Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Want xla rec-Hred at Mf tJm, bnft
to Insure pmpw cJaaotflratloti mnrt
be) prsent"l bofora 12 'dock rn. for
tha evening edition and before 7:30
for morning and Hnnrlay editions.
WmI a1 recHred after anch boora
will hare thHr first lnaertlon under
the beading, "Too "Z to Clarify."
Reorgaatsattaa JfavHea.
President Short wishes to meet all dele
rates of local onions affiliated with tha
B. T. dept. of tha A. F. of L. at the Labor
' Tempi on Thursday. April a, at S p. m.
Member alto InvKod.
Births Joe and Mary Falta, 2446 South
Twentieth, girl; Oscar and Ethel Drahas,
tii South Thirty-first, girl; Percy and
Lorena Ixie, 4024 North Thirty-ninth, boy;
Albert and Rose Carpenter, Omaha Gen
eral hospital, boy; C. M. and Clara Bun
hell, 1614 Cass, boy; Bert and Florence
Welbley. $024 Bouth Eighteenth, boy; John
and Alice Howard, 2447 South Twentieth,
buy; Lorenxo and Josephine Gam bint, lnul
bouth Fifth, girl; Craton and Clara Deta
more, 2018 Charles, girl; Eugene and Jose
phine Bice. Clarkson hospital, boy; William
and Anna Barn. Clarkson hospital, boy.
Deaths Rosa Jacabosky, Omalia General
hospital, 24; John Walker, 2218 Bedford ave
nue, 11; Esther Pratt, Lunulas county hos
pital, 24; WUllam J. Murphy, Bt. Joseph's
hospital, 64.
Werrrfti to wed have been learned to tha
following couples:
Name and Reeddenea. Age.
Lawrence M. G4baon, Doaglas, Wye.... Al
Margaret C. Lea, Omaha II
Frank J. Laughlln, Omaha 27
Maude Hunnlcutt, Atlanta 'Ji
William F. Rlemann, Omaha 40
JJffle Uleason, Omaha 4a
Fredarlek H. Bahr, Fort Crook 44
Cora Patten, Omaha 23
Mark M. McCarthy, Omaha 28
Uoldla M. Beckett, Omaha 20
J sines Dungey, Milwaukee 60
Montie Klnner, Omaha 2
bolld GOLD WtuUlNU.
K1NON, 04 to 835
EUHOL rvi, Jewsler.
embalmera. 1R14 Chicago Bt. D. lttM. B-16j'.'
' DUFFY ft BOLAND. undertakers. T. 1(171
ANNOUNCEMENT of tha fact that Far
raU a syrup is oeliolous and is given away
by The Bee. It O. N. Newman, Ml, bo.
Soth tit., wul bring this aa 10 The Bee
within three days and Identify himself hs
will receive an order for a ov-cent can of
this syrup.
or rVT Electrio Pianos, Music Boxes, Pea-DA-AJ
X nut tmd Alhiatlo Machines, i.aan
H.f nrViina or Payments, Omana Auto
UOCuiUtJB m.tl0 vending Machine Co.,
124 Leavenworth. Tel. rtainey i-u. A-24U.
B. F. WURN, optician. 448 Brandeis Bldg.
RATE, In iuidj to
suit. lllO tJto x)iug.
-hone Doug. djvt.
Iron and Wire. Champion
H PfirP Fenue Co., IkUi and jacjJU
vuwu bis. Tel. Douglas loSO.
AuKINd, ! 6. lain. Ui-B1A1H.
, Vacuum- Cleaners
For lent, i-nona W au. a n-iin.
Tnrkiah liath l'lne"t ,n tht
STENOGRAPHER, 640 Bee li.og. U. -Jto;.
TWENTY per cent less than Omana prices.
HOME I'tliM'lunK
Twenty-fourth and L. bts., Bouiu Omaha.
ED IiOTHERY i. Iru''
una ei iiquorn ana
clt&r. Cf iu coonection. ill 8. nth tit.
Iron and wire ftnees cheaper than wood'
last a lifetime. 207 N. 17uu phone Had mi.
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all
110 oruera. Catalogues free. Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
Filters, filter repairs. 1216 Howard. D. 891$
LYNCH BROS. " 1'lUea!ungano
REPAIR WORK. 1701 Jackson tft D. 117T.
DOUGLAS Printing Co., Tei. Douglaa 641.
HORNBY, Blue Print Co., 61$ Bee Bldg.
PAPERH ANGERS, use Bnowflake paste
Omaha Pasta Co . 7!M 8. 13th. Both Phones.
WHICH !s tha cheaper, common paint
at $1.76 or $2.0u per gallon thai coven 4o0
square feet and wears one year, or Klixr-wln-Willlama'
paint al $2.26 per gallon that
covera inoie than u0 square feet and wears
five years? - e aro asents for hcrwln
Williams palau and varnishes. Cartel'
and Kestonn. Wall paper at low price.
1H Farnam.'' loug. 4750 Ind. A-asl.
EVERYBODY iu Omaha lias been noti
fied to build an ash pit in nielr premaes.
1 m here 10 do the work with any uri,...iai
brick, stone or conurete. Henry Heese,
brica anu cement contractor. t-ouj;iaa
Charles S. McConnell, public accountant.
14 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tel. D. 214.
PATTON'S BUN PROOF paint card free.
Saratoga Drug Co.. imh and Ainea.
OMAHA Kuril. Hue Repair worna. also re
caning chairs. 916 a ISth. Doug. 24M.
MRS. CHA RLF.8C7 HUNG AT fcT. "china
firing. (70 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. V eb.
WACO AUD Van ft Storage Pack. mov7
store and ship 11. It. goods. D. loi. li-:iis.
ANNOUNCEMENT of the fact that Fai
reil'a syrup is delicious and Is given away
by The Bee. If F. C. Williams, ano Martha
ht., will bring this ad to The lire within
thres days .and Identify himself he will
receive an order tor a 60-ceni can of this
ayrup. ,
AiirHtlf!! Chop tuey. American Din-
iwurtiiAa IUMB Vit)kn tH)d uni, tiiw
Restaurant ,";rlce' 'or u-
S04 North 16th St.
H. Cole Slga Co., D. I78. 131$ Farnam
"Smash up your auto,
K ID Into a post.
"TKAll jour top."
And bring It to the best place In Omaha
tor all kinds of repairing.
Corner lstli and Harney Sta.
FOR SALE ON K IMS E. M. F.. $575'
J. G. Sternberg. 3I0-U2 South lth 8t.
WHITE STKAMER cheap tor cash,
dress Y 142, Be.
New and IJ-liand autoa. Derlght. Omaha.
CWIr'IfOV Auto Repair and Garage
WV.Ul.iUJ.M Co. chaines.
1'ersonal attention given. S l 8. lutn ,-t.
Tel. liouglas i21t Truck rtorage specialty.
N K V t cyd. Maxwell runabout, fully
equipped and has never been used; will
ail al a sacrifice. Call Doug. TiliL
( :ontlnued.
Writa Tor Ht of used motorcycles. We
iiio carry a full line of motorcycle
WAGNER, good condition, cheap
cash. 118 Pratt. Webster 4SP0.
TO GET In or out of business, call on
OANOKMTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 13X7.
on your money will be guaranteed
y yuu uy one 01 me oigsesi wnoiw
V sale houses of Omaha. H D.
Twombley, 120 Board of Trade.
TWO-CHAIR barber shop; good location.
16th and Dorcas .
FINE hotel, elegant location, I years'
lease. F 42, Bee.
tS.WO BUYS 14,500 2 day hotel, lot and
furniture. Only one In town; twenty bed
rooms; all furnished. Doing good business.
W. C. krlon. Alta Vista. la.
CASADV CO R Kstato Loans and
Insurance. List your
property for sale or rent. FIRST MORT
net per cent semi-annually; fully secured
and safe, $3u, t'00 and $1.0U0 each. Corner
14lh and Douglas Sts
PHYSICIAN'S complete equipment. In
cluding large library, X-ray machine, elec
tric motor, Instruments, disk cabinets, safe,
various places of furniture. Far particulars
writs Mr. C. C. Callahan. Bidney, Neb.
$25 tO $300 mad wk'y moving
I pow pcturM Chicago Film Ex-
ohaoge, 1321 Douglas, Omaha. Both pbonea.
ROOMtVn hmm ..1. ti v. w.i
. u . pain V Bn 1 1 , pw
ance easy monthly payments, will buy ln-
u ruMiiiiiiB iiuubs. roowaia tand At Uol
m., bus umtni iati. Bank.
FOR RENT Krause opera house, West
Point, Neb. Box 722.
FOR BALE Tickets to the American
theater for evenlnir anH mttar-nnnw
anres. If B. Anderson, aul2 Martha St..
will bring this ad to The Bee within three
days and Identify himself he will receive
ar. order for two seats to the American
FOR 8ALE-6.0OO, ot 80 cents, three
years, clothing stock, county seat, 2,000;
sickness. Addiese Y 164, cara Omaha Bee.
AN opportunity for . an . Investment of
from tl,uu to $10,000 In a business paying
large dividends; money secured by real es
tate. Address P &SC, Bee.
Eight room modern house; possession at
Board of Trade Bldg.
FIRST Pi.iaa man-
' ' " - ' .- 1 1 . . n guuun
store and tailor shop. Everything new and
up-to-date; close to depot; good reason
for selling. K 64, Bee.
Rooming; Houses For Sale.
NICELY furnished flat of t rooms and
bath. 706 S. 18th St. Phone A-2S36.
MODERN t room flat, full of roomers;
two blocks from postofflce. F 958, Bee.
SIX ROOMS of furniture, good
roomers, for sale, bargain, owner leaving
city, cottage, I7th and Leavenworth. A
MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair
dressing, hair gooda. City Nat l Bk. D. 2S33.
DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam Bt. Douglas 6407. I
Misses Simpson ft Coll. W. 2491, W. 630.
BAILEY ft MACH, $d floor, Paxton. D. 1085.
OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency,
inc., bonded, 424- Paxton Blk. D. 1318; A1J1U.
JAS. ALLAN, Karbach Blk. Doug. 2832.
MRS LA WRENCH designs snd makes
dresses and costumes. Urbana apart
ments. 131 1 Park Ave. '1'hono liar. iHM.
TERRY'S Dresstri'k'g College.20thAFarnam
First class tailoring & dresamkg 1818 Dodgj.
WANTED Everybody to know that the
American theater Is the place to spend a i
pleasant evening. If P. Smith. 2024 Cas-
tellar St.. will bring this ad to The Bee
within three days and identify himself he
will receive an order for two seats to the
American theater.
Omaha's largest and most successful com
mercial school. Day and nlcht session.
Students aumltted any time. Business.
Bookkeeping, Stenogiaphy, Telegraphy,
Civil Service and .-al. smajisnlp. i,.c cata
logue Is free. Address 11. B. Boyles, Presi
dent, Omaha, Neb.
A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001:A-1001.
HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St.
Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance.
L. Henderson, 1618 Farnam. Douglaa 12U.
J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney.
Douglas 3000.
BRANDEIS cut Flower dept., new store.
EVERYONE wants his druggist or con
fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep
O'Brien's candy. If Joe Theller. 2ir.0
.Martha St.. will bring this ad to The Bee
und Identify himself within three days he
will receive an order for a 60-cent box of
this candy.
C. B. HARRISON'S select nursery. York.
Neb., offers home grown fruit, shade, 'j
hardy flowers, shrubbery, peonies ard Iris
catalogue reaay.
Shrubs and Rose Bushes. Omaha sales
ground, I'th and Cuming. D. tisl4. Bouth
Omaha nlf ground t4tn and O.
Benson. Neb.
1 0th and Nebraska. Home office Bensoa C34
M. P. Byrd
Full line of nursery
stock, ornamental
Xillpn (Jromul shrulbery. roues, fruit
Utiles UrOUUUS and ,iade trees. Tele-
'tth nm I l.mrrloe phone: Residence.
I " " "b Douglaa
44M; Ot-
lice. Douglas
IK you want northern Nebraska grown,
hardy, healthy, thrifty, clean and produo
nvv trees, slu ul'bcry. strawberry plants,
lose and ev crtcreeus. order from the
Humphrey Nurseries. Humphrey, Neb.
WALT j w" r Prepared to fill orders
" for the latest and best pap or
P PFR ,h bt,t Price
. Let us estimate for you.
Rose Wall Paper Co, r
Formerly of the Rosa Art Store.
324 S. 16th St.
Max Morns th w" known tailor,
, makee ladles' and gfn-
uemeti s suits. Uwt prices. 301 Brown Blk
DRLSSM'K'G, Mrs.Wright.4th flr.Hayden s
lila N. 24th St. Doug. 7Jl-
'-' I11U
, . . . - rireei net i
ajcatahoa Milienry Co.. 1M4 Douglaa
rough straw rtrrel hats at $2.26.
Harry Martin. Tailor, gOTV Paxton block.
(Continued )
tl North ltith St. Any i-cent cigar free
with shave or hair eult
I'O.N'T throw away your old feathers,
bring them to us; wa will willow them Into
willow plumes. Ws also steam and curl
willow plumes, 75c up. Perl Plume Co.,
room 1, i'aiton block.
Adellght hair food grows hair; see Mme.
Frayer, Megeath Stat'y Co., 16th at Farnam.
bottle. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St.
FRENKLE presses and cleans men's or
ladlea suits, also repairing. tU2 8. 24th.
Ladies' Old Hats f ...TuVms?
hats feathers and flowers cleaned and
dyed. Miss Pepper, (14 8. 28th Bt. H. 89i.
J. Knox O'Neill Artist and photography;
pictures enlarged. Btudlo, 215 B. 15th Bt.
FOR EASTER Farrella syrup on pan
cakes and waffles. If C. E. Stanley, 42i
lstt win oring mis sa to l no re
within three days and Identify himself be
M.1U i . .
ir,eic ii uruer lor a ov-ueni can ui
this syrup.
900 mora subscriptions to tha Ladles'
Home Journal and the Saturday Evening
Post earns $2,000 for some charity to be de
cided hy my subscribers. I do not handle
the money, but the Interest will Insure
an Income of $1 a month for life. Do 1 get
your renewals. Price $1.60 each. Urgent.
Phone Douglas 7143. Omaha
First class Dressmaking, 2716 Daway Ave.
TAILOR-MADE and dress hats, $t 60 to
$6.00. Crosstown Millinery, 2420 Cuming Bt.
Dress pleatlngs, buttons covered, aU
sites and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co.,
200 Douglaa block. Both ohonea.
$15 and $18 Suits to Order.
103 S. 15th St.
J'AMI TjY Llquor Houe- '"'I measure
1 ,, 7 and pure goods, our motto.
Emll Hanaen. Prop., 1223 Chicago Bt.
Zimmerman ft Crowa Furniture Co., 1716
Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf said.
MRS. M. Y. IRWIN, 83 Brandeis theater.
China decorating and firing. Easter cat da
L. FOX wlshea to announce his re
o. . vT, t moval from i22 Leavenworth
St. to 2901 Farnam. He will be pleased to
meet his old customers as weil aa many
new ones. Phone Harney 4G28.
keep the late things In
and silver Jn quality
meet the uurse. iai7
xiarney Bt.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 2214 Mason.
Easter Plants A, flne ,lnf, of blooming :
io, imt?B, azaleas,
hydrangea, cineraria, spirea, roses, cycla
men, primroses and many others at Dona
ghuc's, 1607 Farnam t-
Ageuta and Soleavroines
WANTED Experienced salesladies in
furniuhing goods dept. Apply Superintend
ent, rtayuen Bros.
WANTED Young ladlea to travel and
canvass; guarantee and expenses. Write
Clerical aud Office.
BILLING CLERK. experlenced-45.
Stenogiapher (Oliver) ioo.
bt t n Ofc ra p h or $30.
1015-16 City Nat l Bank Bl.lg.
Factory and Trades.
GIRLS to lears hair dressing. Oppenhelm
Parlors, 234-240 City National Bank. D. 8396.
Housekeeper and Domestics.
Apply Hotel Rome.
apply housekeeper.
WANTED A competent girl for general
houvework. 720 Lincoln Bhd.
WANTED A middle aged
housework. 1908 N. 24th St.
woman for
WANTED An experienced girl for gen
eral housework, tlil Pacific
WANTED An experenced girl for house
work, small family, good pay. 1029 N. 34th
WANTED Expeilenced girl for general
housework. 3216 Burt St.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
go:d wages, small family. 1730 S. 32d Ave.
WANTED Experienced white woman for !
day work. 2012 Calllornla St.
WANTED Nurse girl for 2 year-old bahy.
2012 California St.
WANTED Reliable girl for general
housework; plain cooking. 5204 Harney St.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
can go home nights. 1708 Lake St.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, good wages. 32o2 Sherman
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; plain cooking; no laundry;
references required. 3722 Pacific St.
WANTED A woman for general house
work, where she will be made one of tha
family. 2G21 D St., South Omaha.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work; no small children. 1313 S. 34th St
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family. 362 N. 41st St.
WANTED Competent
housework; no waxhing.
girl for general
Mill Burt St.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
good home. 812 N. 20th St.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
201S Chicago St.
WANTED Competent girl for general
houtework; no laundry. 3403 Harney St.
WANTED An experienced girl for gen
et al housework. I'M S. 22d- St.
W A NTE1) A aroud air! for general houje-
work; can go horn; luguts. 2114 California
WANTED Housekeeer for priest. Box
15. North Bend. Neb.
WANTED Neat housemaid; good wages.
117 S. 3th St.
WANTED-Nurse girl for two children.
318 S. 26th St.
WANTED Neat girl to
housework. 1801 Binney St.
assist with
WANTED Neat housekeeper for small
family; must liae and be kind to children;
plain cooking; reference, aKe and salary
expected. Dr. 8. Eaatman. Belgrade, Neb.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework; good wages; references. lol6 N.
23d St.-
WANTED A girl for general housework.
2231 S. lT.lh St.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
must be competent. 015 S. 2ith St.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
3800 Farnam St.
WANTED A good girl for general house
eork. 212 N. 2ith St.. South Omaha.
WANTED Maid and cook. Jennie Ed
monston hospital. Co. Bluffs. Ia.
WANTED A neat girl to cook and assist
with housework: no laundry work, lis N.
th St.
WANTED A neat girl for general house
work. 2Su N. t'lth St.
WANTED A neat, good girl for general
housework. Ill 6. S&lh Ave.
EVERYONE wants his druggist or con -
f tlouer to lie alive. The liv e onee kep
O'Brien s candy. If Jacob Corenlieu. 1H2H j BYRD'S NURSERY cherry trees are ex
So. 2Mh St.. will bring this ad to The Bee cei tlonal'y fine this year. If II. Marker,
and Identify himself within three days he 42 Jackson St.. will bring tills ad to The
will receive an order for a 60-oeiit box of lies within three days he will receive an
this candy. older for a ioc cherry tree.
Ileisektefett a 4 Daeaeotle
WANTED A girl for general housework;
also second girl; small family; good wages.
006 Park Avo.
COMPETENT girl for general house
work. No laundry work. 8316 Burt St,
M leee I Isaeeu.
TOUNO wotnea coming o Omaha as
strsngera are invited to visit the Youag
Women's Christian association building at
St. Mary's Ave. and 17th fct.. where they
will be a I reeled to suitable boarding placet
sr otherwise assisted. Look fur our tree.
alar a aid at the Unloa station.
I ; .
ii'Uikuh fnot or omana is Omaha
flour. Omahans prefer II. If C. Fuller,
l'.'.- Center St., will bring this ad to The
Bea within three days and Identify himself
he will receive an order for a 12-pound
sack of this fine flour.
WANTED Pupil nurses for the training
school for Infant nursing at Child Savin
Institute, 43d and Jackson Sts. 'Phone
Harney 6511 or write for Information.
WANTED Two refined ladles to work on
an educational proposition; an opportunity
tor the right party to make from $2i to
$35 a week. Call between 8 and 4 o'clock
at 1H14 St. Mary s Ava
WANTED A limited number of girls for
telephone work. Apply the De
partment, Nebraska Telephone Co.
IF ONE wishes an enjoyable evening
go to the American theater. If O. S. Olsen,
;'23 Douglas Ht., will bring this ad to The
Bee within three days and Identify himself
he will recelvf an order for two seats to
the American theater.
A grata. Solicitors aad aJoaaaoa.
WANTED Agents in avsry town; sells
on sight; big commission; writs today.
Bartleit Supply Co., Brown Blk. Omaha
AGENTS Stop right hero, something
new, 645 to $.to a week, sells on si tint, luu
per cent profit; no charge for territory;
new automatic laxor snarpener, absolutely
guaranteed for lite; one agent, without ex
perience, toon U oi dui a ill si uay out
(sworn statement), 2i orders next day;
profit for two days. 7.5o; 400.000 sold in
four months; phenomenal money maker;
men eveiywnere are excited over the mys
terious accuracy and perfection of this
little machine; write today for full detaila,
free; we want a thousand agents in exclu
sive territory at once. Addreus The Never
foll Co., lost Coiton Bldg., Toledo, O.
125 PER CENT potlt for you; 300 per
relit havintf it, customer:, no competition;
hand rope Mfg. machine. Write or call
lor our proposition, Day-Reynolda, Till
Urandem 'ineaiei: Bldg.
LAND salesman wanted for Omaha an
surrounding territory; prospects furnished.
California land exclusively. 404-410 City
Nat. Bank Bldg.
WANTED Two magazine salesmen to
work on a brand new proposition; an op
portunity for the right men to make big
money. Call between 9 and 11 at 1814 Mi.
Mary's Ave.
SALESMAN to call on doctors; estab
lished trade; clean, well paid work for
hard worker; also one for outside city.
P. O. Box m. Philadelphia.
WANTED A few clever newspaper and
magazine salesmen for Collier's, the Na
tional Weekly; special double premiums;
new atlas Just out; increaxed commissions;
J.VJ weekly easily made. Call before 10 a.
m. or after 6 p. m. Mr. Gleason, 226 Pax
ton Bldg.
BOYS and girls make money after school,
selling novelties. Rose ft Co., Box 648,
Clerical and Office.
Office clerk, must be good penman
and operate typewriter $ 60.00
Stenographer 60.00
Olfice man. creamery experience 60.00
Tra. fling sal m man loi.OO
WeiHTEKN REr . ft BOND ASS'N, (Ino ),
OMAHA Estab. 8 yrs. K ANSAt CITY,
- 752-3-4-6 N i Y.-Life Bldg.
THE great U. P. It. H guarantees you
telegraph position after training; practice
sn lailioad wires Address for particular
H. B. Boyles. Plea U. f. itiegrapny
toluol. Omaha. Nub.
help. Call and learn our up-to-date method
ot placing competent help on short notice.
1015-16 City Nat l Bank Bldg.
Factory aud Trades.
Drug stores (snaps). J one Knleat. 1 '-
tin ;
WANTED Bids on stone carving. Apply
to Andres Stone and Marble Co., Milwau
kee. V!a
FIRST-CLASS bushelinan wanted; good
wages. Charles T. Hunter & Co., Denlson,
i YOU ARE WANTED for government
position. $W.O0 month. Write lor list ot
positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept.
Itl E, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Positions waiting. In addition to good
stlary, commission and tips amount to
more than most men earn. Our copy
righted charts and diagrams, with tree
practice, saves years. Call or writs.
Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St
BYRD'S nursery cherry trees are ready
to plant now. If Gust Gibson, So. 20th
St., will bring this ad to The Bee within
tliiee days he will receive an order for a
60c cherry tree from Byra a
WANTED For V. S. army, able-bodied
unmarried men between the ugee of Is and
Si, citlsens of the United State, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For information apply to recruit
ing officer, 13th and liouglas Sts., Omaha.,
Neb.; Massachusetts Bldg.. Sioux City, la.;
li North Tenth St., Llucoln, Neb.; 110 E.
Third St., Grand ismnd. Neb.
MEN WANTED at once for Electric
Railway Motormen and Conductors; ages
20 to 40; $b0 to $100 a month; spring the
best time to start; no experience neces
sary. Write today for full particulars.
Address Y U care of Bee. .
Send postal for Omaha examination
schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept 1W-K.
hocheater, N X.
u. s.
WE want an active agent In Omaha and
each county seat town in western Iowa;
good pay; permanent position. Write today.
Mark M. Shaw, Gen. Agt- Home Life Ins.,
Co. of N. Y.. Des Moines, la.
Horses aad Vehicles.
iiOI'. Koii H.U i.srnee -i-m-1'.
FOR BALE One open carriage, one
coupe, one set double harness, one set
i s.ngie harness. C3i So. 2iAh at. Phone D.
BYKD'S NURSERY cherry trees are ex
ceptionally fine this year. It C. B. Decker,
Caatellar Si., will bring this ad to
The Bee within three days he will re
ceive an order for a vOo cherry tree.
FOR SALE Coupe and silver mounted
double harness; very reasonable. Call at
3uul California St.
ALFALFA HAY, Wagner. 801 N lth St.
1JST White and liver pointer bitch
pup; small strap around neoa; reward.
Phone liar. 404.
LOST $ packages of mortgage papers,
Pioperty of Mrs. Barbara 1 oppenberger.
thder can have reward by returning same
to A. Simpson A Son Co., 14-n Dodge St.
YOUNG Male Fox Terrier Marked
iiriMb forehead, eves and ears. Reward.
i J. a. Swanaon. 4irS Izard St.
I18T On Saturday afternoon a string
of gold beads strung on gold chain. Liberal
reward If returned to Bee office.
PDTTNn The Teddv Bear epert c
era and '"yers A-2W6; D.
FOI'ND The best syrup In the west for
pancakes and waffles. If A. L Bolts, 4-'i'0
Farnam Ft., will bring this a.1 to The Bee
within three days and Identify himself he
will receive an order for a 50-cent can of
this fine syrup.
faur rarpeta on your flooi-a; eleotrtc vaouum
(leasers. iH . ft. 17ta Doug. 411
ing; furniture packing; fireproof atoraga
City office. lit 8. 17th. Doug. t. ind. U-ii.
EENBON TRANSFER Furniture, plan)
Biovlng, transfer work of all kinds. 6L8
bo. loth Bt B 221 D. im. A. 10VS.
VFRRTMN Moving. Express and Btor
rUVIVXiN O Co Tyer A-4338.
PIANO moving, Cole's storage and ex
press. 1616 Capitol Ave.. D. 670, A-3S.17.
edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding
PILES; 60c postpaid; samples free. Sher
man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven
port Sts.; special attention paid to confine,
ment cases; all treatment supervised by
college professor. Phone Douglaa 1W7. Calls
answered day and night.
$ LOANS. VV l 5puW. xOANS.
ibis Is a NEW FIRM organised by $
Omaha to loan money to anyone own- $
$ PIANOS, etc., or holding a SALARIED $
$ The aim of this company la not to $
$ make money, but to help honest work- $
$ lng people who have fallen Into the $
$ hands of some of the high rata loan $
$ companies. $
$ vve will loan you all the money you
t want at 6 per cent per y
$ $ 106 mo. payments $1.73 a 1084
t $ 266 mo. payments 14.314 25.66
t $10012 mo. payments $8.76 $106.00
$ All other sums In proportion.
$ with what you have been paying and $
I COME TO US. Reasonable appr. charge. $
$ Room 204 WITHNELL BLK., 2d Floor. $
$ N. E. cor. 16th and Harney. Easy stairs. $
FSjiiMHniHWf iiiinit$miytiiwtitniiwti5$
That is All We Loan.
Could you use $25 or $60 to a good advan
tage? If so, coma to us, don't go to a
friend. We lo'in moDey on furniture, pianos
or teams wilhout removal, small and easy
payments; WW is the weekly payment on a
$25 loan and $1.20 Is the weekly payment on
a $50 loan for 50 weeks. Other amounts In
the same proportion. Write or phone us
and we will call on you at once. All busi
ness confidential.
Room 12 Arlington Blk., 15LU4 Dodge St.
Phones: Douglas 2466, Independent, A-24t6.
Why Borrow Money t
I'll get you a loan at VERY LOW RATES
and EASY PAYMENTS. You will receive
the FULL AMOUNT of the loan In cash.
Room 215, 2d Floor, Hoard of Trade Bldg.
'Phones: Douglas 7295, Ind. A-1071.
Lowest rates and strictly private.
220 Bee Bldg.
Doug. 1356, A-1X6.
MONEY loaned salaried people, women
keeping house and others, without security;
easv Davments. Office In 66 principal cities.
) Tollman, 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., for
merly N. X. 1a tfiag.
TO LOAN. Come la
and let us explain
our low rates. Re
liable Credit Co.
(0$ Paxton Block.
Tel. Douglas 1411. A-14U.
WC FLATAU mt t""1 Street
. t. CUUinu, i,epiiono Red MIA
5 A1' Vntfn on business ft res. property.
O- 72 O w. B. Melkls 206 Ramga Bldg.
Board aad Rooms.
O. M. E. baula trunks. D. 611; A-2611
VERY desirable rooms and board, refer
ences. 123 south 26th Ava
FOR RENT Room and board for one or
two persons. Private family. Nice loca
tion. 2118 Plnkney St.
MODERN furnished room, with meals If
desired. il8 Dewey Ave.
THE BACHELORS, 20th and Farnam.
Rstes: Single. $36 to S40; double. $6K to $U6.
NICELY furnished room In modern
home; excellent board. Private home. Tel.
Harney 46.
NICE south single room, furnished. 2211
Douglas St.
TWO very desirable rooms for rent with
board; botn large and comfortable; one
BOUlh front, the ntllr mmI fi'fint : linidHrn
home Jin Kountze Place on Noith 24th ftreet
fi one, pleasant MuiTounuiiiKS lur young
married couple' no children; lamlly of four
and no other boarders or roomers; terms
reasonable to right parties; references re
quired. 3606 North 24th St- Phone Web.
iwl. i
ST. JAMES, 411 So. 13tb; steam heat, free
ttth. Am. $1.2o up; wkiy, $6 up; meals Ktxj.
VERY pleasant rooms, with board. 2utl
S. Jth Ave.
LARGE, beautifully furnished front room
wltn private lavatory, walking distance,
near car line. Excellent board. Harney
3389. r
THE ALDEEN; nicely furnished modern
rooms wilh excellent board. 21$ S. 2ith.
MODERN single room with board for
gentleman. 80s N. 19th St
FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished
room, with board, good location. 610 N.
2Ut St.
FOR RENT Strictly modern rooms,
boara If desired. 1S11 Cuming St.
FOR RENT Large, well furnished room,
good bo'ird. ltiHi h. 101 li St
NICE room and board for two. 221b
Howard St.
NICE room and board In private famllv.
3112 Mason St.
NICE room and fine board. 1710 Chicago
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room,
board, good location. 3uS N. 22d bt.
Faralsbed Hooiaa.
FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, d-r-slrable
tor housekeeping. 2202 Farnam
TWO strictly modern rooms, single or
en suite, suitable for two or three. 2vV7
Farnam. Douglas 6JGA.
TWO furnlsned routus. let. vv .
Klk N. ah bt
FOR RENT One Isrgs front room; good
location. iWM Ohio bt
WILL take two or three re fin I roomer
In fine home. Phone Itouglua ind.
A-29U1 1
I For RENT Nlcelv furriisned rooms le
I atrable fur tao k n' lenit-ii. si Mary
I A.
I FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
I 133 S. Ziii St.
ed Houmi
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room,
modern and good location, private family,
liioii Farnam St.
FOR RENT Turnlshed room, modern;
In private family; with or without board;
terms reasonable; one block from Farnam
car. 624 N. 41st St.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front par
lor. 04 bo. 2SU St.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished room,
strictly modern room. 1914 Chicago St.
FOR KENT Modern room, vary desira
ble. 209 8. 26th Kt-
ONE or two front rooms, fine furnish
ings; reasonable price. 2J0 N. loth Ht. No
sign on house.
FOR RENT Desirable front rooms, pri
vate home. 710 N. 22d SI-
SUITE of rooms, west Farnam district,
for two or more gentlemen; modern; pri
vate family; reasonable, liar. bil.
NICELY furnished room, atrictly modern,
walking distance; gentlemen preferred. 67$
S. 2bth St.
Wim aln.l. n -1 . - k ....
erencea required. 2045 Dodge.
FOR RENT Desirable housekeeping
rooms, good location. 1A1S N. 17tn St
FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms,
meals It desired, mil 8 Dewey Ave.
FOR RENT Large steam-heated room
with alcove; desirable for three gsn
tleinen. 202 N. 191 h bt
FOR RENT Desirable front room. 122 N.
16th St
FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms,
private family. 1423 California 6t
FOR RENT Nice large room, good loca
tion. CJS N. 17th Bt
NICELY furnished room, $3 per week. 22S
N. 26th St
FOR RENT Desirable rooms, neatly
furnished front rooina, desirable for two
gentlemen. 704 So. 24th St.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms,
references required. K22 8. Irth St.
FURNISHED room, private family, mod
ern, good location, walking distance. 602
S. 28th St
FOR RENT Throe neatly furnished
rooms, good location, all modern. 712 a.
isth Ht
FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooms,
private lamlly. 641 8. Kth Ave.
FOR RENT Largo nloely furnished
rooms. $220 Emmet Bt
FOR RENT Pleasant south room, good
location. 2412 Dodge St
FOR RENT Desirable front room, pri
vate family, good looatlon. walking dls
tanoa 110 N. 24 1 Bt
VERY nloa south room; good looatloa.
f709 Farnam St.
DEWEY European Hotel, 12th A Farnam.
FOR RENT Large, newly furnished
room, desirable for two people. M06 Deway
WANTED Everybody to know that the
American theater la the place to spend a
pleasant eventng. If Thomaa Peterson, 4420
Jackson St., will bring this ad to The Bea
within three days and Identify himself
he will receive an order tor two seats to
the American theater.
FOR RENT Very Pleasant southeast
room, stationary bowl, hot and cold water,
desirable for two. 1677 Harmay at.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished, eteant
beated room, bath, cold and hot water,
modern. 2812 Farnam St
FOR RENT Neatly furnished, modern
rooms. 2114 Chicago St
FURNISHED room, modern. $223 Dodga
NICELY furnished rooms.
WO Cass Bt-
. FOR RENT Neatly furnlabed room,
modern. Breakiaat If daalrod, 323 N. ttta
bt r
FOR RENT Nloa front room for two
gentlemen; good looatlon; close In. Wis
Leavenworth Mt
NICELY furnished, large front room,
strictly modern, private family, 1120 8. 22d.
Harney 716.
FOR RENT Largo front room for two
gentlemen; mocara la ovary way. in a
FOH RENT Nloely fuMahed rooms,
good location. 3707 Farnam bt
FOR RENT Nawly furnished modera
room. 601 So. ttith St
FOR RENT Nloa front roota, all mod
ern. 364S CUoago St
FOR RENT Two nloely furnished con
nected rooms; on car Una. Apt a, "'lbs
Oakland." .
FOR RENT Modern room. private
family, desirable for two ladies, 714 8
17th Ave.
FOR RENT Nlca bed room, private
family, modern, good looatlon. 31$ N. 26th
2243 HOWARD St, largo south room.
NEWLY turnlshed front room for lady
employed during tha day, breakfast If de
sired. Bemls Park. Harney 3287.
TWO nloely furnished modern rooms;
housekeeping If desired; walking distance.
648 South 2tith Ave.
FOR RENT Three nicely furnished
rooms, for housekeeping. 2203 Farnam
FOR RENT Nlca front room for twe
gentlemen. 824 N. 20th St
GENTLEMEN-Neatly furnished room,
nice, refine! home. vi 8. tUlti Ave.
DESIRABLE room for two ladles, pri
vate home, near car, breakfast If dealrsd
33J6 California St
FOR RENT Modern furnished room.
2S10 Webster St.
FOR RENT Largs room In new flat,
good location. 2we Daway Ava
FOR RENT Large front room, desirable
for two gentlemen. 246$ Harney.
FOR RENT Front rooso. with plane.
410 N. 23d St-
FOR RENT Very desirable furnished
rooms, for ona or two, good location, iiuj
Douglaa St
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 21
N. 23d bt-
FOIt RENT Modern furnished room. 714
S. lJth Ave.
VERY desirable large front room, suit
able for two. 2ol S. Zotlt Ava.
CLOSE in, nicely furnished, modern
room in private family; very desirable for
gentleman; references required. Uil Chi
cago. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gen
tlemen preferred, breakfast If desired. &i
Harney St.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms,
double parlors, desirable for four. 2311
Dewey Ave.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
rooms, single or ensults. hut and told
water. liJu Farnam tl
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms.
27 b. 20th St
FOR RENT Nicely turnlshed rooms.
1909 Capitol Ave.
NICELY furnished room, strictly modern.
1317 Park Ave., Apartment No. 3.
FURNISHED rooms. Near good car Una.
2114 Burt St.
FOR RENT Nloe rooms for housekeep
ing. fii St. Mary's Ave.
FOR RENT Two nice rooms for llijht
housekeeping. 2018 Webster St.
FOUR very nice rooms, cool In summer
and warm in winter, uund K cation. rut
burdctte St.
F"ll RENT X.c; unfui n's ed room, good
location, walk'tig. &li N. 2J1 St.
FOR RENT Three moms, private fam
ily, good locution. 2-U Burl St.
rsrsltUril Roiim I ontlm-il-
THREE nice rooms for housekeeping,
gotvd location. Apply ofllce, 1714 Webster
NICE roomi, parlor floor location. 3219
Douglas St.
FOR RENT Two very pleasant rooms,
modern home. 22.M Ttnrt St
Hotels aad Apartments.
tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 100 8. 13tb St.
Ogdeu Hotel nopJuefJJ Rm"' !
DtJIXlE HOTEI-13th and Dodge; all out
side rooms; steam heat; special week rate.
Apartmrats and Flats.
S-ROOM duplek apartment, second floor;
shades and screens, nicely decorated com
bination fixtures, fine sttlc, good porch;
sdtiits only. 1733 8. 29th St. Tel. Tyler 1449,
mornings only.
CHEAPEST, best 4 or 6-room Tats In
City, 220 N. 23d.
FOR RENT 4-room apartment In the
Barnard. Tel. Douglas ltv.
VERY choicest apartment In fine apart
ment house on west Farnam street.
4-room apt., strictly modern. 174 So.
$7th St.; 2 car lines; $18. Harney &vi.
SEVEN ROOM modern briok plat walk
ing distance, $40. Phons Douglaa 440.
ELEGANT 3 and 4 room apartments,
Btrehiow Terrace. Phone Webster 4828.
Alsatin Apartments
35th Near Farnam
Just four of these elegant apartments
left five-rooms each. Finished In hard
w-ood, handsomely decorated new. Never
been occupied. Best of Janitor service, heat
etc.. supplied. ITlces $.0. Garage If you
603 South 31st Street
Five-room flat with heat furnished, only
$30 per month. Janitor service and water
paid. New and attractive.
Flva-room flat at 633 North $2d Street
Armstrong-Walsh Co.,
Tyler ttitt.
210 S. 17th 8t
4-ROOM apartment; modern. 816 S. 22d.
811 N. Kth 8t. mod., $30.
1622 Cuming St, 4-r., mod., $22.60.
J W. RASP CO., Doug. 1863. A2653.
Fwrsilahed Housekeeping Rooms.
FOR RENT Modern furulshed or unfur
nished rooms, walking distance. $713 How
ard St
FOR RENT Three rooms on second
floor, furnished tor housekeeping. 2b40 S.
NEATLY furnished rooms for Housekeep
ing. 1911 California St
NICELY furnished rooms for .light
housekeeping. 1814 Chicago St.
FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms
for houseaaeplng. 303 N. 19th Bt
FURNISHED light housekeeping. , UJ a
24th Bt "
FOR RENT South room for housekeep
ing and also sleeping room.' 2J0 Chicago.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 422 N. 17th.
FOR RENT Light housekeeping and
sleeping rooms. 422 N. 17lh
FOR RENT Nloa light housekeeping
rooms. 1822 Burt
FOR RENT Two nlca rooms for light
housekeeping. 2409 Harney.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, gas,
bath; good location. 2t)0T N: 90th. '
FOR RENT Nice modera housekeeping
rooms, lall Cuming.
FOR RENT Large modera rooms, good
location. 3011 Burt.
FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, talt Harney.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for
housekeeping. 622 N. 23d.
FOR RENT Furnished rooma tor light
housekeeping. 611 & 2bth Ave.
FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooma
402 N. 23d.-
FOR RENT Four ateaa heated house
keeping rooms. 8u9 8. 19th St
THEY know what Updike's Prlda ot
Omaha flour Is In every home. If John
Howley, 4218 Dewey Ave., will bring this
ad to The Bea' within three days and
Identify himself, ha will receive an order
for a 13-pound sack ot this fine flour.
FOR RENT Two modern rooms, for
housekeeping. 829 S, 19th.
LARGE room, furnished; gas range; good
location. 1918 Chicago.
VERY desirable housekeeping rooma 323
B. 191H.
FOR RENT Nloa housekeeping room;
good location. 3109 Douglas.
FOR RENT Suits of housekeeping rooma
1406 Jones.
FOR RENT Two south rooms for house
keeping. 2u2t California.
FOR RENT Large front . -sement room
tor light housekeeping. 2020 Burt.
NEATLY furnished room for light house
keeping. 61 S. 13th.
FOR RENT Nice light housekeeping
rooma everything furnished. 2118 Chicago.
FOR RENT Modern rooma. furnished ar
unfurnUbed. 624 N. 2nd.
FOR RENT Two modern
rooms. 20ut California.
FOR RENT Two very desirable rooma
gas ranga and laundry. 22-8 Farnam.
FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room
for light housekeeping. 207 N, 20tb
FOR RENT Nice housekeeping room;
good location. 2109 Douglas.
THREE unfurnished light housekeeping
rooms; referenoes exchanged. R. 371)9.
TWO housekeeping rooms, all modern.
2917 Maaon.
FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep
ing; also sleeping rooms. 116 N. Doth.
FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for
housekeeping or sleeping rooms, l&ii Par
Ham. FOR RENT Two modern houiiekeeplns
rooma, good location. 829 S. 19th St.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished room
for housekeeping. 2i;i0 S. Pith St.
FOR RENT Suite housekeeping rooms,
modern. 313 H. 2'ith St.
TWO nice rooms for housekeeping, fur
nlshed, gas for cooking and ligut. ZiZ-i
Leavenworth St.
FOR RENT Nice rooms for housekeep
ing. 018 N. Mh St.
TWO very nice rooms for housekeeping.
4211 N. 24th St.
NICF1, sunny rooms, strictly modern,
quiet and homelike. 3324 Harney St
TWO modern rooms, good location.
Davenport St.
TWO nice rooms for housekeeping.
8. 2fth Ave.
I'sf uratahed Itoonai.
FRONT room with a cove; walking dis
tance; private family. 2-21 Burt.
Fill H unfurnished rooms to let very
reasonable. 1M2 Davenport St.
Km rn ttflieW llii.
FURNISHED housr, 12 rooms, modern,
lartre yard, shade treeN, UVi lariiHrn U
tnct. one block troin cur. for real duiiti
dimmer. $w per inoiitti. l'lioiic Harm .'
9 roum furnished liou. Webster 119.