16 I liTinViYl7i7Trvni . ..In TlfE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, ATOIL 12. 1011. v B R UONM VVOHHY-VVATCH US OROVV 1 'Hr-jRt-iir.i;oi:i-a-i:.s r B Wlr M KM One I 1 I I 8 I i f 11 ' I 1 1 I k- 1 I r 1 I , " II tl i " ,. II 11.1 I I If II I 11 I .11 I ' ' I II i.i i i. .mw. i n n . J -1 B, clel IT in Aaaenibly loom, Balnoay of Pom peiaa Itoom. Kid Gloves for Easter Enster 01ove9 In all the newest shades and lengths for street and even ing wear, including pearl, bisque, blue, grey, mode, tan, also black and white. Fitted to the hand. At main glove coun ter, pair $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 . $3.75 pr. Rich All Silk Novelty Ribbons "Woven Japanese effects, wreaths and floral combinations, floral centers with satin edges, Persian and plaid effects, black and white stripes, navy and white stripes, etc, for millinery purpo ses, Bashes, hair bows, etc., up to 6 inches wide, Qft many worth 75o yard, at, yard OwC f EASTER SJOOTWEAR i Women's Easter Novelty Handkerchiefs Irish hand embroidered corners, sheer linen hemstitched borders, Materia effects, dainty printed and embroidered combinations and Swiss embroiderod scalloped bordered handkerchiefs special, at six for 85c Cn J. til or, eacn at "Lissue" the New Fabric Handkerchief Bordered, in every design and tint, also cross patterned, in harmonizing colors and daintiest imaginable designs ab solutely fast colors from England OC to you each UOj Demonstration of Lyra Corsets Miss A. M. Day, corset specialist, direct from the manufacturer of Lyra-and American Lady corsets, Is with us for a limited time. Lyra Corsets represent the latest styles In fashionable shapings. Models are constructed to give the wearer the long slender lines now desired, together with comfort and wearing qualities. Lyra corsets this season surpass their previous reputation for the natural creation of modish lines for all figures. SPECIALS WEDNESDAY IN BASEMENT New and very pretty batistes will be sold from the bolt. Many Persian and bordered styles for kimonos, etc., also pretty floral, figured, checked and fip flO Iftp striped design, on special tables, yd U2l"02v"JL"l The best Apron Gingham and plain Chambrny; here 10c and 12Vc values in mill lengths, at, yd. . . . 5c Plain colored and fanoy Bed Seal Dress Ginghams, in mill lengths worth 12o yard, ,at, per n yard I 2l Yard wide, Dress Lengths, of light and dark percale, 12V&0 vaines, at yard Sic For Men wear them for get them this If you want to Easter jou' must week. If you want the smartest Spring Styles, the correct and fashionable shoe, you will find them at this store. Shoes and Oxford Ties Tn everv correct style, every proper shape, every faBhlonfcblefi leather. $3.50. $4.0O. $5.00 Fry Shoe Co. f "W Tt Kt K 03 D O 13 B H B B B U B D D XM B H CT Off 1 1 wMnIINI AjA A ! lil 61 KKKK One Ladies' Home Journal Pattern free with each copy of new Summer Style Hook 2c THE 16th and BHOER8. Douglas Street. ' H O n U la i B n a B n B B a H y Urn M n The Qaest for Wcmzi's taster Suits & Dresses Usually Terminates at Bennetts During the fast few days hundreds of new tailored suits have been unpacked and added to the already comprehensive Easter exhibit, and today we introduce to you the "jewels" of the collection. Tans and grays, in handsome patterns of foreign serges; adaptations from the smart est Parisian creations Here's a tan suit, with long, slender silk la pels that extend nrarlv to the bottom of the neat little short jackets. The tailor's art has drawn these suits with panelled and gore! skirts, narrow effects to conform with the straight mannish line of the coat. Such art and finishing compares only with custom tailor's work and these wear Duchess satin lining, and costs but ST7.00 New Foulard Dresnes of I nuual llenuty, $UH.no, and every woman should have a fou lard dress for Easter. They are so cool and dainty, so convenient, and withal 60 effec tive and dressy. At S19.50 on WHt Bars' Suls r.avs no competitors. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Helped to furnish over I.OOO.ono homes In Ameri ca. Are you a collector of Munr? IT not. come to our stamp parlor tomorrow end Ret a book with 10 atnitipe free to mart with. BRANDEIS STORES - in iiiiirfiii tSZ MORE MEN GO TO THE BORDER' Member of Hoipital Corps to Move to Front at Once. ORDER COMES AS A SURPRISE Word Had Jnmi Ba Hece-tred to Ct Dona (kt Kambev ( Mfi En listed end Take Onlr Those - is Beet Condltloa. That the mobilization of troops on the Mexican border Is not yet ovwr was evi denced when a menfe was received at the Omaha army recruiting- station order ing the member of tho hospital corps at the etatlon to Pan Antonio at onoe. The Omaha recruiting- officer Immediately wired to the Uncoln, Grand Inland and Sioux i'lty station, which are subsidiaries of the omaha etatlon, to prepare to teave In two day. The order came a a surprise to the re recruiting officer a word had Juat been received to cut down on the number of men enlisted and to take only those In beet condition. The order will affect one officer from the Omaha station and three from the subsidiaries. The Omaha man Is Ouy T etiyder, who will leave Thursday morning for the frontier. The order not or.ly applies to the Ne braska recruiting stations, but 1 a general one, which I being; sent to every head re cruiting etatlon. The onj member of the hospital corps who will be ordered to the front In compliance with the message will be those from the army recruiting station. The reason given tor the call to the re cruiting station is that there are not enough hospital men on the border now. It ts estimated hat approximately 1.000 recruiting tatlon doctor and assistants will go to Ban Antonio and El Paso under the older" Just Issued. Would Join the Navy to Get Enough to Eat Youth Without Meali for Four 'Days Appeaxi at the Recruiting Station. Many are the reasons given by appli cant for enlistment In the navy, but the Omaha navy recruiting station wa given a jolt Tuesday morning when Louis Bprtdeen gave as reason for wanting to enlist the need of enough to eat. When he appeared at the naval station he said he had not eaten anything for four days, and while he was being examined he fainted from hunger. Bprtdgen In answering questions eaid he did not know where hi home was, a h had been "beating it" around the country for five years. He did not know where hi parents lived, and said b wa tired of walking around the country and not get ting enough to eat ,nd he thought that by Joining the navy he would at least get enough grub for four year to last him awhile. After being restored to consciousness from hi faint Bprtdgen was given money to go out and get something to eat, and then Instructed to oome back. From last report to had not returned and Lieuten ant PotK who supplied the boy with money for a meal, think he ha been "stung." Auto Stolen Three Times Before Found Machine Gives Owner and Police Of ficer a Merry Chase Before it it Captured. After having been stolen three times within the course of twenty-four hour the automobile of J. M. Baldiige wa found Monday night at Fortieth and William streeta. Mr. Haldrlge's machine wa stolen Bund ay night from the reetdence of Fred Kockstettler, 1 Thirty-eighth avenue, where Mr. Paldtige stepson, Arthur Wolfe, and Wlllard ftmyttae were calling. Yesterday morning the automobile was brought to Twenty eventh and Farnara by two boys The conduot of the boys aroused the suspicion of a woman living near and she notified the police. Emergency Officer Kniery on his motorcycle went to the place at once, but the auto had again disap pear An hour later the police were noti fied that the machine was at Thirty-seventh and lainam and again the emergency orflcr eeui lo the place to find the auto gone for the third time. l-te laNt night it vast found at Fortieth and William and turned ocr to the owner. Bucket Shops Close Because of New Law Two in Omaha Shut Up Tuesday Morning- String of Planti Over State Follow. Omaha's bucket shops fllil not open fur business Tuesday morning. The closing of the bucket shop follows the passage of the Ratios anti-bucket shop bill In the state legislature. The bill was signed by the governor under date of April 10. In that the Mil carried no emergency clause and hence Is effective ninety day hence, It I the opinion of thoee In touch with they business that the bucket shop men have "something up thrtr sleeves." The two establishments In Omaha closed In anticipation of the action of the bill are the Uncoln Commission company. Hen Hoover, manager. Board of Trade build ing, and the George Bhugart establishment on the sixth floor of the Brandeis building. 'The Lincoln Commission company, for merly wa operated under the name of Herbert E. Oooch of Uncoln. About a ear ago Mr. Gooch, ostensibly at leant, withdrew from the busii:vs. The Lincoln CommUslon company 'has about thirty es tablishments scattered tover the state. Candy Specials for Wednesday and Easter Peanut Brittle, per lb 15? 60c "Princess Sweets" Chocolates, per lb 390 , EASTER CANDIES AND NOVELTIES Candy Bird Eggs, per lb. . . 25 Assorted Candy Eggs, per lb. 125 Chocolate Italian Cream Eggs, with your name, ea. K to 25si Imported Easter Egg Boxes, to be filled, each ....... 5 to 30 Chocolate Marshmallow Eggs, per lb 25 KaMr Novelties Rabbits, real chicks and ducks, nests, etc, can be used as favors. Beautiful boxes, appropriate for Easter, filled with choice, freh candles, up from GO Fresh Halted Nuts Almonds, pe cans, filberts, cashews, at, per .pound..'. 80 Our candles are made fresh dally at our store. All orders attended to promptly. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 10th and Farnani Hts. H f D H a h u B a Wednesday's Big Millinery Special; Bennett's Millinery Challenge 'Sale Just 100 Trimmed Hat 1 O Worth 15 and More, Choice ...,VA" These are positively the finest and best hats ever shown for the price. They come in fine Milan, Chip, Togal, small, medium and large shapes, trimmed with high grade materials, sveh as imported flowers and foliage, fancy feathers and many extra, fine white Milan tailored hats. Not a hat In the entire lot worth less than $16.00, and many worth more. Wednesday a remarkable chal lenge sale bargain, choice . . . $10 100 extra S. & H. trading stamps free with every hat purchase. Bennetts, the only store In Omaha that sells guaranteed plumeB. Weaaesday BIG NOTION SALE Embroidery Edgings, yards to bolt, at. bolt 10o First quality Pearl Buttons, all sizes, worth 13c dozen, Wednes day special, 2 dot.cn fto Cube l'lns. aesorte 1 color, black and white, at, rubs 4o Bone Collar Buttons, 1 dozen on card Fancy Belt Pin.i, belt buckles worth up to 25c, Micclal, ea. Bo Fancy flat Fin, 2 on a card. 2 cards for So Bone Hair Fins, extra quality. 1 dozen on card, at card lOo A Luck Find HarQ ware More of those 2So Steel, Cold Handled Fry Pahs, ,at .... 100 Classic Oas Stoves, oil burners, regular 1.50, for 890 Broom Hohleje loo And 10 extra stamps Gas or Oil Stove Ovens, $1.25 val ues 9 Ho $i.50 Oven for vwo burner, oil or gaj stove $1.89 One lot white Fnamel mre Cu tard Cups, Plates. Ladles, Fry ing Pans, etc., 253 '. aluea. choice Wednesday, each So 11 Bennett's Are always of dependable quality and the priced save at least one fourth of your grocery bill. That mean three month' rrocery bill saved In a year- Our phone eervlce 1 for your convenience. Call D. 137. Pride of Bennetts Flour. sck.. $1-90 Bennett's Breakfast Coffee. I In. ran fSc rrae Teaa. assorted, lb 480 Tea Slftln;. lb. pk ISO SPECIAX, SAZrZ Oaillard's Pure " 'live !!. pint can, at Oo Oalllard' Pnre Olive Oil, quart can 66o Galllard's Pure Olive Oil, half gel Ion can v 91.33 t0o can Old Mission Blpe Olive 30o Groceries B. C. Baking- Powder, pound can 84o 30 Stamp Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle ISo 20 Stamps (6c bottl Dalldet Maraschino Cher ries So (Oo bottl Dalldet Maraschino Cher ries 4Ao B. C. Mincemeat, 3 pks. , 860 30 Stamp enlder Pork and Bears, larfte can, at 800 And 10 Stamp 10 bar Diamond "C" Hoap .... 86o 8. W. C. Table Syrup, quart can lOo B. C. Oats and Pnncake loo 10 StaniD Gold Medal Corn. 3 can 8S 10 Stamps Onion Ret, red or yellow, qt Bo Cleaned Currents, t lbs 850 Wednesday Bargains in Oar Heat Dept. Round Steak, rmn( .'. ' ISVIiC Native Steer Pot Roast, pound. 9V2C-7V2C Steer Boiling' Beef, pound 5VtV Choice Steer Steak, 2 pounds 15c JSS Sunkist rAI.IKOUXtA WINEI Extra Fine Quality "" Bunkist Port Wine, per full quart Mo Punktst Hherry Wine, per full quart at ...io Runklst Muacatel Wine, per full quart 600 Hunkist Tokay Wine, per full quart t i. "oo Bunkist Claret Wine, per quart Always ask for Bunkist Brand. Jackdaw i R B B y B S3 The whiskey with a flavor. Ha hlah medicinal fiualltles, per full quart bottled In bond II -25 Mail and Telephone Promptly Jailed. Order Cackley Bros. WINE MERCHANTS 111 No. ISth St. Opp. Both Phone p. a SILVERWARE Replated and Repaired ';ooi AH SKW." No matter how tarnished, bent or broken. Also I'Lating, Oxidizing, Antique Fln lshlnK, F.lc. Estimates made at jour home. Omaha Silver Co. Phone 1ouk. 78. 8 1 Ho. 1 3th St. OMAHA, NKKKASKA. 1,000 Rattan Go-Carts, Worth From $1150 to $26, Wednesday, Choice Among this great lot of Go-carts will be found a wonderful assort ment of styles some folding go carts some collapsible carts, and many others elaborately trimmed. This sale is for Wednesday only. One big clean-up go-cart pale. Remember these are actually worth from $11.50 to $26.00 Wednesday only, your choice, at $575 THIKD 7X.OOB mm.", b b a as m m a w P , n o u n 1 6 : t' B H R; R El' ta n R a a u B a a b! B! fl a b Pi n a a Si b B B fli ! B a fl' M it a a N fl! B I a H fl B u jpi a H n B B a a HI a B n B B tit) .-V, , ,. . , . ' Bargains Are Always In Sea son at The Fair Store ThouNsnd of ople nrr visltJnK this store daily and pnrchastn(t tlielr merchandise. Therr must 1 a reason! We liave no rfnts to pay to jcreedy landlords, no fancy manjors for evacti department, no delivery wagons atttl a iircvU many other Items that reduce our expenses, so that we ran do business and sell our merchandise for practically at ONK-HALK less than our competitors. We offer on special sale for today and the Itulance of the week: U 7iEt3 AND BOYS DEPT. 5c '$1.15-1 12.60, 13.00 and tl.F.0 Mena Work and Dress Shoes, also oxfords In tan and black; your choice li so, $3 00 ami $:." novs' nc(, Shoes and oxfoid.H ro st.... S5c Men's Police and tilrenian Sun ponders; special sale 1 7 only - 60c ttlen's Work Slil.ts. Mack sumn, railroad Mue and chu'iiuray '(" shirts at J1, Men's lress SusinJers , up town stores receive 50c lor same kind thev have to; our ;rlco t today $1.00 and fl 50 Men's Ureas ('"t HMIrts, IncluditiK white "! ..1 ...I l.. .hlrt. .V 6c Hlack Hose for Boy' Knickerbocker Suits, slies to 1. fanoy mixture and Diue kp-kp values up to 14.00; your choice 7Ro and $100 Boys' Knlcker bocker I'anta only u v ,$1.98 39c s7.5() Inc Hoys' ninuscs, o clean up nliout ifl"; your choirs Moo's Hulls that :.! In up town stores for $7 t0, $1)00. $IJ.Mi and 1 1:", no: on Si.lo at tils store f.i 83.75, 15.00, 80.85 nnd In this Kre.t asiortmrnt tu uim Tlr.d sprftee, oiU"N, rlieois nnd (.a.Mslmci es Notejnir prices mr iut one-half of what ot icr sfofs cliamc jiiu. come and see vm ncfoie you ouy. Ti c rnlny season Is in. iVmc and s- our .Men's 'ru cio-t ' na and Silo i in $10 00 Slip-tins. Ki'eclnl QWf sale t.atay ...day ...IO $I.Vl0 t'l n enollcs. In all kIih.Iis iu- clmling idack, ininy 7.9iS $10. !'(' I'ravenettes, (lie l'sl alnri In nniKha; on special sale (5. IS 1 1. SO. "$i."0 an! $2.Ji Men's !'' "'P le Hats, 2n stvles, vour choice 4 ( Lad. os' and Children's Dept. g I.sdles' Shoe, regu'.nr selHnK price $2.00, $2.t0 nd 3.'J0; to close out this week at, your S9C choice Children's Shoes, values up to .$ J .r.0. your ch6lce Mlssos- Hlioes, so many styles too ex pensive to descrilie; values rJ'5 up to 12. BO; your chotie... " Ladles' $1.00 Silk Hose, as- ctQ sorted, In all shades EOc Ladles' Mercerized Silk Hose v. Bear In mind all .Mir goods are per fect. We hoU no damaged merchan dlsa 60c Ladles' Ribbed lTnlon Suits, the right weight for spring wear, 'JOf at $2.R0 Iadlns' Silk Waists, In all - shade; your cnoioe JjX.13-4 Ladles' House Dresaea 980, 91.84 and $1.48 Just one-lialf lss than what oilier stores charge you. $1.00 Ladles' 'tailored WnWls. t" sliadea to cliooie from, tl.cs . 82 to 42; your choice $1S Ladles' Silk and foulard I u :f a pretty selection; your QV! choice T Uail'es' Sulis. icmil.ir srlllnc price t other stores 5 1 .0. Ji.Vini, -0 H". $'S.00 and .'tn.OO; ire now mi sppidai sale here today. Von will find I'l the assortment blue fcciue. fumy mixtures, the plain black wormoN end solid colors: your Q 3 JCi choice 8.14.98. $9.38, S7.98 V - ijwlles' $:t,60 Silk I'oltl- C- OCJ coats. In all shades Vl,"L1 Visit our Mllliuorv 1 epart nicnt -A new addition to our ;ro inp busi ness. 'e Kiarantce to hhu; you front 2a to R0 iter .'cut. Our special sale I'lilldren's t irosse.-?, 25c to 8Sc. The best you ever. To Believe Is to Sea BTOXH OFSR UWTII. 8 P. M, S. I, Ccr. 12th & Fa mam '.ra: :) 1 Our "TOM CAT" Is Making a LolofNahe And lie I in n (lie autliority, for ve are sellini; Ntlio only Tom Cat Low Shoe . In OmaJta, along with the first and only Stage Las for Hen This is the store where we can give you EXCIA'SIVE NEW STxLJCS WITH CHARACTER AM) IN I 1 Villi' A MX Y in every pair at $3.50, $4 and $4.50 Deep box toes, short Tamps, correct heels and arches, mads cp In fine selected leathers, tan or black. Our window display will Interest you. Only Agency Here for NETTLETON'S CUSTOM MADE LINES (Leading High Grade Hhoes in America) This store is quoted "the most popular place in Omaha to buy Men's Shoes and Oxfords" because we five style, fit and service at 1 1 i nil h kliif.iM IS-. T" L See KD and his TOM CAT STYLE. tu haven't seen the TOM CAT. 'Every man knows Ed," but Jeorag Qsarzp fsw carovo r vsn 0rVr&ft curV Q,vAt Vednesday Specials OMAHA'S PTJWE ' rOOS CIHTEB 20 ease iuus Hrand t'h'ri ies. Tears and Apricot; per can, 8O0; per do . 43.8Si per vara. . . . 84-85 26 case ttlate Brand Cherries, Apri cots and reaches, per can 86c; per do., 88.60; per case 84-76 Large cans Herring, In tomato au e. for 10O Benson's Smoked Kippered Herring. per can lOo 4 lbs. Jialinn Beans ( imported .. .80 4 lha Jap Klce. 8SO Nat'ob l ib. cans Asaortnd Soup... so 1,000 Jba. Ko.j'iefort (.heese 1D...30O Aged or Mlkl New i orlc Cretini Cheese, per lb. SOo Just to close out a few remaining- eases of our Highest Grade fanned Hoods, e are cutting the prices to less than wholesale. 8aur Kraut, per quart 80 BAKXKT DEPARIKtrT Friday, April Htn, we v.lil have Hot Cross Huns, made the old Knailsh tyle by far the most delloious made per dozen 16a We make a specialty of Easter Cakes to order. GAUDY DEPABTKEITT. Thta wfk we Mill have an expert ornamenier In our display window, ornamenting Cuttr Novelties. No charge for name on egKM. A lare as sortment of Kasler Novelties and Baa keis can he obtained at this depait nent. The plate to buy your IvaMer Candlea ILsiinidi Otuupositli' Leara Wkcr Il' Bnt ( Fun Tblnklng aoout buying laadr Want to know what soil and clltaat ars bast suited for certain farming T Our Land Bureau gives free Informatlo about ellmaU. and conditions In all part of tbs country. suit. Ws bars gathered daU, to leara. and can tail you what you dsalr tRKw. QsUrv CSKTJ fffirSVQv ( aJ Ci CSE Writ tb Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha. Nb.. today and your questions will get prompt attention 8J2Q9EQ2233SS33 In cass of rheurnailnni relief from pain majkea slrrp and reat possible. This may t obtaind by arPb lng Ctismberlaln s Liutraavb Fr sal br ail deaiera. A Reliable Mlcl- Narrutle. I Mra F. Siarti. Bt. Joe. Mien., says: -Our lit Us boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine did not cur him. 1 gave hi Foley' Hjney and Tar Compound In which I have great faith. It cured the cough, a well a the choking and gaging spvlla and be got will In a short time. Foley's Honey and Tax Compound ha many times aaved us much trouble and we are never without It to lu house. For sal by all druggists. OUR ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER Will be with us May 1st to 4th. Kyes Made to OrtW. For further Information, call or write GLODE OPTICAL CO., S1H South Kiitrnlh. COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. JAeature The Dee against other local pavers in respect of quality as well as quantity of timely news and interesting articles from dmy to day and TheDee's superiority will he demonstrated Free InJormation BAILEY (El MACK OEISJTIfaiTLi Best equipped denial office In the middle west. Highest ) 7J il ii rllllnuM limft All instrument carefully aterlliaed after eta S fraue aenuu ike ih loo In. f4"01- XH1KI KLOOIt, P.AJLTON BLOCK Corner 16u sad t? aruaui btreols. OinaJia, Xcb 1 -.' t: 5 t !