Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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State Lodge of Odd Fellows to Put On
Hibernian to Hold a, Knokrr Fra-
teraal talon Celebrate Anni
versary pan Ish War Vet
(rini to Hmnkr,
State I,wlp No. 10 will iut on the Initi
atory degree Monday nlnht.
The anniversary cM-bratlon commlttpos
of the Omaha lodges held a nieetlna: nt
Odd Fellow' hall Inst Wednesday twn
Inn and dlspourd of rnnHldr rable prelim
inary work. The meetlnif whs attended by
the officers of the Pottewnttamle county
anniversary commltfio. The Omaha com
mittees will meet In room 240 Be hulldlnn
next ThurKday evnln at o'clock.
Beacon I.od(r No. M will have work In
the Initiatory desren nxt Tursday eveninK
Grand patriarch Mai Us. Ocoi ge Turklnft-
ton and James Iodd went to Butte, Neh.,
Friday morning, where they helpeft to
confer the encampment drKrres on a class
of candidates.
Was Lodge No. la ha two candidates
for the Initiatory degree net Wednesday
Hesperian Fnrnmpnir-tit No. 2 will have
twelve candldm' for the Royal Purple
degree next Thursday night.
Canton Etter No. 13 mustered In six
candidates last Friday night.
' I'annehro Lodge No. 218 will put on the
Initiatory degree work next Friday nlKht.
Canton Rxra M!llnrd No. 1 mustered In
One candldati) night.
The Hall association expects to start
work on the repairing of the Odd Fellows'
hall building in a few daya.
Mn. Alice McLeland and her little daiigh.
ter. who were to badly burned In the fire
that destroyed their home on March 22, are
netting; along nicely, but It Is feared that
the, little girl will be blind.
State Lodge No. 10 celebrated the forty
fourth anniversary of Its Institution last
Monday night. Grand Patriarch Marks
presided over the meeting; Frank P. Cor
rlck, editor of the Nebraska Odd Fellow;
Judge A. L. Button and Yr. Patton deliv
ered addressee. The program was Inter
spersed with music, after which a supper
was served.
The members of Omaha Lodge No. 2 will
go in a body to visit South Omaha Lodge
No. 148 tomorrow night.
Omaha, Lodge No. 3 will confer the first
' 'degree next Friday night.
Modern Woodmen of America.
The triennial convention of the Modern
Woodmen of America camps of Douglas
county will be held In Modern Woodmen
hll Wednesday at 10 a. m. Representa
tives will be present from every city and
village In the county. The principal busi
ness of the convention will be the selection
of delegates to the meeting of the state
camp at Fremont, May .1. This county
will send ten delegates.
In addition to the delegates many mem
bers of the society from this county will
attend the state camp meeting. On the
evening preceding the meeting a great
Modern Woodmen rally will be held, and
thousands of Woodmen are expected to
take part. A feature will be the initiation
of a class of several hundred candidates.
B. & M. Camp No. (MS will have an enter
tainment Tuesday evening for Its mem
bers and friends. No admission will be
charged and an elaborate program has
been arranged. V
Much Interest Is being manifested by
local members of the society In the forth
coming head camp meeting at Buffalo,
K. v., In June. A national encotnpment
of foresters, the drill teams of the camps,
will be held In connection with the head
camp meeting. The teams of Omaha Camp
10, R. M. W and 8outh Omaha U5 will
attend and take part In the drill.
Irrigation Building I
Up Idaho Industries,
Investments Already Made Give i
Incentive for Further Work,
Say Injersoll.
"The Intpr-mnuntBln country Is develop
ing rnr'dlv." said Colonel J. M. Ingersoll
of Poratdlo. at the Henshaw Saturday,
"and this Is particularly true of Idaho. Mil
lions Invested by private parties and the
government along the 8nnkt river valley
and Its tnbuturles In southern Idaho and
the wonderful results In the few short
years that they have had from Irrigation
se m to furnish an Incentive for greater
efforts In the same line. Hence Idaho Is
doubling up in population, Industry and
"The Oregon Short IJne Hal I road com
pany is busy to the limit building exten
sions of old lines and new branch lines.
while It Is double tracking Its main trunk
line through the finake river valley, and,
of course, tills Is canning Pocatello to
double up In population and business,
I'oratello being Hie railroad center of all
trunk and biun li lines in southern Idaho.
This Is all I'nion Pacific territory; hence
it Is Ornaha terrtlory.
"The Oregon Short Line has plans and
specifications for Improvements at Poca-
tello that will cost $1.6no.O) and it has set
aside $7.',o,(jou for tins year and work is
now progressing." 1
Starving Family is Saved
Officers Find Little in Cohn
Promising Captures.
Mrs, Sara Conn is
Named as Executrix
Interests of Late Merchant to Be
( Held in Trust by Her for
Her Sons.
Mrs. Sarah Cohn, widow of the late Her
man Cohn, who was murdered by high
waymen last Saturday night, is to have
absolute control of the estate of her hue
band. The will, which has been opened prl
vately, directs that she serve as executrix
and hold In trust stocks and moneys which
shall go to her sons at maturity.
Among the Cohn Interests are large hold
ings In the Nebraska Clothing company,
sole ownership in the Hotel Loyal and
the 175.000 life insurance. The will Is to
be filed for probate the first of next week.
1'. C. T. Memorial Kervloe.
Omaha council No. 118, I'nlted Commer
cial Travelers of America, will hold memnr
lal services Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
at the First Baptist church, corner of
Park avenue and Harney street. Rev.
John Matthews will deliver the sermon and
all commercial travelers, their families
and friends are Invited to attend the services.
In Nebraska Clotaln Company's
Windows ( ommtni'lnx Tuesday,
April 4.
; i
W R : i I
I f 5 jj...,
1 1 '
Another destitute family mother and
four little children has been rescued from
starvation by the Child Saving Institute.
Saturday morning Field Agent Gray
brought In from Decatur, Burt county,
Mrs. L. W. Ball, a widow, with her little
brood, and placed them under the protect
ing roof of the institute. The photograph
was taken upon arrival of the party at
the Webster street station.
Three years ago the husband and father
was murdered In Decatur, leaving the fam
ily penniless. The widow took up the bat
tle bravely and eked out a miserable living
by service as washerwoman, working most
of the time In a hotel and carrying water
a distance of four blocks. The strain be
came too great and the woman broke
down. As if she had not enough to bear,
typhoid fever attacked her, rendering her
helpless for months. Neighbors and county
officials did what they could, but the II-
lage lacked facilities for caring for de
pendent children and finally an appeal was
made to the Child Saving Institute. As
usual, the response was prompt. Mr. Gray
brought the family down, accompanied by
one of the county commissioners. Mr. Gray
says he found the distressed family trying
to live In an old shack about IfixlG, boarded
up, without plaster, with wide cracks In
the door, which was fastened only with a
large wooden button. The structure was
Hitnply a granary, utterly unfit for the
habitation, of a human being. During the
cold winter months the mother and little
ones suffered Intensely from cold and hun
ger, the neighbors being able to help only
to a limited degree. When mother and
children were brought to the Institute they
were dazed and could not realize that the
place was to be their home for a time at
least. Employment will be found for the
mother and care given the children such
as they have never had.
Twlrsr. Ktelnaa-rr and Iteland Mast
Anmrr Other ha ratre Investi
gation Is (entered on
Clark and Carr.
Little evidence of a tangible character
has been unearthed by the police working
on the Cohn murder mystery. Every clus
In connection with Ihe Identification of the
revolver dropped by the assassin has been
run down without success.
Detectives Maloney and Van Deusen are
still working on the case, but unable to
report new developments. Superintendent
Rosslter and his confrere. Lowell Spence,
of the rinkertons. will remain In the city
in an endeavor to clear up the murder of
While no new evidence In the case points
to the guilt of the three boys, Carl Deland,
Henry Stelngger and Lemuel Twiggs, they
are being held for other misdeeds.
Attention has shifted to the two ex-con-vlcts,
Clark and Carr, who stubbornly re
fuse to enlighten the police as to their
movements and whereabouts on the night
of the murder. Detective Stewart of the
Northwestern railroad has obtained a pic
ture of the men and Is sending copies
about the country for Identification. He
expects to connect the men with the rob
bery of the Northwestern train near Denl-
son. An officer from Lincoln Is expected
to Identify the men.
Member of Firm Passes Amy as Cir
cus Is Giving? Evening- Perform
ance at Madison Square.
Hibernians at Rmoker.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians of
Omaha are preparing to give a smoker to
take place In their hall, lArtlngton block,
Monday evening. The Hibernians of Doug '
las county and Council Bluffs recently In
augurated a movement to raise a large
elasn of candidates for Initiation about the
first of May, the work to be performed
by a special degree team, which the na
tional president of the order, J. J. Reagan,
will bring- wltb him from St. Paul.
This smoker Is for the purpose of formu
lating ways and means to better facilitate
the work of raising the required number of
Representatives from the Pouth Omaha
division and from Council Bluffs will be
Fraternal t'nlon of America.
Banner lodge No. 11 will -celebrate their
anniversary on Thursday evening, April 6.
at Myrtle hall. Fifteenth and Douglas
treeta, with a program. The Banner lodge
and the Modern Woodmen, No. 9lfi, will
give, thlr fancy drills, followed by danc
ing. Members or Ihe order and their
friends are cordially Invited at S o'clock
Omaha court No. 110, Tribe of Ben Hilr
will give Its monthly social on next Friday
evening. On April 14 this court will elve
a card party.
The Women's Relief Corps, V. S. Grant
post, will hold its H'gular meeting at
Barlght's hall Tuesday afternoon at 2 .10
A smoker, to which all veterans of the
ftpanlah war, are Invited, will be given at
Barlght's hall. Nineteenth and Karnnm
streets. Monday night. Camp Lee Forhy
No. 1 la cponsorlnthe event.
The crowns are faithful reproductions of
the originals, and although made of plated
gold and Imitation Jewels, they represent
an expenditure of $27,000. It required an
Infinite amount of perseverance and pa
tience to secure the ralntlngs and draw
ings from which they were copied. Visits
had to be made to the capitals of the sev
eral nations and permission secured for an
artist to sketch the Individual . crowns.
Often this permission was refused by the
official guardians of these treasures and
all sorts of schemes had to be adopted to
obtain the seal led privilege, j
The collection as it stands today Is of
special Interest to every student of the
world's history. If one desired to see the
originals he would be compelled to travel I
many thousands of miles, spend a large. I
sum of money for traveling expenses, and
even "then he would have his troubles, for
the crown of an Important monarch la so
carefully guarded from the public Rate
that only the favored few get a sight bf It.
'" Most superb ot all the crowns shown and
the most valuable In the collection Is the
crown of Germany. It Is simply a basket
work, of gems, containing 1,250 diamonds
and a sapphire cross in front. Around the
border are the Imperial eagles. The original
Is valued at t2,500,00.
Most Interesting of all, however. Is the
replloa of the crown which was placed on
the head of King Edward VII In London
at nis coronation, it is 01 gold, with a
cushion of royal purple. and a border ot
ermine. KacU rib of the crown Is studded
with a row of magnificent pearls, while
every other point biases with sapphires,
rubles and diamonds. The top Is sur
mounted by an orb and cross.
Russia's czar wears a huge affair twloe
as bulky as England's, set with huge ru
bles and sapphlrea Sweden's Is conspic
uous for Its Immense pearls, though the
crown Itself Is one of the smallest of the
The Iron crown of Lombardy Is the oldest
of all European crowns. It was made In
847. It Is a lleavy circlet of gold three
inches high, set with brilliant gems. Within
Is a narrow band, said to have been made
from nails from the true cross.
Beautiful Indeed and replete with senti
ment are the two crowns worn by N
pua-on ana josepnine. i ne empress was
a simple tiara of regal pearls set In
network of diamonds. In each Interstice
hung a pearl-shaped diamond, vibrating
with every movement. Napoleon's was
crown of golden eagles, surmounted by a
cross and set with sapphires and rubles.
NEW TORK, April 1. Otto Rlngllng
of circus fame died here tonight at, the
home of his brother, John, as the big
show of which he was Joint owner with his
four brothers was giving Its evening per
formance at Madison Sipiare Garden. He
was 51 years old. Death was due to
uraemlc poisoning. He will be burled Sun
day afternoon at Baraboo,
Wis., his birth
A Frightful Kxperlence
with billiousness, malaria and constipa
tion Is quickly overcome by taking Dr.
King's New Life Pills. 2fic. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
In order that the advertiser may get the
best results for money Invested, he must
reliable channel. The Bee Is that channel.
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
Chicago Packers
File Demurrers
Their Attorneys Attack Sherman Law
Under Which Bills Are Filed as
Not Defining Any Crime.
CHICAGO. April 1 Demurrers filed by
the Indicted Chicago meat packers today
before Judge Carpenter In the I'nlted
States district court set up the contention
that the anti-trust art of 1800. under which
all monopoly suits are brought in the
I'nlted States does not create any crime.
The basis for this contention Is:
"That the statute does not define any of
fense against the United States with suf
flclent certainty to Inform the defendants
of the nature of the crime or offense with
which they are charged; and the same
Insofar as It undertakes to create a crime
is Invalid, void and contrary to the I'nlted
States constitution."
The demurrer, along this same line,
"The description of the offense contained
In this section, on which the Indictment I
based. Is not one by which the defendants
were or are able to know, in advance
whether the acts were criminal or not."
Indictments also are attacked as of faulty
Dennian Thompson Is Critically 111
WKST SWANSKY. N. II., April l.-The
condition or nenman 1 nompson. the aged
actor, continues serious ami his meai.i
attendants fear It will be difficult to over
come the heart affection which has pros
trated Thompson. Two specialists are here
today from Boston to assist the family
Brnndels stores Annonnee the Win
ra In the flaby Rrauty
We announce the awards for the most
beautiful babies In Brandls' baby show
March 14-11. m our Pompelan Room:
First Prise Won by Paul, son of R. B.
Aiken, tUSt Harney. Prize, diamond locket.
Second Prise Won by Max, son f C. W.
Metlck. Ames avenue. Piiie. diamond
Third PrUe Won by Prances, daughter
of r. H. Oagnebrln, 471 Parker street.
PrUe, silver mug.
Honorable Mention Baby of Mrs. Car
Una, Jlil Bouth Twenty-svcond street,
prime, sliver fork and spoon.
First rrlse. Twins Won by Torjal and
Anton, suns of A. Sandorff. 3106 Half Cass
The three Judges were the society editors
ef tbo World-Herald. Bee and News. Every
mother Who exhibited her baby will please
call far the photograph, nhtch it have
taken. It haa txcen attractively mounted
and win be presented free of charge.
The Key te the buuatiun Dm Want Ada.
This town wants a cannery and wants
It badly. If you are a uannrryman of ex
perteuce you can come to this place and
make a stake. The country Is ready for
Buhl. Idaho. Is the market point for
w,wu acrea of tarey-Act land: the rich
land that Ues out of doors. There la cheap
electric power gained from the falls of the
Mmhe river. There are oceans of farm
produce of every description. Everythin
la favorable. Please WRITE MS A
You can satisfy yourself about this If
you will write to me at once. I can send
you a booklet showing JUST WHAT TH18
for the book It costs nothing and may
mean a fortune to you. Address
a X. MoQUOWS, Secret! UVWtJ. COM.
farmer snould iiilnk of buying a bomef
ifeiuri tiiia a c"iy 01 our journal. 1
hum lemis. city property ana stocks o
goods advertised in it from every state
iu m uiliuii, iu mat you can xinu JUSC
what you Ish In its columns. It reaches
is, 000 readers a n issue. Advertising
raiea, c per wwra. rvna ivc lor 1 moniiis
trial eubsiripuon. it will be stopped a
the end of 1 months unieoa yen rw
p TZ3 I u I - 1 i
! '1 "j
Bottom Prices on Rus
Tapestry Brussels rugs
from our surplus lines will
be sold Monday-Monday
only--for prices that give
us their cost. They are in
floral and oriental designs
and are 9x12 feet. Worth
as high as $20, Monday
prices are $10.50, $11.50,
and $12.50.
There have been start
ling rug reductions, but
none like these.
Rtmember: Good furniture may b cheap,
but "chap" furniture cannot be good.
Miller, Stewart
&. Beaton Co.
The Tag Policy House
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street.
EfttahllMtMvl 1NH4.
WHAT you pay beyond the cloth-cost of your
ciotHes is for time, talent and, last, but most, sincerity q
tailoring. This does not consist of intention to give it to
you, but of attention to see that you get it-through all, and all
through the tailoring.
"SINCERITY CLOTHES" are made up of wool,
skill, care and conscience. The best that the weavers
can put into the fabrics and that we can put into
the tailoring goes into them and shows in them. ,
The "SINCERITY" label is easy to remember when you buy clothes and
hard to forget when you've worn them. The garments are sold by most best
clothiers. Our Book of Style is worth your while. It's yours for a postcard.
Kuhe tlathatt 6 Fischer Co
1 cz
. Advertising figeney
We have an opening for a high class Solicitor. Must be
a level-headed man of tact, force and character. 25 to 40, with
a sure grip on what constitutes Good Advertising, and a clear,
practical understanding of Modern Agency Methods. As an
evidence of past success, Bhould be able to control some business.
The man we want must be able to present with intelligent
energy, and positive conviction, Selling Plans and Copy for any
line of business. He must possess initiative and resourcefulness,
combining absolute reliability with unquestioned ability to cone
successfully with the many-sided Advertising and Selling Prob
lems that arise in the Merchandising Field.
To such a man. with full belief in his own powers, an en
thusiasm for Advertising and a real ambition to push ahead in
the world, we offer a very unusual opportunity. Our business is
growing by leaps and bounds. Almost daily we are asked by
Leading Manufacturers to outline our Ideas for promoting their
sales. In meeting these requeets, we prepare carefully worked
out Plans and Copy without cost to the Advertiser.
It Is In connection with the hsndlinr of these hleh-dsss
"Prospects" that we now seek the services of another Solicitor of
the type outlined abore. If you feel that 70a measure up to the
requirements, write us today stttn in confldence yourqusliflcatlons
for the position. Should you prove to be the ris;nt man, we may
offer you the msnacement of a Branch Office we will soon open.
Kansas City St. touts Chicago San Francisco
Opportunity's Hand
Is Extended To You
Grasp It In "New British
Columbia," Canada
Sign and Mail Attached Coupon
and You Will Learn All About It
Live Representatives Wanted. Write for Particulars.
The Pacific I-ocatlns; and Developing Co.
P. O. Box 744. Prince Rupert, 13. C.
Kindly send me all the neceBsnry in
formation on "Advantages In British
'olumlila Today for the Investor or
Prospective Beitler."
Street No.
City State
3 C
Msal Em
'Tha hous of
high Mant'.'
1 g
South front offices are
Cheerful and comfortable
The year round
You live in your office a third of your
life. You have a right to a cheerful office
with a pleasant outlook. You should
treat yourself to an office where you
know you will have the best service, as in
The Bee Building
Room 302 is a choice office facing Parnam street and
the new $1,000,000 court house, with its prospective
lawn. It is almost in front of the elevator on the third
floor. Tbe room Is J 1-8x1 9-6 in size, and can be partitioned into
a private office and reception room. Could anything more desir
able be asked? Farnatn Street offices never remain vacant long
on account of the good location. This one rents, per month 923.0O
Net Elevatert are not being installed.
The Bee Building Co.
Bee Dusinets Olilc. 17th and Farnam Sts.
Persistent Advertising i9 the Koad to Big Returns
The Bee's Advertising Columns Are That Road.
til Journal. Truer, low a