THE BEE: OMAHA. MDNDAY. APRIL 10. 1011. TtF t?ri'' fcN k-r5 l!)"' V r 1 . i sfr M I A . y ' T JS" IB 1 - J . il T t - . assF " U 1 .2f T A A I i I ' - 1 A mmM immu mmmi F " v, -v - AO 4detr wvAeir a O i ia- 7 1? SS DAY 1 -Z I - - I 1 I nTTl ' : M i j . t a t . i w l i - . i t ri itm LEraffl WANT ADS Vint ails received at any Ume, bnt to Insure proper claaelHcntioii most be presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:30 for morning and Hnndajr editions. Want ads . received after such boars will ha their first Insertion under the heading, "Too lU to UsujeslfY." ( ASH RATES FOIt WANT ADS. RKULLAR CLASSIFICATION On insertion 1H wnU per word and 1 cent per word for each anbsequent in sertion. Each Insertion made on odd days, 1H cents per word. $1.60 per line per month. Rate apply to either The Dally or Cunday Bee. Always count sis words to a line. Want ada for The flee may be left at any of tho following drug stores one U your "corner druggist" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rutes M at the malt office in The llee building, Seventeenth and Karnam streets. Albauh. W. C. Wh sprt remain. Hatini liriin Co..- ?MI N 16th 8t. Bprnek. 8. A.. JW2 South Hth 8t.N Ilrninn Phsrniarv, Bpnson. Neb. JemUi t'ark Pharjuary. tfd.snrt Cumin Rlak-ltrkdlh. 2K1H Bhmian Ave. Otftnn Hill Phrm"y. Z-HX Military Av. laueh'ln. R.. 8th anil Pierce Bt. .'rlav Pharmacy, 2th and I.aWe 8t. i.'oonv I'iarin'-v, 2223 South 16th St. nnak. Kmll. dnutn IStli St. Khi-r. P. 1i Leavenworth Bt. ' Foaier ft AJ-noldl 2?. North Kth fit. Frevtap, J. J.. 1914 North i4th St. Fraer Drug Co.. 1302 North lth St. Florence Dru Co., F lorence. Neb. Green'a-Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Paoiflc fJreenouith. O. A., "V. South 10th St. Oreerionsh. O. A., loth and Hickory 8ts. Oolrten Pharmacy, LMth and lavenworth. Hayden, William, !930 Fainam St. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, isoi 8. th Avs Hlnterlont Dru Co., 31st Ave. and Far nam 8t. Holat. John. T4 North 1fith St. Huff. A. I. 24 Leavenworth St. Johanaon Prna- Co.. :4th and Spauldtng Kins. H. S . Farnam St. Kountae Place Pharmacy, 2204 N. 34th St. i Marea. Fred L.. 2M f'.entral Rlvd. Patrlnk Dru Co.. . Iiri! N. J4th St. Peyton Pharmacy. 17 South 1th St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Pchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, lth and ( hlcaao Sis. Schaefm-, Auguat. W31 yorth 1U St. Si hrnidt, ,T. If , 24th and Cumin Sta. Valnut HIM Pharina'-y. 40th and Cumlnr DEATHS AND FLNKHAI, NOTICES. LKH MANN Mrs. Jenalne. aged 61 years, wtfo of Henry Lchmann. Funeral Tuesday- at lei noon at 2 o'clock from the fitmlly residence, lS.ut 8. Twentieth atieet. Inicrtutjpt ,1'orcst Lawn. vN. volidOoldWcddind J ixtrenrh at lUmeab ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmers. K14 Chicago St. D. li&). B-1659.' " DUFFY & BOI.ANl', undertakers. T. 1676. HORNBY, Blue Print Co.. 118 Bee Bidg. JT-)'Ti Electric Pianos. MUalc Boxes, Pea-(JLAJ- nuinn-l Athletic Machines. Cash M Aphinca or Paments. Omaha Auto llldiume,,,,,!,. Vending Machine Co., 8124 Lentthworlh. Tel. llainey 243. A-243. MONEY ; ro LOAN LOV KATfc. in sums to ult. 110 Bee Bldg Phone Doug. 2H. UMON LOAN CO. lion snd Wire. champion lnce Co.. and Jackson Ms il. Duuglas 1&0. Fence l-AT K irsiiKi: HOME -JOKlNG. AHKLNf. Hln ri ImTH. UPSTAIRS. Vacuum Cleaners I'or Kent. phon W ebster 34(4). B. 24JH. ED ROTiiElfY fchntio. VfuTi ajiiuui i line ot h(Uor an(J cifc-an. Cie in iniinei-lion. ill s. 14th d. AN L i IOR l''i:N CE CO. Ilun ni,.k,.' l.m etieapvr than wood lat a llfwiu... ;v, N. ).tu. 1'hous Red all l'KUCi at cut uiu.-. fieifcht paid on all ll'i oideis. Caiaioiiuvs tie. Snerman SicConneli Liug .o., i.ii.aua. Ned. HYliDS Nt Its K XV cliero hi. to plujil uo. If . j. Mohlnian. :itKi Olitu Si., will lir.ii this an in i nt. Hee Hitliiu luivr ilat" ne ull receive an order for a .Vc i-neiiy tive. LYNCH BROS. I'Ll AlHINt: AND II c. A'l i s. I : Hlil'Allt UHK. US Jatkon St. M.14,-7 Nebraska Chop .American I'm-' neis Clean food nl fine Restaurant "''J K" '' :'" tor s4 North im ti si. H Cola Sign t o , l. 2:i 1316 Karnam KINK I .ft I"lsns and presses men's snd . , u women f suits. '..II.-, an. I delivers, iu-tl I'liil. ";04 l.t avenwoi tli St. 1 I Kilters, filter rcpalia, Slj Hoaard D. 3!3 ' H1CI1 'a tils i hea per. common paint at $175 or I? pvr ua'ioii mat covers etiuare feet aril tcrj on- ear. or Sher- wln-WiH'ems' paint at ; per gallon that covera moie than s.juar,- feet and weare five years' e arc a. nts i.-r Shcr iu vtliliame pallils and ts n : ie. 'artet- lead ind Ktvl uiu. v!l aiiet at lnvr ni ice. UARKEU liKOJS. PAINT CO., lews Farnatu 1uj. ..' ind. A-aJtl. ANNOUNCEMENT of the fscl that Far rell's rui is ilei"(ous ami 1.4 git-n awav by The (I. e. If T.n Knttlo. I l S. Kill St.. will In ink' tin 'l to i he Bee within three oats aiiu iO-ntit nunrif lie will re ceive an order for a.-iuieui can of thit syrup DOUGLAS rrintlng Co . le.. Duuglas 641 TWENTY pe:- cent less llian o.naha piles. IkiJH E tr ( UN I I I l;E t o . Teenty-toui th and I. Sis.. SoJIh Omaha. PA PKK1 (A N EitS. via .-nun (lake paste. Omaha Peel Co . ' S. 1. 1 it. Botn Phone. t'ltarles s. M.iYnncll ptblic accountant, ;4omna National rUn Blig. Tel. D. 311. PATTON'8 SUN PROOF paint card free. Saratoga Drug Co . 4th and Ainu OMAHA Futnl: e l'-l sn lw re caning cheats. 915 S. l.its I mug. :tsl MRS. 'HAr.?VS C. 1 1 UNGATE, tbina Trine 8:u Brandels liltig lei. Web. ta.e. J.MAIIA Keeo and Raltsti Co. reed fur ulture, repatt ing a specialty 119 N. Lilt ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. i DAVID COLE CREAMER! (JOMPANT. 8TF.NOGRAPHER. 'AO Bee Bldg. D. 2801. AS II PITS KVKRYBorty in Omaha ha been noti fied to build an aoh pit on their premises. I m here to do the work with any artificial brlrk, atone or concrete. Henry Heese, brick and cement contractor. Douglas MlTi. LLER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath !?trjnd,nHo,::rdw8r:: KNI CKERJiOCKEJl JmSst. Caadv Co.. S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, BUy AND SELL 5 Victor F. Beck, architect 300 Barker Blk. MACrCJARD Van ft Storage Pack, move, atore and ehlp H. H. goodi D. 1406. B-J42, EAT KrtSHKn HOME COOKIVO. ARKIN8. 318 8. 15TH. VP8TAIR8. ANNOt'NCEM KST of the fact that Far rell's syrup Is rielltloua and In (riven away by The Bee. If Kred Walker. 2Sf9 Ohio St., will bring this ad to The Hee within three davn and Identify hiniKclf he will receive an order for a Mr can of thia svrup. AUTOMOBILES "Smuh up your auto. SKIP Into a post, "TEAR your top." And bring It to the beat place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner lith and Harney Sts. 0-N-E C-H-A-N-C-E to get a brand new 40-horee power, four paatienger. fore door, standard make car at exact factory coat. Pay draft anj freight and It is yours. Chang of buslnesa makes thia neceaaajy. Bit SNAP. BE QUICK. Call Douglas 1473. WHITE SfKAMKR cheap for cash. Ad dress T 142, Bss. New and 2d-hand autos. Derlght, Omaha. CA-MEIION tpVlrTnT Garage Co. Reasonable chargea. Personal attention given. 601 8. lilth 6t. Tel. Douglas Wll. Truck storage specialty. IMu VELJE, "40." flve-paasenger touring car; fully equipped: almost new; cash only. H. J. Root, 211 W. O. W. Bldg. Motorcycles. Writ 'or ""t ' U1 motorcycles. Ws carry a full line of motorcycle TltB FLTINfJ MRRKKI, Is the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR- v,.i in me world. Jxiuts Flescher, state agent. 1622 Capitol Ave. Espert re- iwrins. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business, esll on OANOBIl'AD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 237. EVEhTONE wsnts his druggist or con fectioner to be alive. The liva onea keen ! Brlen's candy. If W. R. Xeff, 2044 X. lSth ' St.'. will bring this ad to The Bee and Identify himself within three days he win ' receive an order for a 60-cent box of thia I candy. e TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location, 16th and Dorcaa. FOR SALE The beat paying ahoe re pair ahop in Nebraska; small line of men s shoea In connection; total Invoice tij0; rail road town. 2.(i0 Inhabitants; reason, sick ness. Address P. O. Box 143. Sidney, Neb. FOR SALE Up-to-date bakery, res taurant, confectionery and Ice cream. Bet town In the Black Hills. Population. ll.OuO. Everybody working, good wages. W. E. cowin. Lead, 8. D. HVnns NURSERY cherry trees are ex ceptionally fine thia year. If I, Rosslter. M North 17ili St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 50o cherry tree. BYRD'S cherry trees are ready to plant now. If J. C. Gray, 16 N. 18th St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three dsvs snd Identify himself he will receive an order for a 50c cherry tree. FOR SALE CH EAP Best csfe snd lesse In city. Doing good business; best loca tion, ressons for selling, out of town business. Address Fort Dodge Grill, Fort l'ooge la. J FOR SALE The best established pslnt snd all paper business In town of 3,000. Write P .O. Box 236, Casper. Wyo. ! FOR SALE An old established restaur I ant: must he sold quick; a big bargain at m. N. 9M. Bee. FOR SALE 6-chair barber shop, doing fine Inifiuess; terma, cash, balance on time; price. 32.1O0. Reason for selling, quitting liusiress. Harry obley, 428 III. Ave.. St. Joseph. Mo. FOR SALE Good paving; tailor shop, j raonali!c price. r.T'3 Farnam. Inquire S19 N. l'itli St. 1 . Ct oier. ' Foil SAI.H-On ACCOUNT OF I.EAV : in,' the city will sell the only bus line In iilie city: mall snd transfer contracts In cluded; wouldn't consider sny trsde. J. A. ti.'siaveson. Albert Lee. .Minn. FOR S LE Plumbing stock; invoice about Si 4'i; good location, prosperous city. I'hlllp H. Fuller. Hastinga. Neb. i 4')-. 4 tt'M jr) made weeklv with moving I 10 ' pictures. I hiLSso Film Ex- i change. ir,iO l iouBlas. Omaha. Both phones. FOR RENT Bakery. to ovens; estab lhed li: goo1 opening for lue man. t rite for particulars to K. J. Kettering. Lincoln. N b. Hoomlna Houses For Sale.' NICELY furnished flat of 6 rooms snd bath 7'Vl S ifi-h St. Phone A-?35. ,.... - TV.T'". , MODERN s room nat. lull of roomera; 1' blocks from posloffica, K 9v8, Bee. FURNITURE of six room house: reason able; .ae gtxl hoarders. l.'JJ S. IKih. CHIROPODISTS MON'HEIT chiropodist, manicuring hair dreeaing. hair gooda City Nat I Bs. U. I'iii PR ItilV loO:. Frnam e Douglas - dentists . I'll t4 tins Ta.A r. .net BAIT. FY MACH. Id floor. Tsxton. D piai DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service lieiectlve agencv, ln... bonded. 4- Psxton Blk. 1). 1319; A lilt t'.U'T. T. l ORMACK. 617 kAIIUAi'H Blk MD ALLAN. Kaiba.h Rlk Imuj -S-'l DRESSMAKERS MBS LAWRENt i: .itslgns snd makes dresse? and costumes I'rbana atari u "t is Hi. Par Are. dm no liar. ;V4. TERRY'S Dreesm k g Coliege.XKbAKaraare . Ftra; class tailoring A er samfcg U12 Dodg t. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's Isrgest and most successful com merclsl school. Psy snd nlaht sessions. Students admitted sny time. Business, Rookkeepln. Stenogrsphy. Teli-grsphy, t.'ivll Service snd Salesmanship. The cata logue is free. Address H. B. Boyles. Presi dent Omsba. Neb. , FLORISTS A. DONAGHUE. 1107 Farnam. D. 100t;A-100i. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. L. Henderson, lilt Farnam. Douglaa Ills. J. H. BATH, 12 Harney. Douglas . BRANDE1S cut Flower oept.. new stora. EVKRTONB wants his druggist or con fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep o Prlen s candy. If L. L Pratt. 2414 Cbmb 8t.. will bring this ad to The Bee and iden tify himself within three days he will re ceive an order for a tiO-cent box of tls candy. Naraerles. FRUIT TREES" 0amenTt.rTrS.d Shrubs snd Rose Bushes. Omaha salea ground, 20th and Cuming. It. 6t. South Omaha salenground. 24th and O. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERY CO, Benson. Neb. 10th and Nebraska. Horns office Benson 634 NURSERY STOCK. Iflth ft Douglas. FRANK R. MARTIN. Phone D. 3672. M. P. Byrd NURSERY CO. LToZ Sales Grounds Indshada' trees.' TsVs- 19th and Douglas tfr.'i..': flee, Douglas 82C2 . IF you want northern Nebraska grown, hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and produc tive trees, shrubbery, strawberry plants, roses and evergreens, order from the Humphrey Nurseries, Humphrey, Neb. DAHLIA BULBS for sale; over 30 varie ties; price l per dozen. F. W. Black. 211W B St., South Omaha. 'Phone Bo. 606; Ind., F-1S06. Hazeldell Nursery J. W. Day I-are stock of fruit, shade and orna mental trees, all sizes; shrubs, vines and roses. Nursery 2 miles west of Florence, at Brings. Phone Florence 15.12. Omaha office and yards, 24th and Plnkley c-ts. Phone Web. 4-ill. Take N. 24th St. car. BYR.D'8 nursery cherry trees are ready to plant now. If J. E. Brock. 1430 N. 18th St.. will bring this ad to The Bee within three days hs will- receive an order for a 60-cent cherry tree from Byrd s. FOR EASTER Adellght hair food grows hair; see Mme. Prayer. Megeath Stat y Co., 16th & Farnam. VIRGINIA DARE WlNE-76c a large bottle. Klein Liquor Houae, 622 N. 16th St. Dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 20U Douglaa block. Both phones. FOR EASTER Farrell's syrup on kn cakes and wattles. If W. H. Walker, ri'i Park Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and identify himself he will receive an order for a 50c can of this syrup. Hot fvrria the well known tailor. max jyj orris makeil laslM. ,nd ,,.. tlemen'a suits. Lowest prlcea. 301 Brown Blk DREBSM'K'O. Mrs.Wright.4tb flr.Haydan s WATjTi We are prepared to fill orders AJ for the latest and best paper PAPFR at the best pries . Let us estimate for von. Rose Wall Paper Co., r.rm. , Formerly of the Roae Art Store. RUFFNER TAII5IS:015S1jMtPANy' DOWNEY EASTER MILLINERY. 161. N . 24th 8t. Doug. 76M. ,,N.EW. rough straw street hata at 12.24 McMahon Mllienry Co.. 1614 Douglas. Harry Martin. Tailor. 607 Paxton block. mKS'MOKE HOUSE" ( BARBER SHOP AND POOL. 315 North 16th St. Any o-i en t clgsr free with shave or haircut. DON'T throw away your old feathera. bring them to us; ws will willow them Into willow plumes. Ws also steam and curl willow plumes. 75c up. Perl Plums Co., room 1, Paxton block. FRENKLE preases and cleana men's or ladles' suits, slso repairing. 8-- H. C4tb. Ladies' Old Hats mo?;rt.rvfurrB,.Ji new he4: hata feathers snd floweis cleaned and dyed. Mlra Pepper. 614 S. ath St. H. 3908. J. Knox O'Neill -Artist and photographv; Pictures enlarged. Studio. 215 S. 16th St. DO I OFT THEM. 00 mors subscriptions to the Ladles' Home Journal snd the Saturday Evening Post earna 12.000 for aoms charity to be de cided by my aubsi-ribers. 1 do not handle the money, but the intereal will Inaurs an Income of 110 a month for life. Do 1 get your renewals. Price 3150 eich. Urgent. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Phone Douglas 714. Omaha. First class Dressmaking, l-TH Dewey Ave TAILOR-MADE and dress hata. 32 64 to 85 00. Crosatown Millinery, 24i0 Cuinlng St. DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $13 ami $18 Suita to Order. 103 8. Uth Kt. FAMlLYLlquor ,lo". f"1' measure ana Dure icuons nur mmm K mil Hansen. Prop., 13 Chicago bt. MRS. M. Y IRWIN. 31 Lrandela theater China decorating and firing, taster cards L. FOX 'll,h' t announce his re moval from Iavenworth bt. to Hall amain. lie wlil be pleased to meet hta old customers as weli as many new ones. Phoue Harney 4546. Jewelry 'iv,.V'.lhJrA,!,l to r.ieei the purse. lit Harnev K In ity Purse. 'V.7 Marnev St. ! ORl'I IEUM J E WELRY CO ' FIRST-CLASS dressmak'-V' M,.,, I- j HELP WANTED FEMALE AsCBle and Saleawuauea. 'V ANTED Voting is. lie, to t:ael anl canvass, tumantf hi u . v.,nn Writs E. E. spillrta Co , LoJfield. ia SEVERAL intelligent ladlea to introduce 'Current Literature' tsltlt p'emluma. 1 tetn onstrator In tuaclt bintni. evcelenl I "' Appi. to u an.l 4 to 6 Huent.s iKn j Co, ue j-ieiling Bldg., 1;4 St. Mar a I A v HELP WANTED FEMALE tContlnue.) Clerical aad Office. WANTF7D Experienced cashiers. tTso transfer girls and cash girls.. Apply to Superlntndent Brandels Stores. Factory ao4 Trades. OIRU ty lears hair dressing. Oppenhetm Psrlors. 236-240 City National Bank. D. 23t WANTED Tlrst class millinery de signer. Apply, to superintendent. Rran deia Stores. , WANTED First class saleswoman ex perienced In drapery department Apply to Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED Expsrleneed millinery sales ladies to go to Sioux t'ltj. Is. I.a.rga sala ries. Apply at Orkln Bros., 318 South lth St., Monday morning. Hoasekeepera sua Donseatlcs. WANTED A competent gtrl for geneial housework. 720 Lincoln Bld. WANTED A middle aged woman for housework. 1906 N. 241 h St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 3221 Pacific WANTED A girl for general housework, good wages, small family. 1730 S. 32d Ave GIRL for general housework. Laundress emploed. 104 South 34th St. Har. 6668. WANTED Experienced housemaid. Miss Jessie Millsrd, 500 South 38th street." THERE Is everything in finding out where the best Is. If Oeorge Hurst. 165 N. 17th St., will bring this ad to The u-n office within three days and identify him self he will receive an order for a 60-dent box of O'Brien's candy. WANTED- Thoroughly competent cook, also aecond girl. Mrs. Rome Miller Flor ence Blvd. Apply, to Mrs. W. V. Clark Millard hotel. WANTED Experienced whits woman for day work. 2012 California St. WANTED Nurse girl for 1-year-old baby. 2012 California St. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; plain cooking. 5204 Harney St. WANTED Competent girl for house work. No washing. Apply 3403 Harney St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; plain cooking; no laundry; references required. 3722 Pacific St. WANTED A girl for general housework; can go home nights. 1703 Lake St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, ; good wages. 3202 Sherman Ave. WANTED A Woman for general house work, where, she will be made onb of the family. 2621 1' St., South Omaha. WANTED Good lrl for general house work; no small children. 1313 S. 34th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. 862 N. 41st St. COMPETENT girl for general housework: no laundry work, H per month. 3416 Burt WAKTF.D Girl for general housework. 3013 Chicago St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no laundry. 3408 Harney St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 730 S. 22d St. WANTED A good girl for general house work; can go home nights. 2114 California St.- W ANTED Neat housemaid; good wages. 117 S. 39th St. WANTED Nun 316 S. 26th St. girl for two children. WANTED Neat houaekeeper for small family; must like and be kind to children; plain cooking; reference, age and aalary expected. Dr. 8. Eaatman, Belgrade. Neb. WANTED Neat girl to housework. 1S01 Blnney St. assist with WANTED A girl for general housework. 2236 S. 15th St.- WANTED A girl for general housework; must bs competent. 616 S. 29th St. WANTED A neat girl for general house work. 2606 N. 24th St. WANTED A naat. good girl for general housework. 111. S. 35th Ave. WANTED Maid and cook. Jennie Ed monston hospital, Co. Bluffs, la. WANTED A girl for general housework. 380 Farnam St. THERE Is everything In finding out where the best Is. If Thomas W. Austin. 3T05 Dodge St.. n III bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for a 60c box of O'Brien's candy. -1 WANTED A good girl for genersl house- fork. 212 N. 2olh St.. South Omaha. COMPETENT girl for general house work. No laundry work. 3816 Burt St. VANTF.D A ood cook. City references re.iulrvd. 117 So. 3")th St. Mrs. E. W. I.'lxun. Mlseellaaooaa. TOUNO woman coming ts Omaha as strangers ars Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlst'.sn aaaoclattoa building ai fct Mir) Ave. and 17th 6t.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placet sr otberwU assisted. Look for our trs ler's aid ai ins t'oloa tiatioa. WANTED ladles to learn halrdressing with the new Hermann permanent hair wave. A patent process that transforms straight hair Into naturally wavy. Hain or I shampoo Improves. Benefit to the groath. a moat wonoeriut invention, we are soie agents here. We also teach manicuring, facial massage, electrolysis and chiropodv. Our Manual of charts and diagrams with free clinic saves time over other methods. Catalogue mailed free. Moler College, Chi cago, 111. WANTED Everv body to know that the ... a vt . u n Ih.Blar Is tm nifm t m .nenri . pleasant evening. If Sam Rothenthal. 3126 Miami St . will bring this ad to The Be. within three dsys and Identify himself ha alii receive an order for two aeata to the American theater. - WANTED Three teachers who would like to have their education yield them bener returns than Is possible in the school rnum; mav ll-sui ill ri in ..iiii. iuuq salaries 1n rlsitt peraons. Addreaa It. C. It v. Griffith. Geneial Oeiltery HELP WANTED MALE A(fst, Solicitors and Salessseaw i WANTED Agects In every towe: sells en aigni; oig commission, write today. . , Bartistt Supply Co.. Brown Bik. Omaha WANTED Three experienced ahoe aalea- i ten imineataiei . Appiy nenneti to. AGEN TS -Big Money ! Sell Grimes' Sani tary Floor Mops and Dust Cloths Grimes Mfg Co.. K Madison. Springfield, o. WANTED Several good aollcitora on & g.ftod prop.sition , l' per rent coiomisslon. Apply M. II. Fowler. MO:' Clark St.. City. :! fior. MEN. 4 ladien to travel; IU tn 8 '5 a ek and e'en.. evpertence unneces sai. I ell I'Jii Farnam. HELP WANTED MALE a newts mmi Saleswomen Cost tlaatt FOR. SALE Tickets to the American thester for evening and afternoon prform snces. If H. p. Blamhug. 8U4 Corby St.. will bring thia ad to The Bee within three daya and Identify himself he will receive an order for two aeats to the American theater. WANTED Land salesmsn who tan sell Irrigated fruit and garden tracts; 8400 a month. National Investment Co., 682 Bran, dels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Factory aoa Trades, Dni store (an ape). Jobs. Kntest. Bee Blot WANTED A hard goods candy maker; steady position for sober msn. The Ettlng Candy Co., Grand Island. Neb. WANTED Experienced Swediah young man to run printing press snd set type. Omaha Posten, 1606 Howard St. BYRD'S NURSERY cherry trees are ready to plant now. Tf R, A. Ftnlev, 1612 Burdette. will bring this sd to The Bee within three days he will receive an order for a 60c cherry tree. WANTED First class salesmen In linen department. Apply . to Superintendent Brsndeis Stores. WANTED Experienced mlndow trimmer and card writer to leave the city and ac cept good position. Apply at Orkln Bros., 118 South 16th St.. Monday morning. Sfloeellasieoas. EXPERIENCED bushelmsn Apply 8upt. Brsndeis Store helper. TOU ARE WANTED for government position. 830.00 month. Writs for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dost. Ill E, Rochester, N. Y. MEN WANTED at ones for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; ages 30 to 40; 60 to 3100 a month; spring the best time to start; no experience neces sary. Write today for full particulars, Address Y 149 cars of Bea. WANTED Everybody to know that the American theater Is the place to spend a pleasant evening. If S. B. Dietrich. VA 8. 30th St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself ne will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYER WANTED Send postal for Omaha anamination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 1M-K. Rochester. N T. MAN to work In engraving department, one with experience on printing plates pre ferred. State age, experience and wages expected. Address C 74, Bee. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade at once by our new method of free prac tice. Our instructions with charts snd dia grams aave years over other rnethoda. Don't waste time In ahops or places called colleges without facilities of teaching. We have hundreds of graduates depending upon us for barbers. Few weeks qualifies. Tips amount to more than most men earn. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. - , ; , - - ii WANTED At once, 26 men to work by tho day, 20 men to clean brlrk by the thou sand. Come at ones to Leavltt Sugar Fac tory, north of Ames. Neb. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. UO 3100 MO ' LARGEST 3100 MONTHLY AUTOINQ. HOOL. Omaha. Neb. RGEST AND BEST. WRITE. WANTED An energetic, high grade drug msn at a first class salary. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., lbili and Dodge Sts. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses ana Vehicles. HOI'.M-'. wagon and narnses Wrtista AUCTION SALE of over 600 horses and n-ules. Gallup a regular auction sale. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Thursday, April In. Among this consignment mav bt found choice farm mares. heavy draft matched teams or farm chunks; also about 80 head second-hand city horses, mosi of them s little pavement sore; they sell cheap snd make useful horses to take out on tne farm, as they soon become sound when used on soft ground. 1. C. Gallup. ALFALFA HAY. Wagner. 801 N 16th St. IRON gray team, weight about 8.000 Iba., t years old, 1124 S. 13th Bt. FRESH milk goats with kids for sale. Twenty-fifth and county line. South Omaha. Jay Auli Ranch. EVERYONE wants his druggist or con fertloner to be alive. The live ones keep O'Brien's candy. If F. C. Pram, 2711 Ohio St., will bring this sd to The Bee and Identify hlmaelf within three days he will receive an order for a 60c box of this csndy. LOST AND FOUND LOST White and liver pointer bitch pup; small strap around neck; reward. Pnone Har. 464. FOUND The best syrup in the west for pancakes and waffles, if A. H. March. 3116 Miami St., Will bring this ad to The Bee Kithln three daya and Identify himself he will leceive an order for a 70c can of this fine syrup. IOST Smsll Morocco pocket book be tween court houae snd Dodge on 17th St. It contained 313. Reward. Finder leae at Bee office. FOTTNTl Th Teddy Bear expert clean luul,u ere and yers A-J826; D. 84&. SCOTCH collie, male; yellow and white; 1 year old. 2423 California; reward. I i PAIR GOLD beads. , Finder please notify r. . ii, L'uufiiu ncntru. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Beal rem edy for Itching, bleeding or promising PILES; 60c poalpald; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co. Omaha MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTEL. I MUWHWUm!JtUU4liU3mUlJJtUWl I 8 FURNITURE 1 1 1 4 n i( M I SALARY 8 $ i,rAN8. Vtf IU ipuui-i. ,OAi8. ,9 This Is a NEW FIRM organised bv I the LEADING BUSINESS MEN of I . 8 Omaha to loan money to anvone own- I j (ng HOUSEHOLD Fl RNITI.'RE. 3 i $ piAN'f8. etc., or holding a SALARIED 3 pifllTIx I I $ The aim of thia company Is not to 9 I 8 make money, but to help honest work- 8 ling people a ho have fallen into the I . I hands of some of the high rats loan I j I companies. I It We aill losn you sll the money you I if wsnt st 6 per rent per ear. I 8 JUST THIN Iv Y il" PAY ONLY 3 ' I 3 10-6 mo. payments 9l7Z-il'xz I 3 'Jb mo. paymenta 14 31 lli I 810012 mo. payments 8" 76 $106 00 8 All other sums in proportion. I COMPARE THESE RATES I 1 9 ' 8 with what vou hae been peylng and 4 3 COME TO US Reasonable anpr. charge. I $ NO RED TAPE. No DELAY. 8 I INDEPENDENT U)AS C(J . I I Room 804 W I TH N ELL BLK . 2d Floor. I I N K. cor. l.'ith and Harnev. Easv stairs 8 UU)(UimumiieeUUMMaUmMIUiUUM CHATTEL LOANij- Leaest rates and ainctly private. NEBHSKA l.tiAN CO., S!0 Pee b:dg DtJU,. 11. A Ui MONEY TO LOAN alary nasi Chattels Coatlaaed. N0TIHNG"bUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you use 825 or 350 to a good advan tage? If so, come to us don t go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small an1 easy payments; 60c Is the weekly payptent on a lean and 11 W Is the weekly payment on a 8oS loan for M weeks. Othsr amounts In the same proportion. Write or phone us snd ws will csll on you at once. All busi ness confldentlsl STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12 Arlington Blk . 151 m Dodge St. Phones: Douglas 2466, Independent. A-2466. MONET loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; essy payments. Office In 6 principal dtles. Tollman, 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. U Bldg. MONEY WM. TO LOAN. Come le us explaut rates. Re liable Credit Co m Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-lta DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 w. c. flatau. tAaa MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN FTORAOxl CO. eleaas rear carpets on your floors; oleotrte vaeuusa eleaaore. 84 a. lUil Ms n.i7tfe. Doug. 411 iVTrRTfTM'Q Moving, Express and 8tor-" r HiltUXiH O w Co Tylr 1300. A-43J PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press, ltli Capitol Ave.. D. (70. A-3637. 3CXPRES.SMEN S DELIVERY CO ate lag; furniture packing: fireproof storage. City office. B. 17th. Doug. 14; lad. BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, piano moving, transfer work of all kinds. illVi So. 10th St. B-222; D. 1696; A-1086. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooaas. O. M. E. heuls trunke.D. (11: A-36U VERY desirable rooms and board, refer ences. 123 tioutb 26th Ave. MODERN furnished room, with meals It desired. 218 Dewey Ave. THE BACHELORS. 30th end Farnam. Rates: Single, 836 to 140: double. 368 to 16$. NICE south single room, furnished. 2211 Douglas St. . TWO very desirable rooms for rent with board; botn large and comfortable; one south front, the other east front; modern hums in Kountse Place on North 24th street csr line; pleasant surroundings for young married couple- no children; family of four and no other boarders or roomers; terms reasonable to right parties; references re quired. 8808 North 34th St. Phone Web. tel. BT. JAMES. 416 Bo. 18th: steam heat, free hath. Am. 31.2 up: wkly. 36 up; meals 3so. IF ONB wishes an enjoyable evening go to the American theater. If 1 R. Spencer, 2.14 North 81st St . will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and identity himself he will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. NICELY furnished room In modern home; excellent board. Private home. TeL Harney &. VERY pleasant rooms, with board. . 2M 8. 26th Ave. LARGE, beautifully furnished front room with private lavatory, walking distance, near cat line. Excellent board. Harney 3889. THE ALDEEN; nicely furnished modern room a with excellent board. 216 8. 26th. FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished room, with board, good location. 110 N. 21st Bt.- FOR RENT Strictly modern rooms, board if desired. 1811 Cuming St.i- FOR RENT Large, well furnished room, good board. 1616 S. 10th St. NICE room and board for two. Howard St. 321b NICE room and board In private family. 3112 Mason St. ' NICE room and fine board. 1710 Chicago St.- FOR RENT Nicely fumlahed room, board, good location. 308 N. 22d St. NICELY furnished roome. with or with out board, private family, walking dlatance. 712 Jackaon St. CLEAN, cosy,' modern room: choice loca tion; excellent home cooking. Phone Doug. 2iS3. UPDIKE'B Pride of Omaha la Omaha flour. Oinahsns prefer It. If F. Spigls. I.Vil N. 17th St., will bring this sd to The Bee within three das snd Identify himself he will receive an order for a 12-pound sack of this fine flour. Farstlahed Rooaas. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, de sirable for housekeeping. 3203 Farnam 6t.- TWO slrtrtly modern rooms, singts or en suits, suitable for two or three. 3607 Farnsm. Douglas 8366. TWO furnished room. Tel iv ute.- , sn N. 80th st ONE or two front rooms, fine furnish ings; reasonable price. 3 N. 2h St. No sign on house. FOR RENT One Urge front room; good location 1008 Ohio St. TWO nicely furnished front rooms on the ground floor, ressonable. Harney (130; 6C1 S. 26th St. WILL take two or three refined roomer In fine home. Phone Douglas 6882; Ind. A-2966 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, de sirable for two gentlemen. 8uai tit. Mary a Ave ! - FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms 133 S. Sd St. FOR RENT Nicely ' furnlfhvd room, modern snd good location, private family, lsuei Karnam St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front par. lor. 604 6o. 36th bt. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room strictly modern room. 1916 Chicago St FOR KENT Modern room, very deelra ble. 209 8. 3sth St. SUITE of rooms, west Farnam district, for two or more gentlemen; modern; pri vate family: reasonable. Har. 61. FOR RENT Desirable front roome, pn ate home 719 N. 22d St. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern, walking distance; gentlemen preferred. 678 8. ath St NICE single room In private home Ref erences required. 2045 Dodge. RE A I Tl FULLY furnished front room; suitable for one or to gentlemen. K.'8 S. 24th St. Douflaa ixstl. FURNISHED looms for rent. 712 N. OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed Rooms -toatlaaed. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Is ont.t'it flour. Omalians prefer It. If. .1. F. Kn l.i 2.M8 North Slst St.. will bring this S'l i The Bee within three -days and (dentil, himself he will receive sit order for a I. pound ssck of this fine flour. NICELY furnished, lsrge front room, strictly modern; private family. 1IJ0 8. 3..1 Harney 716. FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping rooms, good location. 1616 N. 17tb St. FOR RENT Modem furnished rooms, meals If desired. 2618 Dewey Ave. i, MODERN front. Phone D. 66M. lrj S 2ft h Ave. CLEAN, well furnished homelike room" 220 No. 19th St. FOR RENT Largs steam-heated room with alcove; desirable for three g-n-tiemen. 803 N. 19th Bl FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly fumlahed front rooms, desirable for two gentlemen. 704 So. 34tb 8L FOR RENT Desirable front room, Vi N 36th 8t.- FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms private family. 2423 California 81 NICELY furnished rooms. Close In. ;'6 No. 18th St. Phone Red 6fi. FOR RENT X Ice unfurnished room, good location, walking. 616 N. kl St. FOR RENT Three rooms, private fam ily, good location. 2215 Burt St. THREE nice rooms for hotiaekeeplng. good location. Apply office, 1UJ Webster St. NICE rooms, mrlor floor location. Douglas St. - 2219 FOR RENT Two very pleasant rooms, modern home. 2220 Burt SL WIDOW and daughter will rent part of nice home In South Omaha to refined partlea or couple. L. 966. Bee. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern, walking distance; gentlemen preferred. 678 8. 28th St. FURNISHED room In a modern home. 2S54 Dodge St. Phone Harney 4732. C43 HOWARD St., large south room WEST Farnam district. 35th and Dewey, two blocks from Fsrnam car: a very de sirable furnished room, for Isdy only; with small private family; all modern conven iences; no meals; references required. Tel. Harney 4643. SOUTH FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 2 BliOCKB WEST OF HIGH SCHOOL ON HARNEY AND CROSS TOWN CAR LINE. 2410 CHICAGO ST. NICE, clean room, cheap. 1907 .Clark. Web. 6886. , , FOR RENT Nice large room, good loca tion. X N. 17tb BL FOR RENT NlosJy fumlahed . rooms, references required. 83S & lsth St. FURNISHED room, private family, mod em, good location, walking dlatance 603 8. th 8L FOR RENT Three neatly furnished rooms, good location, all modern. 713 8. lith St. TWO elegantly furnished, strictly modern, front rooms; private family; gentlemen pre ferred. 2126 Douglas. Tyler 1ZSS. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, private family. 641 8. 36th Ave. FOR RENT Large nicely furnished rooms. 1230 Emmet Bt. "FOR RENT Pleasant south room, goe4 location. 3413 Dodge Bt- ate family, good location, walking dis tance. 818 N. 34th St. VERY nice south room: ROD Farnam 81 good location. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th St Farnam, FOR RENT Large, newly furnished room, desirable for two people. 3806 Dewey ATa- FOR RENT Very pleasant southeast room, stationary bowl, hot and cold water, desirable for two. 377 Harney St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, eteam heated room, bath, cold and bet water, modern. 2813 Farnam St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished, mod era rooms. 3114 Chicago St. FURNISHED room, modern. 2223 Dedgs St, NICELY furnished rooms, ail modern K30 Cass St. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, modern Breakfaat If desired Ui N. n t- FOR RENT Largs front room for two gentlemen, mocam tn every way. 11 a. sain -i. "FOR RENT Nicely fuwMsned room, good location. 3707 Farnam bt. FOR, RENT Two nicely furnished con nected rooms, on car Una Apt. t. iu Oakland."- FOR RENT Newly (urnlshsd uiodsra room. 6ul &o. llh St. FOK RENT- Modern room, prlvsis femlly. desirable fur two ladles. UI a lUh Avs.- FOR RENT Nice bed room, private family, modern, good location, lis N. -Jin bt. NEWLY furnished front room for lady emisoyed during the day. breakfast if 1 sired. Bemls Park. Harney 8JS7. TWO nicely furnished modem rooms, housekeeping if desired; walking diatant-r 648 boulh 2uth Ave. FOR RENT Three nicely fuinlhl rooms, lor housekeeping- -Kl faimm Bt.- FOR Kr.rN r .leeiy iurnisn luom- double parlors, desirable tur four.- Uewey Ave. FOR RENT Nice front roniu. all mod ern Ctlcago bt. OE NT LE MEN Neatly furntahed room. ice, refined, noma. a. M8 8. tth Avs oom for two ladles, pn cer. breakfast if desired DESIRABLE roo vets home, near ISO, California dl FOR RENT Nicely furnished fiont rooms, single or ensulte, bot snd toia aster. lu rarnam tit. FOR RENT Nice front room for tv gentlemen. 624 N 20th St. FOR RENT Model a 381 Webater St- fuioishsd room FOR RENT Lsrge room la osw flat, good location. 3s(B Dewey Ave.- . FOR RENT Ii ge front room, dslratiV for two gentlemen. Harney v- FOR RENT Front roori. with plam. 419 N. 33d SU EUR RENT Very deou-able fuinisbj rooms, for one or tao, guod location Douglas kit FOR RENT-Nlcelj fuinlshtd rouma 31" N. Ui bl ,