TILE HKE: OMAHA, FlilDAY. APRTL 7. .1011. V fill DOUGLAS St. STORE n n 'ance wore Next Saturday, April 8 We will place on sale a manufacturer's entire surplus stork and samples of new S and 0r For Women tad Kisses, ia scores cpoa scores (f new up-to-date !tflti tad materials,' Positively worth from $22.50 to $35 Saturday . . . ' PLEASE BEAR IN MIND That aside from the un heard of low price, the quantity is no big and the quality so high that we can therefore assure you an easy nelection. 21 J l-snnm e of bonds by drainage districts. I'sssed. 74 syrs. ns. 8. K. bv Pmlih of Fillmore, sound proif tele-phone booth In drpots. Fanse-ei, f avrs, dhS. H. K. 2V, by Bodlsm. prohibiting uss of sacchrlne or coal tar ielnr In eds lip or carbonated wsters. Hitfd, l ayes, 0 navs. H. K 3. b- Kohl. Increasing th aggre gate si honl tai from 15 to 3S mill In citle?. pses-d, W ye. 4 nay. 8. F. .'112, by tanning, providing for a commission form of government In cities of ovu- fumO. Passed, 7 ayes. nays. S. F. 93. by Tanner. change and amend ment to the present Bo'.ith Omaha charter. I assed, (. a.vea. 0 nas. Ob JMftlasi Pile. The following bills wet lifted to the .lifting file: S. V. 2M, by Bartling, increasing the sal ary of sheriffs. H. K. :iM. by Harming, fixing county at torneys' salaries. rt. F. 2t, by Jensen, relating to previous experience of met. to be employed a rail road enmnemen and conductor. 8. F. Hi. by Horton. county law libraries foi Judge, attorneys and other county official. 8. r M, by Reagan, to disconnect farm ing territory from cltlei of 6,UW to 26.UOO population. 8. K. 4, bv Hosglsnd. fixing the rata of interest on unpaid sewer assessments. 8. F. 2.A by Horton, Interest on city deposits credited to general fund and school district Interest to school district funds. , S. K. 379, by Wlloog, special tax on lands and drainage districts to pay cost of clear ing dltchea. S. F. M, by Oanner, to prevent wire tap ping. 8. F. 222. by Rannlng, Plata Railway commission Jurisdiction In demurrage com plaints. - 8. F. 377, by Hoagland. laying of roads along county section lines. a. f. IMS, py Yolpp, student, voting ict 8. F. 27, b'y Cox of Hamilton, Increasing pay of mad overseers and city councilmen. 8. F. 304. by Bodlnaon, one township su pervisor from each district. 8. r . ?.ity. Dy eorr.miuee. nxing xeea oi shorthand reportcra. 8. r . W). by tvernp, cnanging iees 01 notaries. a F. 199, by Tlbbetts, providing for pay ing of costs In disbarment and contempt proceedings. SENATE CHANGES ITS COMMITTEES LIPPINCOTT JOLLS HIMSELF Head of Philadelphia Publiihinjj Firm Commits Buicide in Home. HIS DEATH CAUSES A SENSATION Famllr and Friend at First Insist that He Had Accidentally Shot Himself Flatlet Wound la Rlht Temple. cities shall not he less than It Is In Omaha. The Porrth Omaha men who are here feel certain of getting this changed this after noon, s they can get ater from tha city of Omaha 'at the- same price as Omaha people get II. The water company has al ways extended lis rates to suburbs without charge. Inquiry Into Insane Hospitals. . A resolution of inquiry regarding the condition of Insane patients now In state Institutions was put through the house to day by Claytun, Filly and McKlsHlck of Oaeo and Hagl of Clage and Saline. The' resolution stated that there have been complain! concerning - the crowding of 'some asylums and that the Board of Public l-iends and liullfllnRs could, if It made an effort, obviate the difficulties. ' McKlsslck said In explanation that some of the west ern asylums have plenty of room, while other are crowded. The board, he de clared, could transfer patients and get bet ter accommodation. v Thanks for Many. Ths representative of the pre were thanked In an elaborate eulogium Intro duced In tha house today by Anness of Olne, comparing the patient scribe to -the It ng-ufferlng Job. he wished thetn ever lasting, haplnes In the Wood will of the leg islator. The chaplain of the house, Hev. Jeremiah Michel, and the director of the reference bureau, A. K. Sheldon, were thanked for their services In the house today. In the senate the Commercial club of Lincoln was ttmnked for last night's Immiuet. ' As an evidence of thankfulness for 1 he ( passage of the commission form of govern v ment bill the Omaha Ad club presented the : house and senate today with an Immense boiiuet of 'rosea each. Amend Appropriation Hill. Th general maintenance bill was further amended by Die senate thin afternoon and recommended for pahge. Senator Junsen i'f (Jage Hiiieeeded 111 getting all Item of . Sli'.W) for new building at tha Beatrice Instltuto for the feeble minded. An appro priation of $lu0 in tor nurniul ti Hilling In f lilk'U schools and the fund for Junior or MimtiH'r normals was raided hack again to .t.0). On motion of Senator Tib be la M.U00 was added (or a special liocpltul In which iiane patients with tuberculosis tun be ve;rrgated. lteagau tried to get $I'V cut from the appropriation for the Kearney ' Industrial school, but failed. - o ,Uuur fur Library. The effort ut the .Nebraska lliatortcal six Icly In spite of persistent lobbying by - ngent of ''both sexes failed to land the . l.j:.,'J will, li was to haie gone for a l.brary building. '1 he stale libiary anil the record.1"- ul the society were to be housed in this building. Senator Ke nolcls offered a motion to put the historical , society under the control of the regents , ol the uncrslt, but this was turned down. HUUII AI. DtlKMII, tlll.lv AI AMl:i going to veto the Omaha charter bill. It Is a bill affecting the conditions of grant ing saloon licenses and has been prepared with reference to the Omaha charter bill. Amendment might be desirable of the Omaha charter bill falls. -. - II. U. No. 655, providing that thirty elec tors may by petition have the license or no-license question submitted at any regu lar municipal election in cities up to 10.00 population, was passed by the senate at the afternoon session. , The senate concurred Ih the house amendments to S. F. No. 3, the South Omaha charter. In committee of the whole this afternoon the following hills were put on third read Ing: II. It. 34, by Fuller Fixing methods of letting bridge contracts by county boards H. 11. M, by Bailey 105.000 for the nor- I inal school at Kearney. This was Indelin- Iteiy postponed by the committee or the wohle but rescued afterward by Bodiilson of Buffalo, and by a vote not to concur the senate put it up for passage. ' If. It. )!, by Iliishee Appropriation for a state hospital for Indigent consumptives. e.U"i. 11. It. 221. by ttvana Appropriating 136,000 lor a laundry at the Hastings asylum. II. Ft. lx.1. by Metxger Appropriating $S.0I0 for Improvements at South Bend fish hatchery. II. Ft. "03, by Kustman. (from the gov ernor) To create the office of deputy Dunning inspector lor the state and appro prlating salary and expenses to f7,OD0. II. K. 326. bv McKelvie Annronrlstlon for paving in front of the Lincoln Ortho pedic hospital. II. U. .TW. by Gallagher General salary appropriatipns. H. Ft. 611, by Gallagher General main tenance appropriations. II. It. 31. bv Honhnni A iinroorlatlnf 12.000 for marking the Oregon trail. II. Ft. "lit. by llospodsky One hundred 1 thousand dollars for two new buildings at I Mncolu asylum. . 1 1. It. .1t;0. by Bulla For a hotel commis sion. Varner tried to get this bill recom mitted, but failed. II. It. 4l'l. by Grossman Five thousand ; dollars for a water main to the School for the I teal at Omaha. II. H. 441, by (iandv et at. Five thousand , dollars to relieve V. A. Fhllpott, injured , w hile a state employe. II. It. til!, by N o ids ren Three thousand ; dollars for fireproof ault for state insur- anee department. ' 11. Ft. 4No. by Bushee and Harrington One hundred and twenty-five thousand dol lars to aid weak school districts. II. It. 4M). by 1-ldigh Twelve thousand dollars for beating plant at Nebraska City School for the Blind. II. It. M?,. by Holmes To purchase land ut School for I leaf at Omaha. II2.6UO. II It. Ml. by Minor Telephone cunt'ol by railway commission. - ; H. It. iVtH. bv Grossmsn One hundred thousand dollars for Omaha medical school. II. It. ."i2.'i. by Malraui-Six hundred dollars for relief of Louise Hollins. II. It. :M. by Bartles and Klrk-Flfteen thousand dollars for sewer at Wayne nor mal. II. It. Wis. by t.eidlgh-Five thousand dol lars for new land at Nebraska .Vitv School tor the Blind. Smith of FYllmore succeeded In. getting the appropriation of 4100.000 for normal training in high schools back into the gen eral, maintenance bill after the committee arose to report. HOI HIS I'ASSKH MA.V MCAflRKU PHILADELPHIA. April .-Cralge Up plncott, bead of the publishing house of J. B. Llpplncott company and prominent In financial and social Ufa of ths city. shot himself early today in his magnifi cent home, 211 West Rlttenhouse Square. The cause that led Mr. Llpplncott to end his life Is not definitely known, except than an authorised statement glen out by an officer of the publishing company state that ha killed himself during a per iod of tempoiar; aberration. Ths followiog authorized statement by an officer of the J. B. Llpplncott com pany was given out this afternoon: "During a period of temporary aberra tion Craig Llpplncott, president of the J. B. Llpplncott oohipany, shot and killed himself at his residence, tig West Rltten house square, early this morning. The business of the publishing house will not be affected by Llpplncott death. quet clubs of this city. Besides his Inter ests In the publishing company, he was a director of the Farmers' and Mechanics' National bank and a director In the Penn sylvania company for Insurance on lives and granting annuities. Mr. Llpplncott Is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Samuel IC Reeves; a son, Jay B. Llpplncott, and a brother, J. Bert ram Llpplncott. olution continuing the special joint com mittee of the house and senate for the codification of the laws, but objection was raised to consideration of the matter at this time and It went over. GENUINE BLIZZARD IN PARIS HOUSE ADJOURNS TO MONDAY Chairman Mann (ilven Time to ele4-t Minority Members of the Committers, (Continued from FMrst Page.) department to locate the new headquarters at Omaha. 1 Senator Brown, also reintroduced his bill taking away from the federal courts Juris diction to enjoin the collection of state and county taxes. This Is a bill which has been the subject of discussion before the Judiciary committee and at one time in the senate and In support of which Senator Brown filed an extended brief with the Judiciary committee. If the senator Is able to gain a place on the judiciary com mittee he feels hopeful that he may be able to get a favorable report from the committee on his bill. Death tenses geauustloa. The traglo death of Mr. Llpplncott caused a sensation. There was a strong disposi tion on the part of relatives and friends to doubt that he had died designedly, his son. Jay B. Llpplncott. going so far as to make a sworn statement giving It as his opinion that his father had died by ace'dent. It (s declared that neither Mrs. Llpplncott, the widow, who was In the ad Joining room, nor the son, who was on the floor above. heard the fatal shot. Mr. Llpplncott,-who was 0b years of age, was found dead by his valet. There was a bullet wound in the right temple. So far as can be learned Mr. Llpplncott re tired last night In good spirits? He at tended the performance of the opera "Quo Vadla" and greeted friends with his usual good humor. . ' The dead publisher was many years a prominent figure fn the social life of this city and hi . activities In this connection were shared by' his wife. Ho wa also well known In many of the Rummer ool onle along" the New. England coast. ' The tragedy occirtred'a few hours' after the return of Mr. and Mrs. Llpplncott from the Metropolitan opera house, where they occupied seats in their box, surrounded by friends, and witnessed a performance of "Quo Vadls." the Isst given by the Phila delphia-Chicago Opera company In this WASHINGTON, April . in order to tfive the republican leader, Mr. Mann, time in 1 repare the minority selection for th various standing committees the house of representatives, after a brief sitting todty, adlourned until Monday at noon. It bad been expected "that Mr. Mann might have some of the committee lists lemly today, but he announced the timo had been too short. The minority mem bers, as well as the majority party, must be elected by the house under the new rules adopted yesterday. Representative Shirley of Kentucky made an effort to secure the adoption of a res- Clt Wave Cover Kmnrs and Itam nae to laeynrd Katend Into Million. PARIS, April . The unseasonable weather that developed a snow storm yes terday continued today. During the night there was a genuine blizzard In Pails. The Intense cold extends through southern France to the shores of the Mediterranean. This has been the coldest weather of the year In some districts. The damage to fruit trees and In th wine vineyards as well as to other crops by frost will amount to mil lions of frsncs. Died of rneamnnla" Is never written of those who cure coughs and colds with Pr. King's New Discovery. Guaranteed. 60c and II 00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Persistant advertising Big Returns. is the Road to A HOPEFUL MESS AGE TO SCAi. SUFFERERS AUD r.UHUKO'S HAIR IS Dandruff now-bald Inter The same l true of scalp diseases. In fact baldness l a cal disease. Th trouble with the trees! salve and lotions, the so-culled dandruff and scalp cures you have Irleel so far Is that they don't do anything but tempor arily relieve the it- hltig and cake the dand ruff set It doesn"t full until It s dried again. Nothing can cure really care such troubles but a rout scalp medicine that will, kill the germs causing Oandruff and scalp dlse-as". Learning from leading ' fetloW drugKlsts throughout America that they had found a whlrlw'nd cure for dandruff, eczema and all disease of the eklu and scalp the Sher man & MeConnell Drug store on proving to the laboratories compounding the treat ment that It Is the most prominent druc stcrt in this city secured th agency for the remedy. This remedy Is KMO. Hie clean, liquid preparation that kills the germ of disease and 7.EMO SOAP to wash the scalp or skin clear and clesn of the dand ruff or scale and by Its antiseptic qualities soothe and heal. Sold and guaranteed by druggists every where and In Omaha by Bhertnan A. Mo Connell. '' As the law stands today the federal courts j ... are without Jurisdiction to enjoin federal I , scene In whjett. Petj-onlus declared that he Is tired of life and then, after a beautiful Senate In lonimllirc of Whole Kiion ttiunba uuroprlnltou. t From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Neb.. April . -t. Special ) Hie senate passe-d two bills this morning In final vole, II. It No. 32. by Allen, pro viding for the election of supreme JikIkcm hereafter 111 (lie same crs In which other state official sic elected. The bill pro vides for an extension of the lime of the officials in office whose elections, except . for the bill, womd fall on the euld years. H. It. S'i", b Ale Anile, which ameiiels the taxes and In the opinion of many senators the contention of Senator Brown that the same rule should apply to state and county taxes Is sound. The Nebraska senator also Introduced a bill making It unlawful for a railway com pany to acquire stock In a competitive line. This provision- was endorsed by ex-President Roosevelt In his last message and In President Taft's message on the transporta tion question. Plea for Postal Bank. Victor Rosewater today requested the postmaster general, when he enlarges a number of postofflces where postal sav ings banks are established, to besr Omaha In mind, which Mr.v Hitchcock agreed to take under consideration. Mr. Rosewater, accompanied by his . niece, came from Baltimore toehry on a sightseeing expedi tion, returning to the Maryland metropolis In the late afternoon. He plans to leave for the west tomorrow. ; Senator Gamble .today Introduced bills which If passed will throw open to white settlement about 4,000,000 acres of unallotted Indian lands In the Standing Rock, Rose bud and Cheyenne River reservations. In the Standing Rock reservation 1.S0O.0O0 acres are to be thrown open and $180,000 I to be paid by the government for school lands donated to the states of North and South Dakota. To Open More Land. In the Cheyenne RJver reservation 1,200. 0(0 acres are to be opened and IIW.OOO ap propriated to pay for school lands. On the Rosebud Indian reservation In the counties of Todd and Bennett there are DOO.OOO acres for which an appropriation of 1126. OoO Is made by the bill to pay for school lands. In Pine Ridge reservation there are 700, 000 acres, $125,000 being spproprlated to pay the Indians for school lands. Representative Burke of South Dakota Introduced a bill regulating payment "of money to Indians." also a bill regulating. Indian allottmenta disposed of "by will." Representative Latta introduced a bill providing for "restoration of annuities to the Medswakanton and Wahpakwota (San tee) Bloux Indians declared forfeited by the act of February li. 1863. R. P. Varney of Lincoln was In Washing ton today, a caller upon Representative Mc Gulre. Mr. Varney Is en route to Mllford, Iel., upon business love duet with Eunice, the slave girl, they die In each others arms, a physician hav ing opened an artery In the arm of each, by command of Petronlus. Sketch of Mr. I.lpplurott. Mr. Llpplncott was born In this city on November 4. 184. aud was the son of Joshua Bellinger Llpplncott and Josephine Cralge IJpplncott. He was graduated from the I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania and In lxM he entered th publishing house ejf J. H. Llpplncott A Co,, which has been the J. B. Llpplncott company since 10k. In 1371 he married Miss Sallie E. Buck nel of this city. In 186 Mr. IJpplncott succeeded his father a president of the publishing com pany. He was a member of the Society ot the Mayflower descendants and of the Art, Vnlon league, Rlttenhouse and Rac- t .. ': 1 11111 Iteaann'a llnlltllna- Construction 4oe Throuith. (From a Staff t'orreapondent.) r LINCOLN. April ((.-(Special.) -The house took the folleivving action on bills on third reading: S. F'. by Tanner Commission form of government for cities of 2.0i to 40.0.V population. Passed. KU ayes. 7 nays. S 60. by Albert, empowering elites of to 2.V0O0 to bond for building Jail or other public buildings. Pamcd, 77 ayes, 0 nay. S. F. 4. by Tibbets Attorneys must file Warier power of cities iinel r i10 sn that wh hl.j1 .a..,,.. 7; Bes nav. franchise cannot l.u granted for a longer i S H ml. by Huhrman October 12 to be period tbn f'e ycais was passed. The inaximtiio price of Hie commodity alfected must be'itaufj In the fianihlse and be come a eutidliioii eif Its being granted. 11. R.No. was ready for thud read ing, but wss laid uer on motion of senator ltartos in order that the senate uiigiit be informed as to whether the governor . DO! BI.K WKUDINO AT PAWXKE e Brides MB 1 ii it . 1 , i, u ..- ..I, since . . .-i DU'l.t oi.i.v the j. eti. i- pi-.td. i'eui " l, tv Vpi 'I e)outtctjl , ,he a di.i i o Itis leuliui kciu.is .Mr Slone . I oil .ttiil 11 nee. o . I1 tiii I ..u juu c t.. 1 l' tM iJVll t IJ Is. I That Is ll.ttu..t. Inn leslii t) the. full v .1 11c 1 I iwir i.ui.r. .1.1 JCU Will llh'l .1 loi III n.la.i lllat ttl Ue ." i Ill 1.0 ... lion 111 V.I...O.J ..I nil.. I HiUki . ittll! ivl ...v e. w. . to rft-i .t pule .ooe -v 11c 1 ) ... ..v- ua..u i '! ftiiin. ii.o o......t u-Atit) " ai;l l't .e t 1 .t ....vji ulamoouM 1 e- o.ultielul liic-se ..tr. low beei 1 1.4. t cAll 11) oou.,01. lo.i lw is 111 rv.il Hfcaui'eit iiui you aio fc. f:i lo i,cl il l.l.l ei.a. llv lor vhe.l yuu oay iieie. l guarantee lu le.umt ninety per ce.u ol nw puiciuse (.ice aitkl.t em v-.i-ii' i.'f .'. - ti.r wains in aiue'ware, jew eW". ll:ii;-, waUhes, tec. uppiieiJ Here at low price. t- wili It I5& DODGE. Discovery day. Passed. 70 ayes, i.'l nays S F. 2!M. by TlhlH'ts Cities ef 6.(AKI to 2 -0 have right to extend sewer and water works mains. Passed. KS ayes. 0 nay. 1 S. h" 147. by olpi Making salaries of senators ami representatives $10 pe-r aes s nn; limits Individual lntreduetlon of til I In to twenty i1h m. Passed. 74 ayes. & navs. S. 1'. :A. by Tibbets-Allowing foreign orporations to enforce liens in tile state. 1 assed. SO ayes. 0 nay. S. F'. 3.U. by Keaaan Authorizing use uf ilioto.L;railiie prot-esses In certifying and copying public records. I'asoed. 7" ayes. S. I''. (W, hy Hnrtoit Improvenient along I1!.-petty ahutunx 011 imtiroved stetuts of I clti. s of second c'ass to be paid for in 1 leu years In-trad of five. 1'asse.l. 7.S ayes. In na". K i'. ::i, tiy Huhrman Providing lor the ( ilr.i'i.S'.e of water courses and to prevent I i..'Mr'ici;on of littches. Passed. 0 ayes. s I'. 11. by Mc Irew Amendment to haul; i;uaiiuit law. l asscd. pi Bifn. 2 nay. S. -increases salurits of sheriff of I . i:ais eoutiiv . I'asstHi. Iti ayes. 0 nay. S. F". 171, l y Tlhhets and Jansen. permit t 11; 11111I reviialuiK trust coinpanie-s. .c.-se.i, 61 axes. nav. 1 I'J. "V linrniin. 101 a i-oHOKe in I . . . . 1 ... v.. 1. . 1 1 ... 1 Pi lue rose I' ni'iiu. 11 it-i ii.iti.-- ni .r-i't nwn o n.n.i . ii. .if. Passed, a't ayes. S. 1'. 2.0, b Albert, the .tudhtal reap- ..i'ni cii ait. Fussed. 73 ivm. 7 nas. .' I'. I ' Reagan, lor the protection of ir.saK.eel in building construction. 1 Two rheol Teacher Beeon of Two Ministers. PAWNER. Neh.. April .-(8peelal.)-A double wedding which is of Interest to Omaha people because one of the brides lias been a teacher In the Omaha schools and both brides have many friends here was celebrated here at high noon Tuesday. The two brides, who are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hatfield, were both teachers and the grooms are both minister. Miss Bessie Belle Hatfield, who has been a teacher In the Benson school, became the bride of Rev. W. A. Allhrlght. who is the pastor of the Meth odist church at Dewitt. Neb.; Miss Bertha Luella Hatfield was married 16 Rev. Mar cus E. Lindsay, pastor of the First Pres byterian church at Soda Springs. Idaho. Rev. Rudolph, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church of Lincoln, performed the ceremony. A color scheme of green and white was used In decoration of the rooms. Ferns and white carnations were the flowers used. Before the ceremony .Miss Iila Ostenberg of Mead sang "I lxve Tou Truly" (Carrie Jacobs Bond) and i Miss Ahble Robertson of Atkinson played the wedding march. The only attendant was the matron of honor, Mrs. James McD. Patten of Omaha, a sister of the bride She was gowned In blue silk crepe de chine with trimmings of real baby Irish lace and earned a bouquet of marguerites The two , brides wore handsome embroidered co- tuims snd carried shower bouquets of The lmprcsslvei ring service I ot tow rrrnuj utihh viiurcii was eisea Snu tan informal reception and buffet luncheon 1 ! followed the cereimaiy. "I Suffered -Years With My Bade" Backache resulting from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cauie, usually renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per manent disability. "I suffered for years with my back, or kidney trouble, and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our local druggists induced me to try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills and after.-using them some three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys, and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. Allek, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined. Dr. Miles Anti-Pcin Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As a remedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are unsur passed. Sold by atf druggists under a guar antee assuring the return of the price f the first box If no beeafit result. . MlkffS MKDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. Easter Greeting May your every meal be as heartily enjoyed as your Easter breakfast of Swift's Premium Ham or Bacon Swift & Company, U. S. A. The Diamond's Distinction ft' Though the diamond la the rarest of ems. It Is valuable for oilier reasons. s possession Is a slg 1 or prestige ami stamp of worldly success. 'Beslue Its beauty snd charm. It hu an admitted eiia tinctlon that It Implies to the wearer. 11 Is the gem of all gems, and makes the most satisfactory of all gifts. The Albeit FMholm stoie pffers the leet advantages for dl- v ' v '" """'d buying. Oar long .. t . vau.,. ... rl.i.r..t j-.ii 0 , I -i"vi iniuiiiii. fienilllK v,:.v In diamonds have inarke.,1 us sx the Ideal piece for purchasing -these- precloue toue. Cur expert thoroughly understand elianionds and will v guide yuu to the pur-e-hQe of the best tone. Dou't W.r'J ' Buy Invest. I ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler, 16th and MAllHEY. AT THE SIGN OF THE TAXI ;Updikes Fine Flour Free Today Se3 if your name appoars in The Bee's want ads of today offering Updike's flour free. You don't have to advertise to get it. Firid your name and the gift is yours. The Bee is also giving away today: 6'Brlen'a deltcloua randy. Farreli's fine syrup. Byrd's nursery cherry trees. American theater tickets. ... i,ej,,.B,ujBur,.ft.i.M..tM,liu..ji' WW. ii "ir mnmj iu,ir'r.glpgT'ifffliirillliliiiiiiiJ.iLi Jlffla Coat and Pants to Order $20.00 Three Specials for Saturday 's Sale A fine shine-proof, wear-proof blue serge; a fine gray serge; and a beautiful tan. -Ak to see these three. . They nro special values offered for the one day only; and are easily worth $:50 for the two piece suit. Order your Easter Suit now. Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-306 South 16th Street Near Farnara. Morrhraft. makl?iK invoMl fli s ilory tin Mieriff, ma 'n T.nr.t'r tax on tnnur ,U' lru.ii one-fourth lo thr 6s inviiitutns. iJuHtd. Ti m e-. a Ill r :i ;ili'i roMi .i IUH. H . 11. by Tamer. prr iditiK for piii lii up. of t t:i. titui.criHl !iunlmtnt8 in I v. . I i' ci in builty. tiiit uf ea U T .iti I". ..il:. iy al rate to bv dl M-u. !;. ;'S aytH. i uh. . b A)l'rl. yijmiiin una tHt- tni; liou.-es if lewonr'M .mil Imi itih tsamo t i Lt ni-'h.-intni. I'liftrd. sj tn. 0 nHves. f1. T. 1 a. i' I loin? a nd. for ihe indi - tf et lain feltiiij. TasAt ii, Td a 1 nay. IS. i . b iitiifht-aii. fur (lit r.-fablinh-nint f 'hal !ie da." t: rtt tiiday In NiAfmher. in pii:h'- s hiM.i. I'ui4i4d, ." H P". by "a t k. i tr d.ini( to the I Food That Agree (Ives health and strength. Grape-Nuts U mi ll a IimmJ "There's a Rea:on'' C.'r.' MAI i n fi I FRIDAY IN OUR BASEMENT CLOTHING DEPT. Hen's J Young Hen's ULd Suits $6- A great purchase of more than 600 suits from a New York over stocked manufacturer enables us to offer to the meu and oung men of Omaha, Ihe greatest clothes bargain ever known. These suits made of pure worsteds, lined with serge or Venetian, utyled in 1911 models, -strictly tailored. This offer mesns a saving to you of at leuat $..50 un your Kaste-r Suit. Friday and Saturday in our base ment clothing dept., at m. if W CALL J lOUGLASJ ERAN KL'l'Nii,i7.)K TAXI CAB SERYlCCtK 1 COMPANY u Hardware For Builders Use THAT IS GOOD at prices that are , ALWAYS RIGHT Sarvice the Best. .. . TRY US Duniing hardware Co, 1612 Harney Street ' E Tonig-ht and Bat. Hls;hts, Mat. Mat. DAVID BCLAIOO presents "IHt: LILY" Mane O'H.tl OtaarU Cartvrrtobt and the Famous Balasoo Company Trices: Niitliln. 5Uc in JJ.O0; Mat., 2bc lo 11.50 Keats now on Milr 4 bays Startlna; Bun. Mat. Wad. IL. M WIX.SOM in the ainglnjr Comedy "A OlaHAN tKISICX." rtc In reaoh of all. $6.90 boj Combination Knickerbocker Suits The best bargain ever off rid to mothers. Two pairs of pants U every coat just what ecry bo needs. The materials are btroCK. Boys', II complete Bus Ball Sulla hli't, quilted punts, Ixilt anu cap. at T Boys' 7.50 lxjni? Panta Suits new spring styles ut S..VOO good fancy cheviols. the Knie kribocKe r pan is are full cut, taped and reinforced seams. A l".'i) combination suit, at Roys' 2 . a I H"' II Itiisoini j tl..s' lac Wool I Knle -kei hocktr j or S.illnr Waaha- ; K'il ke i lj .e l.cr Sulis -- splendid able - rout I'nts at . ..C9C' a-mirt iiie-n t of I ' color, al . . .91.43 W 4 May Sth MART (li!ltr bOYU Theater Tonight Matin Saturday Miss Eva Lang and H.r Xaoelleut Company la "MKKKI.Y SIAKV ANN." ' Mzt Wk "A Ctrl la Waiting;." -OMAHA'S row CEHTl;." . iS " J!-a5-60.75o htiSj D.U, M.t-,ia.a.too Th Xh.st.r I hat s Tlkd About IIoiiil' cDiiiinij fi-H i inrilid own e'oini.', Bfl "d utt01 GINGER GIRLnb EXlt.AVAu.flA AKD VAUDEVILLE Btppist of ali i'ttn suows .1 li'iniv ot III. loin, tnlll'i. Ile.nl e no. tad' Dim. Ma-.lu Svry Say lutdy Kig-Lt Am.t.ur Co..t.t loc-Uio American B o y s HroiK lio Scout Suitg uhlrt, pants, hat and knapsae k . . . S'.73 V a I .... ' '1 u i.iuli.rl ' 40 tll4l:k I "'" - ""'" .Sdt.en, blue and o T . Cassimere tdii.y e liarril.rsy Pants at . .$!.! .1 111 ml !iicn-' ... ' . . .aio. " 1 li j I 1 r c n' I'.oys' rv hi j Ifoinper 1'lav Suits ut . . $1 . Suit at . .25': s ... I ve.ug iO-t.. . Ulii Aiaiiy .;.a, 7;4 sd Si3u l'ODtl 1.HII ALL. wctia; ALUM DOO CO. UiiK.n.l iNMfciuy. Hucli - rlro. llrtverriy u WiiJj, 3-.ri.ii k.n. ii-. i.i H.nultein. .u.iii... luci r. w a..k-..i so. ..iguis loc aor.. du. ABVAMCKU VAUDrVlLtl ' 1 Matin fcviy Uay, S;15. vey sl:c t.ia Heiinei H Mn.i.ii, Mm gin ivte.tT ek en. 1 1 j I I'mOt. ii.. - i, . Jji. i mi" J.-xri'him- I'lel llm. .mi His Muieiial Ki.ie, Iiimiiiimiv iuin tfll.. Tim linrdnna Ivlitnill-enn.. e If 1 J I .11-