Tim mrAnA suntuy bee: Armi; p. ion rmn e Newspaper II JLL mm di)J West Bee's Great Educational Booldover's Contest. Ilore than $3,600 in Free Frizes. It is now running in every edition of this daily paper. Thousands have joined the contest. Have you? It costs nothing. : There is a picture in this issue. It represents the title of a book. There are seventy-five of these pictures, and when they all have been published The Bee will make awards of prizes to those hav ing the largest number of correct answers. Full particulars are published with the picture in this issue 5 1 r i 5 5 xSS 5 J 1 3 1 ! J 1 5 5 13 I V 5 '.' Ntt I it . . - i FIRST PRIZE Value 52,000 Apperson "Jack Rabbit" Touring Car -This wonderful Appsrson "Jack Rabbit" touring car, Model Four-Thirty, with five passenger capacity, is a premier machine. It is really a "Jack Rabbit" of the road and spins smoothly over pavements and country highways. It has many road and speed records, and ranks among the leading motor cars of the country. It is a wonderful enr in a wonderful contest. Well equipped, it will go to the contestant who has the largest number of answers correct, or that contestant who, if there are several with the same number of correct answers, has the neatest and best pre pared set of answers. This sterling car is now exhibited in the garage of the Apperson Company, 1102 Farnam street. Just step in and sec it, then you will want to join the Booklv.ers' contest, if you have not already done so. Follow the pictures daily in The Bsc Thsy are educational and will keep you reminded of this automobile. Iff, i "Iif jI !u hi Hi T-TT n i, . . n . nil . v ' ' I f t- ': 3 7 , .j. ""'"-lv'77L cwtcAao ...... I Hi )iW i ( i ; - o JiiW?nn ' i SECOND PRIZE Value $750 $750 KIMBALL PLAY Kit 1'IAXO KIMBALL ayer-PIs The ideal mechanical player, the Kimball, will go as the second prize In this contest. The plr.yer mechanism is contained within the compass of the ordinary make piano case, anl In no way Interferes with the regular playing cf the plauo. The advantages of the KhnbaH 8S-note player are manifold in the simplicity of mechanism htid ihe ciso of operation, tut the greatest interest to music lovers ia its wonderful efficiency in musical effects. It gives quick response in every feature, and ia an instrument that will draw the family circle into closrr relation help make home an Ideal place, and cors'stontly fo'ls'.ved. will result in a mrsical education. The Kimball has a reputation for tNcellence equal to any. The KImballs have sor.e into the best botues ia Omaha through the agency of A.. Hos:e Co., 151J Douglas street. S- - --Wright . r: T' it t a .r. i. i mm I LrJ IL-lj, 1 .. 1 Lit a - St--- II V-Jf.-A OaA 0 Sp-r"-" TjZ ft TTi 1 I -,7Tr V .-J-J" 1 j " LJ! li t t ; t ' I t S " J 5 ' S ' ' ' 1 " - :i " '. ; it . " 5 s : 5 t ' x i 7 t I Cf M rit I ntf -I nt ' t M J .r If ft f 0 i 1 rrj-s u r-j-M " ' 1 : C ' ' ' 11) ; c ? T ; " 3 ' ' " " 5 i I 4 ' J- ' rrlrzi nnBama 1 I J B5 THIRD PRIZE Value 0500.00 In Tukey & Son's Feautiful Her Addition This building lot is DOxKJO, and is on the west side of Thirty-third street. It is eighty feet north of Oak street, and is surrounded by several beautiful homes. Tukey 's Her addition, in which this lot is located, is situated between Oraalm and South Omaha, lying high and beautiful, and ad jacent to Ilanscom Park and Central Boulevard. The Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway, which runs along Thirty-second Avenue, increases greatly the value of the property hi this addi tion, and makes this lot an ideal location for a home. This addition is growing rapdily, and it is only a question of a short period until property here will be' worth many times its present value. " Additional information may be bad at Tukey & Son's Office, 444 Board Of Trade Bldg. FOURTH PRIZE Value $250 Columbia Grafonola And $50 worth of Records The incomparable Columbia tSrtfonola will be the fourth prt-e. This musical Instrument Is valued at $200.00. and is the culmination of hr, iran inventive genius In the science of eouad proluctlon. Here Indsed, Is an Ideal mv.sal instrument long eo-.ight for and much desired. There Is no better Instrument of this typo thr.n the Columbia. The prize offered la the Colum bia G:rf:nc'r. "De Lu::o." It !3 built of richest lnphosr.ny throughout, and equipped with the Colarnt'a "'Oread" Hcraduccr. Ki'.crds v ortti $5.9.90 re irclv.'p:'. 12 th' !:! r.war. You inny hear tho Covtla at the atoro of Co lumbia Phoosi2;:h Cfiai'aoy, 1311-13 Faruaui street. n 1 fj(M) COLI.MIIIA "KK(;i;T" CillAI'ONOLA .a, IFSve ofi S100 Tee of $S.OC "k 1 v o TweeSy of S.OO Extra Coupons at Bee Office . Coupons for the first pictures areeicg prepared at The Bee office and will be furnished to applicants this week. The first picturo of the contest was printed in the issue of Wednesday, April 5. If you missed it, or any of the subsequent illustrations, call at Bee office this week and get them. No coupons are to bo sent in until close of contest, so you will have plenty of time in which to i:lvo the puzzles. Price of all coupons, one cent each. Bee Catalogue Great Help The Catalogue of 5,000 book titles, from which number titles used in contest are taken, may be had at Bee office for 25 cents, cr by mail,' 30 cents. This catalogue is proving a great help to contestants. If you are puzzled by any of the pictures be sure to get this little booklet. You will find the problems very much easier. 5 5 5 i 11 '5 - i s ' ' ' ' r