TI1E "REE: OMATTA. TIU'KSPAY. AFRTL U, 1011. REAL ESTATE f ARM AID RANCH LAND TOR IALR Moiltni I'oattaaed. f?0-ACRIC homestead relinquishment for tia.e; lr one hotel, one bakery, one gen eral inr', one saloon, on feed store. Ad drees Charles F. Hrown. Us'sta, Mont Nebraska. l.Sos are In Holt county. Thl In an lm proved ranch, close to town, ami win, bear tnpecton. If vou aunt a bargain lnvestl (at at onr, Price 115 per acre. Part cash. P. O. NIBUSEN, 701 Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Neb. IWVACRE ranob for vale, IV per aera (-third cmh remainder flva year. J par oast Interest; all fenced, food Improve, scents. Tor particular writ Frank Sabula, Korfelk. Neb. FOR barf a t)i In cheap western Undo dan aheap , mO scree relinquishment. Ad ateae J. C Bar sin. Whitman. Neb.-- nLKFAix? coi Nrr farm. 1J A"RE farm two miles from Shelton, Neb., the beet town of HI sue in the mate, urroumlen by the beet farming hind In the late, (lood eeven room house; partly mod ern: Isige new barn, and enher extensive tmprox enicnts; all fenced and croes-fencwd : 70 acres alfalfa; 90 acres other cropa; land level and aoll first class. Irice $12S per (rra. Can nlve term on part. TUB feH ELTON RTCAL ESTATE CO.. bhelton. Neb. 10 aires near Crofton, Neb., Knoi Co.. rood aoll, good roads, wall Improved with buildings; prie per acre. 7i; easy terms; alea Sid-acre farm, 4 ml lee from town, well Improved, 7S acre. Otto Bogner, Crofton, Neb. FOR SALB-WO acre hay land, 1 mil Newport, $17.60; $60 ( miles, all new build ing. prlng water. $22.50. Others. U M. (ireene. Newport. Web, fcvrlh Daketa. SETERAL Improved farms In McHenry county. N. Iak., for sale on easy terms; good soil; T5 to 130 per acre. C. A. stubbing, Grsnville. N. D TOR BA LE Rentr and Investors. If you want to own one of our fine Improved ere In ferms with every modern convenience and be Independent write me at once. l,lmo monev needed. Wendell Huston, Carrlng ton, N. V. Oregoa. OREGON APPLE LAND. I and 10 acre planted tracts taken care of for five years. Terms SIS a month. No Urlgatlon. taxes or Intercut. 8ANT1AM FRUIT COLONY. 131 Bea Bldg.. '""maha, Neb. FOR BALE 160 acres choicest apple, pear, cherry, Krape land In the west, six miles from town, one mile from R. It. ; soil deep vnlcanlo ash. The Dalles, Ore., prize win ning fruit. 1) acres 3'4 miles from town, new, mod ern house, barn, tenement. ftA pear, prune, bearing 1.600 young trees, 1.00 grape vines, gfod water, wood. Or will sell 80 aciea with all Improvements. Investigation so licited. C. H. Webster, The Dalles, Ore. oath Carolina. LANDS 500 per acre tiuid growing figs for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on easy monthly payments. Bea Island Or i hard Co., Charleston, hV C ! N THE NILE OK AMERICA! 120.00 rash and 8 per cent Interest, pay able semi-annually, will secure you a home Sn Vela, Tex , and a 10-acre farm In the Kin Urande valley, where the farmers cash Income la as perpetual as the days that come and go. 8. II. Jackson, io First National Bank Hl'lg., Houston, Tex. WE are subdividing 2.300 acres of fertile farm land In Jackson county. Bplendld crops every year. Ralnfnll about rignt, 40 Inches. For description, plats and prices writ JOHN RICH E Y & CO.. 113 K. Houston Ht., Han Antonio. Tex. SAN 8ABA VALLEY, the garden pot of Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We can buy land for you or invest money, 8 per cent net to you wecured by mortgHge on these lands. Correspondence solicited. Refer lo First Nnfl bank. Kan Saba Nafl bank, Waid. Murray .V Co., and the mem bers In congress from Texas. Kelley-Hurle-on Co.. Sin taba, Tex. Wtacvlxla. IE YOU are looking for a farm In the beat part of the Lulled Platen, where the ml and climate cannot be bttit, writ Owner, Luck Hox lte.1. Amcry, Wl. Wyoming;. FOR BALE ltf.Oco acres In Laramie county, Wyoming, In Golden Prairie dis trict; suitable for farming; now stocked with cattle and sheep; will cell with ranch; will exchange for eastern Nebraska or Iowa farms. J. 1. Beii, Owner, Cheyenne, Wyn.- FOR SALE OR U-nAjnifc, C. J. CANAN. Room 701 Oma. Natl. Bank. FOR sale or trade for stocK. Northwest ern thresher engine, new Century separator ad six-boitom eng.no gang piuw, ail new blrt bteele. Elmcreek. Neb. WK exchange properties of ni.m Culver. kU-fclu N.,Y. Life. I'ouula. H. 11 :t RESIDENCE property , Havelock. Neb., worth SJ.O11O, to trade for Colorado land or will take part cash Write us for particu lar. Casady Co., Phone i. VjM. FOR reliable sales and exchange set t. M. LEA MING. Vrf Hranoel Hldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property nd Nebruskn land OKEEEE REAL ESTATE CO.. SOU New Omaha National HnK iiuikllng GARVIN BR03., 3d floor N. T. Life, Wl to lluU.OUU 00 improved vroyrij. No OaUy. WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Ca. 5f. li.r'on city farm property. W. v ME1KLE. 3ut Kaiuse lildg. CHEAP MO.NET. Representing the fton Mutual l,if !i Co. wltn assets ot over li:.w0.(e. I sol prepared to acovpi ail th guoa iowi of fared on Improved unfatia real eaiata, fcusioeea ana reiuuu iui Bisue w.imjJ THOMAS PKBNNAN. Ot) Natlooai bii4 lildg. 1JA.NS to home owners and home build ers, with piivilrgo oi liiaking partial pay ments semi-annually. s . 11. IHO.UA&, su First National Bank building. WANTED-City loan sn.l iitidii faroam btuub Co . iiM t a. imiu l vv. LOW IlAlKd. Bh-M IS-CAKLUEltU UealJ Biaiid-aa Tuvaiaf iitug. CITY and Farm. JOHN .V r Kg, NZk.lt, 64 ON ICY TO LOAN -Payne invusiuieui C l)u to $itutf ttiaue proiopvy. F. u Ae.4 VYeau sw!g ..a rir"tiu REAL ESTATE; WAN I ED WHAT AN IuWa VAHMKH VaNT etiv o anyw.iutf ij uUer tn ittrioir gDrl.l ((i-utjidt .ih iar .unu ..f ay fc.titl ot 4U 4ciiOtt 4' r L. y. uu iul ou wu; tw tor cuu . It pVt IU1 l,wt-iira iU- .. its t lh iM Mt4ll4M ytti, 4t4i,JIM il.lCutMli4 4i)y iJ iDgt iUil ituU. I .Ci i C MA ffA4 leOil. tvwtala tb fcurU. A e(a4t i-m - . h' - 4 1 4 4tV WANTED TO BUY B6T price pa.u lor id nana lueaiture. csupeta. tioiiiiug ana eiio4 lei. L OOOD p. tees tur o.u biusin walcue eaa Ola gold. M. Neman, l few. 13tn at. WANT K D T a light alio SIX letft. atut counter show caseai, 1'llutU WANTED SI TUAT'ONS GOOD Jap want work, drees Y Lj, cat li. good ooog. Ad- PtslTI()N by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accounianl, good refer ence. Addreaa R Ha, Ree. PRACTICAL M'KSK. Harney 49$. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Congestion of May Contract Drives Shorts to Cover. CORN RECEIPTS ARE SLOW Weather and Advamre ;iv ltaala a Firm Long Foree a Derllae. OMAHA. April 12. 1911. Tn fere of genersl bearish conditions In the wheat situation, both th crop and cash outlook favoring the bears the con gestion In the May contracts worried the elicits into covering and value advanced sharply. 'wing to the unfavorable weather the corn receipts have been much lees than were estimated .and the advance in wheat has helped to firm valuea. Wheat after snowing a sharp advance in the early session due to covering by shorts, loet the advance later when longs atempted to sell on the advance. Cash wheat wss firmer st a shad higher. I 'he early advance In corn we wholly In svmpathy with wheat. As the cash and shipping demand was not Improved, values eased off later and lost the early gain. Primary wheat receipts were 497,010 bushels and shipments were 4?.00O bushels, against receipts last year of 365.000 bushels and shipments of 276.O0O bushels. Primary corn receipts were 719 000 bushels nd shipments were MO.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 4i3.ong bushels and shipments of WT.OdO bushel. Clearance were 4M.0H0 bushel of corn, 4.000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal lo 1M.0O0 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged to Vd lower on wheat and unchanged to fcd higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHEAT-No, 2 hard: 1 car, R6c No. 4 herd: 1 cat, 83c. CORN No. S white: 1 car. 4So. No. 1 yellow: I cere. 46c. No. S yellow: S enrs, 4oc. No. 3 color: 1 car, 4-,o. No. I mixed: 4 car. 4So. OATS-No. I white: t car. 04c. No. 4 white: 1 car, tQo. Omaha Cash Trices. WHEAT-No. I hard. gMySSKc; No S hard. K4i;Sc; No. 4 hard. 8i;Mc: reteeted hard, ir.'or; No. 3 siirlng. WMn; No. 4 spring. Miu-!ine; No. 1 durum, MmsfKj; No. 8 durum. R.j4c. CORN .No. 2 white. 44'(J4S'c; No. white, 44t j 45c; No 4 W),,B 44r,r44'iO; No. I color. 4IVu4f.c; No.' yellow. 44 Vol.'; No. 4 yellow. 4Vq44c; No. J, 44Vo1ic; No. i. iv 11 l..c; i O. , 44 X441AC. OATH No. 2, 30Va3ie: standard. S01V8 ff3 'c; . No. 8 white, 30Va.WVc; No. 4 white .St-Vaio,.; , j yellow, 2HS130'4c; No. 4 yellow. 2r3Mc. BARLE V No. 2, (WlSc; No. 4. 7tf90c; No. 1 feed. 6frRSc: rejected. MftThc. RVE No. 2. S9d90c; No. 3. 87880. Carlot Receipt. Wbest Chicago 25 Minneapolis 92 Omaha n Duiuth ji Corn 233 Oet 123 tlllCAUO GRAIN AKD PROVISIONS Features of the Tradloa; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 12.-Exclted buying of aiay wheat on the part of shorts today I ran up the price of that option nearly 2 cents a bushel, but a violent break In the last hour left only o to c net gain. One leamin for the reaction was the discovery that the advance had not stimulated to any important extent the demand here for cash wheat. On account of splendid rains, dlxlant future closed at tc to .itac net decline. Corn finished Mtc to c. down, oats off lc to ',4c, and hog products Ir regular. 7'c up to !2c reduction In cost. .Speculative excitement In regard to the May delivery counteracted during most of the session the Influences that would ordi narily have controlled the price of wheat. For example, the Liverpool market proved u disappointment and closed unchanged to a trifle lower. Domestic crop advices too, were good from all the expert In the field. Notwithstanding the flattering out. look, however. May shorts became nervou at the scantiness with which that month v tut offered in the pit. Hlds forced a ud den bulge, lifting the price 60 above the f Inures current a week ago Monday. At the advance, longs unlouded aid the descent iv j s rapid. During the session May ranged from S7S4C to Ki',c with the cloee nervous Vi'V- up at RSc. Unsettled weather weakened corn except at tlmen when strength of wheat had over powering effect. May fluctuated between 4i''kiti 50c . closing steudy Ntfe down at 4!c. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow finished at SOVic. Oats for a while advanced because of e.iMlcrn purchase at Interior Illinois cittfw. Mav varied from 31'4c to 3'J'to and closed iv off at 31',tc. Packers took the buying side In pro visions, and partly offset the effect of a liberal ca-sh run of hogs. In the end pork wss 2c higher to l-ic down, with lard and rilm to 7'(;o up . Price In Chicago fjrnlshed hy the Up dike Orsln company. Telephone Douglas 24.3. 708 Brandeis building, Omaha: Articles. I Oren. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y., obeat-' I I t t May... fWHWI' M 87 1 Mm88'4!2s Julv... srWsti'MSfiW'SS',; s: w Sept... W,il ! 8l 80SI S5.86t,Q C- n - ' 1 I May... '48 Wl 50 48TI 4 49H94 STcJ.iviiniHS ALLAN LINE Plcturesuue Bt. Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailing from MONTKEAl 1U l.iVtnt'OUL, GLASGOW MONTREAL TO LONDON, Havre. Fraao Fortnightly troui PHILAUEU'HIA and Boston to Glasgow. bplenUiu svur, etiortesi passage, low rate. Any local Agent, or ALLAN Ac CO., Ouooral Agent. 14 Jauksoo Blvd., Chicago. ANCHOR LINK STEAMS H IPs NEW YORK. LONDONUERUI AMU GLASGOW. NEW YORK AM) NAPLES DIRECT, tingle or Hound Trip Tickets between New Voik and Bcoich. ACngiiu. Irub and ail principal Continental point al attractive tales, bend lor iioou uf inloi mation. bupeiiur Accuiuniudatloiia, Excellent Cui sine. Apply Promptly for Reservation to .oca 1 agent of Anchor Liae or H&NDiCK feoN bKob. Ganviai Aaent. Chicago. 111. SUMMER RESORTS FOR SALE New cottage, a rooms and batli. with modem plumbing. 1 tinning spring water and complete newer stem , lot MiIJ,i fert. facinx either hlie lake or I.ake Michigan at 8lvan Beach. White Lake. Mull., I-1) iinU-a Uur nortneast of 1 iiu agu: no finrr summer reaJi t pi uiei iv anv here. Send ,our name and addrcxs to (A Nl- It. 6U Maole Ae.. Oak Park. 111., who will mail you a .-iase llluetialed brochiue of Sylvan lliac.h. WANTED 10 RENT F1VK or nx ro.iin lurnlshed cottage wltu yard. iei. t'ouglas 1MV. KKKINEU couple with a 4 year-old girl Want three or four unfurnished moms wiiii exuuisile, Intelligent people residing in lirl ciasa Iwation near business du ll id. Auuress ti OiuaUa we. LIST your houaes and flat with us for rent; we get renuita. F. L. SVrad. lie'l FARNAM. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICK OF Quarii iiiaeler, tiiuiit April , THE CONSTRICTINO Foil l. A. Kuaaell. Wyo lfH. rieaird proposals, ill be received at this office triplicate, will ..nul 30 o ckK'4 a. m.. mountain time. Monday. May s, lull, al wnicu lime they will he opened In public, for construction of approximately lue following eetimated uuaniities of uialn: 3.1 lineal fet of 4- Inch S (J. it. pipe and epecials. 2.MX) lineal fiet of 6-lncli S. ('. tit. pipe and specials etui meniioie.i. Plain, si'rciricatlons and Ktueial iiisii ucili ni lo bidders are on file in tin uirive and also In the office of the t hief Wuartei nisater. Department of the MiHMouii. email. Nebraska. Chief (juar lei ma.iter. 1 'epaitiiietii of Coloiado. Den ver, (.'oli'., and In the office of the secre tary of Huiliieis- Kxcuange. 8t. Paul. Mln nesn'a. Proposal blanks may be obtained Uh,i appHcailon lo tils office. The giv etnnient reserve the nghl lo .elect or ao rept any or ail hi. is or any part thereof, hnxelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Propo! for eonstruction of drain at Fort D A. Russell. V yo , to be opened May 8, lull." and addressed to F. 8 Aimxtirng. Csptaln and Quartermaster Ninth ( avairy, ( uiie'xucting (juarteruu ler. Fort Li. A. KusweU. sonun A40-a-iI-UM-4j l"fa vorablo la Wheat Toae Ufl4 ! July.. ."SOSES' if,iw,.u Hept... 6ISi M , Oats I I i 31' i .11 : I May.. Julv.. Bept.. Pork - Msy... July.., Lard - SIS' 1S! 31 , 81V.I "N 21H 15 00 14 ho TT7 7 HI 1 ) ! t n 7 J i 8T.fiT IS 70 14 77 7 r 7 0 I 0 a 4S ft !K 7 9e 1? On 14 80 7 77 7 117 T W 32 7 M 7 ! IB 12 14 67 : so 7 P2 7 7 I 42 100 7 90 IS 14 7 7o 7 85 7 K! m 7 W 7 S7 May.. July.. Bept... Ruik -Msy... Julv... Sept.. Cash quotation were a follow: FIXIL'K Slow; winter patents, (3.74 30; straights. lo..i"ti4 1); siirlng straights, at.ua 4 10; bakers, i Kl4.a6, spring patent, best hard, $.1 4iio.fi6 RYE No. 2, Wy92o. BARLEY Keed and mixing, 7090c; fair to choice malting, 31. 02m 1. 10. SEEDS Klax, .so. 1 southwestern, 12.43V No. 1 northwestern, lion's. Timothy, lll.'i 'U12II0. Clover, JISID. I'KOVISIONftMess pork, per bhl.. $1fi.75 iaiti.00. I ji rd . per 1W lbs., $7.7ntr7.77VI. Short ribs, sides ilooset. tCSifiS.2S; short clear sides (boxed 1. eS-VpsSi'. Total cleaisnces of wheat and flour were equal to ISjI.Oco bu. Primary receipts (two days) were 4P7.0H) bu.. compared with 3i. (i bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, :i rrs; corn, ilk cars, oats. 1H2 oars; hogs. 2I.O1O head. Chicago Cash Prices: Wheat. No. 3 red, WVy!; No. red, 8Tiic; No. 3 hard, 8S() KPo; No. 2 bard, 8T!jic; No. 1 northern spring. Vgil.01; No. 2 northern spring, Wcftl.uO; No. 3 spring, HOrflWc. Oat, No. 2 cash. 8mMlir; No. 3 white, Mtfas-Tnc; No. i white, 3-VAJc; standard, tlW'JVo. Carlot Receipts: Wheat, 26 cars; corn, 233 cars; oats, 124 car. Estimated Tomor row: Wheat, 36 cars; corn, 218 cars; oats, 182 car. BUTTER -Bteady; oreamerle. 1411210 ; dairies. Wtfiao. KjUS Steady ; receipt. 23.611 case; at mark, cases Included, 13ty514c; firsts, 15c, prime firsts, 16V!. C1IEEHE Unsettled; daisies, 1414Sc; twins, l-'iiftl.le; young Americas, lS-vt'lIc; long horns. 1.1-V( Ho. POTATOES-Weak; choice to fancy, 6S1 6c: fair to good. Boftfric. POULTRY Weak; turkev. dressed, 19c; fowls, alive, 15c; springs, dressed, lc. VEAL eady; 60 to 60-pound weights. 6&r7c; 60 to S.Vpound weighU, S3!c; 8i to 110-pound weight. DHfflOc. NBW YORK GENERAL MARKET taota4lon of the Par Varloa Commodities. NEW TORK, April 12. FLOUR Bteady ; spring patents, 4. ..vji'&.OB; winter riraignis 6i'(i3.ii; winter patents. $4.We4.40; spring clear, S2.7iKH.0O; winter extras, No. 1, S3.2o fea.40; winter extras. No. I 13.053.15; Kan sas straights, S4.KV.7-l.2fi. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 4.4Oy4.50; choice to fancy, S4.55iiM.80. COPNMEAL-Stead v: fine white and yel low. $l.J53'1.20; coarse, Sl.lOl.lo; kiln dried, 12. SO. WHEAT Kpot market easy; No. 2 red, P8'ic, elevator, and 947c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duiuth, S1.06. f. o. b., afloat. Futures market was nervous and Irregular. Price declined early on favor able crop news and weakness abroad, ral lied on the sharp advance In May in Chi cago, but sold off late under ' general liquidation, closing at SUSiC net lower: May, 4141ic: closed, tM,c; July. S:" KCc; closed, ITJc; September, closed at Slii-V-. Receipts, til.200 bu.; shipments, none. CORN Spot market steady; export No. 2. 5iiMC. f. o. b., afloat, Futurea market was without transactions at 7i0 net lower. May closed at Mtc Receipts, 46.000 bu.; shipments. J. 400 bu. OATS Spot market firm: standard, c; No. 2. 39V4C; No. 3. 38c; No. 4. 37Vc; fu tures market was without transactions, closing nominal. Receipt, 47,275 bu; ship ments, none. HA V Stead v, prime. fl.OMil.07t4; No. 1, SI 05; No. 2. Wc: No. S. 70080c. HIDES Steady ; Central America, 20c; Bogota. 22c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice 1910. fcV&'.'Oc: 1909. 18tt'21c; Pacific coast, 1W0, l!V&-'2c: 1909. H'&'lic. LEATHER Steady, hemlock first. 23 25c; seconds, 2Hyg23c; third. 1920c; re jects, Ifir(ii7c. PROVISIONS Pork easy; mess, tW.fMt 19.00: famllv. f 19 WVif'.'l.OO; short clears. S17.00 ft 18.50. Beef easy; mess. S13 50fr 14.00; family. fl6.0i&'15.50; beef hams, fct7.oixai29.00. Cut meats, stead v; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs Sll.00ffl2.60; pickled ham. S11.50W2.00. Lard, firm; middle west prime, S7.905ix.00: refined. hrely steady; continent, SS.55; South Amer ica, S35:, compound. Si.l2H'mI.37't. w TALLOW null; prima city, hgd., Bc; country. StWie. Bl'TTER Firm: creamery extras. 204c; second, 16W7C; held creamery specials, 194 fe20c; extras. 18Wc; first. 16ViiU17c; sec onds. 16HW6C: factory, current raake, firsts, 15'ic; seconds. 15c. CHEESE Steady ; un c h a n ged . EtSOS Irregular; fresh gathered, selected extras, ISfilStc; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1. liVolS'ie: No. 2. I4lil4'c: southern duck eggs. 26'fi.c: western. 30C(j35c. POULTRY Drexsed quiet; western fowls, liV17c; turkeys, lafa-'oc. , Corn aad Wheal Itrgloa Balletla. Record for the twenty-four hours ending bzVat 8 a. m. Wednesday. April 12, 1911: OMAHA JJ1STR1CT. Temp. Kain- Btallou. Max. Mln. tall Sky. ' Cloudy Ashland, Neb 74 Auburn. Neb 73 Columbus. Neb... 72 Culbertson, Neb.. 77 Falrbury. Neb... i"5 Fairmont. Neb... 71 Gr. Island. Neb.. 77 HartinKton, Neb. 74 52 49 .00 .02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Cloudy 43 45 44 40 53 45 41 42 4K 50 4A 43 44 40 40 44 .19 4 Clouily Cloiiffr Clouay ' Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Raining Raining Clear cloudy Foggc Cloudy Cloudy Foggy Hastings. Neb.... Holdrege, Neb... No. Platte. Neb. Oakdale, Neb .10 .00 .00 .01 .04 .06 .00 .24 .69 .00 .14 .20 for 76 72 ,'7a , (iS A8 70 , 54 til 52 M 64 Omaha, Neb Tekamah. Neb.. Valentine, Neb Alia, la Carroll, la Clarlnda. Ia Slblev. la Sioux City, la.. Cloudy twelve-hour Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of , Temp. Rain fall. District.. Stations. .... 17 .... 20 Max. Mln. Columbus. O Louisville. Ky.... Indianapolis, lnd Chicago. Ill 64 44 .40 611 46 .7u 64 44 .50 1 62 42 .20'' 56 4 .20 66 42 .it SS 3H .SO 74 4 .10 70 44 .30 11 26 Kt. l.ouli. Mo r. !es Moines, la 17 Minneapolis. Minn. :" Kansas City. Mo.. 24 Omaha. Neb 21 The weather Is warmer throughout the corn and wheat region, except that tem peratures are slightly lower in North Da kota. Moderate, but well distributed rains occurred In all districts within the last twent -four hours. Rains in excex of one inch occurred at the following stations: Hardstown. Ky., 1.10 Inches- t :reenburg, 1 Ky., 1 0 Inches l... A. XV KI.CII local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. Kansas Clly rtu and Provlsloaa. KANSAS CITY. April 12. WHEAT May, M'sc; July. M1'. bid. Hepfmher, 80T'all. hid; cash stead : No. 3 hard. 8,V(4t4c; No. 3. i-'iiv-'c: No 2 red. n;i'"-c. No. 3. 6iac I I'IIHX-M!, 47Vit47'4C. sellers; July, is'vc. bid: Keptember. 4H7s1' bid; casn unchanged; No. 2 mixed. 47c; No. 3 46'f'n 4t.1c; No. 2 white. 4;'a4i'c; No. 3, 4vi-r lo'j;. 1 (lA'i S I nchiinu'd; No. 2 white. Srg.U-nc; No. ? mixed. 3o,i3lc. ! It V 1' No. 2. TiiiTlK!. j II A V SleaiL ; 1 lio.ie timothy, $14 .Oofflltf; ' choice I'ranie $12 bun 13 00 j Hl'TTKK -Crt anicry, Mc: firsts, 17c; ee-j ends, lc; packing stock. 12'jc. 1 i:ti(.S-Kxlras, 10Sc; filets. 14S? j Receipts, hhipnients. Wheat, hu ?'." 57 ( I Corn. Ixi S4.("i &!.( ' Oats, bu 2,(OI 2.(i"0i Mlaneapolt Oral Market, MINNE POI.IS, April 12 -WHrlAT- Mav, M4p; July, Wsc; Sepleinher, Sa'nc; VSI.II, U. 1 I 111 I U l . . iivii liici n. ' No. 2 northern, Massive; No. 2. KliltMA.o. FLAX loosed at $2 53. t OKN No. 1 ellow 4$t949c. A I S--o. s wnue. .s-jdJi. I K K No. 2. My . HHAN-ln lOu-lb. sacks. $31 .aoipM 00. H LOl R First talents. $4 4 vtiH.T. eecond patents. II 3.Vy4 6.'.; first dear, 9!VM.4U; enond clears, $1 9u2-6U. i - Philadelphia Pmilare Market. j PIMLADKLPHI A. April 1? -BI TTF.R 8tead : extra eestern creamery, 2j(c;i extra nearby prims. 4c K( i(S hlrm ; Pennsylvania and other I real b' firsts, free caaee, $S 6 per case;j peiiiisyl( aula and other nearby current re-I reipts. free asee. $5 M per case; western firsts, free run, $. ij per cae; wesinrn current reielnts.' free cases, f 10 per case.! OHEKSK-Steady; New York full creams, ' fanc September, 131) 13V. fair to good, i:oi:v- rtelalsi 4. rata Market. . Pl'MTH April 11 WHEAT N 1 north ern. sHtc No ! northern. 91Vr4c; May, tlc, Jul, txS0i gepLsmbe. 9ves. lirUF VhTlV nTftfiVP I im PftTTn nr,l llir IU(l Allll millU i Speculation in Stocks All Bat Sus pended During; Day. ACCOUNTS EVENED UP FOR EASTER Bond Market Aaala Helatl-re-ly Mai Active Thaa Stock Market Abaadaane of Cheap .Money Main Factor. NPW YCHRK. April 12 Speculation in stocks was all but suspended today and prices barely changed. Almost the only business done consisted of the evening up of accounts In preparation for the EKster holidays. In advance of which traders did not deeire to embark upon fresh ventures. Pennsylvsnia was one of the few slocks ahlch displayed anv activity. It broke nearly a point when the new came that the directors had arranged definitelv for a 10 per cent allottment to shareholders. This offering will be the first In several years to he made direct to the stockhold ers Instead of to underwriter syndicates. 1 he last previous offering direct io share holders met with Indifferent success and trailers, in view of this fact, interpreted today's offering as a bearish factor. Mis souri Pacific, which broke with Pennsyl vania, rallied before the close and ended !'ir w1ln """"ht gain. More -ttinn lOO.flofl shares of this stock have been sold In the last fortnight and the otirce of the liquidation remain a puule. The Febru ary report of the mad show that while gross earnings fell off $177,000 th shrink 5Vn " earning" was kept down to ,, 000 by reason of th reduction of operating expenses. The weekrjr review of the Iron trade In dicated that In point of new business the markets for finished materials and for pig Iron have been quieter than in any other week since January. The bond market was again relatively ,n.or active than the stock market. The abundance of cheap monev Is the main factor In maintaining a moderate demand for bonds, which Is expressed In private sales each day, as well as In the sus tained volume of trading on the exchange. liort-tltne money was somewhat eam The banks continued to gain on the di rect Interior movement, but sustained a rurther loss In their operations with the siihtrexsury. Honds wer Irregular. Total sales, pax isliie. 2.276.000. United Plates bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sale and leading quotation tn stocks were as follows: Sales High. Low. Ci. AIII-(-nimrs pM .. 2e 1,690 iVs 41S J I 1 7'l 1.50 43 424j 43U s 100 Mlt S3 O0 67 Vt 17 R7 M 100 ll M(i 101, 10" MH -, S, 1100 74 73 W 7', 1 40 44 414 44 llSH 400 1464 14I4, H.S4, 7 800 34H, 4 HI", 10(1 171, 7l, J7'., no lmn, 101 101114 io;i it'., 100 in4 io(i4 inf,i 100 .13 S3 33 100 77 774 774, 1.300 I'4 S2IIS 100 3 IS l 100 XI PI S7 00 m 10 n4 30 100 II it 11 Hit, 1.500 iso4 ijo m r 10 10'4 to4 .io4 M', Line 144 14.74, 100 U'A 144 14 130 8044 a 300 35', 34S 341, l.loo 134 ; 4714 7e inn UW114 itei, 1014 00 11414 124 124 rot 43 4144 24 400 137 13V I3S 300 it ma, it-, 300 t34i (14 63'a US' 17 too H S S SH'4 14 84 44 100 lotv, 10214 l(l!H 100 14444 144H 1' it 1,700 144 144', 31 7 10.400 44 47H JOfl 154V4 1J 134 52H ' f.2N I.314 35 son io4 io 10s 3O0 4 41'4 414 l.:0) 107 '4 10-4 10744 100 71 71', 71 400 12414 123H 124 14 300 12STw m4 136 600 104'4 10314 103-4 00 5 M 05 100 31 31 2114 1"0 32 32 s; 100 140 10 16 3tV 15,400 lSo(4 1544 1644 35 II oo lH n M 100 41 41 41 , 3 M 100 624, 6?'4 62 1.0O0 116S 11474 II6V4 100 4 24'4 100 43 '4 41'., 43 300 3 34 3644 100 17 87 27 100 1'4 144 500 44', 44 46 .700 17S 175'4 174H too 0.14 'H 100 II 73 I214 400 41 '4 414 41 0,700 7714 7ti 77 1UH4 100 44 44 434 1.600 44 6'4 6t 1 140 37 17 "4 374 4 4"! i: 600 173(4 17S14 1734 AmMlnamated Copper American Aertttiltural Am. Beet Sugar American Can Amnrlran C. F" Am. Oitton Oil American H. aV L pfd Am. Io securities American Llneteil American lcomrllT4 American 8. at R Am. a. A R. pfd Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Refining. ....... American T. T America" Tohacoo pfd Anierln Woolen Anaconda Mining O Atchifton Atchtnon pfd Atlantlo Oaet Uoe Ilalllmor, A Ohio Hetnicnem Steel Brooklrn Rnpld Tr Canadian Parlflc Ontral Ijeatlier Ontre! Iwither nfd (Vntral of N. J Chenapeake aV Ohio nilcego A Alton (Virago Q. w., new... C. G. W. pfd fTilrago A N. W C, M. ic t. P r.. a, a & Bt. l. Colorado V. A I Colorado eV Southern Vineoltdaled Oaa P. . Onrn Products Pelaware A Hurl ton Denver A Rio Grande t. aV R. 0. pfd IXetllleri' Securities Brie Brie 1st pfd Brie Sd pfd General Electfio Great Northern pfd, ei-dlv Greet Northern Ore etfe.... Illinois (Vntral Interhorough Met. Int. Met. pfd International Harreater .... Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Klnaee City 80 K. C 80. pfd Laclede Gaa LiulsTllle Nathrllle Minn. A St Louie M., St. P. A 8. 8. M M., X. A T M-. K. A T. pfd M'numirt Pacific National Rlacult National Lnad N. R R. of M. !d pfd CN'ew York Central N. Y , O. W Norfolk & Weetern North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennvylvanla People'a ae P., C. C. it. L ! PUtaburg (Vial j Preaaed Btrel Car I Pullman Palace Car....' I Railway Steel Spring I Reading irtrpurlto RteH (Republic Steel pfd I I lock laland do !Rnck Ulend Co. pfd St. L A 8. F. 2d pfd St. Louie 8. W 1 St. L 8. W. pfd Sloea-Sheffleld 8. A I southern Pacific Southern Railway Bo. Hallway pfd Tennenie ( 'opper iTexaa A Paclflo i T., St. L. A W 1 T . Rt. L A W. pfd I tTnlon Pacific I I nloti Pacific pfd I t'nlted gtatra Realty j t'nlted States Rubber t'nlted Statee Steel t'. 8. 8tevl pfd I'tab Copper I Va. -Carolina Chemical 1 w train Wabash pfd Western Maryland Wettlnghouse Rlectrlc Wratern tnlon Wheeling A L B lyehlgh Valley Total sales for th day, 104,31)0 shares. Vnilr Uiif Msrket. 1-1... rnnir a,.,n to Mn Vfc-vfin .I1 ..I.h... n.rn-LL ..-r nc nilim rat. .!. per cent: closing bid. 2 per cent; offered st 21- i,-r ram. Time loans: easv: sixty day. 2V(J21 ler arm; ninety da. 2V per cent: six months. 3 tier cent. 1.LI n D- Kl L'UI A VTI I V CJPFR-H.'nll. h cm STFRl'lNO EXCHANGE Firm, wtlh ao- .....I In K.nli.ra' hllla St 14 K41.1 f,.r .ivtv-riav hill, and at 463i for de- mand. Commercial bills. $4.331. S1LVKR Htar. 6i'c; Mexican dollars. 4fio. BONDS (io eminent : steady : railroad Ir- reKiilar. I'losinir nuotatlona on bond today wera a follows: I'. 4. rat. 2a rag. ...wit itn. mm. 191'iii.j. ...ini-4 Int. M. al .4ea t.4. I HA V Firm; timothy. $15.00fi'20.O0; prairie, ... I'll S Japan 4a 44 f 12 iKVa 16 .00. ...Hila do IM I'PtiVISION'S Pork unchanged: lohblna- do coupon II. a ri do L-ojpon V. S 4a. res. do coupon Allia-Clisi. 1st la.... em. A, ns Am T A T. rr. 4s Am Tobacco 4a do 4a Armour A ( o. '. . At'hisoa gen. 4a do ce. 4a do cv. la A C 1 lal 4e Hal. 4 Ohio 4a do t(a d.i 4 W. fa Hnwk. Tr. cv. 4s... eon. of Os &s iib leatlier 6a H4 K. C. to. 1st ...... MS 11.1'.. 1. B. deb. 4s 1 13 1 s.l Ii l.. A N. unl. 4a 44VX ' M K. A T. 1st 4s.. 1014 do sen. 4'a. 4 ,g n, Mo Pariflr (a 771 .!(. N K. K. ot M 4s 121, . ) N Y. ( . Ivss s . wy1 du im- - 10S(, N. T.. N. m a .U'"4 e1- 4e . M4 N. A W. 1st e. 4s . " . 4 . s?S Ascitic 4s . 40-t do le . M't ). S L. rtd 4s. .In Pano. (-v. I'ks llila i. do eos. 4s .IIJ'4 .I'lTli . . lot ! .lit' 10? C. of N. i 4 aa.... ( i. . enm lsa ., . do rat. 4a a, hi.aao A I1 1 (.'. B i U 1. 4s.... i do 4n I- M A P I l .l'JJ4 Resdlng sen. 4s 7'4 .UMi'sBt. u a a. r. It 4s. i , . vS's do gen. la is .as Bt U 8 W c. 4e .. 71 . 4'. 'do 1st soil 4s .... ll'i . !', 4 A. L. 4s 77-, is 4' ''" col. ts !, I. T( do iv. 4s giv . Id3, do 11 re' 4s ir.', . ; 8o luil.it is i"S . 41 do an. 4s 71 I'. II. I. P. c. 4a ! do rl 4a Colo. lnd. aa I ei 0io Mid. 4a If 8 r 4k e 4 ll H rt. 4a .... l A K. O. 4a I do ret is i TVnlllera' , grla I. 4s SI diiu Pai ltlc 4a lf' Ma do cv 4a. Iil0f I - Rubber 4a H.i li I' 9 Steel Id 6a. ...ll'.S T. a. -Care. t hem. ls .l"T 11 wsoasn 1st os .: i" do 1st A e. 4s ... 4s 7l't Wsstern atld. 4s S4S 71 l, west. Klae i. le .. I'.'s US', l it. Ontral 4s . ... (1 H s Mo. Pee. c. Is 44 do 4n do cv. 4s. sar. A . do sories B Cun r:ia-. i-v la... 111. (en. 1st ret 4s New YorU lllalsg HsiUs. NEW YORK. April 12 Closing quotations on mining stocks ere: I. title Chief -. All, Com Tunnel stock do tK.riU .... ros ( si. A Vs.... Horn gilse Iron Slter Iesdvllls (on ... uttared. .. M . in ..11" .. It ..lie .. 4 M.il sn pmsnu (Ttilr rrandard . . .. 7sllo jacks! . .'. . il t . . l4 ..100 .. 40 IssJos tinest Market. LONDON. AprU U- Arrisrlran eunti44 .'opened nuiet and about unchanged todsv. During the first home tnHn Pacini- was firm and active anl gained a full point. The rest of the llrt silvenced In ympathv, and at noon prices ranged from to a point higher than yesterday a New York closing. ( onaoln. money, do sciwmnl.... 1 15-14 ueulevilie W 11 II h 1 M.. K. T ... , N. T. central .14 ... 7', Norfolk W 1!0e ...lll' do pfd l ... io-.', Ontario W J'i Amal Coprer Anaconda Atchlecn do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Paclhe Cheeepeeke A O. . . Chicago (. w Chi . Mil. A St. P. Pe Beerw. Iener A Rio O... do pfd Brie do let pfd do td pfd Grand Trunk lllnols Cent -el .tn Pnnerlanla ( .21!i Rand Mines . a.' Radlng T'i . Zi Sniitbem Ry .124 do pfd U . lS8onthern Peclflo 11H . 1 t nlon Pacific ln . Tl do pfd ' . t" V. 8. Steel 7!4j . do pfd ms . H Waheah l"'i . WH do pfd V .141W Spanlati 4a M Kx-oiviilenrl. 81 LV EH-Fsr. steady at 24 8-ld per o. MONEY per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills Is 2 per cent. I.oeal gecerltles. Quotations furnished by Rurn. Rrlnker Co., 448 New Omaha National bank build ing: . Asd ai (tvt a', 4 . ims im 10514 loss tH su4 124 Iff. Wj 100 M jfn M M s4j ion ; I"" . M n 4 n 10 Wis 7H 4 M M 4 Cnlrago Raster Illinois 4s, ISM. Colorado Tol Co. 7 per cent Cedthy Packing CV. e 1W4 CJilceeo Rtllwsy Ha. 1W7 .... ( Ity of Omaha School 4 Ha. 1M1 Cltr of Omaha 4V,s. 1931 Peneer Oaa A Else. f. 1M Dempster Mill Mfg Co stock Fairmont Oeamwry 1st guar. . Fairmont Creamery pfd. 1 p. e Kansas Ctty stock Yards stock Kenans Vy Oee Is. inn N. T. Central notes. Oinahe Water fce. 1W Omaha as ('. B. St. Ry. h. 1IU... Omaha A C. B. St. Ry pfd., t p. Omaha A C. B. R. A B Omaha E. L. pfd. I p. 0 Pacinc T. A T. &s, 13! Portlsnd 13. AC is. 109 Set tile Blectrio 6e. 1K Union Stock Tarda stook Boston Slocks and Roads. BOSTON, April 12. ("losing quotations on slocks were as follows: Aliouei Amsl. Copper ... A- 14. L & 8.... Arlrona Com. ... Atlantlo B. A C. C. A 8. Butt Coalition . Cel. A Actfona. M Mohawk . . 17', . I04 . 17', . k . 37 .101 . ll'i . 7'4 . 10 . 3.1 , I , 14 . 8 . 14 46 . 13 . 43V4 . .110 2 Nevada Con. ... 14 Nlpiselng Mines 1BH North Butte .... S North Lako M.. HVj Old Dominion ... 17 OKceola 4S4 Parrott 8. A C. (el. & llecla 4Wi Qulnr Centennial Copper Range (1 C. Kart Putts C. M ... Franklin Olroua ('on Gran by Con Greene Cananea lele Boyalle Copper. Kerr I.ake lake Copper . La Helle (pper Miami (Copper Asked. ll'i Khsnnon 40'x buperlor 114 Superior & B. HuperloT A P, M.. C... 64 Tamaraf-k 0 V. 8. 8. R. A M.. 4 do pfd 12 tub con. 6v 1 tah Copper Co. II WfnooA 4 'Wolverine II Rank Clearings. OMAHA, April 12. Bank clearings for to day were JJ.414.4S1. 17 and for tn corre sponding date last year S.l.litt.WS.os. OMAHA WHOI.K.1AI.IJ PRICES. BUTTER CreaiBi, No. 1. dllvertd to the retail trade In 1-lb carton, lx, No. i. In 0-lb. tubs, 21c; No. 2, In 1-lb. car tons, 21c; packing slock, solid pack, 12c; uairy, in 60-1 b. tuba, 14o,16c. Aiaiket change every Tuesday. CHKESti i wins. 14S15Hc; Young Ameri cas. i;loc: daisies, lbc; triplet. 16c; lim brger, 18c; No. 1 brick, lbc; Imported owihs. 8ic; Uoraestlc Swiss, iici bloug en lee. inc. POULTRY Oresed broiler, under t lb., lu.uu per do.; hens, lie; cock. 11c; ducks. 16c; geee. lie; turke. Kbc; pigeon, per uox.. tl.-u; homer squab, per do., 4.W, fancy squabs, per dog., $3-00; No. 1. per doi., 3.vv. Alive: Broilers. He. 1 to I'm lbs., and 14 10 2 lbs., 20c; sniooin leg. 14c; hens, 12s,c; Ktaga, 10c; old roosters, lo; old duck, full feathered, U'c; geese, full leathered, 64c; turkey. 14c; guinea fowl, oic each; pigeon, per do-, ouc; homer, per aos., 4.U0; squabs, No. 1, Pr do., 1.W; No. 2, per do., bOc; capons, oyer i lbs., 14c; old turkeys, ldc FISH tall frosen; Pickerel, 6c; whit. 7 lUv; pike, Dc; trout, 11c; large crapples, UO 16c; tipanlsn mackerel, lc; eel, lHc; had dock, 13c; flounders, Uc; green catfish, lbc; rue shad, ova each; sliad roe, per pair, uac; frog legs, per do., &m; avluon, sc; haUi uut. kc; herring, u4a FRUITS Apple, Washington, Mo. Pippin, Vik tier, per box, l-l.&u; Washington Hed-cheek Pippin, 61-b4-0-112 utes, per box, (i.(M); V aahlngton (Janoa. per box, 2.W. Banannas, fancy select, per bunch, J.aa2.oO; Jumbo, bunch, i."o'ai.'ia. Dates, Anchor brand, new 30 1-lb. pkg. In boxes, per box, t-.w, bulk In 70-lb. boxes., trVkc. Fig. Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., 16c; o crown, per lb., 14o; 4-crown, per lb., 13c. Urape fruit, Florida, 46-64-64-au sixes, per box, M.00; choice stock, 26c less. Lemons, Llmoneira brand, extra fancy, 300-3ti0 sites per box, Sl.do; fancy, 3W-3M) size, per box, 34.00. J40 alse, 6jc per box less. Oranges, Camelia iledland navels, all sizes, per box, $3.23; tancy. nuvels, Nu-W-lui sizes, $2.tk; liO and smaller sizes. $3.00. Btrawberrles. Louisiana, per 24-pint case, $2.7. ViiUL TABLES Bean, string and wax, ner haniDer. $3.f)044.50., Beets, per bu.. 7bc. Cabbage. New York, per lb., 2c. Carrol, per lb., 2c. Celery, California Jumbo, par doz. bunches, K5c. Cucumbers, hot house, tVb and 2 dui. "In box, per doz.. J2.00. Kgg plant, fancy Florida, per dux., !2.0u. Gallic, xtra fancy, white, per lb., lie. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dot., 45c. Onion, Indiana white, per lb., 3Sc. Onion Sets, white, per bu., 33 lb., $1.75; yellow, per bu.. 32 lb., red, per bu., 32 lbs., $1.60. Parsley, fancy southern. per dox. bunches, t0l6nc. Parsnips, per lbs. Jc. Potatoes. early Ohio seed, sand oil, In savks, per bu., $1.10; . Genuine Bed River E. Ohio seed, per bu., $1.36; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per ou., 86c; Colorado, per bu., $1.00. Rutabagas, per lb., IV4C. Tomatoes. Florida, per 6-basket crate. fancy. 2.00(fc2.2j; choice, $1.75. Turnips, per bu., 76c. Ml SCELLANKOUS Almonds, California oft shell, per lb., Ike; In sack lots, lc lea. Brazil nuts, per lb., 13c; In sack lot, lo lea. Cocoanuts, per sack, $5.00; per do., 76c. Filberts, per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lo less. Hickory nuts, large, per lb., 5c; small, per lb., 6c. Peanuts, roasted, per lb., 8c; raw, per lb., b'-iu. Pecans, large, per lb., 16c; In sack lots, lc less. Walnuts, black, per lb.. 2'ic: California, per lb., lo; In Back lot, lc less. Cider, New York, Mott's per bbl., $6.76. Honey, new, 24 frame. $3.76. 4. I.ools General Market ST. inCIS. April 12 WH E AT Fut ures lower; May. SS'tc: July. icL cash steady; tracR. ino. 2 red, wowc; .-no. i hard, oB.o CORN-IOwer; May. 4M,c; July, 4!ivtf 4'c; casn nigner; tracK. -o. 3, 4iis,c; No. 1 2 White. 4NVU'j(1C. OATS Higher; May, Me: July, SH4c. Cash. Ptronger; track, No. 2, J2c; No. 2 White. 33WC H V 13 1'nchanged, Me. FLOCR Dull ; red winter patents, $4.2M extra fancy and straight, a3.6uOj4.10 hard winter clear. I2.70rfi3.x. SEED Timothy, $6.009.60. t OK.N.MhAl, S2.40. I BRAN Higher, sacked east track, $1.13 l $vi.t. Lard, higher; prime steam. r.7o7.. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxel extra short, U2'j: clear rlbe, $S.12'i; short clears, S RT'. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shortM, $9.7n; clettr ribs, $9.76; short dears. V 6T1-.. POCLTRY Easier; chicken. 13,!; springs 17c; turkey. KftlKc; ducks. 14c; geeee. 6c. BCTTER Pteady ; creamery. lSV522c. F.CiG! Oulet: imc. Receipts. Shipments ll'i" Mnur. 1'1'ls. Wheat, bu. . 7.201 S7.4 21,600 39 S'SI ; 37.200. I Corn. bu. Oats. bu. .. b4."OJ 16.0X) Cotlom Market. I NEW YORK, April 12. -COTTON Spot closed quiet. 6 point lower, middling up- ' lands. 14 il' : middling gulf, 14 90c: no sale. I BT. LOCI. pnl 12 -COTTON' Market uncharged; middling. H'sO. Sale. 46 bale; (receipts. 7 612 hales; shlupments, 1.812 bales; 1 stock, 30.716 bales. Stm York cotton market a furnished by Logaa Bryan, members of New York Cotton exchange, 115 Booth Sixteenth street: Month. I Open. I High. liw. Close ! Ys y. Mav July Aug. Oct. 14 57 11 S4 14 IS 12 43 14 60 14 T.S I 14 IS f 14 S. ' ! 14 61 I 14 44 14 04 14 76 J H M ' 14 r.i ! 14 11 I 12 1 14 a 14 64 li 14 VI S2 Coffee Market. NKW Y( RK. April 12 COFFBK Futures closed steady al a net aiicmicw of i?i-i point .'ales were reported of .13.2.VA haae Closing hid Ap'-tl. May. 9'W-. June. Jul, lOOic: August. 9 i4'". Sei lember, i.v'.c; lie. toher. 9 74c; Nernl'er, iT'-c. D.-ceinl.er. v. January. 9i"'. Feorusj-i . "; March V,. -l"'t cnCf-e. i"iet; No 7 Hio. lie: No 4 Santos. U'.iilic. Mi.d. quiet; Cor dova, US.V-io nominal OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Show Little Change Compared with Tuesday. BREAK IN HOG PRICES HALTED Sheep and l.amlMs, (litslle sf s4 Few aales. Are Tea Fifteen Lower Thaa TtjesMlar' Msrket. I BOVTH OMAHA. April 12. Wl. Recelptn wpie: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. urricial Monday 4.& 4.817 Official Tuesday 7.107 13.6M 6.1.9 ,0J0 Kaulmate Wednesday.... $.) ll.JuO Three day this week. .15.07. Same day last week . . . 10.4W1 cm day 2 week ago. 16.790 name days S week ago.li.4ftl Same days 4 weeks ago.17.Kto Same daa last year. ...17.316 a. lis as.M A tvi7 21.70 40.596 r,631 31. 462 It 2 23.217 So.625 U.I40 The following taule snows tbe receipt or cattle, nogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date a compared with last year: 13'1 ilu In.. Cattle S'lMW 21, 8S0 20.93 Hog 7'B.2u7 3b.u 61. 141 Sheep 604.41 431, U4 77.3S1 'the following table iiom the rang ot prices on hog at r.outh Omaha for the laM several day, with comparisons: Date, j 1911. in0.UIMB.1908.laX7.19OII.19(X. 27U t 71 t 17) 6 471 IN Hi 1(10 0 6 74 4l' il 6 21 (22 110 42. f 76 46; 21; i Ai f 214j'l0 81 6 70, I 464 ill 6 !' IZ-10 ln fv 6 2 I tH 6 26 I llUlO 16 I 90) 74 S li 1 26 10 16 f 93) 6 74 32 , R 94 I I 6 6 nil 6 Jt, ( T t i 5 OR 10 B I 6 72) 42! U 6 2S 6 m! 9 7i 99 I 42; M t 31 Sundav. Receipts and dlanoaitlon of llv tock at the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, ior twenty-tour hour ending at I o clock jesterday; RECFIPTP. CatUa. Hog. Shewp. H"r"a. M. es Rt. P.... S Wabaxh . 1 46 4 46 16 2 41 t 4 4 Misaourl Pacific ... Union Pacltlc 1 16 1 C. A N. W. (east 1. A N. W. (o'Wti. C. St. P., M. O. .'.. H. A Q. (east).. B. B. R. Ai g. (weeitl... 23 10 1. & P. leaat) 1. & P. (west) R- Illinois Central $ C U. W 1 Total receipt ..1S7 M DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. April ... April 4... April 6... April I... April 7... April $... April 9... April 10.. . April 11.. April 12.. Omaha Pkg. Co 470 1.911 ri Swift and Company 660 2,822 1.421 Cudahy Pkg. Co LlAs $.212 L769 Armour & Co 476 2,90 78 Schwartachlld & S. 96 Murphy 914 Morrell 41 Hill & Son 96 .... F. B. Lewis 17 Huston St Co 30 .... ... J. It. Root fc Co 36 J. H. Bulla .'. 26 L. Wolf 63 ..... MoCreary e Carey 23 H. F. Hamilton 6 Lehmer Bros 7 Lee Rothschild 31 Mo. & Kana.-calf. Co... 3 ('line & Christy 1 Other buyer $31 636 Total 8,790 11.769 4.0M CATTLE- Reoeipt looked imall today, being a little more than half as large aa yesterday. Still the total for th three day foots up 16.000 head, or 6,1) head larger than for the same day last week. The run falls short of the corresponding day of last year by over 2.000 head. The market was largely supplied with beef steer again today, there being only a moderate showing of butcher slock and very little in tli way of feeding cattle. A was th cas yesterday stock cattl and feeder were the first to sell, but there were really not enough of that claaa of cattle In the yard to make a showing or to really establish prices. Th country demand continues very moderate, but aa o few cattle are coming steady price are maintained. With anything nke liberal re ceipt of feeder and a locker piioe would be very likely to ease off In ympathy with the break on fat cattle. Buyer of beef steer started out bidding price that wera lower and some cattle mav possibly have sold a little lower than yesterday, but a a rule buyer raised their hands a little and bought the cattl at about steady price. Btlll the trade wa very slow and dull and the feeling weak. There was a Uttl more life to the trad In cow and heifer than yesterday, due to the fact that receipt were light while there was a fair demand. Prices, however, did not show much change, being as a rule about steady. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. $6,104(41.30; fair to good beet steers. $i.cft6.10; common to fair beef ateers, $fi.2U '(.'. 60; good to choice cow and heifers, $i.iafi.70; fair to good cowg and heifers. $4.7.rn5.O0; common to fair cow and heifers. $3.2f,04.76; good to chotoe gtock. era and feeders. $.-..10&6.65: fair to good stocker and feeders, S.0Oa6.1O, common to fair Blockers and feeder, $4.2f.fJfi6.0O; stock heifers, $4.2&j6.26: veal calre, $4.0007.60; bulls, (tags, eo., $4 Mio.l6. Representative sale: BtKr h i anna. Ne. 10.... 14.... 14.,.. it.... to.... 11.... II.... 17.... 11.... 7... 11... 14... 11.... 41.... 1.... 14.... 17... 11.... 14.... Id 14.... II ... 11.... M.... 11.... 40.... 10.... 14.... 11.... tn.... II.... II.... II II.... 11.... to.... II.... 11... 11 ... . I.... to.... I.... tl.... 10.... il.... $.... i..., 1... I. ... 14.... I..., 4..., 4.... I..., 4... 14... 4. .. 17... I... II. .. t... At, .... 414 , . . . lusO .... Kl .... 171 .... 4; ,...inM ....1074 .... 41 ....mi ....lino lieu ....1044 ....1007 urn ...io4 ....1010 ....1111 ....1144 ...1100 1044 1044 ....in47 ....10M ....mi ....Ufcl ....1151 107 ....1104 ....11M ....log, ....1114 . . . . 10(17 ...l?o ....1071 ....1174 ....ini ....1K.7 Pr. No. At. rt. 11 1114 I 14 11... 1144 I 44 a... 1174 4 M 11 Hit I M II 1244 4 44 11 till 6 M 71 U10 9 44 14. 1141 4 M SS 1141 I 44 17 Wl 4 SO II 1141 I M to 11M I M II..... 11 US I 40 II 1111 I M 40 1X14 4 4 II .1111 I II , 44....' 1VH I 41 44 114 4 IS It 111 6 40 ) 1117 4 00 40 1174 4 00 11 11 4 no 14 1114 4 40 4 1041 I 4 41 UII I 04 17 1161 I 04 II KM I 04 41 111! 4 41 14. ID! 144 44 1471 4 14 4 1404 4 14 4 L?M I 14 tl Oil 4 14 44 101 I 14 14 1UI I II 10 lsll 4 II II 1114 4 14 D HEIFERS. IT TI4 4 44 4 1011 I 40 14 mi I 40 14 - Il I 44 14 1314 4 44 4 1011 I It II lilt I 44 W8. i nn 444 T 1147 I 00 H ltlt 4 00 4 474 4 40 I , 1014 4 10 14 ... .1144 4 00 14 .i....'104 I 40 101 I 01 14 t7 4 II 1 1211 I II 1141 I M 1 1411 I II il met I il to uttl 14 It .77.... 414 I 44 FK.R8. II 14 IH 11 IM I M I ao Ik I 4117 I 40 10 Tit I 10 10 100 I 10 41 Ill 4 T4 I 14 4 411 I 44 4 40 I 44 I SO 4 14 4 II 1 44 I 10 I 411 I 40 I HI 4 II t 16 I 44 I IH I 46 4 44 I 44 I 14 I , I 70 I 70 4 70 4 70 4 74 4 11 I 74 4 71 4 71 I TS I 7 I 10 I aa 4 W 4 40 11H4 I M 8TKERS ... I"! ... T41 ... Inl ...U7l ... 471 ... 4M ... 141 ... 6M I -0 I I v 1 II I 40 I 40 4 40 4 44 C t 10 4 I 4 10 4 71 4 74 4 40 4 14 4 II 4 M ... I4 ...101 ...1W1 ...11"! .. .1047 ...MO ...mi ...10S1 ... 121 ...17 .. . 74 ..ION) ..An; ...1114 ...nn ... 447 ... m ... 4"0 ... 44 ... ?n 74; ... 771 , . . . 4-14 ... 741 4 ! 4 IM 4 00 4 40 4 40 4 IK 4 M 1 1 F. 4 io I 40 4 ' 4 74 4 7. t 04 I 4 14 4 I I 10 , BULLS. 100 4 40 1 Ill I UM 4 1 14 4 00 1S40 4 1 1 tooo I 0 4 40 1 1400 I t If.. 4 11 I nn 4 04 1ST! 4 74 t 10 4 14 12KII 4 40 1 Hll 4 14 1071 4 Wl t I'll 1 UII 14 14 1117 I M CALVKS. .441 4 l 4 114 T 04 . 140 I nn 41 il T oa ,141 I nn 4 ia, T 14 . B4 I no I 14 7 tl . II I H 1 1 7 14 .111 11 I I'd 7 10 . 1 4 71 I 170 T Ml ,( I 10 1 ISO T Ml .11,0 T O0 1 144 I 44 .III T nn ICKFRK ANP FEKDFPf .111 4 74 It. 441 4 IS . 4MI I H It 4 " . 44 I 11 140 I II 7: 1 t uncK l.lvelv demand wa perhap 'he heat phase of hog tiaoe this morning. The inaiket started out raiher quietly, as re ceipts weie large and huyera more or tern ii, .urn full but moxement took on a mote h inted ai'pearance later. A clearama that an praitliallv con.pleie by 11 o clock te luited. bulk selling on a steady ha 1 CUuvf buina averaged sUoag to poai Mr a nickel Mrher No choice baron snlmals were available 1st, however, end the top price is relatively a low one be rsuse of this fart. Packers furnished order for the. big hulk, of course, and fullv 90 per cent of a 14rvir run told on a local killing account. In quiry from shlprr anfl speculator h4 a better tone tb4n rwently, but the de. mand from thla quarter Is still dlscrlmlnat. Ing. lights meeting with ususl preference Hog weighing around 2o0 pounds sold at or near $; . best quality offerlnss selling tip to 6 0f. Butcher grade ranged around $&... 90. and heavies brought $.i M . $s.7S and le, according to quality and srelght. Representative sales: No. At. . I ..tt ..III . .a4 ,.m . ,i:t . lot .411 ,104 ..114 . .Ill ..IU .101 .K) ..(. ..o . m . 140 ..7 . .M .lot FT. 4 Tl I Tl I T4 I 74 I 7 6 TS I Tl 4 Tl 6 71 I Tl I 11 I Tl I Tl 6 M I Tl 6 71 71 I 77 "4 T74 I Tli 771 I Id I an I 14 6 10 I ao I IS I M I 10 6 14 10 I IS 4 o 4 lo i I 10 4 10 I ID I 40 I 10 I K I In I 10 I M I Ml I Wl 4 M I Wl I le I so I wi I an 4 Ml I Ml 6 M I in I o 1 in I an I Ml I an I M(4 I IT'S, 6 (TV, 4 1 6 U 6 Ml I 14 I Ml I 111 N. It... u... TO... M .. ... ... 41... I .. 41... 4 .. T . .. Tl... !4... 1. .. 07... M .. 41... Tl .. 71 .. ... ... II... 11... Tl... ... ... 74... 71... ... II... Tl... It... ... 41... 4 .. T4... 44... 40... 7. .. 7... 44... J... as 4.. 1 M SO , 4.. a , M., M.. 44. , ..IS. ..Il ..2r.t . .144 . M4 ..! ..IT7 ..I4T .III . ttJ ..tst . Wl .1(4 ..JH .171 . !"l . . I IT . 1MI .141 .1(1 .."M . t!4 . . IM .1(1 . . 1.14 ..MO ISO . .Ill ..134 ..(. ..Ill . ,:i ..Jl . Ill ..141 . J .1(0 . 14T ..341 . 1J0 . .71 . Ill . ,2A0 ..o . ,H7 ..171 ..Ml ..Ml I 14 I I 1 I f. I U 4 I u I 1 I I 5 I 4o I r, I U I H 5 er, I I 4.S I V. I IS 1 .( I 44 I I I i I Ml I tf, I n I lo I S 4 40 I 44 I Wl I n I )n I n r. 0 I in 4 eo 1 n h w I Wl l h 91 1 n I n I so 1 wi I o I II I (', i :-t I I l 1 4 1 (. b h I 47', I 7', I on 4 on l nn I on 4 on I no 4 no I on I on I nn I 04 4 as I I 04 41 . .. II.. to.. 44.. 1 . so, . M.. 114.. an . M . (4.. 41.. 71.. K . . 44.. e.. tl.. St.. t . . M . tl.. 44. . 1.. .: . EA4 .IM .111 n i .441 14.. II.. . . av. . . 40. . 44.. .. .12 111 .174 ... 6 10 17 JJO in .171 40 m si 22 an .Mi7 ... I m J in io .141 T 400 I Ml 10 n ... I Ml 47. .134 ... I Ml II .111 ... 4 M II. , .I'M 40 I Ml Tl., .WH ... 4 n Tl . 140 an . in 140 n 10 t.. 40.. 71.. Tl.. to.. SO.. !.. II.. 1".. Tl.. 4T.. 44.. 4.. 44. . II.. 41.. 10.. 41.. 41. . ao.. 1.. 11.. 7.. 44. . 74.. 14. . II.. . ... I an 4J :4 .30' ... I Ul tl tt ..""H M an it nj ! ... I Ml It n : ... I Ml Tl 511 Ml ... 6 10 40 J 24T W I In 7 Ill TM 2M in T u .171 ... i in u su .174 40 4 Ml tl M .4 ... I Ml 74 ?jn .214 ... 4 an it us .3M 100 4 44(4 71 7Sn .ine ... i w, 7 Ja .24 ... 4 17 V, M to .374 ... 4 l4j 1? :o .371 ... 1 6 u ii .l ... 4 Ml 14 117 .17 120 I 14 4S Til .14 14 4 Ml 41 197 .214 ... 4 II II I4 .Ul ... 4 M 11 203 .!T ... 4 11 41 ill i:4 n . I M . I 11 . $ 44 .S0 SHEBP Bearish feeling. apparently caused oy no particular condition, per vaded th sheep and lamb markets this morning. Buyer lnalsted on cheaper est and, despite the feci that the supply was limited, bulk of offerings had to s 11 on a 1016o lower basis. Occasionally a sale was made that appeared to oe steady, or ver.v nearly o, but unchanged prices were nut of the question except on shipment that attracted unusual competition. Receipt consisted largely of lambs and variety wa not quite as broad as on re cent day. The run carried a very email Seroentage of extra good wooled westerns iexlcfui lambs, the kind that went at $'! 'M yesterday, had to move at $6 10. Heavy western animals, weighing 101 pounds, sold at $6.50. Choice handy westerns are quota ble up to $ft.h5. Shorn lambs, prime, brought a much aa $6.10 and if there wa any discrimination In the demand for wooled and shorn offerings. It favored the latter class of stock. Trad In old sheep wa of small volume, but a meager supply did not. serve as an excuse) for steady prices. Almost every thing had to sell at figures weak to a little lower. Good ewes commsnded $4.50, indicating an extreme limit of $4 70. Shorn was were wanted around $4.00. There were no wether or yearling of consequence .on sale. Quotation on Bheep and Lamb: Good to choice lambs, ti.KTa5.): fair to good ' lambs, $5.40Yt6; handy weight yearlings. $5.00(96.26; heavy yearlings. $4.756.0(1; good to choice wethers, $4.6u4.90; fair to good wethers, $4 4(04.66; good to choice ewes. $4.603H.70; fair to good ewes. $4.0O(ip4.iiO; sheep, cull to feeder. $3.0OQ4.00. Representative sales; No. Av. .... 71 ....12S 64 .... 46 ....126 .... 46 .... 96 ... S3 .... II ... 33 ... 63 ... 77 ... lot. . 91 Pr. 6 16 4 76 10 00 10 00 4 75 10 00 4 25 C 10 3 60 6 00 4 7i 6 75 t 00 e to 4 90 4 60 19 515 western lamb , 63 western ewes 64 spring lamb 16 spring lamb 25 western ewe 27 western spring lamb., 443 Montana ewe 272 western shorn lamb.... 67 western ewe 81 westers lamb 24 weetern lambs 81 western lamb , 96 native Iamb and awa 179 western larnba 233 shorn lamb 0 166 western ewe and wether... I05 7b Mexican iamb 74 CHICAGO LIVE STOOK MARKJET DemancT. for CsUtla Dill Hogs an 4 8heey Wealc CHICAGO, April 11. C ATTIJ7 Rejretpt. 11.000 head. Market Hull. Beeves, $5,164 (.70; Texas steer. $4.40fro,6Ti; WMlsrn ateore, $4.SOrcf6.76; stockerx and feeders, $4.0036.7r; cow and helfera, $3.4JkS&M; "Urea, $6UKXg 7.W. HOGS Reoeipt. 23.000 head. Market weak at opening ptioea. Light, $tVliU.6&; mixed. tt.O&tl 60: heavy. K.7f0 90: rmie-h. $6.7o(Q100; good to choice heavy? $AOO7rtL0; pigs. iiiom.CKi. tjuig or asjes, iouii.x HUEEP AND LAMBS-Reooipts. 16.000 head. Market weait. Native, tS.OAgH-SiO; western, tAltxdH SO; yearUnra, $4.4ti6 60; na Uve lamba. $4.7tS&K; weetssm, (4.76(3U6. Kisses City Llvw Steele Market. KANSAS CITT, April 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 7.0U0 head, Including 900 southern; market steady to weak; dreaaed beef and export steer. $6 90OA4O7 fair to good. $6 4(1 05.86; western steer. $6.0096.15; stockers and fenders, $5.003'ft.l6; southern steers. $4.26J 00; southern cows, $3.5tn6.0O; native cow, $3.20fr.40; nativ heifers, .OOigdJlO; bulls. t4 5"46 2t.', calves. 4.00R.75. HOOS-ReealpU. 30.00$ bead; market tY? 10c higher; bulk of aalea. $6.xtT to; heavy. $6.0Oti4.17Vs; packer ajid butcher. $6.06' 6.30; heavy, fc.O0fl17H: packers and butch ers. $. 0634.10: lights. $6 206.35. 8HEH2P AND LAM RS Roleept. 1S0M head; market 103-o lower; lambs, $f. 2Mf 6.90; yeeu-linrs. $4la2B; wether. Urt 4.75; ewesi, $35034 25; atockers and feeders, $3 0003.36. St. I.il 1-1 ve Btaelt MsrkH. ST. LOUIS. ApHl 12. CATTT.K-Reoe.tptl, 1 400 head. Including 600 Texsns. market steady: native shipping and export stoers, SAOO'iH fiO; dressed beef and butcher steer, $5 4094 26; steers under 1.000 pornnda. $&.f'Otf 1.76; stocker nd feeders. $4 6016 76: cows and heifers. 14 LtT 64: canners. $2.8r.5i bulls. ralveei. 00037.71.; Texas and Indian steers, $4 5066 26; cows and heifers. $3.5096.00. HOCJ? Receipts. 12 o0 heed; market steadv to 1k lower: light. $f.7r.'4 60; pack er. 9 XU43 10; butcher and best heavy. $6.2rri 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Fleeelpts. 14 301 hesd; market steadv; native muttons. $150 (fjSOO; lamb $6 7fj6 40: cull and buck. $i.Jf44.26; Blocker. $V2F,'ff3 50. B. .Inaerib Live Stock Merkel. ST. JOSEPH. April 12. CATTLE Rece nt 1 700 hed; market slow; steers. $4 5V,T 26; cows nd hsifer. V.Wii 00; calves. $3 iVM? 7 (Kt jiocb Receipts 7.000 head: mirkst steady to strong: top. $6 2f.; bulk of sales. so.JtKjiS 10 SHEEP AM LA ' nn neceipis .wi head; market low; lambs, $4.5'iT .10. Stark la Sight. Receipts oMIv stock at the five principal western markets yesterdav: ( ait'", ii'ni. nneep South Omaha Bt. Joseph Nansaa City Pt Iu1s Chicago Totals 6o I1.7i0 6 'V 1 OH) . 1.7"0 . 7 001 , . . 2 400 11.00 7 not 20.000 12 600, 23 000 1 ri. 1 gs 14 Son 16.'X4' .26.700 61.300 51.3TO Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. April 12 WHEAT-Soot. dull' No 2 red western winter, no sto.'k; futures, slesdv: Msy. 6s ! . July. 7'd; October. A , CORN Hoot, firm: Annrl'iii mixed, new. 4s 6d Anierlcn mixed, old fs 'd; new American kiln dried 4s 7v1 : futures, steadv; May. 4 6'td; tuly. 4a 6d Mllesaakr firala MIl.w'AI'KEK Apr41 I' 1 northern. II OOftl 01. Vo Market. - WITKAT- So 2 northern, 95-8 VfT Miv SO'-je; JU1V "M1 ,-iATg fanilard. Ufl"" BArU-ET-kla-UCg, b.00fi!Ut