Till) OMAHA SUNDAY HEK: APRIL. 9. 19U 11 EVERY- c?J v 1 rit !i r' 1 Or A l tkn .w O D V READS WANT A O S ' JQ? H -k . . gs;. 7 V . REAL ESTATE IT ARM AKu MAX II I. AND FOR AI.K tContlnued ) Mlaanarl. . ' ACRKa. 11.860 . Dougiis Co . Mo., bo , eonaldcr able valley land. cultivated. IXv ivim her, good aprlng water, om orchard. 1 loom houaa, la,. new fiain uuia, Mnr utbulldlnga U'ainia. Writ (or ui. lUur Hpurlock. Ava. Mo. COLONIZATION proposition. M.uflu icrn est colonisation proposition In aouth Ml ourl. 1 ml lea to railroad. 1,-tOu-acre mi proved stock ranch, all under tetic. otner tracta. Writ (or puce H. . WultluvK. diicd i r aio. 11 a... large t-room bou. lane bam 66x60. its) a. adjoining the above. 4-roota boua, new barn ZfexM. Will sell together or Mparate. 10 a. near Aulvilie. larg nous ana Darn, a model country noma, price 6106 per acre. cub or term. Vc alt C. Chile. Hlgglnavlil. Mo.- JTOI , BALK ISO aorea 4 mile from Leb an on, on put lie mart; lien good; m in cul tivation ; rt timber; fair improvement, good well and aprln-; fenced and ron fenced; orchard; near achool on pubij road; R. P. D. and telephone, pi."- i vr: aero. I. R. Currle, Lebanon. Mo FOR RALE 900-cr stock and grain farm; too acre In cultivation: ioo arret allV and bottom land; all rich 'oil. Twe aeta of improvement, lia per acre; eaay term Large Hat of Improved tarms la twenty countle, southern Missouri. Ozark Realty Co., "J CoU-g ).- Springfield. Ma OZAltK LANDS Bend for our complete llet of bargalna, go with uh on our next excursion. April 18. and Investigate U country. W can make you money. . HAWK ETH LAND - ORCHARP CO.. lv Branrtela Theater Bldg. Ozark Lands A FEW -WELL IMPROVED A FARMS Itfi AcrP K mlloH from Kood town; 73 acria In cultlvatlnn. KM acrmt fenced and cross fenced; plenty of fiult; on K. V. I), and tclwplione line; new x-room huu. (ioctt barn and other outbullrltnK; well, wnterwd with spring, l'rli'e. l .Vi - ist Acres 70 a-rv8 In tiiltiviiilnn; good R room cntlaw. cellar, well and icdoiI iram' bnrn: 2,li fruit trees; t", mile out; will located for dairying. Xi'.W per acr. S!i Acres W aero In cultivation; now S room house; gocnl chicken house; barn 3i5x 44i. solid stona foundation; apple and peach orelmrd. . one acre each of blackberry and struwherrv; 6 miles out. Trice 13.2'K). W also tarry a choice list of exchange HAWKEYK LAND AND ORCHARD CO., 209 Urandel Thea.er Uldg., Omaha, Nei. STOP! LISTKN-40 acres tlmberland. 350. Ki-anre farm tfiNfi. McUrath, Mountain, View; Mo. ORCHARDS Tn the Ozark country In southern Missouri In five and ten-acre tracta, fully developed with i house ready to move In on easy payment. Write for full particulars. Koshkonong orchard Co., e Bueur, Minn. A rORTt'NE In fruit, truck and poultry 1n 0firk'! We sell 5. 10 and 20-acr tract. Mnnthlv payment.' Small payment down. Will plant end cultivate. Mills' Land Agency, TeregltaMo. ,. Maatiss. ..' BD9INEP8 tnea ot Olenotv, Mont. v, rganised for the purpoa of giving re liable anfnrmatloD oonoernlng land ' la aatara Montana. Th nembr of tn liDdarslgned company nave rMd In aatara Montana for N years and mar and know every toot of It lands. Thtf re merchant and business men who warn settler and your trad and cannot afford to mislead. Notwithstanding last year drouth Montana waa on of tb few tatea that rained ordinary crop in wi Have sevfral thousand avrea for eala at reaaonabl price. Homeetead located. Writ ua. Gat City Lass Cumpaay. UUndlv. Monk . . Nebraakaw LtWV ACRBJ ranch for aala, TV pir aora Iwe-thlrds eaah, remainder five year a par t Interest;' all fenced, good improve, oanta For particular writ Frao-k kahuia. Norfalk. Web.- FOR bargain In cheap westers land ftan cheap; M0 acra rullnuulsbmanta Art. area 1. C. Baralaa, Whiunao. Neb Sacrifice Sale Th greatest ranch and dairy farm prop osltlpn aver offered. 1,130 acre In th rain belt of eastern Ne braska, containing lake of spring water, at less than you can pun haae arid land In th western part ot the sidle, surrounded by farms producing abundant crop of corn. wheat, oat and alfalfa: located from to 10 mile from flv railroad town. 16 mile northwest of Norfolk. Part of this traot will make good farm land; It 1 now covered with a heavy growth of blue atem grass. Every acre will produce red or whit clover, timothy or alfalfa. For quick sale, il -r acra, W. J. Dermody , Investment Co 14 City Nat I Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neh. 45 Bushel Wheat Land for $27 an Acre -Buy Land Where It Rain XV own and control over ;XIV0 acres of C'heveiine county. Nebraska, rhoirt at farm lands now on the market. The h-M cioi years. Alfalf.i is a tearlltiK croii. Write loly for our free litrtiir Live agents ...i.IaiI 0var w I: -r. wanted ever where Fl'NDlNC.fSI.AND INVt.STMl PANY, KinXKV. NUB INVt.'STMKNT COM. t ...J- n ,vi. ... . m -1. VI rt will takf clear piece of property as part bament. Call, ii W irt North 4 arnllua. WANTKD-Men to be-ome Inlrpendent firmer In the ' Nation a O.irden r ;. ' ,,f 1 astern N C, Writ for club plan telling bow to secure free farm. Carnllna Tria k ing tvveling o , 517 Southern BMg., V liinington. N. C New Mrs lea. AK OHlVlHTrMtTT Teu ran make 3o pr rem profit n ei fear e Colefas countr. N U . Irrlcat4 rull land T04 run bo risk abatr Sold la flv sire tracts and rwitlvte4 (at five yeaia by expt-rt fruit groaei . vs'rti lor apcil loforui.tloa Tai 1 a abe lulely ' lntii.oi thai will aet ue hi prefita 4cti. gii-U Fluaav- 4.a. k Cuy. . REAL FSTflT- r'Alt.M AMI I.AJSD FOB I,K (Continued.) horth Itskota. Wlt'TF rlcht now for r'nnf rrop In North takota " Flvo-vear. pe lent mortKage note for sate .''. m rath ir crop payment. Ktat Bank of Verona vroh. N. D BOLICtTORn WANTED I ewe and enntrol eho.it 8 0 rholr farm lande In Rurlelgb and Kinder Co.. No Dak., and want 30 good representa tive otbre need not apply Heat of ref erence. W. . Runey. Land InvMimaoia Itlainarrk. N. D NORTH DAKOTA LANDS Have a limited amount of choir firm land for le uo nop paymeni furtiithing eeed for Mm. For particular writ Frank tvenugg. jnieatoo. N. Oklahoma. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. frtft for price and ileHti Iptiuu of farm lis Htnui. Cuablng. fc"la S40 ACitKS tanadlan bottom land. IS ires in cultivation, all second bottom, uo trcellecl lor corn fcntl altaira; ii acres M Bermuda glass, balance pasture and aom Umber, lo aet of Improvements; fin barn; outhouses and oronaid. 13 miles from National stock yarj. Oklahoma City; BUlea to a gtod town; prlo 3i pr cr. iiu,k v.ampjell. Uynu'ii k UiIm Lainpbeil Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okl. FOR BALK-la KntDti e , ICG acre nl black ooooolat land. I mil suuta ol billings. Okl., la in .otiop valley, I idna bedg and 1 aid fcir. wita Uv acre krok out auu lb iauc m pkUi lui icbard anu garden; 1-room House, pi, lerwl, paparu, cellar uoOcrntatn, all la good anape; oarn. 4x3k. room tor tuoa f bay, room lor I nor, irib. toot sbevi auu bay tola, twuipiei, t gauj graoanea tkiia oilvaway tnruugn uir. will boi4 t,tMl buabal of grain, I boa ouliuiug aa4 all inr nullum at paiuieu auu iu axw-l tUP. i,W luvust puala, uw H ull tin I u, 1 ciataiu, pieul vf wutar. luia ia a wtu Uliu auu uu HMif .auu wu u, t.u." i b OuufcUk x uuwa. ) iu 11V ,,. l IHMWMM mialus 4- wUMM. . ...tuM.t. - tOH HALEIu.ouo acres Cotton torn and aitaliti Ihiiii in Waamta river vanev. bell ana loae richest xuik tiuries ever uisiov red. ounipie iree. Write o. V. WiMiuward. Uavis, okl. Oregoa. OREGON APPLK LAND. $ and lu acre planted Uaots taken car ot tor flv ears. lenii lj a mania No irrigation, taxes or interest, SiANllAM FRUIT COLONT. U Be iilUg., Omaha, Neb. fAJUl LANL rOU HJU.lt. M,000 aui wi new tin Oregon Trim rali;. (7.m per acre. H.l per sore vaaa, balanc -ten year per cant. OHalOON LAND TlTLfc. CO. PorUand.- WANTKD Men to form syndicates In their locality, rnov to the Hogua lUver Valley, Southern Oregon, riant orchard and car for sumo to bearing stage. No Individual capital required. This ia your chance. Investigate our co-operative pian. We want to develop the land adjacent to our railroad. W want freight traffic, etc. You want a horn In a mild climate with social and educational adavantage. Railroad under construction. Writ for particular. This to th young man with a little ambition. Your opportunity. Call or write K. C. Rutan. Ueneral Manager lnd Department. Uianl's Hass t Hogu River Railroad, 3tH City National bank Uldg., Omaha, Neb. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of glvernment land open to homeatead In each county tn th states of Oregon and Washington,' and description of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mlnerai laws; two maps of Oregon In color, axa, showing R. It. In operation, one showing all proposed It.' R. nd electric lines. Including eastern and central Oregon. 20c each or th three, S0c. Map of Washington In col ors, J!lx2, 'JOc. N1MMO, RUNEY & UO.,. Hamilton IJIdg. Portland, Ore. FARMS OREGON. Jf you are Iruiklnir f,,r - h,.n. iM . climate in a district with social and edu. rational advantages, the best transporta tion and land that will produce and Is producing 11.000 net each year to owner of bearing orchards. Let us tell you about our land In southern Oregon in the famous Roug River Valley, the district where no ,uiei vi appies ana pears are raised All w want you to do it to go out and look at this land. Cheap rate. Rail road under construction. Get in on the ground floor. Your Opportunity, don't fall to Investigate. Inqulr Urania Pass. Rogue River railroad, 804 City National. on Ik Dakota. ASTERN south OaKota farm Th i0.n spot of tb atata Price M to M n acra Writ for maps. list. tc Bloom L Martin. Watartown a D n0-AcPi"r. farm, rln mil fiom Oniri. fncd. fin building, good wail (9 ft tAi ..let uoiier pio. Ill per acta 'l.iuta . ui"i .v NcUon. Onlda. 8. D. FOR SALtt-Thre choice Improved farm 160. HQ and l acre In Turner county, south Dakota, at tni to lit per acra aay Urnia. iiaslut a Land Agency. Marion. THB LAND Or ALFALFA-At 111 t MO per acr. A few bomeateatf rellnuulah aients at I.M to ROuO. Ylid t par gore without Irrigation. Addrea Waiter IT riayoes. Oairlcha O- D. QUARTER aecUoa; four mile ta f.l.llln.; rolling; good soil; mu ,b,iT aell. No bouse, M. for gulck aaie. R onable terma Oww. W. 4 DuaaaV 11 e.i.ua. V- "r. U'AVi?K! "" tran Hot Hprhiaa i D. 300 acre tlllabl. ail fenced ."nlu bouae. i acrea broke: 3 pr aora auiri.e land Co.. Hot aprloga. S. i.- 'r'ey 1MPKOVFD far,.,. and wild i.n1r Kubert county, booth Dakota pri,.. 11 1 ,r,,c'r Wir,u " A. Mu,r, .ko?a- ,UUUI i! ACRK8. fair improveinem. ml... I:o. .hi...,i. atri. niiaoi Troli 'rean, and tlliioer. . .cr. ,ro' NKW l.KOAI, U I .A N K S R KUl TrTi TTv uu in iiikn.'i .... . :? . "' I Dakota legator. iTirl,",. uuiU ;I,HI l't,l,mng oi.u.nt. M.t, he I s l " I .as ri.i.l,.M.J -.n attorney ,., d aw ii flivae blank Ir. compliance with 1". new , . and now has them for ttie. I eal . . tate .Je.lers. bankets and lawteri not .South Uakola conveM,.es. .hould am- i o,,-e to The Mitchell Pub" ah" g , ; P..ny for . at.logue and sample If .n. 1EAO' THINK .- rlch black bug Mallow laaJ 17 mil it .,r m...i . .. - ....! nnus.oo thorough.) drained, oe grded road; not an aor af poor land In It, 8w ig. u.ci. for c-.-tnuation. H Baii. eul timi jtug Houston 1 exaa. 866 ACKKd lirasoe Oofto-n . railroad aia ttoa on ta.iU. 1 i.rma 4uu acr fin Mac prairie; oepot three mil. pr acre terma Audi.- i cwnr Or ' I;.'. lam. Heutioo Tex. - ""TIIF. TKXAS REALTY jT)iritN AU ' Houston Tei . 1 an Illustrated mnn tell'm: alt about Texas, man openings offered iK.uiesekera and lnvetoia. three moiitl'' aiibsci Ipt ion and map of Trxa. . We are publisliera, uot land dealers REAL ESTATE r'ARJf AXD KAMI! I.AM) FOR 9t,E Tesa aed. CO. BAN PATRIC ; ?(K acre near Odem "11 acre near Odem.... :00 acrea Dear Tsft ; IM0 acie near Tuft... a D COOK Kin '.on. "'x ..17 ..l?4 ' ..l.tt CO . Itah. PROMOTER WANTED For An Irrigation Project The right kind of a man with the right kind of hustle can find at Ogden, Utah, the opportunity of a lifetime. A High Line Canal can be built whieh will reclaim several thousand acres of land; all of which will be most valu able FOR FRUIT RAISING, ORCHARDING and kindred soil development. For further information write to a paid official, The Secretary of the Weber Cliib OGDEN, UTAH. vrr: t. x x w 15c iHvesimenis j Make Men Rich "Buy real estatejn small but grow ing towns," was the wise advice of one of America's wisest statesmen. Mur ray, Utah, twenty minutes from Salt Lake City by trolley; three transcon tinental railways, more than half a dozen business factories, means an opportunity for YOU. Write today to the Secretary THE MURRAY COMMER CIAL CLUB, MURRAY, UTAH. WRITE TO WILLIAMS BROH.. Heal Estate. Murray, I'tah. for full, complete, reliable Information concerning this city. Busy factories, farm lands, town lots that may be bought for less than their value. ARK A FKW OF THE OPPORTUNITIES XV K CAN TELL YOC OF. Write today. You ARE Coming to Utah Then YOU MUST ASK US where and In what section you had better settle. PLANT TREES THAT WILL GROW: WHERE they will grow. Our NURSERY BUSINESS puts us In touch. LETTER OF INFORMATION FREE. Davis County Nurseries. Rnv near Ogden, Utah. A FORTUNE In farm lands In I'tah. Write Fillmore Fruit and Grain Land company, Z10 Judge Bldg., gait Lek city, Utah. 1 HAVE YOU ANY MONEY TO LEND? If so. place it where It will brlng'you the largest returns. I keep In touch with con ditions In a country of vast possibilities and will keep you posted. I Will Guarantee 8 Per Cent Net. GEORGE J. KELLY. Ogden Btate Bank Bldg., Ogden, Utah. Virginia. JAMBS RIVER FARM, near Richmond, producing 300 bushel corn per acre, Ju,u0. Farms to auit all. Free catalogue. Pol lord & Bagby, Richmond. Va. XVaaniaa-toa. OWN a bearing orchard in famous east ern Washington fruit belt- Irrigated, half usual cost. Uw price. Easy terms. Three railroads. School on land. Moses Lake l-and & Irrigation Co., 61f lary Bldg., Seattle, W'ah. Wisconsin. FOR RALE Farm r acre grain ana tock adjoining Inoorporatad town; paatur extending te rlvr. Some good oak tiro r. For particular eddree CaarUt Allen. Lynavuia. Win. EIOHTT acrea Burnett county. Wis consin; at cultivated: good building mower and rake Village PA mile. U Iu, par Urn. A. K. all Due, Mew MisBaBoao. Wyoaalaaj. XVHAT AM IOWA rAUXKH WANTi. Have you anything t offer tb farm l iowa? Any cheap land tor bigner priced; general merchandise alor for land, of ay kind f an ezchogT Or hav r him lend you want te sell tor caaat Th i. paper that rtaotiee to luwa. farmer I tb Des Moines Capital; ey.OOu (Irculatio tally: rate aingi ineertUta. 1 cent a urj aia Maiiiuna. eente a word. De atelaes !' eii4. i aloinea ia Mlacellaaeona. IMPROVED FARMS, central North Da kota, northern and southern Minnesota low interest; oinall cali pavmeni. time to uit; HO to IM per acre. J. H Doty St Peter, Minn. , t I.HKTI.M1-: opiiortiinltles along our line ; California and Oregon. Farming fri'll Mockgrowlng dairying. Iioinl-steads ree I booklet. L. F. (inns. 1'omr. N. C O , Rv Ren... N.- . ' "' LEGAL NOTICES CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION Htaie of Nbrmsa. Offi.e of Auditor of Public' Accounts. Lincoln, fe j vm j, js hereby certified that the Northwestern Na tlctial Insurance company of Milwaukee, in tne stale ot Wisconsin, has complied with the Insurance law of this stats, applicable to such companies and Is therefore author ised to continue the tmslnesa of fire In surance in this slate for the current year ending January 31. :12. Wline, mv hand and the eal of the Auditor of Public Ac count, the day and year first above a rlt 111. elLA.-t R. HARTv'N, Auditor of lab ile account . E. Pierce. Deputy. Hutchinson-Bollard Co , Omaha Agent. If you believe that the women of tela ' community have gelt ra pect and Intelligence, you must admit that moat ot them read The Omaha Ben. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estnte transfers for April R. 1IU1. furnished by the Midland (Juarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter. 1714 Farnatn sticet. Telephone Dougms CharleM Mossing et al. to Matilda . Junesrheit. lot IU. him k 1, Harris ' . Patterson's Annex t Edwin H. Walker and wife to MalOe M. Sanim. let 1.1. In Yates & Reed a sub Henry Kieymbcrg and wife to Mam Ooodhard. 0t . flurry Uartlen Lewis Jones et al. to Harold Jones. 1 2 ! i u.OOO j i part lot M. Millard & Caldwell'.... John Mlgles and wife to Stanlflay Lukowaae, lot rt, block 314, South Omaha l..VJt, William Hlnalpy to John Oliver, lot a. block 3, t'ottner Ai Archei s addition John O. Roberts and wile to Mary K. Halirock. lots 1 and J, block "H." Prospect Place John C. o Connor, ex.. to Minna II. XVagner. lot i. Roes' Place Kate P. It. Ralston to Hclaa P. Ileigo. lot It. block 2. Pruyn Park Mary E. Ra brock and husband to Charles t'nitt. part of lots 1 and ':. block "II ' lrospect Place J A. Hendrhk ct nl. to Edward Qulnn. part of lots ! and 10. block 1 .. l.owe s addition Peter C. Cramer iind wife Thompson, lot 21. block 1 Park 4.r.oti to Chris Redlck's 3' RAILWAY TIME CARD I'SIIOSr STATIOHI Tenlh nnd Ma.on. t'nloa Pacific ' ... Depart. Arrive. Bfl Fran. Overland L. a 115 am all so pm China and Japan F. M.a 4:0 pm . a t ii pm Atlantic Express a t:45 im Oregon Express a llpm a 6:10 pm I. oh Angeles Limited. ..a 12 4 pm a 8 !M pm Denver Special a 7:04 am a 1:T7 am Colorado Express -a 3:W pm a 4:60 pm Oregon-Wash, Limited.. a 12:50 pm a $:t0 pm North Platte Local all K pm a 4:45 pm Grand Island Local a 8:16 am al0:30 am Stromaourg Local b2:il pm b 1:J0 pra Chicago t INurthvirsterii NORTHB6UND. Twin City Expree a 7:45 m a!0: nm Bloux City Local a 1:4 pm a I pra Minn. & Dakota Ex. ...a 7 :0i pin a l:u am Twin City Limited a 8:46 pra a 7:30 am Minnesota Ex pre aU:o0ain EASTBOUND. r. 7:00 am aSIWprn Daylight Exprea a 7:40 am nl2; am Chicago Local alZ:tif. pm a 8:.Jg l.m l olorado-Chicago a 8:10 pm a 8.28 did Chicago Special . a 6.02 pm a . 49 am Pacific Coat-Chlcago...a .3i pm a 8:28 pin Los Angela Limited... 8:60 pm al2:30 nra Overland Limited ,..all:4o pin a 7 46 am Carroll Local !..a 4:80 pra al io am Fast Mall a 8:80 put a 8:8 pm WESTBOJTND. Ltncoln-Chadron a 8:00 am all 00 am Norfolk-Dallas a 8:00 am .iflB pm Norfolk-Lincoln a 2.16 pm a i:M pm Hastings-Superior -.b 8:16 pro b 6 20 pm Deadwood-Hot fcprln.t.. 8:63 pm a 8-20 Im Caper-Lander a 3:64 pm all:00am Fiemont-Albion b 8:30 pm b 1:66 p,n Missouri Pacific K. C. 4k St U Ex a 8:30 am-a 7:40 am K. C. & St. L. Ex.. x- cept Saturday .all:16 pro a 6:S0 pr K. c. c St.- U. iix.. Bat- urday only I2:oo pm ., Chicago, Milwaak.ee t 8n faal Overland limited ......all:43 pm a 7 sa m Omha-Chlcago Ex...'...b 7:15 am..... Omaha-Savannah Local. a 7:16 ain aii'VVVill Colo-Cal. Expreas a 8:00 pm a t"ta hm Colorado Special , a 7:42 am a 4.30 rerry-umana Lcai o :u pra bl0:00 am W'ab'aah Omaha-St. Loul Ex.. ..a 8:30 pm a 1.2, am Mall and Express. ..... 7:02 dm all 16 pm Btanb'y Lcl (from C. )b 6:00 pm blO 16 am lUiuola Central Chicago Express ... Chicago Limited.... Minn. -St. Paul Ex.. Mlnn.-BU Paul Ltd .a 7:00 am a 3 45 pm .a 6:00 pra a 8:00 am .b 7:00 am .a ti;U0 pm a 8:uu ori Chicago, Hock, Island fadfio KA0T. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...al2:68 am alO 48 nra Chicago Day Expreaa..a 6:46 am a 4 80 Em Chicago Local Pas bi0:36 am blO Dm De Moines Local Pa, .a 4:00 pm aU'80 Dm Cbicaao tlx Dress a 4:40 nm - iE Chicago Limited a 6:08 pm a 8:02 ain WEST. Chi. -Neb. Ltd.. Lincoln. 8:20 am a 8 47 nm Colo.-Cal. Expree a 1:4 pm a 4 SO Lin Okl. Taxaa Express.. 8:16 pm a 1 20 nm Rocky Mountain Ltd.... alO.66 pm Ui:a0 ani tkosg Great XVeetera. Chicago Limited a 6:4 pm iiu city Limited ....0 8:20 pm a'i'u'.m Chicago Uxpreae ., ."" ....Bi.wan t l:H nm 1 a 8:S pm HarllnatOM Klatloa 1 uth and Unaon. Bnrllnajtoa Depart Denver & California a 1 lu ou ArrlTa 1:46 pm 3:46 pm a 6 :1V pm 3:46 pra aL2:16 pm a 7 :00 am a 6:10 pm a Vio pm o 8:08 an blO:20 am 7:M pm n 8:60 am a 8:40 pra all:28 pm ail: 26 pm a 7:00 am a 8:66 pra n 8 00 am alb: 30 am aio.so am all: 6 am a 6 6 ant a 6:10 pm Pugat Bound Kxpra..a 4.10 pra Keuraska Dolma a 8 .20 am Black Hill Llucolu Mail Northwest F.xprea . Nebraska points ..... Nebraska Express... Lincoln Local 6chuyler-I'latts mouth Lincoln Local Plattsmouth-iowa ... Bellevue-Plattsmouth .a 4:10pm .b 1:20 pm .all:u pm .a 8:20 am .a 3:16 am b 3:0ft pm .a 7.28 pru '.a 3:18 am .al2.30 pm ..all :6a Dm Central xseurasaa Chicago Special . Denver Special ... Chicago Express ...a 7:16 am ..a 4:20 pm fi.ii.u.rt V'u.t K.Tnrea a A felt Atlantic Coast Limited. 11:40 pm Iowa Local Creston (la.) Local St. Louis Expreas K. C. 4k St Joseph K. C. 4k St. Joseph E, C. at St Joseph .a 6:18 am ....a 3:20 pm a 4:80 pra ,...al0:48 put ....a 6:16 am ....a 4:8 pm Wctotti Station 16th and Webster. Mlaeoart Facltio Depart. Arrive. Auburn Local b 3 60 pm bii 6i am Chicago, St. Faal, Mlaneapelle A Omaha. Sioux City Express. ...b 2:16 pm btl 45 em Omaha Local c 6::0 pm S oux City Pasaenger b 8:."0 pm Twin City Passenger. ...b 6 30 am Sioux City Local e 6 36 am Lmerson Loc al b 6:6j pm b 8:10 am (a) Dally, ibl Dallay except Sunday fc) Sunday only. FARMERS IN FEUD FIGHT William Pottorf ot tiakalonaa. Kan., ia Wonaded by H. M. Pa y ne. OSKALOOSA. Kan.. April 8.-R. M Paj ne. secretary of the Kansas Threali eriui n's association and widely known in Kansas, today shot and seriously wound., 1 W illiam Pottorf, a farmer near here. The authorities declare the shooting the result ot an old fued. Payne and Pottorf lived on adjoining farms. Bad feeling ha existed between the two famillea for sum time. H 1 aaid. Today Payne was driving a tow along the road near town and Pottotf dog ran out at It. Payne threatened to shoot the dog. Pottorf said If Pane shot the dog he would shoot him. Each hurried Into his house and reappeared. Payne carried a rifle, Pottorf a shot gun Payne said h believed his life in dsnger so Ii fired In both the Payne and Pottorf home th sheriff found miniature arsenals. Bntn families seemed to be prepared for trouble DDAIfnTIAM DTTTFD THAU DAV Workmen Would Rather Not Be Hurt UV lilUUllllI niLlUCUl. ' if JOHN MITCHELL ON THE SITBJECT I X Ice President of American Federa- tlon of Labor Before Amerlcae I Academy ot Political aad ! Social Scloace. PHILADELPHIA. April 8-Much new , light on Industrial accident wa given this evening in an addres by John Mitchell. I vice president of the American Federation ! of Labor, before the fifteenth annual meet j Ing of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Among other thlngi j Mr. Mitchell aald: I "During recent ear the problem of I Industrial accidents and their prevention, j and the question of compensation to work, i men for losses caused by them have pro voked wide public discussion, as a result of ' which the federal government and several state legislatures have created com missions to Investigate the causes of such accidents and to devise, some legal- system of automotlcally Indemnifying workmen for losses caused by them. "These subject concern. In a very large way. all th people of the stat and nation, although they effect more Immedi ately the working men, because It 1 upon them that the burden falls with crushing weight, and It Is they nnd their dependent who suffer the direct and Irrepasable con sequence of Bitch accident. In our country the tragedy of the bread-winner killed while at hi work occur more than lOfl times each day, more than 85.000 times each year. Thousand upon thousands of easily preventable accidents and fatalities occur, annually, and It la from those that we should strive to secure relief. I nlted States' Death Roll. "It la a strange commentary upon our boasted American civilisation that In the United States nearly three time as many persons, In proportion to the number em ployed, are killed or Injured In the course of their employment,, as In any other coun try of the world. "As an llustration of what ha been ac complished in Europe through wise legis lation and s an evidence of whit could be accomplished by proper legislation In the United State, your attention la directed to ' the fart that taking all, the mining countries "Af the old world, th average annual number of Industrial fatslltle Is only 1.46 per l.OuO employed, wherea In the X'nited States the average annual number of fatalities In mine Is 3.4 per 1,000 employed. Operation at Present. "In order that We may extricate ourselve from the humiliating and disgraceful po sition we now hold In respect to thl ques tion It ia Imperative that the factory and mining laws of ait our state, which at the present time are wholly Inadequate, should be grently extended and should be enforced with the utmost ' vigor. ' Employers should be required to equip machinery , and workr ing-. places with every practical safety de vice It ,1s possible, to secure, and th state. Itself, should establish museums of safety device and industrial hygiene in' which should be exhibited drawing or model of all safety appliances in use In this and other countries. Furthermore, the force of factory and mine inspectors should be largely Increased, the Inspectors should be removed from the sphere of political in fluence, and school should be established and conducted .In connection with, the museum of safety devices In which in spector should be thoroughly trained In the work the law require them to do. What Workmen Want. . "What the . workingmen desire . and de mand 1 not so much compensation for In Jury a prevention of Injury, and I believe that Industry' should bear th pecuniary loss sustained by workmen as a result of Industrial accidents, just as it I now re quired to repair it machinery and offset the losses caused by depreciation In the value ot its plaJits. "From time Immemorial the workingmen of the United State have endeavored to have enacted comprehensive employers' lia bility laws, and while 1 am In full yn pathy with their effort In this direction, yet It 1 to be remembered that even the best system of employer' liability means expense, delay and litigation, wherea com pensation law uch prevail In foreign countries work automatically, benefits are paid Immediately, friction I eliminated and a large measure of justice Is done. "It I, ef eouree. Impossible to ay what the exact coat of automatic compensation would be, but It la not difficult to conclude that! .t would not require much more to oompenaat Injured workmen in America on the baal of th British workmen' com pensation act than I naw paid by Ameri can employer In premium to liability com panies. "During the eleven years from 184 to luf the employer' liability companies of the United States took In t90.9.07S In premium from. Amerlcin emploer. These om panles pd out In the settlement of claim of Injured workmen 343.6W.49S, or 43 per cent of the amount they took In. Of tr.ea 143. 6!fM88 l aid In the settlement of such claims, It I wife to say that 86 per cent was ex pended bv the Injured workm'n In t tie pav- ment of attorneys fes at d court expense, so that. In the final analysis, the injured workmen received lens than 3;l0,(X).oi0 out of the tlOn.nnO.OaO.pHid by employeis during this period In premiums to llnbint y com panies. Allowing $ir..no0.(inu for the adminis tration of the liability omusrnis and for rese.ve tl would mean that $v,.0oo noo were wated--were wo'se than wasted becau the money mi used in burdening our courts w ith litliratir-n and 11 .lk t in defeating the settlement of claim nianv of them lust claims when It should have b'en tisf'J. and wMild bo ud under a wKe campenHation system, for the Immediate re lief of the men nil their families who are th victims of the ha lard of inuustrlal our uita. "I am not prtpured to hh tht.t e en ) though thi entire tlo0..x.0uii h id bin paid directly to the Injured workmen it would have been sufflch-nt to have Indemnified them for their 1 se, but I do not believe tha: It wi.uld not hav required very much I more to have coinpenaa'eu them on the j basis of the Brltl 1 workmen compen-a-I lion act. I j Nislrui Should He (haaaed. I "On the whole It wou'd seem to m tliat 1 In ecerv con iderat :on of oun 1 business I Judgment, 11 teal economy, and fair ileal .In between man and man. w - iuul.1 inot l.eitate longer in abandoning g system tual has been productive of so muoli "'" nd iniustice. ta . nothing of th lotion and lil-f eliig engendoed betaren workmen and t nip oyer. Cnder our preiont system a workman Injured is compelled to RUe th orilv mun ,,rtn in,n wnom h. r niotal claim for employment whereas, under ai gu'ornatlo "ompensa- 1 I tlon stent lie tocelves as a right not a ; a bpne" a -titm a definite amount of m nev a sufficient amount to tide him or hi dependents ovrv the period of gr sleet dls- ', tress.'' ' 1 DAKOTA CITIES VOTE SOON April I" Date for Them to elert ew ilffleers nml to Deride Pollele. 1 DEADWOOD, St IV April t (Special.) Municipal elections which will be held I throughout the state on April 1S. are not likely tn affect the litpior situation In the Black Hills. All the towns and cltle In the hills are now largely "wet" and there Im no Indication that any of them will change, although the Mtirstlen of license will be voted on in each town. Deadwood and 1ead u.tually return majorities In fgvor of license of 40iv and Jitf respectively and thes are likely to be cut down this year, particularly In the former town where the contest ha been much more brisk than at any town . In the hills, with the possible exception of Speaifish. Her. too, there I a hare possibility that the town mav go dry on account of the State Normal school being situated there and the Increase In feeling against saloons' there. All election in the hllln wlil be non I artisan and so far as Itnown at present Lead. Deadwood. Spearfieh and Rapid City will furnish contests for offices. No spe cial propositions are to be voted upon on April 18. but" to vary the monotony Lead will elect a municipal judge, thl being the first municipal court-to be established west of the river. For this office of municipal judge, to which a salary of 32.000 per annum at taches. Lead ha four candidates: Judge Herbert E. Dewey, Judge John Walsh, John H. Rogers and Thomas E. Harvey. Seven aldermen, against whom sj yet no contests have been filed, are to be elected. Tn Deadwood the most spirited contest Is bolng waged where the reform element, under the leadership of the Clvio lesiftir, lias been contending for better conditions. Their chief fight Is to be made In th Fourth ward where they have nominated Frank De Mouth, a pioneer, to run against Alderman John Treber, a wholesale liquor dealer and representative In the recent legislature. In the First ward Deadwood already has one socialist alderman, and J. A. Rakestraw, the socialist candlda'e this year for alderman In that ward, will not be opposed. In' Rapid City, which has the commission form of government, there is one contest, Joseph Jay contending: for the sole com mlHKlonershlp to be voted on against John McElroy, the present Incumbent. In Spearflsh, where the ministers and the reform party have waged a bitter war against the saloons, license Ishu cloud all other, but there I a likelihood that there will be opposition to the three aldermen to be elected, chiefly on the llcense lsue; At SturgH and pell? Fourche three alder, men are fo be elected and the license Issue not attracting much attention. At Central City, Whltewood. Hill Cit', Custer, Rochford, Tllford and Keytone the usual town officers are to be chosen and the license question voted upon, but In rone of these town 1 there any particu lar element of interest in the election. Brazil Will Tax All Sugar Imported States Interested in Production Will Use the Proceeds to Buy Sugar. RIO JANEIRO, April S.-The basis of a sugar valorisation plan similar to that adopted for coffee ha been arranged at a meeting of representative of the Brazilian sugar producing states. A special tax of 65 rei is proposed on sugar ex ported through the port of IUo Janeiro. The proceeds will be employed In th pur chase of sugar by the states Interested. Another meet I rig will be held on May 14 when the arrangement will be formally concluded. The duty on Braslllan sugar 1 figured on the arroba. the equivalent of twenty five and one-half pounds avoirdupois. Flfty fiv re I la equivalent to about I.i5 cents In th money of th United States. WILL DRAW CHART OF THE AIR French Aerial Commission ireili Plan for Mapping; Earth and Atmosphere. PARIS. 'April 8. A 'permanent aerial commission empowered to elaborate a ' tetn of air chart today reported to th minister of publlo works a plan which th commission suggest should be adopted by all governments of the world In order to insure It effectiveness. The system count longltud from aero to 3ii0 degree went and east from the Behrlng meridian, and latitude from gero to 100 from aouth to north, starting from the south pole. The charta will be cut ac cording to meridian and parallels, each chart Including one degree of longitude and one degree of latitude. Corresponding laud maps will be laid out, with th special aim ot aiding aeroplanlst In times of fog. ROOSEVELT VISITS SPOKANE ( olonel Heilrvt Troop, l.aia t or neretoue. Make Yv Addreaaea aud Attend Reception. SPOKANE. Wash.. April 3 -Theodore Roosevelt first tank today took I1I111 by automobile a, the guent of Governor Hay and Senator Polndexter to Fort Wight, where he reviewed the Iroopx. Hurrying back fo Spokane, Mr. Roosevelt addrexaed the crty school teachers In the First Methodist EpiHcopal church ;ind proceeded j thence to the Lewi and Clark High ichool building where he laid the cornerstone. An open air address at Maxonlc temple, after a formal luncheon, reception and pa; a le In his honor, complete. the la light piograrii. HYMENEAL Dallon-Moorr. M'- Minnie Moore of Indianapolis, hid . and Mr .lariett E I'slton were married by Rev. Charles V. SaWdge at hi resi dence Frlda afternoon at 1.30 Mr. and litre. Dalton will make their home at Benson. Loan Agent Charged With Collecting ... Unauthorized Fees Many Complaints Tiled Against E. Vickie by Citizens of Mobridg-e and Other Points. ARF.RDEEN. 8. D, April 8 (Special.) Iti the person of E J. Vlokte of RUfn dnle. N D, the Dakota appeal to pos sess a "J. Rufus XVallingford" of no small ciegiee of aucceas. Vlckre was a solicitor for the Capital Security company of Norfolk. Va., a concern , which loans money to home-builders. According to R. E. Dewey or Mnbrtrtg, Vlckre operated there as follows: Artlv lug at Mobridg early In March. Vlckre began presenting his proposition, which .' was that for an advance payment vf $1 for each f 1.9(10 h. ..,1.1 vnce of money from the Capital Security ..' V company at an early date. In some in- stance a specific date was set when itie loan wa to be forthcoming; In otlie It wa to be merely In a hort time, "a ef day or weeks. This part of the agree ment wa not authorised by th corrYpnnyy which onlv lend out money as fatt n It accumulate mid shareholder mav have to wait month before securing a '"an. It is claimed by hi alleged vic tim that Vlckre dt.l not explain ILK but ld them to believe that the nrone could b secured a oon a the mall could carry the n.ce.sary document l.nrk nd forth. In many Instances, a claimed. Vlckre collect.! n extra fe. n l(r,,er ,s claimed, to hurry the money along, tal Ing hi influence with the company v so great that he could Induce it to ruMi the money through, but required a lllti extra donation In order to bring such' In fluence Into plav. At Mohrldge th. total .mount t.f I8S.O00. Mr. Dewev mndelan adv. lCo payment of $48. G. J. RurtcJ,, pft,d ovfr 7. and a Mrs. Jumper, who asked fdr n loan of 33,000 on l,er property, paid the 318 advance charges and then 3H0 for Among other town. Vlckre did a wro a .txw" " Columbl. where i.e. wrot - II Mod worth of lo.n. d Rt, Houghton. wher. hi, ,0, ,,.... amounted to $28,000 rol't 'I hre WM "'td on Wh? . f ,K "u of Aberdeen. When It was learned he wa. In custoflv;' people from Mobrldge. Columbia ami.' other point, who uaime e had o.-. rrauded them, hurried In to prefer eh!--. agaln.t him. C. XV. R,dmn of Bpofca,,,' .'!. "Pnt ' ,h cu,nun' Vickie Teml r"M nd " at-- 'e,7 lnf " ir.lghten up the muddle in' and Xlckre has been released under a cash bond of 3600 to appear for trial. Rledmen .tat. Vlckre had no ai.tho.ii.y to promise loans at any definite ii,e. Die company', contract specifies uiapt, can be made only , ty,t Brt run(K, ,. cumulate ,d are made It. the o-.-Jer Ola?: application are received. while "f course, the taking of extra money a. .i nducement to hasten the Issuance cf loan. wa. altogether unauthorised, Vlckr. ha a wife and fanill at i;ile... NEW YORK FINANCIER DROPS' DEAD IN LONDON HOTEL' IDNDON. April Trge ,,, 'l lar. a New York financier, dropped , dead of heart disease at hi. holel h,re night. Accompanied by hi. wife and daugh ter. Mr Butler arrived In thl. city fr.m Egypt lt ev.nln, and dl.d lmm.djat.ly after he reached hi. hotel. He w. 47 year old. '7 DEATH RECORD. Mr. Kathleen - a . ' K?.h, b Apr" -Pcl"l )-Mrs. Iva D. H. Cronln. died at tha family home - th a city Thursday nigh, of tuberS e in", ' ? dac h'd " c Inlng health for .orne two or thre. year. ' that Mr. Crouln came home each week " .nT'ni'0,n dUHnt tn 'l-ttva .e.Hlon nd did not return for th final week of her"hu,."b."nU;V,V, f'V t'h"dren .fS5V.V."!lla , - - -"wu, 00., orothra- two ' ""r PrWDt mhen he Randolph, and her m.tk.. . . 1 . . sir. Anna iara. A itr; Mr. Mary Bchmltt of Clark B D arrived l. .. . . ... ' w- ... h. l in Iun'. which - 01. patrliJtg church. Mr. MlUn BoiauBd Intelligence from North Adam. uul announc. th death of Mr. Kn.n' , 1' njother of P.t.r fZJSZ,' . Dougl. county, nd .later of C.ptair, ' .v.ge. chief o, deuctlv... Mr Bol.nd ner'aT """" t0 ' " ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Ap. ...j,,, , Mtoner, mayor of Cameron. Mo dead in bed tod.y. .ccord.ng V.'nT. Press special. i.r, olaea. .0 ...v. b..,. ,. a.'ir.r::; known a traveMt.g .u,man ;'. lr In Fuller. FLLLERTON. Neb., Apill 8 . o..O -'Ut8 ""-"' and having been med a,,,., Raima II Fuller. 1()J 1'uuuee w lltr uaueIller, at. a w t ' 1 oiorudo Pp, , Luui u'"". . . Arthur '. E,an. HAHUINOio.s. April ..Al.Ulllr , Kxa. ot C..I.11,., . ot ' ot that ... dtau 1'.,Vf . neunio.,,. Ml, K vi . ... pre...,, Ml tL M u7;' Liana, ua a it-p.iaepiatlve in i-ong,-cha ro, c,i,.g. llt. Uktn nl J.Hie. tnc.,. L.( U, .s.SK. V I. rl . . 'rrir;:::----. ) j