24 TTIK T'.K.K: OMAHA. fn i ni i viirar II Bran...' - t "A i U I H I M Lrf J Our Greatest Sale of Hosiery Women's Fine Cotton ind rrncb Lite Thread HOSII2RY Silk Finished Lisle, r M)lroileri'l tillovt-r Imco, fancy mercer izctl lace boots, silk e I o c k e 1, f a n c y stripes all si I k Caiizc woisrht with lisle tups aul soles j'ositivoly worth .VV a pair, at. liair. . . Womea'i Pure Thread Silk Hosiery f'nln nr ("Ilk Pinlii "til- ete. t hhlck, vv hite rtlld full" V Colors - rfunlHr and mil Hi-'p i(inl'p snlen, Itigu m1ici1 heel nli'l toe-, worth up tn 1 i,0. per pali . at 69c EXTRAORDINARY OFFER OF 6,300 PAIR Men's "Shawknit" Hose Vou know what tlicy are, every style of the Shaw knit manu facture. Silk finished, lisle, finest Maco cotton, plain and fancy lisle, plain black, tans, shades with split soles and quality, at, pair Misses', Children's and Boys' Hosiery Celebrated "'Iron Threid" Brand an I "Ijnwoji" Miki iUuhle knot's, heels and toes, garter tops,-in fine and heavy ribbed cotton and lisle, some silk finished mercerized. livery. pair guaranteed first All.siws. from )V- to 10 in and tans, worth 25c pair at, Women's 25c Hosiery at 15c Pair Cotton. lisle finished and mercerized silk lisle hosiery split soles, double heels and toes, full fashioned and , seamless black, tan and colors worth 25c pair,, at, pair Great Sale Rose Bushes .... i Climbing Roses, Lilacs, Snowballs. fr Hydrangeas. Paeonies, M VI 1 Syringas and Hollyhocks These bushes are strong and hardy and ac climated to Nebraska weather. They will bloom this summer.' The Rose, are Crimson Ramblers, Dorothy Perkins, Baltimore Belle, General 'Jack, aruey and La France. Nnrseryaiea would sell these buihes sad plants tt 50c each Saturday in Basement, each Vomen's Kid Gloves for Easter Porrin's Our Easter shipment of these celebrated gloves has arrived. All the new shades and lengths for street mid evening wear, in bisque, pearl, grey, blue, mode, tan, also black and white heavily embroidered or Paris point backs. Fitted to hand. Pair $1.75, $2 up to $3.75 embroidered on Shamrock lawn, Madeira effects, hand embroidered tan, black and white. Fitted If desired; pair $12 Long Silk Gloves -16-button length, Kay acr, double tipped fin gers; black, white, pearl, pougee, . blue, liurgain Bquare special Kid Gloves, In black, white, gray and tan, worth ina tan and gray; at, pair SI $1.00, pair. Women's New Easter Neckwear Satia ribbon novelties in sweet peas, rose buds, etc., sailor collars anl tie attached embroidered and lace Dutch and Middy collars, lace and embroidered jabots,, cascades and side effects, fancy and tailored stocks, 0C fancy bows, etc., worth" up to $1, at syDC"tfUC Women's Hamstitched Hand Embrotd. Handkerchiefs Sheer lawn, aJso hand embroidered Initials encircled in wreath, daiutlly embroidered on Shamrock lan. Maderia effecta. hand embroidered and printed combinations worth up to 50c a - ar- t. etu-h t ...13C-Za)C All Silk Foreign Novelty Ribbons Woven deslgna in Japaueae and Dresden effects, Roman stripea. floral centers with satin atrlpe border., black and white .tripes, navy ana white Btripea. etc. for millinery, sashes, bows etc an worth "6e a yard, at 3lfC ' Next Monday is the Great Pongee Silk Sale Fine semi rough pongee dress silks from the Naushon Silk Co., of Valley Falls, K. I., products in lid and L'(J inch widths at Just About One-Half Regxdar Prices. Next Monday is Oar Great Sale of All Wool White Embroidered Flannels, worth op to $1.50, at 59c Yj L BKANDEIS Sea Ortt Ad for Man's Clothing on Page 4. hfiii jinn 1 25t jssr . ft 7 X-fcMi browns and spring 15c Maco loot all best quality. 4 blacks 2X pair. 15c Klll- 10c ZZ7 Pure Silk Gloves In elbow length; black, white, pongee and blue, with double tip ped fingers, all sizes, worth $1.00, at; pair 69e STORES 'SCOUTS" Get Great Welcome I The "Boy Scout" Shoei hnve i'Jmperl into favor here rifrht from the start. They have made the tame big "hit" with the boys of our town r they have made all over tbe country. All atrree nothing liVe them ever "?Jfrhnseball, running, jurnpinp;, . ! ! i !! El and all rough and tumble wear. "BOY SCOUT" Shoe Lightest, atrongeat and btt shoe ever made for boy. Wear two to three time as long at other shoea. Reel soft as a glove. Just the thing for growing feet. No linings. Coolest and moot healthful boy's shoe made. Soiet can't tear loose. "Corkers" for Baseball and AU Outdoor Sport "Boy Scowls" are big money savers. They're a nenr "boy-proof" a any thoes can be, and they re tbe beat look ins outing shoes ever made. Boys Ilk to wear tbe in and o do men. $2 to $3 UlU Boy-Siat 10 1 13H-S2.0O ,' Sire 1 te J $2.50 Bif Eey'i aaa Mea's-Siss 6 te 10 $3.00 Good Luck Charm FREE You srel "Swastika" Good Lock Charm with every pair of "Boy Scoot" hoos you buy. Looka something like the picture in the corner only the charm fa bigger. And It's bright, too looki like a gold piece. Makes a dandy priza for bail games, races, etc. Don't delay calling on OS, 'causa ' ,-couts are going mi n.,i. Tailor Made and Dress Hats, $2.50 to $5.00. Ladies, use your transfer and save money. Crosslovvn Millinery 2420 Cuming Street. ssri FADEAWAY" And Dozem of Other - New Easter Styles For Men In Tsui; Dull and Tatent OXFORDS AT $g50 $joo $so Also Ntttleton's Custom Lines (Beat hlKh Kratin ahoea In Amerlia) Rt a i eaaonatile pi Ice f(ir the iUHllty. YOU can juris; tlia allies we. le lv ceelng our wlmiiiw dlapluy. liera the HitlPtlc putterna unu laata ale dupllcateil In the fctoie. and in,ie up li leather thil are ,lurl,le. TIiIm is the little store 1,11 the or ner U)f the alley) that cuiiiineiireM each 'teaaon with new, freh vimk tn our regular in:iKes, Kml that'a why e can kIuh Rive you Hie most up-:u-date ty ea ut aVCCULaorf tin North Side of la Itourke's. Walkover Shoes anl Oxfords, on Hale, pair, Co Y)i Knw Atythinj Ahnut our Steal Cut and Sltad Coffaat If you do not, 11a time 10 learn about It Its th beat drinking rof fee on Ih Omaha market. W re move all dual and chaff, leaving a clean cut granulation which is All Coffee. Mocha Mixture 5 Ih tl.00 FxceNlor Blend 30o, S, I ha $1.03 Branch at Pabllo Market. 1S10 Sarnsy V. L. MASTERKAN & CO. "ra oorrea at car. - Brauch at Pubile Mulil 11 Karaay ait. N. VvA COLORSi "1 The "JIuJ Ml fast, and you'll have jffLM ftWkVi g to wait until we can J W j3 don't huTy. (17) 1 SiSOE CO. jOE 39c BETTER CLOTHES BETTER CX.OTHE1 than yon can find el where at th rams price. OUR EASTER CLOTHES SHOW la complete. W arc ahowlng a vary wlda range of patterns in every new model yon ahonld aea these new sntta we'll consider it a pleaeure to ahow yon. High quality at popular prices la a hobby with na. FLYER FOR SATURDAY $7.50 - . : J SPRISG HATS PCPULAR PRICED PANTS Spring Hats. Smart, classy and Brighten up yonr old coat and Teat Rental. We feature the Hatter' JuaVnt.nVoorroVoo $a.50 kind, f gQ in our laadara, at WHY PAV MOIJK? ow $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Specials for Saturday SHAWKNIT HOSE I'lain niul fancy col- ors' at 1 2-Xn lcr pair I a2 w NECKWEAR JUST RECEIVES in new ahipment of EOc silk O ra b r hand tlea. Sat nrday apaolal, each, at Elayden Bros. Meat Dept. Another Drop in Pork lliis week another drop in pork and lamb. It's the price that counts and which you get the benefit providing yon do your meat-buying of Martin lfrum, manager Ilayden Meat Dept. Always full weight, too. PORK ROAST, per pound " 7i2(. Forequarters Lamb, per pound 5c Hindquarters Lumh, per pound gc Lamb Chops, per pound lS' L'C Lamb Stew, 7 pounds 25 Xo. 1 Round Steak, per pound 12 '.: No. 1 Sirloin Steak, per pound , 12' L't Shoulder Steak, per pound t 10c Pot lioast, per pound, 8c, 7c and (Jc Kib Boiling Beef, 5 pounds for.... 25c Xo. 1 Hams, per pound 131-jC Rex, Shield or Winchester Bacon, per pound 20c Bacon Backs, per pound 15c Ground Bone for chicken feed, 10 pounds . . . 25c Haydcn Bros. Meat Dept. Pig Pork Roast, Lb. 7c AT TaTE FTTBLIO MAJIKBT. Pork Ioln., lb 10t4o Leaf 1ard. 13 Its. for 98o Steer Pot Roast, lb. . . .to, TVg, 6'so Bleer Hulling Beef, lb 4t0 i'orn Fed Steer Steak, lb 160 Young- Veal Roast, lb . ."o Young Veal Chops, lb lOo Veal Stew, lb 4Vo I.amb Chops, lb H l.anib Stew, lb : . 4t,o Armour's and Cudahy'a No. 1 Skinned Hams. 10 lao BFECiAXiS. 7rom 7 to 0 P. H. I.amb (Tiopg, per From to 10 1. X. Pork Chops, a DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:80 A. M. AKDSI'.M. Something Steefeefl 714 SAMSON Something extra In a Steel Range, at Jj.Od down and j.0i) a month. Has triple wj of S. 18 gauge e!lea ' villa ate l pl.itca. Will not burn out. I I inly a rew of the finest have ax heuv y ' j steel and they ar not put together like li e Sainton. J ! Has Ko. 1. gauge atc-el. oven hra'-ed 1 , both vas, MdrA'iae tilU lenulh A lae. Will not warn. , Has Aluinnled oven. W ill not rust. ' Ha email fire-box A ureal fuel taver. 1 liaa large flue Will draw ejiv Heals tup and oven at tie BAH: limn 1 and as quickly us a gas stove. Has polished top. Needs no atuva bUtking. jr- - w n 1,1, ,0 n,, 1 ti r.iiaieri into. .oth- 1 InK nicer than a piece of KoodH from a Jewelry xtore Si 0 Enainelei Brooches, Belt Pin. Collar Pins and hundred A A t Iff of other articles to selec t from, look for the tiume f "Vf WJ S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler () W 1516 Douglas S.treet Vvrv' I 1 'm Pan,, . Atilm. ..I. -r. 4u -V; See Our CO. J FOR r.lEfJ AI1D YOUilG r.lEH 7J MEN'S PURE SILK HOSE 50c, 75c n ml $1. WO val ues, toinor- 9C nt. pair C3C ey four-in- 25c EBEBSSKJ Sugar C'ured Hams. Jb 4c No. 1 ReRular llnnn, lb ia'-4o Sugar Cured Bacon, lb ia'o Arinouie'B Shield Bacon. Ih. . 1810 Silver Leaf, Itex or Laurel Pure 1-ar.l, S-ln. pall 890 Don't forg-t onr Cblcktns; we ar the laadara. Visit Our Daleoataaaen Sap, for wa cany fnll line of Horn Mad and Imported Sausage. Ih 50 pounds for. . .150 1610 Harney St. Phones, Doug. 2144. and fnd, A2147. ft For Easter Stme South Sixteenth Street. DETROIT IDEAL Ga ttoves at t'i 00 town and 13 00 month. The lietroit Ide.il eiKh tinny pnuuds more than the next heavie i ga alovs. All this extrt weight ia put where It is reet-,i 1110M, In the walla and oven. it lonfiiica the hrat to the oven where It belong anil that lukcs If tul.e lcs gaa to kec, the own n a baking tempera ture. Being of hOiiVle,- lna(erirtl m.ike-i It IrfSt I, lifer th.in t.'e 1 1 ! ) t st,,ey I'etroll I, leal .ilented ( e'H rl iug.il lMlllier hi. flat 'ATM oirt I i.ilfi.cw mid the patent. I iu,. '!',., t m cm- pei lei I m.iiiI,iini.,ii. which . ,,:,! 1 1. a 1 vo i u( 1 thr ietlt of ail H e 1 111 1 1..I. ,-.i, h a fiene mleiM-e heal i.as ,,ev -r I c 11 pru-J.n-e-l by a gia l,,iiir hei'on. airs Kohix. l.ilij iVmer. It is I tlltt quit kSt Hlltl most pi (eft Hcrafr it cutiiBU t.ulck wuik I ineaiiaf ecuiiomy. ' '-it-' a,Ty "rf- J t 1M ' l.iWi.iWii. in, n..y imi, ,,1,, , . urtlga t ! 1 t' , J I I Rousing Furniture lAlost C O 111 plcte assort in c n t a n d best values in Oni.ilia hero. 'ft ELIAOLI. DOIJ'T HISS THESE $5.50 Collapsible ('o-l'art. like cut. folds with one motion, at ..$3.95 $15.00 HriNi'Hods. with 2-inch posts a beauty, on sale Sat'day at $8.50 $17.50 Brass lieds, extra heavy, con tinuous post, on sale Sat., $36.50 All Hraus, Square Tout Hed, square fillers; big bargain at $20.00 $7.50 Bed, Vernla Marten "nish has 2-lnch posts; on sale $5.93 $5.00 Ilrass Trimmed lion nod on 8le at .. 83.50 Odd lion Hods On Bale Saturday to doae at 08 lion Frame Ued Spring. . .$2.25 Iron frame, woven wire, supported spring Hed Springs $3.75 $3.75 Sanitary Coucb. two rows coll supports $2.50 Sanitary Steel Davenport . $2.05 Golden Oak Stands 05? vuunerea vjbk uunet.witn Krone DON'T FORGE T TRY IIAYDEUS' FIRST The Boy Needs New Shoes for Easter The Easter season meant as much to the boy as It does to the grownups. This particular holi day comes but once a year and it makes a deep impression on his mind. He looka for new things to wear and what is more important than footwear? Fine footwear means refinement, good taste and Rood 'breeding. We would twge you to come early Saturday morning; as we are go ing to be worked to our full capa city. The earlier, 'you come the better you'll be satisfied, and we will, appreciate it also. For Sat urday we recommend our boys' steel shod shoes in the new spring styles. Too many good points to talk about. Come and ace them. : Sizes and prices as follows: Little Gents' sizes, 10 to 13 4, vat S2.00 Souths sizes, 1 to 2 J$2 25 Boys" sizes, 2 , to 5 S2.50 Come Kai'ly Saturday. DREXEL SHOE tXMPA.V 1419 farnam Street f-ii.L.. What Would Easter be without hot. cross buna? Such delicious bun a we make too. l,e sure to get a lot of them for you'll need a lot to sat isfy everybody. Suppose you order them now. That will he the surest wav of pre venting disappointment. We never can seem 10 hake enouKh for late comeia. ORTMAN'S New England Bakery 8ia Worth lth Btrt. Half Block Morth of Poatoffloa. ranch Office at Public Market. mnpainiv COLD STORAGE We sell Hefrlgerators on easy pay ments or a cut price for cash. The cold, dry ir rirouUM- n, eronoiny n. sunltary fHture m what lias matle lite t'nM SioiiiK Ht popular. Mrs la. Koijh -hulfiri . l'7t i ami llnr--, ny -: "II . e i. Sti nea la j1f.t tin: 1 1 Ih ery fct. uhutnit al u ml so e.iy to kefp c jeun.'" Mr. I ronoi . J 7 WilHuui. &-' "Am tLoroiivtily 1 le mh1 rt-ii we have ' and oitonitr!, k-eplftg thlitj,'" I 111 Miii-ii ptrreti luiMitiuu. Mrs. IV I 'Hiiruifi. 7 .' 1 Ho ITtu, Bays: "The i 'ohj Hior mk htt pro mi all (iu t'lain. fur It a. ml I a 'a ery pioud of It" r afl i buns NimU ' .', .-'.'. ilr' - I " , ' '! i y 1 : -J - I , r I - , , Bargains Saturday ,Svln: and .Htlnfactlon are two a 1 1 ii r (I fuels In btijlni? your furniUne here. aA4tMi.aMUaaV SPECIAL OFFERINGS $12.50 Center lable, 24-inch top: saia Prke $1.05 I Solid Oak Chiffonieres. $1.05 I l $1.50 Child Itocker at. , . . .73 j Quartered oak Dining Chairs I "nap at- 08. itood Kitchen Chairs (5 rolisliel Oak Dining Table, round top; snap at SO.85 h bevel plate mirror $10.50 IT PAYS TT i neres LIQUID JOY S i . TKEEEER YDU LIKE HAVEACASfSENTHOKr? X21 So. 24th S treat 0U. HID saaa im; A-tca A GOOD. QUICK LUNCH Is a time saving thing Juat what the busy man wants. Our lunches are baaed on well cooked foods quickly served. Our coffee, our pastry, our sand wiches' of all kinds and other eat- , ables will meet your critical approval. It will be all In your favor If you lunch with us. The Boston Lunch 1012 Kamaju 1408 Far nam 1406 Doug! Sunkist CAUFOIIXIA WINES Extra Fine Quality Sunkist 1'ort Wine, por lull gtiHrt .. hiinkidt Sherry Wine, per full quart itc Sunkist Muscatel Wine, per full "."art j,,,. Sunkist Tokay Wine, per full quart t r)0 Hunkiat Claret Wine, per guart . l-ic Always ask for Sunklat Urana. Jackdaw The whlakey with a flavor. Has high medicinal qualities. pe, full quart bottled In bond .ti Mall and Teleihone Orders Promptly Killed. Cackley Bros. ' " . WINK MEUC'IIANTS 121 No. 16th St. opp. r. O Both Phones DOLLAR A . D ASE It a a aeii.-iiile 111,! ni ni to .. all the dollara yu , a. 'I , "!J JJo a luile Ihinkiiii; the ceiiis. ' Jl out ex- pinaive irt'iiit i, f mir "'I fa 'atlll. I I i llMlK fii r ntiei I rt 11(1 j (I X" " -' Jlt( ! . itf n. p hi-;s r 1 inem.H no J ' ' ' 1 ti 1 1 y m run it 1 m. b 1 I . ; a l r 1 ''' iM K 1 it1f i hm- j 1 t it t i. !i,l II n( meats). Try Balii ' bnvea ou liioi,e, hot Ii a v oids , Bat h el la Tim 1 ' j ciadil aim ( ,t. Iiient the ni.irkLi COS T. Cash ev v;, biMikki e-ii,g i-t;, i,., expeiiye, 1,0 ui. i.ii.. no won y -ex, riu t,, L uatomc ."el , ,, goods - u t - low 'J'lldt K l.a I ii - ,. , ,,. Oil, I-. wricii;. 1 ',..,:, .Kk. ,: 50 I'oilv I., l,.f-, ,.. Ill- Home .M... , .,.....,.. 11, 13.;0 1 '1101, -le, , 1 ,,, 1 ; ,. t.. fe Our Own Ciioj-s D:o.BeU CUlckana. Vr ,4- 160 Jos, Baiiis CiSi ii!kii 1531 s 1RIAV BT. Do alas CCb4. Rolfablo L Dentistry iSLV Tail's Denial Roims Gi A. Lindtruisi & Co. TAUOtl Makes Uood Clotli. CoDsratlYa Utiles ana Pattam aValectad for Spring'. 235-236 Pflxton fSlk. a !! 7 1 i i V' 4S J 1'