Till: fJKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AFRIT; 12. 1011. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI KtMH 1.4 Ml Fori (Continual.) ,,J0MAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET' ,V nm Ins. Most Kind of Cattle Show More or Lest Decline. 71. . . . . Jl . . ... i . . . ji ... ....HI ....Kt 4 H4 ..v t 0 o m7 ... It M T 1 1 W ID 11 f4 I in Ml 1 $1) 10 fl 11 ... I It K'iN PALE M.'ko '-re In Larsnil t'l'inn-. votnlng. In Oolden Pialrle dls-i KMtt..i.if fi fdrmimt. now ,.t.. ke.i luoGS MOSTLY TiN CENTS LOWER i viih rattle anrl hp, will sell wun rancn; - Hdl exchange for eastern Nchisska or i lona form),. J. T. Bell, Owner, ( hpyrnne. h'ft and lamb In Fair Demand, JMiLT-ZT -I with Price. Mead? to JMrouaer HjR SALE Uri t..-., .tit C. J. CANAN. Room 701 Oma. Nail. Bank. FOR aala or trade for mock. North weal am thresher engine, new Century separator and six-bottom fnj.n gini; plow; all new Wirt Steele, fclmcreek. Neb. (VIS x.-han( properties of merit H. H Culver. kl2-13 N. Y. Llfs. louglus TK'w WANTEK TO THAlJE W srrm of land In Kail River Co.. S. l.. within miles fioni Hot Splines. S. l.. and It nines nm Siii.thwlrk. S. I . Will trail" f'" antiio bile Addles my agents, MrMulien liua i-otig. omilhwick. S. 1'. U. H- Fiannigan, owner C,KAK omiiha lota for good reniul prop erty. Will asume a reasonable amount. Nowata hand and Lot Co.. S"3 Omaha Na tional bank. RESIDENCE propertv , llavelock. Neb., worth H.oO to trade for Colorado land or will Uke part cash Wiita u for particu lars. Caaady Co., Phone U. 1620. TOR reliable sales and exchange mm T. M. LEAMINQ. 6x Brandela Bids. OOOn farm four mites from Grtid Island to exehnage for desirable city property, merrhandlae or hardware stock, would con sider taeh. Brown & Urlffln, Cairo, Neb. HOTEL, for aale or trade: Oood central Fouth Dakota town; doing fine business: vrlte us. I). C. Itloker &. Co.. Rapid City, S. D. FOR FASTER-Farrell's syrup on pan caked and waffles If II. A. Burnett. 11.T7 No. 18th St.. will bring this ad to The tee within three days nnd Identify himself he will iccelve an order for a fibe can of this syrup. In the Fare of Liberal Iterelpta. SOUTH OMAHA. April II, mi Receipts were. Catt'e Hop Blieep Official Momlav 4.3'. 4.M7 8.22 Estimate Tuesday .."ii 13. M i.hM Two davs this week. ...10. .' Is 347 13,719 Same day last week b.r-nJ IS 4 .4 17 irf.5 Same days 2 weeks ago . S.IH ll.l.il lO.MU Same dnijjtwkt ago..lo.i:ii 12.3v"i 17os Same ilaistweeks ago..12.M3 2.V4W Ss.k Same iUvh last year ia,l"7 Pl.lji) 11 .125 II) lullouifiK iML..e rlmivs tile receipts "t mine, iiokh unit nheep at South Omaha for the year to date a compared with var. 'in1 t'oirlle 2!S.':0 274. irCi 24,i!Sj Hows ; SU'.4:'. ti:'4.:is7 tf.('.sl Sheep ' is.Tii6 i tie following mine sho.is the range of prices on lions at South Omuiia for the last fieveral das. with compari.sons: Patea. Kill. jU10. 19. ,ilW. . :iK. l!i. April 1... April i... April 2... April 4... April 6... April ... April 7... April ... April ... April 10.. April 11.. 6 10 (to. (10 61) 27: i luva ie sol 8 22 (10 42i &1VO0 38 6 io if. u-aiio i 10 1 5 I HO 03 6 73 t 70) 6 4 b IS 72) 6 7i 6 4f. 6 301 ( 76, 5 7 6 47 2X i H I 6 741 6 W 22 6 21 TS l 4X1 8 21. 5 2! 6 88 B 701 6 6 21 ( 5 .VI 22 6 26 I 21: I 6 25 221 2f.' 6 St! 37i 6 26 42' 6 S3' fi 2S f 90, 6 82J 6 74 6 74 SMi 6 IB 90i i .. l .. I ." Ill t H .. IK , ST.Mi. I IT H I KliKKI'- The sheep and lamb market had a healthier tone this morning and prices paid were frequently a little higher than those noted yesterday. Quite a little steady business was done, however, and no definite Improvement can be quoted that ts applicable to the trade as a wl ole. Limited receipts were l.irgcly responsible for the better edge to demand. Ijimhs made up the bin end of aupply and assortment ranged from choice Mex ican stock to common, broken-fleece west erns and fair quality shorn animals Mex icans moved at Rood premiums over toe ordinary run of stuff, of course, and much of yesterday's apparent decline whs re Kalned. l.amhs of toppy quality, weighing around tsS pounds, sold as high as Jiv2.". Westerns. reasonabH good, brought 0, and shorn lambs also acted w ell at A . A few spring lambs, suitable for F.aster trade, were on sale and changed hands at and mar 110 00. Coi-dltlon of sheep trade, as far as vol ume of the market Is concerned, was little different from various sessions last ween. Sales were scatteied. owing to scant of ferings, and no branch of the business was given a thorough work-out. Hood western ewes sold around 4 .75. and other sales, as well. Indicated a price-list that was easily firm. There were a few wethers or earlings of consequence Included n the 'run. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, 15 .SA(i 25 ; fair to good lambs. .'.5i''fr6 85; handy weight yearllna. lo-lOW t.Xi, heavy vesrllngs. 4.70'&o.lO; pood to choice wetfiera, 14.8&85-00'. 'air to Rood weth. ers, 14.504 86; good to choice ewes, $4 .50 4.85; fair to good ewea. $4.264:4. So; aheep, culls to feeders, 3.2i'if4.26. Representative salea !;) western lambs TO exchange for residence property or land, S.5oo new stock Kdlson phonographs and records; established paying business; city, 11. WM), easK-in Nebraska. R. Hetles worth, Cedar Rapids. la. KEAL ESTA1 L LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska landa O'KEEl'E REAL E8TATE CO., 1014 New Omaha National Bank Hulldlnr GARVIN BROS., Sd floor N. T. Life, KOI to I lbd. 000 on improved vropvrtjr. No dela. WANTED City loana, Peters Trust Co. CH RAP MONET. Representing the t'enn Mutual l.lfe tna. Co . with aAts of ever I117.000.0no. I si prepared to accept all the Hood loana of fered on Improved Omaha real estate, fcualneaa and realdaDOa laans atade wiLtaxut SelMjr THOMAS FRBNNAN, City NaUooaJ bank Bid. 1JANS to hum owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi 'annually. W. II. THOMAS, 50J Fust National Hunk building. -.unuay. i Receipts and disposition of live stock at I the I nlon 8tock i'anls. South Omaha. Neb. r or .:4 nours ending at 3 o clock p m. esterdav: RECEIPTS CARI.flA I S. Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. H r's. C. M. f?t. P II 7 W'Hbash 2 1 Missouri 1'aciflc 3 3 I nlon Pacific M 52 C S- N. W., east.... 2 ('. A- N. W.. west.... 77 55 C, St. P. ,.M . r O... 31 1 C, R. Sl Q., east.... 8 K C, R. q, west.... 74 42 C, R. I. & P.. east.. 3 4 C . R. 1. & P., west.. 4 2 Illinois Central 2 B C. O. VV 3 3 13 1 101 414 western lambs in 2:10 Montana ewes 97 213 Montana ewes 97 147 Mexlcsn lambs 79 410 Mexican lambs 79 27i. shorn lambs 74 557 wetsern lambs 2 207 western lambs SO 10 westorn lambs, culls A3 2-J9 western lambs M 4il western lambs f2 10 western ewes, culla 87 W7 western owes 93 6 B0 6 75 4 40 4 40 20 6 20 5 00 5 Wt 6 HO 5 25 6 f5 B 5 t 7B 4 00 X- l, " on cltv & farm property. W. " ,m0 J. Mr,iKL.fc;, 2s Hamgo Bldg. WANTKb-City loana and warrants. W. Varnam biolth Co., UU Farnam at. IXW KATES, BKM18-CARLBHUIU CO, ta6-tU Biandula Tueater 44 Id. CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FKICNZKM. MONi'r TO LOAN-Payne Inveetnient Co. tiuo to tlO 004) cua.de promptly. K. U 8v4 Weaa tllita lain and aarnatm. REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA TARilF.K WANTS Uav jom anytblng lu vffar tae farm 1 lua? Any cheup land lor Dinner priced, general inerchanUis alore fur ianu. of aay kind of an vxcltaoaer Or have JOi anau land you waul to aeil for caabl Tbe oe paper tbal leacotra Hie io larnxf ts lbs !- Uoinea capual. s.(Mw cireulaitoa tally; raut aingie insortiun, i ctsui a wuru. mut tjani lions, cents a wura. uum atoLase S.'Htfs le Alllllitte. is. ANNUl'N C KM E N T of the fact that Far rell a syrup la dclli ioua and is gi.cn away by 'I he llee. 11 8 Cohen. 1141 No. iih 61.. will brill this ad to The lice wiihin tuiee (lays anu luentuy hiinself he will receive an order tor a ooc can of una syrup. STLttivlSHiPS ALLAN LINE I'lcturcsque St Iawrence Rout. Weekly minings from MONTREAL, lu LI V fc.lt t-OOL, GLASGOW WONTRhAL TO LONDON, Havre, France Fortnightly tiom ' PHILADELPHIA and Boston to Glaagoi. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, lost rates Any local Agent, or ALLAN it CO., Oeneral Agents, lit Jackson Blvd., Cnlcago. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIP) NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Flngls or Hound Trip Tickets between Nea) York and Scotch. Engllah. Irish and ail principal Continental points at attractive raise. Sand lor Book of Information, fcupcrior Accommodations. Excellent Cup ems. Apply Promptly lor Hbsdi vauoii ti local agents .of Anchor Line or HENDEK-?T?''i8.lUIi'''"-1 a'u- Chicago, 111. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow t2,(HK), i years lm proemcnt city property security, ti.ouo, low interest. K 'Ml. I'.oe. ' A NNOl'NCE.M ENT of the favct that Far rell s erup Is delicious and Is gien awav by The lice. If tieorge Bogle, lit.) N. Ixtn St.. will bring this ad to i he Hoe wltnin three hiIns and identify himself he will it , cele an order for a 60o can of this syrup. Total receipts ....304 304 26 S 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co fil 1.702 312 Swift and Company 1.115 3.157 904 Cudahy Packing Co 1.R46 3.1W3 1.875 Armour A. Co 1,747 4.062 226 S. & 8 146 Murphy G4B Minn. Dressed Beef Co.. 35 Morrell 90 Sinclair 94 W. R. Vansant Co 25 Hill & Son 92 F B. Iwis 58 Huston & Co fio J. R. Root ft Co 12 J. If. Hulla 34 I.. Wolf 138 McCreary A Carey 55 S Wertheimer 27 H. F. Hamilton 4 Lehmer Bros 5 I-eo Rothschild 14 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 21 Cllne & Christy Other buyers 659 902 Totals 6.850 13,619 4.228 CATTLE Reoelpta of cattle were the largest today that they have been since Tuesday. March 14 The arrivals consisted very largely of beef steers, with a liberal sprinkling of butcher stock. In fact, among the cattle were a good many desirable killers. With such large receipt! In sight and with advices from other selling points none too favorable the market was a little slow In opening and the forenoon was well advanced before any great amount of busi ness had been transacted. sStock cattle and feeders were the first to sell and there were very few of that kind of cattle In sight. In fact the supply was limited to a few scattering lnada and a few odds and ends. The demand was not very large, but with so few cattle In sight everything was cleaned up In a short time and the prlcea paid did not show much change. Still It will he readily understood that with beef cattle lower arid with the de mand for stockera and feeders aa light as It has been for some time back anything like a liberal run of that kind of cattle would undoubtedly cause a much lower range of prices. Hcef steers were slow all the morning and prices were safely 10c lower and on some kinds, especially the heavier and coarser grades, possibly as much as lo lower. To put It another way, the market for the two days Is around 'iic lower than lust week. The best heifers were close to steady or steady to a little lower, while the general run of cows was not far from 10c lower. W hile the trade was slow the most of the cattle bad changed hands by midday. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beof steers. Jtj !((. 40; fair to good beef steers, t5."U4 .10; common to fat beef steels, S6 25iiu.H0; good to choice cows and heifers, I5.4m.ii 5 .75; fair to good cows and heifers, H ."; 6.00; common to fair, ll.&i) 4.7a; good to choice stockera and feeders, ta. 25"u n 65 ; fair to good slockers and feed ers, lii OiwS'j.25: common to fair Blockers and feeders, H.2i'm CO; stock hellers, 4.2otf veal calves. xi.tXKft7.b0; bulls, stags, etc., 4.i0tl6.16. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. I 44 1HI I U ...lt!l t M WANTED TO BUY Secondhand cigar WANTED to buy. case, t ail Douglas 1-73 BEST pries pulu fur 2d band furniture, car yie. clothing and shoes, lei. D. ,1. GOOD prices for old broken watches and old gold. M. Nathan, lu bo. 13th be WANTED TO RENT Fl RMM1ED cottage of M KM. lice. or T rooma. ITHIKK'8 Pride of Omaha Is Omaha flour, iiinuhans piefer It. If J. . Vf.iiiiiey 2:ai 2Mb A., will bung ia ,j , .,- Bee within three ilas and identity himsrrV be will leccHe an older for a 12 p mnd sack of this tine flour. II. . tl.. jo.. I".. IS . 12.. 4i.. I.. III. . .. IV. . I.. II.. 1 . 1 . 1 . I.. 1.. I.. I . 4.. I.. . . . 1041-i t SO ...IUH7 t if. ...1141 t 7t ...lilt t Ml ...1104 t U ...DM . . . U0& tl.. XI.. 11.. II.. II.. 48. . , 0 . n .1171 . a . u . ; . 730 . W -'O i Is, t DO COWS. 4 IS f 4 40 10 4 U HEIFERS. 4 M 11 4 U It 4 t BULLS. HIM t to ll3 t 6 t no 14W t 10 KM t 10 1341 t 14 4 W 4 A . .11. 10 4 Tl ..11i 4 7t . .lt.10 4 114 120 I 144 STtlt iv El In til t no t on I 21 7 li 7 74 1 1 1 1..... ALVES. 1 I t . 11 .11 It .. Ill ..1000 ,.it:t I 04 t It t oe l M I ( . .lmw I it . .1340 t 140 170 7 tl 7 :t 7 to Bix-ro..ni lusniMiieU cot la DoUiilas M: Willi FIVE or yard, id REFlNi:D couple with n 4- ear-old girl wains three or four utilurniNheil r,....,. Willi exquisite, Intelligent l.ool .i,im,l lllMl III flrsl class loi ation near business ,ii-. ! around trlct. Address li-xm, Omaha Bee. WANTEDSITUATIONS POSITION by thoioughly expc7tm7d iMMikkseper and accountant; goou rater mow. Address B i.j, Bsc AND FEKDKR8. 4 411 t 0 Hot ;s Trade In hogs exiierienced a fur Iher loss of a dime this morning, the de cline applying to all weights, excepting a few loads of selected bacon animals that sold early In the session. A more re sponsive demand In Una branch of the market resulted In various sales that were bur div worse than a nickel lower. Receplts were surprisingly large and bearish feeling was at bast partly due to this condition, other Influences directed against selling Interests f-prung from a poor shipping outlet and the practical tie. easily of aligning hog and provision allies. Futures have been se ling at good discounts under the cash commodity, of coume. and with stocks Increasing dally, efforts at readjustment are not to be won- I dered at. 'Iheie was not very much activity In the yard todav, but orders from packers ap pi ared Io Ite ample and midday clearance found the big end of total supplies In sec ond hands. best bacon weights sold as as lh.10, and good butchers moved s... Heavy grades of lard char- 1 acier dropped to & 75 and less. Representative sales: PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney im. for partner, wauls Wuia lu country hotel. Addicts Y l-i2. care UJOD Jap wants work; good oo-.m. Ad dtesa Y 1, cats lie. DAY WORK wanted. Phone Harney tVjiU M ANTED-position b shoe salesman w ill go out of city, nave had cioimn, experience aNo. urd. F 4, Bee. uood rtlerrnce and rec- e perl e need good refel- IMISITION by thoroughly bookaeeier and accountant, met. Addreea B 1".., Hee. In order that the advertiser may get tna boat remits for money Invested, he mJal reach the buer by the most direct and I No. At. in pr. No. at. gs. St. K Jet ts 1 7t 4 Ul 411 t tt l .- t 7 41 1.1 40 t r. j 4h ... t ;o 60 :.i4 to i x& ' U! 10 t J x'l ... I K6 si ... it" 7; i; ... t i IS . t 70 4J M 12 I , tt 11 Hi? ... St tl t 4 7i 41 14 ... t U J t l ... t 74 47 j;7 ... t W 4 .t: ... 1 : ts rri ... t te S l" i 'i 1.4 r it 40 I SI 41 MS 0 i 7t 76 . ... 1 tt 5t ... t 7i tt t.'O . t ts 7 147 "... t 7t 10 ...iSl 1M i SO (4! 1"0 ... I 71 41 J ... X M 1 4 SO t 71 kil I' . . t to I 71 r:t ... in 7; its te t to i tt 1.14 ... t :t tt ss to t ts 1 tt 1-1 ... t'.t ... t to ; t sa to tit, i i;t ... tU 7 1! I XI 1st ... t) 4 I I W I M 7t Xtl ... I tt M 7 tt t trt 7t Hi ... tt M 24 ... I 10 Tt UO ... 4 17 MX ... I Ml 44 lit SO I 4U t; ...... i9 ... t to tt i ... s us i " " 'A t i ti j.i ... a at i 47 1.-.4 . . I Ml Tt . ... f ,10 it. 7S ta I W tl l.t ... t 40 t t ... 1 m ti i.t ... t no 1 '' 4 "O "4 is . . t no - " t at set i " ; ' ' w 4 ,4 4 t 0', : '' k " ftt ... t IW it4 ' ' . , . 3 o t tt t! Itt H 14 tt a ,a CHICAGO MVB STOCK MAHKF.T Demand for alle and Sheep Steady Hoars Lower. CHICAGO, April 11. CATTLE Receipts. SOoO head; market steady; beeves, I6.15!h; 6.70; Texas steers, J4.4cmb.65; western steers, H kWrSo; stockera and feeders. J4.tKiTr..70; cows and heifers. 2.606.80; calves. tbWI 6.75. HOtiS Receipts. 14.000 head; market fie to 10c lower; lights. fi.l.V&ii.: mixed. jn.Ho rfi.50; heavy. o.7o(i.30: rough. 6."ftHri.0i; good to choice heavy. $0fVu:; pigs. i-: r(iti70: bulk of sales, B.15'a 30. SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 14.000 head: market steady; native, J3.(MV4.s; western, 3. 1516.00; yearlings. U.MitM: native lambs, ."B'gfl.SO; western, $4 75W 6.30. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April U. CATTLE -Re ceipts, 14,000 head, including 200 southerns; heavy steers, loc to loc lower; top. .; light steers, steady; cows and heifers, steady; dressed beef and export steers. !.'i.HtYi.40; fair to good. V2.V(!6.W; western steers, J&.lWuR.OO: stackers and feeders. I4.36io.76; southern steers, t4.25;(i4i.l0; south ern cows, .5orp.o; native cows, at.WTqa.tv; native heifers, J4.ii.Vati. 15; bulls, ,4.00.e.i.2o, calves, $4 0lig7.O0. HOGS Receipts, 24.000 head: market 6c to 15c lower; bulk of Bales. 5.tV(tti.2; heavy, 5.96-gi.OB;- packers and butchers, 6.0'84i.20; Mchts. Li. l(K(iti.25. SH EBP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10 000 head; market steady, to 10c lower; spring lambs. 18.00: lambs. $5 4Oraj.l0; yearlings. j4fT4l60; wethers, 4ori(5.00; ewes, tVl.50 .w; Biocaera ana teeaers, to.w-uo.ia. St. Louie Live Htock Market. fiT. LOUIS, April 11. CATTLE Receipts, 4.000. Including 100 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, .yii 6.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $6.60 (&Ti.50; steers tinder 1,000 pounds, $6.74ji-16; atockers and feeders, $4-60't).76; cows and heifers, 4.26ii(6.60; canners, 12.S51l3.26; buns. $;l.75&u.50; calves. &.00itr7.76; .Texas and Indian steers, t4.6(u.26; cowa and heifers, 3.f)lKri5.00. HOGS Receipts, 1.600 head; market 10c lower; pigs and lights, i.0o'(!6.56; packers, tV.16'(Mi.30; butchers and best heavy, $H.2o ia.M. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000 head; market steady; native muttons, J3.50 i4.!; lambs, 6.75'i!.40; culls and bucks, tVi.254.26; slockers, J3.2Vfl4.Z6. fit. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 11 CATTLE Re ceipts. 3.000 head; market weak. 10c lower; steers, $4.3ty?ii.;io; cows and heifers, M-iOa 6.00; calves. t3.5Ofc7.00. HOliS Receipts, 8,500 head; market 15-3' 20c lower; top $6.20; bulk of sales, $5 DOie 6.10 SHEEP AND LAMBS RecepUa, 1.O00 head: market steady to strong; lambs, $6,006 d.16. Stock In SlKht. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha fc.uoo U..100 6. .100 St. Joseph 3.OI0 8.500 l.OUl KanBae City 14.1 24.1 looft) St. liuls 4.000 1.600 7.00.) Chicago 3.000 14.000 14.0i Totals :).600 61,600 37,50.1 OMAHA W HOI.iC tl.b. JIARKKTI. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1, delivered to the retail trade in l ib. cartons, Uoi No. 2, in ,J-lo. tuna, 21c; No. i. in 1-lb. car tons 21c; packing slock, solid pack, 12c. uany, In 60-lb. tuba, Itttltic. jiaikel changes every i ueauay. CHEESE Twins. 14Q16'4e; Young Ameri cas, l.ltc; daisies, loo; tripieu, Itki; Imi beiger, ltc; No. 1 brick, loc; Imported bwiaa, ILc, Uomesuc ewiss, 22c; blocs Swiss 19c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 1 lbs.. $5.ut) per dot ; hens, 15c; cocks, 11c: ducks. ISc; geese, 16c; turkeys, tec; pigeons, per dot., 1.J0. homer squabs, per dux., Mom; fancy squabs, per dux., tslwi; No. 1, per dux., 4VI.UU. Alive: Broilers, ioc. 1S4 to 1 lbs., and lli lu I lbs., 2uc; smooia legs. Ho; hens, JJic; slags, 10c; old roosters, la, olu ducks, lull fealllered, U;to; geese, full feathered, 6-jc; turkeys, 14c, guinea fowia. ak each; pigeons, per dos., tioc; homers, per dot., t.1. iM; squabs. No. 1, per dui., 1.60; No. 2, per dos., 60c; capons, over 4 lbs., 14c; old turkeys. Ike. FISH tall froxen) Pickerel. c: white, 7ij 10c; pike, sc. trout, 11c; large crapples, Uj lic; Spanish mackerel, lsic, eel. lc; had dock, lac; flounders, Uc; green cattish, loc, roe shad, koc each; shad roe, per pair, 66c, trog legs, per dos., iiC, stvimon. AC, hali but. sc. herring. 6Vc, FRUTTs Apples, Washington. Mo. Pippins, 44 tier, per box, '$Z.o; Washington Red-cheek Pippins, 64-u4-o-ll2 sixes, per box. $J..i; Washington Ganos. per box, $2 ). Baoaniiaa, t.iin y select, per bunch, I2.ifra2.iiu; Jumbo, bunch, J2.7u'(ia.i5. Dales, Anchor brand, new to l ib. pkgs, In boxes, per box, 2 0u; bulk In io-lo. ooxes.. iht1-'. Figs, Turkish, 7-crown, per lb., lis?; -crown, per lu.. 14-; 4-crowu, per lb., 13c. Grape fruit, Florida. 4-4-t4-sO sizes, per box, $4.14). choice slock, 25c less. lmiin, Llmonelra brand, extia famy. Sx-3ij0 sizes per box. ti.io; fancy. 3oo-3iO sixes, per box, $4 00; 240 slxe, 600 per box less, oranges, l amella Redlanda - navels, all sixes, per box, tVi.26; fancy navels, Nj-96-LO sizes, $-85; loO snd smaller sixes. $2 00. Strawberries, Louisiana, per 24-plnt case, $2 75. VEGETABLES Beaus. string and wax. per hamper, $3.6ot4.su. Beeis, per bu , 16c. Cabbage, New York, per lb., 2c. Carrots, per lb., Io. Celery, California Jumbo, per dot. bunches. 65c. Cucumbers, hot house, I1, and 2 dux. In box, per dux . 12. uu. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per dux.. 12.0a. Garlic, extra faucy, while, per lb.. 15c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dot.. 45c. Onions, Indiana, while, per lb., 3'c. Onion sets, while, per bu.. 32 lbs., $1.76; yellow, per bu.. 32 lbs., $126; red. per bu.. 32 lbs., $1 .60. I'arsley, fancy southern. per dux. bunches, 6iy Parsnips, per lbs. 2c. Potatoes. early Ohio seed. siaud soil, lu racks, per bu.. $1.10; Genuine Red River E. Ohio seed, per bu., $135: Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 86c; t olorado. per bu . $1 no. Rutabagas, per lb. IV:- Tomatoes. Florida, per 6-bstket crate. fancy , i-'''ly 'l.i; choice. l.i5. Turnips, per bu , 7V. MISCELLANEOUS Almond. California soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc less Braxll nuls. per lb., 13c; In sack lots, la less. Cnroanul. per tack, $5.00; per do., 7.-K-. Filberts, per lb., it. . In sack ,ot, . less. Hickory nuts large, per lb., 5.-; small, per lb., to. Pesnuts. roasted, per lb , 8c; raw. per lb., iP-,i Pecans, large, per lb., ltk-; tn aack lota, lc less. Walnuts, black, per lb. .'!; I'allfornla. per lb.. !; in sack lots, lc lens. Cider. New Y01 k. Mott s per l.bl.. $4.',6. Honey, new, M ti tuuea, tU-7. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Persistent Selling Brings Out Widest Movements of Weeks, NO SOLID SUrjVORT OFFERED Ft port Business of United States Sterl Corporation Now Katlraatrd at Sixteen Per Cent of Its Total Production. .. .NEW YORK, April 11 -Persistent sell ing of stocks today brought qut the widest movements which have taken place In sev eial weeks on the exchange. During most of the session prices ruled a point or more tinder recent levels. The movement seemed to indicate short selling rather than liquida tion of long stocks and probably wns in spired In- the belief that, since prices have not Improved on the receipt of good news recently. It would be .asier for profes sional traders to depress the market than rorce it up No solid support whs offere I and quotations gave way rather easily with only a partial recovery before the t lose. Some encouragement as derived from ttie first returns received todav of the country's expmts fr March Statistics covering exports of grain, meats, cotton and m neial oils revealed an Increase of more than S3.0ou.0no for March of last year, i lie gain for the months of the fiscal year rill-H!ith March ovt preceding period Is tli:l, Ji.l)l"l. The export busineae of the United States steel corporation Is now estimated at IS Per cent of Its total production and the ex port trade of the corporation this year is expected to exceed that of last year, which was the largest In Its hletorv. The weakest features of the day's trad ing In the stock exchange were a number of Inactive Issues. United Railways Investment and Na tional Biscuit also were especially weak, in the last hour a better tone developed. Missouri Pacific, after Its fall of a point rallied and closed at a net gain on short covering. The bond market was Irregular. Total sales, par value, were $3,058,000. 1 rilted States government bonds were tincl,n,n,ed on call. Number of ssles and leading quotation on stocks were as follows: Alll.-r.! " H,ln- Amalgamated Owner '".", 'neri,n Asrlcil llural .. Amnrli-ao Raet Sugtr American tmn Ameriran A F Am. Cotton Oil... . Amerlrtn H. A U pii'.'.'.'. Am. I c ReruMtlMi Ameriran fjiiMri Ainerii-an Ixx-omotlT Ameriran S ft H. Am. H a n Am. sta Fnunilrles.!!! am. siigir Refining .... Ameriran T a. r Amsrlcan Tnharco pfd'.V.'. ..iiriren HOftn . ... Antronda Mining Oi Atclilaiin ... Atrhlann pft ....'!!.""' Ailantlr oaat Una Baltimore A Ohio h'thlehTm steel Brooklyn RapM Tr. nadlan Paririe " t'entral leather Central leather nfd V Central of New Jersey... fhaaapealii) A Ohio fhiiatu a Alton Chlraso O. W., now.. O. O. W. pfd I'hliaxo g, s. W C. M. St. P f.. C.. C. Rt. L " Colorado K. A I r'olorado A Soulhers..,'., tonTolldated Uai Corn PTodurta DHaware A Hudaan '., Denver ft Rio Orands.... I A ft. fi. pfd DlatlllerW Securities Erie Brie tat ptd Hi'ie Id nfd Oenerml Rlertrlo tlreat Nnrlhera pfd Oreat Northern Ore etfi.. Illinois Central Ititerftorough Met 1111. Mel. prd International Harvester . Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kan. city go. K. C. So. pfd Larlede Gaa Louisville ft Nashville.!! Xinn. ft 8t. Lnult M , St. P. ft 8. g. tf .... M-, K. ft T M . K. ft T. pfd Miaanurt Parlfle ' National Rlarult National Lead N. R. R of Id pfd New York Ontral N. V . O. ft W Norfolk ft Weetem "-'orth Ameriran Northern Paclflo Parltlr Mall Pennvylvanla People's tlaa P.. C, C, A 81. L Plltaburg 'tial PreMed Steel Car Pullman Palare rar , Rallwty Steel Spring Reading Repuhllr Steel Republic Sleel pfd Hork laland fit Itork I Hand To. pfd St. !. ft. S. P. Id pfd...., St. Ixule S. w , SI. I. S W. pfU ; Sloaa-ftheffleld S. A I...., Southern ParlftP Southern Railway So. Hallway prd Tenneaiee Copper Teiaa ft Parlflr T-, St. b. A W , T., 8t I., ft W. pfd I'nlon Paririe t'nlon Parltlr pfd t'nlted Slates Realty t nited Siatee Htihber t nlted Stales Steel t'. S Steel nfd . 1 tan fVpper a.-lVrollnt Chemical .. Wabash Wahafh pfd , Weatem Maryland We.tlnxhnuee Klertlio .. Western Union Wheeling ft L. K Total aalea (or the day, 114, 100 aharta. London Stock Market. IflNDON. April 11. American aeourttles opened steady and during the early trad ing advanced on fair buying. At noon the market was Bteady and from to 4 above parity. Ooneonla. money. II 11-lt Loalerllls ft N 14 do arrnunt II 11-lt fid.. K. ft T 1344 Amal. Copper 4s N. Y. Central lluta AoacoDoa IttNorTolt ft W Ill Alrhlaon HIS to pfd II do pfd HKVt Ontario ft W 41tj nauimore at Ohio. ..lot PeunaylaTnla tt Canadian Paoltlr HI H Hand Ulna 1 Cherapeaka ft 0 J Heading 714 . nicaxo yj. w 11 soutsern Kl 14 Chi . Mil. ft St. P..1IHV4 do pfd M Lie Beert IIS Soul here Paclflo Ill1 lnver ft Rio O Il, tnlos laclflo lilt do ptd 71 do pfd 17 s, K'f M'tl'. i. Steal 7S do let pfd 41 do ptd 1124t do Id pfd II Wabash 171 Grand Trunk tt to pfd Hit Illinois Central 141 Spanish ta tt SILVER Bar steady at 24id per ounce MONEY 2VfK-' per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills la 2ntj t S-lt per cent. r4 4.1)110 H tl'4, tl 1,400 67 171 7H 400 43 't 41 i2 1.410 ptt H tile I. too Mtt M' 17 M0 H 11 2114 23 101, 7"0 17 17 Mot 7414 71 7314 41H imi l.OOt 14t 145 Mf.S 17 tot 9414 14 M14 IT", I. sno lmtt tot mt too uvjtt 102m 10214 nH 1 too lOfj'4 jos4 iof, 1.700 ,14 .n aim I.J08 77 T4 77 vs 4.100 i3si4 m rn 100 21 21 is t J7S l.doo 1044 m to io r it so WO 2114 11 21 44 ;no 144 I43't 14:114 1.100 K'OS 11'4 120 t.1 100 11 11 1WH4 ms 1.7O0 1414 143H 14.1H, 100 ItH 1414 14 1M4 100 20 no, j01i 100 f M, 400 34-4 .1:1', 34 1,300 3D 293n 2"H 300 tt 4TS 47 100 371 37W 37 1.000 is 11.014 w I, 200 lit J2-71, JrTS 200 42 tl 1SIT4 IO0 13714 11714 iuti too 1H 1"t 13H4 100 4314 5314 4314 100 117 11T IHI4 17 70 10 l 1114 too 40 3ot 3ttt 204 ICS 1(S It i 33", M JO0 10214 1021, 102(4 100 14444 444 1444 100 147 14" 14S 3'0 124, 32 H 321 t7 12.100 41 4S 474 1.700 111 1M 13H4, M 15 loo inns 10544 1114 ?oo 4114 4114 41 4.700 107-4 1014 107 200 71 'a 71 Tl l.ooo 12414 12J 15.114 24 J.soo uu its i;s4 on 10414 1034 lot 100 M14 M 200 21'. 11 Jot, 100 32'4 !14 31 sno 111014 jsttt .s Sno 1314 31 3114 II. 700 ltsi, IJ.414 1F.4S 200 IZ S34 11 1.700 St 2'4 Z1HA 100 It tl (714 40 10 n M 1.JO0 ltf.14 1I4'4 114'4 400 1714 27, t 400 tl 3 ft too 3714 3i4 31114 too IT 24 ;s i 1.104 47 4Fi 4KS 11.(00 17144 17ft4 I7IH 400 U 4 3t 73 400 41 40x4 4 10 400 774 7S 7 1.000 1114 ll ni. 200 43S 4314 43 4.000 ts tr.S ', ion 1114 itit 144 700 1714 17 174t tOO 60S 40 4914 4f.it 100 7J4 714 T2t 4it 1.000 174 172T4 17S'4 Boston Stocks nnd Bonds. BOSTON, April 11. Closing quotations on stocks were ss follows: Alluuai " Mohawk H14 Amal. Copper Nevada Con 174, A. I- 4V. 8 24 Nlpl.aing Mine Ill, Arlir.nl Com H North Bulla 27 Atlantic I North Lake t H ft r C M. liquid Oomlolos It Hull Coallllos 17 tiaceola l. l al ft Anion Harrt.ll 8. ft C IIS Cal He.' la 41 ijulncv t7S iVntennlal 11 Shannon 111 ("topper lUnt ". C. tni Superior 11 K.iit Butte C. U US Superior ft B. M I rranklm Superior ft P. C MS Clrnui Con t U-ltlaniarark la tiranbr '"m l'- 8- R- M 34 Oreena Ck tnra S do pfd 4SS lle Roaalk Copper . 1!S ftak I on 11 Kerr Uk t l it I tah Copper Co 44 laek Copper 31 Winona t't la 8U opper 4 Wolierln lit Itlanil Copper US I bld. arA.ked. I New York f'nrb Market. The following quotation are furnished by Lcgsn ft Bran. members New York Stock exchange, Tia eoutn ruieenia street Amer Tonarco 4( 7 la roe Bay Stata lla 24 Nevada Cons H.ille l oahlio 17S N'Tada t'tah Cartu. 11 Ohio Copper DS Rawhide realities. 1 Hit Central tl Silver King Coallt. 4S Kerr Late CudaliT Paiklng fV.. ta. 1124 ctilraro Itillwav In. 1.'7 City of Omaha S-tto. 4S. 1:1... Cltv of Omaha 1,1, 1P.11 Pcnver t:a A r.le.-. a. PMt Iienq.ter Mill Mr Co rtork Fairmont Crranierv l.t guar, t p. Fairmont Creamery pM. 1 p c... Kanpa Cuy Stoi k Yard atx-k.... Kanaa Ciy (las a. I9."l N. Y. Central 4S". nnlea Omaha Water oe. l!Mi! Omaha ft c. B. St. Ry. 9. I: Omaha S C. B St. lty ptd , t Omaha ft O B. R. ft B Omaha B. U. pfd. t p. 0 Panflc T. ft T. . 1:'V Portland O. A C t. I'i40 Seattle Rleclrle 5e. 12 Union gto-k Yarda auxk : p 0. tS t 14S 1K1 4 124 s 4 S S S t; m 14 '7S m at tl S 1 . P'4 l'-S 'S rs 1 , 11 9S I.1.1 1-S I7'4 t2s S to ;s ' 4 ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. April 11. MONEY On call, is-ij.'S) per cent; steady; ruling rste, 2't Per cent; closing bid, 2' per cent, of fered at 2N per cent. TIMK 1XANS Soft and dull; sixty days, 'drliVAt per cent; nlnetv days. 2iH per cent; six months. Sit.:', per cent. PRIM K MKRUANT1LK PAPF.R-Sfji 4S Per cent. SI1CRLI.NC. F.M'IlANCrSteadv. with actual business In bankers' hills at $4. Kilo for sixty-day bills and at $ I. town for demand. CI iM M KRCI A I, RH.1.P-S4 M. BII.VKR- Par. hOtc; Mexican dollars. 4-:c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today ss follows: IT. 8. ref. la ret WIS Int. M. M. 4 Si do coupon 101S Japan 4a V. 8. Sa. tag I0IS do 4S do coupon 101 V K . C. So. lat 3 V. S. 4a. reg 114s U S. dch 4a 19m... do coupon llSS I.. A N. unl. 4a Allle-Chal. let t.... 7SM. K. ft T. lat 4a. Am. Ag. I lop do 4Ss Am. T. A T. ot. e .ints'Mo Pacific 4a Am. Tobaoco 4a. rS N R R. of M ts dot 107S N. Y. C. g. 3S-.- Armour ft Co. 4S 13 do deb 4a Atrhlaon gen. 4e S ,N- Y . N. H ft H do ct. 4 1 ct. te do cv. ta 110S N. ft W. lat c. 4a A. C. U lat 4a 4S Io ct ts B. ft O 4 kS No- raclflc 4a do 1S S'-S- do 3 do 8. W. IS S . S- b. rfdg. 4 Brook Tr. cv. 4a 4S Penn. cv. SS 11 Cen of ! t 10" con. 4 t en. leather 5a fS Bdlng gen 4e .. r. of N J g t....lS,t. U s. r. r. Che, ft Ohio 4S-. .'0'iV do " IS ts. , do ref. fta Chicago A A C. B. ft Q I do gen. 4a. C. M. ft 8. P C. R. I- P. do rf. 4 Colo. Itid. ha Colo. Mid. 4 a ft 8. r. ft . s n. ft H. ct. 4 D. ft R. O. 4 do ref. bn ntetlllers 'na Erie p. I. 4 , do gen. 4a do ct. 4a, aer. A... do aeries B Oen. Kler. ct. ta.... 111. Cen. 1t ref. 4a. Mi Mo. Pac Int Met. 4S 7I, Bid Otfered. W. r. 4a. gold 4a... 4 rol. 4a... 4a WiS St ! AM do lat f.'i S. A I.. 9S 80. Pac. g SS 0"' do cv. p. 4a. 7:1 do lat ref. 4a.,.. MS So rtallwav fje 7 do geli. te (13 l lllnn Pacific 4a... S rtfl cv- 4 do 1st ft ref. 4a. MS V. S. Rubber a. . .'S P. 8 Steel 2d SS Va.-Car. t'hem. 5a. 4Swabaah 1st f.... 7fs do lat A ex. 4.. 79S Wetrtern Md. 4a . . , 71V4Wet. Ttler. cv. B. ir.0 Wla. Central 4a... CT. 5. .. were . M . as . 4S . 7SS .. Ms . S . S .. 77S WS MS 13 S 131;4 .. ..107 .. WS .. 70S . . MS .. 7 . .103 .. 7S 4 - . . UK .. 74 .. 1S .. ' .. 2S .. 7S .. S ..10fi.-., .. 7S . ,100-S . .ios .. it '4 . . in:i ..ns ..101s . .P .. .. S .. 2S .. P3 .. 4 New Y'ork Mining: Stocks. mvw von 1C. Anrll 11. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: A lire wo 'i.itti cmei Com. Tunnl tock... 14 M1-n If-t do bond ... It Ontario IM Ton. Cel. ft V 120 Ophlr i Horn Silver tt 'Standard 100 Iron Stiver is YIIow Jckt 40 bradvlll Con It Offered. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. April 11. Bank clearings for today were S2. 220.770.11 and for the corre sponding date last year $2,ii75,103.4o. MCVY' YORK. GF..KHAL. MARKET Ctilno Ely Central Kiy Cona ' OlIVQl I Oreeae iSuana. ; Inspiration .5 N.e-th la O 1 4-way 4S 17 S S IS IS IS 1st s s s i.urtl s-enrltlea. Quotations furnished by Burns. Rnnker ft Co., 4 IK New Omaha National bank build in,: '4. te)- Chlrasa ft Kaetera llllnela 4a, IMt.... II let. la, I aaau.,u. , tt ttnotatlona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, April 11. FI.OUR-Firm; spring patents, $4.75i6.n5; winter straights, eXooii3.sii; winter patents, $4.00414 40; spring clears, $3.70j4.00; winter extras, No. 1, $3. (pa. 40, winter extras. No. 2. $3.0Ti(ga.l5; Kan sas straights, $4.iKn4.ii Kye flour. steau ; fair to good, $4.4iva4.50; choice to fancy, $4. 56 fi 4. SO. CORNMKAL Ftrm; fine white and yel low, $1. lOtrl.ZO; coarse, $1.101.16; kiln dried, $2.00. WHEAT Spot market, firmer; No. 2 red, WSic elevator, and MtrS.e f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duliith, $1,071. t o. b. afloat Futures market was firmer In the face of lower cablos and favorable crop advices, on covering by local and western shorts due to congestion In the May position and small receipts and firm rash 1 markets, clos ing V'lSc net higher. May closed, l4 13-16c; July, kiV'l September, MSjc. CORN Spot market, steady; export No. 2 corn, 66V4C f. o. b. afloat. Futures mar ket was without transactions, closing at Malc net advance. May closed, 67c; July, 67c. OATS Spot market, steady; futures mar ket was without transactions, closing nom inal. HAY Steady, prime, 51 0:,(!i 1.074; No. 1, $1.06; No. 2, 9Ac; No. 3, 7vfi80c. MOPS Firm; state, common to choice, im 0. 2.,Hi29-; 1909. ygClc; Pacific coast, 1910, J:i1(22c; 1909. 1441-nc. HIDKS-Steady; Central America, 20c; Bogota. 22c. LKATU KR I hill : hemlock firsts. 23Vd 25Wc; seconds, 21VtfJf23c; thirds, lPOc; re jects, llidllio. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, onw 20 5O; family, $13 OOfiv'Jl.OO; short clears. $17.00 (1I8.DO. Reef, steady; mess. $l!t&0fl 14.00; family. $li.OOOj15.60: beef hams. $27.00'q"29.00. Cut meats, quiet ; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $11.0urg.i2.5o; pickled hams. $ll.&ncd12.00. Lard, easy; middle west prime. $7 9ooj h.im; refined, barely steady; continent, $S.5f; South Amer ica. S.;t; compound. $7.12't"'7.;i7i. TALLOW Ktill; prime city, hgds., 6 ,c; country, 6IS4iii1c. BL I TF.R Steady; creamery special. 21Sc; extras, 20-q 20Uc ; firsts, lH'ql9c; seconds, lilt, f(il7e; creamery, held specials, lien lK'tc; ex tras. KljOclS'ijc; flrtrts. Ittil7c; seconds. 1 nlfi'-c; state dairy, finest, 2Oi201jc; good to prime, lfi'iinc; corcmon to fair, ll'ilTc; process, specials. 17Sc; extras, 17c; firsts, IHc: seconds, HSIiloc, Imitation creamery, firsts, loVulKVc; factory, current make, firsts, lii'uli:; seconds. 14'c. CH KESK-Steady : skims. 10c. KOOS Firmer; fresh gathered, selected extras, ls'oTS'ic; firsts, lolvql7c: seconds, loSfi l.'iatc; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1, l.S'tlrluc; No. 2, llV'il4-,e; fresh gathereil, checks. I4'(fl4'e; storage, packed to firsts, 17'4c; western gathered, white, lfi19e. POULTRY Alive, firm: western chick ens. lfi loi5c; fowls. 200j21c; turkeys, pic; dressed, quiet; western fowls, limine; tur keys, loft 2oc. AtsJlattle Supplies of firaln. NEW YORK. April 11. -Special tele graphic and rable communications re ceived by Bradstreet'a show the following changrs In available supplies as compared with previous account: Available supply: Wheat. United States, east of Rockies, decreased 1.621. mi) bushels. Canada, decreased 211.000 bushels. Total. United Slates and Canada. decreased 1.722.0UO bushels Afloat for and in Burope Increased suO.onQ bushels. Total American and European supply decreased K;t2.(l bushels. Corn. United States and Canada, decreased 1.4i"..0no bushels. Oats. United Slates and Canada, decreased 791,000 bush els The leading Increases and decreases re ported this week follow-: Increases Omaha. 192.0K1 bushels; Chi cago, private elevators. faj.oOo bushels. I lecreases Manitoba. 361, 0d0 bushels: Min neapolis, private elevatots. "fi.Of") bushels. Minneapolis Grain Market. M'J N N K A lOLI 9, April 11 W HEAT Mas. H-'.-Sc; July, Mr; September, "'JV? i"iO. Cash. No. 1 hard, 9S7c; No. 1 north ern. HS'.c't No. 2 northern, !MVuS,'V; No. 1 :l. Wsim '". FLAX Closed at J2T.S. CORN No. 3 yellow. 4S17Ri,c. tiAI'S No. white. SiVa-Sls-. RYE No. 2. 8V((m,c. Bran lull pound saks. 2l..'fi122.00. FlAJUR-First patents In wood, f. n. I:. Minneapolis. 4 JVy.; second patents. ,2.i$4n.i; first clears. !.S(i$l.:0; second cl.ars. 1.854) $2.ik. t'hlrsg Produce Market. CHICAGO. April 11. BUTTER Market steady: creameries, 14'aJlc; dairies, l'vulv. I J iiiS Steady ; rcceipis. :v.:.l;. cases, at nark, cases included, H'yfiHc: firsts, 15c; prime firsts. 16Sc. CHEESE Steady; daisies, ltqi4';c: twins. lVori'ec: young Ameilcas. l''tl 14c; long horns. n4lil4c. POTATOES -Easv: clioiie to fancy, (Eif Clc: fair to gorai. ift"ic. POI.'ETRY-Sleady; turkeys, dressed. 19c; fowls, live, lr.'-rc; springs, live, 16'vC. ' EA I. Steady ; 50 to lbs., Mi 7c; to S5 lbs., 74i9c; ti to llo lbs., tflis;. Milwaukee Cirala Market. MILWAUKEE. April 11 WHEAT- No. 1 northern. !. $!.": No. 2 !'7'r qvHcj; May, tiySc : Julv. t7sc. asked 1 iATS i-tsndi rd. ',i:c. BARLEY- Malting. 1 uifUl.H'u. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILAITrT."P1IIA. April ll.-Rutter-Quiet ; extra western rreamery, ic, do nearrby prints. 24c. IS - F'lrrn : good demand; Penna. and other nearby fltst f e. $u A per ce: do urrttAl refittUAft -LA f U4aV4 veaHtkra Mln. fall Skr. 47 .10 Cloudy 4K .11 Raining 4V"i .27 Cloudy .ti Clear 44 .on 1 lear 41 ..To Pl.cloudr 4 .14 PI. cloudy 4.1 ... Raining 41 .40 Cloudy 42 .4.1 Char ;:2 .m Clear 47 06 U oudv 4ii .nt Cloudy 44 .12 Cloudy SA .OS Clear 40 .l"i Ra'nlng SS .HI 4'lotidv 44 ,?5 Ruining S! .01 Raining 41 04 Raining firsts f r. $"'. per case; do current re ceipt f c. $.'. 10 per 1 see 1 1 EKSE-Steady ; New York full rream. fancy Sept., I.tu1.7sc; do fair to good 12 UiL'Ss'- t or and Wheat fiction Bulletin. Record for the twentv-four hourt ending at a. m. Tuesday. April 11. 1411. OMAHA lilSl'RICT. Temp Ksln- Statlnns. Max. Ashland, Neb trS Auburn. Neb 74 Columbus, Neb... tW Culbertson. Neb.. 72 Fail bury, Neb 70 Fairmont. Neb... Ni ( Jr. Island. Neb.. 70 llartlngton. Neb. K.4 Hastings, Neb.... 70 Holdtege. Neh... 7R No. Platte. Neb. 70 Oakdiile. Neb ft Omaha. Neb M Toknmah. Neb... Ks Valentine. Neb.. 70 Alta. la S3 Carroll, la 6.1 Clarlnda la Sihlev. la fi2 Sioux City, la .. 4 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain Olstrlrt. Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus. 0 17 68 ; flu Louisville, Ky 20 h2 :S .00 Indianapolis. Ind.. 11 SO .I fn ! Chicago. Ill Zi 68 .00 1 St. Louis, Mo 2N so 40 . Pes Moines, la ... 17 so 38 .20 Mlnnespolls, Minn. 30 R4 40 ,3f Kansas City. Mo . 21 4 44 ,20 Omaha. Neb...... 21 8 42 . 20, Light rains oceurjed within the last twenty-four hours In thf western districts of the' corn and wheat region. The weather Is warmer over the corn and wheat belt east of the Missouri river. It Is slightly cooler west of the river. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. . St. Ionia General Market. ST. U1UIS. April ll.-WHEAT-Ftitnres. firm: Slav, sn4e; July. Mi,e. lash, higher; tiark. No. 2 red. Mr- No. 2 hard. 86(5ic. CORN Higher: Mav. 4c; July. SlVtO. Cash, higher; track. No. 2, 3lS32c; No. 2 w iilte. 3 Cac RYE Unchanged, at 94c. FLOUR Slow: red winter patents $2X171 4 70, extra fancy and straight. $3.6ofc4.10; hard winter clears, $2 70rft3 26. SEEO Tlmnthv. $r..O0j.5O. t'ilRNJIKAb-12 30. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track$l.U'rT 1 HAY Hlsrher: timothy. $15.(IOfr20.00; pr.-ilrle. $12 15.00 PROVISIONS Pork, tincnangea: jonnma. $1 .25. lird. lower: prime steam. $i..ViJ 7.(10. Drv salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, site; clear ribs. 8Hc; short clears, x-'sc. Bacon lower: boxed extra shorts. 9-v4c; clear ribs. tc; short clears. a7c IOULTRY Firm; chlrKens. ltc; sprinars, ITc; turkevs. 17-'(I'lHc; ducks, T4c; geese, 16c. EOGS Steady, al 14'tjC Kansna City Cirnln and Prat-talons. KANSAS CITY. April 11. WH KATr-May, WfiKPtr, bid; July, (IV bid; September, slHVl'se bid. Cash, higher: No. 3 hard. i!3o; No. 3, S2ift8Sc; No. 2 rexl 87i88c; No. 3, slt'&ViC. CORN May, 47stf47'e bid: July, toc, seller; Sept:mber. 4Sc. sellers. Cash. UtP ic higher! No. 3 white. 478H7Vi; No. 3, eSVo:47o. OA I S- Unchanged; No. S white, lli?J-32c; No. 2 mixed. SOU 31c. RYE No. 2. 76'(79c. ;i AY Steady: choice timothy, $14.0tV14.50; choice prairie, $12. Wa 13. 00. (UTTER Cresmery. 20c: firsts. 17c; sec onds, 15c; packing stock. 12S)C. Liverpool Grain Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. April ll.-WHKAT-Spot. dull: No. 2 red western winter, no Btocg; futures, quiet; May, 6e S';d; July, a I'tjd; Oct.. s 7"4d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed new, 4s 4d; American mixed old, 6s 6td; new American kiln dried, 4s 7d; futures, firm; May, 4a 6H1; July, 4s S'Ad. Peorln Market. PF.ORIA. April ll.-CORN-Hirher; No. 2 white. 4R'c; No. S white, 44v: No. S yel low 49c; No. S yellow, 48'v949c; No. S mixed. 4XHc; no grade. 4-M94fic. OATS Strong; No. 2 white, 324tf324o. nominal. Omaha Hn Market. OMAHA. April ll.-HAY-No. 1. riM: No. 2. $10 00; packing, $9.00; alfalfa, $1H.O0; Straw: Wheat. $5.50; rye, $6.50; oata, $7.00. rhlcaao Board of Trade Close. CHICAGO. April 11 Board of Trade not In session today. Primary election. SELECTS SITE FOR ROCK PILE Berka Finds Place to l-orato Wla La bor riant Prepi Ree- Inllon, Judge Perka has discovered an Ideal place for his rock pile, which ha proposes to establish In the pity. After scmlinlaing the possible places thst could be utilised for the hammer gang. Berka has com Io the conclusion that four vacant lota on the corner of Tenth and Nicholas streets Is about the proper place for the hoboea and others to make little ones out of Mg ones. 80 this resolution, which will go Into the council tonight, will stipulate that the rock pile be located on this corner. Ills resolution will also direct Ihe council to set aside suflctcnt funds to make the proj ect a reality. The four lots which Berka has decided on are owned by the Union Pacific Rail road company. Berka sas the ground can be secured at a nominal rental. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. April 11., Futures opened firm at an advance of 10 to 16 points In response to higher Buropean rablea and reports that firm offera from Braxll were a shade steadier. There was some further scattering liquidation, but offerings were well absorbed through profit-taking by recent sellers and scattering bull support, which was probably encouraged by pri vate rabies from Havre, reporting a de cidedly better tone In the market there. The cloae was steady at a net advance of 14 to 19 points. Sales were reported of 29 S00 bags. Closing bids; April and May, 995; July, 998; August. W0; Sept., 983; Oct., 972; Nov.. 969; Dec, 964; Jan., &SS; Feb., 6; March. 969. Havre was i to 1 franc higher. Ham burg Vt to K pfennigs higher. Rio 7 rels higher at t $760. Santos 4 s 100 rels lower nt 6 $350; 7s 160 rels lower at R $750. Re ceipts at the two Brazilian ports were 9 OHO bags, against 22.OO0 last year. Jun dlahy receipts 2,3o0 bags against 2,600 laat year. New Tork warehouse deliveries yester day 4.159 hatra, against 13.458 laat year. SPOT Coffee quiet; Rio No. 7. 12c; Stvn toB No. 4. 1274't?iac. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 13i91c nominal. Metal Market. NEW Y'ORK. April 11. METALS Stand ard copper, weak; spot, April. May, June and July, $11.70ro 11.80. London, steady; spot, 54 liis 3d; futures, 54 7s d. Arrivals re ported at New York today were 290 ton. Custom house returns show exports of 7,704 tons so far this month. Local dealers re port a quiet market for cooper. Lake. $12 37 V( 12.50; electrolytic, $l2.2fytfl2 374; cast ing. $12.0ixi(l2 I2S). Tin, weak; spot. April and Mav. $41 ;5tf41.85; June, $40 8041.60; July. $40 V fi41.25. Sales, five tons spot at $41 70 and five tons April, port of New York, at $11.75. London, steady; spot, 1192 2s ad; futures fiS7 P. lead. dull. $4.454?4.&0. New York, and $4.2If4.i. East St. Louis. Ijead. London. 12 IKs 9d. Spelter, easy, $6.4ii 6.60 New York, and $5.27Vl5 22H, East St. Louis. Sales. 60.000 lbs. May and 60.000 lbs. June. East St. Iuls delivery, at $6.30. London. 23 I2s d. Iron. Cleveland war rants. 47s td In Ixmdon. locally Iron was quiet; No. I northern foundry, $15.75 IS 25; No 2 northern foundry and No. 1 southern soft foundry. $15. 50-g 16.00. Antimony, dull; Cookson s, $9.0009 60. ST. IH'1S, April 11-MrrrALrTevd, steady, $1 30. Spelter, firm, $5.80. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 11 COTTfrN-8Tot closed quiet, 6 points lower; middling up lands. 14.70c: middling gulf. 14 96c; no sales. ST 1iUIS. April 11 COTTON'-Market un- hanged: middling 14e: no sales; re ceipts. ti?4 bsles, shipments, 614 bales; stock, 2o,71H bales. New Tork cotton market aa furnished by Logan Brvan, members of New York Cotton exchange, S15 South Sixteenth gtreatt; Months.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close I Yes'jr. Mav ...! 14 82 I 14 72 I 14 57 July ...I 14 69 14 fifi I 14 60 Aug. 14 14 , 14 20 , 14 OH Oct ... 12 1 I 12 94 I 12 7 14 m 14 64 14 14 12 2 14 47 14 60 14 ( U a) Oils nnd Rosin.. SAVANNA If, C.a . April 11 Turpentine c. A .. a fi .'j . .Bl.l tiltla- P.i'ulnl a LAI . bl.ls; shipments 79; stoi ks 4.340 bbls. ROBIN Firm; sales 974 bbls; receipts 1 'i:7 bbls; slilpmetils 1.394 bids: stock l3'4iil bbls. Quotations: B. $7 57i-7f7.70; I). ! $7 6714, l. 7.72VJW.75: F.. G . and 11. $7 77',,; I 7.M: K . M $72H; N. and W. O. 7.7Vh I tiiT.Ssi; W. W. $7 67Vt7.92'4i. I Dry Goods Market. 1 NEW Y'ORK, April 11 The cotton goods marneis .if mciuicr lor iiie uav wi,,4 m slight liardeniiig tendency was noted In some lines, small lines of export are be ing sold for shipment to China, India and Red Sea porta. Cotton yarns are stesdy and quiet. In men's wear markets credits and collections are retained good. I n and Doing. Not all city folks are aa Ignorant of the farmers' surroundings ss the farmers some times suppose This as evidenced by an incident In the stay of a young New Yorker on a New England farm Well, young man.'' said the farmer to his city boarder, who ws up early and looking round, "been out to hear the hav cock crow, I suppose " And the sly old chP winked st the hired mini. Tr city man emlled No." said h susvsly; I n mry been out trio) autot la tv eerd, al oo4k'adgt. We offer, gubject to prior aale, all or part of 22S Shares Se-rlrg A TELEPOST STOCK With S Convertible Certificate BIG BARGAINS Accounts carried upon monthly payment! without interest We will buy Otis Elevator, Oxford Linen Mills, Douglas Bhoc, Trefd. We will sell Procter ft Gam ble. Claflln, H. B., Natl. Dicto graph, 8. A. Kccsing 8c Weed BROKERS 1 141 Broadway, New York. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort O. A. Russell. Wyo ming. April S. 1911. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 9:30 o'clock a. in., mountain time. Monday, May 8, 1911. at which time they will be opened In public, for construction of approximately the following estimated quantities of drain: 3 126 lineal feet of t Inch fl. G. Vlt. pipe and specials. 2,1'on Uncut feet of 6-Inch S. O. Vlt. pipe and specials and 9 manholes. Plans, specifications and general Instructions to bidders are on file In this office and also In the office of the Chief Quai termasler, Oeparlment of the Missouri. Omaha. Nebraska ; Chief Quar termaster, Department of Colorado, lien ver, Colo., and In the office of the secre tary of Builders' Exchange. St. Paul. Min nesota. Proposal blanks may be obtained upon application to this office. The gov ernment reserves the right to reject or ac cept any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals shoitld be Indorsed "Proposals for construction of drains at Fort I. A. Russell. Wyo., to be opened May 8, 1911," and addressed to F. S. Armstrong. Captain and Quartermaster Ninth Cavalry, Constructing Quartermas ter, Fort I). A. Russell, Wyoming. A10-U-12-13M5-6 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Teslh and Maaoa. Oatoa Paolfles Iepart. Ban Fran. Overland L. .a 8:16 am, China and Japan F. M.a 4:06 pra Atlantlo Express Oregon Express a 4:00 pm Los Angeles Limited. ..al2 46 pm Denver Special a 7:04 am Colorado Express a 3:50 pm Oregon-Wash. Limited. .al2:50 pm North Platte Local aU pm Grand Island Local a 8:16 am Btromsburg Local 612:41 pm Chicago at Northwestern NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:46 am Sioux City Local a 3 46 pm uihm Jk. Dakota F.v a 7 'Oil xm Twin City Limited a S;4a put aiDflawi aatreaa KABTBOUND. Carroll LiocaL. Daylight Kxpreaa Cbloago Local Colorado-Chicago .... Chicago Special paclflo Coast-Chicago ..a 7:00 am .a 7:40 am ,.alS:ot pm a 6:14 pm .a t.oa pm .a :36 pm Los Angelea Limited. ..a 1:60 pm Overland Limited all :4a orn Carroll Local a 4:30 pm. raat Mail .a SJtt put WHSBTBOWND. Llnooln-Chadron a S:ta) am Knrfolk-Ilallajl a l ot ana Norfolk-Lincoln a 1:16 pm Hastings-superior .... b 1 14 pm liMdwued-Hot Kd rlriaa. a 1 fj nm Caaper-Lander a 1. 66 pm Fiemont-Aihioa t.u put Missouri rjtolllai a K. C a St L Ex a : am K. C. 4 Bt. L. Eau. x. cept HaturO-ay all:l trt K. c. tit. ia ax.. Sat- urday only m.. 1IM pm Chloaaa, MllTjraakee at at. 1-ai Overland Limited all: pm t .ha-Chlcago Ex b 7:16 am. omaha-savannah Local. a 7:14 am Colo-Cal. Hapreaa a :( pm Colorado special a i:ti am perry-Omaha oLcai a i.li pm Arrlvu. all:M pm a 6:45 pm a 4:46 am a 6:10 pm a 1.30 pm a 7:27 am a 4:60 pm a t:20 pm a 4:46 pm al0:10 am b 1:20 pm al0:20 pra a 1:28 pm a J4 am a 7. to am aiuoo a at a 1:60 pm al2:36 am a S:at pm a 8:28 pm a t t am a S:2i pm aU.ao pm 7:46 am al0;i am a ttt put all. -00 am al0:4s pra 4.20 pm b t:30 pm tVM put all:U0 ant tt IM pm rmm a I M psa a 7:51am aavapm a l:S6 pitt a 4 6 am C10.4M am Wantuh . Omaha-tit. Louis Ex.. ..a I SO pm a t:2 . BU a 11 auiu AafreaM. .....aa I .va mm ail'lt eianb y Lcl ifroiu C.Ja.)a t AM pa ttaiiawla Cam 4r at Chicago Express 7-00 am a I ts cnicago i,iunieu.,,,.,.,w in a t:v Minn.-at. Paul ILx b 7:00 ata ntinav-Bt. Paul Ltd a t.uo put a t.(N pm pm ChlvatTO, Kaick Island ak laelfl BLAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd.... all :U am e t-t v Itew Linraal. a S at am Chicago Local Paaa blo.a tun Lias aiolnes Lcal Pass.. a t.uo pm Chicago a.aptsa a 4.41 put Chlcatto Lliuit4 a t.va put TJOO-U1' Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Lincoln. a S: am Colo.-Cal. h.xpreata a 1:41 pm Okl. 4k Teaaa axpreaa..a 4:1 pm Hocks Mouniaia Ld....ait4e yu tkcat Oreat 'Western. Chicago Limited ... i m.ii v iiy .toiled Twin City Limned Twin dor Ifcipress CtUutgo alXeM-eae .., ..a 6:48 pm u l yut '.'a t .tv aoi alO:. pm a 4:SU pm bm.i pm aJJ Mf po a 1 u pit, a Mt tuu a :47 pm 4 41 p,u a 1st pm Ua.M tvut a 1 04 i clv.M I a t-av i a t.tt i alarllaatea gtailua -tVlk aaal Mattaa, urllnatea Denver 4 California... Pugel Bound Kxpreaa. Neorussa poinia Black Hills Lincoln Mall Northwest Express ... Nebraska points Nebraska bxpreea Lincoln Local Bchuyler-Plaltamouth Lincoln Local plattsmoutli-low a Bellevue-Piallsmouth Central irui Chicago Special Uenver Special Chicago Express Chicago Fast fcxpress.. Atlantic Coast Limited Iowa Local Cieston lla.) Local .... St- Loula kxpreas R. C. Bt. Joeeph .... hi. C. 4 St- Josepa .... It. c. at Si- Jukh Depart, a 4 iu pm a 4 111 pm l: am a 4.10 pm b 1:4U pm all:Uj pm a i)U am a t.it to b 8.06 pm a 7. a. pm a .it am ,aU to pm all 66 pm a 7.14 am a 4:2o pm a e to pm . 11 pm a t 16 am a 8:40 pin a 4 JO pm alO 46 put a it am .a 4 etl put Arrlvu. a 4:46 pm a 8:46 pia 1 1 in pm a 8.46 put alJ:l pm a 7 :uv am a n pm a 4. JO pm t us am blO.aU am a 7.11 pm a S .iAJ am a 2.40 pm all. 26 pui all 36 pm il ui am a 8-. pm a t.uo am alb 80 am aiO.M am all:6 am a 4 44 am a 4. IS pm Depart Arrlvu. ..b 8.60 pm bu 44 so) , Mlnaeapolle Vt Stalla- lata aaa vVoaatur. Mlaeoarl raetflo Auburn Local Chicago. St. Paul Oanaha. Bloug City Expr4SS....b t it pm bll 4S am Omaha Local eta pm 6 out City Passenger b t.JU pm Twin City Passenger. .. .b ( 80 am Clous Ciiy Local e t 86 am k.inrrn Local U ti pm k 10 tua is i Iiaiiy. it LUltr e .! aatilajf. ts uitdttt 4naLb