I ( -.,- eA . A V k f I ' ' fed - mm i a l r r assiassBs -- i " ' ' b w -- - vt r x' v m. - ' i w aasMe a hSUrJDAYl k mondaY, f y jAY,l UVJSDMESDLA'fl (THURSDAY LSr.lSAV l I. WANT ADS Want ads rwcflred at any time, but to Insure proper classification must b presented befora 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:80 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hours will hare their first Insertion under th beading, 'Too t to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REUl'LAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 H cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Each insertion made on odd d. 1H cents per word. i.BO per line per month. Rates apply to either The Dally or Sunday Uce. Always count six words to a line. Want arts for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores one is your "corner druggist"- they re all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Jnst as promptly and on tbe same rates as at the main office In The Bee bolldtng, Seventeenth d Farnam streets. Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Baum Drug Co.. Kl N. 16th Bt Beranek, H. A.. ltu South 14th St. Benson Pharmacy, Hanson. Nab. Bemis Park Pharmacy. S3d and Cuming. Blaka-Brsdlsh. SKIS Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 221 Military At. Caughlln, C. R., eth and Pierce Bts Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake stn, Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 South 16th Bt Carmak, Emll, 1264-f South 16th Bt. Ji.iv, P. H , 2802 Leavenworth Bt. Foster at Arnoldt 213 North 25th Bt. Freytag, J. J., 1914 North 24th St. Fregger Drug- Co.. 1302 North 16th Bt. Florence Druic Co., Florenca, Nab. Graen'a Pharmacy, Park Ava. and Paolfla UraanouKh, Q. A., 10G South 10th Bt. QreenouB-h. O. A., 10th and Hickory Bta Oolden Pharmacy, 24th and Laavanworth. Hayden. WllUam, 2S20 Farnam Bt. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1W1 8. 29th Ava Hlnterlong Drug Co., 21a t Ave. and Far nam St. Holiit, John, C4 North 16th Bt Huff. A. L... 2924 Leavanworth Bt Johanson Dnif Co., 24th and Bpauldlng. Kins. H. S . 22: Farnam Bt. Kaiintze Place Pharmacy, Z:H N. Wth Bt Mirn, Fred L., 21 Central Blvd. Patrick Pru Co., 1802 N. 4th Bt. Peyton Pharmacy, 7M South 16th Bt. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ava, Rchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Sis. Bchaefer, Aucuat. 2831 North 16th Bt Brhmldt. J. H . 24th and Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 0th and Cuming DEATHS AND FUSiKRAI, NOTICES. PARDEE E. U. at his home. 2 North Nineteenth street, April 10, 1911; aged 75 years. 4 months. II days. Remains will be taken to Harlan, la.. lor interment, Wednesday, April li. CARD OF THANKS Ws wish to thank the lodge, the degree team and the concert band of A. O. U. W. No. 17. the decree team of A. O. IT. W. No. 173. Social lodge No. 102, D. of H., the x-axi uniers association, Mecca Court No. 13. T. of U. II.. Banner Lodve No. 11. W. V. of A., Omaha Crockery company and employee, the Otto Gas Engine -company and our many friends for their kindness shown during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father, also for the beautiful tloral offerings. MRS. U U HENZ1B AND RELATIVES. L.ODGB NOTICS5. t. John's Loose No. SS, A. F. A A. M Wll conduct the funeral services of Brother waiter j. Kobinson at the request of w aterioo uoaga iso. 102, Valley, Neb., Wednesday. April 12. 191L at 2 u. m. Mum- bere of St John's lodge please be present si i.m. a. j. jacksun, Master, MAHR1AUB LICENSES. Name and Residence. Kenneth B. Cameron, Omaha Gladys E. Thompson, Omaha t harlea Hutton. Cedar Bluffs. Beale Hadley, Cedar Bluffa A are. ... ... u ... u ... 24 Solid Gold Wi-dtW MxteanUiat lUmeaBt ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., TllNJE- mbalniera. l(Ut Chicago St. D. &. B-ltii! Dl'FFT 4V BULANU, undertakers. T. 1S74. HORNBT, Blue Print Co.. lis Bes Bldg. KT1T Electric Pianos. Uuslc Boxes, Pea-L-J - nut and Alhletio Machinea. Cash Machines .'"A",1'' mh. Au.,- .iMHIlwgilll. AVI. JlBlQtJ A-CUk MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATh). In sums to suit. US Be bids. rnone Uoug. 2sot. Fence Iron and wire. Champloa Fence Co., lith and Jackson ois. isi. xousias luM. EAT KOSHER HOME COOK.1NO. AKkl.NS, m aV lei'U. UF8TA1RH Vacuum Cleaners For Rent Phone Webster 34 OH; B. Wis. Pll IITIH'UV tichllta No 1 i?w '' -' in cooneouon. 1U H. 14th at ANCHOR FENCE CO. Irvn and wlrs fences cheaper than wood; m ""u" " . mo. iaone Red ale EVEKTONK wants his druggist or con- ivunuiiar iu oe auve. ids live onea kre O brieii s caixly. it li Isoit, i 6oU U!a bt., will bring this ad to The Bi and Identify hlinseit within three days ) will receive an order for a tuu bus ot th candy. Cement Block s,,, .E" QUALITr Ideal Cement bione Co THBT KNOW what L'Ddike a CrM. nI Omatia flour la in every home. It Henry rvieve, ixvw ooum vnn m , will ir,Tg tht o w mi pee wunin inree as) a ft-.d loan ufy himself he will receive an order tor a n-pound saca or mis nut riour. TEN shares Avery Implement company Stock 12 per cent dlvtdeni. 4'J ". M. O. A. CHINA painting lessons too. phone H rtt. ARCHITECT J. F. COTTRELJU Doug. t.uT. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid oa all If orders. CataiuKuea free. Miermaa A VleCoaae Iwug C- O laba, Xa euscnyc aeten mnea cer to wait until t - ANNOUNCEMENTS (Contlnued.i YNC1I BROS. w'Vanoanu REPAIR WORK. 170 Jackson bt. U. 1477. -I VoKrnolo Chop Suey. Amerlcan Dln- "5U,,W" nera Clean food and fin Restaurant r.v,ce Tables for la- 304 North 16th St. FTXTRT V cleana and preaees men's and avujj women a suits. Calls for and delivers. Red 7501. 2407 Leavenworth St. PAPKRHANQERfl. use Snowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co , III 8. 11th. Both Phonea. Filters, filter repairs. 1210 Howard. D. 3U WHICH is the cheaper, common paint at SI 7a or S2 0O per sallon that covers 460 square feet and wears one year, or Sherwin-Williams' paint at $2 25 per gallon that Covers mote than 6(0 square feet and wears five yearsT We are agenta tor etnerwin Wllllams' pntnts end varnishes, Carter lead and Keystona. Wall paper at low price. BAliKEH BEOS. PAINT CO., 16W4 Farnam. Doug. 4760 Ind. A-228L DOUOUAS PrlnUng Co., Teu Douglaa 644. TWENTY per cent leas than Omaha prices. HOME) i'lKiNlTUKK CO., Twenty-fourth and U 8t., South Omaha. 8. H. Cols Sign Co., D. !7iS. 131 Farnam. Charles S. McConnetl. publlo accountant. (14 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 314. PATTON'8 BUN PROOF paint card free. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. OMAHA Furniture Repair works, also re ining chairs. 1S 8. 13th. Doug. 2431. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNQATK. china firing. (70 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Web. 97&. OMAHA Reed and Rattan Co., reed fur niture; repairing a specialty. 119 N. 15th. DAVID COLE CREAMERT COMPANY. STENOGRAPHER, 440 Bee Bldg. D. 2807. ASH PITS EVERYBODY In Omaha has been noti fied to build an ash pit on their premises. I m here to do the work with sny artificial brick, stone or concrete. Henry Heese. brick and cement contractor. Douglas 6Uii. 1LER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath J .7'2?: KNICICERBOCKER i? Casady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, BU YT AND SELL r,lf .B.. Victor F. Beck, architect. 200 Barker Blk. MAGQARD Van Btoracs Psck. move. store and ship H. H. goods. D. 140f. B-2423L AUTOMOBILES "Bmesh up your auta, "SKID Into a poet, "TEAR your toD." And bring It to the beat place In Omaha for ail kinds or repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner ISth and Harney 8ts. ELECTRIC Runabout Cheap Pope Wiv erly Electrlo Runabout, new batteries and tires; go anywhere; owner moved to coun try where electricity not available and will sen lor liu, which Is lees than the bat terles cost one year ago. MARION AUTO MOLULld CO., 31D1 Farnum. Phone Douglas Z643. BIRD 3 sherry trees are ready to plant now. ii ti. i. luce. 4.44 iougias (St.. win bring this ad to The Bee within three days and identify himself he will receive an or der for a 60o cherry tree. WHITE STEAMER cheaa for cash. Ad dress x 142, Bee. New and 2d-hand autos. Derlght, Omaha. CAMERON Auto RPlr and Garage V,iHj.i.VJiX Co Reasonable charges. personal attention given. Ml a. lvtn bt. Tel. Douglas Ull. Truck storage specialty, Alotorcyeles. Writ A tor 1 ot UM motorcycles. Ws mil.- CBrry , fuI1 1(n ot motorcycle psrts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. THE FLYING MtfRKEL Is the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR- t'lt'Ll. in ths world. Louis Flenoher. stats agent 16-1 Capitol Ava Expert re pairing. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call oa UANUWTAW 4U4 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367 TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location. nth and Dorcas. FOR SALE CHEAP Best cafs and leass In city. Doing good business; best loca tion; reasons for selling, out of town business. Address Fort Dodge Grill, Fort Doage la. FOR SALE Tbe beat established paint and wall paper business in town ot 3,000, l 1 w Ik kin ') r 4t Wt, FOR BALE An old established restaur ant; must be sold quick; a big bargain at (3UU. sm, bee. FOR SALfcJ 6-chalr barber shop, dqlng fine business; terms, S caah, balance on time: Mice. (3.1UU. Reason for aelllnz quitting bualnesa. Harry Obley, 423 111. Ave., M. Josepn, aio. FOR SALD Good raying tailor shoo reasonable price. 12H3 -f 'amara. Inquire 319 N. 16th Bt i. tuoper, FOR BALE On ACCOUNT OF LEA V Ing the cay will aell the only bus line in the city; man ana iransier contracts In eluded; wouldn't consider any trad. J, A. Gusiaveson. Albert Lea, Mlrui. FOR SALE Plumbing stock; Invoice about S1.4UU; good location, proHperous cay. Philip H fuller, liaatings. Neb. $' in i.1CfT made weekly with moving lO ?uW pcture, Chicago Film Ea- change, 1321 Douglaa. Omaha. Both pbonea. FOR R HINT Bakery, two ovens; eatab llshed li. good opening for live man. Write for particulara to a.. J. Kettering Lincoln. Neb. tTlWT TT rv ta Mp,,nAn4 with r-t a . . rin,st huslnesa loi'atinn In nrtrtnw. mt I lt eminent appropriation of seven million dol lars win do speni in next two years. Guaranteed trade Location best corner in t.v.uii .-itv nt 25 iliBI In l I e siiv mercantile snd office building Address owners who occupy one half. Have prop- eeiuou r juu. oua ii, riuiM, toano. MUST sell oa account of health, Drue store In itood Nebraska town. 12,'v0 yearly business. Addreae Y, lus. Bee. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Is Omaha flour. Omahans prefer It. If F. M. lay lor. 413 Harney, will brine this ad lo The Bee within three days and Identify him self he will receive an order for a 12-pound sack ot this fine flour. FOR SALE Store and all necessary out building, l-room hnuse, 1 Sb-lu acres. Imple ment shed 40x14. If taken at once, will sell at t h General merchandise at Invoice price. H. M. Kchults. Dumfries, la. FOR SALE One half interest In estab i'shed. well located hardware buius. J BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) Reesilsg Hoases For Bale. NICEI-T furnished Tat of ( rooms snd bath. 706 S. 16th St. Thone A -2835. MODERN I room flat, full of roomers: two blocks from postofflce. F tui. Bee. FURNITURE of l-room house, modern except heat; cheap rent; leaving city. 1618 Cass street CHIROPODISTS VONHEIT. chlronodlst manlcurlnc. hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat I Bk. D. 2H3X DR. ROY 1505 Farnam St. Douglas 4407. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH, 3d floor. Faiton. D. 1CM. DETECTIVES OMAHA Beoret Service Detective agency. nc, bonded, 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319; Alil. CAPT. T. CORMACK. (17 KARBACH Blk. JAS. ALLAN, Karbach Blk. Doug. 2332. THERE Is everything In finding out where ths best la. If A. J. Stanley, 3H07 Ohio St.. will bring this sd to The Bee within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for a oo box of O'Brien's candy. DRESSMAKERS MRS LAWRENCU dealrns snd makes dresses and coetumes. Urbana apart ments, 1317 Park Ave. 'Phone Har. 8W4. TERRY'S Dressm'k'g College,20thAFarnam First class tailoring & art ssmkg 1811 Dodgs. THERE! Is everything In finding out where the best Is. If Oeorge Longknecker, HZi Capitol Ava, will bring tbla ad to The Bee within three days ana identify nimsen he will receive an order for a Sua box of O'Brien's candy. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha'a largest and moet successful com mercial school. Day and night sessions. Students admitted sny time. Business, Hnnkkeeiiinir StenoirraDhy. Tolegraphy. Civil Bervlce and Salesmanship. The cata logue is free. Address H. B. BoylesJPresl dent, Omaha, Neb. I.K"RM ahnrthand at home: 20O for one lesson and particulars. Globe Correspond ence School, Omaha, Neb. FLORISTS A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 001;A-100 HESS 4 8WOBODA, 14 IS Farnam St Bennett's Flower Dept East entranoe. THERE Is everything In finding out where the best la. It J. J. Kngland. 4223 liouiriu tt.. will brlna this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for a too boa ot O'Brien's candy. - L. Henderson, 11 Farnam. Douglas 1H- J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 3009. BRANDEIS cut Flower dept. new store. Narsertea. FRUIT TREES Shads Trees and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Ross Bushes. Omaha sales- sround. 20th and Cuming. D. 6314. South Omaha salesground, 24th snd O. BENSON-OMAHA NURaJCRI CO.. Benson. Neb. 10th and Nebraska. Home offloa Benson (34 .,,n,.Tr ii V o fvlT 1D.V. IaI. I1) unaibni di uva, " v . FRANK R. MARTIN. Phone D. 1672. M. P. Byrd TTTT?CT?T?V PH Full Una of nursery i.i j wjxjxv vw. stock, ornamental Sales Grounds ..KZ' ? L9th and Douglas R'Via."; oft uce. uougias SiW IF you want northern Nebraska rrown. hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and produc tive trees, anruDDery, strawberry plants, roses and evergreens, order from Uie Humphrey Nurseries. Humphrey. Neb. Hazeldell Nursery J. We Day, Prop, 1 rge stock of fruu. shade and o.. la ments.! trees, all sizes; shrubs, vines and roses. Nursery 2 miles west of Florence. at Urlggs. J'hone Florence 1UJ2. Omaha office and jards, th and Plnkley bis. l'lione web. cil. Take N. 24th St. car. -4 e. V EKY ON h. wanta his druggist or con fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep OBrleu's candy. If J. C. Hancock, Douglas St.. will bring this ad to The Bee and identify himself within three days he will receive sn order for a 60o box of this firie candy. FOR EASTER Adelight hair food grows hair; see Fravsr. Meaaath btat'y Co.. lith Ml Fi Mme. Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE WINE-T&o a large bottle. Klein itUor House, KM M. ltth 8L Dress pleatlngs, buttons revered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 2UU Douglas block. Both phones. Mjit Afnrria ths well known tailor, llia-X. AlOrilU ,lkn ladies' and gen- Uemeu's suits. Lowest prices. 301 Brown Blk DRESSM'K'G, Mrs. Wright, 4th flr.Haydea s WATJj W Prepared to fill orders ' for ths latest and beat paper PPER ,l th Pr,c Let us estimate for youv Rohe Wall Paper Co., F,n. rormerly of the Ross Art Store. RUFFNER TAILORING CtJM PAN f, -... a- Utn flt- DOWNEY K A STE RM1 LLIN ERT. tola N. 34lb St Doug. 76W. vA?' rouh strsw street hata at 32.2J. VIcMabon Mlllenry Co.. 1&14 Douglaa. HICKS' SMOKE HOUSE BARBER fHOP AND POOU 'ilo North loin si. FOR EASTKR FarrU's syruo on Pan cakes and waff.es if John Conry. io No. 17th tit., will bring this ad to Ths Bee within three das he will receite an oruer for a Mo can of tins syrup. DON'T -throw away your old feathera bring them to us; we will willow them Into willow plumea . We also steam and curl willow plumes. 75c up. Pert Pluius Co.. room 1. Paxtoa block First class Dresauttklag, 37 iA Dewey Ave. j U gores atrm, on tua aaJ way use to i FOR EASTER (Continued.) FRENKLE Dresses and cleans men's or ladles' suits, also repairing. 822 S. 24th. Ladies' Old JlAtamade over; new auiea VAIU JXHIS materU furnished; hats feathers and flowers cleaned and dyed. Miaa Pepper, (14 B. 28th Bt. H. 390S. J. Knox O'Neill Artist and tihntocranhr: pictures enlarged. Studio, !1 8. lith St DO I GET THEM. t00 mors subscrlDtlnna to the Ladles' Homo Journal and th flaturdnv ftvenlna Poet earns $2,000 for soms charity to be de cided by my subscribers. I do not bsndls the money, but the interest will lnsurs sn income or 110 a month for life. Do I get your renewals. Price $160 ech. Urgent UOHIKJN, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Phone Douglas 7163. Omaha. TAILOR-MADE and dress hata. II SO to 15.00. Crosstown Millinery, 2420 Cuming Bt BYRD'B NURSERY cherry trees al ready to plant now. If Anton Baumelstnr. 1440 N. 18th St., will bring this ad to Ths Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60o cherry tree. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order. 103 8. 16th St Jt' A fTT V Liquor House, full measure and pure goods, our motto. nmu Hansen, rrop., xat Chicago Bt T FOX wl8hM to announce his rs- St to 2901 Fsmam. lie will be pleased to new ones. Fhons Harney 4628. T., -1 We keep the late things In JCWClrVold nd "v" ln Quality to meet the purse. 1597 Harney Pt. ORPIIEUM JEWELRY CO. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 2214 Mason. HELP WANTED FEMALE A cents and Saleewomea. WANTED Young ladles to travel and canvass; guarantee and expenses. Writs E. E. Spillers Co., Redfleld, la. SEVERAL Intelligent ladles to Introduce "Current Literature" with premiums. Dem onstrator to coach beginners; excellent pay. Apply, 9 to 11 and 4 to 6, Hlxenbaugh at Co.. new Sterling Bldg., 1314 St Mary's Avs. EXPERIENCED Jewelry salesladies; gobd wage. The Bennett Co. Clerical and Office. WANTED Experienced cashiers, Tso transfer girls and cash girls.. Apply to Buperlntendent Brandels Stores. Faetory and Trade. GIRLS to lea i hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlors. 23S-240 City National Bank. D. 2SM. WANTED First class millinery de signer. Apply to superintendent Bran dels Stores. WA14T ED First class saleswoman, ax- Serlenced ln drapery department Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. Hoasekeepers aad Dooaesttea. WANTED Good girl for general house work at once. 2711 U St. So. Omaha. WANTED An experienced cars-taker at ths Creche, 14 Harney. WANTED Dining rooms girls at onos, Garland Hotel, Bedford, la., 34 per week, room and board. FOUND Ths best syrup ln the west for pancakes and waffles. If William Ballby, 14u N. 18th St, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify him self he will receive an order for a eOo can of Farrsll s fins syrup. WANTED A nurse to tsks cars of two children. Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Phone Harney 7L 1U South 324 avenue. WANTED A thoroughly competent cook: best wages. Mrs, Rome Miller, Florence boulevard. Apply to Mr. W. ii. Clarke, Millard hotel. ' WANTED A competent girl for general nuusewor. ie d. iiin Bi. WANTED Woman to assist with general nousewora. zit uougias ttt WANTED A girl for general housework, sman lanuiy. iewey Ave. WANTED A maid for general house work, good wages. 30t Faruain St WANTED neat girl for general houea work, plain cooking, small family, ales room. x arnam tot. WANTED nurae to care for two children Lit 8. gd Ave. WANTED neat experienced girl for gen eral housework. 104 8. 14th St. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 3730 Lincoln Blvd. I- WANTED rood girl for general hou... work. Mrs. Ivuox. 3 North id St.. Coun cil Bluffs. WANTED a good girl for housework. 407 in. ztm st. WANTED a young girl for general nouse wora. uL4 r. utn St. , a WANTED sn sxperlenced alrl aa onnk reference, no laundry work. 601 8. Ssth Ave. WANTED an experienced girl for general iiuuse era. m snerman Ave. WANTED a middle aged woman as housekeeper and caretaker of aged couple, good home. References. Box 134, Paciflo WANTED nurss girl for baby of two years, nit v.auiorni WANTED a good cook, cliv r.f.r.. required. 117 S. ftith St. r WANTED girl for general housework, with or without washing. Iul6 N. Zid bt. nouin umana. WANTED a neat housekeeper on farm Box bM. Schuyler, Neb. WANTED a neat experienced girl for -- " .. ' . . u Di. WANTED a girl or woman to help with a,u-i, iiuuh.ui t.-i .na?ago St. i m guuu gin jor general house work, small family, good wages. 10jl S 3."'lh Ave. WANTED girl for general housework small family. 4011 Izard St. WANTED a competent girl who csn cook no laundry work. 4U 8. ioth St. WANTED a good girl fur general house woik. 1VJ Manderson St. WANTED a ompentent girl for general houaework. 34 N. iiih St. South Omaha. WANTED a neat girl fur general house work. 2-u F. St., South Omaha. ' WANTED a neat girl to care for chil dren and bely wUU housework, 1014 N. Ijd HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeepere aad Dumrtt los -Cont'd. WANTED woman for reneral housework on farm, no objection to small child. Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Underwood, la. R. F. D. 1. COMPETRNT girl for general house work. No laundry woik. 3315 Burt St. WANTED- A rlrl for general houeework. Mrs. Mitchell, 133 No. 40th St. GIRL for general housework. 236 N. 2Sd St South Omaha, phone South 9-1 WANTED Good girl at 210 8. 17th 8t Good wages paid. WANTED Two girls, cook snd house maid. Mrs. G. A. Hoagland, Dundee. Mtseellaaeoas. WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng with the new Hermann permanent hair wave. A patent process that transforms straight hair Into naturally wavy. Rain or shampoo Improves. Benefit to the growth. A most wonderful Invention. We are sole agents here. We also teach manicuring, facial masage, electrolysis and chiropody. Our Manual of charts and diagrams with free cllnio saves time over other methods Catalogue mailed free. Moler College, Chi cago, III. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strsngers srs Invited to vlnlt the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station, v BIRD'S NURSERY cherry trees ars ex ceptionally fine this year. If Solomon Phelps, 1417 N. 18th St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will re ceive an order for a 60o cherry tree. 32 50 PER DAY paid one lady In each town to distribute free circulars for concen trated flavoring tubes. Permanent posi tion. F. K. Barr Company, Chicago. HONBST PEOPLE WANTED EVERY WHERE; $20 to 300 per week possible at home. Send application Immediately. New Century Co., Enid, Okla. HELP WANTED MALE A seats, Solicitors WANTED Agents In every town; sells on sight; big commission; writs today, Bartlett Supply Co.. Brown Blk. Omaha. WANTED Three experienced shoe sales men Immediately. Apply Bennett Co. WANTED Land salesman who can sell Irrigated fruit and garden tracts; 3400 a month. National Investment Co., 682 Bran, dels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AN opportunity for two good salesmen to connect with an old established house; must be up-to-date and thorough hustlers; only men ot high-class ability and able to furnish the best of references need apply. Address, stating a,ge, C 991. Bee. Boys. BOY WANTED Apply Johnston ESeotrlo Co., 411-411 So. 10th St. Clerical and Of flee. IF you ars looking for a position as Salesman, Bookkeeper, Stenographer or Clerk, see us without fall. W8T1RN RKiFER. BOND ASSTK, l-J-3-4-6 n. I. ure Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $56. Manager for branch house, one whs un derstands credits, (100. Office clerk, good penman, IBS. Stenographer, too. Accountant, 1100. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE) CO., 1016 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drag stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg WANTED First class salesmen ln linen department. Apply to Superintendent Brandels Stores. Ilacellaaeoae. YOU ARB WANTED for government position. $30.40 month. Writs for list ot positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept tft . Rochester. N. K. WANTED At once, 26 men to work by the day, 20 men to clean brick by ths thou sand. Come at once to Leavltt Sugar Fac tory, north of Ames, Neb. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. UCt $100 MONTHLY AUTOING. . iVAUTO SCHOOL, Omaha, Neb. ' LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. GOVERNMENT EMPLOY EB WANTED Send postal for Omaha examlnatloa schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept U4-ft Kocheeter. N Y, WANTED Men to learn the barber trade at once by our new method of free prac tice. Our Instructions with charts and dia grams save years over other methods. Don t waste time ln shoDB or Diaces called colleges without facilities of teaching. Ws nava nunareds of graduates depending upon us for barbers. Few weeks qualifies, lips amount to more than moat men earn. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St MEN WANTED at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; ages 30 to 40; $00 to $lu0 a month; spring the best time to start; no experience ueces sary. Write today for full particulars. Address Y 149 care rf Bee. WANTED An en -getic. high grade drug man at a first cuss salary. Sherman a. McConnell Drug tu., loin and iluu.i tits. TOR SALE Tickets to the American theater fnr evening aii.t afternoon perform ance. If J. Klnter, 1409 N. lxih St., will bring this ad to The bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to ths Amerhan the ater. -4 FIRST CLASS bookkeeper, either male or female; give experience, references and state salary required ln answering. E !'3, Bee. r LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llunti aad Vehicles. HORSE, wagon and harness. Webster 14(7. AUCTION SALE of over J0 horses and n ules. Uallup's regular auction sale. Union Hlock Yards, Soutii Omaha, Thursday, April IS. Among this consignment mav bt found choice I arm mares. heavy draft matched teams or farm chunks, also about 3u head serond-liu nd city horse, moat of them a little pavement sore; they sell cheap and make iiselul horses to take out on llis farm, as they kikhi become sound when used on soft ground. 1. C. Gallup. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner, 301 N 16th St. KHKM1 milk goats w.th kids for sale Twenty-fifth and county line. South Omaha. Jay Aull Hunch. BYRD'B NURSERY cherry trees are ex ceptionally fine tins year. If Dirk Mam- bery. It.; N. 1Mb hi., will bring this ad to The i'ee within three dasa he w Ul re rels e an order fnr a TtO- t herry tiee LOST AND FOUND 1XJST White and liver pointer blteb pnp; email strap around neca, reward, liiune liar. 44 FOIIKl) Th Teddy Bear eipert cleaa. a vwiw ee ss d a, a-m u, LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) LOST I-ace handkerchief shout noon flundsy on Karnam between 20th and 2ith or on 2tth to St Mary s Ave.; keepsake; liberal reward. Leave at Bee office. LOST From train March 14, brown, curly water spaniel dog; few white hairs on breast. Wanted on account of child. Answers to name of "Chubby." Reward. Box 40. Central City. 8. D. LOST Irish terrier: light brown, smooth coated, one year old. Answers to name of l eddy. u tag No. 415. Telephone Harney 3272, Douglas 416. LOST Black and whits pointer: return to Pm okehouae, SIS South 16th, ana receive reward. MEDICAL HA7EL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; Wo postpaid; samples free. Sher n'an A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CIIATTHL. KW555$m$w$sKmwwijimM i FURNITURE t1 (i tn tnn SALARY I LOANS. 5blU lO JbJUV. lqams, $ This Is a NEW FIRM organised by $ $ ths LEADING BUSINESS MEN of $ $ Omaha to losn money to anyone own- $ $ lng HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. $ $ PIANOS, eta, or holding a SALARIED $ $ POSITION. i The aim ot this company Is not to I $ rrfaks money, but to help honest work- $ ilng people who have fallen Into the hands of soms of ths high rats loan companies. $ We will loan you all the money you I want at I per cent per year. $ $ JUST THINK YOU PAY ONLY $ $ $ 10 ( mo. payments $1.72$ 10 32 3 $ $ 25 mo. payments 14.811 25 M $ $ $10012 mo. payments $s.7e 10.M $ !A11 other sums ln proportion. t COMPARE THESE RATES I with what you have been paying and I t COME TO US. Raasonabla appr. charge, 1 $ NO RED TAPE. NO DHJLAY. t J INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. f Room 204 WITHNELL BLK., 2d Floor, t $ N. E. oor. IMh and Harney. Easy stalra $ $$3ttt3"lWU$t$MMWHtttltelnW$ NOTHING BUT MONEY, That is All We Loan. Could you uss $26 or $50 to a good advan tage? If so, corns to us, don't go to a frt.ud. Ws lo'in money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and sasy payments; 60c Is ths weekly payment on a (26 loan and $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $00 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the tame proportion. Write or phone us and ws will call on you at anos. All busi ness confidential. STATE MOBTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington Blk., 1611H Dodgs St Phones: Douglas 2464, lndepsndent A-24&, CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rstes and strictly prlvata. NEBRASKA LOAN CO 220 Bee Bldg. ,Doug. 1366. A-1364. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping houss and others, without security) easy payments. Offlcs ln M principal cities. Tollman, 608 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. U Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, Come la and let us explain our low rates. Re- ii.hi- rii. r. M Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 14U. A-1411 DIAMOND LOANS AT 6 Wf! FT -AT AU m Doigt Street . l. f UttiaU, Telephons Wert Ml MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO. clesns your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. &04 a 14th; 30 S, 17th. Doug. 41 i. U'TT'T? T?TM 'Q Moving, Express and Btor-riYIU-ULlM O ,f Co Tyler 1200, A-4SS PIANO moving. Cole's storsgs and ex press, ltit Capitol Avs.. D. 870, A-K37. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVEY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; foreproof storage. City offlcs, 21$ 8. 17th. Doug. 804; Ind. B-1341. BENSON TRANSFER Furnlturs. plsno moving, transfer work of all kinds. So. 10th St. B-222; D. lf: A-m. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Haansa. O. .M. E. hauls trunks. D. 411: A-XU VERY desirable rooms and board, refer ences. 121 South 16ta Ava. MODERN furnished room, with meals It desired. 2M3 Dewey Avs. THE BACHEIX)RS, 20th snd Farnam. Rates: Single, $35 to $40: double. $63 to V. NICE south single room, furnished. 2211 Douglas rt. NICELY furnished room In modern home; excellent board. Private home. Tel. Harney 4 TWO very deslrabls rooms for rent with board; both large and comfortable; one south front, the other east front; modem home in Kounrxe Place on North 24th street csr line; pleasant surroundings for young married couple no children; lanuiy of four and no other boardeis ur roomers; terms reasonable to right parties; references re quired. 3b04 Ncrth 24tn St Phone Web. ML T. JAMEb. 41 So. llth; eteam heat free bath. Am. $1.26 up; wkly, $s up; meals 3w VERY pleasant rooms, with board. 204 8. 3ft b Ave. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room with private lavatory, walking distance, near car line. Excellent board. Harney 83X9. FOR SALE Tickets to the American theater for evening and afternoon perform encea. If Sa.m Noll. 140H N. IMh St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will he given an Older for two seats to ths American theater. An Open Letter" "We take pleasure in of the good results we derived from the "ad" we published in your paper March 9th. Up to this time we have had something like twodozen answers and have got two good deals Btarted as the result from this "ad". AVe certainly appreciate the result the Bee gives in advertising farm lands. Respectfully SVEA REAL ESTATE CO, By a BundeU" OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad R earns Cc TUB ALDEEN: nicely furnlshsd tnndera rooms with excellent board. $1$ 8. 2th. CLEAN, cosy, modern room; choles loca tion; excellent home' cooking. Pbons Doug. 1363. NICE furnished room, good board. Everything modern. 1231 Dodgs street FOR RENT-Three nloely furnished rooms) home cooking, lsug Capitol Ayo- I , FOR RK NT I .arse light front room far two; board, references, 191S Cass St , FOR RENT Nkiely furnished walking distance; board, men only. urn st room, tut M, VERY desirable rooms with board. 8. 26th Ave. tot FINE! large room board. 1(14 8. otk 8L- FOR BENT Two Tory desirable roan is, one block from two ear Unas; board If A, aired. So N. 39th St NEATLY furnished, board If deslred walking dlstanoa. Davenport St DESIRABLE steam heated rooms) board. 1818 Capitol Ava f CHANCE for two gentle an) room aad board In private family, good looatlon, walking distance. (16 N. SM Ht FOR RENT Nloely furnlshad roam good board. 80S N. 32d 8U DESIRABLE room and board, private family, mm Bewara it- FOR RENT Front and baek ysurtarl board. 1114 Caas St Far lafced Hawses. TWO strictly modern rooms, single e en suite, suitable for two or three. 2607 Farnam. Douglas TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webstar UI Kl N. tvth Bt ONE er two front rooms, fins furnish ings; reasonable piioc 320 N. 0th St No sign on house. WILL take two or three refined room or In fine boms. Pbons Douglaa ts&2t lad, A-X964. FOR RENTTws nioaly furnished reems 13$ 8. 22d 8t SUITE of rooms, west Farms dlstrlat, for two or more gentlemen; modern; pri vate family; reasonable. Har. Sat NIC ELY furnished room, atiiotly modem, walking distance, tfentlemea preferred. 171 8. ISth St NICE single room In private bom. Ref erences required, 2045 Dodge. NICELY furnished, large front room ; strictly modsrn; prlvata family, u0 g. SM. Harney 71a, MODERN front Pbons D. $634. 107 & th Ava - CLEAN, well furnished homelike rooms, 220 Ne. 11th St FURNISHED room In a modern boras, mt 1 1 n , a, TV. U a ww. .71. M 224$ HOWARD St, large south room. WEST Farnam district, 16th and Dswsy, two blocks from Farnam car: a very de sirable furnished room, for lady only; with small prlvats family; ali modern cor en tences; no meals; rsferenoes required. Tat Harney 4643. SOUTH FRONT ROOM IN PRTVAT FAMILY, I BLOCKS WEST OF Hlafl SCHOOL ON HARNEY AND CROB4V TOWN CAR LINE. 2414 CHICAGO ST. NICE, clean room, cheap. l07 Clark. Web. IW. BIRD'S NURSERY cherry trees are ex ceptionally fine this year. If Joseph Buck ley, 170$ Nicholas St, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days hs will receiver an order for a 60o cherry tree. f FURNISHED room, prlvata family. ern, good location, walking distance. Md 8. 28th Bt TWO elegantly furnished, strictly mod era, front rooms; private family; gentlemen pre ferred. 2126 Douglas. Tyler 122$. NICE clean room; aheap. 1907 Clark. Webster $684. A WELL furnished room la new bom for refined gentleman. 207 North ltth St DEWEY European Hotel. ISth aV Parnao . FURNISHED room, modern. tLU Dodg Bt NEWLY furnished front room for lady smployed during the day, breakfast If de sired. Bemls Park. Harney 37. TWO nicely furnished modem rooms; housekeeping If desired; walking dlataaoe. 643 liouth 2.th Avs. VERY deslrabls large front room, suit able for two. 201 S. 6th Ave. NICELY furnished room, strictly modsrn. 1817 Park Ave., Apartment No. 2. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; cheap rent 2113 Douglas. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, nswly papered; rent reasonable. 1V15 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Large front room, deslr sble for two. tJb So. 20th St. FOR RENT Modern pleasant rooms, good location, 641 So. 20 1 h Ave FOR RENT Iatks furnished rooms, walking distance. 2i7 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, for couple of gentlemen, I'M So. 24th Ave. . FOR REN'T-Desirable front, desirable tor two. good location, 111 N. 20th St FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, pri vate family, walking distance, gentlemen only. 60s So. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Desirable room, private family, rent to gentlemen only; good loca tion. 627 8. 26th Ave writing you at this tima ( 4v- i