THK NEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1911. $2 Handbags Saturday 98c A Now of lloaullfiil Kilk MoIp. unci Veltet Hand Hug -With silk tord and tassel, $2.00 tallies, " 98 :.- Hop. Shopping Bags Cholre. at JQ Silk i;tau- iwitu Per yard, at 49 l.OO Onter I'Impb Snap, at 49 M0 FmnroMerorl rorch Pillows Special. 23f nc Fiuu-j- Check. Also Itliic-k and Whit Strips Hjb-iNua-..per ,.ar(t Bt "-25 a-V Main Tiiffet Hair Ilibbons At IS 4 -" Tooth Brushes At 10 We fill mail orders from otir daily ads. while the poods last, except in case of Hour Sales, or where otherwise mentioned. Send us your orders at once. New Neckwear and Veiling Four New Style In Plain and Embroidered lord Kyron Collar, the latest novelty In Ladies- Neck wear; on sale Saturday, at 10 15c nA 2r RH- Fancy l.ate Jabot At 25 $1.00 Filet Jabota At 49c 5K- lac Dutch Collars At 25 52 Auto Veils at 98c Ktra large Chiffon Auto Veils -In latent shades of (trey, Ramboo, blue, brown, pink, aleo black r white; regular $2.00 values, at 08t Our wagons de liver every day in Council Bluffs, Benson. Dundee, and S. Omaha. Twice a week in Florence and East Omaha. Out-of-Towa Customers should end for rnir New Hpring I'ataJogue of Women's Iteatly-to-Wear CJar. ment. A postal will bring It to four address. Out-of-Town Home Furnishers ahoald have our New Spring Rug and Carpet Catalogue. H enables you to aetex't pattern just as well as If in Omaha. Send us your re quest today. I I. V; Alt5 5Vv" '" III ' ? ' f Jm m 1 vy li'fW M' 1 aW 1 i MP U, W i Tremendous Bargain Offerings Saturday in Women's Redy-to-Wear Outer-Garments 375 Handsome New Tailored Suits Entire manufacturer's sur l!us stock, made to sell up to iftfo.OO, on sale This splendid lot includes Serges, Tweeds, plain and fancy fiJ) Suitings in big assortment of new styles and most wanted col- M orings. Come in all sizes, actual values up o $.15.00, as shown in ' C11 A. A sfB . A . 4 oixteenm oireet winaows. Sample One-Piece Dresses and Gowns 123 of them, beautiful designs for afternoon and evening wear, Crepe de Chines, silk poplin, Chiffon, Broadcloths, etc., in wanted colors, values to $35.00, secured by our X. Y. buyer at a great bar gain, on sale Saturday, choice Hundreds of New Tailored Suits No two alike nt $35.00, $39.75, $45.00 to $75 00 Crown Jewel Suits Are always winners. Surpassing all others shown at the price $25.00 Big new shipment just received. See them Saturday. Handsome New Tailored Waists $t9.90 Beautiful Easter Millinery Modes Get posted on millinery values before you buy. Comparison Will Post You. All millinery here is marked in plain figures, one price to every purchaser. Domestic Aigrettes sold else where to 98e, here at, your choice .25c Three Special Groups of Trimmed Hats t $2.05. $3.05 nd $5.00 A Saving of Fully Half on Pattern Hats Both domestic and im ported, at $10.00 o $00.00 High Class Street Hats Prices t $5.00 to $25.00 Will save you fully on Un trlmnied Hats. Big Sale of Ladies' Furnishings and Underwear Everything you want at less than you expect to pay for like quality less than you wiU pay elsewhere: Ladies' Knit Underwear Fine Italian Silk Vesta In u.l styles. special. at ! and f 1 Sterling- Union Suits At 1.9B ana 12.00 Kilk I.lslo t.'nton Suits All slrs, prt- terly trimmed, snap at 8 Lisle or Cotton Vnlon Suits In all sires in I st vies, rea-ulsr 11.00 values, st 49o I.litht Weight Union Suits Henular 60c ues, at W ilerrerlteil" I.lsle lur Vents With t;nl crochet yokea; plnh. blue ami white, m values, st 5 " Gsuxe Vests Worth to 26a, In reaular and extra sizes, whit or colors, on ssle ..... t 7140, o and H'io LS'. Muslin Underwear Muslin and Catnhrlc Oowns and foinhlnstton Suits All styles, lace and embroidery trlin mfd, to 11.25 values, at Corset Covers and lrawrs prattllv trimmed, values to $1.00, at BSo ana 4o Dainty Muslin Underskirts Handsomely trimmed, on sale In three W lots .... at Bl-BO. - aaa The "l.ena" (Jarment. "Three In une" . Corset Cover, Praweia and Skirt Shown In bt enrtnient, itt, up from B0 Misses' BOo Union Suits Knit, on sale, at 95 Ladies' Long Serge Coats ifade to sell at $23.00. at $14.90 Newest models in tan, grays, corn color and black. Ladies' Hosiery 1. BO Quality Black Silk Hose full fashioned with wide garter top. jure silk. Saturday. 78o Ladles' and Children's Hose Full seamless, fast bl?k and colors, to 25c values. In two lota, at , . .Hc and UHo Ladle' Wayneknlt Itoss Jn aaui:e. Hale and mer cerized, at .880 and 3S Children's Pony Hose.B6o Corset Bargains An Immense Sample Line of New Sprlnn Corsets Uerfeot aooiis In long hip m.idele, with heavy hose aupporttrs, values to $2.50; on rale Satur day, at 4o, 7 So and 980 Wa show complete lines of All Standard Makes: Nemo, 'Warners, Werners' Kabo, It. U., W. B.. ttoval Worcester, Bruner, lite. New Kid Cloves Just to match the New Oown. Yes, we have them In either of the best makes BTVKIM'1 or TOWM'S 12 to 16 Button t B1.9B to B3.B0 2 Button Gloves at 9) 00 to $a.oo Ksyaar Bilk Olovaa All kinds .tnd colors, prices from Oo to 1-60 Chainolaett Oloras Very popular, at..B9o and COO fmfr. r 7 W T -Values to $4.00 $1.95 Big assortment in plain tail ored and embroidered effects. Section Special Showing of Saturday in the Children's Coats and Dresses for Easter. Children's New Spring Coats All most wanted styles, colors and fab rics; most com pie and attractively priced Una shown In Omaha. Sea them Saturday at $2.05 $3.05 $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 "d t-'P You'll find the assortments and qualities superior at each price here Children's White Dresses By far the most extensive display w have ever attempted; the choicest assort ment you'll find anywhere; prices from $3.95 $5.00 nd $7.50 P to $35.00 Silk Messaline and Taffeta Underskirts All colors, worth to $7.50, choice nt $3.95 Xew Kpring Waists The finest showing of marquisette and lin gerie waists in Omaha. See them Saturday. FOR EASTER GIFTS Specials In Book Dept. Catholic Prayer Books, Crucifixes, Candle Stlcka, Holy Water Founta, Ktc, at Greatly Reduced Frlcee. Key to Heaven Small book with larne type and IT" Id edges, at 490 Vaat Pocket Prayer Booka .Special at 49o to B300 Boaarlos At J 80 to $4.98 Papor BTotoIs By poular authors, 25c values, at 10o Speca Picture Sale on 3d Floor 100 Plcturea Worth to 13.50, big assort ment of subjects': Madonnas, Cupids, ' Landscapes. Fruit, Marine Views, gilt and dark frames Splendid Bargains at BIG SHOE SALE SATURDAY Get yourself and the children ready for Easter and take advantage of these low prices on seasonable footwear. Pumps, oxfords, button or bluchers, one and two in9tep straps all sizes and widths, in patents or gun metal at prices that will fit any pocketbook UP from $1.50, in Ladies' or Misses'. About 1,200 pairs of Men's Oxfords and Shoes, In patent rolt, gun metal and tan Russian cal. $4.00 vlue8. t $2.50 We are showing a long line of Queen Quality Ox fords and Shoes, from $3.00 to $4.00 and the best Una of Pumps or Oxfords that has ever been shown in Omaha, for $2.50 Women's Tan Russian Calf "Hitoe" Button Shoes, with high Cuban heels, at $3.00 The Stetson and Crossett Oxfords for Men; new, nifty styles, all leathers, at $5.00 nd $4.00 Misses' and Children's, Boys' Youths' and Little Gents' Good School Shoes, up from $1.00 Infants' and Child's Shoos at 75 nd 50 Soft Bole Shoes for Infants, the BOc kind, at 25 Home Furnishers Notice John Dunlap & Sons Rugs On Sale Monday 2,500 Rugs in the lot, all are absolutely perfect, New Spring Patterns. No seconds or mismatched goods. You can buy them Monday at less than regular wholesale cost. HERE'S THREE SAMPLES OF THE BARGAINS: $30.00 American Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size, at $15.50 $32.50 American Wilton Rugs, seamless, 9x12 size, at $21.98 $20.00 American Velvet Rugs, 9x12 size, in beautiful patterns, at, each $13.98 Scores of Other Bargains. Watch Sunday Paper. Big Sale of Fancy China Fancy Decorated Austrian China Plates 6-iuch and 7-inch values to 35c; on sale Saturday 10: White Shell German. China Caps and Haucera Biggest values ever, per set, at QO Blue Mixture Bowls 3 pint Blse, Sat urday, each, at St Try IIAYjiH'S Firs Japanese Halt and Pepper Shaker Saturday, per pair, at 5 rink Austrian Chin Cups, Saucers and 1'laU's 6 of each, Saturday, per set $2.75 25c Iecorated Cuspidors On sale Saturday, at 10 Fancy Mat CJren Candlesticks Spe cial bargain, at l(j? Boys' Blouse Waists SVSfS?. 25c and c Manufacturers' Sample and Surplus Stock of Boys' Blouse Waists, se cured at a big bargain, white, black, plain colors or fancies; Satins, Madras, Chambrays, Pongees, Etc.; made with or without collars, all sixes, from 4 years to 16 years, made to sell up to $1.50; on sale Saturday in two big lots, at . 25 and 40 Children's Kompers In all colors and styles, on sale Saturday at 35 or 3 for $1.00 Men's Furnishings of Highest Quality Priced Greatly Below Actual Worth Men's Laundered Shirts; $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 values, at 98c and $1.25. Finest fabrics, newest styles and colors, plain or fancy, made with or without collars, all best brands; none worth less than $2.00 and up to $3.00; choice 98c and $1.45 Men's laundered Shirts, Values to f 1.50, on Sale at 4c. All warranted perfect, plain colors and figures, hQf with or without collars; great snap, at w Manufacturer's Sample Hose 1,000 dozen In the lot lisle, mercerized, fine cotton all perfect goods, made to sell to BOc pair; In three big lots at 8 pairs 25c, 2 pairs 25r, 8 pairs 50 fl.00 Cambric Gowns, 4c All styles, made long and full; big epe clal bargain. Pajamas and Night Shirts Plain col ors, neat stripes or figures, made to sell to $2.60; choice 8 Men's Union Suits Medium weights, in cream, pink or blue; all sizes. $1.50 values, at ..-60 W7 km New Kilk I'our-ln-Hands All latest Bhades and shapes, BOc to $1.00 values; on sale in two lots, at 45c and 25 Men's Spring Underwear Balbrlg can and lisle, values to $1.00 gar ment: in nlain and fancy colors; on sale, garment 35 Men's HI. 23 Oualltr Gloves All weiehts. including both dress and work Gloves: manufacturer's sam pies 40 tiir Line of Auto Gloves Very spe cial values, at 08c, $1.50, $1.08 Perrln's and Fowne'a Gloves. We Save You 25 to 50 on Drugs and Toilet Goods Notice Sale Prices tor Saturday. I0o Jap Koae or Talm olive Toilet Snap, at, bars 1U Five bars of Ivory Soap for .... ISO I Or WllllHina' or Colgate's 8havln Soa p 60 loo btu- 4711 While Hoss Glycerine Soap, at, two bai'H for 830 line Dr. K. L.. Gravea' Tooth Powder for lOo 2oo Euthyinol or Graves' Tooth PaMe at lo 2bo Tooth Bruahes, aztia good qual ity, for ... 10o 26c and 3oc Flexible Nail r'lle.i. K at, each 100 60c lllncla' Honey ami Creum, for 3SO 35c slase Peroxide Cream or Sanltnl Cold Cream for 10 liarge elite I'ompeian MaKaage Creum ibc. Meiinen'a, Colgate'a or WIIUhiiis' Talrum Powder, for 15o 60o .Tava Hire or Poxionl s Face Pow- t der for 85o iuo 1j;8 pure llydroRen Peroxide, nt, three bottles for 85o 11.00 size pure Hydrogen, extra sixa, for Bfto $1.00 size pure Beef, Iron and Wine. (tonic), for 9o One hundred (100) Hr. Hlnklea' Chh- cara Tablets, for 80 BtnlXB GOODS 11.75 value. In 2-(iiurt Hyrlnge and Bottle, rei rubber, at $100 J 1. 28 4-ouart Fountain Syringe, at 6S0 1.00 value in Hot Water Bottlrn, for 490 $2.25 value In 3 iuart Bed Ruhbrr Comb. Syringe and Bottle for $1.S9 13.00 valu Wellington Syringe and Bottle for 8-X V - i 1 I Hayden's, The Greatest of all Groc ery Departments In Omaha. This oale Is For Saturday: Orape Nuta, par package loo BpacKi0.nt J.e"yU"1 r JtU-,li Corn 'ie. per package". '. '. '. iiS Shredded Wheat Biacuu, pkg "U, ?. ScSt ' t iOUr w"per 4 0- 1foib.". .Vyt"U "r VelW 'cVrn'me'" 1 meaT for" ' B''e'k'raVt' 1 lba. Best Hand Picked Navy "ilea!? or 05a i ,l"y,J'tn Rlct- forii.'iafto 5 Iba. Good Japan KI.e, for iil -r-n?:te .Qen- ""-"pk Uallon Cans Table Syrup! '. '. '. '. ! ' goa p;r't.taa...r y,t" MkiS! iM11.'! lh? 0'ma'ha ' marKeta " t'r"y " ?S hold the prices up, w Kive th n.n pie the benefit of every drop in p?ieV Mgln market dropped 3 cent. thi nemWe bUy d't and gU.'y'ou lh': TnSr 1llne" Creamry Butter Made. per iu. fl 1 ancy Country Creamery Butter.'per "lb?1 . '?' 1 Creamiry " Butter.' " pi' The Best Dairy Butter.' per' ib! '. .' '.Ill rBSK TEOBI1IL1 IMOBl ' Fresh Spinach, per peck ... Iresh Beets. Carrota. Turn ni' 0 tihaJot. a buncha- for P" ii 5 Bunches Fresh Home (i'rown Onions, for viown 1 Heads Frenh Hothmjs'e' iWtVu'cV J 3 Bunches Fresh Radlalieif for "' S J ancy Hfad Lettuce, per head i! S Htalks Fresh Celery, for. TJS New Potatoes, 4 lba for i?2 Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per ib Il2 f 13.00 Trunks, at $9.03 Canvas covered with heavy hardwood slats and brass trimmings. $10.00 Suit Cases, at $0.05 Ex tra heavy bridle leather case, with solid brass lock and with straps, a dandy. $3.50 Suit Case All leather, leather lined; on sale, $3.05 STETSON HATS $3.50 to $7.50 Excell' In appearance, workman ship, wear. We are Bhowlng com plete lines in all BhapeB and colors, both soft and stiff, let us show you the new styles Just received. A I-arge Showing of New Styles, at $3.00 down to $2.00. gives a man who wants good style and quality, at a moderate price, an opportunity for satisfactory selec tion, not surpassed anywhere. Nen's $3.00 Hats at $1.40 Big special purchase of manufactur ers' samples, soft and stiff, in all colors, including black, this sea son's shapes, value to $3.00 at $1.40 Boys' and Youths' Hats All col ors. Including black, new stylea to $1.60 value, at, 75 Men's and Boys' Spring Caps Greys, browns, over plaids, Scotch weaves, In fact, all colors, including blue serge, with tape seams or silk lined; values to 75c, on sale, at 40? Wash Goods Sale All our silk warp Wash Goods on sale, fancies, foulards, Jacquards, etc., at. yard 25 35 30? 40 Bordered Batistes are all the fad at present. We have them in both foreign and domestic. Some are 30 inches others are 40 Inches wide, fine cloth, well printed, fast colors, sold under the market price, at, per yard 15 antl 25 White Goods Just received a large shipment of White Swlsttes, fancies, longclot.hs, etc., on sale Saturday, at per yard 10c, 12 He, 13c, 18c, 23c up to $1.00 Extra Specials tor Saturday in Domestic Room AT 10 A. K. One cane of 7c Apron Check Ginghams 10 jarda limit, per yard, at Bo AT 11 A. M. One case of 18c Un bleached Hath Towels. 6 pair limit, each, at Ho AT BC. One caae of Hope Mus lin, genuine article. 10 yards limit, per yard, at .... 6i0 AT F. tS- One case of Fruit of the l.noni Muslin, the genuine article, 10 yards limit, at Vo for All Day Hanover No. 4703 Quilta, regular price $1.98. at $1.85 Oakdale No. 6380 quills, regular price 11.60, at. BBo Lexington Sheets No. &24S, regular price 66c, at 440 A Uood 16c Pillow HI I p. at lOo Extra Specials In Wash Goods, all day. Hardware Department This week's offerings arc especially low in price and comprised of large number of useful articles, Von will find the one here you need. i Best Liquors at Lowest Prices California Wises Port or Per quart, 60c, per gal., $1.50 nnkist Hherry Tears Ola Walskeyo Per full quart, at.... Per gallon, at Choice Maryland Rye or Tennessee White Com. . 750 $8.50 u.. Wl.. nr whit. some " .1 vi fine quality, per gallon, at B1.0Q Tears Oil Whiskeys Per full quart, at Si'S Per gallon, at fJ.ow All our well known Dranda, either Rye or Bourbon. Pitat Pan So (Jxtra heavy Dust Pan 100 No. Clot hea Line, double galvanized. at 9o O. K. Washer (S.S5 No. 2 Square Washer $8.88 3-piei e Floral Set loo Wilson Toasters 15o Mrs. Pott'a Irona 7o No. 3 extra heavy galvanlxed red band Tub Te No. 8, copper nickel plated Tea, Ket tles S0 12-tooth malleable cast Rake 100 Riveted Hoe ISO Any size Dipping Pans lOo Any aixe Frying loo This week's sale of toola la not only of Interest to the mechanic, but enm- R risen articles needed In every nome. o. 68 Stanley Rule So rocket Screw Driver, 3 tool steel blades, 1 l earner 3So 24-tnch Wrecking Bar Bo No. Ill or 12 May dole Hammer.. 4o lilston 12-lm-h Compans Saw .... 8o Carpenters Nail Aprons, each .... 15o P. 8. A W. Pamson Brace .-. $1.8 Combination tjquare, 9-Inch ateel blade. at 7o No. 41 Yankee Automatic Drill $1.10 No. 108 Ooodell-Pratt Automatlo Drill, at BBS Talntor Saw Set So No. 100 Kagle Siiuare BSO Good Saw Clamps ao Try IIAYDEH'S First New Books T ol C'ljitlAal. ur l.WKM.KHfl OS THK TttllKSIl EV Robert lllchena. t i VV. U W- The Century company- Th, scene of this atory is in f.ahionable Vt Knd I'ndon. The main characters are the Rev. Marcus Harding, a atrong and rapidly rising rector; his ambitious wife. Sophia; his senior curate. Henry Chi chester, a godl man; Kvelyn Mailing and Prof. St.pton, notorious for their Interest and tn estimation in psychological reaearch. The two ileigmen turn, secretly, to oc cult lnveatlgatlon. with strause results; and the singular influence which one mind .nay exert over another la made the th. m the story. C, MWRIK. By William Bamuel John son 'P 1 Harper & brother. This romance la laid in Farts. Sir .Michael Burke becomes the friend of John Dwlaht. a reserved New F.nglandr. The Iru-hman ahoa Dwlght the picture of his cousin. Golden Hurke, confessing his love for her. Dwiaht meets Gulden and fa 11a in love ltli hep Michael pretends to com mit suicide and returns to Paris In dis- ulse ani enpiains to intm nt. (Cluing tv ei. .nunaei THK A I iV KNTl'R K.S OF A MOhCKT MV By Robert W. CUambera. 1-' Pp. jl l. Appleloll Co. Th's ulame Is made up of a number of i.noit htoil.s strung together on a ellxlit hot amusing thread of narrative concern ing the modeat man, a Mr. Van Twlller. The modest man takea hla two daughtera ; abroad for the summer, being pried loose from hla home by a man who wants to marry one of hla daughters, and In Paris meets a literary friend. Mr. Williams. wv. regales him with histories of their old j itin quarter associates. Jt in all very amuaing, and though undeniably light, the book has a Charm. Illustrations and dec orations are by Edmund Frederick. w Ing. There aLJTsB Intimavv U i . . and Siberia; the my.tery of the herolne a tirth are solved and ahe becomea the Girl from Somewhere. TUB Oril.TY MAN. Davis. XO Pp. 1 .60. G. Co. llv Ruth Helen W. Dillingham t This novel Is translated from the French and is -a atory of the maladjustment of our social machinery. The scene la firat laid In Paria and then shifts to South America, THK MAKING OK A FORTl'N K. Bv Harriet Prescott Spotford. 114 Pp. 11. Mai per A Bros. "Honest Jack Avereielgh." as he Is known In Wall street, becomea the hus bund of a woman much younger than him self. Suddenly Involved in financial diffi culties, he has urgent need of ready money. i The unsuccessful attempt of a burglar to 'steal hla wife a famous jewels gives him ' an Idea, and after many atruggles with hla conscience he disposes of the necklace and Iplkiea imitation gema In Ita place. PA DIR. By May F. Shepherd. 246 Tp. (1 Broadway Publishing company. , ins scene or this novel Is laid in east Tnnessee. The heroine la most beautiful and good and paesea through troubles and disappointmente to happiness. I THE GIRI. FROM NOWHF.IIF. Bv Mrs. j Balllle Reynolds. '7 Pp. II Geoige H. ! I 'i rsn company. I A oung man In the act of committing ; suicide 1 arrested by the form of a girl springing to destruction past hla window, lie res.-ues her and the two would-be sul fites discuss ways and means, first of death and then of life, the latter prevall- THE STORY OF MODERN FRANC K H. A Guertoer. X pp. 66 cents. Ameri can Book company. Thla book gives the story of France from the death of Iouls XIV to the prea ent time, laying apecial atreaa upon the many Interesting- and picturesque episodes In which the period abounds, as they are presented In literature and art. The book la supplied with suitable maps and Illus trations. MAKFRfl AND DEFENDERS OF AMERICA. By Anna Elizabeth Foote. 24- Pp. SO centa. American Book company. Thia collection of historical biographies begins with the close of the French and Indian war, and treata characters typical of a movement or of a period up to the present time. The book traces the growth of our nation through the lives of Its great leadera, whose Ideas shaped the policies and laid tha foundation for the preaent prosperity of our country. ?i ROt'M E .STATION AND DEBATE By eph Vll.lers I'ennev. 4U) pp. f 1 35 American Book company. The aim of thla book la to aet forth the principles or argumentation, and st tse same time to supply proper amount of such material for the study of debating an haa been employed by able men In the defense of great principles. Over 100 page of the book are devoted to a statement of the fundamental pilnctplea underlying the subject. OCR TBSTAMKNT NARRATIVES. Edi ted bv Edward Chauncey Baldwin. lie Pp. 20 fents. American Book company. The aeleetlona in thla little volume were carefully made with a view to furnishing students of high arhool age with an intro duction to Hebrew literature which would stimulate them to further reading in thla line. The annotatlona supply auch expla nations as are necessary for intelligent reading. DON QCIXOTK FOR YOl'NG PEOPLE. By Jamee Baldwin. W7 Pp. 60 centa. American Book company. Care haa been taken to retain the spirit and manner of the original, so far aa la possible In a story designed for children. While there are, of couiss, many omls sIods, the various adventures are ao re lated as to form a continuous narrative. The incldeata choaen are thoae most often alluded to In modern literature, and they are told In a manner to elicit sympathy and admiration for the hero. LABORATORY MANUAL IN BIODOGY. By Richard W. Sharpe. K2 Pp. 76 cents. American Book company. In thla manual the Important problems of biology are solved; that la. the principles of biology are developed from the labora tory standpoint. It states the problems, and then tella what materials and ap paratus are necessary, how they are to be used, how to avoid mistakes, and how to get at the facta when they are found. j 8CHOOT, 1ITMNAI.. Bv Hollia Dann. 191 Pp. 60 cents. American Book company. This aong'book for high schools, normal achoola and colleges Includes only texta and music which are suitable. The hymna and chants are auch aa will attract and hold the attention and Interest of young people. The volume alo contains the best of the patriotic and national aonga, and many of the familiar folk and planta tion aonga. v ART BONGS FOR HIGH BCHOOIJi. By Will Earhart. Pp. cents. Ameri can Book company. Thia collection Include both old fav oiltea and many new compositions adapted to choral singing. Besides non-sectarian hymns, and patriotic songs, there are many songa for particular occasions and seasons, aa well as numerous chorus num bers of a general nature. Pays for Forgeries Committed by Son Iowan Put Up Money After Young; Man Has Served Oat Hit Sentence. After serving a sentence In Die county jail for passing bogus checks. T. A. Price waa released Friday morning. The young man s father, T. T. Price of Mason City, la , who had learned of hla son a plight, insisted upon discharging the debta of the young man despite the fact that he had served a sentence for the of fense. Young Price s speculation amounted ts 1140. J. D. Ooddoer of the Beaton Drug company waa one of the victims. The young man at the solicitation of hla father was aent on to Fort Dodge, wheie he haa relatives. THE MA8TER8INOER. By Frank R. RU. ISO I'p. 66 centa. American Hou company. Thia collection of choruaes and part songs la arranged and adapted for the classroom, and for large and amall assemble. The selections may be sung by unchanged voltes are available, with an optional bass. Helping Her Look. "st ubliulnK. but the yeung woman custumer waa hard to please. . ... ,u.i oi loHiiKets did he patlentlv take down and ahow to her; nothing so' ted. For some fifteen minutes this m k sale buysnythlng. I was Just kokinTfor ' . -leH,' ",hr T"1""'' ""O""-" 'led'!,1 h. Li u "L ne m"19 banket left !, Youth Would Teach Foot Ball in Navy Applicant Comei laden with Creden tiali and Clipping for the Job Nothing- Doing-. ' I'ncle Sam Is not In need of an athletin director." Thla abiuot aiatm.n by the recruiting officer at the army re cruiting atation Friday morning to Sylveaier Hunt of Detroit, Mich., who applied for enlistment as foot ball coach. Hunt had enough clippings and recom mendations to assure him a t Ion as coach of foot ball In any college, but he said he wanted to train the '-boia In blue When informed that he was not wanted to Inspire the soldiers, to heroic deeds on the athletic field. Hudt left, much crestfallen A llrvak for l.lbertr from stomach, liver and kidney trouble I made when a 16c box of Dr. King a New Ufa Pills la bought. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Th Key to th Situation-Bee Want Ads. Ayer Hair Vigor has no effect upon the color of the cannot possibly chance the color in any way. But it promptly stops falling hair, and greatly promotes growth. Ask your doctor first. Yjr . J T 1 Ayer'sHa tlair jLielp J C. A rr T. . t