Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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t enforce the provisions ef the Hnush art
they will bear the brunt of test ease In
the court to deride to the constitu
tionality of the art.
Tb measure, hn It waa tip f-r dis
cussion In the legislature, wss Interpreted
by many of the lawmakers a hlttlnaj at
thurch fairs and various othrr kinds of
loal gift enterprises which retailers. If Is
art, considered niirntrhmpnti on their
legitimate trail territory. Not all of the
retail merrhanta of the state fought the
bill, however, aa many of those who are
user ef trading stamps were Insistent that
It ahould be killed. The (aw in full a It
wll Igo upon the atatute books la as fol
low: . BertlonV It ahall be unlaaful for anv
person or persons to ensaKe In any Kilt
enterprise In this atate. t.very person who
ahall sell or offer for sal any rfl cta It
er arllt le of merchandise whatever, or anv
llrker of admission to any uhloulon or
performance or other place of amusement,
wllrf a promise expressed or Implied In gle
or bestow or In any manner hold out the
promise of gift or bestowal of any article
or anything for and In consideration of the
purchase bv any person of any other article
or thin-, whether the ohjert shall be for
individual gain or for the Ix-nefit of any
Institution of whatever chat-inter, or for
any purpose whatever, shall be held to m
engaged In a Rift enterprise within the
moaning of this art.
Hec. 1. Anv person or persons who snail
engage In any (flft enterprise In this state
shall be deemed gulltv of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof shall be fined
In any sum not exceeding ." or Imprisoned
In the county Jail not esfoedlng six months
or both at the discretion of the court.
Holding Conventions
of Endcavorers in
Towns of Nebraska
Karl Lehmann and Rev. J. H. Sals
bury on Tour Across States
Plan Omaha Session.
is. . !
? t s
, '
Karl Lehmann, Interstate field secretary
of the United Society of Christian En
deavor, accompanied by Rev. James H
Palsbury, paator of the Presbyterian
church of Auburn. Nab., and atata presi
dent In Nebraska, la on a tour of Ne
braska cities holding district and county
conventions of the Endeavorer. The cam
paign began yesterday and will continue
until July I. These are the places and
dates of the district conventions:
1 Wakefield, April li-H; Norfolk, April li
lt: Lincoln, April 17-18; Fall City, April
1S-20; Hebron. April 19-21; Fremont, April
21-M; York. April 2-M; Stamford, April X
2: North Platte, May 1-3; Hastings, May
6-7. Alliance. May 21-M.
The dates of tha Omaha convention have
not yet been arranged, but they will com
prise three day during tha latter part of
May. After the district conventlona will
coma the county conventions. Mr.
mann haa just coma from a campaign In
Alabama. Tueaday night he waa given
reception at a banquet In Lincoln.
Governors Will
Consider Decision '
on Freight Rates
Hadley of Missouri Bays it Will Strike
Down Police Power of State if
Allowed to Stand.
JEFFERSON CITT. Mo.. April ll.-Qov-
ernor Hadley announced today that he
would take up with the executive commit
tee of the govarnere' conference of tha
I'nlted Rtate tha necessity fgr concerted
action against tha affirmation of Judge
Sanborn's decision In tha Minnesota rats
rases toy tha supreme court of tha United
Hates. Tha governor said that If the de
cision ahould be affirmed It would strike
down the police powers and sovereignty
of tha atatea and would render thorn mera
dependencies of tha national government.
eighteen governors ara affiliated with
tha organization which met last year at
Frankfort, Ky.
How Bee"s Booklovers' Contest Af
fected One Man.
lrmtr Think. A boot Going Ont aa
set I Ins: Himself oa Trail to IMa
tne -Right Girl for HI
Nestling back from the sidewalk among
majestic trees a cottage rested peacefully
under a halo that was almost material to
the man across the street as ha strolled
under the shade of stolid oaks. A breeae
from the southland was wafted acroaa the
neat porch of the cottage and smiled upon
the fragrant flowers of a vlna, that crept
unpretentiously up tha stone supporting
pillars. A bird hopped In the eaves of the
porch and chirped a few words to Its mate,
who twiddled a small straw that clung
tightly In a crack of a shingle.
A gasoline stove biased in tha kitchen,
cool and clean, while a sweet scent of
frying victuals blew out the door. In the
parlor a man glanced through tha domestic
details of an evening paper and paused to
glean the bog scores. A child tunned at
a rocking chair and let a large doll fall
to tha floor. A dog pulled at the child's
dress, and hut just then the man who
was beholding this scene was awakened
from his reverie by the abrupt entrance
of a friend Into his office.
I.aaktaa- Oat for Lot.
"Gee, you rather startled me, Van," he
gasped. "I have Just been having a sort
of dream. Waa reading about this Omaha
Bee's Booklovers' contest and was thinking
that I had won the third prise a building
lot and had erected on. It a little cottage.
Thought I was married, and was just
picturing a scene at my delightful horn.
Gee, old fellow, this marriage bug surely
does get hold of a fellow, doesn't It. tatd
I never would tie up, but do you know
when I see a chance to get a free lot like
this one offered in Tha Bee contest I am
almost persuaded to start out to find the
right' girl."
"Tou'r right. Harry. I thought you
would get the dope after while. I have
been trying these puazles In The Itee my
self and think I am going to win tha lot. 1
do not own my home, you know, but feel
that I could afford t( build one If I had
a lot. Guess you had better study those
pussies a little harder or else I'll beat
you out."
(Continued from. First Page )
Kimball, In want to Waterloo, la.,
and nnd a plant at that place under
the name of the Ideal Iaundry company,
and Thomas B. Hulnold waa placed In
Ktne fBftO Building Lot.
This lot, which waa the eubject of this
conversation, Is located in A. P. Ttikey A
Hon's Iler addition, lying between Omaha
and Houth Omaha. It la valued at $M0 and
goes aa the third ptlze in The Hee's Book
lovers' contest. There are three other
grand prises and thirty-five cash consols,
tlon awards The first prize la an Apperaon
"Jack Babbit" touring car. It la a model
four-thirty with a five-passenger capacity.
It may be seen at the Apperson sales
rooms, 1102 Farnam street. The second
prlte Is a magnificent elKThtv.eiaht-noie
Property Adjoining School for Deaf
Bought by P. H. Kuans.
l.titrrsnr Moodrow WUana ef ew
Jersey Will fie Principal Speaker
at (nmmerrlal tlah Ranejaet
In Lincoln.
(From a Ptaff Correspondent
LINCOLN. April 12 -(Special. )-Jn a fble-
gram to the Hoard of Public Tnd and
Bulldlncs received today from O. M. Rey
nolds of Chicago, the owner of the land
adjoining the school for the deaf at Omaha,
say that the raroel of ground for which
the legislature appropriated purchase
money to the amount of S1I.5O0 haa -been
sold and that the state cannot now get In
on the deal. The buyer, It Is understood.
Is Psul K. Kuhns.
The passage of thla bill followed a flgnt
put up by Holmes of Douglas county, who
first Introduced a meaaure calling for the
appropriation of KU.NOO for the purchase of
the entire fifty acres adjoining that Institu
tion. After an exciting course in the house
committee of the whole, however, the bill
waa amended to provide for tha purchase
of one-fifth of that amount only at a pro
portionate price.
Superintendent Stewart of tha school waa
In the city only recently and declared to
the board that the land would have to be
taken Immediately If at all and asserted, it
ia said, that the atate a option on the land
expired the very day of his visit here. The
board, however, makes the claim that to
their knowledge there never exiated auch
an agreement between the owner of the
land and tha atate and refused to act upon
the matter.
Road Sale Neat Week.
The Board of Educational Lands and
Funds will open bids next week for the
M.000,000 or more of securities which will
be sold under the provisions of the Potts
reinvestment measure which was passed
and approved during the session of the
legislature Just closed. From the number
of inquiries which have come In during
the last few weeks It Is probable that the
bidding on securities will be rather spir
ited and will bring out a large field of In
-State Treasurer George is of the opinion
that the preferable way to dispose of the
securities would be In lots of (200,000 or
so, but asserts that In this regard no
provision was made in the oPtta bill. It is
understood thst the bonds are to be sold
at par with accrued Interest.
Woodran Wllsoa to Speak."
Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jer
sey is to be the principal speaker at the
annual Commercial club banquet to be held
In this city May M, according to a tele
rram received from the well known demo
crat today. The fact that the easterner Is
svowedly la presidential possibility for 1H
has not een overlooked by those respon
sible for getting the New Jersey executive
to accept the Invitation to vlelt Mr. Bryan's
home city. While the latter when he left
for his extended trip to the east and gouth,
did not Intend to return until later than
that date It la probable that he will cancel
speaking datea for that time so that he
can be here for the occaalon. Former Sen
ator Albert J, Beverldge of Indiana haa
been asked also to be present at that time.
but ao far has not given a final reply to
the Invitation.
Malone Iaaaea Challenge.
Robert Malone, wet democratic candidate
for mayor of the city, this morning Issued
a challenge to his republican opponent, A.
H. Armstrong, also wet, for a debate on
the Issues of the present olty campaign:
While both of the men .r Dellevera In a
damp administration, their difference of
opinion arise over the number of refresh
ment places which should be conducted
under auch a regime. Malone further con
tends that the candidates' opinions on the
businees afalrs of the city should be aired
before the voters and suggests that the
proper way la for him and his opponent
to meet upon the stump. The former pres
ident of the local gaa company haa replied
to the effect that he does not desire to
consider such a proposition. Intimating that
It would be a violation of political ethics
to stage such an exhibition.
1 "Sejmwllw" T.
Airrii-SIddiB-(A) ;
fleet ft ylA ea lesefe. f Th
VES . I tough, flexible and I
Farm Hortgagcs
Bearing Interest at 5x3
per cent on lands within
20 to 50 miles of Omaha.
Ramge Building.
if EH:L !'.'"'JMjmTiimiiiJif. r nii.u.,ii,.,,ii,L, .,
Patek. Philippe Co.. of tleneva.
Swltserlsnd, are recognised a ti e world
greatest watchmak
ers. The famous Pa
tek, Philippe watch
is the most accurate,
most reliable, and
moat aatisfactory
timepiece It Is pos-
alble to buy.
Patek, Philippe
watches are Bold in
Omaha by Albert
Ed holm.
ivm't Merely Hiiy
Albert Edholm !;
Sixteenth and Ha nicy.
t-r.1 Er fl
I. I 1
Mexicans Busy fortifying Capital
City of Kevolted State.
Mlalng Man Gives Reasons for His
Belief that tne Inearrectlon
Will Have a Bloody
Klmhltlt nlftvcr.nlann T . I - 1 1 i . .
charge of the Plant aa local manager. The . : "
laundry la atlll In operation. Although
continually oiiening email placea around
the state Mr. Kimball retired from active
business In 190&. He went back to Beatrice
after retiring from buslenss to take care of
his mother, who had been In poor health
for several years. Ha had lived there
ever sine.
Mr. Kimball was well known In Omaha,
the store of A. Hospe, 151S Douglas street.
The fnurth prise Is a (300 Columbia Grafo
nola. "Regent," and $n0 worth of the latest
records. The cash prises are: Five of $10,
ten or 15 and twenty of !
The contest has been running for nine
daya, tha ninth picture appearing In this
Issue. It Is never too lata to enter this
game, for the coupons In answer to the
pictures are not to be mailed until the
being a member of several lodgea. He was ; aeventy-flvo llluatratlona have been printed.
an and a Manon. He took the Ne- I Coupons and pictures that contestants
biaska consistory several years ago In ' have missed may be obtained at the bus).
Omaha, and was also a ghrlner. lie waa nesa of The Bee. CaialoguMB con
a member of the baglea and the I'nlted talnlng S.OOo titles from which the augges
Commercial Travelers and of the Omaha j tlons for the contest pictures were taken
Held clue. j irav be obtained at the businees office for
Mr. Kimball Is survived by a widow S cents or bv mall for 30 cents. These
and one daughter, Katherine. aged f booklets are a great aid to the solution
yars. i ot pussies.
Three Trastees Mill Re Appelated to
Take Charge of K. U, Lenta
ST. LOVW, April U.-A committee of ten
men. which baa been appointed ' by 1j8
tnagasine publisher, will come here within
a few daya to select three trustees to take
or, finance and operate the extensive
publishing and real estate properUea ot
K. U. Iwis. The properties are valued at
more than ,k.00rt by Mryl,ea.
Militant Baeoa.
William Bacon, aged S8 years, died at his
residence. Thlrty-aixlh and Cuming alreets,
yrsterdav afternoon. Mr. Bacon waa for
twenty-five years a leader In dalvailon
Army work. He waa blind. Jtle figure
waa well known oa the streets, where he
aang In the religious service of the Sal
vation Army. The funeral waa held Wed
nesday afternoon at J o'clock from the al
tlon Army hall at Seventeenth and Dav
enport atreeta. Burial waa at Forest Lawn
taloael V. Hehba.
ROCK ISLAND, HI.. April l!.-Kew waa
received here today of the death of Lieu
tenant Colonel F. E. IJohl-a. commandant
of the Rock Island ertenal, at Hot Ppiings,
Ark., today. Colonel Hobba aa (4 year
Father Jaroea A. Dooaaa,
tVASHINOTON. April II -f ather Jam
A. time president of George
town university and one of th best known
Jesuit priests in this country, died at the
university here today. He mas S3 year of
Tony rails to ftet Oat of Way Whea
Melee Approach and la
Haa Over.
Antonio Ceiu of 1713 Mason street lies
at his home with a badly sprained knee
as a result of hla failure to underetand
plain "I'nlted State '' Antonio waa sit
ting on the bank of the new excavatlnna
at Seventeenth and Douglas streets
Wertneedsy afternoon watching tha process
of the work and dreaming mayhap of the
day when he. Antonio, would rise to the.
height of engineering a pair of long-eared
Missouri mules.
"(let out of the way." yelled the driver
of the team to Antonio. "?et out of the
way or youjll get run over."
Iut Anlnnle does not yet comprei-end
the harsh gtitteral language of th Ameri
cans so he did not change his position. As
a result Antonio' leg ws crushed against
the mud bank by on of the mules. ' The
Injured man waa removed to the police
atatlon ahere Police Surgeon T. T. Harris
dressed the Injury and had Antonio taken
Ganie Law Fine Hrery
If the fine required by law is imposed
upon 'WV B. Clark, manager of the' Millard
hotel atOmaha, for each of th 1S5 game
Dime round in hla possession recently by
Uame Warden Miller, that gentleman will
have to enrich the coffers of tha state to
the amount of 1676. I'sually the state per
nuts the aocused In auch cases, however,
to plead guilty to having a lees number
of the forbidden blids than la actually
found, and auch, U Is said, will be the
case in the charge against the Omaha
man. It la aaserted that other arrests of
Omaha men may be made soon In an effort
to carry out the provisions of the law re
lating to tha aarvtng of g-tn out of sea
son, a practice which, It Is said, is Indulged
In by some of the prominent cafea and
restaurants of the metropolis.
Road Valaatioa Flit
1 he fcuate Railway commission today
gave out figures on their physical valuation
of tha Chi. ago, Rock Island A Pacific rail
road or auch part of the line aa Ilea within
Nebraska. The undertaking ef which this
la a part haa consumed moat of two years
and haa been thorough In Ita scope, It la
claimed by the members of the commission
The cost of reproducing the present hold
Ings of that concern In the state, Includln
rolling etock.alloted to the lines within Ne
braska, la H0.Kil.J72 01 and the present valu
Is given at S.9?8.J20.O7. The date of May 18
has been set by the commission as the
time for hearing reason why that valua
tion should not be accepted by the com
mission a a basis for taxation. The State
Railway commission aaeetsed the corpora
tion for Se.458.5ta worth of property. It Is
understood, not including the franchise
value of the railroad.
Change la Gravel Itatee.
The Burlington. North weatern. Rook la-
land. Misauurl Pacific and the Union Pa
clfla have applied to the Stete Railway
commlaslon for a change In carload rales
en gravel and sand to Omaha, South Omaha
anfl IJncoln from different sandpit and
gravel quarriea on their lines. A hearing
on the application a III be given by the
commission April 8.
Boa of Loala eamaker Taken to
Iowa City for Pastear
BOONE. Ia.. April 12.-(5pclal )-Hor-tenae
Nunamaker. tha -yar-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Iouts Nunamaker. who re
alda at First and Marion streets, was bitten
by a dog Monday afternoon and this morn
ing waa taken te Iowa City, where he wll
tlon circles. Hla achievement of today,
however, In flying In a monoplane from the
outskirts of London to the suburbs of
Paris, places him In the ranks of the
world's foremost airmen. The best previ
ous cross-country flight was made 'by
Lieutenant Camerman, who covered '147
miles In four hours and two minutes De
cember S3 last In France.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
EL. PASO. Te.. April 8.-(Speclal Corre
spondencesA mining man who arrived
here today from Chihuahua declared that
federal troopa and laborers of all kinds
have been buatly engaged digging trenches
and throwing up breaatworka all around
tha olty and about the penitentiary In the
city for the last ten days. A strong barbed
wire fenee haa heen built west or tne town
from the river south to the mountains, a
distance of about two mllea. Portholes have
been out in the eld penitentiary near tha
new federal palaca between Callea Juares
and Ubertad.
Asked what waa the attitude or tha
Americana In Chihuahua regarding . inter
vention on the part of tha Lnitea etates
he aald:
-Thev deprecate auch a poaalbllity. II
conditions get much worse In the bealeged
city there will be no other alternative, for
Americana and American interests ara sure
to suffer. Aa It la now we have the good
will of the revolutionary element and a
majority ef the gupporterg of the federal
government. In my opinion tne quickest
and best way to bring about peace is for
the United States to recognise the Inaur-
reetos aa belligerents. Such an act wouia
brine n end to the war within six weeks
pot over two months."
Belleeea Dlaa Will Trlamah.
This opinion must not be taken aa one
generally held by Americana in other parta
of Mexico. A well mrormea mining man,
who haa lived in Mexico fifteen years and
who knowa Mexican character unuaually
well, la ot the belief that in the end Presi
dent Dlaa will triumph, as he always hae,
He is not in sympathy with many of the
things which Dlas has countenanced. On
tha other hand, he does not believe that
harmony and the things that the men are
flgting for can come through revolution
He e s there are about U.000,000 people In
Mexlce and that or these only aoout j.ow.-
0M are educated and at constant variance
with one another. He believee that If
peace Is not negotiated aoon by the In-
surrectos that Dias win make military
service obligatory and recruit large num
bers of rurale from the prison and con
vct camps. Then, under the command of
one of his crudest generals will begin a
warfare of extermination, lie admit thai
Dlaa haa been harsh and relentless, but
that while he waa responsible for many
of the massacres committed by hi sol
tilers that he did not order them, nor
knew anything about them.
Law to Shoot Prisoner.
Ls Fugo," a law In Mexico permitting
officer er aoldiera te ahoot eeeaplng prls
eners. has been extensively criticised and
the Insurrectos charge that it haa been
uaed on many oeraalona to batcher their
men taken aa prisoner It I because e
thia law alao that many Americana, ar
reeled for some minor offense, come to
their desth. According to reports, the fa
vorite method of the Mexleana ia to tell a
prisoner that they are sorry for him snd
that If ha leavea at a certain time that h
can get away and they will not molest
him. When the prisoner starts to leave a
party of Mexicans lake pot shots at him
until they bring him down Another method
Is to run away from a prisoner and then
shoot, because, aa they allege, he was try
ing to make his escape.
lews Nisi Notes.
MILFORD Two were injured, one very
serlouely, in a shotgun accident while hunt
ing ducks here yesterday. Tha Injured are
K. W. Phafler of Mason City and George
Uraves of Sanborn. While in a boat one
of the ahotguna waa accidentally die
charged. The charge passed through
Graves' hand and Phaler'a arm. The latter
waa hurried to Sanborn hospital, where
the arm waa amputated.
BOON K According to a telegram re-
reived here today David Kennedy, a former
resident of thla city, committed suicide In
Poivl ie. Nev.. yesterday bv shooting him
self. ,
QRINNELL Mr Prlsdlla Wire of this
city ha Juat paased her eighty-first birth
day in excellent health and spirits. In
evidence of that fact and celebration of
thla notable event she Invited twenty-six
women to a t o'clock dinner prepared by
herself and of which the fowl, fruit, eggs,
vegetables and honey were of her own
raising. '
IOWA FALLS Prof. tSrwin the land-
scape artist at Iowa State college at Ames,
nas just sunmutea to tne Laaies racial
Gathering of this olty a plan for the new
addition te Union cemetery. The plan ia
radical departure from the old style
checkerboard fashion ot laying out ceme
teries and will be an Innovation along
that line in this part of the elate at least.
Driveways are laid gracefully through tne
grounds, which are to be ornamented here
and there by trees and shrubs In order
to oarry out a harmonious and parklike
MARSHALL.TOW.V-I.ewla J. Muck and
Cheater Buck, brothera, of thisCity, have
deserted from the regular army, according
to Information received by the local police
today. Iewls Buck deserted from Fort
lAgan. Colo., and his brother Chester from
Fort Riley, Kan.
SWALEDALK This Is the measliest
town on the map of Iowa at the present
writing. According to the report of the
superintendent of the schools 7S per cent
of the children are aick with the measles.
Schools are closed and will not open until '
there ia a decided lull In the disease.
FERTILE Frank, the U-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton, was seriously
Injured by being caught in the gearing of
a manure spreader. He was out in the
field wtih his father running behind the
machine, when he stumbled and In endeav
oring to save himself from a fall he thrust
his hand between the cogs of the machine,
mangling the member in norrtnie enepe.
There were twenty laceratlona of the nana.
FORT DODO K Fort Dodge Is now as
sured of the removal of the Independent
Soap company to this elty from Kagle
drove, 17,700 vvortn or stoca naving neen
subscribed by Fort Dodge men who wish
to see the concern an adjunot to the Corn
Belt Packing plant, which haa begun opera
tion. Only 115.000 stock was necessary to
secure the factory and aa that amount has
been exceeded the new Issue will he In
creased to tc&.0t by tha company and the
plant will be enlarged and equipped with
labor saving machinery.
FORT DODGE Manufacturers and Job
bers of Fort Dodge at tlielr second lunch
eon today at the Wahkonca hotel decided
definitely to Incorporate for their mutual
benefit and to boost the manufacturing
buslnesa of Fort 1odg. They will sell stock
at M centa a share. Issuing ene ahar to
each member, to make incorporation poa
sible. Their chief aim ia to hire a aecre
tary who will devote his time to handling
all questions of railroad rates and the
routing of shipment for member.
CLEAR LAKE Joseph Sower, an old
soldier and a highly respected citlxen. Is
dead at his home here. He lived to the
riii old sge of Mi years. His old com.
rades of the C. 11. Huntlev post will lay
the body away to rest In the cemetery to
morrow. His daughter is city unrarian.
MASON CITY Geerd Eden and wjfe, two
of tha best known people In this section,
celebrated their golden wedding anniver
sary with children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren present.
Disorder Follows Passage of Wine
Bill by Senate.
Streote ef Ventoll Blocked with
Brokea Bottles Streets of Dam
err ftaaalagr with Cham
pagne Mixed with Mad.
DAMERT, Department of Marne. France
April 12 The "champagne" riots which
a i v jt m a
We apply our local application to your
gums and extract your tee'.h wluiout pain.
We make plates that fit unci guarantee
them. We make plates that look natural
and feel comfortable, and we maka gold
teeth or gold crowns thai vou can't wear
holes In.
We insert a porcelain crown on a tool
. , . ... . , , ),. .rthat looka like your own teeth. We fill
began In this department yesterday were tM(,h ,,,, . i-i,.,. , fmi,, vou wish.
continued thla morning by the excited popti-I and they last you a lifetime. We ntHke
lace. Wine cellar are being deatroyed and bridge work that la perfect and you ran-
the disorder 1. spreading In spltg of the w rpUe- mJnf. wUnout p,ate
presence oi vruop ctuiea uui iu or Drldge worn. .
order. The trouble In thla department be- We do all kinds of restorative work.
gan yesterday on the receipt of new from! We have only one price for the same
Parle that the senate had passed a resolu- .lo.! . . .
tlon in favor ot the suppression of .11 t.r- W;o-b rth V
rltorlal delimitations of tha are In which I st of Teeth $8.00
wine can be legally designated as chai- Foreelaia Crowns 84.00 and fjoo
I G-old Orowaa 14.00 aad (5.00
Pgner Brldare work, ner tootn B4.00 and S5.0O
Seven thousand wine grower left here w straighten crookel teeth, lighten
this morning, marching on th Epernay, I loose teeth and cure all diffuses of tne
four miles distant, to destroy tha win na warrant . tu.
ii w - 1 '
ctsiiar inerv.
The manlfestant were admirably organ
ised and were aroused to a pitch of terver.
During the progress of the advance they
sang revolutionary hymn and waived red
standards. Thl they did to dlaown the
government which, they affirm, haa aban
doned them to ruin. They declare the gov
rnment acted a a result ot tha gtep
taken by th maker ot Inferior grade of
The column had reached the town of Ay
at noon. Co-operating with another band
which had reached Ay from a different
direction, the rioter proceeded to Ventull,
where they destroyed the hug win
Troop then dispersed the mob.
The attorney general went to Ventull by
tutomoblle today with the object of In
vestigating the altuatlon. but waa unable
10 . advance through the afreet because
they were piled high with broken cham
pagne bottles.
Damery today Is a picture of desolation.
The atreeta are literally running with
champagne mixed with mud. Within
stone's throw of the red banner . floating
over the city hall stand the ruins of slg
houses of wine merchant, demollihed by
the mob last night.
PARIS, April 12. Thg French government
'a disturbed over the riot In the cham
pagne district of Marne resulting from the
adoption of a resolution by the senate
yesterday In favor of the auppression of all
territorial delimitations.
The Chamber of Deputies ha not yet
decided tha question of delimiting thl
champagne dlstrlot, but th meaaur may
be discussed today.
Deep Well Derrick Wrecked.
I.OGAV. la.. April ll.-(pectl )-In trv.
Ing to lift caelng being put In the well
being sunk by L. E. Nebergal the large
castings broke on top of the derrick be
tween and S o'clock thle afternoon and
despite the heavy timber crashed through
all obatructinn to the ground, where both
workmen and epectalora were etandlng,
without seriously Injuring a single Indl-
vldusl It ,1a est mated that the ca-tlng I be given the Pasteur treatment. The little
""" nran.v pounai ann reii nearly o nsi gene to the laaae Robertson home
I'M (.(. Broken piece of tlmhrr were . and there waa nlavtn tth
- - - - .... laiiiiiv
Mlae- Horse.
April 13. Fred Don-
Killed by
nelly ef Alex died this morning IKm the
ertects or Deing tnrown from an "outlaw"
horse late yeeierttay afternooa while giving
an exhit-ltlon on the main etreet of th
Tha horee ha never been succe.--
fvliy ridden.
thrown acres the atreet. It la stated that
the raalng being put down .' feet In the
well atuck and trying to pull out the caelng
cauaed the accident, which may delay the
work a week or more.
Oa another page will be found the rule
governing the Booklovera Con'eet-
dog. Th dog was kept tied un tvv h.
Robertson and waa tied when th Nun,
maker boy played with him. Th dog ha
not been killed, but he will be watehed.
If any aigna of rablee develop he will be
killed. No eerioue effeete are expected
from the bite, aa the treatment la to be
alerted at onoe.
Three Hundred-Mile
Flight in Biplane
Fitrre Prier Makes Trip from London
to Iny Les Moulinenx, France,
Without Stopping.
LONDON. April ll-Plerre Prier. the
aviator, started In an aeroplane from Lon
don today In an attempt te maka a flight
to Perls without a slop. The airman suc
cessfully crosed the Fngilsh channel,
flew over C'alal and continued en hi flight
toaard th French capital.
ISSV-LEB-MOl'LJNKOrX. France. April
1!.- Aviator Prier arrived here at 145
o'clock thia evtntng from London, having
made the trip ef about tto mile in a mono
plane without a atop.
Handon 1 a town of Middlesex county,
England, six mllee from the center of
don. The approximate dlatanra between
Hendon and Pari la tfO miles. Today'a
flight ef Prier la the first attempt of an
aviator to fly from the Hritlsh capital to
frier 1 a aewoomer In InternUonaJ avia
Bt w Ztooatlon
634-636 Brandala Theater Bldg.
Ibone Douglas 3771.
Mora Time
At Lunch Time
When you come to us for
lunch, you give your order
and eat. No time lout. The
average llgbt noonday luncb
can be eaten In 15 or 20
minutes, leaving 40 or 4 5
minutes for you.
Try it and See
Our excellent Coffee, Hot
Roast Beef or Chicken Sand
wiches, generous cut of
well filled, thoroughly baked
Pastry and other quickly
served eatables make a
lunch fit for anyone. Come
in and make ua prove it.
The Boston Lunch
1013 Farnam
1408 Farnam
1406 DouglaM '
New York Wow a a Hart.
GENEVA, Pwliserland, April 1J. Mrs.
William Van Wyrk ef New fork ws run
over by an automobile here last night and
seriously Iniureo anout the bean and face.
The surgeona attending the Injured woman
say he may be Internally hurt. Mrs Van
VVyck husband I a nephew of Kobert
A. Van Wick, former mayor of New
Mall Carrier Caafeseea Taeft.
MARION. Ky.. April IS When arraigned
here today on the chaj-ge of robbing the
mails J. J. Thotnee. a rural route carrier,
ai knowledged that he atele SI .000 which
disappeared when chipped from the aub-
treasiu-y at Cincinnati to the bank of
8elm, Ky., last week. Heas committed
for the action of the federal court.
Tonight, Until Saturday, SSo, 60o TSe
Saturday Metis flSe and BO a
The Bfuatoal Comedy
9. teobrle Xlll and 40 Colored Artists
Charles Trohmma Preeeat
100 leople 100. Seat Today
Vrlce 8 So to SI 50.
May ata
Fine Syrup
Free Today
See if your name appears in The Be) want
ads today offering Fan-ell's Syrup free.
You don't have to advertise to get it. Find
your name and the gift your.
The Bee is also giving away today:
O'Brien's delicious randy,
t'pdike'a fine flour.
American theater tickets.
Byrd's aurserjr cherry tree.
Siowt Sally lis, Ti4S and SiS0
Mill lewle, Barefoot Oanoer.
Captain Talbot-1 Peal. 1'almer tc Lewi
Juhe. Ward Wener. furry A Klley.
Matlsee, lOoj few Reeereed aoe
High too. oe, 0
-OMAatA'S run OlITia."
f-m- Bvga., ia-aa-sa-Ma
f mmJ" nillf HH .1LM.U.
Your ilver-e off I Rot Tola Show
In "TUB OftKEN flOU t'LUB "
('niton A Miles. Gertrude KveretL Imhof
ft Conn. Knyder Buckley, Keauty C'horua.
L4i' Dime Matinee Every Week Day.
Cat. Night Only; Amateur Corneal, 10c-26c.
AAveaeed VaadeviUo. Matinee Svert
0y, Sil. Beery Right, SUS. Clayton
White Marl Htueil. Donald A Car.
'II rl
i. Itayinond A Caverly, California
rls, Vlttorlo A Oeorgettu, Mies A'Toe,
ma Family, Ktnodrunie. Orpheuro
ncert Orcliestrs.
DOYD Thoator
Teal Matinee Tueedajr, Thursday
aad Saturday.
IT1 S.ARO aad Star Zsoelleat Company
Neit Meek Hie last week of tlio ve
I.ang season. neat on sale lur Iwu
orrkl now.