THE OUIA SUNDAY BEE: ATOiL 2, 1911. ) v The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska, r 30 REAL ESTATE CITY FHOFKRTV FOR AI.K (Continued.) " On Fa Street Hill 14,000 10-room, modern horn, with hard wood finish, hardwood floors and everything up-to-date; south front corner lot. $18,500 An extra good modern house with hot water heat and all conveni ence!", IncludlnK garage; lot, OOxlKB, i stl 17th St., near Farnah. Owner has hullt a new house and wants to aell at once. 110,000 10-rom modern house and two east front lots; one block from Farnam car line. 7,600 Same house with one lot. 1 1,600 -room modern house, with east front lot, one block from Farnam car line. it-: North Part of City Owner Going Abroad Feven-rnom modern house, with oak fin ish, oak floors, hot water heat, full lot. paved streets, permanent walks, etc., $.1.xckp; clear exrnpt paving. This house was built la 1S08 and la In first claws condition. I Owner Going to Chicago nfl on that account must sell his home. It you want a very desirable 9-room house with all modern conveniences, Including hardwod finish, oak floors and Maid s room on third floor, beautiful grounds with forest trees, and paved street. In an extra good neighborhood at a bargain, aee us about this property at once. A Gem of a Home A new 7-room, modem house, of latest leslgn, with large living room, dining room with beamed celling; hardwood finish and oak floors below; white enamel with mahogany doors upstairs; located In Sun set addition, facing Dundee, In a fine neigh borhood, on paved street and car line; DC minutes' ride from l'lth and Farnam Sts. No city taxes or paving to pay. Price, $C,2uO. Terms $3,000 cash; balance monthly. Do You Want to Keep Roomers? We offer for sale a new, 9-room house with "6 bedrooms and every convenience, which the owner now Uvea In and has an Income of $ix) per month from roomers. The 'property Is first class and can be depended upon to bring a regular Income. lYlce, $."i,OK. Terms: $3,000 cash, balanee at 6 per cent. Vacant t 1,000 The only east front vacant lot for ale between Farnam and Do-ge. 31st and 38th Bts. A special bargain, too, aa owner Is moving away. 8,600 Fast .front corner. 125x125 feet, two blocks rom Farnam car line. Owner has moved to Denver and wanta an offer. Will divide. J. H. Dumont & Son Phono Doug. 690. 1005' Farnam St., Omaha. $3,200. $.V CASH REQUIRED. 114 N..43d Ave. Large lot fronting two streets. Room for another house. New house with 6 rooms, all modern with hard maple floors. $3,750. $00 CASH REQUIRED. 2323 S. 31st St. Large lot; east front; only one block south of Hanscom Park. House has rooms, all modern and nearly new. DUNUKB HOME. $4,250. v 6-room, all modern house, finished In oak and hard pine. Only two blocks from Dundee car. House built In 1910. Only $1,000 cash required. I3.H50. $1,000 REQUIRED. 6-room, all modern house In north part of city. Only one-half block from car line. This la a bargain. INVESTMENT. We have some of the best Investments In Omnha In brick flats and apartments and frame houses. Can show you a large lint of tl.ene. All prices. MUTTON REALTY CO. - &V4 BrVndeia Bldg. Phone Douglas 1070. SUBURBAN BARGAINS fl,6o0-62d and Military Ave. Good 7-room house and two lots; plenty of fruit; on Benson car line. $1,200 New 4-roum houu and half acre, four blocks north of Krug Park, (inly $200 cash, and 12 per month. $,2fi0 New 6-room. all imodern bungalow ur.d "'ft actus, in hes stone park, on paved road, one mile wet of lien-so-. Owners might consider small property In town as part payment. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., WARE BLOCK, 8. K. Cor. 15th and Farnam Sts. Tel. Douglas 17N1; A IK. NORTH SIDE SNAP-$2,500 4706 N. 21th St. Hood 7-room, full cant front lot, on paved street. Only $30J cash required. i'AYNE INVESTMENT CO., 3D FLOOR. WAKE BLOCK, 6. E. Cor. I'.th ami Farnam Sis., Tel. Douglas IIsl; A llvi.1 HANSCOM PAKE SNAP 1120 S. 2Mb St., 6 rooms, thoroughly mod em, with full brick basement, nearly new and nicely arranged, east front lot, paving paid; a very desirable home In one of the best neighborhoods in the city. Let us rlicw you this, as it has tu be. seen to be appreciated. Owner leaving city and price reduced to $4,300. Terms it desired. See tills today. Pliippen Real Estate Co., Boston Store Hldg. Phones Douglas 22S2, Res. Harney 13W. AT A SACRIFICE. Owners business calls them to the coast; must sell their home; eight large rooms, all modern, underfed fur rime; built five eara: permanent walks, fine view, two blocks from Komitie. place, one block from Sherman Ave car line. 12.tj0. Terms. R. W. Bryant. Phone Webster 2213. FOR SALE Splendid home of 7 rooms, built lMfe, on paved street, one block from car line; strictly modern; house alone cost $J ". Will take $3.0110 on reasonable terms. Address P. u. Bo 516. Council Bhff. la. Mut Be Sold in Tvn Days Strictly new, all modern, 7-room house at 24JX Ohio M.. one block to bent car line in city. All rooms light and cheerful. Oak, maple and birch finish downstairs; pine and bitch upKtalra. Hrlrk foundation, full fin ished basement with best furnace made. You must see this house to appreciate same. Let us allow It to you. Nordstrom & Neff, Ml Bee Bldg. Phones Douglas Webster 3ti:6. for. sau: ItfM Callfi rnla St.. strictly modern, hard wood finish throughout, full busement. 7 rooms with reception hall, within easy walking distance. Price $o.uu0. Easy terms. R. K. Miriu, owner. Tel. Web. 4.0i OWNER LEAVING CITY Brand, new, J-story, 7-rpom all modern house; oak floors, comliliiitlton fixture; leady to move In. Muat sell at once. 714 8. Stb St. Harney 15! or Harney A SNAP T-room house. 4 lots, all Improved. One block to car. V. Uiant St., Tel Benson 6JU. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKHTY FOR SALE (Continued.) Bargains $2,800 $2,900 For a nearly new, five-room, modern cottage at 27th and Capitol avenue, lot 60x135 feet. Small payment down or vacant lot accepted as first payment. $3,000 $3,000 For a new, six-room, modern house Just completed and ready to move Into on Miami street, west of 24th. $3.0"0 For a nine-room, modern house and full fifty-foot lot in the vlnctnlty or 40th and Farnam. This Is a bargain and the owner Is anxious to sell. See this Immediately if you want a snap. $4,000 $4,000 If taken at once, buys a fine, eight room, modern home on Manderson, west of 24th. Large south front, lot 60x128. shade trees, fruit trees, pav ing and permanent sidewalk paid In full. House has oak finish on the first floor, mantle and built-in cabinet. Large bed rooms, large clos ets, everything first class. Nnn-i stl dent owner has reduced the price frlim $5,(w0 to $4,000 for Immediate sale. TO INVESTORS I am authorized to offer for Immediate sale a new pressed brick building located near 24th and Farnam, and containing four apartments of five-rooms each, total ren tal, $1,452 a year, with no expense to owner except ta,xes and Insurance. Non-resident owner will accept $12,000 for this property and might shade this some If sold im mediately. Here la an opportunity to get a splendid close In property that Is fast developing a business locality. SOME ONE WILL. GET A 'SNVP. - ERNEST SWEET, 1236 City National Bank Bldg. 25 Acre Fruit Farm on the main road north of Florence, pretty ... I . .. . I ..11 .. 9 ioiinu, iiiifBliy (MClIliru 111 nun, ail uv which is producing and In a good state of cultivation. The place will pay right from the start. Owner retiring and will let implements and stock go with the place at $K,0u0. Such places are not often on the market. Harrison & Morton 018 Omaha National Bank. Tel. Doug. 3H. Best Lots West We are Just putting on the market a block of lots on 35th St.; between Dodge and Davenport streets; newly paved, lots graded, city water, sewerand sidewalks. These are near the Farnam car line and only twenty minutes walk from downtown. Prices, $moo to $2,000. Call for plat with details of sizes and prices. . Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha National Bank. Tel. Doug. 314. 10 Rooms, $7,700 104 feet, south front, near Yates' fine residence, West Farnam district. House not new, but large and roomy and put in good condition by former owner, Mr. Dill worth of the B. A M. legal department. Nonresident owner got the property in ex change and puts this n'ciiflce price on it, $7,700. There are prwuably fifty people In Omaha who If they knew the actual value of this property would buy It at the price. (This ad is for them.) Act quickly. Harrison & Morton 62x130 $7,000 25th, near Farnam. Harrison & Morton. 44x132 55,500 Next 1st Nat. Bank, on Farnam. Harrison & Morton 87x132 $4,5000 s Farnam, near the new 22d St. Harrison & Morton .50x85 $7,000 ISth, N, of Leavenworth. Harrison & Morton 242x132 $6,000 Farnam, near 25th. Harrison & Morton Prettiest Mile Florence Blvd., between Ames Ave. and Miller park, la ald to be Omaha's prettiest inilo. At the prettiest spot of this mile offer an 8-room, new, house. Choice location. '.;.). Ask us about this. Harrison & Morton Acte $2,000 Fronts E. on Miller park. Harrison & Morton 50x133 $$1,000 So. front on Fowler, very close la Flor ence Blvd. Pavement paid. larrison & Morton 9 Rooms $4,500 SWxloO ft.. Just off Florence lilvd, on Ami ive. Harrison & Morton WANTED Land agents for the different localities In Nebraska, to sell land In an Irrigation project In Wyoming. The belt proposition of its kind on the market to day. Robert C. Druesdow 4 Co., Sales Agents, mv New Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb FOR SAIJC Modern l-roum house In the heart of the Hanscom park district. Oak fioura and finish down stairs, hard pine up stairs. Fine furnace; elegant bath room fixtures and plumbing; laundry, etc. Hot water beater with thermostat attach ment. Storm studies and screens Call at 3U22 Pacific street and see it. Price. $7.0uo. CHOICE corner, blocks from P. O. ; present rental, $1,40; price for viulck sale, $11. ecu. J. W. RASP CO., S9 Branded Bldg BVHD nursery cherry trees are the trees to plant now. If A. A. Wirt. 415 Cass St., will bring this ad to The Um within three days he mill receive an order fur a 6uu cherry tree from Byrd a, ' REAL ESTATE CITV FKOFKRTV FOR SALIC (Continued.) For Sale or Exchange for a modern house in Omaha, a 9-room, all mocern residence In Des Moines, la. Electric light, bath, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, barn, lot Wixl32, shade trees, lawn, paved street, half block from car line, convenient to church and school. Alfred C. Kennedy 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 7222. EASY PAYMENT. -room cottage, 2521 Calillwell St. Price. $1,400. J-room house, 2722 N. 25th St. Price, $2.0(10. 6-room cottage, 2G03 N. 22d KL Price, $2,300. 6-room cottage. 2003 N. 22d St. Price, $2,0ii. 6- room, new bungalow, modern, 2325 N. 27th St. Price. $2,400. 7- room modern house, 3040 Ames Ave., $3,250. 6-room, new, modern bungalow, 3046 Ames Ave. Price, $4,000. 6-room, modern, new house, 2434 Lake, $3,400. WESTERN REAT ESTATE CO. 411 Karbach Blk. Phone Red 3007, A-3645. V. REDUCED TO $3,500 THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME 35th and Jones Sts., In one of the most desirable residence sections of Omaha, all modern, U rooms. A bargain. GLOBE INVESTMENT CO. 644 Brandels Theater Bldg. 'Phona Douglas 8076. $1,900 Brick Cottage Four rooms on Sherwood Ave., east of Sherman. Splendid location, large trees, lot 42x132. House Is well built, has large rooms and can be made modern at a very slight expense. Extra lot adjoining can be had for $MJ more, making big piece of ground and a nice little brick house, close In, for $2,DO0. Armstrong Walsh Co. Tyler 1D36. 210 8. 17th St. TWO GOOD HOUSES CIIEA1' Northeast corner 35th and Decatur Sts.. S rooms and barn; fruit and shade trees. 1 rice, $2,7:,0. Lot 60x12714 ft. Southwest corner 42d St. and Lafayette Ave., 6 rooms and hall; downstairs finished in oak; bath; Immediate possession. Lot fmxl3u ft., shade and fruit trees; one block from car. Price, $3,150. Terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Phones Douglas 1064, Independent A-lORt. Gregg's Choice Acres. A new addition, on Interurban car line and Boulevard, between South Omaha and Htllevue. High and sightly. Nice building sites. Only three pieces left; two 4-acre pieces, about the choicest In the addition, priced at $275 per acre, and a 16-acre piece, which lays nice to subdivide, and a sure money maker, priced at $185 per acre. This piace has been platted and all sold except these three pieces within the last four months. Priced low in order to close, the estate. If you want to get an acre piece at a bargain, don't fail to see me at once, as this Is colng to bo closed out very soon. C. R. COMBS, S"9 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phones; Douglas iKHti; A f7U. $3,600 Preferred stock wholesale property, 6 per cent guaranteed; no taxes. D. C. Patterson, 1C23 Farnam. GREAT BARGAIN IF sold within 30 days a beautiful home, garage and burn, hardwood floors, hot water heat, electric light and gas, 3 toilets and baths, all modern, of latest type; lo cated within 1 block of both Hanscom park car lines; east front; the house Is right, price right, terms right for the right party. Apply to owner. H) S. 3oth Ave. . NICE HOME IN' KOCNTZE PLACE. 1MM LOTHKOP STKEET. HOT WATER HEAT. " LltiHT OAK FINISH. $4.100. W. H. GATES, R. 644, New Om. Nat Bank. LOT 1. block 61, Clt. near High school. $2,3uO. Assessed at $4,000. . Frank Crawford, owner, VS are block, city. ' FOR SALE All modern 5-room cottage at 215 8. Morton St., Benson, $2,2&0. BEAl'TIFl'L niw 8-room home, every thing complete; lot 50x124 feet; make offer. ISIS Lothrop St. Inquire L. &.") or W. 6"o2. ACHEAGK FOR SALE. Small Tract Near Florence On Easy Terms Two acres, $1,500. Six acres. $1,150. Seven acres, $1,400. Twenty-two acres, $4,000. Twelve and a half acres, new house, $T.5fi0 WILL TAKE YOU OUT ANY TIME. GARVIN BROS. 354 Omaha Nat. Bldg 2 ACRES In Benson Wlthlu blocks of car line. On the Mil itary Macadam road. An elegant piece of ground. If sold Inside of ten days, price $1.mkI; can arrange terms. This is the best bargain In acreage you will buy In Benson. Would be pleased to show It to you at any time.. HASTINGS A HEYDEN.. 14 Harney St. WHEN answering advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, picas mention The Bee. REAL ESTATE 1 1 ln l- LOiniL FARM AM K A KC'lf I.AM) KOIU9AI.F. California. Lutheran ( Colonization Co. Announcement Selections of locations in the Lutheran Colony, in California, headed by Row J. E. Hummon, may now he made. This property is a beautiful, level piece of land in Tehama county, the county that has never had a crop failure. Power and telephone lines cross the tract, and it is burrounded by "some of the finest orchards in the state. "How a California Man Lives Well On One Acre." "In the year I've been living in California on my one acre of land, we've had more money than we had back in Ohio on an 8()-acre farm." This is tbe testimony of an Eastern man when ill health sent him to California, lie paid a high price for a little one-acre tract which carried all improvements, including a good house and 300 chickens. On this tract he and his wife live in the greatest comfort with money to spare. Garden truck with a rotation of crops that catch the high-priced market, combined with the o()0 iiens ,are the principal source of income. He works steadily 1 months a year; there is no off season to eat up his profits. Reservations may be made personally or by letter. Call or address ' Lutheran Colonization Co, J. E. HUMMON, President 404-10 City National Bank Bldg., Phones: Doug. 1903; Ind. A-1G57. Omaha, Neb." Apple Land A Few Tracts at ' $60 Per Acre A FEW TEN-ACBE TRACTS of the fin est apple land In that new Eldorado of the apple industry aienaocino, juenuocino v.o., Cal. Mendocino is a flourishing town of about 1.500, with schools, churches, batiks, etc., and Is In the center of the most rap idly growing section of California, and this land will bring from $200 per acre upward within two years. The finest varieties of apples thrive there, and cherries and other fruit grow to perfection. Worms and moth are unknown: vegetables of all kinds prac tically the year round; climate unsurpassed, cool summers aim warm winters; perieci for health; rail and water transportation. The railroads there now and those under onstructlon and the rapid Incoming of fruit growers and farmers, together with what Mendocino has to offer In the way of soil, climate, rainfall, transportation, etc., has made this section one of the greatest money makers In the whole weat. a NO APPLE FAILURE has ever been known on the Mendocino county coast. NO IHHIQATION, no frost, no smudging, no Insect pests. The best apple land in the world. 1)0 YOU LIKE TO HUNT. to fish Do you dream of cool summers, spent near the tall redwoods In sight of tiie grand old Pacific ocean? Do you en Joy boating and swimming? Then get a ten-acre tract at Mendocino. It will work for you when you get older and ready to enjoy a life of pleasure. Take your time to pay for It, and these enjoyments will be thrown In, and you will find the profits sufficient to warrant you going there or wherever you choose to spend Jour winter and your money. DEED ISSUED with the first payment. Price, $10 per acre, easy terms." Call and see me, It will surely pay you. Earle A. Kaake Tyler 1M0. 312 McCague Bldg., Omaha. 10, 20, 40 and 80 Acre Tracts In California We are offering some of the best valley land in the state of California, located in Kern county, with or without Irrigation. Price of land without Irrigation from $50 to $M) an acre; land with Irrigation from $100 to $150 an 'acre. These lands are all located close to railroad and an excellent market. " Can arrange very reasonable terms. It would pay you to stop In and see us be fore you go to California to Invest In any land. Hastings & Heyden, 1U14 Harney St. CALIFORNIA. California land for wealth. California fruit for health. f California for comfort 360 days In the year. No snow, no blizzards, no thunderstorms, no high winds; fresh vegetables every day In the year; strawberries ripen every month. The soil and chmute provide per fect conditions for raising oranges, ngs, English walnuts, almonds, grapes, prunes, leaches and all deciduous fruits. All kinds of vegetables and alfalfa. Have you stopped to think of California's wondeful growth? Is it not worth while to Investigate? Think of a perfect climate the awakening commerce of the orient the Panama canal. ' We are offering Sacramento Valley land at $'6 per acre. Make this place your home. Write for booklets. TROW BRIDGE-BOLSTER COM PAN Y, iws-10 City Nat. bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Colorado. OWNER offers for sale first class Irri gated luO acres, near Lamar, In the fam ous Arkansas Valley. It ia priced right and will make easy terms. Box 670, La mar, Colo. WHEN answering advertisements fom.d In the Waut Ad columns, plcano lueuiloii Ihe B- REAL ESTATE llunL Lo I n I L FARM AM) It A M II LAM) FOR HA IK Arkansas. FREE FARMS. Government lands free; l.OHO.000 acres In Arkansas for homesteading; Where located and how to secure them, shown In our liill booklet. Sent post-paid for $1. W. L. Mc pherson, Clarsvllle, Ark. Buy land. Beautiful Ozark foothills of Axkansas, fei'tlle soil, flowing springs, fruit grain, timber land. Prices right. J. C. Mitchell & Co., Fayettevllle, Ark. FOR J5AL.M In Arkansas 4.000 acres second bottom land. Above overflow. All Joins. Divided by railroad. Town site and railroad station. Fine for colonization. No trade. Land warth $30 an acre. Will sell for $10 cash. . C. C. Kavanaugh, Little Rock, Ark. Canada. HOMESEEKER OR INVESTOR, it will pay you to purchase the following. lfiO acre wheat farm, sltuuted lhi miles from the thriving village of Aberdeen. Saskatch ewan. On this choice quarter section there Is 115 acres of new breaking, disced and harrowed ready for the drill; breaking was done in the month of June. 191uv The soil Is clay loam, clay subsoil; surface flat, free from scrub and stone, except about five acres, which is good pasture land. This soil In an i average year yields 30 bushels per acre o.4.0 bushel, at 75c. eiiuals $2,587.50. Is what that Innd ought to yield this season. 1'rice, $LvJ.OO per acre; $1,000.00 cash, halance crop payments at 7 per cent. Above price and terms apply for two weeks only. The above and other snaps for Kale by Geo. Low Hutcheon, Heal Estate Agent, Aberdeen Saskatche wan. FIFTEEN THOUSAND ACRES choice Western Canadian wheat lands for sale en block. On (Jrank Trunk Pacific In Sas katchewan. For price and terms apply. The MacDougall Realty Co., Empress Illk., Winnipeg. Florida. SOUTH FLORIDA Cotonr established; large settlement; Individual deeds; co operative price; co-operative development; townslte profit for Improvements. Addi tions open. Industrial college Ruskln j College. P.uakln. Fla. FLORIDA. FOR SALE Florida land at wholesale. We have several choice tracts suitable for colonization purpose. Write us. Watson & Helgen Land Co.. Jacksonville, Fla. FLORIDA FRUIT LANDS 49.000 acres of choice fruit and vegetable land adjoining the famous Everglades (which has Just been sold to contract holders' who tire all well satisfied) subdivided Into 7,(Ktu "farms to be sold at S25u per contract. $10 cash and $10 per month, and a beautiful town lote In the company's new town located on the main line of the Florida East Coast railway, and facing on lake Worth near the City of Palm Beach, given free with each contract. Now Ik the time to buy n contract and get a tract of land that will be worth big money, and a beautiful lot on the sea shore free of cost. We want good live agents to sell .these contracts In Nebraska. Libera! commissions paid agents who will give their time and energv to this work. F. T. WALKER & CO. General Agents. 340-342 Brandels Theater, t i FLORIDA Writ me for descriptions o bargains In good, title-perfect Florida farms; size, price, terms to suit yourself. J. W. Durham. Sanderson. Fla PALM BEACH COUNTY FARMS now ittO: $10 down. $1 monthly; price will h raised soon, save mony by buying now; (si soil, best cllrqate. best locatloa In florid Palm Beach Investment Co. 'JCi N. Y. Llf Bldg.. Kan?a City, alo - FLORIDA STORY OF SEVEN FRL'IT FARMERS: How poor men actually went about It to get farm. What they did first year, second year. etc. How success came. De tails on how to build a home, what crops to raise, all about markets, schools, good roads, health. bunting, fishlnnr. social pleasures. Complete book FREE. Write ARCADIA GROVES. Dept. loo, CHI CAGO. Idaho. Farm Lands on Long Credit You can sell that middle-west farm of yours Foil CASH and with the money come to Idaho, where the Carey act lands give vou the rlchen farms on enrtli. Vol' HAVE TEN YEARS IX WHICH TO PAY FOR THESE FARMti and they are not worked out, have never known a plow. Come now. And If vou cannot come, send us your name and adCrcss and we will send Idaho to vou. A beautifully Illustrated bookt FREE FOR THE ASKING The pictures are printed in epia; you can see the natural colnrs of tbe landMcae. nd now to the lll'JII, INVESTMENT CO.. Bl'HU IDAHO. Write today for this book. REAL FSTATC K.tllM AM) It AM II I, AMI FOH SAI.H Idaho Continued. Farm Lands In Idaho You can't do better anywhere In thla country than you can in Idaho. CHEAT LA Nil; long terms of pay ment, rich soil, pleasant tlirauta and all the necessary things to make a Rood home. THKHE ARIi GOOD NEIGHBORS IN IDAHO; most of them come from Nebraska, Kansa3 and Iowa. WRITK TO LlANO WE WILL GIVE YOU THE NAME OK A NEBRASKA, IOWA or KANSAS MAN TO WRITE TO. He will toll you how HE likes the country. Write lor our monthly liat of prlceg a little leaflet that we Issue for LAND BUYERS who want definite in formation before they come out here. Ripley Brothers Formerly of Omaha, FILER TWIN FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO. Farm Lands Pay In Cassia coupty. Idaho, farming has been tested for thirty years. You can MAKE THE FARM PAY In Cassia county. Write today for complete, full and VRUK Information about this, the wealthiest and themost fertile county In the BE8T of western states. For FREE booklets, letter of general In formation, photographs and lists of oppor tunities, address F. E. QRISWOLD, secretary, ' Burley Commercial Club, Burley, Idaho. O. A. AXLINE secretary, Albion Com mercial Club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, secretary, Oakley Commercial Club, Oakley, Idaho. MONEY TALKS Yes, mone-y talks In Idaho. You draw 3 from that mid-west savings bank of yours; I can guarantee you 7 net. You get a proved security. There is no danger of any loss to the people who live on the United States government Minidoka Project. Write for my free booklet today. C. A. Johnson Attorney-at-Law, Burley, Idaho. You AIiE Coining to Utah. Then YOU MUST ASK US where and in what section you had better settle. PLANT TREES THAT WILL GROW; WHERE they will grow. Our NURSERY BUSINESS puts us in touch. LETTER OK INFORMATION FREE. Davis County Nurseries, Roy, near Ogden, Utah. THE Kuhns. the Pittsburg financiers, have spent $130,000,000 developing Idaho. You don't suppose they used only their own money, do you? They advertised their bonds to public subscriptions and made money for everybody. We can point the way for you to muke money In Idaho. It won't cost you anything to leurn. Write FRANK RIBLETT. Albion, Idaho. Iowa. ATPLF orchards and poultrr farms, not far fro-n Dea Moines, near Colfax intsr urban. William Casebaer, A! toons, la SOME BARGAINS KO acres. H0 In cultivation, balance In timber. Good Klberta peach orchard, to trees; good apple orchard, Jonlthaa and Vlne bap; now in bearing. Ainu a good family orchard of peaches, apples and cherries. Good houie. barn, outoutldlnga cistern and good drilled well and pond. This la i splendid fruit and dairy proposi tion. bitiea from Kosbkonong, par acr. Another 160 acres, SS4 miles from Kosbkonong. Q acre In cultivation, house, barn and good cistern; a few fruit tree. Splendid partnership well In Una can gtt good water 14 to li feet. Goud frui. sua agricultural proposition. $3) per acr. Another IM acre. ( mile from Koshkonong. right In the great fruit district. 60 acre In cul tivation; family orchard of peaches, apple, pears and cherries, also plum orchard. House, barn and other outbuildings. Bal ance not In cultivation, but lu very gujd limber, $30 per acr. J. COCKBUItN & SON, tl-16-ld Manhattan. Bldg.. Dea Moines MONEY-MAKING summer resort ho tel, with tst acre of ground; hotel alon cost over $l00.0u0; verv finely furulshad acd 1 clear. Dakota land preferred. Finely Improved Mexico rubber and cof fee plantation, valued at t&u.ouu; clear and pay dividend on tJuu.uOu; good property wanted. Boa HA. Wiuteraec. la. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Fin a. ere farm In Pocahontas county, Iowa, H4 mile from town. This Is a flrt-cla faun, all tiled; ha good Improvement l'rlo. M10 per acre; mortgage $.0u0. ( or It j eu-V time; will tak $ti,uuu in good, clear property and Iri.OOo in rash on this farm. Your property must actually b worth th money, or no us to monkey with Ic This is the cash price on th farm. It I n old trading farm, o vb pioperty you of for must b gilt-edge. W don't handi any thing but ftrat-cl deals, and thi I on vt them, bubmit your proposition. Wood Bid Land Cinipany. Uowrt. la. Want Merchandise fttork $10.0u0 to $11000 for 320 acra well- Improved corn land, only miles from i-piril Lake, county seat county. Iowa. Price. $.'5 per acre, mortgage, to.. Address H. E- MilU It Co.. fepir.t Lak. la A BNAP Only drug .or in a cry tows tatter July 1) of too, reason, (ttknesa; (toes iout l-.xJ. pay for Itself fust year, mutt be cash. C. B. Uuttd. louia, 1.- REAL KSTATE I II M AM) HCII l,U Fon SAI.B (Continued.) Kn nans. PARCJMN IN A KANSAS HOMPX '."S) ncrcs: D-rocm house and outlMilldlncs: ' u-ll and windmill: K0 acres cultivated; U j seres In wheat, fenced: smooth, rich soli, I ell lil'ahle. Price, $3 per acre: terms. ; Landaraf Parby. Oarden City, Kan. : vp.ti.-vti-i null 'ftiT.ivrw r i or Fine lot In Plain. UW to $o0; most rapid growth, f.opulation s'.inuld double In a year: electric 1 elit telephones, modern Improvements; main linn ih.ll way; get In on ground floor and Prof t In advance: end for plat. John W. liaughman. Plains. Kan - WELL Improved farm of 10 ecr t Lvon county, Ivan. Six miles from Ad mit e. Will sell cheap If taken by March rs Address Luck Hon S14, i;iei;orv. -v l - KANSAS farm ranch. I.SO0 acres: M tier fence and crosp-fence; modera ll-ronin house; first-class improvement, running water and Umber: Aater power. Investi gate about this faint 4u Hell Bldg.. Kan sas City. Mo. TWO KANSAS BARGAINS. acrcK. Hnrvev county, 1 mile t? town: well Improved; house, horn, orchsn?, (diced, etc.: 100 acre In cultivation; all 1 1 1 n ti i o -. !.:) 100 acre. Reno countv; all tlllnbls: fenced; acres In cultivation: 4 miles t tdwn. Prlrt. Kt.'JU. Cbarlea Peterson. Hutchison. Kan. WHY GO TO THrr DRT BELT when you can buy just a cheap wlmm w have plenty of rain? 3?0 A.. 1 mile from a town of C(K). only 16 miles from alina; nearly all good plow land, part good alfalfa land; all fenced and well and mill; fin location. Price. MJti per A. The Central Kanias Real Estate Co.. Kallna. Kan. THIS fanner's or Investor's opfrtunlty. 520 acres level Etanton county, ICun.. land, well located; 110 per acre; $3 per acts down, balance In semi-annual payments of 11 per sere; Interest, f per cent. Chas. hi. Hoi'f.r.t-n. Syracuse. Kan. FOR SALE 100 acr wheat, corn or If alia land In Harper county. Kansas, half mile from town, If sold soon. $.UOO. llu;h Conner. Hutchinson, Kan "SALINE COl'NTY. SOLOMON BOT TOM, ALFALFA FARM, of eight acres. Improved, three miles of town, twenty acres In alfalfa, fifty acres In wheat- No overflow, no waste. Rented for one-half of crop and $1'i.i0. Rent goes. Pries Itl.tm0.iiu; worth $7..wi.O0. Write Cave Really Co., Ballna, Kansas, Miut.eaula. TWO SNAP9. 430 sites land one mile from depot at Ft .1 nines. Watonwan county. Minn. Good buildings. Can all be cultivated. M ill taka Uu acres North Dakota land at rlgM valu. II :mi cu.ili; ualanc long tiui at per cant. $70 per acre'. For feale-118 acre all tnder cultivation tn mile from city .tmil of St Ptr, Minn., no buildings. IM per acr. MORE HART & ATCHIWJ.V.' Mankato. Mian. SAFE, CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT. $12.0o0 buys an excellent Improved farm of 320 acres, four miles from good town In Marshall county. Minnesota, the heart of the Red River valley. There are 2hQ acres under cultivation, remaining 4i acres all tillable. Good tf-room house, frame barn, granary, poultry house, well and fenced pasture. Improvements cost $2,200. Term: $3,0n0 cash, balance $1,000 a year. . Onu-half of 111 crop goe to purchaser. $5,otiO buys another good quarter, ra:aa locality; every acre tillable. About 140 acres will be In crop and purchaser gets one half of this. No buildings; soil perfect; terms, $1.01 cash; balance in annual pay ments. Several farms, no better than mine, have been sold In thla locality re cently at $.'i0 an acre. Come up and see. A. O. OLEBON. owner, 327 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR MA PS AND VALIJAiiLE INFOR MATION IN REGARD TO NORTHWEST ERN MINNESOTA LAND. "THE LAND THAT GROWS FLAX," WKl'fB Tl KENNEDY LAND. LOAN AND RlUALTK CO.. KENNEDY. MINN. BIGGEST bargain In Minnesota. IDS cres, cultivated; all fenced; good build log. Had river valley, near Crookaton; rented; only $&,200, with 10 cows. Konkla. owner. Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. ISLE Harbor farm fur sale. A TOO acre rtior farm fur sale. A 700 acre ; located lt mile from town oa -i of Mills Lacs lake. Mill Lac stock farm south shore county, Minnesota. In th land of th big red clover. Also 1,23) acres unimproved timber and meadow land. Writ Dr. U. L. Hawe. Mankato, Minn. WHEN they come from Minnesota they see the American performers. If O. D. Gesmun, HTAM North 2Mh St., will bring thia ad to The Bee within three days and. Identify himself, he will receive an order for two seat to the American. Sllsaoorl. ;M ACRES. tl.SM. flO a.. Dougli Co., Mo., bo a. consider able valley land, cultivated, IDti acre tim ber; good spring water, soma orchard. I room house, large new f i ame - oarn, other outbuildings. Terms. Writ for list, lla'lay sc hpuilock, Ava. Mo. COLONIZATION proposition; 26.000 acre; best colonization proposition In south Ml fourl, 2 miles to railroad, MUO-acrs tin proved Mock ranch, all under fence; other tracts. Writs for prices, b. B. Wlilllock. birch Tree Mo. Ozark Bargains SO acres, o'j miles Jrom town, 2 seta of improvement. $l.WJO eaxy terms. P'pU acres, u miles from town. acres ch ared, bulance In good timber, SKiO. 4. ..CO acres, a fine proportion for sheen ranch. We also havo some fine farms to trade for city properly. llawkeye lind & Orchard Co., 200 llrund'.'ls Theater. rft) a., largs s-roum nous, larg barn Kiu). 1'XI a. adjoining th above, 4-roora house, new barn itxM. Will ill together or separate. 1M a. uonr AuK'tlle, largs bous and barn, a model country horui price $100 per acre; cash or term. Walter C. Chile. Higgtnavtii. Mo. FOR HALE ISO acres 4 mil from Lb snon, on put lie road; Ilea good; W In cul tivation; i est timber; fair Improvements; good well and spring; fenced and cross fenced; orchard; near school on publla road; R. F. D. and telephone; pi ke $Ja pr acru. F. R. C-irrle, Lebanon. Wo. FOR FALE 900-acr stock and grain farm: 60U acres In cultivation; o0 acre talley and bottom land; all rich soil. Two lets of Improvements; Hi per acre; easy term. I-arge list of Improved farm In twenty counties, southern Missouri. Oxarlc Realty Co.. "3 CoU- ,. Mpringfisld. Mo. OZARK LANDS Bend for our complete list of bargains; go with us on our nest excursion. April 4. and Investigate tbe country. W can make you money. HAWKEY R LAND ORCHARD CO., Me Brandels Theater Bldg. 6T)P! Listen. 40 acre timber land $100. 4i acre farm $.V6. McGrath, Mountain View, Mo.' ORCHARDS In. the Orark Country in Southern Mlsaoun In five and ten acrk. f tracts, fully developed with house readyi lo move in. on easy pay me for full particulars. Koshkunon Co., Ia) bui'ur, Minn. Montana. ; MONTANA STOCK RANCH FOR HALR. ti.luo acres, one-third farming land; iaiit;o for cattl. Chanc of a lifetime. Writ Box 272, Billings, Mont. 4 4 1 At louse rH'iy . j nt. writo V ; ng Orchard