'lHhHLi;: OMAHA. WT.DNfcSDAY, MAKClI 20, 1011. 9 7 I f eV. ( OFFERED FOR RENT tMrtnnti and Flele Conttaned. 4-R apt . Harney 14 at , modern. 1"4 8. 27th 8t. rH E A PE8T. best 4-roool fjat In city. rn N. 23d. FOR RFNT-t room apartment In the Barnard. Tel. Douglaa IV lall Farnam St., d floor of Qulvet Bldg., three-room apartment with a larxe room adjoining suitable for artists or profeenlon sl who wish their homes contiguous. Hall I itrlbutor Co., 4JW Kaluga Bldg. Both phones. The Genoa. It Ci, just completed Apartments. 1 room and servant's room Every modern convenience. Finest loca (lon and neighborhood In Omaha. See Janitor Apartments for Kent Two inie" 'it.i etr-arn heat and Janitor erv,ce. In The New Trov. lorn Harriet- 81 Each $3.00 Thoa. VV, Hazen. Xl Mr-Vague Blk., phone D. 1300. rarabaet HaaiekMplag Rtaaw. FOR RUNT Modern furnished or unfur alshed rooms, walking distance. 1711 How ard at. FOR RENT Threa rooma on second floor, furnlahed for housekeeping. 2640 S. Mrth Fetrmlshed lloaaekeeplaa Rooawe. NEATLT furnished rooms for housekeep ing lt16 California St. NICELY furnlahad rooma for housekeeping. U14 Chlcego Bt. light FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooma r housekeeping. 101 N. lth St. (or Timtit modern housekeeping rooma. V month; coay front parlor, U par weak. 002 B 27th 6t. . rnn hk NT South room for boueaksep tn and alao Bleeping room. 21120 Chicago. - FOR RENT Nicely furnlphed housekeep Ing rooma. 42 N. nth. FOR RENT Light houaekeeping and eleeptng rooma. 422 N. lJlha FOR RENT Mci rooma. liMI Burt. Ilgbt housekeeping FOR RENT Two nlca rooma for light houaekeeping. NO Harney. FOR RENT Nlr-n llnht houaekeeping Moms, eloea In. 1 California, LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 7021 Dodge. FOR RENT Two furnlahad rooms, gas. tath; good location. W1 N. iota. FOR RENT Nlca modern housekeeping rooms. l&U Cuming. FOR RENT Large modern rooms, good looatloa. lull Burt. FOR RENT Neatly furnished housekeep ing rooms, mm Harney. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for houaekeeping. 62Z N. 2M. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light houaekeeping. 511 8. Sth Ave. FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooma 40) N. 23d. FOR RENT Four steam heated house keeping rooms. Due B. Uth St. FOR RENT Two modern houaekeepu-ig. tM B. lth. rooms, for LARGE room, furnlahed; gas range; good location. Chicago. VERT desirable housekeeping rooma. 131 8. llfth FOR RENT Nice houaekeeping ' room good location, xiua uougias. FOR RENT Suite of housekeeping rooms. 1406 Jonaa. FOR RENT Two south rooms (or house keeping. 4 California. FOR RENT Large front laeement rooms for light housekeeping. 2O20 Bure NEATLY furnished room for light house keeping, fit 8. Ulh, FOR RENT Nlee light housekeeping rooms, everything furnished, till Chluaugo. FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for housekeeping or sleeping rooms. 2301 Far nam. ' ; FOR RENT Modern rooms, furnished or unfurnlahed. 624 N. 2JSd. FOR RENT--Two modern rooms, taut California. famished FOR RENT Two very desirable rooma, gas range and laundry. 2X4 Farnam. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms for llsht housekeeping. 207 N. 20th- HOUSEKEEP1NO ROOM WITH AL COVE; REASONABLE, tit SOUTH MTU. DESIRABLE front room, complete for houaekeeping; on bathroom floor, also south irior with housekeeping privileges. 210 l)Uglas. FOR RENT Entirely modern furnlahed and unfurnlahed three-room eultes for light houseneeping. tive n. Min Bt, TWO nicely furnlahed rooms; modern; reaeonable. 2224 Chloago. Pouglaa 7001. Laglit houaekeeping allowed. Lafaralshed Ha-wseatees'las; Rowans DESIRABLE houatkeeplng rooms, good location, asv n. win Ave. FOR RENT Three houaekeeping rooms. modem lie a, arm o- DESTRABLB front and back parlor for Lousekeeplng. xww tiaraey ot- NICE, unfurnished rooms, private fam ily, desirable for housekeeping. (231 N. Irtb MC- FC R RENT Desirable rooma (or light housekeeping, m mkuji m- TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, good location, iwm uoage u FOR RENT Modern reonss (or light housekeeping- -' twi oi - FOR RENT Two sultea of housekeeping rooms, neat ana cissa. uw ijoage. THREE unfurnlahed rooma; gas range and shadee; good looatloa; 201 N. 20th 91 MICE parlor; furnlahed or unfurnished. (Jl B. 26th Ave. FOR RENT Nice steam heated rooms (or light housaseeping. m n. uia nt. THREE south rooms; very desirable: good location; near ear; good aelgbbor- hooa. eiiv uue . FOR RENT Three rooms, unfurnished en ground iioor. turn n. sstn fci. FOR RENT Three dealrsbls unfurnlahed rooma; aaperate batn and toilet, taut N, Irth el. FOUR desirable rooma, 1621 Davenpurt. Jnquire aoj uavanport u t FXJR best-two desirable rooms for lltht beusakaeplni; aeuaxate bath and lutleta. (vwe n. lain (. - Uafeira taken stooaaa. FOR RENT Nice houaekeeping rooms; gooo looauoo. miLM noaini ou DESIRABLE suite rooms for housekeep ing, eu a. tain ot. TOR RENT Two large light rooma. tsU laUIomin 81. FOR RENT Nlrs front rooms, furnished or uufnrulahed. LM N. Ud 8L FOR RENT Two desirable rooma, 1711 jaoaaoa St. FOR RENT Pleasant rooms. 261 Harney 81. housekeeping FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. iliS Burt bU FOR RENT One large room, good loca tion. So. N. 24th St. FOR KENT Two desirable rooms. Uii Charles SL FOR RENT VERY Desirable rooms for houaekeeping. KM Capitol Ave. Favalaheaf Hoaaea. FURNISH ED HOME In west Farnam district. Phoae Harney 47?1. I KxM modern, rompleielv furn'ahed buuee; months or year, lot 8. Hat Bt- OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued..) Heeaee and toltagea. FVR RENT A "aw and entirely modern : ran theiiter If I). F. Neff. Webster l-room eottege corner 17th and Ceeteliar. : street, will bring thla ad to The Hre wlth ?4. tncturltna! water. 6iX N. Y. Life. Tel. In thres daya and Identify himself he will Douglaa 4.(34. receive an order for two eeata to tha . i FOR HUNT-Pleven-room modern houae; large corner lot; rice ehade; hnun newly painted and in good order. N. W. Corner i:.iti and Ohio Hta. Apply lSli I.othrop St., I'hone H-&44. l-.iirh t-room. all modern house; good lo- stlon. t14 N. 4th; rent. IW per month. TUB 8 D MKItCKK CO. A-1IVW. Poua. IMS. 704 City Nat l Hank Bldg. THE opportunity will end eron to get I'pdlke'a flour free at The Hee. The Prl.le of Omaha le too good to mlee. Aak your M-rocer. If E. Clark, 1010 Elm St., will bring thla ad to The Uea and Identify himaelf he will rerelve an order for a 12-pound sack of this flour. . I-RPOM steam heated flat. Pmieany. 10th and t'lerca. Pouglaa UTL Coarad Toung. Uodern. T-r. bouaa; near park. 15U t. ROOM modern houae. heaxlr new. en paved etreet. VM N. 28th St.. 12a. Inaulre 2710 Pecatur or Tel. W. 271L Houses In all parte of the city Crelgh Bona it Co.. Dee Bldg. Om. Van at Storace Co. pack a moves, atore household gooda Fireproof slorega; K4 8. ltth. Branch. tu B. 17th. Tel. D. 41(4. A-lUk T-ROOM house, tit. tut Decatur St. 5-room, all modern flat, newly decorated. Phone Harney 24M. 24th and California. 5-r., new, heated. 37th. S blks north of Farnam, corner. r.. and hall, hot water heat, paved, t-40. 43J8 Chance, sr-r.. an moaern. j. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 10IS Omaha National. Poug. or A-2U1 FOR RENT 4-ROOM cottage with base ment, on 2th Ave., near Douglas. 41 Bee Bldg.; after a p. m. call Harney 8284. FOR RENT--rooin houae (24 South 24th Ave, 4-1 com nouav, xjvi ttuuth lain Ht. Tel. Red 2177. HOUSEHOLD QOOD8 packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; mowing and storing. Expreasmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Poug. M City Office, tit 8. 17th Bt., Bee Bldg. g-ROOM STRICTLY modern flat; pret- tieat view In Omaha; on farnam car line 2G12 P. 10th 8L FOR RENT TO COLORED FAMILY. $12.60 4-room home with large lot, Ml 4 Binney. . 17 Three room flat,1 Tl Ike 8t ROBINBON & WOLFE. Paxton Block. Doug. 418. FOR RENT A neat 6-room cottage, 22 Hurdette, iia.w. $32.50 STRICTLY modern l-room, brick house, 1307 Bo. 28th. ELEGANT new, modern fr-room houae. 1407 8. 8th Bt (74 8 . 28TH, I rooms completely modern, (40. Titos. IT. iiAuu 4.i Kamge Bldg. B. 7406 and A-440t. FOR RENT In Dundee, modern t-room house. E. R. Hume, Tel. Harney ism. FOR RENT 7H N. 23d Bt.. rooms, bath. gas, city water, $250. Apply 2224 Web ster Bt. Bouses. Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandela Th. Bldg. NEW rooms, modern exoept furnaoe. 1 block sou to oi vinton aonooi. inquire si. n Fiagg, H01 8. ZOtb Ave. FOR RENT The cottage near the park where waffles are aerved with Farrell's fine ayrup mornings. It H. EUenshenpen 1904 Elm St will bring thla ad to Tha Bee within three days and Identify himself he win receive an order Tor a sua can of this fine ayrup. APRIL L best T-room house In city. as N. tld Bt THREE room cottage, furnlahed com plete. xa Burt Bt. au fYV 1 lam rnjtma nart wwiAwmi ei lath and Vinton. Ry lander, tbi Omaha, National. 10-ROOM modern house: walking dis tance; inquire AN M ltftn ut. . (-Room bouse. niodera. cm 8. ttth. BLaxnay tWl. (-ROOM cottage, modern, nearly new. z40t Kmmei Bt. rnone weostsr iuw. TO LEASE for one year, elegant l-room house, near 14th and Dodge Sts., for $60 a montn. GALLAGHER & NELSON, eW Brandela Bldg. Doug. 1381. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, walkln aistance. nun. uougias umj. IT lots, houae and bam for rent near country eiuo. r . u. weaa, in tirmm t acres, house and barn. In Florence, two Diocss irom car. r . u. vveaa, isui f arnam. Btorea sal Offices. STORE 411 South Uth street. AT TOt S. 16th St.. room 20xM. siimilled with steam heat; now being put in fine condition, rxice reasonaDie. PETERS TRUST CO., 17th and Farnam. LIVE WIRE men only: beat grocer and hum uaraei on m si. Apply aa B. sad. ONE amall modern store, next to Wai nut Hill poatofflce. 8. D. Mercer Co., 701 city rtat I xsana orag. A GOOD store for rent. 2221 Cumins 8t jai. neumr aire. For Real Warehoasea. FOR RENT Barn. ttl Marcy St. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnltare. NEW Jewel gas stove, bed room set and other furniture. Telephone Harney ia04. 2M9 Harris bt. FOR BALE Furniture of a 10-room flat full of desirable roomers; etriotly modern toilet and bath on each floor. 'Phone Douglas 6(12. FOR SALE. OFFICE FURNITURE. BL1GHTLY USED. One Roller Top Desk and Chair. One Flat Top Peak and Chair. Four Office Chairs. Cms six-foot Office Table. One eight-foot Office Table. One ttve-eectlon Letter File. One four-sectlun Letter File. CALL DOUGLAS 41J8. HOUSEHOLD furniture, rugs, davenport, sideboard, tables, chaira, garden hoas, lawi mower,, etc 4024 Cuming etreet. CaU uiurnlngs. Harney 24rjO. FURNITURE for sale, and 6. 6.1 N. 2tth Bt. Call between $ Maslcal Uitraainti, THIS WEEK ONLY. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BLIGHTLT UbED PLAYER PlANo.S. Piano, ) regular price, now only.. $300 04 $.u0 Apollo Player PLano lJuO-00 playola Player Panu, regular price $b60 for $2700 Player Cabinets from $40 to UJ6 00 CeoiUan player llanos, Angelus sad others at your own terms. Also FREUJ MCSIO with each PLAYER. UREATEfT BARGAINS OFFERED YET UAYDEN'8. ( NEW piano, used a short time; must leave the city; very cheap If aold at once. kJU Hamilton Bt., or call B-2170. Typeevrllere. PARRnKS. rlbbona and repairs for all AllUU.1 0, lypwrltere. We aave you money. The Typewriter Inspection Sup ply Co. Office 6M4, shop M BrandelA Phonea: Douglaa 4W7, Ind. A-4-UJL BUY II U C Smith Bresv tTPewrtte. B. F. Bwaasoa Co., DlstrUiulera. UU Far caul BC TYPEWRJTERS. ALL MAKES CIJCARAXCE lALti JaOW UNI Prices low to get the caah. W t regular prices; any hiake you want. B. F. IWANHoN CO.. 1114 FARNAM ST. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Phone Douglas 2ki BKCOND-hand ty pa writers sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Uachanga, 101 kartaa. Mbwlltsnesa ONE depot rloeed carriage for eale; in quire of s-dward Updike, tol2 Farnam. OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellaneous ontlnaed. I FOR MLK-Deslrahle Praia to the Amer- American meater. iAFFS 0ertocked with aeeond-hand afea, all etsee and makea; baraaina Amer ican Supplk ''o.. Ill Farnam St. OH, TOO PUCK HUNTER, here la chance to buy a duck gun that you can kill them with. Farker in-asuse hammerleea. twist barrel. In aplandld con dition. Leather carta and ehelle (No. 4 ahot) go with It. Make ma an offer. Gee H. -Wright, care Ben, Omaha. FOR SALE New and eeonnd-head Mi llard and pool tardea. We lead the world la ebeap bar fixtures: aay payments. Bruiiawlck-Halk-Collsnder. 4B7 B. iota M fcl'MMER house on wheels for rale. 1913 ui fn OSTtUHAiHY Alloa Johnson. 101-1 Brandela Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. V- BrandelaTbeatar PATENTS D. O. BARNELU Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. HIRAM A. STUROF8. reg. pat Stty.. (40 Brandela Theater Uldg. Dougiaa 34. wtt.t.ATin F.nuT. rertatared rractltloner In U. 8. Pat. Office. 1S axton Blk. R. 2WL PEKSONAL M EC HA NO THERAPY Maaaasa treatment for lost vigor. Dr. M. Halloran, 2st Neville Blk. Douglas 771. J08IE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under. world Mewer." at all book stores. Price 11. Hi TUB SALVATION ARMY solicits east-eft clothing In fact, anything you oo not need. We eollect, repair and sell at 134 N. Uth St.. for coat of collection, to the wor th ypoor. Call 'phone Douglas 41 A snd wagons win oe" Dr. Baker Medical Offices F.xnert Bueclallsts. diseaaea of women. Conaultatiun and examination free. 210 g. 14th Kt., corner Uougiaa, Omaha, nib. MABK 8U1T8 to rent at LIEBKN'S. wis RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machtnee. Ind. A-DV13; Douglaa 16J, IN aoitABHA i.it-Liv ujairm, Uth and Harney tola. DR. EOGERU, prlvata confinement home. Ult Martha bt.. Omaha. Tel. Douglaa 230. MA8SAOB3 Mrs. Rlttenbouse. Ml Old Boston B'.ore. OMAHA Stammerers' Inst.. Remge Bldg. MRS. SNYDER. Swedish maaaage, radia tor and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat t, 10th and mire, uougiaa van. PRIVATE maternity home. Mrs Dr. King. UM N. Mth. Web. 1U4V Ind. D 1M1 SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle, or Injury to the skin; Isdy attendant. lli MoCague bldg. rtATIISi 8alt low n1 massage, 1M DAIIUJ Dodge, M floor, opp. poatof flce. VI ma. Allen of Chicago. Doug. 7K4. T()i:N1 WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vl:t tke Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth street and Bt Mary's avenue, where they will be direoted to suitable boarding placea or otherwiae asalatad. Look for our traveler'e aid at the Union station. f A Q4 AflTT. TREATMENT. Mrs. Steele. IVlAOOiiUJ lu7 g. I7th 2d floor, room S. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 140 1st Ave.. Council bluffs, la. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. atrengthen. ton, DELL DRUG CO, WIGS and toupes for men. Griffith. 11 and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. MAGNETIC treatment, B. Brott, lU lUilUll.il XJ fumlnar Bt Inat R r?K. BEST nerve braoer for men.' Oray'a Nerve Food Pills 11.00 a box. Postpaid. Bberman at McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to ft south Uth Bt. D. 1211. A HOME for women during confinement Bablee adopted and boarded: Building modern. For terms address matron, Tinier Hume, 402 Bancroft Be ' I'hone Doug. UUL DTL RTTRKP. diseases of women AAU DUlWkQ JMh & jjougi. Omaha. MANICURING, facial massags, shampoo ing ana natrareesing aone in your home. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith. Tel He may 4OT2. STRICTLY pilvete ChiieUaa oonflaa- ment home; heet care, babies Vit adoption, tail Davenport fUULI.Vl Miw ret olUOA G4iti for batching from the Brandela Farm. Thoroughbred S. C. White Leg horns. Utility stock, $1.6 a setting or M per 100. Exhibition or show stock, $3 to ft a setting. Write for catalogue. Address, A. D. Brandela. Omaha. GLENVIEW poultry Farm. Rhode Is land Reds, eggs guaranteed W per oenl fertile. Telephone South 140. Covalt's Buff Plymouth Rocka. Cream of winter layers. Eggs, per 10. $1, U. IS. Day-old chicks. Kc. 30c and 10c each. Dr. Scott Covalt. Co. Bluffs. Ia.. 411 City Nat Bk THOROUGHBRED Plymouth Rocka white or barred eggs, for hatching U. J. Kan aft. VU4 Farnam. Harney Llii. FRENCH Poodles for sale, $a apiece. 1010 w coster Bt. SILKO CHICK FOOD le the heat In the market for young chickens. Mads from pure grain. For sale by all dealers. A. W. WAGNER. AGENT.. ni N. 16th fit. Te' I'oug 1142 Ind. A-V PRlNMNi RIES-H ALL Ptg. Co.. 108 & 14th. Ind. A 2614. Lew W. Raber, Printer vTXmi BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. MILLER tt JAMIESON. 1211 Douglas St. Both 'phones. 'PHONF. INK A-M far cood printing l.tygetad Prifais r it a. ''spirm la REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT! OF TITLE. Midland auarantee and Truat enmpaaj. hooded abstraoters, IT14 Farnam 9c PETER JE8SEN. r., Co. Tel. Doug. CM H. H. Neala. 160 Onuiha Nat'l Bank Bldg. M. T. BRENNAN (bonded). 124 Brandela Ta, HAL K1TATB DBALERI. . REED ABSTRACT CO., Eat. 185s; prompt service: get our price . M Brandela ThaaUr. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Flf teeuth floor. City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB IN DUNDEE 5004 CASS ST. 7-R. $4,500 This is one of the moat desirable loca tions In Dundee; lesa than V block to car line; south front lot; with large maple shade treee: thla house has deception hail, parlor, dining room, kitchen on the first floor, three good bedroome and bath on the eecond floor; stairs to sttlc; full bricked up cellar, with first claaa furnace; the houae is well built and nicely decorated throughout; Is strictly modern In every way. U you want a nice home In a good looelity you ahould go out and look at this as soon a a possible. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney Bt. FOUR-BTORY business block, il42, modern. Income 11 per cent oa price. Iss.OOO with 0 0u0 loan at b per cent, near best corner la city of Lincoln. Consider farm or smaller income property for equity. Howard J. Hill, owner, Lincoln. Neb. REAL ESTATE CITY rMOPKHTt FH IALK. (Continued l a siiit:wi imv Iit fiicirifjf llanscom Park $1,(KR) PAVING PAID Terms--MS Cash and $1'J a Mo. Shrea-d people pick up lot barnalna when thev run ar-rosa them. They don't let a tioodl oiKrtnnlty allp. Here la Juat the kind of a bargain auch praple are looklnic for and the tr-rtna, "Oh, my.'' Think of It; anyone can gr-t a home when they aell them that way. The lot Is full aixe. not below urH.ie, paving tax all paid, imma nent walka, city water, fewer snd una In the street. The monthly payments Include Interest. Hastings & Heyden, If. 14 Harney St Leaving. City Wll laell my 8-room au-modern liome at a aacriflce; full corner lot; iierinanent walks; north part of city. Surrounded by all new home. pcc price for Immediate ale. Ji.frO, half caah; balance t-aay. A 9.W, Omaha Bee. $2,750 BUYS IT. Nearly new 6-rooni cottnge, with fine attic and cemented basement; modrn ex cept heat; piped for furnace. We can most emphatically recommend thla cottage to anyone wanting a good, attractlv, well built houae. Iaocated nr-ar 1Mb and Laird rita.. In row of nice homes. Auk lo be shown thla. Terms eaav . SCOTT & HILL, 307 McCague IHok Ku.iKlaa 6K15. tm CASH BUYS 8-room mod. home, nlrely finished; lot 40xUX); near car; quick; $2.rt. D. R. BUCK SON, 849 New Om. Nat. Ilk. Bldg. Doug. 62:6. NINE-ROOM, strlrtly modern houae. near alifornla, on l!Hh 8t.; lot 4:!xl02. 8n kneas reason for aelling. MuKt he Hold St once. C. O. Edling, blS North l!th St. 95 FOOT FRONTAGE $6 PER FOOT $10 CASH $5 A MO. J un another one of our Rood bargains. Thla Is on 31 t Ave., north of Ames Ave., ISO feet deep; room for 2 houses but owner will not divide; pretty bungalow lust built on adjoining lot. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 Harney Kt. BY owner, 2 modern cottages, $H,!W0; walking distance. Douglas OWN Eli LEAVING CITY Brand new, 2-story. 7-room, all modern house; oak floors, combination fixtures; ready to move In. Must sell at once. 714 South Thirty-sixth street. Harney law or Harney MUST SELL. Fine T-room, all modern home; flrst-claaa repair; newly decorated; paved street; per manent walks; surrounded by nice homes; choice neighborhood: located on North i'M, near Lake St. This property Is worth $4 000, but $3,260 gets it for a quick sale; $600 cash, balance easy. If you want a nice home at a bargain here's your chance. Act quick. B. E. Walt & Co., 617 Bee Uldg FOR gALE Two lota ir-1140 en eomt tflh St.. n.Ar Vinton: all special taxes nid Mill aell as una place or divide. VVUiiag lo aell at eecraiio Apply at u noma usi street 1-R., $4,000. 3220 Burt. Tel. Harney 2496. FOR SALE Tickets to the American thester for evening and afternoon perform ances. II Axel Meyer, iuoh Webster street. will bring this ad to The Bee within three dnys and Identify himself he will receive an order for two seats to the American theater. You can save money by ordering your ABSTRACTS OF TITLE from HERBERT H. NEALE, now at KO la, X. Lire Bldg. 21 years in ine ouainess. LOT I. block 21. city; near high school $2,100, assessed $4,000. Frank Crawford, Ware tsiK., city. NEW COTTAGE CHEAP. Five-room, new, thoroughly modern eg. cept heat; cement basement; permanent walks; one block from 2.14 St. car line: high and sightly; renting for $18. Price for quick . sale, 11.W0. Terms, $00 cash. A snap. s. n. wait & Co., 617 Hee J3ldg. $3,600 Preferred stock wholesale property. 8 per cent guaranteed; no taxes., o. C Patterson, 162$ Farnam. C. Fred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for rental bargains, tit Omaha Nat'l Bank. REAL tSlAlE FARM AXD RANCH LAND FOR SALB Florida. SOUTH FLORIDA Colony established large settlement; Individual deeds; co operative price; co-operative development townalte profits for improvements. Addi tions open. Industrial aollege. Rusk In College, uuskln. Fla. FLORIDA. FOR SALE Florida land at wholesale. Ws have several choice tracts suitable for colonisation purposes. Write us. Watson uelgen Land Co.. Jacksonville. Fie. FLORIDA Writ m for descriptions of bargains In good, title-perfect Florida isrms; sue. price, terms to suit yourself. i. w. uurnam. tianaereon, ruv- PALM BEACH COUNTY FARMS new $60; lo down. $10 monthly; price will oe raised soon; save money Dy Duylng now ceat soil. Deal climate, Deal locatlo in Florida. Palm Beach Investment Cfc , 34 la. x. wis uidg., Kansas city. Mo. low. SOME BARGAINS 109 acres. W In cultivation, balance la timber. Good Liberia peach orchard, lot trees; good apple orchard, Jonlthan and Wine Bp, now in bearing. Also a good family orchard of peacbea, applee and cpernea. Good bousa, barn, outbuildings, cistern and good drlllad wall and nonrf Ihis Is s splendid fruit and dairy proposi tion. 1 aulas from Kosbkonong, Mi per eve Another 169 acrea, i miles from Koshkonong. 64 acree In cultivation, bouse, bam and good cistern; a few fruit treea. Solandld partnership well In line can get good water iu io is lect. uooo iruia and agrlcuiiurai viuyuaiuuu. per acre. Aiiotiier U0 acres, f miles from Koshkonong. right In the great fruit district, (o seres In cul tivation; family orchard of peaches, apples. f'ia .ii. ciienic, aiso pium urctia.ru louse, barn and other outbuildings. Hal. a ace not In cultivation, but In very good 1 J. COCKBURN & SON. 114-14-11 Manhattan Bldg., Des Moines - FOR RENT-Heveral acrea of land In Nebraska or Iowa to party who can prove that there le a better flour made than Updike a. If J. A. Ahlstrom. 2au6 -aiir,.P. nia bt, will bring thla ad to The Bee 'Mom inree uaja ana laentiry himself h will receive an order for a 12-pound sac oi inia iiour. IOWA people living on the farms are crequent visnors io ine American theater. II J, cnamoeriain, 4io liurt, will hrlni this ad to The Bee and Identify hlmi he will receive en order fur two seats a the Ajnerican meaier. MONEY-MAKING summer resort ho tel, with m acres or ground; hotel alone cost over I1O0 oj0. yery finely furnished and is clear. i.a. win. viaerreei. Finely Improved Mexico rubber an.t a fee plantaUon. valued at laO.uuO, eiear and pays dividends en $JU0,000; good prupettv sauted Bos 444. Wiuterset. la. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Fine M- aere larm m rwasiwiu oountr, Iowa. IVa nUlee from town. This Is a flrat-oiaas farm, all tiled; has good imDra.ur jn.. Price. $11 per acre: mortgage W OuO, f or 1 yeaie ume, win was ea.vuv in gooa, clear propeny aim ee.vav in caan on tnia farm, Veur property must aotually be worth n,- money, or no use t monkey with It This is the cash price on the farm. It la no old trading farm, eo ihe property you offer niuet be gilt-edge. We dou't handle thing but flrst-claaa do la. and thla la one tit VJieiu- bu vim. uur rvMeiuOaV Wl axd Land Coiupanjr, Uewria, ia. Want Mercnandisa Stock 110,000 to $12 009 for HO aorea well Improved corn land, only milea from epirii uu county wai Liicainsoa eounty. Iowa. Price, tit per ecre; mortgage. Ik.ind Aeareae ci. aa. auiis m .o., cpiru Laahe, REAL ESTATE V A It M AMI Ht.MII I. A. Ml FOR 1.R lona I'natlaaed. APPLE orrharda and poultry farms, not far from Pes Moinea. near Colfax inter urban. William Caaebeer, Altouna, la A SN AP Only drug store in a ury towa (after July 1) of (ou, reaaon. su-kneas; atook about U.ui; will pay for Itself rirat year; niuai be caah. C. Moody, louia. la. Kaaaae. BARGAIN IN A KANSAS HOUR. 120 acree; l-room houae end OJtbuildlnge, t mnr-m In a haal I n.w.iH ...... t . . . . k .'ml t r van anil wimimiii; iu acres cultivated; 4 all tillable. Price. d per acre: terms Landgrat A Darby. Uardan City, Kan. ONE-TENTH CASH. PALANCE EAST. Fine lota in plaina. t)2ao to (60; inoal rapid growth, population ahnuld double in a year; electric I gnt. telephones, modern mprovemetna; main line iailay; get in n ground Iiuor and prof t in advance; aend or plat. Junn w. lieughuian. Plains Kan.- KANSAS farm ranch. 1.W0 acree: 4g0 acrea In cultivation; cood pasture, all us er fence and ;ro renue; modern ll-rooin ouae, Clrst-tlaea Impruvementa. running ater and Umber: oaier power, invvau- ate about tin furro. 407 Hall 11 Ids . Kan- aus City. Mo. WELL Improved farm of 210 acree la Lyon county, Kan. Six nvlee from Ad mire. Will sell cheap if taken by March tH.Addree l.oiK kuk Kti4. i.,reur. U - TWO KANSAS BARGAINS. !tt aorea, Harvey county, 2 milea to own: well improved; nouae. Darn, orchara. fenced, etc.; 100 acrea In cultivation; ail Ullable; $7,500. 160 acres. Reno county; all tillable. fenced. 75 acrea In cultivation; 4 utiles to town. Price. $a.W0. Cbaiies Peterson. Hutchison. ivan WHY GO TO THi3 DRY BELT when you can buy just as cheap where we ave plenty or rain 7 uo A.. I mile from a town of tk9. only 16 miles from eallnn; nearly ail good plow land, part po 'd alialfa and; an lencea ana wen ana mm; rine locetion. Price. 1-6 per A. Ihe Uenual Kanuas Real testate Co.. baling. Kan. THE farmer's or Investor's opt "Ttunlty. $20 acrea level Btanton county, Kan., land. well located, 110 per acre; par acre own. balance in aemi-aiinual payments of 1 nor sure: Interest. 6 per cent, clias. fci Hutfj.ni. Syracuse. Kan. FOR HALE 180 acres wheat, corn or Haifa land In Harper county, Kansas half mile troiil town, iZ aoltl soon. 14 000. Hugh Conner, Hutchinson, Kan. Minnesota, TWO SNAPS. too acies land one mile from depot St St. Jamea. Wetonwan county, Minn. Good bulldlnsa. Can all be cuiuvaiea. will las 120 acres North Dakota land at right value, II Sou caiili; balance long liuie at per cent $70 per acre. e or oaie lis acres an miner .uuiT.uun cne mile from city .imlts of tst. Peter, Minn., no buildings. $b0 per sore. -MUKKHAKl tt Aicnioo.., Mankato, Minn WHEN they rome from Minnesota they see the American periornier!. u v. n. Tennant. i&L'ti Taylor street, will bring this ad to The Bee within three days and Identify hlmHelf he win receive an order fur two seats at the American. FOR MAF9 AND VALUABLE INFOK MATION IN REGARD TO NORTHWEST ERN MINNESOTA LAND, "THE LAND THAT GKOW8 FLAX." WRITE- TO KENNEDY LAND, LOAN AXaU RH.AL1 I CO., KENNEDY. MINN. BIGGEST bargain In Minnesota. 1M acres, cultivated; all fenced; good puna- Ings. Rd river valley, near Crookston rented; only $i,200, with 10 cows. Konkle. owner. Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn- 1KLE Ilarhor farm for sale. A TOO acre stock farm located H mllo from town oa south ahore of Mlile Lacs lake, Mllle Lacs county, Minnesota. In the land of the big red clover. Also 1,2M acrea unimproved timber and meadow land. Write Dr. K. L, Hawes, Mankato, Minn. BUY a farm In central Minnesota; prices will surprise you; good soil, water, mar kets, roads, schools, churches, neighbors and not least, always good title. Write C. D. Baker, i ergus Falls. Minn., for lists of 100 farms. SAFE CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT $12,000 buys an excellent Improved farm ot 9jo acres, four miles from good town in Marshall county, Minnesota, the heart of ths Red River valley. There are 280 acres under cultivation, remaining 40 acrea all tiiiaoie. uood six-room house, frame barn, granary, poultry houae, well and fenced pasture, improvements cost Vi.av. Terms $300 cash, balance $1,000 a year. One-half of 1911 crop goes to purchaser. o.uuu buys nnothei good uuarter. same locality; every acie tillable. About 140 acres win be in crop and purchaser gets one half of this. No buildings; soil perfect; terms, i,ouo cash; balance in annual pay taenia. Several farms, no better than mine, have been sold In this locality re cently at $r0 an acre. Come uu and see. A O. OLESON, Owner, 827 Palace Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Mlaaoort. OZARKLANDS Bend for our complete list of bargains: go with us on our next excursion. Anrll 4. snd investigate the country. We can make you money. HAWK EYE LAND & ORCHARD CO., 20v Brandela Theater Bldg. COLONIZATION nronoaition: Iti.OOO acrea: best colonisation proposition In eouth Mis souri, 1 miles to ralhoad, 1,400-aors Im proved stock ranch, ail under fence: other tracts, write for prices, a. 8. Whltlouk. uircn tree Mo. 10 ACRES. ll.KO. 240 a., Dougls Co.. Mo.. 60 a. consider able valley land, cultivated, 180 acres tim- r; good spring water, some orchara. ! room house, large new frsme oarn, other outbuildings. Terms. Write for lists, Halle ft bpurlock, Ava, Mo. M0 a., large t-room house, large barn Mx60. 100 a. adjoining the above, 4-roora house, new barn 2&x2t. Will sell together or separate. 1MI a. near Aulvllle. large bouss snd barn, a modal country home price $100 per acre; caib or terms. Walter C emiee, nigginaviue. mo. FOR SALE ISO acres 1 miles from Leh nou. on pulllo road; lies good; W In cu. tivstlon; ret timber; fair Improvementa; good well and apring; fenced ana cross fenced: orchard; near school on publla road; R. F. D. and telephone; price $J6 per acre. . tv curne, Lebanon, mo - FOR BALE 800-acre stock and . grain farm: tQ acrea in cultivation; 300 acrea valley and bottom land; all rich soil. Two sets of improvements; 41a pel acre; easy terms. Large list ot Improved farms in twenty counties, southern Mi.asouii. Uxark Realty Co., "Jl coiav-ge a'.- epnngiieia. mo. Montana. BUSINESS men of Glendlvs. Mont., hav organised for the purpose of giving re liable information concerning lands In eastern Montana. The members of th undersigned company have resided In eastern Montana for 20 years and mort and know every foot of Us lands. 1 bey are merchanta and bualness men who wan settlera and your trade ana cannot afford to mislead Notwithstanding last years drouth Montana was una of the few siataa that raised ordinary cropa In 11 Have several thousand acres for sale at reasonable prices. Homesteads located. Write us Gate City Land company, Glendlve. Mont. MONTANA STOCK RANCH FOR SALE 6.1u0 acres, one-third farming land; range for 3,0") cattle. Chance ot a lifetime. Write Box 272. Billings, Mont. Nebraska. V FOR SALE. ARNOLD REALTIf CO. Fullerton. Nek FOR SALE mall farm, ( blocks from depot and lo miles from Omaha. Inquire Oet rge uruen. mui at sain, t at. uoug. tur. FOR RENT Several acrea of land In Nebraska or Iowa to party who can prov that there Is a better flour made than Updike's. If W. l. Washburn. 4124 Hahle Hi., will bring thla ad tu Ihe Bee wlthh three days and Identify himself he will ra ceive an order fur a 12-pound sack of this flour. . IS t-iuiA bi a laj-mers enjoy an evening at the American. If M. V ana tine. Bouth Twenty-third street, will bring thl: ad to The nee within three daya an Identify himself he will receive an orde fur two seats to the American theater. FOR bargalne In cheap western lands eften ebeup; eeree rellnqulahmenta. Ad teas 4. ttersiaa. v oilman, xeb. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HAM II 1.ANU FOR ItLf e break a 1 oallaoed. 45-BuslTcl Wheat . Land $27 an Acre. Buy Land WEcrc It Rains. I W nu n a ,,,1 i r. 1 . n r 9nikMl m trmm nt - l. . ....... K--1. . v. n I . . t f . n. !lami now on the market. 'The heat crop 'producing rouiity In the atate for twelve ears Alralia la a leaning crop write today for our free literature. Live agents wanted everywhere. FUNDI NHS I. A 1 1NVKSTMKNT COM PANY, SIDNEY. NEB. 640-ACRK FARM IN KIMBALL COUNTY FOR $!40 CASH. You can have Jour oholoe of .) acres, In section tracts for $11 per acre; $1 per aire cash, $1 per acre In one year, and the balance in ten years wltn Interest at pei cent. No trades. Write or call on W. T. Voi'nif, Jr , County surveyor of Kimball county. Kimball, Neb. I 6W-ACRR ranch for eale, $o per acre, two-third cash, remainder five eara, 4 per cent Intcreet; all fenced, good Improve ments For artlculera write Frank bcbula. Norfolk. Neb. e Mexfrw. AN OPrORTTNITT. You ran make too per cent profit In five years on Colefax county, N. M., Irrigated fruit land. You run no risk whatever Bold In five-acre tracts and cultivated for five years by expert fruit growei Write for special Information. Tms Is an abso lutely safe Investment that will net yea big proflta. McNeal. 114-U Finance Bldg, Kansas City, Mo. North Dakota. WRITE right now for pamphlet. "Sate erope In North Dakota." Five-year, 1 per cent mortgage notes for sale. Farms cash or crop payment. State Bank ef Verona, Verona. N. D. SOLICITORS WANTED. I swn and control about I Ouw acree of hole farm lands In Burleigh and Kidder Co.. No. Dak., and want 'M good rapreaeota lives, others need not apply Beet ef ref erencea. W. E. Rui.ey, Lead investment Bismarck. N. U NORTH DAKOTA LANDS Have a limited amount of choice f.rm land for ale on crop payments furnishing seed for me. or particulars write reus i- Kellogg, Jnuieeiown. N. D. loath Dakota. EASTERN south Dakota farm. The al ien spot of the state. Price M to M an acre. Write for inao. Iiata. etc. Bloom b Martin. Watertown. S. D. miO-ACRR farm, nine mile from Onlda, fenced, fine buildings, good well 10 ft uo seres under plow. $41 per acre. Terms. l ley wood ft xauison. union, av u. FOR BALK Three choice Improved farms 1C0. 240 and 320 acres In Turner county, South Dakota, at tub to $71 per acre, easr terms. Haxllit s Land Agency, Marlon, QUARTER section: four milea to Eateillne; rolling; good soil; small atabls; well. No bouse, tH for quick sale. Rea sonable terms. Owner. W. B. Dugger, kielliue, H. U THE LAND OF ALFALFA At Hi te $40 per acre. A few homeslead relinquish ments at Sro0 to $2,000. Yields $M per acre without Irrigation. Address Walter K. Haynea. Oelricha. a D. 16 ACRES. 1 miles from Hot Enrinre. S. D.. 100 acrea tillable, all fenced, email bouse, 6 acres broke; $12 per aore. Shirley Land Co.. Hot Springs. V D. IMPROVED farms and wild laarla Roberts county, pouth Dakota. Prices Id to $76 per acre. Write to John A. Munre Co.. wu mot, ttoberta County, South uaxota. 480 ACRES, fair Imnrovamanta milaai from station, 200 acres tillable. trout aireams snd timber; iu acre, easy terms. w f vurvot neaiiy v.o., tfeue irourcb. a. w. Oklahoma. FOR SALB In Kn.b.1 im black chocolate land. milea south ef billings Okl.. InThJ Antelope vailer. I side hedge and 1 aide wire, with 120 aore J1"- pu oaiance in pasture lota orchard and garden; l-room Louse, pla. .u. fapaureu, cellar unierneath i all In good shape; barn, 24xM. room for N tons f hny, room for I horses; crib, tool shed i.i. compial. gooa granarlee wa.w wiiTvaar inrvuii center, wul hold 1,000 bushele of grain; these buildings and all ether buildings era naiai .,i ", sbape; L0O locust posts. 4wtf truu thrA i ells, I olstsrn. plenty of astir. Thl la a ivai farm and no aui. ian.i .. . T at reasonable Interest, T. M. JkAbenteaaB. EASTERN nrtiuoui Send for prices and descriptions of firm. Ira Stout. Cushlng. Okl.- trm 340 ACRES Canadian bottom Ian .a. aorea In culUvatlon: all aeoond hnm' ..T excelled for corn and alfalfa, u - .7! . Bermuda graas; balance pasture and some Umber; two sets of Infliirovemenui: fine barn; outhouses and orchard; 11 mllei from National stock yarJs, Oklahoma Cltyi7 ... w ivii. wwn, prise a Per sore, taey terma, Campliell. Bynuin A Ollaa v"" uaiiuioins City, OU. Oregon. FARM LANDS FOR Ill s M.OOO acres on new line Oruaa Tmi er-uv jiwr sure, ai.au per aore caah. balance ten years 1 per cent. OREGON LAND tt TITLE CO.. Portland.- Texas. 8TOF, READ, THINK (00 acrea rluh black hoa waiinw ia 17 milea west of Houston, I mile from misauuri till, oniy se. Beautiful farm sun aore. I milea Houston, thoron.hi. drained, on graded road; not an aore of poor iana in it, ivarge tracts for out onisation. u it. Bailey. (01 Bias Bids. Houston. Texas. KS ACRES Braaoe bottom: railroad at a Hon on land; $26; terms, too acres fine black prairie; aepot tnree miles; $20 per aore; terms Address the owner. Dr. C. H. Pres ton. Houston. Tax. FOR SALE 1.700-acre farm about 7 miles from ueaumont, rex. situated on navlgabl aiream. nu a line irrigating plant. milea of canal and laterala: all fenced good bulldlnga. All In cultivation with rice. Will-raise bo ou. per acre. Is fine orana-a. fig and truck land. Will sell for $37.60 per acre, inoiuuing irrigating plant. Terms. itanaau Silverman, Beaumont, Tex. SAN PATRICIO CO. 1,200 aeres near Odam ....MM 710 acrea near Odem tu at 1.700 aorea near left lata. l.lruO aore near Teft ,.1AN J. D. COOK CO.. Sin ton. T The Key to th Situation Beo Want Ada Wlaeowala. FOR SALE Farm I'O sere grain and stock adjoining Incorporated town; pasture extending to river. Some good oak tim ber. For particulars address Charles Allen. LynxvUie, Wl. EIGHTY acres. Burnett county, Wis consin. H cultivated; good bulldlnss mower and rake. Village IV miles. 12 70 cart time. A- R. Kibbe. Mew Rasbmoad wis. Wyeatlag. FOR SALB ll.rO Mne, Lauramie Co., Wyo , ra the Golden Prairi diatiiot. all fenoedi evraJ hundred acre under cultivation; stocked with ebeao and cattle at sreaeatl will eell with ranch: wilt divide and esehaag fer eastern NeD. er Iowa farnas. J. T. BELL. OWNER. Cbeyenae. Wyo. Mrs. Dykeman, G14 South 29th street, lays: "I got the best regults from the tittle ad In Tha Bm and rented my unfurnished rooma." REAL ESTATE WANTED WHAT AN IOWA FARMF.R WaNTS- Mave you aaythlng te offer the farmasi f lower Any cr.eap land for blgher priced) a general mere handle eioie for land, or av kind of an exchaiina? or have J tome land you want to aell for rasbT The eee paper that ivana tu- ua termer la the l'a Moines Capital. U.0W clrrulatloa (ally: rale a ngle insrrtum. I cent a ord, Sis liaertiune. 6 csnta a word. Dee Molaed L-akiy tl'H.I. i'aas aaicitiaa. laV WANTED A list of farnia In Nebraska for rale Have many Inn eta UUe Ii-ksI nutnbeis. full drsrrlptlon and terms In first Iftter. Howard J. Hill, Hrownell lilock,l.lneolrt.Neb. JOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 110 ACRES bottom Alfalfa land, central Neh Al alfaita land 16 acrea In alfalfa, DO wheat, all In col. Take automobile part one It. H. J. Hill, Hrownell Block, Lin coln, Neb. o ACRES, practically all smooth up land. 1 milea town, $ 1ft 00 an acta. Want smaller farm, or Income property. H. J. Hill, Brownell Block, Lincoln. Neb. FOR sale or trade for stock. Northwest, ern thresher engine, new Century separator and six-bottom engine gang plow; all new. llirt Btvele, Elmcreek, Neb. $i.0u0 KUUITY In a strictly modern new house, 7 rooma, rental vnlue $;tf. Want, good up-to-date auto ur clear cheap land r lots. i". u. uox i.s FOR Hale or Trade A good saloon Inv ebraska. Address II Hafner. Butte, Nek WE exchange properties of merit, it. H.' ulver, kU-813 N. Y. Life. Douglas TStf. TO EXCHANGE A choice running stock of merchandise. Invoice about $S.tX-0, want Minnesota (arm. Address cut sn, Here ford. Colo. THKRK Is .everything In finding out. here the best Is. If F. 8. Owens, 2111 Km ot St., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three daya and Identity him self he will receive an order for a bOo box of O'Brien's candy. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT' SO acres all in cultivation, 10 miles from niaha. near Benson. K. l. Wad, ISad arnnm. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property end Nebraska lands.. OKEEKE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101b New Omaha National Bank Building. LOANS to home owners and home build- era, with privilege of soaking partial pay vanii semi-annually. W. H THOMAS. KM First National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loan, Patera Trust Oo. CHEAP MONEY. Representing the enn Mutual TJf lea. Co.. with assets of over $117.000. Ono. I am ?repared to accept all the good loans of ared on Improved Omaha reel estate. Business and residence lean mad without sale. THOMAS FRKNNAN. City National bank Bldg. WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4V Co.. U20 Farnam St. LOW RATES. BEMlS-CARLBKIta C(X C0-111 Brandela Theater Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. Id floor N. Y. Life, mi to $100,000 on improved oropert. Vu delay. CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZER, MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. U00 ta 110 001 made promptly. F. IX Weed. Wead Bldg., Uua and Farnam. STEAMSHIPS lalN- rwiluraaqaa at. 1 J wran aval. Waakly galllns frm MONTRBAb TO LIVEHPUOU OLAIOOW ' LONDON. HA V KS. Fnrtnlshtlr trass pltiLADBlJnA an norroH te tUMOW (fiend 14 esaoarr, ahonast eaaaaas, lea lataa, As Kan war Aseot, er ALLAN CO., OwmtsI Aseaia 174 Jeakaee Slvo.. Olaaaa. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. NEW YORK AND NAPLES DIRECT. Single or Round Trip Tickets between New York ana Mcoicn. mngiisn, irisn ana an principal Continental point at attractive rates. Bend for Book of Information. Uuporlor Accommodation, Excellent Cul- ' sine. Apply Promptly fur Reservation to , local agents of Anchor Lins or HENDER SON BROS., General Agents, Chicago, 111. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for Id hand furniture. carpels, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 2lr71. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION by thoroughly experienced bookkeeper and accountant; good refer ences. Addrea B 776, Bee. YOUNG man. 22, moat any kind ot out door occupation. Address W. Bee. PRACTICAL NURSE. Webster 1114. THEY know what Updike's Pride of Omaha flour le in Mlsaouri. If J. A. Har rison, 2002 N. 20th tt., will bring thla ad tu The Bee within three days and identify himself ha will receive an order for a Im pound sack of thla fine flour. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUAHTEKMASTEit'S 6FFICE Omaha, Neb., February 10, 1911. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here and by quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central stanaara time, Aurll 1. lull, for furnishing Wood, Coal and. Charcoal during the fiscal year ending June SO, 1V12, at Omaha Depot. Omaha, Forts Crook, Omaha and Itoblnsnn. Nebraska; Forts Ieavenworth and Illley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell and Mackenzie, Wyom ing; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Knit1 Meade, South Dakota. Information furn ished on application here or to Quarter masters at stations named. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked "Pro posals for Fuel," ami addressed to Lieu tenant colonel D. r.. etcuariny, J. w n. t'lW-llMlD-l-2a-2 Inventory oi Entire Harriman System is Already Under Way Complete Valuation of Entire Prop erty to Be Compared with Capital Stock and Bondi Inuei. DENVER, March 18. Plans for taking one of the blggeet Inventories in history were discussed today by the engineers of all railroads belonging to the Harriman system. A complete valuation of the en tire system. Involving the listing of every thing from bolts and steel rails to cars. buildings and franchises on triors than 18.000 miles of tracks will be taken. The task probably will require two or three years. F. Holbrook of Chicago, who Is in charge of the work, presided at today's meeting The work, tt Is said. Is already under way and today's meeting was for the purpose ' of arranging details. The report of theae engineers, when com pleted. Is expected to answer one of the biggest questions being dlacuased In th country the physical valuation of rail roads as compared with their capital stock and bond Issues. i ' 1-vT 1 V