THE P. HE: OMAHA. MONDAY, APKIT 3. 1011. EVERY- B E, E W A '"N T A O iS "ST ?7B i a OFFERED FOR RENT rrlitaf U6m ntlnaed. FOR RENT Very desirable firnlshed rooms, or on or two. good Iocs,- Ion. II 'J Douglas St. FOR RENT Nloel furnished rooms. 213 N. 23d St FOR RENT Modern furnished room. 71 8. 17th A vs. VERT desirable lare front room, suit able for two. 21 8. 2.'.th Ave. CI.OSE In. nlcelv furnished, modern room in private family; very desirable for gentleman; references required. Is21 Chi cago, FOR RENT Nloely furnished room, gen t emeu preferred, breakfast It desired. 2M4 liarney t FOR. RENT Nloely furnished rooms, double parlors, desirable for four. 3318 li wy Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms, rlngle or ensults, hot and told water. U3u Farnam it. NICELY furnished room, modern, prl t family, walking distance, excellent neighborhood, all So. 27th Bt Harney 60t. FOR RENT Nicely tn m. tth Bt furnished rooms. FOn RENT Nicely 1908 Capitol Ava- furnlshed rooms. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern, nil 3'ark Ave., Apartment No. 1 hoc'th front - room in private family. bi1ock8 wfst of high school on haknry and cross town CAR LINK. CALL B-34. Hotels aad A partment. I NICELY FTJRNtSHED ROOMS for e. tlemen. TUB CHATHAM. 100 8. Uth 8t ' DODGR HOTEL Uth and Podge; all out side rooms; S'eaia heat: special week rata en Hotel .f0" B'ui't Room" Apartwients and Flats. -ROOM duplex apartmnnt. second floor; shades and soreens, nloely decorated com bination fixtures, fine attic, good porch; adults only. 1733 S. KHh bt. Tel. Tyler lm mornings only. CHEAPEST, best 4-room 220 N. 1. flat tn city. FOR RENT--rooni apartment In th Barnard. Tel. Douglas 18S. VERY cholceat apartment in fin apart ment house on west Karnam street. JOHN YV: 'ROBB1N&. 1IMS FARNAM BT 4-room apt., strictly modern. 1746 So, tTth fct ; t car lines; ll Harney 3M6. ' FOR RENT Four-room flat, all modern I'M 8. Uth Bt, 310. C. M. Bach man n, 436 l'exton Block. CIX8E IN. Elegant elKht-rooin brick flat; strictly modern; near high school; reasonable. Call Tyler inia lor keys. 4-ROOM apartment; modem, tit 8. tit FartnehKT IIQnsrkerplna- Beitnii, FOR RENT' Modern furnished or unfur- alshed rootna, walking aiatanca, tin How ard Bt. FOR RENT Three rooms on second floor, furnished tor housekeeping. 2u40 a 10th. NCATLT furnished rooms for noueekeep- Ing. llt lauturuia Bt. FL'HN1HD jrooma for light house keeping; also sleeping rooms. 115 No. 30th. NICELY furnished - rooms for light feouaeaeeplng. m Chicago BL JTOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms for housekeeping, sua n. una bu THREE modern housekeeping rooms 30 month; coy tront partor. j per weea, euj B. 17th t imn rp:tt South room for bousekeen- Inc and also sleeping room. 22Q Chicago. ron RENT Nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms. 423 N. "tn FOR RENT Light housekeeping steeping rooma csn N. 17Uv and FOR RENT Nice rooms, tut Burt. light housekeeping FOR RENT Two nice rooms for light housekeeping. J4o uarney. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, gas. bath; goo location, jout n. sum. nrwr furnished rooms for llt-ht house 1 keeping; (as range anu eiectno iignts. sj FOR RENT Nice modern housekeeping rooms, lau t-Tjming. FOR RENT Large modern rooms, good location. Suu Burt. FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms. itaraey. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for housekeeping. -1 N. 1X1- FOR RENT lrumlshed room for light housekeeping, all b. Lh Ave. FOR RENT Modern housekeeping roosaa ioi fi. sd. FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooma a a. iyia a. FOR RENT Two modern rooms, housekeeping. t9 8. lth. for LA RGB room, furnished; gaa rang; good locatiun. 11 t'nicago. VERT desirable housekeeping rooms. 3t S. lih FOR RENT Nice housekeeping room; good location. UK ijougia. FOR RENT Suit of housekeeping rooma lj Jones. FOR RENT Two south rooms for house- keeptnC- a" caiiioroia. FOR RJCNT Lare front 1 aseraent rooms for light boueaieepng. auw nurt. NEATLY furnished room for light houae- keeping, el 8. uth. FOR RENT Nice light houaekeepln rooma everything (urauned. Ills Chicago. ton RENT Modern rooms, furnished or unfutuubed. U N. i.u4. FOR KtNT-Two desirable rooms for housekeepiug or rooma Far- nara.r- FOR RtNT T o modern rooma 2uu CmlU,rtj,. furnished FUK RENT Two try desirable rooms. gas range and laundry. remain. FOR RhTNT-l vio nvatly furnished rooms fur light housekeeping. M N. anb- FOR RKNT Nice housekeeping room; j Svvv - wm m. , THREE unfurnished lli?ht housekeeping Le rootua; nftrruc)4 cxeiiuuiied. It 379. I'alavaUfcrd Ituaxlifrplai ltaoias. DESIRA PL'" bt us keeping rooma good feeaiida. ba s 3Lih Ave FOR BINT-Three luiiavkeeplag rooma wodera. btU at DESIRABLE anj bark parlor for Louxkerp'.g m io La'ney ht NICE, u.if .n :il. iooiu privaie ria t;y,,J-' i.vtMipiu. tm a. OFFERED FOR RENT I'nf arnlshed ItooeUeepls; Rooms. FOR RENT Desirable rooroa for Debt bolsekeeplng. 2227 Dodge St. TWO suit of housekeeping rooms, food location. 120 Dodge St. FOR RENT Modern rooms for light housekeeping. t-2l Dode St. FOR RENT Two suites f housekeeping rooms, neat and clean. W30 Dodge. THREE unfurnished rooms: ass ran and shades; good location; 201 N. 30th St. NICK parlor; furnished or unfurnished. 131 8. 26th Ava THREE! south rooms; very desirable, - , ,"7-. i i good location, near tar. good nelgooor- I bood. U10 Cass St. FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooms for tight housekeeping. 3 N. lth 8t. FOR RENT Three rooms, unfurnished on ground floor. 53 S. 2Sth St. FOR RENT Three desirable unfurntsned room; separate bath and toilet. Hut N Uth St. FOUR desirable rooms. 2422 Davenprt. nqulre Kit Davenport 8t- FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for bath and lit: ht housekeeping; separate toilets, 2u0 N. 1Mb 8t DESIRABLE unfurniBhed front room and lcove; strictly modern; walking distance. H.5, Bee. laf arnlshed Rooms. FOR RENT Nice housekeeping rooms: good location. 2712 Howard St. DESIRABLE suite rooms for housekeep ing. (21 8. 1 th at FOR RENT Two large llaht rooms. 8S&1 California St FOR RENT Nice front rooma. furnished r unfurnished. iU N. 33d 8U FOR RENT Two desirable rooma 17H ackson St FOR RENT Pleasant housekeeping rooms. 2(71 Harney Bt I FOR RENT Three unfurnished reams for housekeeping. 2215 Burt St FOR RENT One large room, good loca tion. N. Mth St. FOR RENT Two desirable rooma 1213 Charles Bt. FOR RENT VERY Desirable room for housekeeping. 2626 Capitol Ave. FIVE-ROOf basement modern except heat, 12.M. 1827 So. 2ilh Ave. FRONT room with alcove: walking dis tance; private family. 2223 Burt. WANTED Everybody to know that the American theater is the place to spend a pleasant evening. If E. Turner, 1117 N. 30th St., will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and . Identify himself he will receive an order for -two seats to the American theater. FOril-ROOM BASEMENT: MODERN pXOF.PT HKAT; WITH FREW UtB OF w Ai iit fM b. irn bi. wuu. mis. Farnlahea Heases. -room furnished house. Webster 1589. ; Hoases and 'Cottaaea. FOR RENT A new and entirely modern -room cottage, corner lvtn and uastellar. inciuuin water, bou n. x. uia Tel, Douglas 2K 1 K-ROOM steam heated flat. Duusanr. 10th ana I'lerce. Douglas lb7L uonrad xoung. Modern, T-r. house; near park. UU 8. 23. FOR RENT Partly modern o-room cot tage. Phona Harney 8tK3. 4-ROOM modern house: good repairs. 2x01 a. tM Ave., U0. Phone Harney lo. 7-ROOM modern house. 33d and Cumins'. liarney ban. FOlt R KNT 6-room modern oottags within walking distance. Inquire phone 11. &.X2. . y FOR RUNT Modern 8-room houss at 1308 Park Ave. Phone Harney 6tl70. MODERN 6-room brick house. 1111 N 23d tit. & per month. Phone Harney tM. 1)14 N. 40th 8-room. all modern house. 840 per month. The 8. D. Mercer Co., 704 City is ail liana Biag., uoiif. iwu; ma. a-ikm. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat three blocks from car line. tl& per inonm. 'ii iecatur rt. . J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Douglas 7&6. , 1614 City National Bank Bldg. NICE HEVEN-RQOM: MODERN EX CEPT HEAT; ADULTS ONLY. 21 CALD WELL. NICE six-room cottage, city water and seaer. In flrst-clars repair, at 2411 Michi gan Ave. 814 UU per monin. W. J. Llf.HJlUHI l.X V IvH I'SKN f Tel. D. 7bS laU City National bank Bldg Uousei tn all nana of the cltr C reign Boas dt Co.. Sea Bldg. Om. Van dt Btoraee Co. Daoks.movea stores pousenoia gooaa sireprooi storstei sot 8. ltb. Branch. 8u a. 17th. Tel. D. 41M. A-13U. FOR RENT 4-ROOM eottage with base ment, on 28tta Ave., near Douglas. 413 Boa Bldg.; after p. m. call Harney &S4. 14 S-room flat. 2C1 I.ake Bt. Robinson ft Wolf. Paxtoo Blk. Phona Douglas FOR RENT 6-room, Cottag. modern, full basement Ztx Be ward. Kent, i:i; Tel. Ben eon 30. FOlt RENT Seven-room modern houne larKe corner lot; nice shade; heune newly painted and In good order. N. W. corner loin and diiio tts. Apply IMs Lothrop tit rnone ts-&t. thli know what Lptllkes Pride o Omaha flour Is In every home. If J. H Hoonsira. 3.04 South 20th St.. will bring thii ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself, he will receive an order for a 13-pound sack of this fine flour. tx Bo. I7th 8t.. -r. modern flat. $.17.60. bus Sherman Ave.. 6-r. mod. flat, l-.jO. BEMIS-CARLREHO CO.. 310-313 BrandelH Theater. FOR RENT All modern, 8-room cottage in tsenson. zio f. Morton M , is. uu. HOUSEHOLD QOODS packed, forwarded cheap freigbt rales; movnog and storing. Lxpieasmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 3k4 City Ottloa. xi a. nth at. Beo JJldg. 174 8 KT1I, 8 rooms completely modern, $ta Tlioa r . 11AL-L.. til Kainge Bldg. B. 7o and A-4ut .FOR RENT Tl N. Md Bt. 3 rooma bath. gas. rlly water, JtM. Apply UiA Web ster St Houses, laa Rlagwait Brand is Th. Bldg. NEW 8 rooma. modern except furnace. blvxa south of Vlntoa school. loQuue 1&. . Fiagg. Ml a. mKu Ae THREE room cottage, furnished e.ctv. 'ti Butt 8t 8-RtxiM cot is se, and barn, on car line. .)..! neihbtrbood. lt N. lbth St, Sout tmiua. ' I'PDIKKS Pride of Omaha Is Oman. flour Omahans prefer It. If R. 8. rlmiica. f;. 8. l:th St.. will tuing this ad to Th I. re witlitn three da s and Identify him srif be will relte an urder fvr a 14-pwund aaUt uf UOa tma lou. OFFERED FOR RENT Homes aad Cottier ontlnaed. IIS 2i S. 30th. six rooms, modern except heat. WALKrP RKAL EfTATB CO.. Itrsntlels BlUg. Iouf(lHS 2HS, A 3.16ft. r 2721 JACKSON 8T. An 8-room, strictly modern houwe, newly decorated throughout. Hee us for special prices. PAYNK SLATER CO., - Room no use, Barney 2P8L ail niodern. a, AI RI1. 1. beat 7 -room house In city. N. 23d St I lif.Ki', is everyining in nnaing oui .. ,h. ,. ,, . Zuj,, No. 4:ith St , will brina; this nd to The Bee ffn:e within three days and Identify him self he will receive an order for a tiOc box O'Brien's candy. SIX-ROOM MODKRN HOI SK. NEARLY NKW. ON PAVED HTREET. 108 N. 21T11 ST. 1NQPIHK AT 2710 DECATl'K JR TbL w. m. WALKING dlBtanie Two modern ages. must sell. DoUKla o.K3. KOR HALE By owner, it-room modern ome, Kountxe Place. L M7, Bee. 7-ROOM modern hotme Ir. good condition; ne shade and ejarden; best car service; will naint at once. Reliable family only. 8U03 N. 24th St. Tel. Web. 23t3. 132.50 Strictly modern 8-room brk k house. 13U1 8. 2Mh. til Oft I larse rooms part modern flat. 1Mb and Vinton. Rylander, 864 Omaha National. 10-ROOM modern house; walking dls- tance; Inquire 7N N Uth St Stores and Offices. LIVE WIRE men only; best (rrooery and meat market on 24th St. Apply zzu M. n. TRSK room In bulldlnn centrally located. Office open from 8 a. m. to p. m. Will accommodate any way possible, such ss taking care of phone and office calls. F S36, Bee. HMAT.J. store. 40th and Cuming St.. near new P. O., splendid place for bakery or raohette store. The 8. I). Mercer Co., 704 lty Nat 1 Bank. Doug. iMt; ina. FIRST floor and basement. 1112 Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltore. vriTt RT.FFurnltura of a 10-room Tat full of desirable roomers; strictly modern; toilet and bath on each floor. 'Phona Douglas b12. A 8NAP. COMPLETE OUTFIT OF 6 ROOM 9 OF FURNITURE FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. TEL. DOUG. LAS 2295 OR A 107L Maaloal Inetromeats. 1400 nlano In first class condition. $bV). all or half cash. Call 2124 Miami St Tel. Webster 1122. ' ' Typewriters. ' PATfRflWC! ribbons and repairs for all UUlUUil O, typewriters. We aave you money. The Typewriter Inspection & Sup ply co. ox lice 6H4, snop uranaeia Phones: Douglas 4W7, Ind. A-4412. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. CLEARANC12 BALE NOW ON I Prices low to get the cash; to hi regular prices; any make you want. B. '. SWAKSUM CO., 1318 FAKNAM SI. BUY sa L. C. Emlth & Broa typewriter. B. F. Swansea Co.. Distributers. 1318 Far- asm Bt RENT an Oliver typewriter from tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 2la BECOND-haod typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 16u7 rarnaia. MlMtllssMsa SAFES Overstocked with second-hand Safea all sites and makes; bargains. Airier- lean supply ' o . iuo Tarnarn et. FOR SALE Tickets to the American the. ater for evening and afternoon perform ances. If Ed. O'Neill, 702 N. 40th St., will, bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify himself he will receive an order for two aeats to the American theater. BYRD'S nursery cherry trees are ready to plant now. If O C. YounK, 81N N. 42d, 111 bring this ad to l he Bee within three days be will receive an order fur a boc cherry tree. OH. TOD DUCK HUNTER. here Is a chance to buy a duck gun that you can kill them with. Parker 10-gauge bammerless. twist barrel. In splendid con dition. Leather case and 800 shells (No. 4 Shot) go with It Make me an offer. Oeo. K. w rignv care e. uniaoa. Now and second hand safes. 1818 Farnam. FOR PALE New and second-hand Mi llard and pool tables. We lead the world tn cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruuswlvk-Baik-Colleodar, 4V7 8. 10th Bt FOR SALE Batch type concrete mixer: also hoisting engines and gasoline engines. George McCarron. Care Henshaw Hotel. FOR BALE (Ux-hole Champion steel range, used 3 yrars. good as new. Price, $.3 60. Address M 148. Bee, or Letter Car rier NO. 21. EVERYONE warts his drucgist or con fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep O'Brien's candy. If W. W. Williams, 712 N. 33d St., will bring this ad to The Boe and Identify himself within three days lie will receive an order lor a boo box of this ca n djr. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 8t)-8 Brandels Theater Bldg. Kethcryn Nikolas. 634-8 Brandela Theater PATENTS P. a BARN ELL. Paxtoo Blk. Tel. Red T1U. HIRAM A. STUKGES. reg. pat etty.. 6i Biandwa Theater Bldg. Dougiaa 8o& W1LLARD EDDY, registered practitioner tn U. 8. Pat Offloa, (18 Paxton Blk. H, 30. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAP If Massage treatment for lost vigor. Dr. M. Hallorau. 2-J Neville Blk. Dougiaa Tiil. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. THE SALVATION ARMY solicit eaat-off clothing. In fact anything yoj du not need. We collect repair and sell ai U4 N. litb Bi, for coat of collection, to the wor ia y poor. Call 'phoue Douia 4i aad wagoua will oalt H T1IS5" glow and maasaga, ltiuG JJ-'-'iAJivlge, 3d flour, opp. poatof flce Mma Allen of Chicago. Duug. 7oco. DR. EOOERis. private confinement homa lo!8 Martha bt. Omaha. T Dougiaa zm. Dr. Baker Medical Offices Expert specialists, diseases of women. Coasultatlua and examination free. 818 at lm at., ournrr Douglas, umaba. Nea, THEY know what Udlke's Pride Omaha flour la in every home. If Ji.Lu tl ford, lsil tiak St.. will bring this ad to The Bee wlthl ih r da.s a id Identify hiiiifcelf he will irceive a.i u.uu' fur a Li pound aauk of LLls fine Xiour. PERSONAL (Contlaucd.) JAMES CTIRR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 213 South lHth St. D. MIL PEST nerve bracer for men. Oray's Nerve Food PIIIh, l box. Postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. massage Mra Boston a.ora Ritteohous. 3u Old MRS.' tsNYDER. Swedioh niasne. : tjl tor and vibrator ticatmeni. I'he DuiiMoy, Flat . luth ind 11 -ic Douglas 43!0. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs Dr. King. LJ4 N. Mth. Web. tbi. Ind. D 134. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle, or In.lury to the skin; lady attendant. 310 McCague bldg PRIVATE HOMS during confinement, babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. T4C 1st Ave., Council llluffi. la BYHD nursery cherry trees are the trees to plant now. If Peter roller, 2420 S. 2th St., will bring this ad to The Hee within three days he will receive an order for a 5X' cherry tree from Uyrd's. jinuAriiivyCumin(! eti lndi uz YOUNCl WOMEN Coming to Omaha as strangers nre invited to vlult the Touni Women's Christian association building at aeventeenth street and St Mary s avenue, a here they will be directed to suitable boarding places 01 otherwise assisted, look lor our traveler's sld t the i;nion atatloa. f A CO A TREATMENT. Mrs. Steele -I iumjunKji-i g mh w noo,, room J, WIGS and loupes for men Griffith 11 and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. MANICURING, facial massage, shampoo ln and hali dressing dotiu in your home. Mm. F. Hayer Smith, 'lei lljrney -lar! STRICTLY private Christian confine ment home; best care; babies for adoption. 2ulK Davenport WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-li3; Douglas 1M3. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, l&th and Harney Sts. A HOME for women during confinement Babies adopted and boarded. Building modern. For terms address matron. Tlnley Home. 403 Bancroft St 'Phone Doug 191 L HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, itrengtben. (On. BELL DRUO CO. EVERYONE wants his druslst or con fectioner to be alive. The live ones keep O'Brien's candy. If John Stone, 25 No. 83d St., will brlna- this ad to The Bee and Identify himself within three days he will receive an order for a tiDc box of this candy. Dr. Burke, diseases of women. Omaha. LADY desires to learn expert corset fit ting. Oive particulars, terms, etc. Ad dress, Y 147, care Bee. - POULTRY AND RET STOCK OLENVIEW poultryi-Farm. Rhode Is land Reds, eggs guaranteed 80 per vent fertile. Telephone South IMO. Covalt's J3ufPfirionth Rocks. Cream of winter layomlKgea, per 15, $1. It $K. Day-old chicks. 80c. 40a and 80c each. Dr. Scott Covalt. Co Bluffs. Ia.. All City Nat. Bk EOQS for hatching from the Brandels Farm. Thoroughbred S. C. White Lep? horns. Utility stock. l:fi0 a setttng dr $S per 100. Exhibitions or Show stock. $3 to $ a setting. Write for catalogue. Address A. D. Brandela. Omaha AIREDALE terriers, litter of pups. 3 male and 8 female, eligible to registry in A. K. C. stud book; 4 months old; price,' males, $:'0 each; females. $10 each; guar anteed sound, healthy, blueblooded stock; also reKlstered male stud dog; Staley Bridge sport winner of cup for best Aire dale at recent Omaha ' lienoh show; age 8 years; prloe $100; sire of above puppies; also female hike, age 2H years; dam of above puppies; winner of three first prizes at same show; price. $40; cup and ribbons given to purchaser of each of latter dogs. Address John Buck, care of Stori Brewing Co., Omaha, Neb. ',. . THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Rocka white or barred egga for faatohlnga O. i. Kaneft. 8824 Farnam. Harney 1314. SILKO CHICK FOOD la the best in th market fct young chlckena Msde from . pure grain. For ale by all dealers. A. W. WAGNER. AGENT., Ml N. 16th fit. Te'. Doug 1143 Ind. A-848, UNDER Jawed English bull months old. Phone H-35t. dog, U GET the best; single comb Rhode Island (dark) Red (not yellow), fine stock; 1st pen, $3; 2d pen, $2 for 15 engs. Order now. Mrs. Clara J. Holcomb, Ada, Okl. BARRED Plymouth Rock eKKH from carefully mated hens, $3 for 15; $6 for 30. Write for description. F. C. Allquist, 276'.! Meredith Ave.. Omaha. Web. 3iiK. FJVE mammoth Toulouse geese, one Toulouse gander, 3 dozen choice White leg horn hens, UK) geese eggs, lxth and Ames. Tel. Web. 1443. WHITE Leghorn eggs for hatching. 3210 Cass St. PRINTING HO8 INK A afflf or aooil nrtntlna Lyngntad Printing Co. 16th and Capitol Ave. Lew W. Raber, Printer jZVXn. BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER JAMIE80N. 1213 Douglas 81. Both 'phones. RIES-RALL Ptg. Co .108 8. 14UL Ind. A 3&S4. REAL ESTATE AU8TKACTS OF T1TL-IS. klldlaod Ouarantee and Trust ennapaar. konded abstracters. . 1714 Farnam 8l PETER JESSEN. Jr., Co. Tel. Doug. 3ZM H. H. Neale. 8j0 OmaUa Nat l Bank Bldg M. T- BRENNAN (bonded), 324 Brandels To, RICAL ESTATE! DDALKHI, RKAL ESTATH TITLE TRUST CO., teuUi floor. City Nat L Bank Bldg. PU REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska 2oti Brandeis Theatre. CITY 8ROPKHTY FOHtALK S0UTH0MAHA Brand new cottage, 4 rooms down stairs finished In yellow pine, nloely varnlshod; 8 nice rooms could be finished up stairs; cement foundation, good cellar, two larsv lots, tut front, located on 34d St. between Jack-on and Polk bis., well will be put In aa soon as sold. Price, only $l.e. t-Ai cash, balance $l per month, which includes principal and Interest BEM1S-CA1LLI3EIIG, 310-112 Brandels Theater. A SNAP New all modern, 7-room bouse lawn, sliade and garden, cement walks and paved street; easy terms. 2M9 Pratt St. Web. lilS. I BYRD'S cherry tree are ready to plant of ; now. If Bernard prt-stlebuah. . 2104 Maple St.. will bring ilils ad to 1 ne liee within three days he will receive an older for a fioc cherry tree att, K0O9. tm Rurt, XaU iiarsiejr gtbi. REAL ESTATE C ITY I'HOI'KH I I KH "ALU. (Continued.) IN order to close up eKtute will sell at bnritftln first class 8-room house, all mod ern well located ne:ir hlKh school. South Omaha, This homo Is well worth W.7'V. It's yours for $::.3X cash. E. W. Meth. Sf!9 N. 21th. Omaha. 8-K.. RATI I. $4.UW, 3--'0 Hurt, half block of two car lines; Harney and Cumlnn; axphalt St. Owner, SL'lii Hurt St. Tel. Har ney l'4 ; FOR SALE RarRa'n; two lots; ale 40k M4 feet ench: located near 3oih and Kort, on boulevard: east front. Price, $4-"i0 for both. Call Harney 115. Dundee Lots By owner, two well-located, one north, one south front, ready fur building. Call evtninKs or Sunday. Hnrnoy- 3806. XEAJl HAXStX)M PARK B-ronni house, nil modern except heat, o eryll.lne In fii st-cluss repair, lot BOxl.iO with nn ahiindiince of shade trees, street, paving fully prtid. In K"od location, Just one Mock from llansum park. A snap at H.O. 1JKM1S-CAHLHKIJ0, 310-31i Hrandols Theater. HANSC0M PARK Strictly modern, nearly new, 6-room two- story house; close in; S. 30lh St.; paving 1'iiiu. Must be sold at a sacrifice. 1'hone liarney 2.i.:i. GENTLEMAN of general experience wishes position with real estate firm. U 831, liee. In Council Bluffs 8-room house, all modern except heat, in fine repair; lot 6nxl0o; paved street; located 112 Periln Ave., In best residence portion. Price. $2,700. Owner leaving city, must sell. Ho see this today and make us an offer. Will take part cash, balance easy pay ments. BKMIS-CARLBERG, 310-312 Brandels Theater. 13th and Farnam 22x132 8-story, brick building on Farnam St., near Mth. Full basement with stone founda tion, furnace heat, rerttal value $120 per month. This must 1e Bold and we want an offer. It Is a bargain at $2&.V00, but we can cut this price and can take one half caeh. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. 210 8. 17th St. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for business bargains. Wl 6 Omaha Natl "Bank. INVESTMENT A corner on Blondo St. near !4th, now haa three 4-room cottages located on It bringing $47 a month; room on corner to build one more house. Ask to see this and then make offer. BEMIS-CARLBEKG, 310-312 Brandels Theater. FOR SALE $2.fi00 8-room house in good repair; paved street; cement walks. Modern except beat. Call at 2706 Hamilton street, or phona Web ster 3330. OWNER LEAVING CITY Brand new, 2-tstory, 7-room all modern house; oak floors, combination fixtures; leady to move In. Must sell at once. 714 8. 36th St. Harney 16U3 or Harney 6-'3. A SNAP 7-room house. 4 lota, all block to car. bwi Grant St., Improved. One Tel Benson t.. 10 Rooms, $7,700 104 feet, south front, near Yates' fine residence, West Fuinam district. House not new, but large and roomy and put in good condition by former owner, Mr. Dlll wurth of tlie B. & M. legal department Nunrealdoiit owner got the property In ex 'huiige and puts thm kcrlfio price on It, $7,7uO. There are prwoably fifty people In umuha who if they knew the actual value of this Vioperty would buy it at the price. (.This ad la for them.) Act uu'ckly. Harrison & Morton WANTED Land agents for the different localities In Nebrask. to sell land In an Irrigation project In Wypming. The best proposition of Its kind on the market to day. Robert C. Druesdow & Co., Bales Agents, bt New Omaha National Bauk Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Modern s-room house in the heart of thu Han scorn park district. Oak floora and finish dowu stalls, hard pine, up talrs. Hue furnace; elegant bath room fixtures and plumbing; laundry, eto. Hot water heater with thermostat attach ment. Storm ba-bhea and screens Call at 30'I Pacific street and see It. Price, $7,J0. Gregg's Choice Acres. A new addition, on lnterurban car line and Boulevard, between South Omaha and BiUevue. HlKh and sightly. Nice building sites. Only three pieces left; two 4-scre pieces about the choicest in the addition, priced at 1-75 per aero, and a lt-acre piece, which lays nice to subdivide, and a sure money maker, priced at $1X5 per acre. This piace has been platted and all sold except these three pieces within the last four months. Priced low In order to close the estate. If you want to get an acre piece at a bargain, don t fall to see me at once. as this Is going to be closed out very soon C. R. COMBS. "S Brandels Theater Bldg 'Phones: louym .reio; a VI 1. 12 PER CENT Investment. A double hoiiBe of 9 rooms each modern. West Kar nam district. Rents, $.'o month. Price. $7.i)0. Easy terms. Southwestern Lund Co., 631 Paxton Blk, Omaha. THREE AND IIXE-HAIJ'' ACRES for sale or trade for houne In Council Bluffs or omaha. Will Kive someone a bargain; 7 blocks from Omaha car line, in Council Hluits. ......... - W A 1. L A ' E BE N J A M 1 N . Rooms 1-2. F1rt National iiank Bldg., Council Bluffs, la. Both 'phonen. " $JTiiI,referrd stock wholesale property. 8 per cent guaranteed; no taxes. D. C. Patterson, 1j23 Farnam. NICE HOME IN' KOI NT.E PICE. 1XH I)THROP STltliET. HOT WATER HEAT IJGHT OAK FINISH. $4.WJ0. H GATES, R. W4, New Om. Nat. Bank. $2t200 $408 cash, balance practically like rent, will buy ou a 7-room house, thoroughly overhauled and In fine condition; large eai-l frotil lot 5oxlil, located Cnar 3o;b Ava and (, ' BEMIS-CAKLBEHG, 310-312 Brandels Theater. l.oT t blo-k M. t it near Hit; a school .ai AMri t .'"' liauk CiawliJ u wanar. Wars aia. uty. REAL ESTATE CITY l'UOPKRTY FOR SALIC. (Continued.) FOlt SALE All modern 5-room cottage at 216 S. Morton St., Benson. $.1,250. MUST RE SOLD QUICK. Beautiful new 8-room home. every thing complete; lot 60x124 feet; make offer, lsid lothrop St. Inquire D. ST8 or W. 5o2. .IIHKtl.K l IH 1I.K WILL NOT LAST 17)N0 OihhI. productive. 20 acres: level, near Rood small town, 17' miles of Omaha; handy to depot and hUsh school of twelve arrades; a rnlKhty good market for your produce. It l improved with a 8-rooni house, he sides bath room, good cellar (bricked), ce ment walk, wood house 10x14. barn HixM and other small buildings. There are 40 fruit trees, mainly apple, and plenty of Kiapes; also a few shade trees around the house. A person can make more money off of this twenty acres than on a (freat number of larxer farms. The price Is 3160 per acre. It Is worth it. too. OltIN S. MERRILL CO., 1213-1214 City National Bank Building.' REAL ESTATE FARM AM) RAM 11 I.AM) FOlt SAI.U Arkansas. FREE FARMS, (lovernment lands free; aires In Arkansas for homesteading; Where located and how to secure them, shown In our 1911 booklet. Sent post-paid for $1. W. L. Mc pherson. Clarsvllle, Ark, Florida. SOUTH FLORIDA Colony estshllshed; Isrge settlement Individual deeds; co operative price; co-operative development; tewnstte profits for Improvements. Addi tions open. Industrial college. Ruxkln College. Ruskln. Fla. FLORIDA. FOR SALE Florida land at wholesale. We have several choice tracts suitable for rolonizstion purposes. Write us. Watson dt Helgen Land Co.. Jacksonville, Fla FLORIDA FRUIT LANDS 49.000 acres of choice fruit and vegetable land adjoining the famous Everglades (which has Just been sold to contract holders who are all well satisfied) subdivided Into 7.000 farms to be sold at 8260 per contract. $10 cash and $10 per month, and a beautiful town lote In the company's new town located on the main line of the Florida East Coast railway, and facing on Ijike Worth near the City of Palm Beach, given free wtth each contract. Now Is the time to buy a contract and get a tract of land that will be worth big money, and a beautiful lot on the sea shore free of cost. We want good live agents to sell these contracts In Nebraska. Liberal commissions paid agents who will give their time and energy to this work. F. T.I WALKER & CO. General Agents, 340-341 Brandels Theater, FIXIRIDA Write me for descriptions of bargains in good, title-perfect Florida farms; size, price, terras to suit yourself. J. W. Durham. Sanderson. Fla. I PALM BEACH COUNTY FARMS now to): 810 down. $19 monthly; price will be raised soon; save money by buying no I'est soil, nest climate, nest location In Florida Palm Beach Investment Co. 3G4 N. Y. tiiie mag.. Kansas t-uy. Mo. Iowa. APPLE orchards and poultry farms, not , n. 1 , , .. i ... . urban. William Casebeer. ARoona, la SOME BARGAINS lot acres. 80 In cultivation, balance In timber. Good Elberta peach orchard. 808 trees; good apple orchard, Jonlthan and Wine Sap; now In bearing. Also a good family orchard of peaches, apples and cberrlea Good house, barn, outbuilding cistern and good drilled well and pond. This la a splendid fruit and dairy proposi tion. 8 ullea from Koshkonong, Hi par era, - j . 1 Another 180 seres, SH miles from Koshkonong. 8$ acres In cultivation, bouse, barn and good cistern; a tew fruit treea Splendid partnership well In line can get good water lu to 18 feet Good frui and agricultural proposition. $30 per acra Another " 120 acrea 8 miles from Koshkonong, right m the great fruit district, 60 acres In cul tivations family orchard of peachea, apples, pears and cherries; also plum orchard. nouse. earn ana otner outouuaings. Bal ance not In cultivation, but In vary good limber. $20 per acra J. COCKBUEN & SON, 214-15-16 Manhattan Bldg., Das Moines MONEY-MAKING summer resort ho tel. with Vt acres of ground; hotel alone cost over 81O0.OUO; very finely furnished ai.d Is rlesr. Dakota land preferred. Finely improved Mexico rubber and cor feu plantation, valued at tou.ouu: clear and pays dividends on $200.u00; good property wanted. Box s4. Wlnterset la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fine ISO acre farm In Pocabontaa county, Iowa, IS miles irom town. iius is a first-class farm, all tiled; has good Improvementa price. $110 per acre; mortgage ti.OuO, 8 or 18 years umu, win um to.vAi in good, clear property and $6.00u In cash on ibis (rm Your property must actually be worth ths money, or no usa to monkey with It This is the cash price on the farm. It Is no old trading farm, so the property you offer must be gilt-edge. We dun't handle im. thing but first-class deals, and this Is one or inern. ouumii your proposition. Wou ard Land Company, Gowrla la. Want Merccandise Flock $10,000 to $12,000 for 228 acres welt Improved corn land, only 8 miles from -pint Lane county seat uicainaon county, Iowa Price, $75 per acre; mortgage. $5,0081 Addreas H. E Mills A Co.. Spirit Lake. Ia A SNAP Only drug store in a are mn latter July 1) of 8o0; reason, sickness; stock about u.uuu; win pay tor itself first year; must L luu. -. v. aauuwg. lonia. ia. BARGAIN IN A KANflAS) HOUR, 330 acres; ( room house and outbulldlncs well and windmill; 10 acres cultivated; 88 acres In wheat; fepced; smooth, rich soil all tiiiabia pnoa, a per aore; tanaa Landgraf Darby, uaraea City, Kan. ONE-TENTH CASH. BALANCE EASY Fine lots lu Plains. $12 W to $60; most ranid Krowth. populutlon should double In a year: electrto 1 gut, telephones, modern Improvementa: main line railway; get in en ground floor and profit In advance; aend for plat, joaa w. uaugoman. naina Kaa. ' THE farmer's or Investor's epe trtunlty, 820 acres level Stanton county, kaw. land. well located. 110 per acre; $6 per aore down, balance In semi-annual paymenta of 81 par acre: interest. par vent- v-iiaa ai Hoffiran. y recuse. KANSAS farm ranch. 1.808 acres; ri in cultivation: good pasture: all ua Arr fence and Jroas feuoe; modem U-raoui liu'iae. firm class Improvements; running ..tar and umber: aater pewer. lnveati- sate about ttds farm. 401 Hall Bldg. Kao- w City. Mo. TWO KANSAS BARGAINS la acres, Harvey county. 3 suite pi mm n: well Improved; houae. barn, orchard. (need. o . WO acres lu cultivation; all l:llHbl. f7.00 160 acres. Reae countv. all tlllsble (encd. ' scic In cuiiii ation . 4 utilas I to 11 Price t-.WW Cbailea Pslaieoa Hull losuu. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM t It LAND FOR AI.E Kan an Ion tinned. WHY OO TO THsl DUT PELT when you can buy lust as cheap where we have plenty of ralnT 120 A.. 1 mile trom a town of IM, only 18 miles from Sallna; nearly all good plow land, part good alfalfa land; all fenced and well and mill; flue location. Price, t'i per A. The enuei Kansas Real Eatate Co., Sallna, Kan. r N ELL improved farm of 218 acres in Lyon county. Kan. Six miles from Ail mire Will sell cheap If taken by March (Address Lock Box 1o4, .ts'oi. - FOR 8ALE 190 seres wheat, corn or alfalfa land In Harper county. Kansas, half nuie from town, if sold socn. 84 we. lluah t'onner, Hutchinson, Kan SAL1NI0 COUNTY, SOLOMON ROT TOM, ALFALFA FA II M. of elKht acres. Improved, throe miles of town, twenty acres In alfalfa, fifty acres In wheat. No overflow, no waste. Rented for one-half of crop and 1ihm. Kent Koes. Price i.(0'; worth 7.fcHi.00. Write Cave Realty Co., Sallna, Kansas. Mis: .xta, TWO SNAPS. in ais land one mile from depot at Et. James. Hatenwan county, Minn tioud bulldmKS. Can all be cultivated. Will take 82u acres North Dakota land at right value, II M terih; balance tbiig lime at 11 per cenL .0 per sore. For Sale 118 acre all unArr rulilvatlnn cue mile from city Imlts of St i'eter, lllun , no buildings, tie per acre. MORE HART , A'ICHli.'. Mankato, Minn i i i I WHEN they come from Minnesota they see the American k?i formers. If - R. C Woodworth, 1411 No. 20th St., will bring this nd to The Bee within three days iiml tuentlfy himself, he will receive an order to rlwo seats to the American. SAFE. CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT. $12,im0 buys an excellent Improved farm of 8ao acres, four miles from good town In Marshall county, Minnesota, the heart of the Bed River valley. There are iMJ acres under cultivation, remaining 4o acres all tillable. Good 8-room house, frame barn, granary, poultry house, well and fenced pasture. Improvements cost $i2ou. Terms: $3,000 cash, balance $1,000 a year. One-half of 1UU crop goes to purchaser. $5,000 buys another ' Kood quarter, same locality; every acre tillable. About 140 aciea will be tn crop anil purchaser gets one half of this. No bulllitiK; ' soli perfect; terms, $1,000 cash; balance In. annual pay ments. Several farms, no belter tlmn mine, have been sold n this locality re cently at $"0 an acre. ; Come up and see. A. O. OLESON, Owner, 327 Talace Bldg , Minneapolis, Minn. - . , . FOR MAl'9 AND V ALI A ML K I.NKIi.v MATION IN REGARD TO NOKTilWEsl ERN MINNESOTA LAND. THE I.A.Ni THAT GROWS FLAX.- WRITh. id KENNEDY LAND. LOAN AM'' CO.. KENNEDY. MINN.- , BIGGEST bargain In Minnesota. 1J acres, cultivated; all fenced; goou build Ins s. Red river valley, near i.'ronksiuo. rented: only $u,200, with 14 eows Konkle. ewner. Lumber Em-ban;. Juinneatnt., Mlnu- 1SLE Harbor farm for sal. A 700 acr stock farm located H mile from town oa south shore of Mills Lace Ikke, Mill Lauj county, Minnesota. '"In the land ' of th big red clover. Also f.gsO acre unimprovel timber and meadow land. Write Ur al L. Hawek. Mankato, Minn M Isaoarl. " - W ACHES. Il.NV) ,T ? a. Douxlia Co. Mo., uu t conslUrr able valley land, cultivate.- Oh. au i.... ber; good spring water, eonie orchard. J room house, large new fiaia turu, otli outbuildings. Terms. Write for llt. Halle V Spur lock. Ava. Mo.-r '. . COLONIZATION hroposlon.'M.'.oii ecren. best colonisation proposition In south Mis souri, 3 miles to railroad. 3.4Do-acre I in proved stock ranch 4ill under tem-e. mu. tracta. Write for prices' 6. d. Wliitlocit Birch Tree Mo. 860 a., large 8-room house, large Lnrn 84x00. 100 a. adjoinlnx the above, 4-roora house, new barn 3tix3. Will sell together or separate. ISO a. near AOIvllle. larx bouse and barn, a model country home; price $108 per acre; cxsii or terms. Waller tmies. nigginsvuie, mo. . FOR SALE 180 acres 4 miles fiom Lt anon, on puMIc msd; lies goxl: M in m lUatlon; rest Umber; fair improvements: good well and spring: fenced and crons fenced: orchard; near school on public road; R. F D. and telephone; prlue 1-j pr aero. F. R Currle, Lebanon. Mo FOR SALE 900-acre stock and grain farm: $00 acres In cultivation; 800 acres alley and hottom land; all rich soil. Two lets of Improvement; $15 per acre; tasy terms. Large list of improved larms id twvnty counties, southern Missouri. Oxark Realty Co.. 8 CoUge a'.. Springfield. Ma OZAKK LANDS Rend for our complete list of bargains: go with us on our next excursion. April 4, and investigate the country. We can make yon money. HAWKEY K LiAISU UIUJIIAIIU 208 Brandels Theater Bldg. Moataua. MONTANA STOCK RANCH FOR BALE. s luu acres, one-tlilrd larming lana; range for 3,000 cattle. Chance of a lifetime. Writs Box 272. UllUngs. Mont. BrrsrKESS men of (JlendU. Mont., ba-e erganlsed for the purpose of giving re liable Information concerning lands In eastern Montana. The members of th UDderslgned company have resided la astern Montana for 20 years and more and know every foot of Its lands. Th are merchants and business men who wan! settlers and our trade and cannot afford lo mislead Notwithstanding laal year t drouth Montana was ons 01 tne i itstes that ralsad ordinary crops in lta Have several thousand acres lor sale at reasonable prlcea Homesteads located. Write ua. Uate tuy urn company. Olendlve. Mont- Nebraska. 1 880-ACRE ranch for ssla. $30 per acre. two-thirds cash, remainder five years. 4 per eeat Intfcrast; aii fuveu. good Improve ment For particulars write Frank bohula. Norfolk. Neb. FOR bargains In cheap western lands eftan aheap; mo seres relinqulsbmenta Ad dreas J. C Barslua. Whitman. Neh. FOlt RALE Bargains, to quarters. fill 111 land near Dickens and Somerset, linuoln Co., -Neb., only XJ per quarter. R. Bettesworth, owner, l uuir Rapids, la. IMPROVED 640-acre rellmiulshnient, near town, for aale cheap. Ad drone J. C. Ber lin a. Whitman, Neb. NEBRASKA farmers enjov an evening at the American. 11 it. r-mngor. .-in n. Dth St, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identity blinseir. he will receive an order fur two seats to the American theater. Mexico. ', AN OPPORTUNITY. You can make 8u8 per cent profit In five years on Colefax county, H. M., Irrigated fruit land. You run no risk whatever Sold In flve-aor trad a aad cultivated for five years by export fruit growei Write for special Information. Tnla Is an abso lutely safe Investment that will net yoit big profits. Mchiaal. 814-18 Fluanoe Bldg. Kansas City. Mo. Itorta Ilakala. u for iiainptii'i cropa in Noila Dakota" Vive ear. 8 per rent mortic ituie f f AM'-. ,ti t ski er crop panieji. feitie Buk wf Vmui.4, Vliuut, i: D