Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 9, Image 17

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Real Estate
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'Meal E as frai ft o O
913 City National Bank Building
Tel. Doug. 4!); Indep. A-20W-
t 1,400 Near 27th and Rees 8ts., good 5-room cottage, on a small lot; In food condi
tion, with porch; bath; modern except heat. Can you beat this for a nlca
little Inside home?
I IOcjO Near 25th and St. Mary' Ave., a nearly new full 2-story, R-room house; all
modern; oak finish; hot water heat: east front and right In town. This Is
what you have horn looking for; therefore, you better see It. It Is first class.
I 1,500 19.U 8. 34th 8t., a dandy, well-hullt, specially attractive, B-room. Ktrictly mod
ern, handsome. Interior finished buiiKHlow; htillt-ln buffet, fireplace. In fact
Ju-t the cutest place for a small family you ever saw. Lot 44x'J6 feet; paving
all paid. Kalrly easy terms.
$ S.fliO N. K. corner Xith and Martha Sts. brand new 6-room house; reception hall,
living: room, dining room, sitting room and kitchen on first floor, all In oak;
two large bed rooms, bath and store room second floor; front and rear stairs;
full cement cellar; furnace heat; corner lot 66x102 feet; block to school, 24
bleu ks to car.
I $,700 In Crclghton's First Add. on the Boulevard, between Martha and Arbor Sts.;
beautiful spot; very fine ft-room house; living room and dining room across
the front; fireplace; bullt-ln bookr-ases; natural oak finish and floors; large
bed room, bath and kitchen on first floor, with two large bed rooms, large
closets and toilet room on second floor. Built for a home. Owner leaving city
only reason for selling. It Is a dandy and you should see It Inside.
t 5,750 lf.M S. 3,'Cel Ft., half bloc k, corner of Woolworth Ave.; real good 8-room, strictly
modern home; oak finish. Owner going to Chicago, wanti to sell quick. This
Is worth your consideration.
9 S.OOO 1116 8. 31st Ht., Mi block south of Pacific St.; lot 60x150 feet: most excellent 10-
, room house; two large brick fireplaces; parlor, living room and large recep
tion hall finished In bird's-eye maple and birch; large handsome dining room;
five bed rooms on second floor. Good barn or garage. This Is an Ideal home.
I ,500 4016 Cuming 8t., a most excellent 10-room house; all rooms large and well ar
ranged; very finest oak floors in halls and all rooms except kitchen on first
. floor, and In hall upstHlrs and all bed room except servant's room. Splendid
new plumbing, excellent furnace, handsome combination electrlo and gas fix
tures. Lot Mixl.V) feet, with barn or garage. This Is an exceptionally good
, place. In first-class repair and a big snap.
J, 600 Three very fine enst front lots on
2,700 (50x140 feet south front on Cass St.,
A fairly close In 8-room modem house on corner lot fronting three streets; 170-foot
east front; house covers portion of the ground, leaving 85 feet unexcelled for
flats or apartment house. Owner anxious to make quick sale. We want to
show you this and want an offer. It Is absolutely good.
(132,000 A desirable Inside business property, fully Improved; rental $11,400 per year.
Deduc ting taxes and Insurance will net Just about 7 per cent.
9 86,000 Probably one of the biggest snaps on the market a fine brick Improved prop
erty renting for $1,850 per year. Only offered for Immediate, quick accept
ance. Hc-qulres IHi.i'OO cash, balance fiH per cent. A real genuine bargain.
9 7,850 Two very nice, well-built, 6-room, strictly modern brick St. Louis flat build
ings, close In. Renting for $75 per month.
I 2,300 One of the finest and practically the only choice east front lot In the Field
Club District on 35th St., close to Woolworth Ave.; 60x140 feet.
9 4,600 75x feet east front on the Boulemes. This Is an ideal location for a rood
home and think of the size of Itl
Field Club Homes
A fine new 7-room all modern home on
37th St., near the club grounds; oak fin
ish first floor, paving paid. Only $5,000.00.
On Woolworth Ave., Just east of club
entrance, south front lot: house has 7
rooms, la all modern. Only $6,000.00.
A fine 7-room all modern house on 35th
St., nicely decorated throughout. Owner
going to leave the city. Only $6 760.
Corner With and Woolworth Ave., a
splendid 7-room thoroughly modern house,
best of construction. Owner leaving the
city and very anxious to sell.
Only a few real good lots left, so get
yours early. We are offering a few choice
ones on Capitol Ave. and Chicago St. at
91,100 each.
A splendid 7-room house on Davenport
St., near 61st; large living room with
beamed ceiling and flr;.lace; fine dining
room, den downstairs, extra toilet down
stairs, hot water heat, oak floors up and
downstairs. Only ii,!00.
E. W. Stoltenberg
Douglas 1510 or Harney S4I.
436 Board of Trade Bldg.
Hanscom Park Home
Buys a 9-room all modern residence at
the S. W. corner 8:'d and Pacific Ms., with
large lot. 60x171. The owner of this prop
erty has made an especlnly low price In
order to effect an Immediate sale. There
Is plenty of room In the rear for a double
brick flat; large shade trees In front. 11.600
cash will handle this.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both phones.
212 8. 17th St.
1 .1 h Aia ftrtt 1 a is A rn ttna rirtwn at a I
lirand new cottage, 4 rooms down stairs
finished In yellow pine, nicely varnished;
8 nice rooms could be finished up stairs;
cement foundation, good cellar, two large
lots east front, located Oil lUd St. between
Jackun and l'olk Sts.; well will be put In
as soon as sold. J ilce, only $1,400; $-''K)
oash, hulance $lrt per mouth, which includes
principal and Interest.
310-312 Ilrandcis Theater.
5 Acres in Town
Komi years ago ve advertised 6
acres of land as the worse lying
6 acres In town, between 6th and
8th streets, on the south side of
Dorcas. The ground lies very poor,
but It Is possible to level l up and
make a good bunch of lots out of It.
Tha owner Is going o California,
and wants to clean same up.
A. P. Tukey & Son
rhone Doug. 21S1. 414-5 Board of Trade.
Dundee Home
Ten-room modern residence, with two full
lots on lavenoit St., Just east of 4Uth.
tw.iuiful shade; fruit; tarn; large porch;
ViiueMt walks. House is ill tip-lop .liae.
Oak parnuette floor down stairs; best of
furnace bath; stationery tubs in the ba
ment; electric liKfct and gas. una of the
best locations. lw feet from the car; a
little less than one-fialf ca will handle
It The lota alone are worth $J.AJ.
Armstrong Walsh Co.
Tyler 153. 210 B 17th St.
Ten Cities on New
Trunk R. R.
rive iota, one from each of any of the
above cities. $126 each. 13 down. $10 a
, no Interest, no tales, agents
1 anted. Ill -iiy i-iiuiii
.... ...... , U .. r. It .4a
1 wanted. Ilia iv.v,. . .
TltOOM HOC8K. $2.b.
w If you want a bargnln. look
" Room for another house.
k at
1". II. Nltlit. t
ni Omaha National Kuuk. Phone D. 22 104
V SNAP New all modern, $-room house
Im'w n. ' stiade and garden: cement walks
Slid paved street; easy terms. Joe Prat
bL. Uo. &m.
41st, about Chicago St.
near 40th. An Ideal building spot.
West Farnam
8-room, modern residence on Harney St.,
between 33d and 36th. Furnished in hard
wood downstairs, extrememly handsome
decorations. South front lot, paving all
An elegant nine-room residence near 37th
and Farnam St. Full lot, 60x136, paving
paid. House finished In oak downstairs,
with large living room. Very excellent,
roomy and well built home, and cheap at
the money.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536.
210 S. 17th St.
South 10th St. Bargain
Seven-room house and barn, northeast
corner 10th and Francis Sts., 100x150 ft.
splendid location for flats or an apart
ment house: paved and paid; sewer, water
and gas; near wholesale district. We have
this for ten days at only $3,600. Investigate.
1320 Farnam St.
Phones Douglas 1004, Independent A-1064.
Buy From the Owner
A Beautiful Suburban Home
Four and one-half acres in Kev
stone Park, on paved road, one mile west
of Benson, 6-room new bungalow, 1 smalt
bungalow. large barn. uo-ft. chicken
house, squab pens. Private waterworks
water piped to house and outhullclings
Place fenced chlcken-tlght. An Ideal snot
for poultry or garden. This plaoe must bs
sold at once and price 14 right.
win snow the place any time. call
Douglas l'!07 or Uenson SOW and arrange to
see this snap at once.
PRICE, $1 .500; half cash. Terms on bal
Roach, 5H Pnxton Blk.
For a full 60 ft. lot located between 28th
Ave. and 30th on Miami, lias sewer, water
and gus. lhls Is a Big Bargain.
HASTINGS & HEVDKN. 1014 Harney St.
Benson Property
For sale A four-room house, located nn
one of the most sightly Iota In Benson, onlv
riiocKS rrom car; lot is Sfixw; plenty or
rrutt, good well and barn; II. wu: small
amount of cash and balance $13 per mouth
1714 Farnam St., or call R. F. K1STL.ER
at Benson 737.
$2,(550 CASH
balance In small monthly pay
ments; seven rooms, all mod
ern, hot water heat, nice loca
tion. Price $3,650.
644 Brandels Theater Bldg.
'Phone i loufc-laa Jo74.
Dundee Lots
By owner, two well located, one north,
one south front, ready for building. Call
evenings or Sunday.
Harney 3S0G.
FOR SALE 6-room house, gaa. cistern,
water, barn; lot Ztxlli; located on Franklin
bt.. 14 blocks from Aid St. car line: ran be
had for ll..'J If taken within a few days,
as It will be for sals only ONE week. A
Alno several other bargains on hand.
Including cttv lots and fsrin land.
CHHIri 1JOXKR, t and Cuming Hts.
Telephones: Douglas and Ind. B-20ty.
A ENAP 4Sxl32. south front. 4U Far
nam, 8 room modern house. Make a cash
olfer to H. K. Stein, Chula Ylsia. Cal.
13,250 For 100x128 feet, southeast cdrner of
61st and Webster Sts. Cement side
walks, city water and sewer. One
block from car line.
$2,800 For 100x128 feet, corner of 61st and
Vnderwood Avenue. City water,
sewer, cement sidewalks and gas in
and paid for.
$1,000 6"xl35 feet, 8outh front lot on Dav
enport street, near the Dundee
School. City water, sewer, cement
sidewalks and gas In and paid for.
$750 60xl.lo feet, north front on Burt street
between 61st and 52(1 Sts. Sidewalks
and sewers already laid.
A small' cash payment and an easy
monthly payment will purchase any of the
above lots, offering the purchaser the op
portunity to make a good Investment with
little money.
802 Worthlngton Place Strictly modern
residence, located on one of the best corn
ers in the south 10th Residence district.
First floor finished In selected quarter
sawed oak. High oak wainscoting In dining-room
and hall. Fire-places In dining
room and living-room. Four bed-rooms
and tiled bathroom on second floor. Three
finished bed-rooms on third floor with
bath. Large basement, good laundry, hot
water heating plant. Corner lot, 90x130
feet, fronting south and east. Convenient
to depots and wholesale district. Any rea
sonable offer will be submitted. Key at
our office.
13,000 1126 Georgia' Avenue. Nine-room, . all
modern residence, In first class re
pair. Full lot, 60x100 feet. About
12.000 down, balance to be arranged.
Owner leaving the city.
$4,000 502:2 Cuming St. Seven-room, two-
story, modern house, with reception
hall. Oak finish first floor. Four
bed-rooms second floor, and bath.
Built only about two years. Sightly
location. Reasonable terms.
$3,850 Two-story, seven-room modern
house, oak finish, practically new,
on Lothrop street near Sherman
Avenue. One-fourth cash, balance
like rent.
$3,950 Six-room, two-story new modern
house, located In Prairie Park on
Fowler Avenue near 26th. Only
$450 cash, balance monthly.
$3,750 For an all modern seven-room house
located on corner lot. In the Field
Club district. Paving on both
Streets. Easv terms.
$2,900 Six-room, two-story, all modern
house, In first class condition facing
east on paved street near 20th ana
Mason streets.
George & Company
901-12 City National Bank Bldg.
Stop Paying Rent
We offer for a home a strictly modern 8-
room, full 2-story house at 2o0.t Templeton
Ave. (Fowler Ave.). $500 will make the
first payment. Possession can ba given at
any time, ceiier see this house.
Dundee Bungalow
All readr to move Into: has fi rooms, nnk
floors and finish, strictly modern. It will
pay you to see this bungalow at 908 N.
51st St. $600 will make the first payment.
makes the first payment on a good 6-room
house near 24th and Vinton, it will pay
you to ask about this house. Will make
good home for a street car man.
Live In One Part
Rent the Other
Owner will sell her eoultv in a good
house at Kill California for $1,100. Better
see about this Investment. You can not
make a mistake by buying this house.
cash makes the first payment on two
houses at 18th and Clark. One house has
6 rooms and the other 6. You could rent
one and live in the other. This will make
a fine Investment for you.
Creigh, Sons 3c Co.
Tel. Douglas 200.
506 Bee Bldg.
6-Room Bungalow
With 2Y2 Acres, on Sherman
Avenue Car Line.
Near the end, rust the thing for a sub
urban home; all modern conveniences.
Lot, one block from same car line;
cement walk, city water, gas, sewer, $?)0.
Also lot H block from same car line,
same conveniences, $32A.
Call and see
40oi Grand Ave.
Walnut Hill Residence
8 Rooms Modern'
4027 Seward Rt. First class repair; large
rooms: full lot. 0x130; good barn, plenty
of fruit; street paved and all paid for;
cement walks and steps; two blocks from
the car line; on the very highest and most
desirable part of Walnut Hill. This is a
great bargain. Mortgage of J-'.SM, now on
the house. Only I'joO cash to buy it
Armstrong Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536. '10 S. 17th St.
Sacrifice Sale
Of a practically new 6-room all modern
home In the West Farnam district. Full
lot 60xlu0. House cost 3.SW). IjiI worth
$2,000 a $o,8o0 property for $i.7o. $l,0n)
cash, balance monthly.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both phones.
212 S. 17th Ft.
-room house, all modern except heat.
everything In first-class repair, lot 50x150
with an abundance of shade trees, paved
street, paving fully paid, In good location.
Just one block from Jlaiiscom park. A
snap at $4.0 a).
310-312 Brandels Theater.
Located at t3 Pinkney street. 5
room, t windows to the bedrooms:
modern; fronting on university campus;
just finished. Nothing like it In the city.
4X1 lirandels Bid.
"Phone Doug. 7u2. Ind. A-S733
Strictly modern, nearly new, (room two
story house; close in; 8. 3oth St.; paving
laid. Must be sold at a sacrifice. Phone
Harney 2&1.
GENTLEMAN of general experience
withes position with ral astate firm, a
SU lis
. Special Reasons
For Selling These Houses
From our large list of houses we have selected these few as being special bargains
and everyone of them priced below their actual value, for quick sale.
6 ROOMS $3,400
A good CLOSE-IN 0-room modern home, In PT. JOHN'S PARISH, easy walklni?
distance. One of the prettiest streets In the city, 1M feet wide and beautifully parked.
This wide street Is paved, all improvements are In and paid for. Has reception hall,
rarlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three nice bedrooms and bath room on
second floor. All walls are nicely papered rnd In good condition. The lot is SOxl.iO ft.,
fine front and back yard. This property Is rented right along at $.M0 per yeRr to good
tenants. This is a real bargain and must be seen to bo appreciated. Don't bother the
tenants, see us. The owner Is leaving the city and this property must be sold this
The owner of this fine, all modern, splendidly built home Is building a larger
house and wants to sell this home, which was built by day labor and Is splehdldly
constructed of the very hest of materials throughout. Has very fine basement, with
good furnace, hot and cold water for laundry purposes, and on the first floor there
Is fine living room, with large colonnade opening, reception hall, open stairway, fine
dining room, good kitchen, with thoroughly equipped pantry. On the second floor
there Is one bedroom, 12x24 ft., extending across the front of the house, with five
Windows and two closets, also the other corner bedrooms and fine bath room. The
buth room and kitchen walls are covered with Panltas oilcloth and the rest of the
rooms are nicely decorated. Reautlful combination lighting fixtures and the very .
best of plumbing throughout. The lot Is 40x1(0 ft., with nic e yard all fenced and some
fruit trees in the rear. The Interior Is finished In beautiful quarter-sawed oak. The
shingles are dipped In oil and, In fact, the house is right In every respect. The owner
of this property don't need the money and will sell to good, responsible party on pay
ment of $S00 cash and $30 per month.
This Is absolutely the cheapest 8-room house In Omaha. The price has been re
duced $i00 for quick sale. Let us tnke von out and see how you like this house and let
Wullt FOR A HOME three years ago and
brick foundation, good furnace and launcfry
hsll front VAHllhnlA anH aiti nnat ,tra.,t
opening. vA-y large parlor, dining room and
iiiui bedrooms ana uatn on second iloor.
This house Is 80x4t ft. and all rooms are largo. beautiful quarter-sowed oak finish
end floors. Everything you want Is In this modern home. Peautlful corner lot,
52Vixl24 .ft., both street paved. The lot Is worth $1,600. This property must absolutely
be sold in the next ten days. Don t fall to see It. You can buy It for less than you
can possibly build a house like It. Owner will make easy terms for good party.
Doug. 4270; Ind A-4270; Web.
Her Addition Special
We are offering special inducements dur
ing the coming week for the sale of fifteen
lots In Blocks 3 and, 4, Her Addition.
These lota front west' on 33d and 34th
Bts., Just south of Wright St. Get off the
Wesfcslde Park car at Wright St., and go
one and two blocks west. On 34th street tha
entire half block is graded down level with
the street. The five lots fronting west on
33d are about three to four feet above the
grade; perfectly level.
There are a dosen or more go6d houses
already built In these two blocks, so you
will know Just who your neighbors will be.
The prtcsa range from $400 to $450, with a
few large lota a little higher. No lot Is
more .than two blocks from the car line and
paved street.
If any property In Omaha will advance In
price this certainly will, as It Is right in
the line of Improvement with excellent sur
roundings. No house Inferior to the ones
already built will be allowed In these two
A. P, Tuky & Son
444-445 Board of Trade Building.
New 6 Rooms
K212 N. 24th St. The prettiest little modern
home In the city for the money. On a paved
street and car line; east front lot,
house is handsomely decorated; built three
years; full cemented maaement; first-class
furnace, bath, plumbing, gas and electric
lights. Owner has lust left ths city and
says sell. Key at the corner house.
Armstrong Walsh Co.
Tyler 1536. 210 8. 17th St.
In Council Bluffs
8-room house, all 'modern except heat, In
fine repair; lot DDxlOO; paved street; located
612 Perrln Ave., In best residence portion.
Price, $2,700. Owner leaving- city, Bell.
On see this today and make us an offer.
Willi take part cash, balance easy pay
ments. BEMIS-CA11LBER0,
SW-312 Brandels Theater.
Only 12,100
For this splendid i-room houBe, nicely
arranged, all on one floor, consisting of
vestibule, parlor, dining room, kitchen,
three bedrooms and bathroom, fully equip
ped, 00-ft. lot fronting east on paved street;
lurge shade trees; fruit trees, bearing. No.
ilJ4 N. 2Mb 8t. Terms: $-M0 cash; balance
only $20 per month.
1320 Farnam Ft.
Phones Douglas 1064, Independent A-1004.
13th and Farnam
l-story, brick building on Farnam St.,
near 13th. Full basement with stone founda
tion, furnace heat, rental value per
month This must be sold and we want
an offer. It la a bargain at $2S0u0, but
we can cut this price and can take one
half cash.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1636. 210 8. 17th 8t.
Prominent Corner
2d and 3d story, only 18.0uo.
Farnam & Harney Sts'
at SS.OOO. 1 15,000 and $.,000.
Thomas Brennan
Tel. Doug. 1264. 806-810 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
A Real Bargain
Close In 17th and Jones Sts..
t-T.. strictly modern
lot; only 4 350.
hot water heat, full
See me for other bargains.
J. N, Snitzer
431 Paxton Blk.
Tel. I). 2181
C. Fred Harrison and Qao. T. Morton for
business bargalna. 14 Omaha Nat l liana.
built right. Has splendid basement, pressed
apparatus. First floor has large reception
K. unHfitl nol, t Ivta-n v pnLnnaiC.
kitchen, pantry and rear entry'; four beau-
4G38. , 400 Bee Bldg.
Choice lots within 15 to 20 minutes walk
ol pcstofflce. Kewer, water, cement walks.
big shade trees on nearly every lot. Only
a limited number for sale. Buy now before
they are all gone. These lots are located
Just east of Sherman Ave. on Spruce St.
and Hall Ave. We II build you a modern
cottage or bungalow If you prefer. See us
f ir prices and terms.
Owner moving to Chicago, offers his home
at a sacrifice. Good modern house and
barn, fine shade trees, paved street and
paving paid, south front lot In the best
lcciulon In Kountxe Place. Price and terms
upon application. Some one will get a sure
enough bargain.
Strictly modern square house, built four
years; newly painted and papered. Beau
tiful 50-ft. east front lot. Located In
Kountze Place, facing on Sherman Ave., In
a neighborhood of fine homes. Owner
would take vacant lot, or good cottage In
as part payment, or sell for a small pay
ment down to responsible party.
Splendid 8-room house, block west of
park, full east front lot; paved street; fine
hade trees. The house Is very fine and
Lomplete; hot water heat; plate glass win
dows and other features not In. the ordinary
nouse. Owner leaving city and must sell.
fk to see this bargain.
Almost new, attractive home-like cottage,
nodern except furnace. Very tastily ar
auged. Nice reception hall, parlor, dining
oom with bay, and good sized kitchen,
ith pantry and entry on first floor; two
icdrooms and bathroom upstairs; 50 ft.
ast front corner lot. Price $3,0u0. A few
.und red dollars will handle this.
Southwest corner ISth and Laird Sts.,
HX1271, ft.; sewer, water, gas nnd walks
all In. Room for four houses. One of tha
lettlest corners In the north port. Price,
Northeast corner 30th and Lake Sis., two
lots with 96-ft. frontage on Lake and 127
It. frontage on 30th. Room for four cot
tages. Big bargain. Price, $1,500.
307 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas (iS!5
Submit Offer
M14-16 Blnney St., double frame bouse,
rented at $300 per annum. Price, $1,600,
2t:21-3 Lake t-t., two-story frame, four
apartment flat, rented at $100.00 per an
num, $3760.
20UK-10-11 North 27th St., three frame de
tached dwellings. 6 rooms each; modern
except heat. Rented at $700 per annum,
$4, W0.
1.S07-9-11 Lnke St., frame flat In good
condition, large lot; rented at $1,000 per an
num. $S,H0O.
1S15 Burt St., 6-room home, close In, mod
ern except heat, $2,100.
Phone Douglaa 2418. 435 Paxton Block.
For Sale In High
Class Residence Dis
trict at 41st and
Davenport Streets
Several well situated residence lots ready
to build on. Ixiw prices; inquire of owner.
Room 314 First Nat. Lank Bldg. 'phone
Douglaa 11M2.
Only $750
Fine lot, 31st and Martha Sts., Crelghton's
First Addition; surrounded by fine homes;
Ecwer and water. An ideal spot for a
5-room bungalow.
13J0 Farnam St.
Phcnes Douglas 1064, Independent A-IO-H.
A corner on Blondo St. near 24th, now
has three 4-rooio cottages located on it
bringing $47 a month; room on corner to
build one more house. Ask to see this and
then make offer.
310-312 Brandels Theater.
Cathedral Home
An elegant y-runm all modern home on
4oth St only one block from the Oalhe
drul. Handsomely finished and dccoialed
throughout fireplace in living room
Price, $10,500 very easy terms.
The Byron Reed Co-
Both phones.
213 S. 17th St
NKARLY new 6-room modern bungalow
lot ciisiij. i-rice only $ou0 cash. A
great bargain.
J. V. RAOP CO., fo Brajidela Bldg.
$r,.fioo No. 3K22 Lincoln Poulcvard, new
eight-room, strictly modern house, with
oak finish on first floor; hot water heating;
fine fixtures; south frcntago and In an
ldeul location. v
$c.,?0t No. attlt Lincoln Houlcvaru, new
eight-room und reception hall, has dining
room, llvlnif room 2(3 feet long, with beamed
celling, i ai lor and reception room all fin
ished in oak; kitchen, pantiles and refrig
erator room very nicely arranged; four
bed rooms, two of them extra lare, all
with closets, also bath and linen closet, nil
finished with beaiMlful birch finish and
maple floors; ali-o outeldo sleeping porch
In rear; could finish three full slxe sleep
ing rooms on third floor If desired. This
house must b seen to be appreciated.
$7,200 No. X'lS Lincoln Boulevard, new P
rooni house; first floor has dining room
with beamed celling, large living rjom and
library all finished in oak, very f!no
kitchen and pantries, four large bedrooms,
bath, linen closet and outside sleeping room
on second floor, with threo extra largo bod
rooms on tlura rioor. nu nice:y riniunea;
hot water heating, very fine fixtures,
south frontage, right In the hturt of Bemls
These houses all have flno lawns, shaded
with large oak and elm trees.
37UI Ilawthorno Ave.
Phones: H. 3079. Ind. 13-2U71.
How Will Old Age
Find You?
With a Home?
You have doubtless paid for one In rent
and still have no deed to the property,
now Is the time to start.
A splendid modern home with 8 rooms,
near L'fith and Dewey Ave. Prac tic ally, new,
and strictly up-to-dute, easy walking dis
tance. ,,$3,500
A good 9-room house on 19th St., boule
vard, only 10 minutes walk to Kith and
'arnum St. Must be sold If we have to
take less money,
Two nice cottage homes, on a large lot,
6fixl40, east trout; easy warning distance
to U. P. shops and postofflce, renting for
$:8 per month. Price together, $2.9u0 or will
sell one for $1,400 .and the other $1,500, easy
30th and Marcy St., a beautiful 6-room,
strictly modern house, nearly new, east
front, paved street, fine neighborhood; Im
mediate possession if desired, here la a
Lift your property with me for quick sale.
I write fire Insurance.
Stanly P. Bostwick
12 City Nat l Rank Bldg.
Two 7-Room Houses
One Is at 4H23 Dodge St., which has 7
rooms, all modern In every respect. Four
rooms on the ftrst floor and three on the
second. Full basement, with soft water for
laundry. Lot 60x128 feet. This house Is not
reWmUt ls V,eat ",,,e P'ace u,"i In Kood
condition. Price $3,K0.
The other one is 118 S. 42d St.. with a
south and east front. It Is 7 rooms, all
modern, and about two years old. Threo
..., llIHi iioor ana 4 on the
secona. mere Is eoft water in the laundry
and kitchen. -
This ls really a. nice little home and the
owner ls anxious, to see, so make us on
A. P. Tukey & Son
Forced to Sell
. li.cuns, entirely mouern; open
Plumbing; combination gaa and electrio
light fixtures; city and detent water'
pseu street; permanent walks; shade
ci-. nuuie ime condition (painted lat
year); C2 '.-.rt cast frontage; terrace; barn.
vjuner icuvir.g cuy will soil for ii.Xti. Also
two lots adjoining on south (orio on a cor-
IllTI jov';.
1320 Farnnm tit
I hones Douglas 1004. Independent A-1W14
$1,800 CASH
balance In small monthly pay
ments of $14.35 each. This
beautiful homo near Kountze
Place, all modfn except heat,
seven rooms, house In excel
lent condition, beautiful lawn.
Price $-',750, If sold this week.
644 Brandels Theater Bldg.
'Phone Douglas 3o70.'
$l,tW0-6-rooin house, good
side, near car.
JMOO .,-iooin nou-e, large lot, North 17th
St., near KountZd place.
!.i.C00 New li-ruoin Wei-t f'arniun home, all
modern; the highest bargain in tills
locution. A RAlUiAl.N.
WANT an off-r on it-room, all modern
Kountze place home, hot water heal.
A Ulli B.NA1,
603 N. V. iJfe. Doug. 34o2 or A 'JUiX
Boulevard Park
Bungalows, J of them, but different
loom, all mode-ill. oak lluihhed ; Jum coin
pleted. The best arranged and most nlftj
lookers. 4111 and 41U N. lMh ht. Choice fo;
J.I ,0m; $MKj cah will handle) either. See them
today. D. a. Lfner, residence phone liar
ney DHb.
A Benson Snap
For Sale-An excellent i-room cottucre
on:v one uiock rie.m car; coeirv ami birch
finish; lot Is 75xl-tt, some young fruit; $-',4ou,
easy lernis.
1714 Farnam tit., or cull Benson J7.
In Kountze Place
A fine g-.ioom home, bu'.H about t'0
yeHi-s ago In this bea:tif"l addition; lo
cated at Hos Spencer St. House hat ves
tlfiuln cr.tnmce. reception hull. par",
di'ilng room, kitchen, pantry and roar
entry on the flrrt floor; all finished in
oak excepting tlio kitchen, pantry nnd
rear entry There four good bet.
rooms unci hiith on the second floor; also
stales to Httlc, where two more rooms
could bo fnilsbei. The interior Is rii
nicolv de. .noted nnil papered: flrst-clasi
plun.hlni; nnd lievlnir throughout. Tha
location is very desirable, only IVj blocks
to ccr and good store?; south front Ev-foot
lot: p:icd street. ow iiiiv Is compcllM to move to an
other city on account of his lutslr.eso and
bus mm!o n very low prlco for quic k sale.
You can y, iliic.t to the house If you
pro fee.
Corner 19th and
Spencer Street
. A well built house of cltfht rooms nr.i'.
reception hall: has call, parlor, dining
room, living room a:vl kltc'.ifn on ths firt
floor, threo led rooms ,ind bath on
the second floor; one IlnlrVd tod ,
room and store rn the third
floor; tine corner lo'.; south front;
piivlng ni'd curbing on both stder of lot;
house is strlrtly nil modern; built about
flvo yenrs ni;o. Owner has Cut tha pibj'i
to $11,000 for quick sale.
7 R, 2011 Pinkney
This Is the first tlmo this house has
been offered; located Just west of the
Florence Boulevard, overlooking Kountse
park; honso has reception hnll, parlor,
dining room and kitchen on the first
floor, four bed roomH und bath on the
second floor; rooms nil nicely arranged
and decorated; first-class heating and
plumbing throughout; fiO-foot lot; on
aved street. Possession can bo glvsn In
short time.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
Room 64 4 New Omaha National Bank
Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294; Weh
Bter 2688.
1,500 Six room cottage and acre of
ground with , some fruit;,
barn, well water, sheds;
good place for "chickens.
1,750 Eight-room two-story house,
18th and Ontario; lot, 60x
130 feet.
2,350 Five-room new cottage, mod
ern except heat; corner lot.
3,150 Eight-room modern house on
corner 20th and Corby Sts;
lot, 60x81 ft., on boulevard.
(2,800 Seven-room two-story mod
ern bouse, except beat, on
eaBt front lot, 25th and Par
ker. Bargain.
3,550 New modern . up-to-date fine
home, worth $4,500; owner
n:oving to Lincoln and wants
to sell quick; hardwood fin
ish on first floor, hardwood,
floors upstairs; bouse is 26x
26, three rooms up and three
rooms down stairs, besides
reception hall; stairway to
floored attic; east front; lot,
40x110 feet, fronting two
4,800 New modern up-to-date home
at 1804 Lothrop St.; recep
tion hall, parlor, dining-room
and kitchen all finished in
light oak; hot water heat;
four bed-rooms on second
floor; stairway to floored at-
tic; a well-built house; sout
front lot, 40x124; paving all
Must be Sold This
Dundee House and
Two Lots
Look at EiOM Canito! v fi-rnnin i.ule-.rj
(bungalow style), strictly modern, ouk ami
birch finish, beamed ceilings; close to ca..
If you want a bargain In Dundee see this.
mvuer will kNiw you torough.
123 Heo Bldg. 'Phones. D. 4764; A-174.
This elegant homo must be sold. Elalii
rooms and reception hull, laraa floored
uttlc, oak finish, hot water heat, combina
tion llxtureH, best of plumbing, full ess;
front lot, puved street and puld for. This'
house was built about three years ago
und has been occupied as u home, and Is
in tne ijcst or shape. The house with ail
Improvements com about $e;,uio, but for
good reasons, owner will take $5,000. Don't
pass up this bargain.
03 Oinuhu National Bunk. Phone D. ?:04.
A $3,000 Home
for $2,200
For quick sale wo offer a 9-room house
at tt'th and Bristol Sts., at a substantial
discount. Kiglit rooms, modern except
heat. Fine shade trees. Barn In rear.
Paved street, paving paid. You couldn't
build the house for 2.ou0. Immediate ac
tion necessary.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both phones.
112 S. 17th St."
$o0 cash, balance practically like rent
will buy you a 7-iuoiu houte. thoroughly
overhauled und In fine condition: lurge
earn front lot ioxKl, locuted near Stith Avu.
und Cass St.
S10-31J Brandels Theater.
$2,500 R-room house In good repair; paved
street; cement wulks. Modern except hsat.
Call at 7706 Hamilton strut, or phone Wso
ster 3330.
Six rooms and reception hall, all modern,
full lot, paved street and paid for. A very
nu a hoin for only $4.2.o. Terms.
P. O. NiKLHfcJN & CO.,
703 Omaha Lutik. Phuns D. &XH.