlag axe not operating further than Monclova. G erai&ii Fire Insurance Co. Omaha, Nebraska Enter th Be' Book lovers' Contest now. Pease Bros. Co. 1417 Farn-m fterioaa tkars Asatast Maa. KEARNEY, Neb., April 14. (Special Telegram.) Henry C Krum was arrested this afternoon on a charge of attempting a statutory offense against Cyrene L. Brown, the 1J-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brown of Amherst. Krum Is not known her and had been In Amherst but three days, coming from Ktaaton. His mother lives at Kullerton and hla father 1a In th Soldier' Home at Grand island. Krum Is 17 year old and had hired out to a farmer near Amherst. LadieC' The Mr Market sa.ar aa Hl altera saaay bargains fa Sat urday la arwrerles aad saeate. Spring Clothing For many years now the clothing purchased at thi store has proven moat satisfactory. This year we can show you styles and patterns that we feel positive will meet with your approval at price to y o a r Uklss- Suits $25 to $49 J8 I 1 Underwear, A Beits, Gl0T8?iT nwJ Hoaitry. , Home Office 1202-12 City National Bank Bldg. esBaaakBBsaBBBBaaaaaaaa BIGGER, STRONGER and BETTER ThAn EVER TTHE GERMAN is now controlcd by the National of Hartford, but it is still a State Company, is doing business in Nebraska only and is a Nebraska Company for Nebraska people. Insure in a State Company that insures, and has over eleven million dollars in assets back of it, by so doing you are taking no chances in the event of disaster. Patronize the Gernan Fire, a good Home Company, and one that is absolutely safe, sound and secure. The German Fire todaiy has not an adjusted unpaid loss. JAY E. WHITE, Pres. JOHN 7ALL; ViccPrcs. z. C. W. HICKS, Secy. Certificate of Publication STATE OP NEBRASKA, Office of AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS LINCOLN, Feb. 1st, 1911. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, That the German Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, has com plied with the Insurance Law of this State, applicable to such Companies, and is thereby authorized to continue the business of Fire Insurance in this State for the current year ending January 31st, 1912. Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year first above written. : SILAS II. BARTON, ' (SEAL) Auditor of Public Accounts. C. E. PDZRCE, Deputy. Statement Jan. 1st, 19J1 to Conn. Insurance Dept. NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN. .$1,000,000.00 Capital Stock, all Cash Funds reserved to meet all Liabilities. Re-Insured Iteserve, Legal Standard 6,075,294.78 Unsettled Losses and other Claims 1,071,089.21 Net Surplus over Capital nd Liabilities 2,645909!35 Total Assets January 1st, 1911 $10,792,293.34 Western Department, Chicago, 111. FREDS. JAMES, 0 en '1 A gt. ,J GEO. W. BLOSSOM, Asst. Gen'l Agt. . CHAS. RICHARDSON, 2d Asst. GenT Ajrt. (?) -p o ) Have this Machine shown to you. j as'sLssaS,rtl rwir.i-. , Dept. in Pompeian Room Coat and Pantc to Order 020.00 Specials for Saturday are two fine trraya; a atrlpe and a plain one. A nloe tan and a fine ahlne-proof, wear-proof blue etrge. These are extra value, easily worth $30.00. NVe make them to order for 20.00. Everj garment guaranteed perfect In fit and atyle. MacGarthy Wilson Tailorinn Co. MA si WVA a,!- alas. a r. . 8K4-806 Kouth 18tb St. J 1 Near FWnaun