THE BKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. AFRIT, 8. 1911. 07 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET I J SHORTS HAVE TwoDy Bulge. QUIT BUYING psred with i.'?.OnO bo. the .corresponding tor K'i ivtimniM rffipiK ir 'Morrow: Wheat, 14 rsrs. corn, 1J cars; . oats. 2 ir hoes, head. . . - . . 1 ('hl't(i) fusil Prices Wheat, No. 1 red. Wheat Market Ilattem Out After the Ikw-, no. 3 red. mviv-o; no. 3 hard. (,i,is;r; No 3 hard. M'iic; No 1 north ern spring. 94 V'' ''sc: No 2 northern spring. 92i9'.'r; No. 3 spring. ic. Corn No. J. 4; V"4M''. No. 3. 47'vc; No. 2 white. 4Mjc; N.i. 3 hlt 47'tc: No 2 yellow, 4'tc; No. 3 vrllnw. 47V'i4'1c. (ts. No. 2 white, 3?'n ::2'c; No. 3 white. 31 'ri 2c ; No. 4 white, iWV'ii'.l'v. standard. 31vi3i-.. Hl'TTl ;il - Htcadv ; creameries. 14'(t21c; dairies llsc. EGGS Steady; receipts. 1"412 cases; at mark, cases Included. l.VfdMc; firsts, 16c; prime firsts. 1; Sr. CHEESE-Steady: daisies, 14i'Mic: twin, 13fil.Hc: young Americas. l.;V14c; . long hun. 13 'a 14c. POTATOES steady; choice to fancy, 63i (fie: fair to (rood, Vy2c. POULT R V steady; turkey. dressed l'c; fol?. allyp. 17c; springs, ailve, 17c. VEAte-Steady; .'0 to Wl-pound weights. rVfrTc; St to SS-ponnd weights, 7r'i9c; 95 to 110. pound weights. 9V7 10c. Chicago Receipts Wheat. IK rari; corn, lfifl cars; oats. 76 car. Estimated for tomor row: Wheat, 14 cars; corn. 133 cara; oats, S3 cara. (ablea Weak and Lower tnerenaed Movement of torn Falle o Ma terialise (ash Demand la Poll. OMAHA, Neb., April 7. 1511. After a temporary bulge the wheat 'market flattened out. losing the advance r. two days ransed by the heavy buying of shorts. When this Via of buying reaped there was no natural support for '' market. Cable were weak and lower to day and the bright dear weather counieil a good deal In the way of bearish senti ment.. The Increase In the movement of corn ha failed to materialise, but on the other hsnd rash and shlrplng demands are very dill and with clearing weather, farm de liveries will Increase. Wheat firmed after a weak opening due to a spurt of covering by shorts. Newa continue bearish and the rash situation Is still dull. Cash sa'es were '' to c lower. The corn market was a dull affair, offer ing were higher ami the firmer wheat market helped the advance. Cash corn whs unchanged. Primary wheat receipt were 544. Wi bush el and shipments were tMi.ono bushels, against receipts last year of 469.000 bushels, and shipment of 173.000 hushels Primary corn receipt were 3.10.001) bush el and shipments wera 35ft. om bushel", rains t rerelpta last year. of 329.000 bushels and ahlpments of 2..0i0 bushels. Claaranee were 164.O00 bushel of corn, 40t bushels of oat, and wheat and four equal to 11,200 bushels. Liverpool closed d to "id lower on wheat and Sd lower on corn. The following rash salea were reported: WHEAT No. hard. 1 car (goodi, 84c; 1 car. 2c; 1 rar. Win. CORN No. 2 white. 1 car. 42c; No. 3 white. 1 car, 42c; No. 1 mixed, 1 car 42tc; t car, 42'i". OATS No. 3 white, 2 car, 29Sc Omaha ash Price. WHEAT No. 3 hard. HMHIV; No. 3 hard, WAiKu; No. 4 hard, 734480c: rejected NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trading; Up to Noon Only Fifty Thou sand Shares, TRADE SLUGGISH THROUGHOUT Copper Report Show New lllaa Record for Prodaetloa, with Rlar Increase of Stork on Iliad. F,V IflHK OKNKHA.. MtHKKT (notation on Varloua of the liar Commodities. YORK, April 7. FLOUR Steady; hard. WflTTSr; No. 3 spring. 833 4c ; No. No. 4 spring. 7BH1c; No. 2 durum, SHcfMc 1 durum, style. COR-No. I white, 42V542VC; No. 3 white, W'eA?c; No. 4 white. 41'g4iv)f; No. 3 rolor, 41yM2c; No. 3 yellow. 42 fl 42c; No. 3 yellow, 415424c; No. 4 yel low. 4HM1SC.; No. 2. 42"42tc; No. t corn, 42fl4-'Sc; No. 4. 414140. OATS No 2 white. JP'ffl'.lOc: standard oata. 29,'S'2Mic: No. I white. WSc: No. 4 white. ZKVtf-'SSo:, No. S yellow, 2SV28c; No. 4 vellow, 2.28'4e. BARI.F.Y No 3. 8ipsc; No 4. 78'800c; No 1 feed, 3Wr: rejected, 67ic; No. 2. HWWc; No. 3. R7WS8C. larlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn Chicago U HW Minneapolis 8i Omaha 10 17 Uuluth Oats 78 1HICAGO G R A I AMD PROVISIONS rratare of the Tradlna; and Cloalna; Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 7. Talk of a possible clash between France and Spain gave pre text for an advance today In the price of wheat. New lnveatment waa not of cor responding volume, but the close was strong, with gain all the way from S'S'i to vc. Itet figure on corn showed a rise of siWSc, for oats. i'ff- to c. The day's trading left hog products a shade to 17'c dearer than twenty-four hours pre iou. It did not take much to start covering by wheat shorts who had a profit In sight. As a rule they were aatlefled - to collect all the cash possible and then await the Sovernment crop report, which Is due Mon ay. Sentiment early waa bearish, mainly because world shipments promised to be heavy. Report of large sales of flour at Minneapolis helped turn feeling to the bull side. Then came disquieting rumors re sardlng Franco-Spanish relation. Closing price were about the top of the session. May ranged from 847iHX5c to 87toc, with the finish mc. tip at 87BS71,c. Forecast of unsettled weather had much to do with making corn take an upward swing. May varied between 47'o and 4'Ve, closing strong, VN.c higher at 48'V8 48e. Cash grades were firm; No. 3 yellow sold latent at 4'uVic. Oats did not display much activity. May fluctuated from 30c to XAtC and In the end was 30ig jOc, a gain of Sc over last night. In provision there was a rise, due largely to the advance led by wheat. After the Pit had been cleared, pork had gained IS ITVi. lard a shade to 2V3c and ribs 2H'oO to 7V-r Prices In Chlcaga furnished by the TTn. dike Oratn company, Telephone Douglas 24.1, 70 Brandels building, Omaha: Artlclea.l Open. H1gh. Low. Close. Tas'y. T'heat-' I May...iwm' Jury...MVe8o! Sept...!85 ll V Corn- I I May...!47V4'S July.. .49 iff 87 S4Vfr6,87 86-4 1 I 80S 8-pt. Ca la- May... WB'i! July... I 30,l Sept...l30vffS! Tork - I I May. ..I 00 I July. .. 14 SO 48HI 49 BOH W't.'S! I. aid Mav... Julv... Sept... H'.hs - Mav... Julv... 8ept... T 7H 8 024 8 06 I I 8 4fi I 8 OS -I 7 to I 8084' 31 IS 30 14 9241 "7 91' 1 1 8 10 8 Ml 8 10 I 00 84S MH8- 86 ,MVij7 4748',S 4714 4 I 4!,49Ha, B0,!50TiJfi61 GO' I I 30V, 30H'6,43vi,'a)1 I 30H3SI 15 00 14 72' j I 7 P7' 01) 8 06 I 8 4" 8 00 ' 7 824 S0' 30SV 4 80'i30S'a 20 I 7 9741 8 Ofi I 8 10 I I 8 M I 8 10 I 7 97Sl NKW Mirlni: natentM. 14 ,..'fiM : winter stralgbta. titin'u.lSO. winter at-nta. 4.0utt4.40; spring clars, t3.'Vat.i: winter extras. No 1. .; 2.i3 40; w lnior extras No. 2. H05'a3 l.; Kansas atraiithts 1liVii4 2S. Rye flour, firm; fair to Rood. 4.4V.i 4 d0; choice to fancy. J4.6.Vn4.So. Htinkv heat tloui-, quiet; American. J1.H6 per 1 lbs., o. 1. f., New York t'lHtSMEAIi- Firm: fine white and yellow. 1 l.rffd .1). Coarse, tl l'Xal.16; kiln dried. 82 7r, U HF,AT-Spot market, strong; No. 2 red, 92V4c elevator and 9JUo f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Ihiluth. il.K. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market declined at the start, on weak rabies, but rallied and advanced sharply on report of greenbugs In the southwest and on evidences that the bearish crop situation had been dlxcounted. closing S,'i'5c net higher. May, closed at 93:1,c: July, met CORN Spot market, firm; No. 2. export corn, 34tic. t. o. b. afloat. Futures maraei was without transactions, closing un changed to 'c net advance. May closed at iVje; Jul, W4c. OATH Spot market, firm. Future mar ket whs without transactions, closing nominal. HA 1 --Firm ; prime, $1.05: No. 1. l.t; No 2. 2fic; No. 3. 7tVy0c. HOI'S Steady . Mate, common to choica. 1910. 2.ri'"tfao; l'.mo, isjfvilc; Pacific coast, 11)10. S0(n-22c; Vm. 14itri7c. HIDES Easy; Central America, Hlc; Bogota. 21', 'g2e. LEATHER Firm; hemlock first. tt'.'.i'c; suconda, tHriijc; thirds. lViS'-Jc; relect, 1iS-17o PROVISIONS Pork, eaav: men. 8J0(jn; family. $19.0Orn'0.nO: ahort clears. 817W 19.00. Reef, steady; mess. HSBOUW. lami v. llt-.Miol. 1: nff nami'. x.''H.f Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. Iifpiuw.,, pickled hams, HVCil.c. Lard, steady; middle west prime, IS.lfoS.'J); refined. eaav; continent, $.Rfl: South America. 8y.86; compound. $7.2i)i'7.H). TALLOW rjull; prime city (hogs heads' ; country, oiiitic. CHEESK Steady; slate, whole milk, specials, 14H$Mn; September quality, fancy colored. 14c; September quality, white, 13 tf13Vc; summer and :U make, choica. 12H iil3c; summer ana tall mam, wnuo, iittf 124c. Eaos Steady: state and Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white, 18-gilc; state. Pennsylvania and nearby gathered white. 1719c; wetern gathered white, 17tfl9c; storage packed, tirts, lftVi4jl64c. RUTTKR Easier; creamery specials, 'iuv 622c; extras, 2o4'21c; firsts. 17ralc; sec onds. IWs'bWVic; factory, current make, first. 154c; seconds. 144615c- . POULTRY Alive, firm; spring chicken. 30g40c; fowls. I9tt194c; turkeys, 14c. Dressed quiet; western fowls, lbgiic; turkeys, i i20c. Corn and Wheat Relon Bnlletla. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at S a. m. Friday, April 7: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln Stailons. Max. Mln. fall Fky. Ashland, Neb 44 27 . 00 Clear Auburn. Neb 47 23 . 00 Clear Columbua, Neb... 40 25 .00 Pt. cloudy Culbertson. Neb.. 61 30 .00 Pt. cloudy Falrbury. Neb.... 61 25 .110 Pt. cloudy Fairmont. Neb... 45 2 .00 clear Or. Island. Neb., ho 28 . Clear llartington. Neb. 38 18 .ie Cloudy Hastings, Keb.... 61 it .w r-i. ciouny Holdrege, Neb... 60 24 .00 Pt. cloudy No. Platte, Neb. 4 28 .0 Cloudy Oakdale, Neb : 23 .00 Cloudy Omaha. Neb 40 30 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 38 23 .W Clear Valentino, Neb.. 42 32 .00 ciouay Alta, la 34 15 .i Pt. ciouay Carroll, la 40 17 ."0 Clear Clarinda. Ia 4ft 31 .00 Clear Sibley, la 40 17 .00 Clear Sioux City. Ia... 34 24 .00 Pt. cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES NEW YORK. April '.Trading up to noon today on the stock market aggre gated about shares with a total out turn of I.KviOO. thereby establishing a new low record since the middle of IW. The movement waa shKgih throughout. Net changes were for the most part unimport ant. Missouri Pacific and other Gould stock alone showing except loruil weaknee. News of the day embraced the monthly statement of the copper producer for Murch and a cut from to 4 per cent In the common share of the I'nlted Cigar Manufacturers' company, a ,-curb" secur ity. The copper report showed a new high rorord for production, with an Increase of stock on hand of more than 6.300.000 pounds compared with the previous month. Continental bournes were steady, but fee -tiireloee. Continued ea of money for all dates Is reorteri and a gain of cash will probably be shown by the bank statement tomorrow. The bond market was relatively much more active and f'rm than stocks. Total sb les. par value, $3,358,000. I'nlted State government bonds were unchanged on rati. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Sales inh I anadlan points, mnnar do ereminl Ama.1 ivtper Animrcia Xtrhtsrn d.i sf4 R.mmnrs a Ohio.. Canadian rlfla... apeak A O.... t1,ira" O. W ... . -hl . Mil. at. P Pf Peera Ienver aV Rio O... fin pfrl Krie do tat rtti do td pM Grand Trunk llllnola ("antral ... M 1. v Eii iar. raclflc. which advanced 1 P, 1-r.uir.llla A N 14 7 M , K. T. 4 N. T Central lit 7 Norfolk W lll4j US' d rfd l tw Ontario A W 4?H ,1os rannio-lTania , 4V .3' Rand Mlnea. 1 . Reartlng fr11 . 23 Poutham Ry " I54i, dn pM V4 ., II" Soiiiharn Parlflr 11 .rtlnlon racltle . 7 do pfd ,. Jl V. 8 Kteal 19 . he do pfd IJV4 ,. Wahaoti 17V, .. !'4 ) tifd ..141 Spnlh 4a 40 steady at :4'1 per ounce. MON Y-2Vt'B-'A per reut The rate 01 discount In the open market lor short and three monthe' bins Is 2'8-2 per cent. HKPOHT OF THi CLEARIM. HOISK Ranka IV) I. rum too 10 no M-4 43 10' ln0 '"jiifi son ano " 10 ano 1.9"0 rvno 100 0 X, Tno Jno 100 " 400 100 24 11 41 14" 7'4 4lt ST 14 1rS lo-js i;o li, 14', 7v n itiii 26 l.ioo i:ih ia 1 am 100 1.000 mi. 146'i No. of Districts Stations. Columbus, 0 17 Ioulsvllle. Ky..... 20 Indianapolis, lnd.. 11 Chicago, 111 2fi St. Iuls, Mo 25 Da Moines, la 17 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha. Nab... 81 Temp. Max. Mln. Rainfall. 78 32 .10 82 40 .30 72 28 .30 50 21 .20 8 SO .30 38 22 . 00 34 18 .on 62 33. ."0 44 24 .00 15 02", 14 774 7 92 8 06 V, 8 48 8 05 7 96 'ash quotations were as follow : FLOUR Unsettled; winter patents, $3.75 W4 SO: winter straights. $3.60rii4.10; spring straight. $40014.10; bakers. $!. 0)f 41 35. RYE No. 2. 81 He. BARLEY Feed or mixing. 7090c; fair to choice malting. 1 .OOffi . 10. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southweatem. $2 444; No. 1 northweatern. $2,564. Timothy, $11.75 W-'AO Clover, $15 00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15 7S 17 18 00. Iaxd, per 100 lbs.. $,'.924. Short ribs, sides (loose), $7CHtiM74; short clear aidea (boxed), $8 bftft 62W- Total elearancea of wheat and flour. 9.000 bu. Fix ports for the week, a shown by Bradstreet'a were equal to 2,143.000 bu. Primary receipts were 3,440.000 bu., coin- July. lc; cash. red, 8b(TS!v4c; No. 2 WANTED -SITUATIONS POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ncea. Addresa B 775, Pee. UEINERAL housework or cooking. Can give referenoes. Address, 811 Avenue D, Council bluffs, la. PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney 4991 JAPANESB rook, having Mexican cook for partner, wants work lu country hotel. Address X L2, care bee. rains and snows were general within the last twenty-four hours over the corn and wheat belt east of the Mississippi river No precipitation worthy of mention occurred west of the river. Temperatures at or below freealng are reported this morn ing In all except the Louisville district. L. A. WKLBH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. St. I. owls General Market. ST LOUIS, April 7. WHEAT Futures. higher; May, Sfife-SoTaO ateady: track r.o hard. 83Wc. CORN Higher; May, 47,c; July. 48S 487c; cash, higher; track No. 2, 474c; No. 2 white. 474'. OATS Higher; May. 307o: July. 80c; raxh stronger: track No. 2. 31ij31'c; No. 2 white. 33'c. R.YK Higher at 94c. FI.OUR Lower; red winter patents. $4.20 (&4.70; extra fancy and straight, !; hard winter clears, $2. .(ra.izo. HKKIi-Tlmothv. $j.tro.oi. CORNMKA 1-12.30. BRAN Firm; sacked; east track, $1.UV 1.13. HAY Hteady; timothy, ts.(ris.i; prai rie. $12 OIVa'14 50. PROV ISIONs Pork. higher; .looning. $18 75. Ird, higher; prime steam. II.M2V41 h(4. Dry salt meats, unonangen; onxea. extra shorts. $s.7o:i clear rins. as. 10; snori clears W.l?1 Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts. $10.iJ; clear ribs. $10 iV); short clear. $10 12. POt LTRY- Firm; chickens, 14c; springs, 17c; tnrkevs. 17'i !: ducks. 14c; geese. ,c. HI'TTKR Steady: creamery. lN'qx'c. F.OG3 Firm at 144c. Receipts. Flour, bhla Wheat, bu !-'' Corn, bu Oats, bu jh.imp Allla-rnialmera pfd Amalgamated inar.. American AcrleuMuraJ Amerloan Bt Sugar. Amriran C!an American Car ft Foundry. American Ootton Oil Am. Hio leather pM American Ira aerurttiea.... Ameriran I.lnaeed American boconiollTa Am. Smell. A Ref n Am. Bmelt. A Hern, pfd.. Am. Steel Fountr1 Am. atiamr Reflntn American Tel. A. Tel American Tonac-co pfd American Woolen Ananonda Mln. Co. ex-dW. Atchison Atchiacsi pfd Atlantic coajit l.lne Baltimore Ohio Bethlenem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tmmttt.... Canadian Pacific Ontral Leather ntral leather pfd Centra! of New Jersey ieaa.peaka Ohio v.. Thlceir A Alton (Mcaso Ot, West. new.... Chicago Ot. WW. pfd Clllcaso A Northwaatem.... Chlnaso. Mil. A St. Paul... C, o.. C. A St. lonls C-olorado Fuel A. Iron Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oas Com Product Delaware A Hudson Deliver A Flo Grande Denver A Rio Grand pM.. Dittlllera' Reourltiea ex-dtr. Krle Frle 1st pfd Brie M pfd General TCleetrio (ireat Korthem pfd Oreat Northern Ore. ctfl... llllnola Ontral Interborough Mat Inlerbomuah Me4. pfd International Harvester. . . . Inter. Marin pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Ontral KaruULS City Boutham Kanaaa CUT Southern pfd.. lAclede Oas lioulavllla A Naanrtlle Mlnneapolla A St. Louis ... M . St. P. A eauit Ste. M. Missouri, KiniM A Teiaa.. Mo., Kan. A Teiaa pfd Mteaourl Pacific National Biscuit National Lead Natl. Rya. of Max. M pfd. Now Tork Oantral New York. Ontario A West. Norfolk lc Western North American Northern Pacific ex-dlT Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa Plttuburg, ( C. A St. L... Plttsburi Coal Praaaad Steel Car Pullman Palace Oar Railway gtael Spring Reading Republic Pteel Republic Steal pfd Rock Ialand Co Rock Island Co. pfd at, L. A Ban. Fran. !d pfd. St. Louis Southwestern at. Louis 8. w. pfd aioea-Rhefflald 8. A I southern Pacllio Southern Railway Ouutbern Railway pfd Tanneaaee Cppr Taa A Paoitlo Toledo. at Lou! a A Weat.. Toledo, at U A Weat. pfd. Vnion Pmolfto Union Pacific ptd I'nlted States Realty- United Mats Rubber Unite Statae Steel United sxatee Bteel pfd.... Utah Copper Vtrglnla-Oarolina OhamloaJ. Wabaark Waheah pfd Weetara Maryland Weellnghnuae Klactrlo w astern Union Wheeling A Lake Brie t ..h V11V Toial sales tor the day, 12,00 sharae. Low. Close, MV l.t tit's f', 4.1 1, 10 4.t' !4 11 '74 10.-.', 39 W 71 14 .1714 loH 102 u, i;i 10fH 774 9 'iv 26 10 o i.J"e sno " i'.ioo no no arm 1,000 toil 41 " io 100 ion 100 100 sno 17.800 K.000 100 100 00 L100 i,o 1 704 Inv4 48 '4 1J7t 19 r.(4 lt 17 'isi-j ' 102 imi 3S 'si" l'i H '4 '' 106 'Ik iott f.5 144H XI 70 '4 48' j9'4 la7"4 f24 W n't M 117S 17'4 101, ' 1024 144S 147 it J2T4 '4V 1J7H 36' 106 S 108 i iwi Traneartlona of the Associated for the Week. NKW YORK. April 7. Rradstreefs bank clearings report for the week ending April 6 shows an aggregate of 3.31i. 474,000 nealnut 2.682.0C.OtJ last week and S,31,R4!', (. In the corresponding week last year. The following Is the list of the cities: . iCIearlngs. I Ino. i Dee. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Heavy Fat Cattle Slow and Weak, Others About Steady. H0OS OPEN STEADY, CLOSE LOWER ft era) Rerelpta Liberal, bat wmber oa ale la Mmall and rrlce Shun Little Chance Compare with Thsradar. SOVTH iteceipt wrie: OKiclai Moniiay.... Official 1 nestiay . . . Oittciai Wednesday Dlficlal Thursday. . t-Htiniate r'rlday... OMAMA. April Cattle, llog. .. J.tlU .. 4 .(; . . l,o"0 M.e4 I'Mni l.SW 1011. Sheep. lo. .tu 4.1:7 4.1M .0"u C1TIKS. 7no I2;.i lJfAi t. 900 10814, 10 00 S0V, tb . 100 t's 11 " ino l'n lio 100 M ai ,) 164 1K44 0 31 U '"ioo "si '"ioo 'iiii "iiii '"'lino iii'i iis'i 4.S00 SIS X 101) 4 4 10(1 S7'4 10 t M'i , (00 4-, 4Jit 4.000 177H 176H 4A 15 '4 M i!no 42'4 ii 11,400 77 S 7714 oo 1MH 11 4.) 4" 4SS 694 li: MS '"ino '14 ' 0 hO 50 100 M 100 73 "4 734 '"jflO 174' 174 ' 3'i M4 ?:t M4 lov, X7' 74 inf. IS'l ltl'4 14J.T4 M X1 14 37 in-T4 in;s ll' l'USi, as 1, 77 K.-.', 27'4 !v 178 1 V. tvi '4 144 Wi M Vi M4 1444 14 1S 4" JS 19 4 " W014 irr m n; M4 117 . 17 I014 40 in ni4 W4 in','4. 144 V, L4 lWVj X. '4 7 4 i:iS'4 ta 44 ions 41 H 10 704 12J4 24 1 lo4 ttVi 21 4 IB i;.i4 1S6S MS W 41 at sii hi nr.H 37'4 a M 10 48 17a 4S 7'-, 4114 11 4.1 est 1S 87 i 48 73 4 '4 17S4 Ore... IJ. C Fla. New York .... Chicago J-toston I'hlladelphla .. .t. lxjtiis Kansns City . Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati .... Minneapolis ., Cleveland New Orleans . I'etrolt OMAHA Ix.s Angles .. Louisville Milwaukee .... Seattle .St. Paul Atlanta Portland, Buffalo Penver Indianapolis Providence Richmond .. Washington, ft. Joseph Fort Worth Memphis Salt l ake City Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane, Wash. Toledo Hartford Rochester Des Moines Nashville Puluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland. Cal.... Sioux City New Haven Grand Rapids .. Scranton Rlrmlngham Jacksonville, Oklahoma Syracuse Augusta. Ga Worcester Fvansvllle Springfield, Mass. liayton I Portland. Me. Wheeling, W I.lttle Rock . Charleston, P. Knoxvllle Chattanooga Uncoln Oavenport Wilmington, Lel.... MoKlla, Silkes-Barre Kalamazoo. Mien.... Bacramento, Cal.... Topeka Cedar Rapids, la.... Macon Fall River Youngatown New Bedford Springfield. Ill Fort Wayne Canton. O Sioux Falls. 8. E Akron Helena Columbia. 8. C Lexington Fargo, N. I Hrie, Pa Rockford. Ill Quiacy. Ill Bloomlngton, 111.... Cheater, Pa Springfield. O South Bend, lnd.... lowell .lackaon. Mlas Blnehamton Decatur. Bl Mansfield. O Fremont, Neb Vlcksburg. Mi.... Jacksonville. 111.... Tork. Pa Waterloo. Ia Houston Galveston 10.4 4 0i 6. S.9j 19R U.'b 99... s'o!!'. .i$i,!ww.3Vi.noo .1 i!Kl.!Cl.t! anj.sai.oooi 13.9 1.01!.0'III 73.27.OOil 4S.lOS.001)! 56.DS!.t 4M.12i.i0 .H.L'RO'Ol 19.2l4.i '.'2.10S.i 1.(.7.1S; 15.9'.nn; 14,M7,0OO IK.If'J.HO"! 13.144.00o 14.73i..0no 9.77H,i);. 10. 102.0HO . 11.4Stwnrt ll,noo;ono 10,52,otiO 8.878.0011 . 9.134. 0il X.SnK.tlOnj. 8 106.0TO 7JcW.fi0O 7.21R.OOO 4.430.("O R.SW.OOO 8.707.000 B.972,fm 6.W6.ono B.oi4,fion 4,nl4.00tM .i'W.COn 4.r.;r?.ooi)l 4.729.00(1 6.".000 4.78.00f . 4.784.000 !.21.00O. 8.410.01 i0l S.Mfi.OOOl 3.10Jt.0flW J.088.ono. 2.7.0O0!. 8,fiK8.O00 2.fif2.000 3.622.010! 2.ft00,000 .1.302.0110 i 1H7.0KM 1.1 2.5 2 1 8 7 1 9 4 3.7 13 10.1 8.2 13.4 19.1 13.2 43 'i'i S.6( .4 2.0 ' a t .0I 9.7 14.1 SO .5 2.7 2 12.B Va. "c". U.3 "". 1.7 r.. 6.2 3.2 17 2 6 8 17.8 10.4 6.4 11.2 S.l "i'i H'.i BO . 8.7 11.2 Five dys this eek. . . .14.4.MI 4i. S."!" Same day last week. . . .21 .7 ld.. !-am daya 2 weeks aao.ln..i ffl.VI M. fame days weeks ago.20,.-6;l W.44? 4l.:iii .Same daya 4 weeks ago "2...K1 4M.ti SO.'&X fame dava last year Iii.KhI 81,370 The following table annwa the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tov the year to data as compared wttn last year; lSU. 1'0. Tlio. cattle 27.714 WT.oJ Hogs oo4.413 b'iJ 4ii.."4l Sheep 48:1.828 AU.Wi 50.B4J The following table shows the range of prices on hogs at South 4lmaha for the laat several days, with comparisons: t ! ?4 t t 8 5t ... 15 J 5t ... n 44 J.-.1 4 l:4 I 1? ."94 l 8 0 44 t"8 ISO ?n fi tn . 4 OS 1.2 rj . . i II 2H 0 I o8 t :i4 an m 47 tie so 8 n M ji . . 4 47 o . . 8 in ',1 f ... 8 2il 18 J4 7 80 8 10 7f rt ... ?o j: r ... a in 7 ?.- ... 8 :-n js rrt ... 8 ie 1 ? m ... 8 :n lo ?S8 ISO 8 in 84 34 ... 8;D 8.1 jt ... 8 in 4. .m ... 4 : 81 .! ... 8 in 7J. 518 ... 8 90 87 51 " 0 8 tn 8,'. '.'4! ... 8 A. 47 7I 80 8 10 78 JM 8n 8 V, 44 ?ss ... 8 in ii no ... , 8 271 ... 8 in 8.1 in ;j r, ?f ... in 18 iif, ... 8 8 18 84 ... 10 88 f.t . I M 8. ; ... 8 in rt 8n a u (to Jn ... 4 10 71 '.'1 a 8 J-. 70 18 Bit 8 10 SI --7 8.1 8 ?8 81 : ... 4 10 7J rvt 81 8 M M -'0 ... Bin tj ;w n 8 so M 218 an 8 tn 70 m n 4 ."n M rd an 8 m 38 ;.n ... -o s tn 8 in 8i ?. ... 4 so 24 5 ... 8 1(1 78 ;io ... 4 .10 74 J?4 80 4 10 S." 2:t ... 8 so & 8 80 4 10 88 187 ... to wf S8 40 in 78 .; an 8 n 48 ?8I ... 4 10 88 .! 18 8 J.-V4 S4 274 ... 8 in 8il r. NO 8 t 2(1 . . 8 in in j.? ... 8 n 44 r8 180 10 S 318 ... 8 .18 44 191 ... 4 in 17 2.1 ... 8 tn Dates, j 1911. !19IO.il90S.1908.il907. 11906. 1191. Mar. Mar. Mar. April April April April April April April 6 21H10 71 6 88 24V 10 581 6 68 8 2SV10 67 6 66 6 3il0 60, 73' 1 10 T 6 721 2T4 j 6 76 t ipv!io m 1 6 2Z 10 421 6 76 B 67( 6 78 B 70 B 791 6 67 6 741 fi 811 6 28 8 891 30 I 261 fi 4Sl 46 6 80 6 47 1 28 6 4S s 2 6 09 B 09 t 14 i H m B 1 B 21 1 4s: 211 6 i 21 Hi 10 83 6 88 B 70 8 46 6 2l 6 10 li Bil 6 s. - I i Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yea terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle.Hogs Sheep. H r s. C, M. & Bt. P 4 Wabash Missouri Pacific Vnlon Pacific 19 C. A N. V eaat 2 C. & N. W.. west 19 C, St. P. M. O.... 6 C, B. Q., east.... 2 C, B. & Q., west.... 10 C, R. I. t P., east.. 1 C. R. 1. A P.. west.. .. Illinois Central 2 C. O. W Total receipts 66 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. 6 1 1 1 33 6 8 6.. 34 10 1 B 2 22 2 8 2 , .. 2 'i .'1 126 16 2 4 1 7.01 21. S1 10.91 call good ooolc. Ad- GOOD Jap wants work: dress T 163, care Hee. WANTED Secretaryship, by young man with tea years office experience, good ref erences, knows stenography and type writing. N. 9t; liee. POSITIONS plenty In Nebraska or Iowa for party who can prove that there la a better flour made than I pdlke's Pride of omana Hour. 1: H M. Mining. 24 Soatild- ing St.. will bring this ad to The Hee within inreo oaya ana toentiry himself he will re ceive an order for a 1Mb. sack of this nour. GOVERNMENT NOTICES I'F.POT QUARTERMASTERS OFriCE Omaha. Neb.. April 1. 1 Ml -Sealed pro txsala will be received here until 11 May 1. 1911. for Job Printing during fiacai yar commencing July l, isu. Informs- lien xuriueneu uu application. Capt F C Bollea. D. y. M. A8-7-8-27-28-29 INKPOT VJUARTERMASTFR S OFFICE. v'liisns, ra.11., npru 1. uu ie4Ued Dro. 1 'wrm 1 ill w "r unill 1 L . m May 1. 1911. for Mauling Buppllee. Manure and Aahea during fiscal year commencing July 1. 1911 information furnished on ap- I'liiaiiuii. v- i'i. r . . . xoiiea. l. M A-7--27-2-2 1KPOT QVARTFRMASTFRS OFFICK omana. .-eo.. April i. reu feaied pro- posaia win oe received nere until 11 a. Mav 1. 1911. for Shoeing Antmala during f'acal year commencing July I. tan n. 'rmatlnn rumlne on apfilcatlnn Capt n Uea. D. Q M. Afi-T-a-ff-M-at if Yerk Money Market. vfto YORK Anril 7. MONET On steady 2Vi4f,,-"4J per cent; ruling rate. ?.'4 per cent: closing bid. 2'i per cent; offered at 2 ' per cent, lime loans, uun nu . sixty daya. 2W9iK Pr cect; ninety days. 2Y.&3 per cent; alx months, 8 per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3(S44 Sterling focchange steady with actual business in bankers' bills. 84.8416 for sixty -dav bill and at 14.8625 for demand. Commercial bills, 84.83W. BllVF.R Bar, 53c. Mexican dollars. 45c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad bonds, firm. . Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. 8. ref. ri 14 Inter. M. do coupon 10114 Japan 4a f. 8. . r 101S do 4V,a A, mmnn 1018- K. C. 80. U. 8. 4a. re IHS 1 4o coupon -Allla.-ChaJ. 1st -Am. S ''T.Tiui 1 i. Cfl M. 4S.. 4a. Am. T. A T. ev. Am. Toeacco 4a do 4a A Co. 44a gen. 4a RW, 88 A, W. lat Sa 73', 8. deb. 4a 119311.. By7, nfiu I A N. un. 4a 8l ... T74M K. AT lat 4a. 7'4 1A1BL 'CO B-"' . cw-a 1,,. 'Missouri Paclflo 4s B.M4 do t. Ca. 94 "'10714 N. Rja. ot M. 4Vi.. SJW 2.8M.OOO 1, 871.1X0! i 2.R98.O00I 6.1 2.236,000' 2,082.C0t! 2,M3,00 4.4 2,30,0(10 10.9; 1.663.000;.... L76O.O0O!.... 1.84O.O0O!.... 1.649,0'V):..,. 1.710,000i.... 1 RMVOOOi 2.271.00O 1.820,0001 1,486.000 1.658,0001 785.000 l,647.0tH 1.499.000! 1,338,onoi 3.195.0001 207. 8' 1.229.0001 8.9 1,186,000! 12. 0i 920.000 1211.0001 2.8 1.128.0001.. 1.687.0001 81. 41 1.224.0001 783.000 , 821 .0(8) . 1,(08,000 1,038.001)1 3,0)0l , 947.010! 803.000) . KW.OOn1 .702.OOO c.21 .000 , 712,0001 696.0001 BTT.OOOl 97.00rt 666.00n 419.0001 648.0O0I 204. (not 330.001) 1 JO9.000I I.917.OOO .... 1 YlC.OHOl 21.5S4.0no! I 18.1 l6.610.OOOf 38.8.... 16.51. 21.6 440 2. 1.8 29 .8 15 4.8 13.1 7.7 12.7 8.7 1.1 10.8 19.8 16.2 "i'i 25.1 11.8 2C.6 "i'i 19.71. 41 4.1 11.8 ... 80.01. 12.51. 6.4 31. 9 61, .7!... 24 8 14 . Not Included In totals because) containing -H. other Items than clearings. float ob tocUe and Hond. BOSTON. April 7. Closing quotations on stocks were aa Allouei loiiowa: a ... 85 Miami TJooper . . .. 42S Mohawk . .. 2414 Nevada Con ... lP4Nlp1aslng Mine .. . 3'4 North Butt M. 11'4 North lk ... 17 Old Dominion ... ... 484 Oaesola ...40 Farrott (8. A ... It Qutney ., an Shannon . . 114i Superior . . 9 Superior ABM .. 4 Superior A Pitta. C. . . 38'4 Tamarark ,.4 7-14t)tah Con .. 12'4 ftah Copper Co . . V Winona . . 31 "4 Wolverine .. 4 17 18 10'4 7 M 13 11 i'4 10 u 11 &-14 1ST M4 18 , 4.1(4 ' 110 lat 4 Shipments. 6.600 2S.0HO 38 Ola) 44.000 KaaaauB City tiraln and Proelaloaa. K AN8A8 CITY. April 7 WH EAT May, SJ'B'iifat-aO bid; July, KiSe bid; Septem. ber. SlVuSlKaC hid; cash, stesoy; ro. J hard. 8li9lc; No. 3. WaWc; .No. i red, s.iy 81'c; No. 3. 82'ai"c. CORN May. 4tiV. Ju'V. 4T',1j4:Sc. sell ers; September, w.c; tasn, unchanged; No. 2 mixed. 4nc; .no. s. a4ec; ro. i white. 4c; No. 3. 4.M.84ic. OATS Stead v ; No. 2 white, 31VttiJH4c; No. 3 mixed. 3ii30Vy. Bl'TTBR Creamery, 2c; firsts, 17c; sec onds, 16c; packing stock. 12. EUGS Extra. 17c; firata. lie. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu v 12 Ot") 38 000 Corn, bu 2.(8 Oau, bu .0i) 1,009 Mlaaeapolla Oral a Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 7 WH EAT May, 92c; Julv, 9c; September. K9Sti8!tc. Cash, No. 1 bard. 9V; No. I northern, 94S9 SSc; No. 2 northern, 91'ti94'' ; No. I 8rfM142Sc SEED Flax, closed at 12.54 CORN No. 8 yellow. 4c. OATS-o. 8 w hlte. "2PV)1c. RY E No. 2. M'yejc. BRAN In 100-lb. sack. 82l60rrt22AO. FIXI'K Hrat patents. J4 2.04 50; second patents. M.1&Q4 45: first clears. .'75g3.20, second clears, l 752.40 Liverpool 4. rain Market. MVERPOOI Aprtl 7 V HEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock: future wesk. May, a"1id; July, Sa7d; C'tober, 6s T,d. t'tiRN Spot, firm: American mixed, new, 4l'd; American mixed, old. 6aV,d; Ameri can new kiln dried 4d. futures, eaay; Mav. 4s S'.d. July 4a M I ops--ln and Pacific coast, firm I at 4 liau ca. Armour Atrhlaun do rv. 4s do rr. 6 All C. U B A O. 4s do do a. W. ISa.. Pr. Tr. er 4a.. Central ot Oa. 6a On. Leather r.a O. of N. t. an. C. A O. 4WB.. do ret. 6a C A A J-4 C. B. A J. )t. 1 4o sn PiN. T. Clan. fn. Ca. 81.14 . 99 00 aao. sa vm ...109H,N- T - N'- H- H- 1U ev. Be 1713 . :; N A W. tat con. 4a. 8 ... 4 eo e. 4s 1"8 3'i No. Paclflo 4 do Sa 704 uOpa. 4J. rMg. 4a.. Nt .ox rena. c. IVa (lll.)1 xt ; 89 "00 eon. a i"a a'l23;4 Readlnx ten 4a 74,St. U A 8. r. If. 4. 8JS tstv do gen. 4s 88 uSt. 1.. a. W. enn. 478 ia" M do 1st rld 4a 81', 87 ftsabnard A. 1 4.... 771, . L.m au bo rapine col. a.. J C, R. I. A P. ool. 4a 7;, do cv. 4a....... JV, do rtg. 4a r' .! Cnlo. InduatHal a... 74 8. Railway 6s lOhSi )!. Midland 4a.. 88 do ln 4s 78 -. A 8 r. A e. 4 Vnion Pacific 4a 10O n. A H cv. 4a ... 884, do -. 4 1S D. A - O 4a 2 4o Ist-raf. a 4 do ret 8. Rubber 4a loss rxtlllvV 6a 74 U. 8. B(l d 6. 10M4 Brie ad or Man 4s... 44 Va.-1ajs. Cm. 4 101S Amal. Orvpper.. A Z U A 8. Arliona Com. . Atlantic b a r. r. A But Coalition "al. A Arlsrma OCat. A Hecla Centenlal Copper Range fi. C. KaJit Butte O. M... Franklin niroux Ctrn Granby Con (ireene Cananea ... lale Boyalle Cop.. Kerr Lake lk Copper Lasalle Oipper .... Aaked. tw York ('orb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Brvan. membera New York Stock ..rh,T,(. .815 South Sixteenth street: Amer Tobesco Bit mate Oaa Boston Ons Butt Coalition Cartua chlno Chief Con liaTla-Dalr Ely Central tew flnn. Franklin OlrouB Tlelmont rjoldfiald Florence Oraene fnanea... InaptrBUon Omaha Packing Co 237 Swift and Company 2,112 Cudahy Packing Co 392 Armour Co 427 Schwarta-Bolen Co Cudahy Bros.. Country Swift & Co., St. Joseph Murphy Hill & Son M6 F. B. Lewis 6 J. B. Root & Co 9 J. H. Bulla 6 U F. IIusz 1 L. Wolf 17 MoCreary A Carey 88 I ehmer Bros 4 Mo. & Kan. -Calf. Co 19 CHne Christy 4 Other buyers 123 342 1.798 1.225 2,(" 206 1,438 784 273 l!042 507 420 8,571 3.026 Totals 1,561 CA11LE As usual on Friday receipts of cattle were email, but It might be added that they have been quite, moderate all the week, tne total for the five days tooting up 14,400 head, which was over 7,000 heatt smaller than tor the same days laat week and the smallest for a number of daya back. Still as compared with a year ago receipts have been quite liberal, there be ing a gain In five days of over 3,000 head. As Is very apt to be the case on Friday, the market this morning waa alow. Hanay light beef .steers seemed to be in pretty good demand and desirable stuff answering that description commanded about steady prices. On the other hand heavy cattle wera more or leaa neglected as has been the case for several days, while the tend ency of ptlcts waa lower, borne salesmen were. In fact, quoting heavy cattle aa weak to 6910c lower. Cows and heifers did not show any ma terial change being about ateady with yes terday. . Cows and heifers are really the highest priced cattle on the list, heifers especially selling very high in proportion to beef steer. There were no feeders of any conse quence in the yards and no material change In the market on that kind. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 36.00j74V40; fair to good beef beef steers. $6 00015.40; fair to good beef steers, 86 .763.00; ' common to fair beef steers, 4.76'jv76; good to choice cows and heifers, 84 7c'Uf.76; fair to good cows and heifers, 84.404.74; common to fair cows and heifers. 1:1004.40, good to choice Blockers and feeders. 86.86?! 75; fair to good stockera and feeders, (5.0O&6.36; com mon to fair Blockers and feeders, 34.269 6 00: stock heifers. 13.7504.76; veal calve, 14.003-7.6O; bulls, stags, etc.. 83.7&96-00. Representative aales: BEEF STEERS. A. Pr. No. At. Pr. 781 6 16 18 1J28 ...1188 ...11M ...1114 ...1241 ...1910 ...1317 isno .41 l.roe . 58 NTada-Coo . . 44 Nawhouie . 17 NeTsda t'tah ,. 11 Ohio Coppar . 814 Rawhide Caution.. . IS Ray Central . 1 84 6wlft PBS. Co . t'4 8ar-Robiuk Oo ,. K Silver Ptrfc . t4 Superior A Pitta ... 4 Tonopah Mining.. ,. 414 Trinity Copper . 1 frilled Copper . 4S North Lake . 1 Bohemia 44 18 M 1'4 1', IS 101 '4 14714 M, 14 'S 4S US 4 ew York Mlnlaar Mocka. NEW YORK. April 7. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Alire CTm. Tunnel Stock. do bond (on. Cel. A Vs.... Horn Silver Iron Silver Iadvlll Coa Offered. .. at . IB . 3o ..180 .. 14 Utile Chief . Maxlran flntsrto Ophlr Standard Tcllov Janket . I ' ,. .154 .100 do en. 4a 74(4 Waaati lat as ... de rr 4e, aerie A. 1M, do 1st-xt. 4.... da ct 4a. aarlaa B- T1S Waatem 114. 4a Oec, 4Besrr or. I 148t,Wi. riao. t. 4a. 111. Crn. lat r. 4.. rr ewia OotraJ 4s... Inter. Met. 44 T84 Bid. . .10814 .. 411', Latsal Seearltlea. Quotation furnished by Burns, Brinbar 4s Co.. 449 New Oiuab NaUosal bank build ing: Ooleeado Tele. Ca la CSdahr Packlag ce. 4a 144 rwnaeter Mill Idla etoek.. ratrmont Oeemerit lat g. 4 par Palrtnoet Crsemery Pfd. 7a loaa Portland Camaot lat mtg. Kanaaa City K A k 4a. 1818... Kanaea City Stock Tarda Mock. atioaisaa State Tale. 4a. ptd Ken York Central 4e Bota. Omaha Country dab aa, 1M1 Omaha Water 6a 1844 Oauafc C St. By. ta. IMS O. A C. B. St By. pra. 4 p. a, en-dli Omaha A C. B. St. Hy. orm . ex-AIT. Ontalie A C. B. Ry. A Brtda , Omna Blaotrla 14. pfd w , Pat4llo T. A T. aa, 1881 Hooky Mountain Ball TalapAoae wttt A Ce.. U14 txHi(hra Bsll T. T. as , tutoa 4ux4 Tarda eteek 14- AakeA. 4tt4 44 S a . 1M ia) . ta . B4 11 . r at . ' B44 . 4 t . ao . m y . 4 M 414 B . 41 Pit t 84 tS 411 4BS . 44 A,t4 . .. ta . 4714 H4 . a 44 . 1S . 4814 f . 44 44 l.e4es Cleeleae Btorks. I.ONTON. Aprtl 7 American securities opened dull and unchanged lodav. During the forenoon the trading wa confined tj ilaak Clearing. OMAHA. April 7 Bank clearings for to day were 82 3h5.18.81 and for the corre sponding date last year, e2.9ol.718 87. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 7 MJLTALS Stand ard copper, dull; apot and futures. Ul.Tt't 11 ho "London market, dull; lot, 13 3 9d; future. tS4 16a. lke, locally, 311874112 50; electrolvtlc. BU'B.rH; eaatuig, 112.0UBI 1J 12V Tin firm, but quiet; pot arid futures, 841 76ifM2.75. London market, steady; apot, 194 6a; future, 189. 6. Lead. dull. 4.40ny 4 50 New York, and 4 2Mb.80 Eaat St. Irftuls. London, fl3 la M. Spelter, dull; 8a 48stf6 60 New fork, and 8o.2b7Jo.30 Fst St. I ouls. London. 123 10s. Antimony, dull; Cook son a 3.Oi69 60. Iron. Cleveland war rants. 4e 9d In Indnn. Locally Iron waa steady; No. 1 foundry northern, 3!6.7b-rj 14 2ft; No. t. southern, and No. 1 aouUieru soft. 815 60310.00. ST I)TiS. April 7. M FT ALS Lead, firm; 84 80. Spelter, steady. li.Zl1. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, April 7 COFFEE Fu tures closed easy, at a net decline of 14 points Salea. 51,260 bags: April, May and June. 9 80c; July. 9 82c; August, 9 81c; Sep tember. 9.70c: October 956c; November, 9 64c; December and January. 9.50o; Feb ruary, 9 61c; March, 9 b-ie. Spot coffea, un settled: No. T Rio. 12c;. No. 4 Santoa, 13o; mild, dull; Cordova. 13ei5c. nominal. Talatb rirala Market. D1T.ITH April 7-WHET-No northern. 9614e; No. S. 9? ,ti1i,c ; Ma. ltw; Julv. 96Uc: September, 0c 1.. 4 14 18 14 16 J7 It 14 14 11 18 14 4 4 II 4 II 14.! ii.!!'.. 17 -v!'.'.!! l . . . .11.8.1 ,...110 ....mi ....1104 ....1044 ....1124 1047 ....1034 ....1114 ....1241 ....1181 Pr. 6 16 f 6n 4 16 t 84 6 88 4 ) 4 80 t 85 4 44 6 86 6 86 4 on 4 oo No. It... 14... II... 14... 18... 11... 11... IB... 40... sa... HI... 17... ...1564 ...U4& ...124 ...141 4 Ot 04 46 4 OS 4 IA 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 14 4 It 16 4 30 B'jr.EKfr AN 1 1 HEIFERS 427 .... 474 .... 404 ....1010 .... 400 .... 7S0 .... 471 .... tnt ....100J M 1074 ....11) .... 876 484 ...1070 ....114 .... 464 .... M-1 .... Bl .... 868 .... Pi 1410 .... 474 ....1M0 .... 8B0 1015 ....16MI 1630 4 64 6 67 6 40 t 6 4 85 t 76 4 74 11. ... 17... 18... 11... I... 14... COWS. t 40 4 00 4 16 4 14 4 40 4 85 4 75 4 80 4 80 HEIFERS. 4 40 i 4 80 11 6 26 4.:... t S4 81 i 40 1 BULLS. 4 14.!'. ii!!! 4 84 4 14 4 40 4 46 4 70 4 76 4 CALVES. 1 it!! M0 440 W) 448 649 4 270 114 110 181 1M , 14.1 STOCK E US 4 76 4 04 6 00 4 14 t 40 4 60 4 00 4 -h 7 16 7 2.S T 26 t 44 . 401 ... 473 ...1042 ... 4n ...448 ... 70 ...1011 ...1107 ...10J4 ...1226 ...12.18 ...IK) .. .1021) ...1127 ...1131 . 178 . 674 . 745 . 748 . 644 .1186 .1SS0 .WO .1284 .1414 . 440 148 180 180 160 . 154 130 170 140 145 10 149 4 71 t to I 80 6 85 4 85 4 84 6 16 4 84 4 40 4 80 I oe 6 no 4 24 6 .10 4 44 t 4A t 64 4 60 6 60 6 46 4 00 6 00 I no 4 00 4 04 4 04 7 64 7 M 7 60 7 60 7 6 7 40 1 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 1 40 FKBDERS 1 t 14 1037 6 44 DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Slower Movement Revealed in r ports from Different Sections. OPTIMISM ABROAD AN INIXUENe Tariff Aaltatlon Vnl fcHeilole tloaa Onrrntione on All Merchants t enterlnk on l.eade to t a fart of Ill M shor - SHEET There was nothlnR new of con sequence In either the sheep or lamb trade this morning. About fifteen doubles were received, but alx were consigned through to an eastern buyer and stopped only long enough for feed and water. The balance of the run consisted of lambs, practically all westerns. Demand was not very active, aa Indif ferent attitude among buyers lately seems to be chronic, hut most of the supply changed hands on a steady basis. Choice spring lambs, the kind that finds an easy outlet at the Faster earon, brought us much as $'J.0". Fed westerns sold at Jtl.Oo, the same aa yesterday, and a couple bttnehea of shorn animals went at Sl. 6.10. Heavy lambs sold around 8 1 w. No Mexicans were available and a tent of ex tremely high quotations was Impossible. Prime Mexicans are quotable up to $ti.2.". There were no sheep worth mentioning on sale and this branch of the trade te manned unchanged. Hest ewes would prob ably sell around 34 Tofi 4,'.), and handy wethers might reach S6.2f. if thev carried choice quality. Yearlings have been ecarce on all days latelv and volume, of business has been too small to afford a very reliable description of the trade. A 85.16$it.40 spread would safely Include extra good grades, shorn yearlings being quotable up to JI.T6. Receipts during the week have been run ning largely to lambs, but the, entire trade has been slunipv and all kinds of stock are cloning on a lower basis. Hest lambs and good (sheep show net declines of about a quarter, while plain western lambs are (losing about I'-aoc lower than a week ago. Quotations ond sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, 86 9tVriti.2o; fair to good to choice lambs. 8-V 9045. 26; fair to good lambs, 33.65t?'S.90; bandy weight yearlings, 35.2545.60; heavy yearlings. 34.90"(li6 .25; good to choice wethers. 8(.00ru6.2fi; fair to good wethers, $4.7ft.jO; good to choice ewes. 34.766.00; fair to good ewes. 34.404.76; sheep, culls, to feeders, 83.4tigri.40. I'm NEW YORK, April 7.-!un's Review of Trade tomorrow will say: A slower movement of trade Is revealed In reports from different seel ions. Fumla- iivntHl ronnll ions Hi e sounder tnnn 111 a limit time, but Immediate business shoj 1 educed activity for llie tune being. cnu-i" the ietioil of retrenchment ami ail nistnii tit Is not ended. The optimism tlnit picvails abroad Is ln'K i 11 1 1 1 11 K to have Its effect here ami inu l.c counted as ope of tin Influences work ing for Improvement While there Is evidence that cinnimei of Iron mid steel are showing less disposi tion to aiitlcli'Hte re'iuirenicnts. the Keii eral lituntion presents encounming aspect, not wit listamliiii: thHt new bookings of ihe Ii Hiling producer lire on a diminished scale. ( ine of the frtvoralitc features is the steady reduction ill accumulated stocks of pin Iron I'll the iitlier hand, current liuv Ing of K iron is limited In practically all inai - iticiniiatt being an exception. al though It Is noticeable quotations there are not quite so firmly held In fin ished inatei in is specifications me showing a falling off 111 mosl lines, but vvue con tinues active. While Indications arc not lacking that Hu re ban been some shrinkage 111 uel protlts as it eotisi'quriice of me ledu.ed volume of liansa-'tions. a steadier and firmer tone to the cotton go ls mark 1 was L'iven (lurlim the week by 11 recove" In pi ices front the low levels touched ott wide Hheelmgs ntul 4-1 I leached cottons and for the w ell-establisheil nerds of th liirger printer. Export trade hits been bet ter than for a year. The tariff agitation ernterlnc on the wool schedule lias naturallv led to camions operations on the part of all merchant 4 handling duss goods and uien s wear. 'I ho yain markets, by lnnclivity on a hro.-td scale, continue to reflect the curtailed otu pui of many miscellaneous teMllc mills In footwear some tiiaimfact urers Hie fairly busy, but others are feeling the lack of supplementary reasonable oril.'ts and their culling rooms arc especially dull the preicnt time. 89 western spring iambs... 15 western spring iambs. 228 western lambs 229 western shorn lambs . 233 western lambs 135 shorn lambs nR 64 94 60 9:1 69 9 00 9 W 6 tia 6 10 6 00 4 90 CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs Weak. CHICAOO. April 7. CATTLI3 Receipt a. 2.000 head; market steady; beeves, 86.25'ii. 90; Texas steers. 84.50v((6.76: western steers, 14.9O06.9O; stockers and feeders. 84.0O7t5.76; cows and heifers, $2.7(irt.O0; calves, 85. U0 7.00. HOGS Receipts. 17.000 bead; market weak at early advance; light. 8K.5tKiiti.90; mixed. 86.3O(a6.S0; heavy, KWiU.ts'l; rough, 8ti.10fe4S.a0: good to choice heavy. 8S."i7.60; pigs, 86 40cotj.SS: bulk of sales, $.3&'&1.65. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 10.000 head; market steady; native. 83.0(g.").(i0; western, 83.2fw5j6.0O; yearlings. I4.6(i;ti.); native lambs, 8o.00iQ43.50; western, 85.0urgt;.50. AND 1 1036 4 74 4 8 4 44 4 10 41 HOGS In most essential respects, to- day'a hog market waa the aatne kind of a eliding affair as yeaterday'a trade. Some bustneaa was done in bacon weighta early at steady to strong figures, but competition at these levels was lacking and movement come to a dead stop aa aoon aa early sup port was withdrawn. ldme lower bids were put out by the rank and file of buy- era and, after more or leaa dickering, the market finally aettled on this baata. Lhb mand waa quiet from start to flniah and It required the greater part of the morning to place buig or a tuny normal supply. shipping and speculative orders wera scarce, leaving clearance ot the big end of receipt In the bands of packer. Dlac.rlm Inatlon between weighta was not aa aoTere among packers as among shippers, but cheaper coat waa demanded at all times, even though demand waa leaa exacting. Repreaentatlva sales; No. At. Sa. FT. No. AT. 4h FT. 44 IX) lm 6 44 48 34 44 14 44 B44) ... I 40 41 Z4 ... 4 14 4 HB 144 4 84 41 3"4 SO 4 10 42 7 ... 4 44 74 1?4 Be 4 14 41 90 ... 4 ta M 44 4 llt4 4 480 ... 4 14 70 1 1 ... I Ut) 46 till . . 4 00 71 i S 4 lit 44 117 4 4 04 70 tt ... I III) IS Ill at 4 04 44 2t 84 4 14 4" 80S ... 4 0 74 2n4 44 4 14 14 114 44 00 48 . 244 60 4 14 41 tl ... 4 oe 84 J 6 44 4 14 47 JH1 44 4 OS t......r ... 4 14 44 434 ... 4 04 44 til 1J0 414 17 287 M 4 K1 11 44-) l'l 111 44 Ill ... 4 fr 48 240 ... 4 14 40 784 ... 4 4 11 t1 ... 4 16 1 tv 44 4 OS 41 14 1 ... 4 14 4t Ml ... 4 08 78 fcJ ... u 14 404 184 4 48 88 to 4 4 16 41 W4 ne 4 04 88 341 . 4 14 0 1 K I'I 4T ? 4 14 U M4 ... 4 44 47 Wi 144 4 11 St. I. on Is I.lve Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. April 7. CATTLE Receipts. 1.700 head; no Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $;,ikIj 6.75; dressed beef and butcher steers. 85.60'S) 6.60; steers under 1,100 pounds, 85.7bi64i.7.i: stockers and feeders. 84.50715.76: cows and heifers. 84.2608.60: cannera. 82.85'?!). 25: hulls. 83.75f5.60; calves. 86.0027.75: Texas and In dian steers. 84.oOi26.26: cows and heifer. 18. 6O&5.00. HOOS Receipts. 8.700 head: market steady to 6e higher: pigs snd lights. 8.0ir 8.90; packers and butchers. 86.4o'5i;.65: butcher and best heavy, 8t.4iVrt6.90. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts. KOO head; market steady; native muttons, 83.75 $5.00: lambs, 85.75fe660: culls and bucks. 82.6041.3.26; stockers. J2.51X&3.26. Kanaaa City I.lve Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. April 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head, Including 100 southerns; market ateady to strong; dressed beef Hnd export steers. .10ijti.75; fair to good, 83.50'(t 6.00; western steers, 8o.iKV(i6.26; stockers and feeders. 84.75(ii5.86: southern steers. 14.7iV8i 6.10; southern cows, IS.4Oji6.60: native cowa. 83.006.50; native heifers. 84.75art.26: hulls. 84.Oivu6.35; calves, 84.00S7.0fi. HOGS Receipts. 10,000 head: market 6r to 10c lower; bulk of sales, 8.256.56: heavv. 24.20tf4i.3n; packer and butchers. 8t.26.6b: lights. 8r.46(&ti .fiS. SHEEP A-ND LAMBS Receipts, 8 000 head; market steady to weak: lamhs 16 40 .16; yearlings, 24.6oaS.SO; wether. 84.25ffi 6 25; ewes, 84.00g4.76; stockers and feeders, 83.0016.25. St. Joseph Lire Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 7 CATTLE Re ceipts. 600 head; market steady; ateers. 85 65 (6S.50: cows and heifers, 23.2oli6.0'; calves 84.00f7.00. HOGS Receipts. 5.000 head; market weak: to5c lower; top. 8660; bulk of sales, 86.ii SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts. 600 head; market, steady; lambs, 85.80S6.25. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle South Omaha Bt. Joseph Kansas City ., St. Iuls , Chicago Totals . I.&11O . 600 . 7.0m . 1.7') . 2,000 .11200 Hogs. Sheep. R.3H0 3,00 6.000 5(10 1008) 3,i0 k.;ki 6(81 17.000 10.000 49,000 17,300 Cotton Market. NEW TORK, April 7-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 14.60c; mid dling gulf, 14Xbc. No sales. ST. 1AJCIS. April 7 COTTON Un changed: middling, 14u; sales, 2 bales; re ceipts, 651 bales; shipments, 92S bales stock, 20.599 bales. New Tork cotton niarket'xaji furnished by Logan A Rryan, membera of New York Cotton exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street: Months. I Open. I Hlgh. Ixiw. Close. May.. 14 52 14 68 14 49 14 57 July... 14 81 14 87 14 30 14 36 Aug... IS 72 13 63 IS 73 13 M Oct... 12 70 12 74 12 70 12 72 14 4S 14 SO 13 7 12 71 Copper Stork Increase. NEW TORK. April 7.-The Msrch report of the Copper Producers' association shows an increase In stocks on hand of 0.37O.1M pounds compared with th previous month, when the gain over January amounted to M.&Bl.OOO pounds. Production for March amounted to about 20.on0.oon pounds more than In February and total domestic and foreign consumption totaled almost 80,0000)0 pounda over February, Dry Good Market. NEW TORK. April 7. DRY GOODS Th cotton gooda market waa slightly firmer for the day and yarna were steady, with a higher tendency. Trade la atlll of restricted volume. Raw wool values are unusually low. In Jobbing circle business continue on a very limited scale. Mllwaake f.raln Market. MILWAUKEE, April 7. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 9ViOTc; No 2 northern, 9iit toe; May. 860; July. Sd'ac f) ATS Standard, 82li32v,c. BARLEY Malting, SlOUgrl 11. Peoria Market. FEORIA, April T COR N-lxiwer; No. 2 white. 4ic; No. 2 yellow. 46c; No. 3 yellow, 4.140; No. 2 mixed. 45e. OATS Unchanged , -No. 8 white. 31c. (star Market. NEW YORK. April 8 SUGAR Raw, steady; muscovsdo, 69 test. K 3ir; centrif ugal. M test. 2sc; molasses, 49 test, 8 11c; refined, steady. Omaha liar Market. OMAHA. April 7. HA Y No. 1. 8)1 00; No. X 810 00; packing, 89 00; alfalfa, 113 on. Straw: Wheat, it 50; rye. 86 60; oata. 87.00. Wool Market. 6T T1U1B April 7.-WOOI-Unehaned, territory and western mediums, lit tj 22c, fine mediums, lul6c; fine, llitfilo. at BH A1I8 I RENT'S It I ) 1KW OF IHADK IHeHpiiolntlnaly exertions. - Lit adslrcct's to- Trade and Industry (lulet In 41 (St NEW YORK. April 7 morrow will say: Ti-hiIc ntul Industry ate quiet, di.-ap-pointliiKl.v so ill most sections It is to I e noted that the Ion;; (lei line in most fat ni products, which arc now ;.. to 40 per "'. t below a year ago. is etc tiled at a m a points with being a retarding n( lueust uii trade. en the other liaiul. good weather and price revisions at e helping the col ton goods trode. The f ficulties are well llltiMinted by the statement that some large prin ters, who are also manufacturers, have bought freely of cloths In the open niarkel. where, it is claimed, they have ohtaliicl goods cheaper than they could produce them. In the leading Industries there Is not much new. Iron and steel fail to show growth In demand. The railroads a:e slow to place business, and pig Iron prices are wealier, but structural material Sells fairly well and wire Is active. Woolen goods and textiles generally el tno ettect or tliicHleneii revision tariff, while farm products reflect of reciprocity talk and the paucity port demand, as well us the unquestionably Improved outlook for winter wheat. Business failures in the United States for the week ending April 6. were 2TR. against 2H0 last week. '240 In the like week or 1010, 227 in lliuO, 25S in 19ce. and l'J4 in 191'.'. Business failures In Canada for the week number 23, as rompaidd with 26 last week and 26 In the corresponding week of lull). yVheat, Including flour, exports from the Ifliited iStatea and ( anailu f'01 the week ending A pi 1 1 fi. aggregate 2.b M3 bu , against 3.67;,xi; bu. last week and 1 .777 0S; bu. this week last yeHf. For the fortv weeks ending April H. exports are 94. 090,7".: bu., against 117.046.tAi3 bu. In the corre sponding period rant year. Corn exports for the week are 1 tilt; 0I." bu., Hgalnst 1.725.2M! hu. last week and We, 624 bu. ill lUlO. For the forty weeks ending April 6. coin expoits me 41.033.9:U bu., against 23.371. 42tt bu. last year. s of V rrneuiA ly of rfi"- Ibs., and 14c; hens, old ducks, feathered, 20c each; per doz., 81.60; No. OMAHA WUUI.K.ttl.t. MARKET. BUTTER-Creamto, No. t, delivered to) the retail trade In 1-lh cartons, 23c; No. 2. In 30-lb. tubs, 21c; No. 2. In 1-lb. car tons, 21c; packing stock, solid pack, Uu; dairy, In 60-lb. tubs, Ha lbc. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins. lcfl&Hc; Young Ameri cas. 17(lc; daisies, lrie; triplets, 16c; llm Lerger, IIhj; No. 1 brick, inc. Imported Swiss, 32c; domestic Swls, 22c; bloc Swiss, lye. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under 2 lb , 85.00 per doz.; hens, 15c; cocka, 11c; ducks, lHc; geese, loc; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per doz., 81.20; homer squabs per dos , 14 W, fancy squabs. nr due.. 13 1,0: No. 1. Der doz., 8300. Alive: Broilere. 86c. 1U to 1' IS to 2 lbs.. 2oc; smooth legs. 12vc; stags, 10c; old rooster, 7c; full feathered. 13'tc; geese.v full 6'-,c; turkey s, 14c; guinea foV s, pigeons, per doz., 60c; honos. 84.00; squabs. No. 1. per Co, 2. per doz.. 50c: capons, over 8 lbs., 14c; old turkeys. 19c. FISH (all frozen) Pickerel, 6c: white, 7d 10c; pike, 9c-; trout, He; large crappies, 12 a 16c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, lc; had dock, 13c; flounders, 12c; green catfish, 16c; roe shad, 60u each; shad rue, per pair, 66c; frog legs, per dos, 35c; salmon, nc; hali but, 9c; herring, 6yc. FRUITS Apple; Washington. Mo., Pip pins, 4H tier, per box. 82-26; , Washington Ked-cheek Pippins. 54-64-80-112 atzes, per box. 82.50; Washington Ganos, per bo A 82.6t). Bananas; Fancy ee'ect, per bun.n. t2.25'T)'2.5u; Jumbo, bunch, 12. J5HJ3.76. L'.;J. Anchor brnnd, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, 82.00; bulk in 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6Vfce. Figs; Turkish, T-crown, per lb.. 18c; 5-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown. per lb.. 13c. Grape Fruit: Florida, 46-54-64-60 sizes, per box, 81.00; choice stock, 25u less. I-emons; Ltmonulra brand, extra fancy, 300-3b0 alzea, per box, 84 50; fancy, Joo-tw sizes, per box, 84; 240 size, 50c per box less. Oranges: Camella Redlands navels, all sizes, r-f'" box. 83 20; fancy navels. 0-9ri-126 slzi s. IJal- llt ., r. .1 II. . u tj.n . ,...ll.f:, Winter Nelli. per box, 82.75. Strawberries: Louisiana, per 24-plut caue. 84. VEGETAhLES-Heana. atnng and wx, per hamper, 83 5044. A. Beeta, per bu., 76c. Cabbage, .New Vork, per Hi., 1;. Carrots, per. bu., 76c. Celery, California Jumbo, per doz. bunches, 65c. Cucumbers, hothouse. lv and 2 doz In box. per doz.. 82 00. Eggplant, fancy Florida, per duz , 82 00. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c. ICttuie, extia fancy leaf, per doz., 4on. Onions, Iowa, red and yellow, per lb., 8c; Indiana white. rer lb., S'sc. Onion aets, wihte. per bu., 32 be., 81 76; yellow, per bu., 82 lbs., 8125. red. per bu., 82 lbs., 81. 60. Parsley, fancy south ern, per doz. bunches, tnniba. Parsnips, per lb., 2c. Potatuea, Early Ohio seed, sand soil. In sacks, per bu., 81 10, geunine Red River Early Ohio seed, per bu , 81.35; Iowa and Wisconsin, white stock, per bu., 7ut; Colorado, per bu., 90c. Rutabagas, per lh., l'c. Tomatoes, Florldas, per 6-basket crate, fancy, J2 0.-Nj2.2i, choice, 81.76. Turnips, per bu , 76c. MISCELLANFXiUS Almonai; Califor nia soft shell, per lb.. 18c; In ack lots. l less. Brszll Nuts: Per lb, 12c. In sack Iota, lc lens. Cocoanuts: Per sack, 8u 00; per doz., 76c. Filberts: Per lb., 14c, la sack lota. In less, lllckorynuts: Large, per lb. 6j; small, per lb, ic. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 6c; raw, per lb, v. pecana: Irge, per lb , 24c; In sack lots, lc leas. Walnuts: Black, per lb., 2'4-c; California, per lb., 19c; In sack lota, lo leas. Cider: New Yorll. Mott's. per bbl., Hit. Honey: New, 24 frames. 83 76. TWO PERSONS BURN TO DEAT Home of Henry Marataa la Cleveland Destroyed hy Fire Three Are Injared. CLEVELAND, April 7.-Two persons lost their lives and three others were badly burned In a fire which destroyed the dwell ing house of Henry Marston late last night Mrs. Henry Marston, 35 years old, and her son. Henry Murston, 1, are dead. f iienry Marsion, per husband. 35 yeaisVd and their two daughtera, Alice and Kilt 12 ant 1 yeara 01a, reiperttveiy, are sei ously burned. Th blate was caused by a defective ga mantle The mother, who was blind, made no effort to save herself. AH'-e Msrston threw her Lary elster from the se -or. 1 stuiy window Into th arm ul a neighbor. I-