Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1911, Image 7

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eve ot met It.
Byee TmM Free Ryan Jewelry Co.
ee. Blectrie fUMtM, argeea-araaees.
Tinas, rrtatlag.
Te Beakere eiavlsre aa4 bM Aseeei-
tuun bus med le its Daw Quarters
ie Ltoueiae Mik.. lt and Dodge, ana la
. tady to maka lnana la home bulidera.
aid la rati hares) or tha Nab. Bevlngw
ian Ail n. maka aa Meal laveatment; 10
w Si.ouQ para per annum. Board at
'trade Building, 1 Farnam Street.
To Attend Brlg-ade KterUlf -D. M
laerl. county clerk, la planning to nt-i-
nd the eighth reunion of tha Iowa brigade
Mil. h waa his brigade, to be held at Oeka-
ms. la., on April I and 7.
rlater la Injnred J.ohn V.. Thompeon,
i . aa badly Injured. Monday by Jailing
..a-amst the printing press In hla shop,
:m Cuming atreet. Ha waa treated by Dr.
anl and aent to the county boepital. .
University. Clak Besy Tha executive
irmmlusa of the University club, now In
process of formation, took lunch l the
i.otnmercial tlub Tueaday and discussed
llan for the future, A committee waa
appointed to cast about for likely membera.
I Itlmotely the club Intend to build a
Ad CI nk Oeta Bndoraemest (or BUI At
tire weekly meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Commercial club Tuesday a
written request tame from the Ad club
asking for an endorsement of the proposed
Mian of municipal management by commis
sion. The endorsement waa given.
Baw Commercial Clak Members Ths
following prominent business men were ad
mitted to membership of tha Commercial
.lub by the executive committee Tueaday:
W. H. Head, F. I.. Stuitevant, both of tha
i.ininger Implement company; L)r. Edward
R. Tarry, Oliver A. Hall, architect; F. A.
rarrel of Farrell A Co.; W. J. Creadon,
cement dealer and contractor; R. C. Hellor,
Johnston Electric company, and Perry K.
Oaa Oompaay Rues City The Omaha
ias company filed suit In district court
Tueaday agalnat tha city, asking judgment
for tha amount of Ita February claim for
atreet lighting. Payment waa refused by
tha city council, last week. Tha amount of
the claim la H 3M.M with Interest at T per
i-ent for tha month of March. It includea
M.7MU for the 2,203,4C cubic feet of gaa
that tha gaa company aaya waa uaed, and for upkeep. W. H. Herdman and
W. j. Connall are the attorneys representing-
tha company.
Xamae far Ope king Street Diaaattsflad
property ownera along tha right of way of
tha proposed opening of Twenty-second
atreet from Howard atreet to Dodge atreet
have begua to ftle appeal from tha awards
of tha appralsera' committee. Owen Mc
Caffrey, who owne tha aaat forty feat of
sublot of lot , filed notice of appeal
Tueaday morning and asked for a tran
acrlpt. McCaffrey waa awarded $7,23S.5,
which ha consider! unjust. Hla notice
atatea that he will b damaged to the ex
tent of 111,000 and a wanta a Judgment for
that amount.
Aiietimenti to Be Cut for Thirty-
Sixth Street Taxpayer.
reeeaeaaleetlea freia eaatr
asleelaaere Offering;
FtMergeaey llaepltal le
Forger-Auto Thief
Sends Impudent Note
tnsult haa been added to Injury by tha
forger who ran away with a car bought
from A. 8. Avery of Omaha on a bogus
Tuesday Mr. Avery received a letter
signed by "J. M. B.." saying:
"You will find your car In Lincoln. I
am sorry to have caused you all thla
trouble, and f will pay you-aome day."
Tha Impudent forger the aada a line of
recommendation for the car which enabled
him to elude polrae and pursuing; possee.
Tha letter la written on a letter head of
John Moran ft on. Callaway, Neb. The
fnrrer represented himself aa a aoa of
Mr Moran. The automobile haa been re
t.rilnd far 1 Ploaeer at t. Patlev.
meaa'a I hare a Barlal at Holy
Nepnlrarr Cemetery.
The funeral of Thomas Swift waa held
Tuesday morning. The funeral cortege left
the renleVnre at 9 o'clock, proceeding to
8t. Phllnmentta Catholic churoh. Tenth
and Wllltum streets, where solemn requiem
was celebrated.
The requiem h'gh mass began at 10
o'clock Tuesday morning. Rt. Rev. Rich
ard Hcanntll. bishop of Omaha, presided at
the mass. Rev. James W. Stinson. pas
tnr. celebrated the maas. assisted by Rev.
p. A. McOovern. pastor of St. Peter's, a
dracon: Rev. Frank P. McManu of Coun
cil Bluffs, suii-deaoon; Rev. E. M. Olee
on. master of Ceremonies.
Patrick Swift of Butte, Mont., brother
of tha deeeaaed; Mr. and Mra. John Swift.
Mrs. Martin Swift aad Francis Swtft,
relatives, of Washington, la., attended tha
Burial waa In Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
The pallbearers were:
James H. McPhane,
William Bushman,
F. A Nash.
James P. Kngllsh,
Frank Del I one,
Patrlfk Duffy.
Frank J. Burkley, ,
T. F. Kennedy.
t.oteraer A Id rich te Be the Gaeat of
Haaer at Ulaaer Her
geroad af May.
,.. Three hundred membera of the Ohio club
of Nebraska and thir friends will alt
n to a dinner In Omaha May I. Tha
est of tba ocoaaloa will ba Oovernor
aeater H. A Id rich of Nebraska, who la a
ember of the club.
The banquet waa decided upon at a
gating of tha club held Tueaday noon at
idge Elabaaxh'a rooms.
A petition of property owners In the
vicinity of Thlrty-elxth atreet from Orand
to Ames avenue, asking or a relief of
aewer taxea received favorable conaldera-
tlon yesterday afternoon at the meeting of
the committee of tha whole. Tha council
referred the protest to tha city engineer,
with Instructions to suggeat means for cut
ting the assessment for special taxea.
Realdents of tha neighborhood petitioned
the council last fall to Install an eight
Inch sanitary sewer along Thirty-sixth
atreet from Grand avenue to Ames avenue. .
Tha council ordered tha aewer. but tha city
engineer laid a combination sanitary and
storm sewer.
Property ownera were assessed 87 cents
a foot on each aide of tha atreet. Edward I.
Foster, representing tba disgruntled own
ers, appeared before tne council and con
tended that the ownera should not ba
forced to pay for tha storm aewer.
H argued that Inasmuch as the atorm
sewer wnn ICTd and that the city had a
fund for "this purpose1, a portion of tha
coat should be paid out of the general
aewer fund. Foster, on behalf of the own
ers, offered to stand aa much as 60 centa
a foot, thereby requesting tha council to
assess 37 centa agalnat the general fund.
Tba oouncll took bla view of the contention
and ordered the city engineer to work out
a acheme to relieve tbe property owners.
Appraisers Maka Report.
The appralsera' report awarding damages
in the sum or 147,800 to property ownei
along the right-of-way of the proposed
North Central boulevard, was referred to
tha city engineer With instructions to pre
pare a plan of assessment.
Tha plana cUli fur the opening of th
boulevard from Thirty-eighth and Ham
11 ton Streets to Thirty-first and Spragua
streets. Interested owners appeared at the
meeting and Intimated that Jf tha ap
praisers' report was adopted they would
appeal, aa they considered the awards In
Tha appraisers' report on the opening of
Fortieth street from Lake street to Blondo
was also referred to the olty engineer. The
finding awards damage In the sum of
Sl,(61.0, of which 11,075.78 Is apportioned
to the McShana heirs.
T. J. McBhane, representing the heirs,
protested tna award, stating that it was
not enough by two-thirds. By way of
compromise, McShana offered to dedicate
thirty feet along Forty-first street from
Lake to Blondo street. If the council will
abandon the plan of opening Fortieth
Cwaneil Waste Details.
Councilman did not view tha proposition
of abandoning tbe opening of the atreet
with favor, stating that petitioners were
insisting that tha atreet ba opened. Mo-
Shane argued that a sixty-foot atreet along
Ferty-flrat street would serve the purpose
desired and would give tha heirs an op
portunity to plat tba McBhane property to
better advantage. Ha waa told to aubmlt
a plat of the tract for tha consideration of
tha council, y.
Tba communication from the Board of
County Commissioners offering to furnish
a site for an emergency hospital If the
city will erect the building waa referred to
Jjie county board for further details, Tha
council wants to Know wnat sort of an
agreement tha county will be willing a
make in tha event that the . building; Is
The eommlttee on public grounds and
buildings, to which the letter waa referred,
reported favorably on tha offer. The
members were -Instructed to confer with
tha county commissioners and get a state
ment In writing as to tha terms of operat
ing tha hospital.
If a satisfactory agreement can ba en
tered Into, tha council will ask the city to
vote bonds, amounting to about $10,000 to
comply with their part of the deal.
Specifications for a contract for removing
dead animals were approved. Tha new
contract will require that all dead animals
be removed within twelve houra after
notification and provides a penalty of 16
for each twelve hours tha carcasses are
oermltted to remain within the nitv limit.
The Specifications also stipulate that all
dead animals must ba removed to a point
without a radius of three miles from the
city limits.
Returns to Ireland
After Two Hours in
Omaha; No Green Here
Oh. sweet le County Dublin In the spring
time of the yesr.
When the hawthorns s whiter than the
When the feathered folk assemble and the
air Is all a-tremMe
With their slngln' and their wlngln' to
end fro:
When queenly Sllevenanmon puta her ver
dant veature on
And smiles to hear the news the breeses
While here am t In Omaha, an ma heart
a tryln' loud.
For the green of good old Ireland In tha
Florence Hushes, fresh and blooming
from Dublin, entered tha offices of Bald-
rlge DeBord A Ftadenburg, attorneys, to
take up the duties of stenographer, Mon
day morning.
I don't like this country It s all brown;
there Is not a green thing In the flelda. I
will not live where there Is nothing green,"
shs protested to Howard Baldrlga, her
'Besides things go so fast In Omaha.
It makes my headache."
An hour later Mias Hughes waa taking
train on her way to Dublin, the land of tha
harper end shamrock.
She had traveled 6.000 miles to spend two
hours In Omaha.
A few weeka ago Mr. Baldrlge received a
letter from the firm of E. and O. Btapleton.
solicitors. Dublin, stating that their head
Stenographer wanted to come to America
tp try fortunes anew. She waa given tha
place left vacant In the Omaha office by
tbe marriage of Mlsa Mary Gannett.
The Irish girl lingered at her desk In tha
law offices here Just long enough to leave
tha above verse behind.
Emma Goldman Decries Burden
Civilization's Restraints.
Hestreeeateel Asissg These I si
rred Hear tha Weaaa
Civilisation's double standard of morality,
on aide for tha man, the other tor the
woman waa under -erbal fire from the
fortress of Emma Goldman's vocabulary,
before a curiously composed audience at
the Lyrto theater last night.
"We have attained much In science,"
said Miss Goldman. "We have Teamed to
breed beautiful fruits, beautiful flowers,
beautiful animals but In the science of be
ing born well we are In nowise ahead of
tba cava man."
Those whom Miss Goldman addressed
represented all of the widely variant types
of which Omaha as a typical western cen
ter la made up. In the seme tier ct seats
her eye swept over the fares of scientists,
teachers, charity workers. Institutional
leaders, political "and social radicals, and
here and there a laborer. Side by side sat
the slow-thinking foreign workman and
the tittering but quisled schoolgirl.
Miss Goldman rpared not words or
Together, the speaker classed the avowed
principles of Anthony Comstock, prudery,
Puritanism and morality as defined by
modern convention. Her argumenta against
the laws of this conventional morality were
baed largely on physical phenomena.
The decided aggressiveness of her ad
dress waa emphaaiied by her occasional
lapses Into German Idiom and a slight ac
Tha lecture waa followed by a discussion
of questions raised by membera of the
Doctor Dtea of Blood rotaoalaa.
LOS ANGELES. March 28. Dr. II. G.
Gates, superintendent of a local hospital
and a leading surgeon of the city, dT?d
early today of blood poisoning, the result
of having accidentally picked his hand
It rt a safety pin while bandaging a wound
In the operating room a week ago.
Two Mea Killed by Tornado.
MONROF.V1M.E. Ark., March 2S.Two
men were killed and twenty persons were
Injured by a tornado which swept through
this part of the state about 1 o'clock
yesterday evening At Jones Mill, Stephen
Ityrd and Alexander Met reoy, termers,
frr killed end f'ftoen persons hurt
Natural Laxative
by Physician!
Refuse Substitutes
Best remmnfy for
Girls of Trlaltr M. E. Cfcorch Are
ntvlns; Fifty Oats Worth
for Fifteen Cewta.
An entertainment will ba given on Thurs
day night March 30, by the Phllathea class
of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church
In the auditorium of the church, Twenty
first and Blnney streets, at K P. m.
Proceeds to go to the repair fund. Ad
mission, only 16 cents. Come and help the
girls. Following la the program of tha
Overture Lustplel Kela Bela
Adeline Von Llndau. a German girl....
Jo Hall
Marlon Lee, a southern girl. ...Nell "Praver
Dorothy Green, a New Englander
Lillian Wineeard
Hester Beacon, Bostonlan. Elsie Mengedoht
Beatrix Van Kortlandt. a New Yorker..
Bps Roger
Jeannetta Durand. a Frenoh girl
Eva Fletcher
Walts Velvet of the Rose Barnard
Aunt Susan Jonas, an old lady from the
country Maude Roys
Mra. Markley. a city merchant's wife..
Cloy Miller
Arabella Markley. her dAUKhter
MuDeiie Hnswortn
Anna Wilson. Mrs. MarKley'a niece
Dorothy iMerrlam
Augustua Salderfrac, an exquisite
Ralph Newell
Selection Red Mill t Herbert
FrlgBteaed Into Fits
by fear of appedlcltls, take Dr. Kings
New Ufa Pills, and away goes bowel
trouble. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Howard Hvarts Weed to I.ertare Im
der Aeesplces of Wemaa'i Club
ad Real Estate Exehaage.
Howard Bvarts Wead, the eminent land
scape architect, oomaa to Omaha April S
to give a lecture under the auspices of
tha Omaha Woman's club and the Real
Estate exchange. Tha lecture, which la to
ba given at the Toung Men's Christian
association auditorium, Includea pictures of
beautiful places and placea which mla-ht
he mad to deserve tha term and vtewa of
Omaha places and possibilities will be
Look oi
A Mother's (ward.
Foley's Honey and Tar for tha children.
Is best and safest for all coughs, oolds,
croup, whooping-cough and bronchitis No
iplatea. For sale by all dealers.
arolwat Hall4 ate a.
out for severe and avaa dangerous
flnsy and bladder troubles resulting - - -i
rs of railroading. George K.
klrd atreet. Fort Wayne. Ind..
oars a conductor on tbe Nickel
ays: "Twenty years of rallro
my ktdneye in terrible conduit
aa a continual patu acroaa my k.
hips and my kldaays gave mo mum j..
trees, and tha actios of my bladder was
frequent and most painful. 1 got a supply
i of Foley Kidney Fills and tbe first bottle
r'ersitr lusnrruaua Acejaltled.
L1RIA, O.. March W.-Former Con
grtesman Jay F. Lanlng. acquitted here
by order ui judge Willis Vlckery la4l
Thursday on a charge of misapplying the
iuboi or tne onto ixan, bavings and in
veetment company of Norwalk, shortly
before It was absorbed by the Ohio State
Trust company of that city, waa put on
trial here today on a new count charging
rim wun making false entrlea In the
iHi.'iis vi tun company.
Allen Ua4 Rill Dead,
SACRAMENTO, Cel.. March -Hope
for the passage of the senate alien land
bill, restrlutlng ownership of property by
i eple of Aslatio races, died today, when
lie assembly voted at the close of Ita
rnowu session to adjourn until to
i row.
sr. L) r . ,,; "i
3 c
i. 'fM.ii 1ptt. r;rv
-ar- .Tha.'- . "A -i ' g V . " TIT
raOt--V t1e-
Missionary School to De Condaeted at
the V'alveral ty of Omaha
la Jaly.
A summer school and conference la being
planned by the City Federation of Worn
en'a Missionary societies for the week of
July 11 to IS. At a- meetlng,of the executive
committee held at tha Young Woman's
Christian association these plana were
considered and approved and a committee
appointed to perfect arrangements. This
committee Includes Mrs. George TUden,
chairman; Mra. W. M. Haleey and Mra. E.
G. Jones.
Ths school is to be held at the University
of Omaha, probably In tha new gymnasium.
Tha speaker will be supplied by the mis
sion boards of th different denominations.
As now planned there will be morning and
evening aesalons. The morning sessions
1111 consist of class work for tbe atudy
of missions, methods and for Bible atudy;
the evening aeaslon will bs a general lecture.
Foley's Kidney llls
Neutralise and remove the poisons that
cauaa .backache, rheumatism, nervouaneos
and all kidney and bladder trregularltlea.
Tbey build up and restore the natural as
tlon of these vital organs. For aale by all
Negro Pleads, for Mercy When tea
trnerd for Abasias; Family
Wife Unmoved.
"Who will support man l-yeah-ole baby
while his popper'a In jail," walled Walter
Hoffman, a negro laborer, when he re
ceived sentence of thirty days In police
court for abusing his family.
"Wto supports his popper when 'popper'
Is out of Jail?" retorted Judge Altstadt,
waving tha prisoner (.side.
Hoffman pleaded fur mercy, but his
dusky wife stood pat.
. rvA H ir jr avW
IN making anything, whether clothes or friends,
sincerity comes first and goes farthest. "SINCERITY
CLOTHES" are made with "the care that extends beyond
care," because sincerity is the mainsprifig of our efforts and the
main thought of our tailors.
The intensely individual style of
and their emphatic good form are effected through a
sincerity of mode, material and making that is never
affected that spurns makeshifts or 'make-believes' 1
that is simply and single-heartedly sincere.
SINCERITY CLOTHES" arc all-wool. Most best clothiers sell them.
Our label is always on them. Our Book of Modes is "the last word" in
fashion. Write for it 1
Kith, tlathatt & Fischer Co
1 XL
1 C
1 C
Nebraska Clothing Company
Farnam and 15th Sts., Omaha.
0 I 1
The most common cause of Insomnia is
disorders of the stomach. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these
disorders and enable you to sleep. For
sale by all dealera.
Ilalldlag Permits.
H. E. Anson, 118 South Twenty-fifth,
garaKe. tlM); Mrs. T. IT. Stroud, Nine
teenth and Ames avenue, frame dwelling,
15.6(0; I.. Campbell. US South Twenty. fifth,
frame dwelling ti.'xrt; A. E. Kamuelson,
UA South Twentv-c-Urhth. frame dwelllntc.
$2.&u0; John Ward. Suufl North Twentieth,
repairs. fu00-
jisde a wonderful loipraTement and four
boillca cured me completely. aUace being
cured I have reoommeaded Veley aUdaey
j U la to many of my raiirvad friends.'- t"ut
J eaie by all drugguta.
lew fare t
Ma. Wash.
ew Yarlt,
The Baltimore dt Ohia railroad la the only
line that offera passengers a saving of 1200
on through tickets from and via Chicago to
New York City, with atop-over privilege at
Pittsburgh. Washington, Baltimore and
Philadelphia. Three trains dally from Chi
cago, electrlo-llghted. Kor further Informa
tion address W. A. Preston. T. P. A., Hi
Clark St., Chicago, or B. N. Austin. Gen
eral Paasenger Agent, Chicago.
In order that the advertiser may get ths
reach tha buyer by the most direct and
liable channel. Tba Bee ta that ckannei.
"In tbsKsartol Things" g
Abiotutily Fireproof
D'WAY, 32d-3&d STS.
HKRAI.n sat WB
As!ft opoiti
camctln with
Lackawanna, k
tahlgh Vallay ju,
rM WNirn
Im Twg -nrldat eif leading Pv-
5 ariBneat Stortt and.. Theatres q
fj aa at bath, r
rooms wu 2.50 &
& private, bath, f j-
P JTVe iibira'ixne VreaVfast af C
VT ttina Sacoialtz.. Ja.
V' Write fof firtkrf nar'tmlna sud
V .fif.lltw.XfltkautrM S)
x! Mil. L TaTLOI, Frw.
t II fatOH. fleefrt. V cauoua, . ir. S
g lae W nerteten ef St. Bestt stetat VT
to the
,-eanwJ-jP I San '
A trip 8outbwet on the Xaty will
open to you the doorol opportunity
taking yoashroufb the very heart of
Oklahoma and Texae; thronca nearly
every Important point and section.
Get iltricd Bouthweet nowl Toa'U
make a move la the right direotloa If
you lake advantage of one ol the wet
low tare excursions via ICaty, On
the 1st and Srd Tuesd syaot eaob month
theae esouralona via Katy a (lord
you a trip Southweit at much less
than regular tare without sacrifice ol
regular service-for the Mokete era
ftni class rood on either of the
Kaly'a splendid fast tbrougb trains
equipped with the finest of chair
cars and Pullman sleepers, electric
lighted throughout; with fully screen
ed windows, roomy berths, dental
lavatories and large toilet rooms.
Dislsf car sew KATT LIMITED
la serving the kind of Katy meals that
made Katy dlniog stations famous.
Katy tralua run through from Ht. Louie
aud Kansas Oltf to tha Southwest.
Tralna from your eity make good
connection In those cities with Katy
trslns. Say 'Katy" to your local
as ent be will understand. 11 you will
tell me where you want to go South
weat, I will tell you bow to get ths
to wait larva and beat service.
C. A. McNUTT. D. ( A.
gOt Walnut SC sUaea City, Me.
' il'.-J.i'.,1."' i, u .i.jlfti.nff '
Beet rarra Paper la the Weat.
Oae Dollar Per Year.
Spring Blood Diseases
and Ailments
Possesses medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself and has
an unequaled record of cures. Take it this spring,
in usual liquid lorm or tablets known as Sarsatabs.
.... fitMVm
How to Avoid Street ,Car Accidents
V.-Riding on the Platfori
;'V ''If Tv VI I Y ft npUl s not particularly dangerous if one keeps away from the
JilsSJirB III trolley roie, the brake handle and the step, refrain from
leaping over the rail towards the parallel track, and steadies
oneself by holding onto some part of the ear to avoid being thrown
down while rounding a curve. Uut riding on the ptep should be
tabooed its being too dangerous
Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Ry. Co.