Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    'I'll K HKK: OMAHA. THriJSOAY, AVTlVt, fi. 1111.
Ih fsn couM not mii'tT sta mora oi from orrtr of iIiiv i nmmlMidn direct
" A 1 'V'n ;,v"rM,nnr,7,Ji':rHi.roo, , fur-
atrwgsl had linn xprtort. hul lha flrt j nih mrn to walcii freight To r.
roll rail howrd i onrhil rlv hat ths i K. 7 bv Hro n A llo ln tl in.-nr-
,. , A . ' nidation ff KpImmiiihI rtimrhps. In in-"
f'Vir for the bill anl to again! imd th-te fira'th to iip"t medical s hooli Mint im
would hav htm no ol.lort In brlnslna- In "'"'.. J" P""- ,, , ...,., ...
IliS mlf-Kinx l( taa Jwllf.rd that ronln. lnHV- rU watpr In ntlir ninniclpalilic. ''
al. Smith mid Minor would luif aup- I pas.
poriM th. Mil. !..,( Moody and Wait, ,..ri-,.lir,-,1?,:-fv ,,,i,tV"(.r-',.,,.,;,,r, "rr.i"j:
aalnt It atid that mari II impossible to ; rv (,r th i txiratlon with tho frcrriaiy of
KM autjr affirmative vo, j To r--( JM ,,-
Thr vote Was rltrpctly abmic party lln-s 2j 3- and Si, all lii'aa-
nrpni for aiv mrnilirrn of raeh imrtv. Th t tlon nirRKiir wt recommenced lo
alK republicans who fallal lo support the
Kovarnor erc Prime, llaller, Nutsmann.
Ilaslk and Kent. The six democrats who
were for the governor and against the hill
nera Quaekeiitxudi. Handy. I.lndscy, Nor
ton, cPtts and Taylor of Hitchcock.
Ths senats pasaed a number of hills In
rludlna: th Hardin aeed bill reaiilatlnK the
ala and nrantee of aeeda and II. It. 9S.
by Evans, for an advisory board of three
lo consider application for pardon.
Sabarbe I Vmy lor Water.
An amendment to the Tanner bill al
lowing Omaha to aell water to South
Omaha and other municipalities wan
tacked on today by Groesman allowing the
Water board to chars' ihe outside town
any price It may see fit In excess of the
rate In Omaha '
The original bill aa drawn by Senator
Tanner provided that the ratea for olh.-r
cities which should contract to reccie
mater from Omaha aliould be the same a
those In Omaha. The Onmnnun amend
ment, however, provides that the rate"
hall not be "loaa than" they are In Omaha.
R. 11. Howell of the Water board ha been
on the ground here during the last few
days, and, although no one knows what
the plane of the Water board may be for
holding up othor cities, this amendment,
of which Howell was well aware, will give
the board the right to make the pric
arbitrarily high.
I plm rd on their third reaiiing by
hianki I
K :. hv iimn-Helatlng to parole 01
fit ft o'fenriern bv trial Jiirtae. To pa.
8. W. bv He) nolde Incr-eaaing maxi
miim atate levy fiom 6 lo 7 mllia. inden
filteiy poatponed.
arniM pi-at at tatk kahm
H'onliniird from KlrM Page.)
' Ith Ihe llln-a- fumbrr company. He aald
lie bad knon him prior to the l.'nton
leogue club talk.
l'unk declared he mas certain lllnea had
r.ot told him the name of any contributor
to ihe fund. He aald he never bud anv
received generally Indicating that the
; two fai tiona In the republican parly liVnd
lo adopt conciliation. The committer arc:
Slering-('ulloin. Illlnoln; tinlllngcr. New
' Hampahlre: t'lBi k. Wyoming: Nclaoti. .M . n
neota: Umnlile. fJonth lkoln: fliiinclc-
I gee. fonne lli in ; Kinith. Mii-hlaan: limah.
; Idaho: Pi-own. Nebiake; HrlKK". N' .! r-
1 ey. and Jonoa. WaKhinginn.
On Onmmlttee tialllnger. New Hiinip-
hlre; ltdge. Maaaachitaetta: Wan en. Wy
oming; Penroxe. IVuhkiIi anix ; llevlmrn.
'Idaho: Smoot. J"tah: l. Kolletir.c. M;.-,,n
difficulty with Illnea and had no entanonla- aln; pouine. Oregon: I'utnmlns. Jnna.
tic feeling toward him. jPiadlry, Kentucky, ned Mrlctim. Kbiish-.
undei-itanllng N tlmt the
"I am here bec.iuae I did. not
ace my friend Mr. Kohlaaat go
l.eslalatora at Itaanaet,
Tonight the mrmbere of both houaea
feaated aa the guetitu of the Mncoln Com
.merclal club. The toaatmaster was ft. M.
club, and members of both houeca re-
Donded to toasts.
Horton'a BUI for r.O.OO( Park Boad
Isaac Reroinraruded to Pass.
(From a Staff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN. April 6 (Special Telegram.)
The bouse In committee of the whole to
day actod on the following bill among
t B. F. Tit. bv Buhrman Making October
12 a legal holiday to be known as "Co
lumbus Pay." To pass.
3. F. .133, by Reagan Photographic pro
cesses may be used In certifying and copy
ing public records. To paaa.
8. F. 278, by Morton Increadlng salary
of deputy sheriff In Imglas county and
providing clerk hire. Laid over.
8. F. B"4, by Tlbbets To permit cities of
ft.Ouo to 2K.400 to extend sewer and water
works main. To paaa.
8. F. WV, by Tlbbets Allowing foreign
corporations to receive, purchase or in-
fore Hens upon property la this state. To
H. F. 171, by Tlbbets and Jensen Relat
ing to organization and powers of trust
comoan e. Fur third reading.
8. F. 26S, by Morton Validates a rVA00
park bona Issue In Omaha. Recommended
lo Das.
ff. F. by Buhrman Requiring rail
roads to maintain sheds for live stocU at
ahlDDlna yards. To pass.
8. F. I by Talcott For ths sanitation
of factor!, workshops and mercantile es
tabllshments. Also safety appliances over
machinery. To pass.
5. F. it, by Ie Prohibiting use of con
veyances, on election days. To pass.
6. F. 141, by Oills Provides for appeal
To Keep the Hair
Healt&y ihd Growing
(Marlon Harlow In 'Woman's Hphere.)
"A perfect and most Inexpensive dry
shampoo mixture la made simply by mixing
a half pound of corn meal with four ounces
f arnetone. Put In a fruit Jar and stir and
shake until thoroughly mixed. Bprlakie a
tableapoonful of thla mixture over the hair,
the brush out thoroughly and your scalp
will be clean and your hair light and fluffy.
"It takes out every particle of oil, dust
and dandruff, brings out the natural color
of the hair and If anything will make hair
grow amotona will.
"Too much soap and water oausa the
hair to become faded, dull and brittle. Dry
shampooing makes It long, thick and
glossy. Then, too, hours of time are saved
and there Is no danger of eatohing eold
after a dry shampoo. Adv.
siilKEiNTo YouiTsHois
Allaa'a ruet-Caa. the antlMstte Dovdtr. It re
bates gainful, martins, under, aarfuua ti, ane
IntiaaUy us ika tting out r curti and buniuoa
It'a ta Br!' ooenrort dlaoovarjr of the as.
Allen's Paeii-Baw makaa tight or nw taoea (Mi
ar It a rartatn rallaf for waailng. ualluui,
aval Ian. tlrae, a'Uni t- Aleara uh ii to Break
In New akoea. Trf It lodar. Sold oarrvkera, at
casta. Don't aool anr tutaKltut. Far men
trial sackase. addteai Allaa S. Olmitad. La Ho,
N. T.
Aarrea fo A pprerle tlon of
gig, lion for Parpnae.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 5 ( Special.) Moat of
the time of the eenate session thla morning
wsa taken up In the parage of house billa.
Among the, Important meaaure pnaaed
was H. R. M. appropriating IS0(in for the
manufacture of hog cholera serum at the
state farm. This serum Ih to he furnished
to applicants at cost.
Another Important bill psen-d Was II. R.
M. which provides that ell public service
corporations must give discharged em
ployes a service letter setting forth the
reason for discharge or the dispensing with
their services.
The following bills were paased:
M. R. sn, appropriating 1B.10 for the
manufacture of hog cholera serum. Ap
plicants for the serum are to be furnished
with the same at cost.
H. R. , making It optional with school
district boards as to whether any money
shall be spent for libraries.
M. R. 7;, relating to the escheat ment of
1 1, r. 222. sppropriating H.nitt to pay the
traveling expenses of district juuges ior
the year ending March SI. mil. Emergency
II. R M. orov ding that all punuo service
corporations shall give to employes letters
seuing lor the reasons mr oiacnarne t.r -no
of employment. The vote was close. 17 to
LI. The roll call follows:
For Albert Hartllng. Hartoa, ininrman.
Cordesl. Morton. Kemp. Kohl. Moreneau.
Ollls, Pickens. Placek, Resgan, Sklies, ia
cott. Tanner. Wilcox 17.
Asa nat-Bannlntr. Hofllnson. nrown mt
of Kearney, Cox of Hamilton. Jansen. Lee,
Mclirew, Reynolds. beiieoK. xniun ui
Hoone. smith of Fillmore, jiPDets, varner.
Volpp-15. . . ...
ii. K. r., appropriaiinn mi
of Hvlvester C. Hathaway, a guard at the
penitentiary, who was permanently Injured
while on duty.
H. R. 4IS, providing for creation, control
and university connections of ths legisla
tive reference bureau.
H. R. 403. extending the terms of county
assessors to that the outgoing assessor
shall assess real estate Intesd of the newly
elected official.
H. R, "47. requiring maternity homes to
obtain licenses from the State Board of
Health. . .
M. R. 30S, referring to garnishment and
H. R. appropriating $5,000 for the ex
pense of the school for the deaf at Ne
braska City for the quarter ending March
31. 1911. . ,
H. R. 21!. providing that pure seeds only
may be sold in Nebraska.
If. r. 24. providing four-year terms for
H. R. 2. requiring railroad, upon or
Amrm from the Slate Railway commission
tn nnen iid embankments that obstruct
water drainage. ... ,
m n too referrtne- to land drainage and
making the Board of County Supervisors
a Arelneire hoard.
ir r w nrovidlns- for a state pardon
board. The new board Is made a part
of the prison board created by a previous iinHnr ihe nresent session.
IT n SKI. creating a commission m
.MMiifw ii atatii( nt Nehraaka.
H. Ri. 2fW, relating to requirements for
tnrv service and placing an age limit of
vi n 97 'authorizing the Pure food
commission to cancel the llcensea of cream
(Continued from First Page.) -
snt to
to Jail."
Ist if led Punk.
Funk snld he knew lirlmer only slightlv
i:nd never bad any trouble w ith him or his
friends. He aaid C. II. McCnrmtrk bad
no Interest of any kind In the Chicago
To Senator Helm. Funk aald he had no
loea who Illnea meant hv "We."
Answering Senator Bur'on. Funk said
neither he nor his romps ny. gave any
morey for the Lorlmer election.
Witness said he had no Interest In po
litics. The conimlttee then went Into ex
ecutive sesslo on motion of Attorney
At the executive session the subpoena
ing of more witnesses wsa authorised. The
members would give no official notice of
the men to be called. Chntrinan Helm said.
however, that they would be called In se
quence as their names were revealed which
was taken to Indicate that Tllden and Mc-
Cormick will both be summoned.
The committee adjourned until a week
from tomorrow to give Attorney Healy
time to prepare additional evidence.
Flat Denial by Illnea. j
CH1CAOO, April 5 Kdward Mines late
today denied absolutely the story told the
Helm committee of the legislature which
Is Investigating the election of United
states Senator William I .o rimer that he
(Hlnes) had solicited a fund of I1(K,0C to I
reimburse those who had "put up" for the
senator's election. Mr. Hlnes. on being
read the dispatch over the telephone, said:
"L'ntil I read the dispatches I can only
speak generally. But I will say this. I
never contributed a dollar to the alleged
llflO.OOO fund, spoken of by Mr. Funk. I
never solicited a dollar for any such fund.
nor did i have anything to do with such
a fund."
That statement regarding your meeting
Mr. Funk and making such a proposal as
he testified to la not the truth thenT" Mr.
Mines was asked.
You can draw your own conclusions
from my first statement, can't your'-
Cyrus H. McCormlck, president of the
International Harvester company, con
firmed Mr. Funk'a statement that the
Mines Incident had been discussed by of
ficials of the International. Mr. McCor
mlck said:
"It Is true that Mr. Fufik told me aoon
after It occurred, of the call made on him
and the request for a contribution which
he promptly had declined. He told me this
as a matter of Information, knowing full
well that such a proposal would not under
any circumstances considered by our
The general
nemocrats of the senate will be given l.iruer
representation (nan they have had In Ihe
past, perhaps tnaklntf Ihe ratio about five
lo four. Last session It wns hIh.iiI i-pvcn to
five and In some esses ei.:ht lo five.
II Is likely (lis pronrejsivcs will rcHvi'
about one-fourth of th republican iii.ijm
The mainspring U the power
house in a w atch. Jewelers say
Waltham mainsprings are the
bent in the world. Thry are; more
generally used for trpairs than any
other make.
"It'l T'"io Von fmef
Send lor dcriptie knokke.
wtrthem.Mm. XaW.
S a I
. A ') I
Japan has never attempted the colonlratlon
of larva bodies of Japanese on certain
tracts of land In Mexico, but the aggrc
gate immigration figures from the land of
the rising sun, are Impressive.'
"Are not these Immigrants mostly coolie
"Mexico does not need to Import labort
they are mostly veterans of the late Rus
so-Japanese war. They were not brought
to Mexico to make an army of proteotlon
aaalnat the Americans. They came of
their own accord, and for their own ends.
"And bear this In mind, tlisy do not
make maps for fun, and we know that
many of these Immigrants have had no
other visible occupation."
Mr. Ilsrlholdl Introduce Mesanrc
Permit Male ttf II err at Arm?
tn ,
WAPIU.MiTOX. April 5 A hill to re
store the army canteen was introduced to
day by Representative Rartholdt or Ml
sourl. Mr. Bartholdt declared the restora
tion of thn canteen was necessary foi the
preservation of health and decent conduct
In the army. ,
Bl IAI.K ur HOlr.itY.
Rraartels Stores U III Offer fireat II nr.
gains In Hosiery eit Saturday.
we bought at a great price conceaaion an
tend en t of the public parks and- he
wlch add children's Broncho Buater hoalery
as well aa womena Imported hose with
Hermedorff dye. etc. They will be sold
Saturday at about one-half price.
Pea the great window of Shawknlt. silk
finished and mercerised hose, also Flor
ensa silk finish, hose, usually sold mt
and c pair. They win be sold Baturday at
16o pair. BRAN DEIS RTomrsj
(Continued from First Page.)
or. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
not only cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth without in
jury, but imparts purity and fra
grance to the breath, removing
instantly the odor of tobacco.
Beautiful Tooth
There are but few fieoole who have
them. (JouU teeth everyone flight have
If they would go to Dr. Bradbury. The
gulckest, easiest and least painful are
the unly methods employed by us and
hundreds of our patients, both In and
uui tit the city, will gladly tell you about
the Rood dental work and our up-to-date
ways of doing things. Crowns snd bridge
work from i 00 per tooth. Plates that
fit from 14.00 to $12 60. Painlesa extrac
tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed
without hurting you. Work waranted
ten years.
17 Tears Kama Location,
1606 rarnam St. Phone D. 1750.
And THE Droom
When you buy a broom don't
accept any ona thai Is offered
you. Be sure you Ret the ut
most for your nioney.
Just because all broomglook
very much alike, Is no sign
they are equally good. But it
Is a very jrood reason why
you should pick your broom
LITTy lm
looks good and is good. Mad
rignt ana sweeps right, fcaves
you lifting hundreds of pounds,
because it's sis ounces lighter
than the ordinary.
The pick of each season's
crop of broom corn is reserved
for use in Little Polly Brooms.
That's why they get the dirt
without wearing the nap off
the finest carpets and rugs.
H smiles are flalahed with a secret
finish, that can't atlck. Colors are
canaiy or rose. A handsome broom
at a nominal price. Aik your dealer.
If be hssn't them, we ll tell yon
who has. Rrnomi are tvatontrtd
bsndles guaranteed not to stick.
HwTh & Stewart Mff. Co.
Uea Moines, Iowa
Appropriate Tim: for Gift.
When all tl.e "tld H entering Inrn tte
go,..llv spirit of i:aiei tloe. when si rH'a
la mat heglnnlng t" burst forth S'il a. I
the earth aeema full -if, 1ny could any
lime le mote appropriate fur a gift.
gift that will nark this occasion In some
friend s life vour mother's or your sweet
heart's, perhai will always be reinen'
hercd end rieiirlv prised.
No gift could be mote fitting- more ap
preciated than one fro.n the Albert Kd
bolm store A watch, a ring, a bit or
Jenelrv or some dainty trinket, all nte or
the highest character In this store- J"r
assortment Is the beat, snd 1tl make Jui
the proper sift. It, price will be no Wre.
than Its ted value. ' -N
Dom't Bferelj Buy laves
a.. e
16th and MAM.WVT. .
Tor sale la Omaha by Courtney k Co., and !
all first class grocers.
Miss Edna M. Jacobs, daughter of
Charles H. Jacobs, and Mr. Kdward A.
Burns were married Tuesday evening by
Rev. Charles W. Pavldge at the home of
the bride's parents, 1231 South Thirteenth
street. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Oreby of
Lincoln were the attendants.
tro )o
A great many medicines used in treating: Contagious Blood Poison are
composed largely of mercury and potash, and are intended to dry up or re
move the humiliating: outward symptoms. But such treatment cannot cure
the disease, and its continued use will often so weaken and disease the stom
ach as to mate a nervous wreck of the patient. And too, when these min
eral medicines are left off the smoldering poison takes on new life, and soon
the old aymptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, brown, scaly splotches,
falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc., return with increased virulence. S. S. S.
cures Contagious Blood Poison by purifying the blood and keeping the
stomach and digestive members in perfect condition all the while by its fine
tonic effects. ' S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, made entirely of roots,
herbs and barks of recognized virtue as blood purifiers. S. S. S. cures on the
principle that not only must the poison be removed from the blood, but also
the circulation must be enriched and vital ired with nourishing powers.
S. S. S. is known everywhere as the greatest of all blood purifiers and a safe,
certain cure for Contagious Blood Poison. Home treatment Book and medical
advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores.
Fine Syrup
Free Today
See if your name appears in The Bee's want
ads totlay offering FarreU's Syrup free.
Yon don't have to advertise to get it. Find
your name and the gift ia yours.
The Bee is also giving away today:
O'Brien's delicious candy.
Updike's fine flovr.
American theater tickets.
Bird's nursery cherry treea.
ukuh any qpmmiuee meets witn nia ap
proval. He aaid that If It were possible
to offer an amendment and have It con
sidered he would amend the existing rules
so that the appointment of the atandlng
committees of the house would be placed
In the hands of the committee on rules,
which committee fca would increase In
membership to fifteen to be selected In
epKrapiue&i, .group,, precisely along the
lines, of his resolution presented when the
fight on Speaker Cannon took place.' 1
juage jNorris predicted the time is not
far distant when caucuses and political
machines generally, now so binding upon
members of such combinations, would no
longer be countenanced by the American
Voter. Mr. Norrls also suggested that r.o
member should serve on two or more Im
portant committees, on the theory, for In
stance, that a member holding place on
appropriations has his hands full with busi
ness of that committee and cannot well
find time to do proper service on any other
Bll!a br Barke.
Representative Burke of South Dakota
has relntroduoed the following bills, upon
which he waa unable to secure action at
the last session:
A bill affecting townsltea r, Timh.. t .1,.
and Uupree. In Wouth Dakota.
for me erection of a public building at
u 'O Provide- for the erection of a public
building at Redfield, S. U.
Authorising the secretary nt th. inin.
to classify and appraise unallotted Indian !
Authorising the secretary of the ini.-n.
to Issue unrestricted natant, fA.
lands. ,v"
To urovlda for the fnr'eitur of i.i.,.-
of-way granted to railway companies
across Indian lands.
10 authorise the payment of certain
claims for damages iiiHtained by prairie
fire on the Koaebud Indian reaervatin,, in
Bouth Dakota.
Representative Martin of South Dakota
has relntroduoed the following entitled
measures: 1
Jurisdiction of the eonrt of elalma n h.
termlne the amount due certain Individual
Kloux Indiana of tiie United States.
To establish a fish hatching and fish cul
ture siation at Dell Kaplds. B. I).
I'o eeiabllRh mining experiment stations
10 aiu in 1 ne development of the mineral
reaources of the I' tilled K tales.
For the relief of certain while men "on
the Pine Ridae Indian nMrvirinn Omit.
lo regulate Corporations enaased In In.
terstate and foreign commerce.
John F. Nordstrom of Wahoo Is In
Washington and through the efforts of
Congressman Lobeck secured a choice seat
to witness the ceremonies attendant
the opening of the house yesterday.
Senator Brown
An Attractive Spring Display
Of Men's, Boys' and Children's
Clothing and Hats by
Browning, King &. Co.
You'll certainly not feel right in your winter clothes on Easter
They may be perfectly good, but they are not Spring-like. With the
birds a singing and the trees a budding, wintry things will be entirely
but of tune.
L We have receved from our splendidly equipped work rooms in
vNew York, the latest ideas in spring apparel.
Nothing finer in Overcoats and Suits has ever been shown in this
city, and we want you to know about them. The new selection in neck-
wear, shirts and underwear are especially fetching and are worthy of
, the reputation.
vi .'1'I
1 .
;3rQwiiiJig;l(ing & C9
R. S. WILCOX, Manager.
oat Mew Stale.
Introduced today a Joint
resolution calling for the approval of the
conntltutlon of New Mexico and Artsona
and admission of these territories as states
of the union. There Is little ODDosltlon to
the admission of New Mexico aa a state.
but Artsona has proved to be obnoxious
to President Taft and many republicans
la the house and senate beoajae the oon
stltutlon of the territory seeking statehood
provldea for the Initiative, referendum and
Senator Brown's joint resolution declares
that "the ounsiStutlon approved by Arlsona
la republican la form and not repugnant
to tbe constitution of the United irtates
and the principle of the Declaration of
Independeooa. "
Platt.aaeatk C'e. tracts.
The Treasury department baa awarded
the oontrart to the Mechaulo and Kreruer
Mooa Heading company, Ht. IjOuIs, for
to furnish all labor and material re
quired for Installing a low pressure steam
besUinsT. apparatus la the poetoffloe at
Plattamouth. A contract baa also been
awarded te JohA Bauer of Plattamouth for
gl.0M.i4 te furnLah all labor and materials
required, for tbe plumbing and drainage
-stern In the same building.
ritOUHEISl YH3 UKT UUOD PLAtKS 6lrea Reameeatatlasi
Two rMasaltteea Appelated.
WASHINGTON. April s.-ProgrMiTe re
publican senators were given good repre
sentation on tbe steering committee and
the committee en committees, which were
appointed today by Senator Cullom, perma
nent ehairmaA of the eavueua. TUm fjusj U
Furniture of Sturdy Character
Those home lovers who delight in rpos-
session of furniture of sturdy character that furniture
which, built along strongplain and yet charming lines,
impresses with an air of solidity and durability will
delight in viewing our exhibit of Craftsman pieces on
the main floor. What Ben Franklin is in history
Craftsman is in home-lore: the sturdy, the simple, the
iwcet attributes that make for lofty living. There is a
very tang f the forest in Craftsman articles, which Uk as fresh
and Strang as the very hardy woodsmen who drove the axe int
their living tissues and started them tovard the mill. Ornamenta
tion mi Craftsman furniture is refined, but it meets in subtle har
mony witk the excellent designs and makes far the home mst
comfortable, durable, and inviting pieces, Your living room, your
dining room, your reception room in tact, any room in
your home will be made a more attractive place by beau
tiful Craftsman patterns.
We show a majestic Craftsman bed, 36 inches wide, wrought
from the finest American white oak. It looks
as though it were worth much more than its
tag-policy price , ... . 910.00
A beautiful "Occasional" stand. It ia 30
inches high, and equipped with three drawers.
It is a strong, useful article of very attractive
design. It is priced at $12.00
For the drawing room we show a table of
forcible character at $13.00. It is 30 inches
high with a diameter of 38 inches. .Its pres
ence will add charm and atmosphere to home.
There are hundreds of other pieces, just as
beautiful, just as strong and just as attractive.
Remember Good furniture may be cheap,
but "chfap" furniture cannot be good.
Miller, Stewart
& Beaton Co.
The Taf Policy Houtt
413.16-17 South Sixteenth Street.
Kstabllahed ISS4.
Huteson's Invisible Sho-Kot Lenses
Near N4'ka J
Daat Wear rlr Twtl Bliswsrta.
Two l.enara tm Oaa.
Na Scalss In Corns Off No VglV
Llnss to Blur th Vision.
prr In and let us "ahaw yea" th
lluteson Optical Co.
tm . iak m.
It yoo bare tried ererr other known
remedy (or rheumatism do not de
spair. You still hare Urlcsol, SAe
practical certainty of CURU, and the
ebeolnte cerutnty of mMerlal and
ImUhk benefit to fall back on.
CJrloaol It not a cureall. 1U special
Held U rheumatic dlseaaea and U
cures tbem by removing tbe eauae.
erybody nowadays knows thai
rheumatism is caused by an. excess oi
Uric Acid in the blood. Uocal appli
cations may rellere, but they cannot
possibly get at the seat ot tbe dis
ease. Uricsol is Just whV- Its name lm.
piles, a solrent and eliminator . ot
Uric Acid.
Remove tbe cause and the disease
Is gone.
Uricsol not only cures the common
forms of rheumatism, but it does what
no other remedy has before accom
plished :
INO FOR YEARS, ... ,.T wn.i'
Records are in our possession ot ,
not one but many cases where the
Joints ot th. fingers were so thick
ened as to be practically useless;
where tbe hip or the knee Joints wero
so filled with the deposits as to ren
der the Tlctlm wholly unable to walk;
yet the patients were -completely re
stored to health and activity by the
systematic use of UrlcsoL
In this war Uricsol has been a
We can truthfully ilalm the remark
able record of 90 per cent of cures
where a proper opportunity in ritea
our remedy to accomplish the result
We will gladly supply testimonials.
Write for folder.
If your drulrglst does not hare it,
end ane dollar to The California .
Chemical Co., 325 New High 8t- Los
Angeles, Calif., and we will Su4 you
a bottle prepaid. .. ,, ,.
For sale and recommended . bj
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Owl
Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
Tail's Dental Rotms
Touif-ht, Fll.. Bat. Jfislita. Mat. Bat.
SATID BEL SCO prsssnts .
sTanea O'Wsll Oharlsa Crtwrt)it
aad ths luaoni Bslaaeo Company
I'rlcea: Nlfilit. '""c l IJ.iiO: M.-n ,
lo ll.i.O. Heals imiw eu sale.
4 Days Btartlnf Sun. Mat. Wd.
In ths Singinj Corasdy "A OEtHlIf
FBIMCE." Prlcss in rsaek of all.
JKajBt"h MA WY dXlDtlT
DOYD Theater
tsaJfbt, Mats. lass.. Thurs, Bab
Miss Eva Lang
aad lfsr Xacsllsnt Company la
Bfsat Wssk.
A Olrl la WaltlBf.'
Amor loan Lv-2aiii
Bhows Dally S:1S. TidS aad SiSO
ortflnal Newsboys, Buch Bros.
MsUasa, 10i
Kassrvsd tOs
. . lOo. SAO, So '
k.. Altai
Matlass Bary Day. Sila. Xs,y arlaka.
A aaon, Majsusi it
Silt, ilomsr B.
V rirum. int ISjba
Japs. C ross A Juseplilne. Krad liamlil
a . ..v v w , viviib, jv II UUrO UA (if.
phtnn 'inrrt
ts.. la-a-se-T6.
Mat., la-8S-60o
rhs YbsaAas That's Talked Akeat
Honie-coiuiiiS week limili. i os n Comic.
saswai vi mi a saovi
IS hours uf tiolous run In. Keauly i hnrui
I,aAls' Dims asaitnaa Bvsry !
Bat. Jiisat Aiuateu Coatsst loswosa.