BRIEF CITY NEWS I Moot. rlat It. . . nietn rtstor, Sargs-0raada. tlOMt, VrlHtlag. Worn Ownership u tli hope of ty rriil v. Stmt savings ttv.t at Nb. fesvlngs A ijnun As n. snd liy th founda tion, fnr th futui hum, lani Farnam. Oteharf XiU Improver Meet The unhdM flili 1 lmprormit flub IU mit t the rvstdenr of H. K. McAllister sssg Msnklin stimt Friday at o'cloWc Tha rluh plana In sslst ths mayor In having a imi tumuli, (i ami iinvil for teams to do hauling . sgss Cheek Afloat Man representing I hmsl m aa window dsoorstors ara ac cused of passing bogus cherka In Omaha. Captain John Ssvtgs. chief of detectives, haa In hla possession a check for 14 M on tly I'nlted Htstss National bank and made Payable to R. M. Ruatln. Tha signature la Mr, n. t. Rusttn. It la alto reported that Mexican half dollars are being circulated In tha cltjr. --.'.. XbtU - Straagers t Trinity Rev. J. Arthur Tanuock. dean of Trinity Cathedral, Ins Ilea all Christian people to attend tha flood Friday snrvlre to be held at Trinity Cathsrtrsl Friday from U Moon to 1 P. M. In memory of Jmik Christ, aa these were Hlii laat hours on tha croaa. Tha services will consist of hymns and prayers and addresses on the seven last worda of Christ. Lean Ttuicork Invites st refers especially to the Cathedral services on this day. nes far Loslaa; Je Beceuse Dr. T. T. Mullen wrongfully, aa ha allege, attached his salary and caused htm to lose his posi tion with the street railway company, Bern ard Caraher. a former conductor, filed suit . In the district court Thursday against tha doctor lor- K.OUA damagsa. Tha physician su.d Ca.rg.har on a bill for $200 for medical attention,' In Judge CockrelVs Justice court last fall. 11a secured an order of attach ment on Caraher's salsry, holding the street tailway -company as garnishee. Carahnr allenes that aa a result ha was immediately disoharged 1 and his credit and reputation greatly li rips red Dr. Mullen lost his suit. BLOCK WATCHMEN TO REFORT Robert Clancy Gets a Good Promotion j New Sidewalks Must Be Laid in the Down Town District of City City Engineer Sayi that Old and De lapidated Walks. Hait Be Re- placed at Once. j Commercial Club Asks They Report to ; I , the Police Department. TO PATROL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS Donah a Pays lie favors Ike Pimm, Whlra, Ma Thinks, Will Help , Oat la Unme Meaaare et tm tallori. tilock watchman to work under the supervision of the chief of police and to report at regular Intervals Is a suggestion which has been mads by the Commercial club to Increase the efficiency of the police force In the residence districts. A committee of five from the club, con sisting of Messrs. In Id or Zlegler, O. E. Haverstlck, Thomas Fry. ' Clement Chase and W. F. Raster, held a conference with Mayor Dahlman, Chief of Police Donahue and W. F. Wapploh and William J. Hunter, members of the police board. Wednesday afternoon. The Commercial club requested that the chief of police be given supervision of spe clal watchmen In the residence sections of the city. The plan provides for a number of these watchmen being employed by rel dents and to be paid by them. They are to patrol the streets and are to be sworn In as special policemen, empowered to make arrests. To get the heat work out of these special men, tha club wants them to report to the chief ot police regularly as evidence that they art on tha Job. The scheme ss discussed fully by the club members and the police officials. Chief fonahus stated that It would ba easy to handle these men, as all that would ba necessary would be to provide them with keys for patrol boxes. They can report In at regular Intervals to the night cup tslns. The police, officials told the committee that they would 'do what they could to fur ther the scheme. "Such a plan would help the police to some extent," said, the chief. "Ot course special watchmen will not prove as good officers aa regular men for this reason, they will not be uniformed. The uniform Itself has as much effect as does the pres ence of the policeman. Plain clothes men ar efficient only as detectives. As patrol men they have proven themselves a failure. "However, in the absence of funds to In crease the police force as It should be, the suggestion of the Commercial club Is good and timely." Former Omaha Man Becomes Assist ant to General Manager of Southern Pacific, Announcement fas bven received at t'nlon Tsclfic hesdiiunrters of the avpolnt- mrnt of Kobrrt J Clancy to .)e assistant to the general manager of the Southern Pacific railroad, with head'iunrlers at San Francisco, which means his permancn transfer from the tax department of the I'nion Pacific, with which he a been connected for two years. Mr. Clancy, more familiarly known as "Bob." was oriKlnally an Omaha news paper man. for a while a reporter on The Ree, and later In charge as editor of the old Council Bluffs Globe. He Wss clerk of the police court In Omaha for one term under Mayor Moores, and afterwards made chief clerk in the governor's offioe by Governor Dietrich, becoming private secre tary to Governor Savage. During the last winter those who mlsspd "Bob" Clancy from his usual haunts Warned that he had been detached temporarily for service with the t'nlon Pacific in California, which has now led up to his latest boost. ALL HUNTERS MUST HAVE . FISH AND GAME LICENSE evr l.aiv lines Into Kfert April 1 aad Meets All Wh llaat and Fish. The county clerk's office has been Inunda ted dining the last two or three weeks with a flood of letters asking about the new fish and game license law, which provides for a universal license to be good In snv county. The point mhde by most of the question ers wss whether or not It required a license to fish In Ihelr own county. Frank tewey. deputy clerk, leeched a letter Thursday from th chief esme marden which madi It clesr that every one. nr matter whether he Is H resident or not. must hnve a license. Thf law goes Into effect July 1. nallrflMBT Termite. Mrs. Msrv Haves. iCT Krsnklln, frame dwelling. S2.W10: Copley A Pmallev. twenty sixth and Sahler, frame shed. gjnO: Chat lee F. Kelner. 4:1 Bewsrd. f t sme dwelling. $l.nnn; Frank '.eht. 1"M South Seventeenth, frsirie dwelling. !.; K. M. F. I.etlung, i:::'2-t North Twenty-fourth. (Alterations. 11. 0; ijfi ove-Wharton I instruction cgm psnv. "Went v-srvent h and Brown, frame dwelling. t.'.iiO- (Irove-Wtisrton t'nnnti uc tion company. Twenty-eighth and Camden, frsme dwelling. !.(.; Paul llorharh. il-l Van!, slteratlntis $:'M; .loe Kcker. li.' Atlas, frame dwelling, tl.SOO. DANNY DREAMER IS OUT. BUT HE FINDS HIS PUPPY Rrlnas la Wrail Pag. aad lol leeta Reward Pleherlaaj tlaaa Real Uoa. An old, yet new, con game was worked upon unsuspecting Blaine A. I'urbln of the Omaha base ball club In regard to his lout dog. The dog has been found. Oltle Pickering arose like a proper hero and te oered ' Fred " But the con game stands. Danny advertised a reward to anvone returning the dog. boon a youth with a cherubic face pranced Into the Smoke house. Irsillns a pointer pup. w ;oe gen eral lines locked to be ( of (lie inlying fldo. A dollar ss twid over lo the Iml hy George Yeoman. Dave Itmirke s assistant. Two minutes Inter In pulls the Dreamer. "Where's Fred?" he whoops. The crosd produces "Fred." s tliev supposed, only to see that look of supreme disgust arl-e upon Danny's features. "Thst ain't 'Fred.' " he Informs (hem and stalks out. thinking he wss the bott of a Joke. Subsequently Pick appears with the missing dog, whicli he had found some, where, but the dollsr end the Isd te still ahsent. Enter the Be s Booklovsra" Contest naw. SOUTH OMAHA LIVE STOCK MEN IN THE BLACK HILLS Blow at Maay Torrne aad Will Sprad the Night at Rasremont. Bouth Omaha live atock membera spent Thursday of their trip In traveling from Deadwood to Kdgemont P. t.. stopping for a short time at each of the smaller towns along the road. The South Omaha men are following the same line as the Slohx City exchnnge, and will spend Thursday night In Edgemont. Better aidswalka In tha business and downtown . districts. Is the ultimatum of George Craig, city engineer. To gain his ends, Mr. Craig will serve notices on own us of property In the section that they will have to tear up tha old sidewalks, which have become useless and substitute new walks. Mr. Craig la preparing a list of tha own ers upon ; whom notice will be served These notices, wilt ha sent out tha latter part of tha Week. ' Craig says he will per aonally supervise (he work and will not leave it to tha sidewalk department, as haa been the esse' id tha past. The district which Craig declares must provide better walks Includes Farnam street. Fifteenth and Sixteenth atreets, and Douglas, Harney, Howard and Dodge streets. Tha owner will be instructed to lay either conci-te or natural stone walks. In tha majority of cases, they will put down concrete walks, as they ar much rheaper, say Craig. "For years 1 have been trying to get good sidewalks In the downtown district," say Craig. "Many of these walks ar al most Impassible and in many case dan aeroiia.., ,Twr, Kr , q JL nt. ter own er. Some of them compiled with tha sug ' gestion of thi department. Other prom ised, but that I a far aa it went. "No promises go this time. Whenever notices are served, owner will have to comply or tell th court why not." I Plasterers at Court House Resume Work Brand of Fluter .Which is Being: . Used it Found to Be Sat isfactory. The force of plasterers working on the new court house, who were laid off last Friday neon by Architect Ijitenser when he found thst the brand of plaster speci fied In the contract was not being used, returned to work Thursday afternoon, the plaster having tested out satisfactorily. It was charged the contractors were at tempting to substitute an Inferior brand. When the matter came up before th county, board It waa found that th brand of plaster specified In tit contract did not exist. The affair waa then turned over John Uatrneer, the architect, with Instruc tions to make teata of th plaster tha con tractors were uaing. Police Investigate Fire, Two Arrested Officials See Suspicious Circumstances About Blaze at Resort on tenth Street. Acting on the report of the fire officials, th police arrested two women. Belle Wil son and Grace Miller, In connection with th fire at the rooms of Mrs. W. E. Gar rity, 121 North Tenth street. In the rooms of th place Fire Chief Salter found three different rooms In which there were evi dences of attempted arson. The blaze In on room broke out in a, coal bin. A hetfp of burning paper waa found 'In another room. Window curtain In a third niora were found ablaxa. At th time of the fire the women were said to be absent and the only occupant of the building waa Oland Blue, 2018 Ninth avenue, Council Bluff. He was uncon scious. Th Garrlty woman could not be located this morning. , Detective Mitchell and Kulltvan , tiava been detailed on the case. Th building, which I owned by the Horn Keal Estate company, was damaged to- th ' extent xif II. MW. The saloon of Frank Dtvis on th first floor was damaged to the amount of Io0, while the furniture and fixture in the restaurant of. Dennis Karney, 123 North Tenth street, were al most a total loss. It was said that the furniture and flxturea In the rooms of Mr. Garrlty were valued at St.) and will be a total loss. Tk 4 Sleep of Good Health. Can not b over estimated and any ail ment that prevent It I a menace to health. J- L- Bouthers, Eau Clair. Wis., ay: "I have been unable to sleeo soundly nights, because of pain across my back and soron of my kidneys, sly appetite waa vary koor and my general condition was much run down. I have been taking Foley's Kidney Fill but a short tlm and new sleep as sound aa a rock, my general condition 1 greatly improved, and t know that rolsy'a Kidney rill hav cured me. For sal by all druggist. For sorenesg of ths musclss. whether In duced by violent exercise er Injury, Cham berlain's Uninjent la excellent. This lini ment Is also highly esteemed for tha relief It affords in caaea of rheumatism. Bald by all deaiera. ( YEAR IN PRISON FOR IMPERSONATING OFFICER Jnka U. Metres Seateaeed kg Jadg Msstsr- Tsrw Peraesi Ar Defraaded. Pleading guilty to the charge ot Imper sonating a government officer. John D. MeCrea, reoeiitly Indicted by th federal grand jury, was sentenced to one year ad one day la the federal prison at leavenwarth by Judge T. C. Munger In I'nlted States district court Wednesday night. ' MoCtea, while attending a moving pic ture, show In Omaha oa th nlgbt of No vember 1, It! ft. met a grl by th nam of Freda Llvlcgton Jitter sum con ver sa umi with her be arranged t board and room at tier bom. H told th girl he was a ceeret aervto officer. On November UcCrea moved out t th hum ot th girt In on of th sub urb. Th girl, la company with her brother ' Robert and mother, had Just moved lit ftocA tha country. After being wltn th family for hum tlui U supposed-to-be seorst servioe officer managed to borrow fitt froaa th brother and S.4 from Freda Livingston. II bad bee with th fandiy but three weeks, when he left on dsy. oatng- th mother $-4 for room snd board. Th polieo agd cret service officials wet aoOfled and MoOre. arreatad a a stilp of land bet ween Omaha and Council Fluff a Ha was indioted by th grand jury on three eoums. Th govr&mat authorities say ther ar several men ta tfce olty at th pie eat time claiming to be secret service official and lit next en to be arrested will be given 'Irnit, twenty year In federal prison. FINDS THOMPSON NOT TO BLAME FOR SHORT WEIGHT Pea;at lasaerts Car mt Floar mm Track aad Flad Floar Varylaa la from the Mills. Ft. A. Thompson, grocer at Sixteenth and Leavenworth atreets, at whose place John Grant Pegg, Inspector of weight and measures, confiscated short-weight flour Wednesday, gained vindication from per sonal responsibility Thursday by official Inspection of a oar of flour. Aocompanled by Pegg and a number ot other witnesses Mr. Thompson opened a ear standing on th track and weighed out fifteen sacks. The flour a received from th mills was found to vary from several pounds under weight to several pounds over weight. The flour wa shipped from Linooln. Th ras will probably b settled by the Inspector without th filing of a complaint. A Vlnr la th gtweaaeh ;)pep!a, complicated with liver and -t-v trouble. tleotrto Bitter help all K caaea or no pay. 6oc. For sal by a tun I H ug Co. Enter th Be' Booklovsra' Coolest new STLEMJID FCRMCLA FOR kl&XEYS AXD E LADDER t your back ache, rheumatic pains shoot through your Joints and you have frequent deeir t urinate, painful or highly colored urination, dlsxy spells, If a sure sign that th kidney ar not in good working con dltlon and need attention. Got th best remedy obtainable. Th following formula I on of th vary beat. Get from th druggist a half-ounce package Murax Com pound, one-bait ounce fluid extract Buchu and six ounces best gin. Mix these well together and take In dose of on to two teaapoonfuls after each meal and at bed time. i'bla eiiDple prescription acts directly on ine moneys by cleansing these suonne like organs, also gites tiiera strength and power to properly perform their function ot filtering the blood of poisonons wast manor ana una ecia. ana aide to eliminate these Impurities from the system. In this way, dread diabetes, chronic rhsumalisna and diabetes can b avoided. MEN: Tor leader fees aad aok altar s saving, fe simple, Haokhaada, aaadraff or aay kla or aoalp dieeese aa S1MO aad UNO OAT. ZEMO I guar an lead to relieve all aora beea and Itching. Th aoap 1 part ot th treat men I beat for all toilet purposea told by druggist everywhere aad In Om aha by Sherman McConnell iTug Bo., Cur. lttb eV Dodge 8ts.. Cor. lth A Harney 8ta., Cor. ItUyand Far nun ta "Poor little star Did your mamma Yonr LamfbtU Soup deny? Oi course you wink And ssdiy blink And stay up nights to cry." Insist on them. Campbell's Soups are well worth insisting on. Thuy have every pood quality you could ask for at double the price. They are rich, delicate, whole some; positively pure. Nothing but the best foes into A: IV V 1 ,Y- vvt. yV s i r a . I' 4 ) - a IrllfctWlH' m Gentlemen: V Before Buying Your Easter Clothing Just Remember That w i TeTttTts1 CletkM liir ) CPTTigkted, 191 L, by 8chwb Clot him t. - ' ? enff ' l ' 1 f Copyrighted, 1911. by Brhwak Ootliing Ok We GUARANTEE Schwab Suits at $15.00 To Wear to Your Satisfaction I X business you satisfy yourself that everything is O. K. before you close a transaction by asking for a guarantee. "We are now prepared to meet just such a requirement on your part when you buy your new Spring suit. Our entire Spring line of Schwab suits are "DOUBLY GUARANTEED" Soup The choicest cuts ot prime Government-inspected meats; choice poultry, and fresh tender vegetables put up the day they are picked. . And these perfect soups open as fresh-and inviting: as if you had just made them yourself. 21 kinds 1. To be all wool. 2. To give you satisfactory wear. Just add hot water, . bring to a boil, and serve. Joura Camfsill Con FAST Camden N J Look for the red-and-white label 10c a can IT IS clothing so well made that it can be guaranteed in a broad and binding manner that affords you absolute protection. Careful workmanship on Schwab suits extends to the minutest detail. More than the average wages are paid so as to have the very highest class of skilled help in the Schwab plants. The inspection system is so thorough that no 'faults" can escape the attention of the inspectors. ' Though this results in a betterment of the clothing, you will find that the prices of Schwab suits SIS are'inrpt higher than for suits which' are sold without the protecting guarantee feature a very strong reason yhy you ': should buy Schwab clothing. $2 c "PHI . . Cl3 With a Schwab suit you'll" be wearing a correct style, too. Very desirable new pat terns,' in many shades, in cluding the favored grays, browns and tans. ar i i i f i v m n v si r at li u. II M II n a 1 1 M ' r I . VI J aTiSBt 4 v ga X Mm VASQURn-cnOSBY GO LD MedalFIoor if i !i I ; IS vav i mm ik?iv v i i